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Sav taj jazz 2012 ales koprivnikar

Nov 18, 2014



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Page 1: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and SystemsEngineering | Rational

Page 2: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and SystemsEngineering | Rational

All that Jazz – Whats new in 2012

IBM Software, Rational

Aleš Koprivnikar, IBM

Page 3: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


Development lifecycle

New in 2012



Delivering the 5 ALM imperatives3

IBM Rational Collaboration Lifecycle Management2


Page 4: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

Rational Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)Modular, open and extensible

Build & DeployManagement


Software, Change & ConfigurationManagement

Quality Management



Page 5: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


Development lifecycle

New in 2012



Delivering the 5 ALM imperatives3

IBM Rational Collaboration Lifecycle Management2


Page 6: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

IBM Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management Improve productivity with an integrated ALM solution



RationalTeam Concert



IBM Rational solution for CollaborativeLifecycle Management

Analyst Developer

Architect QualityProfessional


• Optimize your team through support of the 5 ALM Imperatives

• Get up and running quickly

• Extend as your needs evolve

• Support heterogeneous development across multiple platforms and technologies

Learn more at:

Project Manager

Page 7: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

Jazz provides open collaboration across the software and systems lifecycle

PLATFORMOpen Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

andIntegration Services

COMMUNITYTransparent collaboration and exchange of ideas

Application frameworks and toolkits

PRODUCTSApplication lifecycle tools that leverage the Jazz platform

Learn more at:


Page 8: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

�The Open Services initiative is

� Building a community of vendors, open source projects, integrators and IT teams, at

� Creating public specifications of resources and services, like change requests, test cases, defects, requirements and user stories

� Delivering loosely coupled resource formats and services with “just enough” standardization

An industry initiativefor simplifying tool integration across the

software lifecycle .

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

Barriers to sharing resources across the software lifecycle�Multiple vendors, open source

projects, and in-house tools

�Private vocabularies, formats and stores

�Entanglement of tools and data


Open interfaces. Open possibilities.

Page 9: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


Development lifecycle

New in 2012



Delivering the 5 ALM imperatives3

IBM Rational Collaboration Lifecycle Management2


Page 10: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

The Five Imperatives of Application Lifecycle Management Improve organizational productivity


1. Accelerate time to delivery with Real-time Planning

2. Improve quality with Lifecycle Traceability

3. Maximize product value with In-context Collaboration

4. Refine predictability with Development Intelligence

5. Reduce costs with Continuous Improvement

Page 11: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

Imperative 1: Real-time Planning

Don’t Do

Plans that live outside of ALM environment

Plan across the entire team,

Rely on manual, error-prone updates. Practice continuous planning

Plans that are separate from team activities and assignments.

Use plans that are fully integrated with execution




Page 12: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

One plan - Multiple views facilitate detailed analysis





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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

What is Lifecycle Traceability?

Lifecycle Traceability improves quality by:

– Establishing relationships between software artifacts

– Helping you identify and close artifact gaps, ensuring coverage across disciplines

– Provides visibility into the completeness of planned items by inspecting all related artifacts

– Provides easy access to related artifacts ensuring everyone shares the same view

– Delivers transparency which enables everyone to make fully informed decisions based business priorities

Instant access to details from any point in the dev elopment process

Customer FinalProduct


Environment Supporting Systems

Requirements Management

Initial Idea


Page 14: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

Learn more at:

CLM Link Types


Page 15: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

Automated defect traceability reduces costs and improves quality

�4-clicks to file a defect

�Test results are recorded and linked

�Everyone has visibility Developers can see

the exact test failure without having to ask and remediate it

Developers can see the exact test failure without having to ask and remediate it

Testers execute tests and submit defects

Testers execute tests and submit defects


Page 16: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

What is In-Context Collaboration?

In-Context Collaboration improves product value by:

– Making information immediately accessible to all team members in the context of their work

– Empowering teams to collaborate on and review software development artifacts so they can incorporate feedback early and often

– Providing single source of truth hosted in a shared repository so that team members can collaborate effectively


Page 17: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

In-Context Collaboration always shows the latest

Unread work Items bolded for developers

Threaded discussions on requirements

Recent discussions highlighted on requirements


Page 18: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

What is Development Intelligence?

Development Intelligence improves predictability by:

– Applying Business Intelligence techniques to software and systems development

– Enabling fact-based decision making (to communicate status, monitor progress, diagnose problems, identify corrective actions)

– Steering projects and programs to deliver on-time


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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

Use dashboards to provide that 1 view of project health


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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

What is Continuous Improvement?

