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SUNSHINE WEEK 2013 VCU drone research agreements · 2 SGA appropriation bills · 3 VCU’s contract with G4S security · 4 Alumni donations over past five years · 5 The independent student press of Virginia Commonwealth University Friday, March 15, 2013 SPECIAL EDITION

Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Mar 29, 2016



Special reporting project created for VCU's independent student newspaper The Commonwealth Times for Sunshine Week 2013.
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Page 1: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature


VCU drone research agreements · 2

SGA appropriation bills · 3 VCU’s contract with G4S security · 4

Alumni donations over past five years · 5

The independent student press of Virginia Commonwealth University

Friday, March 15, 2013

S p e c i a l e d i t i o n

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What is the Freedom of Information Act?

The Freedom of Information Act passed in 1966 and enacted in 1967 is a federal act that provides that any person has a right to certain records held by public agencies.

The act provides for certain ex-emptions, like not allowing access to records that could jeopardize national security. There are nine total exemptions and three special laws that limit what law enforce-ment records can be released.

Every state in the country has their own version of the FOIA that are often similar to the federal act. Some states’ laws are more stringent than the national act, but Ginger Stanley, the execu-

tive director of the Virginia Press Association, said Virginia’s law, which was codified in 1968, is more moderate than most.

“Quite frankly, there are some areas that are worse than others,” Stanley said. The ease of the FOIA’s implementation varies geographically — Stanley said it’s much harder to get re-cords from the Hampton Roads area — but the types of records sometimes makes fulfilling FOIA requests difficult.

“If you’re comparing the law enforcement section ... we’re at the bottom because our law enforce-ment records are underwraps ...

far beyond what many other states have as open records,” she said.

Stanley did say Virginia’s law was better than other states’ because it provides for penalties levied against non-cooperative organizations.

“If it’s proven in court that you have violated the Freedom of Information Act knowingly and willfully, for the second time, you can pay a fine as much as $5,000,” Stanley said. Those fees are not necessarily just for the group as one entity — it can be brought against individuals in a group, too. CT

Sunshine Week is an annual nation-wide week to honor access to public information. The week encourages com-munity members and members of the press to exercise their right to access public records with the Freedom of In-formation Act.

At the college level, nonprofits and other organizations like the Student Press Law Center encourage college newspapers to file requests with their school.

This year, SPLC encouraged student reporters to ‘audit’ their schools’ safety documents in the form of crime logs that are mandated by the federal Clery Act.

VCU Police publish a crime log on-line, where it is updated daily and The CT prints this log every Thursday.

What is Sunshine Week?

WEEK 2013

FOIA ExemptionsCertain documents are not subject to the FOIA. They are:

• National defense or foreign policy information

• Documents related to personnel information

• Documents protected under other laws

• Documents that would reveal trade secrets and commercial or financial information

• Documents that are “inter-agency or intra-agency memorandum or letters”

• Documents that are “personnel and medical and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.” This includes medical records and records about private legal proceedings

• Documents that are records compiled for law enforcement purposes

• Documents related to reports prepared by, on behalf of or for the use of agencies that regulate financial institutions.

• Documents that would reveal oil well data

Results of The CT’s FOIA requestsAs part of Sunshine Week,

The CT filed FOIA requests with VCU about topics that may be of interest to students and VCU community mem-bers. The CT originally filed five requests, one of which was denied, one that did not have any records pertaining to the requests and the rest answered with documents.

The CT did file three ad-ditional requests after that to find information about drone research at the university.

Agencies can charge fees for filling FOIA requests to pay for extra labor or the cost of print-ing or presenting the actual document, though requesters can ask to have the fee waived.

The university asked The CT to pay $42.75 for fulfilling one request, which The CT paid in full. CT

1. Request for list of all alumni donations in the last five years: Fulfilled at a cost of $42.75

2. Request for VCU’s contract with G4S security: Fulfilled with redactions pursuant to state law

3. Request for any contract between VCU and the U.S. Department of Defense regarding drone research: No existing records

4. Request for list of all accidents involving VCU vehicles in the past two years: Fulfilled at no cost

5. Request for list of all formal complaints against VCU police officers in the past two years: Request denied pursuant to state law that protects records involving “administrative investigation.”

6. Request for contracts between VCU’s School of Engineering and NASA regarding research projects: No existing records.

7. Request for contracts between VCU’s School of Engineering and the U.S. Navy regarding research projects: No existing records.

8. Request for contracts between VCU and Barron Associates, Inc.: Request answered with online information of research agreements between VCU and Barron Associates, Inc.

All information compiled and written by Mechelle Hankerson

Designed by Ying Jun Cheng


View the results of all FOIA requests and a PDF of all the recovered documents online at

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The CT first reported about VCU’s UAV research lab at the university on Jan. 24, explaining some of the research the lab conducts with model drones. On Feb. 14, The CT followed up after the Students for a Democratic Society created an online petition for more transparency into the university’s drone research.

“Our goal in this campaign is not to close the lab by any means, but to get a statement from VCU about the true intent of the technology,” SDS president Margaret Carmel said in the Feb. 14 story. Carmel also told The CT the group was concerned the research VCU’s drone lab was conducting could ultimately be used in combat.

The CT filed FOIA requests look-ing for more information about drone research at the university. The third request was answered with information about a research agreement between a private Charlottesville firm, Barron Association, Inc., which manages the research work VCU does for the U.S. Navy and NASA.

Barron Associates, Inc. did not return The CT’s phone call or email for more information. The U.S. Navy and NASA were not able to locate more informa-tion about their respective research projects at VCU by the time of press.


VCU’s research project for the U.S. Navy is the second part of a project to develop a design for a sonobuoy glide-kit and test the glide-kit. VCU and Bar-ron Associates, Inc. are responsible for creating low-cost navigation software and hardware for the sonobuoys.

Sonobuoys are buoys equipped to detect underwater sounds and transmit them by radio. According to the docu-ments provided by VCU, the project will develop a UAV device that can “achieve precision touchdowns even in presence of unknown wind disturbances.”

The research agreement has allotted $750,000 for this phase of the project.


NASA’s UAV research focuses on dropsonde technology for atmospheric sensing. According to VCU’s UAV lab founder and electrical engineering professor, Robert Klenke, this kind of technology can be used to detect sulfur dioxide levels in volcanic ash plumes to help predict future eruptions.

NASA’s research project focuses on changing the way dropsondes are guid-ed. Currently, dropsondes free-fall when deployed, allowing almost no control and requiring the deployment aircraft to fly close to the target, NASA wrote in its proposal summary, which was VCU’s

response to The CT’s FOIA request.“Adding a guided range capability to

the dropsonde will allow much greater mission flexibility and operation in haz-ardous environments such as volcanic plumes,” NASA wrote in the proposal summary.

NASA uses dropsonde technology for their own research about atmospheric measurements in hurricanes and remote areas like the Arctic and Antarctica. The development of guided dropsondes would allow NASA to collect data from other dangerous environments, like volcanoes.

The summary calls for the creation of a scaled-down model to find a way to

create a guided range capability. The re-search proposal also calls for algorithms to help the guided flight feature.

NASA notes in its proposal summary that other agencies in the country use dropsondes. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Na-tional Center for Atmospheric Research and the U.S. Air Force were agencies NASA listed as other non-NASA ap-plications of the research.

There was no financial information in the documents VCU provided about NASA research. CT

VCU’s UAV lab only uses models of unmanned vehicles. The lab is run by engineering professor Robert Klenke and includes graduate and undergraduate student researchers.


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Every spring semster, the Student Government Association decides how to spend students’ activity fee money for the next academic year.

In “Complex Event Grant Funding Bill 2,” from April 23, 2012 the SGA es-tablished how much money each student organization would receive for their op-erational and special budgets. Every stu-dent organization that goes through the appropriate application process receives $1,000 from the SGA and can apply for more, which is approved through appro-priation bills.

