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myV5 version 1.1.x CATIA V5 Starter Tool for AIX, WINDOWS, HP-UX, IRIX and SOLARIS S TEP - BY -S TEP -T UTORIAL

S -S -T - · myV5 version 1.1.x CATIA V5 Starter Tool for AIX, WINDOWS, HP-UX, IRIX and SOLARIS STEP-BY-STEP-TUTORIAL

Jun 05, 2018



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Page 1: S -S -T - · myV5 version 1.1.x CATIA V5 Starter Tool for AIX, WINDOWS, HP-UX, IRIX and SOLARIS STEP-BY-STEP-TUTORIAL

myV5 version 1.1.x

CATIA V5 Starter Tool



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Orientation Symbols Used in this Tutorial

For better orientation in the manual the following symbols are used:

Warning triangle

The warning triangle refers to cr i t ica l c i rcumstances, which should be considered i m p e r a t i v e l y in order to avoid s e r i o u s problems in your work..

Hint symbol

The light bulb relates to hints , which provide you with practical examples to simplify your work..

Note symbol

The hand symbol relates to notes , which you should pay attention to in order to assure that you can work without problems.

Info symbol

The info symbol relates to background information.

Work steps symbol

The work steps symbol refers to a s tep-by-step instruct ion sheet.

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Page 3: S -S -T - · myV5 version 1.1.x CATIA V5 Starter Tool for AIX, WINDOWS, HP-UX, IRIX and SOLARIS STEP-BY-STEP-TUTORIAL


© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 3 myV5 Version 1.1.x

Table of Contents

1. About this Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2. Install ing myV5 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3. Administrating the myV5 XML File .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.1 Create desktop icon (*.lnk) ............................................................................... 8 3.2 Create basis structure of XML file ........................................................................ 9 3.3 Start myV5 ........................................................................................................... 11 3.4 Test myV5 , starting an application ...................................................................... 12 3.5 Start CATIA by CATSTART/CNEXT command........................................................ 13 3.6 Start applications by batch file .bat ..................................................................14 3.7 Start an application with defined working directory ............................................. 15 3.8 Define a CATIA utility ...........................................................................................16 3.9 Define a CATIA add-on application .......................................................................16 3.10 Integrate, if necessary, the DaimlerChrysler starter tool ...................................... 18 3.11 Define the news ticker text ..................................................................................21 3.12 Define optional license configurations ................................................................21 3.13 Define tools ....................................................................................................... 22 3.14 Define options ....................................................................................................23 3.15 Define add-ons as radio-buttons ........................................................................ 24 3.16 Hide entities by executable test ...........................................................................25

4. Trouble shooting .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

* * *

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1 . A B O U T T H I S T U T O R I A L

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 4 myV5 Version 1.1.x

1. About this Tutorial This tutorial is written for administrators. It describes exemplarily:

• installing (section 2), and

• administrating (section 3).

It guides through an example for most common usage under WINDOWS. The differences to the use under UNIX are minimal. For UNIX the user requires only to take into account the particularities of this operation system (syntax etc.).


To be able to work on this example, the following working environment is prerequisite:

(1) WINDOWS-PC with installed CATIA V5 on it;

(2) installed JAVA-runtime-Environment V 1.2.2 or higher;

(3) if need be, CATIA license server;

(4) if necessary, TransCAT VDFS-Prozessor;

(5) if necessary, DC-Start-Tool.

H I N T S • To make your work with XML files easier, we recommand to use the open-

source MXL editor XERLIN that can be downloaded from: This editor is written in JAVA, and runs as well under WINDOWS as under UNIX. Before downlading, please, pay attention to the license conditions. The use of a XML editor would help you to avoid errors when writing the XML file (which often occur when writing XML text using a simple editor.)

• With myV5 the myV5sample.xml file is provided. It contains the final state of the XML file which is to be worked out as result of the exercise of this tutorial. If problems should occur during the exercise, you can compare your XML file with this file.

