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A Memorial Record of the Staff of The Commercial Bank of Scotland Limited who served in the Great War 1914-18

Roll of Honour - Electric Scotland

Feb 11, 2022



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Page 1: Roll of Honour - Electric Scotland

A Memorial Record of the Staff of

The Commercial Bank of Scotland Limited who served in the

Great War 1914-18

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IN preparing this Roll of Honour it was felt that something more than a mere list of the names of those who fought and those who fell in the Great War of 1914-18 was necessary, and it was decided that the words spoken, and a record of the ceremony, at the unveiling of the Memorial Tablets -which bear the names of those of the Bank's Staff who were killed - might be a fitting introduction. Neither the Memorial Tablets nor the words of those whose privilege it was to speak can fully express the sorrow or the joy, the great thankfulness and pride, of those who mourn their dead or of those who rejoice in the safe return of their dear ones.

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On 16th March 1921 the Memorial Tablets erected in the Head Office were unveiled by the Deputy-Governor, The Earl of Mar and Kellie, K.T. Mr Rankine, the Senior Director, asked Mr William Babington, one of the Directors, to address the assembled company. Mr Babington said:- “My Lord, Ladies, and Gentlemen, the occasion which calls us together today, the unveiling of the Memorial to those of our Staff who fell in the War, will, I know, recall anxious and sad days to all of those present, but it was felt by the Directors to be one which would give them an opportunity of expressing, however inadequately, their high sense of admiration of the courageous spirit which, in August 1914 and during the whole course of the Great War, was shown by those of The Commercial Bank of Scotland’s Staff who were of military age. “As you will remember, during the first few months of the War the nation hardly realised the magnitude of the struggle in which we were engaged, but as time passed it became evident that all the resources of the country and all its capable manhood must be used. The Staff of no institution responded more loyally than that of The Commercial Bank. “In August 1914, sixty-eight of our employees – soldiers of the Territorial Army then existing – went forth, gladly responding to the call to arms, and filled with that spirit which must lead to ultimate success. Further calls were ungrudgingly responded to, and in all five hundred and seventy-eight of our Staff joined the glorious British Army. Of these, ninety-nine laid down their lives, and this Memorial is a small effort to perpetuate in this place their memory; but while it records only the names of those we mourn, it will serve also to assure those who came safely back of our admiration of their heroism. A Roll of Honour is being prepared, containing the names of all of our Staff who served in the War. “The list of ninety-nine names of our dead heroes is a long and sad one, and a heavy percentage of those who fought for the right, for freedom, and for their King. It is practically one in every six of those who served – a terrible toll of brave young lives cut off almost on the threshold of the joys and responsibilities of this world. “We mourn them, and shall mourn them all our lives. We feel that we can perhaps scarcely understand – though there are among the number of Directors some who have lost their dearest – the feelings of the parents and wives of these brave lads, but we know that, though the sorrow be deep, there

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is behind a feeling of thankful pride that their lives were not given in vain. I can scarcely imagine a greater comfort than to remember that a son, the whole of whose short life is graven on one’s heart, died in a glorious cause – facing death with simple faith and unafraid. “This Memorial will be now and for ever evidence of the admiration of the Shareholders, Directors, and whole Staff of The Commercial Bank of the loyalty ad courage of those ninety-nine whose names are upon it. “Words are feeble expressions of our deepest feelings. I would that I could better express what at this moment is in my heart, and in the hearts of you all who are present – especially the relatives, fathers, mothers, and widows of those whose names we desire to honour. “This Memorial is the Bank’s outward expression of its admiration. “The honours gained by our brave dead, and record, as you will see, with their names upon the marble, include that most coveted distinction the Victoria Cross. We are justly proud of these distinctions, but we know too that every one who died, and every one who fought and is again happily with us, displayed true British courage and did his all. Many of those who are now with us gained high honours. “There is an old American song commemorating one of their heroes of long ago, a man of high ideals and noble nature, which was written at the time of, or son after, the Civil War by someone now unknown, and which was often sung in France and Belgium by the troops of the Republic and by our own soldiers. This old song, a small thing in itself, is supposed to have been partly the inspiration of the splendid battle-hymn, “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.” The song has in it some lines of such grand thought and of such touching simplicity that I cannot refrain from quoting – and indeed it is most appropriate to this day – one of them, “His souls is marching on.” “Our brave lads are lost to us, but their souls live for ever to inspire us and those who come after us. Their glorious example is a heritage we are justly proud of. “The design of the Memorial, so admirably carried out by the distinguished architect, Mr Balfour Paul, is, I think, a dignified expression of our feelings, and I am sure will gain in approbation from the fact that he himself fought throughout the War. “Our noble Deputy-Governor, The Earl of Mar and Kellie, in the regretted absence of the Marquis of Breadlabane, whose health is at present somewhat

