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wmm - .'-4 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1940 THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN PAGE FIVE Pre-Holiday Sale SAVE on CHRISTMAS GIFTS DrMset ....@ $4.0®—$7.00 and $10.00 (Formerly ....... $9.96—$19.95) Sweaters .. fFormerly ....@ $2.00 $2.95—$7.95) SMrts .........................@ $3.00 (Formerly .... ....... $3.95—^$9.95) ' • exciting ! Opportunity Tobic of M iicellaneoilt Itams Town and Country Shoppe SOUTHOUD, L. I. SOUTHOLD Telephone SouthoM 3793 PleMe Write, See or Phone the Editor when you laiow of Social, Per* sonsl. Church, Civic and other Local Mews. ■ CASTLE H L M r NOME MOVIE WORLD SCOOP EWS MUNCC tU M I_______ MiTAMrs nm ole standi M T T U o r LONOONI MUMeMI OCTINSI STMIfSI ». s. ju cTS niniDniTi « . s. o n n io v n is TOMffMN I raiST MMBTNM DMWTI A inovi* tkr*al«l« « f »ri ROTHMAN’S Department Store Nathmolly Tel. 3770 Known Merchandise SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Dr. and Mrs. 3. B. Fischer and chil- dren, Peggy Ann and Bobby, spent Thanlcsgiving with Dr. Fischer’s par- ents in NOrChport. The Fellowship Club meeting of the Presbyterian Church will be held Fri- day night at the Parish House. A car owned by ^^ctor Lubniewski, of Bastport crashed throu^ the fence of the west ramp of the railroad bridge at Arshamomoque and fell to the trestle below on Tuesday night of this |«ieek. The badly damaged car was hoisted up the following day but we have been unable to learn whether or not the driver of the car was injured. We acknowledge a letter fom Mr. George Pettit from St. Petersburg, Florida, where he is spending the win- ter with Mfs. Pettit, congratulating the new Long Island TTaveler-Mkttituck Watchman. Hiank you, Mr. Pettit. Through an error the name of Aud- rey Petty was omitted from the Second Orade Honor Roll last week. Audrey had a mark of 90% and we regret that her name was left off the list. The Annual Methodist Christmas Bazaar and Food Sale will be held on Thursday, December 12th at 2:00 P. M. in the Church Parlors. Bruce Baker, resident of this village, died as a result of injuries sustained in an auto accident at Torrlngton, Connecticut last Friday. Interment was in the Torrlngton Cemetery. Mrs. William J. Berry and daugh- ter, Doris, who are employed at the Pilgrim State Hospital, spent Hianks- giving at their home on Locust Lane. Thanksgiving Day was the twenty- fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Berry and a very pleasant sur- prise was tendered them by twenty of their friends. They were the recipi- iCnts o f. many gifts, congratulations and a beautiful anniversary cake. A very pleasant evening was spent by everyone. Wiord has been received that Mias Alicia Vail, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Vail, was recently named to the Dean’s List at the New York State College for Teachers, Albany, N. Y. Miss Vail is enrolled as a senior and is also active in the following oranlz- ations: Phi Delta Sorority, Student Christian Association, Chorus Society and Operetta Society. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lamberta, of Fountalnville, Pa., spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lamberta’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Berry. Mkjor Alice RoMnson, Captain Alice R^fford, Mrs. Sallie Mudge and Mrs. Bessie Oagen of the local unit of the Women’s Hospital Reserve Corp at- tended a Military Bridge in Jamaica oh Tuesday evening. There will be a meeting of the Board of Governors of the Southold Yacht Club at the Southold Fire House on Saturday evening, December 7th at 8:00 o’clock. The next rteeting of the local branch of the Red Cross will be heki on Dec- ember 6th Instead of November 29th in Orange Hall, at 2:00 P. M. Jerry Rafford was the winner of the turkey given away by .the Griswold Tierry-Olover Post of the American Legion on Tuesday of this week. The drawing was held In Walter Adam’s store. Mrs. John Kenny spent Thanksgiv- ing and the week-end with her sister, Mrs. M. McGill of Bay Ridge, Brook- lyn. “FIRESTONE” batteries. Prices ranging from $4.45 and up. To fit any make car or truck. Liberal al? lowance on your old batteries. RAY- NORS TIRE SHOP, Front Street, Greenport. adv. