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AN ANALYSIS OF RECRUITMENT, PROMOTION AND INTEGRATIONINFOOD CORPORATION OF INDIA[Submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of degree of MBA (2012-14)][Third Semester August-December 2013]



Submitted By Submitted ToNidhi Lamba Dr. Anuraag AwasthiE.No. 04111403912 Faculty of MBA Dept.MBA 3rd Semester & Project GuideBPIBS, Delhi BPIBS, Delhi


DECLARATION BY THE CANDIDATE DATE:I hereby declare that the work, which is being present in this project, entitled An Analysis of Recruitment, Promotion and Integration in Food Corporation of India is an authentic record of my own work carried out by me under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Anuraag Awasthi, Project Guide, B.P.I.B.S., Shakarpur, Delhi-110092.This project was undertaken as a partial fulfillment of the study of Human Resource Management in the second semester of Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree as per the curriculum of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (G.G.S.I.P.U.).I have not submitted the matter embodied here in this project for the award of any other degree or diploma.

Name: Nidhi LambaE.No. 04111403912M.B.A. III SemesterB.P.I.B.S


Certificate of Organization

Declaration by the Candidate(i)

Certificate by Project Guide(ii)





Scope of Study26

Objectives of Study27

Limitations of Study28


Organizations Profile30-36


Descriptive Study And Data Analysis with Interpretation 37

Recruitment process in FCI38-43

Manpower in FCI44-49

Recruitment status (2010)50-51

Promotion and Seniority52-59

Data analysis on the basis of Questionnaire60-67

News Releases of FCI Recruitment68-71



Recommendations 74





Human resource is an important corporate asset and the overall performance of company depends on the way it is put to use. In order to realize company objectives, it is essential to recruit people with requisite skills, qualification and experience. While doing so we need to keep present and future requirements of company in mind. Successful recruitment methods include a thorough analysis of the job and the labor market conditions. Recruitment is almost central to any management process and failure in recruitment can create difficulties for any company including an adverse effect on its profitability and in appropriate levels of staffing or skills. Inadequate recruitment can lead to labor shortages, or problems in management decision making. Recruitment is however not just a simple selection process but also requires management decision making and extensive planning to employ the most suitable manpower. Competition among business organization for recruiting the best potential has increased focus on innovation, and management decision making and the selectors aim to recruit only the best candidates who would suit the corporate culture, ethics and climate specific to the organization. The process of recruitment does not however end with application and selection of the right people but involves maintaining and retaining the employees chosen. Despite a well drawn plan on recruitment and selection and involvement of qualified management team, recruitment processes followed by companies can face significant obstacles in implementation.


According to Edwin B. Flippo, Recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation. Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job seekers. A few definitions of recruitment are

A process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applications from which new employees are selected. It is the process to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirement of staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force.

Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a pool of prospective employees for the organisation so that the management can select the right candidate for the right job from this pool. The main objective of the recruitment process is to expedite the selection process.

Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of qualified applicants for the future human resources needs even though specific vacancies do not exist. Usually, the recruitment process starts when a manger initiates an employee requisition for a specific vacancy or an anticipated vacancy.


1. Support the organization ability to acquire, retain and develop the best talent and skills.2. Determine present and future manpower requirements of the organization in coordination with planning and job analysis activities.3. Obtain the number and quality of employees that can be selected in order to help the organization to achieve its goals and objectives.4. Create a pool of candidates so that the management can select the right candidate for the right job from this pool5. Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization6. Increase the pool of candidates at minimum cost.7. Acts as a link between the employers and the job seekers8. Infuse fresh blood at all levels of the organization9. Meet the organization's legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce.10. Increase the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques


Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organisation. Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organisation. Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities.

Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost. Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing number of visibly under qualified or overqualified job applicants. Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave the organization only after a short period of time. Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce. Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates. Increase organization and individual effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants


Every organisation has the option of choosing the candidates for its recruitment processes from two kinds of sources: internal and external sources. The sources within the organisation itself (like transfer of employees from one department to other, promotions) to fill a position are known as the internal sources of recruitment. Recruitment candidates from all the other sources (like outsourcing agencies etc.) are known as the external sources of recruitment.



The recruitment function of the organisations is affected and governed by a mix of various internal and external forces. The internal forces or factors are the factors that can be controlled by the organisation. And the external factors are those factors which cannot be controlled by the organisation. The internal and external forces affecting recruitment function of an organisation are:



Having the right person, in the right place, at the right time, is crucial to organisational performance. Therefore recruitment is a critical activity and should incorporate the following steps:

Step 1 - Whats the job?Gather information about the nature of the job. Think about: The content (such as the tasks) making up the job The jobs purpose The outputs required by the job holder How it fits into the organisations structure The skills and personal attributes needed to perform the role effectively.This analysis can form the basis of a job description and person specification.

