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SARF SAGHEER PROCESS Families the small 6 and the big 8 are categorised family wise and the words made from them categorised in a way which we call sarf sagheer. Words including isms and fils are showcased family wise to help us know where the words in the quran come from and from which family. This helps us to get an idea about the meaning and usage of certain words at certain places by Allah in the Quran. We will discuss the process involved in familiarizing ourself with sarf sagheer and how to memorise it. Like Ustadh says learn the process so you don't forget BIG 8 FAMILIES First we will see the families with extra letters apart from the 3 root letters. F10 F9 F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 Family غ ف ر ق ر ب ق ل ب ع و ن ف ر ق س ل م ج ه د ع ل مRoot Letters ا ب ا ا ن و ﱠق أ PT (A) ب ن و ﱠق PrT (A) ا ر ا ا ا ا و ﱡﻗ إ و ا د ة ﯿ Masdar ب ن و ﱢق Ism Faail ا ب ا ن و ﱢق أ PT (P) ب ن و ﱠق PrT (P) ا ر اﺳ ا ا و ﱡﻗ إ و ا د ة ﯿ Masdar ب ن و ﱠق Ism Mafool ا ب ا ا ن ﺎو ﱠق أ Amr ب ن و ﱠق Nahi ب ن و ﱠق Zarf

SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

Jun 03, 2021



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Page 1: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there


Families the small 6 and the big 8 are categorised family wise and the words made from them categorised in a way which we call sarf sagheer. Words including isms and fils are showcased family wise to help us know where the words in the quran come from and from which family. This helps us to get an idea about the meaning and usage of certain words at certain places by Allah in the Quran. We will discuss the process involved in familiarizing ourself with sarf sagheer and how to memorise it. Like Ustadh says learn the process so you don't forget

BIG 8 FAMILIES First we will see the families with extra letters apart from the 3 root letters.

F10 F9 F8 F7 F6 F5 F4 F3 F2 Family

Root ع ل م ج ه د س ل م ف ر ق ع و ن ق ل ب ق ر ب غ ف رLetters

ق ت ع ا ون ان قلب ا ق ت رب است غفر PT (A) علم ج ا هد أ سلم ت فر

ق یت ع ا ون ین قلب ی ق ت رب یست غفر PrT (A) ی علم ی ج ا هد ی سلم یت فر

قا ت ع ا ونا ان قل ا با ا ق ت ر ا با است غف ا را جه ا دا و إ سل ا ما ت فر م ج ا هد ة

Masdar ت عل ی ما

ق مت ع ا ون من قلب م ق ت رب مست غفر Ism م علم م ج ا هد م سلم مت فرFaail

ق ت ع و ون ا ق ت رب است غفر PT (P) علم ج و هد أ سلم ت فر

ق یت ع ا ون ی ق ت رب یست غفر PrT (P) ی علم ی ج ا هد ی سلم یت فر

قا ت ع ا ونا ا ق ت ر ا با است غف ا را جه ا دا و إ سل ا ما ت فر م ج ا هد ة

Masdar ت عل ی ما

ق مت ع ا ون م ق ت رب مست غفر Ism م علم م ج ا هد م سلم م تفرMafool

ق ت عاون ان قلب ا ق ت رب است غفر Amr علم ج ا هد أسلم ت فر

ق لا تت ع ا ون لا تن قلب لا ت ق ت رب لا تست غفر Nahi لا ت علم لا ت ج ا هد لا ت سلم لا تت فر

ق مت ع ا ون من قلب م ق ت رب مست غفر Zarf م علم م ج ا هد م سلم مت فر

Page 2: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

In order to organize and retain the big 8 families Ustsdh divided them into 3 groups which are as follows GROUP 1 F2 Állama Yuàllimu F3 Jaahada Yujaahidu F4 Aslama Yuslimu GROUP 2 F5 Tafarraqa Yatafarraqu F6 Tàaawana Yatàaawanu GROUP 3 F7 Inqalaba Yanqalibu F8 Iqtaraba Yaqtaribu F10 Istaghfara Yastaghfiru We will learn the process for each of the above mentioned families. The first tip to memorise is to learn the first 3 words of the sarf dagheer for all the families. These words are

1. Active Past Tense 2. Active Present Tense 3. Masdar

These combinations have to be memorised. GROUP 1 F2 SARF SAGHEER

Page 3: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

First Line of Sarf Sagheer F2

1. Active Past Tense Fil In past tense fil of F2 family the ع kalimah has shaddah


2. Active Present Tense Fil The present tense starts with Dammah on the letter of Mudaari and shaddah on the ع kalimah


3. Masdar (ISM) Big 8 families have set Masdars we have to learn

تعلیما4. Ism Faaìl (ISM)

In order to make Ism Faail , ● Take Active present tense fil ● Drop ي in the beginning ● Replace it with م ● Ain ع kalimah should have Kasrah ● Put tanveen as it is an ism

