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(RSC Nanoscience Nanotechnology) Albert Van Den Berg Loes Segerink Paul O'Brien Ralph Nuzzo Joao Rocha Xiaogang Liu a Khademhosseinni K Su

Dec 17, 2015



(RSC Nanoscience Nanotechnology) Albert Van Den Berg Loes Segerink Paul O'Brien Ralph Nuzzo Joao Rocha Xiaogang Liu a Khademhosseinni K Su
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  • Microfluidics for Medical Applications

  • RSC Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

    Editor-in-Chief:Paul OBrien FRS, University of Manchester, UK

    Series Editors:Ralph Nuzzo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USAJoao Rocha, University of Aveiro, PortugalXiaogang Liu, National University of Singapore, Singapore

    Honorary Series Editor:Sir Harry Kroto FRS, University of Sussex, UK

    Titles in the Series:1: Nanotubes and Nanowires2: Fullerenes: Principles and Applications3: Nanocharacterisation4: Atom Resolved Surface Reactions: Nanocatalysis5: Biomimetic Nanoceramics in Clinical Use: From Materials to

    Applications6: Nanofluidics: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology7: Bionanodesign: Following Natures Touch8: Nano-Society: Pushing the Boundaries of Technology9: Polymer-based Nanostructures: Medical Applications10: Metallic and Molecular Interactions in Nanometer Layers, Pores and

    Particles: New Findings at the Yoctolitre Level11: Nanocasting: A Versatile Strategy for Creating Nanostructured Porous

    Materials12: Titanate and Titania Nanotubes: Synthesis, Properties and Applications13: Raman Spectroscopy, Fullerenes and Nanotechnology14: Nanotechnologies in Food15: Unravelling Single Cell Genomics: Micro and Nanotools16: Polymer Nanocomposites by Emulsion and Suspension17: Phage Nanobiotechnology18: Nanotubes and Nanowires: 2nd Edition19: Nanostructured Catalysts: Transition Metal Oxides20: Fullerenes: Principles and Applications, 2nd Edition21: Biological Interactions with Surface Charge Biomaterials22: Nanoporous Gold: From an Ancient Technology to a High-Tech Material23: Nanoparticles in Anti-Microbial Materials: Use and Characterisation24: Manipulation of Nanoscale Materials: An Introduction to

    Nanoarchitectonics25: Towards Ecient Designing of Safe Nanomaterials: Innovative Merge of

    Computational Approaches and Experimental Techniques26: PolymerGraphene Nanocomposites

  • 27: Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Composites28: Nanoscience for the Conservation of Works of Art29: Polymer Nanofibers: Building Blocks for Nanotechnology30: Artificial Cilia31: Nanodiamond32: Nanofabrication and its Application in Renewable Energy33: Semiconductor Quantum Dots: Organometallic and Inorganic Synthesis34: Soft Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications35: Hierarchical Nanostructures for Energy Devices36: Microfluidics for Medical Applications

    How to obtain future titles on publication:A standing order plan is available for this series. A standing order will bringdelivery of each new volume immediately on publication.

    For further information please contact:Book Sales Department, Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House,Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 0WF, UKTelephone: 44 (0)1223 420066, Fax: 44 (0)1223 420247Email: [email protected] our website at

  • Microfluidics for MedicalApplications

    Edited by

    Albert van den BergUniversity of Twente, Enschede, The NetherlandsEmail: [email protected]

    Loes SegerinkUniversity of Twente, Enschede, The NetherlandsEmail: [email protected]

  • RSC Nanoscience & Nanotechnology No. 36

    Print ISBN: 978-1-84973-637-4PDF eISBN: 978-1-84973-759-3ISSN: 1757-7136

    A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

    r The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015

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    Published by The Royal Society of Chemistry,Thomas Graham House, Science Park, Milton Road,Cambridge CB4 0WF, UK

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  • Preface

    Ever since the beginning of the research in the lab on chip (LOC) field,people have been searching for the killer app.1 Unfortunately, unlike afield such as microelectronics, where Moores law for memories and pro-cessors has driven the development or, rather, set the agenda, over severaldecades, in the LOC area no such big application has been identified so far.Rather a very diversified field of applications has emerged over time, withareas such as LOC for analytical chemistry,2 drug development,3 cell biol-ogy,4 DNA sequencing and analysis,5 chemical microreactors,6 and medicalapplications.7 Of all these, probably still the highest expectations are foundin the latter area. This area is still emerging as indicated by the numerousscientific journals that publish articles relevant to this field, such as Lab on aChip, Analytical Chemistry, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Biomedical Micro-devices, Biomicrofluidics and Integrative Biology. Every week a lot of exitingnew research is published, aiming to be applied for innovative medical de-vices, treatments, or diagnostics. While it is impossible to show all workperformed in this field, with this volume we try to give an overview andperspective of this research field. Therefore we give an overview of the state-of-the-art given by a collection of world-wide top-level researchers, withcontribution in three dierent, recently emerged subareas of this field: tis-sue and organs on chip, microfluidic tools for medicine, and point of carediagnostics.For engineering microtissues on chip, 3D constructs are required, which

    serve as scaolds for the dierent components of the tissue. Fibers arepromising structures to make these constructs, which can be adapted inways suited for the application. In Chapter 1 dierent types of fiber fabri-cation using microtechnology are discussed. Besides tissue engineering onchip, organs on chip is another emerging field in microfluidics. An exampleof this is the kidney on chip, which is discussed in Chapter 2. This chapter

    RSC Nanoscience & Nanotechnology No. 36Microfluidics for Medical ApplicationsEdited by Albert van den Berg and Loes Segerinkr The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry,


  • was written by Kahp-Yang Suh, who totally unexpectedly and to our deepsadness passed away after finishing the chapter. As a tribute we decided toretain his chapter, to give the reader a nice insight into the brilliant work hedid in the organs on a chip field. An overview of the current state-of-the-art isgiven with respect to this organ. Not only can organs be modelled withmicrofluidic systems, also the functioning of parts of the body can bemodeled using such a system. An example is the functioning of the blood-brain barrier. Although these microfluidic systems are not yet as good as theconventional models, first steps are being made in the development of areliable model. In Chapter 3 the current status of these microfluidics modelsis described as well as which parts need to be improved to end up with amodel that will be better than the conventional one. An example of howthese models can be used to understand a brain-related disease such asAlzheimers disease is given in Chapter 4. In this chapter some fundamentalquestions regarding this disease are raised, which can be possibly answeredwith the help of microfluidics.Besides the use of microfluidics to model the functioning of organs and as

    a tool to create constructs for tissue engineering, it can also be used in moregeneral terms for medicine, which is the subject of Chapters 5 to 7. An ex-ample of this is the generation of bubbles for both contrast enhancement inultrasound as well as drugs delivery at a specific spot. For the production ofthese monodisperse bubbles, also microfluidics can be used, which will bediscussed in Chapter 5. The use of other spherical particles, the magneticparticles, is described in Chapter 6. These particles can be actuated withmagnets and used for several assay steps in diagnostic devices. Chapter 7shows the use of lab on a chip systems for assisted reproductive techno-logies, such as in-vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection.These treatments can benefit from miniaturization since it can improve thegamete selection, but also the procedures involved in cryopreservation andembryo development.The latter section of the book covers some examples of point-of-care

    diagnostics using lab-on-a-chip systems. This is not solely restricted totraditional microfluidic systems, since the use of paper-based microfluidictests is especially useful for diagnostics in the developing world. Chapter 8includes examples of these paper-based devices, but also gives the re-quirements for testing in low-resource settings. A dierent example ofpoint-of-care diagnostics is the detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs).Although it is major challenge to increase the throughput of microfluidicssystems to detect these rare cells (a few cells (10 mL)1), it has potential toimprove the detection limit (Chapter 9). A way to perform this detectionmakes use of electrical impedance measurements, which will be discussedin more detail in Chapter 10. Besides the detection of CTCs, the use ofmicrofluidic impedance cytometry is shown for a full blood count. Inaddition to the detection of cells in a fluid, microfluidics can also be usedto measure analytes in blood. A widespread application of this is themeasurement of glucose for diabetics. Chapter 11 covers this example, but

    viii Preface

  • also shows other routine clinical laboratory tests that are nowadays used.The last chapter of this book shows the development of a lab on a chip forion measurements in biological fluids using capillary electrophoresis onchip. Here the steps are described that need to be taken to get a newmicrofluidic device ready for point-of-care measurements and practicalapplication and market introduction.We have tried to give you an overview of the diverse applications micro-

    fluidic technology can be advantageous in for medical applications. Sometopics are still in the research phase, while others are currently incorporatedin the hospital or patients daily life. Furthermore in some cases it will serveas a tool to test drugs; others are used as a tool to detect certain diseasemarkers. Finally we hope that with these examples, you get (more) inspiredand enthusiastic to work in this wonderful multidisciplinary field and helpto find the killer app!

    Loes Segerink and Albert van den Berg

    References1. H. Becker, Lab on a Chip, 2009, 9, 21192122.2. A. Manz, N. Graber and H. M. Widmer, Sensor. Actuator. B Chem., 1990, 1,

    244248.3. P. Neuzil, S. Giselbrecht, K. Lange, T. J. Huang and A. Manz, Nat. Rev.

    Drug Discov., 2012, 11, 620632.4. E. K. Sackmann, A. L. Fulton and D. J. Beebe, Nature, 2014, 507, 181189.5. J. Liu, M. Enzelberger and S. Quake, Electrophoresis, 2002, 23, 15311536.6. J. P. McMullen and K. F. Jensen, in Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry,

    Vol. 3, ed. E. S. Yeung and R. N. Zare, 2010, vol. 3, pp. 1942.7. A. Floris, S. Staal, S. Lenk, E. Staijen, D. Kohlheyer, J. Eijkel and A. van den

    Berg, Lab on a Chip, 2010, 10, 17991806.

