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,, WJwn• Ur1i1y Gry_m·s Strou}!.e:JMarino Jf ournal MARCH 20 1 3- Voi 55 Publishod in Nassau County, NY siocc 1994 and by TMS in lhe Repubhc of San Marino e-mail: rsmusajoumal@a()l. com Sala Clementina, l 'ultima udienza del Pontefice concessa a Capi di Stato fu donata agli Eccellentissimi Capitani Reggenti della Repubblica di San Marino A/termine dell'udienza Generale ai fedeli in piazza San Pietro, Benedello XVI ha ricevuto nella Sala Ce lementina del Palazzo Apostolico, prima il presidente della Repubblica Sto- vacca l van Gasparovic; poi i Reggenti Teodoro Lmrfèrnini e Denise Bronzelfi nel s uo ultimo impegno ufficiale da Papa. Si chiude così un pontificato storico anche se controverso. Si disse a/momento del/ 'elezione del cardinale Ratz inger: "Svuoterà le piazze, riempirà la chiese". È successo il contrario: piazze, come ieri, colme di fedeli, chiese , meno. Sala Clementina, the las t audience of the Ponti.ff given to a Head ofStat e was to the Captain Regents ofSan Marino At the end of the Generai hearing lo the be/ievers in Saint Pietro P/aza, Benedello XVI received in the Sala Celementina del Palazzo Apostolico, after the President of the Sl ovak · Republic / van Gasparovic; then Regents Teodoro Lonf ernini and Deni se Bronzetti in his fast oJJìcial appointment as Pope. This ends an historical pontificate even if controversi a/. il was said during the election of the Cardinal Ratzinger: "H e will empty the plazas and .fil l the churches ". But the opposite happened, the pfazas, as yesterday, fit!l o.f believers, and !ess in the churches.

San Marino Journal USA - March 2013 - Vol.55

Mar 12, 2016



San Marino Journal USA - March 2013 - Vol.55
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San Marino Journal USA March 2013- page 15

rtfie Picture Co[Cage Continues


WJwn• Ur1i1y Gry_m·s Strou}!.et·

~an :JMarino Jf ournal W~%1--

MARCH 2013- Voi 55

Publishod in Nassau County, NY siocc 1994 and by TMS in lhe Repubhc of San Marino e-mail: rsmusajoumal@a()

Sala Clementina, l 'ultima udienza del Pontefice concessa a Capi di Stato fu donata agli Eccellentissimi

Capitani Reggenti della Repubblica di San Marino

A/termine dell'udienza Generale ai fedeli in piazza San Pietro, Benedello XVI ha ricevuto nella Sala Celementina del Palazzo Apostolico, prima il presidente della Repubblica Sto­vacca lvan Gasparovic; poi i Reggenti Teodoro Lmrfèrnini e Denise Bronzelfi nel suo ultimo impegno ufficiale da Papa. Si chiude così un pontificato storico anche se controverso. Si disse a/momento del/ 'elezione del cardinale Ratzinger: "Svuoterà le piazze, riempirà la chiese". È successo il contrario: piazze, come ieri, colme di fedeli, chiese, meno.

Sala Clementina, the las t audience of the Ponti.ff given to a Head ofState was to the Captain Regents ofSan Marino

A t the end of the Generai hearing lo the be/ievers in Saint Pietro P/aza, Benedello XVI received in the Sala Celementina del Palazzo Apostolico, after the President of the Slovak

· Republic / van Gasparovic; then Regents Teodoro Lonfernini and Denise Bronzetti in his fast oJJìcial appointment as Pope. This ends an historical pontificate even if controversia/. il was said during the election of the Cardinal Ratzinger: "H e will empty the plazas and .fil l the churches ". But the opposi te happened, the pfazas, as yesterday, fit!l o.f believers, and !ess in the churches.

Page 2: San Marino Journal USA - March 2013 - Vol.55

San Marino Joumal USA March 2013 - p age 2

San t ')Igata (])inner (])ance Pe6ruary 2, 2013

(}3ravd Prate{fanza Sant'Agata uua bell issima F13sta, uoa serata di gala con l'l Presenza_ e QSP.ite d'onore il Segretario di Stato pèr gli Affari Esteri, l'Onorevole Pasquàle Valentlnl. Oltre a altre personalità la festa è stata coronatJI da un folto numero di giovani che da futuro di quest'organizzazione. Al Presidente Sanzio Vagnini, al Direttivo della Fratellanza, il nostro applauso, augurio e Invito di farli par:t~çlpl con :ifoi ad una maggiore contatto e l'apprendere di un loro dovere nel proteggere l Loro e di tutti l d iritti di cittadini sammarinesi lvi residenti.

Sanzlo Vagnini, President of the Fratellanza Sammarinese

Sant'Agata, a beautiful party, an evening of valor and with the pre­sence of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, the Hol1()(able Pasquale Valentini as Guest of Honor. Besides other personalities, the party was crowned with a large

number of young people lhat gives hope lo the future of this organizaiiOn. To President Sanzio Vagnini, the Board of Directors of the Fratellanza, our applause and our good wishes and invitations to make the youth participate with you In a more frequent contaci so they will understand their obligation in the protectìng their rights and for ali Sammarinese citlzens residing here.

• '

.... i . . . . ,- ·,~

' l l:;.' . l (11 J . l -· ' . j'~ ' ' .

""" . . President Sanzio Vagnini and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Pasquale Valentini

Winners of tfie Prisoni Lottery for tlie r'foutli

Participants of tfie Soggiorni Cu{turaCi 2012

(1-r):Louls Scavelll, Peter Scavelli , Giacomina Ghiotti, Maria Frisooi, Robert Frisoni, Robert Poliseno, and

Amanda Forgit

(1-r): Amanda Forgi!, Peter Scavelli, Chrlstopher Gorsky, Christina Guidi and Samantha D'Avella

}l Picture Co[fage cefe6rating Sant'Jlgata

San Marino Journal USA March 2013- paga 15

Page 3: San Marino Journal USA - March 2013 - Vol.55

San Marino Joumal USA March 2013 - page 14

Consu(ate News Registering Children a s Citizens

of San Marino Oìd you know lhat children, under lhe age of 19 years old,

of a slngfe Sammarinese parenl may reglster for Samma­rinese cilizenship? Il bolh parenls are Sammarinese citizens. providing lhe molher was registered as a citizen prior lo the birth or lhe child, may regisler ror citlzenshlp al any age. For inromnatlon on regìslering please oontact lhe Consulate.

lhis action even il bolh your parents hold Sammarinese citi­zenshlp. Il thls procedure is not taken your Sammarinese citizenship may be voided!

Passports for Childre n Un d er 18 Years Old Il you are a minor chlld of a slngle Sammarinese parenl and have a San Marino passport lhal expires alter you lum 18 years old your passport will be annulled upon your 18"' birthday. Therelore, il is importanl lhal you presenl yourself lo your local Consulale or aulhoril ies in San Marino, at the

Mainta ining Citizenship age of 18 and declare you wanl lo mainlaln your citizen-The Consulale Generai in NY makes every effort lo nolify ship and lo renew your passport. ali youlh lo malnla in their San Marino clllzenshlp. 11 is im- lnternational Hea lth lnsurance portant and necessary to contaci the Consulate upon The Consulale has learned lhal America n Express lssues your 18'" blrthday and request the document Richies ta lnlernalional Heallh and Denlal lnsurence ror lravellers at d/ Mantenimento della Cittadinanza Sammarinese lo very affordable rales. For rurther information and rales cali relain and prolecl your citizenship. We suggesl you take 1-800-297-2900

l lf you do not hear from the Consulate after you have tumed 18 years or wlsh to register for Sammarinese citizenshlp pfease cali (516) 437-4699 or e-mail [email protected] for ìnformation.

T o ali our sponsors and supporters of l he San Marino Journal USA, lhe Joumal Slaff extends a personal Thank You lor be lievlng in us and for givlng us lhe opportunity lo keep lhis free voi ce alive outside or the

Republic or San Marino and will always sland for reachìng equal rlghts forali Sammarinesi .

Wilh special lhanks lo Amb. Giulia Ghlrardi-Borghese and Amb. Danie le Bodin i And for this issue of the Joumal, we lhank l he following

Ente Cassa d i Faetano Hon. Ghazl Aita M/M Nello B iord i Florida RSM Monaco

La Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio

RSM Offìce ofTourism

RSM La Taverna Ristorante

RSM M/M Giuseppe Della Balda


Ounkin' Donuts NewYork

M.A. Francloni & Daughlers NewYork

Klng Umberto Restaurant New York

Pladina Mia Mlchigan

John Savoretti Realty New York

M/M Pau l Caplcchlonl Virgìnìa

M/M Gilberto Ferri Florida

M/M Richard Pashayan New York

M/M John Righi NewYork

La Fondazione San Marino Cassa di Risparmio

Arts and Culture - Promotlon o f the Territorles- Formatlon and Sc ientlfic

Research - Social and Volunleer Promotlons

L 'Arte e /a Cultura - La Promozione del Territori ­La Formazione e /a Ricerca Scientifica -

La Promozione Sociale e 1/ Volontariato

San Marino Joumal USA March 2013 - page 3

WordS of Congratu{ations / CJ>arofe rfi congratufazioni December6. 2012

Dear The Honorable Balsimelli: Thank you and the Fratellanza Samma­

rinese ofNew Yorkfor inviling Governar Cuomn to auend the commemoration of the Feast of Sant 'Aga/a event an Febntary 2, 2013. he is honored lo hear from you and appreciates thal you have taken the lime lo extend this thoughtful invitar ionio him. Warmesl regards. Sincerely, Nicolas Wealherbee, Director ofScheduling

February 2, 2013

Dear Friends: !t is a great pleasure lo welcome everyone to lonight 's ce/ebration oj the Feast of Sant 'Agata, hosred by rhe Fratellanza Sammarinese of New York united with rhe Consulare Generai of the Republic oj San Marino. New York th1·ives on its cultura/ diversity.

and we are proud lo have people of every background and belief coli our city home. Throughout the jìve boroughs, Samma-rinese New Yorkers have mode many contributions to our economie and civic /ife, helping our city earns its reputation as the world's most dynam ic piace. That is why we are happy ro join tonight with the Fratellanza Sammarinese and the Consulate Genera/ to commemorate the 273"d anniversary of San Marino 's independence and to pay lrlbute IO Sant 'Aga/a. On behalf of alt New Yorkers, l offer my best wishes

for an enjoyab/e event and COittinued success. Sincerely, Mìchael R. Bloomberg Mayor

6 dicembre 2012 Egregio o,orevole Balsimelli, La ringrazio cosi anche · la Fratellanza Sammarinese di New York per aver invitato il Gpvernatore diNew Y0rk, Mario Cuomo, alla Festa di Santif~ato che si cefeb,·erà il ~ f'e.bbmio,2013. ~ s/oto un'onore aver ricevuto notizie da Lei e con grande piacere / 'invio dell 'invito alla Festa. Porgo i miei più distinti salulì. Sinceramente,

Nlcdlos Wealherbee Director oj Scheduling

2jebbraio 2013

Cari amici, È un grande piacere of!rire un benvenuto alla Fe:,·ta Sant 'Agata, c'elebrata dalla Fratellanza Sqmmarinese d i New York unilamente con il Consolato Generale della Repubblico di San Marino. >New. York deve i{ suo straordinario pro­grC$SO alla sua diversità culturale, e siamo qrnoglloSi di avere g~nte di ogni origine e crea(J che chiamano la nostra città la loro.