Step 2 - Prepare a job and person profileA person specification or job profile states the necessary and desirable criteria for selection.Increasingly such specifications are based on a set of competencies identified as necessary for the performance of the job. Include: skills, aptitude, knowledge and experience qualifications (which should be only those necessary to do the job - unless candidates are recruited on the basis of future potential , for example graduates) personal qualities relevant to the job, such as ability to work as part of a team.The document formed from the person specification can then be used to inform the criteria you use to shortlist applicants.Step 3 Finding candidatesInternal Source: Transfer Promotion Upgrading Demotion Retired Employees Retrenched Employees Dependent and Relatives of Deceased employees It is important not to forget the internal talent pool when recruiting. Providing opportunities for development and career progression is an important factor for employee retention and motivationExternal Sources : There are many options available for generating interest from individuals outside the organisation. Online recruitment Press advertising Networking Recruitment Agencies Advertising remains the most common means of attracting and recruiting. Advertisements should be clear and indicate the: requirements of the job necessary and the desirable criteria for job applicants (to limit the number of inappropriate applications received) nature of the organisations activities job location reward package job tenure (for example, contract length) details of how to apply.Advertisements should be genuine and relate to a job that actually exists. They should appeal to all sections of the community using positive visual images and wording.Step 4 - Managing the application processThere are two main formats in which applications are likely to be received: the curriculum vitae (CV) or application form. It is possible that these could be submitted either on paper or electronically and the use of e-applications (Internet, intranet and email) is now part of mainstream recruitment practices Application formsApplication forms allow for information to be presented in a consistent format, and therefore make it easier to collect information from job applicants in a systematic way and assess objectively the candidates suitability for the job. Be aware that application form design is also important under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, it may be necessary to offer application forms in different formats.CVsThe advantage of CVs is that they give candidates the opportunity to sell themselves in their own way and dont have the restrictions of fitting information into boxes as often happens on an application form. However, CVs make it possible for candidates to include lots of additional, irrelevant material which may make them harder to assess consistently.Step 5 - Selecting candidatesSelecting candidates involves two main processes: short listing and assessing applicants to decide who should be made a job offer.Short listingThe process of short listing involves slimming down the total number of applications received to a shortlist of candidates you wish to take forward to the more detailed assessment phase of the selection process.When deciding who to shortlist, it is helpful to draw up a list of criteria using the person specification.Each application can then be rated according to these standards, or a simple scoring system can be used.AssessmentA range of different methods can be used to assess candidates. These vary in their reliability as a predictor of performance in the job and in their ease and expense to administer. Typical methods include: General interview Competency based interview In tray exercise Role play PresentationStep 6 - Making the appointmentBefore making an offer of employment, employers have responsibility for checking that applicants have the right to work in the UK and to see and take copies of relevant documentation - a list of acceptable documents demonstrating the right to work in the UK is available from the Home OfficeContract Offers of employment should always be made in writing. But it is important to be aware that an oral offer of employment made in an interview is as legally binding as a letter to the candidate.ReferencesA recruitment policy should state clearly how references will be used, when in the recruitment process they will be taken up and what kind of references will be necessary (for example, from former employers). These rules should be applied consistently.Medical examinationsIt is reasonable to require completion of a health questionnaire where good health is relevant to the job. Any particular physical or medical requirement should be made clear in the job advertisement or other recruitment literature.Step 7 InductionInduction is a critical part of the recruitment process, for both employer and new employee. An induction plan should include: Orientation (physical) - describing where the facilities are Orientation (organisational) - showing how the employee fits into the team and how their role fits with the organisations strategy and goals Health and safety information - this is a legal requirement Explanation of terms and conditions Details of the organisation's history, its products and services, its culture and values A clear outline of the job/role requirements

1.6 Forms of Recruitment

The organisations differ in terms of their size, business, processes and practices. A few decisions by the recruitment professionals can affect the productivity and efficiency of the organisation. Organisations adopt different forms of recruitment practices according to the specific needs of the organisation.

The organisations can choose from the centralized or decentralized forms of recruitment, explained below:

Centralized Recruitment

The recruitment practices of an organisation are centralized when the HR / recruitment department at the head office performs all functions of recruitment. Recruitment decisions for all the business verticals and departments of an organisation are carried out by the one central HR (or recruitment) department. Centralized from of recruitment is commonly seen in government organisations.

Benefits of the centralized form of recruitment are:

Reduces administration costs Better utilization of specialists Uniformity in recruitment Interchangeability of staff Reduces favoritism Every department sends requisitions for recruitment to their central office.

Decentralized Recruitment

Decentralized recruitment practices are most commonly seen in the case of conglomerates operating in different and diverse business areas. With diverse and geographically spread business areas and offices, it becomes important to understand the needs of each department and frame the recruitment policies and procedures accordingly. Each department carries out its own recruitment. Choice between the two will depend upon management philosophy and needs of particular organization. In some cases combination of both is used. Lower level staffs as well as top level executives are recruited in a decentralized manner.

Sources of Recruitment


PromotionIntegration /Seniority


Apromotionis the advancement of an employee'srankor position in an organizationalhierarchysystem. Promotion may be an employee's reward for good performance, i.e., positive appraisal. Before a company promotes an employee to a particular position it ensures that the person is able to handle the added responsibilities by screening the employee with interviews and tests and giving them training or on-the-job experience. A promotion can involve advancement in terms of designation, salary and benefits, and in some organizations the type of job activities may change a great deal. The opposite of a promotion is ademotion.

Characteristics of Promotion

1. Promotion is advancement of an employee to a better job. i.e Better in terms of responsibility More prestige or status greater skill Greater skill Increased rate of pay or salary.2. It is a upward reassignment of a higher level job to an internal employee. It is a vertical flow from bottom to top in a organisation chart, where the status, responsibility salary increases.3. But other than this promotion also includes or types of promotion Upgradation : where only salary increases. Dry promotion : where an employee is promoted to higher position without any increment in salary.4. Promotion policy is a guideline for any subject matter which is laid in advance to have a clear insight of the same. So, Clear cut policy is essential for healthy relations. The management and employees should be clear about the criterion to be followed for promoting employees.5. Assessing performance for promotion: Basis should be indicated e.g. Merit basis/ Seniority basis How the performance to be assessed e.g. confidential report. Employees should know in advance the criteria to be followed for assessing their performance.6. SENIORITY BASIS: It means promotion according to the length of the service. Objective Simple and exact Morale increases Acceptable to union Reduces labour turnover Reward for loyalty.7. MERIT BASIS Employees are evaluated in terms of quality or quantity of work. This basis ensures that only best employees are promoted. Measured through traits E.g. Leadership, responsible etc. Certain test. Personal interview.8. Maintaining service records. Any promotion program can be successful if records of employees are properly maintained. Such records are used for fair judgement at the time of considering him for promotion.9. Promotion plans / programs every organisation should have a formal and systematic promotion program. For this: - Establishment of ladder of promotion Communicated to employees Dead-end jobs must be clearly specified in such ladders.10. Whenever a vacancy arises, employees must be informed of that vacancy so that interested persons can apply for that post within time allowed.11. Promotion ladder Chairman GM, ASST GM, SR AREA MNGR, AREA MNGR, SR DIV MNGR, DIV MNGR, BRANCH MNGR, ASST.12. Promotion chart Chairman MGR PROD, MGR FIN, MGR HR, and BRANCH MGR.

