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I Pt RI "11 ... , "''''''IIIL'- 10",. \., " ... \ GLIDER AND -SEP I r IQ J h \01. -; ,\,,, Q Official OrKall DJ the Urilish CUdiu:.! AssocilllirHl EDITED IlY AlAN e, SLATER

Sailplane & Glider 1936

May 07, 2022



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Page 1: Sailplane & Glider 1936

IPt RI "11 ...,

"''''''IIIL'-,~" 10",.

\., " ... \


\01. -; ,\,,, Q

Official OrKall DJ the Urilish CUdiu:.! AssocilllirHlEDITED IlY AlAN e, SLATER

Page 2: Sailplane & Glider 1936

Ti,e SaUplane



Usin~ our f"ll range of tralning m~chines,. [Jrim~rr, Kadet: F;oIc(1n I, andFalc"n 1[[ side_by_side dual two.seater, Ihe ~I"J[and (,lId"ll; Club sccured ,hefollo\l'ing results in twO consecutive weel<-cnds:-

14 members qualified for "C" Certificates; and9 for" B" Certificates.

Usinrr a S[in"sby Sailplane, Flight.Lieut. Wall, of the Yorhhire Glidmg Club,qualified lor the S'11ver"C" Certificat<:, with a flight of 4S miles (maximum height abm'estart 5,200 ft.l, and earned out the 5 hours duration test 1\1'0 days latcr.




FALCOS [11 (Two_seater) ..llJoRlJls




\\"ith C. of A.

Es ""orks

Quick deli, cries; several machi nes in stock; lar:;e stocks of materia Is, fi ttings 1IIId spares.

FIU':E ADVICE on Club formation, choice of sites, traming methods and equipment.

AERO PLYWOOD _Specially ",a""lact,,,..1 with r<>i',t;"S rern."t Cll"', and to gi,'. maxim""'to,",onal .tr.n~'h. Bo'h .",races Mode<! '0 a h'gh fi"'sh,

1.0 mm. nnd 1.5 mm. thicknesses, 41d, pe' "I, It.2.0 mm. thickn.... 4ld. per "'l' It. Carriage fo,ward. \\',iOe lor sampl...



CellOll Ltd., UpperI'h,,"" No., "'''';STD'' 6061

Ham Road, Kingston-an-ThamesT<1og"",,, ··A1~W8. l'''",,~. "'"'o>TON·os.T''A'''''''

Page 3: Sailplane & Glider 1936



Offiri,,/ Organ 0/ The Bdtlsll CUr/illg A550ci(/lioll

'd,',o"'" 0",· ..... ·. 13, 0""0'" 'TRKKT, '0"00' SW I ','" h A "IS",. L~ ~,~ _". •• ep onc: BII.y..., ..

Vol. i No.9 SEPTEI\tBJ.:R, 1936 Published Monthly

lational Gliding Competitions, ] 936

A FTER t~'a mo,,..,..ut;,. }~." .t S"""" BMk(tlo'<'C' ;"d,,,tin~ the 1~~~ wttk-<'nd n"..,tin~l•thi, ",,', ,'o"'I",''',on' "r the Ik,'''h l.Iidi"l:

.I-"",'i.,ioo ...... l><'i"l: held 'M' ,h,- n,n, .,i,o. '" >'te',0' ,"" Ilcrl",hi,,· and La,.....,h". (;li<jinl<" Club.

n ...... • t. man, ,,110 1",,1 ,., ....., ""d at ob<> .ha",,"in ,oa, .. 11.;, r ~"l: ••, put b, oh< pilo' .-h<>..,.;,;j , , ~p. it ' ...n ,ho, 'ho. ,n, '00...... '0 "'" " et",,,!:,, b<r.ou~ ''''' la.. '''0 In", at...." .... Buk 1>.>01 _ .... .,....,"", th," i' ....., h.-dI~­

",,",.ob!< for • ,"i'd 10 <Om<" up to "'nI."h, and it",,,,,Id "" " 1:"" ,ha"'" 'Q "",,"1 ,he f«(l<d. The[)crbJ-<h,,,, and L."•• ,h:,~ Club h",'~ a hi~h .tanda,d'" """'ptl~ .. ilh.

\l'hu\ " ''''''I'.,i,on "f Ih" t\\O .i,es i. made i, canI.. ""id in ~",~tal 'ha' 'he po...ibili'ie< of ,h. Decbl',hi,. ,it.,. at. ~",a'",. an,1 the di~oltin 3'. ~rc.'"

'00. The .......... of ,I>e,e .i,~ fo- 'his I"'" i~ in <.<>me

~_ ",",de...., of ,he ......lid<...... in ,..., i"",u"n"..!I,n '" 8<i,,"" piloo~.

\\"hcft "'" ......... i'ions "...., , .., hdd a' SOU"" I~nk-'" "VT """,d in ...,-....., qua".... ,.,;:...-.lin:: 'ho:­..triottJlti<s...nd '0...., ,..., <la">:.... of 'hlI' .i,~, S_"i• .<:......,.]1.. .-q:aroro "i'h ,....1.....'. bo' ..I", ..-;'11..ff""ion .........". and .. fe....."',lia';'1 ,Ioc< """. i"lbe,...,,,, of .<:',,\i".<: .il... hm·,l ''''''eml''. bO" it <10<-,1',,,,1,,,-, ,·o,,~,knee. a"d \\ilh ,h;. ,'om", ",r"'f'

The ,·a,io". ,i'e, of 'he 1",,·l>l.hi,e an,l I.",,·.,.h'r.Cloh , J'c' no\\ '0 'he I:lidin~ "",nmun;'rin <:; ,. "'~J "'" doub' 'hev ,,-ill ,hi, )C"' be1rra'...J "'i,h ''''P''"'. Aod ..·h.n ... .", i'N." ...i.........'e"'" l<","".nd on", .-;I'.n'''I:'e ·1:.i 1 h,· ,...,,:. of ........_ \\~,lM ....aI1 'adiu> , Oerb,Club U~ _od ":'e<; ""table f .... _,in,: in ...-n).J'f""ibl< "in<! ",..... ion._ ,......, ,,-ill ...,. be , .....Itt. of .hi. i<><J<nol "ill'~ ........n, of 11... iml"'"'.""" of" ,nd <li""";on fo< """,in"n",,,,. b", .' ,I". i..... i, '0 be "'hi a' a p">!:,.,,,m,• , ,I", 'nee'i"" • .,c most here «pe" ,h.t .",,,in,, Aig'"

'.". ,'On,i""oo, Aiglll "'i,I>o", I,"" of hei",l" ",n a,-"..",1....irc'"" nnl)' f'O",ihle in a .,ind "hi.;b i,b1"",o".p ' .... ',ill from "hi"h ,I", o'ach'''e i, 1,,,,,,,,,,,,1.Whrn ,h,,,. i. 00 .. ;",1. 0< .. "", 'he "iod i. blo,,;n~

_n ,.... hill. " ..I, ,J,.~·~nd'"" Q;~h' ;. _"hi.,.0 .., _ ... 11 "'lI,ou' ., •• ..,.."", ""..."......,k~. of.h< .."",_ of ,hi. """",.... lo. J,._ ,"",..-. a 1*" kind of ....,_ .. -<ali, _.,he dOlI " I:<tli"ll' i' .'~ ....."l "'-.1,,,,1< ",,.... , C ""'..e.lIly if i' i, I""';hl<- r.",. , ,nd '0"loo< '" ,he ""otIC d"et'ioo, d ..,,"I: a I;hd,nl; 'i,,1(

". i, pretl) ,,,,,. '0 do it. ll)" pi, k,nl-: 00 , .... l)c,h).hif('• "". "e h..... l".,-',,·.,II)· ,kf,""'oI ,hi,; fo'" i. 'liflicult'to ""'l-:inc " ,Ie"d ,ai,,, 10,';,,1:' fn' e'l(ht do) •.

In \\i,,,I. fmm "o"h_,.... ' '0 'I<'I",l,-<a., ~)'"l-: "ill,,,' done f'o'" ,h~ dub 1:''''''''' ~l II-a<l"'ell I-:d,,_, I""i",l, from n""I ' 'D el"'. providi"" """,1";,-,,,. areo,h"''''i"" fa-,. Q)i ,,: "ill ,.......""""" from , .... ..:" a'llam T..... I".--.h "·i,,,'. Io,_ha a",.-I< f""" ..,i" ...·_i..... c...kt"",

TI>e dob hou<c. han"...n . .....,hi.......nd I:<a<nl...... ipmen' a.... 01 """roe.... t;"""'" a' Ilra,hld Edce.~n,1 .i...... ,he ......'-a'r."" ";"d, in ,hi, ('Ot,otr) a",''''''''<l>calll "",nh.""st. '''' cha""". a.. 'ha' most 01,h. Qj'inl< will ,.h. 1'1."" f,oo' 'h"re.

Ano'her f.Ol,,'" of ;'''''r"" i, ,h. I"'"ibili"r< olT"",,1fo:>< I"nc di,t"""e A)',nl:" ], i, ' ....",mon '0 hca,. a,,,,,n>:",ktrae'o<s of U,i,;,h I:lid'"I:'. """'"",i>l,,,",n'a,)' ,<f.._........ '0 ou, pcd"'ma....... compo-"d ,,·;,h ,be Gc,""'....We "'""Id nol f.... """ , """'~"" 'b' ,he(",......", .... ",,, in """" ,\cfini,.lv Top "a'ion., ",Iidi»j:- _ "The) ha,.., had _~v "-" .."",,' uper'cn<t''''''It ",,, "",-c••od. "" mir.:h• .,j,d....."j m,llO<>n. ofm.,h ;0 "'................. , .irl R.., ,he 'imila'""" .... '0"",f_a"",,;n ,hi, "",n',,' .r< "',,"',... ,han ,h.,- To,..., ..nini,;a'ed i' ma)' roone d' ....,l"i .... '0 leom ,h.,'''0'' 'oo;;~l,"o"", n,>:"" m..le ,n ,hi. ,,,"ntr) ....'"o,,~hl IQ a 6 ...... no' h) "")' cxh"""i"" of 'he 'killof 'he pilo' '" 'he eflici.n,)· of 'he ",.'ch'.,•. ,"", ""'pi)b) ,h. f~et 'ha' ,hi, i,lo",1 i. "'-', la,I:" on"'lI(h.-

The (".c"""" ,...",d i. a' ,lie lime of """";: 3,3",il... 'hou"h bl ,bot 'i..... ,hi. "W"" i' ""'1 """."bc<'n f.."he< imp<o.·...J a, ,/wo C-........" annual """,pet••,;g"., A, ,/wo W ••_k..pp', H.., i...E""laod " flir-uh '0 fiod • 1:,i<J;"" ",. 1.- ..hich • I'l:h' 01"''C1" ~ m'",", in ..."'i&:b' ~O< d.,..w ...,,", ....n ""~~."_«'« f."", , .... O<',,,,,hi,, ,ile' i' i. """"hi<. inmu)' "'i"'" tli· ....',"". ", ~,"""I Ihe p,...n' Il,,"<~"~',,",d of ]().', ""It·•. a,,,1 ~;n'" a ,,<>otl ",,,,a~l. 'I.) ,h•d,onee. of ,h;' hapl'e";n~ .h,,,,I<I be ).,',.,,1, ,

1",'on. ~n' 11,., 'h..... \\i11 be on ,,,,,, ...all} '''le''••,in" ,.n~"" of ",..hi ne, <""'1"'1;"11' in 10,' bolh '"~...a"'r and """I.c} ,,-,< ''''''1''''''_< ,......hl .,...",1any p""'..,.,......... ·rni. i., n4 <'OU''''. ,•.,1\' at> ,,,,I<.01 ,he ,capid "1*"....... , ...., i...ku,~ pi...... ,n 'h<- "I,.ji ~....n· '_ ,\,,~'n w• .,.n f'O'''' "", ,ba' h;h.f , ...., of p<i"a'<" __ '. "" 1< boIdi",'Ib n. "'h....... af~.1 th<- " ,..--....a""C. \I n<!........ p«>pl< af< d..",rriO\lC' ,ha, _ ..n~ I,,, ,he

'po<'i"" ...Ie "f ••",,""'.

Page 4: Sailplane & Glider 1936

Th~ Sa;/pla"~

-1936 Gliding Competitions, BradweJl Edge



A 1 ,~" 'co,', "a''''''1 (; ~..... COIII",,'i'~(It),:""i~ b,· ,"" Bri,;~ (;Iid,n,,:, ,\<,"";a,;"".compeli..... mach;nd ,...11 !:M" <1"'0&<1. a. "'5'

'''''. ;n,,, '''0 c1a.~:-. CL'" I ,S,,,,;;I<_«>1" ","c";nu 01 unl;mi",d "I>-,n.

CL'" 11 \lacbi""" of <p.:In ur '0 jj f..t. and allmach;"", ca",Ir><;; m(>ff ,ha" """ l"'''lon.

Prizes and Awuds1);,t.n,~._ThcWok"fi.l,) Troph,· '0) ,h. IJri';'h 1';lo>t

,,11<,1>01,1. ,he Ilrl,i,h ,I;"",><:e rO('w,1 "1"'1;,,,,1 ~c,wc<n

~<P'<"'~ot h', 193;,••ad $el"el11I,..,· ro'h, 1936.Cu« I.--.£~ "•. fo< 'he )on~e" ,I, ..,,",·. ft;l;h:

duri"l: "'" l\''''I'di'ion.. .£2 2,. f", ,he «<:«m,110"",."

Cu" 11, .£1 h. f",. Ih. Innl:"" di".""" ftil;"h,,u.i"" , .... C""'I""ili""•.

/I.lg~l. ,"The "" HuibDd Cup '0 ,"" Bri,;.h p;1ot"00 1>oId, ,Ilt Bn,i.1\ Ilti>:h' ~d ob'ain<'<! bet,,·......S<-pt_ 10'. I',~~...... Sep'~m""" 5'h, 1'36.

n .•" 1. L:>:", f",. the >:' 'e" I>rij(h, al1a~Ion"" ,he C<>mpr<,hon" .l~ 2 f"" ,,,. ..-.d lx;,.

CUh 11, -.£1 .'.. f".. ,"" ~<n'''', b<it:'" a1lai""d, "in>: ,,,. COIIIpet,tioo..

0.13...._ Tbo: "oil< Cup 10 ,he B,"ilo!> pilot hokl;"g­,,,. B.,,,~ ,,,",a,;"" recor<l <lb,.i",;! be","" Sep<tm_b<r h'. [93:>. and September 5'h. 1ll35.

.£1 in .ddi,"'" '0 ,h. I'ilo' (if an)} "'1>0 beat; ,h.H,.,in,: ' ......d b) ,,,. bil:'l:"" mar>;in du,i"lo: ,he\1_i"l:

Oul u~ 11."0'''._T~~ Mani<> Cup and.n 2•. for ,,,.I",,, OUI and Rc'u,n fl'l;h,. .£2 2.. fo, ,h< bcot bJ' aCia" 11. ona,h,n•.

Go.1 I'llgbt.-.£lOO j. offered by Ih. Mancbule,/)"',Iy /)"~"<h fu, the fi,,, fi;~h' 10 BI"'kpool; 0'.1.,1"'1:: Ihal. In ",i,hin a "~<liLl' nf 20 ",il.. f,.o",1\1,,·kpool.

.CO""'uclO'·' 1";".-.£25 is ofl"<r~d by Ih. DailvfJ"P.",.h fo.r the l>t". fi'I:h' mad. b) an o"n,":.""",tr""l"" 'n l"s machme.

hll <kloil. of ,I,., la" '''0 pri... ran bo 00lOi""ddi~"", from ,I,., 1).,ly J)j.".t~h. ·'''Iid.,. Corn"",i'""","\\ ,'hJ ("",..,. M.""""', ~, (l'a..ocular> "' .... al<opubl -bed 'n T,,< s..' 'E ....,,, (;L"''' f".. l\""ernbo-cand De...,mh<r Ia>l ra', ~~ n, and IlIG 'espec_'''el),1

3.~C"'" ll. _'~i..... "an ""'eT foe ""'b -.,bOred. . In. ,he n'",,' of "'...If......, ............~,nteKd ,n .. I ...... cia" to mak. ,lit- d" _ '- t."la 'rabl<, ,be A,..,....,_ "''"''0 ,he """, tooI>oId , Compel"""'" "" ,he ba,.. of ..... <I.., tooland '0 adju', ,lie prizes atto<tIin;;;IJ. •

1,-"0 di'''ntt fijl::~' of~s 'han :Ill mia ".. beiJl:btof I... 'han 2.r.oo fee' ",11 qutllofJ' f".. a ,.,.... X.,n,~h' ~han "in mo.-e 'han on~ <.,h "'....~._ll i. hoped 10 awam, in adoll,ion '0 ,he .bo<e

daily I',i•••• <klO,l. of whi~h will h< announred ...hmo,ni"l:.

6., CO"'I""i,o," 0'. re'l"i'«1 '0) h,in" ,heir """b.",/;"""h" whjch mu" hm'e h..... ,alibro,,,,, by ""'ne"""'rc' ..nt ,""horil)' duci"/;" ,h .. <urr'm )"",

;._Aftor a <,","..oon"J· n,~",. pilo', mu<, i"""",d;a,.ly "1<1'1><>,,< ,heir "· ....... boul< '0 TIl)ESWEltfG. Thi, number j, ma,ke.J on all ",""peli'"",'I~I'.ilu... '0 ....,,1'1)· w;lh ,~i, rule u;ll in",.h'. au,,,,",,,;,­,1;S<jU1lII!ka'ion f<om f,,,,her- fI,in/;" in ,he """'pt1i,,,,-

•• '.. __..... 01....- ...... --- ~ ",Po ....., ~ .. ,'. +W"" _ -.;;.0":........ ,_ , .. 101, 50 •_ _ ~." 'n --...._,.e.w- -

............a ··'_. _50••

Page 5: Sailplane & Glider 1936, 1936 TI,~ SlIlIp/mu

List of ~Iachines


.\'~. ry~. 1'"oU. CI~u. -,"". Ty,•. 1',/"" . n~...,. lI_'M< '-. , \\";],- ," ",," u. u

• Il. ......,,"'..... J '-. 1J.c... ,be<"l , H (;OUl€." W.o:. , L ~Ia,... UC \~·ItoI.on (;, u. """,h

1 R..............u , I;. , \,,,...... , .- WMm; W ..." 0. " )1<><lo.1td U, (;. ll.obert-<lO U L Il.i<h.o'dw>n U,. Il....,•• ,,,"'l> , ,- e- ," C.Ul''''' \\..... ,. ~, U.

• T... G , Ij,,1e ,. ". U H , U. r. 010," U

• K,... ",n \\'. l...ld<Il U. \L ,~--_. ".... ",T. U ,- H'-eox U " 1'>("",,<'. U J I·.,........., U

• ",... ",n J. , ,~ U " FAJ.C(>x Ill. , ,!>Io"p"j U

J. C. Do>' " t'.•....".. ilL U

T. ( .. A",,_,ron>: ~ I, C~....,,"''' U ,. , K.t1n~· U

•• ",RR.' ",r."

:0<. S1;">:"'~ u. E. ] . F"r1o<l~

'". ",... "'TB U. 1~. C...... 'uc" ,. \l.. C. (;. !>11t,'n~.r , U

H. (;.,.... 11.0' U G. , Ibk.. U " IIA.C. "11. U

H. r..'-''''l; 11,., U W, 1.;d.l.ll u.H. I;.,·",· 11.... u. \\'. E. Fil"'cr U. Ill",,,al;,,'" .00 de'«;I"i,,'" '" ." ",i1rl••c 'l!"'-

u. hLro' ,. U tnk;"!.' I,,"ct ;" ,l'e Co",!",,;,;on_ A'" >;;Hn nn 'l>r ,,,,.,1~. S<;, 'Il 1L L , Barker U ro"r P·I;'"'·

The "Rule of the Road" for Gliders

~~ 'tG NDl'f4!t~ I€AO-OOKm TO "* RlGH1

-~-...., - 1

Page 6: Sailplane & Glider 1936

TA~ StJ;/pla"~


,,- •....-" -.-,oO .........~........... e..-.,.


1'hi........hi~ bold. ,he Bti,;.h t>;.,a...,c Jt-.101 m""', Ht "p by \1r. I'. A \\"i1~ on Ju'y ;<10'::J""t. I' h,,. been l\own a /;<~.t dr~1 by b,. -.n"h'.l..... ', (;. \1. Du~_. 'h do_. 'n v .....part. M ,he """"'r). and i, r"IIy equ;pp«! r".. ....8ljnl: in cloud.. Its opan j, ;, fefl, _ the~loading I .... pe<" ...""'..., fOOC. n.. ~'n><lO<o anSI;n!:"'y S."lplaneo.

"RhiiuofI••. " "R~i>Bb"..ard" and ··R~6nJ,..........•

n.e.., machine<. of G.tman d.,i!:"n and con.,,,,,,..,.,at. <Ir.i;:n.d by lion. Jakob., n d.,-or lOUn!:" Go''''""""Iplnne dc.'!:""' who hao the '.pu,a,ion of n""orpt",I"",n!: a lail",", Thcy wcrc d..igned in 'hat ord."

TI,c RIIOS,u>C"M (.pan ;j, f<:<:t) I. th. onc "..,I b>' ' G. E. Colhn. in llumetOU. ,''O''""ountry flil;hl>,

The RI~Nn,'~~." (>poOn H f«:l) .... or;':'",,111btou"ht '0 Enl:'and in 'on' 01 'n """Plane, lkwl. b!)1;" Joan Muk'" pi". Pcio;t:), ,,110 ••'.....tcb t:.,..OO-.'tati~ 011 il fo< Si, Alan Cobham·• .\ir

DI"''-1·Tht: R_.n;••• i"P"'n :.. f.." ~ i""ht<l i. 'f'O<Wl.