'Nelle n()Stre Einque zone, i Sarnmarines~ Newyorkesì 1h'dnno :ver.~àto molti e molti contribtlli alla nostra ec()n~mica,ffcivile vita, a~ulafldo fa citlà nel meritare la reputaziòtfe di essere il posto più dfna'!'ico del mondo. Qaesto è il M rché sla111o,felic.i qi qssociarci stasera con il la Fratel/ahza Sammarinese . e Consolato Gef'eKa(e ne! comn;em0rare Il 27Jmo.. anniversario 'dell'indìpl!n(J~nza 'di S/m 1 Marino e' offì-ire omàggi il /spetti alla San t q Pa,trona .A.I{ata.

:A nbme di tliìii i N(!Wyork2si, io, offro i nliei inlg /ìd1·i ~iper un $ 1Qioso evehto e in continuo succ~o.

f$iiìaerl/mèn é: ' - . • MIM1111 BIOJ!!!Il!erx. Sind~p 11

Page 4: San Marino Journal USA - March 2013 - Vol.55

San Marino Journal USA March 2013 - page 4

WordS of Congratufations / Paro[e di congratufazioni

Feb111ary 2, 2013

Dear Friends. l a m pleased lo join ali of you w ho h ave

galltered to celebrate tlte 2013 Feast of Sant 'Agata. The Fratellanza Samma­rinese of New Yovk will commemorate this day that the nation reconquered its libeny on lhe occasion of one of the most important traditians af San Marino wilh a special Gala (' / Leonard's of Great Neck. The Feast af Sant 'Agata has been celebrated by the

cammunity fo•· 78 years providing spiritua/ leader­ship and guidance far the members of its organi­zation and pramoting the import ance of fai t h, family and continuily. The Feast of Sant'Agata shines as a beacon af hape

and continues ta devoledly inspire the socio/, cultura/ and educationalneeds of lhe community and affards lhose the opporllmity la share in the enriched appre­ciatian af knowledge and tradition, while incarpor­ating and emphasizing respect and responsibility. l alsa wish ta extend hearty congratulations lo Roberta Ba/simelli, Consul Genera/ of the Republic af San Marino. for his seljless service and dedication and ta al/ of yau who work laward fonvarding the goals of this organization throughout the year. On behalf af lhe residenls of Nassau County, l wish to extend bes/ wishes for an exciling and memorable event. Sincerely Edward P. Manga11o Counly Executive

Cari amici, orro compiaciuto di uninpi a tutti voi

riuniti pè celebrtire 'la Pestll (Ì/ Sant'Agata del 2013. La Fratellanza Sam­mar/n(lse· di Ne'f :(or.k. /Jommemòrc.rà i f. giorno in cui la Repubblica riconquistò la ~'ua libertà, con una seratd di gç~/a presso Leonard's di Great Neck. • ' La .festa di Sant'Agata è stata celebrata

"dalla cdmonit!Ì per bl!'n '78 annì, prowedendfl una guida spirituale per i membri dell'organizzazione, e per promuovere l'importanza di .fede, famiglia e continuazione. [..a vostra festa è come una lanterna che brilla di speranza e continua devotamehte d iru'pirdre il sociale, la cultura, l 'educazione che necessità alla comuhità e dq le opportunità di ffondividere la ric­chezza di co'!Wscere la tradizione mentre incorpora e fl'ricchi.sqe rispello e respon{al)ilità. pesidero estendere calorose congnatulaz/oni anchl a Roberto Bal.simelli, Console Generale della Repub­lbl/c"2r di San Marina, p(lr il ,fiJO alt~i,~~o è d§di• cazione al servizio del suo rifficio, e a tuffi voi che :{àVOrate ner il,succes,sq pella V()$ Ira Qrg(lnizzazit?ne durante gli an~i. . > ' ' . •

A nom.e di tUili i residefl/i nella Contèa di Nassau, vi por!Jo· • i miglio l: i ~auguri R_efM!. u~· f4cçtUtfltè e memorabile evento.

'sinceramente. EdWt~Td f Mang(lno !èsec.utivq dtrlla Co-ntea

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Mb s•t~ : .,.._,.,.1nlS.<n. ~n

San Marino Journal USA March 2013 - page 13

Stony Brook University recognizes Maria Elena D'Amelio

Maria Elena D'Amelio was recog­nized as one of Stony Brook's top graduate students. Elena, as she is known, is an internatìonally recog,­nized scholar of Italia n cinema, and she has quickly established herself as the go-to-person for the peplum genre. on which she has wrilten widely. Thls year alone she has pub­lished a monograph in ltaly, three peer-reviewed artlcles (in English and ltalian) and has completed a delailed, copìous entry to the Oxford Bibllography online of Cinema and Media studles. as she attended con­ferences both in the United States and abroad (most of which were in·

(])a ([' ribuna

vited). Upon learning of the award, wUh an inspirlng communlty of pro­Elena said, "The news was tolally fessors, administratille staff, oo­unexpected, 1 was thrilled and felt leagues and frlends, for which l am happy and honored to be recognlzed extremely grateful. My advisor by Stony Brook. l shared lhe news Jacquellne Reich, especlally, has rlght away with my husband, son and been an invaluable Virgilian guide my famlly in San Marino." lhrough the hard yet reward lng path Her vasi background of talenl ran- of academic life." ges from working as a news editor at For her future, Elena looks forward a TV statìon in San Marino lo assist- to finishlng her degree: "My mosl im­ing at a New ltalian Film Festival at portant goal is lo complete and de­Lincoln Center to working as a fend my dissertation and then take grammar tutor for American students the nexl step In my academic pursult in an ltalian summer language pro- lowards a professorship in the freld gram. Additionally, she has created of film studies." Her PhD in Cultural and cooducted four different courses Studies will be her second, as she here at SBU, and her course evatu- has already reoeived a doctorate in atlons are conslstently among the film hlslory from lhe University of highest of the graduate student in- San Marino. structors In her department. (Printed in "Siony Brook Universily "Being a student at SBU has been Graduate Student Ac/Jievemen/s".)

an amazing experience, both in Submitted by Noeml Ugolinl terms of personal and professional growth. At SBU l have learned dis­cipline, hard work, and perseverance and 1 have acqulred many meaning­ful experiences lhrough research and teaching. My departmenl (Cultural Analysis & Theory) has provided me

Note: /Ile Staff or tne Journal end t ne Consulate Generai of the Republic of San Marino in New York extends their congratulations to Maria Elena D'Amelio on her amazìng achievements.

Page 5: San Marino Journal USA - March 2013 - Vol.55

San Marino Joumal USA March 2013- page 12

~:J.fews}lrouna (]Jirtli

Jl nnouncement

Vanessa Nlcole Carinci Congratulations to Fernando and

Giacomina Ghiotti on the blrth or their great grand<laughter on January 3, 2013. With their parents, Pamela and

Steven Carinci, big brothers Steven Nicholas and Vincent Alexander were ali exclted lo welcome their little sister Vanessa Nicole as well.

On November 7, 2012, the family or Raoul Marino Cardinali remembered the 30"' anni­versary of his passlng. Raoul was born in France on Deoember 3, 1925 bui grew up In San Marino, where his parents came from. When he was 23, he and his new bride, Natalina Toccacell Cardinali, carne to America. They raised three children, David, Susan, and Sandra. He died al a young age of 56, and left behind hls three children and wire. Natalina passed away in August 2008, at the age of 80, alter a short illness with cancer. Raoul was one of the originai co-

.., owners of the club and he also served as the Secretary of the Fratellanza Sammarinese. Over the years he traveled often to San Marino, for pleasure and club business.

United with the family, the Fratellanza Sammarlnese wants to remember thls great person of our Community for his dedication in the ectivities as a member and as a secretary lo keep united the Community to otJr Motherland. Always in our mind.

A Piece of Northern ltaly in Upstate New York by Sophia Suzzi Valli Rachel ls the extremely tatented

·.~ !t could easlly be the best kept secret of the Hudsoo chef and R icki is the grecious region of New York: Magnanini Wlnery and Restaurant. host and sometime, he is atso the

~ ... : l - '~-There is no other piace !lke it - unless you're fortunate popu!ar drummer and slnger. ~ ' ' enough to be traveling through the Emilia Romagna reglon Their sons David and Robert are

frr~ .a?JI> ' of Northern lta!y. The beauty of Magnaninl's vineyards and two of the very attentive waiters/ gardens, the superior quality of its northem llalian cuisine, bartenders. They ali work hard to . ,.. its award winning wines, the ambiance of the restaurant make your visit or event a memorable experience. Many reminlsoent of a restaurant situated on a hilltop In northern of the guests are steady and loyal customers, as my ltaly, the live music - ali will make your visit a truly unique husband and l have been for the past 30 years. experlence. Thank you Rachel, Ricki, Oavid and Robert for enriching The Winery and Restaurant is a family affair dating back the lives of so many with exqulslte food , run music, and

3 generations. Ricki Magnanini and his wife Rachel are good times shared with good friends. the proud owners of this very sucoessful establishment.

Magnanini Farm Winery I 72 Strawridge Rd

Wal/kill, NY 12589

Vlsit l holr websile al For inrormation on 2013 dinner parties: Polenta Party, Tortelll Party, Porchetta Party and may others. There is a different menu theme each Sunday and a pre-dlnner winetasting every Saturday night and every Sunday aftemoon in the cantina (wine celiar) gives you the opportunity lo buy the Magnaninl wine and their homemade italian specialties such as cotechino, coppa and various salumi.

Dinner Hours By Reservation Only Open Aprii unti! December • Saturday Evening at 7pm only Sunday

Dlnner served at 1pm only ·(w/ne tastlng 1 hour prlorto dlnner) Uve accordion music for your danclng pleasure





San Marino Journal USA March 2013- paga 5

lhe County ofNassau is proud to recognize those oulstanding individuals and organizations that have rendered significolll contributionsfor the enhancement of our region and the betterment of our residents; and

the Presidenl ofthe Fra/e/lanzo Sammarinese ofNY. Sanzio Vagnini, together with the Conslliale Genera/ ofthe Republic o/San Marino, Roberto Balsimel/i, have proudly maintained the traditions oftheir motherland, and worked diligenlly on behalf of causes and ideals which uphold the principles ofhuman decency and brotherhood,· and

through the dedica t ed efforts of its members, the organization has sponsored numerous programs and events contributing sign!fìcantly lo many charitable and community car1ses which assist al/ segments ofthe /oca/ cilizemy; and

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Edward P. Mangano, Nassau Co1mty Executive, proclaim Febru01y 2"d, 2013 as lhe

Peast of Sant '}fgata (])ay

on the occasion ofthe 2013 Feasl o.( Sant'Agata, and injìlling recognition of the day the Republic of San Marino reconquered ils liberty and hear({elt appreciation of your dedica t ed and exemplary service to the community.