The bill also established how much money SGA would spend on its own op-erational budget and salaries.

Appropriations bills are introduced

and passed to release funds for special events, projects, additional operational costs or travel expenses. Student orga-nizations can receive up to $15,000 for special events and $2,400 for travel ex-penses.

Chris Strauss, a member of the SGA appropriations committee, said very few requests were denied this year because the university found money the SGA could use as part of their rollover funds, which is leftover money that wasn’t ap-propriated from previous years.

If groups’ requests are denied, he said it’s usually because they’re missing docu-mentation of price, which is required for any requested item over $5,000. CT


$54,234 would be for the SgA’s salaries

$28,650 would be allocated for the SgA’s operational budget

$70,000 would be allocated for graduate

student organizations

The Sports Club Council (the council that allocates money to

recognized sports clubs) would receive

$61,000to fund their organizations.

$80,000 for the Fraternity and Sorority

Finance Sub-Committee for any fraternities and sororities.

Each governing council (MgC, NPhC, IFC and CPC) received


The remaining

$40,000 would be allocated to fraternities and

sororities as the discretion of the Fraternity and Sorority Committee.

$123,586 was reserved for travel and

events as requested through the year

$71,320 was reserved for organiza-tions’ operational funding. $15,000 more was reserved to fulfill requests for additional op-erational funding SGA reserved $15,000 for additional operational funding for groups.

Special funding for A-10 and NCAA tournaments: In their “A10/NCAA Tournament Fund-ing Act,” the SGA said that they have up

to $70,000 reserved for funding tickets and bus transportation to the A-10 and NCAA tournaments and t-shirts and watch parties throughout the tournament.

SgA reserved

$123,586 for travel and event requests. As of Feb. 4, 2013, SgA had allocated

$180,758 to student groups for travel and

special events.

SGA’s “Spike Lee Bill” Gave

$38,000 to the Black Caucus to pay for Spike Lee’s February appearance.

As of Feb. 4, SGA had allocated $5,342 of their operational fund to 14 student organizations.

Excluding the Black Caucus’s $38,000 allocation for Spike Lee, the Engineering Student Council received the most money

from SGA ($14,995) for their Engineering Student Gala, held on Feb. 22, 2013. The gala took place at the Science Mu-seum of Virginia and is an event meant to celebrate the department’s successes and serve as a networking opportunity for students.

75 gROups wERE gRAnTED AMOunTs FROM $75 TO $38,000.


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Other SGA Appropriations Bills established:

SUNShINE WEEk 2013 4

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REQUEST No. 4Request for a list of all accidents involv-ing VCu vehicles for the past two years.

REQUEST No. 3VCu’s contract with g4s security

“The VCU Police Department hired a private security firm to patrol VCU’s campuses after students said they didn’t feel like they saw enough of a police pres-ence at night.

The VCU Police Department started the initiative this August to increase se-curity personnel visibility on both cam-puses by teaming with G4S Securities, an international private security firm. The VCU Police Department contracted a pilot program with G4S to patrol both the Monroe Park and MCV campuses in response to a survey conducted last spring to gauge students’ perception of campus safety.

The G4S patrol vehicles and person-

nel are commissioned by the department on a 16-week trial basis. G4S declined to comment on its contract with VCU or its operations on campus.

G4S is on campus strictly to patrol core areas and to observe and report sus-picious and criminal activity. They have no powers of arrest and do not carry weapons. Because they are not deputized as police officers, G4S personnel are in-structed not to intervene if a situation occurs, according to VCU Police Chief John Venuti

The trial program for G4S on campus will cost about $35,000, funded through a surplus in the police department’s bud-get from the previous fiscal year.”* CT


2013 (as of feb. 4)






InCIDEnTs InVOlVIng OTHER VEHIClEs (includes accidents with non-moving vehicles)








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In the original $43,678 g4s contract: - Contracted for Aug. 15, 2012-Dec. 15, 2012- Paid for three cars- Allotted $2,600 in fuel money for each G4S car; total of $7,800 for fuel prices

- Reserved $35, 878 for payment to G4S for the officers’ salaries for 16 weeks at $19.67 an hour

In the change order issued Dec. 12, 2012, VCu’s contract with g4s was:- Lengthened the time of the contract to last Aug. 15, 2012 to Jan. 31, 2013

- Paid for three cars- Allotted $2,600 in fuel money for each G4S car; total of $7,800 for fuel prices

-Reserved $57,003.66 for payment to G4S for the officers’ salaries for 23 weeks at $19.67 an hour.

-The university also increased the number of hours G4S officers



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REQUEST No. 5A list of all alumni donations for the past five years including to which department the donation was made.

As a public university, VCU is funded through a combination of state, federal and private funds. Anyone can donate money to VCU, but alumni donations are made through the Alumni Association.

According to the Office and Develop-ment and Alumni Relations, this year has been the most successful fundrais-ing year for VCU in its history, collect-ing over $120 million in gifts. The count includes more than cash donations.

The office reports the money was used to create 677 more student schol-arships in addition to some donations

being used for the construction of new academic buildings, like the Institute for Contemporary Art and the McG-lothin Medical Education Center. The School of the Arts received the most alumni donations between 2007 and 2012, with 448 individual donations. VCUarts’ donations also totaled the most, at $132,808.25. VCU Libraries received the next most alumni donations, with 59, but the College of Humanities and Sciences col-lected the next most amount of money, with $18,537 among 10 donors. CT












1. THE sCHOOl OF THE ARTs: 448 2. VCu lIbRARIEs: 583. VCu EDuCATIOn DEpARTMEnT: 21 4. ATHlETICs: 13 5. COllEgE OF HuMAnITIEs AnD sCIEnCE: 10 6. unIVERsITY-wIDE FunDs: 4 7. pROVOsT OFFICE: 38. sCHOOl OF sOCIAl wORk: 19 VCu sCHOOl OF busInEss: 1 10. AllIED HEAlTH pROFEssIOnAls: 1

TOTAl DOnORs 560 $171,444.25







*8-10 ARE nOT REpREsEnTED In gRApH

SUNShINE WEEk 2013 6

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Sonobuoy Glide-Kit Development forRapid and Precise DeliveryPeriod of Performance: 03/29/2012 - 03/29/2014

$750KPhase 2 SBIR

Recipient Firm

Barron Assoc., Inc. (/sbir/firms/197-barron-assoc-inc)1410 Sachem Place, Suite 202 Charlottesville, VA 22901

Principal InvestigatorDavid Neal (/sbir/people/29743)

Research Topics

Adaptive Guidance (/search?q=Adaptive+Guidance)Adaptive Guidance (/search?q=Adaptive+Guidance)tube-launched glider (/search?q=tube-launched+glider)navigation hardware (/search?q=navigation+hardware)Sonobuoy (/search?q=Sonobuoy)


Barron Associates, Inc. has developed a unique and innovative design for precision-guidedsonobuoy delivery. A compact glide-kit encloses the sonobuoy and deploys aerodynamicsurfaces in-flight to provide glide and maneuver capability. The glide-kit fits within acompact design volume and has minimal impact on the interior sonobuoy volume. BarronAssociates custom guidance and control (G&C) algorithm provides accurate targeting tocommand the glide-kit with sonobuoy payload to a specified touchdown location and canachieve precision touchdowns even in presence of unknown wind disturbances. The PhaseII effort will focus on enhancing the design for full-envelope operation and flight-testingthe glide-kit. The flight test demonstrations will include autonomous testing that utilizesthe G&C algorithms implemented onto custom autopilot hardware. Barron Associates hasteamed with Virginia Commonwealth University UAV Group to develop a low-costintegrated navigation hardware/software solution. In addition to the flight test efforts,Barron Associates will perform a manufacturing analysis to determine unit productioncosts.