یعلم ----> معلم ----> معلم

Second Line of Sarf Sagheer F2

5. Passive Past Tense Fil The past passive combination of u-i will make the active past tense

علم ----> علم

6. Passive Present Tense Fil

Page 4: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

The present passive combination u-a will make the active present tense fil

یعلم ----> یعلم

7. Masdar (ISM)


8. Ism Mafool (ISM) Ism Mafool is made from the passive present tense fil by following the following steps,

● Take Passive Present Tense Fil ● Drop the ي from the beginning it ● Replace it with م ● kalimah has a Fatha ع● Put tanveen at the end as its an ism

یعلم ----> معلم ----> معلم

Third Line of Sarf Sagheer F2

9. Commanding Fil To make a Commanding Fil we follow the steps below

● Take 2nd person active present tense ● Make it lightest ● Drop the ta ت ● If u can read the word then it is the Commanding fil but if not add a

helper alif Here we don't need helper alif

تعلم ----> تعلم ----> علم

Page 5: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

10. Forbidding Fil In order to make the Forbidding Fil we follow these steps

● Take 2nd person active present tense fil ● Make it lightest ● Add لا before the fil

تعلم ----> تعلم ----> لا تعلم

11. Ism Dharf (ISM)

In Big 8 families the Ism Dharf is the same as the Ism Mafool



علم یعلم تعلیما فهو معلم

علم یعلم تعلیما قهو معلم

و الأمر منه علم و النهي عنه لا تعلم و

رف منه معلم الظ

GROUP 1 F3 SARF SAGHEER First Line of Sarf Sagheer F3

1. Active Past Tense Fil In past tense Fil of family F3 we have an extra alif after ف kalima


Page 6: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

2. Active Present Tense Fil

The present tense fil of F3 starts with Dammah on Letter of Mudaari and an alif after ف kalimah

یجاهد3. Masdar (ISM)

Big 8 families have set patterns of Masdars we have to learn. F3 has two masdars

جهادا و مجاهدة4. Ism Faaìl (ISM)

In order to make ism faail , ● Take Active present tense fil ● Drop ي in the beginning ● Replace it with م ● kalimah should have Kasrah ع● Put tanveen as it is an ism

یجاهد ----> مجاهد ----> مجاهد

Second Line of Sarf Sagheer F3

5. Passive Past Tense Fil The past passive combination of u-i will make the active past tense

جاهد ----> جاهد ----> جوهد

6. Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combination u-a will make the active present tense fil

یجاهد ----> یجاهد

Page 7: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

7. Masdar (ISM)

جهادا و مجاهدة

8. Ism Mafool (ISM) Ism Mafool is made from the passive present tense fil by following the following steps,

● Take Passive Present Tense Fil ● Drop the ي from the beginning it ● Replace it with م ● kalimah has a Fatha ع ● Put tanveen at the end as its an ism

یجاهد ----> مجاهد ----> مجاهد

Third Line of Sarf Sagheer F3

9. Commanding Fil To make a commanding fil we follow the steps below

● Take 2nd person active present tense ● Make it lightest ● Drop the ta ● If u can read the word then it is the Commanding fil but if not add a

helper alif Here we don't need helper alif

تجاهد ----> تجاهد ----> جاهد

10. Forbidding Fil In order to make the Forbidding Fil we follow these steps

Page 8: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

● Take 2nd person active present tense fil ● Make it lightest ● Add لا before the fil

تجاهد ----> تجاهد ----> لا تجاهد

11. Ism Dharf (ISM)

In Big 8 families the Ism Dharf is the same as the Ism Mafool



جاهد یجاهد جهادا و مجاهدة فهو مجاهد

جوهد یجاهد جهادا و مجاهدة فهو مجاهد

والأمر منه جاهد والنهي عنه لا تجاهد

رف منه مجاهد والظ

GROUP 1 F4 SARF SAGHEER First Line of Sarf Sagheer F4

1. Active Past Tense Fil The past tense fil of F4 starts with Hamza tul Qatà and it has Sukoon on the ف kalima


Page 9: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

2. Active Present Tense Fil

The present tense fil of F4 has Dammah on the letter of mudaari and also Sukoon on ف kalimah


3. Masdar (ISM)

Big 8 families have set patterns of Masdars we have to learn


4. Ism Faail (ISM) In order to make Ism Faail ,

● Take Active present tense fil ● Drop ي in the beginning ● Replace it with م ● Ain ع kalimah should have Kasrah ● Put tanveen as it is an ism

یسلم ----> مسلم ----> مسلم

Second Line Of Sarf Sagheer F4

5. Passive Past Tense Fil The past passive combination of u-i will make the active past tense

أسلم ----> أسلم

6. Passive Present Tense Fil

Page 10: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

The present passive combination u-a will make the active present tense fil. F4 passive present tense is the same as F1 family passive present tenses

یسلم ----> یسلم

7. Masdar (ISM)


8. Ism Mafool (ISM)

Ism Mafool is made from the passive present tense fil by following the following steps,

● Take Passive Present Tense Fil ● Drop the ي from the beginning it ● Replace it with م ● Ain ع kalimah will have a Fatha ● Put tanveen at the end as its an ism