    Preface ix

  • Contents

    Chapter 1 Microtechnologies in the Fabrication of Fibers for TissueEngineering 1Mohsen Akbari, Ali Tamayol, Nasim Annabi, David Junckerand Ali Khademhosseini

    1.1 Introduction 11.2 Fiber Formation Techniques 2

    1.2.1 Co-axial Flow Systems 21.3 Wetspinning 71.4 Meltspinning (Extrusion) 101.5 Electrospinning 121.6 Conclusions 15Acknowledgements 16References 16

    Chapter 2 Kidney on a Chip 19Laura Ha, Kyung-Jin Jang and Kahp-Yang Suh

    2.1 Introduction 192.2 Kidney Structure and Function 202.3 Mimicking Kidney Environment 22

    2.3.1 Extracellular Matrix 222.3.2 Mechanical Stimulation 232.3.3 Various Kidney Cells 242.3.4 Extracellular Environment 27

    2.4 Kidney on a Chip 282.4.1 Microfluidic Approach for Kidney on a Chip 282.4.2 Fabrication of Kidney on a Chip 282.4.3 Various Kidney Chips 30

    RSC Nanoscience & Nanotechnology No. 36Microfluidics for Medical ApplicationsEdited by Albert van den Berg and Loes Segerinkr The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry,


  • 2.5 Future Opportunities and Challenges 33References 35

    Chapter 3 Blood-brain Barrier (BBB): An Overview of the Research ofthe Blood-brain Barrier Using Microfluidic Devices 40Andries D. van der Meer, Floor Wolbers, Istvan Vermes andAlbert van den Berg

    3.1 Introduction 403.2 Blood-brain Barrier 41

    3.2.1 Neurovascular Unit 413.2.2 Transport 413.2.3 Multidrug Resistance 423.2.4 Neurodegenerative Diseases Loss of BBB

    Function 433.3 Modeling the BBB in Vitro 44

    3.3.1 Microfluidic in Vitro Models of the BBB:the BBB-on-Chip 45

    3.3.2 Cellular Engineering 473.3.3 Biochemical Engineering 483.3.4 Biophysical Engineering 50

    3.4 Measurement Techniques 513.4.1 Transendothelial Electrical Resistance 513.4.2 Permeability 513.4.3 Fluorescence Microscopy 52

    3.5 Conclusion and Future Prospects 52Acknowledgements 53References 53

    Chapter 4 The Use of Microfluidic-based Neuronal Cell Cultures toStudy Alzheimers Disease 57Robert Meissner and Philippe Renaud

    4.1 Alzheimers Disease Increased Mortality Rates andStill Incurable 57

    4.2 Unknowns of Alzheimers Disease 584.2.1 Molecular Key Players of AD 584.2.2 From Molecules to Neuronal Networks 59

    4.3 Why Microsystems May Be a Key in Understandingthe Propagation of AD 614.3.1 Requirements for in Vitro Studies on AD

    Progression 614.3.2 Establishing Ordered Neuronal Cultures with

    Microfluidics 624.4 Micro-devices-based in Vitro Alzheimer Models 71

    xii Contents

  • 4.4.1 First Microtechnology-based ExperimentalModels 71

    4.4.2 Requirements of Future Micro-device-basedStudies 74

    4.5 Questions that May Be Addressed byMicro-controlled Cultures 76

    References 77

    Chapter 5 Microbubbles for Medical Applications 81Tim Segers, Nico de Jong, Detlef Lohse and Michel Versluis

    5.1 Introduction 815.1.1 Microbubbles for Imaging 825.1.2 Microbubbles for Therapy 835.1.3 Microbubbles for Cleaning 84

    5.2 Microbubble Basics 865.2.1 Microbubble Dynamics 86

    5.3 Microbubble Stability 895.4 Microbubble Formation 915.5 Microbubble Modeling and Characterization 93

    5.5.1 Optical Characterization 955.5.2 Sorting Techniques 955.5.3 Acoustical Characterization 95

    5.6 Conclusions 97Acknowledgements 98References 98

    Chapter 6 Magnetic Particle Actuation in Stationary Microfluidicsfor Integrated Lab-on-Chip Biosensors 102Alexander van Reenen, Arthur M. de Jong,Jaap M. J. den Toonder and Menno W. J. Prins

    6.1 Introduction 1026.2 Capture of Analyte Using Magnetic Particles 105

    6.2.1 The Analyte Capture Process 1066.2.2 Analyte Capture Using Magnetic Particles in a

    Static Fluid 1086.3 Analyte Detection 112

    6.3.1 Magnetic Particles as Carriers 1126.3.2 Agglutination Assay with Magnetic Particles 1156.3.3 Surface-binding Assay with Magnetic

    Particles as Labels 1176.3.4 Magnetic Stringency 120

    6.4 Integration of Magnetic Actuation Processes 1226.5 Conclusions 125


  • Acknowledgements 126References 126

    Chapter 7 Microfluidics for Assisted Reproductive Technologies 131David Lai, Joyce Han-Ching Chiu, Gary D. Smith andShuichi Takayama

    7.1 Introduction 1317.2 Gamete Manipulations 132

    7.2.1 Male Gamete Sorting 1337.2.2 Female Gamete Quality Assessment 137

    7.3 In Vitro Fertilization 1397.4 Cryopreservation 1417.5 Embryo Culture 1447.6 Embryo Analysis 1467.7 Conclusion 148References 148

    Chapter 8 Microfluidic Diagnostics for Low-resource Settings:Improving Global Health without a Power Cord 151Joshua R. Buser, Carly A. Holstein and Paul Yager

    8.1 Introduction: Need for Diagnostics in Low-resourceSettings 1518.1.1 Importance of Diagnostic Testing 1518.1.2 Limitations in Low-resource Settings 1528.1.3 Scope of Chapter 152

    8.2 Types of Diagnostic Testing Needed in Low-resourceSettings 1538.2.1 Diagnosing Disease 1538.2.2 Monitoring Disease 1588.2.3 Counterfeit Drug Testing 1618.2.4 Environmental Testing 162

    8.3 Overview of Microfluidic Diagnostics for Use at thePoint of Care 1628.3.1 Channel-based Microfluidics 1638.3.2 Paper-based Microfluidics 164

    8.4 Enabling All Aspects of Diagnostic Testing inLow-resource Settings: Examples of and Opportunitiesfor Microfluidics (Channel-based and Paper-based) 1718.4.1 Transportation and Storage of Devices in

    Low-resource Settings 1728.4.2 Specimen Collection 1738.4.3 Sample Preparation 1748.4.4 Running the Assay 176

    xiv Contents

  • 8.4.5 Signal Read-out 1798.4.6 Data Integration into Health Systems 1808.4.7 Disposal 183

    8.5 Conclusions 183References 183

    Chapter 9 Isolation and Characterization of Circulating TumorCells 191Yoonsun Yang and Leon W. M. M. Terstappen

    9.1 Introduction 1919.2 CTC Definition in CellSearch System 1929.3 Clinical Relevance of CTCs 1939.4 Identification of Treatment Targets on CTCs 1959.5 Technologies for CTC Enumeration 1969.6 Isolation and Identification of CTCs in Microfluidic

    Devices 1999.6.1 Microfluidic Devices for CTC Isolation Based

    on Physical Properties 2009.6.2 Microfluidic Devices to Isolate CTCs Based

    on Immunological Properties 2029.6.3 Microfluidic Devices to Isolate CTCs Based

    on Physical as well as ImmunologicalProperties 204

    9.6.4 Characterization of CTCs in MicrofluidicDevices 204

    9.7 Summary and Outlook 205References 207

    Chapter 10 Microfluidic Impedance Cytometry for Blood CellAnalysis 213Hywel Morgan and Daniel Spencer

    10.1 Introduction 21310.2 The Full Blood Count 217

    10.2.1 Clinical Diagnosis and the Full Blood Count 21710.2.2 Commercial FBC Devices 219

    10.3 Microfluidic Impedance Cytometry (MIC) 22010.3.1 Measurement Principle 22110.3.2 Behavior of Cells in AC fields 22210.3.3 Sizing Particles 22510.3.4 Cell Membrane Capacitance Measurements 22610.3.5 Microfluidic FBC Chip 22710.3.6 Accuracy and Resolution 22910.3.7 Antibody Detection 232


  • 10.4 Further Applications of MIC 23410.4.1 Cell Counting and Viability 23410.4.2 Parasitized Cells 23510.4.3 Tumor Cells and Stem Cell Morphology 23510.4.4 High-frequency Measurements 237

    10.5 Future Challenges 238References 238

    Chapter 11 Routine Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Using Point ofCare or Lab on a Chip Technology 242Gabor L. Kovacs and Istvan Vermes

