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rotary club of diamond creek inc. bulletin 20th March 2012 Page 20 th March 2012

Rotary Club of Diamond Creek Bulletin 20/03/2012

Mar 30, 2016



Greg Adams

Rotary Club of Diamond Creek weekly Bulletin 20/03/2012
Welcome message from author
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RI President

Kalyan Benerjee Rotary Club of Vapi


David Anderson Rotary Club of Yea


Pat Miller Rotary Club of Diamond Creek

Club Officers President Alan Jones Vice President PP Clyde Hulme President Elect Steve Crosling Secretary & Attendance Eileen Gatt Treasurer & Public Officer Greg Adams Directors and Standing Committees Club Administration PE Steve Crosling Membership John Egan Public Relations PP Bev Baker, Service Projects PP Alan White Rotary Foundation PP Linda Gidlund Who ya gunna call ! President Alan Jones 0414861558 Secretary Eileen Gatt 0427712688 Treasurer Greg Adams 0419355842 Editor: Greg Adams Art Director: Greg Adams Advertising : Greg Adams Bottle washer : Greg as well Editorial: send to [email protected]

Caution: The Bulletin contains no calories, vitamins, minerals or proteins. In fact, it is devoid of nutritional value. Nevertheless, it is a supplement much sought after and regularly devoured by the Rotarians of Diamond Creek.

rotary club of diamond creek inc.


V o l u m e 2 0 I s s u e 3 2 2 0 t h M a r c h 2 0 1 2

Note: The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Club or its members

District 9790

On the Cover

Conference 2013 'To enjoy the beauties of the provincial town of Ballarat its history, flavours and beautiful countryside. Combined with the experience of discovering the GOLD in Rotary.' This is what we, DGE John and Eileen Gatt, together with the members of the Rotary Club of Diamond Creek, expect to offer you and the members of Rotary International District 9790 Inc. at the next District Conference. Moreover, there will be the opportunity to make new friends and re-unite with old ones.

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Life events

the program/up and coming calendar and who’s doin what 20th March 2012 Tuesday 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Alan Lachman—Insight Education Centre for the Blind and Vision Impaired and Inductions.

Attend: Simply the best Tina, Chair: Little John, Beans: Greg, Door man: Lady in waiting Eileen Art Work: Grandpa Phil Prize: Li’tl Lynda

27th March 2012 Tuesday 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Club Ass.

Attend: Cheer squad Bev, Chair: Cptn Peter, Beans: Greg, Door man: SS Roger the dodger Art Work: Uncle Arthur Prize: Travel Alan.

3rd April 2012 Tuesday 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Wes Lloyd—Grand Prix

Attend: Sausage checker Rod, Chair: Lutenet Alan, Beans: Greg, Door man: Li’tl Patty Art Work: Builder Greg Prize: Baby chuck David

Mar 28 John Gat joined Rotary 21 Years ago

Mar 28 Cliff Wearne Birthday

Mar28 Glenda and Groff—anniversary

Mar 29 Jacqui Hodge joined Rotary 2years ago

Mar 29 Betty Bowen—Birthday

Mar 30 Tina Elmar—joined Rotary 1 year ago

Blast from the past - the year 2003- 2004 R.I. President Jonathan Majiyagbe Persident Joe Dinatale R.I. President Jonathan Majiyagbe's theme of Lend a Hand certainly gave me the inspiration and provided I believe our path and direction for the year. As a team, we responded in a manner that made me feel proud to be a Rotarian and especially a member of the Rotary Club of Diamond Creek.. I have enjoyed the year as President and the many magic moments that occurred, due to the hard work and commitment of you the members. As my presidential year draws to a close, I would like to share with you some special moments and highlights that gave me great pride. Debating team; Courtesy and Kindness; Town Fair; District Governor’s visit; RYLA and RYPEN; Mayor's visit; Combined meetings; Australia Day BBQ; Rotary Friendship Exchange; General Cosgrove; District Conference; ANZAC Day; Induction of two members; By Laws; Donation of Easter Eggs to our local Pre Schools.; Social Occasions; Mad Hatters night; Cryptic car rally; Christmas break up; Golf at Yarrambat; Off Site Meetings; Mill Park Police Complex; Whittlesea Park; Police Air Wing; Ryan's Reserve; Parliament House Canberra

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past presidents Brian Bowen 1978-1979 Heidelberg North

