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MIXED AFFAIRS A general quiz of different flavors, conducted on behalf of the Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi

Saturday Evening Quiz Club (SEQC), IIM Ranchi

Sep 11, 2014



Quizmaster- Saurav Mukhopadhyay
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MIXED AFFAIRSA general quiz of different flavors, conducted on behalf of the Quiz Club, IIM Ranchi

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ROUND 120 Written questions, 5 points each

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• In 1833, Marcus Samuel opened a small shop in London, selling X to Victoriannatural history enthusiasts. It soon became a thriving import-export business.

• On a visit to the Caspian Sea coast, Marcus’s son recognized a hugeopportunity to export oil for lamps and cooking to the far East. Whichcompany’s history ,related to X,can be traced to the above incidents?

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• The Shell transport and trading company.

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• The way in which Frank Robinson wrote the name of a product was soelegant, and original, that it was decided to use his handwriting for the logoof the product. Name the product that even today, uses Robinson’s script asits trademark.

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• Coca Cola

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• “My father was a statesman, I'm a political woman. My father was a saint. I'm not.”

• “All my games were political games; I was, like Joan of Arc, perpetually being burned at the stake.”

• “There exists no politician in India daring enough to attempt to explain to the masses that cows can be eaten.”

• Sardonic statements by which powerful politician?

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• Indira Gandhi

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• Aswath Damodaran

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• To set in motion the events of this 2013 Hindi film, and thus affect the lives ofthe two protagonists/characters, an organisation famed for its accuracy andefficiency must have committed one its permitted 3.4 errors-in-a-million.Which film?

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• The Lunchbox

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What one word is common to –

• A large pharmaceutical company based out of Gujarat;

• A sports utility vehicle from Pontiac,

• A file structure that stores metadata?

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• Torrent

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• Antoine Lavoisier was given charge of producinggunpowder for the revolting Americans in 1776 by the Kingof France. Irenee-de-Nemours, one of the apprentices atthe factory, later migrated to Wilmington, Delaware, wherehe set up a gunpowder unit of his own. He felt deeplygrateful to Lavoisier and wanted to name the unit after thescientist. His family eventually persuaded him to give thecompany a truncated version of his own name. Whichcompany originated thus?

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• DuPont

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• Which logo or emblem has been chosen by the most number of people in the world to be tattooed on their body?

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• Harley-Davidson

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•One of the first questions Nelson Mandela asked on being released from prison in 1990 was, “Is ________ still alive?” Who?

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• Sir Don Bradman

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• Before the Ranji Trophy the only organized crickettournament was the Bombay Pentangular. Four ofthe teams were the Europeans, the Parsees, theHindus and the Mohammedans. What was thename of the fifth team?

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• The Rest

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• “These days, it seems like any idiot with a laptop canwrite a management book and earn a milliondollars. I’m trying to do the same." These are thestarting lines of which book?

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• The Dilbert Principle ,Scott Adams

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• ‘x’ is a nickname given to a certain entity by its fans, which, when translated reads as "the boys, the boys" or 'Go boys! Go boys!' as the case may be. Which nickname/entity?

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• Bafana Bafana, South African national football team

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• Which company began as Geophysical Service, anoil exploration company founded in 1930 by J.Clarence Karcher and Eugene McDermottpioneering the use of sound-wave technology tolocate oil deposits? The current no longer operatesin the oil business but is more famous in anothercompletely different field altogether. Identify thecompany.

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• Texas Instruments

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• What is your profession if you are a part of the football team “Nazionale Piloti” ?

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• F1 Driver!

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• When President Nixon met Golda Meir, he told her that hewould trade any American Generals for Generals. MosheDayan and Yitzhak Rabin. In reply, who/what did sheactually ask for?

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• General Motors

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• This word was coined by Deepak Mohoni (IIT K, IIM C) ,who was rated as India’s foremost market strategist by many investors during the 1990’s. This word gained popularity within a few years. What word?