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delicate, has kindly undertaken to unveil the Memorial, and I now ask His Lordship to be good enough to do so.” The Earl of Mar and Kellie then unveiled the Memorials. Mr Robb, the General Manager, said:- “It is with feelings of regret mingled with pride that I now read the names of the ninety-nine gallant members of the Bank’s staff who so nobly responded to the nation’s call, and gave their lives for the preservation of all we hold dear.” He then read the names on the Memorial Tablets. Wreaths of palms were then placed beneath the Tablets by two members of the Staff, both of whom had served in the War. The Rev. George Christie, B.D., T.D., St Andrew’s Parish Church, offered the following dedicatory prayer:- “Almighty and Everlasting God, who orderest all things in heaven and earth, who makest the wrath of man to praise Thee, and settest bounds to the remnant thereof, we give Thee thanks this day for the wonderful victory Thou hast bestowed upon us and our Allies, leading us through fire and through water into a wealthy place of peace; for the mighty deliverance won thereby for us and for the world; and more particularly for Thy servants who, following from afar the example of Thy dear Son our Saviour, Jesus Christ, loved not their lives unto the death, but freely laid them down in our defence. “Grant, O Lord, that the remembrance of these Thy servants may evermore be precious to us; and that these Memorials erected to commemorate their valour and sacrifice even unto death, may be of power in all time coming to provoke them that look upon them unto like love and unselfish loyalty; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. “God of all comfort and consolation, we remember before Thee the bereaved and the desolate; comfort those who are lonely and bereft; may the remembrance of those now commemorated be an inspiration and a holy pride, that their sorrow may be mingled with rejoicing and brightened with the hope of a better meeting where parting is unknown. “We pray for the wounded and broken that they may have healing and help, and for ourselves hat we may willingly praise Thee with our lives, for whom Thou hast done great things. “All these things we ask in the name, and for the sake, of Him in who words we further pray:

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“Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. – Amen.” The Earl of Mar and Kellie then said:- “Ladies and Gentlemen, in the first place I desire to express my great regret, which no doubt you all share, that owing to continued ill-health the Governor of the Bank, Lord Breadalbane, is unable to be present today to unveil this Memorial, but at the same time I can assure you that I am deeply sensible of the privilege bestowed on me in being asked to take his place. Now that the flags have been removed from the Memorial we see what a beautiful design it is. It is a credit to the distinguished architect. There is something inevitably sad about a Memorial such as this, for it is erected to commemorate those who have died in the prime of life; and glorious as their sacrifice undoubtedly was, yet they were taken in the fullness of life, and before they had had the opportunity to show what they could do for the community of which they were members. Had they survived, doubtless many of them would have risen to high office in the profession which they had chosen. But apart from the sadness there is another side, a brighter side, when we think of the occasion of this Memorial, a testimony to the greatest effort yet made in history by a united country, and we feel, and always shall feel, a glow of pride when we read the names immortalised on these Tablets. Mr Babington has told us that five hundred and seventy-eight men went out from this Bank. Therefore there must be men here, comrades of these ninety-nine heroes, who fortunately came back to resume their profession, having been through the mill, having seen the courage, the endurance, the patience and cheerfulness under hardship, and the horror of it all; and yet I venture to say that there is not one among them who does not think it was worth while, or who would hesitate to undergo it again, should their country call, in an equally righteous cause. I wonder if you have felt what I have felt very strongly since the War broke out, and even feel today, and that is the fallibility – I had almost said futility – of human judgement and foresight. Even the best and most acute brains have been hopelessly astray, like men groping in the dark, unable to see what is to happen from day to day, or even from hour to hour, mere puppets in the hands of God. When Lord Kitchener prophesised that the War would last three years, we were inclined to scoff, but it lasted more than four years. At the commencement of the War it was thought that distress from unemployment would be so great, that the Prince of Wales raised a great sum to alleviate the expected suffering; but, as it turned out, there was absolutely no unemployment, and the money was not spent for the object for which it was raised. Again, since the end of the War, after four years of unprecedented destruction, we thought that to make that good would ensure four or five

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years of booming trade. After barely two years since the Armistice, there has occurred a great and most sudden slump in trade, the like of which has not been known for a generation. I could multiply similar instances, but I will not bore you with them; it is sufficient to say that prophecies have been almost invariably wrong, and what is the reason? I suppose men founded their ideas on what happened during and after former wars, forgetting that the recent upheaval was so vast and world-wide that no former precedent possibly could apply. And it is this difficulty of forecasting what is going to occur that makes this period of reconstruction so incomparably anxious and difficult, and it is up to great Institutions and Organisations like The Commercial Bank of Scotland, from the Court of Directors to the last appointed clerk, by working on sound lines, and putting their hearts into it, one and all, to see that we do not lose the victory which these ninety-nine men of the Bank helped to win. We sometimes shudder to think what would have happened to us all if we had lost the War instead of winning it, and when we think of that, and of the men who fought for us and returned, many disabled and maimed for life, and of those who fought and did not return, surely our gratitude cannot be exaggerated or overdone. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have done, and I will conclude by expressing a hope that this Memorial may remain so long as this Building remains, as an example and source of pride to this and future generations.” “God save the King” was then sung.