    11.1 Introduction 24211.2 Point-of-care Testing 243

    11.2.1 Categorization of POCT Devices 24311.2.2 Role of POCT in Laboratory Medicine 244

    11.3 Glucometers 24511.3.1 The WHO and ADA Criteria of Diabetes 24511.3.2 Plasma Glucose or Blood Glucose 24511.3.3 Glucometers in Medical Practice 24611.3.4 Glucometers in Gestational Diabetes 24811.3.5 Continuous Glucose Monitoring 249

    11.4 i-STAT: a Multi-parameter Unit-use POCTInstrument 24911.4.1 Clinical Chemistry 25011.4.2 Cardiac Markers 25311.4.3 Hematology 25311.4.4 Clinical Use and Performance 254

    11.5 Conclusions 256References 257

    Chapter 12 Medimate Minilab, a Microchip Capillary ElectrophoresisSelf-test Platform 259Steven S. Staal, Mathijn C. Ungerer, Kris L. L. Movig,Jody A. Bartholomew, Hans Krabbe and Jan C. T. Eijkel

    12.1 Introduction 25912.2 Microfluidic Capillary Electrophoresis as a Self-test

    Platform 26112.2.1 Conducting a Measurement 26112.2.2 Measurement Process 26212.2.3 From Research Technology to Self-test

    Platform 26412.3 A Lithium Self-test for Patients with Manic

    Depressive Illness 267

    xvi Contents

  • 12.4 Validation Method 26912.4.1 Applied Guidelines 26912.4.2 Acceptance Criteria 27012.4.3 Sample Availability, Preparation, and other

    Considerations 27212.5 Validation Results 273

    12.5.1 Reproducibility 27312.5.2 Linearity 27412.5.3 Method Comparison 27612.5.4 Home Test 27712.5.5 Other Study Results 28012.5.6 Final Evaluation 282

    12.6 Platform Potential 28212.6.1 Current Platform Capabilities 28212.6.2 Future Possibilities and Limitations 286

    12.7 Conclusions 286Acknowledgements 287References 287

    Subject Index 289



    Microtechnologies in theFabrication of Fibers for TissueEngineering

    MOHSEN AKBARI,a,b,c,d,y ALI TAMAYOL,a,b,c,d,y NASIM ANNABI,a,b,c


    a Biomaterials Innovation Research Center, Department of Medicine,Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, CambridgeMA 02139, USA; bHarvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences andTechnology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA 02139,USA; cWyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, HarvardUniversity, Cambridge MA 02139, USA; d Biomedical EngineeringDepartment, McGill University, Montreal H3A 0G1, Canada; eDepartmentof Neurology & Neurosurgery, McGill University, Montreal H3A 2B4,Canada*Email: [email protected]

    1.1 IntroductionTissue engineering is a multidisciplinary field that brings together re-searchers with backgrounds in engineering, biology, medicine, and chem-istry to build tissue-like constructs for patient treatment or research. Theultimate goal of many research eorts in tissue engineering is to createbiological replacements for diseased and damaged organs in the human

    RSC Nanoscience & Nanotechnology No. 36Microfluidics for Medical ApplicationsEdited by Albert van den Berg and Loes Segerinkr The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry,

    yBoth authors have contributed equally to the work.


  • body. Such constructs should mimic the physiological environment in-cluding the structural and physicochemical features of native tissues.1

    Therefore, fabrication tools that allow for the creation of biocompatiblecomplex 3D structures with controlled internal architecture and cell distri-bution and an eective vascular network are required.Fiber-based techniques, which include textile technologies (i.e. weaving,

    braiding, knitting, embroidering), electrospinning, and direct writing, holdgreat promise for engineering 3D biomimetic tissue-like constructs. Thesetechniques enable tuning the mechanical and structural properties of thefabricated constructs with interconnected pores and controlling the distri-bution of dierent cell lines in the constructs.3 Creating biopolymeric fiberswith topographical properties that vary spatiotemporally on the micro- ornanoscale is the initial step for any fiber-based tissue engineering approach.In addition, fibers can serve as carriers for biomolecules and microorganisms.The biological and mechanical properties of the fabricated fibers are essentialfor the functionality of the resultant tissue constructs.2 Surface topology of thefibers also plays an important role in directing cell growth within the tissueconstruct.Recent developments in microtechnologies along with the fast pace of

    growth of biopolymer science have allowed for the fabrication of fibers withamenable biomechanical properties for tissue engineering. In this chapter,we describe fiber fabrication techniques used in tissue engineering whileemphasizing the role of microfluidics and microtechnologies. We categorizecurrent fiber formation techniques into four methods: i) co-axial flow sys-tems, ii) wetspinning, iii) meltspinning (extrusion), and iv) electrospinning.These methods are popular and have been enhanced by microtechnologies.We discuss the operational principles of these techniques and explore theiradvantages and limitations in tissue engineering.

    1.2 Fiber Formation Techniques

    1.2.1 Co-axial Flow Systems

    Co-axial flow in microsystems is achieved by creating two or more flowstreams in parallel. Due to the laminar nature of the flow in micro-channels,the interface of fluids remains stable and mixing only occurs due to mo-lecular diusion across the interface between the fluids. As a result, fiberswith uniform cross-section can be fabricated. Co-axial flow-based micro-fluidic systems have been recently used for creating micron-size fibers fea-turing dierent shapes and sizes and containing dierent cell types andchemicals. This section describes the principle and theory of co-axial fiberfabrication and explores the current state-of-the-art in creating hydrogelfibers using microfluidic systems.The fabrication of single layer hydrogel fibers in a co-axial flow format is

    shown in Figure 1.1a. The microfluidic system contains a central channelthat delivers a pre-polymer solution (core) into a main channel. The

    2 Chapter 1

  • delivered solution from two side-channels forms a sheath flow around thecore stream. Polymerization of the core solution (hydrogel formation) occursdownstream of the flow either by cross-linkers directly from the neighboringfluids or by light irradiation. The core solution can be loaded with cells orchemicals for dierent biomedical applications.4 The sheath flow acts as alubricant and facilitates fiber formation by preventing channel cloggingduring the hydrogel formation. Moreover, due to the short length of micro-channels containing the co-axial flow, cells are only exposed to a high shearstress and cross-linking reagents for a short time; this property helps theformation of hydrogel fibers containing viable and functional cells.Fiber dimensions can be tuned by changing the ratio between the core and

    sheath flow rates and their relative viscosities. The fiber diameter, when thesheath and core viscosities are identical, is obtained from the followingrelationship:5

    Dfiber Dchannel 1 QshQcore Qsh

    1=2" #1=2; (1)

    where Dfiber is the fiber diameter, Dchannel is the main channel diameter, andQsh and Qcore are the sheath and core flow rates, respectively. Jeong et al. for

    Figure 1.1 Principle of co-axial flow fiber formation. (a) A hydrogel fiber is createdby polymerizing a pre-polymer (core) along a main channel. A sheathsolution flows around the core stream and facilitates the fiber formation.The core stream can contain cells or chemicals. (b) Fabrication ofcomposite fibers by forming three streams of two pre-polymers (core 1and core 2) and a sheath flow. (c) Schematic of creating grooved fibers byusing a microfluidic grooved spinneret. (d) Grooved fibers fabricated bythe microfluidic spinneret (left) and fluorescent micrograph of neuronsgrown on the grooved fibers (right).4 Scale bars show 20 mm in (d) leftand 50 mm in (d) right.Images in (d) are adapted with permission from Macmillan PublishersLtd [Nature Materials], copyright (2011).

    Microtechnologies in the Fabrication of Fibers for Tissue Engineering 3

  • the first time fabricated fibers using co-axial flow in a microfluidic system.5

    Their microfluidic device was similar to the schematic shown in Figure 1.1aand comprised of a pulled glass capillary inserted in a polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS) substrate with feeding tubes, which were connected to syringepumps. They used a photopolymerizable pre-polymer (4-hydroxybutyl acry-late (4-HBA)) as the core fluid and a mixture of 50% (v/v) polyvinyl alcohol(PVA) and 50% (v/v) deionized water (DI). They exposed the outlet channel toultraviolet (UV) light in order to photopolymerize the core solution on-the-fly. They showed that eqn (1) can be used for predicting the diameter of thefabricated fibers within 8%. In an attempt to create a glucose sensingmicrofiber, they mixed two enzymes, i.e. glucose oxidase (GOX) and horse-radish peroxidase (HRP) in the core solution. Fibers containing enzymesresponded to the glucose existing in the solution by emitting a fluorescentsignal. No response was detected in the fibers without enzymes.5

    In another study, Hwang et al. used a similar microfluidic device andcreated microfibers from poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) to investigatethe eects of the microfibers diameter on the orientation of mouse fibro-blasts of L929 cells.6 The core solution was 10% (w/v) PLGA dissolvedin dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and the sheath solution was a mixture of50% (v/v) glycerine in water. The exchange of DMSO and water at theinterface between the core and sheath solution solidified the PLGA andfibers in the range of 10242 mm were collected at the device outlet on amotorized rotating glass slide. Hwang et al. showed that cells tend to orientthemselves along the long axis of these fibers more as the fiber diameterdecreases.6

    Shin et al. created alginate fibers using a microfluidic device, schematic-ally shown in Figure 1.1a.7 They used sodium alginate as the core and cal-cium chloride (CaCl2) as the sheath solutions. Consequently, Ca

