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(c) 2013 All rights reserved Oliver Szymanski Scala

Scala: A brief tutorial

May 10, 2015



Introduction to Scala showing the main concept as part of the Scala talk from SourceTalkDays
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Oliver Szymanski


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Copyright © 2010


• Independent Java Enterprise Consultant

• and

• One of the founders of the Association of Java User Groups (

• Speaker on conferences• JavaOne, DOAG, JAX, SourceTalk, ...

• Author for IT-magazines

• Writer (Fantasy, Thriller, Science Fiction)

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• Basics• Data types• Tuples• Exceptions• Modifiers• Special Types• Operators

• Code flow• Classes • Functions• Matching

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• Data types• literals like

3.5 or 3.5d or 3.5D (double), 6 (integer), 3.5f or 3.5F (float)• Basic types:

Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, Char, String, Boolean

• String Blocks: println("""Welcome to Simply Scala.Click 'About' for more information.""")

• Alias: type MyAlias = String => Int

• Type intererence: only local

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• Tuples• val pair = ("answer", 42) // type: (String, Int)

pair._1 // "answer" pair._2 // 42

• val (i,c)=(1,'a') // careful with the brackets on the left side

• Tuples are in reality case classes:• case class Tuple2[A, B](_1: A, _2: B)• Special syntax: tuple with x1, ..., xn can be written (x1, ..., xn)

• Example:• def divmod(x: Int, y: Int) = new Tuple2[Int, Int](x / y, x % y)

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• Exceptions

• no checked exceptions in Scala• use throws annotation such that Java code can catch exception

• @throws(classOf[IOException])

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• Modifiers

• Annotations, each on their own line (lower case name), some java ones might be upper case

• Override modifier (override)• Access modifier (protected, private)

(also with [packagenames, classnames or this]• Final modifier (final)

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• Special types

• Nothing (sub type of all other types)• Null (sub type of all reference types)• Unit (empty return type)

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• Operators

• Colon/Doublepoint• The associativity of an operator is determined by its last character:

Right-associative if ending with :Left-associative otherwise.

• x :: y :: z = x :: (y :: z) whereas x + y + z = (x + y) + z

• x :: y = y.::(x) whereas x + y = x.+(y)

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Code flow

• If condition: val try1 = if (1==2) 8 else 9 // equals

• while(total < 17) total += 3

• do { total+=3} while (total < 17)

• for(i <- 1 to 4) println("all four")• for(i <- 1 until 4 ; j <- 1 to 3) println(i, j)• for(c<-"hello") println(c) // collections• for (i <- List.range(from, to) if i % 2 == 0) yield i

// for-comprehension for constructing a list

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Example: Own loop

object Loop extends App {

def loop(body: => Unit): LoopUnlessCond = new LoopUnlessCond(body)

protected class LoopUnlessCond(body: => Unit) {   def unless(cond: => Boolean) {     body     if (!cond) unless(cond)   } }

var i = 10 loop {   println("i = " + i)   i -= 1 } unless (i == 0)}

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• should be named in the CamelCase• scala.AnyRef is base topmost class

class Point(ix:Int,iy:Int) { var x = ix var y = iy}

class Point { var x = 0 var y = 0}

val p = new Pointp.x = 3p.y = 4

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// precondition, triggering an IllegalArgumentExceptionrequire(y > 0, "y must be positive")

// auxiliary constructordef this(x: Int) = { ... }

// private method private def test(a: Int): Int = { ... }

// allow access to package/subpackages/classesprotected[packagename] def test2(a: Int): Int = { ... }

// allow access to subclasses but only same instanceprotected[this] def test3(a: Int): Int = { ... }

// overridden methodoverride def toString = { member1 + ", " + member2 }

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class Point(ix:Int, iy:Int) { var x = ix var y = iy

def +(newpt:Point):Point = { new Point(x+newpt.x, y+newpt.y) }


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trait HasXString { val x : String // abstract field (no value)}

trait Ord { def < (that: Any): Boolean // this is an abstract method def <=(that: Any): Boolean = (this < that) || (this == that) def > (that: Any): Boolean = !(this <= that) def >=(that: Any): Boolean = !(this < that)}

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class Date(y: Int, m: Int, d: Int) extends Ord {

def year = y def month = m def day = d

//Implement the abstract trait method def <(that: Any): Boolean = { if (!that.isInstanceOf[Date]) error("cannot compare”) val o = that.asInstanceOf[Date] // latest expression is return value (year < o.year) || (year == o.year && (month < o.month || (month == o.month && day < }

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• def foo(bar: Cloneable with Resetable): Cloneable = { /*...*/ }

• class Iter extends StringIterator(args(0)) with RichIterator

• first parent is called thesuperclass of Iter, whereas the second (and every other, if present) parent is called a mixin.