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1 . A B O U T T H I S T U T O R I A L

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 5 myV5 Version 1.1.x


• The information that we give in this tutorial is to be understood as e xamp l e . All detailed information that you will find (e. g. on paths) is to be adapted to the realities of your computer or network system. In our tutorial we use only short (example) paths. It may be necessary to replace the following paths:

C:\Java by JAVA installation path

C:\myV5 by myV5 installation path

C:\B12 by CATIA installation path

C:\TC_Vdafs by VDAFS PROCESSOR installation path

C:\Adobe by ACROBAT reader path

C:\CATTemp by CATIA Temp directory

C:\DC_Zul by DC supplier package

C:\B12\CATEnv by CATIA environments path

C:\B12\CATSetMD2 by CATIA settings directory for license MD2

C:\B12\CATSetHD2 by CATIA Settings directory for license HD2

• In some of the XML texts you can find non-XML-conform lines with several colons:

: : : : : :

Such lines stand for o m i t t e d lines of the XML file.


If errors should occur, refer to section 4 Trouble shooting on page 26.

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2 . I N S T A L L I N G M Y V 5

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 6 myV5 Version 1.1.x

2. Installing myV5

(1) Unpack the installation files in a directory (that may be a common directory for several computers).

Fi le name Purpose

myV5user_x.x.x.jar myV5 Program version x.x.x (Java archive)

myV5.bat Sample start script for WINDOWS; empty XML

myV5sample.bat Sample start script for WINDOWS; sample XML Sample start script for UNIX; empty XML Sample start script for UNIX; sample XML

myV5.xml Administrator XML file, empty

myV5sample.xml Administrator XML file, sample

myV5.dtd Document-Type Description for the XML files

myV5.lic License file (may be distributed separatly, in this case copy it in the same directory as the other myV5 files)

myV5r.ico Desktop icon

myV5Logo.gif Customized logo

myV5Back.gif Background picture

myV5reference.pdf Reference documentation for users and administrators

myV5tutorial.pdf Tutorial for administrators

readme.txt Last changes

(2) Adjust start script

Edit the myV5.bat file:

@start java -Dhostname=pc -Dusername=iam -Dacroread=reader -classpath myV5user_x.x.x.jar myv5.user.MyV5 myV5tutorial.xml


In the example above, change the grayed text:

-Dhostname=pc to -Dhostname=%COMPUTERNAME% and

-Dusername=iam to -Dusername=%USERNAME% and

-Dacroread=reader to -Dacroread=C:\Adobe\acroread.exe

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2 . I N S T A L L I N G M Y V 5

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 7 myV5 Version 1.1.x

(3) Test myV5 by starting myV5.bat (by double-clicking on the myV5 icon or on the file name).

Now successively the console window (that edits the programm flow), the splash screen and the myV5 window must appear.

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3 . A D M I N I S T R A T I N G T H E M Y V 5 X M L F I L E

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 8 myV5 Version 1.1.x

3. Administrating the myV5 XML File

H I N T :

To work with XML files, basic knowledge of XML language is required. If necessary, you can consult the following documents.

• XML Specification:

• Free XML tutorials in English language:

• Free XML tutorials in German language:

3.1 Create desktop icon (*.lnk)

Drag myV5.bat from explorer on the desktop, pressing Alt key.

In order to edit the new link, right mouse click on the icon, and select in the context menu the Properties item and go then on the Shortcut tab card.

• Change “target” to:

C:\Java\jre\bin\javaw.exe -Dhostname=%COMPUTERNAME% -Dusername=%USERNAME% -Dacroread==C:\Adobe\acroread.exe -classpath myV5user_1.1.2.jar myv5.user.MyV5 myV5tutorial.xml

(The javaw.exe command assures the program start with no c0nsole window opened.)

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3 . A D M I N I S T R A T I N G T H E M Y V 5 X M L F I L E

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 9 myV5 Version 1.1.x

• Change “execute in” to:


• Press OK. Test the icon.

• Change the icon bitmap:

– Click on the Other icon button.

