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SCHAWK Premedia: We Deliver You to Market

Apr 03, 2015




Vital brand lifecycle services delivered expertly. Read more.
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Page 1: SCHAWK Premedia: We Deliver You to Market




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Page 2: SCHAWK Premedia: We Deliver You to Market

SchAwK hAS DeeP exPeRTISe In eVeRY STAge Of PReMeDIA AnD cAn DeLIVeR wORLD-cLASS SeRVIce On A gLObAL ScALe. We can also integrate our premedia services upstream with the strategic and creative experts at Schawk’s strategic design company, Anthem Worldwide, to provide what we call brand point management. It’s Schawk’s most significant difference and can help you create compelling and consistent brand experiences for consumers at home, on the go, in the store and on the shelf.


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LeT US gUIDe YOUR PReMeDIA PROceSS.For more than 50 years, Schawk has been the industry standard in premedia skill and innovation. today, we aggressively integrate these areas of expertise for clients, saving you time and money and increasing the quality and consistency of your packaging and marketing materials on a global scale⎯across categories, product lines, marketing channels and brand touchpoints. We help make you more agile, more efficient and your brands more powerful.

OUR exPeRTISe IncLUDeS:• Assembly• DigitalFiles• ColorProofs• ImageCarriers• PrintServices


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ASSeMbLYSchawk has the knowledge and expertise required to assemble mechanical art files that meet an increasingly sophisticated set of technical standards. As technology advances, it creates more opportunities for design execution and requires much more specialized technical skills that are far beyond the expertise of most designers.

to ensure the integrity of the design and that printer specifications are met, Schawk leverages a wide range of technologies, long-standing relationships with business partners and our deep organizational knowledge of imaging, color and printing processes.

this knowledge also improves time and cost efficiencies. When mechanical files are executed to the requisite standards, there’s no reworking before printing. No delays getting new products or campaigns to market. Multiply this across multiple brands, SKUs and campaigns, and the potential cost savings are huge.

DIgITAL fILeSAt Schawk it’s not just the precise, color-accurate, optimized digital files that we create for you, it’s the years of specification engineering and color science backing those files. It’s also our deep knowledge of color and printing requirements across substrates and mediums. And understanding the complex technical differences among file formats and the processes by which they are accurately created.

Whether it’s a packaging design that requires a combination of line/Pantone colors and four-color process, or RGB equivalents for an online catalog, or an ad running four-color process in a magazine, Schawk’s digital files are meticulously prepared to ensure that your brand looks consistent and compels action across brand touchpoints.

whAT we DO.ThIS IS The DIffeRence beTween SIMPLe execUTIOn AnD execUTIOnAL exceLLence.

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COLOR PROOFSSchawk offers a full range of color proofing capabilities using a range of leading technologies that include online/soft proofs as well as analog proofs. These technologies and our deep institutional knowledge of color help you:

• Improve color communication• Control and confirm color• Reduce print production time• Improve consistency and repeatability of color worldwide

Our color proofs meet current industry color management standards and the standards of other specialty printing tools that enable extended gamut printing.

We OFFeR the FOLLOWing PROOFing teChnOLOgieS:• Kodak Approval – The gold standard, where dot-for-dot precision is imperative.• epson inkjet – Fast, less costly, filmless, often used for initial proofs and troubleshooting. Great for meeting tight deadlines.• Online/Soft/Virtual Proofing – Offers a 360° view into the approval process, digitally tracks comments and changes, reduces waste, messenger and shipping costs.• Remote Proofing – Combines hard copy quality with soft proofing speed and convenience.

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fLexOgRAPhIcWide web Narrow web Corrugated

gRAVUReMultiple sizes and specifications

OffSeT LIThOConsultationservices to printers and converters

IMAge cARRIeRSSchawk’s expertise in creating superior image carriers dates back to our inception. We are acknowledged industry leaders in the creation of image carriers for flexography, offset lithography and rotogravure printing, and work closely with the leading technology suppliers as they improve their products. We offer you extensive capabilities in digital and conventional plate-making and cylinder engraving:

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cOLOR MAnAgeMenTOur color management services ensure that your brands are faithfully reproduced accordingtorigorousscientificstandards.Coupledwithourexpertiseinprintingprocesses, these give us a unique perspective – and unique skills – for managing color for our clients.

TheSe SeRVIceS PAY bIg DIVIDenDS:• Protectingbrandequity• Maximizingshelfimpact• Improvingbrandconsistency• Offeringcreativeflexibility• Reducingwaste/supportingsustainability• Helpscombatbrandcounterfeiting

PRInT SeRVIceSSchawk also offers extensive services that support the printing process before, during and after the reproduction of materials.

