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Mar 08, 2016



Temisan Atimomo

Honour is everything
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The Law of Honour

Preached by Dr Creflo Dollar at 07:30pm on the 17th of August 2009

Dearest folks... Dr Creflo Dollar is the founder and senior pastor of World Changers Church International (WCCI) in College Park, Georgia, which serves nearly 30,000 members; World Changers Church-New York, which hosts over 6,000 worshippers each week; and a host of satellite churches, located in Los Angeles, California; Indianapolis, Indiana; Washington, D.C.; Cleveland, Ohio; Dallas and Houston, Texas; and Carrollton, Norcross, Macon, and Marietta, Georgia. As mandated by God, Creflo Dollar’s goal is to establish 500 satellite churches around the world. With nearly 30 years in ministry, Creflo Dollar is committed to bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to people all over the world, literally changing the world one person at a time.

A native of College Park, Georgia, Creflo Dollar received the vision for World Changers Ministries Christian Center in 1986. He held the church’s first worship service in the cafeteria of Kathleen Mitchell Elementary School in College Park, with only eight people in attendance. Over the years, the ministry grew rapidly, and was later renamed World Changers Church International. The congregation moved from the cafeteria to a modest-sized chapel, later adding a weekly radio broadcast and four services each Sunday. On December 24, 1995, WCCI moved into its present location—the 8,500-seat sanctuary known as the World Dome. At a cost of nearly $18 million, the World Dome was built without any bank financing. The construction of the World Dome is a testament to the miracle-working power of God, and remains a model of debt-freedom that ministries all over the world emulate.

A former educational therapist, Creflo Dollar received a bachelor’s degree in education and both a master’s and doctorate degree in counseling. He was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Oral Roberts University in 1998. He is the publisher of CHANGE online magazine and The Max, a bimonthly resource newsletter for ministers and ministry leaders. His award-winning Changing Your World television

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broadcast reaches nearly one billion homes in practically every country in the world.

A much sought-after conference speaker and best-selling author, Dollar is known for his practical approach to the Bible, and has encouraged thousands to pursue a personal relationship with God. Creflo Dollar and his wife, Taffi, have five children, and they live in Atlanta.


This will be a week... that if you are diligent... and if you’ll begin to seek God, and... and get thirsty... and hungry for the Word of God... this will be the week, where... I believe... by the Holy Ghost... He is gonna turn some things around... He’s gonna turn some things around... “well... but, you know, you don’t understand, we’re in the middle of an economic crisis...”, no... we! ...are not, in the middle of an economic crisis... the world... is in... the middle... of an economic crisis... we... are in the middle... of the Kingdom of God... now... that’s not our crisis... that’s not our crisis, no, no, no, no, no... please understand something... in Egypt... there was darkness... but in Goshen... there was light! Egypt... there was lack... but in Goshen, they continued to increase, and they continued to multiply... tonight, ladies and gentlemen... I wanna welcome you to Goshen... we’re in Goshen... halleluyah... and... and I know everybody’s been working on a stimulus package... but God

has taken care of that, listen the Kingdom of God’s not broke... and if you want a stimulus package, here’s 66 books right here... this is your stimulus package right here... and if you’ll take hold of it, spend time with it, meditate in it, speak it out of your mouth... the Bible promises us that He will satisfy you... in the midst, of famine... somebody shout, I am satisfied... amen... amen... no, no, no, no, we’re not... that’s their crisis... we’re in the Kingdom... we walk by faith, and not by sight... and so tonight, ah you know... bless my wife’s heart, and I just wanna just... I am so glad to have... we still have two kids in the house... so... we still gotta raise them and get em’ out... we’ve got three out, I’ve got two more to go... amen, and she’s with me tonight, and she... we planned it... I don’t even know what time, she got up, I didn’t even know where I was, she preached this morning... I think, at the noon session... and ah... came back ...congregation applauding... amen... so... I’m happy to have her... with me tonight, she’ll... you know, we gotta get her back you know, cos’ one of the kids starts school tomorrow, and you know, praise the Lord, but I am... so excited about opening my can of whup on the devil tonight... so, if you’ll prepare yourself as we celebrate this week... I thank God, in the Name of Jesus... halleluyah... that the shekinah glory... will visit us before this week is out... and things you used to dream about, will find themselves... in physical manifestation... and if you showed up here sick, you’ll leave healed... if you showed up... in bondage, you’ll leave delivered... if you showed up stressed out, you’ll leave with the peace of God... I declare... in the Name of Jesus... that this is a place, where the shekinah glory, can fall upon all of us, and great things will happen... and may the roof! on fire, with the glory! ...of God! Jesus Name... amen... well, you can take your seats...

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Always a pleasure, to be with... Dr Ramson... and Linda Mumba... and I was telling Linda, I said... I said... man, you got the preach in you... you got something to say... I mean, this is a British woman who’s absolutely on fire... for God, amen... I’m so grateful and thankful for what she’s doing... yeah... and I can’t say enough about the preacher... he starts off teaching, he just always ends up preaching, amen... he came in to Atlanta... and... stopped by, and we had lunch... and I was just, so... blessed by our time together and I said, hey what’re you doing tonight? ...he said, well... I’m like, can you preach... tonight... if you don’t mind... please, I beg you... and he came and preached, on the... on the circle of blessing... and it was a blessing to our lives, and I’m so grateful...