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Baker and chil- dren, Robert, Phylilis and Adrienne, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett A. Shrigley for the Thanksgiving holiday. Mrs. Kt. I. Bo«th returned recently from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. William Armstrong, of Hempstead. The next meeting of the Southold Rebekahs will be held on ’Tuesday evening, December 3rd in the Lodge Rooms at 8:00 o’clock. Members are urged to attend as this is an invitation date. The Rev. Dr. Robert Kent preach^ in the Greenport Presbyterian Chunsh last Sunday morning. Robert I. Booth, of New York City, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Booth. "Supreme Court of the United States” was the title of County Judge L. Barron Hill’s talk at the Eastern Star <m Monday evening. A large group from Southold attended. Select your Xmas gifts early. THE KNITTING SHOP, Greenoort. actv Wednesday, December 4th, is East- ern Long Island Hospital Donation Day. Do your share! . Miss Carol Cosden, d. u?hter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Cosden, h')<! re- M>ned her studies at the Berkeley School in New York City after se n d - ing Thanksgiving vacation with her parents. CARD OF THANKS For the many acts of kindness rendered us and for the floral tributes given at the death of our aunt, Josephine Case, we extend to all our sincere thanks. The Nephews and Nieces. Stanlejr Krai Stanley Joseph Krai, son of Mr. "^nd Mrs. William Krai of Southold, di^d at his home on Thanksgiving -noming following a long illness. He was born in Vienna, Austria, No- vember 20, 1920 and came to United States with his parents when he was eight years old. He was a member f the 1940 graduating class of Southold High School. Requiem Mass was celebrated Saturday morning at St. Patrick’s Church by the Rev. Raymond Cos- tello, pastor. Interment followed in I St. Patrick’s Cemetery. Besides his parents he is survived by one sister, Mrs. Joseph Bengal of Greenport. WHITE SHINGLES at a WINTER CLUB offers for your comfortable residence for weekend or lorsger stay several attractive suites with private baths. The Culinary Department will be operated in a unique man- ner, both dining room and kitchen being under the aus- pices of the Good Cooks of Orient. Special we^kiend rate for 2 sharing o room for 2 days. American. f*lon (food and lodging) $15.00. Longer periods 20% lower than summer schedule. Call Orient 180 up to 11 A. M. as reservations ar6 necessary. STOP! LOOK! WHISPJER! Southold Churchei SOUTHOLD METHODIST CHURCH John W. Crayton, Minister Fri. Nov. 29 — Brotherhood Meet- ing. Election of Officer^. The High- lights of a trip to England and the workings of the R. A. F. by W. Ger- mond Cochran, who has some first hand information from one of our own Army Officers. We will also be entertained with some well chosen numbers by the original Sjauthold High Quartet. Missionary Circle meeting at the home of Mrs. Gladys Tuthill. 2:30 P. M. Sunday, Dec. 1 — Church School — 10 A. M. Morning Worship — 11 A. M. Epworth League — 6:30 P. M. Leader — Chester Dickerson Evening Worship — 7:30 P. M. Thursday, Dec. 5 — All day sewing meeting at the Parsonage Epworth League Social and Game Night. 8 P. M. All Young People of the Church are invited to this So- cial and Good time night. Come and get acquainted with the workings of our fourth department. We are _______ ___ ________ going to be hosts to the Young Peo- The Ladies Aid Society of the Pres- i Ple of the Orient Methodist Church, byterian Church meets at the Parish PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. E. Hoyt Palmer. Pastor 10:00 A. M.................. Sunday School 11:00 A. M............... Morning Worship 7:30 P. M ............ Evening Worship Sunday morning at the 11:00 o’clock House on Wednesday, December 4th. A one-dish luncheon will be served at 1:00 o’clock and a business meeting will follow at 2:30. All members are asked to return all outstanding work on that date for the Christmas Sale on December 6th and also to plan to provide a food donation for the sale. Hie sale will be held in the Parish House from 2:30 to 4:30 P. M. A farewell party for Mrs. Dorothy Lehr was tendered by the Mixiday Club at the home of Mrs. Harold Nlver on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lehr are movingrto Cmuiectietft where: Mr. Lehr is now emidoyed. A group of the Southold Presbyterian Church will attend a White Christ- mas Gift Service of the Young Peoifle’s Long ‘ Island Presbytery at Center Moriches this Sunday evening. Jerome Grattan of New Brunswick, N. J. spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Grattan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lang have closed their summer home here and left on Wednesday for Florida, where they wUl spend the winter. Tiie ninth game of the Duplicate Bridge Tourament which is being sponsored by the Old Town Players will be held tomorrow evening at Com- munity Hall. The Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Crayton and Dr. D. W. Howell attended a meet- ing of the North Suffolk Parsonage Club at Huntington on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Petty, Sr. left yesterday (Wednesday) for service. Holy Communi(ni will be ob- served. Everyone is welcome. ’The top- ic of the sermon will be: “A Deepened FellowfOiip.” ’The evening service will have as the subject of the talk: “Great Were the Prophets.” The Young People and others who may wish to go w ^ Fariih House for the trip^ to Centw Moriches where they will attend the Annual Christmas Gift Service. Take a gift suitable for a person of high school age to cost not over 25 cents. Cars leave at 2:15. Another car or two could foe used, if any woul4 We to offer. The Fellowship m i^ in the Parish House tomorrow fevening at 8:00. The Guild serves a dinner to the Scoviters Tuesday evening^ T he Ladies Aid meet Wednesday at 1:00 for their one-dl^ luncheon, and at 2:30 for their m<mthiy meeting. FIRST UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Rev. Samuel Oilbert ^nres, D. D. Ifinlster 10:00 A. M. — Church School 11:00 A. M. — Service of Worship Sermon Topic: “The New World si»irig-' and Religion.” " M. — Young People’s field, Mass.. to aii«nd the marriage of i 7:00 P. their son, Oliver, to Miss Doris Neylon. Meeting. Oliver is a senior at Springfield Col- At the young people’s meeUng lege and Miss Neylon is a graduate of Flora Fisher and Virginia Vail wlU Springfield jgive reports concerning the Annual Members and those connected with | Meeting of the State Y. P. C. U. the Presbyterian Church who are col- I which they attended last week at Mrs. Oogo Kerplunk of the Artificial Ice Flooring Company, figure skater, liun« up a humdinger story on our front door in record time the past week. She ■aid while shopping in one of our prominent drug stores the other day, a young Mr rushed in all out of breath. She waited awhile until she had regained it. abe then said to the handsome, as well as a very, very polite drug clerk, "I've (cvgotten what I oame m for. What am I to do?" Tlie gallant drug derk in bis eiuleavor to ease the situation and at the •ame time be of assistance started off. Maybe it's Alka>Sdfler, alootud, Alootts poms plaster, aspirin, borax, bees wax, bird seed, bath aoap, catnip, oorn plaster, Oartoria, caraway sead,eiBarettes, doc btacuit, diah towels, dialnfeotant, Ooan’a liillB. Bpaom salts, flea powder. Flit, (or easy teeth picking, gum drops, HorliA’f: ■lillcweed, Ispuna tooth wash for incroim toenails, Jello 1 ^ ^ ^ , Uaterine, Iveivreen stove poUsb, Lifeboy, clothespins, loaengers, Ovaltina, Peruna, Papso- dent, pCTfume, Scott’s Convulsion, floor polish, Rul>-0-Hair tyinic. By this time the girl’s face was good and red. “Oh, I now ramaoibtr,” spoke up the fair one. “Can you tall me where I oan find those Dwarf Bunfalows wtiere ttte UUy Puritan's foUu Uvet" “Ob, Giriy, you mean the Kontented Kolony of Kutie • Kutes,” was the reirty of ttte baU, hearty, hilarious « n i| elnk. “<Mi, yeah, Mr. Soiarty. ill be ssalnt you in churob OtiristmH