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Romanian English a þine dreapta - keep right abajur - lampshade abatere - deviation abia - hardly absenþã - absence absolvi - graduate absorbi - absorb abundent - abundant abur - steam ac - needle acasã - at home accelera - accelerate accelerat - fast train accent - accent accentua - stress accepta - accept accident - accident aceasta - this aceeaºi - the same aceiaºi - the same acel - that acela - that acelaºi - the same aceleaºi - the same acest - this acesta - this thing acolo - over there acoperi - cover acoperit - covered acord - agreement acorda - grant acru - sour act - act acþiona - act activitate - activity actor - actor actual - current acum - now acum o orã - an hour ago acuza - accuse acuzativ - accusative adãpost - shelter adãposti - shelter adapta - adapt adãuga - add adãugat - added adesea - often adevãr - truth adevãrat - true adicã - that is to say adînc - deep adîncime - depth adineauri - just now adjectiv - adjective administraþie - administration admira - admire admiraþie - admiration admis - admitted admite - admit adormi - fall asleep adresã - address aduce - bring aduna - gather adunare - assembly adus - brought adverb - adverb

Romanian English - · PDF fileRomanian English a þine dreapta - keep right abajur - lampshade

Feb 05, 2018



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Page 1: Romanian English -  · PDF fileRomanian English a þine dreapta - keep right abajur - lampshade

Romanian English

a þine dreapta - keep rightabajur - lampshadeabatere - deviationabia - hardlyabsenþã - absenceabsolvi - graduateabsorbi - absorbabundent - abundantabur - steamac - needleacasã - at homeaccelera - accelerateaccelerat - fast trainaccent - accentaccentua - stressaccepta - acceptaccident - accidentaceasta - thisaceeaºi - the sameaceiaºi - the sameacel - thatacela - thatacelaºi - the sameaceleaºi - the sameacest - thisacesta - this thingacolo - over thereacoperi - coveracoperit - coveredacord - agreementacorda - grantacru - souract - actacþiona - actactivitate - activityactor - actoractual - currentacum - nowacum o orã - an hour agoacuza - accuseacuzativ - accusativeadãpost - shelteradãposti - shelteradapta - adaptadãuga - addadãugat - addedadesea - oftenadevãr - truthadevãrat - trueadicã - that is to sayadînc - deepadîncime - depthadineauri - just nowadjectiv - adjectiveadministraþie - administrationadmira - admireadmiraþie - admirationadmis - admittedadmite - admitadormi - fall asleepadresã - addressaduce - bringaduna - gatheradunare - assemblyadus - broughtadverb - adverb

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aer - airaeroport - airportafacere - businessafarã - outsideafirma - assertafiº - posterafla - findafluent - tributaryAfrica - AfricaAfrica de Sud - South Africaafumat - smokedafunda - plungeagale - slowlyagasa - worryagãþa - hang upagendã - diaryagent - agentagenþie - agencyagenþie de turism - travel agencyagita - agitateaglomerat - crowdedagricol - agriculturalai - you haveaici - hereaiurit - scatter brainedajunge - arrive atajuns - arrivedajuta - helpajutor - helpal cincilea - fifthal doilea - secondal optulea - eighthal patrulea - fourthal treilea - thirdal una sutãlea - one hundrethal zecelea - tenthalaltãieri - day before yesterdayalãturi - besidealb - whiteAlbania - Albaniaalbastru - bluealbinã - beealbum - albumalcãtui - formalcool - alcoholalee - lanealege - choosealerga - runales - chosenaliat - alliedaliment - foodalimentarã - grocer'salinta - caressalo - hello on telephoneAlpi - Alpsalpin - alpinealpinism - climbingalt - anotheraltãdatã - some other timealtar - altaraltceva - something elsealtcineva - somebody elsealtfel - otherwisealtminteri - otherwisealuat - doughalunã - hazelnutaluneca - slipam - I have

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am chef sã - I feel likeamabil - amiableamãnunt - detailamar - bittenamãrît - downcastambasadã - embassyambii - bothambiþios - ambitiousame nucleare - nuclear weaponsamenda - to fineamendã - a fineameninþa - threatenAmerica - AmericaAmerica de Nord - North AmericaAmerica de Sud - South Americaamerican - Americanamesteca - mixamfiteatru - amphitheatreamiazã - noonamic - friendamîndoi - bothaminti - remindamintire - memoryamor - love affairamurg - twilightan - yearan bisect - leap yearanapoda - topsy-turvyanecdotã - anecdoteAnglia - Englandanimal - animalaniversare - anniversaryanotimp - seasonantic - ancientanticariat - second-hand bookshopantinevralgic - headache pillanume - namelyanumit - a certainanunþa - announceapã - waterapã mineralã - mineral waterapãra - defendaparat - deviceaparat de fotografiat - cameraapãrea - appearapariþie - publicationapartament - flataparþine - belong toapãrut - appearedapãsa - pressapoi - thenaprecia - appreciateapreciat - highly regardedaprilie - Aprilaprinde - turn onaprins - litaproape - nearbyaproape de - nearapropiere - vicinityapropo - by the wayapuca - seizeapune - set (the sun)apus - setara - to plougharamã - copperaranja - arrangearanjament - arrangementarãta - show

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arbone - treearde - burnArdealul - Transylvaniaardei - pepperardei gras - green pepperardei iute - chilli pepperare - he hasArgentina - Argentinaargint - silverarhitecturã - architecturearipã - wingaritmeticã - arithmeticarmã - weaponarmatã - armyars - burntartã - artarticol - articlearticol de fond - editorialartist - artistartizanat - handicraftarunca - throwaºa - soaºa cã - so thataºa ºi aºa - so soaºadar - thereforeascensiune - climbasculta - listen toascunde - hideascuns - hiddenascuþi - sharpenascuþit - sharpasemãnare - resemblanceasemenea - suchaºeza - layasfinþit - sunsetAsia - Asiaasigura - assureasigurare - insuranceasociaþie - associationaspect - aspectaspirator - vacuum cleaneraspirinã - aspirinaspru - roughastãzi - todayaºtepta - waitaºternut - bedspreadastfel - thusasupra - onataca - attackatare - suchataº - side caratent - attentiveatentat - attemptatenþie - attentionatenua - attenuateateriza - landatinge - touchatins - touchedaþipi - dozeatîrna - hangatît - so muchatitudine - attitudeatlas - atlasatlet - athleteatom - atomatomic - atomicatracþie - attractionatrãgãtor - attractive

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atrage - attractatras - attractedatroce - atrociousatu - trumpatunci - at that timeau - they haveauditiv - auditoryauditoriu - audienceaugust - Augustaulã - lecture hallaur - goldaureolã - haloaurit - gildedauriu - gold-colouredaurorã - dawnausteritate - austerityaustral - southernAustralia - AustraliaAustria - Austriaautentic - authenticautobuz - busautohton - nativeautor - authorautoritate - authorityautoservire - self serviceauzi - hearavea - haveavea dreptate - be rightavea grijã de - take care ofavea gust de - taste ofavea noroc - be luckyavea un dinte contra - have a grudge againstavem - we haveavere - wealthaveþi - you haveavion - planeavocat - lawyeravut - hadazi - todaybabã - old womanbãga - put inbagaj - luggagebãiat - boybaie - bathroombalcon - balconybaltã - poolban - one hundreth of a leubananã - bananaBanatul - Banatbanc - jokebancã - benchbancnotã - banknotebandã - tapebani - moneybãnui - suspectbar - barbarbã - beardbãrbat - manbãrbie - chinbãrbier - barberbarcã - boatbasma - kerchiefbãþ - stickbãtaie - beatingbate - knockbãtrîn - oldbãut - drunkbãuturã - drink

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baza - basebazã - basebazin de înot - swimming poolbea - drinkbec - light bulbbej - beigeBelgia - Belgiumbelºug - abundancebenzinã - petrolbere - beerbestie - beastbeton - concretebeznã - darkbiblie - biblebibliotecã - librarybicicletã - bicyclebiet - poorbiftec - steakbijuterie - jewelbilet - ticketbine - goodbine ai venit - welcomebine aþi venit - welcomebine cã - good thing thatbinecuvîntare - blessingbinefacere - charitybineînþeles - of coursebinevenit - welcomebiniºor - fairly wellbirou - studybirui - defeatbiruinþã - victorybisect - leapbisericã - churchblanã - furblestema - curseblînd - gentlebloc - block of flatsblond - fairblugi - blue jeansboabã - berryboalã - illnessbogat - richbogãþie - wealthboi - oxenboier - boyarbolnav - sickbomboanã - sweetbon - ticketborcan - jarbordurã - curbbot - snoutboteza - baptisebou - oxbrad - fir treebraþ - armbravo - well donebrãzda - to furrowBrazilia - Brazilbrichetã - lighterbrînzã - cheesebritanic - Britishbroascã - frogbroºã - broochbroºurã - bookletbrusc - suddenbruse - suddenbrut - raw

