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Saint John Paul II Saint John Paul II Saint John Paul II Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy Shrine of Divine Mercy Shrine of Divine Mercy Shrine of Divine Mercy 28 St. Peter Street, Salem, MA 01970 Phone: 978–744–1278 Rev. Robert Będziński SChr - Rector

Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy - The Pilot · Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy Shrine of Divine Mercy 28 St. Peter Street, Salem, MA 01970 Phone: 978–744–1278

Sep 25, 2020



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Page 1: Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy - The Pilot · Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy Shrine of Divine Mercy 28 St. Peter Street, Salem, MA 01970 Phone: 978–744–1278

Saint John Paul IISaint John Paul IISaint John Paul IISaint John Paul II Shrine of Divine MercyShrine of Divine MercyShrine of Divine MercyShrine of Divine Mercy

28 St. Peter Street, Salem, MA 01970 Phone: 978–744–1278

Rev. Robert Będziński SChr - Rector

Page 2: Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy - The Pilot · Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy Shrine of Divine Mercy 28 St. Peter Street, Salem, MA 01970 Phone: 978–744–1278


Saturday, May 16th 8:00 PM + Stanisław Perkowski w 29. rocznicę śmierci Sunday, May 17th

6th Sunday of Easter - VI Niedziela Wielkanocna 10:00 AM + za pośrdenictwem św. Jana Pawła II oraz o ustanie koronawirusa i uzdrowienie chorych oraz o dar Nieba dla ks. Joseph Lukasa i Stanisławy Kaczor (w 100. Rocznicę urodzin) o od rodziny Radzim - For Benefactors of our Shrine Monday, May 18th

7:00 PM + Jan and Euclodia Bencal from Friends Tuesday, May 19th

7:00 PM - Mass – za parafian/ for Parishioners Wednesday, May 20th

7:00 PM - za matki/ For Mothers Thursday, May 21st

The Ascension of the Lord Wniebowstąpienie Pana Jezusa

7:00 PM - za matki/ For Mothers Friday, May 22nd 12:10 PM + Ralph and Regina Martin from Maryanne Martin 7:00 PM - za matki/ For Mothers Saturday, May 23rd 8:00 AM + Louis and Genevieve Wilczenski from daughter Felicia Wilczenski Sunday, May 24th

Pentecost Sunday Zesłanie Ducha Świętego

10:00 AM + Julian i Józefa Laskowski from Friends 12:00 PM + Alfons Murawski od żony z rodziną

Please pray for those who are sick that they may receive strength and healing: Nancy Davidowicz, Frank Kowalczyk, Paul & Cheryl Murphy, Marie Kolar, Genevieve Sobocinski and Caroline Ouelette.

We ask very warmly, despite the Shrine being closed, to

send your offertory by mail or deposit online. Our bills must be paid even

with the current situation. Thank you.


prosimy, aby mimo zawieszenia Mszy Św., w miarę swoich mozliwości, nadsyłać ofiay pocztą

lub wpłacać online. Nasze rachunki muszą być płacone pomimo zaistniałej sytuacji.

MAY 17TH, 2020

In response to the city of Salem, all services in our shrine are suspended until further notice.

We encourage you to continue praying and watching on YouTube JP2 Divine Mercy

our daily Mass at 7:00 PM Friday at 12:10 in English (if there is an intention)

Saturdays at 8:00 AM Sundays at 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM

W odpowiedzi na zarządzenie miasta Salem, z bólem serca zawieszamy wszelkie nabożeństwa w naszym sanktuarium,

aż do odwołania. Zapraszamy jednak na kanał YouTube JP2 Divine Mercy

do uczestniczenia w modlitwach i Mszach Świetych: niedziela - godzina 10:00 i 12:00 dni powszednie - godzina 19:00

soboty - godzina 8:00

Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament Adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu

In the upper rectory window, from 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM

there will be exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament which you can adore from outside.

At 4:00 PM Fr. Robert will come outside with the Blessed Sacrament,

to bless those gathered in the cars and the city of Salem.