VenDOR QUALIfIcATIOn Our global vendor qualification services in emerging markets like Asia ensure that you entrust the reproduction of your branded materials to strong, reputable printing partners capable of delivering a high level of quality consistently. Schawk’s vendor-qualification program includes four key phases: press characterization, testing, evaluation and ongoing quality management.

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BRAnd OWneRS FACe demAnding ChALLengeS in getting tO mARKet tOdAy. mAny OF theSe ReLAte tO BuSineSS PROCeSSeS And CAn Be ReSOLVed – OFten SigniFiCAntLy – By CLOSe, exPeRt AttentiOn tO yOuR PRemediA PROCeSSeS. thiS iS OuR CORe COmPetenCy. We SPeCiALize in:

• Enabling you to think of premedia as a strategy to achieve significant broader business objectives• Thinking in terms of systems and workflows rather than just the transactional premedia component to take costs out of the workflow permanently• Offering a variety of solutions for brands looking to consolidate vendors• Smart sourcing; distributing our work seamlessly worldwide, saving you time and money• Identifying and removing costly process bottlenecks• Assuming many of your premedia process-related functions and execute them more economically• Going on-site for press checks for you• Integrating premedia services with other graphic specialty services that we provide, such as photography and retouching

hOW We diFFeR.We ReSPOnd tO yOuR ChALLengeS.

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we OffeR UnIQUe benefITS.Unlike other vendors, Schawk owns the premedia businesses it operates in Asia and other countries and we’ve been on the ground there for over a decade. Your brands are in very capable, committed, locally-knowledgeable hands here and everywhere else. thus, we are able to truly integrate our premedia services globally to meet the evolving needs of brands today - and the desires of their customers at home, on the go, at the store and on the shelf.


• Reducedcostsassociatedwithyourworkflows,vendorcoordination,reworks,etc.• Significantcontributionstoyoursustainabilityeffortsthroughsavingsoftime, energy and materials• Greateragilityandefficiency,givingbrandmanagementandmarketingleaders confidence to make quick changes to seize new marketplace opportunities and meet new regulatory requirements• Greaterbrandandcolorconsistencyacrossprintingprocesses,productlines, media, retail channels and geographies• Supportinfightingconsumerproductfraud,suchasbrandcounterfeitingand product adulteration• Morecompellingandconsistentbrandexperiencesforconsumers

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SChAWK PRemediA And BRAnd POint mAnAgement: OuR AdVAntAge.The strength of Schawk’s services is that they reflect the principles of brand point management. Brand point management is the integration of processes across the lifecycle of a brand – from strategy and creative through execution and print management – to drive agility, quality and consistency in the materials that win consumers’ hearts.

Schawk premedia is a key part of this integration. Anthem Worldwide, Schawk’s strategic design company, leverages Schawk’s premedia knowledge and expertise during the design refinement stage to produce concepts that are printable so they retain their power and integrity (and don’t require re-working) during the premedia phase. And our processes are underpinned by industry-leading brand management technology, BLUE. Through people, processes and technology, Schawk delivers. Talk to us.

BLUE is a robust software product with an industry-leading easy-to-use visual interface developed by Schawk specifically to guide the product lifecycle management process. We also support the implementation of BLUE with training and education and related technology services.

tO LeARn mORe ABOut BLue And SChAWK’S BRAnd mAnAgement teChnOLOgy exPeRtiSe, CLiCK On the CiRCLe:


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Schawk, Inc., (NYSE:SGK), is a leading provider of brand point management services, enabling companies of all sizes to connect their brands with consumers to create deeper brand affinity. With a global footprint of more than 48 offices, Schawk helps companies create compelling and consistent brand experiences by providing integrated strategic, creative and executional services across brand touchpoints. Founded in 1953, Schawk is trusted by many of the world’s leading organizations to help them achieve global brand consistency. For more information about Schawk, visit

Visit, powered by Schawk, to participate in a one-of-a-kind, exclusive online marketing community. Registration is fast, free and easy. As a registered member, you’ll have access to news and trends from leading blogs, magazines and webcasts. You will also be able to ask questions and join threaded discussions on hot topics. All this and more at Follow Brandsquare on Twitter at

© 2010 Schawk, Inc. All Rights Reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the copyright holder. Schawk is a registered trademark of Schawk, Inc. The Schawk logo is a trademark of Schawk, Inc. BLUE is a trademark of Schawk, Inc.All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.

WANt tO KNOW MORe?for unmatched quality in premedia services and process integration that pays dividends at brand touchpoints and on the bottom line, Schawk Premedia delivers. with more than 50 years of experience bringing brand images to shoppers, Schawk Premedia helps brand owners create compelling and consistent brand experiences.

tALK tO US.barbara glass at 203.327.7600email us.