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brutãrie - bakerybubui - thunderbuburuzã - ladybirdbucatã - piecebucãtãreasã - female cookbucãtãrie - kitchenbucate - foodbuchet - bouquetbucla - curlbuclã - curlbucluc - troublebucurie - joybucuros - gladbufni - bangbufon - foolbuget - budgetbuimac - dizzybuletin - identity cardbuletin de ºtiri - news bulletinbulevard - boulevardBulgaria - Bulgariabun - goodbun venit - welcomebunã dimineaþa - good morningbunã seara - good eveningbunã ziua - hellobunãtate - kindnessbunic - grandfatherbunicã - grandmotherburete - spongeburtã - bellybutelie - bottlebutoi - caskbuton - cuff-linkbutuc - logbuzã - lipbuzunar - pocketca - thancã - thanca sã - so as tocabanã - chaletcabinet - surgerycãci - becausecãciulã - fur capcãdea - fallcadou - presentcadru - framecafea - coffeecaiet - note bookcaisã - apricotcal - horsecãlãtor - travellercãlãtori - travelcãlãtorie - journeycalculator - calculatorcald - warmthcãldurã - heatcale - streetcalitate - qualitzcalorifer - radiatorcam - rathercãmarã - cupboardcãmaºã - shirtcamerã - roomcãmin - hostelcanã - jugCanada - Canadacanal - channel

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cantinã - refectorycantitate - quantitycap - headcapãt - endcãpãta - obtaincapitalã - capitalcapitol - chaptercaprã - goatcãprui - browncãpºunã - strawberrycapta - catchcar - cartcãrare - pathcãrbune - coalcare - whichcarne - fleshcarnet - book of ticketscarte - bookcarte poºtalã - postcardcartier - boroughcartof - potatocarton - cardboardcasã - housecãsãtorie - marriagecasetã - cassettecasetofon - cassette playercasier - cashiercasieriþã - cashier (female)casnic - domesticcastan - chestnut treecastaniu - chestnutcastel - castlecastravete - cucumbercategoric - categoricalcãtre - towardscãuta - look forcãutare - searchcauzã - causecaz - casecazan - cauldronce - whatce conteazã - what does it matterce fel de - what kind ofce mai - how are you?ce mai faceþi - how are youce mai faci? - how are you?ceai - teaceapã - onioncearã - waxceartã - quarrelceas - watchceaºcã - cupceaþã - fogcec - chequeceda - give upceh - CzechCehia - Czech Republiccel - thecel mai bine - best of allcel mai bun - the bestcelãlalt - othercelebra - celebratecelebritate - famecelebru - famouscelest - heavenlyceliatar - bachelorcelibatarã - spinstercelulã - cell

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central - centralcentru - centrecenturã - beltcenuºã - ashescep - plugcer - skyceramicã - potterycerb - stagcerc - circlecerc polar - polar circlecerceta - examinecere - ask forcerealã - cerealcerere - requestceresc - heavenlycerinþa - needcerne - siftcernealã - inkcerºetoare - beggarcerºetor - beggarcerºi - begcert - surecerta - rebukecertifica - certifycerui - waxcerut - requestedcetate - citadelcetãþean - citizenceþos - mistyceva - somethingchef - partychei - quaycheie - keychelner - waitercheltui - spendchema - callchestiune - problemchiar - evenchibrit - matchchiflã - rollchimie - chemistryChina - Chinachinui - torturechioºc - kioskchip - imagechitanþã - receiptci - but (after negative)cifrã - figurecîine - dogcîmp - fieldcîmpie - plaincincea - fifthcinci - fivecinci sute - five hundredcincilea - fifthcincime - fifthcincisprezece - fifteencincisprezecea - fifteenthcincisprezecelea - fifteenthcincizecea - fiftiethcincizeci - fiftycincizecilea - fiftiethcînd - whencine - whocinema - cinemacinematograf - cinemacineva - somebodycinste - honour

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cinstit - honestcînta - singcîntar - scalescîntec - songcioban - shepherdcioc - beakciocîrlie - skylarkciocolatã - chocolateciorbã - borschcirc - circuscircula - move aboutcirculaþie - trafficcireaºã - cherrycîrnat - sausagecîºtiga - earncît - how muchcît e ceasul - what is the timecît e ora - what is the timecîteodata - sometimesciti - readcîþi - how manycititor - readercîþiva - somecitronadã - lemonadeciudã - angerciudat - strangeciupercã - mushroomcizmã - bootclar - clearclasã - classroomclient - clientclimã - climateclipã - momentclopot - bellcoace - cookcoadã - queuecoafa - have one’s hair styledcoafor - ladies’ hairdressercoajã - peelcoapsã - thighcoasã - scythecoase - sewcoastã - coastcoborî - alightcocor - cranecocoº - cockcodru - thick forestcofetãrie - coffee shopcojoc - sheepskin coatcoleg - colleaguecolet - parcelcolind - carolcolþ - cornercomanda - ordercomedic - comedycomenta - comment uponcomerþ - tradecomitet - committeecomoarã - treasurecompanie - companycompara - comparecompartiment - compartmentcompleta - fill incomportare - behaviourcompot - tinned fruitconcediu - leaveconcert - concertconcluzie - conclusion

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concurenþã - rivalryconcurs - competitioncondamna - condemncondiþie - conditioncondiþional - conditionalconduce - drivecondus - drivenconfecþii - ready-made clothescongres - congressconiac - cognacconjuncþie - conjunctionconopidã - cauliflowerconsiliu - councilconsola - comfortconsolida - strengthenconstata - noticeconºtient - consciousconºtiincios - conscientiousconºtiinþã - conscienceconstrui - constructcont - accountconta pe - count oncontabil - accountantcontemporan - contemporarycontinua - continueconþinut - contentscontra - againstcontrast - contrastcontrazice - contradictcontrazis - contradictedcontrola - inspectconveni - suitconversaþie - conversationconvinge - persuadeconvins - persuadedconvorbire - talkcopac - treecopie - copycopii - childrencopil - childcopilãrie - childhoodcopt - ripecor - choircorabie - sailing shipcorb - ravencorect - correctcoridor - corridorcorn - horncorp - bodycort - tentcoº - basketcostã - costscostum - suitcot - elbowcotizaþie - subscriptioncovor - carpetCrãciun - Christmascratiþã - saucepancravatã - tiecrea - createcreangã - branchcreastã - ridgecrede - thinkcredinþã - beliefcreier - braincreion - pencilcremã - creamcrescut - grown

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creºte - growcreºtin - Christiancretin - idiotcrezut - believedcric - winchcrimã - serious crimecrin - lilycrispa - contractcriticã - criticismcrizã - crisiscronicã - chroniclecronologie - chronologycronometra - timecruce - crosscrud - cruelcrunt - savagecruþa - sparecruzime - crueltycu - withcu bucata - by the piececu grijã - carefullycu voce scãzutã - in a low voicecub - cubecuc - cuckoocuceri - conquercucoanã - ladycui - nailcuib - nestculca - put to bedculcat - lying (down)culege - pickcules - pickedculme - summitculoare - colourcultiva - cultivateculturã - culturecultural - culturalcum - howcum se spune pe româneºte - how do you say in Romaniancuminte - well-behavedcumnat - brother-in-lawcumnatã - sister-in-law .cumpãra - buycumpãrãturã - purchasecumva - by any chancecunoaºte - knowcunoºtinþã - knowledgecununã - wreathcuprinde - containcuprins - containedcuptor - ovencuraj - couragecurat - cleancurãþa - peelcurea - beltcurent - currentcurge - flowcurînd - sooncurios - oddcurs - lessoncurte - yardcusur - defectcutare - so and socutie - boxcutie poºtalã - post boxcuþit - knifecutremur - earthquakecuvenit - fitting

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cuvînt - wordda - yesdã - givesda frîu liber - give rein toda greº - failda un telefon - phoneda voie - allowdacã - ifdacã nu vã supãraþi - if you do not minddactilografã - typistdai - you givedãm - we giveDanemarca - Denmarkdar - butdãrîma - demolishdat - givendaþi - givedativ - dativedatora - owedatorie - dutydatoritã - due todau - they givede - ofde-a lungul - alongde aceea - thereforede ajuns - sufficientde altfel - as a matter of factde asemenea - similarlyde atunci - since thende bun augur - favourablede cãtre - byde ce - whyde cînd - since whende demult - formerde dinapoi - hindde la - fromde lemn - woodende loc - not at allde mult - for a long timede obicei - usuallyde puþin timp - not very longde rãu augur - ominousde unde - where fromde vînzare - for saledeal - hilldeasupra - abovedebit de tutun - tobacconist's kioskdecãdere - decadenceDecembrie - Decemberdeci - sodecide - decidedecis - decideddecît - thandeclara - declaredecor - settingdecret - decreedefect - defectdegeaba - in vaindeget - fingerdeja - alreadydelicat - delicatedelicatesã - delicatessendeltã - deltademnitate - dignitydemola - demolishdemonstra - provedemonstraþie - demonstrationdemonstrativ - demonstrative

