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Sandoval Political Review Notes Edited

Jul 05, 2018



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  • 8/16/2019 Sandoval Political Review Notes Edited



    ART. VIII Sec. 1 Par. 1- “The judicial power shall be vestedin one Supreme ourt and in such lower courts as ma! beestablished b! law"

    #The Supreme ourt is the onl! constitutional court.

    $. S%&

    A. 'o. It is not a constitutional court( althou)h mentioned inthe onstitution. It is onl! a constitutionall! mandatedcourt.

    #*udicial power is not vested in the Supreme ourt alone.

    #It is vested as well in such lower courts as ma! beestablished b! law.

    “Such lower courts as ma! be established b! law" +%P 1,*udiciar! Reor)aniation Act o/ 102

    #ourt o/ Appeals- re/erred to as lower colle)iate courts

    #Re)ional Trial ourts- courts o/ )eneral jurisdiction

    #ourts o/ limited jurisdiction- +12 3etropolitan Trial ourts+,2 3T 4chartered cities5 +62 3unicipal Trial ourts73unicipal ircuit Trial ourts

    #Sandi)anba!an- special court havin) jurisdiction overpublic o//icers8 co-e9ual with the ourt o/ Appeals.

    #ourt o/ Ta: Appeals- special court havin) jurisdiction overta: appeals cases.


    +12 Shariah ?istrict ourt- e9uivalent toRT

    +,2 Shariah ircuit ourt- e9uivalent to3T

    #$=ASI *=?IIA@ %

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    $. ;ow does the de/inition o/ judicial power under thepresent onstitution a//ected the political 9uestiondoctrine&

    A. The 10E onstitution e:pands the concept o/ judicialreview. =nder the e:panded de/inition( the ourt cannota)ree ::: that the issues involved is a political 9uestionbe!ond the jurisdiction o/ the court to review. Chen the)rant o/ power is 9uali/ied( conditional or subject tolimitations( the issue o/ whether the prescribed9uali/ications or conditions have been met or the limitationsrespected is justiciable J the problem bein) one o/ le)alit!or validit!( not its wisdom. 3oreover( the jurisdiction todelimit constitutional boundaries has been )iven to thiscourt. Chen political 9uestions are involved( theonstitution limits the delimitation as to whether or notthere has been a )rave abuse o/ discretion amountin) tolacB or e:cess o/ jurisdiction on the part o/ the o//icialwhose action is bein) 9uestioned.

    $. Chat are political 9uestions&

    A.- The principle o/ separation o/ powers.

    -In turn( this principle is the result o/ our PresidentialS!stem o/ Hovernment.

    +In a Parliamentar! )overnment( the e:ecutive and thele)islative branches are welded to)ether2

    -Thus( le)islative power is )iven to on)ress8 e:ecutivepower is )iven to the President and judicial power is )ivento the Supreme ourt- 6 )reat powers distributed amon) 6branches o/ )overnment.

    -The le)islative and the e:ecutive are called P because o/ thema)nitude o/ the people who were in ?SA( 3arcos /led to;awaii( so that the or! )overnment was able to taBee//ective control o/ the machiner! o/ the State withoutresistance /rom the people. Gurthermore( the international

    communit! has reco)nied the or! Hovernment. ;ence(there can be no more 9uestion as to the de jure status o/the said )overnment.

    #The A9uino )overnment was the result o/ a success/ulrevolution b! the soverei)n people-it was installed throu)ha direct e:ercise o/ the power o/ the Gilipino people( inde/iance o/ the provisions o/ the 1E6 onstitution. Thele)itimac! o/ a )overnment sired b! a success/ul revolutionb! people power is be!ond judicial scrutin!8 such

    Political Law Review Notes (Atty. Edwin Sandoval)Prepared by: Atty Joan P. Gamboa


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    )overnment automaticall! orbits out o/ the constitutionalloop.

    strada vs. ?esierto

    #?esierto ar)ues that the le)itimac! o/ Arro!oLs assumptionto the presidenc! is a political 9uestion( and invoBes the

    rulin) in the @aw!ers @ea)ue case.

    S> 'o. +*ustice Re!nato S. Puno2

    #Arro!oLs )overnment is not revolutionar! in character. Theoath she tooB is the oath under the 10E onstitution.Indeed( she has stressed that she is dischar)in) thepowers o/ the presidenc! under the authorit! o/ the 10Eonstitution.

    @HA@ ?ISTI'TI

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    #3ere abuse o/ discretion is not enou)h.

    #To doubt is to sustain the act o/ the person.

    $. Ch! the di//erence in treatment&

    A. allin) out power is the lesser and more beni)n power

    while the power to declare martial law and to suspend theprivile)e o/ the writ o/ habeas corpus are the )reaterpowers which involve direct curtailment o/ civil libertiesthereb! necessitatin) sa/e)uards o/ on)ress and judicialreview o/ the ourt. +I%P VS. MA3

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    - A moot and academic case is one that ceases topresent a justiciable controvers! b! virtue o/supervenin) events( so that a declaration thereonwould be o/ no practical use or value. Henerall!(courts decline jurisdiction over such case ordismiss it on )round o/ mootness. +?avid vs.H3A2

    #The moot and academic principle is not a ma)ical /ormulathat can automaticall! dissuade the courts in resolvin) acase. ourts will decide cases( otherwise moot andacademic( i/>

    1. There is a )rave violation o/ the onstitution8,. The e:ceptional character o/ the situation and the

    paramount public interest involved8

    6. Chen constitut ional issue raised re9uires/ormulation o/ controllin) principles to )uide thebench( the bar( and the public8 and

    N. The case is capable o/ repetition !et evadin)review. +?avid vs. H3A2


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    raised in the pleadin)s( it cannot be raised on appeal.;ere( 3atiba) 9uestioned the le)alit! o/ said appointmentswhen she /iled her petition be/ore the Supreme ourt(which is the earliest opportunit! /or pleadin) theconstitutional issue be/ore a competent bod!.


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    a. on)ress directl! calls a

    1. Initiative on the onstitution

    ,. Initiative on Statutes

    6. Initiative on @ocal @e)islation

    SA'TIAH< VS. Initiative on theonstitution2

    #The ri)ht o/ the people to directl! propose amendments tothe onstitution throu)h the s!stem o/ initiative wouldremain entombed in the cold niche o/ the onstitution untilon)ress provides /or its implementation.

    #RA QE6D miserabl! /ailed to satis/! the re9uirements insubordinate le)islation in so /ar as initiative to proposeamendments to the onstitution is concerned.

    #I/ on)ress intended to /ull! provide /or theimplementation o/ the initiative on amendments to theonstitution( it could have provided /or a subtitle there/ore(considerin) that in the order o/ thin)s( the primac! o/interest( or hierarch! o/ values( the ri)ht o/ the people todirectl! propose amendments to the onstitution is /armore important than the initiative on national and locallaws.

    #S declared RA QE6D inade9uate to cover the s!stem o/initiative on amendments to the onstitution and have/ailed to provide a su//icient standard /or subordinatele)islation +there is undue dele)ation o/ power toomelec2. To this e:tent( RA QE6D is unconstitutional.

    #Article VII( Sec. , remains non sel/ e:ecutin).

    #PeopleLs Initiative on the onstitution is limited onl! toproposin) amendments not revisions.


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    A. Throu)h the ?

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    1. Chen the State itsel/ commences liti)ation(thereb! openin) itsel/ to counterclaim.

    :. Hovernment sued A and A /iled an answer with acounterclaim. The )overnment cannot asB /or thedismissal o/ the counterclaim on the )round o/ stateimmunit! /rom suit. contracts entered into b!the )overnment in its commercial and proprietar!capacit!8 there is waiver o/ state immunit! /rom suit.+Restrictive ?octrine o/ State Immunit! /rom Suit2

    $. In the Rui case( can the contractor invoBe Act 'o.606&

    A. 'o. %ecause Act 'o. 606 waives the immunit! o/ thePhilippine )overnment onl!8 not o/ other )overnments.

    $. Chat is the remed! o/ the contractor&

    A. =nder international law( he will have to convince hisstate throu)h the assistance o/ the ?epartment o/ Gorei)nA//airs to taBe his case up with the other state.

    $. Raintree contracted with the Armed Gorces o/ thePhilippines /or the suppl! o/ ponchos to be used b! thesoldiers. Raintree was not paid. an Raintree sue&

    A. Fes( under Act 'o. 606. This is a mone! claim arisin)/rom contract. There is no need to invoBe implied waiver(since there is alread! an e:press waiver.

    =S VS. H=I'T<

    #A Gilipino cooB in a restaurant inside amp *ohn ;a!poured urine into the soup stocB used in cooBin) theve)etables served to the customers.

    #;e was dismissed.

    #;e /iled a complaint /or dama)es a)ainst the =S Air GorceRecreation enter at amp *ohn ;a! who operates the


    #The latter invoBed the ?octrine o/ Immunit! /rom Suit andmoved to dismiss.

    S> The restaurant services o//ered partaBe o/ the natureo/ a business enterprise undertaBen b! the =S )overnmentin its proprietar! capacit!. Such services are not e:tendedto the American servicemen /or /ree as a per9uisite o/membership in the Armed Gorces o/ the =S. 'either does it

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    appear that the! are e:clusivel! o//ered to theseservicemen8 on the contrar!( it is well Bnown that the! areavailable to the )eneral public as well( includin) the touristsin %a)uio it!( man! o/ whom maBe it a point to visit *ohn;a! /or this reason. All persons availin) themselves o/ this/acilit! pa! /or the privile)e liBe all other customers inordinar! restaurants. Althou)h the prices are concededl!reasonable and relativel! low( such services areundoubtedl! operated /or pro/it as a commercial and not a)overnmental activit!.

    #The case was remanded to the @abor arbiter. There iswaiver o/ immunit!.

    #S=A%I@ITF VS. @IA%I@ITF

    #The circumstance that a state is suable does notnecessaril! mean that it is liable. A state can never be heldliable i/ it does not /irst consent to be sued. S=A%I@ITF is

     just a matter o/ a state )ivin) its consent to be sued.

    #@IA%I@ITF is a matter o/ applicable law and circumstanceo/ the case. @iabilit! is not conceded b! the mere /act thatthe state has allowed itsel/ to be sued. Chen the statedoes waive its soverei)n immunit!( it is onl! )ivin) theplainti// the chance to prove( i/ it can( that the de/endant isliable.

    #Caiver merel! )ives the claimant the opportunit! to provethat the state is liable.

    3='IIPA@ITF These are

    a)encies with separate charters creatin) them.

    -The! have personalit! separate and distinct /rom thePhilippine )overnment.

    -The test o/ suabilit! will depend whether or not itscharter allows it to sue and be sued.