    21 ionsdiused from CaCl2 into the alginate central stream along the flow direction,forming calcium alginate cell-laden fibers before exiting the microfluidicdevice. They showed that for a constant sheath flow rate, the fiber diametersincreased as the core flow rate was increased. However, as the core flow rateincreased, instability in the flow occurred and spiral curls were formed. Toassess the potential use of the alginate fibers fabricated by co-axial flowconfiguration, Shin et al. loaded the fibers with protein and mammaliancells by mixing bovine serum albumin (BSA) and human fibroblast cells(L292) in sodium alginate, respectively.7 The in vitro cell viability assayconfirmed that the fabrication process was not harmful to the cells.Inspired by the work of Shin et al.,7 Ghorbanian et al.8 developed a

    microfluidic direct writer (MFDW) to construct 3D cell-laden alginatestructures containing interconnected pores. The MFDW was mounted on amotorized stage and was automatically controlled and moved at a speedsynchronized with the speed of fiber fabrication. To avoid channel blockage,they designed a declogging mechanism that injected a degelling agent(e.g. ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) to dissolve the clogged gel. Theyformed a simple 3D construct by layer-by-layer deposition of these cell-laden

    4 Chapter 1

  • alginate fibers on a glass slide. Using a standard live/dead assay, theyshowed that the writing process was not harmful to mammalian cells.To improve cell adhesion properties of alginate for tissue engineering

    applications, Lee et al. used a co-axial flow microfluidic system to createchitosan-alginate composite fibers.9 They used water-soluble chitosan andsodium alginate mixture as the core and CaCl2 as the sheath streams. It wasfound that the bi-component fibers oer a superior cell viability over purealginate fibers, evidenced by their live/dead assay results for human hepa-tocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells over 7 days of incubation.9 Althoughwater-soluble chitosan is mechanically weak, the mechanical strength of thecomposite fibers did not change significantly.Multiple-layer fibers can be fabricated by adding more streams to the

    microfluidic device. For example, Figure 1.1b shows the process of creating atwo-layer composite fiber. First pre-polymer (core 1) surrounded by thesecond pre-polymer (core 2) enters the main channel and a sheath solutionis formed around them. Cross-linking of the pre-polymers occurs down-stream of the main channel either chemically or optically. The diameter ofthe created two-layer composite fiber can be estimated using the followingrelationship:10

    Dfiber Dchannel 1 QshQcore1 Qcore2 Qsh

    1=2" #1=2; (2)

    where Qcore1 and Qcore2 are the volumetric flow rates of the first and secondpre-polymer solutions, respectively.Lee et al. fabricated a microfluidic device, similar to the schematic shown

    in Figure 1.1b, to create hollow alginate fibers.11 They used CaCl2 as core 1,sodium alginate as core 2, and another stream of CaCl2 as the sheath stream.They encapsulated HIVE-25 cells in the hollow fibers and implanted them ina composite hydrogel (mixture of agar, gelatin, and fibronectin).11 Thecomposite hydrogel was loaded with human smooth muscle cells (HIVS-125)to closely mimic a tissue with a stable microvessel network.In another study, Hu et al. devised a triple-orifice spinneret to create

    co-axial flow of three dierent types of hydrogels.10 They used a widerange of hydrogel materials including enzymatically cross-linking gelatin-hydroxyphenylpropionic acid (Gtn-HPA), alginate, poly-(N-isopropyl acryla-mide) (poly(NIPAAM)), and polysulfone. With their triple-orifice spinneret,Hu et al. fabricated hollow and multilayer composite cell-laden fibers. Theability to change the flow rate of each stream during the fiber fabricationprocess enabled them to change the total fiber diameter and thickness ofeach layer on the fly.10

    The morphology of the fabricated fibers can be determined by changingthe cross-sectional shape of the main channel. For example, Kang et al. useda grooved round channel to fabricate artificial tubuliform fibers with grooveson their surfaces (Figure 1.1c).4 They showed that the number of grooves andtheir sizes could be tuned by changing the shape of the channel and

    Microtechnologies in the Fabrication of Fibers for Tissue Engineering 5

  • adjusting the flow rates. The grooved fibers were then used to investigate theeect of mechanical cues on rat embryonic neurons (Figure 1.1d). It wasshown that the neural cells aligned themselves along the ridges of thenanogrooved fibers, indicating that the surface morphology of fibers playedan important role on the cellular behaviour of the neurons.Hydrogel fibers that are heterogeneous in chemical and physical micro-

    structure are of interest to better mimic the microenvironment of naturaltissues. Yamada et al. fabricated a PDMS-based microfluidic system tocontinuously synthesize chemically and physically anisotropic calciumalginate fibers.12 Their device comprised a main core stream (propyleneglycol alginate cells) co-axed with three streams of propylene gly-col alginate, buer solution, and CaCl2 solution. Cell-laden fibers werecollected by a rotating roller that was partially dipped in a bath of CaCl2.They added polyglycolic acid (PGA) to the alginate solution to adjust thestiness of the local region of the alginate fibers and form sandwich-typesolid-soft-solid structures. They showed that these structures provided bettercontrol of the cellular proliferation and networking. Inspired by the silk-spinning process in spiders, Kang et al. developed a microfluidic chip con-sisting of six hydrogel streams and one sheath flow (Figure 1.2a).4 They used

    Figure 1.2 Digitally tunable physicochemical coding of microfibers. (a) A microflui-dic device inspired by silk-spinning system of spiders. The chip consistedof six hydrogel streams and one sheath (CaCl2) flow. Pneumatic valvescontrolled the flow rate of each stream to adjust the composition of thefabricated fibers. A motorized spool collected the fabricated fibers at themicrochip outlet. (b) A serially coded fiber (inset shows coding withmicrometer resolution). (c) A parallel coded fiber. (d) Co-culture ofhepatocytes and fibroblasts embedded in alginate fibers. Scale bars:5 mm (a), 1 mm (b) and (c), 400 mm (b), inset, and 20 mm (d).Images are adapted with permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd[Nature Materials], copyright (2011).

    6 Chapter 1

  • sodium alginate solutions loaded with dierent chemicals and cell types andCaCl2 as the curing agent. The composition of the fabricated fibers wascontrolled using pneumatic valves. With this configuration, they controlledthe spatial topography and chemical composition along the fibers. For ex-ample, they coded their fibers in serial (Figure 1.2b) and parallel(Figure 1.2c) configurations. They used the parallel coding feature to co-culture hepatocytes and fibroblasts on a single fiber. This shows therobustness of using microfluidic platforms for fabrication of cell-ladenfibers for tissue engineering applications.Fiber fabrication using co-axial flow in microfluidic systems holds great

    promise as it enables continuous fabrication of fibers with tunable mor-phological, structural, and chemical features. Various hydrogels includingchemically and optically cross-linkable materials can be used in the co-axialformat. Moreover, the incorporation of cells and chemicals in single- andmultilayer fibers during the manufacturing process is possible. However, thebiopolymers that are currently in use cannot formmechanically strong fibersto be easily manipulated.2 Furthermore, the process of fiber fabrication isrelatively slow, which makes creating 3D structures a time-consumingprocess.

    1.3 WetspinningIn wetspinning, polymer fibers are formed by continuously injecting a pre-polymer solution into one or multiple coagulation baths to polymerize andform long fibers. The system is usually simple and includes a reservoir forthe pre-polymer, a spinneret, and a coagulation bath (Figure 1.3a). Pre-polymers can be injected manually,13,14 gravitationally,15 using a syringepump,16,17 or using pressurized air.1820 To achieve chemically and mech-anically stable fibers, the pre-polymer and the final polymer should be in-soluble in the coagulation solution.16 Fibers fabricated by this method canbe deposited randomly or in a predefined pattern in the coagulation bath toform a porous scaold or can be collected on a motorized spool and as-sembled in a consequent process. Wetspinning has been widely used forfabrication of fibers from various biocompatible materials including algin-ate, collagen-alginate composite,9 collagen,13 chitosan,21 poly e-caprolactone(PCL),16 starch-PCL composite,22 chitosan-tripolyphosphate composite,23

    and calcium phosphate cement-alginate composite.9 Fiber diameter can beadjusted by controlling the polymer composition and viscosity, the injectionflow rate, and the diameter of the spinneret.9,24 In general, wetspunfibers have been fabricated with a wide a range of diameters from B30 to600 mm.25 In addition, the velocity of the pre-polymer jet entering thecoagulation bath and the relative viscosity of both solutions should beoptimized to prevent instability in the fiber (polymer) stream, which canaect the quality of the fabricated fibers.For example, Tuzlakoglu et al. created chitosan fibers using the wetspin-

    ning process for bone tissue engineering.21 They dissolved chitosan in acetic

    Microtechnologies in the Fabrication of Fibers for Tissue Engineering 7

  • acid and injected the solution in a bath of 30% 0.5 M Na2SO4, 10%1 MNaOH, and 60% water and created randomly deposited fibers.21 Theykept fibers in the coagulation bath for 1 day to fully cross-link. Tuzlakogluet al. seeded the scaolds with osteoblast-like cells, which proliferated(Figure 1.3b,c). In another work, Neves et al. created chitosan/PCL compositefibers by injecting the pre-polymer solution into a methanol bath, whichformed fibers.27 They formed randomly deposited 3D scaolds with porosityin the range of 64% to 83%. The scaolds were seeded with bovine chon-drocytes for cartilage tissue engineering. They showed that the presence ofPCL resulted in rough fiber surface, which led to better cell attachment. Patiet al. formed fibers by adding chitosan to two dierent coagulation bathscontaining sodium triphosphate and NaOH to form chitosan-TPP andregular chitosan fibers, respectively.23 Fibers were deposited over each otherto form a scaold with porosities up to 89%. Chitosan-TPP scaolds had ahigher degradation rate than chitosan scaolds. Chitosan-TPP scaolds alsooered a better cell viability and a faster degradation rate.DeRosa et al. cross-linked type I collagen solution in acetic acid by a bath

    of acetone and ammonium hydroxide at a pH of 9.28 They coated the fiberswith poly-L-lysine (PLL) and then seeded with Schwann cells for neural tissueengineering. Cell attachment and proliferation was much higher on the fiber

