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SATUR DAY; DEC. 25, 1897. Ohristnias Carol Welcome ! again, blest Christmas day, Let chi noe of bells thine advent greet. Let narri rejoice again ar d *a*ij. This day rt cats trie story (meet. Of angels singing from tb** sky. ll eral 1 mp; forth a Savior's bir h: As chanting praise to God on high. They told of peace! sweet peace on earth. The Savior, Christ, the L >rd was born, And in an humble manner la d. On that, the uiowt morn, That broke forth since the world was made. Then came a ssar o'er Bethlehem, To guide the wise men to the pla -e Where as a royal diadem. lt shone upon tue m'an.'a face For three full year* of God lie taught. Tuen sealrd ins doctrine with Ho* blood, The great work of redemption wrought As in man's stead the Savior stood. Let every heart with Joy break forth! On thu*, thu Christian's natal day, Our lovat hearts shall mt be loth To Chriat our willing homage pay . "Glory to God in the highest!" "And on earth peace! good will to¬ ward men." Duty on every ons lie-*t. His brothers' distresses to ken. tiing of the blessed Bwdeenier, And scatter your gifts me you go, Be not in tin world a men* dreamer, Go forth with the sowers to sow. And if the good Lord hath blessed thee With food aod good raiment to wear, lt may be He thus would test thee. To see if with others cheerless Beek, then. And carry good cheer to the poor. Thus being a blessing to all men, Great blessing*} shall crowd at thy door. ?9. M. Steward. A COLORED TOOW. White Men Fight About Her.One Dead PECULIAR STATEriENT. IS THIS THE WHOLE TRUTH? Tbe Vet diet of the Coroner's Jury A LEAF FROM 80UTHEEN LIFE. Lkxikoton, Va., December 16 . Spe¬ cial..Mr. Edwin \. Men it', son of Ca*. tain C. G. M *rritt, was shot and killed at the hous* of Harriett Smith (< ed), about swo miles north of Green¬ ville, Vs., this morn in.: about 2 o'clock by Mr. Robert N. Freing**r. Merritt went ti* the woman'** hous* about 2 o'clock, erueivd the Hitiinj. room tv m wmJow. aid eroastd tn* hall over to ber sleepii g room. Ht knocked attn** door fur entrance, bin was iff used He ti*reat**n*-d to br ak down the door. Ihe woman left I ei huu«e by a sitl*** door with h»*r Ikies children aud fled to Mr Fr**iiner'» house, about live lmndr**d -aids dis¬ tant. She aroi.eed Mr Freoger, whe -Mit to her house wit h a shot f,un, i*c companied by bk mother. THS FATAL sin.r Just before he reached the house hi saw a man coning out, and thu km, that Le heard a pistol sua-. p«d s»-vera times, he fired at the man. Seeing bin fall, he went up to him Mild reco* him as Merritt. Ha took his mother back to th- house, and when hf returned to where Men ia wai hu found him dead. IK left him where he lay until this morn ing for the coroner'a ir quest. Th*-, verdict of the cor* ¦mr's jury was "Unlawlul shooting, but nat felony." Both parties aro very highly con neeted. AIOTHIK PARTY. lt is thought that some one was witi Merritt, but th" e»t**-***»***f* before th* coroner's jury did not disclose tha fact. Harriet Smith was widow, whosi husband died last summer. Mr. Frenger liTes with his father Mr. J. A. Freager, a prosperous farm er. This is the third killing that has oe curred at Greenville during the pas few years.Charles Carson killel Cooper Clinebell on the outskirts o Greenville, and a short while after wards James Apple killed a yo'anj farmer by tbe urnne of McGumn oi the street. ANOTBSK ACCOUNT Stacston, Va., Dec. 16.Speeial .- JE4. Merritt, son of CLris. Merritt, wa shot thia morning about 2 o'clock an instantly billed. Mr. Cons. Merritt one of the bt st-known men in August county, lives near Greenville, on tb lin** ot the baltimore and Ohio ra.I road. Near him lives JohnFrriigei close neighbor and warm trier d. M Frenger, ar., has a .ou, Kobert fret ger. about twtnty-live j cara old au Chris. Merritt's son Robert is ab.n, twenty-five years olu. Ihe iihh ai also good frit-Ma. never any troubl between them. DRANK HEAVILY. Yesterday young Frenger was i Staunton selling Chiis.ia_s turk*; and having a good time, lie drat heavily. Merritt was in Greenville ar he was under the influence of liqu. dui ii g the day. On the Frenger pUi isa tenant house in which last mgt there lived a negro woman. ***lie wi alone having lost her husband a le days ago. About two o'clock Fd Me ritt went to this In u**e and the wornt alarmed ran to tne Frengtrdweilii and rt porttd that time one was brea ing into her house. Young Freiigt jumped up to his gun and aa be a preached tbe house, be saw a mai* g ing away Irom it He took aim ai shot snd the man fell. Upon liding t the fallen foi rn Frenger .exclaim** "Good Lord, I've killed Ld. Merritt NSVBB 8POKB. Merritt never spoke, he died lmm diately. Dr. l-uriay was sent for b .ould do nothing, r-renger is great distressed at killing hu friend. Wi Merritt was at thia house, will post-il never be known, and why Frenger an without haning ia wonuenul. Ihe ahot penetrated tbe right si .musing instant death. Frenger w balled. LYUOHBaJflQ D0I1.C.8. Dr. J. W.E. Bowen, of Gammoi Tht ulogie-' tennnary, Atlanta, li lectured Wednesday night l'ec. 8 at Jackson atreet rn. E. Church. Si ject, "Wanted a new **<egro tor an< Century," to a la-ge ano apprec>ati audience. The Ooetor setuiingiy vi was at bis best and held biaauuien as ii dumb founded from beginning end. -hose who chanced to bo preta regretted not having heard him. i ter the lecture Dr. Bowen organic a Missionary society with Mr. VV. .tucker as President. ihe little ini»nt of Prof. and Mrs. %. Watkins of Morgan College (anne JJ?sd to ba about tire weefci of . **a Lt t and the pa!»**«*d on to swel angel band \ ¦*¦..*;> Ie ».*.**.¦*.?» » at the Carroll o-Beiai j has the sympathy of the entire ty could not give you* »:if*t than a y -ar's su to tke Pi AM art |160. Braneh olliee. i4*> atieet A\enue Mr Thoj-Hs G Ghi >r ,an a**ed and ****ell known cit away on Wednesday, of last week, af¬ ter a brief illa st his home on Mad s m >t Mr (iladmon was about s-veiitv- ge and having been grasped a ith an atl Typhoid pneutroiiia could not stand the shock. ll** leaves a wif**. Bee children aud a boat of friends to D his d* be funeral serviews were held at ('our'strt-et B uirch. Kev. Morrie< Bciating May ti * r< st io Di I The tuneral services of Miss Gora Smith, wh'.i'h ended rbis life on last Friday Oe took p ace at v?b Church. Kev B. A. Garland She was in her 17 tk ye-.r o leaves one sis* er and live broth mourn their Ins VM Oavis, tin* trn\ agent for the k-iohoaond Pl vs last Bunday enrotue tor B-dford ity. May g>.od luck follow him wherever he £. Tnere was a gr.' ition given on December 1J.h at the r Mir*** Lula ***? hite. on o h avenue, and a most enjoyable tiuue was s. t until a lat*- lit-ur. Avanong tbuae present wen Misses Mell * Bril Lkambets, Mary F Mari Powell. Auku g toe geuih Uleu were Mes rs J. A. "aibiiur, ent.J. vlleii. Ojp 'ii. Charlo* Stewart George iryor and Dan.el Ku AMONG T" OBS. Tbe servicts of Wbite Rock Baptist Church wt re v* ry interesting. In tte mooring at ll o'c'ock, the peetor preacued a stirring sermon from .Mat thew 26tk olino. At 3 o'clock lun-rai. At 4:S0 o'clock, the Baptist Young l\*opie's Union h d a m .». iuteteseilt*. meeting. Atl-.'jo, bter. (laCrland absent, Kev. J. ll. Cunuda li. . tithe I Diamond Hill Baptist tb ur; ii, Kev. Bernard Tyrell tilled the pulpit al. day. At turee o'clock, the haptisl Young People's Union met and il was ai interesting ese*, ting At, 7 :3U preach mg. Mrs. Fra'iets *i iggenbottom. who was reporteu veil iii last, week, is bel¬ ier. There arti' be a baptism st Diamond Hill Bap.ibt Church me first Christ¬ mas Sunday, in which a doz n or more are expecting to be bapiiz d. A. M. E. Church, Kev. sears, pastor, bela at tts regular hour**. The services were very interesting* The "flauet' can tie found at the branch-i iii'.e. coiner Wise and Park avenue, from ll a in to 1 p ni M.. ijauada ol v alifoima was in the city a few days ago buyn g bis Christ¬ mas etock Irom .wis. Julia A. Watts. Jlr and MIS. Grant aud Mr. fuiiler ana bride of Hot springs are the gm s;a ol Mrs. Walts, 315 i* ed eral fct. They are on their way io Florida. Mr. J. E. Watts, who has been very ill, oas Very mu *h improved- Master L. ano Wau* will spend bis Cluis.nuu* ni l.jauo_e With hia brother. Jas. FROM UH. OHS Ii AT il Cincinnati, 0 , D . 17, 1897 Mrs* A. L, Ki rt bi., is Visiting friends in I ii. Mr. Ken Tenn of Li wa j through this city eur* ute to Washiug- ingti in- nnd reception given ai Allen Tem| le lest Frnii.v evening by Ute wailers was a su tke quar¬ tette was excellent. J C. ..hor.iii director. tilla We**i, mother of .Mr. Harry the t-axnout band dlreotur, baa tu d loone h ter sp* n.i weeba v ..-i.n.g hei si fer in ( hioago, a King*. Ul met r- u nea to I day* at her bynte in Ubarloatou, "* . V*. ts Jessie Fagan will soon leave for Nashville, leon., where ski peCtS tU » titer scQooi. Dauie lu.nor kai it tkat Mr. George Kelley win mt.on 1< ud io the altar oue ot I'rice lill, bell I. Mr Frank Hunter is j-bSb mi attend tokis duties again after beingeontlnad to i is bru tor .wu weeba; iii-many friel ds ul .dr. Ken Booth will be pained tn kioiw tkat fa Kool the ll or ot a build i ^ was ei j;*,,i d in wnabing >v li dosra. .Ur. j allie*; Allen, uu*«or mid king ol I n.erinn - .i mg tor tt renes of enter*.an.mema uuru.g ike -oiiuays. Kr J.C. Irvin delivered al¬ li- hire Zion Literary lust iic.uay taienii g wnieh wa*- ired a».d skatiekwmnt the doctor ia areli apia niel ai y work mrs. Jennie Karney aud Miss Nannie CliZOn ol "Jliieagu *,«iilr.penu iii** luli- uays iu tina city. .No wonder .ur. Charles Hunter is all tO-ileS boa* days. 1 brie is a inoveuii IK on tool: gaiuze a I'moii among the ban una city. emt. Jow breer, aud Loma 1'homaa ure the promoters, btu lo you boys. Ibo wonueriug bi will meet next Thursday evening i.- SUI John m. Young men be uarelul wuen you are out in oona panj wno ihe ladies or your sins will u..d you out. Mr, Han ison McQoJ bas removed hie hotel li om John bu. eel io Eaat Oin S.reei at winch place be wilt be giad tu welcome bis mauy Irietids Mr. J C. iarauioid ia viaiting friends in Uonnei-v.Le, Iud. ihe raiiy at ai Johns A. M. E. Zion was a grand success, j. hey rai-tu over $150. Mrs. M. N Streets waa called to Lex¬ ington l-Si, .Monday to aitend the luo- iieral ot ber nephew. Mr. Charles O Neal wno has been ve*y sick on George St. nie to be about. Sir. George Bullett, 2__ (ueorge St., Keep open day aid night Elder »\ juu, of ar Mreet Baptist Chu; ch h_s started bis revival. His School gives a large dunn roo lite 25th ol December lor live beiietit ol the school. W. A. Coo-. F1.0M WALNUT HILLS. The social given at Mrs. Frida Hum- phey's parlors, Dec 7ih. was quite « grand adair. They spent the fcVeninf in games and dancing ur.til an early hour as tive ihe iit-H morning, all go¬ ing home 8aiirli«d ot a well night, After supper a cake-wai tlie ttrst thing io take place. Mist Cary Ramsey and Mr. Hob Jeiiki is ?nias Liz* Luis and W.L. Hughes tn* Jackson and Major Robinson Hr* Fr id a F. liumpttty and Mr John mo Yoies were tne waike.s. 