Bob Eycken 1983-1984 Alperton UK

John McCrohan 1992-1993

Ron Gordon 1993-1994

Chris Doupe 1994-1995

Cliff Wearne 1995-1996

Ern Wardell 1996-1997

Rod Mackenzie 1997-1998

Steve Sampson 1998-1999

Robin Chapple 1999-2000

Peter Marriage 2000-2001

Rob Lloyd 2001-2002

Bev Baker 2002-2003

Joe Di Natale 2003-2004

Geoff Swan 2004-2005

John Gatt 2005-2006

John Arthur 2006-2007

Linda Gidlund 2007-2008

Alan White 2008-2009

Pat Millar 2009-2010

Clyde Hulme 2010-2011

Just  as  Thomas  Edison  needed  a  team  of assistants, Rotary needs a number of members.  Gaining  new members  is  vitally  important  for our  Club  as  they  bring  new  ideas,  addi onal networks, different skills and fresh enthusiasm.  Tonight,  Carol  Fournaris  and Warwick  Leeson will be inducted as members and we know that they will both make a great contribu on to our Club.    We  warmly  welcome  them  and  their partners,  Carol  Leeson  and  Natalie  Campion (Carol’s  daughter)  to  the  Rotary  Club  of Diamond Creek.    Whilst  the  acquisi on  of  new  members  is impera ve  for  Club  growth,  retaining  our exis ng members is paramount for our ongoing success.    In  recent  years  our  membership numbers have been decreasing but  so  far  this Rotary  year,  we  have  inducted  six  new members – an excellent sign for the future.  So, it  is  vital  that we  retain our  current members and  for  this,  every member  must  take  some responsibility.    Each  Club  member  is  a  real person,  not  a  membership  number.    So  it  is essen al  that  we  remember  that  real  people have  lives,  families,  commitments and worries outside of Rotary.  Hence, if you are aware that one  of  our members  needs  some  support  in any  area  of  their  life,  don’t  leave  it  up  to everyone else, pick up the phone or have a chat to  them at a mee ng as empathy and support can  be  the  difference  between  them  staying with the Club or leaving.  So what prac cal things can we do as a Club to ensure  that  we  retain  our members?   Whilst most members  are  a  part  of  Rotary  because they  want  to  do  worthwhile  things  in  the community,  everyone  does  have  different needs and wants.  That is why it is important to have a full and varied program so that there are mul ple  opportuni es  to  get  involved.  Members are not restricted to being involved in one aspect of the Club, they can par cipate as much  as  they  like  in  whatever  ac vi es  they choose.    Our  weekly  program  at  the  Club mee ngs  is  full  of  variety  and  caters  to wide interests.  

Whilst  it  can  be  costly  to  be  a  Rotarian, this  year  we  reduced  the  yearly subscrip on  fee  and  all  new  members receive a Rotary shirt.  Only a small thing, but  immediately  the  new  member  can feel a part of Diamond Creek.  Inclusion  of  families  is  most  important and we want our members’ partners and families  to  feel  relaxed and a part of our Club.    Our  regular  partner’s  nights  are important  for  this.     We  encourage  any partners  who  would  like  to  contribute more.    They  are welcome  to  par cipate on sub commi ees, assist with projects or come along  to any of our ac vi es – and they do! There are many ways that family members  can  par cipate  – whether  it  is part  of  the  Shelter  Box  Sub  Commi ee, a ending the Food Safety Course, helping with  overseas  guests  (Youth  Exchange students,  Friendship  Exchange, Ambassadorial  Scholars  etc.)  or  just coming along to our social func ons.  It is wonderful  each  year  to  see  the  family par cipa on at the Diamond Creek Rotary Town  Fair  –  partners,  children,  extended family  and  friends  all pitch  in  to make  it the fantas c event that it is.    We have a strong Family of Rotary but this is so much more than just sending flowers if someone is sick!  It is all of us providing support and backing  to  the member who needs it.    All  of  these  things  are  significant  and combined, they make Diamond Creek, the Club  that  it  is.    However  the  greatest sa sfac on  that  a  member  can  have  is achieving  something  worthwhile  for others  in  the  community,  either  in  our local  area  or  interna onally.    That sa sfac on  will  be  the  ingredient  that holds our members together and ensures that our Club remains strong and ac ve.  Alan Jones    

from the president keeping up with the joneses! Thomas Edison, when asked why he had a team of twenty-one assistants: “If I could solve all the problems myself, I would.”

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what happened last week ? With Eileen’s ipad

President Alan opened the meeting by welcoming the guest speaker Sam Bramham, and calling for makeups of which there was the club visit to the Eltham Little Theatre on Wednesday for Costume fit outs.

Alan Jones mentioned that Richmond Weathers who looks after RAMS has thanked the club for the

$ 500 donated and is preparing to send nets to Timor Leste as a RACWS program.

Correspondence- Alan Ones mentioned that the minutes of the Board minutes will be sent out tomorrow

Alan informed members that Ern is working on the commencement of a new Probus club in our area and further information will be sent out about a meeting in April.

Alan mentioned that the local Netball club has purchased a defibulator and asked the club to present it at the hall.

Books for babies discussed and the Mem Fox books “Ten little fingers and ten little toes” will be sent to the maternal child health centres.

