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il{-ftflafr5-nn fr. rqftr ftr Hfqq Prof. Rajnish Jain Secretary s-dta Grua tdeqPffiw ii-gEtr sil+.r University Gronts Commission (Rten q{rf,q, ql-{-f, {r{.R) (filinistry ol ldutulion,0ovt. ol lndio] Erflgare qsl qrrf, r{ Rffi-ttoooz Bohodur Shoh Zofor Morg, New Delhi-l 1 0002 Ph :. 0l l -2323 6288 I 23239337 Fox:01 l-2323 8858 E-mqil r [email protected] D. O.No. I- | I 2O2O(DS/Misc Coord.) Subject: Participation in Atal Ranking of Achievements (ARIlAl2O2L - reg. Dear Sir/Madam, March, 2021 Institutions on Innovation Ministry of Education (MoE) has designed a unique ranking framework Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)' to define and measure the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems in Higher Educational Institutions in India. ARIIA classifies HEIs into two major classes of 'Technical' and 'Non-Technical' institutions and publishes list institutions with ranks/bands in 5 different sub- categories of institutions. Innovation Cell of MoE and AICTE are implementing the ARIIA program and currently, the 3'a edition of ARIIA is in progress with registration from more than 3000 HEIs. For more detail about ARIIA please visit https: / /www. ariia. Ministry of Education has urged all public and self-frnanced Indian HEIs including IIMs, IITs, NITs, CFTIs, Central Universities, state universities, self-financed universities, and colleges to participate in the ARIIA 2021. A copy of the concept note on ARIIA 2027 and ARIIA ranking 2027 framework is attached herewith for your ready reference. In thls regard, a D.O. l.etter from AS(TE), Mlnlstry of Dducation is enclosed for reference. The date for submissdon for ARIIA utas &n March 2027, uhlch is nout esdended to 37st March 2027. The submission of data is through the ARIIA portal only. Steps 1. Involved: Register for ARIIA https: / / and auto-generation of Login credentials Nominate a Nodal Officer for coordination with dept. and units at HEI for data collection and submission Complete Pre-Qualifier Section by listing all dept., units, centers at HEI that are contributing to the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem development Collect Data by using the Excel format available on the Login page and also, visit the sections in Data Capturing System (DCS) Watch orientation session videos ( links provided on the login page) on ARIIA 2O2l for a detailed understanding of data collection and data submission Verify the collected data and upload it to AzuIA DCS. Check the Declaration, tick confirm, and finally submit the data. Export submitted data (Excel) and Generate Report (PDF) for future reference. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. cont....2

rqftr ftr - UGC

Jun 13, 2022



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fr. rqftr ftrHfqq

Prof. Rajnish JainSecretary

s-dta Grua

tdeqPffiw ii-gEtr sil+.rUniversity Gronts Commission

(Rten q{rf,q, ql-{-f, {r{.R)(filinistry ol ldutulion,0ovt. ol lndio]

Erflgare qsl qrrf, r{ Rffi-ttooozBohodur Shoh Zofor Morg, New Delhi-l 1 0002

Ph :. 0l l -2323 6288 I 23239337

Fox:01 l-2323 8858

E-mqil r [email protected]

D. O.No. I- | I 2O2O(DS/Misc Coord.)

Subject: Participation in Atal Ranking ofAchievements (ARIlAl2O2L - reg.

Dear Sir/Madam,

March, 2021

Institutions on Innovation

Ministry of Education (MoE) has designed a unique ranking framework Atal Rankingof Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA)' to define and measure theinnovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems in Higher Educational Institutions inIndia. ARIIA classifies HEIs into two major classes of 'Technical' and 'Non-Technical'institutions and publishes list institutions with ranks/bands in 5 different sub-categories of institutions. Innovation Cell of MoE and AICTE are implementing theARIIA program and currently, the 3'a edition of ARIIA is in progress with registrationfrom more than 3000 HEIs. For more detail about ARIIA pleasevisit https: / /www. ariia.

