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1 SACRED HEART Summer term — Issue 10 Friday 29th June 2018 Dear Parents, Guardians and Students, Friday 29 th June is the feast day of St Peter and St Paul— two giants of the early Chrisan Church. These two apos- tles were both martyred in Rome in the persecuon of Chrisans by the Emperor Nero around 64AD. Paul, as a Roman cizen, was beheaded; Peter was crucified, upside- down as tradion tells us, as a sign of his unworthiness to die exactly like his Lord. So, we now keep the ancient fes- val, rejoicing in both Peter, the Apostle to the Jews, and Paul, the Apostle to the Genles, the great princes of the Church, who witnessed together to Christ in life and in death. Both of these men were men with atude. The word atudeis oſten deemed negave, but I much prefer to put a posive spin on it! Peter was impetuous and brave. We read how he jumped into the water to reach Jesus aſter the miraculous catch of fish; how he cut off the servants ear when the soldiers arrested Jesus; how he promised he would never deny Jesus, and we all know what happened when Jesus was arrested! And, yet, he became a leader of the church, pung all of his energies into leading all people to follow Christ. Paul too had atude—before his conversion, he was fanacal in persecung followers of Jesus, arresng them and watching as they were stoned to death. And, yet, he became the author of some of the most wonderful leers in our Bible and one of the greatest of the missionaries spreading the words of Jesus Christ. Both men gave 100% to everything they did – somemes it was not always right but they admied their mistakes and started over. If you take the word ATTITUDE and substute a number (126) for each character of the alphabet (A =1, T=20 etc.), then add up the numbers, you will come up with the total 100. Atude, the right atude, means that you give 100% of your me and effort to whatever you are doing. As Chrisans our atude should mean that we are giving 100% to everything we want to achieve and to the special friends and families in our lives. A commitment to living out our lives in love for God, and for others, will lead to success. Mr R Lansiquot Deputy Headteacher LETTER FROM DEPUTY HEADTEACHER

SA RED and Talented Trip to the Royal Opera House: La oheme On Tuesday 19th June, a group of Y8 and Y10 pupils travelled

Jul 17, 2020



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Page 1: SA RED and Talented Trip to the Royal Opera House: La oheme On Tuesday 19th June, a group of Y8 and Y10 pupils travelled


SACRED HEART Summer term — Issue 10 Friday 29th June 2018

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students, Friday 29th June is the feast day of St Peter and St Paul— two giants of the early Christian Church. These two apos-tles were both martyred in Rome in the persecution of Christians by the Emperor Nero around 64AD. Paul, as a Roman citizen, was beheaded; Peter was crucified, upside-down as tradition tells us, as a sign of his unworthiness to die exactly like his Lord. So, we now keep the ancient festi-val, rejoicing in both Peter, the Apostle to the Jews, and Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, the great princes of the Church, who witnessed together to Christ in life and in death. Both of these men were men with attitude. The word ‘attitude’ is often deemed negative, but I much prefer to put a positive spin on it! Peter was impetuous and brave. We read how he jumped into the water to reach Jesus after the miraculous catch of fish; how he cut off the servant’s ear when the soldiers arrested Jesus; how he promised he would never deny Jesus, and we all know what happened when Jesus was arrested! And, yet, he became a leader of the church, putting all of his energies into leading all people to follow Christ.

Paul too had attitude—before his conversion, he was fanatical in persecuting followers of Jesus, arresting them and watching as they were stoned to death. And, yet, he became the author of some of the most wonderful letters in our Bible and one of the greatest of the missionaries spreading the words of Jesus Christ. Both men gave 100% to everything they did – sometimes it was not always right but they admitted their mistakes and started over.

If you take the word ATTITUDE and substitute a number (1—26) for each character of the alphabet (A =1, T=20 etc.), then add up the numbers, you will come up with the total 100. Attitude, the right attitude, means that you give 100% of your time and effort to whatever you are doing.

As Christians our attitude should mean that we are giving 100% to everything we want to achieve and to the special friends and families in our lives. A commitment to living out our lives in love for God, and for others, will lead to success.

Mr R Lansiquot Deputy Headteacher


Page 2: SA RED and Talented Trip to the Royal Opera House: La oheme On Tuesday 19th June, a group of Y8 and Y10 pupils travelled



We are delighted to announce that we have received several nominations for both staff and students for the annual PE and School Sports Network Awards, for which the awards evening is being held on Wednesday 4th July. The nominations are as follows: Very best of luck to all our nominees!