    :. SSS( HSIS( PS

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    ,. ='I' The doctrine o/ State Immunit!/rom Suit cannot serve as an instance to perpetuateinjustice on a citien.

    #;owever( this should not be invoBed indiscriminatel!because the circumstances obtainin) in the /ollowin) casesare peculiar.

    A3IHA%@ VS. ='A

    #Ami)able owned a lot in ebu it!. There is no annotationin /avor o/ the )overnment in the TT. Then without priorappropriation or ne)otiated sale( the )overnment used aportion o/ the said lot /or the construction o/ roads.Ami)able then /iled a complaint a)ainst the Republic( anduenca( in the latterLs capacit! as ommissioner o/ Public;i)hwa!s.

    S> Chere the )overnment taBes awa! propert! /rom aprivate landowner /or public use without )oin) throu)h thele)al process o/ e:propriation or ne)otiated sale. Thea))rieved part! ma! properl! maintain a suit a)ainst the)overnment without thereb! violatin) the doctrine o/)overnmental immunit! /rom suit without its consent.


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    #This means that as lon) as 1 o/ !our parents isa Gilipino( !ou are a Gilipino.

    #This is in accordance with our adherence to theprinciple o/ jus san)uinis.

    #This results in complications when the countr!

    where !ou are born applies the principle o/ jus soli.

    #omplications arise with respect to the matter o/dual alle)iance. +See Sec. D2

    VA@@S VS. Rosalind is a Gilipino citien. +12 ;er /ather is aGilipino- ;er /ather is a Spanish subject. In 100( when theSpanish ceded the Philippines to the =S( under the *ones@aw and the Philippine %ill o/ 1 *ul! 1,( all inhabitantso/ the Philippines who were Spanish subjects are deemedto be Philippine citiens. 4This is the /irst time that therecame to be Gilipino citiens. It was an “en massecitienship" because o/ a chan)e o/ soverei)nt!5.

    +,2 Rosalind is a Gilipino- Philippine law on citienshipadheres to the principle o/ jus san)uinis( where a child/ollows the nationalit! o/ the parents re)ardless o/ the placeo/ his7her birth. ;ence( RosalindLs /ather is a Gilipino( she isa Gilipina. ;er bein) born in Australia is not tantamount to

    her losin) her Philippine citienship. ven i/ Australia/ollows jus soli( it onl! results to her possessin) dualcitienship.

    +62 //ect o/ holdin) an Australian passport- mere holdin) o/an Australian passport does not mean renunciation o/Philippine citienship. In order to lose Philippine citienshipb! renunciation( such renunciation must be e:presstheperson renouncin) must per/orm a positive act. +See3ercado vs. 3anano and Anar vs. omelec2

    6. Those born be/ore 1E *anuar! 1E6( o/ Gilipino mothers(who elect Philippine citienship upon reachin) the a)e o/majorit!

    6 Re9uisites /or the application o/ this provision>

    +12 The! were born be/ore 1E *an. 1E6.

    +,2 Their mother is a Gilipino.

    +62 The! elect Philippine citienship uponreachin) the a)e o/ majorit!.

    #;istor! o/ the provision>

    -=nder the 16D onstitution( le)itimate minorchildren /ollow the citienship o/ their /ather.

    -Thus one with an alien /ather and aGilipina( mother( would( durin) minorit!( be an


    -;ence( he is )iven( upon reachin) thea)e o/ majorit!( the option to elect.

    -'ote that this is the reason wh! the provisionapplies onl! to those born o/ “Gilipino mothers".


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    Philippine citienship upon reachin) the a)e o/ majorit!. I/he is ille)itimate( he will /ollow the motherLs citienship. Thereason /or this rule is to ensure Gilipino nationalit! o/ thechild so as not to prejudice. 'ormall!( since he isille)itimate( the mother would have custod! and haveparental authorit!.

    #'atural-%orn itiens +Sec. ,2

    , Oinds o/ 'atural-%orn itiens>

    1. Those who are citiens o/ the Philippines /rom birthwithout havin) to per/orm an! act to ac9uire or per/ect theirPhilippine citienship.

    ,. Those who elect Philippine citienship in accordancewith par +62( Sec. 1

    -In this case( the person has to per/orm an act toper/ect his Philippine citienship.

    -Thus( this constitutes an e:ception tothe 1st Bind o/ 'atural-%orn itiens.


    -This provision was carried over /rom the 1E6


    -In the 16D onstitution( there is no similar provision.

    -Thus( women were prejudicedwhen the!marr! a /orei)ner( the! lose their Gilipino ci tienship.

    :. %iel vs. ?irector o/ Public Schools

    -A public School teacher was removed /rom her positionbecause she married her hinese lover.

    -;owever( i/ the woman just maintains a live-in relationshipwith a /orei)ner( she does not lose her Philippine

    citienshipthere is no marria)e.

    -Thus( the! are better situated than those whocontracted marria)e with /orei)ners.


    #In relation to Sec. 1 +62

    -=nder the 16D onstitution( the children o/ a Gilipina-mother and an alien-/ather who had a common lawrelationship are Philippine citiens.

    -'o need to elect.

    $. Ch!&

    A. %ein) ille)itimate children( the! /ollow thecitienship o/ their mothers( who remain to be Gilipinossince the! are not married to aliens.

    -This is another absurdit!.


    1. In 1E( Gilipina married a /orei)ner

    -Gilipina loses Philippine citienship.

    -The 16D onstitution had no provision similar to Art. IV(Sec. N

    ,. In 1ED( Gilipina married a /orei)ner

    -Gilipina retains Philippine citienship.

    -The 1E6 onstitution had a provision similar to Art. IV(Sec. N.

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    3odes to Ac9uire Philippine itienship>

    1. %irth

    ,. 'aturaliation

    @oss and Re-Ac9uisition o/ Philippine itienship

    -Art. IV( Sec. 6“Philippine citienship ma! be lost orreac9uired in the manner provided b! law".

    Ca!s b! which Philippine itienship ma! be Re-Ac9uired>

    1. 'aturaliation

    ,. Repatriation

    'aturaliation vs. Repatriation


    1. As to 'ature

    ,. As to process

    -A mode o/ ac9uisition and reac9uisition o/Philippine citienship.

    #As a mode o/ ac9uisition- A NE6 )overns

    #As a mode o/ re-ac9uisition- A Q6 )overns.

    -Ver! cumbersome and tedious.

    #Process is simplere9uires onl!>

    1. TaBe oath o/ alle)iance

    ,. Re)istration with the ivil Re)istr!

    #Available when the loss o/ citienship is due to>

    +1.2 ?esertion o/ the Armed Gorces +A Q62

    +,.2 Service in the Armed Gorces o/ Allied Gorces durin)CC , +RA QD2

    +6.2 Service in the =S Armed Gorces +RA ,Q62#See %en)on III vs. ;RT

    +N.2 3arria)e o/ Gilipino woman to an alien( political oreconomic necessit! +RA 01E12

    6. ?irect Act o/ on)ress

    #?ual Alle)ianceArt. IV( Sec. D

    #"?ual alle)iance o/ citiens is inimical to the nationalinterest and shall be dealt with in accordance with law."

    $. Is this provision sel/ e:ecutin)&

    A. 'o. It sa!s “shall be dealt with b! law". It means a /uturelaw.

    $. Is there now a law that prohibits dual alle)iance&

    A. Fes. RA E1Q( Sec. N +d2 +@ocal Hovernment ode2

    “The /ollowin) are dis9uali/ied /rom runnin) /or an! electivelocal position> :::

    +d2 Those with dual citienship" +See 3ercado vs.3anano2

    3RA?< VS. 3A'MA'< +6E SRA Q6( ,Q 3a! 12

    #du 3anano was born in the =S( o/ Gilipino parents. In

    10 he ran /or vice-ma!or o/ 3aBati. ;is 9uali/ication waschallen)ed. 'ote that RA E1Q( Sec. N +d2 dis9uali/iesthose with dual citienship /rom runnin) /or local electiveo//ice.

    S> ;e is 9uali/ied to run. +12 3anano has dual citienshipsince his parents are Gilipinos( he is a Gilipino8 since hewas born in the =S( he is also a =S citien. Thus( he hasdual citienship.

    +,2 ?ual Alle)iance is Prohibited( 'ot ?ual itienshipwhat is prohibited b! the onstitution is dual alle)iance( notdual citienship. The concern o/ the onstitutional

    ommission was not with dual citiens per se( but withnaturalied citiens who maintain their alle)iance to theircountries o/ ori)in even a/ter their naturaliation. ;ence(the phrase “dual citienship" in RA E1Q( Sec. N +d2 mustbe understood as re/errin) to “dual alle)iance". ;ence(persons with mere dual citienship do not /all under thedis9uali/ication.

    Situations Chere ?ual itienship Arises>

    a. Those born o/ Gilipino /athers and7or mothers in /orei)ncountries which /ollow the principle o/ jus soli.

    b. Those born in the Philippines o/ Gilipino mothers and

    alien /athers( i/ b! the laws o/ their /atherLs countr!( suchchildren are citiens o/ that countr!.

    c. Those who marr! aliens i/ b! the laws o/ the latterLscountr! the /ormer are considered citiens( unless b! theiract or omission the! are deemed to have renounced theirPhilippine citienship.

    ?ual Alle)iance vs. ?ual itienship

    Political Law Review Notes (Atty. Edwin Sandoval)Prepared by: Atty Joan P. Gamboa


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    ?ual Alle)iance

    1. As to how it results

    ,. As to voluntariness

    -A situation where a personsimultaneousl! owes( b! some positiveact( lo!alt! to , or more states.


    #RA ,,D?ual itienship @aw +itienship Retentionand Re-Ac9uisition Act o/ ,62

    R=@> 'atural-born Gilipinos who lost their Philippinecitienship b! naturaliation as citiens o/ a /orei)n countr!shall re-ac9uire7retain their Philippine citienship upontaBin) the

    1. Ri)ht to vote- RA ,,D Sec. D +12 - must meetre9uirements o/ Sec. 1( Art. V and o/ RA 10 + Article III J %ill or Ri)hts

    +62 onstitution o/ Hovernment J provides /or a structureand s!stem o/ )overnment8 re/ers to the provisionsoutlinin) the or)aniation o/ the Hovernment( enumeratin)its powers( la!in) down certain rules relative to itsadministration and de/inin) the electorate.