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Case Classes

• case class Sum(l: Tree, r: Tree) extends Tree

• auto creation of a toString method, copy methods, equals and hashCode methods, getter methods for construction parameters

• creates Companion object with factory methods to avoid “new” operator

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Companion objects

• single instance Objects can be defined like

object Bar { def apply(foo: String) = new Bar(foo)}

• We speak of a companion object if same name as a class• usually used as a factory• as a class does not have static members use companion

objects instead

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• Named parameters and default values

class HashMap[K,V](initialCapacity:Int = 16, loadFactor:Float = 0.75) {...}

// Uses the defaultsval m1 = new HashMap[String,Int]// initialCapacity 20, default loadFactorval m2= new HashMap[String,Int](20)// overriding bothval m3 = new HashMap[String,Int](20,0.8)// override only the loadFactory via// named argumentsval m4 = new HashMap[String,Int](loadFactor = 0.8)

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• defined with def keyword• usually having parameters and a return type

• return type can be guessed (not if recursion)• Tuples are possible, use “Unit” as empty return type

def isDivisibleBy(k: Int): Int => Boolean = { println("evaluating isDivisibleBy") i => i % k == 0}

val isEven = isDivisibleBy(2) // only calls isDivisibeBy oncedef isEven = isDivisibleBy(2) // calls isDivisibleBy everytime


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• Functions are technically an object with an apply method• val func = (x) => x + 1 // creates a function object• def func = (x) => x + 1 // creates a function (or method in

class context)

• A Function is a set of traits• Specifically, a function that takes one argument is an instance

of a Function1 trait.

scala> object addOne extends Function1[Int, Int] { def apply(m: Int): Int = m + 1 }defined module addOne

A nice short-hand for extends Function1[Int, Int] is extends (Int => Int)

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//Anonymous functions(x: Int) => x + 1val addOne = (x: Int) => x + 1

// Function as parameterfilter(lst, (x:String) => x.length() > 3)

def filter(inLst:List[Int],cond:(Int)=>Boolean):List[Int]={ if(inLst==Nil) Nil else if(cond(inLst.head)) inLst.head::filter(inLst.tail,cond) else filter(inLst.tail,cond)}

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More features with function

Currying:def f(a: Int, b: Int): Int // uncurried version (uncurried type is (Int, Int) => Int)def f(a: Int)(b: Int): Int // curried version (curried type is Int => Int => Int)

def g = f(2)

Higher Order functions: using functions as parameters and returning a function

Composition of functions with f compose g or f andThen g is possible

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Evaluation rules

• def example = a+b // evaluated when called• val example = a+b // evaluated immediately• lazy val example = a +b // evaluated once when needed

• def square(x: Double) // call by value

• def square(x: => Double) // call by name• evaluates the function first, and then evaluates the arguments if

need be• avoids evaluation of arguments when the parameter is not used

at all by the function.

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• each case is a Partial Function

def decode(n:Int){ println(n match { case 1 => "One" case 2 => "Two" case 3 => "Three" case _ => "Error" // _ is wildcard, like default } ) }

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• Pattern matching can be used with matchval res1 = Option(3)

// We want to multiply the number by 2, otherwise return 0. val result = if (res1.isDefined) { res1.get * 2 } else { 0 }

// getOrElse lets you easily define a default value.val result = res1.getOrElse(0) * 2

// Pattern matching fits naturally with Option.val result = res1 match { case Some(n) => n * 2 case None => 0 }

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• Collections• methods: map, foreach, filter, zip, partition, find, drop,

foldLeft, flatten, flatMap...• even concurrent collections for parallel processing

• Immutable/Mutable• side effects, predictability, multi-threading

• Streams (like List, but tail is evaluated only on demand)• Generics• Implicits/Views

• classes/objects/functions/parameters...

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Agile Tour London

• Friday 1st November 2013• Combine the holiday for a long weekend in London ;)


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