OMNrninc, •enter aide, so dont forget it’s a date,” was Itie parting diot of the fair, IM and Airtjr one. So with all Joking aside, Polks. We ask you a'ltoin Question. Do you reaUM the viator is fast an>roaebing and if you ham any Idea of movtag; w* woiM mMm rlfht now fOr you to lose no Ume inoieettng the one vacaney wbich muMt of a 7 room, all year loiuid buntalow, complete in every delaU. — A* a rsaattnaMt rent — What oouU be easiert We uk jnmt Address Kutio Kule Bimfftlow* The Nawlyweds’ Paraiiw rOUNDMRS’ ESTATES SOUTNOLD. L. I., N. V. lecting Camay soap wrappers. Ivory Flakes box tops and Crisco labels, kindly get in touch with Mrs. David Lehr (Telephone 3873) this week at the latest and she will be glad to call for them. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ocame enter- tained at supper Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Baker, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker, Russell Baker and Henry McCabe. Mte. Amy Douglas, of Orient, Is visiting Mrs. John Kenny of Young’s Avenue. Miss Helen Stacy, a student at St. Lawrence University, spent the Thanksgiving holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stacy. M rs. Marjorie Jennings visited friends in Southold over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Rank Moffat and son, John, Mr. and Mrs. John Moffat and Mrs. Florence Moffat and William and Mary Moffkt were guests for 'Hianks- giving at the home of the Moffat sis- ters in Brooklyn. Hanry Peterson, of Greenpnrt, has punfltased an Oldsnobile sedan from Koke Brothers agency. The Rev. Bugene L. Conklin, of Southold and Derby Line, Vermont, is seriously ill. ILMTOP The Ideal home for elderly people, •lek or well Tralnetf muvm In eharte Ralee 111 per Week and «p UWUMli MW fer Milt. OOX ______ Newark, New Jersey. Next week, Thursday, December 5, the Ladies’ Society will have its Annual Christmas Sale and Turkey Supper. The sale will begin at 1:30 and the supper will be served at six o’clock. The tickets for the supper are 65c. The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 10. Supper will be served at six o’clock, and the business meeting called at seven o’clock. All interested in the work of the parish are urged to at- tend. NOTICE Money deposited on or before De- cember 4th, will draw interest from December 1st, 1940. SOUTHOLD SAVINGS BANK Southold, N. Y. WW4VD Rewaid offered for infonnaUoo lead- ing to the arrest and oonvioMon ot the persMi or persons destroying BouthoU Park District property. Nathan DpiTis John w. aiokes 8. B. F l i ^ aouthfdd PMrk OoMBdMioners •A«TON T. mOWICK mVBIIHlAP, U I. Tel. mm Hcusei I to liN Glenwbod yO Creates a New RANGES See how successfully Gienwood has elim- inated the disadvantages of the old style tanse. All the cooking improvements •no heating advantages jou’ve ever wished foe are incluora m diis large capadnr, heavy duty rahge, equally aaaptaple for coal, oil or wood. The big. High-speed Oven has the room •ypu’ve idways wanted. The roomy cook- ing top is smooth and easily cleaned. 01L COAl WOOD HIGH SPnn, 1 \ iR\ (APACIIY OVF\ (OMi>'\f I SPA( I SAVI\C, I) ( f)NSI Rl ( 1ION ' AM> 1 RADI I l()\ M / (,ll NWOOl' l)t i>l M) \Hin I > And, you may choose between die mod^ c!s w ith mantle,elevatedw«imlng closet, kat water reservoir or watmiog .in snt, according to your neeu. Yda in:iy have your d o ic e o f p<M(cielakl_ enamel finiw in Peacltone and M. pletone and Ivory or gloiiqr tfbdirh And best of all—this special (%hwood sells at a price that if su^riiiagly aod* erate. By all means, see k. MEANS SEE THIS HIS NEWEST RANGE ■ o o d : •"'‘WMEQ Rothman’s Dept. Store NATIONALLY KNOWN MERCHANDieE MAIN S t . Tel. 3770 SOUTHOLD ROYAL SCARLET STORE Southold Market Phone - 3831 HENRY F. CORNILS, Prop. SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 1 I 241/2 lb. bag 87c PIU.SBURY FLOUR ^ 7 lb. bag 3Sc 3 V 2 lb. bag 18c Durkee^s d e o Margarine 2 lbs. 2Sc Ap^fovcd by 6e«d HeuMhMpiiig and1 Madical Assn. Florkla Juke Oranges 20 for 2Sc Sunshine Krispy Crackers 2 1-lb. pkgs. 2Sc Royal Scarlet Pork & Beans 16 01. can Sc Ivory Soap large—^3 for 2Sc small—5c