Ministry of Education has urged all public and self-frnanced Indian HEIs includingIIMs, IITs, NITs, CFTIs, Central Universities, state universities, self-financeduniversities, and colleges to participate in the ARIIA 2021. A copy of the concept noteon ARIIA 2027 and ARIIA ranking 2027 framework is attached herewith for yourready reference. In thls regard, a D.O. l.etter from AS(TE), Mlnlstry of Dducationis enclosed for reference. The date for submissdon for ARIIA utas &n March2027, uhlch is nout esdended to 37st March 2027. The submission of data isthrough the ARIIA portal only.


Involved:Register for ARIIA https: / / and auto-generation ofLogin credentialsNominate a Nodal Officer for coordination with dept. and units at HEI for datacollection and submissionComplete Pre-Qualifier Section by listing all dept., units, centers at HEI that arecontributing to the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem developmentCollect Data by using the Excel format available on the Login page and also,visit the sections in Data Capturing System (DCS)Watch orientation session videos ( links provided on the login page) on ARIIA2O2l for a detailed understanding of data collection and data submissionVerify the collected data and upload it to AzuIA DCS.Check the Declaration, tick confirm, and finally submit the data.Export submitted data (Excel) and Generate Report (PDF) for future reference.







Page 2: rqftr ftr - UGC


For quick communication ald query clearance, a telegram group has been createdfor ARIIA Noda-l officers. A11 nodal o{ficers are requested to join the Telegram group'ARIIA 2021' by clicking the link https: / /

For any technical query write to [email protected] , phone: +O79 -2326-8346.For general query, write to [email protected] , phone: +0 1 1-29581235.For any specific query, you may reach Shri Dipan Sahu, Asst. Innovation Director,MoE's Innovation Cell, email: [email protected], phone - +017-29581226.

We look forward to seelag your lnstltutlon's actlve partlclpatlon in ARIIA 2O21.

With kind regards,

Yours sincerely,

v(Raj Jain)

1. The Vlce-Chancellors of all Unlversltles2. Tlne Prlnclpals of all Colleges


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Concept Note

Atal Ranking of Institutions on InnovationAchievement GR[A)

Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements GRIIA is an annual innovationranking program of Ministry of Education, Govt. of India and being implemented throughMoE's Innovation Cell and AICTE to systematically rank Indian higher educationalinstitutions and universities based on their efforts to have a dynamic and strong innovationand startup ecosystem in the campus. ARIIA was launched in the year 2018 to ensure thatinnovation and entrepreneurship should be primary fulcrum of aII HEIs. ARIIA frameworkconsists of parameters and indicators related to promotion and support of "Innovation andEntrepreneurship Development" amongst their students and faculties in HEIs.

So far 2 editions of ARIIA have been successfuily completed which saw participation of morethan 1000 major HEIs with representation from 33 states and UTs. The result of first editionof Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements (ARIIA was announced byHon'ble President of India on 8th April, 2Olg at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. In the firstedition, total 496 HEIs submitted complete data on ARIIA portal and finally top 10 institutesin "Public funded HEIs" and top 5 institutions in "Private or self-finance HEls" categories

were declared.

The 2nd edition was started in July 2019, which saw data submissions from 674 institutesunder 5 sub-categories under two major categories of Publicly Funded Institutions and Self'finance/Private Institutions. Result was declared (virtually) on 8tt' August 2020 by Hon'bleVice President of India and total 332 HEIs received ranks and bands.

To make the ARIIA framework more inclusive and to encourage and accommodate more non-

technical institutions in the ranking, for the 3'd edition, ARIIA framework has been revisedwith weightages for parameters. Curzently the Od edition of .ARIIA is under prugress withzegistuation fiom more thaa 3000 HEII aad last date for submission of data is 31"t March2021(ertendeil.

The current edition is looking for participation of all Indian HEIs of both technical and non'technical in nature and to submit the data. ARIIA will evaluate and publish rank/band listof HEIs under two broad categories of "Publicly Funded Institutions" and "Self-

finance/Private Institutions" and further into five sub categories as in the 2"d edition.