'~iI:- f".. fa.. ~ntty f1Jj~. .-\ sp<riaI

r"",o," j. ,he po', M "'if' "JIOi""'."- """a' plal<$ "'"the uppt:r sod""" of 'hoc ""n~..... h"'b "".. be~in'n the air .,....... f".. t1>e pu."...., 01 dl'ot'Oy;ng tIIc

6nc-ne<_ of ,he machi",,', !:lkJin;:: anl:~ a .... to ....L-i'"i' "" ...... '0 land in roo>6"fll .~" 1k R""nl>1ntha' al", h:>d ".po;~<s" 611ed h,., :to nc" ",,'ncr.

..., -. <-

..... , , _, _ ..

Page 7: Sailplane & Glider 1936

~pl.mbe'. 19J6 The Sailplane

'""SCud IL"

o.,..;cnn.l I" ~lr. 1_ E. 1I.,.",,~ .00 prod~ by,\I,I"",.Ila~"" ~"pl~"",". 0( h",h,~,. "'''''oy, ,h.,InKhi_ I>0Io1. , .... D,i'- to H. ,~h, R..",..d. ,;, )1.11<..,,,,,. d, ; a ,"'nb 11. i~ ,to<, ;>;.,i"",,1 Compo-t;,~,

, .... '00': "'0. dimbnl 1O.n:! fe<1 t.,. .:oin;; imido:: •,t>undon,nrm ~lo<>d.

"Tho '''"'' i' III r"",. ~od 'loo dlrri.:n dooo.o "'""h"".:;-J,,~.

..........-"Grun~u Blhy 11."

Thi. i, .1,.., • "~w <\(,si/:,,,. ba<c,1 on ,h~ r.R"X"·B,•• a, ro.:.,do the winl:'. The .'1"" io II fcet l i"ch~s.

The ,!<>il:"c" .nd nmnufadure..... l>.rt ,\i'c,"ft,,. of ~9. !l'J(h S",·., 1'or'''. l)"n".III•.

Th. C"~~.Il>ce I. w~~ '"'e fir.. one produced. ",,,I,h. c.'~""IK'" 11. (p.inted whi'.) .",hodie~ c<"ai","'I"'>\" .....n... Ilo,h "'~('hi".,. IIn~ a /:'00<1 acroun' _"""'" """'_'" 'Iorm-d,,~ ., ,"" E~>,~, \leeti"l; "'eld on 'his .i,~,~,Ii<r in ,he ,ear.

"Ki'b)' lill....

O'-;~ll.d b) f, '\. SI;n!:<J>y and 1"'0<1",,..<1 10)'5~",,-b,. ...3i1p1a...... ,hi. ",...bine ~~" be _cd ul"'"'a•• rd-notol (.R'·'''' B ,a,. The ~h"f d,If..."""" ~.. ;'Iw 0 "on fuoebl:'. ,he 'h.:h'I}' la~tt <pan(:;i roet) 1 ,be "l:uJl .. ;ou.;-.:. a fea,u,... !tio::h i' oha"'"'n "i,h ,he RItV.-"s........ \\"i"/:,, of ,hi.>Joape loa". ,he ~)"".o~ 'Ilol' J>Ot "",I~' do> 'he)' "",k~''''' _ .... kd lik. a t>;rd. bu' ,..., make fOO" 1.>'.....1....b'y. """"aJl) i" turn..

.. C.mbridg•. ·•

Thi~ r;cr""," d<,il:'~. "C<)' roPu1ar in ,bl' CQUntr}'.i, m."uf.<h' ....·d in E~l:la'>d b)' Sl;nl:'by S3i],.Wolf lIirtll. ""e or 'ho world's mo" ~xl'O<l .oadng­pilo1<. had •• I",",. sh3r~ in i,. dc,i!:n. 1,. sp.'n iolIt f",'.

....,,"~ 1.- ...." -e-_.. 11.-

Page 8: Sailplane & Glider 1936

Th" S"ill'l",u

.. - .._" , ColOooW_- ... ' .. _ .. _--_ __ - .. _"".-_......._,.._-

-...._ .. N_,..__ ............._ ..• • •

.. W,~",H

I he w., ~ '~r< i. ,he de,;>:" of Cor"",al W, L\11.0""'. ror~ly 01 'Ilt 11.",1.1 .,\i, !'<><'tt. ~ WI-t""0 be d;.'i,,~... ish.d 1»' ,hri. ,nlnu,... ,he: G<<wo:'< WI'

10 ino: "npaio1<'<I. Th· btt" nI., I",ill i., I>,·.b~""

h~ '" 1>,10", • .,d ha. made "",enol "''''''''''''''''''} Ai,hIfrom ,It;, ,·'e. 'he lon;.:e" hei,,;.: onc of rj mile> 11)'

\. I.. ;;Ia'e. on .\I"il 19,1. ,hi, l·e",. The WIl'TK \\'KI'n", h"ilt hl ;" pi~, ~, 11..""",1,'''. an,1 I"... Fa,'or;, ma,,",. ~';.:h' of:13 milo- f,om \I.m Tor in. '1,T"" C.",,,,, W." (pai"',od mcI) " •• ,1>0- fi·.... '0""ill. l"OC lIu'" \1'.,-, (P<~': (;. 1_ lkll.nd .\, I;;10,,·.) mal 1"',.;1,1) h"" "I' al.".

The 'pM' i, j(l fed, I\n i"'l"u",",1 \\'R"' "alled lh,·""HR'L ;, ''<~1 bj' 'he I)u,,,,.hlc S~"pla"" Co..I.u'"" .\e'o<l..,.,.., Ik<b.

"1\ 17."

n,i. ;n"·.",';n,..: <1""1'11 " h~' L"J1.ich II"tte•. "i;;.,I.b<I~: hi, '~'i<~" "a, ,I> pr<'d" n",,,hine I>f Ii.;h'""'1"" an<l ""all"",,n ,,,i,.hl<- f<>r ,i,,>: in ,hot "".,,,,bo"',,, "ind' of .\Ipin< ";.:"'" II><- 'pan i. 31 fHI uK'hl,.•nd "'ci~h' H3 11.... : "j.... Ioadin.: 3.HI." "l".'" f",~.

'1'1,,· e"''''I,k CIIlC"',] for 'he mec'i"/:, ha. I""" b"il'h~' i .. h"o 1,:1<>" ''C'', lIi,mi.,.:ham. ""d h", 0"(, it> 'l«C'A compl, ...t

..,..g .1'1",,, .,,,,,,hee ",.,mp" "I " .",~lIli~h,."",~h' ",;1·

Ih,,,', ha,i");,, 'I,,,,, .. f :1' fn" "".I" \"';~ht "I 1:1111",'1'1", ,I.,;>:,,,,· a.,,] h",I,I·,· i. 11. J 1\'''''''''. "h,,;·" ,P'~~ a, ,1><- \h_,lanol .\;.....h \\'",k. al \' .." "" >I. h,," ,,," " .•, ,,," ,•...-,.. i,. d,,,,,

,I 1" "h., t~,,, " •. I" ,h f,',b,l, no'

Page 9: Sailplane & Glider 1936

Seplember, 1936 TIt~ Sa/lph",~


Thi. "",-hi"" ,,~. b,,<I, i" 1931 bl )[c,,"'. '\i«pc.<I,Lld. and "a_ ,".i~nc;j by Mr. N. S. I'orway. Th.,pan i. :.0 f... ,.

"B.A.C. "":'

l1Ii. i. a '''·0.......>1 ..ailpbM. and "", ",1 afe in ,,~

for dual "",,'roI in'>l .".,. rhe de .':_r .0._ ,hela,. C. 11. 1......\\-,kI<•• 1\0 af""-..-a,,L, a<kIed an~"" '" ,he .It,'..:" and 'bu<~ ,be "~~..:1,,,,-1",:", aempla...., ~n i"''''''''«I ,-....... of ... b;cb ..r"",,' .nakinl: a _ for i'.-.Jf.

"Falto. I:'

1lIe Fu~~. as ;, ,. <",I1e<J in i,. ooun"~' of o,.;"in."a< produ<"cd in f".Cfmanl· b) Dr. l.ippiscb as • 'rai".

i"l: ","" for p"p:l. who h:>d i"'" Ie:l"" '0 _r.l1>e B";li.b ,......ion. F~<,C<)~ I., i. p'odoced by Slin"wJJ's""lpl." of KirbJ'noor.,M, Y""ks. It h~....pnnof ~I r , I i"""',,.

"".I<on Ill:'

Thi. i. ~..II)' .n cnla'!,',d "• .,ion of ,b. Fuco~ 1..1o"ill l"l(c en""..:" 10 urry ,w'o propl., who .il .i'khl' .ide-••, "",,',,0.1 a,r."".m.", i" ""ilpla"... It'.ce<l b)' Slinl«I»' '<;oilplo""" and ""'cfol "f ,h.'lP" a.., ""n- i" "'"' ,,, ,·a,iou. d"b.. It ha. be."found '0 ha,·. a" """xp«;,«IIj' >;:~ performa""•.

l1>e .pa" i. ~7 f..., to i""hcs. I' i. 6,,«1 "'i,h d"al, .... 'roI, and has "",,·.,..1 particularly " ...r,,1 for l:i,i"l:1''"''''P<'"'i,-. "C" pilo," • ,as.. of ..,..,i"l:" belore ,he,­........., 01" '0 lry i' on a ";"1:1• ...".,., machi"".

.. •.A-c. V'<"

A-'..... ,"""""""."."""" Cl... H_'.. _ ..... -.'

Page 10: Sailplane & Glider 1936

Tile Sailp/a"c

'"Methods of Soaring

-Slop" So"ing. Th. "-'0<1. blo"io\ll" ngain" " hill•. , , "~,,",,I. in 0,,1,-, 'n me O,""C 'he h,II,

"''''. "v'C" ,_. . _, ,, ,

"."",_k"'~in'_o,".r'hc""'d,,'a,, OOp"'

"n' "cp'o ," '-." , .•, , ." .,"";. j, 'ho ,,"npbt '''0,100<1 0 'O",,,,~." I le ,,,. ".. - f

, , ., "., thin.' <00" at S,,"o" Hank ",11 he nM< "',,, v • ~

,hi, \",,;e')"'Thermal So3ting.-Thc .un hea.. '''''1. I'o"he> .of

_,ound ,no'. than other,. The "ir in con,"(' \\",10

;he"" ",.,.".. pa'd'"' "ill I"'cio<l;cnlly brook "':'<\l"_,;ncc hot ai, ,i.... ""d "ill <:0 on ,-;<;0>: to • ho.<:I>,"hieh dop.",I< "n Ihe ",,,,o;,phoric ('oo<li';ol1'. SlId, ~

\>odJ' of "i, ;, callc~1 " ,h."".,1 e""~''''_ nr. ",he,,,,,,I,"od" soi1p'0"" or .• bird keep> ""h,n " h)' g-"'''l:mu,,,1 "od mu"d in circle'. Thcco".I,. "n"e ,he)" h"vob,o"co loo"", d'ift ''''r "ilh the "io,!. .0 th., erOS<­,'",to"J' n;~h" h)' thi, mo'''' 0'" 1>,u.ll)' ,Io""t·"il\<I; it l< oolJ' whon om,si,,1' fmm o"e the,m.1 t"."other th.t " pilot 00" hoa<l".; io olho'd;,eo,tioos too.

Cloud Soaring.-Tho .,i, 1IJ a th",mal ;s romp.,a·ti\'d,. 1000;,t, ,,1<1 if it ri,c, to • cwt.i" I.\'d (u,,,"t l.lXlO foot) il m'r /o,m • vUI1Hllu' cloud, Thedoud the" ,how. thc pilot whe'e 'he tho,m.1 i•.

Cloud SIrCCts._.'\ "roog \I'io,l will i"tedere with thcr"..mation of t1""m.l" Il<lwthcb' tll" Iow.' brcr­maJ' ;('~ so warm«1 tlp bl' tl,C !-:'o"nd th., the)' w;\"1to ,h'0l;0 place< with 'he "I>ptr l,,)'ors. Th;. mal',",,,It in 'ho fOrlTI.lioTI 01 altornate ,t,;p, o( ,i,il1)~

'11<1 ,'o",,,,,,<Iing' .ir, Ihe ,"il'< hC;1l1; paralld to Ihewiad. '0 'hat tho do"d'. ;1 on)', will (",m in 10";: lioe'~0>0""." "doL1\1 "reel,," !I ."ilpl."o ]lilol. kcel'il1~

'n ,he ,i,;,,1' ai, "n,lo, • dOIl,1 .troct. e'n tlr .t'a;!-:ht"ho.<I io,to.,1 01 ,'icdi,,;;. :ood so tan pro;:ro" IIp-w';,,,1." woll as dO"'I1-w,,,<I

Thu"do.,to,m Flight, Who" • change of wind",i"J.:' • ,,,.,, "r c'olde' .i, to repla"" ""'mce oi" ,~.

001,1 .ir IItI<IO,""" '~c ,,"rm "nil (<no<:-' it '0 """""on,otim« I.,>:e rna"os 01 dOll<l will 'ho" f"'m i"the ,;,i,,1' :oir ~n<1 • tl",,,,I.«lorm "ill '0,,,11. Tb"I,o,,,,,b,,, hot",coTI the 1"'0 m.,<." o( a;, i. ,'olkd "'·f,ollt ...· ,",1 ],l' kcopi"J.: no., thi. "Imnt"' ., .. ilpl.".maJ' """01 wit~ ;t ,,,-,,,<.< coontr)'.

Gliding Hecords

DurationWo,ld', H«o,d. 3l' h""'" In m;n,,"", h)' I.i"i,.

"i"c (R""I.,). in ,h. C,ime., OC"ohc' 2",1. lOa:"Uritisb Il._curd, I.) h,,",s 7 m;n","", b)' J, C. NolI."

in l'MO.~'",>R, S"tlon H"llk. Yorksh;,e, July IGth,


DistanceWorld', H_<ord.-313 mlk', hJ' R1>dolf o<:l"scb"""

III CO~"o", (mm "'."erk"ppe, (ic,m'IlJ', to Beno,C,e<,ho-SI"".kl •. Jul)' 20th, 1~~~,

lltilisb 1I.0<o,d._104 miles, by r. A. Wills. ;nIIIOR)"S, D,,""ohlo Dowll', Hod,,, to I'ahfidd, uearl.owOStoft, JIII), ;;th. 1'3G,

AltitudeWo<ld's lI.e<ord._II,lflO r«t. b)' 1I0ln,loh Dittmar

(GermaIlJ') in CO~')(}R, Dio d. J."el,", Hr.,i\, feb,u~';'

17th, 1931.

llritisb Huord.~,:n3 rcct. hy G. M, Bust"" LIlSn'l> 11., SLltlOIl B.,,~."" Ith. 19~',

.\'orc.-The "eSt i.."o of TH" s,''',''',,'~" AS" GUll'",to he l'u],li,hod oa,-])' io October, will ;"duM 11 1"11

.cc".",t of the N.tiOllal COlIlI""'t;O""


.,",..,"'~ • .....<A,~ .."""NO <IUO

"S,(O ..tHINO 19"~OtiHS-OF

C'!(lSS' CO\INlIlV fUl<"IS

"A'~ .' '",,,•

••'7!,' ..........



•• "."oI'

~"­-, ,..... '"-.a,~".~, .. ,...."

+,i .......

-.-..:." ,.


•.,.,... M.d. t,... ,.. ,;,. t... "<lOO,

Page 11: Sailplane & Glider 1936

~p,.m~r. 1936 T"~ S(>I1/JI",,~

"Corunus" turns Artist(With .POloci". 10 Foucasse. Bolli«lli. "le.)


~ ...

••_. " • 1.OO"r....

..... ~'.,.. -......

Sn007k from the Clubs

littl" Diddlincham Gliding Club

0, April 10, anoll>« unofficial "",kl', ..a,

.., "p by 'ho! club. C"'o!>'''!:'on-Oon: ".-rote-ofl" 'ho!".., 1''-;"",') agai"" ,,,", ,bi..d "",,d 'ho! Id' ,n

, ..--J """ in hr...... eiks·. 'h,")'."""" field. ,h..,-""..."'ot" ho,;"I:' I........ ""''-a 'hus """"",,,,I.

( •..-....h, f", ,h'. unpt""""'n,"'" f"a' mu" in aJI fai"",...

"'- ,hl'.d .. i,h M.." ... W;n>:.b) \\·.;Ipla,oe,. ,h..

con'lrU..-l",. of 'he ma>:";fi"",,, ""d,itlc ... ,uoo<:... fu11)'1Il1,,>:oM.

ProblemTHF. m~mb< ..h'p of,~GI' or>d Gai,... GI'd'ol( Clu~

I>u \:""'.. " b,. leap' and _"d•. 'IH: '""ru.., 0...... la"! ...... t.c;"l( no !no ,ha.. lOO~... _ La" SnDdal ,,,",",u,hr.- "'.... pttfcct. and "'-. had • ,........,." of "" .....'Iuon .:.~, of ......"bo:<s. """')' ..... of ... """" had • ft,~h'_

l·..fonun..~ly. Fuddk. ,.-h<> .. I. I4oUD<"hod ,r.;nt.mi<rook ,"" ...,Ia,i,'. f"I><,i"", of rud<Io< and ..k\... ,......and our onl)' m""hine .. a' ""rio<J>i)' d;om."rd. ,hu,

hol,I,,,\:" lip f""h... dub ad""" •• for """'" 'i".,..Who' ""'.' th, m,mb,,,I,'-p I".. y'''' o/lh, Go' ,,,,,I

(;0,,. .. f;I;,I",1O CI"b?

The Pilot's Plaint: A Poem?

h r ..,.. "alli,,!: 0·... ,I>< kaA fa;, Y"""lI' _KIm o.aid '0 """~Oh. pI<;o........ pka.. oi,. m."l m.?"''O}ly da, J""n" I4odj'," I .-q>J,nI."y"" bono..r m~, hut r ,,-ould Gh<lc_"

~ fi,-. long- ,..,...... loa.,. d"'y _S,not ,ha, )"""l:" .....m<>IC'l ,"". pl<d:I ,. ,oh _- 1 had not,.. ,,"'" r do a cro<."""",'ricnu:...... w.....,n. """ ..-""'11 """'" fO<' ......

Page 12: Sailplane & Glider 1936

TIr~ Sailflltl"~

An Anglo·German Gliding Caml'

A C-\ 'Il' '" ". • a COd'hi>M'<I """~' .... 1'~l:h.h a..d(;......,. p, 1<»n><d I:li",,'~ ' ",""I d ....."1: J.,J}

;.0 (;...""'ft". n... ...,,"~,..(" ...., C"cI", "I..""1:.0.. .,J ". ""; all'<od~ "'"Id • ~_bc-r <>f \"I:kJ­

(0."", '"",k·· .a"'p', borh ,~ (;noman} and ,nEnl:bnd, "'" 'h" i. , .... fi ....' lim.... 1:'''' 'l: ","mp ""S"""" ,,;.d,n... Eft"I". "",,,,I><,,, of , ""... ,,,,,,,,i'rdfrom ..,· 1 , ,.,.,. an<! ft ..",,,,"rrd abo.... ' I;, ,_gh"'" all ld ). 'h" fun ,im•. ~,"ft~· k"d ha" 00 pt<.,~,... """ 'iOft "i,h I:lidiftK, .ftd of 'h.... .".,... h.dbo..,ft 1><,)' ", "'''". co",,, p,i",.,ih· '0 p,a"'i'" ,hc"(;cco""n .",1 'H'I) ".,,,,,,1,,,1)' ,.. II~, "h,I<' ",h"" h,,,1"",.",k<ll"...·i"". '\"I:'I"'''""".n .a'''I>< and /"",,01 p"n.i,,1:' IIlid.. " "h,,'" 1I".,ly pref"mhl. ,,, 01... ,pool" \lock(Ii'<rall}) \lh,d' 'b.)' had ", ,~, in f"r",e. }C"",

s", ..,,1 m",n),,'r< "f llei".h ,,1i,linll dub. "I"" joined,he .M'p_ Th"" we.. "bo.., half" d",eft f,om ,heIml"',ial C"II"ge ;,hdinll Club, aft,l a m.mb", of ,h.l'b"'. (;!idiftg Club ,,"" b",,,,,h' "i,h him "", )O"ngbd. f,,"" h,. ""ft ,Ii",.;",_ Of ,h... "",. """ ,,·a.""h I:; and """,I)' mad< hi. ".\:' "'kil" ,h. od dis-';<>i:..i,ht<! hi", .. lf I", complc'ift(!" hi. "W' a' , ~en.

''''''''h bunch fmm , .... 1>eI:innin" of in."....'''''' (i"dud­ifIj[' <I",",I--io fa<>. H"" ~'''Il"''''''ppt .. id i' ,,_ 'IM:"'"... "8'" "" had "'."'....,..._

Carli \1..,.;:«'ul'P" i' .,,11 k_n i. En"land, ha"iftg" ,.: dem< "'u'iof" for ,I><' /) 11 L'!,r ..;" 1<j.1tl. -" .pe,n lime: ift ,tul and , foUo.,ing)U'~' """l'CIo< loa gliding dub al S<;a,_gh. H.,,-;u .. odtnll) ""'-n partly for- hi. abili'l '0 <peakE"!:Ii.h. Th<- ........ abili'}' ,,'as "'ade a '1"alifica.,i""10< 'h<- "'diMn' camp ......mlx" w"'" ea",,, fmm anra'" of (i~,m,,0J" Tl>cir o,·~r.l:c all~ wa' 17 0' 18,,",h~, I... ,haft ,h,>1 of 'h" I'''Kli.h m"m"," ...

