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SAP Solman Service Desk Document

Mar 05, 2016




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Service Manual

SAP Solution Manager Service Desk

Web-Frontend for customers

Stand: April 2014

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Index of content

1.  Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3 

2.  Service process ....................................................................................................... 3 


Mail communication ................................................................................................ 4 4.  Definition of terms .................................................................................................. 6 

4.1.  Services .................................................................................................................... 6 

4.2.  Components .............................................................................................................. 6 

5.  Access to system .................................................................................................... 7 

5.1.  User accounts ........................................................................................................... 7 

5.2.   Access website ......................................................................................................... 8 

5.3.  Login to system ......................................................................................................... 9 

6.  Create message ..................................................................................................... 13 

6.1.  Store SAP login data in secure area ....................................................................... 21 

7.  Handling messages .............................................................................................. 22 


Message overview .................................................................................................. 22 

7.2.  Filter messages ....................................................................................................... 23 

7.3.  Message status ....................................................................................................... 24 

7.4.  Reply to questions ................................................................................................... 25 

7.5.  Store additional information .................................................................................... 26 

7.6.  Confirm message .................................................................................................... 27 

7.7.  Return message ...................................................................................................... 28 

8.  Regulation of temporary replacement ................................................................. 28 

9.  Questions und suggestions ................................................................................. 29 

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1. Introduction

For recording and processing messages the All for One Steeb AG offers its customers the

SAP Solution Manager. It can be accessed via a Web Frontend.Messages could be interferences, modifications or queries.

Customers with outsourcing services or remote services, as well as SAP maintenance orSAP Application Management need to assign the message accordingly here.

For SAP maintenance customers:The Solution Manager is the central point for messages of SAP product errors and replac-es the message recording in the SAP Service Marketplace. System data and user ac-counts are replicated from the SAP Service Marketplace.

Therefore, you get an overview of the status of your open messages and you can track thehistory of the messages processed in the Solution Manager.

2. Service process

The service process is to be as follows:

Service process

   A    l    l    f   o   r   O   n   e   S   t   e   e    b

   S   e   r   v   i   c   e   D   e   s    k

   C   u   s   t   o   m   e   r

   A    l    l    f   o   r   O   n   e   S   t   e   e    b

   S   u   p   p   o   r   t   t   e   a   m   s    (   S   e   r   v   i   c   e   D   e

   s    k ,

   P    l   a   t    f   o   r   m    S

   e   r   v   i   c   e   s ,   S   A   P

   T   e   c    h   n   o    l   o   g   y ,   S   A   P

   A   p   p    l   i   c   a   t   i   o   n

   3   r    d   L   e   v   e    l

   S   u   p   p   o   r   t

    (   e   x   t   e   r   n   a    l    )










Answer to



















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3. Mail communication

The Solution Manager has the functionality of automatic and user-controlled sending ofinformation on status changes to the users via email.

During the service process the mail communication is to be as follows:

Create messae with

status „NEW“


Process message

New facts



Your message was


Message is

chargeable from our

point of view,

please release 4


Your message is in

work, for more


information see

your message

There are news to

your message

Message...has been

assigned to you

(Message text in



automatic mail to customer

manual mail to customer

manual mail to customer

manual mail to customer

automatic mail to customer




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Processing is still

running; intermediate


Customer action or/

and Ask question

Forwarding to SAP

proposed solution

Message has been


Your message was


We have a

proposed solution

for your message

Your message has

been sent for

further processing

to SAP

We have a question

about your message

The processing of

your message


manual mail to customer

automatic mail to customer

automatic mail to customer

automatic mail to customer

automatic mail to customer


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4. Definition of terms

•  Services

•  Any service offered•  Each has a system ID (= SID)

•  Components•  SAP components•  A41 components

4.1. Services

 Any service you as a customer purchased at All for One Steeb AG we call ‘Service’. A ser-vice could be, e.g. hosting a system like Microsoft Exchange, as well as a so-called WANService that provides operation and monitoring of a WAN connection.Your SAP systems as well, whose maintenance contract runs via All for One Steeb AG areconsidered as services.In addition to the illustration in the SAP Solution Manager each service has a clear three-digit system ID (= SID), which has been permanently assigned to the customer system.This is why e. g. the SAP Production system is frequently named P11, the Exchange Ser-vice productive the name EXP.

4.2. Components

In order to classify its application area each message needs to be assigned to a so-calledcomponent. Based upon this component the assignment of the appropriate support teamis determined amongst others.

There are SAP components which are basically divided by SAP modules.SAP components are used for messages which are covered within the frame of the SAPmaintenance contract of the customer. Usually these are production errors. In case a prob-lem occurs with the administration of the Oracle database of a SAP system you should,e.g., use the component “BC-DB-ORA-DBA“ = “SAP Basis > Databases > Oracle > Data-base administration under “Oracle“.