Edward P. Mli'1{gano County Exccutivc

Page 6: San Marino Journal USA - March 2013 - Vol.55

San Marino Journal USA March 2013 - page 6

Words of Congratu[ations /Paro [e di congratu[azioni February2, 2013 2jebbraio2013 Dem· President and Consul Generai: Thank you far the invitatìon receìved

from the President of the Fratellanza Sammarinese Sanzio Vagnini and the Consul Generai Roberto Balsimelli to partìcipate al the traditional feast devoted to Sant'Agata. My previOIIS commitments do noi permit

my presence but l send to the Fratel­lanza my warmest wishes for a suc­cessful feart with an applause to the Sammarinese Community ofNew Yorkfor the hìghest wi/1 in maìnlaining and always demonslrating your attachmenttoward our Republic. Gian Carlo Venturini Secretmy ofStale forlntemal Affairs and Justìce

February 2. 2013

T o the Sammarìnese Communìty in NY: Thank you for the ìnvìlation received to

participate fJt the Feast of Sant'Agata from tlte Fratellanza Sammarinese and the Consulate Generai. However, due to jam iiJ' s ituations and other commitments, l am prevented lo be wìlh al/ ofyou. Su re ofyou success, l send to the emìre

Sammarìnese Community my salute wìth congralttlations jot· your demonstrating, your lave, toward ow· Republic and the wislt that i t w il/ be transmìtled to filture generations. Francesco Mussoni Secretaty of State for Soci a/ Securìly

Egregio Pre.s·idfmte e Cònsole Generl:lle:· ' Ringrazio per l'invito ricevuto da] Presi­dente del/q , Fratelfanza Sammari(lese Sanzìo Vagnlni e dal Console Generali!. f.oberto Bai.Yimelli per la partecipazione alla tradizionale .festa dedicala a. Sant 'Aga/a. Un mi() pr~cedente impegno "?h ha permeSso la mia preseriza. lnv,ib alla' F;atellanza Sammarinese il più sentito

augurio di unp buona /fili/a con, un applauso alla comunilà sammarinese Newyorchese per il .grande impegno nel mantenere alto l'allaccamen/o sempre dlmoslralò verso la nostra Repubblica. Gian Carlo Venturini Segretario dì Stato per 4/farì fnlçrnì e Giu:;tizìa

2/ebbrqio 2013 Alla Comunìlà Sammarinese di NY.• Ringrazio per l'invilo ricevulo da parte dalla Fratellanza $arw'Jar;pqe e dal Consolato denerale per la partecipa­zione alla Jradizìonale fesJa di Sant''Agata. Situ'Qzìoni ài Famiglia e impegni di lavoro mi hanno impedilo a ess.ere CO'f voi. . 1 Sii!uro di uh voslro succt!so invio a' ìulta~ la comunità di New York il mio .ralutq acço,pagnalo da p~ aiM rìcon(lsçilbt:nio

per il Voslro sempre dilnos'trato amore v~rso l Repubblica di San Marino con l'augurio che sia (ras-mes.vo dllfl vdstre'/utlire genèrdzi~Jn''. ' ' Fronces~ Mussonl · ~g:c€!P.rlo. c/L§Jal(l p_gi;;Spnii?Js, .~&M~ .,. ... _,_,_..,

P.nqUbtlf\t47890 l!(fXJI>bllco di SM Morino

Ti!l. 05499911!16•991970

Letters aruf Opinions WE, W1TH OUR LAND (coni from page 10) and also confirming whal we read in a speech by our Governmenl in France, as reported In San Marino Oggi, where il carne lo Ughl lhal ramous phrase 'we need an or all' and then? l would like lo give a sman reflection

or a dlnner given lo lhe Ambassador or lhe Republic of San Marino in lhe USA and reported In an the Samma­rinese newspapers. We read of the happy events of lhe receplion whera he participated in Washington, DC on an invilallon by the White House In honor of Presidenl Obama. Certainly fasclnating and happy was his com­mentary but it would have been more interesting, and especìally for those who listened lo him, lf he had inform-

ed them about having directed meet­ings, even Informai. wilh Senalors on important skualions For years, the Consulate in New York has brought attention lo lhis, and this past Sep· tember in a party given by the Con· sulate, where politicians were invited and invited to inleiVene wilh insis­tenoe 10 get the 'Green Card' to emigrate in the Uniled Stales for lhe young, and also older residents In San Marino, explainlng our particu­lar~y as a Nation and the historical frlendship wlth lhe USA and olher recommendations that favor exchang­es with this Nation, whìch has given so much to our Land and can give even more. Also for putting lnto for­getfulness, the certain inlerest of a Sammarinese in prison due lo a hor-

San Marino Journal USA March 2013 - page 11

rendous auto accident, and far noi remembering how much diplomatical­ly was done for olhers. Yet. some­thing good was done and we have lo accepl lhat Il ls blooming, a Chinese school for language and for business, and those who do not know in New York we have a vast area called 'Chlnatown'. Dear pol~idans, enough with the

promises, lhlnk truly to our Land, em­brace, wlthout any distinction, ali or our people, do not have nonexistenl rears that are coming from egoism, create thal vigor lhal our small Republìc needs. T o the next night and song, endless wishos, The Nlghtingale New York

CORNEA OF PARaOH& lt 58U4 AVE. The San Marino Journal USA, published in New York and San Marino, ls a not-for-profit enterprise. The San Marino Journal USA accepts and publlshes signed letters bui ls ot responsible for the conteni nor do the letters necessarily represent the point of view of the San Marino Journal USA


ED1TORAL STAFF Edltor-ln-Chlef -Luciano Francioni EdltoriallstJAdvisor - Robert Balsimelli Advlsor • John Biordi Senlor Editor- Sophia Suzzi Valli Copy Editor- Anna Berardl Wessinger Coordinator - linda Joan San Marino Bureau: Giuseppe Della Balda New York Bureau: Robert Ba1sime111, John Biordi, Antolnette Biordi-Helmes, Sophia Suzzi Valli, Gilberto Terenzi. Linda Joan Detroit Bureau: Carlo Dall'Olmo


S7•81 PAR$0Ha 80Ut.IVANO F~U8HING, Hl W YOAK 11385

TIUf'HONit 17, 18) SUll •,o.4<40 1'7 18) 480• t3G5

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laski.n {ji> lobbins. Ice ()oea m & lbgrrt

Franclonl Enterpr,..., lnc. 254·20 HllkM AYOOUe

Aor1ll ~ tWw\1)11< 11~ Translators: Robert Balsimelll, Angela Vagnini Gorsky, Luciano Francloni, lrene Vagnini Scavefli, Linda Joan Mal11ng address: 186 Lehrer Ave., Elmonl, NY 11003 For aH information: 631-242-2212 or 516-437-4699 Fax: 516-775-5897 or E-mail: rsmusajot.mal@aotcom

Te!.: (718) ~71).112-IS Fax: (718) ~2Som4

Sl<ltrll ~e t~ro~~ the ~t{tVI&L\It wt:tll to St:t~<~. Mt:tti~ città - tke ca,>Lt&lt ctt!j

uf{tci.c ~t S tt:tto ptr U. ThrtsJ<M Col<\b'Q~Q OIWI91'\01'1.0, 20,

Rtp. ~t SQ~<~. Mllnl'\.0

Wtbsi.te: www.llls!.t:sA~<~.IWIMI<Io.CO""­

t - VI<U:ltL: tli\.fO@I/ISttst:tV~M.<.Ilni'I.Q.C.O""-

Page 7: San Marino Journal USA - March 2013 - Vol.55

San Marino Journal USA March 2013 - page 1 O

~ Letters and Opinions (Received end published from San Marino Oggi) WE, WITH OUR LAND l always read what happens in San

Marino and my curiosity makes me qulckly scrutinìze for articles of in­terest, and/or equal rights. Due lo the many writings from clttzens residing here, l did expect, at least, a certaln amount of support in the newspapers frorn some politicians, frorn the Ex­ecutives of the Consulta , and l ha ve also wondered many times about the sllence from the Association San Marino-America. Perhaps, we do not realìze that from some we are afso considered stubborn emigrants be­cause we did not return at the op· portune moment when there was a golden period in our Land. Are they

righi? Perhaps, but il we are stubborn people, we are also in loving our land and our people and il help is requested in the future, we will always be there as In the past. lt is certain that nothing l or other frìends can do to create a certain clamor In San Marino to get a true interest on our rights. lt remalns the hope that our voice, at least, ls heard in our communities and they will understand, once and forever, tihat they are being taken by the seat or their panls and oddly, a iso from those who govern the Consulta. Therefore, do not let tihem deceive you and finally believe what ASER has said for a long time and many tlmes; quit the Consulta and to retum only Il the requests of ASER, published in past

years, is approved. By the way, Dear Executives or the Consulta, you are noi even respected with the due dig­nily of represenlatives of citizens In foreign countrles. Are you or are you not an institutlon, We have also learned of your exile from Cittè, which is lhe institutional center to Borgo, which is a commerciai cenler. A certaìn saying, from long ago, comes to ~ mind by a person al the Porta di Paese to a good man, ''With your woodon shoos you cannot enter lnto the city." Excepl for dances or particutar par­ties, it is noled the dismemberment in the communltles wilh thelr muteness, (coni page 11)


Riceviamo t1 pubbti(hiamo: "Leggo S6mpm qu91/o ch9 awioofl e Ssn Marino 9 la mia curiosltA mi fa scrutam vo· locemente Sfl qua/oo$8 di nuovo avvione in articoli a noi inleressaOO, come queli ltllle parità rkll diritd. Dopo i motri scritti /ani d8 citllldinl qui rosidanfi, mi aSp8tl&vo almeno un CilriO SOS!fl!}no sul glomaJi do portfl di quaJche poitico, dei d/rigonfi della Consul· la Mello volte rri sono domandato porçM qoo/ slonzio ench9 de parta delf8S$(1(;/s. zione San Marioo-Americo? Forse non ci ffNldisrno conto che, da alcu· n/, siamo considem.U d9!JH errigraU inW>ml­d, per non Bllfll' saputo OO{Jiilli9 D momonto oppotluno per i rimpalrlo fNII p9liodo d'oro della nostre T6m!. Hanno mrjona? ~. Ma se siamo goott1 ooccluta, lo siamo an. chfl nell'omoro la nostro Tol!ll 9 lo nostro goo/9 9 se un aiuto noi futuro S8lll richiesto, noi SMHIIO quelli di wnpf9. t ct>rto che nula, né lo, nO 81/Ji amici, PQa· siamo cmaro a San Marino un oorto cilll'llO­m p&r onflnom un vero lntorosssmonto sul nostri diril!i, me ci rimano la speranza che la nostre vooo sia sentita almMo dalle nostf9 OOtiiiJrliè e che cepisca)O ...,. volta por SfH'fl(Xfl chfl sono Pf9Sll per l fonOO/Ie stra­ll8monttl, ar~eh<1 da chi IJOV(I(JJB la Consul­ta, peroiO non lasc/8rs/IIIIXIere e finalmen· ttl crtXkire a quello che Asor da l lllf'IPO ha cli6slo p/l) volte: ritirate/ dala CoosuA'a o