یسلم ----> مسلم ----> مسلم

Third Line of Sarf Sagheer F4

9. Commanding Fil To make a commanding fil we follow the steps below

● Take 2nd person active present tense ● Make it lightest ● Drop the ta ● If u can read the word then it is the Commanding fil but if not add a

helper alif

Page 11: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

Here we don't put the helper alif because in F4 the Hamza Qataa with a fatha comes back. This only happens in F4

یسلم ----> تسلم ----> تسلم ----> سلم ----> أسلم

10. Forbidding Fil

In order to make the Forbidding Fil we follow these steps

● Take 2nd person active present tense fil ● Make it lightest ● Add لا before the fil

یسلم ----> تسلم ----> تسلم ----> لا تسلم

11. Ism Dharf (ISM)

In Big 8 families the Ism Dharf is the same as the Ism Mafool


أسلم یسلم إسلاما فهو مسلم

أسلم یسلم إسلاما فهو مسلم

والأمر منه أسلم والنهي عنه لا تسلم

Page 12: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

رف منه مسلم والظ GROUP 2 FAMILY 5 SARF SAGHEER First Line of Sarf Sagheer F5

1. Active Past Tense Fil The past tense fil of F5 has a ت followed by Shaddah on the ع kalima


2. Active Present Tense Fil The present tense fil of F4 has Fatha on the Letter of Mudaari followed by ت and Shaddah on ع kalima


3. Masdar (ISM) All Big 8 families have set patterns of Masdar which we have to learn


4. Ism Faail (ISM) In order to make Ism Faail ,

● Take Active present tense fil ● Drop ي in the beginning ● Replace it with م ● kalimah should have Kasrah ع● Put tanveen as it is an ism

Page 13: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

یتعلم ----> متعلم ----> متعلم

Second Line Of Sarf Sagheer F5

5. Passive Past Tense Fil The past passive combination of u-i will make the active past tense. Due to more letters we will have multiple u sounds and one i sound

تعلم ----> تعلم

6. Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u-a will make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there we will have one u sound and multiple a sounds

یتعلم ----> یتعلم

7. Masdar (ISM)


8. Ism Mafool (ISM) Ism Mafool is made from the passive present tense fil by following the following steps,

● Take Passive Present Tense Fil ● Drop the ي from the beginning it ● Replace it with م ● Ain ع kalimah will have a Fatha ● Put tanveen at the end as its an ism

یتعلم ----> متعلم ----> متعلم

Page 14: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

Third Line of Sarf Sagheer F5

9. Commanding Fil To make a commanding fil we follow the steps below

● Take 2nd person active present tense ● Make it lightest ● Drop the ta ● If u can read the word then it is the Commanding fil but if not add a

helper alif Here we don't put the helper alif.

یتعلم ----> تتعلم ----> تتعلم ----> تعلم

10. Forbidding Fil In order to make the Forbidding Fil we follow these steps

● Take 2nd person active present tense fil ● Make it lightest ● Add لا before the fil

یتعلم ----> تتعلم ----> تتعلم ----> لا تتعلم.

11. Ism Dharf (ISM)

In Big 8 families the Ism Dharf is the same as the Ism Mafool

متعلم Sarf Sagheer for F5

Page 15: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there


تعلم یتعلم تعلما فهو متعلم

تعلم یتعلم تعلما فهو متعلم

والأمر منه تعلم و النهي عنه لا تتعلم

رف منه متعلم والظ

GROUP 2 FAMILY 6 SARF SAGHEER First Line of Sarf Sagheer F6

1. Active Past Tense Fil In the past tense fil of F6 we have ت and an Alif after ف kalima


2. Active Present Tense Fil

The present tense fil of F6 has Fatha on the Letter of Mudaari and ت followed by ف kalima and extra Alif


3. Masdar (ISM) All Big 8 families have masdars with set patterns which we have to learn


4. Ism Faail (ISM)

Page 16: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

In order to make Ism Faail ,

● Take Active present tense fil ● Drop ي in the beginning ● Replace it with م ● kalimah should have Kasrah ع ● Put tanveen as it is an ism

یتعاون ----> متعاون ----> متعاون

Second Line Of Sarf Sagheer F4

5. Passive Past Tense Fil The past passive combination of u-i will make the active past tense. As there is alif after fa kalimah so when it gets dammah it becomes difficult to read. So the Arabs changed the alif into wow for flow of recitation

تعاون ----> تعاون ----> تعوون

6. Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combination u-a will make the active present tense fil.

یتعاون ----> یتعاون

7. Masdar (ISM)


8. Ism Mafool (ISM)

Page 17: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

Ism Mafool is made from the passive present tense fil by following the following steps,

● Take Passive Present Tense Fil ● Drop the ي from the beginning it ● Replace it with م ● kalimah will have a Fatha ع ● Put tanveen at the end as its an ism

یتعاون ----> متعاون ----> متعاون

Third Line of Sarf Sagheer F4

9. Commanding Fil To make a commanding fil we follow the steps below

● Take 2nd person active present tense ● Make it lightest ● Drop the ta ● If u can read the word then it is the Commanding fil but if not add a

helper alif Here we don't put the helper alif.