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• Sensex

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• The very earliest known examples of the graphic areattributed to Harvey Ball, a commercial artist inMassachusetts. He devised the face in 1963 for an insurancefirm that wanted an internal campaign to improveemployee morale. Ball never attempted to use, promote ortrademark the image; it fell into the public domain in theUnited States before that could be accomplished. As aresult, Ball never made any profit for the iconic imagebeyond his initial $45 fee.

• The figure has become iconic throughout the world. Whichfigure?

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• The Smiley symbol

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• In the United States, protest votes are often made in orderto indicate dissatisfaction with the candidates presented ona particular ballot, or to highlight the inadequacies of aparticular voting procedure. Since most states' electoralsystems do not provide for blank balloting or a choice of"None of the Above", most protest votes are entered aswrite-in votes. A peculiar phenomenon was observed post1950s when most write-in votes had X written and it is oftenjoked that X is a constant runner for Presidentship of USA.Identify X.

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• Mickey Mouse

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• It was originally used for Britain’s Campaign for NuclearDisarmament in 1958. Designed by Gerald Holtom, it is acombination of the semaphore signals for the letters "N" and"D. "

• Holtom later wrote explaining the genesis of his idea ingreater depth: "I drew myself: the representative of anindividual in despair, with hands palm outstretchedoutwards and downwards in the manner of Goya's peasantbefore the firing squad...”

• What?

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• The Peace Symbol

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• In 1885, a British businessman sold off his breweries in Shimla, Rawalpindi andMandalay to X.

• In 1949, Y owned it and it was positioned as a form of ‘Som Ras’, ‘The drink ofthe Hindu Gods’ and was named after a chain of English pubs.

• WhaT aRe We TaLkiNg ABoUT?

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• Old Monk

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ROUND 2Infinite bounce-16 questions that go bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce;

10 points for each correct answer

6 questions clockwise, 6 questions anti-clockwise

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• This family, in 1900, migrated from Italy to the USA and started andaircraft manufacturing company. But fame came to the family only in1968, when Candido, a family member, invented and started sellingtheir most famous creation till date. The tagline being- “Water thatmoves you”. ID the family/product.

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• The average length of X was 44 seconds for menand 39 seconds for women from 1960 to 1969. It hassince, stretched to 1 min,57 sec for men, and 1min,56 sec for women. Over the entire span of thestudy, the average without notes runs 1 min,23sec;with notes its 2 mins, 2 sec. What am I talking about?

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• Oscar Speeches

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• X left his work,both published and unpublished, to his friendand literary executor Max Brod with exlicit insturctions that itshould be destroyed upon X’s death. X wrote:

• Dearest Max, my last request: Everything I leave behind me,in the way of diaries, manuscripts, letters (my own andother’s), sketches, and so on, [is] to be burned unread”.

• ID X?

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• Franz Kafka

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• One speculative theory about the origin of the word ‘X’, isthat it is derived from the guttural tongue of Star Trek’sKlingon language. Another theory, puts it merely as avariant of a commonplace English word Y, which means“being lively or energetic”. Urban dictionary, on the otherhand lists X as a much more updated and cooler way to sayY. Give me X/Y.

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• Bazinga

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• Whose nomination for the 2010 Nobel peace prize wasproposed by the Italian Edition of the popular WiredMagazine for promoting ‘dialogue, debate and consensusthrough communication” as well as democracy?

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• The internet

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• John Waler was an English chemist from Stockton-on-Tees, who In 1826accidentally invented this widely used product by mixing Potash andAntimony. The first recorded sale from his store was on 7th April, 1827. Herefused to patent his invention, preferring instead to pursue his scientificstudies. What is the product?

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• The friction match

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• This word is derived by shortening the Latin word, which literally translates to, “the document, having been seen”. What word?

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• Visa, from Carta Visa

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• This is from the memoirs of someone’s wife. When that someone went tomeet his would-be-wife's father, he was wearing a bright red shirt. He toldhim that he wanted to become a politician with Communist party andwanted to open an orphanage (though his salary was not enough tosupport his family). He proposed to his wife saying "I am only 5'4" tall. I comefrom a lower middle class family. I can never become rich in my life & I cannever give you any riches." Nonetheless, she married him and rest is history.Who is this person?