Advantages of promotion: Present employees if promoted can handle the process products and problems easily as they are already connected to organization but new incumbent may take some to adjust him or may not adjust himself at all. The cost of training the insiders for the higher position is nearly nil hence no extra training cost. Employees will give their best as they know that reward of giving good performance is sure. High morale of the employees is achieved.

Drawbacks of Promotion Though promotion benefits the employees and the organisation, it creates certain problems like:- Promotion disappoints some employees. Some employees even refuse promotion other problems Disappointment of other employees The employees those who are not promoted may feel disappointed. Employees may develop negative attitude Reduce their contributions to the organisation Some employees may refuse promotion When transferred with promotion to any unwanted place He feels that he will be quite incompetent to carry out the job Delegation of unwanted responsibilities. Trade union leaders feel that promotion may damage their position. Other problems: Can spoil Industrial Relations, Could create Industrial disputes, and could create a negative working environment.


Privilegedstatusattained by anemployeebecause of the length of continuousservicewith the sameemployer, and which usually determines the order ofpromotion,benefits, or layoffs.

Seniority means a precedence of position, especially precedence over others of the same rank by reason of a longer span of service. Seniority is a system often used by employers as a basis for granting job benefits. The seniority system provides important employee benefits by creating, and fulfilling, employee expectations of fair, uniform treatment.

Seniority, defined broadly, means the length of service with an employer. Historically, those who had more experience with a task or in a job position managed those with less experience. Formal seniority policies grew out of this natural state of affairs. Based on an employee's seniority, preference can be accorded him or her in such areas as promotion, transfer, shift assignment, scheduling, vacation accrual, layoff, and recall after temporary layoff. Seniority is used as a means of gauging the relative status of one employee with respect to another based on length of service. As an employee's seniority grows, he or she accrues certain rights and privileges.How exactly seniority is defined will differ from company to company. Some will track longevity without concern for the position worked while others will restart the clock every time an employee changes positions within the company. For some companies, seniority measurement is indifferent to whether an employee holds a part-time position or a full-time job. Other companies only measure seniority based on time worked in a full-time position. What all seniority calculations have in common is that they measure, in some fashion, an employee's longevity with a company. Collective bargaining agreements usually calculate seniority by total length of service, sometimes with consideration for length of service within a particular craft or department.The rights that accrue to senior employees also differ from company to company. Seniority may be used in making determinations about the order in which to hire back from a layoff list. It is often used to allocate vacation time providing those with more seniority a greater number of vacation days. It may also be used to determine pay in organizations instead of or in addition to a merit-based pay system. If organizations do not pay employees on the basis of doing the same work and holding the same level or rank in the organization, they must determine a basis to make a pay distinction or differentiation. In a large organization, compensation specialists within the human resources area may make these determinations and may consider an employee's seniority in the pay decision

Promotion and seniority are interlinked. Basically Promotion is the outcome of seniority. An employee is promoted to higher position on the basis of his seniority in the organisation.


The project study is based upon the information gathered through primary as well as secondary sources. The secondary sources include articles while previous year data and questionnaire is used to do the primary research. Previous year data has been analyzed on MS Excel by using algebraic tools, graphs and charts are made with the help of the same.

The R.P.I section staffs of Food Corporation of India have taken this questionnaire. The collected responses are analyzed on Microsoft Excel by using algebraic tools like summation and percentage. The pie-charts are drawn on the basis of the responses collected.

Articles have been taken from different websites and are analyzed to get a better understanding of Recruitment, Promotion & Integration.


This project aims to study and analyse recruitment process of Food Corporation of India.

The data has been collected through companys profile, reviews and analyzed by constructing tables and diagrams.

This study is focused on the two internal factors of recruitment i.e Promotion and Integration.


1. To understand the recruitment as a whole.

2. To understand the pre-requisites for a successful recruitment.

3. To understand Promotion and Seniority Factors of recruitment.

4. To understand the recruitment process in FCI.

5. Promotion and seniority through FCIs point of view.


Following are the limitations of the project:

1. It can be biased as some part of the data is based on secondary data.

2. Time constraint was the major limitation in this project.

3. Another problem was knowledge constraint and this report was an attempt to gather as much of relevant data as possible.

4. Confidential details of the company are not allowed to expose in the project so, some concepts are explained with the examples and round figures.

5. Project is only based on R.P.I section data, so it does not consist other department data.



Food Corporation of India (Hindi: )was set up on 14 January 1965 having its first District Office atThanjavur- rice bowl ofTamil Nadu- and headquarters atChennaiunder theFood Corporations Act 1964to implement the following objectives of the National Food Policy:1. Effective price support operations for safeguarding the interests of the farmers2. Distribution of food grains throughout the country forPublic Distribution System3. Maintaining satisfactory level of operational and buffer stocks of food grains to ensure National Food Security.

