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SanBrunoExplosion-FireOII Exh CPSD 20120925 ExhCPSD-179 251467

Jun 03, 2018



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  • 8/13/2019 SanBrunoExplosion-FireOII Exh CPSD 20120925 ExhCPSD-179 251467


    Docket:Exhibit NumberCommissionerAdmin. Law JudgeORA Project Mgr.





    Order Instituting Investigationon the Commission s own Motioninto the Operations and Practices of Pacific Gasand Electric Company to Determine Violations

    of Public Utilities Code Section 451, General Order 112,and Other Applicable Standards Laws, Rules andRegulations in Connection with the San BrunoExplosion and Fire on September 9, 2010

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  • 8/13/2019 SanBrunoExplosion-FireOII Exh CPSD 20120925 ExhCPSD-179 251467


    PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANYSan Bruno GT Line Rupture InvestigationData Response

    PG E Data Request No.: OC_001-046PG E File Name: SanBrunoGT L i n e R u p t u r e l n v e s t i g a t i o n ~ Q ~ _ O C _ 001-0046Request Date: June 8 2011 Requester DR No.: 001Date Sent: July 15 201.1 ~ ~ q u e s t i n g P a r t y : qverland Ccmsulting

    Requester: Gary HarpsterQUESTION46Please describe and explain the management reports used by the organizations withdirect responsibility for managing PG E's Gas Transmission and Storage functions tomonitor costs and other performance metrics (including operations, maintenance andregulatory compliance). List and describe the reports reviewed at the level of managerand above. Provide the reports for the month of December 2010 showing year to dateresults.ANSWER46This response contains confidential information and is being provided pursuantto Section 583 of the Public Utilities Code.Please see below a list of reports used to manage PG E's Gas Transmission andStorage functions. The documents are listed by attachment number.We have focused our document collection efforts on reports that are consistentlyreviewed by Officers. We will continue to review other reports that Directors andManagers review regularly. However, we anticipate that the vast majority of thesereports will contain duplicative metrics since the lower level reports roll up to the Officerlevel reports. Should we identify any additional reports that are not duplicative, they will

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    Attach Report Name Description \ment4 California Gas Includes business highlights, revenue summary,

    Transmission (GT D) income statement, and other financial data.Flow and Revenue(FAR) Report -5 Compressor Availability Includes the calculated compressor availability,and Reliability compressor reliability, and unscheduledPerformance Chart shutdowns by unit, month and path. The outagehours are horsepower-weighted in calculating themetrics.6 Compressor 0Rerating Includes the compressor run and outage hours by

    Hour Report month.7 Director of Bay Regional Includes the 2010 year-end scorecards for theGas M C Scorecard Director of Bay Region Gas M C and a scorecard

    for each of the superintendents (managers) in thatregion. This is provided as an example as there isa scorecard with the same metrics for eachregion.8 Executive Summary T D The T D Reporting package is also preparedOperational Performance monthly and sent out to everyone in T D from the

    SVP to the Superintendent/Manager meeting.This reporting package includes both gas andelectric, transmission and distribution performancemetrics.9 Gas Transmission and Distributed monthly to GT D leadership. IncludesDistribution Performance financial, safety, compliance, critical process,Report reliability, and unit performance data.10 GC Manday Forecasting Reported quarterly at the Project Manager,Accuracy Region, and Job Name detail. Reports thedifference between actual and planned resourcesto determine forecasting accuracy.

  • 8/13/2019 SanBrunoExplosion-FireOII Exh CPSD 20120925 ExhCPSD-179 251467


    Attach Report Namement4





    Project Status ReportingSystem and SAPExceptionsGas TransmissionMaintenance andConstruction Planningand SchedulingPerformance IndicatorsT D Blue Book

    VP Gas Maintenanceand ConstructionScorecardPreliminary Flow andRevenue Report (PFAR)

    DescriptionReported monthly at department level and projectmanager level. Provides insights into theeffectiveness of project controls.A monthly report on work completed by gastransmission districts. This report is distributedmonthly t the Gas Transmission M C groupleadership.Provided to T D leadership (specifically at theSVP level) each month. Direct reports of theSVPs also often receive or view this report.Metrics cover all PG E lines of business.The scorecard for the Gas M C VP; covers theentire system.A tool used to forecast monthly customerdemands, pipeline flows and resulting revenuebased upon pipeline operations and nominationsdata. This document is created prior to the yearlyFlow and Revenue report (Attachment 4 above).

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  • 8/13/2019 SanBrunoExplosion-FireOII Exh CPSD 20120925 ExhCPSD-179 251467


    . J, r : . : " ~ - : 1 ( ' ~ ; r , ., ~ n r L t ~ Y, I i, 1m. A ~ ts .\ ,., 1 1 I ' ' - ,v T [ M "> t " ; ., c- i''"; , 1 Q Jm. h ) t-4- f. . ~ , : . .- _... t. {:, ./ t ~ - - ~ i \JMetric Actual

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    Work Execution Index (7;==r ''':' ' I I I 8r;c. I ~ l i ) O ' \ I I I J ;;:r;r,. I )I)C:' I JEnergy Supply

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  • 8/13/2019 SanBrunoExplosion-FireOII Exh CPSD 20120925 ExhCPSD-179 251467


    V'vork E x t ~ c u t i o n Index. ~ ~ ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' - - . ~ ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' - - - ~ ' ~ ............ ...._ ....... ~ ' ' ' """""P r o p o s ( ~ d Action I Discussion L o ~ J

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