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The following honours were gained by the members of the Bank’s staff:-

Victoria Cross 1 Distinguished Service Order 1 Order of the British Empire 1 Military Cross and Bar 1 Military Cross 19 Distinguished Conduct Medal 1 Meritorious Service Medal 4 Military Medal 6 Mentioned in Dispatches 6


Médaille d’honneur avec glaives 1 French Croix de Guerre 1 Belgian Croix de Guerre 1 Médaille Militaire 1


Italian Silver Medal 1

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ABBOT Alexander G Lance Corporal The Seaforth Highlanders Falkirk Killed in Action, 21st September 1917ABERNETHY Archibald Wireless Operator The Mercantile Marine BiggarABERNETHY John Lieutenant The Gordon Highlanders AberdeenADAMS Peter Sergeant The Cameron Highlanders MarkinchAIRD Hector A R Private The Seaforth Highlanders TainALEXANDER James T Private The Scots Guards ThursoALEXANDER William S Corporal 9th London (Q.V.R.) LondonALLAN Alexander Lance Corporal King's Own Scottish Borderers PathheadALLAN Andrew Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery HamiltonALLAN James G Private The Royal Scots Whitburn Died in France, 17th January 1917ALLAN Stephen H Private Machine Gun Corps RutherglenALLAN Thomas Acting Paymaster Royal Naval Reserve LondonANDERSON Angus C Private Royal Army Service Corps KirkcaldyANDERSON James 2nd Lieutenant Royal Air Force Head OfficeANDERSON James 2nd Lieutenant The Gordon Highlanders PeterheadANDERSON John, Jnr Private The Royal Scots KelsoANDERSON Norman McC Lieutenant Royal Air Force StranraerANDREW Robert Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders KirkcudbrightANGUS James S Corporal Royal Army Service Corps Queen Street Médaille d'honneur avec glaivesANGUS John 2nd Lieutenant The Royal Highlanders BonhillARCHIBALD John Lance Corporal 4th London Regiment LondonARMOUR James A Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery AlloaARNEIL Andrew H M Trooper Herts Yeomanry ArbroathARNOTT James L Cadet Royal Air Force KirkcaldyARNOTT William M Sergeant Royal Garrison Artillery PaisleyARTHUR Arthur Lance Corporal The Gordon Highlanders Lerwick Died of Wounds, 11th September 1917ASHCROFT John R Captain The Scottish Rifles Portobello Military Cross. Killed in Action, 23rd March 1918BAILEY Ernest A Private The Royal Scots Newington Missing, 28th June 1915BAIN John G Sapper Royal Engineers LybsterBALFOUR James A Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders London Killed in Action, 13th November 1916BALFOUR John J Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery KirkwallBALFOUR Thomas Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery LochgellyBARBOUR Hastings D 2nd Lieutenant Royal Air Force Dumfries Missing, 21st October 1917BARCLAY Harold W Private The Royal Scots Burntisland Killed in Action, 13th November 1916BARR Robin A Private The Highland Light Infantry Cambuslang Killed in Action, 20th May 1917BATHGATE George A Sergeant Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Queen StreetBEATTIE Ian M Driver Royal Garrison Artillery DingwallBERSTAN Peter H Private The Seaforth Highlanders StromnessBETT Frederick J H Lieutenant The Royal Highlanders AberfeldyBLACK Frank Corporal Machine Gun Corps St Andrews Killed in Action, 27th March 1918BLAIR Robert K Private The Gordon Highlanders GreenockBONE Clement M C Private The Seaforth Highlanders Queen StreetBONE John Private 14th Londons (The London Scottish) Bothwell StreetBOYD James W Private The Highland Light Infantry DunfermlineBRECKENRIDGE Thomas Ordinary Seaman The Royal Navy MauchlineBREINGAN John Private The Royal Scots Fusiliers Sauchiehall StreetBROOKS Angus C Ordinary Seaman Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve ThursoBROWN Alexander Private The Highland Light Infantry CambuslangBROWN Alexander Lieutenant The Royal Scots TranentBROWN Alexander B 2nd Lieutenant The Seaforth Highlanders Dalkeith Military CrossBROWN David Driver Royal Engineers FalkirkBROWN James Private The Cameron Highlanders St Vincent Street Killed in Action, 10th May 1915BROWN James V R Lieutenant Royal Air Force GrangemouthBROWN John Gunner Royal Field Artillery NewingtonBROWN John C Private The Gordon Highlanders LerwickBROWN Richard M Lance Corporal