It is one of the largest corporations in India and probably the largest supply chain management in Asia. It operates through 5 zonal offices and 26 regional offices. Each year, the Food Corporation of India purchases roughly 15-20 per cent of India's wheat output and 12-15 per cent of its rice output. The purchases are made from the farmers at the rates declared by the Govt. of India. This rate is called as MSP (Minimum support Price). There is no limit for procurement in terms of volume, any quantity can be procured by FCI provided the stock satisfies FAQ (Fair Average Quality) specifications with respect to FCI.The stocks are transported throughout India and issued to the State Government nominees at the rates declared by the Govt of India for further distribution under the Public Distribution System (PDS) for the consumption of the ration card holders. (FCI itself does not directly distribute any stock under PDS and its operations end at the exit of the stock from its depots). The difference between the purchase price and sale price, along with internal costs, are reimbursed by the Union Government in the form of Food Subsidy. At present the annual subsidy is around $10 billion. FCI by itself is not a Decision making authority, it does not decide anything about the MSP, Imports or Exports. It just implements the decisions made by the Ministry of Food and Ministry of Agriculture.

2.1 FCI Objectives

The Food Corporation of India was setup under the Food Corporation Act 1964, in order to fulfill following objectives of the Food Policy :

Effective price support operations for safeguarding the interests of the farmers. Distribution of foodgrains throughout the country for public distribution system Maintaining satisfactory level of operational and buffer stocks of foodgrains to ensure National Food Security

In its 45 years of service to the nation, FCI has played a significant role in India's success in transforming the crisis management oriented food security into a stable security system. FCI's Objectives are:

To provide farmers remunerative prices To make food grains available at reasonable prices, particularly to vulnerable section of the society To maintain buffer stocks as measure of Food Security To intervene in market for price stabilization


To play a significant role in Indias success in transforming the crisis management oriented food security into a stable security system to ensure availability, accessibility and affordability of food grains to all people at all times so that no one, nowhere and at no time should go hungry.


i) Ensuring food security of nation by maintaining satisfactory level of operational buffer stocks of food grains.ii) Distribution of food grains throughout the country for Public Distribution System.iii) Effective Price Support Operations for safeguarding the interest of farmers.


We shall carry out our functions and duty with utmost:- Sincerity Team work Speed Integrity & fairness in all matters Transparency and without any fear or favour Respect for dignity and potential of individuals Loyalty and pride in the Corporation

2.2 Organizational Structure of FCI


Storage & ContractMovementProcurement


EngineeringImport ExportQuality Control

Industrial Relation and Labour

2.4 Public Distribution System and FCI

The concept of Public Distribution System in the country was evolved around 1942 due to shortage of food grains during 2nd World War and Government intervention in distribution of food started. This intervention of Government in distribution of food grains in the foodscarcity period and, thereafter, continued in major cities, towns & certain food deficit areas. This policy of Public Distribution System/Rationing System has undergone several changes with every lap of Five Year Planning System in the country. The Seventh Five-year Plan assigned to it a crucial role by bringing the entire population under Public Distribution System and became a permanent feature in the country's economy.

1. The Government of India fulfills certain objectives of food security through Public Distribution at an affordable price. In the present scenario, Public Distribution System strives to meet the twin objectives - the price support to the farmers for their product and maintenance of stocks. It is against these stocks procured under price support that every month Government releases a prescribed quantity, in each State for distribution under Public Distribution System. This mission of the Government of India is brought into the reality at the operational level by FCI. The Sales Division communicates the said allocation to its Regional Offices. On receipt of sub-allocation from the State Government, the Regional Offices issue the instructions to the District Offices for releasing the stocks to the respective State Government /their nominees on prepayment basis at district level.

VALIDITYGovt. of India is allocating food grains (wheat and rice) under Targeted Public Distribution System on monthly basis and issues allocation order for the financial-year wise and makes further revision, if any, from time to time.Ministry has made it mandatory for State and UT Govt. to deposit the cost of food grains to FCI by 15th of the allocation month (crediting of the amount to the FCI account) and lifting is allowed within the validity period.FCI has been empowered to grant extension of validity period up to 15 days from the prescribed validity period both for depositing cost and lifting of food grains allocated under TPDS and OWS and for extension of further 15 days, the concerned ED(Zone) have been expowered. QUALITY CONFIRMATIONSamples are drawn and sealed with joint seal from the stocks issued. One is given to the recipient for displaying at the issue/sale point and two are retained by the FCI, one for depot and the other for District Office. UNIVERSALISATION / STRENGTHENING OF PDSThe role of FCI is limited to ensure timely smooth and uninterrupted supply of FAQ food grains to the State/UT Government and/or their nominees against the allotment made by the Ministry of CAF&PD. WELFARE SCHEMESFood Corporation of India is also issuing food grains under various schemes of the Govt. of India viz. Mid-Day-Meal, Nutrition Programme, SC/ST/OBC Hostels, Welfare Institutions & Hostels, Annapurna, Sampoorn Gramin Rozgar Yojna (SGRY), National Food for Work Programme, Scheme for Adolescent Girls, Pregnant & Lactating Mothers and World Food Programme (WFP) etc.FCI is working as 'FOOD BANK' for World Food Programme (WFP) projects in India. When India was deficit of food grains, WFP used to take stocks at ports with FCI stocks and delivered to WFP nearest to their projects. With the change of situation i.e. scarcity to surplus, the scenario has changed. WFP agreed to purchase their requirement of foodgrains for their projects in India and neighbouring countries from FCI. The foodgrains under this scheme were earlier issued at Economic Cost of FCI & OMSS (D) price but now foodgrains are being issued at BPL price w.e.f. 1.11.2000.


3.1 Recruitment Process in FCI

1. Creation of Posts Posts are approved by FCI category wise.



WatchmenGuardPeonGardnerPlumberWater BoyAssistant General IAssistant General IIAssistant General IIIManagerExecutive DirectorGeneral ManagerDeputy General ManagerAssistant General Manager

For e.g Year/Category201020112012

Cat I5060100

Cat II605487

Cat III6780190


The Corporation shall from time to time determine the number of posts of each description in the service of the Corporation.Following are the Authorities responsible for creating the posts in different categories.