More Awards for Topic N102-117

Phase 1 SBIR Sentient Adaptive Respone CruiseHarness (SeARCH) for AutonomousSonobuoy Gliding & Navigation(/sbir/awards/59921-sentient-adaptive-respone-cruise-harness-search-for-autonomous-sonobuoy-gliding-navigation) Barron Assoc., Inc. (/sbir/firms/197-barron-assoc-inc)awarded $150K on 10/20/2010

Phase 1 SBIR Glide Away Precision Sonobuoy(/sbir/awards/59908-glide-away-precision-sonobuoy) Stara Technologies, Inc. (/sbir/firms/3359-stara-technologies-inc)awarded $80K on 10/20/2010

Phase 1 SBIR Glide Away Precision Sonobuoy(/sbir/awards/59914-glide-away-

precision-sonobuoy) Two Lights Technologies, LLC(/sbir/firms/10809-two-lights-technologies-llc)awarded $80K on 10/20/2010

Phase 1 SBIR Glide Away Precision Sonobuoy(/sbir/awards/59926-glide-away-precision-sonobuoy) Williams Aerospace, Inc.(/sbir/firms/11482-williams-aerospace-inc)awarded $77.9K on 10/20/2010

Home (/) / Department of Defense / Navy / N102-117

SearchTopic, keyword, company or person Login (/users/auth/linkedin)

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NASA SBIR 2011 Solicitation


PROPOSAL NUMBER: 11-1 S3.08-8542SUBTOPIC TITLE: Unmanned Aircraft and Sounding Rocket TechnologiesPROPOSAL TITLE: A Dropsonde Glider with Adaptive Trajectory Planning

SMALL BUSINESS CONCERN (Firm Name, Mail Address, City/State/Zip, Phone)Barron Associates, Inc. 1410 Sachem Place, Suite 202 Charlottesville, VA 22901 - 2496 (434) 973-1215

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/PROJECT MANAGER (Name, E-mail, Mail Address, City/State/Zip,Phone)David A [email protected] Sachem Place, Suite 202Charlottesville, VA 22901 - 2496(434) 973-1215

Estimated Technology Readiness Level (TRL) at beginning and end of contract: Begin: 3 End: 6

Technology Available (TAV) Subtopics Unmanned Aircraft and Sounding Rocket Technologies is a Technology Available (TAV) subtopic thatincludes NASA Intellectual Property (IP). Do you plan to use the NASA IP under the award? Yes

TECHNICAL ABSTRACT (Limit 2000 characters, approximately 200 words) Dropsondes are one of the primary atmospheric measurement tools available to researchers. Currentdropsondes are deployed with a free fall parachute trajectory, allowing no flight path control and requiringthe deployment aircraft to fly close to the target. Adding a guided range capability to the dropsonde willallow much greater mission flexibility and operation in hazardous environments such as volcanic plumes.Barron Associates, Inc. will accomplish this through a scaled down version of a glide-kit harness currentlybeing developed for use with sonobuoys. In addition, a suite of trajectory generation algorithms will bedeveloped to facilitate controlled flight through areas of interest, along with the guidance and controlroutines to track the desired trajectory. The solution will be compatible with all existing dispensingsystems, including the P-3 and the Global Hawk, and will address airspace utilization, materials andmanufacturing concerns and cost. The Phase I effort will include prototype manufacture and piloted flighttests.

POTENTIAL NASA COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS (Limit 1500 characters, approximately 150words) NASA uses dropsondes for a variety of different research efforts including atmospheric measurements inhurricanes, atmospheric rivers and over remote areas such as the Arctic and Antarctic. The added

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capability of the guided, range capable dropsonde would allow greater flexibility for data collection withthe current applications and would expand the potential missions to include data collection over volcanicplumes and other hazardous environments, which are not feasible with current technology. The glide-kit isdesigned to be compatible with P-3, Global Hawk and other dispensing methods, allowing commercialfeasibility for all NASA dropsonde applications.

POTENTIAL NON-NASA COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS (Limit 1500 characters,approximately 150 words) Dropsondes are used by a number of different agencies both in the US and internationally, includingNOAA, the US Air Force and NCAR. The glide-kit harness and the trajectory planning, guidance andcontrol software are immediately applicable to all commercial uses of a dropsonde which would benefitfrom a cross range, guided capability. The technology is being independently developed for sonobuoys,and has potential commercial applications for other devices that have a cylindrical form factor and a needfor some guided range capability, including supply delivery and sensor placement, with potential customersin the DoD, law enforcement and other agencies.

TECHNOLOGY TAXONOMY MAPPING (NASA's technology taxonomy has been developed bythe SBIR-STTR program to disseminate awareness of proposed and awarded R/R&D in the agency. It isa listing of over 100 technologies, sorted into broad categories, of interest to NASA.)Algorithms/Control Software & Systems (see also Autonomous Systems)Autonomous Control (see also Control & Monitoring)Vehicles (see also Autonomous Systems)

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Date Loca(on Descrip(onVCUPD 03/14/11 Alley  behind  938  W  Grace VCU  vehicle  struck  a  bollard

04/20/11 Parking  Lot  Behind  Biggs  Building VCU  vehicle  struck  a  dumpster05/15/11 IntersecIon  of  Cathedreal  and  Laurel Other  vehicle  backed  into  VCU  vehicle05/30/11 IntersecIon  of  6th  St  &  Franklin VCU  vehicle  struck  another  vehicle  in  the  intersecIon08/27/11 Residence VCU  vehicle  damaged  by  fallen  tree  limb09/08/11 N  12St VCU  vehicle  backed  into  a  parked  vehicle09/19/11 IntersecIon  of  Cathedral  &  Laurel Other  vehicle  merged  into  VCU  vehicle10/22/11 N  Deck VCU  vehicle  struck  a  bollard.  12/09/11 Corner  of  Franklin  &  Birch VCU  vehicle  struck  a  parked  vehicle12/22/11 IntersecIon  of  W.  Broad  and  Laurel VCU  vehicle  struck  from  behind  by  other  vehicle01/05/12 IntersecIon  of  W  Broad  &  Harrison VCU  vehicle  struck  other  vehicle01/13/12 Alley  Behind  906  W.  Broad VCU  vehicle  struck  a  wall  when  exiIng  the  alley.01/14/12 IntersecIon  of  Floyd  and  Lombardy VCU  vehicle  struck  from  behind  by  other  vehicle01/21/12 IntersecIon  of  Belvidere  &  Marshall VCU  vehicle  struck  by  other  vehicle02/01/12 NN  Lot VCU  vehicle  backed  into  a  concrete  block02/03/12 North  Alley  800  Block  of  W.  Broad VCU  vehicle  backed  into  a  guide  wire  for  a  power  pole02/10/12 North  Alley  1000  Block  of  W.  Broad Side  mirror  of  VCU  vehicle  struck  a  trash  can02/19/12 1103  W.  Grace   VCU  vehicle  backed  into  a  post03/02/12 East  10th  Street  at  E.  Broad VCU  vehicle  slid  into  a  curb03/06/12 638  West  Grace  -­‐  Alley VCU  vehicle  backed  into  another  VCU  vehicle03/24/12 Gateway  Building  Valet  Circle VCU  vehicle  struck  a  light  pole04/09/12 IntersecIon  of  Belvidere  &  Main VCU  vehicle  slid  into  curb04/17/12 W.  Franklin  and  Pine VCU  vehicle  struck  fire  hydrant.05/01/12 NN  Lot Other  vehicle  backed  into  a  VCU  vehicle  05/04/12 IntersecIon  of  W  Broad  &  Laurel VCU  vehicle  struck  from  behind  by  other  vehicle05/20/12 Parking  lot  behind  938  W.  Grace VCU  vehicle  struck  a  concrete  pillar  05/22/12 IntersecIon  of  Franklin  &  Belvidere Other  vehicle  struck  VCU  vehicle  from  behind10/14/12 800  Block  of  W.  Cary Other  vehicle  backed  into  a  VCU  vehicle11/17/12 IntersecIon  of  W.  Broad  &  N.  Belvidere Other  vehicle  struck  a  VCU  vehicle  from  behind12/01/12 IntrersecIon  of  W  Grace  St.  &  Shafer VCU  vehicle  struck  a  jersey  wall.12/20/12 Monroe  Park  Towers  Parking  Lot VCU  vehicle  struck  a  concrete  pillar01/13/13 400  Block  of  N  Harrison VCU  vehicle  struck  a  second  VCU  vehicle  10/22/12 Adams  &  Canal   Mirror  of  VCU  vehicle  struck  the  mirror  of  a  parked  vehicle11/06/12 W  Broad  Street  Parking  Deck VCU  vehicle  backed  into  a  concrete  pillar12/23/12 NN  Parking  Lot VCU  vehicle  backed  into  a  bollard