The Highland Light Infantry ArmadaleBROWN William S Private The Gordon Highlanders ArbroathBRUCE Charles E Lance Corporal The Royal Scots St George's CrossBRYDSON George D B Private The Scottish Rifles Dalbeattie Died of Wounds, 2nd September 1918BURNS James N O.R. Sergeant The Gordon Highlanders Colinsburgh Mentioned in DispatchesBYRES James H 2nd Lieutenant The Royal Scots Nicolson Street Killed in Action, 27th August 1917CAIRNS James 2nd Lieutenant The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders BonnyriggCALDWELL James Y Private Machine Gun Corps Annan Died in Germany, 26th June 1918CALLANDER Frederick Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Forfar Died of Wounds, 17th April 1917CAMERON John Private The Cameron Highlanders GallowgateCAMERON John B Corporal Ayrshire Yeomanry PeeblesCAMERON William A Private The Cameron Highlanders Queen Street Killed in Action, 13th November 1917CAMPBELL Albert Lieutenant Royal Field Artillery NewingtonCAMPBELL Duncan Private The Cameron Highlanders GreenockCAMPBELL James Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Bothwell Street Killed in Action, 20th November 1917CAMPBELL James C M 2nd Lieutenant The Rifle Brigade DornieCAMPBELL Samuel Captain The Highland Light Infantry Laurieston Military CrossCAMPBELL Wiliam Private Royal Army Service Corps MauchlineCANT Henry Private Royal Air Force Head OfficeCASSELS Robert Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery LinlithgowCHALMERS Herbert A Lieutenant The Royal Scots West End, EdinburghCHALMERS Leslie Private The Royal Scots PortobelloCHAPMAN Thomas H A Private Queen's Royal West Surreys LondonCHARLESON George M Private The Royal Highlanders ObanCHISHOLM Duncan Private The Cameron Highlanders BeaulyCLACHER Alan R Cadet Royal Air Force FalkirkCLARK Albert W S Private Royal Air Force KirkcudbrightCLARK James B Lance Corporal The Highland Light Infantry StobcrossCLARK Robert Corporal The Scottish Rifles GovanCLARK William U B Corporal Royal Army Ordnance Corps KirkintillochCOCHRANE Archibald Staff Quartermaster Sergeant Lothians and Border Horse LinlithgowCOFFEY John Private The Gordon Highlanders WickCOLLIER William Private The Royal Highlanders CallanderCOLTART John S Captain The Scottish Rifles Hutchesontown Military CrossCONACHER David F R 2nd Air Mechanic Royal Air Force PitlochrieCOULTHART John Corporal Lanarkshire Yeomanry AnnanCOWAN Samuel F Private The Cameron Highlanders HutchesontownCOWE John S Corporal The Scots Guards LochgellyCRAIG James L 2nd Lieutenant Royal Garrison Artillery YokerCRAWFORD James Private The Cameron Highlanders CowcaddensCRAWFORD James M Private The Cameron Highlanders Bath StreetCRERAR Peter Sergeant The Royal Scots St Andrews Military MedalCRUICKSHANKS James H Ordinary Seaman The Royal Navy ArbroathCUNNINGHAM Arthur L Ordinary Telegraphist Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve BlantyreCUNNINGHAM John Company Quartermaster Sergeant The Cameron Highlanders Blantyre Mentioned in DispatchesCUNNINGHAM John Y Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders CampbeltownCURRAN Alexander Corporal King's Own Scottish Borderers Newton-Stewart Military MedalCURRIE Henry Lance Corporal The Gordon Highlanders CoatbridgeCURRIE James Signaller Royal Field Artillery PerthCUSTER George Private The Highland Light Infantry StromnessDARROCH John M Private Army Veterinary Corps KilmacolmDAVEY Reginald A Rifleman The Rifle Brigade LondonDAVIDSON James Lance Corporal The Royal Highlanders LerwickDAVIDSON William D 2nd Lieutenant Royal Air Force Partick Killed in Action, 30th May 1918DAVIE John E Writer The Royal Navy BroomhillDAVIS William L W Lieutenant King's Royal Rifle Corps Berwick-on-TweedDAWSON Robert Private King's Own Scottish Borderers GalashielsDEWAR Thomas D Private Royal Fusiliers Alloa Killed in Action, 4th August 1916DEY Francis Private The Cameron Highlanders DufftownDICK John A Able Seaman Royal Naval Division ForfarDICKSON Adam F Private The Royal Scots Head OfficeDICKSON William M Private The Highland Light Infantry GalashielsDINWOODIE Richard Private King's Own Scottish Borderers Lockerbie Died of Wounds, 14th December 1916DODSON Thomas B 2nd Lieutenant The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Home Street

