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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide August 2003
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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide August 2003

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Table of Contents

Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide 3

Table of Contents Steel Detailing Neutral File Format .................................................................................4

Comment Cards ............................................................................................................5 Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 2.0 ............................................................................6 Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 2.0 ...........................................................7 Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 2.0............................................................10 Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 2.0..........................................................11 Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 2.0 ...................................................13 Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 2.0...........................................................................13 Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 2.0 .............................................................15 Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 3.0 ..........................................................................19 Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 3.0 .........................................................20 Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 3.0............................................................26 Packet 22 - Hole Element Packet Version 3.0............................................................32 Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 3.0..........................................................36 Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 3.0 ...................................................38 Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 3.0...........................................................................39 Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 3.0 .............................................................40


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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format

4 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Steel Detailing Neutral File Format The file is written sequentially with a maximum record length of 132 characters. All records (except the fixed-format Packet identification records) are free formatted, with fields delimited by blanks (white space). Coordinate values are in the global coordinate (X, Y, Z) system.


• FrameWorks Plus does not support some records in the linear member, plate element, hole element, and arc member packets. However, the records are included in the Steel Detailing Neutral File format because manufacturing software may use them.

The following values are used to define format:

• FP - Used to indicate a Floating Point value, for example, "12.15" or "1" (decimal optional).

• I - Used to indicate an Integer value, for example, "5" (range of values: +/- 2 billion).

• Cnn - Used to indicate a character value of nn characters maximum, for example, C10 -- up to 10 characters including blanks. Character strings must be enclosed in double quotes ("example string").

• fixed - Used to indicate that a record must have exact content as shown in the example.

Except for the fixed format records, the data may start in any column of the record.

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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format

Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide 5

Comment Cards Comment cards can be inserted anywhere in the file, provided that the line begins with the # character in the first field.

Format: #comment


# This is a comment record # Title Packet # Linear Member Packet

Related Topics • Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 2.0, page 6 • Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 3.0, page 19 • Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 2.0, page 7 • Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 3.0, page 20 • Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 2.0, page 10 • Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 3.0, page 26 • Packet 22 - Hole Element Packet Version 3.0, page 32 • Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 2.0, page 11 • Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 3.0, page 36 • Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 2.0, page 13 • Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 3.0, page 38 • Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 2.0, page 13 • Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 3.0, page 39 • Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 3.0, page 40

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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format

6 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 2.0 This packet must be the first in the file. Records 1-5, 7, and 8 provide general information pulled from the Steel Detailing Neutral File dialog box. FrameWorks Plus automatically writes records 6 and 9.

Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Packet Header fixed Packet 00 2 Engineering Firm

Identification C80 "Name of

Engineering Firm"

3 Client Identification C80 "Name of Client" 4 Structure ID C80 "Name of Structure" 5 Project ID C80 "Name of Project" 6 Date C30 "11/19/96" Time of File Creation C30 "13:12" 7 Revision Number I 2 Issue Code C64 "Issue Code" 8 Design Code C80 "AISC-ASD" 9 Number of Loading

Records I 0 FrameWorks Plus initializes

this record to 0 10 'n' load record I 1 Where 'n' is from Record 9 Loading type I 1 0 = load case, 1 = load

combination Description C64 "Live and Wind


Complete example for packet 00:

Packet 00 "Name of Engineering Firm" "Name of Client" "Name of Structure" "Name of Project" "11/19/96" "13:12" 2 "Issue Code" "AISC-ASD" 0

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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format

Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide 7

Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 2.0 Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Packet Header Fixed Packet


2 linear units C24 "feet" Valid unit names are: "feet", "meters", "inches", "millimeters"

number of members

I 376

Combined Records 1 and 2 example:

Packet 10 "feet" 376

For Records 3 on, the 6 records that follow represent each linear member: total of 6 times n records, where n is number of members from Record 2 above (376 in the example).

Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Member ID I 00100020 Format is XXXZZZZZ, where XXX is the model ID

number and ZZZZZ is the member ID. The member ID is formatted with leading zeros.

Cardinal Point

I 8 Cardinal point from 1 to 10

Status I 0 FrameWorks Plus always sets this to 0 Class I 1 Member class from 0 to 9. 0=Primary, 1=Secondary,

2=Tertiary, 3=User1, 4=User2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Type C24 "beam" Member type "beam", "column", "brace", "Hbrace", or

"Vbrace" Piece Mark C24 "" FrameWorks Plus member name Revision

Number I 1 Always set to 1 by FrameWorks Plus

Record 1 example: 00100020 8 0 1 "beam" "" 1

Record Contains Format Example Notes 2 Section Size C32 "W12X50" Section size assigned to the member Grade C24 "A36" Material grade name assigned to the member Rotation FP 90.0 Rotation of section: 0, 90, 180, 270 Mirror X-Axis I 0 0 is no reflect Mirror Y-Axis I 0 1 is reflect about Y axis; 0 is no reflect Record 2 example: "W12X50" "A36" 90.0 0 0

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8 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Record Contains Format Example Notes3 Orientation Vector FP; FP; FP 0 0 1.0 Start Coordinates FP; FP; FP 10 0 72.75 End Coordinates FP; FP; FP 10 12.5 72.75 Start Cutbacks FP 0 End Cutbacks FP 0 Record 3 example: 0 0 1.0 10 0 72.75 10 12.5 72.75 0 0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 4 X Cross-section

Offset FP 0 Offset of the cross-section relative to the x-axis

of the section Y Cross-section

Offset FP -.25 Offset of the cross-section relative to the y-axis

of the section Record 4 example: 0 -.25

Record Contains Format Example Notes 5 X Offset Start FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the start of the member Y Offset Start FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the start of the member Z Offset Start FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the start of the member X Offset End FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the end of the member Y Offset End FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the end of the member Z Offset End FP -1.0 Rigid end offsets at the end of the member Record 5 example: 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0

