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•<+&• u jr- .., ,f , X r W^Aj-yjjowi^ * 1 l' r > u T> \ ^ n t •«U ! <? , W : C^ I. •*$>#* -fnjifr W ftSOTflgK D/TTS *i*i|H*i*i*i*i*i*l#i*i*i*i*i*i*i^*i4., I"" 'l 1 lie n seHior .4l#|p : -settlqci dowflt more Rvcomtortably hr •»(% chate, filial His pipe. If^i&Xfted lyfcJifielajtojL iignoe, level- on-the f tailil^ ui.frpttt' ot htm and as'kld abrupt-. |~Iy, a'pj\piios of ntftjiiiigi •'•' : , *'jgdnk thalr-case- of yellow atrophy -is going fcogpull trough, .Ed*".' " "Don't knoW, Sain.-^Srb'pb so," la'cdrii : W caljy responded the boyish looking junior p resident," to \yhom the Question \yus ,ddT . . he Question was , ctrsssed^ , ---.-:- - - - ' '.'I transferred the case to Bering's wawj today," be added _ ]'What's the kid's .previous history? ^Did .he have any jjredisposive"— t~"Qfi,- dry upj^Salii,'" "urged a member of ..the group. "\Vhen we do get a chance to" call gur souls' qur^nyn for ten. consecu- tive minutes, wljia?s~the use of lugging 'shop* into^the talkV' r TlTb' three" doliteis were seated oh" an octagon shaped platform on the top; 6f the rotntfda.Qf the main building of-toin' hosjjit'&l. ^••ccegSj thereunto j v a s gamed by a ictfriMttsiy. built'trapdoor, and once i —throngbrtliaTtlpI^* an' nfiWTfTe"n laVTuul decreed . t l i a t ^ p p talis" be,left behind h .and recreation,- ik'cussawiy* brief*-be thf wdw-^of—t4fe- -liomv—^Ft—wair*tfn—A-ugttsf night, hot as^only the he,ld over heat of a metropolitan August day can produce- too hot by. far to al.tempt-t<j..slei'» i ,'-. _Whh--r-r qt a passing trolley mmt&.beav-; fiy UDQft. the ear juid ilie raking clan&Iot ^-ifee-goHfe-4Hmfi- 'la«ily in the air wTffr'itti irisistant foreefulfl&s necnliaV t o weath e r - s & r - a ^ f p f ^ R L UunnclityT F^to'jtie southward^ on the other side of the vealijg, , whits capped and go^vnedv -#S tajva of iije,..piglit -out-so,' Anjiis". "3JB- Baring," softly spol«m, '•-•ftri' BmV ing, wai^ouconie tn_No. 3.3. .1 taitik he's 'going*"- Baring followed -stowly-*o the Jaedside of the yoimjj ifilltan boy that volvjng wheel at Washington pari; g'lim- jgefed, and grew, faint in" turn, their will- "•tlte*^visp glint suggesting "(tantalizin]* •hints- pi cooler, weather down .' the ba £ Here imd there the ri.v:er was. studded with Hgh(s of boats apd gteamers—pon- derous fen^bouts, plowing "their way a'eross froih'Camden or saucy little tugs, pulling up.tjiestream tovlofflt on to.giant merchantmen about to pass down the rivp.r o^ t)»e ijiorrow's tide and through the bren;k\VateG jNoaf at hand" the 3oi; ci6nt" CTOTHJ oTTRuJertDrulence hall, .-three ^squares .off, "ooonTetf slowly forth th# ' hours'of night, the "white-tlie' metallic Jingle of a .small timepiece up town §eem-. cd to mock-its stat-oly Icisui'e.. Of tlie-three dreamy spectators of* this silent scene, Bhvood Baring. was the least likely to do or say anything which would he apt to cause offense to ins fel- lpws, and consequently they were unnfc- pai'ed for his sudden outbreak of the mo- --BMiit before, -Sbeppwd—esehn-ngetl—n-tyt&xo^rJUMthev, glance with his companion, which plain- ly, said: "it's coming. N Q j^ninmn^huini' .can stand a^f-sfrahi lUce.thAtJ^oj; night " rtayFjind not sho\v it. in- sight." •i!ieiie - s-*-tirea^ Alrendy In his brief ferju-^H ^-tts -at-g-thg- hospi taj^TOrnTB' had shown hjniself .to be ouf^poof as n |«'^racrical^d»y%ie?«tfrittnjL»o1iiy• UiC' day be- fore old Dr. Blncko'liad said that he had -never seiuvhuj^ual for working capacr- t^. - - I t e ^ w -a4k her Ujajts, and BOW it seemed that Rnr- R ff v "AW SesvL, Josu! Podlro, my leetle -eo»"-'!-£h«adeip«rt-Ga4 Hng fra« to reap d sfern reward for-his zealpusness. : The reeollection of that summer's heat is sfjll fresh in all minds, but few people : re»nlls!0 how espeelnll.v hard wnft the , . . . . {k . , ,, —U-MK- -fai^£gsliiona^»li^ snwsljghe.' ^ [LfeTTES TO U»S. *IKKBAM- HO. 78,465] "I was a suffe»rer from female \yeak- jness. Every moottnt^gularly as_ tlia pmenBe& eatae, 1 saffflreg diroaarnl palps WFFERINQ UVE PLACE -0 PERIODS 9FJOY intitcrns, ovaries itedanet ha4-46aeerfhoea. - I had my children very fas* and ifc - leltm&very wcalt, . A year ago"! was talion with flood- ing and almost fed. The doctor even gave me up and rpneiers h.ow I ever Eved. ato for Mrs. Ptafaliam's adWce- ; Lynn, Mass., and took her medicine id began to get well. I took several mottles of the Compound and, used the Sanative Wash, and can truly say that dm enrcd. Yoti would hardly -know ie,t am feeling, and looking «o wel^. (rdia B. Khkhatfi's Vegetable Com- Ipound made m& what I T am."-Mas. JJ. P. ; . STBKTCH, 461 MEOUAKIO . ST., How Sirs. Brown Wai Helped, __ ** I must tell ybn that Iiydia E. Pink- im^^egetaM^CsmpeBad ha^_d^& fmofd for" me fl5*nTany doctor. "^"^ 'I was trdnbled wxth frtegnlar. M mensfegiation. 'JaaSfc .sammey. X^Jbegan rt^« nse of yctor Vegcfeble Comfwand, i and after taking~two bottles, 1 have J" been regular every month smce. I K recommend- your medicine-touall,"— |t.M3a., MAOGIB Av Saoira, WM/'PR What will it do? -ftTv11l%;so- fiuich thrat it is" impossible to tell k in a'sntfrt rspracef. - It will-brighten *• and freshen the rooms you'have been living in and" destroy all germs of disease. It will |T' make foe inside of the house-attractive and chee'rnHV-and if the-house is not" |i, cheerful tlie fafnily can hardly expect to be. It will; protect the outside of the J.nciuSe and' from decay", be"i ^nfeso&aldng'it gfibditolUipk. fipiohT-Jt- P^Grjieriv of!!';yo|ir-h.ear£,:i-sp: l(iat_ when. "i'e name,.'*' ChiltonT .Painti' |F S nigh; ' catt ft •;<> ' rise- up 'Snd "ir i-i-i •• -•'•'lii-'ii-i'f"--ii;"«Bii~'-'-» mimnmmnm MASONS HLWLTH DEFENDERS! FREE FROMCALOMri. OPIUM & A LOfS lYElLOWTABLtT5CUHEDY5PI.PSi^L I .... «sWfeqKSIIWCTftJll| •3-$&gZi I BROWN I#1SJC* ;-'•'> , v <3pm?$*ziii FOR SAU 61 ORUSCISTSOHMAILfDMS PPICt HTMisofl CHEMICAL Co 5l5Af?CHSr PMHAPA OUCHSI 1 \ ] ^y~t?% 1 r.i city h(wpita4^ , ^ayir?P^ds*tey'a«i5 , «»?4 diwtj to^la1W^oW = uuSa1paT«&oA? ipteAOW^vvtftkedJkS^ir- 1 *•'•'- —•*— -^ Only « moUient fdr> a hastily s n i l c h ^ meal-Hinbr-, an- houVjor. sffSror'A^lft? oh thP:. iife(,^§t.' «pj(«?ccupied' fe—or "aeuc^—no time for-p^I^hJrto^-stlife, to Ittbor, to * toiL-' Oi£ly.„a life to save, perhaps;' that' •v^as better lpst, b.ut al} tax htihianf^ No ihspij'edtpe'n-ffii^|ipld theihultiplelstoi'ies of their devotion to d^aty.-bst-wer-'viihejn- our m<|dej5t \vjy, were ah|<f -to .helftinelu^ r .we JjneVv it 4ilMnot.. w.ere we flh¥ only; Qilg§-aha. ,kngw._ Sjifi '^i-jekea^pjajae!it& jaaisoitt' '-%MSr0m'mu w>*fomikm, :mj 3, W J*i!fe.!' a Bi2§ P8l se 9.n^-fatal temperature.- moaning in"their deliinum <tv shivering in the, deadly, heat chill. Thtqse lat*^.' on knew. of.^epeTJl fr6v_w!Mch" : tKef*liaa heeir reSe'uld.^ and today, h* hundreds o r honies,. the n^mes-of---tlresfe""white. suited 'Ijntenles" are household words. Qh, ye- v?ai-i'iors of "health! Fight on your bat? ties in the arena of.experience., Le s,alutu. There'was,,asji rule, little convei'sation., _ ,.- , . , in those nocturnal gatherings on the-po^Ci i Hamlin)- ^nade- a eha*nxlng- Romefr'.and Bpeh preferred to sit in silence, smoking hiK faithful pipe and dozing: Ijetwelh the. piiBEs. Tonight, however, -we were alf wakeful, and while talk fras'scarjc^ivfc erybody seemed" restless. !Tbe squrfd'tif a rabidly ap,pfoachigg wa,goa toldjns that; our "infant," Walters, was returning; frpiB_fl^'hnny call".anibtjlajuefe trip; iiipT •SJ>ef5pardT--with™«r-re^§fu^^ himself to'the reeeiying ward! to'Welcome the unfortunate. 