AuthorityCategory of Post

BoardAny post below the Board level.

ChairmanCategory I post the maximum of thescale of pay of which does not exceed Rs. 1800.*

Managing DirectorCategory II posts and Category I posts the maximum of the scale of pay which does not exceed Rs.1600*

Executive DirectorCategory III and IV posts.

Zonal Manager1. Category II posts up to six months.2. Category III and IV posts up to one year.

2. Manpower Planning

On the basis of past data and current requirements following decisions are made ,

Cat I: all post approved by FCI, only unfilled to be advertised.Cat II: Only left out and unfilled posts to be advertisedCat III: Only left out and unfilled posts to be advertised.

3. Zone Wise posts are advertisedFor e.g

Appointments are made on the following basis

CategoryRecruitment UnitPromotion/Reversion/Retrenchment unit

Category IAll - IndiaAll India

Category IIZone (Head Office will be a unit)Zone

Category IIIRegion(Zonal office, Head Office will be separate Units)Zone

Category IVDistrict (Regional, Zonal Offices and Head Office will be separate units)Region

General Conditions related to appointment are

The following general conditions shall apply to all appointments to the service of the Corporation:

(a) No person shall be eligible for initial appointment unless he has attainedthe age of 18 years.

(b) A candidate for appointment in the service of the Corporation shall be:i) a citizen of India, orii) a subject of Nepal, oriii) a subject of Bhutan, oriv) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January,1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, orv) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan,Burma,Sri Lanka and East African countries of Kenya, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania(formerly Tanganika and Zanzibar), Zambia,Malawi,Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India.Provided that a candidate belonging to Categories (ii),(iii),(iv) and (v) shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been given by the Managing Director.

(c) No person shall be initially appointed unless he has been certified by a qualified registered medical practitioner approved by the appointing authority to be of sound constitution and medically fit to discharge his duties.Explanation: Unless the appointing authority, otherwise directs, the application of this provisions shall be limited to regular appointments by direct recruitment.

(d) No person shall be eligible for appointment who has previously been dismissed, or compulsorily retired from the service of the Corporation or from a Department of a State or the Central Government or from any public Sector Undertaking.

(e) No person shall be eligible for appointment who has been convicted in a court of law for any offence involving moral turpitude.

(f) No person who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living or who, having a spouse living, has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person, shall be eligible for appointment in the service of the Corporation.

4. Procedure for Direct Recruitment

The following procedure shall be followed in the case of direct recruitment to posts sanctioned for more than 3 months or to posts sanctioned initially for less than 3 months but extended beyond 3 months:

(a) Category III and IV Posts:The vacancies shall be notified to the Employment Exchange/Exchangehaving jurisdiction over the unit of appointment.

(b) Category I and II posts:The appointing authority shall notify the vacancies to the Regional Employment Exchanges concerned.

(c) General:(i) Candidates shall be required to appear for interview at their own expense. 5. Procedure for Promotion

Promotion shall be made on the basis of seniority subject to fitness in respect of Posts

6. Reservation for both internal and external recruitment

In making appointments in the services of the Corporation, reservations, relaxation of age limits and other concessions would be provided to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other category of persons as directed by Government of India from time to time. The Managing Director may issue detailed administrative instructions accordingly.

7. After considering the above factors, appointments are made which follows the selection process further.


Sanctioned Strength, Staff in Position and Vacancy/ Excess position as on 30 09 2012 in Food Corporation of India.

ZoneCategory ICategory IICategory IIICategory IV






North East10471-33375277-9813251233-9266932866


The above bar chart represents that Sanctioned strength and vacancies are more in north zone for category III position in FCI


North ZoneCategory ICategory IICategory IIICategory IV



Z.O (NORTH)30333143111-32631157-47412322

Delhi Region1511-493930376251-125425614

J&K Region1611-567714281172-109175134

H.P Region127-54756919380-11342521

Punjab Region58591849601-24843732168-2205526729203

U.P. Region5446-8588450-13826361534-1102247653406


Haryana Region3021-9380313-672015869-1146223207-16

The above figure shows that sanctioned strength and vacancies are more in Punjab region of north zone.


West ZoneCategory ICategory IICategory IIICategory IV


Z.O West262826353-1024097-14313231



Madhya Pradesh2621-5194146-48932575-35767190123


In West Zone , Maharashtra Region has more Sanctioned Strength and Vacancies for category III.


East ZoneCategory ICategory IICategory IIICategory IV


Z.O (EAST)262606764-322666-16014948

West Bengal4639-7397275-12215361027-509132603471




In East Zone , West Bengal ha more Sanctioned Strenth and Vancancies for Category III


South ZoneCategory ICategory IICategory IIICategory IV


Z.O (SOUTH)26117917773165429228672575112891288




Andhra Pradesh53005400024910025300

In south Zone , many of the regions has zero values for sanctioned strength, In Position , Vacancy/Excess. Zonal Office (South) , Andhra Pradesh are showing more Sanctioned Strength and In Position for Category III and Category IV.


N.E ZoneCategory ICategory IICategory IIICategory IV


Z.O ( N.E )2421-33841311086-2413857




Arunachal Pradesh234-195824-3411289-2344339

In North East Zone, for Category III and Category IV Assam is showing more Sanctioned In Positions and Excess.

Overall mostly all zones have shown more Sanctioned Strength for Category III in FCI.Recruitment is carried out for the Category III more frequently.

3.3 Recruitment Status of Category III 2010


AdvertisedPanelWaiting ListJoinedAdvertisedPanelWaiting ListJoined






SouthNorth East

AdvertisedPanelWaiting ListJoinedAdvertisedPanel Waiting ListJoined







AdvertisedPanelWaiting ListJoined






The above figure shows that North Region generates more recruitments , after North region West Region shows more recruitments.