Two I:'li,li"l:" m,," "'ho ,,·cn, '0 'hc caml' f,om ,hi."""",,)' ha"c .c,n 'hc "cco"n" "f 'hcir eXI""i."...:"hO\"h 1."11",,,; 'h" ~,.,' ,Icsc'il><' d'iell) 'h" p,i,na'l',,,,,,,,c,,o,, ,'a",p a, Si.gc", ""d 'h. """oftd 'h" 'i.'i' '0Oa,m"a,I, ,,, 1101 ac,o]>b,,,,.,,,,,inll' i",'ruc,iM1.0' th, """e ",l"a"",d "",,,,b..,,, 0",1 ,he h",pi,abl. ,im.'hc" (~c,maft h""t> ga,e ,hcm Ixf"'" ,hCl fi"any c~m.


n.. " , '" '.'-_ " ' c' .- ....-,

...... H_ -- -- ......_.....-- _ ,..-..,

Th< nmj",i')· of ,10" Engli,h .0,n"'l:c'" 0'';''''.1 btf"'",h~ "''''1' ",a, read)' and wc", ,h. guc'" of ,he "Hi,kr,"",,'lL "

Thc ,'ami', ,.,,,>0.11 "" Ei"'<owI 11."1,, \la< 'h" giftof He" \\'ol<lrich, "ho own. lOG" fa,""i" "hccc arcm,,,1e. "",a<:l,ift'" ,h., make m,,,hi,,,,. 'ha' make,,,,,chi,,,,. ,hnt ftlakc ...... Clt" .. CIC,

'I'he hill ,,·a. appcoxim,,"'I)' ~:,I\ fcc' llighcr ,h.<ft ,hel.>"di"ll' field ••"d had a ftic" ,I""" ''1",,1 '0 ,he glidiogaftll'lc of " (;."'''L' ;I primM}', .0.0.1 ,n,,,. ,h~n eq"al '0><.,.. of u.

Foc 'he ~"l few tb,." r.tTit,·i"l: .. a' rk>ne 1».....ftOf b<>y J><>"cr; ,,""" ,he el"",,;., .. ,....·h ..u i~,allrd.

nobod) "orkrd.T .... """,be< of "A'" and "8'" .....,i!ica'... olHain<d

i. not k"""ft, b'" most ,,",'.nono ",""'" ...-al .ilb_di>ti""'ioo, ,f ""I,. a 'rtt·'uP br>dlnc_

11>r , ...1 ~'l:h, I", ., A ,. "a. """.11), a .,raigb' ....~.-" ,,,," h,I1, " ......"""" ,1>0 ........""ft) al 'h< rop .-,cda p<ok><>~.... ".\·A_.\_.\'" and Kt .. ,,,,",, 10 ,IM:,. f..........

1''''''''''''n ...'Il' """""i'a,rd fi, .....""rn" "'·bend ftil;M'of OH" ",inu'•. T" ,he ,;g'" "'~. bu'h .od IM C'O""'Cof a "nod.• ~ice loft ,,,m acr",' Ih~ de·" ooded ponion,and ,he ...,.""" '"m .i,her , .. 'he 'il:tot ,,,,..,,,.1 'h< laoo­"'': "",un" '" ....mfidd, or """""",,,,. ,he I<f! ,urn" .• , ,'1n,i",,, ,I a'''' we """,nc,I, miord "''' "eacl bod""~nd \le,,' lor 'he axe'.

Page 13: Sailplane & Glider 1936

Th~ S"i1"I"n~ '"In>'n1d'''''' M'Ke","1'P" ,nd lIenni"g. l1>eir Kood

~",_r .nd " ..."ime'" "e", ,110: life .nd ..,.,1 <>f t""p''''' .•nd b in.t""'..". t""" un ho.e no equal.)1";"'14'1"" ,• .0.1><> • 6"" ',"'m_. and ,oa'er polopb..... and ......,.,.pI,..hrd mu"",""... h,1e He."""g aln....'" e'''' .. ,,"'.... ,t... .,d ol a paor ut .. ing,..

(be<.ro , .... """le a fe..· '""mpt. '0 r .,., ,he g ...d .....1'k¥. _I lI.....ninJ:' -et .hoe <, ......,.. f.obion........h _ ,hon ...... ""II«! '0 ...... mind.... , o.olol ong ··I),,..n in ,he F......,•• ••__ ...... i. ··TIt"",

Cra"'''~hf,l,h G.JO a,m. P.T.•noJ bc<t.m.king '0 fo1lo<o-,

..,01 t......... /.irJ .nd b.eakf".,.On bo<I "n,her <la,. w. ,·,.ite<! f..,.o.-;". and ~.d

,he ple••,,", "f a trip ,,, Colot:ne and a ".it to the1.1;. 1'.,t...n .hemleal planl. Wilh 12,000 .... pk»-ee5,nd. ,,,,,n of 10,000 10 .uPl"''' i1. i, io. m",' ;"'po<­;"g sigh•.

Thc c.,,'p hoo,rl ".....cell..",. We slq" ;n ';C";""'el1.o;,.d "",n". ,nO" of "·I,,,·h hoOd nn cxcellc," ";e""f ,h. ""r""n<linl:' e"un"~·. The "'011. "f ,I,. "I<>bh)''",,'e'" ,ltoora,rJ h)' I'od<>k ("h... ,"" I"'e< '" be on. ofU<I' in.......' ..... 0' I),..""ad'). and " .•'" "".n.' '" ",ha,oft..... hal'P"n. '0 glide<5.

ll,oond ,he 6re, i" the ••'cni"l:0. " or 1",01,""'" ,,00 beard «,,,'" rxpre••ion• ...c opi,,;"" on ",.h

..."".'. eountrioC"<.lloe ......a;. of ,he goes l<' J<>ehen 1Ie...."""nn.

the .......p k od<.... _ 'I";" """""""d>. '"I'"t ,I«: p1a'rs'ogdher." _re ..~1hot>, f,,» and J,:.u,ly app<ccia.rn.l.ootg _~ he ..,ig.. !

Ill....i..""'t. E""~.. Rittk "". &rI, 2.n., "'i,b •mnk·. h,t i.. hi. righ, ann ( did ......11 ...ear Ira,he.I"'~"I I.cept tho lu~ guing '<> ,he end. H,. cae is ......_"'e<. fa.. """"l:h fo.- .lttp) I><-.d> h, lateh ,,.

Soo»e .. "ft' i.. r<:b,~ '0 Dum..""'... here, .. I><-n .........,-...1. "" r""f>d i "",ml><-e <>I ,I><- C.mbel<lge Clubhad .l<oIcn ,ho .ho... af>d the "".etS ol """'" of ,he lad;'•."" <ou' an"i,;", were confine<! '0 ,,;""h_'Ol\ing a';(0 m.p.h. a"d a fe" aer<> '0''',

The trick il\ a.m ,o,,;nK ;. '0 h ..·p 'he head of ,he""'Of,lan. piIQ' ;n line" "h ,h. 'Of' of ,ho ."ddee. ,o'herIi~e ,i;:h'in;: 1\ .ille; "nd if )'0" ~..."Id ,k. ,hot. )0" "'cre".ke" to 1.'~" "".".,. If "0'. )',,,, "cre .;;:."111,,,1 0111\' "",iOllJ ah;'"d«. The 11;1:1" ""er 'he "..",I,,,,,,. in·eh" ...1 an al'l'''~'''h olOf1g 'he "ew I"/"./I"h,, . .,,,,1 a1'...",1 "ill'h, it "0'.

h "0111<1 be imposs;ble ... do...-,.I>. I><re .,·trj"hing,ho, n.e ."i,.1 ol .h. ··!tindenb",!;'" .,F furt. ,he English lad)' ha"inK lea ,h..e in I><-e allbut ba' ""'""""'. ,he trip ,<> .110: Wb,""e"'uppe."....., .. e ..... pilol......-gt' unhu.' fn.n an l'l>". cn>Jt'" a hu., to ,he Wartbu'¥. '0,110: Ilan """,,,,.in•..o.od hall, 'u Ilerlift.od.he Ol,mp;.:; Ca""",

Ar>d '0 think ,ha, _ .I>orrg'" '.en""n)·,o be. hos.ill:""""'ry :

Xn' ,car _ "'ill go bad :agairl.

".Ahe. "'rik."C camp a. S"J,:cn ''''' .. _ pal1~

tr ll.d l» n h '" Dum...'" ....,,1 ........... ,·i.i'ing ,hefa "" "n"e ,) ''''''" "f lI.,b",..- on ,I>< "a)'. A'1J~'''",.d, an ."reme')· in'ere.,i"K ,.... , to ,I«: ll.l'.S.('",rman IIc",,,or"h I""i''''e f", :-;,,,,,,,1:' Flil:'h,. ,,·h..e..""a<ch .. olun. "" ""'''>r'eo. n)i"K .,,01 on IIlioc, «.",.

......._~..... no<, ....._~ ... _., ,.... _,,_.

,1'''c1''M') wa•• rrange<! du,i"l> ,he hou" "'hen camp""''',ocr, "c.e .1Ot all()wed Iv Ay. Of I"''' icular in'.r...1\;," ,h. ""1'0<"'" for .,,,d)i"lI ,he now 01 a;, rOllndlI';ng ",'1",,\,... ruts. v' ,,"y ,k.;.«1 ""jcc... a"d ,Iso'he 'ne,l",d< lor ;l\\c"';lIali"l;' dvud forma';O<I.

"I'll<: l; ...."'" ,cam 01 .,i1pl""e pii"" for 'he OI}'l\\picG,m.~ "'" .....,n p';>el;,inl;. a,,,1 a I..~" numbc' 01n.,1O' ",,,,h,,.., ",. on ,·iew. Th. n.....' i,,'..... ;,,~ 01Ih.", "ere ,he ...". R""'.'·~."••• "I,ieh h•• I><-.n d,,'rna, IOU km•. PC' hour and Ila".n<d "", .. i,oo'" breaking ;Ihe S'.UL>'.u. an amphibian ~h""'; tbe .........,...'S.....u, .. hieb ;, equipped for nigb'~O)ing and fo.­"""Y"'j;" "or.less; ,he \\·,xL>...n. .. bid< hos • toc.lbdcn ...ig'" of only ItlJ Ih-.; and ,he 0»<""", 11 ."'hid< ..", lIo-..n l»' llium,n,

Aft.. ,hree <la)O bad bcorn >p<n, a, D.......adl, ,Ilel"'''), "en, 1»' eoad> '0 ,I><- Wa...rn.."flI><:- L:nfor_.unotd) no .".,ing .... -.....blc during ,Ile <lals'fl'Cn' 'here, bu, a "e'} .pcr·tao,;ulo, ",.>1> ...en.1·.....··11"· eer"r.a.. pik>t< .....~ gi,en SC\·e......•,,;OC Ia"""be. ;n a F"t.<;<»;. and""'" ..... o.-to....,. pUoldid 'bree co"'p\ct. 'urn. of • 'pm f""n • h.'gh' of .ho,,';~ fee' bef",e di .....·cring ,ho, ,hi...... n(){ .1«: be.."a)' ". b•• nJ,: a mach;"" do...n.

F,on, ,h. Wa...rkuppe 'he I'M') p,oceeded '0 Go>lar,a,..1"" ,he" 'l' p<'Clook of ,. p",'i,· excellen' hrneh"' ,h. I:"e." of ,he Gce"'." <.:..1<",;,,1 Sd,onl. ", \\·ik.,,_hau.c". The)' ",cr. o"",iall} "e"''''''e<1 0' (,,,,,,, h)''he 1<A'al Ilillc, Y"u'h. ",,,I 'he "'1110' " .•• 'I"'''' .t anumh", ...1 p.i';"e hou"",. Nn' d;,)·. 01,., 1"''''''1:'hr""lOh \\'c(>\;\(",,,,1<: (" here IU'lCh 1\ .. ,o~e" a. guc,'..... ,I«: Ma) ", and Corp....~,ion). ,hr: "'''') ,<"ebe,1 &rl.".

On ,h. f"Uu""'1I <la} ,!le 6... ",," dub """... old..("""m." '\.N Club" os "i,i,e<! at R.ngodorf ...-odrOd>C.aoo 'he ",..,hi""" "hic~ """ , f""".lI po..,o ",.1«:.. ....Id for ,ht Ol)mpo<: Gamc> in'pec<e<!. n.epart) .... ,e<! .1><- Buck....,.",Ia"" work•••00 ,heRpruoet'dcd 'u tile T....pclhol "".od,""" '" ..... at> ..,d~). O~,,,,,,nding ""enlt .n ,hi.. "'>f'Ia)' wet'.e.t...~,a" of a balk><><> ....... f.............. ftp"" by~'C';don,.nd an "..,.,1 ' dLspIa) of'" by _ 01Gc......d) ' , ""'illed pi!o< •.

The .hma~ toa ."Cr)....ju,able an.l".. ,,_able campe.."" .. "h. " .., ,0> ,he oi)_ S d......, ......" tbe...-"'1:' pogun. ,.. ,he J,:a""", ,,--,.

In />-0""1:' • "ibu'••', ,t... II """Y .od "" uh',·'" ",or (oc,....... f''''nd,. ,he h,.-.J ,,·.,.k ,.I 110< ..a",1 1Ii<;< ~",ann i" ....K""."n..:- .,K! ,,,,,n,,'I:' ,he amp","., '0<" I>e fu'",o<'''''- 'Il,,,nh .re ".., d... ,,,~lal:er,uI'f'<' and Ih·""i,,1O •• ;".,,"', ....,. "cn'er·.ai"..' .... noJ f,i."d•.

Page 14: Sailplane & Glider 1936

,,, The S"lfpk",e

A Soaring Expedition to Wiltshire

IT" ......~;......."....... •<>I;.I"y ". ,.~ u;":":,:.:~:-~;~",".~~,,~,,,,;-~~;c-----lpi ._ro.~ r.'C< d ....~• .....,<>ry 1-"< Id... "f ..,..,Iy of ..,....M.. of I •• ,LA..o.. GloJ"'t et." ""'" ,,"'.,~,,. ....Ipl"".. ",I" w,'rs~"" ,",Iy '" ,lot"", T"""""mb". pI ,h~ •.<p,di,;o" 1:"" 0" ""0"'" "I 'h,".."...i,n'.. b,I".,.,. Tt ,hokld be d ... ,/y ",,,1,,11,,,,,1, , "..,,,,is""" ,""SI fn """"",<1 h./M. ""y 11'''1:' ,,,"b, 1_ lit< ,ilt. d'I<"""<I in '.is ..<tiel._, Eo.1

CO~IlSG """'" from a l>oIi...., in the west, S)lvan

Fox ""w fi"e """i"ll" hill. i" Wilt.hi'e. Th••"""", ,',d;', M<l ,ho" .'icil 'he hM'U of 'he

Ioca.I I,,,,do,.',,e" ."d "",.baili.., wi'h Ihe ...ult "'..... ..--.«1 ooUec'ion of """Ayer, had ." e.rra~

<>«IiDaJ-ily ple:asan' Bank Holoday, poncring about ,be~ oi 1.0 ,W;",.

Fox ,,,d lbe ,.-ri,u .rn,-cd on ,he "",,,i,,g of Friday,J"ly 31.,.•, AIHd, ..on, wi'h 'ho g ..y ",,,aY K,n; so". Mr. Jloo!e', fi"e old pl.ce, '00'" whioh ourWoolwor,h', pe" bubbl5 "i'h incohere"t ••"be ...""".n..,..f""" brid)', "e ...)' ,ha, i......, al lhe i""illtionof }Ir. Hook, the heMlq""....... of the amp; and ,ha,,he ~>l pleasan,nes, and exoo1rDce of ilS .. ine-­c.1I&r i5 ",,1, "'Iuall«l b, ,ha, of its ","'ne._

0" S.'.'da)', Bake' and Ili",ox ."i,'«I wi'h G."XMJllAn< .0,1 brown ",....Y K'T" respeClh-e1y, lhkoc did"0' e<" eaul:h' exceeding ,11~ .~d limit; b., he didha,'. ,be pleasure 01 beiog pa...ed i""oc"o,..I) b)' afoiled """"" <21'. The pan" "'en' '0 'Ioe \\~'" Cr...,..,., ...... ,here Sew ift a~"e """.....ind (WS, W.).. hid> la,.. freshen«l, So ,.", hill.hing. lIiKO'<lroW '0 ~y .......ind 10 ,he I""••umabl)' ~ltu " ... faceby Melbury Abb.., bu' ,,'a, kt ,10... " "" 'he Os 0""'0("" ,.",) aod.<x>n sur",""dcd by a he,d of 'he "orninal"'"'f><~'. Fo. ft.w a '''ile 0< ''''''' <Io..-n-"·;nd along'~ "'4c, 'bm Oew ...., '" h"'d at Feroe Clmkhana.filMing ...... p«:t<dly no he'f:h' Iou, he tried i~,...d;0, make ,"" .'bt .nd of Whi'e Sb<ec' l-liB, b"t jus'••Ied, a .... >0 bnded by ,be ~l.'q.,. of Oydudale',

pia<:<:. n)Lnll' over ,he G,mkh.n•. The !od&" ro""1""",I.d 'e._ 1l<1'l:h'f"1 pt<.ople i" lVil'.,.ir.,


F"", Arm.troeIt. and Hump"''''' ...... grey KIT&.Ibkc. flew COl'><A'- Bu"Hi!iQ)X .... 1><0." "tu.~... lLll'hts: 'otal 'in><: 3 """,,. U m,,,.,es.

", On Sunday. ":'. ,h."" "ail(<< ....<1 fo. r c,,,, w.'''ed ,h. "'e N. of [)c""c, (Oli,·.. ·x Co"le) S'

and "''Od <1"""",'0 ,,"<c I:u<>d c"""ah bu, ,L' n~""'''l:'h de -', -.. , 00 "'"y• ,........"'" s" m"d,-, ...b\e I" fl)' ao),hi"l: brge, ,h"n...... had :.;..d..obod) had a I.,.."",., SO .'. sa, """....

\\loi<h •__ .., of Tom, ,be _.

n..~c...._.. "-," _of _"___.-1.1. '.~ _~....,...._;...._,..............

Fo., "'" <ont<", "'l'h find;,,1l' .s 'he country, peT•

",;osioa '0 Oy i" i', :and ,be Hool<!.' as a C<1Itre. pt6­doccd "Iso. brothe,. ,he afor.......,_ <:ooIr. \\__a pilot landed ....., a' " 'imes, "JI......w.- T-.before the traile' .,,;,'«1, "',lI' ,be apprnp<ia'e ....,,).

W. bro"j;h' ,he Ihre<: troile.. and four ca.. horn••""d <l",ing 'ca, .t W.n"i".... , a'fI".d about 'hennalbubbles .ntil ,I>< di""u..ion p"><I",,.<I SOme of its o,,'n.

,\lo..da,.~The <lcprc:ssioo "",,'w east '0 ,he SonhSe... Ir:an"f:' •• in • ,,'tern of ..ra~h' i><>bars andmild polar .i., "'hid> pers:ist'" till Wednesday_ Flyio.:­a, ..~, .nd of Whi,. Shtt, 11Il1, SI<Qrl/(' ."CS'~rl)- wind.S'.";..g ,'ido"ol, .... i,h ,ho....ers. ,he .....,het imp«,•.-«Ic"OUgh 1o permi' ,her",.! h"n,i"i:'. H"mphri.. 'e·porkd ( 'u'bulence) i,"pra.'ome", of hill lift con.e""c" ...j,h .U",.hiM. Dent (3 o'clock) ne..- "p-wind'1 abou' llOO feel ,,"'..... eloutl'''«I. ,h." ,,,,n, 00-.-".,,'ind a,Jong- ,11<: ••' he ..... i'«I a, ....... ~e ....,~,he ....,Ie<. follo....og be....., had come: "p; ,ben boIt«loft '0 ,he ne•• 001&.. H" .lso a"'''"'''' himself ....'h,be ,-"' of ,be Isl" of Wigh. (from obou' 1,'l(lO fcr:'),aod i'h ",adi"l: n" uhor'atio<l 10 "D'ink MOleMilk," •• ..,"..d io huge 10".'5 on 'he Dow", 1»' s<>rn<:.c"hetie f.rmer. Cond;'i",,,, ...Ued 0"""' ...j,.'0,1 .p. LIe", la"ded on Fora", Dou-n. Hi"""",a«ompanied him, bu' Ia~ ".., Wilton-IO mi......11" ...... Ihco-e ,s;......ntJr:,J by five "...,.. (nol his .,.-,,),.,wl lhen Urne back to Fo<a"" ,.here fl)'og ..... CC<t­"'0."'.

Summary:_Hisro•. Humph,i.. , nod K""ble ne'" b"", .. KOTr,\Iakcr and HU"'phr"" lie... r..II"AII n,.,.."""'''01\<:,. Fox and 1><-'01 Ik., 1".' KIT"-Tb"' n Aigt"., ; bou... ~ min.... OJing ,u-.T ,.-I~ "i<:ious ,"an ye.>'~rday. \\',S.W

"md ; ••n a"d .arl) eloud de"e\opm<nt. Tto< ca, _,"nd I..-eakf... by Tom, '0 me.. of .'_

I\,n,""'''"'' "",I Ili"",., .'''''i''l: f"'nt ~lid,lIe l>uwn.",,,I h,II.II)",!:, ~"i'c I""" I.,,,ded 0' Fontn, I)()"n, The"kJ', had ,loud.....p 1.0, clc.rL'<l lo"r. to gi'" • 1><1'""",lmg f<Or A,-in/: from Foranl. lIiS«>'< had ._.....fty ."d "en. -... Hak..- "en, _ , ..'erd.., Thrwind ha> ,h., roo, ... ,"", <>0' of ibe 0Id's..-hc>t>lW;",I_k (p<ovlded of COUr." by Fo.x), so .... take •

Page 15: Sailplane & Glider 1936

S";ll' s' Torn's ,,,,,.,,••,. and Isun<h gTO)' !>:IT& plUI ~'o~,

l',wlt' • >ps,...l}· c,,",ub,rd ...~. hoe ll'" 900 rea and....Ik<d 0,><'0 :<u,,"" ~hr><i<'>'ilk; .mu-....l h.....\( ....p",odi"j: i.. a q""" b,'; ,"".. l;1l' 1.000 (ee'. btcornml1 an,.~im ..'" or l.tOO u"ok, ~ ,,,••', or ''>01",",1 c1,>Uds.u ..ded "",", ])0"'''''''' LO ,,,lie'

:<_a'1_,\,.....,""'1:". Fox. and It..mphoiG At,,· 11"'" !>:,u.lIi"",," and Hum ph"... ftc..· b"",.,.. !>:'U.:;e,." Righls: 9 h""," 10 ",inute'.