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• Narayan Murthy

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• C.K Ranganathan started this company with Rs 15000 andbelieves in quality products in small quantities at a low price.This Chennai based company has been giving sleeplessnights to FMCG majors. The company targeted the’ bottomof the pyramid’ with the sachet revolution and massmarketing in rural areas. Its most popular brands are Nyleand Chik. Just name the company.

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• CavinCare

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• This legendary figure, who died around 7 years ago, hadmade a will stipulating that Jack Nicholson and MichaelJackson must preside over his funeral service. He alsowished his body to be ‘fried to a crisp’ and scattered overthe palm trees on an unidentified island in Tahiti. Who?

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• Marlon Brando

Mr Brando!

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• The inventor of artificial testicles for dogs, Nigerian internet scammers and a team that calculated the pressures created when penguins poop have won these awards. Believed to be ___ prizes, these are awarded by science humor magazine Annals of Improbable Research. Name the awards.

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• Ignobel

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• September 1997 was a unique moment in the history of thiscompany, when Mercedes Benz withdrew all ads for abouta month. For what reason could this possibly havehappened?

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• The death of princess Diana-in a Mercedes Benz W140

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• When the inaugural flight of Virgin Atlantic Airways was about to take off, thecabin cinema screen began showing what was supposed to be a view ofthe cockpit as the aircraft actually took off. The passengers looked on insurprise as three men in the flight deck seemed extremely casual aboutflying the aircraft. They later turned out to be two famous cricketers,___ and____, along with Sir Richard Branson. It was actually a video clip that hadbeen recorded the day before, in a flight simulator. Who were the twocricketers? Getting one name correct will result in half points.

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• Viv Richards, Ian Botham

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• Statistically, X is the world's most popular transportation company. It is estimated that the equivalent of the world's population travel in X every three days. According to United Technologies, X carry the equivalent of the world's population every nine days.

What are we talking about?

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• Otis elevators

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• . A poem starts with the lines – “Once in my heyday ofcricket, oh day, I shall ever recall, I captured that gloriouswicket, the greatest and the grandest of them all” - whowrote this poem or what incident is being referred to here?

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• Arthur Conan Doyle taking

the wicket of Sir W.G. Grace.

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• In the early days of BBC radio, sports commentators adopted anexperimental system for soccer broadcasts. The field was divided into 8theoretical squares- and listeners were shown these on a diagram innewspapers or in the Radio Times. The commentators would indicate theposition of the ball and players by the square that they happened to be atany time. “X dribbles the ball diagonally across from square 4 to square 5…..”

• Which famous idiom resulted out of this practice?

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• Back to Square 1

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ROUND 38 print ads, each advertiser to be identified

+10 for each correct answer

Moves on an infinite bounce basis

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8.“Jetlag or Jetleg.

You don't have to

be specific.”

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6 questions- A total of 20 points on the table for the each question.

Answers to be written on the paper.

The total score for a question is to be distributed among the number of teams getting an answer right.

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• In 1950, it was the American fighting man. In 1966, it was “25and under”. In In 1982, it was “the Computer”. In 1988, it wasthe “endangered earth”. In 2006, it was “You”. In 2011, itwas “the Protester”. What unique thing am I talking about

here?Note: the list above is not exhaustive and may have othermembers, but captures the gist of the question.

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• Time person of the Year

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• Facts about X include:

>> Its main source of income is from its leather tanneries.

>> Other diversified sectors include textiles and worldwide exports.

>> Has over 15,000 single production units.

>> Recently churning out to be one of the biggest recycling industries.

>> Has an annual turnover of about 650 million US Dollars.

What is X?