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demonta - dismantledemult - long agodenatura - distortdenigra - denigratedenota - denotedens - thickdensitate - densitydentar - dentaldentist - dentistdenumi - namedenunþa - denouncedenunþãtor - denouncerdeoarece - becausedeocamdatã - for the time beingdeodatã - suddenlydeoparte - asidedeopotrivã - equallydeosebi - distinguishdeosebire - differencedeosebit - specialdepãna - spindepartã - removedepãrta - removedepãrtare - distancedepãrtat - distantdeparte - fardepaºi - outrundepãºi - outrundepãºire - overtakingdependent - dependentdependenþã - dependencedepinde de - depend ondeplasa - displacedeplasare - change of placedeplasat - improperdeplin - fulldeplînge - lamentdeplorabil - lamentabledeporta - deportdepou - depotdepozit - warehousedepozita - storedepoziþie - testimonydepravare - coruptiondepravat - depraveddeprecia - depreciatedeprima - depressdepune - depositdepus - depositedderanja - upsetdes - oftendescãrca - unloaddeschide - opendeschis - opendescoperi - discoverdescrie - describedescris - describeddesculþ - barefootdescurca - disentangledesen - drawingdeseori - oftendesert - dessertdesface - undodesfiinþa - abolishdeºi - althoughdesigur - certainlydespãrþi - separatedespica - split

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despre - aboutdeºtept - cleverdeºtepta - wake updeºteptãtor - alarm clockdestul - enoughdetesta - detestdeunãzi - the other daydeveni - becomedevreme - earlydezbinare - discorddezbrãca - undressdezbrãcat - undresseddezerta - desertdezertare - desertiondezertor - deserterdezgheþ - thawdezgheþa - thawdezgoli - uncoverdezgropa - digdezgusta - disgustdezgustat - sick ofdezice - denydezintegrare - disintegrationdezinteres - lack of interestdezlega - untiedezvolta - developdezvoltare - developmentdialog - dialoguediavol - devildicþionar - dictionarydiferenþã - differencediferit - variousdificultate - difficultydimineaþã - morningdin - from (in) (de + în)din cînd in - from time to timedin greºeala - by mistakedin întîmplare - by chancedin nou - againdin pãcate - unfortunatelydin partea - on behalf ofdin senin - out of the bluedin tot sufletul - from the bottom of one's heartdinadins - on purposedinaintea - beforedinamic - dynamicdinamicã - dynamicsdinamitã - dynamitedinapoi - behinddinapoia - behinddinastie - dynastydinãuntru - insidedincoace - heredincolo - theredincolo de - beyonddineu - dinner partydinspre - from the direction ofdinte - toothdinte de lapte - milk toothdintîi - firstdintre - betweendiplomã - diplomadiplomat - diplomatdirect - directdirecþie - directiondirijor - conductordisc - recorddiscordie - discord

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discret - discretediscuta - discussdiscuþie - discussiondispãrea - disappeardispãrut - disappeareddispus - inclineddistanþã - distancedistinge - distinguishdistins - distinguisheddistruge - destroydistrus - destroyeddivan - sofadivide - dividedoamnã - ladydoar - onlydobîndã - interest (money)dobîndi - acquiredobitoc - blockheaddoctor - doctordoctorie - medicinedoctoriþa - woman doctordoctoriþã - female doctordocument - documentdoi - twodoilea - seconddoinã - elegiac folksongdoisprezece - twelvedoisprezecelea - twelfthdolar - dollardoliu - griefdomn - gentlemandomni - ruledomnie - reigndomniºoarã - missdomnitor - rulerDomnul - Lorddop - corkdor - longingdori - wishdorinþã - wishdorm - I sleepdormi - sleepdormitor - bedroomdos - backdosar - folderdoua - second fem.douã - twodouã mii - two thousanddouã ori - twicedouã sute - two hundreddouã treimi - two thirdsdouãsprezece - twelvedouãsprezecea - twelfth fem.douãzecea - twentieth fem.douãzeci - twentydouãzecilea - twentiethdovadã - proofdovedi - provedrac - devildrãcui - cursedrag - deardrãgãlaº - sweetdragoste - lovedrãguþ - kinddramaturg - playwrightdreapta - rightdreaptã - right handdrege - put right

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drena - draindrept - straightdreptate - justicedres - put rightdresa - traindresat - traineddresor - trainerdric - hearsedricar - undertakerdrog - drugdrogherie - chemist'sdroiae - crowddrojdia societãþii - dregs of societydrojdie - yeastdrum - journeydrum bun - bon voyagedrumeþ - travellerdubios - doubtfuldubiu - doubtdubla - doubledublu - doubledublurã - liningduce - carrydud - mulberry treedudã - mulberryduh - spiritduios - sorrowfuldulap - wardrobedulce - sweetduminicã - Sundaydumneaei - shedumnealor - theydumnealui - hedumneata - youdumneavoastrã - youDumnezeu - GodDunãrea - Danubedungã - stripedupã - afterdupã-masã - in the afternoondupã aceea - afterwardsdupã amiazã - afternoondupã ce - afterdura - lastdurea - hurtdurere - painduº - showerduºman - enemyduºmãni - hateduºumea - floore - ise departe pînã la Bucureºti - it is a long way to Bucharestea - sheebraic - Hebrewebrietate - state of intoxicationecartement - gaugeecher - squareechilateral - equilateralechilibru - equilibriumechinocþiu - equinoxechipa - equipechipã - teamechipaj - crewechipament - equipmentecou - echoecran - screenediþie - editionediturã - publishing house

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efect - effectefort - effortegalitate - equalityEgipt - Egyptei - theyel - heele - theyelectrician - electricianelegant - elegantelement - elementelev - schoolboyelevã - schoolgirlelibera - freeElveþia - Switzerlandemigra - emigrateemoþie - excitementemoþionat - excitedenergie - energyenglez - Englishenglezesc - Englishenglezeºte - in Englishenglezoaicã - Englishwomanenorm - enormousepiscop - bishopepocã - epochepuizat - out of stockerã - eraerou - heroest - easteste - iseºti - you areetaj - flooretaj - la - upstairsetichetã - labeleu - Ieu înþeleg - I understandEuropa - Europeevada - escapeeveniment - eventeventual - possibleevita - avoidevreu - Jewexact - exactexamen - examinationexcelent - excellentexcursie - excursionexemplar - copyexemplu - exampleexerciþiu - exerciseexpedia - sendexperienþã - experienceexplica - explainexpresie - expressionexterior - exteriorextern - foreignfabricã - factoryfac - I doface - doface coadã - queue upface dreptate - do justiceface o cerere - make an applicationface o greºealã - make a mistakeface plata - pay the billface un duº - have a showerface un numãr - dial a numberfacem - we dofacultate - facultyfãcut - done

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fag - beech treefãgãdui - promisefaimã - famefãinã - flourfamilie - familyfapt - factfaptã - deedfapte diverse - news in brieffar - lighthousefãrã - withoutfãrã dinþi - toothlessfãrã greº - faultlesslyfãrã limitã - unlimitedfarda - make oneslf upfarfurie - platefarmacie - pharmacyfarmacist - pharmacistfarmacistã - female pharmacistfarmec - charmfasole - beansfatã - girlfaþã - facefaþã de masã - tableclothfãþiº - openly .fazan - pheasantFebruarie - Februaryfecior - boyfel - kindfelicita - congratulatefelicitare - greetings cardfelie - slicefelinar - lamp postfemeie - womanfeminin - femininefereastrã - windowferi - avoidfericire - happinessfericit - happyferigã - fernfermeca - enchantfertil - fertilefetiþã - little girlfi - befi de folos - be of usefi frînt de obosealã - be done forfi pe ducã - be ready to startfi sãtul pînã îin gît de - be fed up officat - liverfie... fie - either... or (clauses)fiecare - eachfier - ironfierbe - boilfierbinte - hotfiert - boiledfigurã - formfiicã - daughterfiindcã - becausefileu - netfilm - filmfiltrare - filtrationfinã - goddaughterFinlanda - Finlandfîntînã - fountainfir - threadfire - naturefiresc - naturalfireºte - naturallyfirmã - firm