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DONALD Hugh V Able Seaman The Royal Navy DingwallDONALD John F Private The Gordon Highlanders BanffDONALDSON George Ordinary Seaman Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve LochgellyDOUGAL Joseph Able Seaman Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve EarlstonDOUGAL Thomas E I Signaller Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve EyemouthDOUGALL John N Private Machine Gun Corps AytonDOUGALL Thomas A Private The Royal Scots London Died of Wounds, 27th July 1916DOUGHTY James J S Lieutenant The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders LondonDOUGLAS Gordon Private The Highland Light Infantry Montrose Killed in Action, 28th April 1917DOUGLAS William Staff Sergeant Royal Engineers West George StreetDOUGLAS William R Lance Corporal Royal Army Ordnance Corps Biggar Died, 12th November 1917DOW Frank Private The Gordon Highlanders AnstrutherDRAGE William M 2nd Lieutenant Royal Air Force DundeeDRAPER Charles Sapper Royal Engineers FalkirkDRUMMOND Thomas T Private The Royal Scots Crieff Killed in Action, 21st December 1917DRYSDALE Adam V 2nd Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps Easter RoadDUCKITT Harry Private The Scottish Rifles Rutherglen Killed in Action, 28th October 1916DUNBAR David A Corporal The Seaforth Highlanders Elgin Died of Wounds, 9th June 1918DUNCAN George Lieutenant The Gordon Highlanders MaudDUNCAN George M Major The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders GrassmarketDUNCAN James A Colour Sergeant-Major Cyclist Corps Wick Distinguished Conduct MedalDUNCAN Norman R Paymaster-Lieutenant The Royal Navy LeithDURRANT Frederick R Driver Royal Garrison Artillery LondonEADIE John Private The Highland Light Infantry KeithELLIOT James B Lieutenant The Royal Scots, attached The Scottish Rifles West End, Edinburgh Killed in Action, 22nd November 1917ERSKINE John Gunner Royal Field Artillery DunfermlineERSKINE John M Bombardier Royal Field Artillery Head OfficeFALCONER Hugh V Corporal Machine Gun Corps WickFENWICK George R Lieutenant The Royal Scots LondonFERGUSSON Robert C Private The Scottish Rifles PollokshawsFINDLAY George C Ordinary Seaman The Royal Navy TurriffFINNIE James M Private The Seaforth Highlanders Warrender ParkFIRTH Edwin W Corporal Royal Garrison Artillery KirkwallFISHER Thomas Cadet Edinburgh University O.T.C. Easter RoadFOGO James Private The Highland Light Infantry AbingtonFORBES William D 2nd Lieutenant Royal Air Force SelkirkFORREST Ernest C 2nd Air Mechanic Royal Air Force KirkcaldyFORSTER George H Trooper Westminster Dragoons LondonFORSYTH Daniel K Private The Cameron Highlanders BridgetonFOWLIE Hector M 2nd Lieutenant Royal Air Force GardenstownFRASER Alexander W Private 14th Londons (The London Scottish) LondonFRASER Ian K Lance Corporal The Seaforth Highlanders InvergordonFRASER John Private Royal Army Service Corps BonnybridgeFRASER William A Lance Sergeant The Gordon Highlanders AlnessFRATER Robert Private The Seaforth Highlanders InvergordonGAIR Patrick G C Gunner Anti-Aircraft Artillery AlnessGALLOWAY William Private Royal Air Force DumfriesGARDINER Archibald M 2nd Lieutenant The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Campbeltown Died of Wounds, 17th May 1916GARDINER David Lieutenant The Cameron Highlanders AnnanGARDNER Samuel C Lance Corporal The Seaforth Highlanders St Vincent StreetGARRIOCH Robert F Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery ComrieGARVIE Hamilton A Lieutenant The Highland Light Infantry CallanderGATES Lionel C Lieutenant Lincolnshire Regiment London Military CrossGATT George W Company Quartermaster Sergeant The Gordon Highlanders TurriffGEDDES George Corporal The Highland Light Infantry BuckieGIBSON George Cadet Royal Air Force LeithGIBSON Francis R Sergeant Lothians and Border Horse Head OfficeGIBSON James R Lieutenant Malviatta Light Infantry, Indian Army DunbarGILLESPIE George T Signaller The Royal Navy BonnybridgeGLEN Andrew Sergeant Royal Berks Regiment London Died of Wounds, 25th July 1916GOODALL Robert Gunner The Tank Corps Newburgh Killed in Action, 1st December 1917GOODWIN Samuel Corporal The Royal Scots Ayr Killed in Action, 1st October 1918GORDON Adam Lance Corporal The Royal Highlanders GirvanGORDON James R 2nd Lieutenant The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders ObanGOURLAY John P Private The Royal Scots Yoker Killed in Action, 26th September 1917GOW William Y 2nd Lieutenant Royal Warwicks PerthGOWAN Ian D Corporal The Royal Scots North Bridge Killed in Action, 9th April 1917GRAHAM Alexander B Private The Scots Guards Leith Killed in Action, 24th August 1918GRAHAM Kenneth Corporal Royal Army Service Corps BazaarGRANT John Lieutenant Royal Air Force DufftownGREEN Frank Lance Corporal Machine Gun Corps LondonGREIG Robert A Corporal The Royal Highlanders Leven Military MedalGRIEVE Victor J Lance Corporal Royal Army Service Corps BiggarGUILD Andrew Able Seaman Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve DundeeGUNN Angus Colour Sergeant-Major The Seaforth Highlanders BuckieGUNN William R Lance Corporal The Seaforth Highlanders LybsterHALL John W Private The Cameron Highlanders ObanHALL Thomas Trooper Lothians and Border Horse PeeblesHAMILTON John Lance Corporal Imperial Camel Corps DunfermlineHAMILTON Joseph E Private The Scottish Rifles KilmarnockHANNAH James Battery Quartermaster Sergeant Divisional Ammunition Column LondonHANNAH Robert L Captain The Highland Light Infantry Falkirk Military Cross. Killed in Action, 25th March 1918HARPER Thomas S Trooper Lothians and Border Horse, attached 2nd Dragoons Juniper Green Died, 30th April 1916HARKES George Private Royal Army Service Corps TranentHARLEY Archibald B L Trooper Fife and Forfar Yeomanry Pathhead Died, 18th November 1915HARRIS James Sergeant Royal Field Artillery KilmarnockHARRISON George R Lieutenant Royal Air Force DouglasHARRISON Graham Gunner Royal Field Artillery GrahamstonHART James Private The Highland Light Infantry Hope StreetHATHORN George Lieutenant The Cameron Highlanders BlairgowrieHAXTON John D Sergeant Royal Garrison Artillery GardenstownHAY Robert Private Motor Machine Gun Corps CowcaddensHEGGISON James Air Mechanic Royal Air Force BlantyreHENDERSON Andrew S Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Pathhead Killed in Action, 24th April 1917HENDERSON John Lance Corporal The Scottish Rifles MotherwellHENDERSON Michael W Lieutenant Colonel The Royal Highlanders Linlithgow Killed in Action, 25th September 1915HENDERSON Walter Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders KirkcaldyHENDERSON William Private King's Own Scottish Borderers Annan Killed in Action, 18th August 1917HENDRY John W Lance Corporal The Cameron Highlanders Beith Killed in Action, 18th April 1918HERDMAN Thomas, Jnr Cadet Officers' Training Corps DalkeithHILL William F Private The Royal Scots GrassmarketHOGARTH George G Captain Northumberland Fusiliers TroonHOOD James H Signaller Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve Bath StreetHORNE Robert B Private The Royal Scots North BridgeHOUSTON Archibald Corporal The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders LondonHUIE Richard W Major Royal Field Artillery Greenside Order of the British EmpireHUNTER James Lance Corporal The Highland Light Infantry GrangemouthHUNTER Robert F 2nd Lieutenant Royal Air Force Hope StreetHUNTER William S 2nd Lieutenant The Cameron Highlanders StranraerHUTCHESON James Lance Corporal The Scottish Rifles Argyle Street Killed in Action, 21st May 1917HUTCHISON Matthew Private The Gordon Highlanders PathheadHUTTON James G Sergeant The Highland Light Infantry Glasgow Meritorious Service MedalINGLIS John S Private The Scottish Rifles St George's CrossINGRAM George G Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery North BridgeIRONSIDE Robert A Lance Corporal The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders ChirnsideIRVINE Robert J Trooper Queen's Own Royal Glasgow Yeomanry CowcaddensIRVINE Samuel R Lieutenant King's Own Scottish Borderers Jedburgh Military CrossJACK James L Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps Lanark Military CrossJACK John W Private The Royal Scots StobcrossJAMIESON Frank L Gunner Royal Field Artillery AnnanJAMIESON Peter O Private The Royal Scots Head Office

