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Vision: That all generations at St. Mary and in the surrounding community encounter Jesus and live as His disciples. Mission: We are called to go out and share the Good News, making disciples who build up the Kingdom of God through meaningful prayer, effective formation and loving service. Scripture Insights It must have been shocking for people in the first century to hear Jesus refer to God as “Father,” as he does in today’s Gospel. The word he used is abba, which could actually be translated as “papa.” In using this form of address, Jesus was emphasizing that God is not a faraway entity, disinterested and detached from creation. God is personal, loving, and involved in our lives. God is our Father, and the “little ones” are his children who are humble enough to see that God has revealed himself in Christ (Matthew 18:1–4). Perhaps the “wise and learned” (the Pharisees) were too proud and stubborn to have an open mind about the new things God was doing in Jesus. Or maybe God calls the humble so that there will be no question that it is the work of God, and not just the accomplish- ments of important people (1 Samuel 16:7). Whatever the reason, true wisdom seems to come to those who are humble. Jesus himself embodies both wisdom and humility, and for those who will follow his example, he promises rest. But this kind of rest does not mean inactivity; it means refreshment, peace of mind, and renewed energy. The yoke was the harness that attached the cargo to a beast of burden. When Jesus says “take my yoke,” he means “let’s trade yokes—let me take your burden from you.” In the book of Si- rach, the yoke represent the Law (Sirach 51:26–27). In Matthew 23:1–4 it is associated with the scribes’ and Pharisees’ failure to carry the burden of the Law and replaces it with grace; that is, the love and for- giveness of the Father that comes to us through Christ. Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays 2020: the Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy ©2019 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications. All rights reserved. Weekend Mass Times: Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 7:30, 9:30,11:30am Facebook: @stmarymundelein Twitter: @stmarymundelein Instagram: @stmarymundelein © J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. • Excerpts from the Leconary for Mass © 2008, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970, CCD. Allrights reserved. Photos: Producer; Shevchukandrey; Nick Barounis / Adobe Stock. SAINT MARY OF THE ANNUNCIATION, MUNDELEIN JULY 5, 2020 14TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

SAINT MARY OF THE ANNUNCIATION, · †Martin Phillip Shenk parents Dale & Dian Shenk Sunday, July 12, 11:30 AM Frances

Aug 06, 2020



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Page 1: SAINT MARY OF THE ANNUNCIATION, · †Martin Phillip Shenk parents Dale & Dian Shenk Sunday, July 12, 11:30 AM Frances

Vision: That all generations

at St. Mary

and in the



encounter Jesus

and live

as His disciples.

Mission: We are called

to go out

and share

the Good News,

making disciples

who build up the

Kingdom of God


meaningful prayer,

effective formation

and loving service.

Scripture Insights It must have been shocking for people in the first century to hear Jesus refer to God as “Father,” as he

does in today’s Gospel. The word he used is abba, which could actually be translated as “papa.” In using

this form of address, Jesus was emphasizing that God is not a faraway entity, disinterested and detached

from creation. God is personal, loving, and involved in our lives.

God is our Father, and the “little ones” are his children who are humble enough to see that God

has revealed himself in Christ (Matthew 18:1–4). Perhaps the “wise and learned” (the Pharisees) were too

proud and stubborn to have an open mind about the new things God was doing in Jesus. Or maybe God

calls the humble so that there will be no question that it is the work of God, and not just the accomplish-

ments of important people (1 Samuel 16:7). Whatever the reason, true wisdom seems to come to those

who are humble.

Jesus himself embodies both wisdom and humility, and for those who will follow his example, he

promises rest. But this kind of rest does not mean inactivity; it means refreshment, peace of mind, and

renewed energy. The yoke was the harness that attached the cargo to a beast of burden. When Jesus

says “take my yoke,” he means “let’s trade yokes—let me take your burden from you.” In the book of Si-

rach, the yoke represent the Law (Sirach 51:26–27). In Matthew 23:1–4 it is associated with the scribes’

and Pharisees’ failure to carry the burden of the Law and replaces it with grace; that is, the love and for-

giveness of the Father that comes to us through Christ.

Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays 2020: the Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy

©2019 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications. All rights reserved.