W górnym oknie plebanii, od godziny 15:00 do 16:00

będzie wystawiony Najświetszy Sakrament, który będzie można adorować z zewnątrz.

O godzinie 16:00 ks. Robert wyjdzie z Najświetszym Sakramentem na zewnątrz, aby błogosławić zebranych

w samochodach i miasto Salem.



Offertory Totals: May 10 th 1st Collection $ 00.00 2nd Collection – Elevator $ 00.00 Weekly Donations – By Mail $ 1,390.00 St. Jude $ 00.00 Donations – Elevator $ 120.00 Grand Annual Collection $ 500.00

Weekly Expenses / Tygodniowe wydatki $ 3,844.30

The suggested weekly offering to cover current expenses of our shrine is the equivalent of one hour of your salary.

Thank you for your support. „Bóg zapłać” za finansowe wsparcie.

Lift installation (Instalacja windy) Estimated Cost (Oceniany koszt) - $ 175,000 Received (Zebrano) - $ 147,013.92 Remainders to be collected (Do zebrania pozostało) - $27,986.08

Donation online:

Page 3: Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy - The Pilot · Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy Shrine of Divine Mercy 28 St. Peter Street, Salem, MA 01970 Phone: 978–744–1278


Niech bNiech bNiech bNiech będzie pochwalony dzie pochwalony dzie pochwalony dzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus!Jezus Chrystus!Jezus Chrystus!Jezus Chrystus!

Pragniemy trwać w dziękczynieniu za dar życia Wielkiego Polaka, Wielkiego Papieża, św. Jana Pawła II. Na ten czas składało się wiele dramatycznych wydarzeń. Wczesna śmierć matki, później brata, okres II wojny światowej, czas okupacji komunistycznej, zimna wojna, przełom wieków. Ktoś taki – wychowany w duchu pobożnościowym, patriotycznym, humanistycznym był potrzebny na Stolicy Piotrowej w tym właśnie czasie.

Wizyty Papieża w Polsce przyciągały zawsze tłumy ludzi, dla których Święty był powiewem wolności, nadziei w walce z tyranem, jak i zapowiedzią Bożej opieki. Te zawołanie – „Niech zstąpi Duch Twój”, miało taką moc sprawczą, że niedługo potem przyszedł czas przemian.

Nade wszystko, Piotr przełomu wieków, chciał przygotować świat na millenium, szczególnie w aspekcie pokoju i zjednoczenia wszystkich wierzących. Mnie osobiście uderza niezwykła troska Jana Pawła II o człowieka, którego nazywał centrum spotkania z Bogiem oraz jego rozmodlenie. Miałem okazję uczestniczyć w prywatnej Mszy św. pod przewodnictwem Papieża. Byłem pod wrażeniem jego postawy przygotowania do Mszy św. zastygłej, modlitewnej pozy, jak i prowadzenia Eucharystii, na której widać było głęboką więź Papieża z Chrystusem. Cechowała go również odwaga głoszenia Dobrej Nowiny, szczególnie tam, gdzie jego życie było zagrożone. Wiedział jednak, że jest w rękach Matki Boga – totus tuus.

Życie każdego z nas jest darem dla innych. Starajmy się czerpiąc z nauczania św. Jana Pawła II być wdzięcznym darem dla świata.

Ks. Robert Będziński

MAY 17TH, 2020

Praised be Lord Praised be Lord Praised be Lord Praised be Lord Jesus Christ!Jesus Christ!Jesus Christ!Jesus Christ!

We want to remain in thanksgiving for the gift of the life of the Great Pole, Great Pope, Saint John Paul II. There were many dramatic moments at the

time. There was the early death of his mother and his brother, World War II, communist occupation, the Cold War and the turn of the century. Someone like that - brought up in a spirit of devotion, patriotism and humanism was needed at the See of Peter at that time.

The Pope's visits to Poland have always attracted crowds of people for whom the Saint was a breath of freedom and hope in the fight against the tyrant, and an announcement of God's protection. This call - "Let Your Spirit Descend" had such a causative power that shortly afterwards came a time of change.