1'itSe passed, and still w j sat and still we smokfed—in s.ilence. '**•-•-*•*-''•-*'- " Rz1mi&Gtfri?'*P tiiteds 'te* ferini whose rom thnt euiSously'^fatal disease ve^y symptoms-provTe a~ block to cure^-A- shftle^glanee swlllced, lindtlren "(jftll the farHer'MMs his,iinskily siiokcn- ed'iet, With lnmb^ri^g-sl^ps the fresfr aw,akened- parent a p p r o v e d the .deatli- bea. Alrxwidy the strange, -.quick hjilf gasp, half'choke breathing -which- marks the fatal -stage had .begun,, and the ycl- low„-w4isenlike features-asstimed the" hue of death. "Mater.dolorosa, Jesu Klarin. Jesu ifnjtn. sijivjci huterol't. rabnnedrfte TJSfBet'. '""^XhTlny boy,' m^TBoyf my Tftfje Petro!" he-criedv And bdw-over tpe face 6f the~hoy a smile uitsyttitt cojhi'S agulp aird then slowly, ah, so slowly, the gasps oome-aud go npd grpw;fo\ver qnd fe-wur until— Outside day breaks. Bustle, uproar and confMisiQn.. become - -rn.K|P«aX_ again. Crowds form on—the S^«K*K. Men gOf about their dfpUj! lqtta- CiHghnina appeajred^Jh Lohdon at thsePrlrjee^stheater aisBqineo to hei'_sis- ter's Jutret. Janies Sheridan Knbwles. tfoijraiiiiee-: "Charlotte—Oushman's acting 01 thd f»aisWge la which Romeo throws himself upofi the gtoundT taTthig" fiie d6lo«! "\Vhy<sTaiHlyeldlyby?" Anotk er day tpogniu and lose. ;l,ttotior day to brOjsJr'tresn~lleTtrt^: -to^ri'nfff pnxs- .sjpt^ tlTPrT*ry-To^tnt«mTnia-r" -.rrwo.Itcitaeili A Boston firm of book publishers ro- -ceived-by mail a request tor 1 a boedt-cn-* "Yam- St-himfcoumtPf?" lty Schoolmaster" was-promptly forwnTdcdr and it proved to be the fleered booii. Another firin of booksellers received it request for n book on "^ostjo! ctiketto" that owaid "lenrn n lody lio>w to behave The rrobrclln. The umbrella- is of very ancient origin, Jtt is found in designs on Greek nnd Etruseaii vases "and is traced bnek to nn- ^eieut Egy^n^ihTrmtrtrRnrot-TCrts. its flrBt CffauuoMSnotte f Tnii*o ever seen." use wns uniloiilitcdly to protect from the lmnrtnl~rays J ,6TTJie troplcail gun. Its Tinttn derivntlon is from umbrn, n^ shade. The English got the un»brella frorn France, and the first man who carried tlijs-jmin protector in. Bugland was Joi iieph Ifauway, who began the practice when a'young man andT eoiitLnued Jt until his death, in 1784. Hnnway was tip mous iu his day as h philnnthroplst, hut ho is remembered now quite as much' for his persistence, in Carrying * n umb|eJlft>. and buutlng down "tlie pyojiidlee ag»iIiiBt J the use of it lis for any Of his purely bear eficent deeds.--John . Gilmer Speed In Woman's, Some-^Iompanion. . The Slaledlve. archipelago, west of eh. aVe ..^ above the level of the oeeau and only lfo of whlcn are inhabited. . ' '£*** *aTfisTiif-^* r ^" ^'-^ ^ MENU SS>R He is* corapaS5i'onatc and has no thought, No feeling which can OTBCCODIC MS Jovei v 3! —ffogdmtnrth- * ™ BSEASFAST, , Pbachea Eggs o » Tolst- Cfeaiaed Potatoes. Water Cress Salid. Buns. CoSee. iBSGHEON. Glala31roilh*z- Potato Salad; Tomaloo*. Toaatotl Cheese Buni.- •= ' , " riiMiS. - • - Tomato Sotip —-Vtert-Ctttlets," VriSa; .. Succotaih. - Xcttucc Salad. , Biscutt? MoCliMfe. ^-.' .BtUcfcCoff^fa .( - s : BEAMISH<X)t^EE.^Briwiiifj > t tithe _jibonjBj^^mpieJi^tJlh#' T o^^.ba i _, v ' fiatSro. 'TKe success or" fallino <A- tfiia ' supreme aeotlir'idnpends upptt theqtfiiU-' MtF-oHBg^^^aits'treiitaaentfltthe' ' Bnact|T)£"the cook; ~T(ie borry shonlB po " ' the. licsfc obtainaWo, freshlj fcoasKo*, o r ' 'nt-IeSsHhe-flaivorte^re^rond^By-heat- " 1 inpr tlfo grriiri Ip theoVeHn'toVmo'wents y r bororftfising. 6rina~uSd~vl'telfr the 6oSw-5!- '.gt-tBSffifrfitbttienr " 5 " - '* u&wm^Mg^ ? t04IJl|jQNETHftf HATM" HI&MBfeRT., •i ID Their FresentaUon $#vtrtf"W»m* -/©h*rMeRe Canhmaai W»» grqBaBTy the Greatcut qf Tttfttn £*h^. ~ • "", —^njt^TQterq*ay^ot-M^S{tfd^ e's ni|v? .vcpii Taro^'e-*}' ^Miv- impers&hatibn i of the itr^aitnale cpantcters of thenar iters sfrlje' 'nfaV.' [ WtSi. SLdae'ns' opCewf^d in-"Ham- •"tet, ,J lit-whs not SHcSefsftiU as we llarn froth tti'e efltifis of her day. Before Gha*r ; Jpttf^(3ush|ral|,TllIetP -rFrerfaTfir-GliaTleU rfcehj',. Bad tilayedftonieo, and inost ac- ;^ipbi|ly, too', vvh,ile ber Ion, of which-She ITS^S the .sji'leinifck of* rKdfiord* jhxy 6i that name, was-oiie of her most : Cdmea inapei'SoBatioos^ Mrs. Shaw (Mi's. added to her fame as "a. great aetress} a l l these ajul indeed, b'ey?»nd all f doubrGhttrlotte CushEuan stands without a» r-ivdf-iik male - personations. '-The n'^ !Uearan£e_jofJ8apali BetoMrdiiri^-flajnlet" \ awakeBe^mn interest* which Juiti died oyt Of the" pijbjlfi jnipd-iij regari to these ^gpe^t pei-soijiitipns by "'{eniates. , Tfye fQ- : n»ra7n i |)m^i7etjied~with gpfflrnen'daOgns of B>ralia;J'i)t's Hamlei, 1 am unwiflin^, h'pwevciv.:tb admit that the stagre-ha's-ev- ey.had'inTe equal of (3harlotte CilshmalK aili(7 t,d stistaia eno^ln- that opinion," J have Sought |fa,e opiniopsu>f -those whose judg- ment enhnot bujt be.AdlBitlieii: 0a-the Tijuht of ©ec, 30.-1845, ehar^ grief in •EJutyousi Keen's Othidlo, yet t had never .expected to see anything as fipe as Iveea's Otliv'Hp. It was a scene of topmost''paoslon—riot simulated passhm— no such ""'thing: real.. palpably real; the genuine hciirt storrfi'\*«i8'on in_its wildest jitfiifnoss^ of fury, and 1 listened and, gazed* and held nay breath \yhile pjy blood rau hot a n d colli. \ an^snip itjmust have, been t h e , case.^.with ev.ury one In the house,-but 1 was all absorbed in Romeo till a ((rander of-apptause- called me" to myself." -. ' »- ' . oiislln Meflartliy, in hlsdeHghtful fem- inlscenoes^Issued by the Harpers, snys: "For rayselfl can sny I have never heard greater eanp'reflsfon given to ttfe very ffoul a s on the day of human feeling (!'»«» was conveyed by ore-—Be-op-wid |• ChD-plotte—Gusl*ainh i n the few words spoken in the churchyard scene, where Paris breaks in upon* Uome' ho is -about to feree-oj^iHte^door't?f rite-Cttrm-'' let monument. 'Obey and eo with me/ 9pys_ Paris, '(or thou must die,*\nnd- Ko- meo,' loofetnB remirod npisn liiffi, makes answor, *i must Inclcfid, and' therefore •ct»me~I"'^ltlmr.* : ^r-he i --'\vhdte»«tragedy"af- tbo hour wiia told by these words spo- ken In t&at tone." . " ~ Mo, eiier-Ltlfe^r-»b»^ "Edwnrd Ecgelson." _^'"I3ie_ rTonslej | rnaiv apeak tliat-4lne- w411 ever- forget *he- rahgie-Dr the liuptessrpn wroagla by ber fulf interpretation of^ its poetic human meaning. Sir. SleCarthy says "jie haa seen only one Romeo, Mr, Forbes lloheit- son's. wbJcL \yaj thq^gattl pi Charintte fgtstnnan^B,.. Aw IB fnrgtimmi'a mstyja Melnotte. -Jlr. Mcdarthy insists that it c-otily uuuppruaeh'ed, but fiTis OSf oply ondwn^lq rendition of the part. ™*.yi«3 ? 4pft)ra f itr tier r^) Vlon£, Mh^-iiiii JrritMbrlityof temper nerrousnwaL - JSte'lathed her anliji-s ip the roera . uqlW ytin Kelt (i! tlr; ' «• Ot.prjins eyes'!{Uic i , i « - no fear— . -*. The stars luid fled,, i n t . aky Was clear, _.-The sun but scaiu astir. - ,' .' * "^Sflreir-]07"were J aJI at onto untfr«\vn, . The curtirrhs of thu*7luy— . You fltqo4 upon DH, dewy lawn, "Virqr g-ptdsij toti-1 Tntia the dawn And swept my I;I,. i a*ax L- .' —'Blanchti-l.ui.i.