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Satanic school

Satanic school

Feb 23, 2016




Satanic school. satanic school. The Satanic School was a name applied by Robert Southey to a class of writers headed by Byron and Shelley , because, according to him, their productions were "characterized by a Satanic spirit of pride and audacious impiety.". - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Satanic school

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satanic schoolThe Satanic School was a name applied by Robert Southey to a class of writers headed by Byron and Shelley, because, according to him, their productions were "characterized by a Satanic spirit of pride

and audacious impiety".

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• The term was, therefore, initially coined in Southey's A Vision of Judgement (1821) as one of opprobrium and moral condemnation. However, Byron took some delight in Southey's description of him as an author of "monstrous combinations of horrors and mockery, lewdness and impiety." Byron responded to Southey with his own Vision of Judgment (n.b. the "reformist" spelling), where Southey appears as a scribbler writing encomiums on weak kings. Byron, however, additionally took up the theme of a "Satanic" school and developed the "Byronic hero" (not to be confused with Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Satanic Hero") who would, like Satan in Paradise Lost, be a tragic figure who is admirable even when wrong. Charles Baudelaire's poëte maudit would emerge from the Byronic hero.

• Thomas Carlyle responded to this new anti-hero and accused Byron and Shelley of wasting their breath in a fierce "wrangle with the devil," having "not the courage to fairly face and honestly fight him." Byron, in the materials surrounding Manfred, would suggest that these characters are not paragons of bourgeois virtues but are, rather, creatures of fire and spirit.

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Thomas Carlyle He was born Dec. 4, 1795, Ecclefechan,

Dumfries shire , Scot British historian and essayist, whose major works include The French Revolution, 3 vol. (1837), On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History (1841), and The History of Friedrich II of Prussia, Called Frederick the Great, 6 vol. (1858-65).

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Carlyle was the second son of James Carlyle, the eldest child of his second marriage

-After attending the village school at Ecclefechan, Thomas was sent in 1805 to Annan Academy, where he apparently suffered from bullying, and later to the University of Edinburgh (1809), where he read widely but followed no precise line of study

Early life

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-The next years were hard for Carlyle. Teaching did not suit him and he abandoned it

-About 1821 he experienced a kind of conversion, which he described some years later in fictionalized account in Sartor Resartus, whose salient feature was that it was negative--hatred of the devil, not love of God, being the dominating idea.

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•In those lean years he began his serious study of German, which always remained the literature he most admired and enjoyed. For Goethe, especially, he had

Marriage: Carlyle married Jane Welsh

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Life's in London -In 1834, after failing to obtain

several posts he had desired, Carlyle moved to London with his wife and settled in Cheyne Row

-Soon after his triumph in Edinburgh, Jane Carlyle died suddenly in London Feb. 5, 1881

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Cui Bono

What is Hope? A smiling rainbow Children follow through the wet; ’Tis not here, still yonder, yonder:

Never urchin found it yet.

What is Life? A thawing iceboard On a sea with sunny shore;—

Gay we sail; it melts beneath us; We are sunk, and seen no more.

What is Man? A foolish baby, Vainly strives, and fights, and frets;

Demanding all, deserving nothing;— One small grave is what he gets .

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Explain the poem

•The writter said in the first stanza that, the meaning of hope we can found it in the beautiful rainbow whitch is the children

were search about it , and they still can not touch it ..

•In second stanza thomas was asking about the meaning of life and make it similar to the icepord on the see and the sail which

hold it strongly malt around as and we can't see any thing.

•finally , the writter said that a man like ababy he lives in that life vainly and battling hardly , he wants everything , but at the

ending he wall only deserve a small grave ..

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These lines are taken from Cui Bono . It was written by Thomas Carlely in victorian Era .

There are some victorian feature in this poem . First, there is use a Realism , for example , (1-6). Second, there is use a Reform , for example , (9-12) .

This poem has many of figures of speech , there is metaphore as when he makes the hope similar to the rainbow (what is Hope ? A smiling rainbow , Also , he makes the life similar to icepord (what is life ? A thawing icepord , and also we have personification in the first line when he personifed the rainbow as aperson who can smile ( A smiling rainbow) Finally, we have an Alliteretion ( see - suny - shore) .

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Byronic Heros Vs. Victorians' Heroism

•In the Victorian period, the social atmosphere became hostile to the Byronics. A series of social-economical troubles which occurred after 1837 had greatly enhanced the requests for rationality, morality, and social stability. The passionate revolutionary spirit of the Romantics was unnecessary to the Victorian society. Besides, the moral problem of the Byronics was attacked by Victorian writers. The Byronic Hero is often skeptical and defiant toward morals, but, since morality is one of the most important aspect of social unity,the Byronics have been harshly criticized.

•For example, Thomas Carlyle, one of the pioneering Victorian writers, urged his contemporaries to "[c]lose thy Byron; open thy Goethe" (146)

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