– In the f i le name text box, myV5 specify path and filename (myV5r.ico) of the icon.

3.2 Create basis structure of XML file

• Create in the myV5 directory by means of an editor the myV5tutorial.xml file. Insert the text marked gray.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE TransCAT SYSTEM "myV5.dtd"> <TransCAT> </TransCAT>

• Add an ‘Environments’ node with the envname and direnv attributes for the resulting environment file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE TransCAT SYSTEM "myV5.dtd"> <TransCAT> <Environments envname="myV5Env" direnv="."> </Environments> </TransCAT>

• Add user nodes for CATIA, CATIA batch, office tools and system tools as ‘logical nodes’ defined by the denystart attribute:

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3 . A D M I N I S T R A T I N G T H E M Y V 5 X M L F I L E

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 10 myV5 Version 1.1.x

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE TransCAT SYSTEM "myV5.dtd"> <TransCAT> <Environments direnv="." envname="myV5Env"> <Environment name="Catia V5 R14" denystart="true"> </Environment> <Environment denystart="true" name="Batch V5 R14"> </Environment> <Environment denystart="true" name="Office"> </Environment> <Environment denystart="true" name="Tools"> </Environment> </Environments> </TransCAT>

• Add the windows calculator to the Tools node as a startable application:

: : : : : : <Environment name="Tools" denystart="true"> <Environment name="Calculator" script="calc.exe" envpar="false"/> </Environment> : : : : : :

• Add notepad to the Office node as a startable application, and set close attribute to false in order to ensure that myV5 will not closed after starting notepad.

: : : : : : <Environment name="Office" denystart="true"> <Environment name="Notepad" script="notepad.exe myV5Env.txt" envpar="false" close="false"/> </Environment> : : : : : :

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3 . A D M I N I S T R A T I N G T H E M Y V 5 X M L F I L E

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 11 myV5 Version 1.1.x

3.3 Start myV5

To start myV5, double-click the myV5 icon on your desktop. The myV5 dialog box will open.

• Click the + in front of the Office node.

• Select the Notepad node.

• Press the myV5 start button.

A D V I C E :

If in the tree a selection is made that not can be started, the start icon will be grayed.


To be able to use myV5, a license is required.

If when starting myV5 n o l i c e n s e f i l e is available, a message box will be displayed.

• In this case, press the OK button; • send an e-mail with license request to

[email protected] . • Copy than the license file that you have

received by e-mail to your myV5 directory.

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3 . A D M I N I S T R A T I N G T H E M Y V 5 X M L F I L E

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 12 myV5 Version 1.1.x

If a license is ava i l ab l e , Notepad opens and myV5 remains opened.

3.4 Test myV5 , starting an application

q w

• Select the + in front of the Tools node q.

• Select the Calculator node w.

• Select the myV5 start button e.


The calculator must open,

the myV5 window must close.

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3 . A D M I N I S T R A T I N G T H E M Y V 5 X M L F I L E

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 13 myV5 Version 1.1.x

3.5 Start CATIA by CATSTART/CNEXT command

Edit myV5.xml and insert the grayed lines:

: : : : : : <Environments direnv="." envname="myV5Env"> <Environment name="Catia V5 R14" denystart="true" env="C:\B12\CATEnv\CATIA_P3.V5R12.B12.txt" script="&quot;C:\B12\intel_a\code\bin\CATSTART.exe&quot; -run &quot;CNEXT.exe&quot;"> <Environment name="CATIA_Standard"> </Environment> </Environment> <Environment denystart="true" name="Batch V5 R14"> : : : : : :

Attribute Signification

• name nodes name, which will be displayed in the myV5 window

• script call of the CATIAV5 executable file

• env path and name of the environment file

H I N T :

Path and name of the environment file can be copied from the target text box of the existing CATIA icon.