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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide 9

Record Contains Format Example Notes 6 End 1: X I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1: Y I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1: Z I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1:

RX I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1:

RY I 1 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1:

RZ I 1 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2: X I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2: Y I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2: Z I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2:

RX I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2:

RY I 1 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2:

RZ I 1 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom Record 6 example: 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

Complete example for packet 10:

Packet 10 "feet" 1 00100020 8 0 1 "beam" "" 1 "W12X50" "A36" 90.0 0 0 0 0 1.0 10 0 72.75 10 12.5 72.75 0 0 0 -.25 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format

10 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 2.0

Record Contains Format Example Notes1 Packet Header Fixed Packet 20 2 linear units C24 "feet" thickness units C24 "feet" number of plates I 121

Combined Records 1 and 2 example:

Packet 20 "feet" "feet" 121

For Record 3 on: Each plate is represented by a variable number of records that follow:

Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Plate

Number (ID)

I 00200213 Format is XXXZZZZZ, where XXX is the model ID number and ZZZZZ is the member ID. The member ID is formatted with leading zeros.

Connect Point

I -1 Plate position relative to the plane defined by plate coordinates. 0=By center, 1=Positive face, -1=Negative face

Status I 0 Always set to 0. Class I 1 Member class from 0 to 9. 0=Primary, 1=Secondary,

2=Tertiary, 3=User1, 4=User2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Type C24 "slab" Record 1 example: 00200213 -1 0 1 "slab"

Record Contains Format Example Notes 2 Piece Mark C24 "" FrameWorks initializes this field to an empty

string Grade C24 "A36" Material grade assigned to plate Thickness FP 1.125 plate thickness Number of

Vertices I 16 Indicates number of vertices on a plate's face.

Record 2 example: "" "A36" 1.125 16

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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format

Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide 11

The plate geometry is defined by n records, where n is the number of vertices from Record 2. Each record contains the X, Y, and Z-coordinates of a vertex.

Record Contains Format Example NotesLinear Edge Plates X Coordinate FP 0.000 Y Coordinate FP 0.000 Z Coordinate FP 0.000

Record example for linear edge plates. This example is of a square plate:

0.000 0.000 0.000 5.000 0.000 0.000 5.000 5.000 0.000 0.000 5.000 0.000

Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 2.0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Packet Header fixed Packet


2 Linear Units C24 "feet" "feet", "inches", "millimeters", or "meters"

Force Units C24 "kips" Number of Loaded

Members I 140

Combined Records 1 and 2 example:

Packet 30 "feet" "kips" 140

For Record 3 on, each member loading is represented by a variable number of records that follow:

Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Member Number I 00100024 Number of Loads I 2 Loads on this memberRecord 1 example: 00100024 2

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12 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

The loads for each member are represented by '3*n' records that follow, where n is the number of loadings from the record above. In this example, n is 2.

Record Contains Format Example Notes1 Loading Number I 1 Description C64 "Equipment Loads" Record 1 example: 1 "Equipment Loads"

Record Contains Format Example Notes 2 Axial Force FP -3.762 Start of member Shear Y FP 14.8 Start of member Shear Z FP 4.1 Start of member Moment Y FP 0.03 Start of member Moment Z FP -77.23 Start of member Torsion FP 3.17 Start of memberRecord 2 example: -3.762 14.8 4.1 0.03 -77.23 3.17

Record Contains Format Example Notes 3 Axial Force FP -3.762 End of member Shear Y FP 11.3 End of member Shear Z FP -8.334 End of member Moment Y FP 5.4 End of member Moment Z FP -14.7 End of member Torsion FP 8.64 End of memberRecord 3 example: -3.762 11.3 -8.334 5.4 -14.7 8.64


• Member ends are defined by the order of coordinates in Packet 10.

Complete example for packet 30:

Packet 30 "feet" "kips" 140 00100024 2 1 "Equipment Loads" -3.762 14.8 4.1 0.03 -77.23 3.17 -3.762 11.3 -8.334 5.4 -14.7 8.64

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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format

Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide 13

Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 2.0 Record Contains Format Example Notes1 Packet Header fixed Packet 40 2 Number of Connection Details I 628

Combined Records 1 and 2 example:

Packet 40 628

For records 3 on, a record represents each connection detail as follows:

Record Contains Format Example Notes 3 Detail Number I 177 Member Number I 00100025 Member End I 1 1=Start; 2=End Connection Detail C50 "End 1 detail information Record 3 example: 177 00100025 1 "End 1 detail information"

Complete example for packet 40:

Packet 40 628 177 00100025 1 "End 1 detail information"

Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 2.0

Record Contains Format Example Notes1 Packet Header fixed Packet 50 2 Number of Grid Sets or Floor Levels I 6

Combined Records 1 and 2 example: Packet 50 6

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14 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

For record 3 on, each grid set is represented by a variable number of records that follow:

Record Contains Format Example Notes1 Grid Set Number I 1 Number of Grid Lines I 4 Grid Set Description C64 "TOS El 108'-0" Record 1 example: 1 4 "TOS El 108'-0"

Record Contains Format Example Notes2 Grid Label C64 1 Start X Coordinate FP -1711.0 Start Y Coordinate FP -2480.0 Start Z Coordinate FP 108.0 End X Coordinate FP -1711.0 End Y Coordinate FP -2495.0 End Z Coordinate FP 108.0

Record 2 example: 1 -1711.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1711.0 -2495.0 108.0 2 -1702.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1702.0 -2495.0 108.0 A -1711.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1702.0 -2480.0 108.0 B -1711.0 -2495.0 108.0 -1702.0 -2495.0 108.0

Complete example for packet 50: Packet 50 6 1 4 "TOS El 108'-0" 1 -1711.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1711.0 -2495.0 108.0 2 -1702.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1702.0 -2495.0 108.0 A -1711.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1702.0 -2480.0 108.0 B -1711.0 -2495.0 108.0 -1702.0 -2495.0 108.0

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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format

Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide 15

Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 2.0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Packet Header Fixed Packet


2 linear units C24 "feet" Valid unit names are: "feet", "meters", "inches", "millimeters"

number of arc members

I 120

Combined Records 1 and 2 example:

Packet 60 "feet" 120

For Records 3 on, the 7 records that follow represent each arc member: total of 7 times n records, where n is number of members from Record 2 above (120 in the example).

Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Member ID I 00100020 Format is XXXZZZZZ, where XXX is the model ID

number and ZZZZZ is the member ID. The member ID is formatted with leading zeros.

Cardinal Point

I 8 Cardinal point from 1 to 10

Status I 0 Always set to 0. Class I 1 Member class from 0 to 9. 0=Primary, 1=Secondary,

2=Tertiary, 3=User1, 4=User2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Type C24 "beam(Arc)" Member type of "beam(Arc)", "column(Arc)", or

"brace(Arc)" Piece Mark C24 "" FrameWorks Plus initializes this field to an empty

string Revision

Number I 1 Always set to 1 by FrameWorks Plus

Record 1 example: 00100020 8 0 1 "beam(Arc)" "" 1

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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format

16 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Record Contains Format Example Notes 2 Section Size C24 "W12X50" Section size assigned to the member Grade C24 "A36" Material grade name assigned to the member Rotation FP 90.0 Rotation of section: 0, 90, 180, 270 Mirror X-Axis I 0 0 is no reflect Mirror Y-Axis I 0 1 is reflect about Y axis; 0 is no reflect Record 2 example: "W12X50" "A36" 90.0 0 0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 3 Center of

Arc FP; FP; FP

10.0 0 0 Is center of arc location in X, Y, Z coordinates

Start Angle FP 180.0 Angle in degrees where the arc starts, for example, with Arc plane normal=0,0,1 and a start angle = 0, the first point of the arc will appear on the East axis (3 o'clock) on a watch. With a start angle = 90, the first point of the arc will be on the North axis (12 o'clock)

Sweep FP 45.0 Arc sweep in degrees, for example Base on the value of Arc Plane Normal (using a right-hand rule) the sweep angle will proceed counter-clockwise if this normal is 0,0,1. If the normal is 0,0,-1, the sweep angle will proceed clockwise.

Arc Plane Normal Vector


0 0 1.0 Vector normal to the plane of the arc. Uses a right-hand rule based on this vector to determine which way to sweep counter clockwise or clockwise.

Record 3 example: 10.0 0 0 180.0 45.0 0 0 1.0

Record Contains Format Example Notes4 Orientation Vector FP; FP; FP 0 0 1.0 Start Coordinates FP; FP; FP 10 0 72.75 End Coordinates FP; FP; FP 10 12.5 72.75 Start Cutbacks FP 0 End Cutbacks FP 0 Record 4 example: 0 0 1.0 10 0 72.75 10 12.5 72.75 0 0

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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format

Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide 17

Record Contains Format Example Notes 5 X Cross-section

Offset FP 0 Offset of the cross-section relative to the x-axis

of the section Y Cross-section

Offset FP -.25 Offset of the cross-section relative to the y-axis

of the section Record 5 example: 0 -.25

Record Contains Format Example Notes 6 X Offset Start FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the start of the member Y Offset Start FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the start of the member Z Offset Start FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the start of the member X Offset End FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the end of the member Y Offset End FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the end of the member Z Offset End FP -1.0 Rigid end offsets at the end of the member Record 6 example: 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0

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18 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Record Contains Format Example Notes 7 End 1: X I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1: Y I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1: Z I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1:

RX I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1:

RY I 1 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1:

RZ I 1 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2: X I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2: Y I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2: Z I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2:

RX I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2:

RY I 1 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2:

RZ I 1 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom Record 7 example: 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

Packet 60 "feet" 120 00100020 8 0 1 "beam(Arc)" "" 1 "W12X50" "A36" 90.0 0 0 10.0 0 0 180.0 45.0 0 0 1.0 0 0 1.0 10 0 72.75 10 12.5 72.75 0 0 0 -.25 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format

Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide 19

Packet 00 - Title Packet Version 3.0 This packet must be the first in the file. Records 1, 3 through 6, 8, and 9 provide general information and are read from the Steel Detailing Neutral File dialog box. FrameWorks Plus automatically writes Records 2, 7, and 10.

Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Packet Header fixed Packet 00 2 SDNF Version Number C24 "SDNF Version 3.0" 3 Engineering Firm

Identification C80 "Name of

Engineering Firm"

4 Client Identification C80 "Name of Client" 5 Structure ID C80 "Name of Structure" 6 Project ID C80 "Name of Project" 7 Date C30 "2/27/02" Time of File Creation C30 "13:12" 8 Revision Number I 2 Issue Code C64 "Issue Code" 9 Design Code C80 "AISC-ASD" 10 Number of Loading

Records I 0 FrameWorks Plus initializes

this record to 0 11 on 'n' Load Combination

Record I 1 Where 'n' is from Record 10

Loading Type I 1 0= load case, 1=load combination

Description C64 "Live and Wind Loads"

Complete example for packet 00: Packet 00 "SDNF Version 3.0" "Name of Engineering Firm" "Name of Client" "Name of Structure" "Name of Project" "2/27/02" "13:12" 2 "Issue Code" "AISC-ASD" 0

Related Topics • Steel Detailing Neutral File Format, page 4

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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format

20 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Packet 10 - Linear Member Packet Version 3.0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Packet Header Fixed Packet


2 linear units C24 "feet" Valid unit names are: "feet", "meters", "inches", "millimeters"

number of members

I 376

Combined Records 1 and 2 example:

Packet 10 "feet" 376

For Records 3 on, the 10 records that follow represent each linear member: total of 10 times n records, where n is number of members from Record 2 above (376 in the example).

Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Member ID I 00100020 Format is XXXZZZZZ, where XXX is the model ID

number and ZZZZZ is the member ID. The member ID is formatted with leading zeros.

Cardinal Point

I 8 Cardinal point from 1 to 10

Status I 0 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

Class I 1 Member class from 0 to 9. 0=Primary, 1=Secondary, 2=Tertiary, 3=User1, 4=User2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Type C24 "beam" Member type "beam", "column", "brace", "Hbrace", or "Vbrace"

Piece Mark C24 "" FrameWorks Plus initializes this record to a empty string

Revision Number

I 0 Always set to 0 by FrameWorks Plus

Record 1 example: 00100020 8 0 1 "beam" "" 0

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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format

Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide 21

Record Contains Format Example Notes 2 Section Size C24 "W12X50" Section size assigned to the member Grade C24 "A36" Material grade name assigned to the member Rotation FP 90.0 Rotation of section: 0, 90, 180, 270 Mirror X-Axis I 0 0 is no reflect Mirror Y-Axis I 0 1 is reflect about Y axis; 0 is no reflect Record 2 example: "W12X50" "A36" 90.0 0 0

Record Contains Format Example Notes3 Orientation Vector FP; FP; FP 0 0 1.0 Start Coordinates FP; FP; FP 10 0 72.75 End Coordinates FP; FP; FP 10 12.5 72.75 Start Cutbacks FP 0 End Cutbacks FP 0 Record 3 example: 0 0 1.0 10 0 72.75 10 12.5 72.75 0 0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 4 X Cross-section

Offset FP 0 Offset of the cross-section relative to the x-axis

of the section Y Cross-section

Offset FP -.25 Offset of the cross-section relative to the y-axis

of the section Record 4 example: 0 -.25

Record Contains Format Example Notes 5 X Offset Start FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the start of the member Y Offset Start FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the start of the member Z Offset Start FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the start of the member X Offset End FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the end of the member Y Offset End FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the end of the member Z Offset End FP -1.0 Rigid end offsets at the end of the member Record 5 example: 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0

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22 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Record Contains Format Example Notes 6 End 1: X I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1: Y I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1: Z I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1:

RX I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1:

RY I 1 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1:

RZ I 1 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2: X I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2: Y I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2: Z I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2:

RX I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2:

RY I 1 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2:

RZ I 1 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom Record 6 example: 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

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Steel Detailing Neutral File Format

Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide 23

Record Contains Format Example Notes 7 Fabricator ID I 0 FrameWorks initializes this field to 0 Prebuy Mark C24 "" FrameWorks initializes this field to an empty string Subtype I 3 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file Creation Date C30 "11/18/01" Date member was created in authoring package Creation Time C30 "13:12" Time member was created in authoring package Modification

Date C30 "12/01/01" Date member was modified in authoring package

Modification Time

C30 "8:00" Time member was modified in authoring package

Updated I 1 Indicates whether fabricator/detailer has updated the member. 1=Member was updated 0=Member has not been updated

Approval Status

I 0 Not used by FrameWorks Plus

Record 7 example: 0 "" 3 "11/18/01" "13:12" "12/01/01" "8:00" 1 0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 8 Connection at End

1 I 12 Type of end connection at member end 1. Code

listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if not defined.

End 1 Connecting Member 1

I 00100008 Member ID of supporting member at end 1. 0 if no member.

End 1 Connecting Member 2

I 00100013 Member ID of supporting member at end 1. 0 if no member.

End 1 Connecting Member 3

I 0 Member ID of supporting member at end 1. 0 if no member.

Connection at End 2

I 12 Type of end connection at member end 2. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if not defined.

End 2 Connecting Member 1

I 00100235 Member ID of supporting member at end 2. 0 if no member.

End 2 Connecting Member 2

I 00100245 Member ID of supporting member at end 2. 0 if no member.

End 2 Connecting Member 3

I 0 Member ID of supporting member at end 2. 0 if no member.

Connection Configuration

I 0 Not used by FrameWorks Plus

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Assembly 1 I 1 Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Assembly 2 I 2 Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Assembly 3 I 3 Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Record 8 example: 12 00100008 00100013 0 12 00100235 00100245 0 0 1 2 3

Record Contains Format Example Notes 9 Material I 0 0-Steel, 1-Concrete, 2-Aluminum, 3-Plastic, 4-

Timber, 5-Other Coatings I 3 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file Fireproofing

Thickness FP 0.083333 Thickness of the fireproofing. Value is always

inches or millimeters based on member units. Fireproofing

Description I 4 0-None; 1-Contour, fully encased; 2-Contour, top

flange exposed; 3-Block, fully encased; 4-Block, top flange exposed

Fireproofing Type

I 1 0-Shop Applied, 1-Field Applied

Fireproofing Start

FP 1.125 Distance from the start of the member to point where fireproofing begins.

Fireproofing End

FP 14.5 Distance from the start of the member to point where fireproofing ends.

Record 9 example: 0 3 0.083333 4 1 1.125 14.5

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Record Contains Format Example Notes 10 Fabricator

Note I 1 Any special note from fabricator. Code listed value

from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file User

Attribute 1 I 2 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file User

Attribute 2 I 0 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file User

Attribute 3 I 0 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file User

Attribute 4 I 0 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file User

Attribute 5 I 0 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file Record 10 example: 1 2 0 0 0 0

Complete example for packet 10:

Packet 10 "feet" 1 00100020 8 0 1 "beam" "" 0 "W12X50" "A36" 90.0 0 0 0 0 1.0 10 0 72.75 10 12.5 72.75 0 0 0 -.25 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 "" 3 "11/18/01" "13:12" "12/01/01" "8:00" 1 0 12 00100008 00100013 0 12 00100235 00100245 0 0 1 2 3 0 3 0.083333 4 1 1.125000 14.500000 1 2 0 0 0 0

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26 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Packet 20 - Plate Element Packet Version 3.0

Record Contains Format Example Notes1 Packet Header Fixed Packet 20 2 linear units C24 "feet" thickness units C24 "feet" number of plates I 121

Combined Records 1 and 2 example:

Packet 20 "feet" "feet" 121

For Record 3 on: Each plate is represented by a variable number of records that follow:

Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Plate

Number (ID)

I 00200213 Format is XXXZZZZZ, where XXX is the model ID number and ZZZZZ is the member ID. The member ID is formatted with leading zeros.