یتعاون ----> تتعاون ----> تتعاون ----> تعاون

10. Forbidding Fil

In order to make the Forbidding Fil we follow these steps

● Take 2nd person active present tense fil ● Make it lightest ● Add لا before the fil

یتعاون ----> تتعاون ----> تتعاون ----> لا تتعاون.

Page 18: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

11. Ism Dharf (ISM)

In Big 8 families the Ism Dharf is the same as the Ism Mafool



تعاون یتعاون تعاونا فهو متعاون

تعوون یتعاون تعاونا فهو متعاون

والأمر منه تعاون و النهي عنه لا تتعاون

رف منه متعاون والظ

GROUP 3 F7 SARF SAGHEER First Line of Sarf Sagheer F7

1. Active Past Tense Fil The past tense form of F7 starts with Kasrah on the Hamzatul Wasl followed by the Noon with Sukoon.


2. Active Present Tense Fil The present tense fil starts with a Fatha on the Letter of Mudaari followed by the Noon with Sukoon

Page 19: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there


3. Masdar (ISM) The Masdar for the Big 8 families are in set patterns we need to learn


4. Ism Faaìl (ISM) In order to make ism faail ,

● Take Active present tense fil ● Drop ي in the beginning ● Replace it with م ● Ain ع kalimah should have Kasrah ● Put tanveen as it is an ism

ینقلب ----> منقلب ----> منقلب

Second Line of Sarf Sagheer F7 DOES NOT EXIST Third Line of Sarf Sagheer F2

5. Commanding Fil To make a commanding fil we follow the steps below

● Take 2nd person active present tense ● Make it lightest ● Drop the ta ● If u can read the word then it is the Commanding fil but if not add a

helper alif ● The harakah on the helper alif will be determined by the harakah

on the ع kalimah

ینقلب ----> تنقلب ----> تنقلب ----> نقلب ----> انقلب

Page 20: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

6. Forbidding Fil

In order to make the Forbidding Fil we follow these steps

● Take 2nd person active present tense fil ● Make it lightest ● Add لا before the fil

ینقلب ----> تنقلب ----> تنقلب ----> لا تنقلب

7. Ism Dharf (ISM)

As F7 doesn't have an Ism Mafool then the Ism Dharf will still follow the same pattern



انقلب ینقلب انقلابا منقلب

والأمر منه انقلب و النهي عنه لا تنقلب

رف منه منقلب والظ

GROUP 3 F8 SARF SAGHEER First Line of Sarf Sagheer F8

Page 21: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

1. Active Past Tense Fil The past tense fil for F8 starts with Kasrah on the Hamzatul Wasl followed by ف kalima with Sukoon followed by ت


2. Active Present Tense Fil In the present tense fil in F8 there is Fatha on the letter of Mudaari followed by ف kalima with Sukoon and the ت following it


3. Masdar (ISM) All Big 8 families have set pattern of Masdars which we have to learn


4. Ism Faaìl (ISM) In order to make ism faail ,

● Take Active present tense fil ● Drop ي in the beginning ● Replace it with م ● Ain ع kalimah should have Kasrah ● Put tanveen as it is an ism

یقترب ----> مقترب ----> مقترب

Second Line of Sarf Sagheer F2

5. Passive Past Tense Fil The past passive combination of u-i will make the active past tense. As there are many letters so we have multiple u sounds and one i sound

اقترب ----> اقترب

6. Passive Present Tense Fil

Page 22: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

The present passive combination u-a will make the active present tense fil into passive. Due to more letters we have one u sound and multiple a sounds

یقترب ----> یقترب

7. Masdar (ISM)


8. Ism Mafool (ISM) Ism Mafool is made from the passive present tense fil by following the following steps,

● Take Passive Present Tense Fil ● Drop the ي from the beginning it ● Replace it with م ● Ain ع kalimah has a Fatha ● Put tanveen at the end as its an ism

یقترب ----> مقترب ----> مقترب

Third Line of Sarf Sagheer F8

9. Commanding Fil To make a commanding fil we follow the steps below

● Take 2nd person active present tense ● Make it lightest ● Drop the ta ● If u can read the word then it is the Commanding fil but if not add a

helper alif ● Add a helper alif and as ain عkalimah has kasrah then helper alif

will have kasrah too

Page 23: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

یقترب ----> تقترب ----> تقترب ----> قترب ----> اقترب

10. Forbidding Fil In order to make the Forbidding Fil we follow these steps

● Take 2nd person active present tense fil ● Make it lightest ● Add لا before the fil

یقترب ----> تقترب ----> تقترب ----> لا تقترب

11. Ism Dharf (ISM)

In Big 8 families the Ism Dharf is the same as the Ism Mafool




اقترب یقترب اقترابا فهو مقترب

اقترب یقترب اقترابا فهو مقترب

والأمر منه اقترب والنهي عنه لا تقترب

رف منه مقترب والظ

Page 24: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

GROUP 3 F10 SARF SAGHEER First Line of Sarf Sagheer F10

1. Active Past Tense Fil The past tense fil of F10 family starts with a Kasrah on the Hamza tul Wasl followed by a س with Sukoon and ت with a Fatha