'ike lest was vv.»n by Mri brid* P. Hum phy and Johnnie Votes nitb mani* greeting ano Uaw ix*. The duh 0 k ibis oeeasaion was ike be.-t on the hill furnished by David Younger <>. ira. 'Ihe ladies and ge***8 were iii fal evening dress and Honers in abund ance. FlJlDA HuMPHKhT CHAS. H. BAKER Funiture Repaired, MovedaCleaned and Packed for Shi] ment. Hanging of MIftBO alty. He bat had ten years expe with the following well-known llrm; Messrs. Preston Belviri, nnd Wallt Scott. Address 517 8 . James St , ( 806 NOKTH BE OM) Bl RE-SI*. Work Pone at the Nolie 12-4-3in We Huts t'onltinn* Walting; for 1 oi NO PAY. M lo too' .1 Month. Wa (.nan poslttana for ni f3» 1. Pr« 1021 South atrtnit. 1 UlLn,.. ;, !*i«>-r«>-r».n- tnt uta. Ousr-nteed tobacco hana care, makes wai .kona. trtooS pura tot, a. am orussist THE HEGRO RErOBMATplT- Hrs. Smith ia Emphatic To Editor of 1 kt: 1 r.-al wi'h surprise the quel brough jour columns la-t weak natorj v»iUc'i to build in you/ s'lt** 1 wai the more surprised >w and again jour columns, and 1 stand how v man of averil. genoe can ran*; as 'a.v» go\ stitu-. f this character, and app'ying to roffenders generally. Mon of a reformatory is as fol- "An institution for prom the reformation of offend W. are further enlightened from the .-Moe Kooree by this addendum : "Ma«- (i mtv ""end j iv *nil* oT-nrl matines *iiate>ad nf pr a Whl St lt for knowledge on this tObj wt might have informed kearn**!*. reading a part of fe fir-t para*;' the proaiiecuis of the Woman's De¬ portment of th** Reformatory which appears weekly in your columns and whieh I quote here for their ben* ll-. 1 h-« obj *et of lhn» department is to "..nong the women of the race an intere»t iii a reformatory fir out b*>ys and g ri». wh > on eonvietion of ernne disorder or vagrancy are u<>>** sent te ttie jails of the oue hundr-d - f t ir stat** and t!> tiary, but who with a reformatory will be rescued and »avrd ' Ia th:- uno paragraph the >i et of tke tory is so clesr.; and so eoneiaelv set loth as to make it imp usitiie f ir mi-- undTatsntioigs to ante, lt is readily sreo then, that the roformotovy ii m- ¦l mr, a t lace for the reception of min >rs convicted of offenses against the la" a of 'he state ana in no way in¬ ter.e.--a with ihe freedom or rig its of thr innocent*. We have here in the let Ol Colombia Verb reformato- ri**s. one for bojt and one for girls. All minors under Sixteen years of sge convicted of misdemeanors are supposed to be sent to one or the other of these institutions, and the length of service depends entirely on vhe discretion of the judge sentencing them and the nature of the off ens* committed. Now, as to the question nf cili-**nship, minors are nor .-itizens in the sense in which these writers use the term and therefore could riot be deprived of a pri.ile**,e which they do noe possess, nut admitting for the sake of argument tbat the laws of Vir¬ ginia deprive a male child who hss bevan convict***! of crime of the right of suffrage on attaining his majority, would his b**ingseut toa reformatory aff ct that right more or less than be¬ ing tent to jail or tbe penitentiary ? In t.he rcfur.ratory he would be re¬ claimed and fitted for the exercise of the right of Si ff rage and the duties of pah ip ; w heaeas in the jail or pen¬ ury ne would run the risk ot be¬ ing degraded and utterly de»troyed by daily contact with hardened criminal*'. Thus you see that the Reformatory is only rodlher movement for tl terment of tbe eor.dition of the unfor¬ tunates of om race. Perhaps the officers of the Reforma¬ tory movement regarded the srncle thai appeared in the R former some weeks ago on this subject in the same light thai I did, snl therefore kilowed it io pass without macing a reply. 1 could not feel that the article was written with a real desire* for in forma* ;. even in the spirit of unbiased criticism Hut, in my judgement, the writer took that me I kod of using up ld ie momenta and at th* same tone striking at a ui-ivemeni that did not | n to meet his approval. Fanni- L. Smytk, f St.. N. vt**., Washington. 1>. C. Resident-* cnmplnln that outr-sr***. lifo.** ir*j bj* roughs uncheck****! ithorittee. Mrs. _tsbS< n an elderly % n, wea murders*] In tier home at ... Pa,, by an unknown assassin. The drop In ths price of wheat will reduce the prokts of J. *eph JLeiter and hia associates In Chicago te tl,000,000 Instead of t3.OO0.0OO. John Bleed, of Detroit, Mich., ln- Jurrd In a collision on the Oakland Klectrlc railway laat Saturday, lias malling four deaths resulting from the accident. _*vme6ay> Pae. it. Two large sales of California petro¬ leum have Just been mads at tl per barrei. The second trial of I,uetgert. ibm al¬ leged wife murderer, waa begun In Cksearget The Alton. Ills., public school color lins question has been carried to the stats supreme court. Actor Walderrnar Dahlbern, who died suddenly in Chicago, is said to have been a victim of starvation. The school authorities of Passaic, N. J., have advertised for aa able bodied man to take charge of a class of boy truants. Ths agricultural department Issued a crop report, estimating the wheat pro¬ duction tha past year at 630,000,000 bushels. Wednesday, T>oe. 18. FranX Hunt, aged ll years, died at Akron. O., from brain fever, due to a gama of football. It is said the Cuban Reformists will demand General Weyler's tria! at the reopening of the cortes. At Chicago Commander and Mrs Booth-Tucker raised tlO.000 for the colonization scheme in Arkansas. Jimmy. Considine was sentenced to three years* imprisonment for snatch¬ ing tS.OOO worth of diamonds from a Kansas City _".lo.) Jewelry store. PL2-1.BT DEPOTS1 at the fol¬ lowing pin -e*. -.urday: B 19 N Michigan Ave CH. Bki om*, k Pa. vf. C it and Lo- Ctlfi BHKKI.IT Naru- Riddick Cambridge St. iluntor, 32 Carno* "o. P !. Richmond.Bt. A Eugene Butler lo 1> Tenn Ave mw, Waar V \. w k PnMe Ckviricvii . H D Davidson. Onas 0. I'rof _* S King Pt il B B st. \ \ i .i :. ..", Va. V> rd Thomas. tl LB, V v B li Job-son. 11R Union 8t. J. M i li rke, 118 Union 8 KlTACI,* AL* M im B V. Vandross. '-'a. 1- B Ualretoo. Fayktt.v 0. K»»l»ert H. Willii V*. I P Wright. Ta., tt illiam Krooks, 2"> Armas St. ¦UNO I. I V W lay lor UN Lincoln St GkaaawicB. O Norwood Shields. Uriinvood, Miss. Thomas J. Jordan Uaoaeasack, N J., L> H. Bnfl ll. Haekkoko Oona John U Taylor 366 Asylum St Harrima**. Tenn. i: p Scott. HAVBRitii.!.. Mass Mr-. L v Bai ey, JA Dudley St Kev. James V. Johnsou, H OIPT'lV, V a. John T. Lattimore, Havre Dk Crack, Mn A J Stovali Hom stkm>. Pa Kilir. ire B Atkinson Brunch Jos H Brown itBi'Ho, Va.. John bob.ston, 1220. 15th St. M< ;ui.*r, A».A , W. H. Parker, 117 Conti Kt, Mast mr .-. T Murray, 3301.llth.St. Norfolk. V ».., iv H. ..* Mon, 110 Water John De MSOknrel Harry M Urandy,3d N ".vron St John A. W_ddbee,-76 i^uecn St. York N Y., * Andrew P Benden, 652 E. lOOtb St. W ll Mien. 1 12 l*o umbu Avenue, \V A Ronny, 1TS9 Third Geo H. Was hi ni ton. 468 7th " 241 VV 60th Street 2nd fliior. Wm Johni h St Vt Ll neb, R20 * 27th St Wm W Loni Nkw a i:k J EL Timbrook, 86 South Canal at Y.. Nkw tokt li I A A Stn -o_dway I Va ;ers \ *. EioHand 8-6 Oreen St PlTTSBUBO Va W ll .lo Va ASW. "Pktk; \ *,. Fr*d >ia 118 lla:i'ri\ P_i.m_tt». La., Ret 11. \ peneer. Pilli.A'.fcl.l'III.*.. -*S . I ll W Keynoldr I2th St kens, 111- I Uh St. Ardr -. Ki,.-.aid. 1218 Pim K J Kohler, li>4*i Pine -t. i has Hill, S Vi cor 17th ard Arch S Kori lt. S O. Lem x tia*, "ord. Richmond, Va.. N Winston.687 Brook A\e., W ll. White, 601 vf. Leigh St. ISaVOBO *S J 4 Burrell Sl'R'.J>H.riKM> 0 Willis Dickerson 13 N Fountain Sc Ya . Jordan. Wat'.ksr *r *. Ya., Hxs hunns J Pendleton. .rroa, N C, Samuel Toliver Waiiuhothn. 0 C, E 1- cooper, 829 7th Street, N W WlL-UNGT. VV ll Juoore, 8 Mulberry Street Your ostow John W Parker 915 Forster St YES, IT WILL BE QPEH TB TQU!! AT NIGHT UNTIL io O'CLOCK. MUSIC WILL ENLIVEN THE OCCASION. .AT. The Cohen Co's PALATIAL STORE. ^__r*Look at the prices and compare them. Wi*"» Time. Because we take no risk and sell them at any price rather than to chance it for too late a sale Stylish Imported Kersey Capes, elaborately braid¬ ed, trimmed with Marten fur, silk lined throughout, #20 ones, for $9. Handsome Braided Blouse Waists, in Colors and Black, were up to .$16 for $8.56each, Swell Coats, of Colored and Black Satin-Finish Kersey, silk lined throughout, handsomely braided, prices were up to $36. now $n$. A new lot of Golf Capes, plaid linings and hoods for 8.50 to $20. $12.50 Kersey Walking Coats, silk linings, tailor made, for S5.50. $4.50 Misses' Coats, in all shades and sizes, for $2.50 each; others up to $15. Ladies' Dresses: The handsomest of all this season, hut they came too late, and this is why we sell a $22.50 Dress for $12.50; a #25 Dress for $i6--all e in either. Silk Underskirts : of heavy rustling Taffeta Silk, with full um¬ brella ruffle, in colors.Ked, Blue, Purple, Green, Cerise, Brown, or Black.the best jV/- 50 value, for $5. each. tf^E^Lookout for thc little folks and be happy. The Cohen Co's Store is the paradise for them. The Cotieri Co. Bet'n First & Foushee Sts. BROAD ST. BIDDLE UNIVERSITY, Charlotte, N. C., Ton-w-Ha of I >ols.Theologi- mal and Prepara¬ tory and Industrial, and offer* eight n'lusively for males. ld inga hcutod bj steam and wwii lighted, a- d *»>.. well appointed for their purposes ai any in the South Atlantic . oinmiinity moral and intelligent mn healthful. Faculty able and Opportunities for stu- - to aid themselves by work. .rxliip** available. Next term be¬ ith. Ft information and catalogues, ad- i ¦BIM, I>. l> Kiddle Univers.tir Charlotte. N. 0. E. J CRANE, WATCH MAKER. The only oolotod man tn tha south ever knows, to H \KE A WATCH OUT AND OUT £-V"Send your watches by Mail or Ex pr-ss and have them repaired. United we stand, d vlded we fall Vf. Broad ot. Richmond, Va. -A.