ROYAL SCARLET · "^nd Mrs. William Krai of Southold, di^d at his home on Thanksgiving -noming following a

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Page 1: ROYAL SCARLET · "^nd Mrs. William Krai of Southold, di^d at his home on Thanksgiving -noming following a

w m m

- . '- 4


Pre-Holiday SaleSAVE on CHRISTMAS GIFTS DrMset ....@ $4.0®—$7.00

and $10.00(Formerly ....... $9.96—$19.95)

Sweaters ..fFormerly

....@ $ 2 .0 0$2.95—$7.95)

SMrts .........................@ $3.00(Form erly .... ....... $3.95—^$9.95)

' •e x c i t i n g !

O p p o rtu n ity T o b ic o f M iic e lla n e o ilt Itam s

Town andCountry Shoppe


S O U T H O L DTelephone SouthoM 3793

PleMe Write, See or Phone the Editor when you laiow of Social, Per* sonsl. Church, Civic and other Local Mews. ■



MUNCC tUM I_______MiTAMrs n m o le s ta n d i M TTU o r LONOONI M UM eM I OCTINSI STMIfSI » . s . ju c T S n in iD n iT i « . s . o n n io v n is TO MffM N IraiST MMBTNM DMWTI A inovi* tkr*al«l« « f

» r i

ROTHMAN’S Department Store

Nathmolly Tel. 3770

Known Merchandise SOUTHOLD, N. Y.

Dr. and Mrs. 3. B. Fischer and chil­dren, Peggy Ann and Bobby, spent Thanlcsgiving with Dr. Fischer’s par­ents in NOrChport.

The Fellowship Club meeting of the Presbyterian Church will be held Fri­day night a t the Parish House.

A car owned by ^^ctor Lubniewski, of Bastport crashed th ro u ^ the fence of the west ramp of the railroad bridge a t Arshamomoque and fell to the trestle below on Tuesday night of this |«ieek. The badly damaged car was hoisted up the following day but we have been unable to learn whether or not the driver of the car was injured.

We acknowledge a letter fom Mr. George Pettit from St. Petersburg, Florida, where he is spending the win­ter with Mfs. Pettit, congratulating the new Long Island TTaveler-Mkttituck Watchman. H iank you, Mr. Pettit.

Through an error the name of Aud­rey Petty was omitted from the Second Orade Honor Roll last week. Audrey had a mark of 90% and we regret th a t her name was left off the list.

The Annual Methodist Christmas Bazaar and Food Sale will be held on Thursday, December 12th a t 2:00 P. M. in the Church Parlors.

Bruce Baker, resident of th is village, died as a result of injuries sustained in an auto accident a t Torrlngton, Connecticut last Friday. Interm ent was in the Torrlngton Cemetery.

Mrs. William J. Berry and daugh­ter, Doris, who are employed a t the Pilgrim State Hospital, spent H ianks- giving a t their home on Locust Lane. Thanksgiving Day was the twenty- fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Berry and a very pleasant sur­prise was tendered them by twenty of their friends. They were the recipi- iCnts o f . many gifts, congratulations and a beautiful anniversary cake. A very pleasant evening was spent by everyone.

Wiord has been received th a t Mias Alicia Vail, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Vail, was recently named to the Dean’s List a t the New York State College for Teachers, Albany, N. Y. Miss Vail is enrolled as a senior and is also active in the following oranlz- ations: Phi Delta Sorority, Student Christian Association, Chorus Society and Operetta Society.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lamberta, of Fountalnville, Pa., spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lamberta’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Berry.

Mkjor Alice RoMnson, Captain Alice R^fford, Mrs. Sallie Mudge and Mrs. Bessie Oagen of the local unit of the Women’s Hospital Reserve Corp a t­tended a Military Bridge in Jamaica oh Tuesday evening.

There will be a meeting of the Board of Governors of the Southold Yacht Club a t the Southold Fire House on Saturday evening, December 7th a t 8:00 o’clock.

The next rteeting of the local branch of the Red Cross will be heki on Dec­ember 6th Instead of November 29th in Orange Hall, a t 2:00 P. M.

Jerry Rafford was the winner of the turkey given away by .the Griswold Tierry-Olover Post of the American Legion on Tuesday of th is week. The drawing was held In Walter Adam’s store.

Mrs. John Kenny spent Thanksgiv­ing and the week-end with her sister, Mrs. M. McGill of Bay Ridge, Brook­lyn.

“FIRESTONE” batteries. Prices ranging from $4.45 and up. To fit any m ake car or truck. L iberal al? lowance on your old batteries. RAY­NORS TIRE SHOP, Front Street, G reenport. adv.