    :> Article VI J @e)islative ?epartment

    Article VII J :ecutive ?epartment

    Article VIII J *udicial ?epartment

    Article I J onstitutional ommissions

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    ?octrine o/ Separation o/ Powers in a presidential t!pe o/)overnment

    The 6 )reat powers are distributed amon) the 6 )reatbranches o/ )overnment>

    @e)islative power J @e)islative branch 7 on)ress

    Article VI( Sec 1 J “The legislative power shall be vested inthe congress of the Philippines…” 

    This is also called the P Instances o/ permissible dele)ation J PETAL

    ?ele)ation to the People under the s!stems o/ initiativeand re/erendum +plebiscite( Art. VI( Sec 12

    ?ele)ation to the President o/ Emer)enc! powers +Art VI(Sec ,62

    ?ele)ation to the President o/ Tari// powers +Art VI( Sec,04,52

    ?ele)ation to Administrative %odies

    ?ele)ation to Local )overnments +Art. 2

    There must alwa!s be an PRSS dele)ationU +b!@aw7onstitution2

    $. Chat are the re9uisites be/ore emer)enc! powers ma!be dele)ated to the President&

    A. =nder Article VI. Section ,6. there are /our>

    There must be a war o" other national emer)enc!.

    The dele)ation shall be /or a limited period onl!

    The dele)ation must be pursuant to a declared nationalpolic!

    The dele)ation is subject to such restrictions andlimitations as on)ress ma! prescribe.

      The power is dele)ated +"o-  the Con)"ess to theP"esi!ent +?avid vs Arro!o2

    $. Chat is meant b! dele)ation to administrative bodies&

    A. It is the dele)ation o/ qu#si9'e)is'#ti(e  powers toadministrative a)encies.

    re/ers to the rule maBin) power or power o/ subordinatele)islation or power to promul)ate rules and re)ulations toimplement a )iven law7le)islative polic!.

    Political Law Review Notes (Atty. Edwin Sandoval)Prepared by: Atty Joan P. Gamboa


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    +12 Power to or)anie a)encies wasdele)ated to the President

    Standard> to streamline the bureaucrac! /or econom! andsu//icienc!.

     +,2 Power to issue /ranchises dele)ated to @TGR%

    Standard> Gor public convenience and securit!

    The standards need not be /ound in the law dele)atin) thepower. Instead( standards ma! be /ound in other laws Jwhat is important is that the standards are determinate orat least determinable +hon) %ian vs i-%os2

    I/ the dele)ation meets the tests( it is valid.

    Chat is prohibited is undue dele)ation or a dele)ationrunnin) riot.

    I/ there is undue dele)ation( it is no lon)er dele)ation o/power but abdication o/ power in /avor o/ the dele)ate(which violates the doctrine o/ separation o/ powers.

    Ratio> Fou cannot e:pect the on)ress to anticipate all.


    @e)islative Power

    Article VI( Sec 1> “The legislative power shall be vested inthe congress of the Philippines, which shall consist of aSenate and a House of Representatives, except to theextent reserved to the people by the provisions on initiativeand referendum."

    $. Chat power is vested in on)ress&

    A. @e)islative Power under Article VI( Sec. 1 +The Power o/the Purse2.

    $. Is le)islative power e:clusivel! vested in on)ress&

    A. '

    on)ress J made up o/ , houses>


    ;ouse o/ Representatives

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    Ce have a %icameral on)ress

    The houses are co-e9ual bodies8 hence the terms “upperhouse" and “lower house" are inaccurateU

    %icameral on/erence ommittee

    See Phi'. Ju!)es Assoi#tion (s. Hon. P"#!o( and

    To'entino (s. Se"et#"% o+ 3in#ne.

    “to the e:tent reserved to the People b! initiative andre/erendum"

    Article VI( Sec. 6, J The on)ress shall( as earl! aspossible( provide /or a s!stem o/ initiative and re/erendum(and the e:ceptions there /rom.

    This is no sel/-e:ecutin).

    $. ;as the on)ress enacted a @aw&

    A. FS. R.A. QE6D +Initiative and Re/erendum @aw2 is theimplementin) provision o/ Sec 1 Art VI( 10E onstitution.

    6 Binds o/ Initiative under RA QE6D>

    Initiative on the onstitution

    declared unconstitutional +Santia)o vs. Chat is initiative& Chat is Re/erendum&

    A> Initiative is the power o/ the people to &"o&oseamendments to the onstitution on to propose and enactle)islations throu)h an election /or the purpose +Sec 6+a2(RAQE6D2.

    Re/erendum is the power o/ the electorate to #&&"o(e o""e 3a! the President enact laws&

    A> '

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    Art VI( sec ,E J “very bill passed by Congress shall before it becomes a law, be presented to the president! "f he approves the same, he shall sign it…"

    The president per/orms the last operative act /or a bill tobecome a law.

    Chen the president &"e"es # $u!)et which is the basiso/ the H'RA@ APPR

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    Art VII( Sec N+N2 J (3pon receipt of the certificates of canvass, the

     president of the Philippines shall, not later than &4 days after the day of the election, open al certificates in the

     presence of the Senate of the .ouseof /epresentatives in joint and publicsession, and the Congress, upondetermination of the authenticity and due execution thereof in the manner 

     provided by law, canvass the votes!” 

    omposition o/

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    Adopted the Herman model o/ the part! list s!stem

    10 elections> /irst time we had part! list election

    %orrowed concept /rom parliamentar! s!stem

    See> An) $#)on)9$#%#ni9O3W '#$o" "t% (s.

    COELEC +*une ,Q( Y1 n %anc2

    $> Chat is the nature o/ the part!-list s!stem&

    A> The part!-list s!stem is a social justice tool desi)ned notonl! to

    )ive more in li/e to the )reat masses o/ our people whohave less in li/e( but also

    to enable them to become veritable +)enuine7real2 lawmaBers themselves. It

    intends to maBe the mar)inalied and underrepresentedactive participants in the mainstream o/ representativedemocrac!.

    The part! list s!stem is one such tool intended to bene/itthose who hae less in li/e. It )ives the )reat masses o/ ourpeople the )enuine hope and )enuine power. It is amessa)e to the destitute and the prejudiced( and even tothose in the under)round +e.). rebels2( that chan)e ispossible. It is an invitation /or them to come our o/ theirlimbo and seie the opportunit!.

    $> Is it open to all&

    A> 'o. It is not open to all but onl! to the mar)inalied andthe underrepresented.

    Allowin) all individuals and )roups( includin) those whichnow dominate district elections( to have the sameopportunit! to participate in the part!-list elections would

    desecrate this lo/t!.

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    s!stem shall not be represented in the voterLs re)istrationboards : : :"

    Sec D+12( Art VI( 10E onst. J “The ;

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    The nominee must also represent the mar)inalied andunderrepresented

    Surel!( the interests o/ the !outh cannot be /ull!represented b! a retiree8 neither can those o/ the urbanpoor or the worBin) class b! an individualist.

    Chile lacBin) a well-de/ined political constituenc!( thenominee must liBewise be able to contribute to the/ormulation and enactment o/ appropriate le)islation thatwill bene/it the nature o/ the whole.

    B In(io'#$'e P#"#-ete"s to !ete"-ine the winne"s in #P#"t%9'ist e'etion

    +As mandated b! the onstitution and RAEN12 %ar $uestionU


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    to determine whether a)encies are properl! administered8

    to eliminate e:ecutive waste and dishonest!8

    to prevent e:ecutive usurpation o/ le)islative authorit!8 and

    to assess e:ecutive con/ormit! with the con)ressional

    perception o/ public interest

    $> Chat is7are the basis o/ oversi)ht power o/ on)ress&A> The power o/ oversi)ht has been held to be +12 intrinsicin the )rant o/ le)islative power itsel/ and +,2 inte)ral to thechecBs and balances +62 inherent in a democratic s!stemo/ )overnment.

    $> what are the cate)ories o/ con)ressional oversi)ht/unctions& ?SIS

    A> Three cate)ories>

    Scrutin! J primar! purpose is to determine econom! ande//icienc! o/ the operation o/ )overnment activities.

    %ased primaril! on the power o/ appropriation o/ con)ressas under the constitution( the “power o/ the purse" belon)sto the con)ress

    :> %ud)et hearin)s J usual means o/ renewin) polic! andauditin) the use o/ previous appropriation to ascertainwhether the! have been disbursed /or purposes authoriedin an appropriation act.

    Power o/ con/irmation J 4throu)h

    +12 Privile)e /rom Arrest

    +,2 Greedom o/ speech and debate+62 Greedom /rom search +see Article 1ND( RP2

    P"i(i'e)e +"o- A""est

    'ot absoluteU

    @imitations> +12 on)ress must be in session

    Political Law Review Notes (Atty. Edwin Sandoval)Prepared by: Atty Joan P. Gamboa


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    +,2 The o//ense must be one punishable b! imprisonmentnot more than Q !ears.

    “In session" does ' ?octrine o/ ondonation is no lon)er available asde/ense. It has been overturned b! S in a recent case.

     A"t /I5 Se 1 : the Con)"ess sh#'' on(ene onee(e"% %e#" on the 3ou"th on!#% o+ Ju'% +o" its "e)u'#"session5 un'ess # !i++e"ent !#te is +i,e! $% L#w5 #n!sh#'' ontinue to $e in session +o" suh nu-$e" o+!#%s #s it -#% !ete"-ine unti' thi"t% !#%s $e+o"e theo&enin) o+ its ne,t "e)u'#" session5 e,'usi(e o+S#tu"!#%s5 Sun!#%s5 #n! 'e)#' ho'i!#%s , , ,

    $> A/ter 1D da!s o/ continuous session( con)ressadjourned. an this be done&

    A> FS. on)ress has the discretion under Art VI( Sec 1D.It is allowed to remain in session provided onl! that 6da!s be/ore the openin) o/ the ne:t session( it shalladjourn +compulsor! adjournment2.

    the openin) o/ the session is also the time the Presidentdelivers his STAT ' Chat is ALs remed!&

    A> AsB the house to punish the con)ressman.

    “In an! other place"

    This includes the courtsU

    Statement made in on)ress is a /orm o/ privile)edcommunication.

    This is a valid de/ense o/ Slander or @ibelU


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    absolutel! not actionable even i/ the author is in bad /aith

    :> Greedom o/ speech and debate o/ members o/on)ress. There/ore not actionable even i/ author acted inbad /aith. +sec.11( Art.VI2

    $uali/iedl! privile)ed

    'ot actionable unless the author acted in bad /aith or it canbe show that he had no justi/iable motive or reason.

    :. Article 6DN o/ RP

    This does ' The Senate e:pelled Senator The SenateLs act is valid. on)ress can punish theirmembers 4Art VI( Secc 1Q+625. The /reedom o/ speech anddebate cannot be invoBed in on)ress itsel/. Theconstitution sa!s( “in an! other place".

    Peo&'e (s. J#'os To allow *alosjos to attendcon)ressional session will virtuall! maBe him a /ree man8this would be a mocBer! o/ the correctional s!stem.

    I--unit% o+ e-$e"s o+ the Con)"ess

    arises /rom a constitutional provision

    )ranted in a restrictive sense

    cannot be e:tended b! Intendment



    $> ?urin) pendenc! o/ his appeal /rom conviction o/ RT(should he be allowed to post bail&

    A. '

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    le)islation. ;owever( it is intrinsic J to conduct in9uiries inaid o/ le)islation. There/ore( even without such provision(this power is present.