- 3D. Z-P-ESIQIB-, Funera Director, Em ba mer and Liveryman. All orders promptly filled at short notice hy telegraph or telephone. Halls rented for meetings and nice entertainments. Plenty of room with all accessary conveniences. Lsrqe picnic or band wagon** for hire at reas¬ onable rates and nothing but first class carriages, buggies, etc Keeps constantly on hand tine Funeral Sup¬ plies. 41a B 4 4 N. Third Street Reside-* ce nt the Same Number. Old 'Phone 577. New Phone 1183. We DENTISTRY. P \INLES3 EXTRACTION Kim* Denial****1 ip possible, only with fine material fashioned into cor- * form with infinite care and skill. Money invested la fine Den- i-try p*iy a high rate of interest, often for a life-time. The inter- it beautiful Teeth, Comfort, :. are mid Health. Offi. From 8 A. M. to 6 P. M NIC Dr P B Ramsey, oa W Leleh St., Richmond. Va.: ike A. W. Parham. 00KE& PARHAM, I rXLRAL DIRECTORS. S 2nd St., Kichmond, Va. Near 'Phone 1180. Fine assortment of Caskets, Coffins and Funeral Sup¬ plies. Hacks for hire for weddings, balls, parties, etc .J-3i_5r*Give us a call. 6.22-3mo. ALEX GAINES, Carpenter & Builder, JOB WORK A SPECIALTY. P Uni estimates cheerfull} furnished on all kinds of work WTcrnis Reasonable. Satis etion guaranteed. The patronage of the public re .pectfallj solicited. 51 SN. HENRY ST. *, tmtVm L.<*lgh & Catherine SU.) Richmond, - Yhginia. ula* Supreme Assembly GRAND UNITED ORDER OF WATCHMEN, Unity, Prot_cti_n and Equity. MAIN OFF,CE: 500 East Broad Street. The Snpreme Assembly. Grand Unit ed Ord r of Watchmen ;is a Fraterna Benevolent and Charitable Ordei willi Lodge and Representative torr oi liovdcximent, Incorporated unde the laws of Virginia, 1897. PERSONS ADMITTED FROI. 3 TC) (if, YEARS OF AGE. 'otning Fees from $1 25 to $5 60. to 50e. Biak benefits from $1 BO to $3 00. Death benefl's from $75 to $160. All n*-w 11 u rn ht* rs organized withi tina next 9o days will have speeial ir ducemems. J. B. Byro Supreme President tn. 1., Supreme 8aeretsry, Wisa, ."upreme Treasure .lons h i'rown, Supreme Fin Vice-President and Manager funner particulars apply to tl manager. 10.9-8m IN THE FRONT RANK. Sec 1 kit v. Industrial Mi al Aid Society II aa been a great benefit to thc sick members, also their death ben fits have helped many. Hulling and .polite agents wante Maaook Hall. 511 East Clay St. Wm. lhAAr Johnson, President J.E. Jonis, Vice-president, B. P. Vanokryam., Secretary, E. T. Jenkins, Treasurtr, 1). J., Manager. 10.S9-I ¦«*B---B-B ***^-^-^a4^lr^M-^«k*V4. <&- IF YOU ¦ ¦JPrrrfl" Hrtistic TPQlcrl.. -t- ..l"1""""1""""""".i»»»i»"i»»"-"»ii FINEST WEDDING STATIONERY. SUPERB VISITING CARDS FOR THE PUBLIC AND SECRET SOCIETIES. liii.iiiiini.i''..r*wi'mii.iiiiiiuiHw^^ DiGb*Cia88 VISIT THE CITY i CALI. r TO SEE ki us. -**- V ... 3ob*pvintit\Q If you are desirous of securing any kind of work in the Job Triming Line such as VISITING, INVITATION, AND BUSINESS CARDS; SOCIETY-STATIONERY, CHECK¬ BOOKS, POSTERS, &c, send us your order. We are prepared to do all work promptly and at the lowest prices. Special Discount for Cash. Per¬ sons desiring cuts or drawings of them¬ selves or their places of business, eau have the work neatly executed. Satisfaction Guarantee*). DON'T ASK US TO SPECIFY_ -WHAT KIND OF WORK WE DO. We are prepared to execute all kinds and at prices which will be as satisfactory as the skill displayed in the execution of the order. Address, s\Xhe IRicbmonfc (Manet 3obn -IMtcbeU, 3r., Eb.tor, t *.* .K.cb.nonfc, IDirgtntaa PLANET SUBSCRIPTION ONLY $1.50 PER YEAR. N^WNorfoik^Westem Schedule in Effect Jrt.T 4. 1807. I.-ATB KICHMOND. BTID BTBB-T STATION. 9:00 A.M.. Dall*, .Richmond and Norfolk Vea- tlbule Un.ted, Second olaan tioketa not accepted (or paa, age cn this tral j. . rOS A. M.. Dall-, 'Tho Chicago E_preaa" for Lyucliaar; ftoenoke. <;oloi-htia. and Chicago. Pullman Sleeper Roan ok*j to Columbus; also for Radford, Bristol. Knox-'!!*. Chattanooga and intermediate point". 7'SSr. ». Dally for Norfolk, Suffolk aod In¬ termediate atatlo-s. 11:60 P. M.. Delly,for Lynchourgand Roanoke. Connect* at Roanoke with Waah¬ ington and Chattanooga Limited. Sleepers Roanoke to Meni- 8his aod New Orleans, milman leeper het-*e*»n Richmond and Lynchburg, and berths ready for occupancy at S:00 i*. kl. alao rull- mian, Sleeper reteraburgto Roaaoke. Trains arrive at Richmond from Lynchburg aad the weat daily, 8:ii a. m., and SrfiSp. m., from Norfolk and tht* eaat ll KW a. m. and Ves¬ tibuled Limited T :00 p. m. Office: SK Main Street. K. W. COURTNEY, Blstrlot Passenger Agent. Vf. B. BEVILL, Oeaeral Pa*«*en*rer Agent. General Offices: Roanoke Ya. .AY LINE JAriES-RlVER ROUTE. REDUCED RATES. BEST PASSENGER AND FREIGHT RNUTE BETWEEN RICHMOND . AND THE NORTH VIA THE STEAMER VIRGINIA. TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SAT¬ URDAY. Lt. Richmond (Becketts).S 00 p rn Lt. Old foin. Comfort.10 SS pat Lt. BalHmore.S SO p rn Lt. Baltimore < B A OR R).9 SO p m Lt. Philadelphia (B A O R R).ll 00 noon Ar. New fork (B A O R R)_.*. 20 p m arrive Beaton.......1100 pm arrlTe Waahington B AO R R).ll SO a m LeaTe Baltimore (i* a rn).1008 p m l,eave rhlladelphla (p rn rn).18 27 p rn ArrlTe New York (ra rn).SOS p m MONDAY, WEDNMDAT, AND raiD-T. LeaTe New York B40R K).U HO a m LeaTe New York (r m rn).ll 00am LeaTe rhlladelphla (B-CR RI. 1 So p m Ireave roiladelpbla (r .*, rn).1 ;12 p m Leave Baltimore (Biy Line) -...^..4 00pm arrlTeRichmond .10 00am The trip by thia steamer affords a most en¬ joyable aail od the Jamea ri Ter and Chesapeake Bay, passing Dutch Oap, Bermuda Hundred, City point, N'ewport News, Hampton,and Old point, and through Hampton Road's. The ser- Tlce offered ls unsurpasaed In eTery particular. Larg* and luxuriantly furnished saloons and state rooms, heated by steam, and lighted by electricity. Tickets sold to all points North, Kast and West, and baggage checked to destination. State-rooms reserved upon application In per¬ son at the oompany's office No. SSS eaat Hain street, or on board ateamer. For further in¬ formation apply to H. M. BOYKIN, General Agent. ie QLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP 00. AILY LINE FOR NEW TOBJC. assenKers can leave Richmond DAILY Tia Cneaapeake and Ohio railway, at 8:10 A. M., or Richmond and Petersburg railroad, (Norfolk and Weatern route) . ;00 A. M., connecting at Norfolk with Old Dominion-Line steamer. Ball¬ ing same evening for New York. ALI. WATS- ROI TS. Steamship Old Dominion leaTes Richmond eTery Monday at 6:00 P. M., for New York via James RlTer. Tickets on sale at Richmond Transfer Com¬ pany's, 60S east Main Street-Chesapeake and Ohio railway and Richmond and Petersburg railroad depots, and at company's office, 12)2 east Main Street. Richmond Baggage checked through. naslt. for New York and all points beyond ean be shipped by direct steamers, sailing from Rlr',- mond eTery MONDAY AN FRIDAY, 5:00 P M Also by steamer leaving Richmond WKP'.ES- DAY6P. M. for Norfolk connecting with 'team¬ er for New York. Manifest dosed one hoar before sell .ng time. Freight received and forwarded an . through bills of lading issued for all north' rn, eastern and foreign pointe. MOM NKW TOR-. Passengers ean leave dally .-xeept Sunday to Norfolk or Old Point Com'.ort, connecting with Norfolk and Western railroad or Cneaa¬ peake and Ohio railway. Direct steamer* (Tia .'ames-RlTer rorie), leave every SATURDAY (Passenger and freight and MONDAY, (freight r,nly. Sailing from eompar.y'g pier, No. 96, North River foot of Beach S'.reet, at I:00 P. M.; Sat¬ urday 4*00 P.M. For farther Information apply to JOHNF. MAYER. «. CO. Agents. 1212 east Main street, Richmond, Va. W. L. Gulllsndea, vice-President and Traffic Manager. New York. yiRGINIA NAVIGATION COMPANY'S JAMES RIVER LINE To Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport- News. Claremount, and James RlTer landings, and connecting at Old Point and Norfolk f»r Washington, Baltimore and the North. Stbamkr Pocahontas Leatbs Monday, Wbd- kbsdat and f-iday at 7 a. m. Electrle-cars direct to wharf. Fare only I1.5C iu. asd fl.OS to Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point and Newport News. Music by a grand Orches¬ trion. Freight reeelTed dally from above-named places and alt points In Eastern Virginia and North Carolina. IRVIN WEISU.ER, Super* ntrS-Aamt EDWARD E. BAENEY President .n- J f aaasal 0-Boast Kants**' Baak Baladiaf. A TLAOTIC COAST LINE. SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE SUNDAY. MAY 10. 188>7. I RAINS LEAVE RICHMOND.UNION DKPC S:00 A. M.. Arrive* Petersburg, 9:81 A. M.. lie folk ll :26 A. M. Stop* oulv at Pe ereburg. Waverlv and Suffolk. Va. S.-OS A. M., Arrive* retersburg t:S0 A. M.. Wt don 11:46 A.M.. Favettevllle *: P. M.. Charleston 10:20 Savanni 12:60 A. M.. Jacksonville 7.S0 A. 1 Port Tampa »:20 P. M. Connec at Wilson with No. 47, Arriving Gol*_Bbo.~ ;¦«« p v.. Wilmlng* 6:46 P. M. Pullman Sle«v_r ?.- York to Jacksonville. S:66 P. M., Looal, Arrivea Petersburg 1:41 P. 1 Makeaall atop*. 6:60 P. M.. Arrives Petersburg 6:19 P. M Makea local a tup* R. dr P. railroa 7.S0 P. M., Arrives Petersburg a.04 P. kt.. o«> aects with N. and Vf. tor Norfo and immediate polnta. Krnpor S:10 (connects with A. and D. f statlona between Kanporl* ai Lawreneevllle), Weldon »:4l p FayettesTlile 1:07 a. m., CnarM ton 602 a. m.. Savannah 8 lft a. n Jacksonville 1 SO p, m., Port Tam S46p. m. NEW LINS TO MIDDLE GEORGIA POINTS 7;*H A. M., Arrlvlngat Aiken. 7 :38 A. M., A gusta 8 10 A. M .Macon ll a. m.. J Ian ta 11:16 P.M. Pullman Rle**p* New York to Wilmington Jack* Tllle, Po.t Tampa, Aiken, Augni and Macon. 8;6SP M., Dally, arrives Petersborg #11 M., Weldon ll;*) P. M., Makes! eal stoos between Petersburg ai Weldon. ll :S0 P. M., Arrive* Petersburg 11:66 A. 1 Lynchburg 6:60 A. M.. Roanok* 7 Bristol 1:16 A. M. Pullman Sle er Richmond to Lynchburg. 7:66 A. M., Sunday Accommodatloa mak all stops Richmond and Petcnbi railroad. 4:40 P. M., Sunday Accommodation makes i stopa Richmond and Petersbu railroad. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. 4 :M A. M., Dally from JaekaonTllle, SaTanna Charleaton, Atlanta, Macon, Aagt ta, and all polnta Sonf h. 8:16 A. M., Dally except Sunday Atlsnt Athens, and Raleigh. Honderao Lynchburg* and the Weat. 8:46 A. M., Petersburg Local. 8:00 A. M., Sunday oaly. From Atlanta, At ens, and Raleigh, and Uenderso Lynchbsrg, and th* West, ll-06 A. M., Dally. Nor.olk, Suffolk aud I tersburg. 6:60 P.M., Dally. JaekaonTllle, Savanna Charles ton, Wilmington, Goldabo and points South. 7 .-00 P. M.. nally. Norfolk, Suffolk, Wavei and Petersburg 8:66 P. M.. Dally. Petersburg, Lynchburg ai and West. 6:40 A.. M., Sunday Accommodatloa. 