Above all, Peter of the turn of the century wanted to prepare the world for the millennium, especially in the aspect of peace and unity of all believers. I am personally struck by the extraordinary care of John Paul II for the men whom he called the center of the meeting with God and his prayers. I had the opportunity to participate in a private Mass with the Pope. I was impressed by his preparation for Mass - a frozen, praying pose, as well as conducting the Eucharist, which showed the Pope's deep relationship with Christ. He also had the courage to proclaim the Good News, especially where his life was in danger. He knew, however, that he was in the hands of the Mother of God - totus tuus.

Each of our lives is a gift for others, let us try to draw on the teaching of Saint John Paul II to be a grateful gift to the world.

Fr. Robert Będziński

Fr. Robert invites everyone to pray with him from Monday to Sunday at 6:15 PM Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy

in intentions to ending the Coronavirus, for those who are suffering from Coronavirus, for those who care for them, for scientists working to find a cure,

and for all those who are anxious and afraid during this time of uncertainty.

Ks. Robert zaprasza wszystkich od poniedziałku do niedzieli, o godzinie 18:15

do wspólnego odmawiania, Różańca i Koronki do Bożego Miłosierdzia

w intencji: zakończenia koronawirusa, tych, którzy cierpią na koronawirusa, tych, którzy się nimi opiekują, naukowców pracujących nad znalezieniem lekarstwa, i wszystkich tych, których ogarnia strach i zwątpienie

w tym czasie niepewności.

- link:

If you have any issues installing zoom or logging in, please call Lodzia Marchwinski at 978-335-2067

or other questions - Fr. Robert at 978-744-1278.

Page 4: Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy - The Pilot · Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy Shrine of Divine Mercy 28 St. Peter Street, Salem, MA 01970 Phone: 978–744–1278

100th Anniversary of the Birth of St. John Paul II

May 18th, 1920 - May 18th, 2020

Ordinary Times

in St. John Paul II's Hometown

by Profesor Lucia A. Silecchia

Had this May unfolded differently, I planned to be in Rome to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Saint John Paul II’s birth in the jubilant grandeur of St. Peter’s Square. I was eager to celebrate because he was the first pope I really remember and the one who shaped my youth and young adulthood as part of the “John Paul II generation.” I remember the way he confronted a broken world in the vigor of his youth -- the Pope skied! -- and how he faced his very public suffering and death with the strong serenity of his old age.

… my thoughts turn instead to more ordinary times and some days I spent in St. John Paul II’s Polish hometown of Wadowice. There, I saw the places sacred to his youth that may have seemed ordinary at the time, as so many of our own hometowns seem ordinary simply because they are so familiar. But, it was this small town that shaped the life of an extraordinary man. I saw the small parish church where St. John Paul II was baptized and the baptismal font where, in his words, “it all began.” I think I may even have teared up a bit there. I saw the town square where he played with his friends — many of whom would soon have their lives stolen from them in the Nazi death camps or on the bloody battlefields that engulfed their young lives. I saw the programs from his high school drama productions, and thought about how different the world would be if he had followed his early ambitions to be a poet or an actor.

I saw the sepia photographs of the whole Wojtyla family he loved and lost — an older sister, Olga, whom he never knew; a beloved mother, Emilia, who died when he was only eight; an admired older brother, Edmund, who died as a physician caring for his patients; and his devoted father, Karol Sr, who died suddenly when young Karol was merely twenty. Years before Karol Wojtyla was ever ordained a priest, his entire family had already passed from this life.

I saw the dining hall where his father took him to eat when the two lived alone. I saw the orphanage run by religious sisters who cared for him as a boy during the times when his father was traveling and could not do so. In the interest of serious historic inquiry, I ate at more than one bakery that claimed to sell the very crème cakes the future pope enjoyed as a boy. In the interest of curiosity, I visited the museum devoted to his life.