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fiu - sonfix - exactlyflacãrã - flameflãmînd - hungryfloare - flowerfluviu - riverfoaie - leaffoame - hungerfoarte - veryfoc - finefolos - usefolosi - usefolositor - usefulfond - backgroundfondul problemei - the essence of the problemfonetic - phoneticfoneticã - phoneticsfora - to drillforaj - drillingforma - formformã - formformal - formalformaþie - groupformular - formforþã - forcefost - formerfotbal - footballfotografie - photographfotoliu - armchairfrancez - FrenchFranþa - Francefranþuzesc - Frenchfranþuzeºte - in Frenchfrate - brotherfrazã - phrasefreca - rubfrescã - frescofricã - fearfrig - coldfrige - roastfrigider - fridgefrîna - brakefrînã - nrakefrînge - breakfrînghie - ropefrînt - brokenfript - roastfripturã - roast meatfrîu - reinfrizer - barberfrizerie - hairdresser’sfrontierã - frontierfruct - fruitfrumos - beautifulfrumuseþe - beautyfrunte - foreheadfrunzã - leaffugi - flee .fular - scarffulg - flakefum - smokefuma - smokefuncþionar - civil servantfuncþionarã - female civil servantfund - bottomfunie - ropefura - stealfurculiþã - fork

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furie - furyfurnicã - antfustã - skirtgalben - yellowgãleatã - bucketgalerie - gallerygarã - stationgaranþie - guaranteegard - fencegardã - guardgãsi - findgata - readygãti - cookgaz - gasgazdã - hostgeam - window panegeamantan - suitcasegeanã - eyelashgem - jamgeneral - generalgenitiv - genitiveGenmania - Germanygenunchi - kneegeografic - geographicgeografie - geographyger - frostghearã - clawgheaþã - iceghici - guessghid - guidebookghinion - misfortuneghiºeu - positiongîdila - ticklegînd - thoughtgîndac - beetlegîndi - thinkgîndire - thoughtgînditor - thinkerginere - son-in-lawgînguri - babblegîscã - goosegît - neckglas - voicegloatã - crowdglob - globeglobal - globalglonþ - bulletglorie - gloryglumã - jokeglumi - jokegogoaºã - doughnutgol - emptygolf - gulfgoli - emptygoni - chase awaygrabã - hastegrãbit - in a hurrygrad - gradegrãdinã - gardengrai - speechgram - gramgrãmadã - heapgramaticã - grammargrãnicer - passport officergraniþã - frontiergras - fatgrãsime - fatgrãtar - grill

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graþia - pardongratie - bargraþie - thanks tograþiere - pardongratifacaþie - bonusgratis - free of chargegratuit - freegraur - starlinggrav - seriousgrava - engravegravidã - pregnantgraviditate - pregnancygravita - gravitategravitate - gravitygravitaþie - gravitygreacã - Greekgreaþã - disgustgrebla - rakegreblã - rakegrec - GreekGrecia - Greecegrecoaicã - Greek womangrefa - graftgrenadã - grenadegreoi - heavygrepfrut - grapefruitgresa - oilgreºealã - mistakegreºi - make a mistakegreºi drumul - take the wrong roadgreºi þinta - miss the targetgreu - heavygreutate - weightgri - greygrijã - caregrimasã - grimacegrindã - beamgripã - influenzagriº - semolinagrîu - wheatgroapã - ditchgroazã - feargroaznic - terriblegros - thickgrosime - thicknessgrozav - terrificgrozav de - terriblygrozãvie - horrorgrumaz - neckgrup - groupgrupã - groupguler - collargunoi - dirtgurã - mouthgust - tastegusta - tastegustare - snackgustos - tastyguturai - runny noseguvern - governmenthai - come onhaide - come onhaidem - come onhaideþi - come onhain - wickedhainã - coathal - plighthalat - dressing gown

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hamal - porterhambar - barnhan - innhaos - chaoshaotic - chaoticharnic - industrioushartã - maphaz - joyhîrtie - paperhohot - loud burst (laughter or tears)hol - hallhorã - round dancehoþ - thiefhotar - borderhotãrî - decidehotãrîre - decisionhotel - hotelhranã - foodhrãni - feedia - takesiad - helliahnie - ragoutianuarie - Januaryiar - andiarãºi - againiarbã - grassiarnã - winteriatã - look!iaurt - yoghurtibric - poticoanã - iconicre negne - caviaridee - ideaie - embroidered peasant blouseieftin - cheapiei - you takeiepure - hareieri - yesterdayierta - forgiveiese - goes outieºi - go outieºire - exitimagina - imagineimagine - imageîmbãta - se - get drunkîmbãtrîni - get oldîmbogãti - enrichîmbrãca - dressîmbrãcãminte - clothingîmbrãþiºa - embraceîmbunãtãþi - improveimediat - straightawayimens - immenseîmi - to meîmi pare bine - I am gladîmi pare rãu - I am sorryimita - imitateîmpãca - reconcileimpacheta - packîmpãrat - emperorîmpãrþi - divideimperiu - empireîmpiedica - hinderîmpinge - pushîmpins - pushedîmpletici - staggerîmplini - accomplishimpodobi - adorn

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important - importantimportanþã - importanceimpotniva - againstimpozit - taxîmprejur - roundîmprejurare - circumstanceîmprejurul - aroundimpresie - impressionîmpreunã - togetherîmprumut - loanîmprumuta - lendimpunãtor - impressiveimpune - imposeimpus - imposedîmpuºca - shootin - flaxîn - inîn drum spre - on the way toîn general - in generalîn jur - aroundîn jurul - aroundîn loc de - instead ofîn pace - in peaceîn pace ºi liniºte - in peace and quietîn strãinãtate - abroadin timpul - duringîn total - altogetherînaintat - advancedînainte - beforehandînainte de - beforeînaintea - in front ofînalt - tallînãlþime - heightinamic - enemyînapoi - backwardsînãuntru - ininãuntrul - insideîncã - yetîncãlca - infringeîncãlca legea - break the lawîncãlcare - violationîncãlzi - warm upîncãpea - fit intoîncãput - fitted intoîncãrca - loadîncepe - beginînceput - begunîncerca - tryîncercare - attemptîncet - slowlyînceta - ceaseîncheia - closeîncheiere - conclusionînchide - closeînchina - toastînchipui - imagineînchis - closedînchisoare - prisonincît - thatînclinaþie - inclinationîncoace - hitherîncolo - thitherînconjura - surroundîncotro - whitherîncredere - confidenceîncredinþa - entrustîncuia - lock upinculturã - lack of education

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încuraja - encourageîncurca - tangleîndatã - immediatelyîndatorat - indebtedîndelungat - protractedîndemn - insistenceîndemna - urgeîndeosebi - especiallyîndepãrtat - distantindependent - independenceîndeplini - fulfilIndia - Indiaindivid - guyîndoi - foldîndoialã - doubtîndrãzni - dareîndrepta - put rightîndreptãþit - justifiedîndruma - guideîneca - drowninel - ringînfãþiºa - presentînfige - stick inínfiinþa - establishînfiorãtor - frightfulînflori - flourishînfloritor - flourishinginfluent - influentialinfluenþa - influenceinformaþie - informationînfrînge - defeatînfrînt - defeatedînfrunta - confrontînfuria - make furiousînger - angelîngheþa - freezeîngheþatã - ice-creamînghiþi - swallowinginer - engineerîngriji - look afterîngrijit - carefulîngrijorat - worriedîngropa - buryîngrozi - terrifyîngrozit - terrifiedîngust - narrowinimã - heartiniþiativã - initiativeînjosi - humbleînjosire - degradationînjositor - humiliatingînjunghia - stabînlocui - replaceînlocuire - substitutionînmuia - dipînmulþi - multiplyînnebuni - go madînnoda - tieînot - swimmingînota - swimînregistra - recordînrobi - enslaveînrobire - enslavementînrobitor - enslavingînrola - enlistînroºi - blushînrudi - be related toînrudire - relationship. relation

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înrudit - relatedînsã - howeverînsãila - stitchînscrie - enrolînscriere - enrolmentînscris - enrolledînsemna - meaninsemnat - importantînsemnatate - importanceînsetat - thirstyinsista - insistînspre - towardsînspre prinz - towards middayinstala - installinstalator - plumberînºtiinþa - informinstrument - instrumentinsulã - islandîntãri - strengthenîntelege - understandînþelege - understandînþelept - wiseînþeles - understoodinteligent - intelligentîntemeia - foundintenþie - intentionînþepeni - become stiffinteres - interestinteresa - interestinteresant - interestingintern - internalinterpret - interpreterinterveni - interveneinterzice - forbidinterzis - forbiddenintîi - first.întîia - firstîntîiul - firstîntîlni - meetîntinde - stretchîntins - spreadîntîrzia - be lateintîrziere - delayîntoarce - returnîntotdeauna - alwaysintra - enterintrare - entranceîntre - betweenîntre timp - meanwhileîntreba - askîntrebare - questionîntreg - wholeîntreprindere - enterpriseîntrerupe - interruptîntrerupt - interruptedîntrista - saddenintroduce - introduceintroducere - introductionintrodus - introducedîntrucît - inasmuch asîntuneca - darkenîntunecat - darkinunda - floodinutil - uselessinvada - invadeînvãlui - envelopînvãþa - learnînvãþãmînt - education