7:26 P. M., Sunday Accommodation. T. M. EMERSON, J. R. KENLEY, Traffic General Manager. S. C. CAMPBELL, DlvUlon Passenger Are RICHMOND FREDERICKSBURG POTOMAC RAIL-ROAD. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT Apr. 16, 18.T. LEAVE BYRD STREET STATION. 8-JO a M., Sunday only, for Washington a: points North. Stops at KU Ashland, Glen Allen, Doswe Ruther, Glen. Penola, Mllfo Guinea, Frcderloksburg, Brool and Widewater 8,46 A.M., Dally except Sunday, for Wai Ington* and points North. 8to at Elba, Ashland, Taylorsvll Do&we.l, Ruther Glen, ola, Milford, Woodslane. Cnl ea, summit, Fredericksbu: Brooke, Widewater pullman c 18:00 M., Dally, except Sunday, for Wat ington aud points North. Ste at Klba, Glen Allen, Ashlai Doswell, Milford, Frederic! burg, Brooke, and Wldewal " arlar-car. Also conn<...».s »i Congressional Limited -t Was ingtcu. 7 ;16 p. jo.. Daily for Washing**.:i and pole North. Stops at Klba, a sh lat Doswell, Milford, Krederlcl burg, Brooke, sad NV ide wat and other stations -junda' Sleeper. Richmond to New Yo ARRIVE BYRD-STREET STATION. 8.40A. M., Daily. Stops at Wldewat Brooke. Frederlcksburg; Milfo Doswell Aahlaad Klba and ott stations Sundays. Sleeper, N< York to Kioiu-tond. 1:46 P. M.. Daily, except Sunday. 8toj>s Widewater, Brooke, Frederik burg, Summit Guinea. Ww.« lane,. Ml.'.'ord. penola. Ruth Glen, Doswell. Taylorville. . land. Glen allen and Klba. P lorCar from Washington. 7:10 P. M., Daily. Stops only at Frederic burg, Doswell, and Aahlai Pullman-Cars from New Yt and Washington. 8-66 P. M., Dany, stops at Wldewat Brooke, Frederlcksburg, Su mit, Guinea, Woodslane MIK* penola, Ku'.her Glen. Doew aahlaud. Glen allen, aad El Sleeping-Car. FREDERICKSBURG ACCOMMODATION (Dally, exoept Sunday.) 4:00 P. M., Leaves Byrd-Street Station. 8:60 A. M., Arrives Byrd-Street Station. ASHLAND TRAINS. (Dally. exoept Munday.) 6:49 A. m., Leavea Klba. 6*20 P. m., Leaves Klba. ft:40 A. m., Arrive* Klba. SUM P. m., Arrives Klba. O' A. TAYLOR. Traffic Maria. ft. T. D. MYERS. President. fe WANTED:.For United States Ar abled bodied, unmarried men, tween ages of 21 and 80, Citizen the United States, of good eharac and temperate habits, wno ean tut read snd write English. For infori tion apply to Recruiting office, Sait broad St., Riehmo-d, Va. pa SEABOARD AIRLINE S. A. L, VESTIBULED LIMITED TRAINS SOUTH. ATLANTA, NEW ORLEANS MACON, CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE, MEM¬ PHIS, TEXAS. NO EXTR-. r«R£ ts!** /¦.'-.F TRAIT No. 4VS.."The Atlanta Special" laaTes Rich mond. Dally, at 11.86 night, for Henderaor tarrive Durham dally, except Sunday) Ralelg Sanford. Souther rines, Wilmlngtoa, Wada* boro. Monroe, Charlotte, Lincolnton, Shel bj Rutherfordton, Chester. Clinton, Ureenwooc abbervillejllberton, athens, atlanta, iurui ta. Macon Chattanooga, NashTllle, Mern ph li ?exai. -exloo. California, and the Wast (Tl iiei-phta). Solid Limited Train, with rullma l'.uflet Sleeper* and Vestibuled Coaches. No. 41.."The S. A. L. Express" leaves Rial Blond, dally, at S;S6 a. m., for Henderson, (Du; ham. dally, except Sunday) Raleigh, Sanfor< Southern rlnes, Wilmington, Wadeaboro. noi r >e. Charlotte, Chaster, Clinton, lirnnvoj: AbbeTllla. Elberton. Athens atlanta, ataooi rensacola. Chattanooga, Naahvllle, nmphla itontgomery, Nsw Orleaas. Taxas Maxloo, an th* southwest tvla New Orleans) Solid Trail Mkth pullman sleeper* and coaches; andSlee] .r Hamlet to Wilmington. ari ive Richmond. 6 ;80 a. _-.,6;40 P. m., dall; For ticketa, baggage cheeks, aleeplug oi taservations, ste., apply to H ti BOYKIN, Sole Pass'r Agent 8S6 East Main 3t Riehmonu Va rn, mr. john, Viae-rresidsnt and mani Manage T. m. Mooan, General Seperlnteudeat. H W. B MLOTBB, T. J. AMSSMOX, .e-*«S« wamammm ni t ul mwm*. AS m^^^^^mmmmmmmmmm^^mmmmmmmmm Southern Railway SCHEDULE n. EFWEQi Oct. 3,1897. 8 AV A. M.NO U SOUTH IKNEiPREBSdally for Atlanta, augusta aud point* t*uuio. sleeper Klaaiau-u, to Wau vu ie,u .»*->.__- troro. seliauur> , and ena.loll*, ttleen- er open a nj p. m. lou-m.1* aiDauvuie, baiiabuiy and Charlotte wtui uta ia aaa. Legion auu sou mw cate rn 1.tu¬ llen (No 87) cai ry ing alee vera haw Yvra to Ashville, not bpi *;>**, inaltnuovga a iu >Aonvw.**, btw luis to Mcmpaia, Ne* iota to Act* Oilcans. Vew lou to 'lau.ya. auu niat-viaaa OX} coat- between TAa-ninytoU anti Mciupnia. CounevUoua ait -tuc lor ail pointe m 'kexam auu ceiiioiui**.. sleeper open lor oueupmuvy _ia-wi-. m. U :00 ueon, No. 9, aoiiu .mu uaiiy lot Char- lotie, N.C. CuiuiciM.i -motley with w arm vole auu luwnatau lanmau at *-*-¦, ovine (or Ciai_*»».u«.. oiiuiu, .Heu- dei»on auu Dui-aiii auu ai ^icciuuviir lor Luman*. Raieign. auu M _uaU*n* belem , ai i'auvii.t wi.u ho. eu I. ni led butta >a»l fa an, »o»iu iiaiu, u-ii> lor nt* urieeue anu pointe svuUi, a>r,i«_a carriea atcepeia i\«.w iola lu fee** Ut- ital.*, auu Stew iora io jaiikv/iivuie; Ibioun-aittper fcauaLuij, aa»ii\iiie. via i Lauenooga -(*r*r. 'ivuiiai ».*.*.per ei'ij *iV toictui) V\aeliiLa*on ww frau C* >iuhmu WU.eUt tliALat. 6:00r. m., N< :i,Lttu., oaUj t_».«.pi buuaay Mil ->t tb viii*, a lu il ieiiLtui»it Loin us, TRAI1SS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND. .6.-00 a. a. 6._fc r.a.. from AtlanU Augusta. Asherillo and na-uville. 8.40 a. M., itoiii Keyavllle. LOCAL VBAluUT I BAINS. Bos. 61 eau 6X betweeu Maucue.ter and bo* lapel's. Vs. York River Une,mWMTP01Mt Tflli rAVO&ITL J-ODTE _,0_.TH. LBAVB KICHMOND Train No. 16, 4 Ai) r. .h. Baltimobb limits**. Daily, exeept San* day, for Weat Point, mer* waxing ciwce con* Devlion. sooStji, Weaaeauayt. auu 1-rJuaye with ateaniar lor hal usiurt, aiao ena. siajca al Lester Manor for Vt mxervou ou thura.aya and aaiuiaays. Train No. 10, 1:80 r. M. local sxraaaa, noudays, Wedueedaya and Fridays for Weal total and Intermediate sta* tloaa.eo-uectawllh stag* at Leater *auorior to atherton; also atTay**ahanuocX wita Ahearn- ers tor Jteltlniore. stopa at ail atatioua. Train No. 46.6.-00 a. m. local bixbd, leaves dally, exoept Sunday from Virginia-street Station for West i oink and intermedia** atatlons, ceunecilug with, stage at Leater Manor for Waikerton iud Tap- pahaanock. TRAINS A BRI VS AT RICHMOND 6:17 a. aa. Dally, except aonday. it ,40 a. bi., Mondays, TV edneeUays,and Fridays 8.1*0 p. m., Dally, except sunney from toast t olnt and Intermediate uta Hon.. Stees-era leave Weat loiut at 6,00 p. m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Frldaya, ana Bal¬ timore at 6:00 p. m. Tuesday a, Thursdays and Saturdays. Ticket office at statlen, foot ot Virginia SU Open from tx. m., to tr. m. and from . ;S0 r. m. ton. m. .Jlty ticket offlee. sos east Main atreet. J. M.uuLr, w.A.Turk, Traffic Manager. ean. raes. Agt. CW. WESTBURY, Travelling Paaeeug-r Agent, 6-P J", nain St. Richmond. Va. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. G.*Q* BOUTS. EFFECTIVE SEPT. 28, 1897. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND. BROAD-STREET STATION 8-60 A. kt.. Daily, wtth chair-car. tor Norfolk, Portsmouth. O'd Point. Newport News and prlnclDle atatlons. Con* neets dally with Old Dominion Steamar* ipa tor New York. 6,4S P. M., Dally with Pullman, for local stations, Newport news. Old Point. Norfolk and Portsmouth. 10-00 A. M.. Local train exoept Bundar for West Clifton Forge connects -rordonsvllle for Orange, Cuipap er. Calverton, Maiiaeaa*. Alexan¬ dria, and Washington, at Inion Station, Charlottesville for Lynch¬ burg: at Baale for Hegerstown. 1:16 P. M., Dally, with Pullmana to Cincinna¬ ti, Louisville and St. Louis. Stopa only at important stations. Con¬ nects at Covington for Va. iiot Springs. Meals served on Dining cara No. 7 Local Irate* exoept sun¬ day, following above train from Oordonsvllle to Staunton. 6-60 P. M., Accomodation, except sunday for CnarlottesTllle. 10 40 p. m., Dally, for Cincinnati, with Pull¬ man to Hinton W. Va., and Gor¬ donville to Cinoinuatl and Lou¬ isville. Meals ser>**d on Dlutug Cara. Connects at Staunton lex* eept Sundayjfor ***/**...'¦ mm*er. Va., ands* «'- **-©«.*. Va.. de*-*, - virginia Hot Springs. TnAlNS LEAVE EIGHTH-STREET STATION. HOW a. M., Daily, for Lynchburg, and Clifton Forge. Connects at Bra mo, except Sunday, for Arvonla at Balcony except Sunday for Lexing¬ ton, and at to Clifton Forge wita No. 1. for Cincinnati. 4-00 r. M., Except Sunday. Local %ecomeda* tion for Columbia, TRAINS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND, BROAD-STREET STATION. 8:StJ a. M.. Dally from Cincinnati and Louis- Tllle. 11:16 __ m.. Dally Irom Norfolk and Old Point. 6-to V. M., Dall) from Cincinnati and Loula- TlUe. 8:60 T. M., Dally, from Norfolk, and Old rolnt. Tttr. m.. Except Sunday, from W. Clifton Forge. TRAINS ARRIVE EIGHTH STREET STATION. S:6fl a. m.. Except Sunday from Columbia. 6:90 t. M.. Dally from Lynchburg, and Clif¬ ton Forge and except sunday, from lexington and Arvonla. JOHN D POTTS, Ass't General Passenger Agent. ii W. I. Johnson, FUNERAL DIRECTOR & EMBALMER Office and Warerooxns: 207 N. Foushee St., neat Broad. . HACKS FOR HIRE,-- Orders by Telephone or Telegraph promptly filled. Wed ings suppers and Entertainments promptly attended, ld Thone 686 Residence in Building New 'Phone 484 Knights'Pythias N. A., S. A., _ E, A. & A. Pays Sick Benfits of from $3 00 to 4. per week* Bur ial Benefit of from 2 5 to 500 and Endowment of 150.00 This chivalric order is steadily growing turoughout this country ° SPECIAL DISPENSATION, having been granted by Supreme Chancellor, James C. Ross, able bodied men of e-ood character can find no better opportunity than now to join the organization. Men living in sections of Virginia where there are no lodges of the Order should form clubs and communi¬ cate with the Grand Lodge officers as to their desires and in- entions Knight.ddVesf inform*»*lonMto«"* of joining and other usages of the Si* JOHN MITCHELL, JR., Grand Chancellor, -i-..%. ta. .-_-. .J" N. 4th St., Richmond, Va JOIN THE PYTHIANS ny )6- Of ler IK, ta¬ ri*. see* a e«t ism* A Merry Christmas w ill bemade merrier when your dang-, ter, wife or mather receives m hai some, sweet toned and melodious Kingsbury piano. It will pay you in cheering and refining the home, or l_y conferring inestimable pleasure on those on whom you bestow it. A Kings* bury Piano is a princely gift, as is also one of our exquisite guitars, violins, banjos snandoiins.sithers Our PRICES are the LOWEST our T-a-tsthe aasiasr. | ajST'liive us an early call. Richmond Music Company, J. Q. CORLEY, Mane. 41S Bast Broad 9*
1… · SATURDAY; DEC. 25, 1897. Ohristnias Carol Welcome! again, blest Christmasday, Letchinoe