intervooim solo so ct>rtl/ rlchi9sto chfl As9r ha pubblicato anni passati saronno accol­late. A proposito cari dirigenti cleHa Consul­ta non s/et& n&anche più rispoltati con la dovuta d'gnir8 di flloiJfX6SOOI.8llli di dltadìni aH'estiKO, sNJ/9 o non sNJ/9 un'lslituliono , si è venuro a con~za del Vostro ui6o daNa Città cM /ila S9d9 'lslituzlonalo: a Borpo ch9 ò sfido 'oomroorci81e'. MI viene in mente una ftll$9 di una certa p8ft10118 t:OOI!IIe Pootta del Pa9SO in tomp/Yiltllll1<ltl­te passo~. a un bravo uomo gli clisso: 'si zo­cJi tu nontri te/ paes'. Tranntl balli o particolari feste, si nota lo smomb,.,_Jto no/19 comunità col loro mu· lismo, dtt confarma fJilCh8 quantO s/6 /Q/lo ulfimamente ne/17ntiHW/llo del l'llfl(lfW«l· tento dot governo In Francia riportato sul San Marino Oggi no/ quolfl spi008 uno sola onmi fomosa fmSB 'abbiamo bisogno di voi tutti'. Ma poi? Pr9ndo IJ!Io con lll8 picccl8 riflessione su una cena offerta oll'llrnl>a­sciatoro de"a Repubblica di Ssn Marino nog/1 USi! riportata sul quotidiani ssmmari· n9si. Sf l9fl(lo di 8/IOQJI ovooti avtKI duronto un ril»vlmen/o al quale ha pert(lc/psto in Waslinglon su itwilo doiiB Wllite Hous9 in OflOf9 del preski911te Obema. Sicurvrn911te affssclnend e sll(l(lr(l saronno stat(l 111 su9 ba«uto t llB sarrJbOO stato molto più lntoros· santo 9 $p(/C18Jm001o per chi lo IJSCOI!avo se a-.w irrfonneto ti aver aVIAo cftozioni

per lnconlri, 8llCho lnlorm8/i, con 8f111810ti : su Importanti situazioni. Da anni sono state 1

port819 avanti dal consolato di Ny o ulrima· menre a ~embrg In una festa offerta dal consolato, dove politici samma~ furono piWIHJii, irMfi per intwwnire con insistenl8 8 ottomHV I8 Gr(l(ln Card per emlgref9 negli StaO UnW per giovani 9 anch& non giovani lliSidflnti in Patria, spi&gando la nostro per­tico/oritil coma nez/on9 9 la Slorics arricizia con gl Usse altf9 ffiOCOITJ8fldazioni per fa. VO<fre scambi coo qwsts Nazionfl ch9 ala nostro TIHill tanto fiB dato e che pu0 dare. E poi i'&Vflr messo In un dlm&ntìcatoio un certo lntors.ssamooto a qU91 sammarifl(ISQ

1 In~ dowlo ad un Ol'fMdo fncJdoo{e autornobilislico, non ricold8ndo!sl quanto dip/omllticamonro si 9 invectl fallo per altri. Qualcosa di buono pero si deve smroonoro ch9 sboccia, scuoto di lingua clnesfl 9 an­cM &CUOia di Buslnoss Gi/Klse, e proposi­to so lnlllnlSS8, In Ny abbiamo ttd<Jiriflum una vaste llfllB chiamate Chinatown. {Città Cinese). Ceri po/(1/cl beste con le promes­so. Pensate voremonte elle nostre Patria, 8bbtaocialfl sooze a/cvn8 distìnzloiw tullo il tm110 popolo non ebbiale ~enti paur9 1

SCOIUf/le SOlO Clill'~mo. E lnltne create qU91 vlgom di culla nostrll piccola R9pub­blica ha bioogno. Al piWSimo vOlo e cento infinl!l ougwf".

l'usignolo di Now Yorll

~ - --- ---- --- ---- ---- --- --- --- --- --- ---- ---- -- ------- - - -- --- ---- -- -~

San Marino Joumal USA March 2013 - page 7

Jfonored quests of tlie Prate{[anz a

(l - r): Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Pasquale Valenllni, President of the Lady

Auxilary linda Rastelll, and Mrs Meris Monte Vatentìni (l - r): Apostollc Nuncio Permanenl Observer of the Hoty See to the

UN Archbishop Francis Chullikatt (who also gave lhe benediction), Ambassador Daniele Bodlni, Permanent Representative for the

Republic of San Marino at the UN, Mrs. Joanne Vagnini and President of the Fratellanza Sammarinese of NY Sanzlo Vagnini

'• ... ;'>,., .•

• -''''· ~,. ·~~ . . l -·~· t' !j ' . .

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"" .

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Consut Generai tor the Republic of San Marino in New York Roberto Balsimelli and Ambassador Daniele

Bodini, Permanent Representative for the Repubtic of San Marino at the UN

(1 - r): Mrs. Carot Balsimelli, Depuly Consul Generai for ltaly Laura Aghilarre, Mrs. Frances Massaro and

Supreme Court Judge or New York State Dominio Massaro

Frorn the Repubtic of San Marino Ambassador Giuseppe Delta Balda

Also !rom the Republic o f San Marino a guesl of Ambassador Della Balda with Mrs. Bianca Della Balda

Page 8: San Marino Journal USA - March 2013 - Vol.55

San Marino Journal USA March 2013 - page 8

:Jvteeting at tlie Prate[Canza Sammarinese- Pe6ruary 3, 2013

(l - r): Consul Generai Roberto Balsimelli, Secretary of State Pasquale Valentini and Presldent Sanzio Vagnini

Consul Generai Balslmelli sharing a private moment with

Secretary of Stare Valenlini

A buon intenditor poche parole

da Luciano Francloni Continuando la tradizionale celebrazione che onora la nos­tra Compatrona Sant'Agata, anche quest'anno ha avuto luogo la serata di gala che ha visto una forte partecipazione di giovani. Tale entusiasmo da parte di questa gioventù ha rinfresi:ato le speranze degli anziani che un giorno futuro Passeranno le fiaccole del lorò essere Sarl'lnìl~rihese generazioni. Nel numero delle esponenti personalità, e. ospiti d'onore, molto gradita è stata la, presenza del neo eletto Segre­tario di Stato agli Affari Esteri, f'Oilorevole Pasquale Valentinj. . Come df consueto Il giorno seguente p'rlma di salutare e ripartire alla volta di San Marino, egli si è reso disponibile ad lnco(ltrare mer11brl defll;l comunità presso la SE!de della Fratellai)Za Sammarlnese di N~w 'l'brii. Al termìl)9 df un rinfresco offerto dal Comitato delle Ausiliari~ sf è aperta una sessJon~ ~~ (k>rr)ande natl,lraf· mente indirizzate al SegretariO ValentJni. ·· ' • • Domande riguardanti il benesl;!lre della Repubbfìca, dom~nde rlgulj~jlntl . di f11aA,Ollllj:ll1•ullll pa~tà ,del dirltt11 verso noi residenti all'estero e dbmàllde llguardanU leggi e regole. programmate a rendeTe plù dtfflcle " mantenl­mentç~ della nòs\)'a Sam_p:,atlne~~- t . ~ è; stato chiesto parchè ~;l djWe produrte llrT oertiflca~d b.uon11 condotta dalle autorità del ~ In C1J1 rts~larno 'per rlnnovàre' un passaport6 Sflmr,l\apnese. A .cò~ ser-( cool pag 9) ' " ·

Fora good connoisseur few words

by Luciano Francloni In continulng the traditional celebralion honoring our co­Patron Sant'Agata, this year a gala took ptace in such way as never before seen by the participation of so many young indlviduals. Theìr enthusìasm refreshed the hopes of the members of

the community that one day wifl pass the torch of theìr belng Sammarinese to the next generations. Among the attending honored guests, very apprecìated

was the presence of the newly efected Secretary of State for Foreign Affalrs, Honorable Pasquale Valentinl. As customary. lhe next day before saying goodbye to the

community and retuming to San Marino, lhe Secretary attended a small event at the hall of lhe Fratellanza Sammarinese ot NY. Alter some refreshments offered by our Lady Auxiliary, a session of questions and answers bega n. Questìons regardìng lhe well-being of lhe Republic, re­

gardlng the lack of respect shown toward the resldents in (coni page 9)

A buon intenditor (coni da pag 8) vQno l nostri Consolati? È stato chiesto parchè certi poli tlcf rlon credbn\l nella oosìta éittadlnanza dèlfa Nazioni In cui viviamo, oltre alla nòstta clttadlnanze Samlnarlnese? L'<! residenza dj cui abb1;~mo !etto che si vuoi concedere a chi dall'est~ro vorrà< affit~re app~)lariJentl mentre 11 nbl1 cittadini all'estero con case e soldi in banca non è con­cessa •. è stato cl)jesto P<~rchè si corre Il rischio di perdere la nostra sovrenltè l)ermettélrdo gruppi di ' · speculatori e Investitori Cinesi di Iniettare tremendi cap~ell nell'econQmlfl del Jllano? È Stato c~lesto lf SllO· p~'rere sulla quesiJoria delle riforme sulla legge elèftorele1 sulle possibilità di votare per corri­spondenze o via CQnso.l~re. e parchè se un resl!lente su suolo estero recahdt>sf In terra nella pe~ asercitllré lllélirltto al voto, può solo dallo ad uo partito e non ad una data per.s9f1a. Anche l'Intervento di un socio onorario della 'f'ratellan~, il quale ha fortemente sottolineato l'Importanza delle ques· tionl discusse. e Ilei dirjtti garantiti dalla npstra Costitu. zione, per tutti l Sammarinesl, all'Interno e all'esterno della nostra Nazione, Alf'esaurfml!nto !IOcl)e df molte altre Inutili dOfll&ndl! a riportare, Il pubblico era In attesa df ris'poste e·spfegazlonf, ma nei seguenti 45 minuti, non sf e' sent•o altro che un riassunto !X>mmoverte . qelle t!SP&rienze pers,onall dll fui vissute, che lo hannQ commosso In quel rldòrdo, ma nessuna parofa in risposta a quanto gff è stato chiesto. Sul ta)'di do~o l !~Qiit! starobl di str~tte <li.' ma11o gli abbra<X<f' gli arrlvadercl é U bupn viaggio. tuttl l preseniÌI sol)() tornati ~He lole ca~e e alberghi, e la vfsita ha Jasclatcll il temr~q,ç[email protected]:\llll>uQI'! iotttn.dltore.PQS!e Plil1'9~-

San Marino Journal USA March 2013 - page 9

For a good connoisseur (coni from page 8) America and other Countries, and about laws and regula­tions designed to render more dffflcufty In maintaining our 'Sammarlnesità". lt was asked: why must we produce a 'CertifiCate of Good

Conduci', refeased by the locaf authoritfes, if we need to renew a Sammarinese passport? What do we have our Consufate for? Also asked: was why certain polìticians do not believe we shoufd have a cltìzenshfp in the natlons where we lìve and wor1< besides the Sammarinese one? lt was asked: why we run the risk to 1oose our sovereignty

by allowìng groups of specufalors and investors from China to inject tremendous capltals in our economy? We asked his opinion about the retorms to the electoral laws, the possìbllity to vote via Consulate or electronfcafly, and how come ìf one resident abroad, goes to vote in San Marino can only vote for a Party but not for a given candidate? Even one of our distingulshed Honorary Member of the Fratellanza strongly exposed the importanoe of ali the subjects discussed and of the rìghts of ali Sammarinesi, which is protected by our constitutìon inside or outside our Nation. Al the end or the event, alter ali lho questlons were asked, we ali waited tor answers and expfanatìons, but tor 45 minutes we only heard a sorrowtufly story of personal experiences in his life, but nothing about what was asked. Later, atler lhe usuaf goodbyes, the handshakes and the well wishes for a good trfp, everyone went home or to a hotel, and the visit left us, perhaps, with a waste of lime. T o the good connolsseur few words.