Weekend Mass Times: Sat. 5:00pm

Sun. 7:30, 9:30,11:30am Facebook: @stmarymundelein

Twitter: @stmarymundelein Instagram: @stmarymundelein

© J

.S. P


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Page 2: SAINT MARY OF THE ANNUNCIATION, · †Martin Phillip Shenk parents Dale & Dian Shenk Sunday, July 12, 11:30 AM Frances

Mass Intentions July 6–12 Tuesday, July 7, 8:00 AM †Liam Nold Elizabeth Shields †Mike Nabasny family †Evelyn McNamee daughter Kathie Lackie †Florence Wrobel friends and family Fred & Lottie Cnota 69th wedding anniversary †Gertrude Ewald family †Rosemarie Crawford Len & Barb Bennett Thursday, July 9 †Angie Rill Matt & Marcey Gaughan †Leon & †Helen Pieniaskiewicz Sunday, July 12, 7:30 AM †Anthony Caccamo family Sunday, July 12, 9:30 AM †Gene & Rita Schmidt family Cerny Family †Sue Lindsay †Martin Phillip Shenk parents Dale & Dian Shenk Sunday, July 12, 11:30 AM Frances O’Hern †Jennifer Trisilla parents Fred & Lottie Cnota & fam. Braden Kelle Shirley Monahan †Vinnie Dederich Shirley Monahan

Pray for all who suffer illness, pain and grief:

Gene Gaetano, Bob Noonan, Ryan Nitch, JoJo Ranchero, Amy Herchenbach,

Sheila Tracy, Jim Del Favero, John Chojanacki, Stacey Ennis, Ashley Burkhardt, Patty Schnarr, Tom Hehr, Gene Olsen, Kay Brezovec, Janette Zion, Gary Neudecker

And for those who have recently died:

Marta Niedbalec, Martha Frank, Patricia Trausch, Magdalene Raupp, Dorothy Soluka

The floral arrangement placed by the Blessed Virgin Mary shrine on July 4 & 5 is given in honor of the 69th wedding anniversary of Fred & Lottie Cnota by their daughter, Karen Mordue.

Parish Financial Update Thanks to the wonderful generosity of so many in our parish, coming through both weekly offerings and several special gifts, St. Mary has been weathering the financial impact of the pandemic shutdown. We are very grateful for your committed support which has enabled us to continue many of our operations, pay our priests and staff, and make progress in resuming our sacramental life. As we are now able to resume a few more of our office func-tions, we are again able to provide an update on Weekly Stewardship (see below). Your continued support is needed and much appreciated! Perhaps the easiest way to give to St. Mary is to sign-up for the Give-Central service. To do so, please go to the Stewardship page on our parish website ( or click on a blue GiveCentral or Donate button on the main page. We have also implemented a new “text-to-give” feature that allows you to quickly sign up through your cellphone. Simply text the word Sunday to 847-796-6879 in order to begin the process.

May our efforts as a faith community and as disciples of the

Lord assist one another through this time of trial. May we continue to

be a beacon of God’s love and compassion at work in the world.

Thank you again for your dedication and generosity.

In order to meet an early printing deadline, this week’s bulletin was prepared before the weekend of June 27–28, and the offerto-ry collections for these Masses had not yet been taken. The Stew-ardship Report for June 28 will be printed in an upcoming bulletin.


If we walk one step toward God,

God will run ten steps toward us. —Anonymous

Page 3: SAINT MARY OF THE ANNUNCIATION, · †Martin Phillip Shenk parents Dale & Dian Shenk Sunday, July 12, 11:30 AM Frances


Jacob’s Well

Dear Parishioners, I pray that you are enjoying these summer days during a year that have brought about so many changes. While I miss many of my favorite summer activities due to COVID-19, that has not stopped me from enjoying the beauty of nature and the satisfaction of tending to my garden. I am blessed to be able to live on the beautiful grounds of St. Mary. I don’t know where the past 6 years has gone. I am pleased to have received an ex-tension into a second term as pastor of St. Mary and have ac-cepted the additional responsibilities of being named the dean of Vicariate 1-A. My predecessor, Fr. Ron Lewinski, also held this position. As many of you know, I considered Fr. Ron both a friend and mentor and I still miss him greatly. The 3rd anni-versary of his death is Sunday, July 19th. I pray that he is enjoy-ing the rewards of his goodness in the heavenly realm. This past week Fred Vipond, our Director of Music and Litur-gy, announced that he has accepted a new position at St. Ste-phen Catholic Church in East Grand Rapids, Michigan. In some ways this came as a shock, yet I have also recognized his devo-tion and care for his mother who lives in Michigan and the bur-den this has placed on him. I believe this is a good move for Fred as he moves back home. This will take place on or around August 1st. Fred has faithfully served St. Mary for more than 18 years. His dedication and musical expertise will be missed. I have begun forming a search committee who will help with the process of identifying the best candidates to fill this important staff position for our future. We are currently posting the Direc-tor of Music and liturgy position on a number of web sites and I have consulted with Wendy Silhavy from the Office of Divine Worship in the Archdiocese of Chicago for further guidance. I ask for your prayers during this time of transition for both Fred Vipond, as he embraces a new position and a new chapter in his life, and also that the Holy Spirit will send the right candidate to bring together and guide all facets of our music program and to be creative in how we navigate the complications brought about by COVID-19.