Apr 11, 2020



Welcome message from author
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Page 1:… · SATURDAY; DEC. 25, 1897. Ohristnias Carol Welcome! again, blest Christmasday, Letchinoe

SATUR DAY; DEC. 25, 1897.

Ohristnias Carol

Welcome ! again, blest Christmas day,Let chi noe of bells thine advent greet.Let narri rejoice again ar d *a*ij.This day rt cats trie story (meet.Of angels singing from tb** sky.ll eral 1 mp; forth a Savior's bir h:As chanting praise to God on high.They told of peace! sweet peace on


The Savior, Christ, the L >rd was born,And in an humble manner la d.On that, the uiowt morn,That broke forth since the world was

made.Then came a ssar o'er Bethlehem,To guide the wise men to the pla -eWhere as a royal shone upon tue m'an.'a faceFor three full year* of God lie taught.Tuen sealrd ins doctrine with Ho*

blood,The great work of redemption wroughtAs in man's stead the Savior stood.Let every heart with Joy break forth!On thu*, thu Christian's natal day,Our lovat hearts shall mt be lothTo Chriat our willing homage pay .

"Glory to God in the highest!""And on earth peace! good will to¬

ward men."Duty on every ons lie-*t.His brothers' distresses to ken.tiing of the blessed Bwdeenier,And scatter your gifts me you go,Be not in tin world a men* dreamer,Go forth with the sowers to sow.

And if the good Lord hath blessed theeWith food aod good raiment to wear,lt may be He thus would test thee.To see if with others cheerless Beek,

then.And carry good cheer to the poor.Thus being a blessing to all men,Great blessing*} shall crowd at thy

door.?9. M. Steward.

A COLORED TOOW.White Men Fight About

Her.One Dead



Tbe Vet diet of the Coroner'sJury


Lkxikoton, Va., December 16 .Spe¬cial..Mr. Edwin \. Men it', son of Ca*.tain C. G. M *rritt, was shot and killedat the hous* of Harriett Smith (<ed), about swo miles north of Green¬ville, Vs., this morn in.: about 2 o'clockby Mr. Robert N. Freing**r.Merritt went ti* the woman'** hous*

about 2 o'clock, erueivd the tv m wmJow. aid eroastd tn*hall over to ber sleepii g room. Htknocked attn** door fur entrance, binwas iffused He ti*reat**n*-d to br akdown the door. Ihe woman left I eihuu«e by a sitl*** door with h»*r Ikieschildren aud fled to Mr Fr**iiner'»house, about live lmndr**d -aids dis¬tant. She aroi.eed Mr Freoger, whe-Mit to her house wit h a shot f,un, i*c

companied by bk mother.


Just before he reached the house hisaw a man coning out, and thu km,that Le heard a pistol sua-. p«d s»-veratimes, he fired at the man. Seeing binfall, he went up to him Mild reco*him as Merritt.Ha took his mother back to th-

house, and when hf returned to whereMen ia wai hu found him dead. IKleft him where he lay until this morning for the coroner'a ir quest.

Th*-, verdict of the cor* ¦mr's jury was"Unlawlul shooting, but nat felony."Both parties aro very highly con


lt is thought that some one was witiMerritt, but th" e»t**-***»***f* before th*coroner's jury did not disclose thafact.Harriet Smith was widow, whosi

husband died last summer.Mr. Frenger liTes with his father

Mr. J. A. Freager, a prosperous farmer.This is the third killing that has oe

curred at Greenville during the pasfew years.Charles Carson killelCooper Clinebell on the outskirts o

Greenville, and a short while afterwards James Apple killed a yo'anjfarmer by tbe urnne of McGumn oithe street.


Stacston, Va., Dec. 16.Speeial .-

JE4. Merritt, son of CLris. Merritt, washot thia morning about 2 o'clock an

instantly billed. Mr. Cons. Merrittone of the bt st-known men in Augustcounty, lives near Greenville, on tblin** ot the baltimore and Ohio ra.Iroad. Near him lives JohnFrriigeiclose neighbor and warm trier d. MFrenger, ar., has a .ou, Kobert fretger. about twtnty-live j cara old auChris. Merritt's son Robert is ab.n,twenty-five years olu. Ihe iihh aialso good frit-Ma. never any troublbetween them.


Yesterday young Frenger was iStaunton selling Chiis.ia_s turk*;and having a good time, lie dratheavily. Merritt was in Greenville arhe was under the influence of liqu.dui ii g the day. On the Frenger pUiisa tenant house in which last mgtthere lived a negro woman. ***lie wi

alone having lost her husband a ledays ago. About two o'clock Fd Meritt went to this In u**e and the worntalarmed ran to tne Frengtrdweiliiand rt porttd that time one was breaing into her house. Young Freiigtjumped up to his gun and aa be a

preached tbe house, be saw a mai* ging away Irom it He took aim ai

shot snd the man fell. Upon liding t

the fallen foi rn Frenger .exclaim**"Good Lord, I've killed Ld. Merritt


Merritt never spoke, he died lmmdiately. Dr. l-uriay was sent for b.ould do nothing, r-renger is greatdistressed at killing hu friend. WiMerritt was at thia house, will post-ilnever be known, and why Frenger anwithout haning ia wonuenul.Ihe ahot penetrated tbe right si

.musing instant death. Frenger w



Dr. J. W.E. Bowen, of GammoiTht ulogie-' tennnary, Atlanta, lilectured Wednesday night l'ec. 8at Jackson atreet rn. E. Church. Siject, "Wanted a new **<egro tor an<

Century," to a la-ge ano apprec>atiaudience. The Ooetor setuiingiy vi

was at bis best and held biaauuienas ii dumb founded from beginningend. -hose who chanced to bo pretaregretted not having heard him. iter the lecture Dr. Bowen organica Missionary society with Mr. VV..tucker as President.ihe little ini»nt of Prof. and Mrs.

%. Watkins of Morgan College (anneJJ?sd to ba about tire weefci of .

**a Lt t

and the pa!»**«*d on to swelangel band \ ¦*¦..*;> Ie ».*.**.¦*.?» »

at theCarroll o-Beiai j hasthe sympathy of the entirety

could not give you*»:if*t than a y -ar's su

to tke Pi AMart |160. Braneholliee. i4*> atieetA\enueMr Thoj-Hs G Ghi >r ,an

a**ed and ****ell known citaway on Wednesday, of last week, af¬ter a brief illa st hishome on Mad s m >t Mr (iladmonwas about s-veiitv- ge andhaving been grasped a ith an atlTyphoid pneutroiiia could not standthe shock. ll** leaves a wif**. Beechildren aud a boat of friends to Dhis d* be funeral serviews wereheld at ('our'strt-et B uirch.Kev. Morrie< BciatingMay ti * r< st io Di IThe tuneral services of Miss Gora

Smith, wh'.i'h ended rbis lifeon last Friday Oetook p ace at v?bChurch. Kev B. A. GarlandShe was in her 17tk ye-.r oleaves one sis* er and live brothmourn their Ins

VM Oavis, tin* trn\agent for the k-iohoaond Pl vs

last Bunday enrotue tor B-dford ity.May g>.od luck follow him whereverhe £.Tnere was a gr.' ition given

on December 1J.h at the rMir*** Lula ***? hite. on o h avenue, anda most enjoyable tiuue was s.

t until a lat*- lit-ur. Avanongtbuae present wen Misses Mell *

Bril Lkambets, Mary F MariPowell. Auku g toe geuih Uleu were

Mes rs J. A. "aibiiur, ent.J.vlleii. Ojp 'ii. Charlo* StewartGeorge iryor and Dan.el Ku


Tbe servicts of Wbite Rock BaptistChurch wt re v* ry interesting. In tte

mooring at ll o'c'ock, the peetorpreacued a stirring sermon from .Matthew 26tk olino. At 3 o'clock lun-rai.At 4:S0 o'clock, the Baptist Youngl\*opie's Union h d a m .». iuteteseilt*.meeting. Atl-.'jo, bter. (laCrlandabsent, Kev. J. ll. Cunuda li. . tithe

IDiamond Hill Baptist tb ur; ii, Kev.

Bernard Tyrell tilled the pulpit At turee o'clock, the haptislYoung People's Union met and il wasai interesting ese*,ting At, 7 :3U preachmg.Mrs. Fra'iets *i iggenbottom. who

was reporteu veil iii last, week, is bel¬ier.There arti' be a baptism st Diamond

Hill Bap.ibt Church me first Christ¬mas Sunday, in which a doz n or moreare expecting to be bapiiz d.A. M. E. Church, Kev. sears, pastor,

bela at tts regular hour**. The serviceswere very interesting*The "flauet' can tie found at the

branch-i iii'.e. coiner Wise and Parkavenue, from ll a in to 1 p ni

M.. ijauada ol v alifoima was in thecity a few days ago buyn g bis Christ¬mas etock Irom .wis. Julia A. Watts.Jlr and MIS. Grant aud Mr. fuiiler

ana bride of Hot springs are the gm s;aol Mrs. Walts, 315 i* ed eral fct. Theyare on their way io Florida.Mr. J. E. Watts, who has been very

ill, oas Very mu *h improved- MasterL. anoWau* will spend bis Cluis.nuu*ni l.jauo_e With hia brother.



Cincinnati, 0 , D . 17, 1897Mrs* A. L, Ki rt bi., is

Visiting friends in I ii.Mr. Ken Tenn of Li wa j

through this city eur* ute to Washiug-ingti

in- nnd reception given aiAllen Tem| le lest Frnii.v evening byUte wailers was a su tke quar¬tette was excellent. J C. ..hor.iiidirector.

tilla We**i, mother of .Mr. Harrythe t-axnout band dlreotur, baa

tu d loone h ter sp* n.i :¦

weeba v ..-i.n.g hei si fer in ( hioago,a King*. Ul met r- u nea to

I day* at

her bynte in Ubarloatou, "*. V*.

ts Jessie Fagan will soon leavefor Nashville, leon., where skipeCtS tU » titer scQooi.Dauie lu.nor kai it tkat Mr. George

Kelley win mt.on 1< ud io the altar oue

ot I'rice lill, bell I.Mr Frank Hunter is j-bSb mi attend

tokis duties again after beingeontlnadto i is bru tor .wu weeba;iii-many friel ds ul .dr. Ken Booth

will be pained tn kioiw tkat faKool the ll or ot a build i ^

was ei j;*,,i d in wnabing >v li dosra..Ur. j allie*; Allen, uu*«or mid

king ol I n.erinn e» - .i mg tor tt

renes of enter*.an.mema uuru.g ike-oiiuays.Kr J.C. Irvin delivered al¬

li- hire Zion Literary lust iic.uaytaienii g wnieh wa*- ired a».dskatiekwmnt the doctor ia areli apianiel ai y workmrs. Jennie Karney aud Miss Nannie

CliZOn ol "Jliieagu *,«iilr.penu iii** luli-uays iu tina city. .No wonder .ur.

Charles Hunter is all tO-ileS boa* days.1 brie is a inoveuii IK on tool:

gaiuze a I'moii among the banuna city. emt. Jow breer, aud Loma1'homaa ure the promoters, btulo you boys.Ibo wonueriug bi y» will meet next

Thursday evening i.- SUI John m.