Page 23: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Date Loca(on Descrip(onVCU  Other 02/11/11 IntersecIon  of  N  Plum  &  Floyd VCU  vehicle  struck  the  front  bumper  of  a  parked  vehicle

03/01/11 W  Broad  Street  Deck VCU  vehicle  struck  an  oncoming  vehicle04/27/11 Behind  720  W  Franklin VCU  vehicle  struck  the  mirror  of  a  parked  vehicle05/11/11 IntersecIon  of  18th  St  &  E  Broad VCU  vehicle  struck  by  a  bicyclist  that  failed  to  yield  05/21/11 FF  Lot  -­‐  Floyd  Avenue VCU  vehicle  backed  into  a  parked  vehicle05/24/11 Oliver  Hill  Way VCU  driver  struck  other  vehicle  in  other  lane07/25/11 1050  Oliver  Hill  Way VCU  vehicle  struck  a  retaining  wall07/29/11 Alley  adjacent  to  HB  Lot VCU  vehicle  struck  a  dumpster  in  the  alley08/13/11 IntersecIon  of  Cary  &  Cherry VCU  vehicle  struck  other  vehicle  in  the  intersecIon09/08/11 Cabel  Library VCU  vehicle  struck  a  parked  vehicle09/15/11 IntersecIon  of  18th  &  Marshall Other  vehicle  changed  lanes  and  struck  VCU  vehicle09/23/11 Alley  between  McGuire  and  Woods  Bldgs VCU  vehicle  struck  a  parked  vehicle09/29/11 IntersecIon  of  Harrison  &  W  Broad Mirror  of  other  vehicle  struck  mirror  of  VCU  vehicle  10/05/11 Parking  lot  behind  the  ValenIne  Museum VCU  vehicle  struck  a  rack  hitched  to  another  vehicle10/06/11 Near  intersecIon  of  Cumberland  &  Cherry Other  vehicle  backed  in  parked  VCU  vehicle10/19/11 CoV  Surplus  Whse  -­‐  Darbytown  Road VCU  vehicle  backed  into  a  bay  door10/25/11 4  W  Franklin Mirror  of  other  vehicle  struck  mirror  of  parked  VCU  vehicle10/29/11 1100  block  of  W  Broad Other  vehicle  struck  VCU  vehicle.11/14/11 Grace  Harris  Hall Mirror  of  VCU  vehicle  struck  mirror  of  other  vehicle11/29/11 Alley  between  Gateway  &  Smith  Bldgs. Parked  VCU  vehicle  struck  by  another  vehicle01/09/12 QQ  Lot VCU  vehicle  struck  other  vehicle  that  was  backing  out  of  a  parking  space01/31/12 HB  Lot  Exit  to  N.  Harrison VCU  vehicle  struck  a  dumpster  in  the  alley02/10/12 Near  intersecIon  of  Floyd  &  Brunswick Roof  of  VCU  vehicle  struck  by  low  hanging  tree  branch02/27/12 IntersecIon  of  O  St  &  18th   VCU  vehicle  struck  the  rear  of  the  other  vehicle03/02/12 W  Broad  Street  Deck VCU  vehicle  struck  the  rear  of  the  other  vehicle03/28/12 18th  &  Venable Other  vehicle  struck  the  mirror  of  the  VCU  vehicle03/30/12 IntersecIon  of  W.  Grace  &  Henry VCU  vehicle  struck  the  rear  of  the  other  vehicle04/02/12 2700  Block  of  W  Broad   VCU  vehicle  struck  the  rear  of  other  vehicle04/26/12 IntersecIon  of  W  Broad  &  Harrison VCU  vehicle  struck  from  behind  by  another  vehicle04/26/12 W.  Franklin  &  Birch Other  vehicle  struck  the  rear  of  a  VCU  vehicle04/30/12 IntersecIon  of  12th  &  Broad   Mirror  of  VCU  vehicle  and  mirror  of  other  vehicle  struck04/30/12 IntersecIon  of  11th  &  Leigh Other  vehicle  rolled  back  at  stop  light  and  struck  VCU  vehicle05/23/12 IntersecIon  of  W.  Broad  &  Maywill Other  vehicle  struck  VCU  vehicle  in  the  the  intersecIon06/13/12 Oliver  Hill  Way  &  Coalter VCU  vehicle  struck  other  vehicle07/05/12 N  Deck VCU  vehicle  struck  a  concrete  support  pillar

Page 24: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

07/17/12 700  block  of  W.  Grace   Other  vehicle  struck  the  mirror  of  a  VCU  vehicle07/19/12 IntersecIon  of  Lombardy  &  W.  Grace VCU  vehicle  was  struck  from  behind  by  other  vehicle07/19/12 I64  East  of  Williamsburg  near  exit  276 Two  VCU  vehicles  in  a  chain  reacIon  accident08/20/12 N.  Belvidere  &  W.  Grace   Pedestrian  struck;  no  injuries08/21/12 W  Grace  at  Shafer Other  vehicle  mirror  struck  tail  light  of  parked  VCU  vehicle09/02/12 W.  Main  Street  Deck VCU  vehicle  struck  a  concrete  support  pillar09/06/12 1600  block  of  W  Broad Mirror  of  VCU  vehicle  struck  mirror  of  other  vehicle09/09/12 Hillcrest  Road  Near  Riverside  Dr. VCU  trailer  struck  a  parked  vehicle10/01/12 6th  &  E.  Broad  Street VCU  vehicle  struck  the  rear  of  another  vehicle10/07/12 800  Block  of  W.  Grace VCU  vehicle  struck  by  other  vehicle11/09/12 D  Deck,  3rd  Level VCU  vehicle  struck  mirror  of  other  vehicle11/16/12 909  Oliver  Hill  Way  Parking  Lot VCU  vehicle  backed  into  a  VCU  vehicle11/26/12 IntersecIon  of  Harrison  &  Broad VCU  vehicle  struck  from  behind  by  other  vehicle11/28/12 Parking  lot  at  1020  Oliver  Hill  Way VCU  vehicle  struck  a  dumpster11/30/12 E.  Broad  at  Sanger  Hall Other  vehicle  struck  VCU  vehicle  in  rear12/20/12 300  block  of  N  11th Other  vehicle  struck  a  parked  VCU  vehicle01/08/13 300  Block  of  West  Main  (Snead  Hall) VCU  vehicle  struck  other  vehicle01/22/13 300  Block  of  N  11th VCU  vehicle  struck  other  vehicle