Only messages which have been assigned to a SAP component can be forwarded to SAPfor processing, if need be.

For processing messages within the frame of outsourcing and RemoteService there arespecial A41 components. They are divided into queries (ANF), Changes (CHG), ServiceRequests (SQR) and Incidents (INC).If, for example, you wish to report a total failure of your Exchange Service (that is hosted atthe All for One Steeb AG in outsourcing), you should select component “A41-INC-DOWN“(=“Incident“ > “Total failure of system”). If you wish to request a client copy for a SAP system, you should select componen t “ A41-CHG-AUF-MAND“ (=“Change“ > „general commission“ > „perform a client copy“).

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5. Access to system

5.1. User acco un ts

There are two types of user accounts for logging onto the system:

Login into Solution






Has your company a valid SAP

maintenance contract with All for

One Steeb?


No Will be created by All for One

Steeb ServiceDesk

Must be created by your

internal User administrator for

the SAP Service Marketplace

Fig.: User types for Web- Frontend 

A-User (A000XXXXXXX)Your company has not concluded a SAP maintenance contract with the All for One Steeb AG.The login data for the Solution Manager should have been provided to you via email from

the All for One Steeb AG service desk. Please send your request for new user accounts tothe All for One Steeb AG service desk.

S-User (S000XXXXXXX)Your company has concluded a contract with the All for One Steeb AG.The user accounts of the SAP Service Marketplace are automatically replicated to the SAPSolution Manager of the All for One Steeb AG and the start password is sent to the uservia email from the All for One Steeb AG service desk.If you have not received an S-user yet, please have it created by your in-house user ad-ministrator in the SAP Service Marketplace.

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The user must have the following rights, which have to be created at a maximum possiblerange (global, customer, installation number):

Send Customer Messages to SAPConfirm Customer Messages

Create Customer MessagesDisplay Customer Messages

When forwarding a message to SAP it is first checked if the message sender has the au-thorization to create a message for the respective installation number or to send it to SAP.If not, the message cannot be forwarded.For reasons of consistency you require an S-User, if you do not have any points of contactwith the SAP systems in your company and you wish to send messages or queries via theSolution Manager to the All for One Steeb AG.

5.2. Ac cess website

The Web-Frontend of the SAP Solution Managers is accessed with the web browser. Pre-requisites are internet access as well as the Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 supported bySAP.

The Web-Frontend of the Solution Managers can be accessed with this link: 

 As an alternative it can also be accessed via the All for One Steeb AG Homepage. Clickon “Service desk“ on the right:

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5.3. Log in to sys tem

To login to the system you can either use a user name and password or as an alternativethe personal single sign-on certificate of the user in the SAP Service Marketplace.

1) Login with user name and password

The login screen appears. Login with your user name and password:

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If you login for the first time, you will be asked to enter a new password. After login the start screen appears:

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2) Login with single sign-on certificate of SAP Service Marketplace

When accessing the website the sign-on certificate screenshot appears. Click on OK onceand the displayed S-user will be logged in to the system:

 After login the start screen appears. No login data need to be entered:

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If there is no Single sign-on certificate available yet in your web browser, you can generateone in the SAP Service Marketplace.

Go to “My  Profile“> “Maintain my single sign-on certificate”  and follow the instructions.There you will find also more information:

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6. Create message

To create a new message, go to “New message“: 

You will then be guided step by step through the respective screenshots. You can go backor forward to the screenshots as you like.

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Then it is defined to which category the message belongs.

 Afterwards you can select (depending on the kind of contract you concluded with us) if youhave a request regarding the SAP Maintenance contract/SAP Application or if your mes-sage refers to the operation or outsourcing at the computer center.

There will be no selection option if you have only outsourcing or remote services or viceversa. This depends on what kind of component and systems/services have been select-ed.

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Please store a detailed description of your request in step 3.

In step 3 you can add attachments to the message.

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If you have already searched for notes, please inform us accordingly about the results instep 4.

Set the priority in step 5 – If necessary, possible effects might be inquired here. A sum-mary will then appear in step 6.

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Up to this point you can switch between the single steps at any time.Close the message notification with “Message save“.

 Afterwards you receive a message confirmation via email, as usual.

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Please consider the following table as a kind of decision-making tool to set the correctpriority.

Level  Category  Applies to  Description 

1  Very high  Production sys-tems 

 An important business process cannot be performed. Thiscould either be a production standstill or the failure of a crucialbusiness process. 

2  High   All systems  An important business process is dramatically affected. Nec-essary key activities cannot be run. An urgently needed func-tion is temporarily not available or is not functioning properly.