Young men be uarelul wuen youare out in oonapanj wno ihe ladies or

your sins will u..d you out.Mr, Han ison McQoJ bas removed

hie hotel li om John bu. eel io Eaat OinS.reei at winch place be wilt be giadtu welcome bis mauy IrietidsMr. J C. iarauioid ia viaiting friends

in Uonnei-v.Le, Iud.ihe raiiy at ai Johns A. M. E. Zion

was a grand success, j.hey rai-tu over

$150.Mrs. M. N Streets waa called to Lex¬

ington l-Si, .Monday to aitend the luo-iieral ot ber nephew.Mr. Charles O Neal wno has been

ve*y sick on George St. nie tobe about.

Sir. George Bullett, 2__ (ueorge St.,Keep open day aid nightElder »\ juu, of ar Mreet Baptist

Chu; ch h_s started bis revival. School gives a large dunn roo

lite 25th ol December lor live beiietit olthe school.

W. A. Coo-.


The social given at Mrs. Frida Hum-phey's parlors, Dec 7ih. was quite «

grand adair. They spent the fcVeninfin games and dancing ur.til an earlyhour as tive ihe iit-H morning, all go¬ing home 8aiirli«d ot a wellnight, After supper a cake-waitlie ttrst thing io take place. MistCary Ramsey and Mr. Hob Jeiiki is?nias Liz* Luis and W.L. Hughes

tn* Jackson and Major RobinsonHr* Fr id a F. liumpttty and Mr Johnmo Yoies were tne waike.s. 'ikelest was vv.»n by Mri brid* P. Humphy and Johnnie Votes nitb mani*

greeting ano Uaw ix*. The duh 0 k

ibis oeeasaion was ike be.-t on the hillfurnished by David Younger <>.ira. 'Ihe ladies and ge***8 were iii falevening dress and Honers in abundance.


CHAS. H. BAKERFuniture Repaired,MovedaCleaned and Packed for Shi]

ment. Hanging of MIftBOalty. He bat had ten years expewith the following well-known llrm;Messrs. Preston Belviri, nnd WalltScott. Address 517 8 . James St , (

806 NOKTH BE OM) Bl RE-SI*.Work Pone at the Nolie


We Huts t'onltinn* Walting; for 1 oi


lo too'.1 Month. Wa (.nan

poslttana for:¦

ni f3» 1. Pr«1021 South atrtnit. 1 UlLn,.. ;,

!*i«>-r«>-r».n- tnt uta.

Ousr-nteed tobacco hana care, makes wai.kona. trtooS pura tot, a. am orussist

THE HEGRO RErOBMATplT-Hrs. Smith ia Emphatic

To Editor of 1 kt:

1 r.-al wi'h surprise the quelbrough jour columns la-t weak

natorj v»iUc'ito build in you/ s'lt** 1 wai the more

surprised >w andagain

jour columns, and 1stand how v man of averil.

genoe can ran*; as'a.v» go\ stitu-.

f this character, and app'ying toroffenders generally.Mon of a reformatory is as fol-"An institution for prom

the reformation of offendW. are further enlightened from the

.-Moe Kooree by this addendum : "Ma«-(i mtv ""end j iv *nil* oT-nrl

matines *iiate>ad nf pra Whl St

lt for knowledge on this tObj wtmight have informed kearn**!*.reading a part of fe fir-t para*;'the proaiiecuis of the Woman's De¬portment of th** Reformatory whichappears weekly in your columns andwhieh I quote here for their ben* ll-.

1 h-« obj *et of lhn» department is to"..nong the women of the race

an intere»t iii a reformatory fir outb*>ys and g ri». wh > on eonvietion ofernne disorder or vagrancy are u<>>**sent te ttie jails of the oue hundr-d

- f t ir stat** and t!>tiary, but who with a reformatory willbe rescued and »avrd ' Ia th:- uno

paragraph the >i et of tketory is so clesr.; and so eoneiaelv setloth as to make it imp usitiie f ir mi--undTatsntioigs to ante, lt is readilysreo then, that the roformotovy ii m-

¦l mr, a t lace for the reception ofmin >rs convicted of offenses againstthe la" a of 'he state ana in no way in¬ter.e.--a with ihe freedom or rig its ofthr innocent*. We have here in the

let Ol Colombia Verb reformato-ri**s. one for bojt and one for girls.

All minors under Sixteen years ofsge convicted of misdemeanors aresupposed to be sent to one or the otherof these institutions, and the length of

service depends entirely on vhediscretion of the judge sentencingthem and the nature of the offens*committed. Now, as to the questionnf cili-**nship, minors are nor .-itizensin the sense in which these writers usethe term and therefore could riot bedeprived of a pri.ile**,e which they donoe possess, nut admitting for thesake of argument tbat the laws of Vir¬ginia deprive a male child who hssbevan convict***! of crime of the right ofsuffrage on attaining his majority,would his b**ingseut toa reformatoryaff ct that right more or less than be¬ing tent to jail or tbe penitentiary ?In t.he rcfur.ratory he would be re¬claimed and fitted for the exercise ofthe right of Si ffrage and the duties of

pahip ; w heaeas in the jail or pen¬ury ne would run the risk ot be¬

ing degraded and utterly de»troyed bydaily contact with hardened criminal*'.Thus you see that the Reformatoryis only rodlher movement for tlterment of tbe eor.dition of the unfor¬tunates of om race.

Perhaps the officers of the Reforma¬tory movement regarded the srnclethai appeared in the R former someweeks ago on this subject in the samelight thai I did, snl therefore kilowedit io pass without macing a reply. 1could not feel that the article waswritten with a real desire* for informa*

;. even in the spirit of unbiasedcriticism Hut, in my judgement, thewriter took that meIkod of using upldie momenta and at th* same tone

striking at a ui-ivemeni that did not

| n to meet his approval.Fanni- L. Smytk,

f St.. N. vt**., Washington. 1>. C.

Resident-* cnmplnlnthat outr-sr***. lifo.** ir*j bj*roughs uncheck****! ithorittee.Mrs. _tsbS< n an elderly

% n, wea murders*] In tier home at... Pa,, by an unknown

assassin.The drop In ths price of wheat will

reduce the prokts of J. *eph JLeiter andhia associates In Chicago te tl,000,000Instead of t3.OO0.0OO.John Bleed, of Detroit, Mich., ln-

Jurrd In a collision on the OaklandKlectrlc railway laat Saturday, lias

malling four deaths resultingfrom the accident.

_*vme6ay> Pae. it.Two large sales of California petro¬

leum have Just been mads at tl perbarrei.The second trial of I,uetgert. ibm al¬

leged wife murderer, waa begun InCkseargetThe Alton. Ills., public school color

lins question has been carried to thestats supreme court.Actor Walderrnar Dahlbern, who died

suddenly in Chicago, is said to havebeen a victim of starvation.The school authorities of Passaic, N.

J., have advertised for aa able bodiedman to take charge of a class of boytruants.Ths agricultural department Issued a

crop report, estimating the wheat pro¬duction tha past year at 630,000,000bushels.

Wednesday, T>oe. 18.FranX Hunt, aged ll years, died at

Akron. O., from brain fever, due toa gama of football.

It is said the Cuban Reformists willdemand General Weyler's tria! at thereopening of the cortes.At Chicago Commander and Mrs

Booth-Tucker raised tlO.000 for thecolonization scheme in Arkansas.Jimmy. Considine was sentenced to

three years* imprisonment for snatch¬ing tS.OOO worth of diamonds from aKansas City _".lo.) Jewelry store.

PL2-1.BT DEPOTS1at the fol¬

lowing pin -e*. -.urday:B 19 N Michigan Ave

CH.Bki om*, k Pa.

vf. C it and Lo-Ctlfi

BHKKI.ITNaru- Riddick

Cambridge St.iluntor, 32 Carno*

"o.P !. Richmond.Bt.

A Eugene Butler lo 1> Tenn Ave

mw, Waar V \.w k PnMe

Ckviricvii .

H D Davidson.Onas 0.

I'rof _* S King Pt

il B B st.\ \ i .i :.

..", Va.V> rd Thomas.

tl LB, V v

B li Job-son. 11R Union 8t.J. M i li rke, 118 Union 8

KlTACI,* AL*M im B V. Vandross.

'-'a.1- B Ualretoo.

Fayktt.v 0.K»»l»ert H. Willii

V*.I P Wright.

Ta.,tt illiam Krooks, 2"> Armas St.

¦UNO I. IV W lay lor UN Lincoln St

GkaaawicB. ONorwood Shields.

Uriinvood, Miss.Thomas J. Jordan

Uaoaeasack, N J.,L> H. Bnfl ll.

Haekkoko OonaJohn U Taylor 366 Asylum St

Harrima**. Tenn.i: p Scott.

HAVBRitii.!.. MassMr-. L v Bai ey, JA Dudley StKev. James V. Johnsou,

H OIPT'lV, V a.John T. Lattimore,

Havre Dk Crack, MnA J Stovali

Hom stkm>. PaKilir. ire B Atkinson

BrunchJos H Brown

itBi'Ho, Va..John bob.ston, 1220.15th St.

M< ;ui.*r, A».A ,

W. H. Parker, 117 Conti Kt,Mast mr .-.

T Murray, 3301.llth.St.Norfolk. V »..,

iv H. ..* Mon, 110 WaterJohn De MSOknrelHarry M Urandy,3d N ".vron StJohn A. W_ddbee,-76 i^uecn St.

York N Y.,*

Andrew P Benden, 652 E. lOOtb St.W ll Mien. 1 12 l*o umbu Avenue,\V A Ronny, 1TS9 ThirdGeo H. Washi ni ton. 468 7th "

241 VV 60th Street2nd fliior.

Wm Johni h StVt Ll neb, R20 * 27th StWm W Loni

Nkw a i:kJ EL Timbrook, 86 South Canal at


Nkw tokt li IA A Stn -o_dway

I Va;ers

\ *.

EioHand 8-6 Oreen StPlTTSBUBO VaW ll .lo


"Pktk; \ *,.Fr*d >ia 118 lla:i'ri\

P_i.m_tt». La.,Ret 11. \ peneer.

Pilli.A'.fcl.l'III.*.. -*S .

I ll W Keynoldr I2th Stkens, 111-

I Uh St.

Ardr -. Ki,.-.aid. 1218 PimK J Kohler, li>4*i Pine -t.i has Hill, S Vi cor 17th ard Arch S

Kori lt. S O.Lem x tia*, "ord.

Richmond, Va..N Winston.687 Brook A\e.,W ll. White, 601 vf. Leigh St.

ISaVOBO *S J4 Burrell

Sl'R'.J>H.riKM> 0Willis Dickerson 13 N Fountain Sc

Ya .

Jordan.Wat'.ksr *r *. Ya.,Hxs hunns J Pendleton..rroa, N C,

Samuel ToliverWaiiuhothn. 0 C,E 1- cooper, 829 7th Street, N W

WlL-UNGT.VV ll Juoore, 8 Mulberry Street

Your ostowJohn W Parker 915 Forster St




^__r*Look at the prices and compare them.

Wi*"» Time.Because we take no risk and sell them at anyprice rather than to chance it for too late a sale

Stylish Imported Kersey Capes, elaborately braid¬ed, trimmed with Marten fur, silk linedthroughout, #20 ones, for $9.

Handsome Braided Blouse Waists, in Colors andBlack, were up to .$16 for $8.56each,

Swell Coats, of Colored and Black Satin-FinishKersey, silk lined throughout, handsomelybraided, prices were up to $36. now $n$.

A new lot of Golf Capes, plaid linings and hoodsfor 8.50 to $20.

$12.50 Kersey Walking Coats, silk linings, tailormade, for S5.50.

$4.50 Misses' Coats, in all shades and sizes, for$2.50 each; others up to $15.

Ladies' Dresses:The handsomest of all this season, hut theycame too late, and this is why we sell a $22.50Dress for $12.50; a #25 Dress for $i6--all e

in either.Silk Underskirts :

of heavy rustling Taffeta Silk, with full um¬

brella ruffle, in colors.Ked, Blue, Purple,Green, Cerise, Brown, or Black.the best jV/-50 value, for $5. each.

tf^E^Lookout for thc little folks and be happy.The Cohen Co's Store is the paradise for them.

The Cotieri Co.Bet'n First & Foushee Sts. BROAD ST.


Ton-w-Ha of I >ols.Theologi-mal and Prepara¬

tory and Industrial, and offer* eightn'lusively for males.

ld inga hcutod bj steam and wwiilighted, a- d *»>.. well appointed for theirpurposes ai any in the South Atlantic

. oinmiinity moral and intelligentmn healthful. Faculty able and

Opportunities for stu-- to aid themselves by work..rxliip** available. Next term be¬

ith.Ft information and catalogues, ad-

i¦BIM, I>. l>

Kiddle Univers.tir Charlotte. N. 0.