If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of 1st John... chapter 5... 1st John, chapter 5... I, I wanna establish a foundation... for the sessions that... that I’ll be doing this week... and deal with something, so very vital, I believe... it’s got to be first base, in order, for the life of faith... to produce... 1st John chapter 5... let’s read verse 4 out loud together... 1st John 5, verse 4... ready... read... for whatsoever is born of God... overcometh the world... and this... is the victory... that overcometh the world... even our faith... now the Amplified says... for whatever is born of God... is victorious over the world... and this is the victory that conquers the world... even, our... faith... and then the Message... translation... which is a

contemporary translation... says... that, faith... is the Power... that will bring... the world... to it’s knees... aint’ that good... faith! the Power... that will bring... the world... to it’s knees... now, in the midst of all the things... that surrounds us right now, and all the things that are going on in the world... I am convinced... that... the victory... that we have, is our faith... and we got to understand how to live that life of faith... most folks, you know... when they think about faith... what most people call faith, aint’ faith at all... it’s just high expectation off the wrong information... and we must understand, this life of faith... we must understand how to live this life of faith, because, according to the scripture... this is...

our victory... faith! our victory... over lack... faith, is our victory... over sickness and disease... faith is our victory... over... bondages, and certain things that are... going on in our family life, and in relationships... faith! our victory... but, it’s not a denomination... it’s not a get rich quick scheme, as some think... faith... is a way... of living... it’s how you live... it’s understanding, that once you become a born again Christian, you have a prescription, or a prescribed way to live... so faith! the victory, so if we’re gonna see victory, in every arena of our lives, in the midst of all the things that are going on, we’re going to have to understand... how to live... this life... of faith...

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Now go to Romans chapter 10... now, I’m going to take about 15 minutes, and set you up like a bullet... Romans chapter 10... when you get to Romans chapter 10, look at verse 17... Romans chapter 10... verse 17... if you’re there, say amen... let’s read verse 17, out loud together... ready, read... so then, faith cometh by hearing... and hearing... by the Word of God... so faith comes... faith... by hearing... and hearing... by the Word... now, I want you to listen to this very carefully...

faith... grows... out of the Word of God... like corn... grows... out of corn seed... faith... grows... out of the Word of God... just like, corn... grows... out of corn seed... many people have tried, or attempted to live the life of faith, without understanding the vitalness and importance, of the Word of God... and so we say, we live by faith, but we don’t have any Word... see, the Word of God, is so vital in this... in this place of victory... without it... you’re going around... you know, pretending that you have faith, but it’s not... authentic, because... if it’s not growing, out of the Word... it’s not faith... see, when you say I have faith to be healed... then, you can show me... the Word, or the Scripture... that you used... to grow faith for healing... if you say, you have faith to be delivered, then there is Scripture... that you get a hold of, and... out of that Scripture, faith grows... out of that... for your deliverance... or your healing... or whatever it is... but, we must... first base... in our lives... if we’re gonna have victory, we got to understand... the vitalness... the importance... of the Word of God... in our lives... now, now think for a moment... the Word of God... has been given... to... us... so we’ll know how to believe,... without the Word... we, listen... without the Word of God

ladies and gentlemen... we... we think... according to other things... the Word of God has been given, so we’ll know how to think... and if we’re thinking in line with the Word, we’ll believe in line with the Word... if we believe in line with the Word, then we will confess... in line with the Word... now, I want you to think about something... if your thinking, is not in line with the Word... then you gotta ask the question... what’s the basis of my thinking... where did I get this way of thinking from? ...if I didn’t get it from the Word... then I probably got it from... another source... other than the Word, or I got it from something that is in opposition to the Word... now, what’s the problem

with that... when you have wrong thinking... your wrong thinking will produce wrong believing... when you have wrong believing, your wrong believing will produce wrong confession... so, if your thinking is wrong... and your believing is wrong... and your confession is wrong... you’re gonna lose... you’re gonna lose in life...

...and I know... that, you know, people that are not born again... claim to be more intelligent than... you know, those old... those name it and claim it people that... you know, most of the world... thinks that, when you are a Christian, you are not

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intelligent... there are some people in here tonight, that think that they’re... more intelligent than you are, because... you know, you have to turn to God... to help you... well, I’m gonna tell you what the Word... says... every knee will bow... and every tongue... will... confess that Jesus is Lord... well, the only reason they think like that... is because they had to get that wrong way of thinking from somewhere... that’s what the flesh is all about... it’s something that’s in opposition, to the Word of God... and most people... who’ve never read the Word... who allow their intelligence to rise... above

the Word... thinking that they know more... than God! “...well, how do you know Jesus is real then... how do you know He’s the only Way and, how do you know there’s a heaven, and how do you know...”, I’ll tell you what... there’s a... great way for you to... get proof of that... die... die! ...and when you die... if you can... come back and tell us we were right... so the Word... is what... should... determine... your thinking... and if the Word of God is not determining your thinking, then you’ll put yourself in a position where you’re now seduced... by wrong thinking... and you’ll find yourself believing... in the wrong way... because your thinking... was based in the wrong thing... and then, just listen to a person... they’ll tell you how they think... they’ll tell you how they believe... because their confession now... will become the proof... of what they think... and what they believe... we’re all... evidence of that... there was a time in our lives... where we... did not think... in line... with the Word... and then, we didn’t know what to believe... and then, we thought a bunch of crazy stuff... and then, things... were not working... in our lives... but one day, we got... born again... Jesus... showed up... and picked us up, out of a pit... we got a hold of the Word of God... that Word changed... our thinking, it changed our believing... it changed our confession, and it changed our lives... and we got on the winning side... and we were now more than conquerors through Him... that loved us, can you say amen...

So... the Word... is vital!’s vital in the life... in, in, where victory is concerned... in the life of the believer... you must understand... the place... that the Word... has... to play... in our lives... now, you being to understand what he is saying... in the book of Proverbs... where he said, ah... give My Word attention, or attend to My Word... let that Word, not depart... from before... your eyes... now, he is trying to tell us... get that Word... and don’t let it depart,

from before your eyes... why?’ve gotta spend time... with that Word... until you develop enough confidence in... that Word... to grow... faith... out of that Word... so, you can see the manifestations in your life... if you let that Word, depart from before your eyes, then obviously, something... has taken it’s place... and now... you’re spending more time... with the opposition to the Word, than you are with the Word... and you’ll find out... you’ll find yourself believing it... and thinking it, and then confessing it... so you’ve gotta spend time in that Word, it’s not gonna be enough for you to come to church on Sundays and... say, well... I heard the sermon, I’ll give it a 10... or I’ll give it a

2... no, you need to give it some time... you gotta spend time in that Word... and you gotta milk that Word... until that Word...