    Figure 1.3 Principle of wetspinning. (a) A hydrogel fiber is created by polymerizing apre-polymer in a coagulation bath containing the cross-linking reagents.The pre-polymer could contain cells, drugs, or growth factors. (b) Attach-ment of osteoblast-like cells to wetspun collagen fibers. (c) SEM imagesshowing a typical chitosan scaold fabricated by random deposition offibers in a coagulation bath.21 (d) A fibrin alginate scaold fabricatedby depositing fibers in the coagulation bath in a predefined pattern.26

    8 Chapter 1

  • with surface treatment. Puppi et al. used wetspinning and cross-linked starPCL using an ethanol bath.16 The fabricated fibers were porous and haddiameters in the range of 100300 mm. The fibers were randomly depositedto form a 3D structure, which was then seeded with murine pre-osteoblastsfor bone tissue engineering. They also encapsulated levofloxacin and enro-floxacin within the fibers as antimicrobial drugs.Landers et al. injected a mixture of sodium alginate 5% (w/v) and gelatin

    1% (w/v) into a CaCl2 bath to form solid fibers.26 They also fabricated al-

    ginate-fibrin fibers by a adding mixture of alginic acid with fibrinogen to asolution of CaCl2, thrombin, and sodium chloride. These fibers were de-posited using a bioplotter to form a 3D fibrous mesh with a predefined fiberarrangement (Figure 1.3d). They seeded the scaolds with mouse connectivetissue fibroblasts. Lee et al. cross-linked a-tricalcium phosphate/alginatefibers with CaCl2.

    25 By changing the needle tip size they fabricated fiberswith diameters in the range of 200600 mm. The fibers were seeded withmesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for bone tissue engineering. The scaoldssupported the dierentiation of MSCs along the osteogenic lineage.To improve the mechanical properties of wetspun hydrogel fibers carbon

    nanotubes (CNTs) or graphene oxide have been added to the pre-polymersolution. He et al. injected sodium alginate/graphene oxide (GO) into a bathof CaCl2.

    29 The maximum tensile strength and Youngs modulus were in-creased by several fold at 4 wt% GO loading (from 0.32 and 1.9 to 0.62 and4.3 GPa, respectively). Fibers were seeded with rabbit cartilage cells andshowed a good attachment and proliferation. Spinks et al. added CNT towetspun chitosan fibers to improve their mechanical properties.17 Theyshowed that the Youngs moduli of fibers were improved from 4.25 GPa forpure chitosan fibers to 10.25 GPa for those containing 5% CNT. CNTscan also enhance the electrical conductivity of hydrogel fibers. Electricallyconductive fibers can help stimulation of cells such as cardiomyocytes.MacDonald et al. showed that the electrical conductivity of fibroblast-ladencollagen increases from 3 Ms cm1 to 7 mS cm1 upon addition of 4% CNTs.Scaolds can be made by wetspinning fibers and randomly depositing

    them on a substrate,9,16,22,23,25 by rolling them up,26 or by patterning thefibers in an ordered arrangement.26 Since the fibers fabricated with wet-spinning are relatively thick, the pore size of the formed scaolds is large(B250500 mm).27 The porosity of scaolds fabricated by wetspinning rangesfrom 15% to 92%.23 Lee et al. randomly deposited wetspun a-tricalciumphosphate/alginate fibers and created scaolds with low (13.6%), medium(34.0%), and high (53.7%) porosities.25 They showed that the mechanicalproperties of the fabricated scaolds increased by decreasing their por-osities. For example, the elastic moduli of the scaolds with high, medium,and low porosities were 96 63 MPa, 398 63 MPa, and 573 87 MPa, re-spectively. These values fall in the biological range for trabecular bone(50500 MPa). Reducing the porosity, however, increases the diusionalmass transfer resistance and reduces cell infiltration to the inner parts of thescaold. Pati et al. deposited chitosan-TPP fibers to form 3D scaolds with a

    Microtechnologies in the Fabrication of Fibers for Tissue Engineering 9

  • high porosity (up to 89%) and seeded them with 3T3 fibroblasts. Landeret al. patterned wetspun alginate/fibrin fibers to form 3D structures(Figure 1.3d). They also showed that the porosity of the fabricated scaoldscan be determined by the following relationship:26

    Porosity 1 pd21

    4d2d3; (3)

    where d1 is the fiber diameter, d2 and d3 are the spacing between adjacentparallel fibers in horizontal and vertical directions.Incorporation of cells within the fibers is possible using wetspinning.

    However, long exposure of the materials to cross-linking reagents, which areusually not cell-friendly, can limit the fabrication of cell-laden fibers fromsome materials. The most common material for fabrication of cell-ladenfibers is sodium alginate because the pre-polymer solution and the gelationagent (calcium chloride) are both compatible with cells. For example,Arumuganathar et al. formed cell-laden fibers using a three-needle pressure-assisted system to fabricate multi-compositional structures that carriedliving cells in an inner layer.30 The encapsulating medium flowed in theouter needle and provided a sheath for the suspension layer.3032

    In general, wetspinning is a simple method for fabrication of many nat-ural and synthetic polymer fibers. As a multiple spinneret can be used thistechnique is scalable and can be used for industrial fabrication of fibers.However, the long time required for cross-linking of wetspun fibers hasprevented fabrication of cell-laden fibers from a wide range of polymers.

    1.4 Meltspinning (Extrusion)Meltspinning or extrusion is the process of creating fibers by injecting amelted polymer through a micron size spinneret to form continuous fiberstrands (Figure 1.4). The fiber strands are cooled after spinning on cooleddrums (cold-drawn). Another heating step can be added to the process (hot-drawn) to improve the fiber properties. Meltspun fibers exhibit relativelyhigh mechanical properties. Yuan et al. showed that the tensile strength ofmeltspun poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) fibers was in the range of 300600 MPa.33

    They also showed that hot drawing of fibers significantly aects themechanical properties of meltspun fibers. For example, Youngs modulusof hot-drawn PLLA fibers (3.65.4 GPa) was significantly higher than theircold-drawn counterparts. In another study, Gomes et al. used meltspunfibers from starch with e-polycaprolactone (SPCL) and starch with poly(lacticacid) (SPLA).34 They created scaolds by a fiber bonding process that in-cludes bonding of meltspun fibers in an additional annealing process. Theyshowed that fabricated scaolds exhibited compression modulus in therange of 1.8 MPa9.61 MPa.The cross-section of meltspun fibers and their texture can be tailored by

    using spinnerets with predefined cross-sections. This feature is particularlybeneficial for applications where the fiber texture is important for

    10 Chapter 1

  • orientating the cells. Lu et al. used this capability to create grooved fibers formechanical guidance of rat skin fibroblasts (RSFs) and rat aortic smoothmuscle cells (RASMCs).35 Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and polyethylene ter-ephtalate (PET) grooved fibers were fabricated using the process shown inFigure 1.4. They used a spinneret with grooves 515 mmdeep and 10 mmwideto fabricate fibers with the nominal diameter of 50 mm. They showed thatcultured cells attached and extended their cytoplasmic lamellapodia withinthe grooves after 4 weeks of incubation. Moreover, the cells aligned them-selves parallel to the direction of the grooves.Sinclair et al. showed that the dimension of the grooves played an im-

    portant role in cell alignment.36 They produced meltspun PET grooved fiberswith dierent groove widths (653 mm) and depths (635 mm). Normalhuman dermal fibroblast (NHDF) cells were cultured on the fibers for aperiod of 2 weeks. Their results indicated that all grooved fibers were capableof supporting cellular attachment and proliferation, nuclear elongationparallel to the fibers longitudinal axis, and aligned matrix synthesis. How-ever, when the width of the grooves was smaller than the cells size, cells wereunable to fit into the grooves. As a result, cells flattened on the top of thegroove and extended parallel to the fibers longitudinal axis.Fabrication of hollow fibers with meltspinning was also demonstrated.

    Hinuber et al. used a special spinneret to create hollow fibers from

    Figure 1.4 Process of fiber fabrication with extrusion. (a) Schematic of the meltspin-ning process. A polymer is heated to its melting point and injected withhigh pressure through a spinneret with a predefined geometry. The fiberstrands are collected on cooled drums after the extrusion process.(b) Fibroblast cells (NHDF) grown on grooved meltspun PET fibers. Allcells aligned themselves along the grooves direction. However, cells wereunable to fit into the grooves when the width of the grooves was smallerthan the cells size and flattened on top of the groove.Images in (b) are adapted with permission from John Wiley & Sons Inc.[J. Biomedical Materials Research: Part A], copyright (2010).

