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Scanned using Xerox BookCentre 7130 - University of Hawaii · Articlo VIII. Soci a l Education The success of ~ducatio!l boing d~pendent on th6 st:"ong coolt'Crcti.on of home and

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Page 1: Scanned using Xerox BookCentre 7130 - University of Hawaii · Articlo VIII. Soci a l Education The success of ~ducatio!l boing d~pendent on th6 st:"ong coolt'Crcti.on of home and
Page 2: Scanned using Xerox BookCentre 7130 - University of Hawaii · Articlo VIII. Soci a l Education The success of ~ducatio!l boing d~pendent on th6 st:"ong coolt'Crcti.on of home and

UNITE!) STATi;S CrvIL AD:maSTIlA1' ION 0;.' THE RYU:r;U ISLANDS 01'fi08 Of The Deputy Gover nor


APO 719

CODg ill" EDreA! 10)1 FOR T IiJ~ RY'l!\'YUS , ,

A:'tic1e I . .'. im of 3u',lCation

7 A"ril. 19;:; 3

Zducation shal l aim at the fu:l c..evc lo.l .. »nent of' personality, 3 t~~ iv i nr.

for the re aring of a people , . s ottnd in mi nd an d body , whv shnll love t ruth fl,!ld justice , esteem i ndi vidufll value, r e s p'3ct It,bor and hav,~ ' a dee p ~en"e of responsibili"i::y , and be i mbuu d with the i nd3pend6n t s p::'rit-, a s bui i uel's of a peaceful aud democ r o,tic st 0- to an" soci ot,y.

Artie,le II . ~ducot:i..onal Princ i ple

The gonl of. educution mus ~ be r anlizeJ thj,"'Cil~h ve:ti cus OPiJOr "Gunitie s and situB.i.; i onS. To ! ish this , aCo.delll ic freedom shull b3 resPlJct ed and pra.ct i ced , tho i:litiative s ?irit shall be foste r od , and t he princi ~le s of re spe.ct, affection r~:--ld 'c:>oporatiO!"! 'with others shull be enuoura.go rl , thereby c ontributir..g to the promotion &"ld d;)yc lo;:ncnt of "- culture dcd;.cut s d to the prac.l(;ice of the d:nl1ot:r c.t ic vm.~, .. of life .

Article ITI . ~CJ.ut\l 0~~~ortunity 1:1 Educ ::tti'')rl

The pooplu shall 0.11 be Gi VO?l oppartl.~nitia s of r ecu iV'ing e ducation nnd thoy shill.l not be su~' j cci; t o eOl',cation" l dise,-Lnil:uti on :,ocuus o of ra.ce, creod, S O;: , 800i0.1 st:J.tus, 0 C C~ U.ji'l~ic :Josi-'cion, or !'n.l11ily cri~; in.. Tho Oovornmcnt of t ho P.yu1:yu IsICL"ldR "-'ld 100,,1 public b odics m,w 'ocio su r o s to give finmcia1 nssistnnce <lccording to tr. c i r ab ilitic s to t hosc ',rho ha.vo difficnl ty in r ooui aduc :\ti on b0Ct\USO of c conotl ic dc fj.c.icnc i cs ~

iu .. t ~ .. c L~ r..r . CO:1pulsory 8du,~ nt~. on

The pcoplc sh~ll b o ob li g<ctcd t o b,vo boys girl s und or t heir protection roc 0 ivu nine y(j ~rs ganOl"fl.: .J duc~tion beycnd k inaorgnr'coll. I~o

tuition foo s hull be churg"d f or cC1J?ulscry ~duc uti on in schools cst,\blishcd or opvr :>.tod by th" D~Ft'. rtrac'llt of :i<1'-1c ut ion or 1 000,1 schoe,l bonrds.

Cooduc :J.tiun .an a.ll h \,. roco sni?~ ·:d J enc oura.god, o.nel pr(\c .l~icod 1I! ~ducp..ti cn .

Tho sC!lOols pr.J'3cribcd by 1,,:<1 6h0-11 bo of pu!Olic n Ooturo . Tc nche rs of tho schools proscribod b,' l aw shall bo, profcssionul s orvr.nt s lli' eha ,'{holo cO!!lr.lUl!it;r. Th~y shnll be conscious "- of the ir !'lis sian end c.ndonvor t o discha.rgo their dutios . For this .purposG , thl; st utus of' teach ers shull bo r e spected une. the ir ' f a ir o,nd :cppropri'ut " troatno.10; shull bo s Gc urod .

Artic l e VIr . FiulUlCio.l R(;s ponsibili-cy

Tho ' support of public ,' ducution in tho llj-uk-Ju Islo.nds s;lull bo a j o int rosponsibility cf school distri'cts o,nd of tho · <JO'lC>'llrlO"t of: the Ryukyu Islands. Tho' Univor sity of tho nyu~::yus sh" ll rJccivc its chicf cont im,inG finOllcinl ' support from :Oh<.: Govu rn."lont of , the Ryukyu Isl,-,nds, c.s shOol1 cortuin othe r sohool s or i nstituti.ons :1c c vrding to 1m ••


(-' ~~=--UNIVERSITY OF tiAWAlI .

Page 3: Scanned using Xerox BookCentre 7130 - University of Hawaii · Articlo VIII. Soci a l Education The success of ~ducatio!l boing d~pendent on th6 st:"ong coolt'Crcti.on of home and

Articlo VIII. Soci a l Education

The succes s of ~ducat io!l boing d~ pendent on th6 st:"ong coolt'C rcti.on of home and school and tho community , th", C0ntrcl cnd 10c0.1 govorrmonts sho.ll . ende"vor to uttuin the ait>s of b r oo.d o duc ation by the c's t ab1l 8funont '\lld maintenance of such institutic'lS as f r oo librario s and m\lseum s, b:" t !le utilizution of civic buildin!; s and by othor uppropriato moans •

• \rticlc IX. Political Educati on

Activo tUldo rsto...'1dinGs of the prob l ems of tho democr utic way of life a s woll o.s tho poli ticnl ' kn owl udgo 1l0CCS3c.r:! for it s pr os pori t y s :l,,11 b,· v" luoo in oducntion; 110" ,0-,{or, the scho ols pl'os crio<.l d by l aw sh~ll r ofrain fr om political Gduc ation or othor political uct i viti(Js for or rcg.o.inst OIly s pec ific politic nl pnrty.

,\rti cle X. Rdigi ous 3dueati on

Tho uttitudo of roli :;ious toIur,J)!co nnd t ho ;?osition of r eli gi on in sociul lifo sho.ll bo vc.lull d in uduc ::.t i on . '~hG schools osto.blishod or ope r atod by t he D"partment of :Sduc ntion and loc,,-l school bo e,r ds shrcll r ei'r 'lin frot> r oligious oduc ntion or othor uctivi tios for n specified r eligi on •

• \rticlo XI. School adm i nistration

Educn.tion shall not be subject t o ihlpropor contr ol, bui; it she.ll b o diroctly ros ponsiblo to the wnole people . School ad",:n istr"ti on sho.ll, on the b"sis of this r ealization , aim c:b tho udjustmont cmd cst::tblishmollt of tho various conditi ons roquirod for thq pursuit of tho ,"Iims of education in harmony with n dcmoc r ntic \'IfIC;f of life.


P .. tillT T.I DEP.U{TJ·t<:N'l' a;' 3DUC . .:'I.T I JlJ

1. ;, Dcp:o.rtl'.lont of Education is ~ str.b lishod \/ithin tho Govornment of tho RyuJ...-yu Islnnds, he r e inaf t e r al so c"l1c d t ho Govc rnn<-nt , to administer ::tcts of thc Govc rr.mollt por tn.i :: ing t o oduc o.'i;i on :md oduco,tionn.l matters.

2. Tho r osponsibili ti.}s for t hu opor ."tion :l1lC: control of the n"tional and public oducationnl i nstituciolls i'lf t ho RyW'Yu s , not inclt,ding the Univorsity of the Ryul'Yus , is ho r Gby 'le sted in t ho Dopn.traont of <:ducnti o 1 end in tho loc al school districts or gcmizod acc or ding t o l "w.

3. All functi ons of public oduc" tion which nr c dosigna t cc1 by l aw to be oporato d directly by the Gove rnme:lt of thG rtyukyu Isln.nds shdl bo undor tho control of tho Deperment of Educ ntion nnd sha ll bo administur od thor oby unless otherwise spocific ally provide ': by I nw.

4. Tho DepartrnGnt ' of Zducati oll sh"\11 consist of tho Bo:'.!'cl of Educ c.tion , (\ Dirllctor of Educ tlti on , n.n:l' ne cossary office streff ~,nd othor administrn.tivo agonts as dote r mined by 'eho Bo;U'd of Educati on.

5. All functl. ons of cduc [1.tion opo r n.t llu by l oeal school distr ict organizutions shall be u::do r tho auth ority of t ho l oc :o.l sohool bO[1. rd exeept whore tho In" spocifically , de l e gat e s r o:;ulatcr y po,'ro r t o th" Board of Eduontion.