    $> Is the power absolute&

    A> '

    It must be in aid o/ le)islation.

    It must be made in accordance with dul! published rules o/procedures

    The ri)hts o/ persons appearin) in( or a//ected b! suchin9uiries shall be respected.

      The ri)ht a)ainst sel/ incrimination +Art III sec 1E2 ma!be invoBed.

    “In aid o/ le)islation"

    @en)Fon J" (s. Sen#te @'ue Ri$$on Co--ittee

     Senator nrile made a privile)ed speech on the alle)edtaBeover o/ the S

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    A> It is a period o/ con/rontation initiated b! the parliamentto hold the prime minister and other ministers accountable/or their acts and the operation o/ the )overnment.+de/inition borrowed /rom a parliamentar! )overnment2.

    Sen#te o+ the Phi'i&&ines (s E"-it#

    Sections ,1 and ,,( there/ore( while closel! related andcomplementar! to each other( should not be considered aspertainin) to the same power o/ on)ress.

    Setion *1 Setion **

    - relates to the power to conduct in9uiries in aid o/le)islation8 the aim o/ which is to elicit in/ormation thatma! be used /or le)islation.

    - pertains to the power to conduct a 9uestions hour8 theaim o/ which is to obtain in/ormation in the pursuit o/ thecon)ressL oversi)ht /unction

    - co-e:tensive with the power to le)islate - in pursuit o/ on)ressL oversi)ht /unction

    - attendance is meant to be compulsor!# - attendance is meant to be discretionar!

    - )rounded on the necessit! o/ in/ormation in thele)islative process +the power o/ in9uir! bein) co-e:tensive with the power to le)islate2

    - con)ress merel! seeBs to be in/ormed on howdepartment heads are implementin) the statutes which ithas issued.

    #non-appearance will impair the worB o/ on)ress andviolate Section E o/ the %ill o/ Ri)hts +ri)ht to in/ormation inmatters o/ public concern J throu)h their dul! electedrepresentatives in on)ress2

    $> 3a! members o/ abinet and other top e:ecutiveo//icials validl! re/use to appear be/ore con)ressionalin9uiries without the consent o/ the President b! invoBin)< NQN +prohibitin) members o/ the cabinet and other:ecutive o//icials /rom appearin) in on)ressionalIn9uiries2 promul)ated b! the President&

    A> I/ the re9uirement then to secure presidential consentunder < NQN is limited onl! to appearances in the$uestion hour( then it is VA@I?. Gor under Section ,,(Article VI o/ the onstitution( the appearance o/ departmentheads in 9uestion hour is discretionar! on their part.;owever( this cannot be applied to department heads inin9uiries in aid o/ le)islation. on)ress is not bound in suchinstances to respect the re/usal o/ the department heads toappear in such in9uir!( unless a valid claim o/ privile)e issubse9uentl! made( either b! the President himsel/( or b!the :ecutive secretar! +Sen#te o+ the Phi'i&&ines (s.E"-it#2.

     A claim o/ privile)e( bein) a claim o/ e:emption /rom anobli)ation to disclose in/ormation must be clearl! asserted.Absent a statement o/ the speci/ic basis o/ a claim o/e:ecutive privile)e( there is no wa! o/ determinin) whetherit /alls under one o/ the traditional privile)es( whether )iventhe circumstances in which it is made. It should berespected.

    Le)is'#ti(e Conte-&t J The power to punish /or ontempt

    'ature o/ the power to punish /or contempt

    Heneral Rule> The power is *udicial in nature. It is aninherent power o/ the court.

    :eption> Chen e:ercised b! the on)ress or an! o/ itscommittees when conductin) in9uiries in aid o/ le)islation+le)islative contempt2( one can be held in detention7sent toprision.

    $> ;ow lon) can one be held in detention /or le)islativecontempt&

    A> Gor as lon) as he re/uses to cooperate( it is not limitedto the duration o/ the session o/ on)ress. Thus( a personholds the Be! to his own /reedom. +A"n#u't (s. N#F#"eno2

    $> ?oes the pardonin) power o/ the president appl! tocases o/ @e)islative ontempt&

    A> '

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    ;ow man! members&A> ,D    Senate President J e: o//icio chairman

     1, Senators

      1, Representatives +/rom the ;ouse o/Representatives2

    $> ;ow are the ,N members chosen&

    A> based on proportional representation /rom politicalparties +includin) part! list2 havin) membership in thesenate or ;ouse o/ representatives.


    Senate composition>

    ON 1

    O'P 0


    [ o/ senators o/ part!

     Total [ o/ senators

    1, is the [ o/ oA seats

    Simpl! put( it is the [ o/ senators o/ a Part! ?IVI?? b! ,

    Gollow the same /ormula /or ;

    ON D

    O'P N


    Chat i/ there are decimal places&

    A> ?isre)ard +drop2 the /raction. Chat is main /unction o/ the ommission onAppointments&

    A> To act on Presidential Appointments +checBs-and-balances2

    $> Chen can oA meet&


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    GATS> on)ressman amasura was a member o/ the;RT. There was an electoral contest involvin) his part!-mate and %ondoc. The part! instructed amasura to vote/or his part!-mate. ;owever( amasura cast a consciencevote in %ondocLs /avor. Thus( the part! e:pelled amasura/rom ;RT on the )rounds o/ “dislo!alt! to the part!" and“breach o/ part! discipline".

    ;@?> The e:pulsion is V an the! meet when on)ress is not in session&

    A> FS. =nliBe the ommission on Appointments( the!shall meet in accordance with their rules( re)ardless o/whether con)ress is in sessionU

    $> Grom the decision o/ ST or ;RT( is there an appeal&

    A> ' FS. A special civil action +an ori)inal action J not amode o/ appeal2 /or certiorari under Rule QD ma! be /iled.This is based on )rave abuse o/ discretion amountin) tolacB or e:cess o/ jurisdiction. This will be /iled be/ore theS.

    4The other /orm o/ ertiorari is Rule ND( which isa mode o/ appeal on pure 9uestions o/ law. This is a modeo/ appeal unliBe the Special ivil action /or ertiorari underRule QD5

    ST7;RTLs jurisdiction is limited to “contestsrelatin) to the election : : : o/ their respective members"

    Ro-u#'!eF9#"os (s. COELEC

    GATS> In the 1D elections( Imelda ran /or ;

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    a. In9uir! must alwa!s be I' AI? o/ le)islation8

    b. It must be in accordance with dul! publishedrules o/ procedure b! house o/ con)ressconductin) that in9uir!8 and

    c. The ri)hts o/ persons appearin) in ora//ected in that in9uir! shall be respected.

    STA'?AR? ;ARTR %A'O vs S'AT

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    Sec ,Q+12( Art VI J “very bill passed by the Congressshall embrace only 1 subject, which shall be expressed inthe title thereof!” 

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    no deliberations !et

    In the committee to which the bill was re/erred to( it ma! diea natural death i/ said committee sits on it.

    I/ the members o/ the committee endorse the bill to theplenar!( it will be calendared /or ,nd readin).

    Second Readin)

    The bill is sent bacB to the plenar!.

    In the plenar!( it will be discussed in its entiret!8 there willbe sponsorship speech( interpellations( deliberations8amendments ma! also be introduced.

    Third Readin)

    Re9uirement> 6 da!s be/ore the scheduled 6 rd  readin).Printed copies o/ the bill will have to be distributed to eachmember o/ the house.

    ;ere( there are no more deliberations( discussions( oramendments.

    There is onl! votin)8 the !eas and na!s must be entered inthe journal.

    :ception> Chen the President certi/ies to the necessit! o/its immediate enactment to meet a public calamit! oremer)enc!.

    To'entino (s. Se"et#"% o+ 3in#ne

    Chen the president certi/ies as to the necessit! o/ the %illLsimmediate enactment( it need not under)o 6 readin)s on 6separate da!s and printed copies o/ the %ill need not bedistributed to the members 6 da!s be/ore the 6rd readin).

     Chat constitutes a public calamit! or emer)enc! is apolitical 9uestion into which the courts cannot inter/ere.

    Chile the su//icienc! o/ the /actual basis o/ the suspensiono/ the writ o/ ;abeas orpus or declaration o/ martial law issubject to *udicial review because basic ri)hts o/individuals ma! be at haard( the /actual basis o/

    presidential certi/ication o/ bills( which involves doin) awa!with procedural re9uirements desi)ned to insure that billare dul! considered b! member o/ con)ress( certainl!should elicit a di//erent standard o/ review.

     A/ter 6 readin)s( the bill will be sent to the other housewhere it will under)o the same cumbersome process.

     I/ both houses have di//erent versions o/ the %ill( saidversions will be sent to the %icameral on/erenceommittee /or reconciliation.

    %IA3RA@ '

    Power o/ each house o/ on)ress to have rules o/proceedin)s under Art VI( Section 1Q+62 J “ach housemay determine the rules of its proceedings x x x” 8 and

    The /act that we have a bicameral on)ress J Art VI( Sec 1J “The legislative power shall be vested in the Congress x 

     x x which shall consist of a senate and a .o/!” 

    'ature and Gunctions o/ the %icameral on/erenceommittee

    Source> Philippine Ca)es Association vs. Prado

    Primaril!( it is a mechanism /or compromisin) di//erencesbetween the senate and the ;oR8 this is because we havea bicameral on)ress.

    It is capable o/ producin) une:pected results which caneven )o be!ond its mandate.

    Re/erred to as the “6rd house" o/ on)ress J not correctunder our constitution( because there are onl! two houses.

    See Arro!o vs. ?e Venecia

     Re/erral bacB to the Senate and the ;oR J /rom thebicameral con/erence committee( the consolidated bill willbe sent bacB to each ;ouse.

     There( the consolidated bill will be subject to votin)8 nomore readin)s

    I/ the !eas prevail over the na!s J the bill is passed and will

    be sent to the Senate Predient and the ;oR speaBer /orsi)nin).

    I/ the na!s prevail over the !eas J another bicameralcon/erence committee will be created until an acceptableversion o/ the bill is created8 the court did not sa! that thebill is B illed. +Tolentino vs Secretar! o/ Ginance ###2

    En"o''e! @i'' Dot"ine

    Political Law Review Notes (Atty. Edwin Sandoval)Prepared by: Atty Joan P. Gamboa


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    $> Chat is the enrolled bill doctrine&


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    ;@?> The court went be!ond the enrolled bill and looBedinto the *ournal to determine whether thereLs le)al insertionor not.

    R=@ ;ow man! options does the president have&A> 6 options>

    +12 President approves the bill bill becomes a law

    +,2 President vetoes the bill     bill

    does not become a law

      +62 President does not do an!thin) +inaction2 automaticall! becomes a law thirt! +62 da!s a/ter receipto/ the bill.