E x a m p l e t e x t copied from the target text box:

C:\B12\intel_a\code\bin\CATSTART.exe -run CNEXT.exe -env Catia_P3.V5R12.B12 -direnv "C:\B12\CATEnv"

Assemble the script and env attributes as follows, adding to the env attribute the grayed characters:

• script:

script="I:\B12\intel_a\code\bin\CATSTART.exe -run CNEXT.exe"

• env:


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3 . A D M I N I S T R A T I N G T H E M Y V 5 X M L F I L E

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 14 myV5 Version 1.1.x

If there are b l ank s in the path, additional quotation marks (“) must be used (quotation marks in an XML attribute are represented by &quot;)

E xamp le fo r script:

script="&quot;C:\B12\intel_a\code\bin\CATSTART.exe&quot; -run CNEXT.exe"

(In this example, the need to put quotation marks occurs due to the blank in the \Dassault Syst\ string.)

Thereafter the XML-text could be the following:

: : : : : : <Environments direnv="." envname="myV5Env"> <Environment denystart="true" env="C:\B12\CATEnv\CATIA_P3.V5R12.B12.txt" name="Catia V5 R14" script="&quot;C:\B12\intel_a\code\bin\CATSTART.exe&quot; -run

&quot;CNEXT.exe&quot;"> <Environment name="CATIA_Standard"> </Environment> </Environment> : : : : : :

Some XML editors mark translate quotation marks (“)on their own with &quot;.

Test the new entry. It will start CATIA by CATSTART/CNEXT command.

3.6 Start applications by batch file *.bat

If you want to delete all SessionInfoFiles or AbendTrace files, you can start CATIA by a script (*.bat). Create the script startCatiaDelB12.bat (in our example the files will be deleted from CATTemp directory):

rem Script to delete CATTemp info and start Catia rem ---------------------------------------------- del C:\CATTemp\*.txt "C:\B12\intel_a\code\bin\CATSTART.exe" -run "CNEXT.exe" %*

To start batch files (*.bat), you have to use the command-line interpreter cmd.exe.

cmd /c <appl> <params>

The optional parameter /c means: close this command window after execution. (For detailed information on parameters see WINDOWS help).

In order to keep maintained the option /c after DOS-to-UNIX transformation, the option within the script attribute must be put in single quotes ('):

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3 . A D M I N I S T R A T I N G T H E M Y V 5 X M L F I L E

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 15 myV5 Version 1.1.x

cmd '/c' <appl> <params>

Test the new entry. It will start the batch file.

: : : : : : <Environment env="C:\B12\CATEnv\CATIA_P3.V5R12.B12.txt" name="Catia V5 R14" script="&quot;C:\B12\intel_a\code\bin\CATSTART.exe&quot; -run &quot;CNEXT.exe&quot;" denystart="true"> <Environment name="CATIA_Standard"> </Environment> <Environment name="CATIA_Del_CATTemp" script="cmd ´/c´ startCatiaDelB12.bat"/> </Environment> : : : : : :

3.7 Start an application with defined working directory

For some applications it is necessary to start them from a defined working directory. For instance, to start TransCAT VDAFS V5 PROCESSOR, you have to set the CATIA dll directory as the working directory to ensure that CATIA will find all dll files. This can be done either by creating a script or by starting the application by WINDOWS start command.

start is an internal command of the WINDOWS command shell. To apply the start command, you have therefore to use the cmd.exe:


cmd `/c` start `/d` <dir> <appl> <params>

Insert the grayed text in your XML file:

: : : : : : <Environment denystart="true" name="Batch V5 R14"> <Environment name="VDAFS GUI" script="cmd `/c` start `/b` `/d` C:\TC_Vdafs\intel_a\code\bin C:\TC_Vdafs\intel_a\code\bin\TCAVdaBatch.exe" env="C:\b12\CATEnv\VdafsR12_121.txt"/> </Environment> : : : : : :

Test the new entry. It will start VDAFS PROCESSOR.

H I N T :

If you do not have TransCAT VDAFS PROCESSOR V5, you can get a trial version at .