Page 4: Scanned using Xerox BookCentre 7130 - University of Hawaii · Articlo VIII. Soci a l Education The success of ~ducatio!l boing d~pendent on th6 st:"ong coolt'Crcti.on of home and

59- 4015

Pl.RT III T::lE BOl.RD OF EDt'CkTION -------, 1. ,Tho Boord . of 3:ducl1tion shull be mnda up of !linomombGrs, oigh'b cf

lIhan 80011 ua appointod 'by.,tho chiof l1:><ocutiva , subjoct to c oni'irmc.tion by ~ tho logislt\turo. Tonus of offico for n11 bor,rd lUuinbors shull expire on

tho first dny of July in tho yunr of tho tort:linc.tion of c.ppcinbmo:o.t . Mombers of tho board shtlll bp nppointod to sorvo f or a t e nn of .fo\'r' ~'0L1rS and thoroaftor until 'thoir r e specti vo succus's ors nro uuly npp,) intod and

. qualifiod. Vnonnci08 (>11 the Bocord shrill bo fil) od f or tho U!lol<.pir'ed porti nn of" tho tom of the prodocossor ns provi'd~d r "r oric i nn.l "ppaintmer.ts. T;10 ,Ghnirman of 'oho educnti on commi t t uc C'£ th~ lO ;;;ishturc' sh",ll bo n 'n;;ombo.­oX-officio of t he Board of Educl'.ticr ..

2. The nppointivc mOt:lb t:rship of th~ Boc.r d of' Edllcit i on shall DLl o.s foll ows : ,;U:10.1711 Gunto .• 2 m~.;rnbors, I.iiy:t..~¥ Gunto - 1 rnomiJc!", Oi<:ill8.'t"ln r;U!1t o 4 mt-obars J Y:'.cynnn Gu..'I1to - i ' nJL~brJr. P·) r t he first t e n-a of off ico t ho o.ppoi ntment t enls shall (;0 !lS :' olloVls:

r\. J\mClili GWlt,,)·: ~ Memb er for 2 yu ars rmd 1 r:ter:bor f or 4 ycJ.~s.

b. Miya.~o Gl.1nt o : 1 r.lonbor ·for 4 yO~8.

c. Okin.".V!ll ('unto : 2 monbors for 2 yoars ::ll,d 2 !,\cnb ora f or 4 yo::u-s ,

d . Y:lU y::u;-,:\ Gvnt C' : 1 n er,lbor for 4 yonr s .

3. No snlariod ompl oye o of :my eQuc "ti ono.1 i!'.stitutian, scho<:1, or govor'-llJcnt a"cncy sh.'lll bo e ligible t ('l sc r -"o on tho !3 c,c.,.d of '-Wuc ., tion emd nccoptflJ1ce of such n position ,(t ile o. mo!~bor of t Il..: Bor.u-d of 3duo nti on shull immodintoly dis'lunli:r~' thnt r,lonb"r fr clLI '::'urthc r tl0nb vrship on tho BOl\r d of Sducn"l;ion . '

4. :lambers of the Board of Zducation shall serve without pay but sha.ll' be paid for necessary ex penses caused by attendance to Of fi cial duties, The Board shall meet at least once every tv!O mont): s to c arry out ita b1.lsinass.

5. ;,iambership on t he Il.oard 'of ~o.uc ation shall n ot clothe any ?Orson with individual po',;ers with r es pect to '3ducation, and the lJoard of BducRtion may not designa.te anyone or more of its members to carry out ministerial or executive functionso

6. The' Board of ;;ducation shall Bnlluall;r in January and o.t othe r timos as necessary, elect one of its members M chairman of the Board for the ensuin(~ y'car and the. Di r ector of 8ducation shall SGr\-O as s ecretary and executi,ve office r of the Soard but sha ll havo no votins pO\ier within t h e Board.

7. The Chief f,xe cut ive s)lall appoint D. Di,l'Octor of i3ducation from among t-ho'se nomina'oed by the Board of' ';!;ducation.,

g. All other appointment s cf thl) membe rs of the. staff Oi' the Dopart­mant of Education shall be "'ada by th~ Dir !3ctor of Educatior. , subj3ct to confirmation ~ tho Board of' EdUcation pl'ovid<l d the position is :\pprovo d provicnsly in the offici al bud,;o"t for t he' Department' of Educo.tiol1.

9. The Bcard of ,Sdnoatiol1 shal l promot o such contro.l or coope,titivo service s to tho ' local schools o.s ill its jud[;mcnt will improye th~ mo.nar;o ­ment of schools, bro"den publb undorst:Ulding of , c'duco.tion, ant proyido morc cauc o.'biono.l s0r vicos guno~:·ally.

10. Th;; Director of Bduc:ltion is au';;hnrized to :>'1,)01' 0"' 0 protyor ':'ouchors for the. pEl.ymcnt of ~Gg D.l . obli{; J\t: ions of th9 D9pa.r';;:::!ollJ~. cf Sduc c..tioIlJ in the manne r. p!"Gscribcd by l o.w , for ~,gcnciQs of' th,; , Go'wrl"_mcnt ot' the Ryul0jU ISlo.nds. .


Page 5: Scanned using Xerox BookCentre 7130 - University of Hawaii · Articlo VIII. Soci a l Education The success of ~ducatio!l boing d~pendent on th6 st:"ong coolt'Crcti.on of home and

11. I t shull be the du~ of the Director of Education · c ontinously to obser.v-c t he opero.tion of l , prohi "to itions and r e gula.t i ons esto.1jl i sLed by l uw or by the Boar d of Educat i on it! accordance with l aw cmd to fo r rr,ulcGc pr oposal s f or modific at ions of such provis i ons as he do oms salutary to the e f £ec tivo oper at ion of t he school system .

12 . The Di rector of 3ducat ion s hall prepare s u i t c.olc r uports cOllcQrninr, the act i vit i o s of t ho Depar tmont of 3du co.tion in· rtccordmc 8 wi th progr ams of tho Board of ;~duc ation , and sha ll ac cou!1t f or all funds of t he Do:>a::-tmcnt .

13. Tho Board of Educ at i on through thJ Dir ec tor of Sduoat ion sho.11 pr e ­pa.r e budge tary re quest s to the l ugi slr'l.turo conc ern i ng the no ods of t he De partmont of Educati on in the I'ml1ncr proscr i b ed by I ,m.

14. In ordor to mor a l1earl y cc;urtlize tho uduc at ion"l o?portuni-G i Gs of b oys and girl s in the pub lic schools il! the Ryukyus in gI' "d~ s 0'''' through two l ve , tho Board of Zduc ation shall r cquGst of tho lagi s l '\ture , an amount of mano y c1ot or min0d t o be n JCO SSal"? n.nnu !111~r to insure r.J.or 'J n:: urly ndcquc.t o educat i onal pr ogr ams i n (le ch commun ity . Such mon"y s ha ll b o de signat ed ns e ducat i onal aid. l'h;; intcnt of this reque st s1,,,,11 b e to o,)ta in at I nnst an amount of money doomed nece ssary to c;un,."ntco ndc'luatc m;.n i l'1Ut1 s o.lnrios of touc her s , r oqui r e d supe rv.iso r s , O-'1d princi ;:nls pTo;ocrly employed by s chool b ortrds . Tho Bot.r d of ;~dnc'lt i on mn.y .11 so r 0qu0st nCCCS3:lr y funt: § f or distri­b ution to scho ol dis t ricts t o bu ild n(,w p,;nOn(mt school hous us , and for t ho maj or of V1':JI' d!UTI n.go to school bUildings .

15. It sha ll bo t he r ospons i bil ity of t h o Boar d of Educo.tion to provide f or t he prope r distr i bution, on o.n " 'lui tabl~ bo.sis to ~ school distr j.ct , of al l nppr ot'r i a tions of ·; duc ~'d;ion .':'. l ~'. i d o r t ho aJ_ l o c.1.t~_on of building i'uncis . Such o.llotment s shall b o l' ov a l' to the tr ~o.sur or of J s cl:o ·Jl district and s hall b'o eo:pcn dod on or dor s of i ts s chool bonrd acoording to I nY/ .

· 16. In dotor mi n ing t ho f",c t ors fo r oquit o.ble dl s tr ibution of' odlw" t i onnl nid, t ho Boru-d of Educo.tion shall into ount the n<lJ1lou r of pupils, t ho numbe r of t e ache r s , otho r [\ccepto.b l o c r iterio. 1.l'pl i cccblo to ,;vory school di s trict i n thJ Hyukyus, nud t ha "bil i ty of tho school "is·cr ict t o s uppor'c t he foundnt ion pr oGr run defined by t ho Boo.rd of Education.

17. Dol a t ed.

IS. Do 10t od.

19 . Tho Boar d of 3ducQ.tic~ may e stablish suc h di vision s of the Depnrt ­mont of }~ducD.tion e.s i t doom s ll.;J ccSS :lr y wi thin tho :!. imito.ti on of it s budt;ot .

20. Tho Diroctor of 2;duoo.tion m.1.:' uppoi nt pers onnol for per iods n ot to excoed ninoty da)'s t o fill'..'lcio s "/h i ch ma~' occur i n schools unde r tho jurisdiction of the Boo.r d of Educntion or in tho Department of Sducnti on .

PART IV SCHOOL ;:;OUCfl..Tlmr LAW -- ;

providod for in this 1",\1 shl111 inoludo k i nder go.rtGns , . junior high sohools, s oni aI' high school s , incl ud i ng

. ohools, sohools for t.,,"o m()ntnlly c.nd physicnU y hundi cClPl?c d, sohools, ndult schools, ~nd te~cho r trui nin g i ns t i tut os .