-.jiy in Athenaeum. VV>ON OVER BY A WQMAN. :psqam98 t <he IlJex^- Geiitle Wor«l« Chansed Coni-ne of a Uu tli-^oil Liue. The engineer who lays out a railroad' dislikes to move a stukw when it has ounce been driven. i 7 ! Once, \yhen-the present chief eugiriej;r.. ot a western" railroad'\wis locating-u-Jine in Missouri, be was u>k«d to chaage—ihe. .stakes; and., refused. -After the stakes had bfiep.setr4t-y4uuig» uiishaved_uiaa_ api. ^MueijuairtPiied .tfeai. ihe ssmA \m-fo-w: edrpyteF a.bit." w fhei pa.d*,:C)yinut b^hnnged,'' prompt- ly returned the engiui-er. •'"iMiis'.is* the b%t prjiee for it." "The iha'u.went into a house, got a rifle, came out and pulled up the stakes. The JndUin^u^M^^' rj - l> ' till 'J u ' d toward-b,iii[ r vptis prostration atid general debility are sure to follovw overwork, mental strain Or lack fit proper nourishment. Nothing hejpsjto remove these con- ditions so "well as' Vf. Miles' Kestora- tive Nervine. It <jirie*s<;t}je exeit^- neryea, rests- the ^eary^braln; im- proves the appetitevaidsi digestion and -^ds-newTTiTaliRy;Bcirfhev whoreTTody. . M-r. St.A, Seevest^ a-ds-ngg'isfe-of Or- angeburg, S. C.,'WTifes: "I have used- Dr. Miles'- Nervine any self for nervous- ness and vertigo or dizziness and I find .it* almost excellent preparation. I -'.have also sold notahy ^bottles to -my ejustimers *nd fripads-atid Jlcnow from their -experiences ^*he medicine gives -a-njvera'al satisfaction.". "Alf druggists nrp! ant.frnriznri-4p aril Dr. Miies' NeiTia* on a guarantee that, ft»t bottle; wi41-beaeiH-^>r- : monef' will--be-refunded*-'- Be jmr* »nrt g P t Dr.^'Milei'. Nervia*. Write for free booklet on heart,_aaid nerves. i)r. Miles Medloal Co., KSlkhart, Ind. but was" intercepted l.y an elderjy^wroiu; an. ' " • - 4 - -"' : ^ ; J^C4Br'l yuu. hiovj;ymt- jgacl^over a Jl^ tie pieeeTmistorV""sht- asl«>d. ~^^ "1 don't see why 1. -lu>uld r " rosponded - Ifl fge enguieer. "My Im-iness Ts to lopjjte the Hue, and you can i .ill uu the ruinpany s f6f M >uaT»T^S ffiK 5?hlt^aW& s: T^^ hluekguurd mean Jiy -itting there tin. a sfutup with" u : gtin?" In- angrily deluaiy- ed. medsiu'e e*<an-jB^«jdAgrjjfx©i' wasea,uaT* ^Iiiifs'N.ip, JJe tim't no blackguard. f0 the finest otitlAirst of passion and T»"-*'>- MS« » ^ »"•• " That's Nip, my sou \Veil, I'll nip him n be gets funny.*"* Oh, no, you won't. I uin,'£ afraid of that," said tlie WJUUM.II. " W h a t ei>i|if over nje when I seen j.m starting for Nip was that p'r'aps yun had ii motbo'rj and -how. bad she'd fuel to have yQU c-bTnie home that way.** ..^- "What wafv'* ' ' - i . . - « s » ~ - ^ "Well, If you pers>i*t in driying them stakes thei'o you'll go luuni' dead." "Look hew.'. f>o .\uu think I'm to ho that t'-ulliunV" "Nip^ ain't nortifliuii," sitirTlhe wonxau. "Yen. see, we've lived here—Nip was born hero—an \\in>ri the guerrliliis come an called nut pun- an shot hlm_ we .^ - iMK ^- bmtei} hiiHjist'wharhe ^ ^ ^ " ^ n i ^ j i ^ l H a.' snbstltat^for Castor OU, Pnrogortc, Drops X! " '""" and Soothing Syra-is^ 11; Is Hnrnit«sJr-ifi(ia:^Plc»8»i»t. : it ways kept as u ri'sfi^atioti, ai» Nip biels determined you" shan't dinturb it; that'u all." ._ "Then you don't ul'jeet to the rail- road?" ._ ^2 ... .. - "~ . • J ftoord-_o'"jaetey^ nuL : W a a i n t - t u t rood.* but we don't want you to dknVBrb pawT«i!u.¥e.** . _ » "Coure," stild Tlie mgluocr, "let^B ~gu -andBfi&*Nlp. J '*- - ""•'—' >"*• When th»y came up to the stumft the hfR engtneer held out his hand. Kip took "She created for me the only human, the only pnsaaililf; trail the only om'trntfrln lrrcad a few tlnj^ -asp arr incldenT which oecTrthyT Ifj'jfij* Nqfroanl theater. Boston, i n 1851-2, Gharlotto Cushman- vvaS:plnj3u(lj Romeo, and; In one of the mosr <k iiupas,iloned scones with Juliet some feilow staxtlcd- £hb jouolielice by a sneeze . 60 Istid a n d so artificial*JIB to convey an insult, &118S Cushmaxi led-3iUiet from the stnge arid returned to the footlights, and in a clear, prm voice *ald, "Some man mast put that person out, or"l shall bo; obliged to do ijHaygBlfc" The fel'lpw i ejoetcd, tha 'diidience rose cri masse threo cheers* and Miss Cush- was and gave mart proceeded with tho play, A, lpjlt.Jforgottefjtactre«a who appeatcd in male parts, -with wonderful, success _ . , - t , „, . ... , was Charlotte Crampton.—^She—was a Ceylon, embrace's 14,000 coirn> Island^ _vfo mBn ©j g^^ and Qi decided talent, few of which, aire more than six feet bufc-foiujsome reason—probably a way- ward disposition—she ftBijkndt properly appfeclk^ar nift hucrctidjr •alt} of her, "Ther* is a. womnri. Hthp^^ jrouJd"|tartIe tlje woflot If "sbie; "were 6nt two inches taller.'' She wai rather iraa)!, but de> gpffe Ilia! drjuyBaok her grieeiul personr expressive featares a-ud her intensely emotronal acting- securfcd her the name of ^ t f a t ^ i t f e r f i d a o i n i ^ T^fw played HanT- "let, ttkllatrd I1X*fihyleeS,fagoj Eameov Don Cnes^r de Basan, and in all of them she xttii ianle; B* hot Softune. Her ca- reer WW exr»Me=2fid ^imeteorhv-'bnt h e r end WJB5Bhrortded.lp jr|o<)m. ; _. " -Anna jDkklrjftOiii who had obtained some celebrity a s g, writer and lecturer, essayed" the ifagejit. tie-closing of her career. She Appeared as Hamlet, but I ^-^h*rdIy-utk^he-4chieT«d-suc«es»r^ »— ^fhere.base been humeroua female Ma- eeppas on- 4he~»iEage. Jtdab Isaac Men^ ken, Lolr> Jklontea, Leo Hudson and oth- ersy' and jwhea the opera bouffe was in- Sbockca the Slime MnnnRcr, L JJr. l-nuda. PetiHro, 'flu; playsciishtand. stago manager, does 1 not, in his outer soniolonqc, fuinu ono'a Idea of the per- «ot»ftiit3f «f tbe-«*eRlge itJirgtunftnagFefv hr-his ciericnl blaclr cloth, hfcr tdortenl black'apron, bis clerical white stock, Ills pale, clean shaven face, his dreamy eyea and hia-aspcet of gentle piety, ho niijght be, and freqneutly Is, mlstaTferTfer It member of the Jesuit brotherhood. At he leans ngainst the wall of the lobby of the theater, abstractedly gazing at the crowd fiiinjr through the tnrnstilen, ho oka m 'file"had Kutndeied JnJtteicJb; mistake. Tlie story Is told Of .an usher in the theater of a small western town wtio, thus seeing Mr. Bclasco for the first-time, -stepped up to him In the lohbyt and, polntittg; to a cburch and a crdwd-w-tbtr oppnsite side of the street, whispered, "Excuse me t sir, hut that is S t Aloysiaa', troducid i t (drtt&J|ed:Jf.-SfiL^ 1Q£ a ^dis- play oTtbe femafe fprin in male attire fvvhieh teas given .with an abandon nofrf.-^ ' 4 peirmtftelT" by 'grettf c-Bforaeters of The Legitimate^ drtiiaa^oful F* Geyle In Washington t^ost. . " ^^^r^m0^W k ^^l^^'PH• ME ijrrr POK WEDNESDAY. X for feIppMc^loi^:-ll|hi^6||iig^p1hr. u ," I , ^," ' •' ' :^Hi' •tSfiji.fe'' '.'• i "" ' g" *7£ S- :'".' A "BnEJiKFAsy.:.: ~*~ Oitmeai, Wflpged Grc4m.. . * -Fifta S^Brc&Wr'l Potatoes S»te.—Bfickra , Tofilatoi CoSee. Baapbertieg, CtqpB, -; . •• -.- r.4v tn,f : .3 Little Neck Olaips ori-TtiftJst.- Potatoes -c \i 'tfr^baBonlig. ,' Tea. Pickles. HoteernadfBBlH. _J±_^' •. -. ., pmm*';,- ,-. JuUontifc SoUprf'£*oute&ufc:5 T-.Badishe^^OJiViSrJMiti,, Lrnia Beans. . SewXIOrtu . Lettuce Silad. , . jQooseberryjFoolj -Whlftteakfe ' Bla'ok Coifcio!. Clie*», ,"*, ? Jlfc*§HE&.,. LlTSCLE < fJEGK,If^4 ; itS..t4lelt. r if t&* mmmmi ^^m^mmf^^^q^z^^i^ JLil'" /it¥ TB-E^Ei •*clK>ijgcd sliivea and Vwp vt M&jttyi' Cook ijOVcr"opeii .'fhti-lmhl nJpoua iip.ttSlcev cover «1* "' -4liiek^^^vit^^r-bfeaeHS'rttJn^H^r^arewB: "' y~'f """Srt-tr*-"4 " -# abte^ehfurrelcif of ' mtifrtimati:'•'mm& ?i antf ^trftleyy^lt,' f epper-TtnJ r ^titiiit'g t& •' *- tajtevitid 'four.'dinieej' .ot, ^'iiteafi'chS^les^ . * ,Jt)itQ$ MMAOA -Z_ ^tt' . , . Johte."