Latfy }lux:f{ary, witft Peppino <De{(a <BaUfa, preparing tasty tfefigfits for tfie meeting witfi Secretary of State 1/af.entini

A P~rt Col.Uigt ceLtbrati.111.9 Sttll'vt'Agata

Pl1otos Oll'v pttgts :L5 all'v&( 1G

Page 9: San Marino Journal USA - March 2013 - Vol.55

San Marino Journal USA March 2013 - page 8

:Jvteeting at tlie Prate[Canza Sammarinese- Pe6ruary 3, 2013

(l - r): Consul Generai Roberto Balsimelli, Secretary of State Pasquale Valentini and Presldent Sanzio Vagnini

Consul Generai Balslmelli sharing a private moment with

Secretary of Stare Valenlini

A buon intenditor poche parole

da Luciano Francloni Continuando la tradizionale celebrazione che onora la nos­tra Compatrona Sant'Agata, anche quest'anno ha avuto luogo la serata di gala che ha visto una forte partecipazione di giovani. Tale entusiasmo da parte di questa gioventù ha rinfresi:ato le speranze degli anziani che un giorno futuro Passeranno le fiaccole del lorò essere Sarl'lnìl~rihese generazioni. Nel numero delle esponenti personalità, e. ospiti d'onore, molto gradita è stata la, presenza del neo eletto Segre­tario di Stato agli Affari Esteri, f'Oilorevole Pasquale Valentinj. . Come df consueto Il giorno seguente p'rlma di salutare e ripartire alla volta di San Marino, egli si è reso disponibile ad lnco(ltrare mer11brl defll;l comunità presso la SE!de della Fratellai)Za Sammarlnese di N~w 'l'brii. Al termìl)9 df un rinfresco offerto dal Comitato delle Ausiliari~ sf è aperta una sessJon~ ~~ (k>rr)ande natl,lraf· mente indirizzate al SegretariO ValentJni. ·· ' • • Domande riguardanti il benesl;!lre della Repubbfìca, dom~nde rlgulj~jlntl . di f11aA,Ollllj:ll1•ullll pa~tà ,del dirltt11 verso noi residenti all'estero e dbmàllde llguardanU leggi e regole. programmate a rendeTe plù dtfflcle " mantenl­mentç~ della nòs\)'a Sam_p:,atlne~~- t . ~ è; stato chiesto parchè ~;l djWe produrte llrT oertiflca~d b.uon11 condotta dalle autorità del ~ In C1J1 rts~larno 'per rlnnovàre' un passaport6 Sflmr,l\apnese. A .cò~ ser-( cool pag 9) ' " ·

Fora good connoisseur few words

by Luciano Francloni In continulng the traditional celebralion honoring our co­Patron Sant'Agata, this year a gala took ptace in such way as never before seen by the participation of so many young indlviduals. Theìr enthusìasm refreshed the hopes of the members of

the community that one day wifl pass the torch of theìr belng Sammarinese to the next generations. Among the attending honored guests, very apprecìated

was the presence of the newly efected Secretary of State for Foreign Affalrs, Honorable Pasquale Valentinl. As customary. lhe next day before saying goodbye to the

community and retuming to San Marino, lhe Secretary attended a small event at the hall of lhe Fratellanza Sammarinese ot NY. Alter some refreshments offered by our Lady Auxiliary, a session of questions and answers bega n. Questìons regardìng lhe well-being of lhe Republic, re­

gardlng the lack of respect shown toward the resldents in (coni page 9)

A buon intenditor (coni da pag 8) vQno l nostri Consolati? È stato chiesto parchè certi poli tlcf rlon credbn\l nella oosìta éittadlnanza dèlfa Nazioni In cui viviamo, oltre alla nòstta clttadlnanze Samlnarlnese? L'<! residenza dj cui abb1;~mo !etto che si vuoi concedere a chi dall'est~ro vorrà< affit~re app~)lariJentl mentre 11 nbl1 cittadini all'estero con case e soldi in banca non è con­cessa •. è stato cl)jesto P<~rchè si corre Il rischio di perdere la nostra sovrenltè l)ermettélrdo gruppi di ' · speculatori e Investitori Cinesi di Iniettare tremendi cap~ell nell'econQmlfl del Jllano? È Stato c~lesto lf SllO· p~'rere sulla quesiJoria delle riforme sulla legge elèftorele1 sulle possibilità di votare per corri­spondenze o via CQnso.l~re. e parchè se un resl!lente su suolo estero recahdt>sf In terra nella pe~ asercitllré lllélirltto al voto, può solo dallo ad uo partito e non ad una data per.s9f1a. Anche l'Intervento di un socio onorario della 'f'ratellan~, il quale ha fortemente sottolineato l'Importanza delle ques· tionl discusse. e Ilei dirjtti garantiti dalla npstra Costitu. zione, per tutti l Sammarinesl, all'Interno e all'esterno della nostra Nazione, Alf'esaurfml!nto !IOcl)e df molte altre Inutili dOfll&ndl! a riportare, Il pubblico era In attesa df ris'poste e·spfegazlonf, ma nei seguenti 45 minuti, non sf e' sent•o altro che un riassunto !X>mmoverte . qelle t!SP&rienze pers,onall dll fui vissute, che lo hannQ commosso In quel rldòrdo, ma nessuna parofa in risposta a quanto gff è stato chiesto. Sul ta)'di do~o l !~Qiit! starobl di str~tte <li.' ma11o gli abbra<X<f' gli arrlvadercl é U bupn viaggio. tuttl l preseniÌI sol)() tornati ~He lole ca~e e alberghi, e la vfsita ha Jasclatcll il temr~q,ç[email protected]:\llll>uQI'! iotttn.dltore.PQS!e Plil1'9~-

San Marino Journal USA March 2013 - page 9

For a good connoisseur (coni from page 8) America and other Countries, and about laws and regula­tions designed to render more dffflcufty In maintaining our 'Sammarlnesità". lt was asked: why must we produce a 'CertifiCate of Good

Conduci', refeased by the locaf authoritfes, if we need to renew a Sammarinese passport? What do we have our Consufate for? Also asked: was why certain polìticians do not believe we shoufd have a cltìzenshfp in the natlons where we lìve and wor1< besides the Sammarinese one? lt was asked: why we run the risk to 1oose our sovereignty

by allowìng groups of specufalors and investors from China to inject tremendous capltals in our economy? We asked his opinion about the retorms to the electoral laws, the possìbllity to vote via Consulate or electronfcafly, and how come ìf one resident abroad, goes to vote in San Marino can only vote for a Party but not for a given candidate? Even one of our distingulshed Honorary Member of the Fratellanza strongly exposed the importanoe of ali the subjects discussed and of the rìghts of ali Sammarinesi, which is protected by our constitutìon inside or outside our Nation. Al the end or the event, alter ali lho questlons were asked, we ali waited tor answers and expfanatìons, but tor 45 minutes we only heard a sorrowtufly story of personal experiences in his life, but nothing about what was asked. Later, atler lhe usuaf goodbyes, the handshakes and the well wishes for a good trfp, everyone went home or to a hotel, and the visit left us, perhaps, with a waste of lime. T o the good connolsseur few words.

Latfy }lux:f{ary, witft Peppino <De{(a <BaUfa, preparing tasty tfefigfits for tfie meeting witfi Secretary of State 1/af.entini

A P~rt Col.Uigt ceLtbrati.111.9 Sttll'vt'Agata

Pl1otos Oll'v pttgts :L5 all'v&( 1G

Page 10: San Marino Journal USA - March 2013 - Vol.55

San Marino Journal USA March 2013 - page 1 O

~ Letters and Opinions (Received end published from San Marino Oggi) WE, WITH OUR LAND l always read what happens in San

Marino and my curiosity makes me qulckly scrutinìze for articles of in­terest, and/or equal rights. Due lo the many writings from clttzens residing here, l did expect, at least, a certaln amount of support in the newspapers frorn some politicians, frorn the Ex­ecutives of the Consulta , and l ha ve also wondered many times about the sllence from the Association San Marino-America. Perhaps, we do not realìze that from some we are afso considered stubborn emigrants be­cause we did not return at the op· portune moment when there was a golden period in our Land. Are they

righi? Perhaps, but il we are stubborn people, we are also in loving our land and our people and il help is requested in the future, we will always be there as In the past. lt is certain that nothing l or other frìends can do to create a certain clamor In San Marino to get a true interest on our rights. lt remalns the hope that our voice, at least, ls heard in our communities and they will understand, once and forever, tihat they are being taken by the seat or their panls and oddly, a iso from those who govern the Consulta. Therefore, do not let tihem deceive you and finally believe what ASER has said for a long time and many tlmes; quit the Consulta and to retum only Il the requests of ASER, published in past

years, is approved. By the way, Dear Executives or the Consulta, you are noi even respected with the due dig­nily of represenlatives of citizens In foreign countrles. Are you or are you not an institutlon, We have also learned of your exile from Cittè, which is lhe institutional center to Borgo, which is a commerciai cenler. A certaìn saying, from long ago, comes to ~ mind by a person al the Porta di Paese to a good man, ''With your woodon shoos you cannot enter lnto the city." Excepl for dances or particutar par­ties, it is noled the dismemberment in the communltles wilh thelr muteness, (coni page 11)