Page 25: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

SGA appropriations from April 9, 2012 to Feb. 4, 2013

Organization Operational EventAfrican Student Union $579African Student Union $362African Student Union $334Alethia $4,212Alexandrian Society $3,113Alexandrian Society $1,378American Institute of Chemical Engineers $1,080American Institute of Chemical Engineers $480American Marketing Association $1,142American Marketing Association $2,800American Marketing Association $450American Red Cross at VCU $4,171American Society of Interior Designers $330American Society of Mechanical Engineers $1,164American Society of Mechanical Engineers $200American Society of Mechanical Engineers $570American Society of Mechanical Engineers $200American Society of Mechanical Engineers $200Arab Student Association $1,135Arabic Club $1,240Art Therapy Club $300Bangladeshi Student Organization $790Bangladeshi Student Organization $2,268Bangladeshi Student Organization $2,454Black Caucus* $38,000Bowling Club $897Brass Players Association at VCU $638Brass Players Association at VCU $360Brass Players Association at VCU $10,300Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship $300Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship $350Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship $800Chinese Student Scholar Association $300Circle $557Circle K $1,118

"Operational" are funds appropriated for organization's operational fund; "Event" is for special events, travel or other projects

Page 26: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

SGA appropriations from April 9, 2012 to Feb. 4, 2013

Circle K $568Coptic Club $1,450Def Poets Society $324Delta Epsilon Mu $450Delta Epsilon Mu $1,127Disciples on Campus $565Disciples on Campus $431Dodgeball Club $200Emerging Healthcare Leaders $313Emerging Healthcare Leaders $448Emerging Healthcare Leaders $402Engineering Student Council $14,995Eta Lamda Sigma $250Eta Lamda Sigma $2,744FACT $1,022FACT $119FACT $460FACT $198Forensic Science Student Club $850Friends of ASK @VCU $300Gamma Iota Sigma $1,585Health Disparity Organization $150Honors College Idea Exchange $1,127Indian Student Association $1,359Intervarsity Chrisitan Fellowship $400Iranian Culture Club $314Iranian Culture Club $397Iranian Culture Club $396Iranian Culture Club $2,204Kappa Pi International Art Fraternity $530Kinkz & Curlz $1,332Kinkz & Curlz $400Knitting and Crochet Club $587Korean Unity Gathering $125Latino Student Association $500Latino Student Association $857

"Operational" are funds appropriated for organization's operational fund; "Event" is for special events, travel or other projects

Page 27: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

SGA appropriations from April 9, 2012 to Feb. 4, 2013

Magic and Juggling Association at VCU $400Munchiez $425Muslim Student Association $1,637NABE $1,500NAEA $145NAEA $200NAEA $500NAEA $500Nation to Nation $500Nation to Nation $550Nation to Nation $230Nation to Nation $645Nation to Nation $585National Art Education Association $275National Art Education Association $300National Art Education Association $300National Association of Black Accountants $1,210Notochords $1,832Pakistani Student Association $1,402Pakistani Student Association $2,695Pentecost Students and Association $150Philosphy Club $290Philosphy Club $260Philosphy Club $300Philosphy Club $300Polish Student Association $817Pre-Med Society $765Pre-Vet Club $200Queer Action $941Queer Action $1,099Quidditch Club $750Ram Raas $1,250Ram Raas $900Ram Raas $300SAVES $684SAVES $2,636

"Operational" are funds appropriated for organization's operational fund; "Event" is for special events, travel or other projects

Page 28: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

SGA appropriations from April 9, 2012 to Feb. 4, 2013

Shafer Alliance Laboratory Theatre $525Sikh Student Association $1,345Sikh Student Association $1,790Sikh Student Association $1,400Society for Human Resource Management at VCU $75Society for Human Resource Management at VCU $75Society for Human Resource Management at VCU $596STAND at VCU $1,658STAT $2,400STAT $1,960Student Art Space $750Student Hip Hop Organization $400Student Hip Hop Organization $419Sudanese Student Association $300Theta Tau Engineering Fraternity $640Tiranga $330Tiranga $1,761Tiranga $4,885Tiranga $4,695Tiranga $640UNICEF $1,743UNICEF $2,471United 2 Heal $1,371VCU Bahkti Yoga Club $250Vietnamese Student Association $550Vietnamese Student Association $1,347Yu-Gi-Oh Club $200Total: $5,342 $180,758

"Operational" are funds appropriated for organization's operational fund; "Event" is for special events, travel or other projects

Page 29: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

2012-2013 Session of the Senate

Bill No: [XX] – 2012/13

Description: This bill allocates $16,217 to 12 student organizations for 4 operational, 8 events, and 2 travel requests.

Introduced on: Monday, February 4th, 2013

Sponsors: The Appropriations Committee

Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

• This act shall be known as the “Thrift Shop.”• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $2,695 be allocated to the

Pakistani Student Association for their PSA’s Spring Show event on Friday,

March 22nd, 2013• That $596 be allocated to the Society for Human Resource Management for their

Southeast Region Student Conference in Alexandria, VA on March 8th-9th, 2013

• That $1,127 be allocated to the Honors College Idea Exchange for their The Idea

Exchange event on March 23rd, 2013• That $1,240 be allocated to the Arabic Club for their Palestinian Symposium on

March 19th, 2013

• That $4,695 be allocated to Tiranga for their Spring Fest event on March 31st, 2013

• That $640 be allocated to Tiranga for their Bollywood Movie Screening event once they change the current date of the event to a date approved by the Appropriations Committee

• That $640 be allocated to Theta Tau Engineering Fraternity for their Atlantic

Page 30: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Regional Conference Spring 2013 on March 30th, 2013• That $250 be allocated to VCU Bahkti Yoga Club for their operational budget

for the Spring of 2013• That $300 be allocated to the National Art Education Association for their

ARTE Party event on Friday, April 19th, 2013• That $530 be allocated to Kappa Pi International Art Fraternity for their

operational budget for Spring 2013.• That $750 be allocated to the Quidditch Club for their Operational budget for

spring 2013.• That $300 be allocated to the National Art Education Association for their Skill

Share Workshop on Thursday, March 14th, 2013• That $2,454 be allocated to the Bangladeshi Student Organization for their

Bangladeshi Night on Saturday, March 23rd, 2013• This act shall take effect on the first day after it is signed by the President of the

Monroe Park Campus SGA.

For Official Use Only

Motion by: _____________________ Seconded by:_____________________

Aye __________ Nay __________ Abstentions ___________

This resolution is ___________________.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. Clerk of the Senate: _______________________

As President of the Monroe Park Campus, I __________________ this resolution.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. SGA President:__________________________

Page 31: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

2012-2013 Session of the Senate

Bill No: [16] – 2012/13

Description: This bill will allocate funding towards student involvement in the A10 and NCAA tournament.

Introduced on: Monday, January 28th, 2013

Sponsors: Chairwoman Katheryn Witt, Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association Executive Board

Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

• This act shall be known as the “A10/NCAA Tournament Funding Act.”• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that up to, but no more than $70,000

of SGA rollover funds be allocated towards supplementing the costs of student attendance (exclusive to tickets and bus transportation) to the A10 and NCAA Tournament, t-shirts, and watch parties.

• This act shall take effect on the day after the President of the Monroe Park Campus SGA signs it.

For Official Use Only

Motion by: _____________________ Seconded by:_____________________

Aye __________ Nay __________ Abstentions ___________

This resolution is ___________________.

Page 32: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

2012-2013 Session of the Senate

Bill No: [XX] – 2012/13

Description: This bill allocates money to several different student organizations for a number of operational, events, and travel requests.