-StlrHi Tit! -*B^^qaIte-:TOlU:aw***s!Hit! mmmi- have d^ "good tiute, 1 " as they will soon be tfe. If n c&ifd is brotight up in idlenessahp" LL^LkojhlSsUxafcivJUfe^ h wfifo wlll^fttfm pafghry Tinrd- • ^ h o fltffite Motfieru affcT CJilIcIrent- fifhnfs-<ytnfi-«ny thg onhL-i ofplife \f|fi ptove Very sfigagfeffible, arid; tl^e} : g^l^chiM ^1115 li&mm.o reatra- Thfegoodl'^tnids, Of .yotith.iii 1 ithe nafural 5 . as-uttBMu^«^bJLdvea^-sL., TJ .. ~,._^. K »,,, ' - b d t f p : a » ^ 3 u o u ^ W e t «Siry;i'fh'eT ideit'^}. tfhr -«'s.."tp aatin tJblg^ldfenyVhhd'' 'malg' Settler!' o1NKe ; i'^Atchis^h-GIoh"&l : ;'", 1 ~i : .,' >• Do«fl»«!t. Aajprd*-«! ! of, Hje**' ." "-~v t'Does fotir r vof^kn>v^.&l^retty- Mrs, '6p.zabo0'r* .•.';-.'.••,'..*..-- .,...,-, .--"'^I t'*l thiafc- it jis m>rely a sniffing ac^ Lajic^f^ie^a^nuiaeia' " " a.^. ..^S^IuiiiiifaiSaltill that Miy Kidney. Cu* IU «wr»»0i>*r etnt -InatincM ,'thV; , •fflfcmMmm Srt«ht!s~dlMaa«r—&h . i»%ii^hvijiu;-,0f.-;«liil Pf^j^tUIKwllhi^i. : « 0 4 «dTlM["7orS"at'- *iiwliSt::t#5««K(: - " is." BnfttJjhVwomanr touehfeig a low stoiie trghtly^cvlrfi na f fger "I see," said the ('inducer. "W'c can miss thn>tfnsi!y enouuli-" lie frtoved a mile of the road, from .tJtui day fbinrnrd until tho road was fin- ishci aiul thug nriiiiuuri the .vvido\rr'a homo was the stoppiiij; place o.f the en- gtUtitT.—"Smry ut tiw Kallrund."— It took Mr; Bclasco two days to recof er.—Leslie's Weekly.'• >-Md-t*nd(&l£- -tfj&at',-iteming; cliafingj .or any irritation of" : the skitij produeed by exer> ^ i s e or otherwise, ftse refregiali|g4 Alf^^'skin.'.^a- ; JnftafnitiatTpn afr^onoe, .antif H^rdiiidteS'tiomfol^." Tfyit. -f M druggists. 35c. ahiT^cs^Saaijpie Tree- JG®a&b'&&EOWBBR coiiMaA-EfoM). as. *m --_... -t-M- ,: b|nl| ;aifd y^tt. fill h^iplgiiEpet hi fits BliORT PRICSB. TT - j r-f i , &\-&0#^-±t#'U-,&£ 4J&&.~~ •-*i-- •'-;-st9«|»-e'»*-,'-.!;-. " Mile* Medical UPHOLSTERING -- -^4v»«^*<J^iyt; ALBERT KAUFMAN. JUnkfofrHoursOa a?ytwW?f^ft 4 KW-, tec5«pfrSund§ysW U"* Aii i ets, i ina)rketvsltj^"Jtfnv 1, Ji ,a$e?2~ J* 8urpiu« wift^|g.atf;pW,-vaiiite:i,.; \m,mw. :^mm •••- jorfu}KtiB. •' •• • .-- ' 'i'-^-mk'^a mm SWK'B JOPJKBA_ HDTJSIB^LOCK. QPECTACLES and ; . EYEGLASSES . AT LOWEST PRICES. Thoroughly ffrst class JEWELRY REPAIRING A BPEOULTT. v^f/tutt.Bdthi P.M. Orton., V,_n^J| r< iW4„, M. 0, MWLAM, ._ HON, Waslungtoa St. W Y TIio Kind Han Hivvo Always Bought, and w|lich lias boon ia use for ever 30 yoarsj has borno tlio signature of JL——.•*t^&3eM3mmJmfa under his por- ^4^ 1 _.^so«*»J dupcrviHion siuco Its Hffoncy;" ^t^uQ&^t^A, Allow up ouo tadeceive yett lit fclifsr— All Coimtori'oits, Imitations «tud Substitutes are bifTEx- l)oriiiientH taiat trifle wltk 'ftnft" ewlahger tfioJiciiUli of ..' Iuftijjtts an* Gliiklrcn—Exporloneo ngtvliist Experiment. What (s^A§tORIA -J. feoiitatnB neitUe^ Opium r MorphUio nop other Narcotic ttnbs'tanco. Its ago Is its griiftrnutec. It destroys Worms rtrid alhtys y<w»rlHlnieHS.—It-cni^s-JDiai^Rba-and--Wlii(t CQIIC. It relievos Toothing Troubles, cures Constipation *itMl Phttiricnicy. - ft itssimHatos tlio Focwl, regulates t»«— Sst<>iiviw;li aiMl Bowels, giving healthy iijwd natural slcopi -Tlro-ehUdria^riPaiiaxjclfr-a'Bo MotTier's Frroud. CENUINE Bears the Signature of - ..9K0S«j«s-;.. 'a ' wr Sjttnnel Watdijellv f llilatn It, |tuu tlagton^ i|<»ryey &. ffpeiicer, Ackley P. fuller, ^Lteefst Arja-trojig, James H. Hearleg, „„„„ „, .„.„„,, Jaraes 8; Dyett, JfraaklfD A. Ethrldgs, Baittuiel B. Beacb^ John D. Oxner. Fra "" QNEIDA COUNTY SAV3N6&BAHtJT " tmrla Its Naw BanWhsHbwse.lWWest ttoiit ^ * > ^ _ nlol* 8trerft,jiHnei K. Y. F»»*.aj< dint. InH^st to Oaroaltor* , OWBN BCO^VjEN8 f ]feesi(>erit; •r^D, ROBBam lai^lce President. A. B,kom« S&l^M mats Pr^ibkni... ^ t-,- m Owgn R Owens, iS, Secretary and Treaiorer. •"•-isT-mis. -' ^^— v "harlesBathbnB. mgwrwmmtt TKoftajriRHobsrt*, -9-'ggg4ff t! ? d 'g 11 '- - HiBirara e/VfflgijtiM,. SM Hfggwfc OFjtOiptt. , p»i<itTpc«i»n»t «r »100,0*0.^ —~ Surplus aid unairtded profits ..i..t75,qOOOU- OWFlGKIfB. W J P. KINOStEYrpresidwt, • ' SZ _JRPff.AKl>r?OHHTf>OK View P-ra«ttte»t BAMUEf, WAKDWKLL, Cashier , OIllBCTOnS, W J P. fauRsley, kouia Oliwmarm, Uuft-Olrjiq^,, _, _ _JohftJR-J5a-wi —©taxiffltBilthl,_ T 2 B RoSerMf* Samuel Wardwell, 4Qhn-S_»&«'4weIl t tt 3. Hitchcock, K~fcr8teifM», John D, Oxner, IWK»td_Coiaatoqli, W. W. Wardw«ll T HE-FIRST JTAtlOSrAf, BANK Of { ... r B03«B. - . - - Oapitnl - - - - - f !•«,••». *v Qt ZT- Pntal- NTINQTON Vice Pcesfdent^ F. M. SHELLEY, C»f£l«V- Biajtetdfts, Oat»fc Petrlo, Thomas G.ttoplr, I DJIIKKIM, Edward Barnard, John 0, Bisoull, John D. MoMahon, W. it. Uutttlngton, F.JfeShelley,, ' .1. Lowell WlUlama. " 100 W. DommeK ^ a n i t . I nsurance. I - i: If you want tk8 BEST INSURANCE COMPANIES Imnr* with JAMES H. SEARtES... Unmntnoe Cbmpmtlw repwwntBd> wtna •,uM..,..„n,H..«,. tlomn.. .....ot Hartford of Haw York U*«rpool-tLh*u6(MiQk>b:...... StbirUwt- <>>nt|«ental ..... „, .: ot New York (Bauras%Co. North Ametloa—....PhDadelphta -3otr.7ii5.i..f;r ....... ;...-...j^ ...... -.-i;»ajC tOBi* NorthJktti#a«Mnroa«tlJ«...., MeroDaata , ...>. »eroh»ata'..rt ,„„j...o| HjiirMkJt-li^^ W-Ullamrtnnirtatr...^- ;...NawTorlc Hawr* c* K**r Yortr autcheaaCto. Ktttual ...... ;-.i ..Hwr»oHr~*- - - Stna.LUa and. AcoWeat.-..- MabllUy. ^___ Mjtropoutaa Plata Qlim buoraaes Oo.Haw York I usje for tale deilrable DwaUIay Hooaa peo_pi' ;rty-Vacan£ LoU-Farmsit reraonaSia pBo*£ indltlahr-*"' •"'""• ---•"—* - t —--•- --- ^-~— dltjAjiifjIy predated that o« w!.rb«r wrtiOa jot a proit. Bararal Diral]- JAMJCS H. 8KABI.KS -If yoa- want plenty of~ water at a small ex- pense and a cool kitchen be connected to water front of atove and ••THE MOUE YOU SAY THE LESS PEOPLE YTFIEMEWQBER."~ ON^WORD^WITH YOU SAPOLIO used in connection with • 7 coalfireor wlthlga*. , .'' Yon win find theml* . 118 North Waehlngton St. ^^••••••^••%»* »»••••••••••••••» ••••••• •••••4»»» i ^OJ HOWARD AVENUE - - UTICA, N. Y, mmwmmkmmm _ I AND CARPET CLEANINQ WORKS. ! The largest at»d best equipped establishment ntthe aind in feh» United J* States. We wiM pay freight one way. on airordera sentna by boator i -ralfc—^Ehe ateamAr Aliee-rrmulng erery day will carry ffil .goods*aT'T«ry X" little coat. Pric« reauoiiable and liberal discounta to churcheB, hotels and charitable lEMtltutloDs. Eetabllahed over 30 years ago. We are her* t to stay, not to fasts the public. W.'O. GRAY, Proprietor, X >t»Mi •»»»<»••»•» •••••••••••»r* ••••*• »•••#»•» tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHli AND BEAUTIFUL. Otker words to lit be" used noe our ^ss==- - .^ Bat sol^d and.beatt- g tiW, etoiflg as it. does from a pleased; ctistomer, ought, to g NO ONE CAMCjUOTBYOU BETTER P^C|S g 119,12 H 2 3 Binisee Sfrett, Utiit, I.Y. IIIIIIQIIIIIIIIIillllllllll insurance. R OOJH 'BR'0'TH1«&. ' ^ UAMOiBHIBB .......... AMKBIOAM ................ fOm A8800IATIOM„..„. MKW HAlCPflHIBB ..... 8^^rTLnMtATOMJJ|0«.. —PitidilpSa^ Pa '^TOfawBaW " COHNKfTIOUT..... „-Bartford, Ooaa. Hartford, Oa— SaHamxa-nRXMiai —.—.... jOomwa; MauHATTA*. *.*.!. :.*. wjr«* Y< EAGLK..... BKRMAW AU.IAWCT.. MUTUALLJf...... •• t-fm*-- .Kuril*. riDxtrrr OA8UAT,TTOO._..„ JJATIOMAX. mraueiTog^^...^^.^ figgfoy? We ha*e JB rood" ttS.. (\- Camera (the$5Korona), t-" leather coToredT'triple' "™^ action gnuiter4;Bi#teiw;^ two^-View .Undent.' ~*mi~ donWeplftte holder. Our - special price is » 2 . O 0 . We also havy v th^yc| : h4x3^o)<diiiGr Cycle JFuiio ! . Catfera with , leather- case, B. £ L. lens and Unicum bulb shutter, --complete? all- regularly—' price is »8.SO.i "Write for speqTol prices oaany Canwra ! or Photo Good? you piay want and re- ' ""-- its'express oii, Cameras.--, S^Sf Tfiffe f^^amm *-*' * It la a aferfetly ha^made flaTana filler, and Is the bee* , -. On sale at . _/ *i" No. 2«i We*.IK»laIck atn^.. \i O^ltath* rW<3*e*, •msp«**- rzr