Serge Cefai for

Headteacher of the Year

Idris Ojuriye for Coach of the Year

Sarah Coleman for

Secondary Young Leader of the Year

Francesca Pires for Secondary Young Leader of the Year

Jennifer Eduwu for

Secondary Young Leader of the Year

Jovel Jackson-Davis for Secondary Young Leader of the Year

Sacred Heart RC School for

Volunteer of the Year

Page 3: SA RED and Talented Trip to the Royal Opera House: La oheme On Tuesday 19th June, a group of Y8 and Y10 pupils travelled


Reminder to all candidates


Gifted and Talented Trip to the Royal Opera House: La Boheme

On Tuesday 19th June, a group of Y8 and Y10 pupils travelled to Covent Garden to watch the opera ‘La Boheme’ at the Royal Albert Hall. The seats were in the front row so the views of the stage and orchestra were amazing. The story tells the tragic tale of death and tragic love, but despite this pupils and staff had a great trip and it was an experience not to be forgotten! Mme Mazur

Royal Albert Hall Workshop: The Sound of Space

In Space no one can hear you scream!

On Friday 22nd June, Y7P had a workshop combining their knowledge of Music and Science. We learnt about the speed of light and sound and had a go at DJ-ing using tablets loaded up with different sounds of the galaxy. I was really impressed, as were the scientists from the Royal Albert Hall, with all the questions 7P asked. Well Done! Mme Mazur

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Art Department took Y10 students to Camberwell College of Arts for the undergraduate degree show. There is no doubt that visiting a prospective college or university is one of the best ways to experience the culture of a particular school. Our pupils had opportunity to view BA drawings, sculpture, painting and graphics. The pupils were able to research for their own coursework as well look at careers in art and how to exhibit work too. Mr J Naylor Teacher of Art

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YEAR 10 PREFECTS 2018-2019

Bertrand Ria

Macapagal Randall

Binda Dolce

Duncan Williams Mahelier

Agbukor Holly

Ohiwerei Eroms

Areoye Emmanuel

Opoku Nana

Pedace Sara

Kamara Robert

N'Sanda Bernabelle

Ogueri Omri

Alabi Jawad

Agbandje Josiah

Zehia Roxanne

Okolo George

Gouveia Brian

Jackson Davies Jovel

Okolo Justice


Head Boy – Leroy Owusu-Hagan Deputy Head Boy – Ife Igbekele

Head Girl – Isabel Solarte Deputy Head Girl – Sharon Amukamara

Chair School Council – Timi Omotosho Vice Chair School Council – Bisola Alowonle & Bradley Poku

Beckett House Captain – Memunat Bakare Bosco House Captain – Hillary Makinde Cabrini House Captain – Ruben Nunes Magdalene House Captain – Deborah Agboola

Junior Head of Year 7 – Djomou Wozan & Sharlene Asmah Junior Head of Year 8 –Anne-Marie Akinwale Junior Head of Year 9 – Anthonia Ezeudogu Junior Head of Year 10 – Edem Akromah Junior Head of Year 11 – Susan Swaray Junior Head of Year 12 – Ade Fakoye

Ellie Panayiotou – Editor Team - Jerome Gayya/Jennifer Ogbebor/Michaella Opoku

Chelsea Tamakloe Team - Norah Tapahuasco-Ortiz/Leo Ngo

Feyi Falese – Anti Bullying Ambassador

Page 7: SA RED and Talented Trip to the Royal Opera House: La oheme On Tuesday 19th June, a group of Y8 and Y10 pupils travelled



Last week 18 members of Y10 embarked upon a trip to Barcelona, in Spain. We met on a drizzly morning in McDonalds Camberwell but before we knew it we were in the sunny heart of Catalonia enjoying the culture and language we’ve been studying for 4 years. On the first day, after a long journey, we went on a walking tour around the city. Before the trip we each had to do some research so that during our stay we would each give a presentation on a different tourist site. On this first day, we learnt about Fernando Botero, (the big cat is his sculpture) Christopher Colombus and the famous Ramblas. That evening we had to put our language skills into practice when we went out for dinner. And to finish the day off we went to a Flamenco show where we saw talented musicians, singers and dancers doing their traditional performances. The second day was jam packed with activities. To begin with we went to the famous Parque Güell, designed designed by Antoni Gaudí. We could see the entire city from the top of the hill. We, also, got to practice more Spanish as there was another school group there doing surveys with English school children. Afterwards, we went on a tour of the Barrio Gótico with an expert on street art. He showed us some of the most impressive street art in the city and told us all about the history of the area. Following that tour, we headed to the Parque de la Ciutadella and had a long picnic before rowing around the beautiful lake. Some of us were more successful rowers than others… Luckily the evening events meant that those who weren’t blessed in the rowing department were able to try their luck at a salsa class. By the end of the class almost everyone was looking the part and following the steps successfully. Top marks go to Brian for excellent effort! Later that evening, we took a tour around the incredible Sagrada Familia cathedral. This was also