Report ARIIA 2020 (attached)

ARIIA 2021 Framework (attached)

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Ministry of Education (Motr)Governrnent of India

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AtaI Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements



India has already been improving on global stage in terms of Innovation ranking from 86th place, 6years ago, to 48th in 2020. For India to emerge as a global innovation hub, the youth of our country,especially in higher education institutions (HEIs) need to play a crucial role to create a sustainableinnovation ecosystem. Hence, ideally all HEIs should have a comprehensive and functionalmechanism to convert research into innovations. This ecosystem will encourage, inspire and nurtureyoung students by exposing them to new ideas and processes resulting in innovative activities in theirformative years.

To ensure that Innovation is primary fulcrum of all HEIs, in the year 2018, Ministry of HumanResource Development (MHRD), Govt. of India has introduced 'Atal Ranking of Institutions onInnovation Achievements (ARIIA)' to systematically rank education institutions and universitiesprimarily on innovation related indicators. ARIIA considers aII major indicators which are commonlyused globally to rank most innovative education institutions/ universities in the worid.


Setting direction for HEIs towards streamlining and establishing a strong startup ecosystem incampus and region.Measuring Innovation & Startup ecosystem based on Input, Process, Output and Outcomebased parameters.Focusing on both quantity and more on quality aspects of Startup Eco-System available atInstitute.Also measure the impact created by these innovations and Startups from Higher EducationalInstitutions ([Ipts) in society and market.Aiming at uplifting India's Position in the Global Innovation Index from 48th to top 30 in a timeperiod of 5 Years.

ARIIA ranking will certainly inspire Indian institutions to reorient their mind'set and buildecosystems to encourage high quality research, innovation and entrepreneurship. Moreover, ARIIAwiil set tone and direction for institutions for future development for making them globallycompetitive and in forefront of innovation.

ARtrA 2021: Framework

The framework of ARIIA is comprising of parameters and sub-parameters on following major areas

"Golden Quadrilateral project connecting North-,9outh-East-14'est and al] weathet r<titds for unconuected uillagesis iut innor,;ttion in inliitstt'u<:tut.e, rle,yelopnent." n Atal Bihafi Vajpayee

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A 3Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements


ARtrA 2O2L: Catngories and Classifications

ARIIA 2021 will classify the participating HEIs under two heads i.e. "Technical HEI" and 'Non-Technical HEf'. Each class will then categorise under the two broad categories such as "hrbliclytrbnded Institutions" and "Privately/Self-Financed Institutions". In addition to this, special categoryfor "HEI exclusively for Women Education" is part of ranking. Sub-categories provisioned under eachcategory are as below.

Pub[cly Funded Institutions :

i. Institute of National Importance & CentralUniversities i CFTIs

ii. State University & Deemed Universities(Govt. & Govt. Aided)

iii. Govt. Colleges/Institutes

Privately/Self-Financed Institutions:i. University & Deemed

University (Private)ii. Private Colleges/Institutes

ARTIA 2O2L:P*ameters & Weightages

There is a differential weightage allocation for '1lechnical HEI" and '\sn'fsghnical HEI' classes.The weightages allocation for the various parameters and a special section named as "Participation ofHEI in I & E Initiative of MOE" included as below.


Parameters Non'TechnicalHEI


1 Developing an Innovative and Entrepreneurial Mind-set throughSeries of Activities

8 4

2 Teaching and Learning: Academic Programmes related toInnovation & Entrepreneurship (I & E) & IPR offered by the HEI

10 6

3 Dedicated Infrastructure & Facilities to Promote Innovation &Entrepreneurship at HEI

13 13

4 Generation of Innovations/ ideas with the support of HEI andrecognition received

13 13

5 Ventures Established with the support of the HEI & RecognitionsReceived

8 L2

6A Angel &VC Fund/Investment Mobilized to Support Innovation &Startups Incubated at HEI

3 5

6B Promotion of Collaboration for & Co-Creation of I & E initiatives 8 5

7 Intellectual Property (IP), Generation and Commercialization 74 19

8A Annual Budget on Promoting and Supporting I&E Activities:Total expenses towards I &E and IPR support activities

8 8

8B Total Revenue Generated by HEI from Incubation Services toStartups and Commercialization of IP and Innovations

4 6

I Participation of HEI in I & E Initiative of MOE 11 ITotal 100


_l _l


"Purposeful innovation results fram analysis, systematic review, ond hsrd work; it can be taught, replicated ond leorned."