SAPOLIO - NYS Historic · •

Nov 01, 2018



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Page 1: SAPOLIO - NYS Historic · •<+&• u jr- .., ,f , X r W^Aj-yjjowi^ * 1 l'r> u T> \ ^ n t •«U

•<+&• u jr- .., ,f ,


r W^Aj-yjjowi^ * 1

l ' r > u T> \ ^ n

t •«U ! <?

, W : C ^

I. •*$>#* -fnjifr W


*i*i|H*i*i*i*i*i*l#i*i*i*i*i*i*i^*i4., I"" 'l1lienseHior .4l#|p :-settlqci dowflt more Rvcomtortably hr •»(% chate, filial His pipe. If^i&Xfted lyfcJifielajtojL iignoe, level- on-the f ta i l i l^ ui.frpttt' ot htm and as'kld abrupt-. |~Iy, a'pj\piios of ntftjiiiigi •'•'

: , *'jgdnk thalr-case- of yellow atrophy -is going fcogpull t rough, .Ed*".'

" "Don't knoW, Sain.-^Srb'pb so," la'cdrii:

W caljy responded the boyish looking junior p resident," to \yhom the Question \yus ,ddT . . he Question was ,

ctrsssed^ , - - - . - : - - - -' '.'I transferred the case to Bering's wawj today," be added _

]'What's the kid's .previous history? ^Did .he have any jjredisposive"— t~"Qfi,- dry upj^Salii,'" "urged a member of ..the group. "\Vhen we do get a chance to" call gur souls' qur^nyn for ten. consecu­tive minutes, wljia?s~the use of lugging 'shop* into^the talkV'r

TlTb' three" doliteis were seated oh" an octagon shaped platform on the top; 6f the rotntfda.Qf the main building of-toin' hosjjit'&l. ^••ccegSj thereunto j v a s gamed by a ictfriMttsiy. built'trapdoor, and once

i —throngbrtliaTtlpI^* an' nfiWTfTe"n laVTuul decreed . t l i a t ^ p p talis" be,left behind

h .and recreation,- ik'cussawiy* brief*-be thf wdw-^of—t4fe- -liomv—^Ft—wair*tfn—A-ugttsf night, hot as^only the he,ld over heat of a metropolitan August day can produce-too hot by. far to al.tempt-t<j..slei'»i,'-.

_Whh--r-r qt a passing trolley mmt&.beav-; fiy UDQft. the ear juid ilie rak ing clan&Iot

-ifee-goHfe-4Hmfi- 'la«ily in the air wTffr'itti irisistant foreefulfl&s necnliaV t o weath er-s&r-a^fpf^RL UunnclityT F ^ t o ' j t i e southward^ on the other side of the

vealijg, , whits capped and go^vnedv -#S tajva of iije,..piglit -out-so,' Anjiis". "3JB- Baring," softly spol«m, '•-•ftri' BmV ing, wai^ouconie tn_No. 3.3. .1 taitik he's

'going*"- Baring followed -stowly-*o the Jaedside of the yoimjj ifilltan boy that

volvjng wheel at Washington pari; g'lim-jgefed, and grew, faint in" turn, their will-

"•tlte*^visp glint suggesting "(tantalizin]* •hints- pi cooler, weather down .' the ba£ Here imd there the ri.v:er was. studded with Hgh(s of boats apd gteamers—pon­derous fen^bouts, plowing "their way a'eross froih'Camden or saucy little tugs, pulling up.tjiestream tovlofflt on to.giant merchantmen about to pass down the rivp.r o^ t)»e ijiorrow's tide and through the bren;k\VateG jNoaf at hand" the 3oi; ci6nt" CTOTHJ oTTRuJertDrulence hall, .-three

^squares .off, "ooonTetf slowly forth th# ' hours 'of night, the "white-tlie' metallic

Jingle of a .small timepiece up town §eem-. cd to mock-its stat-oly Icisui'e..

Of tlie-three dreamy spectators of* this silent scene, Bhvood Baring. was the least likely to do or say anything which would he apt to cause offense to ins fel-lpws, and consequently they were unnfc-pai'ed for his sudden outbreak of the mo-

--BMiit before, -Sbeppwd—esehn-ngetl—n-tyt&xo^rJUMthev, glance with his companion, which plain­ly, said: "it 's coming. NQ j^ninmn^huini' .can stand a^f-sfrahi lUce.thAtJ^oj; night

" rtayFjind not sho\v it. in- sight."

•i!ieiie-s-*-tirea^ Alrendy In his brief ferju-^H ^-tts -at-g-thg- hospi taj^TOrnTB'

had shown hjniself .to be ouf^poof as n |«'^racrical^d»y%ie?«tfrittnjL»o1iiy• UiC' day be-

fore old Dr. Blncko'liad said that he had -never seiuvhuj^ual for working capacr-t^ . - - I t e ^ w -a4k her Ujajts, and BOW it seemed that Rnr-

Rffv "AW SesvL, Josu! Podlro, my leetle -eo»"-'!-£h«adeip«rt-Ga4

Hng fra« to reap d sfern reward for-his zealpusness. :

The reeollection of that summer's heat is sfjll fresh in all minds, but few people

:re»nlls!0 how espeelnll.v hard wnft the , „ . . . . {k. , ,, —U-MK- -fai^£gsliiona^»li^ snwsljghe.'

^ [LfeTTES TO U»S. *IKKBAM- HO. 78,465]

" I was a suffe»rer from female \yeak-j n e s s . Every moot tnt^gular ly as_ t l ia pmenBe& eatae, 1 saffflreg diroaarnl palps


i n t i t c rns , ovaries i tedanet

ha4-46aeerfhoea. - I had my children

very fas* and ifc - leltm&very wcalt, . A year ago"! was talion wi th flood­ing and almost

fed. The doctor even gave me up and rpneiers h.ow I ever Eved.

ato for Mrs. Ptafaliam's adWce-; Lynn, Mass., and took her medicine id began to g e t well. I took several

mottles of the Compound and, used the Sanative Wash, and can truly say t h a t

dm enrcd. Yoti would hardly -know i e , t a m feeling, and looking «o wel^.

(rdia B . Khkhatfi's Vegetable Com-Ipound made m& what I T a m . " - M a s .

J J . P . ; . STBKTCH, 461 MEOUAKIO . ST. ,

How Sirs. Brown Wai Helped, __ ** I must tell ybn that Iiydia E . Pink-i m ^ ^ e g e t a M ^ C s m p e B a d h a ^ _ d ^ &

fmofd for" me fl5*nTany doctor. " ^ " ^ ' I w a s trdnbled wxth frtegnlar.

M mensfegiation. 'JaaSfc .sammey. X^Jbegan r t ^ « nse of yctor Vegcfeble Comfwand, i a n d after taking~two bottles, 1 have

J" been regular every month smce. I K recommend- your medicine-touall,"— | t .M3a. , MAOGIB Av Saoira , W M / ' P R

What will it d o ? -ftTv11l%;so- fiuich

thrat it is" impossible to tell k in a'sntfrt

rspracef. - I t will-brighten *• and • freshen

the rooms you'have been living in and"

destroy all germs of disease. It will

|T' make foe inside of the house-attractive

and chee'rnHV-and if the-house is not"

| i , cheerful tlie fafnily can hardly expect to

be . It will; protect the outside of the

J.nciuSe and' from decay", be"i

^nfeso&aldng'it gfibditolUipk. fipiohT-Jt-

P^Grjieriv of!!';yo|ir-h.ear£,:i-sp: l(iat_ when. "i 'e name,.'*' ChiltonT .Painti ' |F S nigh;

' catt ft

• •;<>

' rise- up 'Snd

• " i r i-i-i •• -•'•'lii-'ii-i'f"--ii;"«Bii~'-'-»



•3-$&gZi I BROWN I#1SJC* ;-'•'> ,v<3pm?$*ziii



1 \ ]^y~t?% 1


city h(wpita4^,^ayir?P^ds*tey'a«i5,«»?4 diwtj to^la1W^oW=uuSa1paT«&oA? ipteAOW^vvtftkedJkS ir-1 *•'•'- —•*— -^

Only « moUient fdr> a hastily s n i l c h ^ meal-Hinbr-, an- houVjor. sffSror'A^lft? oh thP:. iife(,^§t.' «pj(«?ccupied' fe—or "aeuc^—no t ime for-p^I^hJrto^-stl ife, to Ittbor, to

* toiL-' Oi£ly.„a life to save, perhaps;' that' •v as better lpst, b.ut al} tax htihianf^ No ihspij'edtpe'n-ffii^|ipld theihultiplelstoi'ies of their devotion to d^aty.-bst-wer-'viihejn-our m<|dej5t \vjy, were ah|<f -to .helftinelu^

r .we JjneVv i t 4ilMnot.. w.ere we flh¥ only; Qilg§-aha. ,kngw._ Sjifi '^i-jekea^pjajae!it&

jaaisoitt' '-%MSr0m'mu w>*fomikm, :mj 3, W

J*i!fe.!'aBi2§ P8lse 9.n^-fatal temperature.-moaning in"their deliinum <tv shivering in the, deadly, heat chill. Thtqse lat*^.' on knew. of.^epeTJl fr6v_w!Mch":tKef*liaa heeir reSe'uld.^ and today, h* hundreds o r honies,. the n^mes-of---tlresfe""white. suited 'Ijntenles" are household words. Qh, ye-v?ai-i'iors of "health! Fight on your bat? ties in the arena of.experience., Le s,alutu.

There'was,,asji rule, little convei'sation., _ , . - , . , in those nocturnal gatherings on the-po^Ci i Hamlin)- ^nade- a eha*nxlng- Romefr'.and Bpeh preferred to sit in silence, smoking hiK faithful pipe and dozing: Ijetwelh the. piiBEs. Tonight, however, -we were alf wakeful, and while talk fras'scarjc^ivfc erybody seemed" restless. !Tbe squrfd'tif a rabidly ap,pfoachigg wa,goa toldjns that; our "infant," Walters, was returning; frpiB_fl^'hnny call".anibtjlajuefe trip; iiipT •SJ>ef5pardT--with™«r-re^§fu^^ himself to'the reeeiying ward! to'Welcome the unfortunate. 1'itSe passed, and still w j sat and still we smokfed—in s.ilence. '**•-•-*•*-''•-*'- " Rz1mi&Gtfri?'*P tiiteds 'te*

ferini whose

rom thnt euiSously'^fatal disease ve^y symptoms-provTe a~ block to

cure^-A- shftle^glanee swlllced, lindtlren "(jftll the farHer'MMs his,iinskily siiokcn-ed'iet, With lnmb^ri^g-sl^ps the fresfr aw,akened- parent a p p r o v e d the .deatli-bea. Alrxwidy the • strange, -.quick hjilf gasp, half'choke breathing -which- marks the fatal -stage had .begun,, and the ycl-low„-w4isenlike features-asstimed the" hue of death. "Mater.dolorosa, Jesu Klarin. Jesu ifnjtn. sijivjci huterol't. rabnnedrfte TJSfBet'. '""^XhTlny boy,' m^TBoyf my Tftfje Petro!" he-criedv And bdw-over tpe face 6f the~hoy a smile uitsyttitt cojhi'S agulp aird then slowly, ah, so slowly, the gasps oome-aud go npd grpw;fo\ver qnd fe-wur until—

Outside day breaks. Bustle, uproar and confMisiQn.. become - -rn.K|P«aX_ again. Crowds form on—the S^«K*K. Men gOf about their dfpUj!

lqtta- CiHghnina appeajred^Jh Lohdon at thsePrlrjee^stheater aisBqineo to hei'_sis­ter's Jutret. Janies Sheridan Knbwles.

tfoijraiiiiee-: "Charlotte—Oushman's acting 01 thd f»aisWge la which Romeo throws himself upofi the gtoundT taTthig" fiie

d6lo«! "\Vhy<sTaiHlyeldlyby?" Anotk er day tpogniu and lose. ;l,ttotior day to brOjsJr'tresn~lleTtrt^: -to^ri'nfff pnxs- .sjpt

tlTPrT*ry-To tnt«mTnia-r"

- . r r w o . I t c i t a e i l i A Boston firm of book publishers ro-

-ceived-by mail a request tor1 a boedt-cn-* "Yam- St-himfcoumtPf?" lty

Schoolmaster" was-promptly forwnTdcdr and it proved to be the fleered booii.