Introduced on: Monday, January 28th, 2013

Sponsors: The Appropriations Committee

Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

• This act shall be known as the “If I Were a Rich Man.”• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $1,118 be allocated to Circle K for

their Capital District Convention in Fairfax, VA on Feb. 21-23, 2013• That $638 be allocated to the Brass Players Association at VCU for their VCU

Quintet Florida Outreach on March 1st-7th, 2013 • That $360 be allocated to the Brass Players Association at VCU for their

National Trumpet Competition at George Mason on March 14th-7th, 2013• That $314 be allocated to the Iranian Culture Club for their Iranian Film Series:

Iron Island event on February 27th, 2013• That $500 be allocated to the Latino Student Association for their LSA Annual

Date Auction on February 6th, 2013• That $400 be allocated to the Magic and Juggling Association at VCU for their

Eric Jones event on Friday, March 30th,2013• That $300 be allocated to the Art Therapy Club for their Operational budget for

the Spring of 2013.• That $250 be allocated to Eta Lamda Sigma for their Operational budget for

Spring of 2013.

Page 33: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

• That $300 be allocated to Friends of ASK @VCU for their Operational budget for Spring of 2013.

• That $150 be allocated to the Health Disparity Organization for their Operational budget for Spring of 2013.

• That $587 be allocated to the Knitting and Crochet Club for their Operational budget for Spring of 2013.

• That $150 be allocated to the Pentecost Students and Association for their Operational budget for Spring of 2013.

• That $200 be allocated to the Pre-Vet club for their Operational budget for Spring of 2013.

• That $10,300 be allocated to the Brass Players Association at VCU for their 2013

Southeast Horn Workshop on March 8th-10th, 2013.• That $1,164 be allocated to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for

their E-Week event on February 17th-23rd, 2013.• That $1,142 be allocated to the American Marketing Association for their 35th

Annual International Collegiate Conference - New Orleans, Louisiana on March

21st-23rd, 2013• That $1,658 be allocated to STAND at VCU for the STAND Dinner on March

20th, 2013.• That $3,113 be allocated to the Alexandrian Society for their Comparative

Emancipation in the Atlantic World on March 11th, 2013• That $2,744 be allocated to Eta Lamda Sigma for their 2013 Spring Career and

Internship Fair on March 20th, 2013.• That $765 be allocated to the Pre-Med Society for their Meet The Doctors even

on March 26th, 2013• That $200 be allocated to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for their

A Night with Huntington Ingalls event on March 3rd, 2013• That $500 be allocated to Nation to Nation for their Game Time event on March

15th, 2013• That $290 be allocated to the Philosophy Club for their Dr. Harold Langsam

Lecture on April 5th, 2013• That $260 be allocated to the Philosophy Club for their Dr. Joshua Gert event on

March 22nd, 2013• That $941 be allocated to Queer Action for their Queer Action Drag Ball event

on March 17th, 2013• This act shall take effect on the first day after it is signed by the President of the

Monroe Park Campus SGA.

For Official Use Only

Page 34: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

2011-2012 Session of the Senate

Bill No: [XX] – 2011/12

Description: Allocates $38,000 to the Black Caucus for their event to bring Spike Lee to campus to speak using the extra money recently discovered.

Introduced on: Monday, December 3rd, 2012

Sponsors: The Appropriations Committee

Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

• This act shall be known as the “Spike Lee Bill.”• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $38,000 will be allocated to the

Black Caucus for their event to bring Spike Lee to campus on Thursday,

February 21st, 2013.• This act shall take effect on the first day after it is signed by the President of the

Monroe Park Campus SGA.

For Official Use Only

Motion by: _____________________ Seconded by:_____________________

Aye __________ Nay __________ Abstentions ___________

This resolution is ___________________.

Page 35: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

2011-2012 Session of the Senate

Bill No: [XX] – 2011/12

Description: Allocates $16.989 to 4 organizations for 3 events and 1 travel grant.

Introduced on: Monday, December 3rd, 2012

Sponsors: The Appropriations Committee

Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

• This act shall be known as the “Racks on Racks.”• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $1332 be allocated to Kinkz &

Curlz for their event Love is in the Hair on Saturday, February 23rd, 2013• That $402 be allocated to the Emerging Healthcare Leaders for their Rent-a-

Friend event on Friday, February 1st, 2013• That $14,995 be allocated to the Engineering Student Council for their 2013

Engineering Student Gala on Friday, February 22nd, 2013• That $300 be allocated to Ram Raas for their travel to Philadelphia for a

continuation of their Philadelphia Ram Raas Competition.• This act shall take effect on the first day after it is signed by the President of the

Monroe Park Campus SGA.

For Official Use Only

Motion by: _____________________ Seconded by:_____________________

Page 36: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

Fall 2012 Session of the Senate

Bill No: [XX] – 2012/13

Description: This bill allocates a total of $9,243 to 8 groups for 10 events and 2 travel requests.

Introduced on: Monday, November 19th, 2012

Sponsors: The Appropriations Committee

Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

• This act shall be known as the “Money, That’s What I Want.”• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $431 be allocated to the Disciples

on Campus for their Girls Night Out event on February 9th, 2013• That $579 be allocated to the African Student Union for their Africa Week event

on February 15th-20th, 2013• That $362 be allocated to the African Student Union for their Speed Dating

event on February 22nd, 2013• That $334 be allocated to the African Student Union for the End of the Year

Banquet even on April 26th, 2013• That $275 be allocated to the National Art Education Association for their

Hands Up Ministries Mural Painting event on February 16th, 2013

• That $1,022 be allocated to FACT for their Charity Ball on February 15th, 2013• That $1,127 be allocated to DEM for their Rush Events from February

18th-22nd, 2013• That $2,400 be allocated to STAT for their travel to 2013 CASE ASAP D3

Atlanta, Georgia on February 7th-9th, 2013

Page 37: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

• That $570 be allocated to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for their travel to ASME Student Design Competition at ODU

• That $200 be allocated to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for their

event Colonial Webb on Life After School on February 6th, 2013• That $200 be allocated to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for their

event Astom Power on Life After School on February 24th, 2013• That $1,743 be allocated to UNICEF for their event Battle of The Orgs on

February 15th, 2013• This act shall take effect on the first day after it is signed by the President of the

Monroe Park Campus SGA.

For Official Use Only

Motion by: _____________________ Seconded by:_____________________

Aye __________ Nay __________ Abstentions ___________

This resolution is ___________________.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. Clerk of the Senate: _______________________

As President of the Monroe Park Campus, I __________________ this resolution.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. SGA President:__________________________

Page 38: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

Fall 2012 Session of the Senate

Bill No: [XX] – 2012/13

Description: Allocates a total of $2,814 to 4 groups for 1 travel and 3 events.

Introduced on: Monday, November 12th, 2012

Sponsors: Chris Straus, The Appropriations Committee

Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

• This act shall be known as the “Mo Money Mo Problems.”• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $550 be allocated to Nation to

Nation for their Welcome Party Spring 2013 on February 1st, 2013• That $330 be allocated to Tiranga for their Inter Cultural Volley Ball Tournament

on February 9th- 10th, 2013• That $684 be allocated to SAVES for their Healthy Relationships Week from February

11th-15th, 2013• That $1,250 be allocated to Ram Raas for their RAASadelphia Dance Competition in

Philadelphia, PA• This act shall take effect on the [xxx] day after it is signed by the President of the

Monroe Park Campus SGA.

For Official Use Only

Page 39: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

Fall 2012 Session of the Senate

Bill No: [08] – 2012/13

Description: This bill allocates $8772 to 3 groups for 3 event, 4 operational budgets, and 1 travel.