PP Rod Mackenzie and Alan Jones had an appointment today with the Bendigo Bank about funding changes for the Town Fair and other joint projects.

The Diamond Creek Change maker Award has been presented to David Anderson for consideration.

PP Bev Baker asked that those who are attending the Friday night dinner at District Conference to please pay!

PP Alan White has spoken to Cheryl, the Rotary Mental Health Coordinator in Sydney about the first mental health aid workshops. They would like two consecutive days and need 20 participants. He will ask the various churches around Diamond Creek if they are interested and he already has seven from the men’s shed It could be run over a Friday and Saturday. It is a 12 hour course costing $30 which covers the manual. The course is aimed at administrators to recognize symptoms of poor mental health for the purpose of referring them on to appropriate care.

PP Rod Mackenzie ran a youth suicide prevention course as president, and learnt that it is possible to save people as three of his workers tried to commit suicide and with intervention were saved. PP Linda Gidlund offers a short version of this at RYLA and it affected twelve Rylarians lives. No date has been set as yet for the proposed course. The Rotary Club of Kinglake Ranges has the same course running at the Kinglake middle school on the 28th & 290th April.

The Club’s Birthday celebrations on the second June are going ahead with Ern working hard towards their success. PDG Rob Lloyd requested Rotarians to support this event and also changeover. Ern and Greg are creating a book about each presidential year.

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Alan Jones advised that PP Rod Mackenzie is on the PHF nominating committee and nominations are wanted for PHF for the 26th June changeover. Rod will send an email to club.

Carol Fournaris is now a grandmother with a grandson, Hamish Blake, eight and a half pounds.

Members sang an impromptu Happy Birthday to PDG Rob Lloyd. Chair person John GATT introduced the sergeant, Rob Lloyd.

John Gatt Introduced Sam Bramham, a 23 year old Para-Olympian swimmer and university student who works for Disability Sport and Recreation. In 2004 he made the Para-Olympics and won gold medals and broke world records. He has had to fund his own trip and accommodation. Stories of disability from the third world changed his views of life. Telemarketing and philanthropic organiations help with fundraising for Disability Sport and Recreation. There are associated problems with disability and these are depression and smoking and alcoholism together with behavioral problems. Not government supported. Alan Jones presented Sam a cheque for DSR for $500.

Ern Wardell mentioned that next week will be a partner’s Night.

Day 1 we did 100km from Wang to Halstead winery just out

of Myrtleford and then back to Wang it was the first time I

visited a winery without having a drink :(

Day 2 114km from Wang to Mansfield all up hill :( and hot

Day 3 today ! Lunch break at Yarck 15km from Alexandra

with more to go .

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What’s one thing most people would be surprised to know about you?

I get nervous about public speaking.

What’s the smartest thing you’ve been told?

‘To accept personal responsibility for my own decisions and actions’.

How would someone you love describe you?

Caring, loving, passionate, strong on family values, committed to community service, opinionated (but only because I know I am right).

What’s the oldest item in your wardrobe that you still wear?

Footy shorts (I wear them in the garden; I’m not allowed to wear them away from home)

What do you look or feel really good in?

Shorts; mainly because I have a great lower-body physique.

What’s one simple thing you’re really good at?

Presiding over meetings; I understand the rules and protocols, and chair with a mix of fairness & firmness.

What do you least like to do?

Vacuuming the house; it seems like such a waste of time.

What’s the one talent you wish you had?

The ability to play a musical instrument or to sing well.

One thing you refuse to eat?

Escargots (snails to the culinary uneducated).

You would you like to invite to a dinner party?

Stephen Fry (I think we could converse at the same level of intellect).

I’m glad I .... Met, and married, Carol.

What was your best break in life?

Getting elected to the Nillumbik Council.

What was your happiest birthday party?

My 70th; it was one of those significant milestone birthdays, and I shared it with my family and friends.

Best holiday destination (or place you wish to visit)............

In Australia: Parry Creek Nature Reserve in the Northern Territory (unbelievable variety of bird life, interacting with crocodiles, set in a remote part of Australia.

In the Spotlight Rtn. Warwick Leeson

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Overseas: Turkey; Carol & I spent a fabulous month looking at history dating back 8000 years.

Who’s your most memorable character?

Niccolo Machiavelli: probably every political deep-thinkers’ favourite character; a man who looked at long-term political machinations, and came up with survival technique options.

Currently, you are reading what? Two books:

‘Portrait of a Turkish Family’ by Irfan Orga; that details the travails faced by his extended family during both World Wars, and the impacts of a nation losing a generation, or more, of young men.

‘The Age of Reason’ by Thomas Paine; a radical freethinker of the late 1700’s, Paine’s works are an appropriate reminder that not much of what is proposed today is original.

If you were an animal what would you be?