Another firin of booksellers received it request for n book on "^ostjo! ctiketto" that owaid "lenrn n lody lio>w to behave

The rrobrclln. The umbrella- is of very ancient origin,

Jtt i s found in designs on Greek nnd Etruseaii vases "and is traced bnek to nn-

^eieut Egy^n^ihTrmtrtrRnrot-TCrts. i t s flrBt CffauuoMSnotte f Tnii*o ever seen." use wns uniloiilitcdly to protect from the lmnrtnl~raysJ,6TTJie troplcail gun. Its Tinttn derivntlon is from umbrn, n shade. The English got the un»brella frorn France, and the first man who carried tlijs-jmin protector in. Bugland was Joi iieph Ifauway, who began the practice when a'young man andT eoiitLnued Jt until his death, in 1784. Hnnway was tip mous iu his day as h philnnthroplst, hut ho is remembered now quite as much' for his persistence, in Carrying * n umb|eJlft>. and buutlng down "tlie pyojiidlee ag»iIiiBtJ

the use of it lis for any Of his purely bear eficent deeds.--John . Gilmer Speed In Woman's, Some-^Iompanion.

. The Slaledlve. archipelago, west of

eh. aVe .. above the level of the oeeau and only lfo of whlcn are inhabited. . '

'£*** *aTfisTiif-^* r " ^'-^ ^


He is* corapaS5i'onatc and has no thought, No feeling which can OTBCCODIC MS Jovei v 3!

—ffogdmtnrth- * ™

BSEASFAST, , Pbachea Eggs o » Tolst-

Cfeaiaed Potatoes. Water Cress Salid. Buns. CoSee.

iBSGHEON. Glala31roilh*z-

Potato Salad; Tomaloo*. Toaatotl Cheese Buni.-

•=' , " r i iMiS. - • -Tomato Sotip

—-Vtert-Ctttlets," VriSa; .. Succotaih. - Xcttucc Salad. ,

Biscutt? MoCliMfe. ^-.' .BtUcfcCoff fa .( - s


BEAMISH<X)t^EE.^Briwiiifj>t tithe _ j i b o n j B j ^ ^ m p i e J i ^ t J l h # ' T o ^ ^ . b a i _ , v ' fiatSro. ' T K e success or" fal l ino <A- tfiia ' • supreme aeotlir'idnpends upptt theqtfi iU-' M t F - o H B g ^ ^ ^ a i t s ' t r e i i t a a e n t f l t t h e ' ' Bnact|T)£"the cook; ~T(ie borry shonlB po " ' the. licsfc obtainaWo, f re sh l j fcoasKo*, o r ' 'nt -IeSsHhe-f la ivorte^re^rond^By-heat- " 1 inpr tlfo grriiri Ip t h e o V e H n ' t o V m o ' w e n t s y rbororftfising. 6rina~uSd~vl'telfr the 6oSw-5!-'.gt-tBSffifrfitbttienr " 5 " - • ' *

u&wm^Mg^ ?t04IJl|jQNETHftf HATM" HI&MBfeRT.,

•i •

ID T h e i r F r e s e n t a U o n $#vtrtf"W»m*

- / © h * r M e R e C a n h m a a i W » » g r q B a B T y

t h e G r e a t c u t qf Tttfttn £*h^. ~ • "" ,

—^njt^TQterq*ay^ot-M^S{tfd^ e's ni|v? .vcpii Taro 'e-*}' ^Miv- impers&hatibn

i of the i tr^aitnale cpantcters of t h e n a r iters sfrlje' 'nfaV.'[ WtSi. SLdae'ns' opCewf^d in-"Ham-

•"tet,,J l i t -whs not SHcSefsftiU as we llarn froth tti'e efltifis of her day. Before Gha*r;

Jpttf^(3ush|ral|,TllIetP -rFrerfaTfir-GliaTleU rfcehj',. Bad tilayedftonieo, and inost ac-

;^ipbi|ly, too', vvh,ile ber Ion, of which-She ITS^S the .sji'leinifck of* rKdfiord* jhxy 6i t h a t name, was-oiie of her most

: Cdmea inapei'SoBatioos^ Mrs. Shaw (Mi's.

added to her fame a s "a. great aetress} a l l these ajul indeed, b'ey?»nd all

f doubrGhttrlotte CushEuan stands without a» r-ivdf-iik male- personations. '-The n'^

!Uearan£e_jofJ8apali BetoMrdiiri^-flajnlet" \ awakeBe^mn interest* which Juiti died oyt Of the" pijbjlfi jnipd-iij regar i to these

^gpe^t pei-soijiitipns by "'{eniates. , Tfye fQ-: n»ra7ni|)m^i7etjied~with gpfflrnen'daOgns of B>ralia;J'i)t's Hamlei, 1 am unwiflin^, h'pwevciv.:tb admit that the stagre-ha's-ev-ey.had'inTe equal of (3harlotte CilshmalK aili(7 t,d stistaia eno ln- that opinion," J have Sought |fa,e opiniopsu>f -those whose judg­ment enhnot bujt be.AdlBitlieii:

0a-the Tijuht of ©ec, 30.-1845, ehar^

grief in •EJutyousi Keen's Othidlo, yet t had never .expected t o see anything as fipe as Iveea's Otliv'Hp. It was a scene of topmost''paoslon—riot simulated passhm— no such ""'thing: real.. palpably real; the genuine hciirt storrfi'\*«i8'on in_its wildest jitfiifnoss^ of fury, and 1 listened and, gazed* and held nay breath \yhile pjy blood rau hot a n d colli. \ an^snip itjmust have, been t h e , case.^.with ev.ury one In the house,-but 1 was all absorbed in Romeo till a ((rander of-apptause- called me" to myself." -. ' »- ' .

oiislln Meflartliy, in hlsdeHghtful fem-inlscenoes^Issued by the Harpers, snys: "For rayselfl can sny I have never heard greater eanp'reflsfon given to ttfe very ffoul

a s on the day of human feeling (!'»«» was conveyed by ore-—Be-op-wid |• ChD-plotte—Gusl*ainh in the few words

spoken i n the churchyard scene, where Paris breaks in upon* Uome' ho is -about to feree-oj^iHte^door't?f rite-Cttrm-''

• let monument. 'Obey and eo with me/ 9pys_ Paris, '(or thou must die,*\nnd- Ko-meo,' loofetnB remirod npisn liiffi, makes answor, *i must Inclcfid, and' therefore •ct»me~I"'^ltlmr.*:^r-hei--'\vhdte»«tragedy"af-tbo hour wiia told by these words spo­ken I n t&at tone." . " ~

Mo, eiier-Ltlfe^r-»b»^ "Edwnrd Ecgelson." _^'"I3ie_ rTonslej | rnaiv apeak tliat-4lne- w411 ever- forget *he-

rahgie-Dr the liuptessrpn wroagla by ber fulf interpretation of its poetic human meaning. Sir. SleCarthy says "jie haa seen only one Romeo, Mr, Forbes lloheit-son's. wbJcL \yaj thq^gattl pi Charintte fgtstnnan^B,.. Aw IB fnrgtimmi'a mstyja Melnotte. -Jlr. Mcdarthy insists that it

c-otily uuuppruaeh'ed, but fiTis OSf oply ondwn^lq rendition of the part.

™*.yi«3 ?

4pft)ra f itr tier r^) Vlon£, Mh^-iiiii Jrri tMbrli tyof t e m p e r nerrousnwaL

- JSte'lathed her anliji-s ip the roera . uqlW ytin Kelt (i! tlr; ' «•

Ot.prjins eyes'!{Uic i , i« - no fear— . -*. The stars luid fled,, i nt. aky Was clear,

_.-The sun but scaiu astir. - ,' .' *

"^Sflreir-]07"wereJaJI at onto untfr«\vn, . The curtirrhs of thu*7luy— .

You fltqo4 upon DH, dewy lawn, "Virqr g-ptdsij toti-1 Tntia the dawn

And swept my I;I,. i a*ax L- .' —'Blanchti-l.ui.i.-.jiy in Athenaeum.



< h e IlJex^- G e i i t l e Wor« l« C h a n s e d C o n i - n e o f a Uu t l i -^oi l L i u e .

The engineer who lays out a railroad' dislikes to move a stukw when it has ounce been driven. i 7! Once, \yhen-the present chief eugiriej;r.. ot a western" railroad'\wis locating-u-Jine in Missouri, be was u>k«d to chaage—ihe. .stakes; and., refused. -After the stakes had bfiep.setr4t-y4uuig» uiishaved_uiaa_ api. ^MueijuairtPiied .tfeai. ihe ssmA \m-fo-w: edrpyteF a.bit."

wfhei pa.d*,:C)yinut b^hnnged, ' ' prompt­ly returned the engiui-er. •'"iMiis'.is* the b%t prjiee for it."