Most poignant to me, I visited his very ordinary childhood home. In a small flat on the second floor of a modest building, was a simple bedroom he shared with his father, a tiny kitchen, and a neat sitting room. The sitting room was the nicest – and it went unused after the shadow of Emilia’s death fell on the home. In those few rooms, he grew up and came to know the God who would sustain him in the many sufferings of his youth, the blessed Mother who would comfort him in the trials of his life, and the understanding of what it is to live with fear and hope, with joy and sorrow, with great love and great loss.

This home was located just across an alley from the parish church where Karol and his father would go to Mass each morning. What caught my eye was a large sundial mounted on the side of the church — a sundial now permanently marked with the precise time of Saint John Paul II’s death. Over the sundial was, and is, a Polish inscription that read, “Czas Ucieka Wiecznosc Czeka” or, “Time Flies, Eternity Waits.” Because that inscription made an impression on me, I had to go to the gift shop and buy a picture of the sundial to keep in my office. It remains at my desk to this day.

“Time Flies, Eternity Waits.” These were words that young Karol Wojtyla would have seen out of his window every single day. In those words lies an important truth by which to live. It is a reminder to do what is urgent, pressing, and necessary — but not at the expense of those things and those people who are truly important because they point the way toward eternity. One of the most frequent replies I give to the question, “How are you?” is “Really busy!” For me, it is so easy to get caught up in the things of this world that keep life busy and make time fly. But, perhaps what gave Saint John Paul II the serenity, courage, and fortitude to live the life he did was knowing that, in spite of all that makes time fly here on earth, it is eternity that waits — patiently and peacefully. It was a truth learned in his own hometown.

I would like to think that now, in the joy of eternity, Saint John Paul II prays much and often for those of us still occupied with the busy-ness of life that makes time fly. I hope too, that the same eternity waits for us when we, also, cross the “threshold of hope” and leave behind our ordinary times.

Happy Birthday, St. John Paul!

Page 5: Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy - The Pilot · Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy Shrine of Divine Mercy 28 St. Peter Street, Salem, MA 01970 Phone: 978–744–1278


MAY 17TH, 2020



“Today our Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven; let our hearts ascend

with him.” Listen to the words of the Apostle: ‘if you have risen with Christ, set your hearts on the things that are above where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God, seek the things that are above, not the things that are on earth.' For just as he remained with us even after his ascension, so we too are already in heaven with him, even though what is promised us has not yet been fulfilled in our bodies.

“Christ is now exalted above the heavens, but he still suffers on earth all the pain that we, the members of his body, have to bear.“ He showed this when he cried out from above: ‘Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?' and when he said: ‘I was hungry and you gave me food.'

“Why do we on earth not strive to find rest with him in heaven even now, through the faith, hope and love that unites us to him? While in heaven he is also with us; and we while on earth are with him. He is here with us by his divinity, his power and his love. We cannot be in heaven, as he is on earth, by divinity, but in him, we can be there by love.”

(From a sermon by Saint Augustine, bishop, From the Second Reading, Office of Readings,

Liturgy of the Hour

WNIEBOWSTĄPIENIE PAŃSKIE Święto obchodzone tradycyjnie 40 dni po Wielkanocy (wypada we czwartek). Wniebowstąpienie jest ukoronowaniem i zakończeniem życia ziemskiego Jezusa i Jego triumfem. Wniebowstąpienie Jezusa zamyka czas Jego obecności w ludzkim ciele na ziemi.

