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1 Running a Lean, Mean Content Marketing Machine
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  1. 1. 1 Running a Lean, Mean Content Marketing Machine
  2. 2. 2 Content marketing started with American manufacturing, industry and machines; its inception was reliant upon the printing press Print is still important to content marketing, but its playing a decreasingly important role Content Marketing Used To Primarily Involve Printed Assets! . . . And relied upon American industrial ingenuity
  3. 3. 3 Printed Magazines Printed Guides Printed Books Other Printed Assets What Content Marketing Used To Be . . . And still is, in some cases
  4. 4. 4 Digital Video Digital Photos Blog Posts Podcasts Articles, Whitepapers and Case Studies Infographics Social Media Posts Applications Websites And much, much more! What Content Marketing Has Become
  5. 5. 5 Technology has made it easier for companies to utilize content marketing BUT . . . Not just any content will resonate and be popular with your audience! It needs to be well researched, well written and well designed Content marketing is an art and a science! Content Marketing Is Getting Easier To Do!
  6. 6. 6 Content marketing is any marketing that involves the creation and sharing of media and publishing content in order to acquire and retain customers. It can be about your company (case studies, product videos, photos) . . . But it should more often NOT be about your company (guides, news, publications and media that entertain and inform your target audience) What is Content Marketing, Anyway?
  7. 7. 7 Social media updates Blog posts Photos Content Marketing Can Be Simple . . .
  8. 8. 8 Writing and designing guides Magazines Video production Infographics Webinars Websites (NOT your company website) Content Marketing Can Be Complex . . .
  9. 9. 9 It makes people happy to learn about things theyre interested in. Companies that create great, useful content about stuff their target audience likes will be rewarded with trust, engagement, brand awareness and new customers. Content Marketing is Effective for a Very Simple Reason . . .
  10. 10. 10 The term was first used in the 1990s, but the practice is much older Content marketing has been used by companies in some form for 150 years! . . . But Content Marketing is Nothing New!
  11. 11. 11 In 1867, Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company debuted The Locomotive. The publication provides technical information to help equipment owners and operators manage risk and solve operation problems. The Locomotive was originally distributed in print, but is now maintained online. The Locomotive
  12. 12. 12 In 1895, John Deere launched the magazine The Furrow, providing information to farmers on how to become more profitable. The magazine is still in circulation, reaching 1.5 million readers in 40 countries in 12 different languages. The Furrow
  13. 13. 13 Michelin developed the Michelin Guide in 1900, offering drivers information on auto maintenance, accommodations, and other travel tips. 35,000 copies were distributed for free in this first edition The Michelin Guide
  14. 14. 14 In 1904, Jell-O salesmen went door- to-door, distributing their cookbook for free. Touting the dessert as a versatile food, the company saw its sales rise to over $1 million by 1906. Jell-O Cookbooks
  15. 15. 15 Established them as thought leaders in their industries Potential customers looked at them as sources of information, not just as companies trying to sell something Built trust among their target audience Created brand advocates Made their brands synonymous with their industries, and led to more long-term sales . . . What did this strategy do for these companies?
  16. 16. 16 Yup, they sure are. But guess what: they werent big when they started content marketing! But these content marketing examples are from BIG companies.
  17. 17. 17 Because SEO is becoming content marketing, plain and simple! Search engines reward sites for original, well-crafted, relevant content that visitors find valuable Websites that answer questions about a subject are more likely to rank high for relevant searches Publishing quality content about your industry also helps build quality links and citations I do SEO. Why the heck do I need to do content marketing?
  18. 18. 18 Content Marketing Might Not Lead to Immediate Revenue! . . . but then again, search engine optimization doesnt lead to immediate revenue, either. Good content marketing is focused on long term, consistent strategy, not short term gains.