3.4 Functions of Promotion Cell

Establishment Section will furnish the vacancy position for the relevant year to promotion cell. Promotion cell will request Integration Cell, who is maintaining respective seniority lists, to provide names of the eligible officers for promotion. On receipt of list of eligible officers, promotion cell will call for the vigilance clearance from the concerned Zones ( in case of Managers Category II Officers). For Category-I posts, vigilance clearance will be called for from Vigilance Division, Headquarters. CR cell will also be given a copy of list of eligible offered by the Integration cell. CR cell will call for the CR Dossiers of the eligible officers. On receipt of the vigilance clearance, promotion cell will put the file to the competent authority i.e C & MD for constitution of the Promotion/Senior Promotion Committee. After receipt of the file, notices will be sent to the members of the Promotion Committee to attend the scheduled meeting. On completion of the DPC meeting, the Extract of the Minutes of the meeting will be forwarded to ESTT. I Section for operating the panel. The name of the officer involved in the vigilance case will be kept in the sealed covers and the same will be forwarded to ESTT. I section for operating the panel. Establishment I section will issue promotion orders as per the Extracts of the Minutes.

3.5 Various Steps Involved For Promotion of Officers From Lower Grade To The Higher Grade.

Determination of vacancy position on the basis of the existing, anticipated & resultant vacancies, for a calendar year. [Action taken by E-I Section] Enlisting the senior-most officers from the seniority list, featuring within the prescribed Zone of Consideration. Calling for the vigilance & administrative clearance from concerned divisions. Updating the CR dossiers of the officers featuring in the Zone of Consideration. Preparation of the Agenda note and nomination of the SPC/DPC committee by the C & MD. Seeking convenient date & time for convening the promotion committee meeting. Rating the officers as Fit or Unfit on the basis of the basis of bench mark in vogue. Preparation of the select list. Preparation of sealed covers in respect of officers involved in vigilance cases. Approval to operate the panel to be sought from C& MD.

3.6 Requisites Experience for Promotion of Category I and IIPost(Section wise)Requisite Experience with postRemarks


ED(G)4 years as GMTo be decided by Chairman

GM(G)4 years as DGM

DGM(G)5 years as AGM

AGM(G)5 years as M(Gen/Dep)


ED(Fin)4 years as GM(A/c)To be decided by Board

CGM(A/C)2 years as GM(A/c)

GM(A/c)4 years as DGM(A/c)

DGM(A/c)5 years as AGM(A/c)

AGM(A/c) 5 years as M(A/c)


ED (ENGG.)4 years as GM (ENGG.)To be prescribed by Board

GM (ENGG.)4 years as DGM (C/E/M)

DGM (Civil)5 years as AGM (Civil)

DGM ( E/M)5 years as AGM( E/M)

AGM (Civil)5 years as M( Civil)

AGM (E/M) 5 years as M ( E/M)


GM (L)3 years as DGM (L)To be decided by CMD

DGM (L)5 years as AGM(L)

AGM(L)Direct Recruitment (DR)


AGM(QC)5 years as M(QC)


AGM (MOVT.)5 years as M (MOVT.)


AGM (P & R )5 years as M (P&R)

AGM(HINDI)8 years as M(Hindi)

AGM(PR) 100 % DR


CMO5 years as ZMO

ZMO5 years as RMO

RMO5 years as MO

MO100% DR

ED=Executive Director; DGM=Deputy General Manager; GM=General Manager; AGM=Assistant General Manager; CGM=Chief General Manager; M=Manager; CMO=Chief Medical Officer; ZMO= Zonal Medical Officer; RMO= Regional Medical Officer; MO= Medical Officer; PR=Public Relation; P& R=Planning & Research; E/M/C=Electrical/Mechanical/Civil;

Direct Promotion Committee (DPC) held in 2008

Post ( SectionWise)No. of Promotion





Quality Control1



Medical Officer3

Direct Promotion Committee held in 2009Post ( Section Wise)No. of Promotion





Quality Control2



Medical Officer3

Direct Promotion Committee held in 2010Post ( Section Wise)No. of Promotion





Quality Control2



Medical Officer3

Direct Promotion Committee held in 2011Post ( Section Wise)No. of Promotion





Quality Control1



Medical Officer3

Direct Promotion Committee held in 2012

Post ( Section Wise )No. of Promotion





Quality Control1

Movement 1


Medical Officer3

DPC Likely to be held in a calendar year 2013

Post( Section Wise)No. of Promotions



Engineering 6


Quality Control1

Movement 1



Direct Promotion Committee held in last 6 years

YearTotal No. of Promotions







After analyzing all above graphs , it has been seen that promotions are being done in Technical and General Section.

3.7 Data analysis on the basis of Questionnaire

The following analysis is being done on the basis of questionnaire asked to the staff of R.P.I Section of F.C.I

1.What source company adopts for recruitment of candidates?OptionsResponses

Employee Referral 0

Campus Recruitment 2

Recruitment Agencies9


Interpretation The above Doughnut split Chart shows that - According to 63% of employees selected for questionnaire, FCI uses advertisements for the recruitment of candidates.Hence, it is clear that FCI uses Advertisements and Recruitment Agencies for the purpose of Recruitment.

2.How many stages are involved in selecting the candidate?


1 to 322

3 to 5 5

5 to 73

More than 70

InterpretationThe above split pie chart shows that 73% of the selected employees forQuestionnaire says that the number of stages involved in selecting the candidate is 1 to 3.

3. Does FCI follow different recruitment process for different grades of employees?




Interpretation It is clear that FCI follows different Recruitment Process for different grades of employees.