W,.",$dllv.-~lo<It""<W.N,W... i ..d. l'oK sl:si".. .0Ilov1;"oa. F.... ,he oakc of u.ic'y he did,,',Isnd in , Mid :00 }",'crlls., 00'. in ,he .....n,,' 'u it. S,.rtcd at ,n"l..lay ""h h,1I ""'I:h. 1(l(QOO(ee'. Fir,,' bell,"en ,lOO on,l 2,000 fcet. and a' ,h..-' go< LOO ftt' ",er a ""Illfiold. Thi. aL.., happ<oed.<Stenla, a' 'hoe pbc<.. 10 baiit ""on ......, .........,. soon g:l>" "",. l'be ......51ortiog ~gh'. ,he <10\0'0<..<<<.... of ,he whol. hill."tern, .nd 'he """'" of ,h. N.", Fo..~' p....bably allhelped.

W. c<IlIec'w him........'ned. and me< 0<l<IW """."0'I........ poc.... ,"'1 helpe..... So .... 'ook ,1><1,. chi\dr<-na. 110>,0.,.... ;n "'" <It' > ",I. ,he}' 10110,",«1: \\'. a,,,,'cd• , OU' lauochi"'11 pt"" " be"." '0 ,am. , h. ho,·,..g.. ""TO tl.... phed ..-ilh ch".;.,•• ,c ...d ' ....rned It>""...... W. b,' io 'h< gr.....n<! .sin and ,h«wl...o.bou' ,he- bU..: Tom ha, ing- g...... "'M' ..._ lef' <>f

UI lu<J di"ne, io "h..lw,b",. and a.....iml a can,d ....board-« Io<al .unc.. .

T ....sdaJ.-\\~"d S.W.. "_I:'. C""'io.-o,h,,,,c,". TC',",en,h, of low d<>od a' r.!lfl f.... Lou.)

\\.~ "cft! to \\'h,,~ Sh.", lIill, N. of M~re. (V,",..-'>e. Whole ~I\«:. !Litl.) Fo~ ft• .- !O mio~... at"""... :.0 '" piu. :.0 Ittt and 1.0....... 1><_ .~,n"'''',., ..·.. ,,·h <io..ol .. ,'I'> ' ....ming f"",n ,,.,.. in ,''' d..,ao«.., if 'h<~' "e,e "" fire. AI""" '0 ..";c,,,t<'he tr.,it.. f,o,n ..b. ,,,",My lan,li"" field.

F,l~ay. !>:ttbl< pt<>o;looced • minia'ure ' ....nado "on..."..... "'''''''P'''' or mOll'f:oc'l ...u"'....,..... 1-'1:'" '0modera'e '>;,f., "ind. !'~'" ......--m.

C.iol.' 'he homc.,i,'~<, mo"ly Wh"e ShCd, Fox hitl·,Ie,v I hou' 11 ",mu,... Moxim"," h.illh' ~1I0 f..,........Ily 11~! fttt. Ihornph.i<. and Ocn. had !>od coo<!i­

''''''" and ..en' <Iota'n.T"", """n. bo.k ..... " .• ju.. hoa:'<d oune\,n.

SOlu,dlj' ".", IflOn' ,i'N,«:i"l.'. a. On O<c••• 10'I)'irtt;: in ,he 1:,.... "·,,tehing doud< ond o'l;viog.

San~aJ, A.g." 9<••_r"',0, boI. "" 1Ia<l bo-ouKh',he ,"':;k. ('0 !>:imm..-idgef...od i' ........... pcac<lul.Ie,cn' .. olll j.... h,,'hed .

I" .ix (1)""1;' cl")", 23 ho,,'. tlY'oll. 0" no d.)' we"",el:'"""",I.bound h~' "ind <Ii'"",ion.

So ~'''''''''J:'''

-no ~,.. .... •......)0" ,,, • .-... .... ,..: ..



•D ...•...

••........"".. '" 0­".-,.


.,~.... 't,;., -W'h'''' ,

, ._"'_-\'--I'--<lr-',} J'l,Wo l'


.s•.t"..,"•••"'4 c•..",

Page 16: Sailplane & Glider 1936

,.. The Sailplane s.1'Ie",be•• 19J6

A _ "'-... • -. "'-_ - _ .........-. _ a.o.. -... .. ,.. ;. .......... -"""" """'."_ __ _'" ~ ~ '- '.. -..a .... t

• '"; ...........__ _ _ - _, .........


Nores on Shaf{esbury and Distric(

(I) nd",;("II" formed ~,II. for '0"'''1.', but the b<struee ow,h ,..,,10 " little wc" in '''cm, The•• ha...,u""rb 10",li"", field. "' 'he OOlt",,,, ",,,I , """,!><or ofl;'ood I""<I'''K MU' ., the 1<'1'.

(~l The ridge i. well red b)' ruoonnblc '''''dsup the _lh fa.,. and n.'" 'o.>d. up ,I>< ""other".I<>pt<. A Il"",.n road, f"in)' ro"{:h, I"" ><>und. run.a, • ,pine .kml( ,he top.

13l 1'"wJ' """""" DQ<1h r_ i. ,,'U) f,om the'un "",,11"" .ft.....,.,.,. r;~.ooaring heillhl. ar' con>­"'''''''''01,. ....."l,:"R A .. ind of. '''<''glb 11>:1, .."..ldha,. hf,"" ",,,,-f,u.. '" .e.t,.l h""drtd r..., at Dun_>luk oo>ly ..........., '" keep 11>0 .."'" "-pe ofma.-" ..,.",- .&oa, .boo, ,he .-tb_laci<ig biU.

(11 n..nnal could often be reh. but ,,, ,be..b'<~ cl amplo< .idgf'-<OOMing heil/h. i, "-a. u,,~m~lydiIIi<:uI' '0 d'mb up '0 a comfo<,.bl~ beight in ,hem.The mach,..., "ould I ,· a. ,be ,hincolumn. "~r~ md. bu' a. a grn~"'.1 rul~ i, w'u im~"bl~ 11> c"d~ in""" ,h.m. Beh,n,l ,h~ hill. Onr .un_10..... .1 ground. 'h.y w,,~ 1arg~ and "igotou•• making'h"" e"""_coun1r)' l1'gb" .implc. Ilu' i' would .eem,h., ,he lir "' a wbole ,<nded '0 ""'h 0"" ,h. "hole')"""' or hill'. onl}' '0 descen,' •• ,"lOn •• 'he ~a'1:',,,,,,,,\ "r 'he N"u' 1'0"''' was«l, l1.<>th er""_coun")' 'logl". duw"''''i"d ended "I 11,. ,""or !",m 0"'loo ",,,,h'''''em (,"'I;e of 'be hal•.

(0) S.~nc I'rell)' up-wind fligh" "r 'en 'I> II\Cn"m,nu,~s "ere m.dc. ,n ....Cl""' .. or ",o.,ly M,. 11';,,be ".","\: "a~ 01\1) aboul 000 le<' abu'e launch",\:.1e1<1. Ind c,rdong gn~ no eo"" heighl.

(5J n.e .coun1r)·.ide in ,he Sha.flcobu'J;J: i.i......1 f", p,1ob "ho a... ft'ing lot pkhure ..,he. 'hanf", l:1o>r), Du,,, i. """:';a,y '0 hello".-.clf ."h~.ehd .-h'".•• ,be inhabi'anl$. 'hough eo'<tmdykOncl. coold ....,1,· be opon.

(T] lk """,'h-faci<lg ~, ......'h cl ,he I'nrbeck.<,~. pr3<'"a]1" ,"""1. and scenicaU, .. _,..if.l. ~I•.1"""-, '" 1\ e.,land ·s. "' Y <0\ il .hould he con'ohed~f",,~ ,,";nl:,;ciaI1J· .... ,he at1;~dc 01 ,he Iando.'ne.... n.>cd, I~'h,nl;"" good,

("J \\'..".1)' .1,....., "r. _ '''y ... ,i,fanor, in ,he,,'1>01< "'.'h" .,<1, Ei'her ,he,· 'rc ,he nlrrow butt .• nd. <>l "dKe•. or .1"", 'hey "re ,lOfficul' or "C'Ce". o..eprom'''''K .,,1\ large 10,11 i, ,",o'h''''d in gorse: bu.h••and gr.' .....'ulc..d ,,,._ko,

(9) On Ihe ,n,p the ,\Iendil'" 'ppear ide.1. "'='"'11),hey "r~ P"""b'l too huge, .nd <e"ainly b.i"le witbstone ".,Us, Th. hills up 'he f"'e a'e Icrrifie an,l'Ol~gh" ,,"h the exccption nf C"col<l,,,' (;'''I;C it-dJ.II'I"ch ,. a k'ng and r""u"lab"u' rOU'e, It i. hard tofind an abmpl edge f"..m ""ich '" la,,'wh, Tbeob,';"'"moth",l of "''''I:" 11", giKan,;c up-<:urrenlO "'ould be b)'a~").'I>"·' or b) ",,,ch·lau,,,·b I rom t,,~ lop. l1K>c huge1.11. arC undoubtedl)' ba'hed in ,ela'i..') dead ai,"'ith ,he '"I"e'" .i, .iding o,..head. Ind ""thint' bu;a h'gh la"nch "'oukl br'ng the machine in'o ,be acti"e"lif,,"

(Ifll Onc ;, Id,.",;th ,be general ;mpre"..... lha.' tbcShaf'e"',,')' area .. good f", no.-thc<l) .. ir><b. and 'bc...~~ -.,h 01 ,be Pu<bcd, f'" """Iheny "iDd.- P,1oto""'ong ,h,. d~rict can find amu........,•• bu' _ hie,""lb, in ... co'en).-indo. Ounng l'CI"oodo of ....,..-1,.-,ndo " "ould be 00. '0 go '0 ,be p;<:tu.",. .


All •••. Wh.. 1 't

'1',,,. "''In "hu b,cked 'be , ..,ile<Ihe ".,,1) fi"i.loc<l aile,on;\I'l'a' ,10 I'C call him?

The man" ho called hi. f""r.lq;l:ed Thingf"?,,, lu't a,'rou ,he ,al'<"in.: "inll';\1 ha' do "e call h,,"?

Th<- rnan " ..... ,Ioo,,·in.: ho\\ 'o,l;p.I'", olf "ntol nu' "eek ) .....< n,p;Wha, do ) ou call h,;m:-

1l>c """n • ho to ~r..", "'-',.;h" .,pi...>bu' ,.....-el.. ",-"" ,I>< land",..- "ir... ;I\'ha, .,., "e call him?

The: "",,,,I... of .he ""."",Ie·· ....Who 1>",,1.. '""a,d, ou. "lanl, "nk,.\\'ha, ,~, \\c call ha? '

The ·'1.;,,1< En"in," kind "I ,,1,,1.<>An<l h, "h<1 h., '0 prod and poke;\\'h" <10 ,I< call 'be"',

Page 17: Sailplane & Glider 1936

~p'embor, 1936 Tile Sal/plane'"

From Here and There

S.'ne'. M.t,i,I",.",-Coonmen"'j i" • _-s film:••..,..... , ,,,,,,, ...rod ~""'" "C'T'e ,~"'o'<'d. ni"" 'M air"'1111o ,lOt hit"" of a ....ill_ "i~• ."

•A Bri.lsll "Bi,4 MI."'---C\t-m Soltn, ",'110 "glided"

<!oWl n from 10.000 f ...... ;,h .. 'o!It:' """"hod '0 b'. h"",,"­.... r<1~.nrd '0 America; bu, he Ita. _ a 8n,i'",;,-sl. On '\0;:'''' IG,1t HalT)' \\'I.d j~mprd from OB_opla.... 9,000 ftt. abo>-.: Ifl,-dock, ~, .. ,rh"mi!ar ",i"l><$. ooe of .. h.,h brolc< """ "'" It.... io!o.spinnin"" di.... If. ""'''ag''' '0 d..""".d 'hr o,hr. ""'ng,opened h., p""",hu,,,. ao>d I.nded ..,..Iy. (One .. ay of",et,inl> ou, of I 'p,".)

• • •

Sololl, ABSlflb CeOleltorJ.- In connt<:100n ..;,h'M C..",..... ,,' Celeb.a'ion. ,hi. )"'" 'M ~'odel "e•.,.plone ,\__i<l,i"" of Ao...alia i, hoIdi"J( a foo. da)-.·~-Iyi"l:' PI", and on ~o"""'be' Un<!, .t ,b<l'••afi.ld A...<><I.ome. th.. p'pl:,am,,,.. is to 1><, "Alld.)· Hl·,nl: of I"a. an,l oo<nPf'<,,..,d lir n""lel•. and, iftime pe.",i", of ..ilplane; ""d "'li,I...."

• • •To Vlsl, South At,lel._~I" 1'. A. Wi~', who hold.

'he n"t"h di,,.,,,,,, ,,,,,,,rd f,,, .n"i,,;; 11'l:h'. i, ..,..';">:En;;l.nd fo< .so."h M.i"" 'o",,,d, the cnd of Sep,<m.Loe., lod hope-< '0 I[et oon", ••p,,,i,,,,,,, of ......i"l; in,ha' <:oontTy duri"l:: his ,'isi,. 'lajo< SIuo,,·. of Welbum,,",,,bymoo.";do. ltas ,-~e)' _,i"l:l)' o/I"red '0 ...-...d a,""u. ,",'TB from SI"'I:"bj' Sailpla"". <>u' ,""".... ith~i... ; ,lti...,m ..-.;>id 'isl<iftJ,: ,"" It)(>kDlS.

01)·.... Ga_ Fa'a1i1y.-A, a Il\i.diftc a:-prti......held •• S'aaken A~. Berl'n..... A"".... 3rd.lferT .I~.... S'd........ Iea<I<T of 'hor Au..non ' ...... 1>;. hfe in a cruh "'h,1e prrlor"",,<: ,io«.,One 'or-t >a). i, ..... "_i,,1I' 10 a drl.." in ,hor.. ,ng....

Tbt Duk.. 01 G.aUo•._A mo'o<.raei"l:' """ident a',ht: l.i",e,i<,k In,unatio",,1 "",",1 l'rI. has .o,olted in,h. ,Ie.,h 01 the Duke of r. .. rto<" \\'011 known a. aonc",t"" 01 ,he 1."",1"" Ghdinl[ Clob and a. one 01 'hef"u",Ie,s of ,he ea",brid,l(c Uni,,,,,i,)' "I;ding Ch,b,i" 'he """,inl[ 01 which he 'o"k an ,"eti,·, I"'"AlthouJ;h onl) 22 )'ea.... of .g,,: he h.d 10d • "ery, fulllife, h"'inll' a "ide ,' of ,n~erc.t•• antonl:'."hidl,,'as a special ll'0nio, (0.- mecltarucal 'h",8'" H" 1os!I"ill be "'".....t ... by all glidmg ....." "h<> c...... ,n roo_'act "irh him.

Ridi.. ,he The.ltlals,-Th. Ti",... A".<><>aulalCor...po>o<k"t. "h<> 'ool< part in" mock bombinj[ mi,1on July :lOth, do.nil><s 'hus ,he fie., I'"rt of ,he ~i;:h',

be,,,,...,, Abin;;,I"" and N~"h...<n: "Wc now 10\\''''''''1[ all ,he I",a' coccenl< nl a 'h"",I«}' day a",1 "",<on..":,i",,.1 <'ocrent< nf a b('a'" wi,,,1 01 aho,,' ~~ ",il,-,an boor. Our f....",aUon ro><: and f,·1I On 'he ,,;t b;lIo\\.'!Oh toy' ,hip, on a ~well. ,,,,,1 ,he '~-':"I""'t' of. flankm:>ohi"" 000101 "a,<·h the ,,'a,'" pa" 0",1e, ,h.: squadronfrom f."", '0 .~"' "' ";"idl,' a' ,1oo<'l:h ,he ",l1i"l: airItad~ ,i";hle." .

WlIoOl O....?-Joh" Grier_, deocribi"l;' , .... I....of \\ ~b, A" Ferry in ~'I'rlol, "'ri,,,, "'ThH-r"a. "oodo.j hiq t~ f..., hi>:h .. "hin , ..... m..... ofSo..thampo"" A...-ocl...,.,...,. 8y'''l1 Oft , ",~ coo'-f,.. RYde. and ..hido pr-oduoon ,he ,'ioIrn, bump0' 1,000 k, n'... in 10 m.p.b. .. ,nob. s. -.:~.......~... 10 1100: npat.., of carry'il\l:' ou, .....olcq:<d. ,.,., ft'i:h'~I• ....,..,. dowoo.'~, ,he n'" de,,,,!> of .. ,n<! .perd>."' and hrit.:h'. a' .. h'eh ,h.. '0<)"""""" burnt>_UF>, ...., h",~ ... ran ~k <>ol ,he .....pIe uprdi~,,'

of .)io!lt: ""-'nd i.. Ilu. ,M.e ........ _m '0 be o"'9le>COpe fOl" """" of ou, >:Iide. c",h.".,,, '0 do a ,'eryo""rol a"" in'c'~inl[ job 01 ..ork, in maki"l< 'cO""'-c......,h .i<in,,,,,,,. ThC) m,,,,h' e"e" p",ve ,he"•• Ine '0 ,he m....,;.li..... ho keel' on a,k;nl: the'1....'i.... , 'What i. ,h~ u'" of ",Iod;nll'r"

A Mldla"d Clmp._The ~Ii(ltand GH,li,,!, Club ha'.,m"lIed a e.\",1' .t Lo"g M)n,l. Church Strellon, fo,Sopt~",b<, 12,h 10 ~Oth indu.i'·e, .t a .pe<:ial inclu.i,-.fe< of £6 G... ""'h"lin", nil moal. a"d H)'i"l[ 1<:<:,_\ i,ito... m.) b,i"J: lheir own ""ilpla'",' b) ar.o,,>:,.......", "i,h ,t.., """."t"o:" in od,·o...,... Applica,ions toL'.-Cd,. R. A. B. \\-,lloamo, Ao,orton, s,,1op.

s.a,la... We;glll•._\\·ri,i"i: in T•• Ob.....·.. on ,he'llbi«' of 'hr chalk do.. ". of h'''l1hor IInoron Ind\\";,,.....,.., "B.T.- .'a'.... 'II.o' ",he ohalk findo. it> "0)inlO ,he ,'ft'>. _ of 'M a"imal. bred on i'; and 'Mpanrid,~ ';"'i'e '0 ,he "halk ha,·e. been P'O",nJ '0 hehra,';"" '''''n binJ, bred in ..... haPP'<'< d, ..,.,,.. ~ ni,..... nplain .. h, if .....,.." corrnponden<>e in ,bi.~ if. l(> be 'bd...'onJ....;!pla..... of iden,;""'1 'lI'""';';h .-.. at I"',...'able 1>0.."" ,ltan 'he)' do a,K;'~""-Side. 0.- i, .....r DOt.

T. Gij4,. r.- 11Io.. S, ••'o.plorrl'._F1i / rqoon. ,....,~lr, R·,-I",nJ C. [)uPo",. 'M A erica" ,Ipla .... pilol.hope> """ <b._ '0 ha"" h,....ilpl li/',nJ hj • ballonn'0" ""....h' of 60.000 or 10,000 'tt', "M"'" M ......1:1" '0 ";'M' """',. " <li".""" of 1.500 mil..... It i.01 <1 ,h", h.. " '0 ..U<I! I:lode. conotroction in'.erm""r·

Page 18: Sailplane & Glider 1936

'"rh" S"i/pl,,,,e


s..Plember, 1936

Thtrm"'ls: A Tht<lry

Gliders and Game~I" - . ,",~r...t":.h ~ ~..... bi.... 10...... I ha,. , m"".. ,in ,he ...,......-pon,,,,",,,,,, '" ~"". Oll , on ,be 'ob"",.ull:li.J.-" ..... ~.,,_ 1><"", In .ht•.,_n«'_ a""''''''u~-••, Camp!l;D ~~- b. of ",'ck>,'o lO<"

.\ """,,," 1:""''''' had "",,I. ~ no" -..:h. on 0'",.",!;..,. J: It ".' d,"""'.....1 and ".~.....:­1"" ;nt... ,..,..;,...... '0 mark it .,.d 10 ""'" polo•• looom",n ,1'1< '·~-;n;"-_ ,\I'h"""h., 6",•• 10"... nen"O<l', , ....mol"'" hi,,1 ...,.,., ca"'" '0 ",ah"" 'hI p,k>" '.ul:h' b,'he [><rb,'<~'''' "old l.o"ea.I';,. CI"b ,_1<1 he ..11<<1npon to ;oIi" her "e_' e,w)' tim~.

0" i"l: '" 'he cx«ptio".ll" dry .. ,mm" the moth«."d chi,-k, 'LlIT"",,1 hadl)· from '''ok of n ••cr, .od><"c", of "u, """,!>er. ",cd 10' ,10.,,\ "jth "!"noikin l<> rcli.,·. their ,hi",. On une occ,,';on oncmcn,bo:, ,upplied • pann:k i" of 1"'0<. (;"'At ,n<bl:n~',on"3, ~~pK' I", 'h< mo,h" Imd. ,,1>0 rcfu".,d '0alk>~ 'ht chick, ,,; ,,,,,,,h i,. N~,e"hd~¥> i' "u "",,,,,,,I1;.,.... ,ha, ,].., be<"'" ha<1 <1i ... pp,,'''''·'1.

From ,h', lift\(" a c""'" f<itn<bhip 'p,a"l> up be,,,",,,,'h< """""",,", anti ,he """M- bi,d. anti ,«<nil,.. uhe";, .. ao d<",id<tl ." clO5e do..." ~},n.: "",;,'j,ics du';"l;A,,>;u,l. ,,,,: """he< ..... se<'tl 10 "" lI,u,ly up>e'l.'d' ..'..... ju" a_I old """"I;h ,,, B~', and b,'rq><"ll<"d """"i"l;' a' ,he Ia..-hi"!:' ~1a'1"'.•od al lbe"'....-h. ,he 'odio-.,.,<"d .ha••",: •• ..;'13"'" of ,tot c1uh,,,,,rue.,,,,, ...... <Ja;n:d.

s,»!,,,,, .. ilh oJ>o<. b"""hes 0fI model ......""Ia"..~I"I"" ..~ ""'" p"...-.J 0fI 10 "",,...,h 13unc""'.•nd I3'" J.:1.d ,o ....) ,ha, """,.11 ,,,,: 1i"I~ OfItl h.,,~<"d,h";, '"e" r;..."....,.,..