2. Sohools shall b e vst "blishod onl y by t h,) Bohrd of Education, by 1000.1 sohool bor.rds and t hos e j u ridical pars ons us pr ovide d by I n".

3. Nati onal s chool s in t h is l uw shnll moun t hoso c st·.\b lishod nnd opcr nt od b y the Board of Zduc C\tion; pub lic school s , thoso establishod und ope r ut od by l ocn l s chool b onr ds; =d pr i vat o school s , thos" u s t tlb l i s hod nnd opc r nt od by juridi cal pu r sons . Tho Cor,lPOtC:1t author ity f e r onch schools shnll b o t ho ostublishor.

Page 6: Scanned using Xerox BookCentre 7130 - University of Hawaii · Articlo VIII. Soci a l Education The success of ~ducatio!l boing d~pendent on th6 st:"ong coolt'Crcti.on of home and

4. Schools may- bo 'c'stablishcd or ' oparntod only in compliQ,IlcO with the stnndnrde of equipnont, facHitics, noc''l!lllnodntions tUlc;l cithor oondition.; lIet ,up 'by tho c cmpotilntOouthori tips :\8 'npprovod ' by tho Bonrd' of ' Educntion.

5. Es-t:ibl1shmcnt of schools their discontinuanco, movement or ticn' of tho nl.lthoritios concornod Education.

. , . ~ ". by othe r than tho Bonrd of Educ~.t1,on nnd o.oy othor pnrtic\) undor t ho jurisdic­sha ll 'hc.vo tho npprovo.l of the Hoard of

6. The opo rc.ting o.gonc i os of schools 13110.11 l!ltUlCl.gG tr .. o schools 'rrhi ch they e stablish and shall dofrny tho oXpGnSe B of thG s choe ls oxcept f ar tho cas os epocH'ica1ly stipulatod by 1rwls and r og;t1 14tions of thu Boo.rd of Education.

7.' School s 'J!lny colloct tuit i on feGs. As to compulsor y Gnuc,\tii)ll , howovcr, in }Jo.ti 0il~1 fu"1.d l ocnl o l Gmc nt:1ry sCl:cols, s o~onda.lJr school s , scho'01s for tho handic o.ppod ;'ncl.uding schools f or '.ho b lind N1d scho,Is for thG doaf which c.r o cqaiva l -:nt to the abJvc , no tuition 1'oos sllD.ll bo collected .

,13 . Mattors r ogcrding tui tiol1 foes o:,~d ,,,thor expenses in · publl.o, schools shall bo daciduQ bJ' tho com"otcnt authoritie s with appl'oyC\l of' thb Board of Educ.1.tion . L'1 n :'.tionc.l Echools tLJ SO mr~ttor s shr.ll b o d~cidcd by tho Bo(U"d of Sdu.)ution.

9 •. 8cho:>1 shc.ll ho."c rr pl"inc i p::'.l, ' a11 ndoquato. mrnber of gtlc.l ii' i au tC:lchors, md mo.y hnvo other pors onnol f\S the oocf1, s i·:;n dom::t~d3 .

10. lthttars rG gnrdil~~ qu n.lii'fc;'.t i ons or princi::?als r.nd to:1.I)i1crs s}~nll bo docid'cd by the.; c0mpotcnt nut:"0rit ios with r.p:or oy C\ l of thu B0cxd of Educat i on.

11. Thoso who c one undor ('.,'""1Y .,nc of tho f oll r;,7ing ca.tctit")rios shn l l n ot b <J princip~ls o:r to~ch-~. rs .or ~mployo(;s in rL"ly cap~cj.ty of :my 1lr"tional or Public School.

0.. Those parsons .. tho hc.vo been c.o.,jud:;od incompotuut or unquC\lifiod.

b . Those porsons T/hG hr.vv b0~ :1 s.:1utoncQd t o i.m yrisonmo~lt or more s ovar o punishL1'Jnt ".

c . ~'h(\so per sons 1'111,) f' r.til t :) m ,c t th0 st a.l~d~'..r ds fo r qUr!~l ific n.-


d. Thoso parsons l.::tho hc~vc boen .or r:.10t:lb vrs of' ;my or gnll izc.­tinn which ndvoc.J.tos thu ovorthr :J\'1 by f orcu of th ... i...s t ablishod Gnv0rnnont .

12. Priv'ltc schuols shall appoint thcj.r principds ,'\n o. th" c.p;lc. int­ments shall b o r ,j l'orted t 'J th ," D ,;?~tmont of " duc,',tion . togother wi th such other r e ports as may be r equired by the Bonrd of "lcIucntion .

13. Princ ipr.l 's c,nd t c:\chcrs or public an Drl-> seh" eJls mr.y puuish the ir pupil s o.nq stuuonts nhan thc;y r ccngrd zG l.·C n ::; c':"ssnry .. in c 01np!. in.."'lcO vnth tho r !J gulations issuod by comp:.tont ,"'.uti'loritios, .'\8 ~pprnv,.;d by tho Board of Educ~tio~l. Thoy sh:lll n et, !l\),":c.v cr, inflict corpor '\l :?unishnont. nnd t oe.oltors ~f 11C\ti"1al ' seh!',,1s ' rn r,.y punish the ir pupils r..,l'ld studonts in OCJl1lpl i~"1.cO with r c gu'. flti.ons 133UC(1 by the B"o.l·d of 3ducc.tion .

'5 , '.


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14. - The cOr.1potcmt o.uthori ty she.11 bo rosponsib1e to provide for physical QX!1lninatiol1s f or all of its pupils CIlld students. It sh1\l1 provi.d\J advisory hoo.lth progrnns a s noeds urc illdic ~ted by theso oxruninations, nnd sho.11 provide adoquate f ac ilities for the hygiene and protocti611 of its pupils, students, xad tG(lch~rs. Tho compotent o.uthority s~all provide f or .physical cxo.minrttions of its toe.chars nnd all its otl-,o r employees elld sho.11 axclude fr om at -cend'lIlcG anyonc f ound to bo nfflictud n ith x.q contllgi ous mnlo..d~t.

15. ~'!attcrs pertaining to phYSical oxruninrttions and f acilitie s for sanit"t i on and hygieno in nCltionrtl schools sha:l 08 decided by tho Bnrd of 2ducation in cQ oporation with the D>Jparti~ent of Public Hoalth a.nd - In public schools rtnd privai;o schor)ls those mrtttors sho.ll bo dccided by the competont c.uthoritios subjoct ., a.pproval by the Boa.rd of

~ Ed uc c~ ti on.

16. In CaSOS Ylhero schools ac t against 'eh" prov1s10ns of laws or t ho regulat i ons o stub lishcd by tho Boord of Educr.tinn o.s to oquipment, orgnnizo.­tion and other items . tho compotent a\!.th ~ ri'cies _ may or de r ch:mgo s of the items t o comply .!it t t he laws 0:' r ogulations •

17. Thoso pers ons who employ ch:i.ldror .. af cc.!i\puls c:ry school n.gc or permit them in My ,my to porf 0rm any typo nf Hcrk nt thoir u s'o [lb lis bmGnt , shull not in any wa;;r prevent or inhibit sai~l children fr om r eceiving compulsory 0ducation because of' tho o;1ploymcnt of a...."1Y S;.lch ptlj?il. It shall be tho duty of [Ill perso!'!s hrtving childr0!'! ,or a c:lild ::rt; the ir plMo of living or at [L"r),Y placo u~ldcr their obsGrv~.l1co to so c th::-..t s .'1. i d chi ld or children of c ompuls cry sch c> .) l ago !:'lust .:lttc!.1cl school oxccpt v.rhcn QXC '..l. SCQ

therefrom by competent a.uthori·cios. It shnll DO th" duty -of the schoo l . a.uthoritios to r liport any SusPGcted s orLjus vi ·) l [',t i o~'1 c~ tl"!.is 1:::.'1 t :> tho polico n.nd any 0ao c -)J!.victed of its viclrttion shall b e impris oned f ,)r n ot moro th!1l1 tHO YOMS or fined n ot mor~ th;ur thirty thous and yon or b oth.

13. Delatod .

19. A Kindorgflrtoll is a school cs t ab lishod o..'1d opo ,·~_to cl t o pr operly instruct pupils bo lew the l ove 1 of grade onG "-nd to.ught by [\ tc ac;,or with proper tro.ining especially in prGblcms of Child Dovolopncnt.

20. An },bncntury 3cho-~ 1 is u 3.;:r.o-, l osta.b lished xld operated t ') pr0perly instruct pupils at l ovo ls of grado one throngh gr rtde six '1-'1d taught by toachors "'i th pr,ope r trrcining ~ s pocia.lly in pr c-bloms of Child Devol olUont -for pupils at th'JSG l evc 18.

21. A Ju...'liJr Hi gh Soho<'l l is n. scho.)l ustnb lishod o....'1d op:.:: rn.t0d to proporly instruct pupils at levu Is of 6 ..... ·en through Gr adc ninu and taught by to rcchors with proper training in pr ,)Dl6!.ls of Child Dove10p:1cnt f -ar pupils of that l ovel.