"The iha'u.went into a house, got a rifle, came out and pulled up the stakes. The

JndUin^u^M^^' r j- l> ' t i l l 'Ju 'd toward-b,iii[r

vptis prostration atid general debility are sure to follovw overwork, mental strain Or lack fit p r o p e r nourishment. Nothing hejpsjto remove these con­ditions so "well as' Vf. Miles' Kestora-tive Nervine. It <jirie*s<;t}je exe i t ^ -neryea, rests- the ^ea ry^bra ln ; im­proves the appetitevaidsi digestion and

-^ds-newTTiTaliRy;Bcirfhev whoreTTody. . M-r. St.A, Seevest^ a-ds-ngg'isfe-of Or­

angeburg, S. C.,'WTifes: "I have used-Dr. Miles'- Nervine any self for nervous­ness and vertigo or dizziness and I find .it* a lmos t excel lent preparation. I -'.have also sold notahy ^bottles to -my ejustimers *nd fripads-atid Jlcnow from their -experiences ^*he medicine gives

-a-njvera'al satisfaction.". "Alf d r u g g i s t s nrp! ant.frnriznri-4p aril

Dr. Miies' NeiTia* on a guarantee that, ft»t bottle; wi41-beaeiH-^>r-:monef' will--be-refunded*-'- Be jmr* »nrt gPt Dr.^'Milei'. Nervia*. Wri te for free booklet on heart,_aaid nerves.

i)r. Miles Medloal Co., KSlkhart, Ind.

but was" intercepted l.y an elderjy^wroiu; an. ' " • -4 - -"'

:^;J^C4Br'l yuu. hiovj;ymt- jgacl^over a Jl^ tie pieeeTmistorV""sht- asl«>d. ~^^

"1 don't see why 1. -lu>uldr" rosponded

- Ifl

fge enguieer. "My Im-iness Ts to lopjjte the Hue, and you can i .ill uu the ruinpany

sf6fM>uaT»T^SffiK5?hlt^aW&s:T^^ hluekguurd mean Jiy -itting there tin. a sfutup with" u :gtin?" In- angrily deluaiy-ed.

medsiu'e e*<an-jB^«jdAgrjjfx©i' wasea,uaT* ^Iiiifs 'N.ip, JJe tim't no blackguard. f0 the finest otitlAirst of passion and T»"-*'>- MS« » ^ »"•• " That's Nip, my sou

\Veil, I'll nip him n be gets funny.*"* Oh, no, you won't. I uin,'£ afraid of

that," said tlie WJUUM.II. "What ei>i|if over nje when I seen j.m starting for Nip was that p'r'aps yun had ii motbo'rj and

-how. bad she'd fuel to have yQU c-bTnie home that way.** . . ^ -

"What wafv'* ' ' - i . . - « s » ~ - ^ "Well, If you pers>i*t in driying them

stakes thei'o you'll go luuni' dead." "Look hew.'. f>o .\uu think I'm to ho that t'-ulliunV" "Nip^ ain't nortifliuii," sitirTlhe wonxau.

"Yen. see, we've lived here—Nip was born hero—an \\in>ri the guerrliliis come an called nut pun- an shot hlm_ we .^ -iMK^-bmtei} hiiHjist'wharhe ^ ^ ^ " ^ n i ^ j i ^ l H a.' snbstltat^for Castor OU, Pnrogortc, Drops

X!" '""" and Soothing Syra-is^ 11; Is Hnrnit«sJr-ifi(ia:^Plc»8»i»t.: i t ways kept as u ri'sfi^atioti, ai» Nip biels determined you" shan't dinturb it; that'u all." . _

"Then you don't ul'jeet to the rail-road?" ._ ^2.. . . . - "~

. • Jftoord-_o'"jaetey^ nuL : W a a i n t - t u t rood.* but we don't want you to dknVBrb pawT«i!u.¥e.** . _ »

"Coure," stild Tlie mgluocr, "let B ~gu -andBfi&*Nlp.J'*- - ""•'—' >"*•

When th»y came up to the stumft the hfR engtneer held out his hand. Kip took

"She created for me the only human, the only pnsaaililf; trail the only om'trntfrln

lrrcad a few tlnj^ -asp arr incldenT which oecTrthyT Ifj'jfij* Nqfroanl theater. Boston, i n 1851-2, Gharlotto Cushman-vvaS:plnj3u(lj Romeo, and; In one of the mosr<kiiupas,iloned scones with Juliet some feilow staxtlcd- £hb jouolielice by a sneeze

. 60 Istid a n d so artificial*JIB to convey an insu l t , &118S Cushmaxi led-3iUiet from the stnge arid returned to the footlights, and in a clear, prm voice *ald, "Some man mast put tha t person out, or"l shall bo; obliged to do ijHaygBlfc" The fel'lpw

i ejoetcd, tha 'diidience rose cri masse threo cheers* and Miss Cush-

was and gave mart proceeded with tho play,

A, lpjlt.Jforgottefjtactre«a who appeatcd in male parts, -with wonderful, success

_ . , - t , „ , . . . . , was Charlotte Crampton.—^She—was a Ceylon, embrace's 14,000 coirn> Island^ _vfomBn ©j g ^ ^ a n d Qi decided talent, few of which, aire more than six feet bufc-foiujsome reason—probably a way­

ward disposition—she ftBijkndt properly appfeclk^ar nift hucrctidjr •alt} of her, "Ther* i s a. womnri. Hthp^^ jrouJd"| tartIe tlje woflot If "sbie; "were 6nt two inches taller.'' She w a i rather iraa)!, but de> gpffe Ilia! drjuyBaok he r grieeiul personr expressive featares a-ud her intensely emotronal acting- securfcd her the name of

^ t f a t ^ i t f e r f i d a o i n i ^ T^fw played HanT-"let, ttkllatrd I1X* fihyleeS, fagoj Eameov Don Cnes^r de Basan, and in all of them she xttii ianle; B* hot Sof tune. Her ca­reer WW exr»Me=2fid ^imeteorhv-'bnt h e r end WJB5Bhrortded.lp jr|o<)m. ; _. "

-Anna jDkklrjftOiii who had obtained some celebrity a s g, writer and lecturer, essayed" t h e ifageji t . t ie-closing of her career. S h e Appeared as Hamlet, but I

^-^h*rdIy-utk^he-4chieT«d-suc«es»r^ »— ^fhere.base been humeroua female Ma-

eeppas • on- 4he~»iEage. Jtdab Isaac Men^ ken, Lolr> Jklontea, Leo Hudson and oth-ersy' and jwhea t h e opera bouffe was in-

Sbockca the Slime MnnnRcr, L JJ r . l-nuda. PetiHro, 'flu; playsciishtand. stago manager, does1 not, in his outer soniolonqc, fuinu ono'a Idea of the per-«ot»ftiit3f «f tbe-«*eRlge itJirgtunftnagFefv hr-his ciericnl blaclr cloth, hfcr tdortenl black'apron, bis clerical white stock, Ills pale, clean shaven face, his dreamy eyea and hia-aspcet of gentle piety, ho niijght be, and freqneutly Is, mlstaTferTfer It member of the Jesuit brotherhood. At he leans ngainst the wall of the lobby of the theater, abstractedly gazing at the crowd fiiinjr through the tnrnstilen, ho

oka m 'file"had Kutndeied JnJtteicJb; mistake.

Tlie story Is told Of .an usher in the theater of a small western town wtio, thus seeing Mr. Bclasco for the first-time, -stepped up to him In the lohbyt and, polntittg; to a cburch and a crdwd-w-tbtr oppnsite side of the street, whispered, "Excuse met sir, hut that is S t Aloysiaa',

troducid i t (drtt&J|ed:Jf.-SfiL^ 1Q£ a ^dis­play o T t b e femafe fprin in male attire

fvvhieh teas given .with an abandon nofrf.-^ ' 4 peirmtftelT" by 'grettf c-Bforaeters of The

Legitimate^ dr t i iaa^oful F* Geyle In Washington t^ost. . "

^^^r^m0^Wk^^l^^'PH• ME ijrrr P O K W E D N E S D A Y .

X for feIppMc^loi^:-ll|hi^6||iig^p1hr. u," I , ," ' •' ' :^Hi' •tSfiji.fe'' '.'•i"" ' g" *7£

S- : ' " . ' A "BnEJiKFAsy.:.: ~*~ Oitmeai, Wflpged Grc4m..

. * -Fifta S ^ B r c & W r ' l Potatoes S»te.—Bfickra,Tofilatoi

CoSee. Baapbertieg, CtqpB,

-; . •• -.- r.4v tn,f:.3 • Little Neck Olaips ori-TtiftJst.-

Potatoes -c \i 'tfr baBonlig. ,' Tea. Pickles. HoteernadfBBlH.

_J±_^ '

•. -. ., pmm*';,- ,-. JuUontifc SoUprf'£*oute&ufc:5

— T-.Badishe^^OJiViSrJMiti, , Lrnia B e a n s . . SewXIOrtu . L e t t u c e S i l a d .

, . jQooseberryjFoolj - W h l f t t e a k f e ' Bla'ok Coifcio!. C l i e * » , ,"*, ?

Jlfc*§HE&., . LlTSCLE < f J E G K , I f ^ 4 ; i t S . . t 4 l e l t . r i f

t&* mmmmi ^^m^mmf^^^q^z^^i^ JLil'" / i t ¥


•*clK>ijgcd sliivea and Vwp vt M&jttyi' Cook ijOVcr"opeii.'fhti-lmhl nJpoua iip.ttSlcev cover «1* " ' -4liiek^^^vit r-bfeaeHS'rttJn^H r arewB:

" ' y~'f """Srt-tr*-"4 "

-# abte^ehfurrelcif of' mtifrtimati:'•'mm& ?i antf ^ t r f t l e y y ^ l t , ' f epper-TtnJ r^titiiit'g t& •' *-tajtevitid 'four.'dinieej' .ot, 'iiteafi'chS les^ .*

,Jt)itQ$ MMAOA

- Z _ ^tt'

. , . Johte."-StlrHi

Tit!-*B^^qaIte-:TOlU:aw***s!Hit! mmmi-

have d "good tiute,1" as they will soon be

tfe. If n c&ifd is brotight up in idlenessahp" L L ^ L k o j h l S s U x a f c i v J U f e ^

h wfifo wlll^fttfm pafghry Tinrd- • ^ h o fltffite

M o t f i e r u affcT CJi l Ic Irent -fifhnfs-<ytnfi-«ny t h g o n h L - i

ofplife \f|fi ptove Very sfigagfeffible, arid; tl e}: g ^ l ^ c h i M 1115 li&mm.o reatra-Thfegoodl'^tnids, Of .yotith.iii1 ithe nafural5

. as-uttBMu^«^bJLdvea^-sL.,TJ.. ~,._^.K»,,, ' -bdtfp:a»^3uou^Wet «Siry;i'fh'eT ideit'^}. tfhr -«'s.."tp aatin tJblg^ldfenyVhhd'' 'malg' Settler!' o1NKe;i'^Atchis^h-GIoh"&l:;'", 1 ~i:

.,' >• Do«fl»«!t. Aajprd*-«!!of, Hje**' ." "-~v t'Does fotir rvof^kn>v^.&l^retty- Mrs,

'6p.zabo0'r* .• . ' ;- . ' .•• , ' . .*. .-- .,...,-, .--"'^I t'*l thiafc- it j is m>rely a sniffing ac^

Lajic^f^ie^a^nuiaeia' " "

a . ^ .