Riceviamo t1 pubbti(hiamo: "Leggo S6mpm qu91/o ch9 awioofl e Ssn Marino 9 la mia curiosltA mi fa scrutam vo· locemente Sfl qua/oo$8 di nuovo avvione in articoli a noi inleressaOO, come queli ltllle parità rkll diritd. Dopo i motri scritti /ani d8 citllldinl qui rosidanfi, mi aSp8tl&vo almeno un CilriO SOS!fl!}no sul glomaJi do portfl di quaJche poitico, dei d/rigonfi della Consul· la Mello volte rri sono domandato porçM qoo/ slonzio ench9 de parta delf8S$(1(;/s. zione San Marioo-Americo? Forse non ci ffNldisrno conto che, da alcu· n/, siamo considem.U d9!JH errigraU inW>ml­d, per non Bllfll' saputo OO{Jiilli9 D momonto oppotluno per i rimpalrlo fNII p9liodo d'oro della nostre T6m!. Hanno mrjona? ~. Ma se siamo goott1 ooccluta, lo siamo an. chfl nell'omoro la nostro Tol!ll 9 lo nostro goo/9 9 se un aiuto noi futuro S8lll richiesto, noi SMHIIO quelli di wnpf9. t ct>rto che nula, né lo, nO 81/Ji amici, PQa· siamo cmaro a San Marino un oorto cilll'llO­m p&r onflnom un vero lntorosssmonto sul nostri diril!i, me ci rimano la speranza che la nostre vooo sia sentita almMo dalle nostf9 OOtiiiJrliè e che cepisca)O ...,. volta por SfH'fl(Xfl chfl sono Pf9Sll per l fonOO/Ie stra­ll8monttl, ar~eh<1 da chi IJOV(I(JJB la Consul­ta, peroiO non lasc/8rs/IIIIXIere e finalmen· ttl crtXkire a quello che Asor da l lllf'IPO ha cli6slo p/l) volte: ritirate/ dala CoosuA'a o

intervooim solo so ct>rtl/ rlchi9sto chfl As9r ha pubblicato anni passati saronno accol­late. A proposito cari dirigenti cleHa Consul­ta non s/et& n&anche più rispoltati con la dovuta d'gnir8 di flloiJfX6SOOI.8llli di dltadìni aH'estiKO, sNJ/9 o non sNJ/9 un'lslituliono , si è venuro a con~za del Vostro ui6o daNa Città cM /ila S9d9 'lslituzlonalo: a Borpo ch9 ò sfido 'oomroorci81e'. MI viene in mente una ftll$9 di una certa p8ft10118 t:OOI!IIe Pootta del Pa9SO in tomp/Yiltllll1<ltl­te passo~. a un bravo uomo gli clisso: 'si zo­cJi tu nontri te/ paes'. Tranntl balli o particolari feste, si nota lo smomb,.,_Jto no/19 comunità col loro mu· lismo, dtt confarma fJilCh8 quantO s/6 /Q/lo ulfimamente ne/17ntiHW/llo del l'llfl(lfW«l· tento dot governo In Francia riportato sul San Marino Oggi no/ quolfl spi008 uno sola onmi fomosa fmSB 'abbiamo bisogno di voi tutti'. Ma poi? Pr9ndo IJ!Io con lll8 picccl8 riflessione su una cena offerta oll'llrnl>a­sciatoro de"a Repubblica di Ssn Marino nog/1 USi! riportata sul quotidiani ssmmari· n9si. Sf l9fl(lo di 8/IOQJI ovooti avtKI duronto un ril»vlmen/o al quale ha pert(lc/psto in Waslinglon su itwilo doiiB Wllite Hous9 in OflOf9 del preski911te Obema. Sicurvrn911te affssclnend e sll(l(lr(l saronno stat(l 111 su9 ba«uto t llB sarrJbOO stato molto più lntoros· santo 9 $p(/C18Jm001o per chi lo IJSCOI!avo se a-.w irrfonneto ti aver aVIAo cftozioni

per lnconlri, 8llCho lnlorm8/i, con 8f111810ti : su Importanti situazioni. Da anni sono state 1

port819 avanti dal consolato di Ny o ulrima· menre a ~embrg In una festa offerta dal consolato, dove politici samma~ furono piWIHJii, irMfi per intwwnire con insistenl8 8 ottomHV I8 Gr(l(ln Card per emlgref9 negli StaO UnW per giovani 9 anch& non giovani lliSidflnti in Patria, spi&gando la nostro per­tico/oritil coma nez/on9 9 la Slorics arricizia con gl Usse altf9 ffiOCOITJ8fldazioni per fa. VO<fre scambi coo qwsts Nazionfl ch9 ala nostro TIHill tanto fiB dato e che pu0 dare. E poi i'&Vflr messo In un dlm&ntìcatoio un certo lntors.ssamooto a qU91 sammarifl(ISQ

1 In~ dowlo ad un Ol'fMdo fncJdoo{e autornobilislico, non ricold8ndo!sl quanto dip/omllticamonro si 9 invectl fallo per altri. Qualcosa di buono pero si deve smroonoro ch9 sboccia, scuoto di lingua clnesfl 9 an­cM &CUOia di Buslnoss Gi/Klse, e proposi­to so lnlllnlSS8, In Ny abbiamo ttd<Jiriflum una vaste llfllB chiamate Chinatown. {Città Cinese). Ceri po/(1/cl beste con le promes­so. Pensate voremonte elle nostre Patria, 8bbtaocialfl sooze a/cvn8 distìnzloiw tullo il tm110 popolo non ebbiale ~enti paur9 1

SCOIUf/le SOlO Clill'~mo. E lnltne create qU91 vlgom di culla nostrll piccola R9pub­blica ha bioogno. Al piWSimo vOlo e cento infinl!l ougwf".

l'usignolo di Now Yorll

~ - --- ---- --- ---- ---- --- --- --- --- --- ---- ---- -- ------- - - -- --- ---- -- -~

San Marino Joumal USA March 2013 - page 7

Jfonored quests of tlie Prate{[anz a

(l - r): Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Pasquale Valenllni, President of the Lady

Auxilary linda Rastelll, and Mrs Meris Monte Vatentìni (l - r): Apostollc Nuncio Permanenl Observer of the Hoty See to the

UN Archbishop Francis Chullikatt (who also gave lhe benediction), Ambassador Daniele Bodlni, Permanent Representative for the

Republic of San Marino at the UN, Mrs. Joanne Vagnini and President of the Fratellanza Sammarinese of NY Sanzlo Vagnini

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Consut Generai tor the Republic of San Marino in New York Roberto Balsimelli and Ambassador Daniele

Bodini, Permanent Representative for the Repubtic of San Marino at the UN

(1 - r): Mrs. Carot Balsimelli, Depuly Consul Generai for ltaly Laura Aghilarre, Mrs. Frances Massaro and

Supreme Court Judge or New York State Dominio Massaro

Frorn the Repubtic of San Marino Ambassador Giuseppe Delta Balda

Also !rom the Republic o f San Marino a guesl of Ambassador Della Balda with Mrs. Bianca Della Balda

Page 11: San Marino Journal USA - March 2013 - Vol.55

San Marino Journal USA March 2013 - page 6

Words of Congratu[ations /Paro [e di congratu[azioni February2, 2013 2jebbraio2013 Dem· President and Consul Generai: Thank you far the invitatìon receìved

from the President of the Fratellanza Sammarinese Sanzio Vagnini and the Consul Generai Roberto Balsimelli to partìcipate al the traditional feast devoted to Sant'Agata. My previOIIS commitments do noi permit

my presence but l send to the Fratel­lanza my warmest wishes for a suc­cessful feart with an applause to the Sammarinese Community ofNew Yorkfor the hìghest wi/1 in maìnlaining and always demonslrating your attachmenttoward our Republic. Gian Carlo Venturini Secretmy ofStale forlntemal Affairs and Justìce

February 2. 2013

T o the Sammarìnese Communìty in NY: Thank you for the ìnvìlation received to

participate fJt the Feast of Sant'Agata from tlte Fratellanza Sammarinese and the Consulate Generai. However, due to jam iiJ' s ituations and other commitments, l am prevented lo be wìlh al/ ofyou. Su re ofyou success, l send to the emìre

Sammarìnese Community my salute wìth congralttlations jot· your demonstrating, your lave, toward ow· Republic and the wislt that i t w il/ be transmìtled to filture generations. Francesco Mussoni Secretaty of State for Soci a/ Securìly

Egregio Pre.s·idfmte e Cònsole Generl:lle:· ' Ringrazio per l'invito ricevuto da] Presi­dente del/q , Fratelfanza Sammari(lese Sanzìo Vagnlni e dal Console Generali!. f.oberto Bai.Yimelli per la partecipazione alla tradizionale .festa dedicala a. Sant 'Aga/a. Un mi() pr~cedente impegno "?h ha permeSso la mia preseriza. lnv,ib alla' F;atellanza Sammarinese il più sentito

augurio di unp buona /fili/a con, un applauso alla comunilà sammarinese Newyorchese per il .grande impegno nel mantenere alto l'allaccamen/o sempre dlmoslralò verso la nostra Repubblica. Gian Carlo Venturini Segretario dì Stato per 4/farì fnlçrnì e Giu:;tizìa

2/ebbrqio 2013 Alla Comunìlà Sammarinese di NY.• Ringrazio per l'invilo ricevulo da parte dalla Fratellanza $arw'Jar;pqe e dal Consolato denerale per la partecipa­zione alla Jradizìonale fesJa di Sant''Agata. Situ'Qzìoni ài Famiglia e impegni di lavoro mi hanno impedilo a ess.ere CO'f voi. . 1 Sii!uro di uh voslro succt!so invio a' ìulta~ la comunità di New York il mio .ralutq acço,pagnalo da p~ aiM rìcon(lsçilbt:nio

per il Voslro sempre dilnos'trato amore v~rso l Repubblica di San Marino con l'augurio che sia (ras-mes.vo dllfl vdstre'/utlire genèrdzi~Jn''. ' ' Fronces~ Mussonl · ~g:c€!P.rlo. c/L§Jal(l p_gi;;Spnii?Js, .~&M~ .,. ... _,_,_..,

P.nqUbtlf\t47890 l!(fXJI>bllco di SM Morino

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Letters aruf Opinions WE, W1TH OUR LAND (coni from page 10) and also confirming whal we read in a speech by our Governmenl in France, as reported In San Marino Oggi, where il carne lo Ughl lhal ramous phrase 'we need an or all' and then? l would like lo give a sman reflection

or a dlnner given lo lhe Ambassador or lhe Republic of San Marino in lhe USA and reported In an the Samma­rinese newspapers. We read of the happy events of lhe receplion whera he participated in Washington, DC on an invilallon by the White House In honor of Presidenl Obama. Certainly fasclnating and happy was his com­mentary but it would have been more interesting, and especìally for those who listened lo him, lf he had inform-

ed them about having directed meet­ings, even Informai. wilh Senalors on important skualions For years, the Consulate in New York has brought attention lo lhis, and this past Sep· tember in a party given by the Con· sulate, where politicians were invited and invited to inleiVene wilh insis­tenoe 10 get the 'Green Card' to emigrate in the Uniled Stales for lhe young, and also older residents In San Marino, explainlng our particu­lar~y as a Nation and the historical frlendship wlth lhe USA and olher recommendations that favor exchang­es with this Nation, whìch has given so much to our Land and can give even more. Also for putting lnto for­getfulness, the certain inlerest of a Sammarinese in prison due lo a hor-

San Marino Journal USA March 2013 - page 11

rendous auto accident, and far noi remembering how much diplomatical­ly was done for olhers. Yet. some­thing good was done and we have lo accepl lhat Il ls blooming, a Chinese school for language and for business, and those who do not know in New York we have a vast area called 'Chlnatown'. Dear pol~idans, enough with the

promises, lhlnk truly to our Land, em­brace, wlthout any distinction, ali or our people, do not have nonexistenl rears that are coming from egoism, create thal vigor lhal our small Republìc needs. T o the next night and song, endless wishos, The Nlghtingale New York

CORNEA OF PARaOH& lt 58U4 AVE. The San Marino Journal USA, published in New York and San Marino, ls a not-for-profit enterprise. The San Marino Journal USA accepts and publlshes signed letters bui ls ot responsible for the conteni nor do the letters necessarily represent the point of view of the San Marino Journal USA