Connect Point

I -1 Plate position relative to the plane defined by plate coordinates. 0=By center, 1=Positive face, -1=Negative face

Status I 1 Member Status. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file.

Class I 1 Member class from 0 to 9. 0=Primary, 1=Secondary, 2=Tertiary, 3=User1, 4=User2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Type C24 "slab" Revision

Number I 0 Always set to 0 by FrameWorks Plus

Record 1 example: 00200213 -1 1 1 "slab" 1

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Record Contains Format Example Notes 2 Piece Mark C24 "" FrameWorks initializes this field to an empty string Grade C24 "A36" Material grade assigned to plate Thickness FP 1.125 plate thickness Number of

Vertices per Face

I 5 -1 if plate is circular. For linear and complex plates, indicates number of vertices on a plate's face with each straight edge along the periphery connected by two vertices and each arc segment connected by three vertices.

Offset FP 0.0 Plate offset distance, similar to the work point offset for linear members. Expressed in feet or meters.

Plate Periphery

I 0 0=Plate without any arcs in the periphery;1=Plate with line segments and arcs in the periphery;2=circular plate

Record 2 example: "" "A36" 1.125 5 0.0 0

Depending on the Plate Periphery setting in Record 2, the records that define the vertices locations have different formats.

For Linear Edge Plates (0 in Plate Periphery) and Complex Edge Plates (1 in Plate Periphery), the plate geometry is defined by n records for the top face and n records for the bottom face, where n is the number of vertices from Record 2. Each record contains the X, Y, and Z coordinates of a vertex followed by a flag that indicates whether the current vertex and the next vertex are joined by a line or by an arc.

For Circular Plates (2 in Plate Periphery), two records, one for the top face and one for the bottom face, define the plate geometry. Each record contains the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the center point followed by the radius.

Record Contains Format Example Notes Linear Edge Plates

X Coordinate FP 0.000

Y Coordinate FP 0.000 Z Coordinate FP 0.000 Connection

Flag I 1 0=last vertex on face; 1=this vertex and the next

vertex are joined by a line

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Record example for linear edge plates. This example is of a square plate:

0.000 0.000 0.000 1 5.000 0.000 0.000 1 5.000 5.000 0.000 1 0.000 5.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0.000 0.000 1.000 1 5.000 0.000 1.000 1 5.000 5.000 1.000 1 0.000 5.000 1.000 1 0.000 0.000 1.000 0

Record Contains Format Example Notes Complex Edge Plates

X Coordinate

FP 20.0

Y Coordinate

FP 10.0

Z Coordinate

FP 15.0

Connection Flag

I 1 0=last vertex on face; 1=this vertex and the next vertex are joined by a line; 2=this vertex and the next vertex are connected by an arc

Record example for complex edge plates (for the plate shown):

20.0 10.0 15.0 1 40.0 10.0 15.0 2 45.0 5.0 15.0 2 40.0 0.0 15.0 1 20.0 0.0 15.0 2 15.0 5.0 15.0 2 20.0 10.0 15.0 0

Record Contains Format Example NotesCircular Plates X Coordinate FP 10.0 Y Coordinate FP 4.5 Z Coordinate FP 0.000 Radius FP 12.0

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Record example for circular plates:

10.0 4.5 0.000 12.0 10.0 4.5 0.125 12.0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 4 Fabricator ID I 0 FrameWorks initializes this field to 0 Prebuy Mark C24 "" FrameWorks Plus initializes this field to an empty

string Subtype I 3 More specific classification of member. Code listed

value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file Creation Date C30 "11/18/01" Date member was created in authoring package Creation Time C30 "13:12" Time member was created in authoring package Modification

Date C30 "12/01/01" Date member was modified in authoring package

Modification Time

C30 "8:00" Time member was modified in authoring package

Updated I 1 Indicates whether fabricator/detailer has updated the member. 1=Member was updated 0=Member has not been updated

Approval Status

I 0 Not used by FrameWorks Plus

Record 4 example: 0 "" 3 "11/18/01" "13:12" "12/01/01" "8:00" 1 0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 5 Assembly

1 I 1 Associates other members to this member. Code listed

value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Assembly 2

I 0 Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Assembly 3

I 3 Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Record 5 example: 1 0 3

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Record Contains Format Example Notes 6 Material I 0 0-Steel, 1-Concrete, 2-Aluminum, 3-Plastic, 4-

Timber, 5-Other Coatings I 3 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file Fireproofing

Thickness FP 0 Not used by FrameWorks Plus

Fireproofing Description

I 0 Not used by FrameWorks Plus

Fireproofing Type I 0 0-Shop Applied, 1-Field Applied Record 6 example: 0 3 0 0 0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 7 Fabricator

Note I 1 Any special note from fabricator. Code listed value

from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file User

Attribute 1 I 2 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file User

Attribute 2 I 0 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file User

Attribute 3 I 0 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file User

Attribute 4 I 0 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file User

Attribute 5 I 0 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file Record 7 example: 1 2 0 0 0 0

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Complete example for Packet 20:

Packet 20 "feet" "feet" 121 00200213 -1 1 1 "slab" 0 "" "A36" 1.125 5 0.0 0 7.996596 -2.538919 0.083333 1 27.602567 -2.538919 0.083333 1 27.602567 17.083825 0.083333 1 7.996596 17.083825 0.083333 1 7.996596 -2.538919 0.083333 0 7.996596 -2.538919 0.000000 1 27.602567 -2.538919 0.000000 1 27.602567 17.083825 0.000000 1 7.996596 17.083825 0.000000 1 7.996596 -2.538919 0.000000 0 0 "" 3 "11/18/01" "13:12" "12/01/01" "8:00" 1 0 1 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0

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32 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Packet 22 - Hole Element Packet Version 3.0

Record Contains Format Example Notes1 Packet Header Fixed Packet 22 2 linear units C24 "feet" thickness units C24 "feet" number of holes I 3

Combined Records 1 and 2 example:

Packet 22 "feet" "feet" 3

For Record 3 on: Each hole is represented by a variable number of records that follow:

Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Hole ID I 00200006 Format is XXXZZZZZ, where XXX is the model ID

number and ZZZZZ is the hole ID. The hole ID is formatted with leading zeros.

Parent Plate ID

I 00200004 Format is XXXZZZZZ, where XXX is the model ID number and ZZZZZ is the member ID. The member ID is formatted with leading zeros.

Record 1 example: 00200006 00200004

Record Contains Format Example Notes 2 Hole

Periphery I 0 0=Hole without any arcs in the periphery;1=Hole with

line segments and arcs in the periphery;2=Circular hole Thickness FP 1.125 Hole thickness Number of

Vertices per Face

I 5 -1 if hole is circular. For linear and complex holes, indicates number of vertices on a hole's face with each straight edge along the periphery connected by two vertices and each arc segment connected by three vertices.

Record 2 example: 0 1.125 5

Depending on the Hole Periphery setting in Record 2, the records that define the vertices locations have different formats.

For Linear Edge Holes (0 in Hole Periphery) and Complex Edge Holes (1 in Hole Periphery), the hole geometry is defined by n records for the top face and n records

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for the bottom face, where n is the number of vertices from Record 2. Each record contains the X, Y, and Z coordinates of a vertex followed by a flag that indicates whether the current vertex and the next vertex are joined by a line or by an arc.

For Circular Holes (2 in Hole Periphery), two records, one for the top face and one for the bottom face, define the hole geometry. Each record contains the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the center point followed by the radius.

Record Contains Format Example Notes Linear Edge Holes

X Coordinate FP 0.000

Y Coordinate FP 0.000 Z Coordinate FP 0.000 Connection

Flag I 1 0=last vertex on face; 1=this vertex and the next

vertex are joined by a line

Record example for linear edge holes. This example is of a square hole:

0.000 0.000 0.000 1 5.000 0.000 0.000 1 5.000 5.000 0.000 1 0.000 5.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0.000 0.000 1.000 1 5.000 0.000 1.000 1 5.000 5.000 1.000 1 0.000 5.000 1.000 1 0.000 0.000 1.000 0

Record Contains Format Example Notes Complex Edge Holes

X Coordinate

FP 20.0

Y Coordinate

FP 10.0

Z Coordinate

FP 15.0

Connection Flag

I 1 0=last vertex on face; 1=this vertex and the next vertex are joined by a line; 2=this vertex and the next vertex are connected by an arc

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34 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Record example for complex edge holes (for the hole shown):

20.0 10.0 15.0 1 40.0 10.0 15.0 2 45.0 5.0 15.0 2 40.0 0.0 15.0 1 20.0 0.0 15.0 2 15.0 5.0 15.0 2 20.0 10.0 15.0 0

Record Contains Format Example NotesCircular Holes X Coordinate FP 10.00 Y Coordinate FP 4.50 Z Coordinate FP 0.00 Radius FP 12.0

Record example for circular holes:

10.00 4.50 0.000 12.0 10.00 4.50 0.125 12.0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 4 Approval

Status I 0 Initialized as 0 by FrameWorks Plus.

Design Status

I 3 Design Status for the member. Initialized as 0 by FrameWorks Plus

Fabricator Note

I 0 Any special note from fabricator. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

Hole Treatment

I 0 Initialized as 0 by FrameWorks Plus.

Record 4 example: 0 3 0 0

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Record Contains Format Example Notes 5 User Attribute 1 I 0 Not supported by FrameWorks Plus User Attribute 2 I 0 Not supported by FrameWorks Plus User Attribute 3 I 0 Not supported by FrameWorks Plus Record 5 example: 0 0 0

Complete example for packet 22:

Packet 22 "feet" "feet" 1 00100007 00100002 0 0.083333 5 11.987205 7.706570 0.083333 1 15.804257 7.706570 0.083333 1 15.804257 2.670645 0.083333 1 11.987205 2.670645 0.083333 1 11.987205 7.706570 0.083333 0 11.987205 7.706570 0.000000 1 15.804257 7.706570 0.000000 1 15.804257 2.670645 0.000000 1 11.987205 2.670645 0.000000 1 11.987205 7.706570 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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36 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Packet 30 - Member Loads Packet Version 3.0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Packet Header fixed Packet


2 Linear Units C24 "feet" "feet", "inches", "millimeters", or "meters"

Force Units C24 "kips" Number of Loaded

Members I 140

Combined Records 1 and 2 example:

Packet 30 "feet" "kips" 140

For Record 3 on, each member loading is represented by a variable number of records that follow:

Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Member Number I 00100024 Number of Loads I 2 Loads on this memberRecord 1 example: 00100024 2

The loads for each member are represented by '3*n' records that follow, where n is the number of loadings from the record above. In this example, n is 2.