The only oolotod man tn tha south everknows, to


£-V"Send your watches by Mail orEx pr-ss and have them repaired.United we stand, d vlded we fall

Vf. Broad ot. Richmond, Va.

-A.- 3D. Z-P-ESIQIB-,Funera Director,

Em ba mer andLiveryman.

All orders promptly filled at shortnotice hy telegraph or telephone.Halls rented for meetings and niceentertainments. Plenty of room withall accessary conveniences. Lsrqepicnic or band wagon** for hire at reas¬onable rates and nothing but firstclass carriages, buggies, etc Keepsconstantly on hand tine Funeral Sup¬plies.

41a B 4 4 N. Third StreetReside-* ce nt the Same Number.Old 'Phone 577. New Phone 1183.

We DENTISTRY.P \INLES3 EXTRACTIONKim* Denial****1 ip possible, only with

fine material fashioned into cor-* form with infinite care and

skill. Money invested la fine Den-i-try p*iy a high rate of interest,often for a life-time. The inter-

it beautiful Teeth, Comfort,:. are mid Health.

Offi. From 8 A. M. to 6 P. M


Dr P B Ramsey,oa W Leleh St., Richmond. Va.:

ike A. W. Parham.


S 2nd St., Kichmond, Va.Near 'Phone 1180.

Fine assortment of Caskets,Coffins and Funeral Sup¬

plies. Hacks for hirefor weddings, balls, parties,

etc .J-3i_5r*Give us a call.6.22-3mo.


Carpenter & Builder,JOB WORK A SPECIALTY.

P Uni estimates cheerfull}furnished on all kinds of workWTcrnis Reasonable. Satisetion guaranteed.

The patronage ofthe public re

.pectfallj solicited.51 SN. HENRY ST.

*, tmtVm L.<*lgh & Catherine SU.)Richmond, - Yhginia.




Unity, Prot_cti_n and Equity.MAIN OFF,CE:

500 East Broad Street.The Snpreme Assembly. Grand Unit

ed Ord r of Watchmen ;is a FraternaBenevolent and Charitable Ordeiwilli Lodge and Representative torroi liovdcximent, Incorporated undethe laws of Virginia, 1897.PERSONS ADMITTED FROI.

3 TC) (if, YEARS OF AGE.'otning Fees from $1 25 to $5 60.

to 50e.Biak benefits from $1 BO to $3 00.Death benefl's from $75 to $160.

All n*-w 11 u rn ht*rs organized withitina next 9o days will have speeial irducemems.

J. B. Byro Supreme Presidenttn. 1., Supreme 8aeretsry,

Wisa, ."upreme Treasure.lons h i'rown, Supreme Fin

Vice-President and Managerfunner particulars apply to tl



Sec 1 kit v. Industrial Mial Aid Society

II aa been a great benefit to thcsick members, also their death benfits have helped many.Hulling and .polite agents wante

Maaook Hall. 511 East Clay St.Wm. lhAAr Johnson, PresidentJ.E. Jonis, Vice-president,B. P. Vanokryam., Secretary,E. T. Jenkins, Treasurtr,1). J., Manager.






¦ ¦JPrrrfl"

Hrtistic TPQlcrl..-t-













-**- V

... 3ob*pvintit\QIf you are desirous of securing any kindof work in the Job Triming Line such as



BOOKS, POSTERS, &c,send us your order. We are prepared todo all work promptly and at the lowestprices. Special Discount for Cash. Per¬sons desiring cuts or drawings of them¬selves or their places of business, eau

have the work neatly executed.

Satisfaction Guarantee*).


We are prepared to execute all kinds and at prices which will beas satisfactory as the skill displayed in the execution of the order.


s\Xhe IRicbmonfc (Manet3obn -IMtcbeU, 3r., Eb.tor,



.K.cb.nonfc, IDirgtntaa


N^WNorfoik^WestemSchedule in EffectJrt.T 4. 1807.

I.-ATB KICHMOND. BTID BTBB-T STATION.9:00 A.M.. Dall*, .Richmond and Norfolk Vea-

tlbule Un.ted, Second olaan tioketanot accepted (or paa, age cn thistral j.

. rOS A. M.. Dall-, 'Tho Chicago E_preaa" forLyucliaar; ftoenoke. <;oloi-htia.and Chicago. Pullman Sleeper Roanok*j to Columbus; also for Radford,Bristol. Knox-'!!*. Chattanoogaand intermediate point".7'SSr. ». Dally for Norfolk, Suffolk aod In¬termediate atatlo-s.

11:60 P. M.. Delly,for Lynchourgand Roanoke.Connect* at Roanoke with Waah¬ington and Chattanooga Limited.Sleepers Roanoke to Meni-

8his aod New Orleans, milmanleeper het-*e*»n Richmond and

Lynchburg, and berths ready foroccupancy at S:00 i*. kl. alao rull-mian, Sleeper reteraburgto Roaaoke.

Trains arrive at Richmond from Lynchburgaad the weat daily, 8:ii a. m., and SrfiSp. m.,from Norfolk and tht* eaat ll KW a. m. and Ves¬tibuled Limited T :00 p. m. Office: SK Main

Street.K. W. COURTNEY,

Blstrlot Passenger Agent.Vf. B. BEVILL,

Oeaeral Pa*«*en*rer Agent.General Offices: Roanoke Ya.





Lt. Richmond (Becketts).S 00 p rnLt. Old foin. Comfort.10 SS patLt. BalHmore.S SO p rnLt. Baltimore < B A O RR).9 SO p mLt. Philadelphia (B A O R R).ll 00 noonAr. New fork (B A O R R)_.*. 20 p marriveBeaton.......1100 pmarrlTe Waahington B A O R R).ll SO a mLeaTe Baltimore (i* a rn).1008 p ml,eave rhlladelphla (p rnrn).18 27 p rnArrlTe New York (ra rn).SOS p m

MONDAY, WEDNMDAT, AND raiD-T.LeaTe New York B40R K).U HO a mLeaTe New York (r m rn).ll 00amLeaTe rhlladelphla (B-CR RI. 1 So p mIreave roiladelpbla (r .*,rn).1 ;12 p mLeave Baltimore (Biy Line) -...^..4 00pmarrlTeRichmond .10 00amThe trip by thia steamer affords a most en¬joyable aail od the Jamea riTer and ChesapeakeBay, passing Dutch Oap, Bermuda Hundred,City point, N'ewport News, Hampton,and Oldpoint, and through Hampton Road's. The ser-Tlce offered ls unsurpasaed In eTery particular.Larg* and luxuriantly furnished saloons andstate rooms, heated by steam, and lighted byelectricity.Tickets sold to all points North, Kast and

West, and baggage checked to destination.State-rooms reserved upon application In per¬son at the oompany's office No. SSS eaat Hainstreet, or on board ateamer. For further in¬formation apply to

H. M. BOYKIN,General Agent.



assenKers can leave Richmond DAILY TiaCneaapeake and Ohio railway, at 8:10 A. M., orRichmond and Petersburg railroad, (Norfolkand Weatern route) . ;00 A. M., connecting atNorfolk with Old Dominion-Line steamer. Ball¬ing same evening for New York.


Steamship Old Dominion leaTes RichmondeTery Monday at 6:00 P. M., for New York viaJames RlTer.Tickets on sale at Richmond Transfer Com¬

pany's, 60S east Main Street-Chesapeake andOhio railway and Richmond and Petersburgrailroad depots, and at company's office, 12)2east Main Street. Richmond Baggage checkedthrough.

naslt.for New York and all points beyond ean beshipped by direct steamers, sailing from Rlr',-mond eTery MONDAY AN FRIDAY, 5:00 P MAlso by steamer leaving Richmond WKP'.ES-DAY6P. M. for Norfolk connecting with 'team¬er for New York.Manifest dosed one hoar before sell .ng time.

Freight received and forwarded an . throughbills of lading issued for all north' rn, easternand foreign pointe.

MOM NKW TOR-.Passengers ean leave dally .-xeept Sundayto Norfolk or Old Point Com'.ort, connectingwith Norfolk and Western railroad or Cneaa¬

peake and Ohio railway.Direct steamer* (Tia .'ames-RlTer rorie),leave every SATURDAY (Passenger and freightand MONDAY, (freight r,nly.Sailing from eompar.y'g pier, No. 96, North

River foot of Beach S'.reet, at I:00 P. M.; Sat¬urday 4*00 P.M.For farther Information apply to

JOHNF. MAYER. «. CO. Agents.1212 east Main street,

Richmond, Va.W. L. Gulllsndea, vice-President and Traffic

Manager. New York.


To Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Point, Newport-News. Claremount, and James RlTer landings,and connecting at Old Point and Norfolk f»rWashington, Baltimore and the North.Stbamkr Pocahontas Leatbs Monday, Wbd-

kbsdat and f-iday at 7 a. m.Electrle-cars direct to wharf. Fare only I1.5C

iu. asd fl.OS to Norfolk, Portsmouth, Old Pointand Newport News. Music by a grand Orches¬trion.Freight reeelTed dally from above-named

places and alt points In Eastern Virginia andNorth Carolina.

IRVIN WEISU.ER,Super* ntrS-Aamt


.n- J faaasal 0-Boast Kants**' Baak Baladiaf.



I RAINS LEAVE RICHMOND.UNION DKPCS:00 A. M.. Arrive* Petersburg, 9:81 A. M.. liefolk ll :26 A. M. Stop* oulv at Peereburg. Waverlv and Suffolk. Va.S.-OS A. M., Arrive* retersburg t:S0 A. M.. Wtdon 11:46 A.M.. Favettevllle *:P. M.. Charleston 10:20 Savanni12:60 A. M.. Jacksonville 7.S0 A. 1Port Tampa »:20 P. M. Connecat Wilson with No. 47, ArrivingGol*_Bbo.~ ;¦«« p v.. Wilmlng*6:46 P. M. Pullman Sle«v_r ?.-York to Jacksonville.S:66 P. M., Looal, Arrivea Petersburg 1:41 P. 1Makeaall atop*.6:60 P. M.. Arrives Petersburg 6:19 P. MMakea local atup* R. dr P. railroa7.S0 P. M., Arrives Petersburg a.04 P. kt.. o«>

aects with N. and Vf. tor Norfoand immediate polnta. KrnporS:10 (connects with A. and D. fstatlona between Kanporl* aiLawreneevllle), Weldon »:4l pFayettesTlile 1:07 a. m., CnarMton 602 a. m.. Savannah 8 lft a. nJacksonville 1 SO p, m., Port TamS46p. m.NEW LINS TO MIDDLE GEORGIA POINTS7;*H A. M., Arrlvlngat Aiken. 7 :38 A. M., A

gusta 8 10 A. M .Macon ll a. m.. JIan ta 11:16 P.M. Pullman Rle**p*New York to Wilmington Jack*Tllle, Po.t Tampa, Aiken, Augniand Macon.8;6SP M., Dally, arrives Petersborg #11

M., Weldon ll;*) P. M., Makes!eal stoos between Petersburg aiWeldon.ll :S0 P. M., Arrive* Petersburg 11:66 A. 1

Lynchburg 6:60 A. M.. Roanok* 7Bristol 1:16 A. M. Pullman Sleer Richmond to Lynchburg.7:66 A. M., Sunday Accommodatloa makall stops Richmond and Petcnbirailroad.

4:40 P. M., Sunday Accommodation makes i

stopa Richmond and Petersburailroad.

TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND.4 :M A. M., Dally from JaekaonTllle, SaTannaCharleaton, Atlanta, Macon, Aagtta, and all polnta Sonf h.8:16 A. M., Dally except Sunday Atlsnt

Athens, and Raleigh. HonderaoLynchburg* and the Weat.

8:46 A. M., Petersburg Local.8:00 A. M., Sunday oaly. From Atlanta, At

ens, and Raleigh, and UendersoLynchbsrg, and th* West,

ll-06 A. M., Dally. Nor.olk, Suffolk aud Itersburg.

6:60 P.M., Dally. JaekaonTllle, SavannaCharleston, Wilmington, Goldaboand points South.

7 .-00 P. M.. nally. Norfolk, Suffolk, Waveiand Petersburg8:66 P. M.. Dally. Petersburg, Lynchburg aiand West.

6:40 A.. M., Sunday Accommodatloa.7:26 P. M., Sunday Accommodation.