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in you, becomes more real... than the circumstances and situations around you... we got to give the Word the opportunity to work! our lives... I heard somebody say, well... I tried that faith stuff, no... faith tried you, and found out you were not ready... are you listening to me... so the place that the Word, it starts... victory starts... in the Word of God... and you’ve got to spend time with it... you’ve got to meditate in it... you’ve got to allow it to change your thinking, so you’ll know how to believe... so you’ll know how to confess... and then you’ll know how... to win!

Now... that’s not what I want to talk about tonight... I had to say that, so you’ll understand what I’m getting ready to talk about... because I believe there is a pre-requisite... in order to do this, I mean... what about those people who... you know, you just heard what I just said... and you think, “well you know, the Word’s not that important and... and well, I don’t think it takes all of that...” well there is... a step... there’s a place that I’d like to... to introduce you to tonight... so that as all of the speakers begin to take you down that path of faith, that you’ll understand... that you’ll understand what you need to do to position yourself to do this, and it’s something that I call the Law... of Honour... The Law... of Honour... now,

now, a law... is an established principle... that will work, for anybody that will get involved... the law... of gravity... will work for you... whether you’re British... or African... or... Asian... or... fat or skinny... the law of gravity, is not a respecter of persons... you climb up the top of the Hippodrome, take a step off the side... it will treat you like it will treat everybody else ...congregation laughing... amen... and so likewise, this law... that governs honour... is something that... has slipped... even away from... Christian people... our societies... have been riddled... and infected with dishonour... to the point where we don’t really... know what it means... and so, let’s begin this tonight... let’s go to the book of 1st... Samuel... chapter 2... 1st

Samuel chapter 2... verse... verse 30, 1st Samuel chapter 2 verse 30... The Law... of Honour... if you’re there, say amen... let’s read verse 30 out loud together, ready read... wherefore, the Lord God of Israel said... I said indeed, that thy house, and the house of thy fathers, should walk before me... for ever... but now the Lord said, be it far from Me, for them that honour Me... I will honour... and they that despised Me... shall be lightly esteemed... now zero in on this phrase... for those who honour Me... I will honour... those... who

despise... Me... shall be... lightly esteemed... now, it sounds to me, that if we can understand what honour is... and then understand how... to honour God... then we position ourselves... to receive... honour... from God... is that what it sounds like to you? ...if we honour Him, He will honour us... now if we don’t honour Him... there’s also a consequence there... if we don’t honour Him... then... we would be lightly... esteemed... I like to say it like this... If we don’t pay Him any attention... He probably won’t pay us too much...

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Alright now, listen to this... let’s define... honour... what does it mean to honour... I mean... literally, let’s dig in to it... to honour... means to make heavy... it means to make heavy... it means... to weigh... down... to make heavy... to weigh down... it means to carry... weight... when I honour... my wife... then what she says...

carries weight... it’s heavy... to honour God... and to honour God’s Word... to honour God... means that His... Words... carry, so much weight in your life... that nothing else that anyone says... nothing that’s happening around you... nothing that’s going on... even in your finances, or your family... when you honour God, His... Words... carry... weight... His... Word... is heavy... in influence... to honour God, means to honour... His Word... where His Word... means... something... and it means, His Word... means... more... than anybody else’s words... His Word... and His influence from His Word... carries more weight... than anyone else’s influence, and... it carries more weight... than the circumstances and situations that are around you... now, here’s the issue... if we’re not... understanding... honour... then we will allow ourselves... to be seduced... away... from it... and we’ll find ourselves, honouring... and giving first place... to those things... that can’t even stand up to God... and we’ll honour the opinions... of the talk show host... more than we’ll honour what God’s Word says... and we’ll honour the news media, more than what the Word of God... has to say... and we’ll honour... we’ll honour... thoughts... and principles... that oppose God’s Word... more than we honour God... so... first base... has got to be this issue... of honour... am I willing... to commit my life... to honour... am I willing... to honour God... and His Word... more! ...than anyone else... anything else that’s going on around me... anything that’s been said about me... I am going to honour God’s Word... that is going to have to be a decision of quality... on your part... you’ve got to make that decision... you’ve got to make that decision... that nothing! ...else going on around me... that nothing! ...else happening in my life... carries... more... weight... than God... and His Word... now you have to do that... and, so

at this point... you ask yourself... what is it? ...that carries more weight! my life... than God... because if that thing... carries more weight in your life... than God... then it seems to me... that... you have... exchanged Lords, you have in a sense put something... ahead of God... now, remember what He said... if you honour God... then what happens, God will what? ...He will honour you...

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So... to honour God means that His Word, carries so much weight in your life... that nothing else anyone says... nothing else happening around you, will influence you... nothing else carries more weight, in the decisions you make... nothing else, carries more weight in the words... you speak... and nothing else carries more weight in the actions... you take... so your words... are gonna be based... in how you honour God... your decisions... are gonna be based... in how you honour God... your actions you take, are gonna be based... in how you honour God... and when you do this, you’re saying... that I am allowing... God’s Word... to carry more weight... in my life, so that God’s Word... determines my decisions... God’s Word... determines... how I speak... God’s Words... determine... how I act... what have you done... you have made... God’s Word... the final... authority! ...and when you fail... to make His Word... the final... authority, then... what you do... is you put yourself in a position... where you now are entertaining... others... and what they’re saying about the thing... what does God... have to say about it? ...what does God have to say about it? ...the world says, “oh dear you gonna lose your job... you gonna lose your money... oh dear God, you’re losing your retirement...”, wait, wait, whoa!! ...that word is not heavier... than God’s Word... what does God’s Word have to say... I... will... supply... your needs... according to My riches in glory... man, you gotta make a choice! ...the words of the doctor said, “well it looks like we detected cancer... you’re gonna die...”, wait a minute... wait a minute, I honour God’s Words... over your

words... by His stripes, you are healed... see... you’ve got to decide... who... will... you... honour... whose words... carry more weight... you cannot allow... the words... that oppose God’s Word to carry more weight in your life... cos’, you can see very clearly, that will affect... your faith... that will affect your victory, because you’ve decided... to... allow others... and their words... to weigh in! ...heavier in your life than you’ve allowed God’s Word to weigh in... so, who is weighing in... your life... who’s weighing in more... in your life! ...”yeah... but brother Dollar you know... ah... I’m English, and we just don’t do that”...honey, listen... I’m black, and there were a lot of things I didn’t do! ...but please understand... when I got born again, and I got in the Word of God... and I found out that, that Word... could change... my life... and it saved me... and sanctified... me... I began... to change... my ways... based on my culture!