2. Active Present Tense Fil The present tense fil of F10 starts with a Fatha on the Letter of Mudaari followed by a س with Sukoon and ت with Fatha


3. Masdar (ISM)

Masdars from Big 8 families are all set patterns which we have to learn


4. Ism Faaìl (ISM)

In order to make ism faail , ● Take Active present tense fil ● Drop ي in the beginning ● Replace it with م ● Ain ع kalimah should have Kasrah ● Put tanveen as it is an ism

یستغفر ----> مستغفر ----> مستغفر

Second Line of Sarf Sagheer F10

5. Passive Past Tense Fil

Page 25: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

The past passive combination of u-i will make the active past tense. Because of so many letters we will have multiple u sounds and one i sound

استغفر ----> استغفر

6. Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combination u-a will make the active present tense fil. Due to many letters we will have one u sound and multiple a sounds

یستغفر ----> یستغفر

7. Masdar (ISM)


8. Ism Mafool (ISM) Ism Mafool is made from the passive present tense fil by following the following steps,

● Take Passive Present Tense Fil ● Drop the ي from the beginning it ● Replace it with م ● Ain ع kalimah has a Fatha ● Put tanveen at the end as its an ism

یستغفر----> مستغفر----> مستغفر

Third Line of Sarf Sagheer F10

9. Commanding Fil

Page 26: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

To make a commanding fil we follow the steps below ● Take 2nd person active present tense ● Make it lightest ● Drop the ta ● If u can read the word then it is the Commanding fil but if not add a

helper alif ● The harakah on the helper alif will depend on the harakah on the

ain kalimah. Dammah will get dammah and kasrah and fatha will get the helper alif a kasrah

یستغفر ----> تستغفر ----> تستغفر ----> ستغفر ----> استغفر

10. Forbidding Fil In order to make the Forbidding Fil we follow these steps

● Take 2nd person active present tense fil ● Make it lightest ● Add لا before the fil

یستغفر ----> تستغفر ----> تستغفر ----> لا تستغفر

11. Ism Dharf (ISM)

In Big 8 families the Ism Dharf is the same as the Ism Mafool



استغفر یستغفر استغفارا فهو مستغفر

Page 27: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

استغفر یستغفر استغفارا فهو مستغفر

والأمر منه استغفر و النهي عنه لا تستغفر

رف منه مستغفر والظ


Now after studying the big 8 families who had extra letters in them we will study the F1 small 6 families with extra letters. The Small 6 families are actually divided upon the basis of the combination of harakahs on ain عkalimah in past and present tense. Those 6 combinations have been named as follows, GROUP 1 AIN ع KALIMAH HAS FATHA IN PAST TENSE

فعل یفعل = فتح یفتح فعل یفعل = ضرب یضرب

فعل یفعل = نصر ینصر


فعل یفعل = سمع یسمع فعل یفعل = حسب یحسب


فعل یفعل = كرم یكرم

Page 28: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

كرم یكرم

حسب یحسب

سمع یسمع

نصر ینصر

ضرب یضرب

فتح یفتح

Family F1

Active فتح ضرب نصر سمع حسب كرمPast


Active یفتح یضرب ینصر یسمع یحسب یكرمPresent Tense

كرامة/ كرما

سمعا/ حسابا سماعة

Masdar فتحا ضربا نصرة

Ism فاعل فاتح ضارب ناصر سامع حاسب كریمfaail

Passive فعل فتح ضرب نصر سمع حسب Past


Passive یفعل یفتح یضرب ینصر یسمع یحسب Present Tense

سمعا/ حسابا سماعة

Masdar فتحا ضربا نصرة

مضرو منصور مسموع محسوب ب

Ism مفعول مفتوحMafool

Comma افتح اضرب انصر اسمع احسب اكرمnding


لا لا تنصر لا تسمع لا تحسب لا تكرم تضرب

Forbidd لا تفتحing Fil

Ism مفعل مفتح مضرب منصر مسمع محسب مكرمDharf

مفعل مفتح مضرب منصر مسمع محسب مكرم

Page 29: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

Family فتح یفتح F1 First Line of Sarf Sagheer

1. Active Past Tense Fil Past tense fil in F1 has the three root letters and no other extra letter. In Fataha family the ع kalimah has Fatha in past tense