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3 . A D M I N I S T R A T I N G T H E M Y V 5 X M L F I L E

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 16 myV5 Version 1.1.x

3.8 Define a CATIA utility

Insert the grayed text in your XML file:

: : : : : : <Environment denystart="true" name="Batch V5 R14"> <Environment name="VDAFS GUI" script="cmd `/c` start `/b` `/d` C:\TC_Vdafs\intel_a\code\bin C:\TC_Vdafs\intel_a\code\bin\TCAVdaBatch.exe" env="C:\b12\CATEnv\VdafsR12_121.txt"/> <Environment name="CATDUA" envpar="false" script="I:\B12\intel_a\code\bin\CATSTART.exe -run &quot;CATUTIL -Name CATDUAV5&quot;" /> </Environment>

: : : : : :

Test the new entry. It will start CATDUA.

3.9 Define a CATIA add-on application

To define an add-on, a node with the addon attribute must be generated, which must be given the attribute value check or checked.

(checked—the add-on will be checked by default; check—the add-on will be unchecked by default.)

An add-on is specific for an individual tree node. Consequently, the add-on of a programm is visible in the box on the right only if the respective program is selected in the box on the left.

: : : : : : <Environment name="CATIA_Standard"> <Environment name="TC VDAFS Processor" addon="checked" env="C:\b12\CATEnv\VdafsR12_121.txt"/> </Environment> : : : : : :

Add to the env attribute the environment, made by the setup of the VDAFS PROCESSOR.

If in the tree the program is selected and the add-on check box is checked, then when pressing the start button the resources (“env” and “set” attributes) of TCVDAFS-PROCESSOR node will be added to the resulting environment-file.

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3 . A D M I N I S T R A T I N G T H E M Y V 5 X M L F I L E

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 17 myV5 Version 1.1.x

An environment file consists of a set of variables. There are two types of variables:

• Path variables (multiple values) and

• value variables (single value). These variable-types have to be defined for myV5 execution in the Variables section of the XML file:

Most variables are predefined in the delivered XML file.

<TransCAT> <Environments envname="myV5" direnv="."> : : : : : : </Environments> <Variables> <Variable name="CATEnvironment" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATInstallPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="PATH" type="path"/> <Variable name="LIBPATH" type="path"/> <Variable name="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" type="path"/> <Variable name="LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH" type="path"/> <Variable name="SHLIB_PATH" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATDLLPath" type="path" sort="bot"/> <Variable name="CATICPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATCommandPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATDictionaryPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATDocView" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATReffilesPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATFontPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATGalaxyPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATGraphicPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATMsgCatalogPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATFeatureCatalogPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATDefaultCollectionStandard" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATStartupPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATW3ResourcesPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="USER_HOME" type="value"/> <Variable name="CATReferenceSettingPath" sort="top" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATUserSettingPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATCollectionStandard" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATTemp" type="value"/> <Variable name="CATMetasearchPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATW3PublishPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATSharedWorkbookPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATErrorLog" type="value"/> <Variable name="CATReport" type="value"/> <Variable name="CATDisciplinePath" type="path"/> <Variable name="JAVA_HOME" type="value"/> <Variable name="CLASSPATH_JDBC" sort="top" type="path"/> <Variable name="CLASSPATH" type="path"/> </Variables> </TransCAT>

For the VDAFS PROCESSOR it is necessary to be referenced in the path variables before CATIA. Therefore, in the CATDLLPath variable the VDAFS PROCESSOR path must stand before the CATIA path. This can be achieved by giving the sort attribute the bot value.

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3 . A D M I N I S T R A T I N G T H E M Y V 5 X M L F I L E

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 18 myV5 Version 1.1.x

• bot

<TransCAT> <Environments envname="myV5" direnv="."> : : : : : : </Environments> <Variables> <Variable name="CATInstallPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATDLLPath" type="path" sort="bot"/> <Variable name="CATICPath" type="path"/> : : : : : : </Variables> </TransCAT>


With the bot attribute the CATIA CATDLLPath will be in bottom position, i. e. behind the VDAFS Processor CATDLLPath.


• top would give the following result (what, in this case, is not desired):

<TransCAT> <Environments envname="myV5" direnv="."> : : : : : : </Environments> <Variables> <Variable name="CATInstallPath" type="path"/> <Variable name="CATDLLPath" type="path" sort="top"/> <Variable name="CATICPath" type="path"/> : : : : : : </Variables> </TransCAT>



3.10 Integrate, if necessary, the DaimlerChrysler starter tool

The DAIMLERCHRYSLER starter tool is called in batch with parameters. For each project an environment node is created. The main script is the call of DaimlerChrysler PERL script.

: : : : : : <Environment name="CATIA_Del_CATTemp" script="´cmd /c´ startCatiaDelB12.bat"/> <Environment name="DaimlerCrysler" script="cmd ´/c´ start wperl C:\DC_Zul\srv\B12\scripts\ -v B12 -env DCAG_Prod" denystart="true" envpar="false"> <Environment/> : : : : : :

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3 . A D M I N I S T R A T I N G T H E M Y V 5 X M L F I L E

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 19 myV5 Version 1.1.x

On each subnode the additional parameters for the project are added (beginning with the @ sign).

<Environment name="DaimlerCrysler" script="cmd /c start wperl I:/B12/_DC_Zulieferer3/srv/B12/scripts/ -v B12 -env DCAG_Prod"

envpar="false" denystart="true"> <Environment name="DaimlerCrysler" script="@-p /DC -lic ED2" envpar="false"> <Environment/> <Environment name="Chassis" script="@-p /DC/Chassis -lic ED2" envpar="false"> <Environment/> <Environment name="POS" script="@-p /DC/POS -lic ED2" envpar="false"> <Environment/> <Environment name="Powertrain" script="@-p /DC/Powertrain -lic ED2" envpar="false"> <Environment/> <Environment name="Rohbau" script="@-p /DC/Rohbau -lic ED2" envpar="false"> <Environment/> <Environment name="TubingISO" script="@-p /DC/TubingISO -lic ED2" envpar="false"> <Environment/> </Environment>

If you want to ensure dynamic binding of TransCAT VDAFS PROCESSOR (or of any other add-on) in the DC environment, proceed as follows:

• Copy the standard VDAFS CATIA environment file (in order to adapt it to the DaimlerChrysler start tool requirements).

copy I:\B12\_CATEnv\VdafsR12_121.txt I:\B12\_CATEnv\DC_VdafsR12_121.txt

• Edit I:\B12\_CATEnv\DC_VdafsR12_121.txt and replace all disk specifiers by WINDOWS environment variables (as the DC script does not handle colons : ): i: by $IDisk and e: by $Edisk .




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Set the variables in the environment either in the script calling myV5 or in the WINDOWS Environment variable dialog box (Control Panel > System > Advanced tab card > Environment variables button).

@set EDisk=e: @set IDisk=i:

As environment for the DC main node take the standard environment:


As environment for the VDAFS PROCESSOR add-on node write:


As a result myV5 creates a new environment template-for the DC PERL script. Then the DC PERL script adds specific environments and starts CATIA V5.

The script has to be started with the -env and -direnv parameters.