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învãþãtor - teacherinvazie - invasionînveli - cover overînviere - resurrectionînvinge - defeatînvins - defeatedînvinui - accuseînvîrti - spininvita - inviteinvitaþie - invitationIran - IranIrlanda - Irelandiscoadã - lookoutiscodi - pry intoiscoditor - pryingiscusinþã - skilliscusit - skilfulIslanda - Icelandislaz - commonispãºi - atone forispãºire - expatiationispitã - temptationispiti - temptispititor - temptingispravã - successisprãvi - terminateIsrael - Israelistoric - historianistorie - historyistorisi - narrateistorisire - narrationistovi - exhaustistovit - exhaustedistovitor - exhaustingItalia - Italyitalian - Italianiubi - loveiubire - loveiubit - loverIugoslavia - Yugoslaviaiulie - Julyiunie - Juneiute - quicklyizbi - strikeizbucni - break outizola - isolateizvor - springjale - sadnessJaponia - Japanjefui - plunderjertfã - sacrificejigni - offendjoc - playjoi - Thursdayjos - lowjuca - playjucãrie - toyjudeca - judgejudeþ - countyjumãtate - halfjupui - grazejura - swearkatedrã - chair (university)kilogram - kilogramkilometru - kilometrela - atla curent cu - informed aboutla dreapta - on the right

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la fel - the samela naiba - damnla nord - in the Northla parter - downstairsla revedere - goodbyela sud - in the southla timp - on timelabã - pawlac - lakelãcãtuº - locksmithlãcomie - greedlacrimã - tearlãcui - varnishlãcustã - grasshopperladã - boxlamã - bladelampã - lamplãmuri - elucidatelan - fieldlanþ - chainlapte - milklarg - widelãrgi - widenlãrgime - widthlaº - cowardlãsa - leavelat - widelãþi - widenlãþime - widthlãþos - shaggylãtra - barklãtrat - barkinglaudã - praiselãudabil - laudablelãutar - gipsy fiddlerleac - remedyleafã - salaryleal - loyallebãdã - swanlecþia - lessonlecþie - lessonlefter - pennilesslega - tielegal - legallegalitate - legalitylegaliza - legalizelegãna - swinglegatar - heirlegãturã - connectionlege - lawlegendã - legendlegendar - legendarylegislaþie - legislationlegislativ - legislativelegitim - legitimatelegumã - vegetablelemn - woodlene - lazinessleneº - lazylent - slowlentilã - lensleoaicã - lionesslepãda - dropleprã - leprosylepros - leperleº - corpseleºie - lyeleºin - swoon

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leºina - faintlesne - easilylesnicios - easylespede - slablest - ballastletargie - lethargyletopiºet - chroicleleu - lionliber - freelibera - freelibertate - freedomlibrãrie - bookshopliceu - secondary schoollichid - liquidlift - liftlimbã - languagelimbaj - languagelimbut - chatterboxlimfã - lymphlimita - limitlimitã - limitlimitare - limitationþlimitat - limitedlimonadã - lemonadelimpede - clearlimpezi - clarifylin - gentlylînã - woollîngã - besidelingurã - spoonlinguriþã - teaspoonlinguºi - flatterlinguºire - flatterylinguºitor - flatteringlingvist - linguistlingvistic - linguisticlingvisticã - linguisticslinie - linelinioarã - hyphenliniºte - quietliniºti - quietliniºtit - calmlipi - sticklipsi - be missinglirã sterlinã - pound sterlinglistã - listliterã - letterliteraturã - literaturelitoral - seasidelitru - litreliturghie - liturgylivadã - orchardloc - placelocal - locallocalitate - localitylocui - livelocuinþã - householdlocuitor - inhabitantlogodnic - fiancelogodnicã - fianceeLondra - Londonlor - theirlovi - hitlua - takelua masã - hava a mealluãm - wetakeluaþi - you takeluci - sparkle

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lucra - worklucrare - projectlucru - thinglui - hislume - peopleluminã - lightlumînare - candlelunã - moonlung - longlungime - lengthluni - Mondaylup - wolflupta - to fightluptã - fightmã bucur mult de cunoºtintã - pleased to meet youmãduvã - marrowmãgar - assmagazin - shopmaghiar - Hungarianmagnetofon - tape recordermãguli - flattermahala - seedy districtmai - Maymai ales - especiallymai mult - moremaicã - mothermal - bankmamã - mothermãmãligã - polentamãnãstire - monasterymanual - text bookmãnuºã - glovemanuscris - manuscriptmãr - applemare - bigMarea Britanie - Great Britainmarfã - goodsmargine - edgemãri - increasemãrime - sizemaro - brownmarþi - Tuesdaymartie - Marchmãrturisi - confessmasã - tablemasculin - masculinemaºinã - carmãslinã - olivemãsurã - measuremãtase - silkmatematicã - mathsmãtura - sweepmãturã - broommãtuºã - auntmazãre - peasmea - mymedic - doctormedicament - medicinemedicinã - medical sciencemei - mymelc - snailmembru - membermemora - memorizememorie - memorymenaj - householdmentã - mintmenþine - maintainmenþiona - mention

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mereu - continuallymerge - gomerita - deservemers - gonemesaj - messagemeserie - trademeºter - foremanmeºteºug - handicraftmetru - metremeu - myMexic - Mexicomezeluri - wurstmia - thousandthmiazãnoapte - northmiazãzi - southmic - smallmie - thousandmiel - lambmielea - thousandthmiercuri - Wednesdaymiere - honeymierlã - blackbirdmiez - middlemigdalã - almondmîine - tomorrowmijloc - middlemilã - milemiliard - thousand millionmilion - millionmînã - handmînca - eatmîncare - foodmincinos - deceitfulminciunã - liemîndrie - pridemîndru - proudmineral - mineralminge - ballmîngîia - caressmînie - angerminister - ministryministru - ministerminoritate - minorityminte - mindminþi - lieminuna - astonishminunat - wonderfulminune - miracleminut - minutemirare - astonishmentmire - bridegroommireasã - bridemirosi - smellmiºca - movemiºcare - movementmitropolit - metropolitan bishopmlaºtina - marshmoale - softmoarã - millmoarte - deathmobilã - furnituremod - mannermodã - fashionmodel - patternmodern - modernmodifica - modifymoi - softMoldova - Moldavia

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moment - momentmondial - worldmonedã - coinmonument - monumentmoralã - moralsmoravuri - customsmorcov - carrotmormînt - tombmort - deadmorun - sturgeonmoº - old manMoº Crãciun - Father ChristmasMoscova - Moscowmoºie - estatemoºteni - inheritmoºtenitoare - heiressmoºtenitor - heirmoþ - tuftmotan - tomcatmoþat - crestedmotiv - reasonmotiva - motivatemotivare - motivationmoto - mottomotocicletã - motorczclemotor - enginemotorinã - diesel oilmototoli - crumplemov - mauvemuc - endmucalit - funnymuced - mouldymucegai - mouldmuchie - edgemuia - dipmuiere - womanmujdei - crushed garlicmulge - milkmult - muchmulþi - manymulþime - large quantitymulþumesc - thank youmulþumi - thankmulþumit - satisfiedmulþumitã - thanks tomuncã - worlclabourmunci - work hardmuncitoare - female workermuncitor - workermunte - mountainMuntenia - MunteniaMunþii Carpaþi - Carpathian mountainsmurdar - dirtymuri - diemuri de foame - die of hungermusafir - guestmuscã - flymuºca - bitemuºchi - sirloin steakmuºtar - mustardmustaþã - moustachemustra - scoldmut - dumbmuta - movemuzeu - museummuzicã - musicnadã - baitnãdejde - hope

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nadir - nadirnãduºi - sweatnai - pan pipenailon - nylonnaiv - naivenalbã - mallownamilã - giantnãmol - mudnap - turnipnarã - nostrilnas - nosenaº - godfathernaºã - godmothernãscut - bornnaºte - give birthnaºtere - birthnasture - buttonnatalitate - birthratenaþional - nationalnaþiune - nationnatriu - sodiumnaturã - naturenatural - naturalnãvãli - attacknea - snowneam - peopleneamþ - Germanneapãrat - without failneascultätor - disobedientneaºteptat - unexpectedneastîmpãrat - restlessnebun - madnebunie - madnessnecãji - vextroublenecaz - troublenecesar - necessarynedreptate - injusticenedumerire - surprisenefolositor - uselessnegru - blacknegurã - mistnegustor - dealerneîntrecut - unsurpassednemaipomenit - unprecedentednemþeºte - in Germannenorocire - misfortunenenorocit - wretchedneplãcut - unpleasantnepoatã - granddaughternepot - grandsonnerãbdare - impatiencenesimþitor - inconsiderateneted - smoothneutru - neutralnevastã - wifenevãzut - unseennevinovat - innocentnevoie - neednicãieri - nowherenici - nornici nu... nici - neither... norniciodatã - neverniciunul - nonenimeni - nobodynimic - nothingninge - snowninsoare - falling snownisip - sand