Musicians Prayer Divine Composer, I start this day on a joyful note, thanking you for all the bless-ings you have orchestrated in my life. Help me to live in harmo-ny with others throughout this day. May I be your instrument, in concert with Your will and in tune with Your way, trusting I always have you as my accompaniment. And at day’s end, may I know that I have played my part to put a song in every heart. Amen.

Let us pray for one another, Fr. Jerry

My Dear St. Mary Family, This is certainly a time of transitions. The seasons changed from winter to spring and then to summer while we watched from our living room windows. The Church completed Lent, walked the weeks of Easter, and now we look to the long stretch of Ordinary Time. I find myself transitioning as well. I have felt the pull to return to western Michigan for several years. My widowed mother celebrated her 90th birthday in December, and time with family is to be treasured. I also look ahead to my eventual retirement. Now is the time to make a change. I have accepted the position of director of sacred music for St. Stephen Parish in East Grand Rapids, which is about 30 miles from my home town. St. Stephen’s is small by Archdiocesan standards, with only about 500 families. The entire property fits on a city lot and pales in comparison to the vast acreage of St. Mary Parish. Their church seats about 400. Their pastor, Fr. Scott No-lan, is a graduate of Mundelein Seminary, and was ordained in 2014. He was not one of our seminarians, but has worshipped here, and speaks highly of us. The past 18 years are filled with significant memories. When I came here, only the foundation for our big church was dug. We celebrated Mass in the little church and the gym. Pork and Corn Roast Mass took place in the dining tent. The dedication of the new church was an experience unique and rare. Our com-munity’s growing into the new building—hard to think it’s been almost 20 years!—is a testament to the working of the Holy Spirit in the men and women who envisioned it. The opportunity to re-fine the specification for and see the installation of a magnificent pipe organ is rarer still for an organist. It is a delight to play and I am still realizing its potential. Having Cardinal George preside at our sesquicentennial Mass is a source of pride. And I was never more proud of our parish than when we bade farewell to Fr. Ron Lewinski. His funeral was a culmination of his vision for parish life, his dedication to the liturgy, as well as his significance to the priests of the Archdiocese. I consider it a capstone to my career. After so many years of spending Wednesday evenings and Sundays with them, I am happy to count choir members and cantors as some of my best friends. We have become connected to each other in more than music: we have shared joys and sor-rows, concerns and blessings. We are a musical family. You, too, brothers and sisters, are family as well. I see you sit in your ac-customed spot, watch your children grow, and all of us age. I’ve been present when you received the sacraments of First Com-munion, Confirmation, and for some, even Marriage. And to play for the funerals of your family members—even my own choir members—has been a privilege. I cannot bid farewell without special recognition of the pastoral staff and our liturgy team. I have been blessed to share with these talented, knowledgeable, wise persons a ministry of dedication to our parish. They keep us moving forward on our journey to the Kingdom. Wisdom has truly made a house in them. It has been an honor serving you. May God bless every-one of St. Mary of the Annunciation. Fred Vipond

Page 4: SAINT MARY OF THE ANNUNCIATION, · †Martin Phillip Shenk parents Dale & Dian Shenk Sunday, July 12, 11:30 AM Frances

St Vincent de Paul Society

Annual School Drive JULY 9 THRU AUGUST 9 HELP

SVdP SEND KIDS TO SCHOOL READY TO LEARN! The impact of the COVID 19 pandemic has certainly been difficult for families. We don’t know what the next school year will look like, but no matter what, our goal is to help and support our clients’ children prepare for a productive school year. However due to the Church’s occupancy limitations and safety measures, we are sus-pending our traditional school supply drive and distribution. In lieu of purchasing supplies, we are asking for cash or check donations (please no gift cards) only. This will allow us to distribute financial support in the most appropriate means to our clients, students in need at Most Blessed Trinity sharing parish, Mundelein High School, and Frassati Catholic Academy.