    Microtechnologies in the Fabrication of Fibers for Tissue Engineering 11

  • poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB).37 They showed that meltspinning at lowprocess temperatures without additives led to the formation of well-definedhollow PHB fibers. These hollow fibers can be used to deliver oxygen andnutrients to cells during the culturing period.In an interesting study, Miller et al. combined meltspinning and direct

    writing processes to create 3D filament networks of carbohydrate glasses.38

    They used this cytocompatible network as a sacrificial template for creating3D vascular networks in tissue constructs. Their device was comprised of aglass syringe and steel nozzles. The syringe was mounted on a custom-modified RepRap Mendel 3D printer with associated electronics. They heatedcarbohydrate glass up to 100 1C and printed the molten glass under nitrogenpressure with pneumatic control to create a sacrificial network. After pouringa suspension of cells in ECM pre-polymer on the network and cross-linking,the carbohydrate glass filaments were dissolved to form vessels while theirinterfilament fusions become intervessel junctions. They showed that theperfused vascular network created by this method sustained the metabolicfunction of primary rat hepatocytes in engineered tissue constructs.Meltspinning is a relatively fast process that allows the high-throughput

    fabrication of micron size fibers with irregular cross-sections. For example,Yuan et al. fabricated 10 meters of PLLA fibers with diameter of 110160 mmin 10 minutes (1 m min1) and Gomes et al. created 100 meters of SPCL andSPLA with diameter 120500 mm in 5 minutes (20 m min1).33,34 However,meltspinning is a sophisticated method that requires high temperatures inthe range of 150 1C to 295 1C.34,36 These high temperatures prevent theencapsulation of cells, proteins, and temperature-sensitive chemicals in thefibers. Moreover, the melted polymers are usually highly viscous (e.g. vis-cosity of PLA at melting point is 104 times higher than water39), thereforehigh pressures are required to push the polymer through the spinneret.40

    Mass loss, rapid decrease of viscosity during the process, and thermal deg-radation of some materials are the other main challenges of the meltspin-ning process that often have considerable influence on the mechanicalproperties of the resultant fibers.41 In general, fibers larger than a few mi-crometers can be fabricated with meltspinning.

    1.5 ElectrospinningElectrospinning is a fiber fabrication technique that uses an electrical fieldto draw a viscoelastic polymer from a spinneret and deposit the fibers on acollector plate.42,43 The essential components of an electrospinning deviceinclude a viscous polymer solution, a pumping system (injector) with ametallic tip, and a collector plate at a distance from the tip (Figure 1.5a). As aresult of the applied electrical field, the polymer stream breaks into smallerbranches, which in turn form fibers that deposit on the collector surface(Figure 1.5). The properties of the polymer, the applied voltage, the distancefrom the tip of the injector to the collector plate, and the properties of thecollector plate could aect the microstructure of the final fibrous construct.

    12 Chapter 1

  • Depending on the polymer physical properties (i.e. viscosity, surface tension,and electrical conductivity), fibers with diameters in the range of a fewnanometers to several micrometers can be created.44 Fibrous scaolds canbe created by random deposition of fibers on a collector plate. Fibers canalso be collected on a rotating collector to form mats with aligned fibers. Therelative simplicity of the method as well as the ease of controlling the keyprocess parameters such as flow rate and voltage are the main reasons forthe popularity of this technique.43

    Electrospinning has been widely used for tissue engineering applicationsas scaolds fabricated by this method mimic the microstructure of theextracellular matrix of native tissues. Electrospun scaolds can be fabricatedfrom natural and synthetic polymers including silk fibroin, chitosan, colla-gen, gelatin, hyaluronic acid, fibrinogen, poly(ester urethane) urea (PEUU),poly(glycerol sebacate) (PGS), PCL, polyurethane (PU), PLGA, and PGA44 forapplications such as cardiac graft, wound dressing, and cartilage and bonetissue engineering.3

    Figure 1.5 Electrospinning for tissue engineering applications. (a) A typical electro-spinning system, which is comprised of a pumping system (injector), highvoltage source, and a grounded collector plate. The inset shows a typicalrandom fibrous mat which is the outcome of regular electrospinning.45

    (b) Using a collector plate on a rotating drum, aligned electrospunfibers can be formed.45 (c) Confocal laser scanning images of HUVECsseeded on a PCL-PGS scaold after 7 days of culture.46 (d) An opticalmicrograph of a cell-laden electrospun fiber.47

    Images (a) and (b) reprinted with permission from ref. 45 with permissionfrom Elsevier. Image (c) reprinted from ref. 46 with permission from JohnWiley and Sons. Image (d) reprinted with permission from ref. 47 withpermission from Sage publications.

    Microtechnologies in the Fabrication of Fibers for Tissue Engineering 13

  • Selection of the proper solvent to dissolve the polymer prior to electro-spinning is essential. The solvent should be volatile to evaporate before thefibers hit the collector plate. Moreover, the solution should be viscoelastic.For example, it has been observed that if the solution is not viscous enough,fibers do not form and particles would form instead. Some of the solventsthat have been used include 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol for collagenPEUU, and silk fibroin, tetrahydrofolate for chitosan, anhydrous chloroform-ethanol mixture for PCL and PGS, and water for gelatin and hyaluronic acid.The applied voltage aects the diameter of the formed fiber and the

    microstructure of the electrospun scaolds.48 Low applied voltage cannotinitiate the electrospinning process. As the applied electric field (larger thanthe threshold) increases, the polymer stream breaks into more branchesand the fiber diameter is reduced initially. Sant et al. fabricated electrospunPGS-PCL sheets for cardiac tissue engineering (Figure 1.5c). They observedthat at 2 : 1 PGS:PCL ratio, aminimumfiber diameterwas achievedby applyinga 17.5 kV voltage. Their results showed that the fiber diameter decreased from4 mm at 12.5 kV to 3 mm at 17.5 kV and then increased to 8 mm at 20 kV.46

    Injection flow rate is another important parameter that aects the qualityand geometry of the fabricated fibers. High flow rates (injection velocities)lead to wet and non-polymerized fibers as the solvent does not have enoughtime to evaporate. The unevaporated solvent could be harmful to cells. Ingeneral, fiber diameter has a direct relationship with the volumetric flowrate. The distance from the needle tip to the collector plate is also importantas it should be large enough that the solvents evaporate prior to fiberattachment to the collector plate.In regular electrospinning on aluminum foil collectors the fibers randomly

    distribute and orient in the scaold (Figure 1.5a). Other types of collectorsinclude rotating disk or mandrel, pin, mesh, and parallel wires. Also, it ispossible to collect the fibers in a coagulation bath to cross-link the fibers.Rotating disks have been used to control the alignment of the fibers.49 Yanget al. electrospun PLLA fibers on a disk with a rotation of 1000 rpm and a flowrate of 1 mL hr1 and an applied voltage of 12 kV.45 By changing theconcentration of the polymer they fabricated aligned fibers with diameter inthe rage of 1503000 nm (Figure 1.5b). In another notable study, Amorosoet al. electrospun PEUU fibers on a mandrel with rotation speed of 266 rpmand rastering speed of 0.330 cm s1. Simultaneously, they electrosprayed cellculture medium and cells on the scaold during the fabrication process to cutdown the time for penetration of cells between various layers of fibers. Themechanical properties of the fabricated electrospun sheets were comparableto those of native porcine pulmonary valve.In spite of all the progresses made in electrospinning, manufacturing of

    thick 3D complex scaolds is dicult.50 In addition, the high fiber packingdensity and the small pore sizes (B1015 mm) limits cell infiltration into thescaolds.51 The latter issue has triggered an array of techniques includingsalt/polymer leaching,52 wet electrospinning using a bath collector53 or an

    14 Chapter 1

  • ice crystal collector,54 and laser/UV irradiation55 to produce electrospunscaolds with both large pores and high porosity.Encapsulation of living cells in electrospun fibers is a dicult process as:

    i) the employed solvents are usually cytotoxic; and ii) the high electrical fieldcould damage the cells. Despite these challenges fabrication of cell-ladenfibers though electrospinning has been demonstrated in several stud-ies47,56,57 (Figure 1.5d). In these studies, a co-axial needle configuration wasused, in which each needle was connected to a separate syringe pump. Thecentral stream contained a cell and the sheath stream contained a polymer.The encapsulation of living cells in electrospun fibers faced many challengesas the diameter of the fibers is typically smaller than a single cell.56,57

    Another shortcoming of the electrospinning of cell encapsulated constructsis the lack of control over cell distribution in the volume.

    1.6 ConclusionsFiber-based tissue engineering is an emerging area that holds a great promise forcreating artificial organs for transplantation. Fibers are the building blocks ofthese engineered constructs. Owing to recent advancements of micro-technologies, fabrication of sophisticated fibers with engineered mechanicalproperties, topography, and composition are now possible. These fibers areusually formed using wetspinning, co-axial flow systems, meltspinning, andelectrospinning. Here, we discussed various fiber fabrication techniques thatutilize microtechnologies. Among fiber fabrication techniques, electrospinninghas become popular for fabricating tissue scaolds owing to its relative sim-plicity, similarity of the fabricated structures to native tissues, and ease of controlover thekeyprocessparameters.However, the fabricationofcell-laden fiberswithprecise control over cell distribution using electrospinning is still a majorchallenge.Wetspinning is probably the simplest method for fiber fabrication and

    wetspun fibrous structures oer a tunable porosity, but larger pore sizes incomparison to electrospun structures that make them more amenable forcell penetration. However, long exposure of the fibers to harmful cross-linking reagents has limited fabrication of cell-laden fibers to alginate fibers.In addition, due to the large size of the fabricated fibers the wetspun fiberscannot mimic the extracellular matrix.Co-axial systems for fiber spinning that encompass those using a micro-

    fluidic chip can fabricate fibers with tunable morphological, structural, andchemical features, continuously. Moreover the size of fibers fabricated by co-axial systems is usually smaller than wetspinning. The main drawback ofthese systems is their reliability as they are vulnerable to clogging during themanufacturing process.Meltspinning facilitates the fabrication of fibers with irregular texture and

    cross-section; however, the high temperature required during the fabricationprocess prevents encapsulation of cells within the fibers. Meltspun fibers

    Microtechnologies in the Fabrication of Fibers for Tissue Engineering 15

  • have the potential to be used sacrificially for forming a vasculature networkwithin hydrogel constructs.

