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  • Algunos antecedentes

    To a 20-year-old struggling musician, The Fountainhead was a revelation, an affirmation , an inspiration . Although I would eventually grow into and, largely, out of Ayn Rand's orbit, her writing was still a significant stepping-stone, or way-station, for me, a black-and-white starting point along the journey to a more nuanced philosophy and politics. Most of all, it was the notion of individualism that I needed the idea that what I felt, believed, liked, and wanted was important and valid.

    As Nietzsche said, "Self interest is worth as much as the person who has it. It can be worth a great deal, and it can be unworthy and contemptible." Young musicians have to make philosophical choices early , whether they realize it or not. Like joining the union, for example, at age fifteen though that wasn't really a choice, because you couldn't play in any of the union halls, even the Knights of Columbus or Legion buildings, without a union card . But from the very beginning of playing in bands, we faced choices about what music we would play: the music we loved, or the music others wanted us to play. Thinking back to Mumblin' Sumpthin' and that bizarre lecture about the prostitute from Jack Johnson in the back room of the roller rink, that had been the kind of resistance that set me on a lifelong course as a "contrarian," determined to find a way to play music I loved, even if I had to make my living by other means.

  • Temticas recurrentes

    Dialcticas, oposiciones, contradicciones Bien / Mal Individualismo / Colectivismo Idealismo / Pragmatismo Racionalismo / Empirismo Razn / Emocin

    Miedo, Fe y Religin

    Poltica, tica

    Sentido de la existencia

  • Fly by Night

    Individualismo (Anthem, Best I Can) Libertarianismo (Anthem, Fly By Night)

  • Caress of Steel

    Injusticia (Bastille day) Integridad individual (I Think Im Going Bald)

    Bien vs mal (The Necromancer)

    Sentido de la Vida (The Fountain of Lamneth)

  • 2112

    Libertad, Individualismo, Integridad Individual (2112, Lessons, Something for Nothing)

  • A Farewell to Kings

    Justicia, Poder (A Farewell to Kings) Poder, Sentido de la Vida (Xanadu)

    Justicia, Ciencia y Humanidades (Closer to the Heart)

    Integridad Individual (Cinderella Man)

  • Hemispheres

    Guerra, Dualismos (Hemispheres): Razn vs Emocin Conocimiento vs. Intuicin Pragmatismo vs. Hedonismo

    Integridad individual (Circumstances) Injusticia, Desigualdad, Poder, Guerra (The Trees)

  • Permanent Waves

    Integridad Individual (The Spirit of Radio) Libertad (Freewill)

    Relacin entre Ciencia y Humanidades, tica, Sentido de la vida (Natural Science)

  • Moving Pictures

    Integridad individual (Tom Sawyer, Limelight) Libertad e individualismo (Tom Sawyer)

    Miedo, Poder, Prejuicios, Violencia (Witch Hunt)

    La Condicin Humana (Vital Signs)

  • Signals

    Discriminacin (Subdivisions) Miedo, Violencia (The Weapon)

    Ciencia, tecnologa y Sociedad (Countdown)

  • Grace Under Pressure

    Muerte, Duelo, Prdida (Afterimage, Red Sector A) Guerra, Violencia, Injusticia, Miedo (Red Sector A)

    Miedo (The Enemy Within)

    Poltica (Distant Early Warning, Red Lenses)

    Sentido de la Existencia (Red Sector A, Between the Wheels)

  • Power Windows

    Poder (The Big Money, Mahattan Project) Poltica (Manhattan Project, Territories)

    Sentido de la Existencia (Marathon)

  • Hold Your Fire

    Sentido de la Existencia (Time Stand Still, Prime Mover, Mission)

    Justicia (Second Nature)

  • Presto

    Retrica (Show Dont Tell) Muerte (The Pass)

    Idealismo (Presto)

  • Roll the Bones

    Sentido de la Vida (Dreamline, Bravado, You Bet your Life)

    Religin (Ghost of a Chance)

    Poltica (Heresy)

    Azar (Todo el disco!)

  • Counterparts

    Dualismos: Masculino vs Femenino (Animate, Alien Shore) Vanidad vs. Orgullo (Nobodys Hero, Everyday Glory)

  • Test for Echo

    Medios y Tecnologa (Test for Echo, Virtuality) Injusticia, desigualdad (Half the World, The color of


    Religin, Espiritualidad (Totem)

    Sentido de la Vida (Dog years, Resist, Carve Away the Stone)

  • Vapor Trails

    Irracionalidad humana, Guerra (Peaceable Kingdom) Determinismo (The Stars look down)

    Estoicismo (Ghost Rider, How it is, Vapor Trails)

    Sentido de la vida (todo el disco)

  • Snakes & Arrows

    Relaciones humanas (Armor and Sword, Spindrift) Sentido de la Vida (Working them Angels, We Hold

    On, Bravest Face)

    Desigualdad e Injusticia (The Larger Bowl)

    Religin (Armor and Sword, Faithless)

  • Fe y Religin

    I was also thinking, like Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion, about how children are usually imprinted with a particular faith, along with their other early blessings and scars. People who actively choose their faith are vanishingly few; most simply receive it, with their mother's milk, language, and customs.

    NP, sobre el Snakes & Arrows

  • Porqu Rush es mas popular que nunca? (4 tesis)

    Simple: the geeks have inherited the earth tica de trabajo democrtica centrada en la integridad

    y la honestidad

    Rush es una banda para msicos

    Rush nunca se vendi al sistema... El sistema los compr, porque los geeks hoy SON el sistema.