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Baker and chil­dren, Robert, Phylilis and Adrienne, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett A. Shrigley for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Mrs. Kt. I. Bo«th returned recently from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. William Armstrong, of Hempstead.

The next meeting of the Southold Rebekahs will be held on ’Tuesday evening, December 3rd in the Lodge Rooms a t 8:00 o’clock. Members are urged to attend as this is an invitation date.

The Rev. Dr. Robert Kent p reach ^ in the Greenport Presbyterian Chunsh last Sunday morning.

Robert I. Booth, of New York City, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Booth.

"Supreme Court of the United States” was the title of County Judge L. Barron Hill’s talk a t the Eastern S tar <m Monday evening. A large group from Southold attended.

Select your Xmas gifts early. THE KNITTING SHOP, Greenoort. actv

Wednesday, December 4th, is East­ern Long Island Hospital Donation Day. Do your share!. Miss Carol Cosden, d. u?hter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Cosden, h')<! re- M>ned her studies a t the Berkeley School in New York City after s e n d ­ing Thanksgiving vacation with her parents.

CARD OF THANKSFor the many acts of kindness

rendered us and for the floral tributes given a t the death of our aunt, Josephine Case, we extend to all our sincere thanks.

The Nephews and Nieces.

Stanlejr KraiStanley Joseph K rai, son of Mr.

" nd Mrs. W illiam K rai of Southold, di^d a t his home on Thanksgiving -noming following a long illness. He was born in Vienna, A ustria, No­vem ber 20, 1920 and came to United States w ith his parents w hen he was eight years old. He was a m em ber

f the 1940 graduating class of Southold High School.

Requiem Mass was celebrated Saturday m orning a t St. P atrick’s Church by the Rev. Raymond Cos­tello, pastor. In term ent followed in

I St. P atrick’s Cemetery.Besides his parents he is survived

by one sister, Mrs. Joseph Bengal of Greenport.


for your comfortable residence for weekend or lorsger stay several attractive suites with private baths. The Culinary Department will be operated in a unique man­ner, both dining room and kitchen being under the aus­pices of the Good Cooks of Orient. Special we^kiend rate for 2 sharing o room for 2 days. American. f*lon (food and lodging) $15.00. Longer periods 20% lower than summer schedule. Call Orient 180 up to 11 A. M. as reservations ar6 necessary.


Southold ChurcheiSOUTHOLD

METHODIST CHURCH John W. Crayton, M inister

Fri. Nov. 29 — Brotherhood Meet­ing. Election of Officer^. The High­lights of a trip to England and the workings of the R. A. F. by W. G er- mond Cochran, who has some first hand inform ation from one of our own Army Officers. We w ill also be entertained w ith some well chosen num bers by the original Sjauthold High Q uartet.

M issionary Circle meeting a t the home of Mrs. Gladys Tuthill. 2:30 P. M.

Sunday, Dec. 1 —Church School — 10 A. M. Morning W orship — 11 A. M. Epw orth League — 6:30 P. M. Leader — Chester Dickerson Evening W orship — 7:30 P. M.

Thursday, Dec. 5 — A ll day sewing meeting a t the Parsonage

Epw orth League Social and Game Night. 8 P. M. All Young People of the Church are invited to th is So­cial and Good tim e night. Come and get acquainted w ith the workings of our fourth departm ent. We are

_______ ___ ________ going to be hosts to the Young Peo-The Ladies Aid Society of the Pres- i Ple of the O rient M ethodist Church,

byterian Church meets a t the ParishPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH

Rev. E. Hoyt Palmer. Pastor10:00 A. M.................. Sunday School11:00 A. M............... Morning Worship

7:30 P. M............ Evening W orshipSunday morning a t the 11:00 o’clock

House on Wednesday, December 4th. A one-dish luncheon will be served a t 1:00 o’clock and a business meeting will follow a t 2:30. All members are asked to return all outstanding work on th a t date for the Christmas Sale on December 6th and also to plan to provide a food donation for the sale. H ie sale will be held in the Parish House from 2:30 to 4:30 P. M.

A farewell party for Mrs. Dorothy Lehr was tendered by the Mixiday Club a t the home of Mrs. Harold Nlver on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lehr are movingrto Cmuiectietft where: Mr. Lehr is now emidoyed.