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niºte - somenivel - levelnoapte - nightnoapte bunã - goodnightnod - knotnoi - wenoiembrie - Novembernominativ - nominativenor - cloudnorã - daughter-in-lawnord - northnord-vest - north westnoroc - cheersnoroi - mudNorvegia - Norwaynostim - nicenostru - ournota - notenotä - notenou - newnoua - ninthnouã - ninenouã sute - nine hundredNoua Zeelandã - New Zealandnouãlea - ninthnouãsprezece - nineteennouãsprezecea - nineteenthnouãsprezecelea - nineteenthnouãzecea - ninetiethnouãzeci - ninetynouãzecilea - ninetiethnu - nonu am chef - I don't feel like itnu avea dreptate - be wrongnuanþa - shadenuc - walnut treenucã - walnutnucleu - nuclearnud - nudenufãr - water lilynuia - rodnul - drawnumai - onlynumaidecît - immediatelynumãr - numbernumãra - countnume - namenuntã - weddingnurcã - minknutri - cherishnutritiv - nourishingnuvelã - short storynuvelist - story tellero - ao datã - onceoacheº - swarthyoaie - sheepoalã - bowloameni - menoarã - occasionoarecum - a certain extentobicei - customobidã - bitternessobidi - oppressobiect - objectobiºnui - se - get accustomedobiºnuit - usualobliga - oblige

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obligaþie - obligationobligatoriu - obligatoryoblitera - raseobosi - tireobosit - tiredobraz - cheekobraznic - cheekyobþine - obtainobþinut - obtainedoccupat - busyochelari - glassesochi - eyeocol - detourocroti - protectoctombrie - Octoberocupa - occupyocupat - busyodaie - roomodatã - onceodihnã - restodinioarã - formerlyodor - jeweloferi - offeroficiu poºtal - post officeoglindã - mirroroglindi - reflectoi - sheepOlanda - Hollandolog - lameom - manom de afaceri - businessmanomenesc - humanomenie - kindnessomenire - mankindomidã - caterpillaromis - omittedomite - omitomor - murderomorî - killonoare - honouroperã - worlcoperaopinie - opinionopiu - opiumopri - stopoprit - forbiddenopt - eightopt sute - eight hundredopta - eighthoptim - bestoptimist - optimisticoptsprezece - eighteenoptsprezecea - eighteenthoptsprezecelea - eighteenthoptulea - eighthoptzecea - eightiethoptzeci - eightyoptzecilea - eightiethopus - oppositeorã - hourorar - timetableoraº - townorb - blindorbi - to blindorchestrã - orchestraordine - orderordona - give an order toorez - riceOrganizaþia Naþiunilor Unite - United Nations

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organizaþie - organisationorgolios - conceitedori - ori - either... ororicare - anyorice - anyoricînd - anytimeoricine - anyoneOrientul - Middle Eastorigine - originorizont - horizonortodox - Orthodoxorz - barleyos - boneosîndi - condemnospitalier - hospitableoþet - vinegarotravã - poisonou - eggovãz - oatspãcat - sinpace - peacepachebot - steamboatpachet - packetpacient - patientpãduche - lousepãdure - forestpaginã - pagepagubã - losspahar - glasspai - strawpaisprezece - fourteenpaisprezecea - fourteenthpaisprezecelea - fourteenthPakistan - Pakistanpal - palepãlãrie - hatpalat - palacepalmã - palmpalmares - recordpalpita - thrillpalton - overcoatpãmînt - earthpanã - featherpancreas - pancreaspanicã - panicpanou - panelpansa - dresspansament - dressingpantã - slopepantaloni - trouserspantof - shoepantofar - shoemakerpapetãrie - stationer’spapuc - slipperpãpuºã - dollpar - polepãr - hairpara - pennyparã - pearpãrãsi - abandonparc - parkparca - parkparcã - probablypardesiu - light overcoatpãrea - seempãrere - opinionpãrinte - parentParis - Paris

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parte - partparter - ground floorparticipa - participateparticular - privatepartid - political partypãrut - appearedpas - pacepasager - passengerpaºaport - passportpasãre - birdpaºnic - peacefulpastã - pastePaºti - Easterpãstra - keeppat - bedpatã - stainpãta - stainpãþi - endurepatinaj - skatingpatra - fourthpãtrat - squarepatrie - fatherlandpãtrime - one fourthpatru - fourpatru sute - four hundredpatrulea - fourthpãtrunde - penetratepãtruns - penetratedpatruzecea - fortiethpatruzeci - fortypatruzecilea - fortiethpauzã - pausepãzi - guardpe - onpe curînd - see you soonpe la - aboutpe lîngã - as well aspe rind - in turnpe rînd - in turnpe ºleau - plainlype urmã - thenpedeapsã - punishmentpeisaj - landscapepensie - pensionpentru - forpentru cã - becausepepene - melonpepsi - pepsipereche - pairperete - wallperfect - perfectpericol - dangerperie - brushpermis - permitpermis de conducere - driving licencepermite - allowpernã - pillowperon - platformpersoanã - personpeste - overpeºte - fishpetrece - spend (time)petrecere - partypetrecut - spent (time)petrol - oilpiaþã - squarepiatrã - stonepica - drop

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picãturã - droppicior - legpicturã - picturepicup - record playerpiele - skinpiept - chestpieptãna - combpieptene - combpierde - losepierdut - lostpiersicã - peachpiesã - playpieton - pedestrianpîine - breadpildã - modelpilulã - pillpin - pine treepînã - untilpînã cînd - untilpînã Ia - as far aspînã le - as far aspînzã - clothpiper - pepperpisicã - catpistol - pistolpix - ballpoint penplãcea - likepläcere - pleasureplãcere - pleasureplãcut - pleasantplafon - ceilingplajã - beachplãmîn - lungplan - planplans - criedplanta - to plantplantã - plantplapumã - quiltplatã - paymentplãti - paypleca - leaveplecare - departureplic - envelopeplictisitor - boringplimbare - walkplin - fullplînge - cryploaie - rainploua - rainplural - pluralpluti - floatpoartã - gatepod - bridgepodea - floorpoezie - poempoftã - appetitepofti - invitepoftim - pardonpoftim? - pardon?poftiþi - here you arepoimîine - day after tomorrowpoliclinicã - clinicpoliteþe - politenesspoliticã - politicspoliticos - politepoliþist - policemanPolonia - Polandpom - tree

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pomeni - mentionpompier - firemanpopã - popepopor - peoplepopulaþie - populationporc - pigporeclit - nicknamedporni - set outport - portportocalã - orangeportofel - walletPortugalia - Portugalporumb - cornporuncã - orderposibil - possiblepoºta - to postpoºtã - postpotrivit - suitablepoveste - storypovesti - relatepozã - photographpoziþie - positionpraf - dustprãji - fryprãjiturã - cakeprãvãlie - shopprea - tooprefera - preferpregãti - prepareprelungi - prolongpremiu - rewardpreot - priestpresã - presspreºidinte - presidentprestigiu - prestigepresupune - supposepresupus - supposedpreþ - pricepretutindeni - everywhereprezenta - introducepricepe - understandpriceput - understoodpricinã - reasonprieten - friendprietenie - friendshipprim - firstprima - firstprimar - mayorprimãvarä - springprimãvarã - springprimejdie - dangerprimi - receiveprimul - firstprin - throughprin avion - by air mailprinde - catchprins - caughtprintre - amongprînz - lunchpriveliºte - viewprivi - look atprivinþã - respectprizã - electric pointproaspãt - freshproba - tryprobabil - probableproblemã - problemprocent - percentage

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proces - caseproduce - produceproducþie - productionprodus - producedprofesionist - professionalprofesoarã - teacherprofesor - teacherprofit - profitprofita - profitprogram - programmeprogres - progressproiect - planpromis - promisedpromite - promisepronostic - weather forecastpropoziþie - sentenceproprietar - proprietorprosop - towelprost - poorlyprostie - stupidityprovincie - provinceprunã - plumpublic - publicpublicitate - publicitypuhoi - torrentpui - chickenpulover - pulloverpumn - fistpun - I putpunct - pointpune - putpune frîna - put on the brakepune masã - lay the tablepungã - plastic bagpur - purepurice - fleapurta - weanpurtare - behaviourpus - putpuºcã - riflepustiu - desertputea - be ableputere - powerputernic - powerfulpuþin - a littlepuþini - fewputrezit - rottenrãbdare - patiencerãcealã - coldrachetã - rocketrãci - catch coldrãcoare - coolnessrãdãcinã - rootrade - shaveradiator - radiatorradio - radioraft - shelfrai - paradiseramã - framerãmîne - remainramurã - branchrãnit - injuredraport - reportrar - rareras - shaverãsãri - riserãsãrit - eastrãscoalã - uprising