4. What is the back out percentage of candidates after being offered?OptionsResponses

1% to 5%5

5% to 10%5

10% to 15%8

More than 15%17

Interpretation It is clear that back out percentage is more, as it can be analyzed with the above chart.

5.Is FCIs recruitment process fair and unbiased? OptionsResponses



InterpretationIt can be observed that majority of employees think FCIs Recruitment Process is fair and unbiased. 6. If the recruitment type is employee referral then what special privilege has to be paid to the one who has referred?


Privilege to referral people


No Privilege to referral people


InterpretationIt is clear from the above figure that, no priviledge is given to referral people .7 . In how much time does the whole process generates results?OptionsResponses

3 to 6 months2

6 to 8 months8

8 to 10 months15

More than 10 months5

Interpretation It takes around 8 to 10 months to complete a Recruitment Process in FCI.8.Which is the biggest challenge that you face in the whole process of recruitment? OptionsResponses

Line Function Support6

Online Problems 5

Bank Challan Failures4

Vigilance Cases15

9. How often recruitment is being done in your company?





Dont know6

InterpretationIt shows that F.C.I recruits regularly.

10.Internal sources of recruitment are preferred in the company.OptionsResponses



Interpretation It is clear that internal sources of Recruitment (Promotions, Integration etc.) are preferred in the company.

3.8 FCI News Releases Regarding Recruitment

FCI Recruitment : Syllabus and previous cut off marks

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has declared the result of Assistant Grade III (AG-3) in Food Corporation of India (FCI). The Written Test for the post of Assistant Grade III in the Cadre of General, Technical, Account and Depot in FCI was held on 04th and 5th February 2012.

There were 780949 Candidates who have registered for this written examination but only 500179 Candidates who appeared in the Written Test. 46081 Candidates who have qualified in paper II and 33407 Candidates Qualified in Paper III in this written test

Cutoff for this Written Test:

AG-III (Post Code-A & / or D) Paper-II

SC 86

ST 84

OBC 94

UR - 105

AG-III (Post Code-B) Paper-II


ST 76

OBC 90

UR 100

AG-III (Post Code-C) Paper-II

SC 66

ST 61.50

OBC 73

UR 88

FCI to recruit 11,000 new staff to operationalise Food Security Bill

To operationalize the governments ambitious NationalFood Security Law, theFood Corporation of India(FCI) has embarked on a massive recruitment drive. Officials said the corporation is planning to appoint 11,000 new staff, including hundreds in managerial positions.However, some experts are of the opinion that such a massive recruitment of officers and staff in FCI would further add on to the expenditure associated with the Food Bill, which on last count was estimated to push the annualfood subsidyto higher by over Rs 1,23,000 crore, up from 2013-14 Budget estimate of Rs 90,000 crore.In an official statement, the Corporation said that FCI, through theStaff Selection Commission(SSC), has advertised for 3,755 vacancies during 2011, out of which nearly 1,700 officials have already joined. That induction procedure is still in progress.Another 6,545 vacancies were again advertised for which the written examination stands concluded through SSC. FCI has now advertised 460 vacancies in the managerial cadre (Category II), which may be soon followed by advertising of 30 vacancies in the Assistant General Manager-level Category-I posts.The new appointments precede the Food Security law under which FCI will need to meet increased requirements of storage and movement of food grains for the Public Distribution System (PDS).This is a massive recruitment drive undertaken by the FCI, said FCIs Executive Director (Personnel) Devinder Kumar Bhalla.It is after a long time that we have conducted recruitment at such a big scale, he added. He said that massive foodgrain procurement along with the coming Law will requirement extensive food grain management in the country which has necessitated this recruitment.The Food Security Bill seeks to provide legal entitlement for cheap grains to almost 67 per cent of the Indian population. As per official estimates, after the Bill is enacted, the government would need around 63 million tonnes of grains annually, which is just marginally more than the current quantity of grains wh

FCI on a hiring spree, to recruit 7,000

NEW DELHI, JULY 1:Food Corporation of India (FCI) is on a hiring spree as it plans to recruit 7,000 in order to gear up for implementation of proposed Food Security Act, after hiring about 3,800 employees.This is a massive recruitment drive undertaken by the FCI, state-run FCI Executive Director (Personnel) D V Devinder Kumar Bhalla today said in a statement.He said that 3,755 vacancies have been filled up in the category III in the first phase through the Staff Selection Commission (SSC). Offer letters are being issued at the Zonal office level and some of the candidates have already joined.The recruitment for the 6,545 posts in Category III in the second phase is underway. The written examination for this selection has been concluded by SSC and the subsequent process will be completed before the issue of appointment letters.That apart, the FCI has now advertised 460 vacancies in the managerial cadre (Category II) and soon plans to advertise 30 vacancies for Assistant General Manager, CategoryI posts.Stating that the proposed Food law requires massive food grain management, Bhalla said extra manpower would be required to run the operation of FCI, which currently handles about 80 million tonnes of food grains.FCI said more number of staff will be recruited in the north zone, where maximum food grains are handled, followed by south, west, east and northeast zones.The proposed Food law aims to provide legal right on subsidised food grains to 67 per cent of the population.FCI is the nodal agency for food grains procurement and distribution.



1. FCI plays important/vital role in the overall functioning of food distribution in the country. For the same, FCI recruits people on regular basis.2. FCI focuses on internal and external factors of recruitment for human resources for organisation.3. The process is very clear and transparent, and gives opportunity to many employees inside and people from outside organisation.4. Also, FCI holds other positive aspects of an organisation like good working environment , consistency of holding position among other organisation, medical and health plans for employees ( as per Govt. rule).5. According to the topic of project , I have found many relevant information about Recruitment, Promotion and Integration( Data interpretation in Ch 3), which interprets many things about functioning of FCI6. The organisation has a high commitment towards recruitment.7. It also follows the Customer University Model, as it is linked with some training institutes.