2. Active Present Tense Fil

In Fataha family there is Fatah on ع kalima in present tense as well


3. Masdar (ISM) No set pattern as dictionary only source of getting Masdars and one family can have multiple masdars


4. Ism Faail (ISM) In family F1 the Ism Faail is on the scale of فاعل so for this family the Ism Faail will be


Second Line of Sarf Sagheer

مفعلة مفتحة مضربة منصرة مسمعة محسبة مكرمة

Page 30: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

5. Passive Past Tense Fil

In passive form the pattern is u-i so the passive past tense will be

فتح ----> فتح

6. Passive Present Tense Fil In passive form the pattern is u-a so the passive present tense will be

یفتح ----> یفتح

7. Masdar (ISM)


8. Ism Mafool (ISM) In family F1 the Ism Mafool is on the scale of مفعول so for this family the Ism Mafool will be


Third Line of Sarf Sagheer

9. Commanding Fil To make a commanding fil we follow the steps below

● Take 2nd person active present tense ● Make it lightest ● Drop the ta ● If u can read the word then it is the Commanding fil but if not add a

helper alif

Page 31: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

● The harakah on the helper slif will depend on the haraksh on the ain kalimah. Dammah will get dammah and kasrah and fatha will get the helper alif a kasrah

یفتح ----> تفتح ----> تفتح ----> فتح ----> افتح

10. Forbidding Fil

In order to make the Forbidding Fil we follow these steps ● Take 2nd person active present tense fil ● Make it lightest ● Add لا before the fil

یفتح ----> تفتح ----> تفتح ----> لا تفتح

11. Ism Dharf (ISM) In F1 Families there are three scales in Ism Dharf which are as follows

مفعل مفعل مفعلة

مفتح مفتح مفتحة


فتح یفتح فتحا فهو فاتح

فتح یفتح فتحا فهو مفتوح

والأمرمنه افتح والنهي عنه لا تفتح

رف منه مفتح مفتح مفتحة والظ

Page 32: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

Family ضرب یضرب F1 First Line of Sarf Sagheer

1. Active Past Tense Fil Past tense fil in F1 has the three root letters and no other extra letter. In Daraba family there is Fatha on ع kalimah in past tense


2. Active Present Tense Fil

In Daraba family there is Kasrah on the ع kalima in present tense fil


3. Masdar (ISM) No set pattern as dictionary only source of getting Masdars and one family can have multiple masdars


4. Ism Faail (ISM) In family F1 the Ism Faail is on the scale of فاعل so for this family the Ism Faail will be


Second Line of Sarf Sagheer

5. Passive Past Tense Fil In passive form the pattern is u-i so the passive past tense will be

ضرب ----> ضرب

Page 33: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

6. Passive Present Tense Fil In passive form the pattern is u-a so the passive present tense will be

یضرب ----> یضرب

7. Masdar (ISM)


8. Ism Mafool (ISM) In family F1 the Ism Mafool is on the scale of مفعول so for this family the Ism Mafool will be


Third Line of Sarf Sagheer

9. Commanding Fil To make a commanding fil we follow the steps below

● Take 2nd person active present tense ● Make it lightest ● Drop the ta ● If u can read the word then it is the Commanding fil but if not add a

helper alif ● The harakah on the helper slif will depend on the haraksh on the

ain kalimah. Dammah will get dammah and kasrah and fatha will get the helper alif a kasrah

یضرب ----> تضرب ----> تضرب ----> ضرب ----> اضرب

10. Forbidding Fil

Page 34: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

In order to make the Forbidding Fil we follow these steps ● Take 2nd person active present tense fil ● Make it lightest ● Add لا before the fil

یضرب ----> تضرب ----> تضرب ----> لا تضرب

11. Ism Dharf (ISM) In F1 Families there are three scales in Ism Dharf which are as follows

مفعل مفعل مفعلة

مضرب مضرب مضربة


ضرب یضرب ضربا فهو ضارب

ضرب یضرب ضربا فهو مضروب

والأمرمنه اضرب والنهي عنه لا تضرب

رف منه مضرب مضرب مضربة والظ

Family نصر ینصر F1 First Line of Sarf Sagheer

1. Active Past Tense Fil

Page 35: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

Past tense fil in F1 have the three root letters and no other extra letter. In Nasara family there is a Fatha on the ع kalimah in past tense fil


2. Active Present Tense Fil

In Nasara family we have a Dammah on the ع kalima in present tense fil


3. Masdar (ISM) No set pattern as dictionary only source of getting Masdars and one family can have multiple masdars


4. Ism Faail (ISM) In family F1 the Ism Faail is on the scale of فاعل so for this family the Ism Faail will be


Second Line of Sarf Sagheer

5. Passive Past Tense Fil In passive form the pattern is u-i so the passive past tense will be

نصر ----> نصر

6. Passive Present Tense Fil

Page 36: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

In passive form the pattern is u-a so the passive present tense will be

ینصر ----> ینصر

7. Masdar (ISM)


8. Ism Mafool (ISM) In family F1 the Ism Mafool is on the scale of مفعول so for this family the Ism Mafool will be


Third Line of Sarf Sagheer

9. Commanding Fil To make a commanding fil we follow the steps below

● Take 2nd person active present tense ● Make it lightest ● Drop the ta ● If u can read the word then it is the Commanding fil but if not add a

helper alif ● The harakah on the helper slif will depend on the haraksh on the

ain kalimah. Dammah will get dammah and kasrah and fatha will get the helper alif a kasrah