~·or ,110: """,,6, of ",he< club, ,,1>0 mal ha"" .imil.,"pc,;""<,,, i' '1>o"ld he: ""!to! 'ha' ,1'e tl}i<lJ.: <pccllof • ,I'''''"1f 1>"""" •• <'(\",,,1«.1>1)' infori..,. '0 ,ha. of,he a,·o'"J.:0 ."<lpla,,o, Allo".'\,,, fo' ,hi••ho"hl bem"Je. ,,'ho",i« >lcuctucal failu,e may co."I,.

Ouc ""Iy diOicult), i, in ronnc"'ion \\'i'h PO)''''"''' ofthe lal1n,'hi"l: le"". The onl}' form "f I'"p"cn' which'h" mo'her i••blo '0 offe' is in Ih" .h.p<: 01 01:1:" To'''''''1'' 'h<.......o"ld out off ,h~ I"c,h"c .upply of o~ ,,,,1'0pupil" anll 1he "hole 'hin!: ottn,. '" be I:"in" cou"din. """,,,,,1'01 ""'iou. ci..cle.

S,.,Of.CII 1 ha,'C no~, ;" ,be du..,"r..... of London

OR' """ ........., tby, a .'hirl of dust .nd bil. of p"pe<...n "p "" lbe ground .nd ,,"mb some fut ,nlo lheai,. Tbi', 1 "':I""'e. is bkc:ly.o be ,he ""';bk ...11 ofa ,1oo,m.1. S,m,lo< 'hings nul be ....n in ,he """",cyp"" "'~, 01""1 g"",nd. '

""'!' on~ imp<><"n' poin' he.. ;, 'h." ,he,. i' ddnl,~lya "-h,,I,,'Il ,nu'lOn ",-..",...d. So ,h.. i. my 'heo<)'­'l'A' ,he m'''1: oolum". of ai" Ihat ...... ".n ",M<mal."• ,~ "".' m,,~ol, ,i'inl(. bu' also 'o'a'ing- on • v~"i"ol

3X"_)U" I<~... a "~ry mima'",. "d'''on of a <:lclo,,~.

Wh., boo<~;"1:' i. ,he,. '0 ,ho, '!>eo<) i Firstly, tlooni. ,he "h"I"'1: .-;on !IOOO>n''''''" ""'cl< ..ioible Iw dux•...a hUe< •••",,";b...<I abo>·~. ~" 'hue·.. u..belief ' 1 1 Mv~. ,n fxt, dct"""ootl • rotary- """ioo ..a h<wi ,al in _1).(ormi"l: <umulu. cloud-,'-'&'b ,hi., , ha'" 'e> di.. ;nll'u;,h 1..- ,he rntalioatin a "~<l"",1 plane which i. k""",.,. '0 U'SI. Thirdl..ia ,he feeling 'hal yon could ha'dly upco, a maos ;,i.i< 'ha' hao ,.-n11 .'a"~d '0~ up",-a<". al • 10 p'",,",,'. in ...cady. O1r.aiRh'.li.....,,·ay. It ..em. """'~"""'. n3Iu,al-"he" lOY 'hink ofb,,,h "'..~, ..unning out 0/ .he piuI:' 11<>1" in • gu'gling"d<ly_that • , colum" of "" sl'QlJld 'Ola'~.

lIul ha. ,hi. thoor)' an)' practi"al ;ml>O'lOn"e .t all?[ bcli",'. i, 1,ao, OC""U,., I Ihink ,h'l1 if it can be ~0l.1>­

lish.d 'hot ,h",m.l. do r.""kc, 'hon I a'" .u,. 'ha,th" ,,,,,h,,i'I"" of ci",li"!;: in A the,mol will h.,·... '0 bee....npli" b)' ond".wm,in!: alwa). 10 "i"'le a;:ai"'l'h" rol.,io" 0( ,he 'M<mal_up.."'i,,d. i( ,h., m.~.. i'casi", '0 und<"'3nt1. This ",,,,,Id """m ad,'< I",.',,-0 '<0'0"0:-

(I) The "me laken 10 comple'~ • "i",1e "ill "",;0.,01,'be w-,« if ,he machi"" ;,,,i,,,ling in ,be ..._ d;~a. lhe <Olal;"" of , ..... ,hennal. In O1he< .. or-<b.•beroUlional speed ,,;11 be hig.....,. This ean only mean,h., a grealer deg,ee of boonk '. nttd<d .0 <otUdenoctccn'rifuG'al f()«:C. This """"nS ,ha••be ........d1namic eff>ciency of .",: machi"" ...;11 be .....~t. In01 ..... "'orlb. )"" ,,;11 he .. a"'nj( a ....nain. if .....n.amoun' 011</' by ";",ling "do" n·" il><l·· in a .henna!.

I~I [ am ""'" 01 ti'Jos<o "'110 M" beg,nning '0 bdic<"<ha. 'Ioorc " an abo<>lute 01,11" ..""", bel"""" ,he p"'.

form.""", of • m""hi..... up."in<l and Ih... perf""""""",of ,he "mc """"hine dow"·,,,nd. Wh.terer.he phr.aoc'"d}'namic lift" moans. and wha',,',,' ,h~ oauOC$ 0/;,a..... , I a'" pcc"r .ure from my 0"" upe,;~nce .hat i"cerlai" cireu","ance. "ne Cnn ob,.in lif' mcr~I)' bytlyinl:' "1'." illd-at '''y rate nCor 'he ground. 10:.llO"ibh, 'hol Ihc.e "(·ort.i" "i""",,,,.nce.'" m.y pce·""il illsi,le a therm.l Which ',1;'''' poin" 10 ,h~ slIg·gc.tio" ,h., 1><"", lif! m.y be ob'ain by ci«ling "up­wind, H 'g.i".. Ih" direcli,," "r cola""" of 'he ,h<""al.

Three 1hing., '1\o,,,f,,,,<. ",,«I '0 1>< ....'abli.hed:­(11) Doe. a 11....,.m.l .1"." ,,~a'c, .nd. if nol. d<>

"""'" d ....n".I. <OI.'~? .(/» If 00, do 'hey .1.--:a}'S rOlal" ;n the ..._ dirc<1ion'(c) If so, in ,,'hkh direction? If not. ,s lhe.. any

....y 0( d'SC(W"""ng ,be d.,,,,,.;..., 01 rota';"" 01 any po",ieular .be'mal?

I '''fl'Jca. 'Mt, .nJ~ .ullicift\'l) inte......ted '0 h:a'~re.d .h.. fa, m,G"" be .uftic;"rlll) i"IC'tCS'<"d '0 b<Ip...·i.h upe,imen.. "" .be fol.looo i,,&: line>;-

(1) Caref"l ......n-a.;..., of "".. Iy.forming " .....-doud•. 10""" ""hethe" .he.. i•• ""', ,.1 "".,-.

(~l L}nx~yctl ......n·a';..., 01 11,,1 •· ....1U.lpo.Jl..;SI.cting On du"y I/round, '0 .... "Ioo,ber 'h<)' aD ,,"",n ,,,,: on"", di,,,,,'i,,,,.

(3) Cri'ical inle..>t in .1>0 pe.f<><mance of a m",:h'nein righ, .nd leh h."d ci,d~., '0"" "h",he••ny d<lf~(';~nc~ 0." 1>< noticed o<_a••• mo<" .,obable-Jel' .• •Ihink ,I<" .,,,,I}· "f the noi.., m.lle bl ,It. mac ,.~

Page 19: Sailplane & Glider 1936

, Th~ Sai/plmM

'",h < ,-ue "".Jo:~l l><-, ~.... ,· S<>o"~li" ..... machi...ft,-,"!: "1'-" ",,' at .. ",,-ra ~I""'<I j, cu.;""",,,- """~' ,h ....-_ it .. "'~"l:" _-"'''',<><1,)

.\»<1 ,.......... "",,,ht, ,~~, I"" .-"'* r.".. ...........10>1 .. "h .. 6.·,..-1.>·, 'urn "00 t>onk ;"<1..-.. ,,,, "00 ..

~"P"""" It !~"- w.n..-r""''''d. pI<..... ,. If .. machi_1wld _ ,~. at ,be ""..... b;,nk .."I , ...........,. ,a,.

~ '''"' 'h< .......1. 6", ,n .. ";l:"h'.h..'I<I ,~ ..nd'- on .. \0:1,·"""" circle... ,11 ...,.....'.·h ;0><1;"",.

:"" "'..... ,,,,.... tak... ,,, 1"",Io<m UOl. , "'"'•• ,in-\e? I..' akl-'f ,hr ... i. no rot..,~· ""., " ,he, ,he""",1.

lIu, l r , ,I..., f•• nu,·hi..... ha,", .be 00<1'.01., andIt') f paQU ,"" ,.);,Il. """'."',,. r"" .be ntr<n>e!•"".."". A""" , .. I\o-d fo< in 'h", ,;" •

.\ll <1; "'" ..<><I '"'l;"u....."t .1>< ,_ """"l""ioos '0and ~,....., h•••"""" .. <11 "lrorn..d by ---";1""". pt<" b~ 'h< £0;1"",.

lh; I·" .. ,' .... ""n. ,

lJlunstable Cam"

, ". off". "'" "0 ,... ,,,U'k.,. m.., t ..... ~ .. '-" ",",'00 Cl.' To... ' • '.0 ",u".. .......--" ,•• '"""'''- <OR. - ••-, •• ' •• ,. Wo ,_ ....." ..... H••••• ' ....... ,.....,,_ ~ _ •..... __ - _, , -.......... , _.... .~" ~ .A, la., }"'" ,he l.vnd<>n Glid'~J: Club held an i~·

",... tiutI ,;,..~p. du,;nl;" 11"" ~'" ,.", ,,~h ut ~ugu,,;I, '''''. """"",,,,,,'<I .u<ce>•• 10< .. h",h ,be c,~" "'~gu 'D dub'. p<oCeo.";"":rJ "'.., .... ,0<, lIt.. 11. E.lion.., a. belpe<! by ........ ut ,hot dub ,,,.,,,,,, g.-ruouJ} le.., thri. """HC._ carol'::.';.~., od! .i,h ..... ne..."."" j;.'1lCd ., _ ......glidi... _~IC. _ many C...-..t , .

n.. _1.00:>-. ~'''l;: pan .. CfC c,cat as la"l''''', pnhbh bo<-a""", of ..... e•••' ,pp.."''''''Udo f;::_ .....,,, ..;..!c .' pr""",~1 dub.. ""'".~ ,hot \·... kohi,c GIHlinJ: nub, "a' al.... tou'di"l: a, • .., """.""u", .n."1I<"' ..... <omp.' ,he .." """,. {-\"'P''''' ,,,11 .pp<.~ ,n our n",' ,,,,>c.)

T... "~.I n"",I,.,. "f bu",h<, "." .""u' 1.3<>'1. an"t1.. 'e."....'« gam.,l 111 ".\,"' '1 .. n,"' and "''''''(".'. \ I", uf ,....",., qual,fit" " II"en ,n .""_dju'"ing .ulumn.

.,.. "., "..."," " ".' .,., .,.. ".•• ~

••,- "'h., ~

• -••• ,~

". .," ,,,,.

",.... ".



Page 20: Sailplane & Glider 1936

""'Th~ Sal/pla,le

Gliding Instruction in HollandB, J. Il"C~N"OLTZ


[ne ""i/" 01 ,I" foli""""/! .,.';el" 'U'o, .-",,'Iy "t. "'~'"'''' ""m"" of 'he /."nd,," UliJ"'1! (""b, .,..1"..It .., "0<0';"1< of ",crl'o,l$ ",,,I '" I", 0"" ;:I,J"'/: cI"l,,,, 1/"/1.. ,,(/ ,,, ;"'0'<1«1 1/,,- "1,,,,1,,,, 11,,,' I" h,u

,.,.;11'" il ,,1/ dv"'" I,,' ,I" /,,,,,(0' 0/" l"'It" ""d""'o,1/< ,h"....,s ho~' !)"id, ,;IiJi,,1' ",II,",i."I' ",. ,"""..;"...'h, Ji.l]ic"lIi" of /.yi"l: Ir> Klide ""J So", i" " CO""/'Y",hieh I,", "" hills. J

T ilE ~lidinJ.: club at "'",Iho"en. in ,he scu,h ofHol"",I, w" on" of ,nc h,,' cluh, to ,,,e ,h,­"'ethod of l,,,",vhing- by CH' ;"",cad of ,he c1as,i~

cor< '"",\Ch "hid,. i" ~ COUl1tr) ""h"u' hill,. h,,,",.n)" ,li",,<I"'"'''I-:"'' Cl' '0 'he, wc.on' ,he dub h." OH' :1.[,00 ca, l"",,<h~. m abollt 20 mon,h.Th. lon!:e>l of ,he<o flil:lw In.'od ij min,,' .. 3ij =<>",1',~"d 'he maxim"'" heil:h' oh'ai"«1 i. abou' 1,000 f"""nu,ing ,ho pe,iod 0011)' "" fou, occa,ions loos a glide,hccn d.,mal:""1.

The cnc u,,-..J fQC 'o",ing "p 'loo 1'1;",c' is an ~ h.p,('ackMd 'ou,", dati"I: fTO'" 192/. "'l,ieh woil:h' "b"''''1,~OO kl:' E'P<,ienco I,," ,ho,,'n that i' i. ".".importan' '0 ,,,. n hoa")' • .,,,,(1)' c·o,. A h"a,'y c",",k"s moto I,"we' '0 nec-ele,atc, and ,herefore i. le,.'~'Qn","ieal; but " has 'he a,kan'a/-:e ,hat. ,Iur,n;: 'ht'.,-••r cha,,/-:,o/-: ('he cae "a',' "orm.II)'). ,he 10'" of'1"-'0(1 i, practically uii owi"/-: to 'he hie/-:" ma" of 'hcca" a"d ,he I:lid.r i, ,ow,,1 lOp wi'ho'" .hocks, th",pt,,""nt'''I: ,h. cable fcon' d'Oppi"I: 0'" of ,he opo'"h'ok 01 ,he I:liM,'s q"i"k edea'e. 11 al;o 1"0"0""o"o""ai"i"l: of the cable, ",hid, ,h"rren, i" life,·o".iderabl)· ,,,,,I oau.os a ,end."n '0 co,1 onn in ,he""lte,' no"..;u,li"I: steol eabk. '

For 'loo ,a",e ,ca"'" ,he h,lek par' of 'he cae hod)'

sh""I,1 "0' h. ,emoc',,! "i,hou' ,"<'o,i"I: 'he 10a,1 "n'loo ,ca, axlo. O,hc,,,i,e ,h(",c ,,'a)' a,i,. , 1<"oIe"'·\·,ow",d. s\ling,,,;: of ,l,c 'o",i"I: eahle aod jolti"l: ';1'loo plMe i" ,loo ,'i" ,1"0 '0 boun<'i"I: a,,,1 .kiddi"g- "',he ca', "hid, " "", of h~la"C"O,

The ,'a, .100,,1,1 be ,',,"1)' to wil1..,."d "'peo'c,l,1'''''''11 O\-er ,ather rou\;h c"O\"\I')' m 30 to 10 mil""" hou,.

Tho &i"dh"':e~ Glidi"g Club l,a. ""0 n;'i"C' C''O""d,.0,,<. 'loe m"',,c~pa~ ac,,~I",,"e, ",hic·h I"" n ,Il'I:oo,,1of 3,000 ,fec" " m I:c>o<l c"<.>n",t'o" and pe,mi" 0'­,1""'"1;: ",'h " ",,,.i,,,u,,, .peod of ,bou' >0 mile< a"hou'. The oth,·, 'S 'he '01' of , ,Iyke alo"\;"de aca".I, ",10,,,10 '" no' i" ."eh ;:ood co"ditlo" ", 'he"er<x1"""e, h,,' still (",,.ble. 'he l'"cka,J '0 he ,I'ive"a', abou' 30 ""I.s '01 hou, O\'er " distance of abou' """I".

Thi. ,I) ke i. o"h' "<cd foe e'''''I''i,,"a1l)" hi;:h 10u11eh",",i'h 2,100 f"e" 01 eohl<, n'e "'e,hod is ,t,11 i" " ve,yexpc",,,,,,,..1 st"I:O, Up ,,11 "OW, ",i'h a" E.S.{;.p,:",a,)' g I,,!or, a hoigh, 01 I, lOO fce' l,a, '",c" ob'aine,l.\\ ,,10 a '~',;:or ("ahlo i' mal' he l~",i1,le, ",,,10' f""o" co"d"""", '0 cI''''h '0 1,'00 Itt,

The E,S,li. h", a tria"~,,lar f,am<;,'" a "'''"''U,1<"1;01 (G_USA" 9), "e'}' popular i" Ge,,,,an}', It i'

,'e,y .oo}' '0 fl}'_.o oa.)' ,h., 'here .'C peoplo "h~

call ,hi, propee')' a ,,;,"d~ant"~e, It is peact'ca'"imposs;bl. '0 ",,,11 0' "pio it. The wi"I: "I'a" i, a",,~,30 f<"", 'he ",<illl" 12,; k". (2~~ I~'.l; the <'OUst,,,,,,;,,,,'" ,'e'}' .,,,,01)'. "",1, ",he~, " os ";;Cd fo' lr"i"i,,~;"el;i"no<s, shock ab.od.",,,, ," the la"<1,,'!:' ""es P""'TIt,Iamal:e '" 'ho ",i"",. '" loom')" landin",., For moree'l"',ieoeed pilots tho ",Iide' is fai·ed .nd oquippedwi'h a simple ~oO\,,·ma'lc sP<"d i",I'ca'or.

The,e "'. ,10,.,' E.S.". (1;~l'.\'V 9) I:h'lc" i" '1>ccl"b, all b"i1t b)" 'he ",emLt",; .aeh '< eqoipped with;' q"kk ,de",,,. a",1 h"s i" 'ki,1 cO\'ec,,1 "",10 i,,,,,,hedin;: "'~,h ;""" 'luck. The .ink'''I: '1"'0<1 "f '00,",';:Iido.. ;s ahou' , '0 ;:; leet a ,""o"d, "old 'he 10"'0"'\)'io;: >jX-e,1 "bo"t ~:, miles a" hou,-

1'0' the la,t 'hree "'0",10, 'hc club has had a" 0101~fA"'!N ""i"i,,;: pl,l"e wi'h a W,ltl: '1"" of 19 f«t .",1s;"ki"lI sfl'-",d of ~ '.0 J feet a ,,-'CO,,~, ",,(1 a ,'a!l;n;:<I'ceol of ~bo,,' n ""Ics 00 ho"r. O"IIL"ally dosil:ned/0' h;1I ,0Of,n;:, " is ,Iow 0" the t"m a"d ,h.,do","0' ,'C'} dnc,e'" f", 'hc'mal ."a,i"l:.

Tho eables ,,,c,1 for 'o"'i"I: "re >oft noo..;o,li,,;:st",,1 "'r.",1 eables of "I"",,, j """. ,Ii,o,e,C'. 'n lo"g-,h,017[;,300, -1:.0, 900 ,,,,, 2,100 fee', 'be fi .., bei,,:.: o",dfo' be"iltncc. ""d oltl)' 'he la,' foe lau"chin;: fco'" 'hed)·h.

The Method of InstrltctionI"s',ue,io" 's carried 0'" '01 acco'dance ",;,10 ,hc fol·

lo"ing- P'O];"'''''''e;-A, fi", 'loo begi"n"e f"am. '0 ha"dlo 'he aile'ons a"d

'udder.•0 ,he glide' is 'o"'ed "Io"l: ,he ;:,ound a' justun,I<, ,he mi",m"m ~)'i"g sP<cd, ;0 ,1,"' i, eaooo' 'akeoff, hu' win "e,·errhel".s an,"er '0 'he ailero". and""Id.r. The 1'''1',1 10". 10 keep ,h. "ing hori""n'.! ."dlollow 'h" ca'. Tho 7;;·foo' eahle is "sed, .ltaehed bra q"ick 'olea.e '0 the back of 'he C'a', wh<ce 'he i,,_.,,,,,,tor, "'ho <;,. ;" 'he baek som, c,,,, it in ,,"e'''"'l:'e''C)·.

Fo' ,he fi'" 'ow' the Oa' i. d,;,'on stmigh' i",o wind,Whe., ,h. p""il c"n handlc 'he "i!o'o'" prett), wcll.staft. me m.d. with ,h. ",ind I",,,, 'he .Ide. and ,heI'"pil 10". to eoun'eme' ,h. 'e",lcnc'}' 01 'he pl."e '0 'urn,nto ",i"d "nd hep i' bchind 'ho cm, "hic~ '" 'he ."",e'ime ","ko••Iil;h' 'um.. Thus 'he i"str",,'o, ca".ee inlH'edia'e\y wh.,h., 'he pup;1 0l"'n,te. 'he ,udderi" 'hc c"<.>rreC' w.y.

l'",,,,,,)' "f,c, 'he<,<: '0 ,,,. '0",' 'he I"",il ,Ioes ,,'.f.",,,,;I}'. after" hieh he ha' '0 le"" 'loo most <lan·110'""'" of eo"'cols_,h. Ob·atOL So ,he speed '<i"«("a.ed lOt> '0 nyi"g .peed ,,,,d ,1,,, pup'! Ita' '0 ",,,ke.mall hop" "ot e.ceedin]; a he,gh' of 'hree '0 fi,'o fec'.i\< 'hi. s'ago 'ho CM I."neh''']; ",cthod has ,h. "01,',,,,·'"ge ,h., 'loo i"s""ct'" e"" 'cc all 'loo p,lo,'. mO,'e·"'c'''<, a, he i. ""I}' 7r, feo' a,,'a}", "Old CM ",e ,hequick rdea'e 'r> pre,'.,,' thing< gui"g ",>"Ong,, H"',".'·er, " """c,i",,, hop['<n< ,10", " pupil, k"ow­'n]; " 10" of 'hoory ""d .,,,.iou, '0 ",~h a good fi'"~igh', win "'ai' "n l1)'ing '1",,,,1 ;s nna;"e,1 "old ,hon,all"'"'' i"strue"o",.•udden'y h"ist ,he 1I11,1cr "I' '0~() fec', 'he I,m;' ",hich 'he 7r,.loo, c"ble w',1I allo\l. In

Page 21: Sailplane & Glider 1936

Tltt $"l/plll1lC ,..