3  Medium   All systems  Any business process is affected. Necessary activities cannotbe run. A required function is temporarily not available or isnot functioning properly. 

4  Low   All systems No business process is affected. A function that is not neededfor daily business is temporarily not available or is not func-tioning properly.

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Please follow the rules below when writing message texts:

Please enter a comprehensive and significant text under Short text. This makes it easierto find it in the overview at a later point of time.

If you write a Long text submit a comprehensive description of your request, example da-ta and some instructions in order to reproduce the problem.

For a complete description of the situation the following points amongst others shouldbe taken into consideration:

Where are you located? Please enter the complete menu path.

What have you done? Please enter the complete order of the activities youhave done. Please communicate the values of all input

fields.What have you received? Please communicate the error number or the values of

the result fields.

What was your intention? Please communicate your expectations to the system.

Can the problem be reproduced? If yes, please communicate a complete example inyour message.

Does the problem occur since acertain incident?

If yes, please communicate it in your message. (e.g.upgrade, loading a patch, modifications to the hard-ware configuration, client copy, storing of old data ...)

Does this problem occur with allusers?

If no, please communicate the user(s) where the prob-lem occurs.

Which notes have already beentaken into consideration regard-ing this problem?

Have SAP notes or other proposed solutions beentried yet?

Is there a certain time pressureregarding troubleshooting?

Please set the priority of your message. See also thedefinition of priorities.

Contact partner regarding con-tent of message

Name, department, phone and email

Consultant, if available Name, company, phone and email

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6.1. Store SAP log in data in secu re area

Login data to an SAP system can be transferred via the secure area of a message.

Go to “Secure area for this incident“  in the message screenshot:

 A new browser window of the SAP Service Marketplace opens. The S-User used musthave the authorization to maintain system data for the respective installation number:

 As the secure area of the SAP Service Marketplace is used here, only access data can bestored that are for installations which are maintained in the SAP Service Marketplace. De-tailed instructions on how to maintain the access data can be found in SAP note 508140

“Customer messages – Logon data of customer “. 

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7. Handling messages

7.1. Message overview

 After login you see an overview of the messages on the start screen:

To refresh the view go to “Refresh“:

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7.2. Filter messages

If you search a certain message, but you do not know its status, you can use the filterfunction to find this message.

Click on “All“ in the overview:

Go to “Filter“ to highlight the filtered line:

Now enter one or more filter criteria (also place holder like * can be used) and click on theFilter icon. Filtering process starts:

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7.3. Message status

The following table provides an overview of the possible status, its significance and

necessary steps that you might take:

Status Significance To do

New Message registered, not ac-cepted yet

Forwarded in house Message sent to processor orprocessing team

In process Message assigned to pro-cessor for processing

Customer action The processor has a question Read question and re-ply

Proposed solution The processor has proposeda solution

View proposed solutionand confirm or return

Sent to Support You have returned the mes-sage to the processor after aquestion or a proposed solu-tion

Sent to SAP Message forwarded to SAPfor further processing

Confirmed Message closed

 Automatically confirmed Message has been automati-cally closed

 All Overview of all messages

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7.4. Reply to quest ion s

If a processor has a question on a message you sent, he can set the message status to“Customer action“. You will then be informed by email.Before they can continue processing your message, you need to reply to the question.

The message can be found under “Customer action“: 

Click on the message to view it in the lower part of the window. Click on “Reply“ or “Addattachment“: 

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Write your answer and click on “Send reply“. You may also adjust the message priority:

The message status has now automatically changed to “Sent to Support“. The respectiveprocessor receives an email saying that you have replied to his email.

7.5. Store addit ional inform at ion

If you wish to submit additional information to the processor, you may specify this in themessage by accessing the message and clicking on “Reply“.

Write the information and click on “Send reply“: 

Please proceed the same way if you wish to add attachments.

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7.6. Conf irm message

If the processor has proposed a solution for your message, he sets the status to “Pr o-posed solution“. You are sent a message saying that a solution has been proposed.

If you agree to the proposed solution and wish to confirm the message, click on “Confirm“and then go to “Yes“: 

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7.7. Return message

If you do not agree to the solution proposed by the processor, you may return the mes-sage.

Click on “Reply“, write your answer and click on “Send reply“. You may also adjust themessage priority:

The message status has now automatically changed to “Sent to Support“. The respectiveprocessor receives an email saying that you wish the message to be processed again.

8. Regulation of temporary replacement

The Solution Manager provides the option to assign users the authorization “Can view allmessages of company“.This authorization can only be assigned by the All for One Steeb AG service desk uponwritten request by the respective IT manager of the customers.

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9. Questions und suggestions

The Service desk is looking forward to receiving your questions and suggestions: