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  • 1. Area: 230,340 sq. km - 9th in Europe Population: 22.7million - 7th in Europe Capital: Bucharest (2.06 millionpopulation) National Day: December 1 Ethnic groups: Romanians 89.5%, Hungarian 6.6%,Roma 2.5%, German 0.3%, Ukrainian 0.3%, Russians0.2%, Serbs 0.2%, other 0.8% There are over 8 milions Romanians living abroad. Religion plays an integral part in the lives ofRomanians. Over 86.8 % of the population belong tothe Orthodox church.

2. Born November 12, 1961) is a Romanian gymnast, winner of three Olympic gold medals at the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal and the first female gymnast ever to be awarded a perfect score of 10 in an Olympic gymnastic event. She is one of the best-known gymnasts in the world. In 2000 Comneci was named as one of the athletes of the century by the Laureus World Sports Academy.Nadia Comaneci 3. 4. tefan Odobleja tefan Odobleja was a Romanian scientist, one of the precursors of cybernetics. His major work, Psychologie consonantiste, first published in 1938 and 1939, in Paris, had established many of the major themes of cybernetics regarding cybernetics and systems thinking ten years before the work of Norbert Wiener was published in 1948. 5. Tristan Tzara Tristan Tzara was a Romanian and French avant-garde poet,essayist and performance artist. Also active as a journalist,playwright, literary and art critic, composer and film director,he was known best for being one of the founders and centralfigures of the anti-establishment Dada movement Dada or dadaism rejected reason and logic, prizing nonsense, anarchy, irrationality and intuition. The name Dada was reputedly arrived at during a meeting of the group when a paper knife stuck into a French-German dictionary happened to point to dada, a French word for hobbyhorse." The movement primarily involved visual arts, literaturepoetry, art manifestoes, art theorytheatre, and graphic design, and concentrated its anti-war politics through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti-art cultural works. Its purpose was to ridicule the meaninglessness of the modern world as its participants saw it. In addition to being anti-war, Dada was also anti-bourgeois and anarchistic in nature. 6. Without the work of Nicolae Paulescu the history of medicine wouldprobably have a different course, particularly the history of diabeticmedicine. The distinguished Romanian scientist was the first to discoverinsulin (which he called pancreine). In 1916 Paulescu developed an aqueous pancreatic extract whichnormalized the blood sugar levels in a diabetic dog. He had to interrupt hisexperiments during the World War I till 1921 when he wrote an extensivewhitepaper on the effect of the pancreatic extract injected into a diabeticanimal: Research on the Role of the Pancreas in Food Assimilation. Thepaper was published in August 1921 in the Archives Internationales dePhysiologie.Nicolae Paulescu 7. Petrache Poenaru was a Romanian inventor of the Enlightenment era. Poenaru, who had studied in Paris and Vienna and, later, completed hisspecialized studies in England, was a mathematician, physicist, engineer,inventor, teacher and organizer of the educational system, as well as a politician,agronomist, and zootechnologist, founder of the Philharmonic Society, theBotanical Gardens and the National Museum of Antiquities in Bucharest. While a student in Paris, Petrache Poenaru invented the worlds first fountainpen, an invention for which the French Government issued a patent on May 25,1827. 8. Bucharest 9. Bucharest About Bucureti / Bucharest Short description: Known inthe past as "The Little Paris" Bucharest has changed a lotlately and today it has become a very interesting mix ofold and new that has little to do with its initial reputation.Finding a 300 years old church near a steel-and-glassbuilding that sit both next to a communist style buildingis common place in Bucharest. Perhaps "The Big Mix"would be a more appropriate name for the currentBucharest. Some adore it and enjoy its unique charm,while others feel uncomfortable around the grayCommunist-era buildings and lack of western style touristattractions. However, Bucharest offers some excellentattractions, and has, in recent years, cultivated asophisticated, trendy, and modern sensibility that manyhave come to expect from a European capital. Bucharesthas been undergoing major modernization programes inrecent years and is still going to continue not if moreprojects in the years to come. Bucharest is experiencing aneconomic boom and will be experiencing this boom formany years to come