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JAMIESON William L Lance Corporal The Gordon Highlanders StirlingJARDINE John Lance Corporal The Royal Scots Fusiliers PeeblesJARDINE John L Sergeant Royal Army Service Corps CarnwathJEFFREY James L Sergeant The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders StirlingJOHNSTON James Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Queen StreetJOHSTON James V 2nd Lieutenant The Highland Light Infantry Grassmarket Killed in Action, 3rd April 1917JOHNSTON Peter Lance Corporal The Gordon Highlanders Head Office Mentioned in DispatchesJOHNSTON Robert J Corporal The Royal Scots LockerbieJOHNSTONE Henry F Ordinary Seaman The Royal Navy GalashielsKAY Andrew R Signaller Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve HutchesontownKEAY David R Private The Gordon Highlanders CuparKEITH John F Sapper Royal Engineers WickKEITH Malcolm 2nd Lieutenant East Yorks Regiment Sauchiehall Street Died of Wounds, 26th September 1917KELLIE William T Sergeant 9th London Regiment LondonKELLY Hugh V Corporal The Royal Highlanders Bothwell Street Died of Wounds, 20th July 1918KEMPTON Thomas Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Bridgeton Killed in Action, 24th April 1917KER Robert F Lieutenant Colonel King's Own Scottish Borderers Greenside Distinguished Service Order, Military Cross, Belgian Croix de GuerreKERR William Private The Seaforth Highlanders Earlston Killed in Action, 12th October 1918KERR William 2nd Lieutenant The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders PaisleyKILPATRICK David W Private The Gordon Highlanders Stranraer Missing, 25th September 1915KING Andrew Private The Cameron Highlanders St AndrewsKINNELL John Signaller Royal Garrison Artillery LondonKNIGHT Thomas Sergeant The Royal Scots Head OfficeKNOX George F Private The Gordon Highlanders PeterheadLAING George Gunner Royal Field Artillery Easter RoadLAING William H Private The Royal Scots West End, Edinburgh Killed in Action, 23rd April 1915LAIRD James R Private The Seaforth Highlanders KirkwallLAIRD William D S Lance Corporal The Royal Scots Nicolson StreetLAMBIE David Lance Corporal The Seaforth Highlanders TroonLAUDER George W Sapper Royal Engineers LanarkLAWRIE James M Cadet Edinburgh University O.T.C. Head OfficeLEARMOND Albert D Pioneer Royal Engineers North BridgeLEE Marshall Private The Royal Scots Head Office Died, 27th April 1917LEITCH Neil Corporal Machine Gun Corps LondonLENNOX John Neil Sergeant The Cameron Highlanders GreenockLENNOX William R Lance Corporal 14th Londons (The London Scottish) InvernessLIDDELL Peter Lance Corporal The Scots Guards RutherglenLINDSAY George 2nd Lieutenant The Royal Scots Head Office Killed in Action, 6th May 1917LINTON James Lance Corporal The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders GrahamstonLITTLEJOHN George Sergeant Army Pay Corps HuntlyLOGAN Alexander R Private The Highland Light Infantry AyrLORAINE John C Private Royal Marine Light Infantry West George Street Died, 11th December 1918MAIN Samuel H 2nd Lieutenant The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders PaisleyMAIR John M S Sergeant The Royal Scots CarnwathMAITLAND Charles R Private The Royal Highlanders LeithMALCOLM Andrew Lieutenant The Royal Highlanders LochgellyMALCOLM James O Lance Corporal The Highland Light Infantry ColinsburghMANSON William Captain Royal Engineers Head OfficeMARCHBANKS William S Private Royal Army Medical Corps HawickMARNOCH Alexander C Signaller Royal Garrison Artillery AberdeenMARTIN Hugh Private Machine Gun Corps CambuslangMARTIN James B Private Essex Regiment ShottsMARTIN Thomas F Lieutenant The Royal Scots KeithMATCHES Wilfred Ordinary Seaman The Royal Navy StromnessMATHER Arthur Trooper West Kent Yeomanry LondonMATHESON Finlay Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders DornieMATHIESON Peter Corporal The Gordon Highlanders InschMEIKLEJOHN Benjamin F Private The Seaforth Highlanders, attached Machine Gun Corps Head Office Died, 22nd September 1918MILLAR Adam Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Paisley Killed in Action, 30th July 1918MILLEN Henry G 2nd Lieutenant The Scottish Rifles RutherglenMILLER Charles W Strettell Lieutenant The Royal Scots, attached Machine Gun Corps Home Street Killed in Action, 6th October 1918MILLER Matthew Gunner The Royal Navy LauriestonMILLIGAN James G Private The Gordon Highlanders PeterheadMILNE George Private Royal Army Medical Corps DundeeMITCHELL Henry G K Lance Corporal The Gordon Highlanders PeterheadMITCHELL Robert J Cadet Edinburgh University O.T.C. Head OfficeMITCHELL Walter Major Royal Garrison Artillery Perth Mentioned in DispatchesMOFFAT Alexander