A Kangaroo; bounding with energy, forever memorialised by inclusion on Australia’s Coat of Arms, and it is there because (like the Emu) it is incapable of taking a backwards step.

Are you a dog or a cat person?

Very much a ‘dog’ person; cats have their place (under the wheels of a motor vehicle).

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Guest speaker Alan Lachman

After Vision Australia made its controversial decision to close the only Victorian school for blind students, Alan Lachman swore his seven-year-old daughter Francesca would not be forced back into the mainstream system. Instead Mr Lachman and his wife, Maria Franca, decided to establish a private school for blind and vision-impaired students, saying the Government system could not cater for everyone.

Insight is Victoria's only specialist primary school for the blind and vision impaired (opening Term 3, subject to VRQA registration) and the Centre of Excellence offering the Insight Support Skills from March 2012 as part of the Hugh Williamson Foundation Life Management Program at Berwick. Due to the closure at the end of 2009 of Victoria's only school for the blind, a group of parents supported by donors and the general community have created Insight - a new inclusive independent Education Centre for the Blind and Vision Impaired. Insight is honoured to be hosted just for 2012 by Nossal High School on Monash University's Berwick site, then from January 2013 it will have its own purpose-designed/built Stage 1 Specialist Primary School building on the same site. The Centre is focussed on reaching academic and life-skill goals required to gain full access to the mainstream learning environment. Insight's mission is to ensure the provision of quality education services, including access to core curriculum and necessary therapy services, to students who are blind or vision impaired and who may have additional disabilities, in order to empower them to achieve their highest level of independence, self-esteem and self-confidence. In the coming years, Insight will be establishing Satellite Mainstream Specialist Primary Units embedded inside partner schools - 4 around Melbourne and 4 in country Victoria to give children local access to the same specialist primary education as students at the Insight Berwick School have.

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What’s one thing most people would be surprised to know about you?

Surprised that I generally travel everywhere solo with no fixed itinerary.

What’s the smartest thing you’ve been told?

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

How would someone you love describe you?

Phisically and mentally strong, hard working, creative. Great love of family. Indecisive, adventurous, hopeless navigator. Loves to take one day at a time.

What’s the oldest item in your wardrobe that you still wear?

Jeans, will they ever go out of fashion?

What do you look or feel really good in?

Jeans, versatile, tough, comfortable, easy care, go anywhere in…..oh….and perfume!

What’s one simple thing you’re really good at?

Getting lost. I’m sure I was born without the micro-chip for tracking. Have been lost everywhere from Cape Tribulation to Italy, Paris, Scotland and beyond. Have learned to expect to get lost everywhere I go. Hail to the iphone!

What do you least like to do?

Committing to future events and housework. Seems repetitive and dull. Outdoor activities seem so much more physically challenging, inspiring, refreshing and enjoyable.

What’s the one talent you wish you had?

To be a natural musician and play guitar like a master rock star.

One thing you refuse to eat?

Meat since the controversy over live sheep export around 12 years ago.

You would you like to invite to a dinner party ?

The entire crew of one of the Greenpeace ships. They are all people who are passionate and dedicated to make positive change…..and Tom Selleck

I’m glad I .... am experiencing meeting some wonderful people through my work, the VMTC (Victorian Mountain Tramping Club),the DVPS (Diamond Valley Photographic Society) and now Rotary. I grow and develop with every new experience and learning that life delivers.

In the Spotlight Rtn. Carol Fournaris

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What was your best break in life?

Being able to live long enough to see my children grow up.

What was your happiest birthday party?

My 50th Birthday, climbing Mt Rosea at the Grampians and cracking a bottle of champagne on the summit with some of my very special people.

Best holiday destination (or place you wish to visit)............

Italy, full of amazing edgy cliff face architecture, history, scenery, gelati and lovely people.

Who’s your most memorable character?

Dr Fred Hollows – “it is amazing to think that one man can be attributed to restoring the sight to over one million people”. A simple, honest, character with an amazing skill.

Currently, you are reading what ?

Lee Child “Jack Reacher” series novel – “The Affair”. Jack spends his life stumbling into difficult situations and saving the day.

If you were an animal what would you be ?

A wild horse so I could be free to run with the wind in my hair without any restrictions.

Are you a dog or a cat person?

Love small dogs but don’t own one due to the commitment and restriction involved. I like to do things well and be spontaneous.


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Phone 03 9438 3044

Fax: 03 9438 4070 Email: [email protected]

Advance Australia Fair

Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free; We've golden soil and wealth for toil, Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in Nature's gifts Of beauty rich and rare; In history's page, let every stage Advance Australia fair!

Rotary Grace

O Lord and giver of all good

We thank you for our daily food

May Rotary friends and Rotary ways,

help us to serve you all our days.

The Diamond Creek Rotary Town fair 2012 starts in

172 days