Introduced on: Monday, November 5th, 2012

Sponsors: The Appropriations Committee

Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

• This act shall be known as the “Hurricanez and Dolla Billz.”• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $4,171 be allocated to the

American Red Cross at VCU for their event on February 22nd, 2013• That $300 be allocated to the Sudanese Student Association for their operational

budget for the 2012-2013 operational budget.• That $425 be allocated to Munchiez for their operational budget for the

2012-2013 operational budget. • That $198 be allocated to FACT for their Mr. and Mrs. FACT Pageant on

January 25th, 2013.• That $568 be allocated to Cirlce K for their March of Dimes Masquerade Ball on

February 9th, 2013.• That $1960 be allocated to STAT for their CASE ASAP Atlanta 2013 travel on

February 7th to 9th 2013.• That $400 be allocated to Kinkx and Curlz for their Fall 2012/Spring 2013

Operational budget.• That $750 be allocated to Student Art Space for their Fall 2012/Spring 2013

Operational Budget.• This act shall take effect on the first day after it is signed by the President of the

Page 40: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Monroe Park Campus SGA.

For Official Use Only

Motion by: _____________________ Seconded by:_____________________

Aye __________ Nay __________ Abstentions ___________

This resolution is ___________________.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. Clerk of the Senate: _______________________

As President of the Monroe Park Campus, I __________________ this resolution.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. SGA President:__________________________

Page 41: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

Fall 2012 Session of the Senate

Bill No: [XX] – 2011/12

Description: This bill allocates $11,582 to 4 groups for 3 events and 2 travel grants.

Introduced on: Monday, October 15th, 2012

Sponsors: The Appropriations Committee

Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

• This act shall be known as the “Money for Nothing.”• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $8,333 be allocated to the Monroe

Park Campus SGA for their Midnight Breakfast event• That $1,755 be allocated to the Monroe Park Campus SGA for their Extra Exam

Study Space event on December 9th to the 13th. • That $397 be allocated to the Iranian Culture Club for their Iranian Film Series:

Leila • That $200 be allocated to the Dodgeball Club for their travel Competition at

JMU on December 1st, 2012• That $900 be allocated to Ram Raas for their travel competition at College Park,

Maryland on January 18th-20th • This act shall take effect on the first day after it is signed by the President of the

Monroe Park Campus SGA.

Page 42: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

Fall 2012 Session of the Senate

Bill No: [XX] – 2012/13

Description: This bill allocates $11,455 to 11 groups for 1 travel and 13 events

Introduced on: Monday, October 1st, 2012

Sponsors: The Appropriations Committee

Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

• This act shall be known as the “Cash Rules Everything Around Me Bill.”• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $557 be allocated to Circle for their

Mr. and Ms. Eliminate Pageant on Saturday, November 10th, 2012• That $525 be allocated to the Shafer Alliance Laboratory Theatre for their

Holiday Hoo Haa event on Monday, December 3rd, 2012• That $1378 be allocated to the Alexandrian Society for their Fall 2012 Lecture on

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012• That $1402 be allocated to the Pakistani Student Association for their Mr

Southeast Asian Pageant Show on Friday, November 30th, 2012• That $300 be allocated to Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship for their Christmas

Party on Saturday, December 8th, 2012• That $145 be allocated to NAEA for their Semester Send-Off on Wednesday,

December 5th, 2012• That $1359 be allocated to the Indian Student Association for their Diwali

Charity Dinner on Friday, November 16th, 2012• That $1790 be allocated to the Sikh Student Association for their SSA Langer on

Friday, November 16th, 2012

• That $324 be allocated to the Def Poets Society for their 3rd Annual Erotic Event

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on November 8th, 2012• That $1135 be allocated to the Arab Student Association for their I Want You to

Stereotype Event on Monday, November 26th, 2012• That $200 be allocated to NAEA for their Creative Reuse Workshop on Friday,

November 9th, 2012• That $500 be allocated to NAEA for their Fall Student Exhibition on Thursday,

December 6th, 2012• That $500 be allocated to NAEA for their Speed Symposium on Thursday,

November 15th, 2012• That $1500 be allocated to NABE for their Region 2 Fall Regional Conference

on November 2nd through the 24th. • This act shall take effect on the [xxx] day after it is signed by the President of the

Monroe Park Campus SGA.

For Official Use Only

Motion by: _____________________ Seconded by:_____________________

Aye __________ Nay __________ Abstentions ___________

This resolution is ___________________.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. Clerk of the Senate: _______________________

As President of the Monroe Park Campus, I __________________ this resolution.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. SGA President:__________________________

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Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

Fall 2012 Session of the Senate

Bill No: [XX] – 2012/13

Description: This bill will allocate $8,126 to 11 groups for 4 travel grants and 8 event grants

Introduced on: Monday, September 24th, 2012

Sponsors: The Appropriations Committee

Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

• This act shall be known as the “Just Another Funding Bill”• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $396 be allocated to the Iranian

Culture Club for their Iranian Film Series: Ten on Thursday, November 8th, 2012

• That $125 be allocated to Korean Unity Gathering for their Thanksgiving Dinner

on Friday, November 16th, 2012• That $119 be allocated to FACT for their Talent Show on Friday, November

9th, 2012• That $1,099 be allocated to Queer Action for their Drag Ball on Saturday,

November 10th, 2012• That $230 be allocated to Nation to Nation for their Thanksgiving Dinner on

Friday, November 16th, 2012• That $550 be allocated to the Vietnamese Student Association for their Turkey

Bowl Travel on Saturday, November 24th, 2012• That $1,832 be allocated to the Notochords for their SOJAM A Cappella

Festival in Raleigh, NC on November 2nd through the 4th

• That $897 be allocated to the Bowling Club for their travel to Brunswick

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Southern Classics in Marietta, Georgia on November 3rd through the 4th • That $2.268 be allocated to the Bangladeshi Student Organization for their

Culture Show on Thursday, November 29th, 2012• That $460 be allocated to FACT for their FIND Dialogue at George Mason on

November 2nd through November 4th • That $75 be allocated to Society for Human Resource Management at VCU for

their Human Resources Management Roundtable on Thursday, November 8th, 2012

• That $75 be allocated to Society for Human Resource Management at VCU for

their Labor Relations Information Session on Monday, October 15th, 2012• This act shall take effect on the first day after it is signed by the President of the

Monroe Park Campus SGA.

For Official Use Only

Motion by: _____________________ Seconded by:_____________________

Aye __________ Nay __________ Abstentions ___________

This resolution is ___________________.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. Clerk of the Senate: _______________________

As President of the Monroe Park Campus, I __________________ this resolution.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. SGA President:__________________________

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Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

Fall 2012 Session of the Senate

Bill No: 04 – 2012/13

Description: This bill will allocate $9,963 to 8 student organizations for 6 events and 2 travel requests.

Introduced on: Monday, September 17th, 2012

Sponsors: Chair Chris Straus, The Appropriations Committee

Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

• This act shall be known as the “Funding Bill No. 3.”• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $4,885 be allocated to Tiranga for

their Fall Event 2012 on Saturday, October 20th, 2012• That $790 be allocated to the Bangladeshi Student Organization for their

Culture Night on Thursday, November 29th, 2012• That $1,371 be allocated to United 2 Heal for their Art Auction event on

Sunday, October 28th, 2012• That $313 be allocated to Emerging Healthcare Leaders for their Bootcamp event

on Thursday, November 1st, 2012• That $400 be allocated to the Student Hip-Hop Organization for their Greg

Selkoe Lecture on Friday, November 2nd, 2012• That $419 be allocated to the Student Hip-Hop Organization for their Mikhail

Birtnik Lecture on Wednesday, November 7th, 2012• That $200 be allocated to the Yu Gi Oh Club for their RVA Tournament travel

on Saturday, October 6th, 2012• That $1,585 be allocated to Gamma Iota Sigma for their International

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Convention on Friday, October 12th, 2012• This act shall take effect on the first day after it is signed by the President of the

Monroe Park Campus SGA.