22. A Sonior llir;h School is t:\ school ostablishod and o perated t o properly instruct pupils a.t l.3vuls of gro.dos t en thr() ugh twGlvo and taught by toachers with proper ing os pccic,lly in problons of Adol escJnt DevGl olUont •

24. Tho Bourd of Bduc rction shall bil ros p-msib l o f or tho maintOl1(I11CO of a comprehensivo list of a.ccoptc.blo toxtbDoks uhich may bo de sirably usod in the public an d n"t~cn"l schQcls. The list sh;:,ll OC c -:npilod iumually by cornmitt GOS i nc l udinG s cvor n. l highly profic i ont cl r'.ssr Gon to a chers and one mumbor of tho Doprtrtnont of ;'C;uc,.,tion . The c l umontrtry schonl b ook list sha.ll b o compilud by to O-chers particul.o.r1y tr"ino d md who arc t eaching O-t thoso l ',vc ls and thc work of this c nnnittoo shall r efloct closo c oordinati on with the work cf tho oth~r CGllU!littoes . No purson shall serVe any conmittee inr)rc than threo c onseoutivo yoars cr ports of '.10rC than throe difforont yo l\rs.

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-25 • . unttors . partaining t o n~~lssicn, nttendanoe, ooursos of study, subjeots and tho like shull be dooiC:ed by tho oc,mpetent authoritio s.


• 1 • . Tho boufldarios of ·. geographic"l "rons n,,~v s~rvod b:,' M~or3, oither shi, cho, or SOll, shan bo .tho bound'lrios of SChO',"1 districts 'until c.ncl UiiToss ch..'1.llgos-nro made in with lnvT . Th.o BO:lrd of ;Jirluc D.ticn shnll assuma res ponsibility for certifylllG tho bcundf\rios of scLo 11 ,\ist.-iets whonovor thoro is n prob1on concer ning t,hc se.:"U · Me. v(hich . is submit t .. )L; to it by a mnj ority v oto of tho vote rs i n tho district c one 'jrnod .

2. Tho schoo l b oc.r d in cnch scho')l d istrict shall prape-ro n budget nnnuall~' in' April ruc .'J!lmondillg app r opr i ,l'ti o:1s for tho ox:x;nscs of its . proposo d cC:uc f).t i onnl progrrLr:l for the n ext fisCQl y :: o.r ond. b ..: f or o th0 . f irst day of Juno shn11 h old n discussi":,, o;ccm t o t hc public, t o obtain "n e:<­prossion 'of " pinion c oncorni!1(,'; th: buc.r;c t. Th .. , scho') l b oc.rd having '.)ee., advisod of 'the nppro printGnoss of its budGet by this C:iscus8i.on, .. scnll then submit an ardor t c. tho l.ayor of tho ' district t o hnvo l ev i od. 'and colle.ctod nS t::l.lCOS on the Vlh j lo district, 0.8 of Jul,' first of that your , tha.t aMount of. m·")n -.; y C',S ·' r oquircd by th·..: budget, l e ss c.ny ~-t;icipnt'J d

rCVonuu frr.m tho Dcipflrtnont (If' ., :~~ducnt'i :)n. ' ~~ho I1..'1.yor nf tho c1.istrict sh:-".ll be responsible t " soc th ... t the n on uy s o r equiraL; sh~.l1 bo c ,)11" cto(1 :md shnll be p;"id "vcr t o the . tr~; nsurer of t he school district i n such nm ounts and o.t such timu s · witl~in tho said fiscc.1 y c xr :lS orde r ed by the schor>! bonrd. · . Eo.chShi";.Cho-SDl1 .:n,ss0mbly s))n11 phvii',e n r0gul ... tion f nr l CV'Jing and collecti'l!'; ~hc·sc · sch:)ol · taxes 'lhich sl1o.11 be oquitnbly l ovied in th"0 s nid d.1"stric"i;' ~1d 'c ol1oc·i;o'd· in thJ s~.,u ~CU1n(,r r.s ether ~oncr'11 t ruces .fr -:ln tho l:myor"s officG ' 'in snie! ' district. Tho f)rT.1s f ')r prc.paring nnd r oportins tho scho ol bUGgot .11,,11 be as ' preGc riood by tho D~pc.rtnont of ;;;c:.ucati cl1 .

.' . .

3~ If ' tho officb1s i n tho 10c ... 1 ~!l<l.yor' s di strict shClll n e glect t ') C\ssoss, nssib"l1. or pn;y OV0r 'I:;hc seho,) l n ';)l1cy a s n.f oro3 ~'.id , they sl'lall pC'..y f or · "ne glect ~ S1.U:1" oquq.l t o th. ..... t S ") ;'lcgll..;ctu c"'. t n be n.SSI..;SSDG , ·r-.ssignc d or pnid .. )vc. r, t o bo r0.c ')v(Jro '~, .by Q.cti .)n in dub'~ , i n -tho llrJJO ~d f ·:: r tho uso of the district by the sch" 11 b ond .•

4~ All " s ·oho':)·l c.istric ts . 0r~;::m·izo~ . nce ',r u ing t o thj.s ne t sho.l1. be corpor,-,t i )ns, with pOHor t,) suo. alld bo sued, t o hro1d :md' r'is prosc of rcnl and pors ·:mo.l pr oport~! i\)r the u~o ::- f tho sC~lo,";.' ls ~h(;reii:! , c.nd t o t'm.ko n9,ccss::try contracts i~ r J lc.tiOl1 the r ot o.

, 5. ·' Tho asscr.1bly of tho Sji-Cho-S Cll rlClY V0tO '0 .. , c.uth" rizo its school b oxrd to borrew r.l ,)nGY f or a pa riod not t ., exco ,)cl fiftuo~ yoars f ·' r tho purposo of constructint; parnancnt sch ", l buildings in Cloc0r dnncc with plans approved by the 3 0:\2'd of :::ducc.tion. All n on oy s " b orr owod plus c.ny chargos f or th,) us a of tho snI:W nus t b G r e paid b-, the d i strict in n ot more thnn fifte~n c qu:\l :md c onsecutive Ml1uf\l p~ymonts which cn ounts slinll be included in the annunl budget ' of tho scho" l b OClr d of sc.i d dis tric t .

6; No scho',,1 district shull b orrow c:ny n :mcy t ·) build t en porary Bchoo~ bUildings .

7. ,\ny par.Oll c ,1nvic t ed of fo.iling in' his' duty whila in offico in carrying out the intent ,)f Pc.rt V ,)f .this · lnw 'pbl"t(lininG t o Scho,.,l Di~c':;ricts shall be r onovod 'fr om of fico o.ll(l mo.y bo impris 'ned f or n ot mor o th[\."l 30. ' days (lnd sh o.ll be indi(;ib1e Tor furth" r . tJ).tnic:i:pi:l l :o:op16ymontby .. oJ uctbll, f or tOn y e ars.

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1. All p mlOrs \1ith res poct t el the opo ration of public sch oo l s =d "thor l oc nlly spons or ec public educa t i on ."'. l .:\ctivitic s in a sch" d e:istric t sh o.l1 be ve ste d in e, scha 01 b oard u>:co pt as s pecific :? C'ders m",' hor o",ftor be do lego.tod by I nw t ::> othor c.Gonci e s .

2. Tho scho~ l b o."\rd of each Rch 0'.>1 di s tr l.ct sh."\11 c c.u Bist " i' f ,)ur members at l e ast one of whom shall bo 1\ woo nn; nne: t l1Q 'JaY·Jr of ~ ."\ch

district shall be a member ex-officio of t he sehool board in his district. No salaried employee of any --educational i n stitution, school or government agencYJ exce pt the may or J shall be e ligi b le to serve on the 50Loo1 b 0ard and accepta.~:::e of such a position whi Ie a member of the school board shall immediately disqu.alify that member from continue d member.ship on the school board but employment under such circumstonces terminated previou s to membership on the school board shall nQt s erve to dis r;ualify a person from such school board membership.

3. Sch ool Board members shall be ele cted ever y othe r ye 3X during t he month of March for t e rms of four years in the same manner as prescribed for municipa l el ections. The t e rm of the member previously elected for one y e ar shall be automp.tical1y extended to two ye ars to ex :?i re 31 March 1954, and the t OnD of the menlb e r or membe rs e l e cte d f or thre e years shall be automatica lly extended to four ye ars to expire 31 March 19 56. 'r here­after at each bienni a l ele ct ion ther e shall be e l e cted a membe r or members to fill the office s of those ele cted lnem')er3 whose t e rms r,a ve expired or for which appointme nts have b e en made, in which c ase t he ne'71 y appoint ed or e l ecte d membar sha ll c om;,ol e t e only the unex pired portion of the t ., rm of the member Whose vacancy is b Ging filled. The t e rr.1 of tho ex- offi cio member .shall b e within the t e rm of tho mayor's off ic ~ .

4. If thore 'shall occur a V(\ce.ncy on the s c;10 01 bO (lrd bc+'wG cn e lections tho s a id Vo.concy shall be fill e d until the ne::t e l oction lly appointment by tho surviving members of the school boo.r u momb 'Jrs of t he school boa rd unle ss t l10Jr sha ll f ail in their duty in whiGh c ase o.ppointment shall be made by the Mayor of thG district c oncer ned.

5. ' ·lomino.tions for e l oction to tho school bo Ctrd shccll be in accordance with loc al munici po.l e l oction l aws providoc t h."lt such n omin o.­tions shall not oarl"'J the des i gnat io;:}s of mer1b ership in any politic "\l party. "la ct ion officials shall o e r 0s ponsiblc t o t o.lce nocc ssrlry pre­cautions to strictly c r,rry out tho inten t of this act s o that a t n11 time s at le ast ono m'Jmb or of t he school b oru'd sml l b e a woman .