designed by Gaudí and they’ve been building it for over 100 years. It was so impressive and the level of

detail was astonishing. Once we’d had a good look around the cathedral we were well and truly

exhausted and in need of dinner. We got to try Colombian food and luckily the restaurant was showing

the England match so we didn’t even miss any World Cup action!

Fernando Botero’s cat in the Rambla de Raval. With Tobi, Daniel and Spencer At Parque Guell

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The following day began bright and early again with a trip to the Nou Camp stadium, home to Barcelona FC. We had a full tour of the stadium and saw all the Champions League trophies as well as Messi’s Ballon d’Ors. We then headed back to the city centre to attend mass in the cathedral of Barcelona. Although it was hard to understand everything, we were able to follow a lot of what was happening by listening out for familiar words. In the afternoon, we had some language activities to do—we had to conduct surveys with members of the public which aimed to help us understand the Catalan people better. We also had to do a selfie challenge which required us to understand a list of things in Spanish, find those things in the Plaza de Cataluña and get a selfie with them. Well done to Jade O, Jade W, Shanaya and Jessica for winning the challenge! That evening we went to the shopping centre (which used to be a bull ring) to buy some souvenirs and then we went to a tapas restaurant to try lots of typical Spanish food. We had croquetas, tortilla española, calamares, pimientos de padrón and all sorts of other things. Once again, this meant that we had to practise more Spanish but we were getting pretty good by this point! After dinner we went to watch Jurassic World: Reino Caido in the cinema. Just like Mass, it was hard to understand everything but it was good to see just how much we could understand without any subtitles. The final day began with a trip the the Boquería, Barcelona’s most famous food market. We had

another language activity to do here which required us to ask the market stall holders lots of questions

to find out all about Catalan food traditions. This was particularly relevant as our next stop was a cook-

ery school on the Ramblas. Here we were taught how to make tomato bread, paella and crema

catalana. Shanie and Jade O were particularly talented in the kitchen so their parents should look for-

ward to a home cooked paella soon! We sat down to this delicious three course lunch before beginning

the long journey back to London.

Overall we had a great time exploring this beautiful city and experiencing the culture first hand. We have 2 prizes to give out so these pupils should see Madam Williams when they get a chance. The prize for best effort to speak Spanish as much as possible goes to Tieshane – well done! And the prize for most enthusiastic, engaged pupil throughout the trip goes to Brian – well done to you too! Mme Williams Head of Modern Foreign Languages


Spencer and Daniel at the cookery school

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“Me encantó ir al Camp Nou porque me encanta Barcelona FC. También me encantó la co-mida porque estaba muy deliciosa. El flamenco fue muy interesante, rápido y nuevo para mí.” – Elijah “Aprendí a cocinar la paella y hablé mucho español. Nunca olvidaré los lugares que visité.” – Jessica “Me encantó la gente en España – todos son muy simpáticos. Me gustan los edificios tam-bién.” – Shanaya “Aprendimos sobre las opiniones de las personas en Barcelona. En adición, aprendí tres

movimientos en la danza de salsa, que fue una experiencia agradable. Adicionalmente,

disfruté del restaurante de tapas porque probé algo nuevo que me gustó.” – Rachel D

Shanaya, Jade O, Jade W and Jessica in Plaza de Cataluña

during the selfie challenge

On Tour at the Sagrada Famillia

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Reminder to all candidates

Please note : Thursday 16th August (AS & A level results) is the collection day for Years 12 & 13 only. Thursday 23rd August (GCSE results) is the collection day for Year 11 only. Year 10 students will be given their GCSE results in school at the beginning of the Autumn term 2018.