For Official Use Only

Motion by: _____________________ Seconded by:_____________________

Aye __________ Nay __________ Abstentions ___________

This resolution is ___________________.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. Clerk of the Senate: _______________________

As President of the Monroe Park Campus, I __________________ this resolution.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. SGA President:__________________________

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Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

Fall 2012 Session of the Senate

Bill No: 02 – 2012/13

Description: Funding bill number one that will allocate $5,193 to 4 student organizations for 4 events.

Introduced on: Monday, September 17th, 2012

Sponsors: The Appropriations Committee

Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

• This act shall be known as the “Appropriations Funding Bill Number 1.”• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $1,637 be allocated to the Muslim

Student Association for their Eid Banquet on Friday, September 7th • That $1,761 be allocated to Tiranga for their Fresher’s Party on Saturday,

September 8th

• That $450 be allocated to Delta Epsilon Mu for their Rush Events.• That $1,345 be allocated to the Sikh Student Association for their movie

screening on Saturday, September 15th.• This act shall take effect on the first day after it is signed by the President of the

Monroe Park Campus SGA.

For Official Use Only

Motion by: _____________________ Seconded by:_____________________

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Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

Fall 2012 Session of the Senate

Bill No: 03 – 2012/13

Description: This bill shall allocate $8,077 be allocated to 9 student organizations for 7 events and 2 travel requests.

Introduced on: Monday, September 10th, 2012

Sponsors: The Appropriations Committee

Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

• This act shall be known as the “Appropriations Funding Bill Number 2.”• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $857 be allocated to the Latino

Student Association for Comida Latina on Wednesday, September 19th. • That $2,800 be allocated to the American Marketing Association for the B.O.S.S.

Fair on Wednesday September 19th.• That $300 be allocated to the Philosophy Club for the Dr. Michael McKenna

Lecture on Wednesday, September 26th.• That $817 be allocated to the Polish Student Association for the Polish Film

Festival taking place September 30th through October 7th.• That $1,210 be allocated to the National Association of Black Accountants for

their Student Conference travel to Maryland on October 4th-7th.• That $1,080 be allocated to the American Institute of Chemical Engineers for

their Annual Conference in Pittsburgh on November 11th through the 4th.• That $565 be allocated to the Disciples on Campus for the Day of Teaching

Event on October 7th, 2012.• That $448 be allocated to Emerging Healthcare Leaders for their A Healthcare

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Journey event on Friday, October 12th, 2012• This act shall take effect on the first day after it is signed by the President of the

Monroe Park Campus SGA.

For Official Use Only

Motion by: _____________________ Seconded by:_____________________

Aye __________ Nay __________ Abstentions ___________

This resolution is ___________________.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. Clerk of the Senate: _______________________

As President of the Monroe Park Campus, I __________________ this resolution.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. SGA President:__________________________

Page 51: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

2011-2012 Session of the Senate

Bill No: 37 – 2011/12

Description: A bill to allocate $503,790 for 2012-2013 Funding purposes including SGA, all the Finance Sub-Committees, and future MPC SGA Appropriations Operational, Event and Travel Grants.

Introduced on: Monday, April, 23, 2012

Sponsors: Appropriations Committee, Sen. Ryan Evans

Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

• This act shall be known as the “Complex Event Grant Funding Bill 2.”• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $54,234 will be allocated towards

the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association’s salary lines. The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $28,650 will be allocated towards the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association’s Operational Budget.

• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $70,000 will be allocated towards the Graduate Student Association Appropriations to fund organizations recognized as Graduate Student Organizations.

• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $61,000 will be allocated towards the Sports Club Council to fund organizations recognized as Sports Clubs.

• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $80,000 will be allocated towards the Fraternity and Sorority Finance Sub-Committee to fund organizations recognized as fraternities and sororities. Each governing council (MGC, NPHC, IFC, CPC) will be allocated $10,000 and the remaining $40,000 will be allocated by the F&S Committee to organizations recognized by that committee.

• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $123,586 shall be set aside for

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travel and event grants as they are requested.• The Monroe Park Camus SGA declares that $71,320 shall be allocated to groups

for operational funding.• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $15,000 shall be set aside for

operational funding grants as they are requested by new groups.• This act shall take effect on the day after it is signed by the President of the

Monroe Park Campus SGA.

For Official Use Only

Motion by: _____________________ Seconded by:_____________________

Aye __________ Nay __________ Abstentions ___________

This resolution is ___________________.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. Clerk of the Senate: _______________________

As President of the Monroe Park Campus, I __________________ this resolution.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. SGA President:__________________________

Page 53: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

2011-2012 Session of the Senate

Bill No: 36 – 2011/12

Description: A bill to allocate $21,210 to 17 groups for 23 events and one travel request.

Introduced on: Monday, April 23rd 2012

Sponsors: Appropriations Committee, Sen. Ryan Evans

Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

• This act shall be known as the “Complex Event Grant Funding Bill 1.”• The Monroe Park Campus SGA declares that $1,450 be allocated to Coptic Club

for their COLA event.• $645 be allocated to Nation to Nation for three events.• $400 be allocated to Intervarsity Christian Fellowship for their IV Welcome Week

Cook Out event.• $450 be allocated to American Marketing Association for their Fall 2012

Marketing Mixer event.• $480 be allocated to American Institute of Chemical Engineers for their E-week

event.• $330 be allocated to American Society of Interior Designers for their Kickoff

event.• $4,212 be allocated to Alethia for their beginning of the year concert, Paintwars,

Watermelon, and Ultimate Frisbee events.• $300 be allocated to the Chinese Student Scholar Association for their Mid-

Autumn Festival.• $2,636 be allocated to SAVES for their 30 Days of Strength and Red Flag events.• $2204 be allocated to the Iranian Culture Club for their movie showing series.• $850 be allocated to Forensic Science Student Club for their Murder Mystery

Dinner Theatre event.• $300 be allocated to The Philosophy Club for their Dr. Michael McKenna

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Lecture event.• $1,347 be allocated to Vietnamese Student Association for Date Auction event.• $2,471 be allocated to UNICEF for their Spotlight Dinner event.• $1,400 be allocated to Sikh Student Association for their Movie Screening event.• $585 be allocated to Nation to Nation for their Personalize Your Stuff event.• $350 be allocated to Chi Alpha for their Halloween Party event.• $800 be allocated to Chi Alpha for their travel.• This act shall take effect on the day after it is signed by the President of the

Monroe Park Campus SGA.

For Official Use Only

Motion by: _____________________ Seconded by:_____________________

Aye __________ Nay __________ Abstentions ___________

This resolution is ___________________.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. Clerk of the Senate: _______________________

As President of the Monroe Park Campus, I __________________ this resolution.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. SGA President:__________________________

Page 55: Sample- Sunshine Week 2013 special feature

Monroe Park CampusStudent Government Association


Virginia Commonwealth University

2011-2012 Session of the Senate

Bill No: 34-201112 SHAPE

Description: A bill to appropriate an additional $4,145.00 USD to the Midnight Breakfast budget for give-a-way t-shirts.

Introduced on: Monday, April 9th, 2012


Sponsors: Senator Miracle Allums – Humanities & Sciences, SGA Treasurer Ashley Evans – Wilder School of Government


Be it enacted by the authority vested in the Monroe Park Campus Student Government Association:

This act shall be known as the “Midnight Breakfast T-Shirt Appropriations Bill”

The VCU SGA shall appropriate $4,145.00 USD to the Midnight Breakfast T-Shirt Appropriations Bill from the rollover funds.

The full appropriated amount shall be added to the Publicity line item.

This act shall take effect on the day it is signed by the President of the Monroe Park Campus SGA.

SHAPE For Official Use Only

Motion by: _____________________ Seconded by:_____________________

Aye __________ Nay __________ Abstentions ___________

This resolution is ___________________.

Signed this day, ____day of _______, 20__. Clerk of the Senate: _______________________

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