It has been already known by far through this project, that FCI is the responsible organisation for the food distribution, food security all over country. Its functioning in performing each operation is pretty good.In concern of Human Resources, FCI hires employees on regular basis and generates vacancies throughout the year on a particular interval for each category ( Category I,II,III,IV)It follows transparent process throughout the whole recruitment process.


FCI doesnt require any suggestion, but as far as my point of view I can suggest only few and minor things for the smoothening of FCI functions.

i. Recruitment process can be made fully online for the external mode of recruitment. This will generate more technical positions in the recruitment department and reduces stress in other positions.ii. More young employees can be appointed for managing human resources at lower level.iii. F.C.I should adopt campus drive also to recruit young talent.iv. More non-monetary benefits can be added to different job profiles to retain the employees.v. Training and development department should be introduce in F.C.Ivi. F.C.I can arrange workshops for the employees benefits in terms of performance.vii. More number of contractual positions should be generated to attract people who are interested in contractual jobs.



NameMr. Kaushik Nayak

Companys nameFood Corporation of India

Designation AGM (RPI)

Date26th July 2013

Note Please tick the appropriate option.

1. What source you adopt to source candidates? Open Competitive Examination Campus Recruitment Recruitment Agencies Advertisement

2. How many stages are involved in selecting the candidate? 1 to 3 3 to 5 5 to 7 More

3. Do you use any of the following tests during the process of recruitment? Written Group Discussion Personal Interview all of the above

4. How do you track the source of candidate? Manual agencies Software Onlined. Windows. Xls Advertisement

5. Apart from the R.P.I Department, who all from the other departments are required to get involved in interviewing process? According to Cadre Administration HR Executive Quality Control

6. Do you follow different recruitment process for different grades of employees? No Yes

7. What is the back out percentage of candidates after being offered? 1-5% 5-10% 10-15% More than 15%

8. What percentage of candidates leaves within the period of less than 6-12 month? 1-5% 5-10 % 10-15% 15-20%

9. Does the company reimburse the travelling cost incurred by the candidates for appearing in the interview?

Yes No

10. Do you take any technological support for the process of recruiting? video conferencing Online/Offline

11. Are you aware of the concept of video resume? Yes No

12. If the recruitment type is employee referral then what special privilege has to be paid to the one who has referred? Privilege to referral people No Privilege to referral people

13. In how much time does the whole process generates results? 3 to 6 months 6 to 8 months 8 to 10 months

14. Do you do the employment eligibility verification? Yes No

15. How many recruitment you did in the last fiscal year? 1 to 5 5 to 10 10 to 15

16. What is the total number of person in R.P.I Section? 10 20 20 -30 30 -40

17. Which is the biggest challenge that you face in the whole process of recruitment? Line Function Support Online Problems Bank Challan Failures Vigilance Cases

18. How do you rate whole R.P.I. sections performance?

Poor Fair Adequate Excellent


Companys name



Note Please tick the appropriate option.

1. What source company adopts for recruitment of candidates? Employee referral Campus recruitment Recruitment Agencies Advertisements

2. How many stages are involved in selecting the candidate?

1 to 3 3 to 5 5 to 7 More than 7

3. Does FCI follow different recruitment process for different grades of employees?

Yes No

4. What is the back out percentage of candidates after being offered? 1% to 5% 5% to 10% 10% to 15% More than 15%

5. Is FCIs recruitment process fair and unbiased?

Yes No

6. If the recruitment type is employee referral then what special privilege has to be paid to the one who has referred? Priviledge to referral people No priviledge to referral people

7. In how much time does the whole process generates results? 3 to 6 months 6 to 8 months 8 to 10 months More than 10 months 8. Which is the biggest challenge that you face in the whole process of recruitment? Line function Support Online Problems Bank Challan Failures Vigilance Cases

9. How often recruitment is being done in your company?

Regularly Monthly Yearly Dont know

10. Internal sources of recruitment are preferred in the company? Yes No


Human Resource Management by C.B.Gupta Managing Human Resources by R.K. Suri and T. N. Chhabra Annual Report 2011-12, Food Corporation of India Annual Report 2010-11, Food Corporation of India


CERTIFICATE BY PROJECT GUIDE DATE:To whomsoever it may concernThis is to certify that Ms. Nidhi Lamba, Roll no. 04111403912 of B.P.I.B.S., Delhi, has done a Research Project titled An Analysis of Recruitment, Promotion and Integration in Food Corporation of India under the discipline of Human Resource Management as a part of curriculum of second semester of M.B.A. degree under my guidance and supervision.Her performance was satisfactory during her research process for the above said H.R.M. project.

Dr. Anuraag Awasthi Faculty Department of M.B.A. And Project GuideB.P.I.B.S

BHAI PARMANAND INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS STUDIESSHAKARPUR, DELHI-110092ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe project entitled An Analysis of Recruitment, Promotion and Integration in Food Corporation of India was a challenging assignment for me and required an improved environment, extensive endeavor and all necessary guidance and support. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Dr. Anuraag Awasthi, Faculty - department of M.B.A. and project guide for his able guidance, cooperation and out of the box thinking without which this project would not have been possible at all.I sincerely express my gratitude to Mr. Kaushik Nayak, Assistant General Manager (RPI), who has given me the opportunity to carry out the work in his department (RPI) in Food Corporation of India. I am very thankful to Mr. Jyoti Prakash Singh, Manager (RPI), With his constant supervision and inspiring guidance, the whole internship became a great learning experience.Special thanks to all the employees of FCI, for their precious co-operation during the period of data collection and analysis.

Name: Nidhi LambaE. No. 04111403912M.B.A 3rd SemB.P.I.B.S