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rãspîndi - spreadrãspîndit - widespreadrãsplatã - rewardrãspunde - replyrãspundere - responsibilityrãspuns - responserãspunzãtor - responsiblerãstãlmãci - distortrãstigni - crucifyrãstimp - intervalrãstit - ruderãsturna - turn overraþã - duckrãtãci - wanderraþiune - reasonrãu - badrãutate - wickednessrazã - rayrãzbate - make one's wayrãzboi - warrãzgîndi - se - change one's mindreacþie - reactionrealitate - realityrealmente - reallyrece - coldrecepþie - receptionreclamã - advertisementrecomanda - recommendrecomandat - registeredrecunoaºte - recogniserecunoscãtor - gratefulrecunoscut - recognisedreduce - reduceredus - reducedRegatul Unit - United Kingdomrege - kingregim - dietreginã - queenregiune - regionregulã - ruleregularitate - regularityregulat - regularrelaþie - relationrelief - reliefrelua - take upremarca - remarkremorca - towren - reindeerrenaºtere - renaissancerentabil - profitablerenumit - famousrepara - repairrepede - quickrepeta - repeatreprezenta - representreprezentant - representativereproº - reproachreproºa - reproachreptilã - reptilerepublica - republicreºou - electric ringrespinge - rejectrespins - rejectedrespira - breathrest - changerestaurant - restaurantresursã - resourcereþetã - prescription

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reþine - retainreþinut - retainedretrage - withdrawretras - withdrawnreuºi - succeedreuºitã - successrevistã - magazinerezerva - reserverezervat - reservedrezolva - solverezultat - resultridica - lift uprînd - rowrinichi - kidneyRinul - Rhineris - laughedrîs - laughterrisc - riskrisca - riskrob - slaverochie - a dressrod - fruitrol - roleRoma - Romeroman - novelromân - Romanianromânesc - Romanianromâneºte - in RomanianRomânia - Romaniaromîn - Romanian manromîncã - Romanian womanromînesc - Romanianromîneºte - in RomanianRomînia - Romaniaroºie - tomatorost - meaningroºu - redrotund - roundrouã - dewroz - pinkrudã - relativeruga - ask (to do)rugãciune - prayerrugãminte - requestruginã - rustrus - Russian manrusesc - Russianruseºte - in RussianRusia - Russiaruºine - shameºa - saddlesac - sacksacoºã - grip bagºaisprezece - sixteenºaisprezecea - sixteenthºaisprezecelea - sixteenthºaizecea - sixtiethºaizeci - sixtyºaizecilea - sixtiethsalã - hailsalam - salamisalariat - employeesalariu - salarysalatã verde - lettucesãlbatic - wildsalcie - willow treesalon - drawing roomsalt - leap

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saluta - greetsalva - savesãmînþã - seedºampanie - champagnesãnãtate - healthsãnãtos - healthysanie - sledgeºanþ - ditchsapã - hoesãpa - digsãptãmînã - weekºapte - sevenºapte sute - seven hundredºaptea - seventhºaptelea - seventhºaptesprezece - seventeenºaptesprezecea - seventeenthºaptesprezecelea - seventeenthºaptezecea - seventiethºaptezeci - seventyºaptezecilea - seventiethsãpun - soapsãrac - poorsãrãcie - povertysãrbãtoare - celebrationsãrbãtori - celebratesarcinã - burdensare - saltsãri - jumpºarpe - snakesãruta - kissºase - sixºase sute - six hundredºasea - sixthºaselea - sixthºasezeci - sixtysat - villagesãtul - satiatedsau - orsãu - hissau... sau - either... orscãdea - reducescãdere - diminuationscãfîrlie - skullscãlda - bathescãmoºa - frayscãmoºat - frayedscandal - scandalscãpa - escapescãpãra - send outscãpare - escapescãpãta - grow poorscarã - ladderscãrpina - scratchscãrpinat - scratchingscaun - chairscãzut - reducedscelerat - criminalscenã - scenescenariu - scenarioscenetã - sketchsceptru - sceptreschelã - scaffoldingschelãrie - scaffoldingschemã - schemescheuna - yelpscheunat - yelpschi - ski

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schia - skischijã - splinterschilod - crippleschimb - exchangeschimba - changescînteia - sparkleºcoalã - schoolscoate - get outscop - purposescos - taken outScoþia - Scotlandscrie - writescriitor - writerscris - writtenscrisoare - letterscuipa - spitscump - affectionatescund - lowscurt - shortscurta - shortenscutura - shakescuzã - excusescuzaþi - sorrzse aburi - steam upse adresa - address oneself tose afla - be situatedse aflã - there isse apleca - bend downse apropria - approachse aºeza - sit downse bronza - get a tanse bucura - be gladse cãsãtori - get marriedse coafa - have one’s hair styledse concentra - concentratese culca - go to bedse depãrta - move offse descurca - managese dezbrãca - get undressedse dezlega - come undonese distra - enjoy oneselfse duce - gose fofila în - steal intose gãsi - be availablese gîndi - thinkse grãbi - hurryse holba - starese hotãrî - decidese îmbogãti - grow richse îmbolnãvi - fall illse îmbrãca - get dressedse încãlzi - get warmse închina - make the sign of the crossse încurca - get confusedse îndoi - doubtse îngrozi - be terrifiedse înjosi - humble oneselfse înmuia - thawse înscrie - enrolse însura - marry (men)se întîlni - meetse intîlni cu - meet (up with)se întîmpla - happense întoarce - returnse întreba - wonderse întuneca - become darkse învecina cu - be bordered byse învîrti - spin

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se ivi - appearse juca - playse lãbãrþa - get out of shapese lãrgi - expandse legãna - swingse lepãda de un obicei - get out of a habitse limita - limit oneselfse logodi - become engagedse lupta - fightse minuna - be astonishedse miºca - movese naºte - be bornse numi - be namedse odihni - restse opri - stopse pãrea - seemse petrece - take placese plimba - go for a walkse plînge - complainse prieptãna - comb hairse rade - shavese rãspîndi - spreadse rãsti - shoutse rãtãci - wanderse ruga - prayse sãtura - have enoughse scãlda - bathse scula - get upse scumpi - become more expensivese scutura - shakese simþi - feelse spãla - washse teme - fearse topi - meltse trezi - wake upse tunde - have a haircutse uita - look atse urca - climbsearã - eveningsec - drysecarã - ryesecera - reapsecol - centuryºedea - sitºedinþã - meetingºef - chiefºei - saddlessemafor - traffic lightssemãna - resembleºemineu - fireplacesemn - signsemna - signºenilã - caterpillarsenin - bright bluesentiment - feelingºeptel - livestockseptembrie - Septemberºerb - serfserie - seriesºerif - sheriffserios - seriousºerveþel - napkinservi - serveserviciu - jobºes - plainsesiune - sessionsete - thirstºezlong - deck chair

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ºezut - satsfãtui - advisesfeclã - beetrootsfert - quartersfînt - holysfîrºit - endsflare - breathingsforãi - snoreºi - andºi ... ºi - both ... andºi aduce - rememberºi aminti - rememberºi arãta dinþii - show one's teethºi drege glasul - clear oneîs throatºi frînge mîinile - wring one's handsºi imagina - imagineºi lua rãspunderea - assume responsibilityºi... ºi - both... andºic - elegantsifon - soda watersigur - certainsiguranþã - safetysili - forcesîmbãtã - Saturdaysîmbure - pipsimpatic - nicesimplu - simplesimþ - feelingsimþi - feelsîn - bosomsincer - sinceresindicat - unionsînge - bloodsingular - singularsingur - singlesinguratic - lonelysînt - they aresîntem - we aresînteþi - you areºir - seriessirop - syrupsirop de tuse - cough syrupsistem - systemsituat - situatedsituaþie - situationslab - weakslãbi - lose weightslãbiciune - weaknessslavã - glorySlovacia - Slovakiaslujbã - religious servicesmîntînã - sour creamsmochinã - figºniþel - schnitzelsoacrã - mother-in-lawsoare - sunºoarece - mousesoartã - fatesobã - stovesocial - socialsocialist - socialistsocotealã - calculationsocoti - reckonsocri - parents in lawsocru - father in lawºofer - driversoldat - soldiersomn - sleep