6. Tho mayor in tho school district shall '0 0 r ,' sponsib1o for reporting the memborshi p of ·t ho schoo l b o"": r d in t ho mnli'.1c r pr oscribod by tho Board of Education.

7. School Doard membe rs may b e paid pur dium rJ1d trans !Jortation exponsos for official duty accordin& to voto of the Shi-Cho-Son assembly end such amoun~ shall be includod in its sohool budget.

S. Whenever it shall be proved to his s .:\tisf o.otion tha t .My memb or of a school board has beon (;uilty of f\.'l"' wilful vio1ntion or ne gl oct of duty under tho l "Vls pertaining to his dutie s a s (\ school bo.",rd memb ~r or' of wilfully disobo~'ing any ordor or r Ggu l at ion of the Board of 'Oduc ation, tho Director of 3ducation, t\ftel1. a he aring (\t ,"!hieh tho momber shall h,wo tho right of roprosontation, may l ay n s t at ement of t ho f "cts of tho C (1 S 0

beforo tho Circuit Court in tho distr ict with tho Ncornmendation for the removal of tho Board J.Jomb er from · his offico , M d thu docision of tho justico shall b o final.

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9. A Sohool !lonrd IIh(lll moet :lot 10nst o ight t:IJDo8 0. yoar to O(l1TY on its dutie s o.s prosoribed by l aw and snid moetings sho.ll be a ttonde d by the superintondont of ' schools.

, !

10. The sohool boord ahall (lot only 0.8 t\ o('\l!lmi t,~oo of tho' wholo.

11. ' No person shall bo ve sted with o.dministra i;ivc powers by v irtuo of his membership en a sohool board and no ' ~,ohoo l board shnll J,nv" t ;le ponor to invost nny ouo memb er or .vou~ of illombor.s "lith admi nistrativo pallO rs.

12. If any prov1 s10ns in tho 1'~hich r o l 'lt c to education 5ho.11 bo foUnd by the Board of Ed ucation to 1mposo upon nny district obligntions which, by reason ' of unusual circUlIJstnnco s or of exception::.l conditions ' in tho.t district, r esult in nn unno ccs s ur y oJxllondituro of school money , . or in ('.. proc oquro which is not in tho be st int 'J r ost of o du c ation the r e in, tho Boo.rd of Education af t e r proper study , may modify s uch oblie;ntion s for not more thnn onc yoar ut a tIDo flS i n it s judgemont rn::.y b o r ons onab l o .

13. The school' b ourd of onch district shall provi de 'adoqunto schools for pupils of the district in grude s bno through nino in (lccordnnco with r ogu l ::,;;ions of tho Beard of ;';ducation, ' nne ,"It s uch pl 'lcOS in t:10 di strict ::.s will be st s o rve th~ inte r n s 'cs of cduc.'\tion nnd givu t o a ll t ho pupils within -the district uS n O":'.r ly equal ndvaI'!t a.gos ,J.S n r c r:r ::\cticub l o .

, . . . . 14. Tho sohoo l bot.rd by it s s upGrintcndont of schools sho.ll purch

o.t tho ex pon so of its dis t ri ct , su it"b l o textbooks nlle other su pplie s including tools r equ ire d f or u8 e in the pup lic 5 ch 0.0 15 ; r,nd sl:,,11 10::-.11 the snne to tho pupils of suoh s c hools f r oe of ch~r~o , subj~ et to such ro usono.b10 rog11 1r\t i ons for thoir c " r o M d custody a s tho bo'\r d m"Y pr o­scribe .

15 • . De l a t od .

16 . A schoul district sh",ll provido for f r 00 s ocand::.ry schoo l oduco.t i on for n11 , of its pupils of t hat l evol, e ithe r by cpC!-o.tine; 0. s chool of its orm or ' by coope r r.ti on VIi th [l.'1othcr dist rict in tho opor ati on of s uch a school. ill aocordn..~co with th~ 1::1.\7 n..'I"ld r ogulat i ons of tho Bonrd of 2d.uc uti on.

a . The uuthority of joint s choo l boc, rd of s onior h i gh school districts shn11 b" r.ppliod Mcor din l'; to "ut~,ority of school b O'll"ds . A trc ::lsuror shull ba fi11 0 <1 from thu cl e rka of concornod schools.

17. School businu ss shull bo conductod onl y nt r cgulorly sch"dulod me otings of tho school bo,,rd o.ttondcd ' by "t 1;:. ,st " l:\r\ j ·) ri ty of the memb ors of tho bo" rd. All b oard m,,,",,e rs ",1;t el1<!in~ r. "'Outing of tho b ourd shall b o r e oordod e.s voting oithor for or " Gninst euoll l,lotion of businoss .


1. ~'\ch school b or,rd £ hnll " ppoi nt ::. tronsuror to h~dlo ",11 of. the monia s of the schoel d is t ric t and t o po.~' out tho S"1l111 i n r\ccordr.nco Vlith signe d a rdors of the school b ou-d in nccor dr.nce Hith r vgul o.tions of ':;he Bo:u-d of ' ;~ducntion . It mr\y o a ppoi nt t ornporiu-y comnitteos , including o.uditors, whon nooded , pr ovi d" d t h , t tho dutios of o.ny committeo sh<11 1 not bo establishod in cc ,1flict . lith tho dutie s of tho school b onrd.

2. Tho a s sembly of t ho l'l<'-Yor's gove rnm vnt in the sch oo l district ma.y voto t o P:ly suita.b l G. c onpvns ".tion f or , ·th0 sorvice s of its officor s o.nd tho s o runounts s h" n be inc ludud in the r.rmur.i bucgot of the district .

3. School bonrd mc mb ars and the t r v,' r or shall a s sumo tho pO',iors nod dut;l<l s ' of off i ce a s 500 11 I1S " l vct od or ,a ppo i nt od.


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4. The 'lunlific c.tions se t forth fOI' school bo o.rd mGmb crs in Po.rt VI, articlo 2 of this l aw sha ll npply Illso to othor officors of tho district, oxcepting the trollsurcr •

. ,

PART VIII "lU ON :lcnoo!. BO.I!RDS

·1. Tho Boo.rd of Education is cmpov'cr od ·to dus i gnllt u singl o sch·oo l districts or t o torm unions of severlll school dist ricts for tho purposo of pronating r.lcir" cffoetiva suporvision ond Ildministr ~.tion of educ llti on.

2.. The .sohool bonrds cf · thG conponont school districts so ·dvsi.:,nntod or of Il singlo school district so dc signntod undor this ,,"ct shnll or6a."1izo ns n Union School .Boo.rd ·for tho purposo ·of s ol ecting and nomi nntiug by maj ori ty ·voto to tho Bonrd· of. ;lduc ::.t ion, n-ocGssnry suporvis ory and

. ndministro.tivo personnol, wi -(;h the ndvico of .tho De pa rtment of Sduolltion •

. 3. A Union School Board shall organize nnnunlly, e lecting n chllirr.lan Ilnd n sccrc tnry nnd shnll not dclogntc its powo rs t o ony singlo mGmbor or group cif mombors loss th n.n the wholo b oard . Tho Dir(. ct·ot of ;<;duc nti on 51-.0.11 bo r osponsiblc to soc thnt the sovorlll mcmbGrs ·of n Union School Bonrd · nro proporly notifiodof th" mooting .

4. The Chiof Administrntor of n Union Sohool Bonrd shul~ bo ~ntitle d Suparintondont of Schools.

5. The duties of tho suporintcndont or schoo ls shall bo to c:ll"ry out tho dutius proscribod f or his offico., b y law, by t ho Bonr d of Educntion, nnd in hnrmony v/ith programs of tho school bonrds of his uni on.

6. Tho supa~intendont of schools shnll b o ~ n ominoo of tho Uni on. Sohoel BOllrd who h:).5 boon clectod by tho BO Clrd of ;;duo ::\ti on which mny c 'ontr:lct for his profc ssion~l s ervicos in ::\ccord,lllco with tho l ,m for a pariod no.t to oxoocd throo yonrs upon r c colnmondation of the Un i on School Bonrd sUbjoct nlso t o ronownls ullon tho r oc Gr.Jracndction of s:\id Un i on School Boc.rd •

7. Tho Bonrd of '~ducation shn11 pny tho c Cl'1pons ~ti ~n of (\ Superintondont of· Schools and nccoss:u-y o'< ponsos of his off·ico .


1. Tho Board · of ·Education .shnll dcitornino th<: r cquir'or.lOnts f or cortifi­cation for the position of Superintondent of Schools.

2. No parson shllll bo ' omployod ::\s n Supe rintendont of Schools untoss Bueh person holds Il duly authorized cortific nt o f or tho position in Coooordanoo with tho In~' nnd r •. gulntions of tho Bonrd of Educnt i on.

3. Tho Suporintondont of Schools, shall, in uccordnnco >lith tho !nVlS, IIId roSUlo.t1on. of too'13o'nrd of Education, undor. tho d1ruct1ons of his .chool bonrds, .ho.vo tho onro and suparvision of tho public schools Illld public school proGrams nnd sh::.11 b o tho chief ndI1inistr ':\ti vc ::\~"nt of oach auoh school bonrd. Ho sh.'.l1 give tho sohool b onrds such ("..ssistnnco aa · thoy 1!I0¥ wish in keoping thc · r " oords ·:llld ncc·ounts ond in mnking au·ch r oports ("..8 nro roquirod by I nw. Ho · ah:\ll r ocommond t o o,,"ch ·j f his sohool b 'Jards) coursos of study, t oxtb ooks, sohool supplios, sohool furniturG, r<Jp~irs [\.lld mnintonanco nnd othe r nae dod improvemonts. He shnll c·.ttond school bcnrd mootint;s nnd nlso issuo nn onnuo.l r~ port on t he conditi ons of the school progran.