Record Contains Format Example Notes1 Loading Number I 1 Description C64 "Equipment Loads" Record 1 example: 1 "Equipment Loads"

Record Contains Format Example Notes 2 Axial Force FP -3.762 Start of member Shear Y FP 14.8 Start of member Shear Z FP 4.1 Start of member Moment Y FP 0.03 Start of member Moment Z FP -77.23 Start of member Torsion FP 3.17 Start of memberRecord 2 example: -3.762 14.8 4.1 0.03 -77.23 3.17

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Record Contains Format Example Notes 3 Axial Force FP -3.762 End of member Shear Y FP 11.3 End of member Shear Z FP -8.334 End of member Moment Y FP 5.4 End of member Moment Z FP -14.7 End of member Torsion FP 8.64 End of memberRecord 3 example: -3.762 11.3 -8.334 5.4 -14.7 8.64


• Member ends are defined by the order of coordinates in Packet 10.

Complete example for packet 30:

Packet 30 "feet" "kips" 140 00100024 2 1 "Equipment Loads" -3.762 14.8 4.1 0.03 -77.23 3.17 -3.762 11.3 -8.334 5.4 -14.7 8.64

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38 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Packet 40 - Connection Details Packet Version 3.0

Record Contains Format Example Notes1 Packet Header fixed Packet 40 2 Number of Connection Details I 628

Combined Records 1 and 2 example:

Packet 40 628

For records 3 on, a record represents each connection detail as follows:

Record Contains Format Example Notes 3 Detail Number I 177 Member Number I 00100025 Member End I 1 1=Start; 2=End Connection Detail C50 "End 1 detail information Record 3 example: 177 00100025 1 "End 1 detail information"

Complete example for packet 40:

Packet 40 628 177 00100025 1 "End 1 detail information"

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Packet 50 - Grid Packet Version 3.0

Record Contains Format Example Notes1 Packet Header fixed Packet 50 2 Number of Grid Sets or Floor Levels I 6

Combined Records 1 and 2 example:

Packet 50 6

For record 3 on, each grid set is represented by a variable number of records that follow:

Record Contains Format Example Notes1 Grid Set Number I 1 Number of Grid Lines I 4 Grid Set Description C64 "TOS El 108'-0" Record 1 example: 1 4 "TOS El 108'-0"

Record Contains Format Example Notes2 Grid Label C64 1 Start X Coordinate FP -1711.0 Start Y Coordinate FP -2480.0 Start Z Coordinate FP 108.0 End X Coordinate FP -1711.0 End Y Coordinate FP -2495.0 End Z Coordinate FP 108.0

Record 2 example:

1 -1711.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1711.0 -2495.0 108.0 2 -1702.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1702.0 -2495.0 108.0 A -1711.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1702.0 -2480.0 108.0 B -1711.0 -2495.0 108.0 -1702.0 -2495.0 108.0

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40 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Complete example for packet 50:

Packet 50 6 1 4 "TOS El 108'-0" 1 -1711.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1711.0 -2495.0 108.0 2 -1702.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1702.0 -2495.0 108.0 A -1711.0 -2480.0 108.0 -1702.0 -2480.0 108.0 B -1711.0 -2495.0 108.0 -1702.0 -2495.0 108.0

Related Topics • Steel Detailing Neutral File Format, page 4

Packet 60 - Arc Member Packet Version 3.0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Packet Header Fixed Packet


2 linear units C24 "feet" Valid unit names are: "feet", "meters", "inches", "millimeters"

number of arc members

I 120

Combined Records 1 and 2 example:

Packet 60 "feet" 120

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For Records 3 on, the 11 records that follow represent each arc member: total of 11 times n records, where n is number of members from Record 2 above (120 in the example).

Record Contains Format Example Notes 1 Member ID I 00100020 Format is XXXZZZZZ, where XXX is the model ID

number and ZZZZZ is the member ID. The member ID is formatted with leading zeros.

Cardinal Point

I 8 Cardinal point from 1 to 10

Status I 0 Member Status. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file

Class I 1 Member class from 0 to 9. 0=Primary, 1=Secondary, 2=Tertiary, 3=User1, 4=User2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Type C24 "beam(Arc)" Member type of "beam(Arc)", "column(Arc)", or "brace(Arc)"

Piece Mark C24 "" FrameWorks Plus initializes this field to an empty string

Revision Number

I 0 Always set to 0 by FrameWorks Plus

Record 1 example: 00100020 8 0 1 "beam(Arc)" "" 0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 2 Section Size C24 "W12X50" Section size assigned to the member Grade C24 "A36" Material grade name assigned to the member Rotation FP 90.0 Rotation of section: 0, 90, 180, 270 Mirror X-Axis I 0 0 is no reflect Mirror Y-Axis I 0 1 is reflect about Y axis; 0 is no reflect Record 2 example: "W12X50" "A36" 90.0 0 0

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42 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Record Contains Format Example Notes 3 Center of

Arc FP; FP; FP

10.0 0 0 Is center of arc location in X, Y, Z coordinates

Start Angle FP 180.0 Angle in degrees where the arc starts, for example, with Arc plane normal=0,0,1 and a start angle = 0, the first point of the arc will appear on the East axis (3 o'clock) on a watch. With a start angle = 90, the first point of the arc will be on the North axis (12 o'clock)

Sweep FP 45.0 Arc sweep in degrees, for example Base on the value of Arc Plane Normal (using a right-hand rule) the sweep angle will proceed counter-clockwise if this normal is 0,0,1. If the normal is 0,0,-1, the sweep angle will proceed clockwise.

Arc Plane Normal Vector


0 0 1.0 Vector normal to the plane of the arc. Uses a right-hand rule based on this vector to determine which way to sweep counter clockwise or clockwise.