A group of the Southold Presbyterian Church will attend a White Christ­mas G ift Service of the Young Peoifle’s Long ‘ Island Presbytery a t Center Moriches this Sunday evening.

Jerome G rattan of New Brunswick, N. J. spent the weekend with his par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. J . M. G rattan.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lang have closed their summer home here and left on Wednesday for Florida, where they wUl spend the winter.

Tiie ninth game of the Duplicate Bridge Tourament which is being sponsored by the Old Town Players will be held tomorrow evening a t Com­munity Hall.

The Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Crayton and Dr. D. W. Howell attended a meet­ing of the North Suffolk Parsonage Club a t Huntington on Tuesday of this week.

Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Petty, Sr. left yesterday (Wednesday) for

service. Holy Communi(ni will be ob­served. Everyone is welcome. ’The top­ic of the sermon will be: “A Deepened FellowfOiip.”

’The evening service will have as the subject of the talk: “G reat Were the Prophets.”

The Young People and others who may wish to go w ^ FariihHouse for the trip^ to Centw Moriches where they will attend the Annual Christmas G ift Service. Take a gift suitable for a person of high school age to cost not over 25 cents. Cars leave a t 2:15. Another car or two could foe used, if any woul4 W e to offer.

The Fellowship m i ^ in the Parish House tomorrow fevening a t 8:00.

The Guild serves a dinner to the Scoviters Tuesday evening^

T h e Ladies Aid meet Wednesday a t 1:00 for their o n e-d l^ luncheon, and a t 2:30 for their m<mthiy meeting.

FIRSTUNIVERSALIST CHURCH Rev. Samuel Oilbert ^nres, D. D.

Ifinlster10:00 A. M. — Church School 11:00 A. M. — Service of W orship Sermon Topic: “The New W orld

s i» irig - ' and Religion.”" M. — Young People’sfield, Mass.. to aii«nd the marriage of i 7:00 P.

their son, Oliver, to Miss Doris Neylon. Meeting.Oliver is a senior a t Springfield Col- A t the young people’s meeUng lege and Miss Neylon is a graduate of Flora Fisher and Virginia Vail wlU Springfield jgive reports concerning the Annual

Members and those connected with | Meeting of the State Y. P. C. U. the Presbyterian Church who are col- I which they attended last week at

Mrs. Oogo Kerplunk of the Artificial Ice Flooring Company, figure skater, liun« up a humdinger story on our front door in record time the past week. She ■aid while shopping in one of our prominent drug stores the other day, a young M r rushed in all out of breath. She waited awhile until she had regained it. abe then said to the handsome, as well as a very, very polite drug clerk, "I've (cvgotten what I oame m for. W hat am I to do?"

Tlie gallant drug derk in bis eiuleavor to ease the situation and at the •ame time be of assistance started off. Maybe it's Alka>Sdfler, alootud, Alootts poms plaster, aspirin, borax, bees wax, bird seed, bath aoap, catnip, oorn plaster, Oartoria, caraway sead,eiBarettes, doc btacuit, diah towels, dialnfeotant, Ooan’a liillB. Bpaom salts, flea powder. Flit, (or easy teeth picking, gum drops, HorliA’f: ■lillcweed, Ispuna tooth wash for incroim toenails, Jello 1 ^ ^ ^ , Uaterine, Iveivreen stove poUsb, Lifeboy, clothespins, loaengers, Ovaltina, Peruna, Papso- dent, pCTfume, Scott’s Convulsion, floor polish, Rul>-0-Hair tyinic.

By this time the girl’s face was good and red. “Oh, I now ramaoibtr,” spoke up the fair one. “Can you tall me where I oan find those Dwarf Bunfalows wtiere ttte UUy Puritan's foUu Uvet"

“Ob, Giriy, you mean the Kon ten ted Kolony of Kutie • Kutes,” was the reirty of ttte baU, hearty, hilarious « n i| elnk.

“<Mi, yeah, Mr. Soiarty. i l l be ssalnt you in churob OtiristmH OMNrninc, •enter aide, so dont forget it’s a date,” was Itie parting diot of the fair, IM and Airtjr one.