..^S^IuiiiiifaiSaltill that Miy Kidney. Cu*

IU «wr»»0i>*r etnt

-InatincM ,'thV;

, •fflfcmMmm Srt«ht!s~dlMaa«r—&h

. i»%ii^hvijiu;-,0f.-;«liil Pf^j^tUIKwllhi^i. : «04 «dTlM["7orS"at'-*iiwliSt::t#5««K(:

- " is." BnfttJjhVwomanr touehfeig a low stoiie trghtly cvlrfi naf fger

"I see," said the ('inducer. "W'c can miss thn>tfnsi!y enouuli-"

lie frtoved a mile of the road, from .tJtui day fbinrnrd until tho road was fin-i shc i aiul thug nr i i i iuuri the .vvido\rr'a homo was the stoppiiij; place o.f the en-gtUtitT.—"Smry ut tiw Kallrund."—

It took Mr; Bclasco two days to recof er.—Leslie's Weekly.'•

>-Md-t*nd(&l£- -tfj&at',-iteming; cliafingj .or any irritation of"

: the skitij produeed by exer> ^ i se or otherwise, ftse

refregiali|g4 Alf^^'skin.'.^a-; JnftafnitiatTpn afr onoe, .antif H^rdiiidteS'tiomfol ." Tfyit.

-f M druggists. 35c. ahiT^cs^Saaijpie Tree-JG®a&b'&&EOWBBR coiiMaA-EfoM). as.

*m - - _ . . . -t-M- , :

b | n l | ;aifd y^tt. f i l l h^ ip lg i iEpet hi fits


T T • - j r-f i —

, &\-&0#^-±t#'U-,&£ 4J&&.~~ •-*i-- •'-;-st9«|»-e'»*-,'-.!;-." •

Mile* Medical


-- -^4v»«^*<J^iyt;


JUnkfofrHoursOa a?ytwW?f^ft 4 KW-, tec5«pfrSund§ysW U"* Aiiiets,iina)rketvsltj^"Jtfnv 1, Ji

,a$e?2~ J*

8urpiu« wift |g.atf;pW,-vaiiite:i,.; \m,mw. :^mm •••- • • jorfu}KtiB. •' •• • .-- ' 'i'-^-mk'^a mm


QPECTACLES and • ; .


. A T L O W E S T P R I C E S .

Thoroughly ffrst class



v^f/tutt.Bdthi P.M. Orton.,

V,_n^J| r< iW4„ ,

M. 0, MWLAM, ._ HON, Waslungtoa St.


TIio Kind Han Hivvo Always Bought, and w|lich lias boon ia use for ever 30 yoarsj has borno tlio signature of

• JL——.•*t^&3eM3mmJmfa under his por-^ 4 ^ 1 _ . ^ s o « * » J dupcrviHion siuco Its Hffoncy;" ^t^uQ&^t^A, Allow up ouo tadeceive yett lit fclifsr—

All Coimtori'oits, Imitations «tud Substitutes are bifTEx-l)oriiiientH taiat trifle wltk 'ftnft" ewlahger tfioJiciiUli of ..' Iuftijjtts a n * Gliiklrcn—Exporloneo ngtvliist Experiment.

What (s^A§tORIA -J. feoiitatnB neitUe^ Opium r MorphUio nop other Narcotic ttnbs'tanco. Its ago Is its griiftrnutec. I t destroys Worms rtrid alhtys y<w»rlHlnieHS.—It-cni^s-JDiai^Rba-and--Wlii(t CQIIC. I t relievos Toothing Troubles, cures Constipation *itMl Phttiricnicy. - f t itssimHatos t l io Focwl, regulates t » « — Sst<>iiviw;li aiMl Bowels, giving healthy iijwd natural slcopi

-Tlro-ehUdria^riPaiiaxjclfr-a'Bo MotTier's Frroud.

CENUINE Bears the Signature of

- ..9K0S«j«s-;.. 'a

' wr Sjttnnel Watdijellv f llilatn It, |tuu tlagton^ i|<»ryey &. ffpeiicer, Ackley P. fuller, ^Lteefst Arja-trojig, James H. Hearleg, „„„„ „, .„.„„,, Jaraes 8; Dyett, JfraaklfD A. Ethrldgs,

Baittuiel B. Beacb^

John D. Oxner. Fra ""

QNEIDA COUNTY SAV3N6&BAHtJT " tmrla Its Naw BanWhsHbwse.lWWest ttoiit ^ * > ^ _ nlol* 8trerft,jiHnei K. Y.

F»»*.aj< dint . I n H ^ s t to Oaroaltor* , OWBN BCO^VjEN8f ]feesi(>erit; •r^D, ROBBam lai^lce President. A. B ,kom« S & l ^ M mats Pr^ibkni. . . ^


m Owgn R Owens,

iS, Secretary and Treaiorer. •"•-isT-mis. -' ^ ^ —

v "harlesBathbnB. mgwrwmmtt TKoftajriRHobsrt*,

-9-'ggg4fft!?d'g11'- -HiBirara e/VfflgijtiM,. SM Hfggwfc

OFjtOiptt. , p » i < i t T p c « i » n » t « r » 1 0 0 , 0 * 0 . ^ — ~

Surplus a i d unairtded profits ..i..t75,qOOOU-OWFlGKIfB.

W J P. KINOStEYrpresidwt, • ' SZ _JRPff.AKl>r?OHHTf>OK View P-ra«ttte»t BAMUEf, WAKDWKLL, Cashier , OIllBCTOnS, W J P. fauRsley, kouia Oliwmarm, Uuft-Olrjiq^,, _, _ _JohftJR-J5a-wi

—©taxiffltBilthl,_ T2 B RoSerMf* Samuel Wardwell, 4Qhn-S_»&«'4weIlt tt 3. Hitchcock,


John D, Oxner, IWK»td_Coiaatoqli, W. W. Wardw«ll

THE-FIRST JTAtlOSrAf, BANK Of { ...rB03«B. - . - -

Oapitnl - - - - - f ! •« , • •» .


QtZT-Pntal-NTINQTON Vice Pcesfdent^

F. M. SHELLEY, C»f£l«V-Biajtetdfts,

Oat»fc Petrlo, Thomas G.ttoplr, I DJIIKKIM, • Edward Barnard, John 0, Bisoull, John D. MoMahon, W. it. Uutttlngton, F.JfeShelley,,

' .1. Lowell WlUlama. " 100 W. DommeK ^ a n i t .

I nsurance. I - i : If you want tk8


JAMES H. SEARtES. . . Unmntnoe Cbmpmtlw repwwntBd>

wtna •,uM.., . .„n,H..«, . tlomn..

.....ot Hartford of Haw York

U*«rpool-tLh*u6(MiQk>b:...... StbirUwt-<>>nt|«ental . . . . . „ , .: ot New York (Bauras%Co. North Ametloa—....PhDadelphta

-3otr.7ii5.i . .f;r. . . . . . .; . . .- . . .j^.. . . . .- .-i;»ajC tOBi* NorthJktti#a«Mnroa«tlJ«...., MeroDaata,...>. »eroh»ata'..rt , „ „ j . . . o | H j i i r M k J t - l i ^ ^ W-Ullamrtnnirtatr...^- ;...NawTorlc Hawr* c* K**r Yortr autcheaaCto. Ktttual......;-.i ..Hwr»oHr~*- - -Stna.LUa and. AcoWeat.-..-

MabllUy. ^ _ _ _ Mjtropoutaa Plata Qlim buoraaes Oo.Haw York

I usje for tale deilrable DwaUIay Hooaa peo_pi' ;rty-Vacan£ LoU-Farmsit reraonaSia pBo*£ indltlahr-*"' •"'""• ---•"—* -t—--•- --- ^ - ~ —

dltjAjiifjIy predated that o« w!.rb«r wrtiOa jot a proit. Bararal Diral]-


-If yoa- want plenty of ~

water at a small ex-pense and a cool kitchen

be connected to water front of atove and



used in connection with • 7 coal fire or wlthlga*. , .''

Yon win find theml* .

118 North Waehlngton St.

^ ^ • • • • • • ^ • • % » * » » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 » » »



The largest at»d bes t equipped establishment n t t h e aind in feh» United J * States. W e wiM p a y freight one way. on airordera sentna by boa to r i

-ralfc—^Ehe ateamAr Aliee-rrmulng erery day will carry ffil .goods*aT'T«ry X " little coat. P r i c « reauoiiable and liberal discounta to churcheB, hotels • and charitable lEMtltutloDs. Eetabllahed over 30 years ago. We are her* t to stay, not to fasts t h e public. W.'O. GRAY, Proprietor, X

> t » M i • » » » < » • • » • » • • • • • • • • • • • » r * • • • • * • » • • • # » • »


AND BEAUTIFUL. Otker words

to lit be" used

noe our

^ s s = = - -

. ^

Bat sol d and.beatt- g tiW, etoiflg as it . does from a pleased; ctistomer, ought, to


119,12 H 2 3 Binisee Sfrett, Utiit, I.Y.


insurance. R OOJH ' B R ' 0 ' T H 1 « & . ' ^

U A M O i B H I B B . . . . . . . . . . A M K B I O A M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fOm A 8 8 0 0 I A T I O M „ . . „ . MKW HAlCPflHIBB . . . . . — 8 ^ ^ r T L n M t A T O M J J | 0 « . .

—PitidilpSa^ Pa '^TOfawBaW "

COHNKfTIOUT..... „-Bartford, Ooaa. Hartford, Oa—

SaHamxa-nRXMiai —.—....jOomwa; MauHATTA*. *.*.!. :.*. wj r«* Y<

EAGLK..... BKRMAW AU.IAWCT.. MUTUALLJf......•• t-fm*--

. K u r i l * . riDxtrrr OA8UAT,TTOO._..„ JJ ATIOMAX. mraueiTog^^...^^.^


We ha*e JB rood" ttS.. (\-Camera (the$5Korona), t-" leather coToredT'triple' "™^ action gnuiter4;Bi#teiw;^ two^-View .Undent.' ~*mi~ donWeplftte holder. Our -special price is »2 .O0 .

We also havyvth^yc|: h4x3 o)<diiiGr Cycle JFuiio!.

Catfera with , leather-case, B. £ L. lens and Unicum bulb shutter,

--complete? all- regularly—' price is »8.SO.i

"Write for speqTol prices oaany Canwra ! or Photo Good? you piay want and re- '

""-- its'express oii, Cameras.--,

S Sf Tfiffe

f^^amm * - * ' * It la a aferfetly ha^made flaTana filler,

and Is the bee* ,

-. On sale at . _/ *i"

No. 2« i We*.IK»laIck a tn^ . . \i

O ^ l t a t h * rW<3*e*,