T. M. EMERSON,J. R. KENLEY, Traffic Man.giGeneral Manager.S. C. CAMPBELL,DlvUlon Passenger Are



8-JO a M., Sunday only, for Washington a:points North. Stops at KUAshland, Glen Allen, DosweRuther, Glen. Penola, MllfoGuinea, Frcderloksburg, Brooland Widewater

8,46 A.M., Dally except Sunday, for WaiIngton* and points North. 8toat Elba, Ashland, TaylorsvllDo&we.l, Ruther Glen, P«ola, Milford, Woodslane. Cnlea, summit, Fredericksbu:Brooke, Widewater pullman c

18:00 M., Dally, except Sunday, for Watington aud points North. Steat Klba, Glen Allen, AshlaiDoswell, Milford, Frederic!burg, Brooke, and Wldewal" arlar-car. Also conn<...».s »iCongressional Limited -t Wasingtcu.

7 ;16 p. jo.. Daily for Washing**.:i and poleNorth. Stops at Klba, a sh latDoswell, Milford, Krederlclburg, Brooke, sad NV idewatand other stations -junda'Sleeper. Richmond to New Yo

ARRIVE BYRD-STREET STATION.8.40A. M., Daily. Stops at WldewatBrooke. Frederlcksburg; MilfoDoswell Aahlaad Klba and ott

stations Sundays. Sleeper, N<York to Kioiu-tond.1:46 P. M.. Daily, except Sunday. 8toj>sWidewater, Brooke, Frederikburg, Summit Guinea. Ww.«lane,. Ml.'.'ord. penola. Ruth

Glen, Doswell. Taylorville. .land. Glen allen and Klba. PlorCar from Washington.7:10 P. M., Daily. Stops only at Frederic

burg, Doswell, and AahlaiPullman-Cars from New Ytand Washington.

8-66 P. M., Dany, stops at WldewatBrooke, Frederlcksburg, Sumit, Guinea, Woodslane MIK*penola, Ku'.her Glen. Doewaahlaud. Glen allen, aad ElSleeping-Car.


4:00 P. M., Leaves Byrd-Street Station.8:60 A. M., Arrives Byrd-Street Station.

ASHLAND TRAINS.(Dally. exoept Munday.)6:49 A. m., Leavea Klba.

6*20 P. m., Leaves Klba.ft:40 A. m., Arrive* Klba.SUM P. m., Arrives Klba.

O' A. TAYLOR. Traffic Maria.ft. T. D. MYERS. President. fe

WANTED:.For United States Arabled bodied, unmarried men,tween ages of 21 and 80, Citizen

the United States, of good eharacand temperate habits, wno ean tutread snd write English. For inforition apply to Recruiting office,Sait broad St., Riehmo-d, Va.






NO EXTR-. r«R£ ts!** /¦.'-.F TRAITNo. 4VS.."The Atlanta Special" laaTes Rich

mond. Dally, at 11.86 night, for Henderaortarrive Durham dally, except Sunday) RalelgSanford. Souther rines, Wilmlngtoa, Wada*boro. Monroe, Charlotte, Lincolnton, Shel bjRutherfordton, Chester. Clinton, Ureenwoocabbervillejllberton, athens, atlanta, iuruita. Macon Chattanooga, NashTllle, Mernph li?exai. -exloo. California, and the Wast (Tliiei-phta). Solid Limited Train, with rullmal'.uflet Sleeper* and Vestibuled Coaches.No. 41.."The S. A. L. Express" leaves Rial

Blond, dally, at S;S6 a. m., for Henderson, (Du;ham. dally, except Sunday) Raleigh, Sanfor<Southern rlnes, Wilmington, Wadeaboro. noir >e. Charlotte, Chaster, Clinton, lirnnvoj:AbbeTllla. Elberton. Athens atlanta, ataooirensacola. Chattanooga, Naahvllle, nmphlaitontgomery, Nsw Orleaas. Taxas Maxloo, anth* southwest tvla New Orleans) Solid TrailMkth pullman sleeper* and coaches; andSlee].r Hamlet to Wilmington.

ari ive Richmond. 6 ;80 a. _-.,6;40 P. m., dall;For ticketa, baggage cheeks, aleeplug oitaservations, ste., apply to

H ti BOYKIN, Sole Pass'r Agent8S6 East Main 3t Riehmonu Va

rn, mr. john, Viae-rresidsnt and mani ManageT. m. Mooan, General Seperlnteudeat.H W. B MLOTBB, T. J. AMSSMOX,

.e-*«S« wamammm ni t ul mwm*. AS


Southern RailwaySCHEDULE

n. EFWEQi Oct. 3,1897.8 AV A. M.NO U SOUTH IKNEiPREBSdally for

Atlanta, augusta aud point* t*uuio.sleeper Klaaiau-u, to Wau vu ie,u .»*->.__-troro. seliauur> , and ena.loll*, ttleen-er open a nj p. m. lou-m.1* aiDauvuie,baiiabuiy and Charlotte wtui uta ia aaa.Legion auu soumwcatern 1.tu¬llen (No 87) cai ry ing aleeverahaw Yvra to Ashville, not bpi *;>**,inaltnuovga a iu >Aonvw.**, btw luisto Mcmpaia, Ne* iota to Act* Oilcans.Vew lou to 'lau.ya. auu niat-viaaaOX} coat- between TAa-ninytoU antiMciupnia. CounevUoua ait -tuc lor ailpointe m 'kexam auu ceiiioiui**.. sleeperopen lor oueupmuvy _ia-wi-. m.

U :00 ueon, No. 9, aoiiu .mu uaiiy lot Char-lotie, N.C. CuiuiciM.i -motley withwarmvole auu luwnatau lanmau at*-*-¦, ovine (or Ciai_*»».u«.. oiiuiu, .Heu-dei»on auu Dui-aiii auu ai ^icciuuviirlor Luman*. Raieign. auu M _uaU*n*belem , ai i'auvii.t wi.u ho. eu I. ni ledbutta >a»l fa an, »o»iu iiaiu, u-ii> lornt* urieeue anu pointe svuUi, a>r,i«_acarriea atcepeia i\«.w iola lu fee** Ut-ital.*, auu Stew iora io jaiikv/iivuie;Ibioun-aittper fcauaLuij, aa»ii\iiie.via i Lauenooga -(*r*r. 'ivuiiai ».*.*.perei'ij *iV toictui) V\aeliiLa*on ww frau

C* >iuhmu WU.eUt tliALat.6:00r. m., N< :i,Lttu., oaUj t_».«.pi buuaay

Mil ->t tb viii*, a lu il ieiiLtui»it Loin us,

TRAI1SS ARRIVE AT RICHMOND..6.-00 a. a.6._fc r.a.. from AtlanU Augusta. Asherillo

and na-uville.8.40 a. M., itoiii Keyavllle.

LOCAL VBAluUT I BAINS.Bos. 61 eau 6X betweeu Maucue.ter and bo*lapel's. Vs.

York River Une,mWMTP01MtTflli rAVO&ITL J-ODTE _,0_.TH.


Train No. 16, 4 Ai) r. .h.Baltimobb limits**. Daily, exeept San*day, for Weat Point, mer* waxing ciwce con*

Devlion. sooStji, Weaaeauayt. auu 1-rJuayewith ateaniar lor hal usiurt, aiao ena. siajca alLester Manor for Vt mxervou ou thura.ayaand aaiuiaays.

Train No. 10, 1:80 r. M.local sxraaaa, noudays, Wedueedaya and

Fridays for Weal total and Intermediate sta*tloaa.eo-uectawllh stag* at Leater *auoriorto atherton; also atTay**ahanuocX wita Ahearn-ers tor Jteltlniore. stopa at ail atatioua.

Train No. 46.6.-00 a. m.

local bixbd, leaves dally, exoept Sundayfrom Virginia-street Station for West i oinkand intermedia** atatlons, ceunecilug with,stage at Leater Manor for Waikerton iud Tap-pahaanock.TRAINS A BRIVS AT RICHMOND

6:17 a. aa. Dally, except ,40 a. bi., Mondays, TV edneeUays,and Fridays8.1*0 p. m., Dally, except sunney from toastt olnt and Intermediate uta Hon..Stees-era leave Weat loiut at 6,00 p. m.,

Mondays, Wednesdays and Frldaya, ana Bal¬timore at 6:00 p. m. Tuesday a, Thursdays andSaturdays.Ticket office at statlen, foot ot Virginia SU

Open from tx. m., to tr. m. and from . ;S0 r. m.ton. m..Jlty ticket offlee. sos east Main atreet.

J. M.uuLr, w.A.Turk,Traffic Manager. ean. raes. Agt.

CW. WESTBURY,Travelling Paaeeug-r Agent,

6-P J", nain St. Richmond. Va.

Chesapeake andOhio Railway.G.*Q*



8-60 A. kt.. Daily, wtth chair-car. tor Norfolk,Portsmouth. O'd Point. NewportNews and prlnclDle atatlons. Con*neets dally with Old DominionSteamar* ipa tor New York.

6,4S P. M., Dally with Pullman, for localstations, Newport news. Old Point.Norfolk and Portsmouth.

10-00 A. M.. Local train exoept Bundarfor West Clifton Forge connects-rordonsvllle for Orange, Cuipaper. Calverton, Maiiaeaa*. Alexan¬dria, and Washington, at InionStation, Charlottesville for Lynch¬burg: at Baale for Hegerstown.

1:16 P. M., Dally, with Pullmana to Cincinna¬ti, Louisville and St. Louis. Stopaonly at important stations. Con¬nects at Covington for Va. iiotSprings.Meals served on Dining caraNo. 7 Local Irate* exoept sun¬day, following above train fromOordonsvllle to Staunton.

6-60 P. M., Accomodation, except sunday forCnarlottesTllle.

10 40 p. m., Dally, for Cincinnati, with Pull¬man to Hinton W. Va., and Gor¬donville to Cinoinuatl and Lou¬isville. Meals ser>**d on DlutugCara. Connects at Staunton lex*eept Sundayjfor ***/**...'¦mm*er. Va.,ands* «'- **-©«.*. Va.. de*-*, -

virginia Hot Springs.TnAlNS LEAVE EIGHTH-STREET

STATION.HOW a. M., Daily, for Lynchburg,

and Clifton Forge. Connects at Bramo, except Sunday, for Arvonla atBalcony except Sunday for Lexing¬ton, and at to Clifton Forge witaNo. 1. for Cincinnati.

4-00 r. M., Except Sunday. Local %ecomeda*tion for Columbia,


8:StJ a. M.. Dally from Cincinnati and Louis-Tllle.

11:16 __ m.. Dally Irom Norfolk and OldPoint.

6-to V. M., Dall) from Cincinnati and Loula-TlUe.

8:60 T. M., Dally, from Norfolk, and Oldrolnt.

Tttr. m.. Except Sunday, from W. CliftonForge.


S:6fl a. m.. Except Sunday from Columbia.6:90 t. M.. Dally from Lynchburg, and Clif¬

ton Forge and except sunday, fromlexington and Arvonla.

JOHN D POTTS,Ass't General Passenger Agent.


W. I. Johnson,FUNERAL DIRECTOR & EMBALMEROffice and Warerooxns: 207 N. Foushee St., neat Broad.

.HACKS FOR HIRE,--Orders by Telephone or Telegraph promptly filled. Wedings suppers and Entertainments promptly attended,ld Thone 686 Residence in Building New 'Phone 484

Knights'PythiasN. A., S. A.,

_ E, A. & A.Pays Sick Benfits of from $3 00 to 4. per week* Burial Benefit of from 2 5 to 500 and Endowment of 150.00This chivalric order is steadily growing turoughout this

country °

SPECIAL DISPENSATION, having been granted bySupreme Chancellor, James C. Ross, able bodied men of e-oodcharacter can find no better opportunity than now to join theorganization. Men living in sections of Virginia where thereare no lodges of the Order should form clubs and communi¬cate with the Grand Lodge officers as to their desires and in-entionsKnight.ddVesf inform*»*lonMto«"* of joining and other usages of the Si*

JOHN MITCHELL, JR.,Grand Chancellor,-i-..%. ta. .-_-. .J" N. 4th St., Richmond, VaJOIN THE PYTHIANS


see* a e«t ism*

A Merry Christmasw ill bemade merrier when your dang-,ter, wife or mather receives m haisome, sweet toned and melodiousKingsbury piano. It will pay you incheering and refining the home, or l_yconferring inestimable pleasure onthose on whom you bestow it. A Kings*bury Piano is a princely gift, as is alsoone of our exquisite guitars, violins,banjos snandoiins.sithersOur PRICES are the LOWEST our

T-a-tsthe aasiasr.| ajST'liive us an early call.

Richmond Music Company,J. Q. CORLEY, Mane. 41S Bast Broad 9*