..... ,.... ,,_.f.~ _••, ... _ ••... CUoI,•• 0._, w "f" •. LS.c... "' t··......... " ;" ,..

..............0 ~•••• ,••.., ,. f m f , __ , , , .......I .. ,-..-. "f, _ ,.. _.._ , _ , ,, - " _

fhis ,'a ,~ka""g fhe cable m'g~' uu'-\! an accidrnt.10 if i. 10.." .., ", drctta'" fhe >j><"e<l oI.he CO' .~-l,..and , ",~n .f ,he con.rol ""'k i. pul~ ngM back,tht p1a h 'Iui... ,Io.. h; ..hrn i' i' """"n.o a f....h' abo- .. ,Iw ~ ...>Und, _pttd ""'J be inc.used a bi',,,~ a I:""'! lancling, Thi, i,. 01 0001'''', ool~' !""-_,,*.illI a _.UI~ng glide<.

If all CO'"" ....U.•he heigh, 01 ,he IIOps ;,. g,ad""n,·~ and "",-..ling and ..,lta,;r>t: ,he cable i. 'aught."Tht .........,. i.. '0 use a Iong<!. cabl<. and "'uan,·•1_ t~ to.> ". launche••he pup~ i. nadJ to try foeb,t \,' Thi. in,·o.>l,'ts t~."" Aig~.. of 20 second. an.l_ of,.. _.h. ,,·i.h a bndi"l; in a 'p«ifird ponion01 ..... 1t,,,,,,,,1 to '''',w· ~e can AJ' <.nillht.

Af.., thi, .he pupil p,act"O' 'urn' in calm we-the".nd" "all) .ft,r .bn-ut 90 ...'to i< ,eady fo' his "B."fo. "h"'h ~IC nil'l", of GO """,,,,1. "ach mu,t be made.wi.h Wtn.ban"'d 'il;h' and ldt tu"" and a spot land·,nl: a' ",in;mu", 11)';"1:' "~cd. The 9O(I.f"". cable" ur.c<l at .hi< "all'e. Md ,he hei!:ht 'eac~ed i••bou'If" f",•.

Aft" hi, '11" 1...... 0><'<' .he i>uril i. tnn,ft"ed .0 .he{alft,d"n I': ~.(; .•nd h•••" Il'~t ~"""llh ..""rien« '0he abl< t" male ide ..:lips ."cl <f>'>' Inding' "",feetly.-<I to, g.1 """<l ,,, fl~ing in f.i,l) r<>UlIh ..'.. ,!>e,. "..b.. ""l«' loo< ....." •.,. '0 c.,-de in ,110<,.....1,••nd h'"~ oblic"~", ,,'to land nn, ,110< ...ning ""'cr.

""'"' "'u ...,.. a,e: a bunch "om ,he d,-ke up '0l,/J'.ol f..... od IJ On.: the MA' U .... ilpb.....

COnn~tion w,.h Thermal5l , ,. 11 ,........ , ,i_ b.-.... f,om 'b< d, ke ha,'.

all -... n..... "nh ,110< E,S,G, /ft;«,. ""de< ra,her"'a~l>I., ",,,,,Ii.;.,,,,. and ,~h a roNiderablthcicho "a> ",""D a"ai~. no ",<·cp""".1 ~ul'$ han' ........1. Thrnr",iocan,· ,!>e,,,,.1<·' ...n ,-,d "".......... ot .hi, h<iKM' ~nd ,."uli,iono ,,,, ,.h.,m.l••< .n ,he n.iKhOO",h....... of ,he nJ,ng ground....... ,hr,,· a,e ".m and ha, field ....,nod••'ld ..... '.

The""al, ha". been found .. 10110..'''_(1) "ft~r a ,oin} nigh'. If obo<a. 11 o'clocl< in the

...-ning.• i,h ,he sun .hinine bril:htl" .bo,e con>­

fi.ld, and """'... 1uI}6rkl... In .hi••"'",.....1 a B'il'h' of~ minu'.. ;U ...-a' ""'dt .. ifh ,he lI.,na, af,..-a b"ncb "i'b l.:!'l0'l f"'" of nblr ,., a ""'.""urn heightof .bout :,:~I fcc.. Sc->'eral .i ....... thi, ffip' ,I><"",.......,., "'ltiste«d si. I..., pe' _d <~",b,

(t) .\hl< a ""'" da,', a"""e • "oud, from ~ '" I,,'dock in ,he e,-.n'nr. "'/>eo> .. i,~ on E,S,G.•ft.,. •Iaunc~ ..."h the 1.1tlG-fOO1 nbl< a B.:ht <>f 1 minn''''':J.:I occond' ..-a. madt.

The g",Oll« d;fficuhy i. '0 I:"t C1>OIIgh ~;a, in'u,ning an,1 ci'din!:, to keep in ,h. 'h..mal" .nd hene'l""'i.lly the glide, pilo' feel. '~e di...d,·am0lt.of h.vinl:' no hill. over wh"'h he can m.k. prol<>nl(.d"",'ing niKh... Of con,>c, ;, i. l"",.ible to get .och.."",itnre b}' aeroplane "",·;n!: •. b.ul 11,,. ;. '?" e.",,'"';"u fo, ,he ."<tage Dutch glldu'" ,nthu"a". ",1,0h•• lilllt money "••pare for I1I'dinl:' MorCO'o·... ,hereh•• been no ';""e,nmen' ."Mid)' SO fM.

At '!'e Ei"dl""'cn Club. fo'""", wh",h i' no'"ne of the C!>e.phl. 'b< enfr..... f"" i, ~ /o:uilde.., learl)'.ub,.,,,il~ion 17 guildeR, and foe el'«" l.ur>C~ 12 <en"i, ch.,~.-.d, At ,~e """""" ,he,...n ._, n mem·"".... ". not ""'"' 'han onc gl"It, ma,· be _ ..... ,besame ,ime. e,-,,)'<hing i. don< to ;"" ~ oM nwmbe.01 I,,,'nehes, and 10 0< 1! .n h" ,.......bIot .... throod oepn....;",..

DurinC "-"'} 'r-aininlt ,he car ,_.. _ d..Cl..,... and c~1>Ic surt',._ I' nnlet.n ,,",u'. ,.. ,h _ 00 ~ w~~lr 1d<J;n~ ,be ...,g"p. )1_ 'kilJrd pi...., I*"" all ,be <la""'/o: plaee. aad""I,..... r~hIe h,,,'o be ,,,,,,....d b, '''',no•. ,"0 osnad. fnr ,he ....~, Iauncll ....>On ~, ,......hIe.•".-.:Iou Oi ,i_. for.!>e _mbe" ,n '01:"'0.......• ..""n ,he. non hopinl:' .h>' onc ....y ,be. "",. be a:=to> ma\,' ,1...:",,,1 ~,!,h', f,,,,,, ca' I.". _. To he a...:'0 ,~, ,hi., .nd or ....ooe'..e "". i. ,be iOoal of •J)",,~ I:l,dinlt <n,"u.i... and ,be be.' ""'y lO popul....

Page 22: Sailplane & Glider 1936

'"The Snilp/"'te

A Southdown Ceremony


T ill' !'ou,h 1)....__ a .... a< ra•• ',hi. ~lrJ ;.<'OI'Cr~n<'d. ,,., binltpb<-< .... "''''''~I:' ft'.,t.t. In,hot .""' of l~t ,be (;"'mll'" ....,..., able '0

keep..,. i........."' ~,f/"bt fOf" , aod 'h,.., hour., =.1'b<" D.J,I. ,If...J , ,,,",,,,,b ;", ..... ,00<1 aBri,iu. ;~ in ,be an' " ol OM "'_ )nt. Thi.~a' I><M 'flo< 0"",,,, lA'\\h, and a\ " _r;n~

n;.:h' .. ., .....-n f"" ,I>< fir" ,;,,,., ;n ";"1:"'",1- '" fa.-'.a ...... " .....1.1".........<1 r.... _"ne ,lu,a'.", "'"' .." "I',linl: hi"",,~ "" the South f)own< ,'n" 110 rurt~r

bad ,han ,hi., "',,"r" .., ror ;n 1!)M ~lr. r.orrlonEngl.",1 {"t." "n, '" l>ewmc chai,m"" of 'he 1I,',i.h(;lid;"1.' ,\"""in,i"n ~T )'e." I",,) ,,,. I,,,"ch.,, offth' 1>""'11' noor 11",l.><doy in " ,.ill,-.. 1(1;<1<-, m.,le b)the I.". J"'" \\'0; .. , he i. ,.,id 10 l"". r;'M lOO (e"tin 'h, .1""" hr, "",I kept ,h. "ir fOf nurlJ'" ",inu...

The....rl)' .In}'. \lW, r""nll,,1 by ~lr. Cordonl,,,/:"',,d i" a 'p,,,.'Ch mod< a' the """nin>: n""',,m,fIX 'he ne'"~ boil'li"I1' ~rected b)' .he !'o",hd"wn Glid",i:­Club. ,,~i<h took pt,.,... on Snrord:a). AOl:"u<1 10" Tb<fonn>l """,,inl1 ".", perf~ I" ,he Ma)"Or ofBril(h.on. ('....".,;11.,... £. l)rn~. J.I' .. who ...derr«lloIll<- I""e......' .lob', <>ril:i" in.he Sou, ........·" ~k.,·""ilinl:"

Club ,or I!\.'lll... """" >e<;reta...). "r, \"ork Bramble.bolds 'he io lhe 1"""""'" dob. an a"",lp"",.'''''' of 'h" and otMr clob< «b.d. ~,.., ni....."'" "'",'h Il< n, ,,' ....., )·u.... ,

...... '_ ...-.- ..... 0...

..- - - .. _ .. 0_, , ~f...- -,- _ R _ .-- -- .. , - "'-' ........-, _., ,

-$.<1".... ,..........,

.-. ~ ....- .. _' L '-'

.........._ .. ttl" __ -.- ••• 0.-_.""... _...- ,..,-- -.., ..• •_ 0:..... • " ............._..~-- ...To"',nlial rai" at mid_da) ..ndtd 10 diOC<)Ural:' .he

."",d, "I><> mil:~' h",·, o,her"".." ''''''''d 01'; i' ab..I'",,'<n..d ". from arti,· ing ,,",il ,he "enr~er h"d deM.'d'L1ffioie",ly I"... ,h. n"ing 1""01:''"'"'''''' 10 bcgi". Th«e"'"' 'hen 0 hl{ht "orlhcrl)" ,,'i,,<I. ;"."me;en' lor <0",_inl( on 'h,' north~r1)' ,10fl""; hO"'~"cr, 'he dub'. 'wo­.<~n'cr woo K;"en ,epe.'ed "010-,,,,,.,1 I""nch•• for ,h.r'" of lhe d")·.

,\no,hO' machine '0 fly "'''~ I<,~",,, K",nldd','\"nR'A Ill.. "hieh wo. br""~h' "Ion" ",i'h i,.~'.bl... "',,d,. he him«lf ....r" i,,~ ;~ " "0,0<",' fromIla""OO'"lh. Thi. AL"S' .'A ;, a ,,, o-,..,al~< "al~n machi'''' ;tl """/ ,he lu~~>, ....ilplane;n ,I>< "OI"k1, .1l>e 1'......,....... coofu,,"I< ;, ."h lhe .ltfur>tt ..\, 'TR'A 1.1 H,had h PO'''''''''''' lbe ~hann;"K \la)"",•• of B-it;h,,,,,.,,'1>0 had .... , ... b«o in ,be a" bd,,,.... ; "" 1I,~hl «.,.,.- ol 'h< e"":l ""'e"l~ of'M ob ITht po>"""I:".....""'. ;';n fl"Olnt lOO'" 1'Urp<»<" "r P , """''''' ....pIt'. boOh<h;o<l ,~ .... ",,1 lIi"ho. tw-'"o: "',,,,',,1 ,hottth 'tw<le-, .... ·;"1;"·1 -

I·........".,·." fli~h' .. "-~ ptrlO<"n",.1 b~ I ..... "1_­""d by :>. "\I",h" "h;ch "''''', bu' (;:>.p<a;nutim..... :" ......... ',,·. "Lo'"" Bu"",d," "h·h .'.,.,"""took'" (",,,a," '0 «<'n;::-. " .... "nahlt 'n appea...: ~"FI),nl:" 1'1".," 1,,,,11 b,' ~Ir. n,,"n;n~,:>. cl"b memb<-...." ... "1",, on 'iew. .

'I'he ne" I)' <o"'I'I~I<d hon.." ... i, in".'"in",I)' d~"l:n",1

'0 ind"d.: 0 wo,k.hop ".;Iho,,' 10<, oll,.nto:"ral'e '1""'"

Page 23: Sailplane & Glider 1936

Soop,.mber, 1936 Th~ S"/lpl,,,,~

'"1/_ .. 'hi,.Jon<o? 'I~' ",""in,,;, IQ open al booh .n,l.'I" '00 fl. " 31' fo-\. arod tIoo:>n"" 0>'" .be .....1••'

....n I.,.. .. .,..kin<: ;n. Th~,.h.:: "'''J:' of "1;'10,, in, haou;ar dO" "'· 00:: Ih.:: •• ...... k<ohnp·· .. ,I""",io I..nn~ .. ilh I k. and "",in.: ", , ........""a'"idlh. a .. 00l. pn.nan "i.'1:" dO" 10" a"...,<led '0 a,",,",. in ,h.:: ft""nx1 part.

,\"""h<o.l '0 ,he. l,u;ld'''I-''. a, ,h. ttn'" <of <m" of i,.~"'': ,i>l<'. i, a "«)' ,,..a' a"d cn,,)' lillk c1"b·hou",·''-''''''. c","'pl«e wi,h 1"'Il-<''<Jl'ip!,,,1 I'" "",1 0 .,,,,,..,/1'I"'rti"" fo' 'N' ". 0" "nh·. 11 lea"< ,1i",,·,ly i",o "lt'

"'''~'''''p <ee'io". Thi. th'b r,-""" ,1\0<,1<1 .nco","I-'",he , ..<ui,,,,,,nl of ncw ,,,,,mbe...

\0 el••:lr;' l",h'i,,1-" ..., i' 1..'''10( i".,aIIro.1'1>< d"b mac hi"", 'r.: .'\" OP:" and a cl......1

lh...."'~. ,he D,e"',.. ""ilpla..... and a R.A.C. 1"',>0

...a,... l'"" p.i,·a,d)..,,,,,,,,l ..,a,·l\i"" m, ",,., ~l"f"

'I>o:rc.' a ".C'.t!· Il,"< huil' b)' .\Ie. 1)"0""'1;'•• ,,,, aI·.IH'SC, h)' ~k."•. Ila'chcr "".I J"'''.'''''. oo,lt"",er"lIy 1;'01 up i" hl"e a"d "co.., ("'0 ,det '0 'Ioem.d,i"..~ ~Ic. hl",c< ha. a (i",,,,.,,·bu,h (i.'''A''"h"'h li,·~. i" il''''''' ..aikf. "hile ~k I.i,,'~, 0"",10<>"",m""', ~"""" a ·'·u'. "r belic'·~. al W.)b'idl:~.

The ....~"h o.""n•. :os i. ",.11 ~,_n. lorm ~k'""~,n,,~ >lope" for j.,.. it!i"l:. a»d lhe dol, !>as ".,. .."'r ~. lea... , .......,.;"1:' an ,he bnd "..... for,n.",. ~"". io><ludlnc .:""0. >Iopn i" .... r..' "'.-..-<ftld,~, 'he 1nI. 1.., ("0\'.... ,hr au,o-lau...lh""".rlo......... "h"'h , ''' ......a'..- is I""-od "p ,,;,h. a'.'f'" 1_ ""hie.•"" • b~_i"K "round I", ,he ch.. f-"ne- olope.

MI alonl; ,In: S"ulh Do"-,,. 11", br>1 ....,i".: ,lop<,f....., ""'Ih. Wh,le i' mu" be ad,,,iltod ,h., north ..


(i.,v.. ' "a" a man of "'0'" """n and ;<..,.,....-ihk,-he..-("I....». 11. " ............ ,he pupil- ,,1.0 ....... ,ht·19~ camp.' '>u~Cl.bk a """"1,1,,. ,u«<"". Th". "'-',I,d "neon",i",,,I). 11) da, ,,< of lhe .:rou""..j"'f'l'·~"

"'1""" c""",,,1 hi", .. h" ""Cl" ",'eC 'I' '" """"p,imMic. ",,10 cI'.r)· wi'e I"",,,,,i,,~ A",I h" bald 10".,,1"Ii"o,i,,;:, '" ".,,, ..,, he ",," f.,I..1 '0 .:i,·c ", "h."he ...110'<1 'h" !topl Salu'.. 11)' n,.:hl he ,a,I,o,«1 "~'hun"",. i" c, ) 1',"1" .,"",;,i,'I:. '0 ,t.< "",1 ,,"h h"in";"IK>n~ 1o « .. bod) '" ;"in h,m in "ha. h< ,.110001a "bino.le<." ,,11<....., ''''''U' h, nOo;~.",.m<. ",M'" """.,kn.:'htned ,,, ··1 ,' lli",~·, "f ..........

In Stole he ~ bt """"",h<nd for hi, potI>I.........-ice-. but ano<I'I!II: IU. <amp fri<n<l< !or .. ,11 I". a.• ,_... of Of",n>,.... and n><>.....~ . .

Tb<: ~"' of 11,;"", pilot. k,lI<o.1 on ..,-Jtcko i' ..lIort.

",,"" ··II,~··

00' it """,.,,'. ''''' """0" I-"a "n' ........" one uf ,hem.

E. S. Grirris

_ ,he\in.: "';od, ,he d '" i. no ".",.., off iot,hi~ ,~. !I,.n lhe (."""'. It!'.t;,,~ ori>noI .. R,....'nmon lhe Il>!t;". "her. lhe p""'a<l'"1I: "indo are "OM andlhe ........inl; """'"' I.......,. bul "",'<nhelrk • Ian;en"mher of "C" p,lot••re 'umnl ouI .n"""lIv,

Tb<: dub .....mber.h;p. "hR'b i. l:i"cn 0' ~i:indudnan '"C';". nudc". 0( k""n (li..h.,d. "horn il ..". apl,·",u,. '0 "".... Thr "rl'" h"ildinl:'. ",hi"h hal·. "",."""","od p.r1ly Il ,'h "id f,o", 'Ioc Itoo'c,,,...c,,, ..,b,iol~,.100,,1.1 no" e""bl,' 'ho cl"b ,,, ",,,lce 'Ioc "'''"' nf it<OI>I",,,,,,,ilic'.•n,1 cv."'"",- will I"", forIlM,I,,, ... i,,;,:I-",~"t ."id•• ,no,Ie i" 'hc q"a,,'il)' ."d quoli')' of i"n,·,n".

Tbe ");"1:' on«,i,,1-" hod It«" o,ra"I:..1 '0 ro."i"uefor 'h.:: nex' '''0 dap.• and a'l~h lhe ,,-.oal,," ,liOI'I~ ""', 1o p-n-...,I i,. morr ft .. i,,~ "a, done. \\.~ hooa.'ha. on \'4:"" !nd ~k ""nl«, in hi, (i .....,·,~<o.I '0 n"•• from lhe "",,'h .Inpe (··So. ! oi'eM


'0 lhe ....,.• ....,... ("'So_ ~ .' ....\. "hid> i, abou, '''0mi ........ a). and. ahhou"h """, ,aboul 'b,.........rt"'"of • m;le). """~r' -omt: _nn<:: '0 be done in " ...."i""l<. "ro,n he.. ,he pilo' Itol "p '0 Oboul 1,:.<10 ft.undcr a <1""d "trtt' ,,·h ..·1I h"ha,,,,I,,, ca'he< a 1"'<'"lio,","""rr. The ",lreo," " ''"1lOrt~,1 '0 h.,,< "'" c.',I_WC" ne",", Ihe '~)'..""1,,, h,,,,· "'o..-cd .,\,,,,1)' ",",h·" ....1. in "h., "".",... ,,, Io~ a lIC" lI"in,l. ~I,. I'il",o,,.il.<I up and ,low" Ih. ""'0'. "i'h and a"ai,,'l lhe,,;n<l, fOl" .....Iy ''''0 hou,..

He I""",I~ "on ,"" La" for,1 C....II.o<:. Cup fneal'i'udc. ,h. I ....n) Cloalk"". Cup for di...~""". _I'h.:: York< Cup fne d"..,;..." .bile a """,",,""<f"~

a"......1 ""'" 10 W Oill'oro.l.

[.-1< o'c ",.iI "{,, er",l, '" hi' ,,,,.,, ,,,ilpl""< '0''''l,kam.iN'f'.",,,, "" ,lug." N,I<..11,. E. S. (;"jJ...

oJ S~I•. ...... 1~1~lIy i"i.,N. I .1<{""i,·r. ",iN, i,..,,,,,,.1 10 ~"t"<" ~<r" I~< <".u "t ,.< """.1,.,. h'I.r "6'<;"/ r"'l.''J'' Itas ...', J<' b<-•• <" ..~<IN. ED·I

•~ 00.SoUTH CO.. S-r~.

~ f't'll' Of TRI'lf'S1TE11' )ltTllI'"'U CUDlrt(. CllJa

Arrr-\ ....t. So,_I. ,,"~~~".I


T.. w.~~n

O' ~uUL"

"" .. '...-. ¥..

, ".~.