    Girst option> President approves the %ill

    Sec ,E +12( Art VI J “very bill passed by Congress shall,before it becomes a law, be presented to the President! "f he approves the same, he shall sign it xxx "

    Second option> President vetoes the bill

    Sec ,E +12( Art VI J “very bill passed by Congress shall,before it becomes a law, be presented to the President x x 

     x otherwise, he shall veto it and return the same with hisobjections to the .ouse where it originated!"


    Sent the bill bacB to on)ress(

    To)ether with his objections +veto messa)e2

    $> an on)ress overthrow the veto +“repass the law"2&

    A> FSU Cith a ,76 vote as provided under Sec ,E+12 Art VIJ “"f after such reconsideration, *+& of all members of such.ouse agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together withthe objections to the other house by which it shall li-ewisebe considered, and if approved by *+& of all members of that house, it shall become a law!"

    Oinds o/ Veto

    Heneral Veto J Art VI( Sec ,E( par 1

    Item Veto or @ine Veto J Art VI( Sec ,E( par , “ The

    President shall have the power to veto any particular itemor items in an appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill, but theveto shall not affect the item or items to which he does not object!” 

    Heneral Rule> President ma! not veto a provision withoutvetoin) the entire bill.

    The rule is all or nothin)8 selective veto is not allowed.

    The president ma! not veto a bill without vetoin) the entirebill. The e:ecutive must veto a bill in its entiret! or not at

    all. ;e cannot be an editor crossin) our provisions whichshe disliBes. +%en)on vs. ?rilon2

    :ceptions> Selective veto is allowed in 6 Binds o bill +ART2

    Appropriation bills

    Revenue %ills

    Tari// %ills

    Hrounds /or Vetoin) on Item7line veto> ?PAL

    Appropriation '

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    $> ?o @ocal hie/ :ecutives have veto power&

    A> ' ;ow about a Hovernor&

    A> Fes. There is a vice-)overnor.

    $> ;ow about a 3a!or&

    A. Fes. There is vice-ma!or.

    hie/ :ecutive o/ %aran))a!

    hie/ :ecutive

    San))unian) %aran))a!( presidin) o//icer

    @upon) Ta)apama!apa

    an carr! /irearms

    $> Is the hie/ e:ecutive o/ %aran))a! an a)ent( or aperson-in-authorit!&

    A> Person-in-authorit! +recall rim %ooB II J can be subjectto direct assault 2

    '.%.> Policeman J a)ent o/ person-in-authorit!

     Sec. 600 @H

    Punon) %aran))a!

    San))unian) %aran))a! membersPersons-in-authorit!

    @upon) ta)a-pama!apa

    Dot"ine o+ In#&&"o&"i#te P"o(isions

     Provisions in an appropriation bill must relate to someparticular provision therein +see Art VI( Sec ,D+,22. I/ it doesnot( it becomes an inappropriate provision and will betreated as an item. Thus( it can be subject to the item veto+;onF#'es (s. ##"#i)2

    ;onF#'es (s. ##"#i)

    GATS> the Heneral Appropriations %ill contained aprovision prohibitin) the President /rom au)mentin) the/unds o/ one department /rom the other. President A9uinovetoed that provision. on)ress ar)ued that what shevetoed was a provision( not an item. Thus( she e//ectivel!vetoed the entire bill since the item veto re/ers to items andnot to provisions.

    ;@?> The ourt sustained the validit! o/ the e:ercise b!the President o/ her veto power( invoBin) the doctrine o/inappropriate provision.

    Section ,D( par ,( Art VI J “$o provision or enactment shall be embraced in the general appropriations bill, unless it relates specifically to some particular appropriation therein!

     ny such provision or enactment shall be limited in its

    operation to the appropriation to which it relates!"

    $> 3a! the President veto a @AC&

    A> '

  • 8/16/2019 Sandoval Political Review Notes Edited


    automaticall! becomes a law i/ the President does not actwithin 6 da!s a/ter receipt o/ the %ill.

    :ample o/ %ills which lapsed into law b! thePresidentLs inaction>

    %ar GlunBerLs Act J President $uirino

    han)in) the name o/ 3anila IntLl Airport to 'ino! A9uinoIntLl Airport J President A9uino

    $> Chat i/ the President does not veto the inappropriateitem&

    A> It becomes a law7 rider which ma! be a separate subjecto/ le)islation.

    Dot"ine o+ Qu#'i+ie! Po'iti#' A)en% +Alter )o?octrine2

    3embers o/ the abinet are considered acts7decisions o/the President ='@SS reprobated b! the latter.

    3embers o/ the abinet are considered alter e)o o/ hePresident.


    =TIV P “The e:ecutive power shall bevested in the President o/ the Philippines."

    $> Chat power belon)s to the President&

    A> Power o/ the Sword. +Power o/ the Purse belon)s tothe on)ress.2

    Gaith/ul :ecution lause

    The president as chie/ e:ecutive( he shall ensure that thelaws be /aith/ull! e:ecuted.

    ARTI@ VII( Sec. 1E( ,nd  sentence> “::: he shall ensurethat the laws be /aith/ull! e:ecuted."

    ?octrine o/ $uali/ied A)enc!7Alter )o

    -members o/ abinet and heads o/ thedepartment are deemed to be alter e)os o/ the president.So their acts or decisions per/ormed in the re)ular courseo/ business are deemed to be acts or decisions o/president unless reprobated or disapproved b! him.


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    - no lon)er an idle o//icial

    ARTI@ VII( Sec. 6( ,nd par. J “The vice President ma! beappointed as a 3ember o/ the abinet. Such appointmentre9uires no con/irmation."

    PRSI?'TIA@ S=SSI+b2 act o/ relin9uishment

    - Gorm o/ Resi)nation> the validit! o/ aresi)nation is not )overned b! an! /ormal re9uirement asto /orm J it can be oral or written8 e:press or implied aslon) as the resi)nation is clear( it must be )iven e//ect.

    - T

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    - arries with it the power o/ removal

    - ARTI@ VII( Sec. 1Q

    (#! Power of $ontrol 

    - ARTI@ VII( Sec. 1E J “ThePresident shall have control o/ all the e:ecutivedepartments( bureaus( and o//ices :::."

    - Cith respect to local )overnments(the President merel! has power o/ )eneral supervision.+ARTI@ ( Sec. N2

    Heneral supervision- to oversee that @H=s and o//icialsper/orm their /unctions in accordance with law.

    Cont"o'- means the power o/ superior o//icer toact directl! whenever a power or /unction has been vested

    b! law to a subordinate.

    -to direct the per/ormance o/ a dut!8

    -restrain the commission o/ act8

    -to review( revise( modi/! or alter theacts o/ a subordinate8 or

    - to substitute its own decision over thato/ a subordinate

    E,euti(e De"t-ent- is an! o/ the e:ecutivedepartments b! law+< ,,2. This department is headedb! abinet Secretar!. These departments are alter e)os o/the president.

    e.). ?ept o/ Ginance( ?I@H( ?

    +a2 calling7out power as the commander7in7chief  o/ all the armed /orces>

    "nstances0 lawless violence,invasion and rebellion

    +b2  power to declare martial law

    "nstances0 in case of invasion or rebellion,when public safety re)uires it!

    +superseded A9uino v 3ilitar!2 A state o/martial does not authorie the con/erment o/ jurisdiction onmilitar! courts over civilian when civil courts are/unctionin). +now incorporated in sec.10( Art.VII2

    +c ' power to suspend the privilege of writ of habeas corpus

    limitation> Ri)ht to %ail(! Pardoning Power 

    - ARTI@ VII( Sec. 1 J “:cept incases o/ impeachment( or as otherwise provided in thisonstitution( the President ma! )rant reprieves(commutations( and pardons( and remit /ines and/or/eitures( a/ter conviction b! /inal jud)ment. ;e shall alsohave the power to )rant amnest! with the concurrence o/ amajorit! o/ all 3embers o/ the on)ress."

    - D matters mentioned>

    +a2 reprieves+b2 commutations+c2 pardons+d2 remit /ines and /or/eitures

    +in these N( conviction b! /inal jud)ment is are9uirement2

    +e2 amnest! +par., o/ sec.1(Art. VII2

    - re9uire concurrence o/ the majorit! o/on)ress

    - conviction b! /inal jud)ment is not are9uirement

    - i/ case is still pendin)( ma! e:tendamnest!

    Pardon is a personal act whereas Amnest! is an o//icial actwhich is a matter o/ judicial notice and thus( does notre9uire proo/.

    $> Is Pardon available to one )uilt! o/ o//ense or onl! thosewho commit a crime&

    Political Law Review Notes (Atty. Edwin Sandoval)Prepared by: Atty Joan P. Gamboa


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    A> @lamas vs 3onsanto vs Gactoran> Pardon ma! mean

    /or)iveness but not /or)et/ulness. Thus( she cannot asB /orbacBwa)es and reinstatement. In the e!es o/ the law( sheis still a convict. Pardon does not looB bacB( it does noterase the /act o/ oneLs )uilt( it looBs to the /uture. =nliBeamnest!( it erases the shames o/ the past.

    =nless the )rant e:pressl! so provides( she isnot entitled to reinstatement. Since she is not entitled to the

    latter it /ollows that she is not entitled to bacB wa)es.

    Re&"ie(e- postponement o/ e:ecution o/ a death convictnot the sentenceU That is probation.

    $> Are members o/ Armed Gorces covered b! that Amnest!Proclamation 'o. 6NE )rantin) amnest! to rebels( etc.&

    A> S ruled that Proc. 6NE does not distin)uish( it alsocovers members o/ Armed Gorces. It e:tends to A@@persons who committed the rebellion( it does not e:cludemilitar! rebels. Oapunan *r. v A( 3arch 16( ,Co--ut#tion o+ Sentene- reduction o/ the penalt!

    @imitations on the Pardonin) power o/ president>

    1. does not appl! in cases o/ impeachment8,. there must be conviction b! /inal jud)ment

    be/ore one ma! be )ranted pardon86. does not appl! in le)islative contempt in

    view o/ separation o/ powers8N. 'o pardon( amnest! or parole or suspension

    o/ sentence /or violation o/ election lawsshall be )ranted without /avorablerecommendation o/ the

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    As lon) as their /unctionaries remained within their powers.International law remains to )ive no distinction betweentreaties and e:ecutive a)reements. The! are e9uall!bindin) obli)ations upon nations.

    $> Chat about e:chan)e o/ notes& Cill that re9uireconcurrence o/ senate&

    A> Aba!a vs bdane *r. ,71N7E

    -loan application in *apanese )overnment. Therewas e:chan)e o/ notes between secretar! o/ /orei)n a//airsand *apanese ambassadors. Cill that e:chan)e re9uireconcurrence&

    -:chan)e o/ notes is considered a /orme:ecutive a)reement which do not need concurrence b!the senate.