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Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements


ABtrA 2021: Data Collection & Data Submission

After completion of registration in the ARIIA portal (, HEI needs to complete thePre-Qualifier section before get into data submission in the Data Submission Portal section. The

detailed format for both data collection and guideline for data submission procedure made available inthe login page for download. Parameter and sub'parameter wise data points are as below.


Parameters & Sub Parameters Non-TechnicalHEI


1 Developing sa fnnsyative and Entrepreneurial Mind-setthmugh Series of Actiuities (W 20 1 9'20)

1.1 Number of co-curricular events related to Innovation andEntrepreneurship (I & E) conducted by the HEI

4.00 2.00

1.2 Number of co-curricular events related to I&E organized byexternal organizations where students/faculty members ofHEI were sent to participate/represent

4.00 2.00

Sub Total 8.00 4.00

2 Teaching and l-carning: Academic hogrammes related tornnovation & Eatuepreneurship 0 & D & IPR offered by theHEr (AY201e-20)

2.1 Number of full-fledged programmes/courses in Innovation /Entrepreneurship / Intellectual Property offered by the HEI(Diploma/ UG/ PG/ PhD)

2.00 1.00

2.2 Number of short-term Certificate courses or Electivegroup(s)/ Major or Minor Specializations/ Core Credit coursesoffered by the HEI in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I &E) of minimum 30 contact hours of duration

2.00 1.00

2.3 Number of I & E related MDP, EDP, FDP, EmploymentGeneration Skill Development Programs conducted by HEI(Approved by Regulatory bodies of HEIs or other State andCentral government agencies ) of minimum 30 contact hoursof duration

2.00 1.00

2.4 Number of full-time faculty who have compieted anyspecialized trainins prosramme of I & E (MDP, EDP, FDP,Certificate course of minimum 30 contact hours of duration)conducted by State and Central government agencies (forexample AICTE, MIC, Ministry of MSME etc.), knowledgeagencies etc.

1.00 1.00

2.5 Number of entrepreneurial skill development/employmentgenerating training programmes conducted by the HEI forexternal participants (Iocal residents, community members,alumni etc. )

2.00 1.00

2.6 Number of full-time faculty with a degree (UG/PG/PhD) inentrepreneurship/innovation/ IPR and(or) received trainingon I&E, and IPR

1.00 1.00

Sub Total 10.00 6.00

"lndia is the toboratory to the world." - CK Pfahalad

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A bAtal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements


3 Dedicated Infrasbuctrte & Iacilities to houote lnnotystisa $Entrepreneurchip at HEI (EY 201 9-20)



3.1 Number of active Ideas/ Innovation centric Student Clubs in theHEI with access to co-working space/ work- stations for studentswith facilities & equipment available for I & E activities

2.00 2.00

3.2 Existence of dedicated infrastructures and facilities at HEI tosupport Innovation, Entrepreneurship and IPR

3.00 5.00

3.2.a Existence of Pre-incubation centers such as Tinker Labl EDCIIEDC/ New Gen IEDC/ etc. with minimum space of >= 600 sq.

ft. floor area

3.2.b Existence of Incubation Unit with minimum space of >= 1500

sq. ft. floor area

3.2.c Existence of Research Parkllnnovation Park with minimumSpace of>= 5000 sq. ft. Floor area