<Environment name="DaimlerChrysler" denystart="true" envpar="true" script="cmd /c start wperl C:\DC_Zul\srv\B12\scripts\ -v B12" env="C:\DC_Zul\srv\B12\CATEnv\DCAG_Prod.txt"> <Environment name="DaimlerCrysler" script="@-p /DC -lic ED2" close="false"> <Environment name="TC VDAFS Processor" addon="checked" envpar="false" env="C:\B12\CATEnv\DC_VdafsR12_121.txt"/> </Environment> <Environment name="Chassis" script="@-p /DC/Chassis -lic ED2" close="false"> <Environment name="TC VDAFS Processor" addon="checked" envpar="false" env="C:\B12\CATEnv\DC_VdafsR12_121.txt"/> </Environment> <Environment name="POS" script="@-p /DC/POS -lic ED2" close="false"> <Environment name="TC VDAFS Processor" addon="checked" envpar="false" env="C:\B12\CATEnv\DC_VdafsR12_121.txt"/> </Environment> <Environment name="Powertrain" script="@-p /DC/Powertrain -lic ED2" close="false"> <Environment name="TC VDAFS Processor" addon="checked" envpar="false" env="C:\B12\CATEnv\DC_VdafsR12_121.txt"/> </Environment> <Environment name="Rohbau" script="@-p /DC/Rohbau -lic ED2" close="false"> <Environment name="TC VDAFS Processor" addon="checked" envpar="false" env="C:\B12\CATEnv\DC_VdafsR12_121.txt"/> </Environment> <Environment name="TubingISO" script="@-p /DC/TubingISO -lic ED2" close="false"> <Environment name="TC VDAFS Processor" addon="checked" envpar="false" env="C:\B12\CATEnv\DC_VdafsR12_121.txt"/> </Environment> </Environment>

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3.11 Define the news ticker text

To display messages for users, a news ticker can be defined.

In the news ticker a scrolling text is displayed. The text can be formatted by HTML tags.

<TransCAT> <Environments direnv="." envname="myV5Env" tickertext=" " tickersleep="150" tickerlength="40"> <Environment name="CATIA V5" denystart="true"> : : : : :

Test it and look the result.

3.12 Define optional license configurations

If there are more than one CATIA V5 license configurations available, it could be necessary for the user to switch the license configurations. Therefor the administrator has to create an own License.CATSettings file for each configuration and put them each in a separate directory. Each directory will be accessed by adding it to the CATRefferenceSettingPath. Create 2 directories for a MD2 and a HD2 license. Create the 2 different License.CATSettings files and copy them in the respective directory. Add the following text to the XML file:

<TransCAT> : : : : : : <GlobalRadios> <GlobalRadio name="MD2" set="LicMD2SetDir"/> <GlobalRadio name="HD2" set="LicHD2SetDir"/> </GlobalRadios> </TransCAT>

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Test it and look the result.

3.13 Define tools

myV5 provides the facility to create entries in the Tools menu to integrate any application in the myV5 menu, that be could started directly by clicking the menu item.

To integrate tools in the Tools menu, use the lines below.


• name="application": application stands for the name that is to be edited in the Tools menu;

• script="application.exe": application.exe stands for the application which is to be started with the menu item.

<TransCAT> : : : : : :

<Tools> <Tool name="Editor" script="notepad.exe"/> <Tool name="Calculator" script="calc.exe"/> </Tools> </TransCAT>

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Test it, open the Tools menu and start the applications.

3.14 Define options

myV5 provides the facility to integrate in the Options menu additional options, which can be activated by the user and then will be taken in account during the start of the application.

In our example, we have included the following items:

• “admin”: When this option is activated and CATIA is started, the user is in CATIA'S admin-mode

• “console“: When this option is activated and CATIA is started, CATIA'S console window will be opened.

<TransCAT> : : : : : :

</Tools> <Options> <Option destination="cmdline" name="admin" value=" -admin"/> <Option destination="envfile" name="console" value="CNEXTOUTPUT=console"/> </Options> </TransCAT>

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Test it and look the result.

3.15 Define add-ons as radio-buttons

For some cases, it is necessary to have not only global, but also local radio buttons. To do so, change the add-on-node’s attribute to „radio“, and then the radio buttons will appear in the radio-buttons box. (To avoid doubling of the license parameters, delete license option from script attribute in the “DaimlerChrysler” node.)