4.. All nppointmcnts nnd contrncts - of pors ons to sorvo in th u public scho ols in OIly sohool distric t sho.ll bo nndu by tho school b oard only upon nomino.ti on of thllt porson t o· tho · sohool bonrd far th"t spacifio position,

" : . . ' ..


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by the suparintondent of schools. Tho supo rL~tendent of schools shall nom~to for suoh positi~nB only th ose pers ons ~uly oertificatod fo r such omploymont by the Board of Education. Tho school board may r ejec t any luoh nomination by majority voto in which oaso tho superintondont of schocls will mako anothor Bu1te.blo nomination. In any case whore ~ho school board ~.oos not care to aBsumo tho responsibility for confirroati on of t oucM r appointmonts such aotion shall be r eferred to t ho Eoard of ~duc ation for accomplishmont. -

5. Tho Super int ondont of School s shall prepar e th" annual school budget for each of his districts in complianco with tho authority of tho s eparato 3chool boards and in '~h : mll!ll1cr pr os c r ibe d by l li.w and by r oStll J.­tions of tho Dopartment of ::ducllti on • .

6. Tho Supe rintendant of School s shall continually soak t e ha'lu t.r, ~ applicablo l aws and r ogulations pertni ning to education in tis ar c a , effoctively enforced .

7. Tho administre.tion of tl1" publi c schools in oaell seho,,) dis'crict in all their aspects s haE bo und",. tho ci r cct ncLlinistr'nt:. on of tho supe rintendent of schools operat ing in miuisturia l capacity with r ospJc t to po l ici os agr ood UpOll by the board in cQnsulation Ylith th" supu :-intendont of sch ools.

S . Eaoh supcrint0ndcnt of schools shnll bo :?rovid~d ','Iith suita;'le off ice accommodat ior,s in accor danoe with r uc ollL.lcndations of thn iJourd of Education and tho exp~nsG s sha~l b~ borlO 'Jy t he' Dcpartl'lcnt 01' Educ ation except that each Union School Board shall prov i de t he dos irod "paau oJ; it s o\'/Il expen se prorntud among the participatinc; sohool district s .

9 . Thu suporint '.r.dcnt of sch ool s nfto:' consultation ',vith intor e stoQ po r sons shall pr osont t o his sCl;ool bOQrds a pl = for the adm i nis t ration of each school, s et ting out cl 'J a rly the mothods of procodure to be used in th·~

f ormul "tion of tho budgot; for r equ i s it ioning , ordu ring nnd p"ym'Jnt of supplius, equipment and spocial s orvices; fo r the liIClintone-'1co and opGr:ltion of tho s chool plant; for tho sol oction of tcnc1w r G, for tho opo r ution of the supcrvis or y pror;:- ::un; and for nI l oth~r ",r Gns of school op~r o.tion 0.8 tho boar d of cdncn.ti on ma.y do .


1. Titl .:; to ul vrnc nto.ry u..~ d jt:nior hi :;h sch ool buildings nnd 1=d8 npportuining ther e to shull r e sido in the 1001\1 schoo l di strict rmd s eu i "r high school buildiuGs and l nnd8 Clppo.'tnininG '~horcto sh,,11 ros ido in the, union h i Gh school dist rict excuptillG t:'a so de sign"t od b:r l e.VI as nation." l schools or schools under t h" jurisdiction af tho Eo:, rd ,of ;<;ducntion.

2 . It shall be th" r usponsibility of unoh school d istrict to prov ide runpl o pl Cly!!;round f c.cilitio s nt oach school in nccar denc" ',lit:, rOi;U l nti ol1s of the Boar d of Zducntion.

3. Whenever t 1JlO r o shnll bo C\ lOGnl 'lucstion by 0. litiC;(ll1t of ovmo r ship of l and now used for ochoo l buildins or school pl c,y,;round purpos os or othor s chool purpos o, the sohool ooa,-d in tho di str ict concern~d sh(\ll r efer the quos·t i on to tho D" pClr'.;mcnt of 1 02;,,-1 l.rfClirs f or such "cti o~ as i s n ,J cussnry to prot ect the i nto r ost of t h? school distri ct .

4. If it Ylould c.ppcar to tho Boc.r.d of '~duo ation that the fJ.ndings \mdc r Soction 3 of this p~.rt of th~ school 1m: mi Cht caus e sever e hardship ou the school district ccnc<Jrncd, it '"-"'Y par mit the said school district to pay its indumnity by tho s :1.1e of bond s which shall be pnyabl e i n not mor c thM f i vc equal (lnd annu."l pc.;'Illen ts.


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5. Tho School Board of n schoo l district shall havo ros ponsibility for ovorsGo ing ,, 11 r opnirs Md building progr ams within its jurisdiction in nccordanc e with r (l f", l "tions of thu BOL\rd of Educ ntion.

6. All r.lnjor r epo.ir8 nnd all b 'l ildins contracts author~z~ d by t.ho school bonrd sh ('.11 bo proviou51.y :\u'<; horiz c d by budgctc.r.f a.ppropri[\ti o!ls for tha.t .spe cific usc in th" school distri ct . ,

7. In npproving plnn s f er now constru~tion of scho ol buildings or tho m:1jor rop..'iir of schoo l buildinl;;s tho Eoc.rd of Bducation s h"ll pa.y strict a.tton'Gion to prc"l'":.sior,s f or h<: r.lth .me s cnit'J.tion f :1G i liti os inc~udillg

toile ts t o protGct th'J h;",nlth of pupils r..:::d to!lCll e rS in tho 501:00 ::' 5 D..-l1 d n.."l

OIllple supply of s are drinkinG ·'lotJr.


1. Tho t Or'm "h'l..'1dic a.ppcd ohi;l.d" us u sed in t~,is subdivision sh ,,-l1 moan child of compulsory sohool l e va l wh os o activity is or mn~r bocome so fnr r e stricte d by defoc'c c,r doformity of bOlle'S or musc l na or 'Ghe impnirmcllt of functioh the roof , or ~y othe r physico.l or muntnl hr,nd j.cap includir..g de<U'noss or blindne ss, as to r oduco h is n ermnl cajJacity for oducation ond so If-support.

2. month of diskiot for tho

Tho sohool boo.rd of o:1ch school district s hall rumuo.lly in tho 11nrch mflko :1 record of ~ vory hf'.lldienppod child within its s cho ol a.nd shall ma.lcG ~, r eport thereof t o tho suporintendont of sc!1001s

fupa.rtmcnt of Educ(ltion on or b c forQ 15 April.

3. 1'ho Dcpnrtm'jl1t or Ed.uc ntion shn.ll in'i': tho nC Jds of such handica.ppcd children nnd trl\:'.kG. such rules and. r'}gul:"..tiona r\Jl:--.tivc t o t l1c ir oduc,,-tion 0.9 ma.~r bo no cossnry fo r th·.; prope r do\'"lo::mcn·c of s ,id chiJ.drcn. Tho Depa.rtment of Sduca.tion shnll ~. r ogistur of th<, hnndico.ppctl children.

4. Ev"lry handicapped child capable oJ: being bellsf:'.;'ed by inst:·"cbion shall attend a. schoo l or ether pl ace for such instructi or, to uhich ho may be, aSSigned, or shall be i nstructed in his ha:ne f or at least t-,·;o hours Fer week for a. .period to be dete r mined ~r the Board of Bclucation.

5. The school board in accordallce with n ,les and regu l a'oiol1s of the Board of Edlicatioll s;,all carry O'-lt t he ordllrs pe!"tain i nc; to such required instruction.

6. Nothing in this la\l perta.ining to hiln C\ ica?ps d children shnll :'6 oonstrued as authorizin6 any public of fi c i al, ag:eLt , or rs ?resentative, i n carrying out any of the provisions of t his lav/ , to take ch"r;>;e of all"' child' over the objection of either of the parents or le gal gua r dia.'1 of 3nid child, except pursuant to n proper C01.U't or ,.ler.

7. It shall be the responsibility of the Depart"lnent of 3ducati on to operate nnd maintnin schools f or handicapped children according to law and the budgets of snid SChools shall be inc luded in t he budge t of the Department of Educ ation.


1. Public vocat io'.lc. l ·hi gh schools at tile senior h i gh school leve l as are heretofore estnblished, including 11lc..rine , AgricultUral and 'fec;mic a l SQhools such as I1omomakinr, Cl1d other seco!'.da.ry schools, are continuod o..'1.d shnll be ndministe re d by tl,e BO:1rd of ]duc:1tiOll as long as need for the arone .exists.


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I •

2.. TIle Bovd of Eduo~.tion shllll employ suito.ble personnel Il!ld provid:> ~U.t1e. De.oes.ary for the effective operation of schools or of .:ballar schooh whioh ~ be established by the Board of Educlltiol1 • .

,. The budgets of the vooo.tionlll sohools shall be included in the budget of the : Departmont of Eduoation.

4. All titles and rl.ghts to property of said vocatiom\l schools ::U'e hereby vestod in the Government of the Ryukyu 1s1=ds •

. 5. Tho Board of Educlltion shall huvo control of the standards of o.dmi ssion und attainmort of its voc Clt i o':lt\l schools.