    AcknowledgementsFinancial support from NSERC, CIHR, CHRP, CFI, Genome Canada, andGenome Quebec is gratefully acknowledged. M.A and A.T. acknowledgeNSERC postdoctoral fellowships. D.J. acknowledges support from a CanadaResearch Chair. The authors declare no conflict of interests in this work.A.K. acknowledges funding from the National Science Foundation CAREERAward (DMR 0847287), the oce of Naval Research Young National In-vestigator Award, and the National Institutes of Health (HL092836,DE019024, EB012597, AR057837, DE021468, HL099073, EB008392).

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    18 Chapter 1


    Kidney on a Chip


    a Interdisciplinary Program of Bioengineering, Seoul National University,Seoul, 151-742, Korea; bWyss Institute for Biologically InspiredEngineering at Harvard University, Boston, MA 02115, USA; c School ofMechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul,151-742, Korea*Email: [email protected]

    2.1 IntroductionThere is a great need for in vitro kidney models for investigating renalfunctions and medical applications. To date, most studies on kidney haveutilized conventional static two-dimensional culture systems. In recentyears, however, it is generally accepted that the two-dimensional cellculturing scaolds are not representative of the cellular environment foundin organisms. In fact, under such biased and simplified conditions, tissue-specific properties such as architecture, biochemical cues, and cell-cellcommunication disappear. Therefore, to prove the significance of thescientific findings, it is inevitable to perform additional ex vitro experimentssuch as animal testing afterwards.To overcome such a drawback of two-dimensional scaolds, in vitro

    microenvironments mimicking engineered scaolds have been the subjectof massive research because their features include tissuetissue interfaces,spatiotemporal gradients of chemicals, and oxygen. The mechanicallyactive microenvironments that are central to the functions of virtually allliving organs are crucial for their functions.1 Due to considerable advancesin the area of microsystems engineering, microfabrication techniques have

    RSC Nanoscience & Nanotechnology No. 36Microfluidics for Medical ApplicationsEdited by Albert van den Berg and Loes Segerinkr The Royal Society of Chemistry 2015Published by the Royal Society of Chemistry,


  • adapted to enable precise control of cell shape position function and tissueorganization in a highly structured scaold. In particular, microfluidicshas enabled fine control of dynamic fluid flows and pressure on themicrometer scale; therefore, it is now possible to create a microenviron-ment that presents cells with organ-relevant chemical gradients andmechanical cues, which promotes cells to express a more dierentiatedordinary phenotype. Such a merger of microfluidics and cell biology hasled to the advent of organ on chips that can restructure the tissue or-ganization and functional complexity of living organs using cells culturedin microfluidics devices.2

    Early attempts to micro-engineer cell culturing systems have been focusedon fabricating adhesive substrates to control cell behaviors including cellshape, cell growth, cell position, and cell dierentiation.3,4 Progress of thesoft lithography-based microfabrication and microfluidics has made itpossible to create a complicated cell culture platform that reconstructs three-dimensional micro-architecture of tissues and organs. Employing a micro-fluidic cell culture system has modified the way in which either a two-di-mensional or a three-dimensional environment can be precisely formed withliving cells.4 Moreover, development of the micro-engineering approacheshas opened new possibilities to build in vitro models that reorganize morecomplicated three-dimensional organ level structures and to incorporatemore vital dynamic mechanical and chemical signals to the cell culturemodels.5 Through this approach, many microfabrication integrated modelsof bones, blood, brain, vessels, liver, lung, airways, gut, muscles, liver, andkidney have been developed.620 In conjunction with these eorts, tissue-tissue interfaced organ chip models that can recapitulate renal functions viavarious cues such as hormone, metabolites, cytokines, nutrient, chemical,and physical signal transfer across the interface of neighboring tissues havebeen introduced.13,21,22

    In this chapter, a general overview of progress made on the kidney on achip will be introduced. We will focus on the understanding of kidneystructure and function, and application of micro-engineered kidney-mimeticmicrosystems for the study of kidney function and disease in vitro. We willalso discuss the potential use of these kidney chips for biomedicalpharmaceutical and environmental safety testing applications as well aschallenges for the field that must be overcome to translate these technolo-gies into useful products in the future.

    2.2 Kidney Structure and FunctionThe kidney is a paired bean shaped organ, encapsulated by a smooth andeasily removable thick tough fibrous capsule. It is positioned on each side ofthe vertebral column and usually positioned more caudal. In the humanbody, the weight of each kidney ranges from 125 g to 170 g in an adult maleand from 115 g to 155 g in a female, measuring roughly 11 cm long, 5 cm to

    20 Chapter 2

  • 7.5 cm wide, and 2.5 cm to 3 cm thick. The mammalian kidney is dividedinto three sections: renal cortex, outer renal medulla, and an inner renalmedulla. It contains up to 18 lobes with each lobule being composed ofnephrons, the functional units of the kidney. Each kidney is known tocompose more than one million of nephrons and each nephron consists ofglomerulus and systemic tubules.The kidney is supplied with blood by a single renal artery that is divided

    into five segmental arteries at the renal hilum. Within the kidney, the seg-ment further branches into several lobular arteries and interlobular arteries;therefore, blood flows through the aerent arteriole into the glomerulus andblood flows out of the glomerulus through the eerent arteriole. The aerentand eerent arterioles control the glomerulus capillary pressure to make itselectively contracting and dilating.A unique high pressure mass of capillary, the glomerulus, is encapsulated

    by Bowmans capsule, which is a double-walled capsule; the space betweenthe glomerulus and Bowmans capsule is called Bowmans space. Kidneyfiltration starts as a plasma-like blood filtered through capillary to Bowmansspace as blood pressure forces fluid from the blood in the glomerulus intothe lumen of Bowmans capsule. Bowmans capsule is permeable to waterand small solutes, but not to blood cells or large molecules such as plasmaprotein; thus the filtrate contains salts, glucose, amino acids, vitamins,nitrogenous wastes, and other small molecules and forms primary urine.The filtrates then proceed into the nephron. In this segment, some

    substances are added to the filtrate to form urine and some substances arereabsorbed back to the nephron. Nephron tubules are separated into foursegments: proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convolutedtubule, and collecting tubule. The proximal convoluted tubule has functionsof draining filtrates from Bowmans capsule; it also reabsorbs importantnutrient substances almost completely. Throughout the segment of the loopof Henle, water and ions are reabsorbed from urine; the concentration ofurine is controlled in this section. The distal convoluted tubule plays a rolein regulating potassium, sodium, and pH, such that further dilution of urineoccurs. The last section, called the collecting tubule, joins to several tubulesto collect filtrate and sodium regulation function takes place.In vertebrates and some other chordates, the functions such as

    osmoregulation, an active regulation of the bodily fluidic osmotic pressure tomaintain the homeostasis, and excretion are regulated by the kidney.The kidneys main functions include eliminating metabolic wastes by filteringthe blood, and selectively re-absorbing filtered ions and water to maintain thenormal composition of the blood. Through the adjustment of blood com-position, the kidney successfully maintains blood volume and pressure, andensures balance of various ions such as sodium, chloride, potassium,calcium, hydrogen, phosphate, and pH. Moreover, it takes a role in elimin-ating products of metabolism such as urea, uric acid, and creatinine.In the human body, blood is supplied to each kidney by a renal artery and

    drained by a renal vein. Interestingly, this small organ accounts for less than

    Kidney on a Chip 21

  • 1% of human body mass but receives roughly 25% of the blood exiting theheart (Figure 2.1).23,51,65,101

    2.3 Mimicking Kidney Environment

    2.3.1 Extracellular Matrix

    The importance of the Extracellular Matrix (ECM) in cell biology has beenwell documented. Many kidney-related biological studies have revealed thatthe ECM has significant roles in cell adhesion, cell migration, molecularfiltration, and cell dierentiation, and that not all basement membraneshold the same ECM components. In fact, renal epithelial basementmembranes illustrate a molecular heterogeneity that is suspected to causefunctional specificity of distinct nephron segments.24

    There are several primary components that form a renal basementmembrane ECM: collagen IV, laminin, entactin/nidogen, and sulfatedproteoglycans.24 Collagen IV is approximately 180 kDa in length with sixgenetically distinct a chains (a1 to a6).25,26 For the nephron, the pattern ofcollagen IV chain deposition varies from species to species.2731

    Laminin is a trimer containing chains (a,b,g) and there are currently 12heterotrimers reported (from laminin-1 to laminin-12). Laminin-1 is a rarelyfound component in the basement membrane of other organs. Interestingly,it is known to be the major component in adult kidney proximal tubularbasement membranes and the loop of Henle basement membrane.32,33