...and began... to get into what the Word of God! ...had to say... don’t allow your culture! determine! you live... allow that Word!! determine how you live... and then take that Word... and change your culture... are you listening to me?’s an issue... of honour!’s an issue of... when God’s Words... are honoured... then check it out... He now says... I... owe... you... for your honour... and God’s not gonna be in debt... to any man... you will never walk in honour... towards God... and

God... not return... the honour... and John... I believe... 5:44 says... there is an honour... that comes... from God... only... in other words... can’t

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nobody do you like Jesus... in other words, we seek honour... from men... but God is saying... there’s honour... that comes from Me... that a man... can’t give you... halleluyah... God says... the doctor saw cancer, but I’ll honour you with healing... and the man... he doesn’t even have... the cure for that, but God says... I’ve got what He

doesn’t have... and He says, it will do... you... well... if you’ll learn... Who to honour... because, I can do you... like no other man... can... are you listening to me... and this is where it is... it’s a decision... on all of our parts... that we’re gonna honour God’s Word... more than anything else... and we’re not gonna do this... you know, we’re not gonna live a life of faith... you know, by listening to the opinions... of others... what does the Word say...

when the Word of God... is the final authority in your life... all argument... will cease... and whatever little debates... you have going on... and you say, let’s go to the Word... we’re gonna do what the Word... has to say... we’re gonna love our wives... like the Word... tells us... we’re gonna walk in love... even to those that don’t like us... according to the Word of God... see... we respond... because we honour God... the only reason I didn’t cut you! ...when you did something bad to me... is because I honour God’s Word... are you following what I’m saying... it now begins to change just how you do things... because out of honour... to God... out of honour to God... you’re not gonna sleep around... oh, you all wanna get quiet now, but you know it’s happening... out of honour to God... you gonna sleep with only your wife... and only your husband... and you’re gonna honour God with your body... because, this is the temple... of the Holy Ghost... and you do that, because you honour God... and the man who comes... he’ll try to rap to you... and put curls in his hair, and all that kind of stuff, and you’ll say you know what, I... honour... God... so... if you’re not gonna put a ring... on my finger... and give me some marriage licence... I am not... going to do... anything with you, because I honour God... more than I honour you... and if I honour God... He’ll bring me somebody better! ...than you... so I better honour God... oh, Jesus...

Are you seeing how to practically apply this now... now... ah... the honour... that comes... from God... let’s say for an example... and this is a... let’s say you’re having financial troubles... and ah... an issue comes up... where finances are concerned... now I know it’s gonna blow some of your... you know... whatever you know ...congregation laughs... some of it needs to be blown... traditions... you know, the Bible talks about... your traditions... have made... the Word... of no effect... I said... it said, your traditions... have made the Word of God... of no effect... amen... so you know what I’m getting ready to hit, cos’ I’m easing into it... I realise where I am, and I realise who in the room... but I also realise, I can’t be delivered... to people, until I have been delivered... from people... and I have been delivered from people, so I can be delivered... to people, which means, I don’t care what you think about me... because, I love you in order for me to say what God want me to say... I can’t be concerned about what you say about me, because I gotta honour God’s Word... more... than I honour your words... and so it allows me, to say some things... that may... make you a little uncomfortable... but... it’ll be good for you... it’ll be good for you... let’s say you’re having a financial issue... and... you know... there’s a bill that needs to be paid... and I mean, they’re calling you and telling you that you need to pay the bill... and

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then, this is the week that you give your tithes... tithes... are 10 percent... of your increase... tithes... it’s a cuss word to some people ...congregation explodes in laughter... I need to make a song out of a tithe... tithe, tithe, tithe... t, t, t, t, t, t, tithe ...congregation laughing... and this has been an age-old argument... the tithe... and it just comes... to some point in a person’s life that... if you have such a problem with it, do... your own... scientific study... find the people that are living right, honouring God, and tithing... and you’ll also find... the Blessing... in... all of their lives... find the people who are not... honouring God... who are being rebellious to God... and Psalm 68 says, and the rebellious... shall dwell... in a dry place... you aint’ gonna get no fruit... follow their lives... and then see what you get... it’s something you can check up, we aint’ got to fuss about it... listen... if you wanna find out if this recipe... cooks a chocolate cake? ...go in the kitchen, and cook... the cake... same thing with tithing... and so... again... I honour... God’s Word... where tithing... is concerned...

...“well, I’m not gonna do that, cos’ that’s part of the old testament”, dude... that’s an old... fight... it is so... so... not correct... tithing... is talked about... in the New Testament... when he talks about the order of Melchizedek... and he begins to talk to you about this new system of tithing, that was not a part... of the Levitical priesthood... or a part of the law... but this tithing was when Abraham... tithed... to Melchizedek... and Melchizedek released the Blessing on him... and we are in an everlasting covenant with the Abrahamic covenant... we are a part of that Abrahamic covenant... so... God’s Word... says... I’m gonna tithe... I honour His Word... but then the circumstance is there... oh my God I gotta pay this

bill... but God’s Word is... tithe... alright, to honour God... means that, I am going to tithe... even in the midst of a financial situation... yes, amen... “Oh! ...but brother Dollar... how could you say.... such a thing... in the midst of an economic crisis... how! ...could you say...”, you wouldn’t be shaking so much if you had tithed... but, how could I say such a thing... cos’ the Word... says it... you don’t go to acting like the world... in the middle of a crisis... you keep doing what... Christian people do... and honour God’s Word in the midst of the thing... I heard Christians say, “well I can’t give like I want to give, because of the financial crisis”, see, you just... connected yourself... to... that crisis...

but when you tithe... you connect... yourself with the Blessing... and the Blessing shows up... and things start happening in your life, that you can’t even figure out! ...why... because God says, I owe you honour... every time you honour God... and, do what God’s Word says... and it’s rough! But you do it anyway... He didn’t say, honour Me... only when it’s easy... cos’ He wants to see if you’re going to be like Mount Zion... He wants to see if you’re gonna be like... a mountain... do... you... really... trust God... or... are you just running your mouth... will you honour Him, with your life... and your actions... or will you just give Him lip

service... and all of us will be tested... there... is... a... superbowl...