Please see the table below for the availability of public and school exam results:-


Year-group Exams Results publication date

13 GCE ‘A’ level results Results will be available for collection at

school from 8:30am on Thursday 16th August

12 GCE ‘AS’ level results (& internal ‘end-of-Y12’ results)

Results will be available for collection at school from 10:00am on Thursday 16th August

11 GCSE results Results will be available for collection at

school from 9:00am on Thursday 23rd August

10 GCSE exams Results will be given to students at the be-

ginning of the Autumn term 2018

9 School exams Results will be sent home in the post by the

end of the Summer term

8 School exams Results will be sent home in the post by the

end of the Summer term

7 School exams Results have been sent home in the post

(before the half-term holiday)


This week pupils in

the Year 9 construc-

tion skills course

have been learning

practical plumbing

skills. They have

been cutting and join-

ing copper pipes,

soldering joints and

fitting taps. The class

are very enthusiastic

and really enjoying

the new skills course

where they are learn-

ing basic principles of

plumbing, electrical

work and general

practical skills. The

course aims to develop skills for life and equip

the pupils who might wish to enter a technical

career on leaving school. Well done kids!!!

Mr Ashton

Head of Construction and Engineering

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Monday 2nd July

Bronze Duke of Edinburgh: Mr Fitzgerald, Mr Flynn, Ms Whalley, Ms Noble

Y8 Normandy Trip: Mr Guittet, Ms Vasquez, Ms Akhter, Ms O’Flynn

House week begins Tuesday, 3rd July

Y9 Assembly

Bronze Duke of Edinburgh: Mr Fitzgerald, Mr Flynn, Ms Whalley, Ms Noble

Year 8 Normandy Trip: Mr Guittet, Ms Vasquez, Ms Akhter, Ms O’Flynn

Year 7 Retreat: Mr White, Ms Welsh, Mr Pauline, Mr

Nightingale, Ms Li, Ms Emeka-Okafor

Science Zoo Lab—Ms Hussain

Wednesday 4th July

Y10 Assembly

Bronze Duke of Edinburgh: Mr Fitzgerald, Mr Flynn, Ms Whalley, Ms Noble

Year 8 Normandy Trip: Mr Guittet, Ms Vasquez, Ms

Akhter, Ms O’Flynn

Thursday 5th July

Year 8 Normandy Trip: Mr Guittet, Ms Vasquez,

Ms Akhter, Ms O’Flynn

SPORTS DAY— Tooting Bec

Friday 6th July

Y8 Assembly

Y7 House Mathletics (P3 & 4) - School Gym

IMPORTANT DATES FOR THE WEEK (Commencing Monday 2 July 2018)

Name: Richard Abu – 7C Found: A pencil case Name: Harrison Sodje – 9P Found: Important papers in the playground Name: Ingrid Essome-Kwedy - 7T Found: A phone Name: Joshua Jonah – 7T Found: A ring Name: Noqueela Nortey – 7P Found: A set of keys Name: Brandon Skerritt – 10TT Found: A set of keys Name: Eliezer Ekoue – 7P Found: An iphone

Name: Omri Cris Ogueri – 10M Found: A vocab booklet Name: Naphila Coombs & Shazina Clarke – 7C Found: A lower school planner

Name: Joshua Bailey Barker – 7B Found: A ring

Name: Juliet Uwadiae – 9T Found: Saved by God

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Reminder to all candidates

Please make sure that you are properly

equipped for the forthcoming exams. As a minimum, you must have a large


several black pens (blue will not do!),

pencils, a rubber, ruler and pencil sharpener,

mathematical equipment (protractor, set-

square, compasses) and a reliable calculator

(preferably with a spare).

Mobiles are forbidden in the exam hall, and possession of a mobile will get you disqualified from the exam, even if it is turned off. Leave it with your form tutor, at school reception, or better still at home.

Remove the label from your bottle of water before bringing it into the exam hall. Plain water

(in a transparent bottle) is the only drink you are allowed in the exam hall.


For the dates of all forthcoming exams, please go to the Sacred Heart website – Click on ‘Parents’, then on ‘Forthcoming exams’. This page of the website is updated throughout the year as exam timetables and dates are finalised, so please check it on a regular basis.

How many school weeks away ?

Year-group Exams

Year 11 GCSE exams are now over !

Year 13 A levels are almost over, only one to go!


Year 12 Internal (non-public) end-of-year exams (for some subjects) take place in the week beginning 25th June (see timetable on website)