    Laminin-1 seems to have a critical role in transitioning mesenchyme toepithelium at the onset of nephrogenesis.34 Low levels of laminin-2 are also

    Figure 2.1 Kidney structure. The kidney is surrounded by the renal capsule anddivided into renal cortex and renal medulla. These structures containlobes and each lobule is composed of a nephron, the functional unit ofthe kidney. The nephron consists of the glomerulus, proximal tubule,loop of Henle, distal tubule, and collecting duct.101,102

    22 Chapter 2

  • seen in tubular basement membranes.33,35 The most abundant trimer in themature kidney is laminin-10, which is found in all tubular and collectingduct basement membranes.33,35

    Entactin/nidogen, which is known as a linker of laminin and collagen IVnetworks in the basement, is a 150 kDa long molecule with three globulardomains. It is ubiquitous in the kidney and it remains to be determinedwhether these molecules have particular functions or general roles inarrangement and preservation of all basement membranes.25,36,37

    Proteoglycans consist of protein cores with attached heparan sulfate,chondroitin sulfate, and dermatan sulfate side-chains.38,39 Due to thelong carbohydrate chains the basement membrane consists of negativecharge and this unique property of the membrane is suspected to contributecharge selective filtration properties of the glomerular basement membrane.In addition to the filtration function, proteoglycans are believed to linklaminin, collagen IV and entactin/nidogen to stabilize the basementmembrane.40

    The ECM, which covers basement membranes, not only contributesto their structure and function, but is also involved in glomerular andtubulointerstitial disease.24 Therefore, we can expect that better under-standing of the basement membrane components would provide improvedtools to mimic the renal tubular environment and study complex renalphysiological processes (Figure 2.2).24,101,102

    2.3.2 Mechanical Stimulation

    The most prominent mechanosensory cue for flow subjecting cells would befluid shear stress. Over decades, extensive research has been conducted onthe biochemical and ultrastructural eects of fluid shear on cells. Forexample, Dewy et al. first published a method of culturing vascular endo-thelial cells under carefully controlled condition of fluid shear.41

    To mimic the dynamic renal fluid environment, the flow system issupposed to simulate in vitro fluid shear stress. A cell monolayer is subjectedto fluid shear stress by generating a pressure gradient over the cell surface.To calculate the fluid shear stress on the cells, the mathematical modelassumes a Newtonian fluid in which the shear tensor is proportional to thedeformation tensor. For steady flow between infinitely wide parallel plates,wall shear stress t is calculated. The equation t 6mQ/bh2 is derived fromthe NavierStokes momentum equation of two-dimensional flow, where Q isthe flow rate, m is the medium viscosity, and b and h are channel width andheight, respectively.42,43

    Based on many studies, it has been well known for many years that thefluid shear stress allows renal tubular cells to modulate proximal Na1,HCO3

    , Cl, and water reabsorption as well as distal Na1 absorption and K1

    secretion.4449 However, the basic mechanism of how tubule epithelial cellssense axial flow had remained unexplained until Guo et al. first proposed ahydrodynamic mechanosensory hypothesis for brush border microvilli in2000. In the paper, Guo claimed that both Na1 reabsorption and HCO3

    Kidney on a Chip 23

  • transport depend on fluid flow induced bending moment (torque) of thebrush boarder microvilli.50

    2.3.3 Various Kidney Cells

    There are various distinct cell types in the kidney, such as glomerular cells,proximal tubule cells, loop of Henle cells, thick ascending limb cells, distaltubule cells, collecting duct cells, interstitial kidney cells, and renal endo-thelial cells. Each cell type performs unique functions and these cells oeran essential tool to investigate kidney function. Glomerular Cells

    Under a microscope, it is possible to examine a thin fenestrate endotheliumlined along glomerular capillaries. The nucleus of an endothelial cell lies

    Figure 2.2 Mimicking the kidney environment. (A) Schematic of a nephron with thecomponents of various basement membranes. Abbreviations are: Lam,laminin; Col, collagen; A, agrin; P, perlecan; B, bamacan; GBM, glom-erular basement membrane; MM, mesangial matrix; BC, Bowmanscapsule; PT, proximal tubule; LH, loop of Henle; DT, distal tubule; CD,collecting duct.24 (B) Various kidney cell types.101,102 (C) The in vivokidney tubular environment is composed of tubular fluid, kidney tubularcell, extracellular matrix, interstitial fluid, and blood. The kidney cellsare subjected to fluid shear stress and control reabsorption and secretionof water and ions by complex endocrine mechanisms.43

    24 Chapter 2

  • adjacent to the mesangium and the rest of the cell portion is positionedirregularly around capillary lumen.51 Endothelial cells perform as the pri-mary barrier of the constitutions of blood from capillary lumen to Bowmansspace.52 Therefore the cells provide the charge-selective properties of theglomerular capillary wall. Due to the presence of glycocalyx rich glyco-proteins, the surface of glomerular endothelial cells exhibits negativecharge, and this negative charge oers the charge-selective properties of theglomerular capillary wall; it oers an important role as the filtrationbarrier.53,54

    The largest cell located in the glomerulus is the podocyte. The long cyto-plasmic process of podocytes extends from the main cell body and thendivides into individual pedicels that make direct contact with the glomerularbasement membranes. A large number of microtubules, microfilaments,and intermediate filaments are present in the cytoplasm; especially abun-dant actin filaments are shown in the foot process region of the cell.55,56

    Intact slit diaphragm and podocyte anionic sites are known to have an im-portant function in establishing the selective properties of the filtrationbarrier.Mesangium, which constitutes mesangial cells and their surrounding

    matrix, is separated from the capillary lumen by the endothelium. Mesangialcells hold many functional properties of smooth muscle cells; therefore itoften represents a specialized pericyte.57 In addition to structural support,mesangial cells provide contractile properties that contribute to regulationof glomerular filtration.57

    The visceral epithelium is continuous with the parietal epithelium, whichis located in the outer wall of Bowmans capsule. The parietal epithelial cellfunctions as the last barrier for the urinary filtrate and macromolecules canescape into the space between the parietal cell and the basement membraneof Bowmans capsule.58 Interestingly, a recent study reported that parietalepithelial cells have the ability to transdierentiate into podocytes and re-populate the glomerular tuft.59,60

    The cells that are located in the walls of the aerent and eerent arteriolesare called juxtaglomerular granular cells.61,62 Due to the smooth muscle cell-like features, such as existence of myofilaments inside juxtaglomerulargranular cells, they also have been called myoepithelial cells; juxtaglo-merular granular cells are believed to represent modified smooth musclecells. Extraglomerular mesangium, which is located between the aerentand eerent arterioles in close contact with the macula densa, is un-interrupted with intraglomerular mesangium.61 Other glomerular cellscalled periporal cells are believed to be components of juxtaglomerular ap-paratus (JGA). Proximal Tubule Cells

    The most distinctive feature of the proximal tubule is the presence of a brushborder formed by densely packed microvilli.63 The presence of microvilli in

    Kidney on a Chip 25

  • the proximal tubule greatly increases the luminal surface area of the cells,therefore facilitating their reabsorptive function as well as a putative flowsensing within the lumen.64 The cytoplasms of the proximal tubule cells aredensely packed with mitochondria. The presence of mitochondria not onlygives the cells an acidophilic appearance, it also supplies the energy for theactive transport of sodium ion out of the proximal tubule.64 The cells containa large number of lysosomes that involve the degradation of materialabsorbed.65 Now it is generally believed that the reabsorption of numerousproteins and polypeptides by the proximal tubule is mediated by amulti-ligand endocytic receptor called megalin, which is placed in the brushborder.66,67 Extensive lateral interdigitations of neighboring cells areexamined in lining the proximal tubule epithelial cells. Distal Tubule Cells

    Distal convoluted tubule cells contain numerous elongated mitochondria,appearing to be tall and cuboid. Distal tubule cell nuclei occupy a centralto apical position and, unlike proximal tubule cells, they lack the well-developed brush border and the extensive endocytic apparatus. The distalconvoluted tubule luminal surface is covered with abundant smallmicroprojections (microplicae); on the other hand, the lateral distal con-voluted tubule cell margins are straight, without the interdigitations be-tween neighboring cells. The individual cells own one primary cilium,which is centrally placed on the apical surface. The distal tubuleepithelium is distinguished not only by extensive invaginations of thebasolateral plasma membrane, but also by interdigitations betweenadjacent cells. Collecting Duct Cells

    Traditionally two types of cells, principal and intercalated cells, havebeen identified in the mammalian collecting duct. Principal cells are, asthe name implies, the major cell type in the collecting duct; they were ori-ginally thought to exist throughout the collecting duct. Principal cells have arelatively smooth membrane covered with short stubby microvilli and asingle primary cilium that is known to mediate on collecting the ducts in-fluence on sodium and potassium balance via sodium channels and po-tassium channels located on the cells apical membrane.68 Under amicroscope, a few cell organelles are examined in principal cells; mito-chondria are small and scattered randomly in the cytoplasm and a fewlysosomes are present.69

    Another type of collecting duct cells, intercalated cells, disappear at dif-ferent lengths along the inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) dependingon the species. There is both structural and functional evidence that the cellsin the terminal part of the IMCD comprise a dierent population of IMCDcells.70 Intercalated cells are described by the existence of tubulovesicular

    26 Chapter 2

  • membrane in the cytoplasm and well-known microprojections on theluminal surface.69

    In addition, numero