Continuous Improvement reduces cost by:

– Adoption of best practices and automation to reduce manual, non-creative and error prone tasks

– Promoting incremental improvement of a project

– Enabling breakthrough improvement by capturing best practices and reusing across teams

– Allowing everyone to participate


“Successful analytics requires taking it beyond sof tware and reporting,and into the realm of management practices and oper ations improvement.”

Information Management Online, February 23, 2011



Page 21: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

The tooling

�Rational Requirements Composer

�Rational Team Concert

�Rational Quality Manager

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

Better requirements… Less rework…Better results!

Introducing IBM Rational Requirements ComposerProject driven requirements management for your global team

Search, filter on attributes

Business Objectives

Business Processes

Use Cases

Storyboards & Sketches


Industry & Domain Models

Impact & Coverageanalysis

Rich text Requirements

Traceability between related


Rational Requirements


Combined Definition and Management

Lifecycle Solutions and Collaboration

Improved Planning and Visibility

� Capture, define, analyze, manage, report

� Clear, centralized requirements� Develop using agile-at-scale and

iterative processes

� Align business, development and test � Move beyond file based management � Engage project stakeholders early

� Realise visibility using traceability � Provides up-to-date reporting � Manage scope

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

Central Hub


Rich-Text Docs

Process Diagrams

Use Case Models

“The vast array of options linking artifactssensibly with one another [in RRC] give ita definite benefit over using older, document-based approach to defining requirements ... This product is clearly a step up from our current methodology.”- Randy Haven, IBM Global Business Services










� There are many kinds of requirements artifacts

� Many tools, data formats and repositories create information islands

� A large extended team participates in the requirements “conversation”

Bridge your information islandsEmbrace but move beyond Office and homegrown tools

Page 24: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

The tooling

�Rational Requirements Composer

�Rational Team Concert

�Rational Quality Manager

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

Rational Team Concert is a lean and agile collaborative lifecycle management solution in a single product, providing…

� Unified:

– Work Items

– Planning


– Build Mgmt

– Reporting

� Single UI, storage and process

� Reduces Cost of Ownership

• Administrative costs

• Training/Adoption

• Customizations LOGIC




Build ManagementReporting

Work Items


A unified client

With unified storage

One Tool!

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

One plan with multiple viewsEveryone sees meaningful data in the context of their work





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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

The tooling

�Rational Requirements Composer

�Rational Team Concert

�Rational Quality Manager

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


Rational Quality Manager in ALM


Search & QueryDiscovery

Administration: Users, projects, process


Best Practice Processes

ManageTest Lab





IBM Collaborative Application Lifecycle Management

Test Management

Rational Quality ManagerQuality Dashboard

RequirementsManagement Defect


Open Lifecycle Service Integrations

FunctionalTesting Performance

TestingWeb Service



Security andCompliance

Open Platform


Test Data Quality

Java System z, iSAP .NET

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


Development lifecycle

New in 2012



Delivering the 5 ALM imperatives3

IBM Rational Collaboration Lifecycle Management2


Page 30: Sav taj jazz 2012   ales koprivnikar

© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

Rational Software Architect Design Manager

� Integration into CLM• Common user administration

• Uniform licensing across roles

• Lifecycle projects including design

• Mashup Dashboards

• Common reporting

� Lifecycle traceability� Bi-directional traceability between

requirements and design

� Graphical impact analysis showing design relations and OSLC links

� Agile Sketching� Web based sketching

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Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

New in Rational Requirements Composer

RRC Management and Traceability Enhancements� Graphical Traceability Explorer

• Traceability displayed graphically to help understand impact/dependencies

RRC Traceability Enhancements� Suspect Link Identification/Notification

• Create profiles for analysing requirementschanges

• Discover suspect link change to your requirements

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

New in Rational Team Concert

� Cross project planning

� Simple SCM UI• Windows 7 Explorer SCM integration

� Built-In Hudson/Jenkins Build Integration• View build health and control builds from RTC


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Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

Whats new in Rational Quality Manager

Reporting Enhancements•Improve out-the-box reports : role-based reports, cross-application live reporting

Process Customization and Enforcement•Support customization of the workflowsfor test artifacts

E-signature support for additional test artifacts

Review/approval process improved with inline commenting capability and grouping of multiple test artifacts in one review

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Software and Systems Engineering | Rational

jazz.netCreating a higher-fidelity connection to our customers

Suppose we did our development out on the Internet?

A transparent software delivery laboratory where you can...�Get answers and insights

directly from engineering�Communicate with the

development team�Track the progress of

builds and milestones�Get the latest product

trials and betas�Join developers and

product managers in discussion groups

�Submit defect and enhancement requests


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Software and Systems Engineering | Rational


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