ینصر ----> تنصر ----> تنصر----> نصر ----> انصر

10. Forbidding Fil

In order to make the Forbidding Fil we follow these steps ● Take 2nd person active present tense fil

Page 37: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

● Make it lightest ● Add لا before the fil

ینصر ----> تنصر ----> تنصر----> لا تنصر

11. Ism Dharf (ISM) In F1 Families there are three scales in Ism Dharf which are as follows

مفعل مفعل مفعلة

منصر منصر منصرة


نصر ینصر نصرة فهو ناصر

نصر ینصر نصرة فهو منصور

والأمرمنه انصر والنهي عنه لا تنصر

رف منه منصر منصر منصرة والظ

Family سمع یسمع F1 First Line of Sarf Sagheer

1. Active Past Tense Fil Past tense fil in F1 have the three root letters and no other extra letter. In Samia family there is a Kasrah on the ع kalima

Page 38: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there


2. Active Present Tense Fil

In Samia family there is Fatha on the ع kalimah in present tense fil


3. Masdar (ISM) No set pattern as dictionary only source of getting Masdars and one family can have multiple masdars


4. Ism Faail (ISM) In family F1 the Ism Faail is on the scale of فاعل so for this family the Ism Faail will be


Second Line of Sarf Sagheer

5. Passive Past Tense Fil In passive form the pattern is u-i so the passive past tense will be

سمع ----> سمع

6. Passive Present Tense Fil In passive form the pattern is u-a so the passive present tense will be

یسمع ----> یسمع

Page 39: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

7. Masdar (ISM)


8. Ism Mafool (ISM) In family F1 the Ism Mafool is on the scale of مفعول so for this family the Ism Mafool will be


Third Line of Sarf Sagheer

9. Commanding Fil To make a commanding fil we follow the steps below

● Take 2nd person active present tense ● Make it lightest ● Drop the ta ● If u can read the word then it is the Commanding fil but if not add a

helper alif ● The harakah on the helper slif will depend on the haraksh on the

ain kalimah. Dammah will get dammah and kasrah and fatha will get the helper alif a kasrah

یسمع ----> تسمع ----> تسمع ----> سمع ----> اسمع

10. Forbidding Fil

In order to make the Forbidding Fil we follow these steps ● Take 2nd person active present tense fil ● Make it lightest ● Add لا before the fil

یسمع ----> تسمع ----> تسمع ----> لا تسمع

11. Ism Dharf (ISM)

Page 40: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

In F1 Families there are three scales in Ism Dharf which are as follows

مفعل مفعل مفعلة

مسمع مسمع مسمعة


سمع یسمع سماعة فهو سامغ

سمع یسمع سماعة فهو مسموع

والأمرمنه اسمع والنهي عنه لا تسمع

رف منه مسمع مسمع مسمعة والظ

Family حسب یحسب F1 First Line of Sarf Sagheer

1. Active Past Tense Fil Past tense fil in F1 have the three root letters and no other extra letter. In Hasiba family there is Kasrah on the ع kalima


2. Active Present Tense Fil

Present tense fils in Hasiba Family have Kasrah on ع kalima


Page 41: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

3. Masdar (ISM) No set pattern as dictionary only source of getting Masdars and one family can have multiple masdars


4. Ism Faail (ISM) In family F1 the Ism Faail is on the scale of فاعل so for this family the Ism Faail will be


Second Line of Sarf Sagheer

5. Passive Past Tense Fil In passive form the pattern is u-i so the passive past tense will be

حسب ----> حسب

6. Passive Present Tense Fil In passive form the pattern is u-a so the passive present tense will be

یحسب ----> یحسب

7. Masdar (ISM)


8. Ism Mafool (ISM) In family F1 the Ism Mafool is on the scale of مفعول so for this family the Ism Mafool will be

Page 42: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there


Third Line of Sarf Sagheer

9. Commanding Fil To make a commanding fil we follow the steps below

● Take 2nd person active present tense ● Make it lightest ● Drop the ta ● If u can read the word then it is the Commanding fil but if not add a

helper alif ● The harakah on the helper slif will depend on the haraksh on the

ain kalimah. Dammah will get dammah and kasrah and fatha will get the helper alif a kasrah

یحسب ----> تحسب ----> تحسب ----> حسب ----> احسب

10. Forbidding Fil

In order to make the Forbidding Fil we follow these steps ● Take 2nd person active present tense fil ● Make it lightest ● Add لا before the fil

یحسب ----> تحسب ----> تحسب ----> لا تحسب

11. Ism Dharf (ISM) In F1 Families there are three scales in Ism Dharf which are as follows

مفعل مفعل مفعلة

Page 43: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

محسب محسب محسبة


حسب یحسب حسابا فهو حاسب

حسب یحسب حسابا فهو محسوب

والأمرمنه احسب والنهي عنه لا تحسب

رف منه محسب محسب محسبة والظ

Family كرم یكرم F1 First Line of Sarf Sagheer

1. Active Past Tense Fil Past tense fil in F1 have the three root letters and no other extra letters. In Karuma family there is a Dammah on the ع kalima