Page 24: Sailplane & Glider 1936

'""Ir~ Sallplmlf Mpl.mbor.1936

News from the Clubs

"-~"""-__'N"""__ P ... -.N eu- 00.· _ ....-e.-. , ._ _)~ ....._ ..... '_....N..-... n _........ _......--_ _ --

•SolI.,... • ,..,.....,..

N..'k<,. 1..1••• ,

L, 'lO'. \ I' ~1 ..<.lr•.•/. t'!"" 5"'''010\( ("",. Ltd .• Il<ir....10'1'.0 1;..,.. roIoeilli••• S"...... Co. ,_,.,.1


"",.,."."._1':. K, \I'd"'". ""'I. T...I," 1'.111..11. (".,."'......hi ..,

_......".-1. )I "'R... 1'.... ll__• _, "' ..... F..op..

1.,' ·.F ()I;-ff. 13, I.." Dri 1_-.l '" _M roI......·it. "0- 0; l'oioo -. s.-.

r .......,;,-,.5<"",,,,, """"D , ,,,,•._/. w. 0.......... 1_'" c.... "-'

11'........ "",...... ",D I.." ...._T. Eo \.-.. "v.._.~

"-.h.""-'\'__." I f-. "0-_:' _ 1__• K-...

,_, _ n. T "'* ""'" ._.....-. \'tob,,''''''' (_, s.o_ -. _ ~ ,'_..,

\\'.I~ ;I"., '''''''''.»..,

lrif.... )1_ Su<T<.


'-' WD~"''''''''''



'09. C_. ","w. 1l""''''Ilo.'''''C~. IIf. 'hp ~.....,. So.....

<.,""""', 50 .....

\ --'"

List of BritiSh Gliding Clubs and ,heirs.crelar;6

,,,"',,.... "S"""'P-_n_u "D..... ,

.......... " • .,........-I~ E. ....... "'_." ,...."'- lIoo<I.r,n.. ""-" ............ \1,1............ '. t__, S,...... )1..-'-M..p _F. ~~"""'. 1;....,__. " .......50_ _... 8 )I",•. ·'1...-.-.·' "_.0. r,......-..--""........~, I·.... _. h ...... 1'_ It-. 3~. I.'".~ t·_.. , '>";1', l>,~,. ,,~......,;,. ..

T'''(,::.''i",,~'....l' 1""-. n ;o~ 1__. ~o.' T.....

W"""""~.'" "" w C, "o._(". 1>. Mont,. "Woo4-I..... F""''''''~ I Wo,k'oE'O<I. Co"'I>«I......

." .......... "n I""""""~' f............... """'_.

...............,..• J, T_.s.......,... n... ,-,c,_,"'" ""....."._1;, w. Y"",,":. T,....' c~. c_

I<lft'. '0";.< •._ c..._ "-'.]"M"'''' _F. G. "1>,,...1<, 's. H,'" ~,,_. Ch<-<i_ ...-.(".... , •. ...,..-J,,, G._. R-.l 11....... Tl-.. ~·

c.'.,...' I '-'od..." .0, 1I~ ""•. h"" W.,II,"~'''',,,,.,,..,, .. "" "';0..""._1<. E. G, ........ "Il'~~fi<ld." W.,.

~_"'. ' ... 1,,,,, 1", •• Do,by· '~'r'''~' '"".: C.,,'ph,1I~.n". G'''' ""'....'.)

U..o•., S. (; T,lm,". Joum" OAK,. L.""''''~.

'_'OT,-J ''''~, D ""..,,,,,,,,,,.1 ...od ,"'r"","'h ""'i,,~c,"'''' ,i.;;,~ ~••.,.., Soo';"~ ~r,. 1;;"'''''...... , "leor ,..._ •.)

".-.u._1I J T '.

".,t I.""....' -J--f.••n-" w_. 113, c:-. ,,_. I).... '-

F'..,...... 8. " ........ If. """'...for 5,...... W~. _ .....~--. i~"'ooc C_.. , '-.I>. 1__0...--.)

H_"" -Eo T. \\ .~. n. ",",. t~. s--k."_.I"H~1l. K.,. If. 11 ........ s.-. 11..

11.._ ... ,"",,=·1, ....., ... ("~_I_ 5 11.«. I~ ( ....,. of _ •

........ K__ 'W 7 1."iIoj: lO_' ,--1--.. I

j ......._I;. I, C...... n.. T...-. G«>o<_ So...... So. H_."'r" <>.-, ,L (>uo-ft•• 110,,)I; • .,._~h.. "- 11 ~''''''''. ,~ 1'10«-. S"'_ C y.u...... (0'",,< " ........ , I.................. 'b""_. K '·l, ......." ..."..._" J. lI',m...... '7. """,,. '·...n 1>';••.

Ilomk'MOnt. I.....<~"I~"'''''._II U, 1)".;,-,. 13. ";noo. ,,, I"..",•• ~ W,l.

(Fly'.~ 0".."" (t"",t.,bIt I""w",, 1 1•.)M"..." •._V. I" 1',1<00. 131. Ed","",1 S'"",. ''''m;,~h.",

("y'." ~'""" Loo~ ll,-nd. Ch",," S",Uo•• Solo.,1<ldlt'....1 T"i"'o~ G"",......, 11..,1,.......". N",'h/;<l<h..... ""donl.\

S ••"""..~, I' 'Id...... ""~• ...,..._T)... IF"....)1.",.,

, ...,,,,•._f'. ~,

Page 25: Sailplane & Glider 1936

Ulster Gliding Club


o.:D '.O',1Up.m,

'",,,,.';.u••u 11 ....


:=...·u"""' ,.\\............ 8.-llIl .... '.iI,..."'..... 'l.,~,.... ut,---.. W T. 1." :l-."l,_ L, .<)

,_ ~.zr ur., w T. '.5 ..,r0..-""" ,_ W..__ II<o.r ,.. 11 -... _.

T_. .-I T.... boppo.j "" It"" _ [) .I.., _~)l, .. t....." ..... Jw I in 11.,.... W_.... H"'l"" ".1 ri"...... en'"'"' '- ..."...;.d.-.

hi/ a"•. w,... SW" '0 p.•. LI.~(O<d """ Gou...u t..." hoo' ..... h.ll..... Fi In- T.) hod 16 ..inUl.. ioF.. "",. , .

F.. 'M ~,,' b"., .. ' .... hi"",.,. of ' .. ,Iub 'M "I'.~ ,;,.. loo­""" m.."h •.,...... 100 Itnu". ,o. ",••, "oh ,i... n tI,••i, 1..­Jul, holn. II~""" ~r '";"U',",

'The S(lilpl"neS<pt.mber, 19.16

[nrby,hi,e and Lancashire Glidinr Club

lool".,. ,.., :...~"' -.. woo< .... -.....,., ,..... O;.k_ 10_", 10 10. _ .. """

~ I_"""""'_'''''''''''''''''''''''''''-'''''''~ _ .. , __ n.. __ ........_ I""k -. ..,;...... "- o!o<__ ,_ .....'C •• _,..-... <>--.- ....""- ~ -_..... ~.......,. .....-""............._ ""-' .. "" __ l' _r. Io<1l" ,......_ ....~.. "'"' d ....... ,,_ I-. ..-.or .~. ,,- , " _-"',- .. ~ ...

" _, 11 'loo ,~......~ W."'" [)..,;.."'" " _ l!OO It.

[)n.""", '-. __.........,.,-.._,. 100r "k_"'nd __ ,.h ,.... eou-. Woo

... _ • ..,. 01' ". n __.•·...10 ri _ ''''i.'nl,....,-,• i,h ,...,<'Id>. ,,.,. .i.....""Id _ q~'" 1>0loI ,,.. l'.., .., ioo _ 'n .h.. ,,, ""', I "", '0 ,.......' 0.·1<_ '" be """' _l" 'h< ,."........,."., h< tI.•. in'n , ;n • ...., ,,'" , do.,. ",i"", .d.m"Olin~

hi' ,."hi... ~ti \ol,o~••."" h.J ''''''' '."'"'' "'oit,oo .11 'h,..... ,.....' "Il." h.,d ,o. 1..-, ",~.,.,I "'" ~.,.•nJ w,n' '0'loo boO""" I.. I" C", " '"""Oh•• "Id.,.]o" , I ,,,,".., .. 'h\o' , ,.n.,·. ~l"'1 ,I , ._i"'....~ !l ....",

-Yorkshire Glidipr Club

loll ,.,~w"'" S.W .• 111 ......... I- ,_ .. _ ....__ oritlo •• ;"" ",_,_ "'" 01_. _ ,..~~."'":!_ -.1;0;-..1 ..... I "',_..\Jw. ICk _ F.....,. Ill ;", -.... loo _ ~-ML<n' I..."';0, __ for • "'"'" ,_ .. __ -.._Ir --..a;, _ loo...... _, ,. r< - ....-. 1.-.0 _ (;0<"", .. __ .. 'loo ,-. _ Pl<k

l·.. Ol_ IIp< ......•I>or'o.c oh_ ..'" _ 'loo _'"' ..~.. 01 _ F.....,.

Ill." _ p_ ",. SI""lt"'" f -..).,_ (~·.l SI_ l'''' 1'1 C1uI>'.,.F_.. I.. ~.~ 1_. i. ,,_=od _ ,h<_.-. "'_1< .... "''''''.~_h ".<LeO" I. too"',. ond .... _ '" 'loo do••''''- (W. T.l , It.... up;,,1O ,.. _pr\or ~ ....."".' Tt>< ......... F....",. 111'. _. on ..,.....-J .., 1h'~W"'" S.W.. ~ m.p.h. f-,-I><, (W. T)".~ MW'1""'10..... to' V..""" '- _", hi. 6", , <>I .., '" ,h'.. "''''',,, Utk,~llu,,,,,,, .... u,> h,i.h, ' 1) ,'. (i.u.· ..·, in .n'''''''PO '"' • ftve-"'" fll~h'. linfor'un"," h" .,."h 1".,.11,...............0<1 ... <0... ;~ .It" I hou"'~ minu'" ,od<" 'h<m,...k.. Inop.._lon. I""..-td br ,t>< .I", ,,·..<h. ,h.. 1><, ...._ ""' , 'ino<. on ... h.. ,I>< ~'_ "un_ ..." ..10 ~. ''''''''''h 1•.r_, fW. T.) -..I F"'-""'" I. f.. ,... ft, .. , .... _ •••,od.... lot .......... u.,..- (.......·in~ him In ," ._ ..0<1>,_ I..,.. --

11 '. .111 ,,,,""', -..- K... , In .. ft......,;o":,;:~........""- __ " '" 111. '~;'" _ s._ _~":.............. _ (;.0,-...., __.",. It__~....1. O. """'- .... _ "" W__ ... W_ ............ V...... ,

Lr<Ior.-... k.- ~(I'.... "'-" - .......- ...-C~ _ • ......,. ,,;po.--,

T~t.. Fi.·"._t flig"•.

".., ~ W,.. sw •..-. 5>_.... "'''''' ......C.... .,. Lou>.. ,,_~:.t. ";'(dl"''''. _ "..-, .. F..-o ,!'.. , ~_..--.•-~-'-' \11 ,_ __ .._ " ..,-. .

.. - "'" 01' ,.__ • "..,.".~ .~..:::;

......."•••...- _ " ·.n , -, , " .f 'M , - ...

r Ill. _ ... _.~ _ t , oc<""" .,. If,...h. -"...n..",_,~ ~...... f.. h.'I.- d••' In,,""': ~~h".

h""•• , ,;..·••u ......... n ,h"..._ ' Y ..,.

...- pi"'"

10.. U.~.~\1_ S.S.F..•."", 11<4 io ... __lac t>«..".............. _1"1 01>, _,• .,... ift "0101",, in F"""" Ill."- •• i.,I_ •__ to...... Iv .- htIp.••, ko do<_,~ ThU-1 -'> 01 .__.i_... _I"'Io.

Page 26: Sailplane & Glider 1936

'"'T1t~ Sailplane

Soulhdown Gliding Club


...... 0 .. _. '0' ".w; w;", <0. s w. Cl"'" C, t. "n ,..t, _.;.~.•0' ••••• ,,,., w,,, •• 0 ,...... '"'OW " _;,._ , o ,~ .., , _ , .., _ 4_,,,,,," ..

Midland Gliding Club

,••g... '" o. A,g." ".~F,om 'h< ""'0' 01 vi••, of ,.,.,in~,

",..d'h,." "''' ,"" wOol...""k.,n,1 "<re ""ll.n'- ~I,mb<"".",. to .,,1'0 '" ",",-<I.y on '",u'~';' 'od '"".d ""'" • l;~",.-;•• !>I"."Ok ...~, ,I.. "",",", With 'he ideo of ""l';.g i' 00 'h<""" Oi..... 01,-" 0'., ...."~ "". ,,,. ,·.I~, i" h,m, I., ,DJ"''''od<'<l ,. oh< ,.,""m .10<, on1y on' "",,,,.

Whit< ,"" F"~o, .'.....;"~ ret,I,,-c<J ,he bm-", r".....d to...~y 30) m,v,•••"d """"."", I••IQ., .. thot ,"<"~Ih [or le.,,-I>0IO r;"" ",,01 ,"" T",,.j.y "-"'''6'

.\. ,...,. ~"......." «I h""'" 01 'lJi.", wo ,,," only m,,,t;onlhoo< Ai.h,••hi,' '... of .,,,,d., '"t".."

1',..,<11 ~.," "< "'" f,,,, 'h,,1I ~'h<n h< Il,~ ,h. "".1.".,"".,~,,"h. ~I"~ tl" ~'hm 'an1,o~ ,od p<donnN a ,,'ound loop.K,on ,I. ... ,.., ";"'m. ,"" ..... fn",'a~. will «na"lr '''lui",",n.I~".b'••,,,nti,., HO' .'''g" ~. ,,.. g''" '0 '''''''d, ,,<.Im"" 10''''''.

n.nlwkk 'nd W"h,m, '""k off '" f.c"" Ill. fo' ,h. I..,Righ' of 'ho w..k·<n<l, .od ~,"'o "y,og """ ~,..., ,n "'do< '010>< h,'gh, Jr<p.,,",0'Y '0 1,,"lng. I""od 'hot Il.<y ,,,,,Id nO<go< '~"" from ,he "phft ."" ~',....m"""It-.."y ,"'k<d ;n'o• "...... " ~.OOO (,~,. I, ~'''. '''''"000.')'. "0< "",,"'.0', ,,~t"'y ""'''",Ily 'ou"" 'h,m"I,," ".'''w ,I""d )"'d "",in "fo"'1~~",io,"<'I,. 10 m;o"", 01 l>Iind ",in~, ,," ,h;, ,.,;n' th<y~"••om. mlh '»' ~l ,0. ,;d~••n,1 1.<00 'oc' .""", 11>or,.,-.led in ~,";o~ ....k on '0 'h. ,;,,~< ,." ",-"Jod • I.wh.nd..d i""" ''''''' 'he <',,, g","oU ,I", , "I~h' 1."ln" 1 hou',.:; mio"""

f.,-",>, Ill, ~'.' k.p' b"'r "i,;n~ i",ru";".,. pilo<.d by"'i'o", T..,.,. ll"'kO, D.,'i",. ,n4 '>to' Oh",. ~ ho ~'." '''Op'«I"....""

Mw ..~in" du.' ;"",""ion in F"."'" 111 .. Sb,mc1••n"J""o_ ~~'" ""n' "ff ,... ,lid, fi,,' ....0 m~h,. ."" ",,<lom,"""1 ,,"'I"b1r. b,,' ~', "'" ... quit. ,u" ~"'OI.., ' .... ~~..'"W' ... '"t;., ";~h".

Tho uit" 0' "",.< ,,,"'" b... " .. ,h. "",<bi """'d ""'0.. h;mloo' 1><1",,, 'ha< .... d"h """' k" 30 "t;" ,'10<., .'".<t lro,,;,_ ~'h~ h,.. <",,," out _,;ng ";."" 10' 'h,;, "w' '"k<t",,"I h... _'-" "k.n th<;, "c" "'<t;,k",,",

.\ repo" '" Du"d.I<·, .",;don, " 1f,,,,I"'d ,ppe..'" '" "",nOn,h', ~'"''''~''' loo' ~.. ""do"",,," 'h." 'u"h"" ;o",.. i~";",,'n". ' ... ".'" o)j th, ".~, h...."",,". no <>,",n.,ion. ""gd,",~.m"," ho, Iiltk- "~"",,<';'" '" ,he .ho'. ,ph,,,,, ,nd ,.u",;".,.'''" "'ho ~",k"~.", 'he S<u,. I. ,'i. "0' ""',., "'y 1'0". ,.,'h'" 'h" ~'.Ii "m.", ,"'" 01 ,1_ h"I""n;,,~, ~'hi<h mu" I","'" ""''';n ~""""I;n n,,-""Y.. ".~.., "'b ......b_'n _"I< of '0""',- ~""~" 'h'''' w.',",n"",,", "",,.. '0 .1I",,' ""l' ..,,;,,~ ,00 o.. ,,;,,~ <ouM ho 00n0>.., p."", '''''00 'ho "", ""', d;","", "" 1"";,,., ~,..k.,"d·,")'0" """", "IT;'''' ~';,h " "";om",, '"od' "om 'n olJ.\,',L .. "'''''l>«I in • ""0' ""m"", 01 T". Sm......". ,od~, w,'. ""y ""'i.K",'" '0 ~"d 'k" 'h< ;",""m,n' 1"'",',"" '" ho"''''''''"K'r "'0"'''', ~'Ii,,, "",i ;" • '''. W' 0' '""..... I"'k 01I\;'"K I~"'''''''' , ,,,' ;n 'ho ';', 11>0 in."",,",n' " i",,"d"",... ,,,,, In" .Md, ;, ..""t"" " 'h< ~I,oo ,0. _k.•oo .1",..".

Furness Gliding Club

.'Iooday, Su'J' It'b._W10d :<,W.• 15 n,.p,h, f"", ,n'h"."."",,"'"',w ,~ h,"Ok f..- the "1"'" "'''P<''<' Qf ''l';n~ 'ho ""'.~"•• ~.m". S""'<,,, "'~' " ,~'I<e .0" ,~'''''''''''''" ,on"",KOO<I and <ooU""",' ".b'<. t.:,dl " .... ,h'~. "ho ha' _ "'d" ooa,in" fl;~h, ,... "'0 )""" '" ",,,,..,. ,,""" up ,0. "m" 'nd"'''''ed "''''''' i" ~''''~ "Jt•. A" boU,n", "'"'' ,,,..,,Ir m_On 'ho hili "'" '''"' '"" h."K", .,n" w< p«<k'" .p Mo<, ,n h"",',,""",;ol'. 1..,1i"~ "",' of,""" ~;.h 'he «'<ni",,', wOIk.

Th" 'oll"";"K "",k••" •• h•• i ""'n ><t .po" '''' 'ho """";n,,"''''mon)' 01 ou, ban~.", by'"" ,k.i,m," .J '"" <I.b- C....;nJohn f;,h".

S".,.,), 'u')' l~'b._W;nJ ","'h, 12 m,,,.k.. ,h"."";n,, "'n.~I,. ''''i .\1", S'lnK,hr .,,;,...... ;t" • "-".ox" '". In """. aod,k;, ,."" "~",,' " .. " "K"r" ~o~n,)("". I,. ~'.. ""' ~i,.,"Or Md "".."""y "",,.... '0 ,1" ,hi, f,n. ,h;p '" 'h. ",.~'hkh, .. «'<0" "",,'«1. wo. '0 1"0,1". u, ~'i,h .u,h • ,.... "'","" m""ow.

~I ...". SI;n~'''r. Smith, Took!. 'od S",-.n, ~",k'" hk< ,,,,j••,,o~" ,b. "''''' >« f... 'g,," "'y.

Soold'f. S.'y W'h,_.', 8,30 '.0'. 'he d.,- 100\;"" mi.."...<,nOUKIi; .ky .,."",..t ~'i,b ,b.,p ,ho."" o)j "io. j"" ""d ••ou~h'0 l,i~h',," ""r "., f.'"'.""."«I, ho' ,"" .\1,.•,"'. 'I,", SlIn,,'by.~,"" "';""'I"oml"'-, ,qu;,,"" I,.. M'''f ..,."'~..,"')'. Ur 11 "m,,h. w;",i I,,," f",b<o'" I,om ,he S,\\', ."" 'on';o"'" '" "'o~'" ..~;ir .,,11 d"'k.

A I"... 'PI""I"I". won" .pok,o br C"p'";n f"b" "nd 'h<"",,,hi." ~"'" ",,, In'o 'ho ,I, .. I." "' ..." k"n"o'l" """,ibk,.\1,. S"nK'o,. wi'h ou' ,h,;,,",••, puP". ~'." ",,' a~'.r inF.,-",>, ;i1,: to ,1""". 0"'0 "';0 , .;,e, ~'h;," I.< h.,,1 m....lam"",.,. """n~ "'nd"""'" ;n 19J2. "M',O' w,...... , ,~,)

;" 'he ",w ",," ~<l'''. loll"""d "y Ch.d", 'n tl.< h'"" Km.~',"n,,'hl', ,I", "'<lA'.. H', (I I~,'l", ,,, d' h<" "" ""',b,.Kooo... ") w." .",,,"",I;"K """i i""'r hy h" p<.r...m."", ~,"

br ,b. ~'.'" ..... <1;",'>1'<1 ""'.') ""',, " """"K"" ''''''h ."., " ......"m.'"r .", ,k;lIu' I"",d';o.) ,I" woo ""'" _,;n~ .......,,<'y(00 ,~ '00 f""t ,loo,.,... ,he h;1i '''P. w;,1i ('",''';n ~'i,"", Ii..,;.~..'" ",,;11 <>I • lil";m,. M,., 35 .,;n"'" ~~ ~'a"h'" .'i>h ;n.""'" 'h< ",.,.-0.,," fn< n '.ndin~. ,." Slin~,by ,ould "'" '"",h;, ok! M"I '0 «'''< ,,"~,, "' "" 'ppro<'''''''''' T;n", ,nd a••';"~,~ .·",,1. to.." do~" ,'m"" '0 "<oh ,n,' """ <oom "",. '0000 n< 300 f",' .""'0 ".. ',ill ~;".lIr. Slin~,h." ,,;.,I ." "",..,;.

m"" ~I>;,h "'''''''' " ","'" ."", ,,"''''', h" '""'y "" 'h. fl"r",ld "'hind "., h.,o~". ,\""" I,i' or ,,;,,,'go ohi<l> ho 'op<"edmooy 'im'" dU';"~ "'" d'r,~I"n~hih- ~"m" 1>",1 '''''''d 'h' "",oY "', 'h. ,;1<, ,nd

I"'",' h'" "0'" h" ,,, 'he ~"lf """,,e. ~h;', Ch"". ;n1>;, ",,' "'.. n;"blln~ '" ,,,. <loud.

from no~' "" ,,,,, ,."''''".. ~'.. k,,. bu,y. ,;"hL "" .... M";"~'" .,..,.'g' QI 30 ",Inu'" '''h, 0"",,, ...<.,;.., 'h;' "m.,k,.,..m",h''''' <"".... " '10,< '<>od o)j.o """" (_ t.... ) ou. ~;~h' 01'."0')' ,.,n,,''', 'h< 0'0< ,,11,n .. M"" a, ,ho ",,', 'hou,h 'h<,,,, .., i" '0. h".l, er "'" ,,~"" """,..,, "" m..;n"m ,h;'u'",.... 'h' .l,,'.