Thanks to your generosity over the years, we have been able to help many children feel good about their ‘first day of school’. Here is your opportunity to help us continue this tradition of supporting the less fortunate youth of our community. Please make your check out to St Vincent de Paul Society with “school drive” in the memo. Please note: Donations are for general use unless specifically marked for the “school drive”. If you are attending Mass at church, have your donation ready to drop in the SVDP Alms for the Needy box as you enter. Our box is on the southwest wall of the narthex, before you enter the double doors to the main church.

You are also welcome to mail it to: St Vincent de Paul Society

St Mary of the Annunciation Parish 22333 W Erhard Rd

Mundelein, IL 60060

St. Vincent de Paul Conference at 1-224-522-8863 In need of assistance for yourself, a neighbor, a friend or relative in our community? Please do not hesitate to call. Feel free to leave a message and a member will get back to you within a day. All discussions are strictly confi-dential.

Got a Truck or SUV or Van? NOT THIS BIG OF COURSE!


Are you (and your truck, SUV or van) available approximately once a month (on a Monday morning) to help “serve the needy?” Our St. Mary of the Annunciation “Food for the Needy” ministry is in seeking volunteers and the use of their pick-up truck, SUV or van vehicle to help us on alternating Monday mornings with the pick-up of donated food at Trader Joe’s in Libertyville. We then transport the food to the Holy Family Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry in Waukegan. There would be another ministry volunteer with you to help share the load. If you would be able to assist this ministry with your time and with a truck, SUV or van; and could give up about two hours on an occasional (about once a month) Monday morning from 8:45 – 10:15 a.m., we sure could use your help. If you decide that this is just the ministry for you, I’m sure you will experience the satisfaction of helping serve the needy, and will receive the blessings of God who said, “Whatsoever you do for the least of my brothers, that you do unto me.” (Matthew 25:40). Any parishioner who may be interested in being part of this ministry or have questions about the operation, please contact Deacon Gary Kupsak at (847)726-2553 or at [email protected]. And YES, I realize that there is still a pandemic with us, but if you are comfortable with wearing a face mask and social distancing guide-lines, you will be safe within the context of how this ministry is conduct-ed.

God bless you for considering serving the needy.

Country Fest 2020 Postponed After much discussion and discernment, the Country Fest 2020 Committee has postponed Country Fest to 2021. Chris Aspegren, Country Fest ‘20 Committee Chair, led a recent meeting of Country Fest planners and sub-committee chairs, including Fr Jerry and How-

ard Fischer, in a discussion assessing the risks and benefits of going forward with the annual favorite parish and community-wide fundraiser. “Health and safety in large crowds obviously became a real sticking point in the group’s discernment, said Chris. Everyone took to heart how enjoyable this event has been over the decades, and how valued the fundraiser aspect of the event is, but in the end we felt we simply couldn’t take the chance. Clearly, in addition, the financial im-pact of COVID-19 on our parishioners and loyal business sponsors played a significant role in our decision-making.” Before the meeting ended, there was a unanimous consen-sus to begin looking forward to Country Fest 2021 with the intent of making it a special and dynamic parish fundraiser. “A summer time Country Fest, through its many iterations, going all the way back to the chicken dinner days, has meant a lot to this communi-ty! It’s part of our heritage. This is merely a postponement. May we experience a renewal and gather once again at Country Fest 2021” exclaimed Fr Jerry in his closing remarks. Stay tuned throughout the year for more information on Country Fest 2021!