    %a!an vs Mamora

    ase involvin) rati/ication o/ Visitin) GorcesA)reement +VGA2 with =S.

    Issue> Is VGA a treat! or e:ecutive a)reement&

    ;eld> TRATF. President considers it as treat! thatLs wh!he submitted that too senate /or concurrence.

    Sec.,1( Art.VII deals with treaties or internationala)reement in )eneral. This la!s down the )eneral rule andapplies to an! /orm o/ treat!. In contrast( Sec.,D( Art.VIII

    is a special provision that applies to treaties which involvespresence o/ /orei)n militar! bases( troops or /acilities in thePhilipines. =nder this provision( the concurrence o/ senateis onl! one o/ the re9uirements.

    =ndoubtedl!( sec.,D( Art.VIII should appl! in the instantcase. A special provision prevails over a )eneral one.;owever( in latter provision does not provide /or number o/votes/or concurrence( so in that acse sec.,1( Art.VII isapplicable.

    +sec. ,D( Article VIII2

    (0! Informing Power 

    - State o/ the 'ation Address

    - ARTI@ VII( Sec. ,6 J “ThePresident shall address the on)ress at the openin) o/ itsre)ular session. ;e ma! also appear be/ore it at an! othertime."

    $> Chen is the openin) o/ the re)ular session o/on)ress&

    A> ver! Nth 3onda! o/ *ul!. That is the openin)o/ on)ress. Sec.1D( Art.VI

    State Instances when on)ress ma! held special sessioneven without call o/ President>

    1. sec. 10( Art.VII-

    ,. Impeachment ases6. In matter o/ canvassin) in the election o/

    president and vice presidentN. Sec.1( Art.VII- Permanent Vacancies in

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    - powers which are not /ound in theonstitution( but he ma! validl! e:ercise. +3arcos vs.3an)lapu2.

    - reserved powers o/ the president

    $> ;ow do !ou de/ine e:ecutive powers&

    A> :ecutive power is neither le)islative nor judicial. +Thisimplies that it is ver! broad.2

    APP 'ot all appointments re9uire con/irmation under thepresent onstitution.

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    unconstitutional are Sections ,Q and 61 o/ RA. QED whichempowers the ommission on Appointments to con/irm theappointments o/ public o//icials whose appointments arenot re9uired b! the onstitution to be con/irmed.

    - The P'P is separate and distinct /rom the AGP.The onstitution no less( sets /orth the distinction. =nderSec. N( ARTI@ VII( “the armed /orces o/ the Philippinesshall be composed o/ a citien armed /orce which shallunder)o militar! trainin) and service( as ma! be providedb! law. It shall Beep a re)ular /orce necessar! /or thesecurit! o/ the state." “The state shall establish andmaintain one police /orce( which shall be national in scopeand civilian in character to administered and controlled b! anational police commission. The authorit! o/ locale:ecutives over the police units in their jurisdiction shall beprovided b! law.

    - To so distin)uish the police /orce /rom thearmed /orce( on)ress enacted RA. QED. Thereunder thepolice /orce is di//erent /rom and independent o/ the armed/orces and the ranBs int eh militar! are not similar to thosein the P'P.

    - Present P'P is no lon)er part o/ the AGP8 is acivilian institution placed under ?I@H. =nliBe PI'P( whichis a part o/ AGP( it is in /act armed /orces.

    0B2 Othe" o++ie"s o+ the )o(e"n-ent whose#&&oint-ents #"e (este! in hi- in this Constitution

    > hairmen and members o/ S( omelec(

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    onstitution more speci/icall! under the “third )roup" o/appointees J those whom the President ma! be authoriedb! law to appoint. =ndeniabl!( the chairman and memberso/ the '@R are not amon) the o//icers mentioned in the 1st

    sentence o/ Sec. 1Q( ARTI@ VII whose appointmentsre9uire con/irmation b! the ommission on Appointments.To the e:tent that RA. QE1D re9uires con/irmation b! theommission on Appointments o/ the appointments o/respondent chairman and members o/ '@R( it isunconstitutional.

    - S clari/ied that this list is @=SIV. on)ress b! amere le)islative act ma! not validl! amend the constitutionb! addin) or deductin) an!thin) /rom that list

    S A? I'TRI3 literall! means “in the meantime" or “/or

    the time bein)".  - These are appointments made b! the President whenon)ress is not in session.

      - Sec. 1Q( ARTI@ VII( Par. , should be correlated toSec. 1( ARTI@ VI J “::: The ommission onAppointments shall meet onl! while the on)ress is insession :::".

      - RATI

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    c2 where the appointee is con/irmed to serve theune:pired term o/ someone who died or resi)ned and theappointee completes the une:pired term8

    d2 where the appointee has previousl! served aterm o/ less than seven !ears( and a vacanc! arises /romdeath or resi)nation.

    - ,nd issue is o/ /irst impressionU +not !et asBed in the bar2

    - In an! o/ these /our situations( it presupposes that theappointment had alread! been con/irmed b! theommission on Appointments. It will not appl! in this casewhere the appointments were b!-passsed.

    $> Chat i/ the appointments were actuall! disapprovedand not simpl! b!-passed( can the! still be validl!reappointed&

    A> 'o. The disapproval is actuall! a jud)ment on themerits o/ their 9uali/ication. The principle o/ checBs andbalances will come into pla!.

    PI3'T@ VS. R3ITA

    - The cabinet secretaries were appointed as actin)secretaries o/ their respective departments while on)ressis in session. Thus( the Senators /iled a petition to compel

    the president to e:tend re)ular appointments.

    S> 'ature o/ the Power to Appoint

    - The power to appoint is essentiall! e:ecutive in nature(and the le)islature ma! not inter/ere with the e:ercise o/this power e:cept in those instances when the onstitutione:pressl! allows it to inter/ere.

    - Appointment is discretionar!.

    - The essence o/ an appointment in an actin) capacit! isits temporar! nature. It is a stop-)ap measure intended to/ill an o//ice /or a limited time until the appointment o/ apermanent occupant to the o//ice. In case o/ vacanc! in an o//ice occupied b! an alter e)o o/ the President( such asthe o//ice o/ a department secretar!( the President mustnecessaril! appoint an alter e)o o/ her choice as actin)secretar! be/ore the permanent appointee o/ her choicecould assume o//ice.

    - ;ence( the President cannot be compelled especiall!since the positions o/ cabinet secretar! re9uire trust andcon/idence.

    ?istinctions between Ad Interim and Actin) Appointments

    A! Inte"i- Atin) A&&oint

    e:tended onl! durin) a recess o/on)ress

    e:tended an!time there is

    permanent in nature merel! temporar!

    re9uires con/irmation b! theommission on Appointments

    does not re9uire such con

    'ote> 3ootness o/ the Petition J Chen the on)ressadjourned( H3A e:tended ad interim appointments but thisis an e:ception because the case is capable o/ repetition!et evadin) review.

    @I3ITATI +12 onstitutional ommissions J

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    $> To what Bind o/ appointment is this directed a)ainst&

    A> This is directed a)ainst , t!pes o/ appointments> +InRe> Valenuela and Vallaria2

    +12 those made /or bu!in) votes +to in/luence theoutcome o/ Presidential elections2

    - re/ers to those appointments madewithin the , months precedin) a Presidential election andare similar to those which are declared election o//enses inthe

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      +62 3ember o/ the abinet and their deputies orassistants

    - applies to private emplo!ment

    - the idea is /or them to /ocus in their /unctions

    $> Chat are the e:ceptions&

    A> +12 unless otherwise provided in this onstitution

    > The Vice President ma! be appointed as a3ember o/ the abinet :::. +ARTI@ VII( Sec. 6( Par. ,2

      The Secretar! o/ *ustice is an e:-o//icio3ember /o the *udicial and %ar ouncil +ARTI@ VIII(Sec. 0( Par. 12

      +,2 I/ the! will hold that other o//ice in an e:-o//iciocapacit!. +ivil @iberties =nion vs. :ec. Sec.2

    IVI@ @I%RTIS ='I

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    other o//ice or emplo!ment in the Hovernment( or an!subdivision( a)enc!( or instrumentalit! thereo/( includin)H actual sta! in o//ice-not necessar! /or him to resi)n be/ore heaccepts the other o//ice8 It is automatic.

    one which is /orbidden b! law even i/he is willin) to /or/eit his seat.

    a member ma! be validl! appointed buthe /or/eits his seat.

    he ma! not be validl! appointed

    more o/ an inhibition more o/ a prohibition

    $> on)ressman was appointed asSecretar! o/ ?'R( can he validl! acceptthe appointment&

    A> Fes.

    $> on)ress created a new o//ice(=rban Poor ommission. Itappropriated P1%. on)ressman resi)ned and applied /or that he be validl! appointed&

    A> 'o. It was created durin) the termin which he was elected. ven i/ he is

    willin) to resi)n( ;e cannot still beappointed because it is a /orbiddeno//ice.

    $> an he still )o bacB to his /ormerposition&

    A> 'oU

    - In this case( the /unction o/ P@ is to review decisionso/ o//icers under the Chat is

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    ?PART3'T> an! o/ the e:ecutive departments createdb! law.

     :> ?epatment o/ Ginance%=RA=> a principal subdivision o/ a department.

    :> %ureau o/ Internal Revenue and %ureau o/ustoms a major /unctional unit o/ a department orbureau.


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    - :pressl! been made subject to judicial review underARTI@ VII( Sec. 10( Par. 6 J “The Supreme ourt ma!review( in an appropriate proceedin) /iled b! an! citien(the su//icienc! o/ the /actual basis o/ the proclamation o/3artial @aw or the suspension o/ the privile)e o/ the writ o/habeas corpus or the e:tension thereo/( and mustpromul)ate its decision thereon within thirt! da!s /rom its/ilin)." +@A'SA'H VS. HARIA2

    - Cithin N0 hours /rom the proclamation o/ martial law orthe suspension o/ the privile)e o/ the writ o/ habeascorpus( the President shall submit a report in person or inwritin) to the on)ress.

    - The on)ress( votin) jointl!( b! a vote o/ at least amajorit! o/ all its members in re)ular or special session((ma! revoBe such proclamation or suspension( whichrevocation shall not be set aside b! the President.

    - =pon the initiative o/ the President( the on)ress( ma! in

    the same manner( e:tend such proclamation or suspension/or a period to be determined b! the on)ress( i/ theinvasion or rebellion shall persist and public sa/et! re9uiresit.

    - The on)ress( i/ not in session( shall( within ,N hours/ollowin) such proclamation or suspension( convene inaccordance with its rules without need o/ a call.