Nie śmierć jest odejściem Jezusa z tego świata, ale właśnie wniebowstąpienie. Jezus rozpoczął jedynie dzieło przemiany i proces wyzwalania człowieka ze zła. To zadanie mają kontynuować Jego uczniowie. „Będziecie moimi świadkami w Jerozolimie i w całej Judei, i w Samarii, i aż po krańce ziemi”. To apostolstwo mamy kontynuować również my. Musimy jako chrześcijanie, pełniej uświadomić sobie, że trzeba tak żyć, by kiedyś móc się spotkać z Jezusem w niebie. Jezus zostawił nam swego Ducha, który rozpoczął czas Kościoła. W Kościele przypomina nam i poucza, jak żyć, by spotkać się kiedyś z powracającym Jezusem, który do nieba wstąpił, aby tam przygotować nam miejsce. A „w domu Ojca jest mieszkań wiele”. Wystarczy dla każdego. I jeszcze ta niezwykła obietnica, Jezusa towarzysząca pożegnaniu: „Ja jestem z wami przez wszystkie dni, aż do skończenia świata” (Mt 28, 20). Obietnica ciągle aktualna. Jeśli chcemy być wierni Temu, który umarł za nas na Krzyżu, powstał z martwych i wstąpił na niebiosa, nie możemy zaniechać owej misji, aż do dnia, w którym „przyjdzie tak samo, jak widzieliście Go wstępującego do nieba” (Dz 1, 11).

Page 6: Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy - The Pilot · Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy Shrine of Divine Mercy 28 St. Peter Street, Salem, MA 01970 Phone: 978–744–1278


MAY 17TH, 2020

6th Sunday of Easter

A young musician told the reporter

that the best compliment he ever

received came in a magazine

review of his work in which he was

compared to his father, a famous

musician and composer. After a

favorable comparison, the writer

referred to him as a chip off the old

block. The young man felt he had

indeed inherited his father’s genius

for music.

In giving some final instructions,

Jesus describes the unity between

the Father and Him, and between

the Father and the Holy Spirit.

That unity is shared with all those

who believe in Jesus, because Jesus

dwells within them and they in

Jesus. Nothing can separate us

from the Lord because we share

the same life, the same love and the

same Spirit. Our unity is more than

a superficial likeness; we truly are

soul mates of the Lord.

Faith is not something we do as

much as it is something that we

are. Baptism does not simply make

us members of a group called

Church. It makes us church,

shaping us as a new creation and a

child of God. Made in God’s image

and likeness, we have inherited His

genius for life, grace, truth and

peace. We are given the same

mission as Jesus to build the

Kingdom, to proclaim God’s love

and to share His blessings and His

glory. We are given the promise of

eternal life with God in Heaven. We

are more than chips off the old

block. We are heirs of God.

~James Gaffney, © 2008 Karides Lic. to St. George Publishing [email protected]


HONORING OUR BLESSED MOTHER Love Her – Honor Her – Pray to Her

In our shrine, we will sing Litany of Loreto after 7:00 PM Masses, on Saturday after 8:00 AM Mass and on Sunday after all Masses.

MAJ – MIESI ĄC POŚWIĘCONY MATCE BO ŻEJ Litania Loretańska, która jest główną częścią nabożeństw majowych, powstała prawdopodobnie już w XII w. we Francji. Zebrane wezwania sławiące Maryję Pannę zatwierdził 11 czerwca 1587 r. papież Sykstus V. Swoją nazwę zawdzięcza włoskiej miejscowości Loreto, gdzie była niezwykle popularna.

W naszym sanktuarium, w miesiącu maju, po Mszach Św. o godzinie 19:00, w soboty po Mszy Św.o godzinie 8:00

i w niedziele po Mszy Św. o godzinie 10:00, będziemy śpiewać Litanię Loretańską do NMP.



Zbliża się termin święceń prezbiteratu i święceń diakonatu

w zakonie księży Chrystusowców. We wtorek 19 maja 2020 r. dwóch diakonów zastanie wyświęconych

na prezbiterów przez JE ks. bpa Grzegorza Balcerka. Uroczystość odbędzie się w poznańskiej bazylice archikatedralnej.

Podczas tej samej Mszy Świętej zostanie również wyświęcony nowy diakon – kleryk Chris Michael Czapla.

Polecajmy ich w swoich modlitwach, aby jak najlepiej przygotowali się do przyjęcia święceń.

Prosimy odwiedzić link przygotowany przez kandydata do święceń: .

Jak co roku neoprezbiterzy odprawią kilka Mszy świętych w intencjach, które im polecimy. Osoby zainteresowane zamówieniem intencji w

Towarzystwie Chrystusowym mogą je przesłać drogą elektroniczną na adres: [email protected] lub przekazać naszym Kapłanom.