  19. 19. 19 Why should I produce something thats not about my company and doesnt lead to immediate conversions? This is the most common initial reaction I get from manufacturers whove never heard of content marketing Manufacturers are slower to embrace content marketing . . . But this means that there are more opportunities to blaze trails
  20. 20. 20 Content Marketing Transforms Your Company Into a Thought Leader, Creates Brand Advocates and is Good for Rankings!
  21. 21. 21 Theres no such thing as a boring industry . . . Only boring marketers! Regardless of what your company produces, there are countless opportunities to create unique, relevant, engaging content Even if you sell nothing but identical cardboard boxes, there are infinite ways to use content marketing to grow your influence and revenue But my industry is too boring for content marketing.
  22. 22. 22 If your competitors arent using content marketing yet, they will be soon. Why not beat them to the punch? And most importantly . . .
  23. 23. 23 Content Marketing for Manufacturers: Contemporary Examples
  24. 24. 24 John Deere YouTube Channel Dozens of short videos featuring how-to, equipment in action and more
  25. 25. 25 Lincoln Electric: ARC Magazine This past April, Lincoln Electric Co. unveiled a new product. It's not a new type of machine for welding, or equipment to use for training. In fact, it's not a machine at all: It's a magazine. The Euclid-based welding equipment maker launched ARC Magazine to try to attract more welders to the field at a time when the industry sees a worker shortage on the horizon. Source: Crains Cleveland Business
  26. 26. 26 CAT: Giant Jenga Video 3,000,000 views
  27. 27. 27 On their social media properties, Mercury promotes many of their events with beautifully captured photos. There is also a nice mix of other visual content from ads to just cool pictures of Mercury products in action. Mercury Marine: Not Showing Off Their Products . . . But What Their Products DO!
  28. 28. 28 Unique Paving Materials: Asphalt Paving History Blog Post
  29. 29. 29 Even small companies need to embrace content marketing If you dont adapt to a rapidly changing marketing environment and audience expectations, your competition will pass you up It doesnt require a writing degree or design expertise, just the willingness to share fun, unique stuff about your company and industry If done correctly, it doesnt have to take up too much of your time Content Marketing for Your Company SEO and AdWords are great . . . But if you want your company to excel, they arent enough
  30. 30. 30 Theres More Than One Way to Skin a Cat Depending on your audience, vastly different content might resonate with them Different kinds of content resonate with different audiences Some target audiences respond well to detailed blog posts or white papers, but yours might not Always keep your target audience in mind when putting together a content plan: what will they enjoy? Dont just share it and forget it . . . Monitor to see what kind of content gets the most engagement! Rely on data to figure out what your audience likes . . . NOT your gut feeling or your own personal preferences
  31. 31. 31 Dont show people your products . . . Show people your products in action! If you have 100 different products, then you have 100 opportunities for fun, innovative, useful content Short videos of your products in action or used in unexpected ways Blog posts, case studies, testimonials Photos, photos, photos! Thinking Outside the Box by Looking INSIDE the Box Your Companys Products and Services as Content Marketing Fodder
  32. 32. 32 People are now turning to BRANDS instead of traditional media for information about topics that interest them You dont have to start your own magazine, but there are plenty of simple ways to identify yourself as a thought leader Blog posts, simple guides and whitepapers Sharing photos and videos that will inform or entertain your target audience Creating & Sharing Content About Your Industry or Niche . . . But not about your company
  33. 33. 33 Content marketing is like exercise: if you only plan on doing it one time, dont do it at all Results might take months, but they are well worth it Deliver the best quality content you can Figure out a way to make it FUN so that you do it more consistently! Quality and Consistency: The Two Keys to Success
  34. 34. 34 Photos Product videos Some blog posts Industry articles Social media posts Identify gifted content producers on your team REWARD THEM for their extra efforts! Types of Content That Employees Can Create
  35. 35. 35 Magazines Professional video content Infographics Guides Websites Types of Content Where Professional Help Might Be Needed
  36. 36. 36 ANY QUESTIONS?