6. The Board of Educ 'ltion sh o.11 b e r os !,onsibl e for deve lopi ng , ostablishir.g und mai v oco.t ion:\l s C~loo1 progr('J!)s de signed to moot the needs of tho Ryt;kyuQ..'1 ocono",y and to simultnne ously he l p in the training of young mon uud young women for m~.ximum pllrticipe.tion in 0. domocr utic



1. Tho Departnont of Educl\tioll muy e st a.blish t e o.c'",r t r l\i ni"g ins t i t ut oo as neoded for the i n- se rvice trnil1ing of Gducatio!lr..l pc r so:11lo1 vrithill t ho limits. of budget~.ry o.ppr opr int iolls.

2. ' All title s D..'1d r ights to proporty of the t vo.chu r t r ::.i:!ing schools ut Hugo, Itomo.n , ond EirCl.Tu i s hor uby vc s t Gd i n t h" Go,·u r of the Ryukyu Is land s •

3. Tho Board of Sducc.t~on 8h,,1l omploy di rec t ors for tho t Ct\chor " tr? ining insti tutos who shall b<. UllO'o lOd, \"Ii t h its o.dvico o.nd Clpprovt\l, to sol ect the n ocessary '\ssistrl,'1ts r~'1d provide for t ho dIscIpline OI.' the s ohool s .

4. Tho db'octors of t:1G to~.chor tr" ining inst itt;.tos shall arrnl"lg" tho course s of study nnd pre s c.ribo st nnd"lrds of c.dmission ".ld ntt Cl inmont for tho s chool .

5 . Instruc tion in t onche r tr iJ13titut os shn11 '0" limitod to cours os Y/hich will contribute to tho uP6T ~ding of cortif ic .":'.t c s of t hos e nlrc"dy ong'\gc d i n t oaeh i..'"'.i; .

6. Dol ot od.

7. Tho diroct ors nnd t CClei1cr s (\l1d othor no cos snry pursoIl'"lc l of tho t onche r trni n ing insti.tutos s,,"o.11. bo e mployoe s of tho ry, pa rtmon t of Ed' ,c~ti o)1 .

g . The dirootors and tC[leho rs of the 'o o~.chor tr c.i n i ng i ns ti tutc s sh ull Clssist and givc profcssi,ll1nl ha lp at tC'lch'~rs' i nstitut os ,.Ihon so r oquo stod by th e BOllrd of ' ~,duc ",tion ',Ji thaut extrn cClC1pun s ation ox ca pt nece ssary cXp:lnscs uh0n s o ~m ployv d~ .

9. shClll be schools

~he tuition o.nd ~ext muteriuls ut free to t hose pupils " ho ee -Co

for full s r. l a ry f or n pe riod equ~l

the te ~.che r tra ininG ins t itutes continue t o te nch in the public t o the l ength of tr o.ining .

10. The budge ·t of the te Clcher tl· ll ~n.i.I.lg institutes shClll be n pClrt of the budget of the De pClrtment of 3duc t\tion.


Arti cls I . GenerCll

1. CA Ordinnnce Number 30 of 10 January 1951 is hereby r escinded provided thnt the corpor~te entity of the University of tho Ryukyus cre~ted


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thereby is pe r pe t uated L"'l o.c cor dnllce with the prov isions of the P,wt.

2. The University of the P.yul'YU3 he r eino.ft er r efe rreg t o ns the Universi ty with principo.l pluce ' of oper nt ion nt Shuri , Okinnwn, shnll nvai l ab le pbst-secondnry educnti'on in t he Arts, Scionces and t he Professions, to men nnd women of the Ryukyus . It she.ll m~e n'[nilab le bener n l nnd specific informntion und educntionc.t l servic e s ':;0, t loe pe ople of t.1-te RyukyllS ; furt.'1ering their econom i c und cu l turn l cevo lo;l1lent , th') u',lde~­

stondings; pr o.cti ces, nnd libe!"ties of democro.tic peopl ,," ; inclu ding fr eedom' of speech , the right of nssembly , the right of petition , frGo uom at' re l :i. gi 'ln, und fr e edom of the r es ponsible pr oss.

Artic l " II;oment

1. The r 0 sponsibi l it i os f or t ho opor .1~ioa n.nd co ncr ol OI~ t~1!? ·~JJ1 i...,ersity

in 0.11 its pho.s e s of ' OPb !"o.t ion o.nd mo.nn3ement is ;,e r eby ve sted in t he Bonrd (If Dire ctors. !!o r e s pons i b ility of th€> Bo" rd of JJi r e ctors gh" l l be de l ogn'_ed to any pers ons "dh~-'csoev'c r .

2 . , The Banr d of Director s subje Gt to tl!lpl'ovc.t1 of the Ci v il Adml."lstrntor shnll hnve complete rt.'1 d entire e O:1tr" L oVe:, the pOLicies , mar..aeemont , f inc.ncos p 3rson!l.e l, r c::'..l and pcrs ,)!1n~ pl' 0?\:rt~r , in f' ~.ct , ~~vc r~rthing i?c rtn.i ning t o the Univer s i ty GX C0pt [\S o i;ho r. ;is ~ rrov i C:cd i n the l e.If. Tho Bo c.rc. s,t~l1

have the re s ponsibility of hus:'':'.!lding a l l O~ ... the. ~.s sots end r cs o" CO S of the University i!l r.t mc.nnc r v.;h ich will insure ·the maximum returns to 'hl:.o po ople of t ho :;Wu}<yus .

3. Tho Boc..r d of Dire ctors shr..1I con sist of s ovon l'!lcmbors, !tyukyunn­'born man r.nd Home n ; of' uhom six shi111 be npl?ointa d by the Ch i ef Rx.ecuti·,' o with .th" nppr ov:ll of tho Civil Ad:ninistrntor in "ddi t io;l to t!10 Direct or of Education who sho.11 be 0. In0J1lb Gr ox - of';'icio. &,oh of tho fom' mnj or 5.ns\: l nr nrens of tho Ryukyus shnl1 bo r op!"osontod on the Bortrd.

4. Of t:w six nppointod lJl6:nb or s of the Boa r d of Diroctors , th<o Chi o f EKocuti vo sho.n nppoint not mor e thm 1:\10 me mbors and n ot f.'onor th,'J". ono morab o r from tho Boc.rd of Educ ntion, Hr. O sh,,11 s or -;o ",l s o 'lS f u ll "nt, L:;g'll membors of 'oho Bo:u-d of Diroctors for the duro.tion of tha i r r ogulr r ';;o, .::s of of fice .

5. The i nitinl torr.. of ' offioe of ~ c.c ! , mumbcr 0;" tho BO"-l'd of !1iructors sh~ll bo 6 s tnblishcd so thc.t, oxco pt for thos ,~ morib ors: f r om tilo Boo.rd of Educ nti,on , ono Momb or sl1::o.11 bo nppointod for t'm :r~ '\rs , one "lhJl'r.b v r s for four ycnrs, on,.' memb or for six Y0::tTS , QuG member f or .:: i g!1t :,rO'1rs n..."1d if nccl" ss ~rY

one memb or for t en yo {\r s . As ' tho t erms of c~"ch o ri~j nnl appointmen t expi~o , all new appointluent s shall b e l'lede in t he UlO,:1l1€ r :,r es cr ibe d h s r e i n for a term cf eight y e a!"s and unti l a s ucc es sor is a~po :"l: .. ce d . All -~e r6 s of office for th" Direc t ors shall ex pi re on the fj.r st day of ,)ulc' of th e year of terminati on ' of a ppo intment . All int erim v a c an cie s sh e,I I bo fi n e ,! i n tha SWll e manne r, but f or the dUl'at~on of tho v [lc ancy .

6. ~cept for t he dual np pointment ' of tiro memuer s of the Board of Eduoation, and the Director of Educ at ion, no sa laried employee s of any educational institut i on , school ' or Goverrunen-c o.gencJ' shall be eligible t o s erve on the Board of Direc t ors, and aoceptunze of such a position While a member of the Boar d of Directors sh"l l i mme di a tely disqu a l i fy tlH t member from continue d membershi p on s a id Board of Direc t ors, but empl oyment under suoh circumstances -ca rl'linut_od pr ",vio" 8 t o memb ership on t he Board of Directors sha ll I\ot serv" t o disq:la l ify D..'1y pers on f r om such Board of Director Member­ship.

7. The Board of: Directors shull appoint [lnd employ a ch i e f eX3cutive and administrative officer of the Univarsi t y i'o r no mo!"e than three years at a time , to be ent i tled PI'Gsidont of the l;ni vars ity of the R:.'ukyus , heroin ­nftcr r eferred to ns President , who shall hnv" authorit~, for inte rnal munng" ­mont of t h e institution .

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9. The Board of II1reotor. Ihal}. .employ a busine8s manager and other no!'elliary personnel at tho lhiversi'ty all needed and within the 111111"1;s of its budget.

10. Teaching personnel or tho University shall be nominatod t o tho . Board of Dirootors. by a oommittee of no fawcr than four in8t~uctors of the University and tho President. Those instruotors a t the University, at t he date of promulgtltion of this aot shall not 00 subjoc·oed t o this soction of tho act pe rtaining to the n.:oessity 01' nomination to t heir prosont pos itions .