<Environment name="DaimlerCrysler" script="cmd ´/c´ start wperl C:\DC_Zul\srv\B12\scripts\ -v B12 -env DCAG_Prod" envpar="true" denystart="true"> <Environment name="DaimlerCrysler" script="@-p ´/DC´ -lic ED2" envpar="false"> <Environment name="TC VDAFS" addon="checked" env="C:\B12\CATEnv\DC_VdafsR12_121.txt"/> <Environment name="DC-MD2" addon="radio" script="@-lic MD2"/> </Environment>

Test it and look the result.

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3.16 Hide entities by executable test

myV5 provides a check facility, verifying if an application is available on the respective computer. If not available, the application name will not appear in the myV5 window. In our example, we demonstrate this facility by hiding an application from the Tools menu. But it is also possible to hide the names of applications from the options menu, from the tree in the applications selection box, from the optional add-on software box, or from the optional license configuration box.

• test="[file]": checks if the specified file exists.

<TransCAT> : : : : : :

<Tools> <Tool name="Editor" script="notepad.exe"/> <Tool name="Rechner" script="calc.exe" test="C:\myV5\myV5Env.txt"/> </Tools> </TransCAT>

Test this function by deleting the file C:\myV5\myV5Env.txt. Restart then myV5 .

In case that the file

exists on the respective computer, after myV5 is started, the application name is included in the Tools menu.

If the file is deleted at the moment when starting myV5 , no Calculator item will appear in the Tools menu.

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4 . T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G

© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 26 myV5 Version 1.1.x

4. Trouble shooting For trouble shooting you can use the debug output, which displays critical runtime values of myV5. To get debug output,

• write in the start batch file (myV5.bat) in the myV5 command line the option –d

• add a line with the pause command

• start from console window.

@start java -Dhostname=pc -Dusername=i -classpath myV5user_x.x.x.jar myv5.user.MyV5 -d myV5.xml @pause

Edit myV5.bat and test if the debug information is displayed in the console window (cf. example below).

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© TransCAT GmbH & Co. KG 27 myV5 Version 1.1.x

• Example of the debug output

*------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * starting initializing myV5 ... *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Debug information myV5 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Property key=val: ''='Java Platform API Specification' * Property key=val: 'awt.toolkit'='' * Property key=val: 'env'='myEnv_fluff' * Property key=val: 'java.version'='1.2.2' * Property key=val: 'hostname'='pcprog9' * Property key=val: 'editor'='wordpad.exe' * Property key=val: 'direnv'='c:\myV5\fl_Testing\_test' * Property key=val: 'username'='fluff' * Property key=val: 'sun.boot.class.path'='C:\Java\lib\rt.jar' * Property key=val: 'awt.image.incrementaldraw'='false' : : : : : : : : : : : : *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Used XML-File : 'C:\myV5\myV5.xml' * Used Lic-File : 'C:\myV5\myV5.lic' * Load Imagefile : '.\myV5Logo.gif' * Destination Env : '.\myV5Env.txt' *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Prev Treepath : '- TransCAT' * Prev Treepath : '- Catia V5 R14' * Prev Treepath : '- DaimlerCrysler' * Prev Treepath : '- DaimlerCrysler' * Prev LicenseCfg : '* MD2' * Set Window (x,y): 601,357 * Set Window (w,h): 397,485 * Set vert. Tiler : 190 * Set horz. Tiler : 100 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * initializing myV5 ended. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Start Button pressed *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Retr. Info from : 'TransCAT' * Retr. Info from : 'Batch V5 R14' * Retr. Info from : 'CATDUA' * Retr. Info from : 'MD2' *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Write variables to Env-File: *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : : : : : : : : : : : * Original: 'CATReferenceSettingPath=C:\B12\CATSetMD2' * Var_repl: 'CATReferenceSettingPath=C:\B12\CATSetMD2' * OS_swapp: 'CATReferenceSettingPath=C:\B12\CATSetMD2' *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ScriptAttribute : 'C:\B12\intel_a\code\bin\CATSTART.exe -run "CATUTIL -Name CATDUAV5"' * Start Script : 'C:\B12\intel_a\code\bin\CATSTART.exe -run "CATUTIL -Name CATDUAV5"'

* * *