So with all Joking aside, Polks. We ask you a 'lto in Question. Do you reaUM the viator is fast an>roaebing and if you ham any Idea of movtag; w* woiM mMm rlfh t now fOr you to lose no Ume inoieettng the one vacaney wbich m uM t of a 7 room, all year lo iu id buntalow, complete in every delaU. — A* a rsaattnaMt rent — What oouU be easiert We u k jnmt


Kutio Kule Bimfftlow*The Nawlyweds’ P araiiw


lecting Camay soap wrappers. Ivory Flakes box tops and Crisco labels, kindly get in touch with Mrs. David Lehr (Telephone 3873) this week a t the latest and she will be glad to call for them.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ocame enter­tained a t supper Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Baker, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker, Russell Baker and Henry McCabe.

Mte. Amy Douglas, of Orient, Is visiting Mrs. John Kenny of Young’s Avenue.

Miss Helen Stacy, a student a t St. L a w r e n c e University, spent the Thanksgiving holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stacy.

M rs. Marjorie Jennings visited friends in Southold over the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. R an k M offat and son, John, Mr. and Mrs. John Moffat and Mrs. Florence Moffat and William and Mary Moffkt were guests for 'Hianks- giving a t the home of the Moffat sis­ters in Brooklyn.

Hanry Peterson, of Greenpnrt, has punfltased an Oldsnobile sedan from Koke Brothers agency.

The Rev. Bugene L. Conklin, of Southold and Derby Line, Vermont, is seriously ill.

• I L M T O P •The Ideal home for elderly people,

•lek or well Tralnetf muvm In eharte

Ralee 111 per Week and «p UWUMli MW fer

Milt. OOX ______

Newark, New Jersey.N ext week, Thursday, December

5, the Ladies’ Society will have its Annual Christm as Sale and Turkey Supper. The sale w ill begin a t 1:30 and the supper w ill be served a t six o’clock. The tickets for the supper are 65c.

The A nnual Parish M eeting w ill be held on Tuesday, December 10. Supper w ill be served a t six o’clock, and the business m eeting called a t seven o’clock. A ll interested in the work of the parish are urged to a t­tend.

NOTICEMoney deposited on or before De­

cember 4th, w ill draw in terest from December 1st, 1940.


W W 4VDRewaid offered for infonnaUoo lead­

ing to the arrest and oonvioMon ot the persMi or persons destroying BouthoU Park District property.

Nathan DpiTis John w. aiokes 8. B. F l i ^

aouthfdd PMrk OoMBdMioners

•A « T O N T . m O W I C K


Tel. mm Hcusei I to liN

Glenwbody O C reates a New


See how successfully Gienwood has elim­inated the disadvantages of the old style tanse. All the cooking improvements •no heating advantages jo u ’ve ever wished foe are incluora m diis large capadnr, heavy duty rahge, equally aaaptaple for coal, oil or wood.The big. High-speed Oven has the room •ypu’ve idways wanted. The roomy cook- ing top is smooth and easily cleaned.

0 1 L COAl W O O D

H I G H S P n n , 1 \ i R \

( A P A C I I Y O V F \•

( O M i > ' \ f I S P A ( I S A V I \ C ,

I ) ( f ) N S I R l ( 1 I O N

' A M > 1 R A D I I l ( ) \ M

/( , l l N W O O l ' l ) t i>l M ) \ H i n I >

A nd, you may choose between die mod^ c!s w ith mantle,elevatedw«imlng clo se t, k a t w a te r reservoir or w atm io g .in sn t, according to your neeu . Ydain:iy have your do ice of p<M(cielakl_ enam el fin iw in Peacltone and M. p le to n e and Ivory or gloiiqr

A nd best of all—this special (% hwood sells a t a price that if su^riiiagly aod* erate . By all means, see k.


o o d: •"'‘WMEQ


MAIN S t. Tel. 3770 SOUTHOLD


Phone - 3831 HENRY F. CORNILS, Prop.


1I 241/2 lb. bag 87c

PIU.SBURY FLOUR 7 lb. bag 3Sc3V2 lb. bag 18c

Durkee s d e o Margarine 2 lbs. 2ScAp^fovcd by 6e«d HeuMhMpiiig and1 Madical Assn.

Florkla Juke Oranges 20 for 2Sc

Sunshine Krispy Crackers 2 1-lb. pkgs. 2Sc

Royal Scarlet Pork & Beans 16 01. can Sc

Ivory Soap large— 3 for 2Sc small—5c