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persecution trial... on... the... way... to... the... earth... and those... who live by faith... will be the ones... to walk through it... and those who don’t understand... how to honour God and live by faith... they will connect themselves with the crisis of the world... and they’ll be on that side... instead of on the right side... and you watch... it will surely, come to pass... so, you got to honour God... I’m gonna tithe... even though the financial situation... says not to... I... am... going to bring my tithe... out of honour... to God... and when I do that... I set myself for God... to do what... to honour... me... ok... and then guess what... He says, now if you don’t honour Him... you gonna be... lightly... esteemed... I don’t wanna be lightly... nothing... from God... but that’s what happens... when you choose... to honour the circumstances... when you choose... to make that... crisis... heavier... than God’s Word... then you’ve chosen to position yourself... to be... lightly... esteemed... and people are not looking at what they’re doing... look at

the choices that you’re making... words! ...will determine... the way you think... and the way you think... will determine... how you feel... and how you feel... will determine the decisions that you make... and the decisions you make, will determine... the actions you take, and the actions you take, will determine... the habits you create, and the habits you create, will determine your character, and your character will determine your destination... that’s the anatomy of life...

...and so, we’ve got to understand... am I honouring God? I honouring God? ...the same way with that tithing... illustration... is the same way with just living the whole of your life! know... some person comes up and... you know, starts talking stuff to you and... you’re a single woman and... your biological clock is ticking and... you wanna find all... the reasons... to be seduced with all of these suggestions... but when you’ve made your mind up to honour God, guess what happens... in the midst of all of that, you say... well, I can’t do that, why? know what? ...I honour God... I have enough

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character... to honour God... you know what character is? Character... is doing... what’s... right... it’s doing... what’s right... charm... charm... you know, charming people... that’s just who you are for the moment... but character... is who you are all the time... charm... is just a con... it’s just, some old dude trying to con you for the moment... you don’t want a charming... man... you want a man that has character... a man who’ll do what’s right... because it’s right, then he does it right... amen... you should look at some of your faces like... boy, I got some work to do... cos’ I done so chose to pay that bill, instead of giving that tithe... well, that’s why we’re having this meeting this week... so, you can allow the Word of God to change your thinking... now, be careful now, that you don’t do this... be careful

this week as... as the speakers begin to share things with you... don’t... try... to change... the Word... let... the Word... change your thinking... “yeah, well”, let the Word... change... your thinking... alright... and here’s the safeguard... whatever anybody says, check it with the Word... check it with the Word... don’t even take my word, don’t take any of our words, find out what the Word... has to say about it... amen... now, let’s go a little further with this... let’s continue to just hit this, and hit this because... this is what I believe a key component... in what God wants to do... in our lives... if we only... do... what God says... when it is convenient, or... when there is no cost... then there’s no honour involved in that... if we can only... do stuff when it’s convenient... you know, I’ll do this... when it’s convenient, well there’s no cost... there’s no honour in doing things... that... that, you know, you only do it when it’s convenient to you... look at Matthew chapter 15... Matthew chapter 15... and verse 8... and this week... if the auditorium should... get a little hot... just remind yourself... hell... is hotter ...congregation laughing... just take something and say whoo praise the Lord, I know am alright... Matthew 15 verse 8... alright, notice what it says in verse 8... now check this out now, this is so... hm... verse 8, let’s read it out loud, ready read... this people, draw nigh unto Me with their mouth... and honoureth Me with their lips... they honour... God... with their lips... but not with their heart... they will sing! ...we honour You... Lord... but when it came to making decisions, His Word... did not weigh in... heavier... than the circumstances they were facing... or the opinions that they had... but yet they said, we honour You Lord... we honour You... they sung about the honour... they begin to go round, we honour... You... but then... His Word... didn’t weigh in... His Word... didn’t weigh in... when the time showed up for you to make a decision, you didn’t... His Word... didn’t carry enough weight! influence you... His Word! ...did not carry... enough weight! move you, in that direction... but yet, we say we honour God... I tell you, I thank God... that He has delivered us from

hypocrisy... amen... to honour God... means His Word is heavier... than the contradiction!’s heavier, than the contradiction... the news media get on the air and say, “you going to lose your job, get ready!”, and the Word says, I’m going to take care of you in the midst of famine... I’m coming over here, and I’m going to honour God’s Word... God... is... our Father... and the first commandment, with promise... was a promise of honour, Ephesians chapter 6 and 2, honour your father and mother that your days may be long... upon this land, so... ladies and gentlemen, to honour God... and look at how we honour our parents, our mothers and fathers on mothers’ day... just taking them out for a dinner, I mean that’s nice... but to honour your father or your mother is to give

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them the authority, to speak into your life and to be obeyed!’s to honour their words... it’s to honour their words, that mama says something, you honour her... her words carry weight... her words... are heavy in your life... your father’s words carry weight... they are heavy in your life, and that’s what he’s talking about... that if you’ll honour them... see, if we haven’t practiced honour with our parents... and rebellion... comes in, and we’re raised in rebellion, and we’re not raised in honour, then guess what, that translates to how we see God, and how we relate to Him... because, the mother’s words never carried any weight... father’s words didn’t carry any weight... and now you’re married, wife words don’t carry any weight, and then the preacher’s words don’t carry no weight no more then boss word don’t carry no weight no more and all of a sudden you just walking around dry... in rebellion, because you’ve chosen, to honour... the other... than the Word of God... so important...