Dołączona ofiara będzie przeznaczona na kształcenie nowych misjonarzy emigracyjnych. Ofiary można składać przelewem internetowym,

bankowym, lub też kartą płatniczą (VISA, MasterCard) przez Internet:

dk. Wojciech Kułach parafia Przemienienia


dk. Krzysztof Zubek parafia Nawrócenia

św. Pawła Ap. Skórzec

Page 7: Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy - The Pilot · Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy Shrine of Divine Mercy 28 St. Peter Street, Salem, MA 01970 Phone: 978–744–1278



Bishop Mark O’Connell celebrated Holy Mass at our Shrine on January 5, 2020. He dedicated and blessed the new reredos and the sanctuary of the upper church. He blessed the new images of Divine Mercy Jesus, Saint John Paul II and Saint Faustina as well as the sculpture of Golgotha. He also blessed the new reliquaries which sit on the altar and contain the precious relics of Saint John Paul II, Sister Faustina and others. It is our hope that these additions to the Shrine will inspire all who kneel in prayer and attain God’s grace, here on earth and their everlasting life. This Shrine has been blessed by the financial support from so many donors.

Our next project is to add an elevator/ lift which will make our upper church, where the main altar with all the relics is accessible to everyone. We have received a generous donation of $100,000.00. A generous benefactor has offered to match the funds we raise over $30,000.00. The second collection at Sunday Masses is to help raise funds for this project.

This project also involves the design and remodeling of the restrooms. The restrooms are not compliant with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). We want to better serve those with mobility challenges. Updating the restrooms is strongly encouraged. In addition, the appearance of current restrooms is not very welcoming to guests. The remodeled bathrooms will be legally-compliant and with much better accessibility to all. The appearance of the new restrooms will be updated, and the plumbing and fixtures upgraded. This means that there will be additional cost which will be announced soon.

Also, there will be future projects, including a marble altar and restoring the floor in the church.

We are also in the process of looking to reopen our school building. This is a daunting task as the building needs major renovations. There are many men in the shrine community who have offered their time and skills to complete these projects. We would only have to pay for materials.

I am grateful to those who, through spiritual and physical help, engage in the development of our church and school buildings. We wish to have the shrine attract many people who are looking to find spiritual fulfillment and become disciples sharing the word of Christ with others.

Thank you again for your kindness, prayers and financial support. May God bless you all.

Please contact:

Rector of the Shrine, Fr. Robert Będziński Shrine Office:

978-744-1278 or visit us at:

HOLY MASS Sunday – 10:00 AM (Polish) 12:00 PM (English) Monday – Healing Mass – 7:00 PM (English) Wednesday, Thursday – 7:00 PM (English) Friday – 12:10 PM (English) 7:00 PM (Polish) Saturday – 8:00 AM (Polish) Holy Days, Holidays & Special Masses are announced

STATIONS OF THE CROSS Monday – Saturday - 3:00 PM (except Tuesdays)

ADORATION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT Monday – Friday from 3:00 – 7:00 PM (except Tuesdays) Saturday – 3:00 – 4:00 PM

ST. JUDE NOVENA Mondays – Following the 7:00 PM Mass

CONFESSIONS Monday – Friday at 6:00 PM (Polish & English) (except Tuesdays) Also, by appointment

BAPTISM Contact the Shrine office for details

MARRIAGES AT THE SHRINE By special permission. Please contact the Shrine office for Rector’s initial assessment. Arrangements at least six months in advance

BIBLE STUDY/ SPOTKANIA BIBLIJNE: 3rd Sunday of the Month after 12:00 PM Mass – in English 1st Friday of the Month after 7:00 PM Mass – in Polish

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (in Polish) Sundays after the 10:00 AM Mass


11:00 AM to 2:00 PM and by appointment

Page 8: Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy - The Pilot · Saint John Paul II Shrine of Divine Mercy Shrine of Divine Mercy 28 St. Peter Street, Salem, MA 01970 Phone: 978–744–1278

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