3.3 Existence of Centre of Excellence with Advance Tools &Equipment with minimum space of >- 1000 Sq. ft.

1.00 1.00

3.4 Existence of IPR Cell / Patent Facilitation Unit / TechnoloryTransfer Centre at the institute

1.00 2.00

3.5 Number of dedicated staff to oversee I & E activities under theleadership of a senior professor/Head of the institute

2.00 1.00

3.6 Number of empaneled external experts/ agencies for mentorshipregarding IPR, innovation development and enterprisedevelopment

2.00 1.00

3.7 Number of faculty members/ staff of the HEI deputed on

committees of other HEIs to mentor and support theestablishment of their I & E eco-system

2.00 1.00

Sub Total 13.00 13.00

4 Generation sf rnnsvstinnel ideas with the support of IIEI aadrecognition received (Fy 20 I 9'2 0)

4.1 Number of Innovations TRL 0-3

and./or Number of non-technical Innovations (scouted and

evaluated) registered with the departments of HEV pre-

incubation/Incubation center

3.00 1.00

4.2 Number of Innovations TRL 4-6 1.00 2.00

4.3 Number of Innovations TRL 7-9 1.00 3.00

4.4 Number of ideas or innovative projects implemented in thecommunity/Social fnnovations

2.00 2.00

4.5 Number of ideas or innovative projects/TRls/Social Innovationsimplemented with financial support from HEIs

3.00 3.00

4.6 Number of awards won by the student and faculty innovationsat State/NationaVlnternational Level in I & E related events

3.00 2.00

Sub Total 13.00 13.00

Page 9: rqftr ftr - UGC

A -aAtal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements

5 Venturcs Established with the support of the HEI &Recognitions Rcceived (fyzO I g'zo)



5.1 Number of Startups with CIN / Entrepreneurial Ventures withat least GST number started by students/ faculties/ StafflAlumni and facilitated by HEUEDC/ Pre-incubation/Incubation/ Research Park etc.

4.00 4.00

5.2 Number of Startups with CIN /Entrepreneurial Ventures withGST number started by the external beneficiaries (i.e.

excluding Student, Faculty & Stafr who had receivedEmployment Generating Skill Training Program conducted bythe HEl/EDC/Pre-incubation/ Incubation

2.00 3.00

5.3 Number of Faculty as Founder or Co-Founder with DIN 1.00 2.00

5.4 Number of Startups with Annual Turnover of Rs. 50 Lakhs or10 employees

1.00 3.00

Sub Total 8.00 12.00


6A Angel &VC nnd/Investment Mobilized to Support lnnlvstiea& Startups lacubated at HEI (ff2M9'20)

6A.1 Total amount raised by innovators pre-Incubated/incubated atHEI from Angel/VC Fund/High Net worth Individual (HNI)

1.00 2.00

6/..2 Total amount raised by Startups incubated at HEI from AngelA/C Fund /High Net worth Individual (HNI)

1.00 2.O0

64.3 Total amount of Credit/Loans from Financial Institutions thatwas facilitated by HEI for innovators/startups

1.00 1.00

Sub Total 3.00 6.00

68. fumotion of Collaboration for & Co'Czeation of I & Einiti a tive s (Afz O t g - z O)

68.1 Number of Collaborations with incubation units outside theHEI either to provide OR receive Incubation Support

3.00 2.00

68.2 Number of Collaborations with other HEIs as mentor/ menteeInstitute to promote I&E in the Campus

3.00 2.00

68.3 Number of Collaborations with start-ups llndustry Associations/Knowledge Agencies to promote I & E activities and./orinternship opportunities

2.00 1.00

Sub Total 8.00 6.00

7 Iatellectual hopefty (IP), Generatioa aad hmmercialization7.7 Number of research papers published (StudentiFaculty) with

Keywords -Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in Scopusjournals during the AY 2Ol9-2O

2.00 2.00

7.2 Number of Copyrights/Designs- Applied during the FY 2Ol9-2O 1.00 1.00

7.3 Number of Copyrights/Designs Granted during the trY 2079-20 2.00 2.00

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Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements


Techrxicsl HEI

7.4 Number of Patents Filed & Published during the FY 2019-20 2.OO 2.007.5 Number of Patents Granted (Iast 3 FYs: 2017-18, 2018-19,

20t9-20)3.00 5.00

7.6 Number of Patents held by Pre-IncubatedInnovations/Incubated Startups (Iast 3 FYs: 2017-l-8, 2018-19, 2019-20))

2.00 3.00

7.7 Number of IPs Commercializedl Technolory Transferredduring the FY 2OL9-2O

2.00 4.00

Sub Total 14.00 19.008 Budget ',Annual Expeaditwe Spent towards I&E Actiuities

and Revenue fipm f&E8A. Annual Budget on homoting and Supporting I&E Actiuities:

Total expenles towards innouatioq IPR aaden bepren e wlbip a cti ui ti e s

8A.1 Amount spent on events conducted (Financial Fields of lineitems entered in 1.1)

2.00 1.00

8A.2 Amount spent on student/faculty participation in I&E eventsconducted by external organizations (Financial Fields of lineitems entered in 1.2)

2.00 1.00

8A.3 Expenses incurred in the establishment, maintenance andoperation of Pre-Incubation and/or Incubation infrastructure(capital expenditure * operational expenditure) (FinancialFields of line items entered in 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3)

2.00 2.00

8A.4 Total seed fund/grant disbursed by HEI from its own funds toinnovation/ entrepreneurial ventures (Financial Fields ofline items entered in a & 5)

1.00 2.00

8A.5 Total Seed Fund/Grant received from external sourcesdisbursed to Startups (Financial Fields of line items enteredina&5)

1.00 2.00

Sub Total 8.00 8.00

8B. .Annual Budget on hpaotiag aad Suppofiing I&E Actiuities:Total Rcveaue Geaerated by HEIfiom Iacubatioa Se.wices toStafiups aad hmme,rcialization of IP and Innouations

8B.1 Total grant/funds received from authentic sources such asGovt, Non Govt, CSR bodies etc. towards promoting andsupporting innovation, IPR , Startups and pre'incubation/incubation activities in the campus

2.00 2.00

88.2 Total revenue from Incubation Services offered by HEI toStartups/innovators (training and skill * mentoring + officespace and rent). It excludes fees earned for offering generalconsulting services offered and training conducted by HEIs

1.00 1.00

8B.3 Total revenue generated from commercialization/Licensing ofIPs owned by HEIs (It exclude IP commercialization made byinc u b a te d Start ups/ Innova tors).

1.00 3.00

Sub Total 4.00 6.00

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A ,^. 8Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements

ARIIA 2020: Honble Vice President of Ipdia Apnounchs R€sult on 18tr Ausust 2020 (Virtual Mode)

I Participation of HEI in I & E Initiative ofMOE Non-TechnicalHEI

Technical HEI

9.1 Adopted National Innovation and Start-up Policy at the HEI 2.00 2.00

9.2 Establishment of Institution's Innovation Council (UC) at ttOI 2.00 2.00

9.3 Trained Innovation Ambassadors at HEI 2.00 2.00

9.4 Participation in Smart India Hackathon (SIH) 2.00 1.00

9.5 Facilitated Registration of Start-ups/ Technologies developedfrom HEIs in YUKTI 2.0 (Young India combating COWD withI{nowledge, Technology and Innovation) pofial of MIC (Theline items entered in 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 will be reviewed andvalidated)

2.00 1.00

9.6 Participation of Students from the HEI in National EducationAlliance of Technolog:y (NEAT) courses

1.00 1.00

Sub Total 11.00 9.00Total 100.00 100.00







ll'\f -*-I



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rtdilr..1 *



Group Photo: Honble hesident of India with ARIIA 2019 Awardee Institutions and ARIIA Core Team


Page 12: rqftr ftr - UGC


MoEillinistry of EdurationGmrnm€ot ot Indit

"lndia need it's own lnnavation Ronking at pdr with lnternationol, ARIIAwill ensure that lnnovotion is the Epicentre of tndian Higher Educatian"