Now here’s what God is saying, I believe... if... you honour His Word... if... His Words carry weight... in your life... and you carry it out... if His Words... carry weight... in your life... and you carry it out... then when you pray... your words... will carry weight... with heaven... and He’ll carry it out... did you hear what I just said? ...if... your words... if your words, if you honour God’s Word... ...and you carry that Word out... halleluyah, you’ve taken His Word... you say Father, this is Your Word... I honour Your Word... I walk in obedience to it... here’s Your Word... I honour Your Word, I carry it out... I honour Your Word, it carries weight... then when you pray, cos’ He owes you now! ...when you pray! ...then He... will... honour... your words... and He will carry out... those words... that you praying... you just got to decide where you wanna be in on this ladies and gentlemen... there’s always a reason... why things... are not working... when Christian people always screaming and... “well, I pray... but nothing happened”, “ know I’ve been tithing... but nothing happened, I come to church but nothing happened”, I mean... come on... get real... nothing... this thing about nothing... nothing... just happens first of all... nothing good or bad, just happens... there’re some things that we... do... to turn some things on... or to turn it off... there’re laws that we turn on, and there’re laws that we turn off... because of the decisions... we make... to either honour God... or not honour God... amen... now does everybody understand that... you sure... I didn’t ask you, if you agree... with it... you will, as long as when you go home and pray, and the Spirit of the Lord speaks to you, and you’ll find out I’m right... and you’re wrong ...congregation chuckling... like Fred Price says, I’m right and you’re wrong... because if you knew more than I did, then you would be up here speaking, and I would be there sitting there listening to you... but you’re sitting there listening to me, and I am speaking so therefore I am right and you are wrong and that’s the end of the story... but we have to get... that... truth... that should be... a basic foundational truth... in the lives of all Christians... but because it hasn’t been exercised... very much... that may be one of the key reasons... why... things... are... not working, because God is not a liar... He is going to honour you... when you honour Him...

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Alright now... I said all of that... to say this... huh... if you got all that... you’re gonna be able to swallow this a whole lot better... Proverbs chapter 3... let me ask you a question, by a show of hands... just so we can take a... a pulse of where we are... how many of you believe that tonight, you wouldn’t have any problems... honouring God... and His Word... lift your hands up... ok... alright, there’re several of you who think, I have problems honouring God... I wanna say this... you... have... a problem... oh absolutely... if you can’t... get past this first base... I don’t care what anybody says... if you lack honour towards God... you’re stuck... you... are... stranded... and you... are... paralysed... and the little good stuff that happens to you... will only happen because of our intercession... and that God... is full of mercy... in not giving you what you deserve... other than that... living... a successful Christian life... is limited... because of, your decision... to dishonour... it’s a decision we have to make... and I figure, we get this over with at the beginning of the meeting... get me on out of the way... brother Copeland comes in tomorrow, we going to have a good time with that, he’s going to sit right and get in your face, just like I am... now... can we agree... that honour... is a key issue... in the life of a Christian... ok... “...well... honouring God... alright, alright Rev, we’ll do that, we’ll do that”, you sure, “yeah... we’ll do that, we’ll do that”, alright, let’s see here... see if I could change your mind...

Proverbs... chapter 3... verse 9... I want us to read this out loud together... good and loud... ready... read... honour... the Lord... ...congregation continued reading...

with your substance... and with the firstfruits of all your increase... stop... honour the Lord, with your what? ...alright, I just wanna be ignorant... for a moment... what’s that? ...congregating chipping in, money, possessions... ...Dr Dollar chuckling... British, you know... uh... what is your substance, food... tea... ...congregation bursts out into laughter... I’m not talking about... that... ...congregation laughing... that Word... is translated “capital”... so let’s get rid of the tea... and the crumpets... ...Dr Dollar mimics the English accent “spot o’ tea”... no... ...Dr Dollar and congregation chuckling... He is talking about capital... I think the Amplified says... capital from righteous labour... ok so... what do we do with that scripture... do we throw it away because we don’t like it... do we get rid of it because you know, ...Dr Dollar mimics in a funny religious voice “I just don’t believe, I..... there you go again, you prosperity... preachers coming all over here, trying to throw your filth all around our country and taking advantage of poor people!”... you are what I call... in my country, a hater... you just hate everything... you don’t believe nothing, you don’t believe nobody, you just a hater... you just mad... your dog don’t like you no more... your kids, won’t call you no more... you just mad, you can’t eat what you wanna eat... you’re overweight, can’t lose weight, you haven’t seen the six pack since you were twelve, ...congregation bursts out laughing... and you just mad at everybody... you’re just upset... and so we hate... everybody, that is having any kind of success... “...must be doing, something wrong, I tell you what...” ... how come you couldn’t ever consider... the other... that the honour... of God... has opened up... the heavens... to receive honour from Him... now, listen to me... honour... the Lord... with your capital... honour... the Lord... with your substance... alright, I’m getting to that word now, I’m getting to that old ugly

cuss word... honour... the Lord... with your money ...congregation clapping... that’s what He’s saying... in 1st Samuel... if you honour Him... He’ll honour you... so God’s... requesting from me... He’s asking, look... honour... the Lord... before

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that He said, acknowledge Him in all your ways... and lean not unto your own understanding... He said, trust in the Lord... boy! Look at where we are!, we still don’t get it! ...God’s looking to see if Christian folks... are gonna go and join the economic crisis, or... will... we... honour... Him... with... our... substance... hm... well, how do you do that... when I first saw it, I’m like... ok, how do we do this... how do you honour God... with your money... I understand what it means to honour God with my life, and take His Word, and... make it heavier, and it carries weight, and then I carry

it out and I obey it... well, same things here... to honour God with your money... means this... that you’re going to give God... the authority... to speak... to you... concerning... your money... and then you... obey... Him... it’s that simple... it doesn’t mean... you listen, listen... and I know, there’re a bunch of creeps out there... there’re a bunch of crooks out there... please, I want you to understand... there’re... there’re some bad apples... but not all of em’ are bad... you understand... there are some folks that oughta’ be spanked... for some of the things that, that they’re doing in the Body of Christ where money is concerned... you don’t use people to get things... you use things to bless people... now, listen to me... I honour God by saying Lord... how would You have me to give... I honour God by saying, what do You want me to do in the Word... when You say, bring my tithe... I’m gonna do that... when you said do this, I’m gonna do that... but, Lord, speak to my heart... what do You want me to do where my capital is concerned... You speak to me Lord, and I commit to obey You... Your Word... is heavier than things that are going on in my life just now... show me how to give... show me what to give...