ED1TORAL STAFF Edltor-ln-Chlef -Luciano Francioni EdltoriallstJAdvisor - Robert Balsimelli Advlsor • John Biordi Senlor Editor- Sophia Suzzi Valli Copy Editor- Anna Berardl Wessinger Coordinator - linda Joan San Marino Bureau: Giuseppe Della Balda New York Bureau: Robert Ba1sime111, John Biordi, Antolnette Biordi-Helmes, Sophia Suzzi Valli, Gilberto Terenzi. Linda Joan Detroit Bureau: Carlo Dall'Olmo


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Franclonl Enterpr,..., lnc. 254·20 HllkM AYOOUe

Aor1ll ~ tWw\1)11< 11~ Translators: Robert Balsimelll, Angela Vagnini Gorsky, Luciano Francloni, lrene Vagnini Scavefli, Linda Joan Mal11ng address: 186 Lehrer Ave., Elmonl, NY 11003 For aH information: 631-242-2212 or 516-437-4699 Fax: 516-775-5897 or E-mail: rsmusajot.mal@aotcom

Te!.: (718) ~71).112-IS Fax: (718) ~2Som4

Sl<ltrll ~e t~ro~~ the ~t{tVI&L\It wt:tll to St:t~<~. Mt:tti~ città - tke ca,>Lt&lt ctt!j

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Page 12: San Marino Journal USA - March 2013 - Vol.55

San Marino Joumal USA March 2013- page 12

~:J.fews}lrouna (]Jirtli

Jl nnouncement

Vanessa Nlcole Carinci Congratulations to Fernando and

Giacomina Ghiotti on the blrth or their great grand<laughter on January 3, 2013. With their parents, Pamela and

Steven Carinci, big brothers Steven Nicholas and Vincent Alexander were ali exclted lo welcome their little sister Vanessa Nicole as well.

On November 7, 2012, the family or Raoul Marino Cardinali remembered the 30"' anni­versary of his passlng. Raoul was born in France on Deoember 3, 1925 bui grew up In San Marino, where his parents came from. When he was 23, he and his new bride, Natalina Toccacell Cardinali, carne to America. They raised three children, David, Susan, and Sandra. He died al a young age of 56, and left behind hls three children and wire. Natalina passed away in August 2008, at the age of 80, alter a short illness with cancer. Raoul was one of the originai co-

.., owners of the club and he also served as the Secretary of the Fratellanza Sammarinese. Over the years he traveled often to San Marino, for pleasure and club business.

United with the family, the Fratellanza Sammarlnese wants to remember thls great person of our Community for his dedication in the ectivities as a member and as a secretary lo keep united the Community to otJr Motherland. Always in our mind.

A Piece of Northern ltaly in Upstate New York by Sophia Suzzi Valli Rachel ls the extremely tatented

·.~ !t could easlly be the best kept secret of the Hudsoo chef and R icki is the grecious region of New York: Magnanini Wlnery and Restaurant. host and sometime, he is atso the

~ ... : l - '~-There is no other piace !lke it - unless you're fortunate popu!ar drummer and slnger. ~ ' ' enough to be traveling through the Emilia Romagna reglon Their sons David and Robert are

frr~ .a?JI> ' of Northern lta!y. The beauty of Magnaninl's vineyards and two of the very attentive waiters/ gardens, the superior quality of its northem llalian cuisine, bartenders. They ali work hard to . ,.. its award winning wines, the ambiance of the restaurant make your visit or event a memorable experience. Many reminlsoent of a restaurant situated on a hilltop In northern of the guests are steady and loyal customers, as my ltaly, the live music - ali will make your visit a truly unique husband and l have been for the past 30 years. experlence. Thank you Rachel, Ricki, Oavid and Robert for enriching The Winery and Restaurant is a family affair dating back the lives of so many with exqulslte food , run music, and

3 generations. Ricki Magnanini and his wife Rachel are good times shared with good friends. the proud owners of this very sucoessful establishment.

Magnanini Farm Winery I 72 Strawridge Rd

Wal/kill, NY 12589

Vlsit l holr websile al For inrormation on 2013 dinner parties: Polenta Party, Tortelll Party, Porchetta Party and may others. There is a different menu theme each Sunday and a pre-dlnner winetasting every Saturday night and every Sunday aftemoon in the cantina (wine celiar) gives you the opportunity lo buy the Magnaninl wine and their homemade italian specialties such as cotechino, coppa and various salumi.

Dinner Hours By Reservation Only Open Aprii unti! December • Saturday Evening at 7pm only Sunday

Dlnner served at 1pm only ·(w/ne tastlng 1 hour prlorto dlnner) Uve accordion music for your danclng pleasure





San Marino Journal USA March 2013- paga 5

lhe County ofNassau is proud to recognize those oulstanding individuals and organizations that have rendered significolll contributionsfor the enhancement of our region and the betterment of our residents; and

the Presidenl ofthe Fra/e/lanzo Sammarinese ofNY. Sanzio Vagnini, together with the Conslliale Genera/ ofthe Republic o/San Marino, Roberto Balsimel/i, have proudly maintained the traditions oftheir motherland, and worked diligenlly on behalf of causes and ideals which uphold the principles ofhuman decency and brotherhood,· and

through the dedica t ed efforts of its members, the organization has sponsored numerous programs and events contributing sign!fìcantly lo many charitable and community car1ses which assist al/ segments ofthe /oca/ cilizemy; and

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Edward P. Mangano, Nassau Co1mty Executive, proclaim Febru01y 2"d, 2013 as lhe

Peast of Sant '}fgata (])ay

on the occasion ofthe 2013 Feasl o.( Sant'Agata, and injìlling recognition of the day the Republic of San Marino reconquered ils liberty and hear({elt appreciation of your dedica t ed and exemplary service to the community.

Edward P. Mli'1{gano County Exccutivc

Page 13: San Marino Journal USA - March 2013 - Vol.55

San Marino Journal USA March 2013 - page 4

WordS of Congratufations / Paro[e di congratufazioni

Feb111ary 2, 2013

Dear Friends. l a m pleased lo join ali of you w ho h ave

galltered to celebrate tlte 2013 Feast of Sant 'Agata. The Fratellanza Samma­rinese of New Yovk will commemorate this day that the nation reconquered its libeny on lhe occasion of one of the most important traditians af San Marino wilh a special Gala (' / Leonard's of Great Neck. The Feast af Sant 'Agata has been celebrated by the

cammunity fo•· 78 years providing spiritua/ leader­ship and guidance far the members of its organi­zation and pramoting the import ance of fai t h, family and continuily. The Feast of Sant'Agata shines as a beacon af hape

and continues ta devoledly inspire the socio/, cultura/ and educationalneeds of lhe community and affards lhose the opporllmity la share in the enriched appre­ciatian af knowledge and tradition, while incarpor­ating and emphasizing respect and responsibility. l alsa wish ta extend hearty congratulations lo Roberta Ba/simelli, Consul Genera/ of the Republic af San Marino. for his seljless service and dedication and ta al/ of yau who work laward fonvarding the goals of this organization throughout the year. On behalf af lhe residenls of Nassau County, l wish to extend bes/ wishes for an exciling and memorable event. Sincerely Edward P. Manga11o Counly Executive

Cari amici, orro compiaciuto di uninpi a tutti voi

riuniti pè celebrtire 'la Pestll (Ì/ Sant'Agata del 2013. La Fratellanza Sam­mar/n(lse· di Ne'f :(or.k. /Jommemòrc.rà i f. giorno in cui la Repubblica riconquistò la ~'ua libertà, con una seratd di gç~/a presso Leonard's di Great Neck. • ' La .festa di Sant'Agata è stata celebrata

"dalla cdmonit!Ì per bl!'n '78 annì, prowedendfl una guida spirituale per i membri dell'organizzazione, e per promuovere l'importanza di .fede, famiglia e continuazione. [..a vostra festa è come una lanterna che brilla di speranza e continua devotamehte d iru'pirdre il sociale, la cultura, l 'educazione che necessità alla comuhità e dq le opportunità di ffondividere la ric­chezza di co'!Wscere la tradizione mentre incorpora e fl'ricchi.sqe rispello e respon{al)ilità. pesidero estendere calorose congnatulaz/oni anchl a Roberto Bal.simelli, Console Generale della Repub­lbl/c"2r di San Marina, p(lr il ,fiJO alt~i,~~o è d§di• cazione al servizio del suo rifficio, e a tuffi voi che :{àVOrate ner il,succes,sq pella V()$ Ira Qrg(lnizzazit?ne durante gli an~i. . > ' ' . •

A nom.e di tUili i residefl/i nella Contèa di Nassau, vi por!Jo· • i miglio l: i ~auguri R_efM!. u~· f4cçtUtfltè e memorabile evento.

'sinceramente. EdWt~Td f Mang(lno !èsec.utivq dtrlla Co-ntea

<.R,Jnt a (]>/ione S«or.C IO~ In 1).'>011& f~l"'-

Use )'0\lt ll iObile •Rotu s Pl•o,,o•wh•le you are in San Marh1o t11\d you con (eBeh thev.OIICJ'

ca1 our &00<1 toe<\0 Gwppe Dello Balda

tfon1 USA: 011378 980 222 0< !1001 RSM: 0549 980 222

Addrc:-ss: TMS • Uff. ColllnlCfC.!liO • SCd~ <JI Borgo Mogglote. via \'t' ll tOUo luglio. 148

Mb s•t~ : .,.._,.,.1nlS.<n. ~n

San Marino Journal USA March 2013 - page 13

Stony Brook University recognizes Maria Elena D'Amelio

Maria Elena D'Amelio was recog­nized as one of Stony Brook's top graduate students. Elena, as she is known, is an internatìonally recog,­nized scholar of Italia n cinema, and she has quickly established herself as the go-to-person for the peplum genre. on which she has wrilten widely. Thls year alone she has pub­lished a monograph in ltaly, three peer-reviewed artlcles (in English and ltalian) and has completed a delailed, copìous entry to the Oxford Bibllography online of Cinema and Media studles. as she attended con­ferences both in the United States and abroad (most of which were in·

(])a ([' ribuna

vited). Upon learning of the award, wUh an inspirlng communlty of pro­Elena said, "The news was tolally fessors, administratille staff, oo­unexpected, 1 was thrilled and felt leagues and frlends, for which l am happy and honored to be recognlzed extremely grateful. My advisor by Stony Brook. l shared lhe news Jacquellne Reich, especlally, has rlght away with my husband, son and been an invaluable Virgilian guide my famlly in San Marino." lhrough the hard yet reward lng path Her vasi background of talenl ran- of academic life." ges from working as a news editor at For her future, Elena looks forward a TV statìon in San Marino lo assist- to finishlng her degree: "My mosl im­ing at a New ltalian Film Festival at portant goal is lo complete and de­Lincoln Center to working as a fend my dissertation and then take grammar tutor for American students the nexl step In my academic pursult in an ltalian summer language pro- lowards a professorship in the freld gram. Additionally, she has created of film studies." Her PhD in Cultural and cooducted four different courses Studies will be her second, as she here at SBU, and her course evatu- has already reoeived a doctorate in atlons are conslstently among the film hlslory from lhe University of highest of the graduate student in- San Marino. structors In her department. (Printed in "Siony Brook Universily "Being a student at SBU has been Graduate Student Ac/Jievemen/s".)

an amazing experience, both in Submitted by Noeml Ugolinl terms of personal and professional growth. At SBU l have learned dis­cipline, hard work, and perseverance and 1 have acqulred many meaning­ful experiences lhrough research and teaching. My departmenl (Cultural Analysis & Theory) has provided me

Note: /Ile Staff or tne Journal end t ne Consulate Generai of the Republic of San Marino in New York extends their congratulations to Maria Elena D'Amelio on her amazìng achievements.