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sorã - sistersorbi - sipºosea - main roadsosi - arrivesoþ - husbandsoþie - wifespaimã - dreadspãla - washspãlat - washingSpania - Spainsparge - breakspart - brokenspate - backspecial - specialspectacol - showspeculant - speculatorspeculaþie - speculationspeologie - speleologysper cã da - I hope sosper cã nu - I hope notspera - hopesperanþã - hopesperia - frightensperieturã - frightsperios - easily frightenedsperjur - perjurorspin - thornspinare - backspinos - thornyspînzura - hangspirit - spiritspiritual - wittyspirt - spiritspital - hospitalsplendid - splendidsplendoare - splendoursplinã - spleenspoi - paintspor - sporespori - increasesporire - increasesporovãi - chattersport - sportspre - towardssprijini - supportsprînceanã - eyebrowsprinten - agileºpriþ - Spritzspulbera - sweep offspumã - foamspumega - foamspune - sayspus - saidsta - standsta jos - sit downstabili - establishºtampila - stampstãpîni - controlstare - statestat - stateStatele Unite - United Statesstaþie - bus stopstaþiune - holiday resortstatuie - statuestea - starsteag - flagºtecãr - electric plugstejar - oak tree

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ºterge - wipeºters - wipedºti - knowsticlã - bottleºtiinþã - sciencestil - stylestilou - fountain penstimã - respectstimat - esteemedstîng - leftstînga - left sidestinge - put outstins - extinguishedºtire - news itemºtiri - newsºtiut - knownstoarce - squeezestofã - clothstomac - stomachstrãbun - ancestorstradã - streetstrãin - foreignºtrand - swimming pool (open-air)strica - damagestriga - call outstrîmba din nas - turn up one's nosestrîmt - narrowstrînge - gatherstrîns - gatheredstrop - dropstrugure - grapestudent - studentstudentã - female studentstudiu - studysub - undersubiect - subjectsubstantiv - nounsubþire - thinsuc - fruit juicesucces - successsuccesiv - succesivesuccesor - succesorsuccinct - concisesuci - twistsucit - twistedsuculent - juicysucursalã - branchsud - southsud-vest - south westsuda - soldersudoare - sweatsuedez - Swedesuedezã - Swedish womanSuedia - Swedensuferi - suffersuferind - invalidsuferinþã - sufferingsufla - blowsuflet - soulsufragerie - dining roomsuge - sucksui - climbºuiera - whistlesumã - sumsuna - ringºuncã - hamsuntem - we aresunteþi - you are

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supã - soupsupãra - annoysuprafaþã - surfacesupt - suckedsurd - deafsurîde - smilesurîs - smiledsurprinde - surprisesurprins - surprisedsurprizã - surprisesus - upsuta - hundredthsutã - hundredsutãlea - hundredthtablou - paintingtaburet - stooltãcea - be quiettãcere - silencetacîm - covertãia - cuttainã - secrettalent - talenttalentat - talentedTamisa - Thamesþarã - countryÞara Galilor - WalesÞara Romîneascã - Wallachiaþãran - peasanttare - strongtãrie - strengthþãrm - coasttatã - fathertãu - yourtaur - bulltavan - ceilingtaxã - taxtaxi - taxite rog - pleaseteamã - fearteatru - theatretehnic - technicalþel - aimteleferic - cable railwaytelefon - telephonetelefona - telephonetelegramã - telegramteleviziune - televisiontelevizor - televisiontemã - themetemei - basistemperat - temperatetemperaturã - temperaturetemut - fearedtendinþã - tendencyteritoriu - territorytermen - termtermina - finishþese - weaveþesut - woventext - textþigan - gipsyþigarã - cigarettetigru - tigertimbru - stamptimp - timetînãr - youngþine - holdþine minte - remember

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tinereþe - youthþinut - regionþipa - screamtipãri - printþipãt - screamtîrg - markettîrziu - latetitlu - titletoaletã - dressing tabletoamnã - autumntoatã - alltoatã lumea - everzbodytoate - alltoc - fountain pentocanã - goulashtocmai - exactlyton - tonetonã - tontopi - melttort - caketot - alsotoþi - alltotodatã - at the same timetotuºi - neverthelesstovar㺠- comradetradiþie - traditiontradiþional - traditionaltraduce - translatetraducere - translationtradus - translatedtrage - pulltrãi - livetramvai - tramtrandafir - rosetransforma - transformTransilvania - Tnansylvaniatransmite - pass ontras - pulledtrãsãturã - characteristictrãsnet - thunderbolttrata - treattratament - treatmenttraversa - crosstreabã - businesstreaptã - steptrebui - have totrece - passtrecut - passedtrei - threetrei pãtrimi - three fourthstrei sferturi - three quarterstrei sute - three hundredtreia - thirdtreilea - thirdtreime - thirdtreisprezece - thirteentreisprezecea - thirteenthtreisprezecelea - thirteenthtreizecea - thirtiethtreizeci - thirtytreizecilea - thirtiethtremura - trembletren - traintreptat - graduallytrezi - wake uptrimis - senttrimite - sendtrist - sad

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tristeþe - sadnesstroleibuz - trolleytrompetã - trumpettrup - bodytu - youþuicã - plum brandytun - cannontuns - haircutturc - TurkTurcia - Turkeyturist - touristturn - towerturna - pourtuºi - coughtutun - tobaccotutungerie - tobacconist’sucenic - apprenticeucide - killucigaº - murdererucis - killedUcraina - Ukraineud - wetuda - wetuimi - surpriseuita - forgetuite! - look!ulei - oilulei de floarea - sunflower oilulei de floarea soarelui - sunflower oilultim - lastultimul - the lastuman - humanumãr - shoulderumbla - walkumbrã - shadowumed - dampumfla - inflateumil - humbleun - aun milion - one millionuna - firstuna mie - one thousanduna sutã de mii - one hundred thousandunchi - uncleundã - waveunde - whereundeva - somewhereuneori - sometimesUngaria - Hungaryunge - oiluni - uniteunic - uniqueunii - someunire - unionUniunea Europeanã - European UnionUniunea Sovieticã - Soviet Unionuniversal - worldwideuniversitate - universityuns - oiledunsprezece - elevenunsprezecea - eleventhunsprezecelea - eleventhunt - butteruntdelemn - edible oilunu - oneura - wishurã - hateurca - climb

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ureche - earurgent - urgenturî - hateuriaº - gianturît - uglyurma - followurmã - trackurmare - prin - consequentlyurmãri - followurmãtor - followingurmãtorul - the nexturs - bearuºã - doorusca - dryuscat - dryuºor - lightusturoi - garlicutil - usefulvã - youvã rog - pleasevacã - cowvacanþã - holidayvad - fordvãd - I seevãdit - obviousvãduv - widowervagon - carriagevagon restaurant - restaurant carval - wavevalabil - validvale - valleyvalizã - suitcasevaloare - valuevalutã - hand currencyvamã - customs controlvameº - customs officervapor - shipvãr - cousinvarã - summervariabil - changeablevariat - variedvãrsa - spillvarzã - cabbagevatã - cotton woolvãzut - seenveac - centuryvechi - oldvecin - neighbourvedea - seevedere - viewveni - comevenin - poisonverde - greenvesel - joyfulveºnic - eternalvest - westveste - piece of newsvestit - renownedviaþã - lifevie - vineyardvierme - wormviitor - futurevilã - villavin - winevinã - blamevîna - huntvinde - sellvîndut - sold

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vine - he comesvineri - Fridayvinovat - guiltyvînt - windvînzãtoare - sales assistantvioarã - violinvîrf - peakvirgulã - commavîrstã - agevisa - dreamviscol - blizzardviºinã - morello cherryvitã - cattleviteaz - braveviþel - calfvitezã - speedviu - alivevizã - visavizavi de - oppositevizita - visitvizitã - visitVlad Dracul - VIad the DevilVlad Þepel - Viad The Impalervocabular - vocabularyvocativ - vocativevoce - voicevoi - youvoie - willvoinic - robustvoinþã - willvolum - volumevoma - vomitvopsi - paintvor - they wantvorbã - wordvorbesc - I speakvorbi - speakvorbi greceºte - speak Greekvorbi pe ºleau - speak plainlyvorbiþi româneºte - do you speak Romanianvostru - yourvrea - wantvreme - timevrut - wantedvulpe - foxvultur - eaglezãcea - liezahãr - sugarzahãr tos - castor sugarzãpãci - confusezãpãcit - absent-mindedzãpadã - snowzãri - catch sightzarzavat - green vegetableszãu - really!zbor - flightzbura - flyzdrobi - crushzece - tenzecea - tenthzecelea - tenthzero - zerozeu - Godzgîria - scratchzgomot - noisezgomotos - noisyzi - dayzi de naºtere - birthday

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ziar - newspaperzice - sayzidi - buildzile - dayszilnic - dailyzîmbi - smilezis - saidziua - during the dayziuã - dayzmeurã - raspberrieszonã - zonezugrãvi - paintzvon - rumour