""H ,,' ". "".II'~ ". "","00', '''',".o';"n;n~ .ff"" d,d"",h. w:tJ ,,,,,,,,,,,I'",n., ~hon ;0 ,0. F""," I. ho ..." ....... ,ha

Page 27: Sailplane & Glider 1936

~p,"mbu. 19J6 Tlte Sailplane


A .~., do,("h.".. "nd... hbu,. w'

11 ._ R.d, '- _.'_ ...... _ "'" _ ....._......-<#_--.....- _..-_.... ---,....._ ,._ -........... •_ •• _ .-.e--""~'" ...~" , _,r_ ......... """, _I< .,,10 ,__ ~ .... ON .....

....... _.., ""'''' , ............. ","",.1.' •••~ ...

...'1 ,. m .....,..,."',,_,;, lo', W,"" w 'lW, '''0101,~~ , "",t,. 'd 7,>0,_"" .;" ."" "," "'"'s, ' in .". "',,'' 10'" >""",,1 ", I.... lu. ',"I........ "'" i"'" m,.""". "odi.." on '''l'~ •• _ B••• 110 '· v , ,,,, Ii...

"'f"""o ...."'" _b , ...-. ' __'" .. ' N , .. _.

N ....·cull.. Glidinc Club

5o,.u" 101, 1$0.. It;, C '" 1oP "oil« 'n11 .., Wd,_.·. '" , hod "C......tON _ ,. "',k r _b, "'1 ,_ .",1«01 ".,il .. '.m... ~_" 'n p." ._ 6.. ,.10',,, ,ou<.... 'u ,,,. ._,.,.•·M.h..."...-' ,. I"., hMl 0><'<'<.."".... l" .•nd ll". Add,·m.n·.hml'''];'' m ~h.' ~""Id .....,,,i~ h.,·. _ •• ,"'iou••"".....,i..... ",k. 1nl....'".k~'" ",.~.,.s.-a,. ,.., .,•.-0.,,," '" l>t..... i..", ""in" •.•,.-~.......\1 I wo'"~ 7 m..,__• ";,k 0.;..,.._'N .. UIO , ~ " ••1, ~_ ;,.........,..... ON' ...~.. ..- .iaJ. .1'~", •...., w.t,__ ,,~ "'" ~"""'............. oil , •• ..-wo .-• ,,~' Ioo ....F_, ''''' SI.. ll~. -.l C_ _ " ....... :>I_

t- .. ..-. ... 7 , "....,_ hod _ 1....... , ..... .-.-100 0< 'u , ,_ b.T_....... __ lid'" Thr,' ." "'_ I..... 7.• "''''''.. "" ..~. of .'old.m••. 11 l<l' • _. i.. ,loo .i_' '"..,. ,"'" ........ "'I." l""" r.,.. '. ul. 'u C",,,..I,,,d." .."j'10" ....·..Id lot b.,k 0"« ,.. , \I ••000Mn·, h."' ....., m.."........."'i.... if ". h,,1 ••;d be u ••·.I.i." '0 S."." U.,,".,,,•• ,u'nod.p...J hol.,..J ,. IoooJ .p, "d<l,·mo. 0,,1,'" ...... ,10 Po...

" lUll S.,"fd.~. ~. i ....". ."i.-..l "' R........'Y .....G<-< 1_ ,nI t1Ie ~i~", E".ao-'... ,loo --.....z-,. w., to of C H~l ..... T_... C-.Id< "'" ~.oMI·· ~~ .•f --.: WtpO"~,--,....-;,. .H~.w.. _ .. , z.nn __ ......., ~ ... ,.,... , - "'"- .- ..........,._a.p.. - , -

.... tool< ...._ b ._'1. hi'" : "' ,. ~.«... W.~, llII ......b.

~ "" ~ •• -';"ll .." ,h< 'OP '" ' ... b,1l .1....,.' ." ,hne '''''.., •• '" """..... _hi.~ ,. "" ,.., h.n~ .......

T......,. ~.«." .10 •• ""k ..,.,,~ ,h. 11.IUX "' Rothbo,yIT_) lot ..... on """., ........ ~<I ..... _'n by ,.;•• On.... _ P_..... ,. ,', O~••od•• ""' 10... I~,"..''''.•_ ".,.n "[l," .... "C" ..... ""' of _', ..,,____', -. .. ,hP i__ "",.""" .-... .. Soot"", _.

_ •• ~_ 71•• "'"'"- ". _ ~...• "',_ ' '_ "'" (-.~ (I'll ..._. x.- :>I.... ",;n,,- __ ~ ... ,.. __ of.o. .-.

1... · ipl\l C-. , .....~~~ ..~-, .~« "" J.-. " ••b 1 """""K ,hr..- • .,'-'Ilio .... -....- ··f, , ,.. 1 ,.., ..",_.II"k.. '. _ ,.,.. f_ MoO)'m_ ....". ,h< ..,.~ of' .. 7....." bout h.'1 • ",;\0 ....,. rn.. '''.'.'''y .m'"_ .(0". "m, "" " ... 'u"'oy ...,..,in". '\'h;!< h.,r ,It< .Iuh.......pi.~ 'h<~' ... "'" """" •."" ,It< od,., hall .........",

So ,. '0"" "'•._t)'G y .ni,"" .. ,,_ J.." h " ph """ , , Tho '.. _ , ;, I< , U' pnoo;_ ........ - __ - • 11·" "" .-."'" ~ ~_ ,,," ,l>t ,.-,. m ._ ~_""J1 " ,.... --.......... "" ..~..- -.. " ....___ at _ '""'" _C -._ ~_ _............ .

" h , "--'" ........... _10< ..~.... --"' .........._ <;••_.n -. ....... ""';nt: _ ...._ , I", • _"""'"

........ -_'," ,..... "'-_ ..-.....-.. _10< ••_ ••_ n 1........ , ___ 1 r __ • ..-_ ........" --- _ ,., ,..-....._.I/."...h ,--'..-l,. m , _ ......... _. _ ..

of ,.,.~ • 6... ,.... , ",'". m 0_ .'''10'• ...., ""'....,n L....... ,,,. .,L.~ I".",;"., 'm~.""..n'. 'co ",I". m.... in ""' ,"''''n••1.. of ,hi,

~'"1I,, ", •.• h•.., '" "1>'''' ",•• ',..,j,. i, "u.",.n ,"""' 'u ""..""1", W. "'n hod .." 1, of! ah"". ' 10 '10 _ ' ,,"'" ". I...... ' " ..Md." <1 " ,.,.,"'.

Norfolk Glidinl ClubJ",.-no. _ ._, _ _ __ ;,. ""

__ of' " _ ...-....,. at .u , _ ~ _ 1Inoo<"'"" ·i""....'k.n~h;" ,,,. .....",.., of ..., ",'m", ....,;"...... The ,_roI•

h.,'..........~u.h'" ..", ~.,... I..n. "pi",.." Tho m..hi.. ",.~.". in • no.' .01,[ ",",pi'" "ill! m,"1 .h h.

Iou,y....." :"'~,\n ","",i." 'h'n~ h ' '0-<1-0,' "r••· ..,ho,_h, '1"'''' ."'~ ,.. inl..bon. """' ,•• ..,10 ,"" , ;. , n ,,,. ..~ _ , ~._ no.." ..-ho· ~~. ~._ -. ,._"p ,..,... , , _. -• ..~ f..- _ ........~ .-pri..-ol , __ '" Tb<.... . C' ._.. f~......... ._ ,-.. ..... ,_nr._....""'" ' <.l ......;, .. , •

Olher Glidinll ClubsC.., ....-Tho <!~1. ;, ~,...,,,' '" "'.~ ",.. , ,;.;,~, ..

Jo" ,"h .~b a ,.1.,,,10 I>~."", r ho••..- 2:l Too i "", ",'lo-, 1__ ( •...,...., ., __r_ ,.,.,,01 .w_G ,s,_. n·... '.. __ .~...... I ..

", ... _, , __ ._ .- .. .1»"".;"--'- ..,.._~ _ --.I."h _" .... ~~.. , :. _ ,.,.... "'...._ ,...., _ ......"" ,,,. , .•,_lo- G1.., ~... ne,.h." r.,~bt On , ( .:r. ",I No. kW"' , SOO , Tho, ....· "'" , h<>~". r. .

'fa".g". ~,,,,," ".h.. ", r, T. W. ~'~"",.n. ". ~'"'....., ').. ,r, .. 'n "fI"''''''''. '. ,h. No.""',,· 'I'll•. i...,......'" ho ,"', .h< h,n...... S;"""'......"" T_. I•,.... R",hw'Y I."", "', ,l>t ~""'P'"._in .....,;,j;"f;: "' 1_..... s.. , "" I, ..... ~'" "''';<10''' , , "...,I _ ,j,,; _ 4opr< "'~ _ - .,-......... -.. .. _.;",., ,-r_ Dlo< Ci.....« C__, • ..--... .. _.J'"

_._ ~ ~ ..d>k "_"',~"~,,'...... -"""';.. _ _.. ....- -,... ""CO.... 10 bo-f..... J,"""" R. 1'«1. Too b -.......r .. h"'~!( _ oil ,,.. .......' , r -. .,_ "';"~••""". ".,.,nI.. <1.,,",",, ..,'00 _ h ,,"".~"""h .1 .""''''1, 11......~.,... ~" ",..h"'" '" ""''' <1, ....,,, '"" J'""O" " •• ,,',"","•. I..m"''', I,.. "~ '.".""' , " .... ,"""."i 'h",,,. ~ine "", " " _ ft, "'" '0'" ,-, , " -, " 1. On< _ , , .....-,.... " -_ -., - ,,--~h, mM

'l,. R.<..-. r- _ , ~- .............. __ _ , -.......__1< --- f ...J_ "",..-"" _ .... --............'. , _." _L.,;'::'

;, fI _--.- ...• ...• """ , __ .11.. "'" .. _..... _rw .

Page 28: Sailplane & Glider 1936

Is-;:;;;-sc RI PT ION

The SailplaNe


s.,plcmbe<, 19:Y;


* W. NI to d,..... ,... ",.nU"" .......... to , ...'."""1' .. O~,,'"'nl • "'1,10, """,.Mr «>pr01 THE 5A1U'I.ANE • GLIDE• .0•• ,,, ,h,••Md.'" .wo _'" "" .....It... ",,1011<0''''.

To. ,.h,,'p"'" 'e< ONE HA... TEN~ ... RYE S-UNGS ""'0 5lXl'ENCE",.. 5<. ,.,.,.,.....

"<hlq'" ". ,..."1 ",""" I", , .. ,m"unt ..q" ....,houlO N IOn' wi'h ,no I".m p.".'d.d b,'u'"

TO TOO. NEWVGtNT.... d~ to

......t 1AII.J'I.AN( • GUDI'....'.I. Yoct",b S,......

l_. SW,,.

_ ......... 101_"1 ........... ,ubKt;bo, to

Tlit SAllI'tANE • GUOl. fo< _ Cltequo po,

...... ..-...


CAMP ......ed for s.cpumber 11th"" 10th'.d".,v•. ,t , .peel" Ind",'ve fee of (6 60.(owln. 10 l>le 'ea.on). Intl"d'n. ,11 me,I,and ftyln. fee.. '11""".. may own..ilp!,"" by .rnn.e"",nt with .he Seae...,.In advonu.

GLIDERS!Th;, p"blica""" i, ,Ito ""'y 1'o";vo d 01 ,he ChI...• 1Id tie "'.he__ Slilplu"",.1Id G'od;.. TIlo P"lIoliobt< ~ ..'0 m.k. 'h. ;uu.. IQ""" M.....,,,b,erlb,,, 1,,,, n ••d.d '0

ine 0;""''';0•.DO WHAT,YOU CAN.

H.O O"V'F.5 U. V'e'.... I. Sf" Londoo. S.W.l

I P10~~,~::.~. ~,~~, :.:~~.~~".~~,?",.,,"""O~D'M'''' O.~" •A,rc,al, ,eaIlSe11 ,be oee "y of losuraoee prOl«:lion.

10 1921 ,bi. ""':00"-:01000 f""",,,,- '0 ,~i:al," ." io ,\VI ATiO:S- Il'SU RA I'C E and10 m..,' ,h. ''':01 demand 10, :0.1...."",. :ond ,.h:oble Ins"r.once co..r of Bri,,>!> .....f. ,be....,rld Ol'<t.

V,I"abl. work was caHied om. and now i, is rccOflniS«! d,:o' ,h. sccuruy of lOUod'u"'....oce has coot"bu'ed:o '·ery.",at deal '0 ""hi.,·. ,b••tabili'y lb, ,be Bri,,>!> A"c,aI,lodu."y now eo;""

The a""sh A,'''''on Insu'an<:' C<>., L'd., alte. 0'-" 10 )'ears of auccessful ope....'ioo. ca=J"stly p'ocl..m




O.t< ~ .... ,be lead'''lI: Il,i,ish Aircr.of, Manulact""o!!" aad Ai. Line openU"ll: Coonp&D'""""us' ,he" Insuanc. "".."ess '0 ,he Company.In ",'er in«....."~ oumbe... p"vate own... and ,hose hi"n. "",,:oft :0,...allSm" ,"IUI18" of ,h. OOtInd I'ol,c,.. und t.chnical Appr.dation of Hoei, oeed•.E~r<,..ucn 00"015- ,b. pi"".., w",k of )'ule,dAy h:Ol beeo ,h. louud:a,ion on ,,·hi.b has been1",,1t lhe uu",-alled leade,>!>,p a<h,e"ed by lbe Coonp&Dy '" ,be .\via,_ World 'o-dAy.

T.,</>,_,)<"",_.t.~~ ....... ,,__I.

l·~.....,,,.. ~~ ,..,...,..,1 S .........,.C ,,'T.... G. L""".l·GH. F H..... S. )j.L\0-f... F.R.C S.

Page 29: Sailplane & Glider 1936



--_ .."., ...

'E,,,"un IT IS A HANDSOME, COMFO.1UU. RooM7, 1,..00'" _'UNHIHG.


~.Ie. Wo I 'cod,ly demon-

"n<c ,,", .b,I"T 01 the £100 Ford Soloon '0 ..."ry

yoo.. eve,.., «:q",re",e"., in .~. de....... ,bon ".1Iic,0< 00' 011 the KIn,', h"hway. up-h.ll. dow't-,bl<t. a"y_

..heto, ..v"ryw""'. ",a< Il'1O<"""' IS .......h wh,",

'u,<hI.... who dcdd" uJ'O" le do so >KU,e I" .h<

u:>wled&<, <hot <My h."" mode ,he sound"" In _

-.., availiobl<. as'u<N 01 repa, ....nd ,,,plKe "u.

if >nd ....." roq""ed. "' hfll. 10>< th.'1~. ,ely­

'''e Oft o!>t..,"lnt 6rn-d... Il>O<O<'"1 .t .b>olu.cly

lII'n,....... open''''u,,, '" .,,,.,,.., d"ea......

n.e.. ar•• I.w of the 'cuons why the £lOO ford

Saloon " •. The Uni~"rut

C",," And the l.oal Ford



• TIM: Loa.! ford Ouler an del""r ,he (,00 FordSo.."",. Tned OIId I",u«d. on "n I"~..I ....,'",,",or £25. 18-tnOn,h and 2i-mon,1I 'nnA<tlons canbe """1«1 ",,,11 ,1'llId1 ~'I~er 1.,,,.1 P01""."LI.en.u," on Il,.qu.,,' All Proco; at We,k,.

Ho Ho<o.l.. _'" "" WI,_, T", Fo'd ...... of H."" H.od, ,. S,.. _, ~ud , ' .......", "n" ...... Doto""

fO.O HOTO. COI1'.o.NT L1111T10. WO_~$ OAGENHAH. U$lX, lON(lO,'l SilO "".00111 .••(GmT n_tlT. W,'

Page 30: Sailplane & Glider 1936

,,. 'The Sailfl1a1te

A 'woo, "" .. be,,,, an.... p""..d.. ".lIy"""'" I.n ,.... ''''''' re>" Io •••nd ...h•• re>" ....n' 1<.", ,ond ,t-, M . pe, wed<.. Ad','. ,11d""d...""h ,""h", , ..,


W"Jh' •. Il~h•. sP'" • . Il~mload'•• a~,", . 9(l h.. To"l 1'"J'h. ~.97S m:M.....p..d "" ,_ 7~ m.p.h. Glkll•••••1. • 1.18

S'.k'"••peed 0." m.O<.

Primary GRUNAU 9Two-Seater GRUNAU 8

"L.A FALDA" Motor Sailplane

0-..... 10< ""....... <><he, _ Iooonl_..-u~h <.«Mo.. Lo.por1 At "



CARAVANS f"8radwell Edee Meetlne & Sut(on Bank Camp


............ ' ......n co..~.......

DART AIRCRAFT, LTD.("0''"0.1)' J:AHOf:R .. WI:Y~)

29, High Street North

Dunstable, Beds...L....O......

o At home to Gliders





Cambridge SailplanesTotternhoe Secondary Sailplanes


TH. BUCK SW"'N !10THi••, H<l...~,_.....)' "'u... ,Ieo from s..,,_ 80...10.It i•• Tn.., II_M. _h;"b........ .-fO<l. 10001 'ood...... q"..~ ........,. And.... 0.., bopp, '0 ..., 'bot.... bu. "'od••p •• , 1.....Y b J' ,dio••r-oo up0' odd _n I1 ,_ ""d.....

Brd, bo'h ood brook'""coo, ',' • d.,. W ,u.Ioodt, ••k.~ .....,,_ C<Oo--.'''' ., .....riole "0 11.1 , J. W. <I,__o nd .",,,•..... V__,b _l•.IId'b, ,~It>o"',", n ••l. If ,_ ....'k, of "'Y <>floe. ,---'.... ie II >If.m••• , if .

Page 31: Sailplane & Glider 1936


Page 32: Sailplane & Glider 1936

1'h~ S"jfplt"'~

SCUD 11Tho _' lpI_ ,. ,~''''.-.l 19l< B.C.," llOl ....,.......NI&< 01 B..,"", ..",__011.'>.11,A ~b, .-.l die..., 40 h _-.1_-.- r....... pn.... __. Eooy .._....,j.Loud>

"ri.,. £'21. at "'.......

CARDEN·BAYNES AUIIUlIYldcolic&l ."b ScocI III IIoK I,... _ •....II.--WIIo ....,1....,. _ .. _Lk_boao'._.f__.... orII.u 6oJd.........I••b ID ......., oIu_'"<hora>l.,. _ -""C 1.:01'00 Of ...

............ _ bo .." ..lOd '"...... _Iof 'loo I_Iq., _'1 ,110 1!<d••I ....'. 'b.>.' of S<;Dd III

Pro.I.lonal "ric. £210


.u.......n ..' ••••

.". CoUlD A" , ."~"_ ••••ac ,


(!raneh of L D. "BOTT, LTD.) FARNHAM. SURREY Phona-farnhalll. Surper 1112, III


17 <"" .I ..~ Oh '''" 'a.... r..·.r." , .~ _e-T....c__ .. ...,.... _ ......

I,..... IIM"_ •.I1~~-_....__ ..--:,,'"----.....-- --'..~_.......--_.----~,,_ - .

... ,''>'.. t.,,·...... 'l'.~ ...a, ELUI & &0.:=",,-"#.-,,,,,,.n


SPECifiCATION .......... ""IL ........... _n a'Ek __..__ / T__ I' 1 _. I '".. ,.. _- __ "' ... -. ..- ,.._1.. 1' .~-=t.-_ - ,'Lr-:-t:;:;::t:-'::.:-_ •':"...-=_' ~~ """i, -:;'_ ... l<..__..~_.~ UU7O$·· .............,_ .......... ' ._-

FIRST AGAIN0. A,~I 11. 19:10. A. l. SLATER fl.w I,om Ct.Hutl<low to c.o.llo.-tOll•• d;,...... of .pp.-"",oI,

75 MILES..... <Iou, ....._ ,...

DISTANCE RECORD10< h SO,I (ho;(M 4,500 ILl

......""'", 0 "_ 'L.·......~ ."., u ._ n co.••• ....,.....

e-.~o.~:"... 01 "'. ··KUTRU··.,. 1I.f'<D"'HWUN. L6". 001, ............. r.-,

TH. DUN'TA'Le a.'LPVI,.1l co.......- ...... -........... --


43L1UU [~

IV IL""W If) If) IU11 \ ~ T:7:::~J~:~:;:;:E~ 11 M••"'......~ .. , ..

AERONAUTICAL & PANEL PLYWOOD CO" LTD.111111111 m.I".....IUMI "".1, lDl_, U. 111111111

.......... H 0.0 11. y~,..~ , w " OI.,•• w•••••••• u ~ ..,,, _.l<c.•