Page 14: San Marino Journal USA - March 2013 - Vol.55

San Marino Joumal USA March 2013 - page 14

Consu(ate News Registering Children a s Citizens

of San Marino Oìd you know lhat children, under lhe age of 19 years old,

of a slngfe Sammarinese parenl may reglster for Samma­rinese cilizenship? Il bolh parenls are Sammarinese citizens. providing lhe molher was registered as a citizen prior lo the birth or lhe child, may regisler ror citlzenshlp al any age. For inromnatlon on regìslering please oontact lhe Consulate.

lhis action even il bolh your parents hold Sammarinese citi­zenshlp. Il thls procedure is not taken your Sammarinese citizenship may be voided!

Passports for Childre n Un d er 18 Years Old Il you are a minor chlld of a slngle Sammarinese parenl and have a San Marino passport lhal expires alter you lum 18 years old your passport will be annulled upon your 18"' birthday. Therelore, il is importanl lhal you presenl yourself lo your local Consulale or aulhoril ies in San Marino, at the

Mainta ining Citizenship age of 18 and declare you wanl lo mainlaln your citizen-The Consulale Generai in NY makes every effort lo nolify ship and lo renew your passport. ali youlh lo malnla in their San Marino clllzenshlp. 11 is im- lnternational Hea lth lnsurance portant and necessary to contaci the Consulate upon The Consulale has learned lhal America n Express lssues your 18'" blrthday and request the document Richies ta lnlernalional Heallh and Denlal lnsurence ror lravellers at d/ Mantenimento della Cittadinanza Sammarinese lo very affordable rales. For rurther information and rales cali relain and prolecl your citizenship. We suggesl you take 1-800-297-2900

l lf you do not hear from the Consulate after you have tumed 18 years or wlsh to register for Sammarinese citizenshlp pfease cali (516) 437-4699 or e-mail [email protected] for ìnformation.

T o ali our sponsors and supporters of l he San Marino Journal USA, lhe Joumal Slaff extends a personal Thank You lor be lievlng in us and for givlng us lhe opportunity lo keep lhis free voi ce alive outside or the

Republic or San Marino and will always sland for reachìng equal rlghts forali Sammarinesi .

Wilh special lhanks lo Amb. Giulia Ghlrardi-Borghese and Amb. Danie le Bodin i And for this issue of the Joumal, we lhank l he following

Ente Cassa d i Faetano Hon. Ghazl Aita M/M Nello B iord i Florida RSM Monaco

La Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio

RSM Offìce ofTourism

RSM La Taverna Ristorante

RSM M/M Giuseppe Della Balda


Ounkin' Donuts NewYork

M.A. Francloni & Daughlers NewYork

Klng Umberto Restaurant New York

Pladina Mia Mlchigan

John Savoretti Realty New York

M/M Pau l Caplcchlonl Virgìnìa

M/M Gilberto Ferri Florida

M/M Richard Pashayan New York

M/M John Righi NewYork

La Fondazione San Marino Cassa di Risparmio

Arts and Culture - Promotlon o f the Territorles- Formatlon and Sc ientlfic

Research - Social and Volunleer Promotlons

L 'Arte e /a Cultura - La Promozione del Territori ­La Formazione e /a Ricerca Scientifica -

La Promozione Sociale e 1/ Volontariato

San Marino Joumal USA March 2013 - page 3

WordS of Congratu{ations / CJ>arofe rfi congratufazioni December6. 2012

Dear The Honorable Balsimelli: Thank you and the Fratellanza Samma­

rinese ofNew Yorkfor inviling Governar Cuomn to auend the commemoration of the Feast of Sant 'Aga/a event an Febntary 2, 2013. he is honored lo hear from you and appreciates thal you have taken the lime lo extend this thoughtful invitar ionio him. Warmesl regards. Sincerely, Nicolas Wealherbee, Director ofScheduling

February 2, 2013

Dear Friends: !t is a great pleasure lo welcome everyone to lonight 's ce/ebration oj the Feast of Sant 'Agata, hosred by rhe Fratellanza Sammarinese of New York united with rhe Consulare Generai of the Republic oj San Marino. New York th1·ives on its cultura/ diversity.

and we are proud lo have people of every background and belief coli our city home. Throughout the jìve boroughs, Samma-rinese New Yorkers have mode many contributions to our economie and civic /ife, helping our city earns its reputation as the world's most dynam ic piace. That is why we are happy ro join tonight with the Fratellanza Sammarinese and the Consulate Genera/ to commemorate the 273"d anniversary of San Marino 's independence and to pay lrlbute IO Sant 'Aga/a. On behalf of alt New Yorkers, l offer my best wishes

for an enjoyab/e event and COittinued success. Sincerely, Mìchael R. Bloomberg Mayor

6 dicembre 2012 Egregio o,orevole Balsimelli, La ringrazio cosi anche · la Fratellanza Sammarinese di New York per aver invitato il Gpvernatore diNew Y0rk, Mario Cuomo, alla Festa di Santif~ato che si cefeb,·erà il ~ f'e.bbmio,2013. ~ s/oto un'onore aver ricevuto notizie da Lei e con grande piacere / 'invio dell 'invito alla Festa. Porgo i miei più distinti salulì. Sinceramente,

Nlcdlos Wealherbee Director oj Scheduling

2jebbraio 2013

Cari amici, È un grande piacere of!rire un benvenuto alla Fe:,·ta Sant 'Agata, c'elebrata dalla Fratellanza Sqmmarinese d i New York unilamente con il Consolato Generale della Repubblico di San Marino. >New. York deve i{ suo straordinario pro­grC$SO alla sua diversità culturale, e siamo qrnoglloSi di avere g~nte di ogni origine e crea(J che chiamano la nostra città la loro.

'Nelle n()Stre Einque zone, i Sarnmarines~ Newyorkesì 1h'dnno :ver.~àto molti e molti contribtlli alla nostra ec()n~mica,ffcivile vita, a~ulafldo fa citlà nel meritare la reputaziòtfe di essere il posto più dfna'!'ico del mondo. Qaesto è il M rché sla111o,felic.i qi qssociarci stasera con il la Fratel/ahza Sammarinese . e Consolato Gef'eKa(e ne! comn;em0rare Il 27Jmo.. anniversario 'dell'indìpl!n(J~nza 'di S/m 1 Marino e' offì-ire omàggi il /spetti alla San t q Pa,trona .A.I{ata.

:A nbme di tliìii i N(!Wyork2si, io, offro i nliei inlg /ìd1·i ~iper un $ 1Qioso evehto e in continuo succ~o.

f$iiìaerl/mèn é: ' - . • MIM1111 BIOJ!!!Il!erx. Sind~p 11

Page 15: San Marino Journal USA - March 2013 - Vol.55

San Marino Joumal USA March 2013 - p age 2

San t ')Igata (])inner (])ance Pe6ruary 2, 2013

(}3ravd Prate{fanza Sant'Agata uua bell issima F13sta, uoa serata di gala con l'l Presenza_ e QSP.ite d'onore il Segretario di Stato pèr gli Affari Esteri, l'Onorevole Pasquàle Valentlnl. Oltre a altre personalità la festa è stata coronatJI da un folto numero di giovani che da futuro di quest'organizzazione. Al Presidente Sanzio Vagnini, al Direttivo della Fratellanza, il nostro applauso, augurio e Invito di farli par:t~çlpl con :ifoi ad una maggiore contatto e l'apprendere di un loro dovere nel proteggere l Loro e di tutti l d iritti di cittadini sammarinesi lvi residenti.

Sanzlo Vagnini, President of the Fratellanza Sammarinese

Sant'Agata, a beautiful party, an evening of valor and with the pre­sence of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, the Hol1()(able Pasquale Valentini as Guest of Honor. Besides other personalities, the party was crowned with a large

number of young people lhat gives hope lo the future of this organizaiiOn. To President Sanzio Vagnini, the Board of Directors of the Fratellanza, our applause and our good wishes and invitations to make the youth participate with you In a more frequent contaci so they will understand their obligation in the protectìng their rights and for ali Sammarinese citlzens residing here.

• '

.... i . . . . ,- ·,~

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""" . . President Sanzio Vagnini and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Pasquale Valentini

Winners of tfie Prisoni Lottery for tlie r'foutli

Participants of tfie Soggiorni Cu{turaCi 2012

(1-r):Louls Scavelll, Peter Scavelli , Giacomina Ghiotti, Maria Frisooi, Robert Frisoni, Robert Poliseno, and

Amanda Forgit

(1-r): Amanda Forgi!, Peter Scavelli, Chrlstopher Gorsky, Christina Guidi and Samantha D'Avella

}l Picture Co[fage cefe6rating Sant'Jlgata

San Marino Journal USA March 2013- paga 15

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San Marino Journal USA March 2013- page 15

rtfie Picture Co[Cage Continues


WJwn• Ur1i1y Gry_m·s Strou}!.et·

~an :JMarino Jf ournal W~%1--

MARCH 2013- Voi 55

Publishod in Nassau County, NY siocc 1994 and by TMS in lhe Repubhc of San Marino e-mail: rsmusajoumal@a()

Sala Clementina, l 'ultima udienza del Pontefice concessa a Capi di Stato fu donata agli Eccellentissimi

Capitani Reggenti della Repubblica di San Marino

A/termine dell'udienza Generale ai fedeli in piazza San Pietro, Benedello XVI ha ricevuto nella Sala Celementina del Palazzo Apostolico, prima il presidente della Repubblica Sto­vacca lvan Gasparovic; poi i Reggenti Teodoro Lmrfèrnini e Denise Bronzelfi nel suo ultimo impegno ufficiale da Papa. Si chiude così un pontificato storico anche se controverso. Si disse a/momento del/ 'elezione del cardinale Ratzinger: "Svuoterà le piazze, riempirà la chiese". È successo il contrario: piazze, come ieri, colme di fedeli, chiese, meno.

Sala Clementina, the las t audience of the Ponti.ff given to a Head ofState was to the Captain Regents ofSan Marino

A t the end of the Generai hearing lo the be/ievers in Saint Pietro P/aza, Benedello XVI received in the Sala Celementina del Palazzo Apostolico, after the President of the Slovak

· Republic / van Gasparovic; then Regents Teodoro Lonfernini and Denise Bronzetti in his fast oJJìcial appointment as Pope. This ends an historical pontificate even if controversia/. il was said during the election of the Cardinal Ratzinger: "H e will empty the plazas and .fil l the churches ". But the opposi te happened, the pfazas, as yesterday, fit!l o.f believers, and !ess in the churches.