11. The Board of Diroct or s shall r,old r o (,;" l a r mcutings at l eas t onco ovo r y six months and at othor timo r. as may bo nece ss <lry . t o bv d"term~nod

by tho chairman or Ul'ly f our membe r s of th o board who shall gi vo no l o ss than t ViO woe!cs notification of intendod mco tL>1g . Thoy s hall s e rve VI~thout sa1c.ry and shull be ul1 o'NOd Gx pen so s f or trnyo1 t o ond from the moetir'f;s . sUbsistoncc and 'luartGrs whi l e L>1 attrmdnnco .

Art ic10 III Financo

1. Tho Bonr d of DL'oc tors she.ll pre s ent periodio r e ports conccrni.'lg its a.c t ivi"bi"s t o th e I vt;isl nt ur o r~d r oquQ st of the l o ~is lnturc such o.ppr opriat i ons of mono~r and ~ants in 'l i d ::\s it m·,y docm n" cos saT'J for its opa r ation f or the sl!ccoud:.D?; peri od of opcr~.tic>o in accordanco rrith r cgu1 a -1atbns c onc orning budget r o;)orting md opc r nting of ot:l(; r dop!\r tmcnts of tho Contral. Gover nmont.

2 . Tho busine ss mM n(;" r of tho Univorsi.t:;' shall b J custodi -ul of funds of tho Univorsi ty alld shall ac count for suc h funds in :lCCO:-dt'.:lCU with r o{;U1o.tions of tho Board of Diroctor s and iu t:1C mD.IlllCr ;\ppro"l/'od by tt..; Dop~rtmont of Finance of tho CJntr~] ~ovornmcut •

. 3. Tho Board of Dire c tor s t hrOU Gh its busine s s r.Jo.;'l.age r i s cmpo,lOr od to a ccopt ally {IUd a ll Gi f ts. bOCluc sts. and gr ants of r, i i . in tilO n a:no of tho l.inivcr sity . All such l ifts , b ... CJ,u (; st.:; , or <ion at i o!'!s , whioh nr c of [\ trust n nt u r e in monoy; sh Q11 bo r e mittod t o the custody of tho Un ivorsity of Ryul..7us Fmm c.ati oll J n corpor::\.tc b ody witi1 pl:-.c o of busino ss :\t 3huri , Okin~vla .

Article I V a ('mptiOl: Fr om 'l'a..,x nt ion

1. Tho Un ivorsity b u i:1.r; a. f\Ulchen 0: the Go':or nmont of t ho Ryukyus shnll not bo linb1<- to diroct tnxt\ti on .

Artic1~ V Misc" llnn()ous

1. Thoso ' pe rsons who c ome unde r tho fo 11 o\li ng ..o nta Gor i o s sh..'1.11 noithe r b o cmp10yod by . nor b e allor-fGd to bo ociat<l d in (\''ly off i cinl W(cY '.;ith tho Univorsi ty :

a. . Thos v parsons , ;ho havu b ean ad j udged i ncompe tont or lL"1.C}ua. lii'i.;d .

b . Those p'..: rs ons ,,;rh 'J h~vo b ean sontonced to i rr.?r isol"ll'!'lor..t or mor o s ove r o puni shment.

c. Thoso pw rs ons "'ho hnvG boon or oxc combor s of o:r~ org ~1l1iza.ti on vrhich n,dvoc n.tcs thu overthr ow by f or ce of t ile GO'"lc r mncnt.

PAR'r x:.l rlISCSIL.:UiECU.3

1 • . I n tho c onpilatio!1 and pub lic o.tion of s t ntistic o.l dat a. (othe r t h(\.'l for r out ino opur '\tiona1 r uports ) th" r o will bo coor dination '·Ii th the Buroau


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of Statistics a.s provided in tho Statisti cs La.w •

. 2. Pending further o.ction by the B"nr d of "duc nti·on undor Part II I Soction 19 of this c ode , thc Do pnrtIiJont of EdUcation sha.ll hnvo tho fo llo1·,b " divisions : Business' Administr ation , School Education, S0cin.l :;duc r...t ion , Vocational Educ,,-tion , Instruction, Supplios I1lld Buildings , Ironl th i!;ducnti o~"

and Educo.tiono. l Resonrch .

3. In l1lly 8hi, cho or 8011 of Vlhich the mr.jority of t ho votors he,vo given Gv i dGncc th..'1.t they tlroUii1"{i~ l ing Qr uno.b lo t n inau;;urrtto tho school b oard progr nm of this code , t ho tr.n.yor cf s nid shi, cho or ann sr.ull imlOo­ l~' n otify f-..he Boc.rd of Educ ::-.ti Ol: of sllch prob:c;m-anC: tEo Bonr d c,f Education is empowe r ed to a.scorta.il1 thc f e-cts and to .:ork out e.n al t urnat o pl nn for thc oporntion of t ho sch o .. :l ?r og ram i n s"id district ur.til. s UCIl timc us n sch o01 progrr.m CM bo suit o.bly innuguro.tod.

4. Tn addition to the rescission ::>.ffected b y virtue 0:: l'nrt XI V of this Code, the follmving Ordinances and Directives e,re r e scinded or c:mel1ded:

0. . M. G. Directive NUMber 22 of 6 OCtober 1949 , Ryl.;k;vunn Educ a t iona.l System is rescinded .

b. M.G. Ordin3l1ce Kumbe r .22 of · 4 August 1950 , ThG Lo.w Con"erning -bhe Or~nnizo.tion of' the 3unto Goverpments , .fv:-ticle II, section 1 o"z paragr nph · 2 is amended by the ' deletion oi' tho wor ds "schools" and "education'.' ther6from, and Artic l e LXXXIV, po.rae:r aph c is r esainded .

c. M.G. Dir ective Number I ;) of 30 Ootobe r 1950, ?.yukyu !nformation D..'1d Educ:\"Gion Boc.rd is r-escinded .

5~ In any 6h i-.oho-60n \:i th u po puhtion of' less t hnn five thousand people., the schoCi'lbo<U"dof the distriot shnll consist of two e lected members and the mayor shall be a mombe r o): - officio. One mer.!ber s!:a l l be elect ed every other ye ar Vlld his term of off ice shull be four y ears. T:lO term of the memoo!" pr"viously elected for 011 6 year shull be nm;or.J r.ticc.l l " extonded tv t-.:o yGru's t o oxpirG 31 1'-:.rch 195L~; Vlld tho ~er;,l cf .tho ,nemb er proviously c l Gctc;d for two y ears shall bo c.utotn0.tico.lly extende d to four yours , to expire 31 "to.rcll 1956 . VC\c cJloies shall bo fill e d i n tha s ame nnnner ns , prescribod in .".rticlo 3, Pcu-t VI.

6. Del e t ed .

7. Tho Boord .01' Educ , tioll · is r..uthorizGd to ~ stC\blish rcg'tl n tiol1s to impl~=t this Ordino.nce.


1. School districts mo.y unito -.. ith at hol' sohool districts to form union high school d istricts to osta.blish unil to oporo.te sonior hj.;;h schools. Such school · districts s hall bo corporations , with pow~r to sue o.nd bo sue d, to hold and dis~oso 61' renl "-nd per s onnl . property for the uso of the soni·or high schools thorein, c.nd to :I)(\ko l1ec osscu-y cOl1Gr:1cts i n rGl r\"i;ion ther oto .

2 . The school bo r.rd of :1 union hi:;h school district sh, l1 h:wc ,,-t l oast five mombors Who s iUlll, ,",ssumG offico us soon as " l octod . Tho t e rm of office shall boo coincident \1i th tho mcmb <.l·r silip of tho'· i ndividu"l on tho schooi board from which he u,,-s ul Gctod . Vuc ancios shall bo fill od in the smno manner as o.pplio s for original o l ection s • .

3. Tho school boc.rd of o :~oh componon t school d istrict shn11 c l oct o.t 10r\St one of its rcgula.rly c l ectod or appointed r.lembers to sorvo on tho union high school district s chool boa.rcl. In c dSo tho com1'onont school districts a ro fov",r thnn fivo, the· numbor of mC'IJlbor s Gl octed f r om oach district shull bo in pr oportion to i ts populo.tion .


Page 18: Scanned using Xerox BookCentre 7130 - University of Hawaii · Articlo VIII. Soci a l Education The success of ~ducatio!l boing d~pendent on th6 st:"ong coolt'Crcti.on of home and

5. The ~or of the most populous of the component sohool distriots shall be rosponsible for reporting tho membership ot tho union hi~ sohool distriot sohool board in thG mannGr prescribod by the Board of Educ~tion.

6. business budget.

Schoel board membors muy b o puid n~co ssf\ry oxpensos for officb,l and such a.mount shall bo included in the union hig.l-t school district

7. Tho chief udministr ::\to~ of tho uni on high school district school board sh~ll bo tho sup.::rintondol.t of tho Un ion Bo::\r d . In CasO tho union high ~chool district i s composod 01' tho wholo or portions of two or more union bo~rd districts, tho union high school boo.rd shlll l docido by mujorit y voto v.hich supe rintendent shull s orve .

S . Arti cl os S, 9 , 10,'lli 12, ~d' 17 of Pc~t VI; urt iclGs 1 Dnd 4 cf Part VII; o.nd article s 2 , 3, LI, 5, 6, 7 of Purt :{ of this or dinanc e shull o.pply to union high schoo l d i s tricts .


DISTRI Bill IOH : B &: C