I’ll never forget when I first... understood this, to begin to apply it in my life... I was standing on the pulpit... in our chapel... and... I said Lord... what do You want me to give today? He said $10,000, I said satan I bind you in the Name of Jesus! ...congregation bursts out laughing... you devil! ...then God said, that wasn’t satan, you know it... and then that was it... you know, God’s not gonna sit up there, and He’s gonna tell you something, and then you keep going on... you going to decide whether or not you going to obey... God’s not going to sit up there, and... convince you to do, I went through the little thing, now, was that me, was that God, or was that the devil... well, first of all, it wasn’t the devil because he doesn’t want me to... sow $10,000 into the work of the ministry and into the Kingdom of God... secondly, it wasn’t me, because I wasn’t really excited about it ...congregation laughing... ok... you following what I’m saying... you gotta get all that stuff out of the way... honouring God... honour God... Oh God, You have spoken to my life... You have told me what to do with my finances... I mean, when was the last time you ever acknowledged God over your giving... when was the last time, you took the time before you came to church to pray... Lord... what would You have me to give... in the support of the Kingdom... government’s not going to give you money to support the Kingdom of God... and if we don’t do it, how do you think it’s going to get done... they sit up there and holler and scream... and make fun and all that kind of stuff, but... we have to believe God... this is God’s Way of supporting the Kingdom... through tithes and offerings... then He’ll prosper you, so you can be a blessing... this is not about selfishness... this is not about you, you know, trying to be about you, you know, build you bigger barns... so you

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can just be totally about yourself... no... I’m blessed so I can be a blessing... amen... now, look what the rest of the scripture says... honour the Lord with your substance... and with the first-fruits of your increase...`boy, I wish I had time to get into that one... the first-fruit of your increase... so... shall... your.. barns... be filled with what? ...plenty... and your presses... shall burst... out... with new wine... that sounds like breakthrough... that sounds like breakthrough... and when you begin... to walk away from the fear... of giving... the fear of it... that’s what’s stopping you... it’s the fear of it, I’m afraid... that what God told me to

do... won’t work... that’s the number one fear of the enemy... he wants you to be afraid... that God’s Word won’t work... that’s fear! ...and if you, live in fear, and walk by fear, and if your life is governed by fear, then the thing you fear the most, will come upon you, and what are you fearing... lack... you are afraid... that if I give to this, I will lack... you are afraid, if I sow to this, then it won’t come back... you are afraid of shortage and insufficiency... and fear! ...maintained... in this area... will... keep you there... what did Job say, the thing I feared the most, has come upon me... and so, you can’t allow that to happen... you’re gonna have to get rid of fear, and not fear... not even for one moment... and make your mind up, that I’m gonna live this life by faith... I... am not just going to honour God with my lips...

I will let nothing... weigh in... heavier than His Word... not even... money... a dime... of a dollar... will never stop me... from being Anointed... because I’m not... going to allow... fear... of a dime... of a dollar... a pie! stop me from being Anointed... not going to do it... not going to do it...

Now, I... I know maybe... the world that I preach to... they might not all want to accept this, but it doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop preaching it... somebody’s sick... I’m not going to stop preaching healing... financial crisis going on in the world, I’m not going to stop preaching... on how to prosper God’s Way... because God’s people can show the world something right now... if they’ll get on God’s Word... honour God’s Word... and while all that stuff is going on over there, and while governments are digging... deeper ditches, trying to figure out how to get out of this... the Light’s going to be shining on you... and they’re gonna come and try and find out, well, how come your house is selling, and how come you still have a job, and... why is your business prospering, and... how come you’re not broke, and... and you’ll tell em’, I live according to the principles of the Kingdom... and I honour God’s Word more than I honour those things that are going on in the world... and then, the Kings... will begin to run to your light... I’m just trying to get you to turn your light on! ...and stop being afraid... and stop trying to... be so politically correct... that you become spiritually dumb... and... just... obey... God’s Word... and make Him heavier... than anything... that you hear... and that you do... I’m really conscious about my... watch... because... a couple of Sundays ago... in Atlanta... well, in New York and Atlanta, I was preaching... I felt like people needed to hear... everything I knew about the subject in one day... and I just kept going and kept going and kept going... and I got in the car with my wife, and I... I said, did I preach too

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long today, she said yeah... you were detailed... ...and I just felt like, you can’t go till you get all... o’ this... I’m so glad... that we got a whole week... I’m so glad... ...congregation clapping... listen... now, I don’t believe everybody, now I’m this way, when I get in the middle of the Word... I don’t wanna stop and I wanna go on and I can stay there all night long, cos’ I just like lot of work, I’m like give me some more, give me some more... and I get upset when they cut it like... doc, we only been here like one week, keep talking... what’s an hour... I pray for, longer than you preach, wuss up? ...I want you to ask God to make you that hungry this week... that you get so hungry... I mean, you start calling your boss and saying look man I’ll pay you £50... if you’ll let me off for an hour and a half... I got to go get this Word... I’m hungry... I’m thirsty... something’s going to happen in my life this week, and I am... ready... for the change... amen... I’m ready for the change... now... let me say this real quick, and I’ll finish...