    - A state o/ martial law does not suspend the operation o/the onstitution( nor supplant the /unctionin) o/ the civilcourts or le)islative assemblies( '

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    - se)re)ated /rom the N others- concurrence o/ the majorit! o/ all member o/ con)ress isre9uired- conviction b! /inal jud)ment is not re9uired unliBe the Nothers


    concurrence o/ con)ress is not re9uired concurrence o/ con)ress is re9uired

    conviction b! /inal jud)ment is re9uired ma! be )ranted even without priorconviction b! /inal jud)ment

    ma! mean /or)iveness but not/or)et/ulness

    erases whatever shade o/ )uilt therewas

    usuall! e:tended to individualsconvicted o/ common crimes

    e:tended to )roup o/ individualschar)ed o/ political o//enses

    private act o/ the President o//icial act o/ the President

    - Important to Bnow distinction because o/ judicial notice

    - =nder the law on evidence( there are 6 thin)s whichneed not be proven>

    +12 those matters which the court must taBe judicial notice o/

    +,2 judicial admissions+62 presumptions

    - =nder Section1( Rule 1, o/ the Rules o/ ourt( one o/the matters which the courts must taBe judicial notice o/ isthe o//icial acts o/ the le)islative( e:ecutive and judicialdepartments o/ the Philippines.

    - ;ence( amnest!( which is an o//icial act o/ the President(no lon)er re9uires proo/.

    - Is pardon available to those )uilt! o/ administrativeo//enses&

    A> Fes. Pardon is available not onl! to those )uilt! o/criminal o//ense but also to those )uilt! o/ administrativeo//ense. Section 1( ARTI@ VII maBes no distinctionbetween criminal o//ense and administrative o//ense e:ceptwith respect to impeachment. I/ persons convicted o/heinous crimes where evidence o/ )uilt is be!ondreasonable doubt are entitled to pardon( wh! do we have toden! the same to those convicted o/ administrativeo//enses where onl! substantial evidence is re9uired&+@@A3AS VS.

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    - A pardon looBs to the /uture. It is not retrospective. ItmaBes no amends /or the part. It a//ords no relie/ /or whathas been su//ered b! the o//ender.

    - ;ence( she is e:cused /rom servin) sentence8 but in thee!es o/ the law( she is still a convict. =nless the )rante:pressl! so provides( she cannot be reinstated. And sinceshe is not entitled to be reinstated( with more reason thatshe is not entitled to bacBwa)es.

    - It does not impose upon the )overnment an! obli)ationto maBe reparation /or what has been su//ered since theo//ense has been established b! judicial proceedin)s( thatwhich has been done or su//ered while the! were in /orce ispresumed to have been ri)ht/ull! done and justl! su//eredand no satis/action /or it can be re9uired.


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    sentence or an additional one. %! the pardoneeLs consentto the terms stipulated in this contract( the pardonee hasthereb! placed himsel/ under the supervision o/ the hie/:ecutive or his dele)ate who is dut!-bound to see to itthat the pardonee complies with the terms and conditionso/ the pardon. +In Re> Cil/redo Sumulon) Torres2

    $> Is the )rant or revocation o/ conditional pardon b! thePresident subject to judicial review&

    A> 'oU This e:ercise o/ presidential jud)ment is be!ond judicial scrutin!. +In Re> Cil/redo Sumulon) Torres2


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    The President entered into a VGA with the =S under whichAmerican troops will be allowed to enter the Philippines toconduct joint militar! e:ercises with members o/ thePhilippine armed /orces. ;e subse9uentl! transmitted saidVGA to the Senate /or concurrence invoBin) his treat!-maBin) power under Section ,1( ARTI@ VII o/ the 10Eonstitution. Petitioners( who are opposed to the VGA(challen)ed the constitutionalit! o/ said VGA contendin) thatit was )rave abuse o/ discretion on the part o/ thePresident to transmit the same to the Senate invoBin)Section ,1( ARTI@ VII o/ the onstitution as thecontrollin) provision should have been Section ,D(ARTI@ VIII.

    $> Chich onstitutional provision was upheld&A> PetitionersL contention on this point was upheld.

    - Section ,1( ARTI@ VII deals with treaties orinternational a)reements in )eneral( in which case( theconcurrence o/ at least ,76 o/ all the 3embers o/ the

    Senate is re9uired to maBe the subject treat! orinternational a)reement valid and bindin) on the part o/ thePhilippines. This provision la!s down the )eneral rule ontreaties or international a)reements and applies to an!/orm o/ treat! with a wide variet! o/ subject matter( such as(but not limited to( e:tradition or ta: treaties or thoseeconomic in nature. All treaties or internationala)reements( entered into b! the Philippines( re)ardless o/subject matter( covera)e( or particular desi)nation orappellation( re9uires the concurrence o/ the Senate to bevalid and e//ective.

    - In contrast( Section ,D( ARTI@ VIII is a special

    provision that applies to treaties which involve thepresence o/ /orei)n militar! bases( troops( or /acilities in thePhilippines. =nder this provision( the concurrence o/ theSenate is onl! one o/ the re9uisites to render compliancewith the constitutional re9uirement and to consider thea)reement bindin) on the Philippines.

    - =ndoubtedl!( section ,D( ARTI@ VIII whichspeci/icall! deals with treaties involvin) /orei)n militar!bases( troops( or /acilities should appl! in the instant case.It is a /inel!-imbedded principle in statutor! constructionthat special provision or law prevails over a )eneral one.To a certain e:tent and in a limited sense( however the

    provisions o/ Section ,1( ARTI@ VII will /ind applicabilit!with re)ard to the issue and /or the sole purpose o/determinin) the number o/ votes re9uired to obtain thevalid concurrence o/ the Senate.

    $> The nature o/ the petition /iled was /or certiorari andprohibition. ?id it constitute )rave abuse o/ discretion onthe part o/ the President when he submitted the VGA to theSenate invoBin) Section ,1 instead o/ Section ,D&

    A> 'oU The President( in rati/!in) the VGA and insubmittin) the same to Senate /or concurrence( actedwithin the con/ines and limits o/ the powers vested in himb! the onstitution. It is o/ no moment that the President(in the e:ercise o/ his wide latitude o/ discretion and in thehonest belie/ that VGA /alls within the ambit o/ Section ,1(ARTI@ VII o/ the onstitution re/erred to the Senate /orconcurrence. ertainl!( no abuse o/ discretion much less a)rave( patent and whimsical abuse o/ jud)ment( ma! beimputed to the President in his act o/ rati/!in) the VGA andre/errin) the same to the Senate /or the purpose o/compl!in) with the concurrence re9uirement embodied inthe /undamental law. In doin) so( the President merel!per/ormed a constitutional tasB and e:ercised a prero)ativethat chie/l! pertains to the /unctions o/ his o//ice.

    %=?HTARF P

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    TFPS Chat cases are to be heard b! the Supreme ourt enbanc&

    A> +12 ases in which the constitutionalit! or validit! o/ an!treat!( international or e:ecutive a)reement( law( e:ecutive

    order( or presidential decree( proclamation( order(instruction( ordinance or re)ulation is in 9uestion8

      +,2 riminal cases in which the appealed decisionimposes the death penalt!8

      +62 ases raisin) novel 9uestions o/ law8

      +N2 ases a//ectin) ambassadors( other publicministers and consuls8

      +D2 ases involvin) decisions( resolutions( or orders o/the S( omelec( and

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    -principal /unction o/ recommendin) appointeesto the judiciar!

    -ma! e:ercise such other /unctions and duties asthe S ma! assi)n to it


    +12 hie/ *ustice- as e: o//icio hairman

    +,2 Secretar! o/ *ustice _ as e:o//icio members

    +62 A representative o/ the on)ress _

    +N2 A representative o/ the Inte)rated %ar 5asre)ular members

    +D2 A pro/essor o/ law5

    +Q2 A retired member o/ the S5

    +E2 A representative o/ the private sector5

    - Term>

    The re)ular members o/ the ouncilshall be appointed b! the President /or a term o/ N !earswith the consent o/ the ommission on Appointments.

    +,2 ARTI@ VIII( Sec. 6 J “The *udiciar! shall enjo! /iscalautonom!. Appropriations /or the *udiciar! ma! not bereduced b! the le)islature below the amount appropriated/or the previous !ear and a/ter approval( shall beautomaticall! and re)ularl! released."

    $> Chat is /iscal autonom!&

    A> Giscal autonom! contemplates a )uarantee o//ull /le:ibilit! to allocate and utilie their resources with thewisdom and dispatch that their needs re9uire. It

    reco)nies the power and authorit! to lev!( assess andcollect /ees( /i: rates o/ compensation not e:ceedin) thehi)hest rates authoried b! law /or compensation and pa!plans o/ the )ovt and allocate and disburse such sums asma! be provided b! law or prescribed b! them in thecourse o/ the dischar)e o/ their /unctions. Giscal autonom!means /reedom /rom the outside control.



    I. ;ene"#' Consi!e"#tionsG

    T##!# (. An)#"# J %! its ver! nature( Art. II are policiesand principles that ma! )uide the @e)islature in theenactment o/ laws and the courts in its interpretation

    ;ence( as a )eneral rule( these provisions arenon-sel/-e:ecutin)

    %=T J a provision that is complete initsel/( and provides su//icient rules /orthe e:ercise o/ ri)hts( is sel/-e:ecutin)

    Thus( certain provisions under Art. II are sel/-e:ecutin)

    ).> Sec. 1Q +See O&os# (.3#to"#n2

    The 1st sections are entitled “Principles"( while the rest areentitled “Policies"

    ;owever( there seems to be no clear distinctionbetween what are “Principles" and what are “Policies".

    II. Se. 1 5 A"t. Ii : The Phi'i&&ines I #!e-o"#ti #n! "e&u$'i#n St#te.So(e"ei)nt% "esi!es in the &eo&'e #n! #''

    )o(e"n-ent #utho"it% e-#n#tes +"o-the-.

    This is prescriptive o/ the Bind o/ )overnment that weshould have J it should be “democratic" and “republican".Ce cannot have an! other Bind o/ )overnment

    'ote that in International @aw( it is not concernedwith the Bind o/ )overnment. Chat is essential is that thereis a )overnment( since it is an essential element o/ theState.

    “Republican" J hence( we have a representative

    t!pe o/ )overnment J we elect our leaders.

    Thus( we have Art. V on Su//ra)e( andArt. I- on

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    %ecause soverei)nt! resides in thepeople( public o//ice is a public trust. ;ence( there is thesense o/ accountabilit!.

    III. Se. *5 A"t II : The Phi'i&&ines"enounes w#" #s #n inst"u-ent o+n#tion#' &o'i%5 #!o&ts the )ene"#''%#e&te! &"ini&'es o+ inte"n#tion#' '#w#s "t o+ the '#w o+ the '#n! #n! #!he"eto the &o'i% o+ &e#e5 equ#'it%5 on)ress can declare a “State o/ Car"Also( the President can onl! use militar! powers

    in case o/ invasion( rebellion( etc. ;e has no power todeclare war.