Record 3 example: 10.0 0 0 180.0 45.0 0 0 1.0

Record Contains Format Example Notes4 Orientation Vector FP; FP; FP 0 0 1.0 Start Coordinates FP; FP; FP 10 0 72.75 End Coordinates FP; FP; FP 10 12.5 72.75 Start Cutbacks FP 0 End Cutbacks FP 0 Record 4 example: 0 0 1.0 10 0 72.75 10 12.5 72.75 0 0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 5 X Cross-section

Offset FP 0 Offset of the cross-section relative to the x-axis

of the section Y Cross-section

Offset FP -.25 Offset of the cross-section relative to the y-axis

of the section Record 5 example: 0 -.25

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Record Contains Format Example Notes 6 X Offset Start FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the start of the member Y Offset Start FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the start of the member Z Offset Start FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the start of the member X Offset End FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the end of the member Y Offset End FP 0 Rigid end offsets at the end of the member Z Offset End FP -1.0 Rigid end offsets at the end of the member Record 6 example: 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 7 End 1: X I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1: Y I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1: Z I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1:

RX I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1:

RY I 1 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 1:

RZ I 1 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2: X I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2: Y I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2: Z I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2:

RX I 0 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2:

RY I 1 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom End 2:

RZ I 1 0=No release for that Degree of Freedom, 1=Release for

that Degree of Freedom Record 7 example: 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1

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44 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Record Contains Format Example Notes 8 Fabricator ID I 0 FrameWorks Plus initializes this field to 0 Prebuy Mark C24 "" FrameWorks Plus initializes this field as an empty

string Subtype I 3 More specific classification of member. Code listed

value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file Creation Date C30 "11/18/01" Date member was created in authoring package Creation Time C30 "13:12" Time member was created in authoring package Modification

Date C30 "12/01/01" Date member was modified in authoring package

Modification Time

C30 "8:00" Time member was modified in authoring package

Updated I 1 Indicates whether fabricator/detailer has updated the member. 1=Member was updated 0=Member has not been updated

Approval Status

I 0 Not used by FrameWorks Plus

Record 8 example: 0 "" 3 "11/18/01" "13:12" "12/01/01" "8:00" 1 0

Record Contains Format Example Notes 9 Connection at End

1 I 12 Type of end connection at member end 1. Code

listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if not defined.

End 1 Connecting Member 1

I 00100008 Member ID of supporting member at end 1. 0 if no member.

End 1 Connecting Member 2

I 00100013 Member ID of supporting member at end 1. 0 if no member.

End 1 Connecting Member 3

I 0 Member ID of supporting member at end 1. 0 if no member.

Connection at End 2

I 12 Type of end connection at member end 2. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if not defined.

End 2 Connecting Member 1

I 00100235 Member ID of supporting member at end 2. 0 if no member.

End 2 Connecting Member 2

I 00100245 Member ID of supporting member at end 2. 0 if no member.

End 2 Connecting Member 3

I 0 Member ID of supporting member at end 2. 0 if no member.

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Connection Configuration

I 0 Not used by FrameWorks Plus.

Assembly 1 I 1 Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Assembly 2 I 2 Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Assembly 3 I 3 Associates other members to this member. Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file. 0 if no Assembly.

Record 9 example: 12 00100008 00100013 0 12 00100235 00100245 0 0 1 2 3

Record Contains Format Example Notes 10 Material I 0 0-Steel, 1-Concrete, 2-Aluminum, 3-Plastic, 4-

Timber, 5-Other Coatings I 3 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file Fireproofing

Thickness FP 0.083333 Thickness of the fireproofing. Value is always

inches or millimeters based on member units. Fireproofing

Description I 1 0-None; 1-Contour, fully encased; 2-Contour, top

flange exposed; 3-Block, fully encased; 4-Block, top flange exposed

Fireproofing Type

I 0 0-Shop Applied, 1-Field Applied

Fireproofing Start

FP 1.125 Distance from the start of the member to point where fireproofing begins.

Fireproofing End

FP 14.5 Distance from the start of the member to point where fireproofing ends.

Record 10 example: 0 3 0.083333 1 0 1.125 14.5

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46 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide

Record Contains Format Example Notes 11 Fabricator

Note I 1 Any special note from fabricator. Code listed value

from the FrameWorks Plus attributes.dat file User

Attribute 1 I 2 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file User

Attribute 2 I 0 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file User

Attribute 3 I 0 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file User

Attribute 4 I 0 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file User

Attribute 5 I 0 Code listed value from the FrameWorks Plus

attributes.dat file Record 11 example: 1 2 0 0 0 0

Packet 60 "feet" 120 00100020 8 0 1 "beam(Arc)" "" 0 "W12X50" "A36" 90.0 0 0 10.0 0 0 180.0 45.0 0 0 1.0 0 0 1.0 10 0 72.75 10 12.5 72.75 0 0 0 -.25 0 0 0 0 0 -1.0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 "" 3 "11/18/01" "13:12" "12/01/01" "8:00" 1 0 12 00100008 00100013 0 12 00100235 00100245 0 0 1 2 3 0 3 0.083333 1 0 1.125 14.5 1 2 0 0 0 0

Related Topics • Steel Detailing Neutral File Format, page 4

Page 47: s Dnf Format


Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide 47

Index packet 00, 6, 19 packet 10, 20 packet 20, 10, 26 packet 22, 32 packet 30, 11, 36 packet 40, 38 packet 50, 13, 39 packet 60, 15, 40 steel detailing neutral file

arc member packet, 15, 40 connection details packet, 38 format, 4 grid packet, 13, 39

hole element packet, 32 linear member packet, 20 member loads packet, 11, 36 packet 00, 6, 19 packet 10, 20 packet 20, 10, 26 packet 22, 32 packet 30, 11, 36 packet 40, 38 packet 50, 13, 39 packet 60, 15, 40 plate element packet, 10, 26 title packet, 6, 19

Page 48: s Dnf Format


48 Steel Detailing Neutral File Format Reference Guide