Readings for the Week Monday: Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22; Ps 145:2-9; Mt 9:18-26

Tuesday: Hos 8:4-7, 11-13; Ps 115:3-10; Mt 9:32-38

Wednesday: Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12; Ps 105:2-7; Mt 10:1-7

Thursday: Hos 11:1-4, 8e-9; Ps 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16; Mt 10:7-15

Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17; Mt 10:16-23

Saturday: Is 6:1-8; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Mt 10:24-33

Sunday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 65:10-14; Rom 8:18-23; Mt 13:1-23 [1-9]

Page 5: SAINT MARY OF THE ANNUNCIATION, · †Martin Phillip Shenk parents Dale & Dian Shenk Sunday, July 12, 11:30 AM Frances


If you want peace, work for justice. —Pope Paul VI

SAINT MARIA GORETTI (1890-1902) July 6 Does anything match a mother’s pride in her children? First Communions, confirmations, graduations, weddings: how these delight a mother’s heart! Imagine, then, Assunta Goretti, the only mother ever to attend her child’s can-onization! In poverty-stricken rural Italy, wid-

owed Assunta tended fields for the Serenelli family, whose eighteen-year-old son, Alessandro, propositioned her barely twelve-year-old Maria; then, when she resisted, crying, “It is a sin! God forbids it!” he stabbed her fourteen times. As she lay dying, Maria assured the attending priest, “Yes, I forgive Ales-sandro! I want him to be in Paradise with me someday.” Impris-oned, unrepentant, Alessandro changed after dreaming that a radiant Maria had offered him fourteen lilies. “I’ve kept my prom-ise,” she smiled. “You’ll be here with me someday.” Upon re-lease, he rushed to beg Assunta’s forgiveness. “Jesus has for-given you,” she replied, “my Maria, too. How can I refuse?” Next morning, mother and murderer walked arm in arm to church and knelt side by side for Communion.

—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

A relic of St. Maria Goretti was placed inside the altar of our new church at its dedication, April 14, 2002.

Page 6: SAINT MARY OF THE ANNUNCIATION, · †Martin Phillip Shenk parents Dale & Dian Shenk Sunday, July 12, 11:30 AM Frances

F isch–ing Lines by Deacon Howard Fischer

Everybody’s got problems. Family situations, illnesses, bro-ken relationships, grief, addictions, financial hardship…and

the list goes on and on. Often, others have far bigger problems than our own. We would do well to remember that before we judge or ignore them. And in the midst of our own burdens and turmoil, we need to truly listen to the words of Jesus in today’s Gospel: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I

will give you rest.” There is no brokenness that Jesus cannot heal. There are no mistakes that Jesus cannot redeem. Consider the follow-ing reflection and story from Alice Camille: People have all sorts of troubles with their relationships, their health, their careers, and their bank accounts. They worry about moral choic-es and what God thinks of them, too. They wonder if anything they do has meaning. They suspect sometimes that they have made irredeem-able mistakes. A stockbroker who’d been raised in a Catholic family was in trouble, and he knew it. He made a lot of money and enjoyed a fabulous life-style, but none of that mattered anymore. He drank too much; he lived to drink. It was starting to affect his career. It had already cost him many significant relationships. He was lonely. He was full of self-loathing. He didn’t know what else to do, so one Saturday night he stumbled into the nearest church, something he hadn’t done in a long time. He didn’t come for anything in particular – impulse and buried memory had brought him there. He sat in the pew uncomfortably and looked into the face of a small boy in the arms of his father in the pew ahead of him. The child was smiling at him over the father’s shoulder. He returned the smile painfully. Mass was in progress, and the stockbrok-er had arrived in time for the gospel: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” Rest! Tears sprang up in the troubled man’s eyes. Wouldn’t it be astonishing, wonderful, incredi-ble, to find rest somewhere? To find it, so simply and unreservedly, in the embrace of Jesus? The small boy smiled benignly at him again from the forward pew. The man took it as a sign from God. He wept, rocking and softly repeating those saving words: Come to me, come to me. The story above is true. The stockbroker later became a priest and is now preaching the same gospel he once heard so acutely. But it’s a true story in more ways than one. These words from Jesus are im-mensely powerful, and we cannot discount how important they [are] to someone… In our hectic, troubled lives and world, you and I need to take to heart the words of Jesus. We must allow our faith to give us consolation, strength and encouragement. Our example should demonstrate that these words are not some platitude that attempts to hide trials and suffering but rather that they are a source of inspiration that gives us hope as we confront the all-too-real burdens we live with in our own lives and in the world at large. We know and trust that the Lord is with

us and has not abandoned us. Our words and actions, including our posts in social media, must allow others to meet and know a God of love and compassion and not a distorted and false image of a God of anger and judgment. Alice concludes: “No one and nothing is beyond the compassion of Jesus. Sinners, lawbreakers, and others who feel unclean are welcome to come to him. It is our job to issue the invita-tion and to make that welcome authentic.” [emphasis added] May you and I experience the love and forgiveness and consolation of God in the midst of life’s burdens. And may we be the means by which others partake in that same rich discovery. If you wish to contact me, please send an email to [email protected].