    %=T( does not that when we are attacBed( we cannoten)a)e in warU

    onstitution onl! renounces o//ensive war( notde/ensive war

    This is one o/ the Ri)hts o/ States>1. Soverei)nt! and Independence,. Propert! and *urisdiction6. 9ualit!N. :istence and Sel/-?e/enseD. ?iplomatic Intercourse

    This is constituent with the polic! o/ the ='( o/ which weare a member.

    “Adopt> the )enerall! accepted principles o/ internationallaw as part o/ the law o/ the land"

    Rea//irms the ?octrine o/ Incorporation

    :amples o/ )enerall! accepted principles o/International @aw

    1. Pacta sunt servanda,. Rebus sic stantibus

    6. State Immunit! /rom SuitN. Soverei)n 9ualit! o/ StatesD. Ri)ht to sel/-determination

    I/. Se. 5 A"t II : Ci(i'i#n #utho"it% is #t #''ti-es5 su&"e-e o(e" the -i'it#"%. TheA3P is the &"oteto" o+ the &eo&'e #n!the St#te. Its )o#' is to seu"e the

    so(e"ei)nt% o+ the St#te sn! the inte)"it%o+ the n#tion#' te""ito"%.

    This is Bnown as the (Civilian Supremacy Clause” 

    It is e:pressl! stated that it is S=PR3 over themilitar!

    Ro'e o+ the A3PG1. Secure State soverei)nt!,. Secure inte)rit! o/ the national territor!

    $> The provision sa!s the AGP is the“protector o/ the people and the State"?oes this justi/! a coup dL etat&

    A> ' strada issued an @ +12 ivilian Supremac! lause not Violated J Thecallin) o/ the marines in this case constitutes permissibleuse o/ militar! assets /or civilian en/orcement. The limitedparticipation o/ the 3arine is evident in the provisions o/ the@ elections(

    administration o/ the Philippine Redross( relie/ and rescue operationsdurin) calamities and disasters(amateur sports( promotion anddevelopment( development o/ theculture and the arts( conservation o/natural resources( implementation o/the a)rarian re/orm pro)ram(en/orcement o/ customs laws(composite civil ian-militar! law

    Political Law Review Notes (Atty. Edwin Sandoval)Prepared by: Atty Joan P. Gamboa


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    en/orcement activities( conduct o/licensure e:aminations( conduct o/nationwide tests /or elementar! andhi)hschool students( anti-dru)en/orcement activities( sanitar!inspections( conduct o/ census worB(administration o/ the ivil Aeronautics%oard( assistance in installation o/weather /orecastin) devices( andpeace and order polic! /ormulation in@H=s.

    /. Se. B5 A"t. II : The &"i-e !ut% o+ the;o(e"n-ent is to se"(e #n! &"otet the&eo&'e. The ;o(e"n-ent -#% #'' u&onthe &eo&'e to !e+en! the St#te #n!5 in the+u'+i''-ent the"eo+5 #'' itiFens -#% $e"equi"e!5 un!e" on!itions &"o(i!e! $%'#w5 to "en!e" &e"son#' -i'it#"% on i(i'se"(ie.

    $> Chat is the HovernmentLs?ut!&

    A> To serve and protect thepeople

    Service to the State

    $> It states that the )overnmentma! call upon the people tode/end the State. ?oes thisamount to involuntar!


    A> '

    xceptions to the rule oninvoluntary servitude0

    1. 3ilitar! service tode/end the State

    ,. Penal punishment6. Assumption o/

     jurisdiction o/ ?

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    constitutionalit! o/ saidordinances( invoBin) theirpre/erential ri)hts assubsistence /ishermen to theuse o/ our communal marineresources.

    ;@?> The pre/erentialri)hts o/ subsistence/ishermen to the use o/marine resources is notabsolute. 3arine resources(per the Re)alian ?ontrineand under Art. II( Sec. ,(belon)s to the State( andtheir e:ploration(development and utiliationshall be under the StateLs /ullcontrol and supervision. It isa polic! enshrined in theonstitution that the Statehas the dut! to protect andadvance the ri)ht o/ thepeople to a balanced andhealth/ul ecolo)! in accordwith the rh!thm and harmon!o/ nature. The ordinancesare meant precise to this( sothat the enjo!ment o/ ourresources ma! be)uaranteed /or the presentand /uture )enerations. Theri)ht to a balanced and

    health/ul ecolo)! carries withit a correlative dut! to re/rain/rom impairin) theenvironment.

    /II. P"o(isions on Eono-i Po'i%

    1. Art. II( Sec. 1+,2 J “In the )rant o/ri)hts( privile)es( and concessionscoverin) the national econom! andpatrimon!( the State shall )ivepre/erence to 9uali/ied Gilipinos"

    This is Bnown as the “GilipinoGirst Polic!"

    ANILA PRINCE HOTEL (. ;SIS+HR. 110,D( , 3a! 1E( ,QE SRA N,2

    GATS> The 3anila ;otel(which was previousl! ownedb! a =S orporation( wasthen owned b! HSIS.

    Pursuant to the polic! o/Privatiation( the HSIS held itup /or biddin). The Gilipinoorporation lost. ;owever( ito//ered to match the bid o/the winnin) /orei)ncorporation.

    ;@?> +12 Art. I( Sec. 1+,2 is a sel/-e:ecutin)provision. It is a mandator!(positive command that iscomplete in itsel/ and whichneeds no /urther )uidelinesor implementin) laws or rules/or its en/orcement( it doesnot re9uire an! le)islation toput it in operation.

    +,2 The word “patrimon!"

    means herita)e. ;erita)eincludes not onl! naturalresources but also ournational and cultural herita)e.Chile the 3anila ;otel wasnot ori)inall! Gilipino( it hasbecome trul! Gilipino( with itsown histor!. It is a mutewitness to our histor!.

    ,. Art. II( Sec. 1 J “The State shalldevelop a sel/-reliant and independentnational econom! e//ectivel! controlled

    b! Gilipinos"

    TAADA (. AN;ARA  +,E, SRA 10(41E52

    ;@?> This economic polic!does not rule out the entr! o//orei)n investments( )oods(and services( nor does itcontemplate “economice:clusion" or “mendicanc! inthe international communit!".Aside /rom envisionin) a

    trade polic! based on“e9ualit! and reciprocit!"( the/undamental law encoura)esindustries that are“competi tive in bothedomestic and /orei)nmarBets"( thereb!demonstratin) a clear polic!a)ainst a sheltered domestictrade environment( but one in

    Political Law Review Notes (Atty. Edwin Sandoval)Prepared by: Atty Joan P. Gamboa


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    /avor o/ the )radualdevelopment o/ robustindustries that can competewith the best in the /orei)nmarBet.

    /III. P"o(isions on E!u#tion

    Academic Greedom J Art. IV( Sec. D +,2 J“Academic /reedom shall be enjo!ed in allinstitutions o/ hi)her learnin)."

    'ote that the provision sa!s“institutions o/ hi)her learnin)"

    This re/ers to the tertiar!level onl!U

    $> Chat is “academicGreedom"&

    A> This is the ri)ht o/ the schoolor colle)e to dictate /or itsel/(its aims and objectives( andhow best to attain them J/ree /rom outside coercion orinter/erence save possiblewhen the overridin) publicwel/are calls /ro somerestraint. It has a wide

    sphere o/ autonom!.+Uni(e"sit% o+ S#n A)ustin(. CA 4,6 SRA EQ152

    Subsumed in the tern academic/reedom is the /reedom to determine(on academic )rounds( the /ollowin)>

    1. Cho ma! teach&This re/ers to the/acult!

    ,. Chat ma! be tau)ht&

    This re/ers to thesubject andcourses to beo//ered

    6. ;ow it shall be tau)ht&This re/ers to themethod o/ teachin)

    N. Cho ma! be admitted tostud!&

    This re/ers to thestudents

    Ri)ht o/ the School to ?etermine Cho ma! beAdmitted to Stud!

    Thus( mandamus would not lie tocompel a school to accept a student

    %=T> once the school admitted thestudent( there is now a contractbetween them J this a contract withP=%@I I'TRST

    Thus( the school ma! notarbitraril! dismiss or e:pel astudent J it should be basedon either>

    1. Gailure tomeet minimumacademicre9uirementsprescribed /orthe school or/or the subject8

    ,. Violation o/the schoolLsrules o/discipline

    Also( the school mustconduct an investi)ation J itmust observe due process toestablish the culpabilit! o/ thestudent

    UP @OARD O3 RE;ENTS (. CA +HR. 16NQ,D(61 Au). 12

    GATS> AroBlaswam! Cilluan 3ar)areteline was )iven a masteral de)reeand was allowed to )raduate.Subse9uentl!( however( it was

    discovered that her thesis waspla)iaried. Thus( =P revoBed herde)ree.

    ;@?> I/ an institution o/ hi)herlearnin) can decide who can and whocannot stud! in it( it can also determineon whom it can conve! the honor anddistinction o/ bein) its )raduates. I/ the

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    con/erment o/ an honor or distinctionwas obtained throu)h /raud( auniversit! can revoBe or withdraw suchhonor or distinction. This /reedom doesnot terminate upon a studentLs)raduation( since it is precisel! the“)raduation" that is in 9uestion.

    Art. IV( Sec. N+12 J “The State reco)nies thecomplementar! role o/ public and privateinstitution in the educational s!stem and shalle:ercise reasonable supervision and re)ulationo/ all educational institutions"

    This deals with the StateLs power tore)ulate educational institutions

    IRIA COLLE;E 3OUNDATION (.CA +6N0 SRA ,QD( 1D ?ec. ,2

    ;@?> The power o/ theState to re)ulate educationalinstitutions is subject to there9uirement o/reasonableness. 3oreover(what is allowed is onl! there)ulation and supervision o/educational institutions notthe deprivation o/ their ri)hts.

    I. Ri)hts o+ In!i)enous Peo&'es

    R=M v. SRTARF o/ ?'R +HR.

    16D60D( Q ?ec ,2

    GATS> The constitutionalit!o/ RA 06E1 +Indi)enous PeoplesRe/orm Act2 was 9uesrioned. The Sen banc voted E-E( hence( since thepresumption is /or constitutionalit!(such presumption was not overthrown(and the law was declaredunconstitutional. ach justice wrote aseparate opinion( and all opinions /ormpart o/ the decision.

    SA@I'T P

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    IPs J the term usedin the internationalcommunit! and the ='

    ' The terms are alwa!sused in the plural /orm

    &! Ancestral ?omain and Ancestral@ands( ?e/inition