2. Active Present Tense Fil The present tense fil from the Karuma family also has Dammah on the ع kalima


3. Masdar (ISM) No set pattern as dictionary only source of getting Masdars and one family can have multiple masdars

كرامة و كرما

Page 44: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

4. Ism Faail (ISM) In family F1 Karuma family the Ism Faail does not follow the scale of فاعل so for this family the Ism Faail will be


Second Line of Sarf Sagheer

5. Commanding Fil To make a commanding fil we follow the steps below

● Take 2nd person active present tense ● Make it lightest ● Drop the ta ● If u can read the word then it is the Commanding fil but if not add a

helper alif ● The harakah on the helper slif will depend on the haraksh on the

ain kalimah. Dammah will get dammah and kasrah and fatha will get the helper alif a kasrah

یكرم ----> تكرم ----> تكرم ----> كرم ----> اكرم

6. Forbidding Fil

In order to make the Forbidding Fil we follow these steps ● Take 2nd person active present tense fil ● Make it lightest ● Add لا before the fil

یكرم ----> تكرم ----> تكرم ---->

لا تكرم

7. Ism Dharf (ISM) 0 In F1 Families there are three scales in Ism Dharf which are as follows

Page 45: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

مفعل مفعل مفعلة

مكرم مكرم مكرمة


كرم یكرم كرامة و كرما فهو كریم

والأمرمنه اكرم والنهي عنه لا تكرم

رف منه مكرم مكرم مكرمة والظ EXTRA NOTES Some extra observations from the book and from what we came across while studying

1. Past Tense هو form always ends with a Fatha 2. Present Tense هو ، هي ، أنت ، أنا and نحن versions always end in

Dammah 3. F4 is a unique family and it has some features which are as

follows, ● The Hamzatul Qatà at the beginning which does not drop while

being read ● The Hamzatul Qatà is dropped in Present tense fil ● The Passive Present tense of F4 is the same as the Passive

Present Tense Fils of F1 families 4. Between سمع and حسب the baab سمع is more common 5. Between یحسب and یضرب the guess of baab ضرب will be more

correct 6. Ism Dharf in big 8 families is the same as Ism mafool in those

families while in small 6 families it comes in 3 scales 7. Masdar is set pattern in big 8 families but F1 families can have

multiple masdars

Page 46: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

8. F7 in the Big 8 families and Baab Karuma in the small 6 families do not have passive line in sarf sagheer


Following are some verbs given from each family to practise saŕf sagheer after understanding the notes BIG 8 FAMILIES Group 1 F2 ب ، كذب ل ، كبر ، قر قدر، نز F3 نافق ، قاتل ، سافر ، راقب ، شاهد F4 أنفق ، أكرم ، أرسل ، أحضر ، أكبر Group 2 F5 ب ق ، تقبل ، تقدم ، تكلم ، تعج تفر F6 تقاتل ، تسائل ، تخاصم ، تظاهر ، تفارق Group 3 F7 انبعث ، انفطر ، انكسر ، انكشف ، انصرف

Page 47: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

F8 اجتنب ، اجتمع ، احتمل ، استمع ، احترم F10 استحسن ، استقبل ، استعلم ، استشهد ، استخدم SMALL 6 FAMILIES F1 Baab Baab Fataha Yaftahu

رفع یرفع رفعا To raise ر ف ع

ذهب یذهب ذهابا To set out ذ ه ب

جمع یجمع جمعا To gather ج م ع

جعل یجعل جعلا To make ج ع ل

بحث یبحث بحثا To search ب ح ث

Baab Daraba Yadribu

كذب یكذب كذبا To lie ك ذ ب

عقل یعقل عقلا To be reasonable ع ق ل

غفر یغفر مغفرة To forgive غ ف ر

هلك یهلك هلاكا To destroy ه ل ك

Page 48: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

حشر یحشر حشرا To gather ح ش ر

Baab Nasara Yansuru

قتل یقتل قتلا To kill ق ت ل

ثبت یثبت ثباتا To stand firm ث ب ت

بلغ یبلغ بلوغا To reach ب ل غ

طلب یطلب مطلبا To request ط ل ب

كتب یكتب كتبا To write ك ت ب

Baab Samìa Yasmaù

حمد یحمد حمدا To praise ح م د

علم یعلم علما To know ع ل م

قبل یقبل قبولا To accept ق ب ل

فهم یفهم فهما To understand ف ه م

تبع یتبع تبعا To follow ت ب ع

Baab Hasiba Yahsibu

Page 49: SARF SAGHEER PROCESS · 2021. 1. 14. · 6.Passive Present Tense Fil The present passive combinatio⁰⁰n u -a w ill make the active present tense fil. As more letters are there

نعم ینعم نعمة To live in comfort ن ع م

Baab Karuma Yakrumu

قصر یقصر قصارا To be short ق ص ر

كبر یكبر كبرا To be older ك ب ر

قرب یقرب قربا To be near ق ر ب

بصر یبصر بصرا To look ب ص ر

بعد یبعد بعدا To be distant ب ع د