Prayer for the Nation Almighty God, you have given us this good land for our heritage. We humbly ask you that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of your favor and glad to do your will. Bless our land with honorable endeavor, sound learn-ing, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties and fashion into one united people the multitude brought here out of many nations and tongues. Endow with the Spirit of wisdom those to whom, in your name, we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that through obedience to your law we may show forth your praise among the nations of earth. In times of prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble do not allow our trust in you to fail.

We ask all of this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Adapted from the Book of Common Prayer

Mary Immaculate, Patronesss of the

United States of America, pray for us.

Page 7: SAINT MARY OF THE ANNUNCIATION, · †Martin Phillip Shenk parents Dale & Dian Shenk Sunday, July 12, 11:30 AM Frances

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Sacrament of Penance Saturdays 4:00—4:40 PM, and by appointment

Baptisms Ordinarily during the Mass on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month and after the Mass on the other Sundays, outside of Lent. Parents are required to participate in a Baptismal Preparation class before scheduling a Baptism.

Adult Initiation Adults who wish to become Roman Catholics are enrolled in a formation process that includes prayer, dialogue, instruction, and introduction to the Church’s life and values, rituals and tradition. Call the parish office for more information.

Marriage St. Mary Parish rejoices with parishioners who are preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony. The Archdiocese of Chicago requires that a wedding be scheduled at least six months in advance so that the couple may receive necessary preparation. A parish wedding information packet is available at the parish office.

Ministry of Care Ministers of Care visit the homes of the sick, homebound, or hospitalized and bring Holy Communion to them. Call the parish office when a pastoral visit is desired. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is administered by the parish priest upon request.

New parishioners We welcome new members who wish to worship with us and support the parish’s work and mission. New Parishioner Welcome session is offered on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Time of registration is 10:45AM—11:25AM. If you are unable to make the Welcoming Session, please call the parish office to schedule time to register.


Saturday 5:00 PM

Sunday 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM

Weekday at 8:00AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Thursday, Friday



Parish Emergency 224-358-3210

Parish Fax 847-223-5960

22333 W. Erhart Road • Mundelein, Illinois 60060 • WWW.STMARYFC.ORG Email: [email protected]

Frassati Catholic Academy: 847-526-6311

Religious Education Program (REP) Emergency Number 847-239-2725

Parish Office Hours Monday–Friday 8:30AM–4:00PM

Parish Staff

Dcn. Howard Fischer Ext. 215 Director of Parish Operations [email protected]

Ms. Tammy Kleckner Principal, [email protected]

Ms. Jo Bond-Ostler Bookkeeper/Accountant [email protected]

Ms. Victoria Hansen Ext. 200 Administrative Assistant [email protected]

Mr. Robert Kilkenny Ext. 304 Facilities Manager [email protected]

Mr. James Shaffer Maintenance

Rev. Ken Kiepura Rev. Ed Pelrine Weekend Associates

Rev. Jerome Jacob Ext. 213 Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Don Cambe Ext. 212 Associate Pastor [email protected]

Deacons Mike Alandy, Gary Kupsak, Robert Poletto, Alan Sedivy

Mr. Fred Vipond Ext. 234 Director of Music & Liturgy [email protected]

Ms. Sue Matousek Ext. 218 Director of Religious Education [email protected]

Ms. Diane Mulroe Ext. 216 Director of Human Concerns [email protected]

Mr. Grant Bright Ext. 230 Coordinator of Youth Ministry [email protected]

Pastoral Council Mary Lou Loomis Joaquin Valdes Cassandra Dye Kathy Lenzen Pete Coughlin Dan Prezell

Sheila Dalton Carey Marciniak Marivie Alandy Jon Matousek Linda Green

Sandra Fioretti-Frank*

Finance Council

Larry Molloy Denise Fuller

Joe Tylka Tom Zengeler Roger Fisher Patrick Tracy

Carl Calabrese Kevin Igielski*

*ex-officio, secretary

Page 8: SAINT MARY OF THE ANNUNCIATION, · †Martin Phillip Shenk parents Dale & Dian Shenk Sunday, July 12, 11:30 AM Frances

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Medical Alert System

Consider RememberingYour Parish in Your Will.

For further information, please call the Parish Office.


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