* Dr *ffi::: ;:I::I3i: ;*,::i[T"

Important Dates

Registration & Pre-Qualifier: LTth September 2020 Onwards

ARIIA Data Submission: 7th December 2020 - 8th March 202L (Extended)

Review, Evaluation & Verification: April & May Z,OZL

Announcement of ARIIA Ranks: June %OZL


Ministry of Education's InnovationCell (MrC)

Ministry of EducationGovernment of India

All India Council for Technical EducationNelson Mandela Marg,

Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070


For General Query: Phone ' 011-29581235,1226,1240. Email: [email protected]

For Technical Query: Phone' 07 9'2326-8346. Email: support'[email protected]

Page 13: rqftr ftr - UGC

312412021 DO Letter - AS (TE)- 24th Feb 2021- ARIIA 2021 (1).jpg

TE Ofllce


D.O. Irlo. 36.20/20 I 8.NVf, QFDated: 24i Februery, 2021tuSrl*.t*,

Miniatry of Education has dcsigncd a unique ranking fta:ncvork Atal Ranking oflnctitutions on Innovation Achierrcmantc lARIlAl' to dcline and llearule the innorstioa andcfifepr?neurrhip ec'nsyrtems in Highar &lucatironat lnrtitutionr in lndia. ARIIA clatsifice HEIIinto trm nrajor claeses of Techaicel'and Non-Technicd' inititutions €nd publirhco lict ofinstitutiona with rankr/bandr in 5 dilfcrent rub-categorie* of inrtitutiona. lnnovation Cdl ofMoE and AIC"IE is implcmenting the AftllA proErsm end crlrrettry 3ra edition of ARIIA is undcrproscss with rcgbtration ,iom morc than 2OOt) HElr.

2. Minirtry of &lucation urgc* ell public and celf-Iinaned lrldiarr HEls includi[g lllls, lff*,NlTr, CFI!a, Ccntral Uniwr*iticc, ststc sniurruitics, rets-finenad unhrcruitia and collqc* toparticipate in the ARIIA 2tr21. 11 copy of mncept aotc oo AFII,A z0af rnd {RIIA rqnkins 2mlframsrmr*. is attached harcwith for rulr rcady rcfcrrcncn. Thc laet datc for *ubmir*ion for ARI1Aie $n Mareh ?02 I, thc rubruia*ion of data i* thr,ough the ARIIA porrd only. HBII sre re$rcxcdto vidt$ for msrE details absut ARIIA frq$carork. Inrarnctct!, and rcEistratioafocGrs. For any support and guidanoe r.gfirding rcgicbation and data aubmircion, HEIc arercqucrtcd to cont ct ARII,A implearenration tesra at lanovation Ccll of MoE on follonin6:

. For any technical qucry crneil erpport-ariia@Bov-in, phone: +O79-2326-Bit46.r For gencral quety enrail [email protected] , phoac: +Ol l-295812it$.

3. For any rpecilic qr.rery, HEI* Irf aontact Shri, Dipan Sahu, A;,rt lnnot'etim Ditoctor,Ministry of Education'* Innouation Cell, emeil: [email protected] phone- +Ol l-29581226.

We look forward to ree your inrtitution'* active participation io ARIIA 2021.

Uql*Youre Sincetely,

lRalcesh RanianlI'he DirectorA1l !lTr/ NlfrllllTs/ IIMs/ llSER*ll$c Bangalore

Copy to;. The Chairmirn, UOC/AICTE, Hew Dclhi n{th rcqucst to inform all the institutione in their





{AFfr- flortoouffiffir tr 5tIltrtit r mffii

OERlfiGlr S I3g EIEl Tfltr8Til ryarf;tH B'l*t&ttt

Iekffh RanianAdditlonel Saff?ts ry (TE)TrL 0l l-Z3litll097Email: ashe.mhld@)

mailing list,. The Genernl. AIU with rrguest inform all membtrt of AIU

Frm mqfu,R


| ,-.,,

rn"r"qi#':,'l'1 111