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• At the race, someone came up and asked me which horse I was going tobet on. I am not a betting man, but this is one of the country's moretraditional events, and I usually have a small wager. I really wasn't sure whichhorse I was going to put my money on, so I told the man that I didn't knowyet. He offered me some advice: "Whatever you do, don't bet on number10. He doesn't run." I knew that was a reference to _______running inthe_________. I don't remember which horse I bet on, but what I do know isthat number 10, El Picha, won the race, and I hadn't bet on it. who said thisquote and what was the reference he was about talking about No:10??

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• Quote by Shaun Pollock ,Referring to Allan Donald ( who at No 10 ) who did not run that last crucial run in the 1999 WC semi Final against Australia.

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• There are/were only 165 Nijuuhibaku.

• When translated, Nijuuhibaku reads as Twice_____.

• Closely related to the term Hibakusha, which is used in a similar connotation.

• In Japan, who or what are the Nijuuhibaku???

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• Nijuuhibaku= “Twice Bombed”.These are double Atom-bomb survivors

• The number of people killed by the atomic bomb in Hiroshima was morethan 80,000. In an amazing story of luck and survival, nearly 200 people livedthrough the Hiroshima bombing and sought refuge in Nagasaki only to facethe same terrible fate 3 days later.

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• When he switched to his eventual profession in 1955,he wasIndia’s highest paid advertising creative director. As a visualdesigner he designed covers for many books, including JimCorbett's Maneaters of Kumaon, and Jawaharlal Nehru'sDiscovery of India.

• Who are we talking about?

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• Satyajit Ray

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• I was born in 1884 in Bristol.I am a model for apainting by Francis Barraud and was sold to aCompany that later became identified with anumber of brands: RCA, Victor, RCA Victor , JVCand two others. I have a son named Chipper. Ahuge, four-ton statue of mine can be seen on theroof of the old RTA (former RCA distributor) buildingon Broadway in Albany, New York. Identify me.

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ROUND 5Visual standalone questions and short visual connects,8 questions, on infinite bounce;

10 marks for each correct answer

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• Division of Mumbai by the Mumbai underworld!

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• Identify the dish:

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• THE Chelo kebab

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• 12B is a remake of sliding doors

• In 12B, the man’s is life is shown in two parallel timelines, one if he had boarded a bus, and the other if he hadn't.

• Similarly, Sliding Doors is based on a similar plot where a lady’s mundane decision of boarding the metro is shown in parallel timelines.

• The 3 image is that of a butterfly diagram from Digital Signal Processing.

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• Richard Gere, George Clooney ,LeBron James,Ryan Lochte: the only four men to have appeared on the front cover of Vogue magazine.

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Pistol hold

V sign hold

Pen hold


Various Grips in Table Tennis

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• I’M NOT THERE, a movie inspired by the events that took place in the life of Bob Dylan. Actors, in clockwise order starting top left, are Christian Bale, Cate Blanchett, Ben Whishaw, Marcus Carl Franklin, Heath Ledger and Richard Gere.

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• This is an encrypted sculpture called the ‘Kryptos’.

• Of the four codes, the fourth one remains one of the most famous unsolved code in the world.

• It is situated outside the CIA Headquarters at Langley, Virginia.

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• Homai Vyarawalla- recipient of a free tata nano from TML

• Flag of sierra leone- Tata Sierra

• Layout of pixels- Tata Pixel

• Farhan Akhtar- Voiceover for Tata Motor ads


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ROUND 6Long Visual connect;

8 questions, answers for each to be written down.

For individual questions, scoring is +5 for each correct answer, and no negatives.

For someone going for the theme in the first 2 questions, the scoring pattern is +40/-20; for the next two, it is +30/-15; for the next two it is +20/-10; and for the final two, it is +10/0.

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1He is one of the most prominent cabinetministers of the ruling United ProgressiveAlliance (UPA) govt. He was also aCabinet Minister with the Finance portfoliofor a brief period in the UnitedFront coalition government from 1996 to1998. He has also been a director of thecontroversial mining company, VedantaResources. He represents the Shivagangaconstituency in the Indian parliament.Name him.