first of all, if you wanna change, you’re gonna have to have a desire to change... if you keep doing the same thing... and expect different results, that’s insanity... if you want something different, you gotta do something different, but you got to have a desire to change... secondly... you got to stop making excuses... excuses are nothing but... nails... used to build houses of failure... stop making excuses... don’t be like that man... at the pool... talking about, “I aint’ got nobody to help me get in...” ....congregation chuckling... if you’re gonna change, you’re gonna quit making excuses... and number three, you gotta be willing to change now... not talking about, “well I’ll try next week... well, I’ll see what’ll happen next Monday...”, you gotta be willing to change right... now... right now... and if you’re from the media... if you’re gonna report it, report... the truth ...congregation clapping... report the truth now... report the truth, don’t lie! ...lest you bring something on you, don’t lie! ...enough’s enough, you report the truth now... ...Dr Dollar chuckles... amen... now, how many of you are ready... let’s honour God with our finances right now... bow your heads, let’s pray... Father, we thank You... for the opportunity... to... begin... tonight... to walk in honour... in everything... and we start tonight... where our finances are concerned... we honour You tonight with our capital... Father, I pray that You speak to our hearts... show us what You want us to give, and how You want us to give... and we’re open... and ready... to hear from You.... and to be led by Your Spirit... and to be moved by You... we give You praise... for it Lord... in Jesus Mighty Name, You... know... more... about our future... than we do... so our present... day... obedience... will now determine... our future... day... provision... and we thank You for that right now... we’re excited about giving... we have a cheerful heart Lord... we wanna give... to support the Kingdom... we... we’re addicted to the Kingdom of God... to it’s increase Lord, and to it’s growth... and we thank You for it now... in Jesus Name we pray... amen...

Temisan’s Testimony

Personally, ever since I rededicated my life to God in 1998, His Word has always been the final authority in my life, and members of my family can bear witness to that... I have even been teased about it...

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In the early days, I may have struggled with His instructions in my heart a bit, but understanding His Love, I would eventually ensure I get every jot and tittle done, just the way He told me to...

My wife was due to travel by air on the 4th of May 2010 (By Wizzair flight no. W6 416 @ 08:15am Glasgow Prestwick to Warsaw) but all flights had been cancelled for an indefinite period of time two weeks to this date, due to the ash clouds from the active volcano eruptions in Iceland... which was well publicised by the media as you know... Tasha became worried and began seeking for alternate modes of transportation but from a standpoint of covenant peace that everything was going to be okay I just told her to just trust God... we hadn’t even prayed... we then prayed to get her heart at rest, and she believed the Word from God that everything will be ok... we stopped checking the airports websites... shut the news media out, with all their pictures of stranded people at the airports, and the still active volcano... got our hearts into a state of rest, and trust in His Word... and in spite of the still active volcano, her airport was opened in time for her flight which went on schedule... and immediately closed again a couple of hours after her plane’s departure... in fact, flights had already been cancelled in Northern Ireland the morning of her departure... is that honour or what bruv? ... even wealthy multi-billionaires, heads of state, celebrities and royalty with their sleek private jets were stranded all over Europe... one chap at her place of work had to travel land and sea just to get to nearby Spain at inordinate costs to himself... the Lord opened the airport just long enough for Tasha’s plane to leave and shut it again shortly afterwards, to honour our faith in His Word, and it was the same on her return...

So you don’t think it was just a fluke, we travelled to Minsk, Belarus on the 21st of November (Belavia flight no. B2 852 1400hrs London Gatwick south terminal to Minsk International) and were due back on the 8th of December (Belavia flight no. B2 851 0930hrs Minsk International to London Gatwick south terminal)... in Polotsk, Vitebsk where my wife is from, I didn’t even feel a compulsion to pray even though it was all over the news about airports in Britain being shut because of the unprecedented snowfall... I just knew we would be back on the 8th even if it meant the Lord moving on someone to pick us up in a helicopter or transporting us Philip-style... one way or the other, we would be back in Britain on the 8th, but we prayed anyway... as you may well know, the winters can be quite harsh in Slavonic countries, and I actually for the first time in my life, experienced -20 degrees centigrade ... on some of the days there... with folk just going about their daily activities like nothing, everything still running... cars, trains, buses, people still going to work (They have special winter petrol and tyres), unlike Britain where everything shuts down... in fact, I actually personally witnessed one Byelorussian girl dressed like summer in the midst of that crazy temperature and she seemed just fine, while my hands... with gloves on... froze stiff a few seconds out of my jacket .... Tasha’s dad just teased me that those are just -5 degree gloves, and showed me -30 degree gloves which are like boxing gloves, and you can’t do anything with your hands, except box ... anyway, straight to the point... the Lord sent perfect weather all over Europe a couple of days or so before our travel date, Tasha’s relative drove us to the airport in Minsk (a 3 hour journey from Polotsk), and on their way back, they started having problems with the car, and the weather turned nasty again... shortly after our plane left Belarus... and nice sunny weather in

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snow-white Scotland on our arrival... I took pictures of the weather from the plane, as a memento of God’s faithfulness to His covenant...

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...just so you don’t think we’re special in any way, well, we are special to Him, and so are you... we have a couple of dear close friends, one of whom was due to fly home for Christmas (25th December, 2010)... was worried about the snow closing the airports as they were being closed and reopened sporadically... we shared our testimony with her... it hadn’t snowed that much in Britain for a very long time, so they were unprepared... it was like Scandinavia up here... meanwhile, our other friend desired snow for Christmas... well, to make everyone happy, Abba kept the temperature cold enough to preserve the already existing snow, ensured the airport was open for our friend’s travel, and to keep her heart at rest, gave her a Word in Isaiah 45 verse 2 “I will go before you and level the mountains [to make the crooked places straight]; I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut asunder the bars of iron...”, which’s Word she kindly let us use too (she had claimed complete ownership of that Word, and the Spirit of the Lord moved on her heart to kindly share it with us in our card with our present for Christmas )... and then the Lord sent a bit more snow shortly after her return... and He desires to do the same and more for you, if you will trust Him...

Your brother in Christ,


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“...You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavour? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as

worthless. You are the light of the world-like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father...” – Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:13 – 16) New Living Translation