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2X kingdom was one among the many kingdoms ruledby Yadava kings (Bhoja Yadavas) in the central India. Itwas the southern most kingdom known to the kings ofGangetic Plain until they explored Southern India.Damayanti, the wife of Nala was the princess of Xkingdom. Similarly Rukmini, the eldest wife of VasudevaKrishna was from X. Sage Agastya's wife Lopamudra, alsowas a princess from the country of X as mentioned inthe Mahabharata . Kundinapuri was its capital, which isidentified as Kundapur in present day India. Duringthe Kurukshetra War, when all other kingdomsparticipated in the battle, X under Rukmi stayed neutral,because his army was rejected byboth Pandavas and Kauravas. Identify X.

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3He was born at his maternal uncle's house Desai Vagoin Nadiad in Leva Patidar Gujjar community. His actualdate of birth was never officially recorded—he entered31 October as his date of birth on his matriculationexamination papers. He was the fourth son ofJhaverbhai and his wife Ladba. They lived in the villageof Karamsad, in the Kheda district where Jhaverbhaiowned a homestead. Somabhai, Narsibhai andvitthalbhai were his elder brothers. He had a youngerbrother, Kashibhai and a sister, Dahiba. As a youngboy, he helped his father in the fields and bimonthlykept a day-long fast, abstaining from food and water—a Hindu cultural observance that enabled him todevelop physical toughness. When he was eighteenyears old, his marriage was arranged with Jhaverba, ayoung girl of twelve or thirteen years from a nearbyvillage. According to custom, the young bride wouldcontinue to live with her parents until her husbandstarted earning and could establish their household.Name him. Pic in next slide.

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4This is a 1994 American comedy-thriller loosely based onthe Anne Rice novel of the samename, directed by Garry Marshall and adapted to thescreen by Deborah Amelon and Bob Brunner. Theoriginal music score was composed by Patrick Doyle.

Dana Delany stars as Lisa Emerson (named Lisa Kelly inthe book) and Paul Mercurio plays Elliot Slater. Half ofthe film consists of a new comedic detective story linewritten by the director. Several new characters werealso created, including Dan Aykroyd and RosieO'Donnell as police officers pursuing diamond thieves tothe X resort. Identify the movie.

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5He was born on September 24, 1914 in Nagpur. He had his early collegeeducation in Nagpur and entered the bar in England. On his return, he startedpractice in Nagpur. In the 1940s, he entered politics and was jailed for takingpart in the Indian freedom struggle. He was elected in 1952 elections tothen Madhya Pradesh State assembly and later served as the deputy speaker ofBilingual Bombay State during 23 November 1956 to 5 April 1957. He was electedfrom Kalmeshwar in 1957 elections to Bombay State and later 1962 and 1967elections to Maharashtra Assembly. He became Speaker of the MaharashtraLegislative Assembly after 1972 elections during 22 March 1972 till 20 April1977. He was also the mayor of Nagpur for three years. In 1967, he was amember of the Indian delegation that took part in the 22nd session of the UnitedNations General Assembly in New York. He was also the President of the Boardof Control for Cricket in India from 1980-81 to 1982-83, and the Vice presidentfrom 1972-73 to 1979-80. He also chaired various other sporting bodies. He wasan agriculturist and businessman by profession. He died on January 30, 1988in Mumbai. Name him.

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7Established in 2000, this is a cricket facility of the Board of Control for Cricket in India for training young cricketers who are identified as having the potential to represent the Indian cricket team. Raj singhDungarpur was its first chairman. Identify.

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8It is the 18th Districtin Punjab, India. This district wascarved out of Rupnagar district ofPunjab .It is officially named afterthe eldest son ofGuru GobindSingh, Sahibzada Ajit Singh. It formsan integral part of Chandigarhcapital region. Identify.

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ANSWERS1. P.A. Chidambaram.

2. Vidharba Kingdom.

3. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel .

4. Exit To Eden.

5. Sheshrao Krishnarao Wankhede.

6. Feroze Shah Kotla.

7. National Cricket Academy at the Chinnaswamy Stadium in Bangalore.

8. Mohali.

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THEMEIndian grounds which hosted Cricket World Cup 2011 matches.