Private The Highland Light Infantry MotherwellMOFFAT William P Private The Gordon Highlanders HawickMONAGHAN William Lieutenant The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders AyrMOORE William Private The Scottish Rifles CambuslangMORE Eric R 2nd Lieutenant The Gordon Highlanders Head Office Killed in Action, 27th October 1918MORRICE Watson S Sergeant Loyal North Lancashire Regiment BlairgowrieMORRIS Roland Private The Highland Light Infantry Nicolson StreetMORRISON Alexander T 2nd Air Mechanic Royal Air Force BlairgowrieMORRISON Duncan Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders YokerMORRISON Henry A Corporal East Yorks Regiment BerwickMORRISON William Private The Gordon Highlanders Kirkcaldy Killed in Action, 1st July 1916MOTION John 2nd Air Mechanic Royal Air Force MotherwellMOWAT Sinclair 2nd Lieutenant Royal Flying Corps Jedburgh Died, 1st July 1917MUIR William S Lieutenant The Highland Light Infantry StirlingMUNGLE John Lieutenant Colonel The Royal Scots Head Office Military CrossMUNRO Andrew Private The Royal Scots TainMUNRO Donald Private 6th London Regiment LondonMUNRO Donald J Private The Royal Scots InvergordonMUNRO Donald J A Sergeant Royal Garrison Artillery CromartyMUNRO Hector W 2nd Lieutenant The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Stirling Killed in Action, 23rd April 1917MUNRO James M C Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders StirlingMURRAY David C Bombardier Royal Field Artillery HaddingtonMURRAY Edward S G Lance Corporal The Royal Scots PeeblesMURRAY George H Private The Royal Scots StockbridgeMURRAY Lewis D Major The Highland Light Infantry RutherglenMacADAM George D 2nd Lieutenant Royal Engineers Paisley Military CrossMcADIE James D C Corporal The Royal Scots Home Street Killed in Action, 11th April 1918McCLURE Harold Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders GovanMcCLURE John Private The Royal Scots HutchesontownMcDAVID John R Private The Royal Highlanders Newton-Stewart Died of Wounds, 12th April 1918McDONALD Alexander W Lance Corporal The Royal Highlanders AberfeldyMcDONALD Duncan H S Lance Sergeant The Scots Guards ThursoMacDONALD George Bombardier Royal Field Artillery ArbroathMacDONALD Hector 2nd Lieutenant The Seaforth Highlanders Dingwall Military CrossMcDONALD James 2nd Lieutenant King's Own Scottish Borderers DunbarMcDONALD John Sergeant The Royal Scots KirkcaldyMcDOUGALL George Private The Gordon Highlanders PerthMcEWAN John Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery St AndrewsMacFARLANE John R Private The Royal Scots St Enoch Square Killed in Action, 25th April 1918MacFARLANE Peter Private The Royal Scots DundeeMcGILL John Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Ballantrae Killed in Action, 28th July 1918McGREGOR David Stuart Lieutenant The Royal Scots, attached Machine Gun Corps Stockbridge Victoria Cross. Killed in Action, 22nd October 1918McGREGOR George W Lance Corporal Royal Army Service Corps DingwallMcGREGOR James A Private The Gordon Highlanders KeithMcGRUTHER William Lieutenant Lancashire Fusiliers BlantyreMcHOUL John Lance Corporal Gloucester Regiment MauchlineMcINNES Hugh, Jnr Corporal The Scottish Rifles DumbartonMacINTOSH William A Lance Corporal The Highland Light Infantry Lanark Killed in Action, 9th April 1918MACKAY Frank F Lieutenant Royal Garrison Artillery StromnessMACKAY John M Lance Corporal Royal Army Ordnance Corps DumbartonMACKENZIE Alexander Private The Seaforth Highlanders ElginMACKENZIE Alexander Ordinary Seaman Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve KyleMACKENZIE Duncan F Corporal The Seaforth Highlanders KyleMACKENZIE William G Driver Royal Engineers Kirkintilloch

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McKILL Harold A E Trooper Lothians and Border Horse WhitburnMACKILL William N Sergeant The Cameron Highlanders Bothwell StreetMcKINLAY William 2nd Lieutenant 4th Border Regiment LanarkMcKINNELL John McC Private The Scottish Rifles MarkinchMcLACHLAN Duncan H Private The Royal Scots LinlithgowMcLEAN James A Corporal The Seaforth Highlanders TainMacLENNAN Donald Private The Seaforth Highlanders KyleMcLENNAN Ian D Sergeant The Seaforth Highlanders Thurso Killed in Action, 15th June 1915McLENNAN John Private The Cameron Highlanders ObanMcLEOD Kenneth Corporal The Seaforth Highlanders KyleMcLEOD Norman Lance Corporal The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Sauchiehall Street Meritorious Service MedalMacLEOD Roderick Private The Seaforth Highlanders LochboisdaleMcLEOD Thomas N Private The Royal Scots Home StreetMacMILLAN Andrew F P Bombardier Royal Field Artillery HamiltonMcMILLAN Archibald C Corporal The Royal Scots AlnessMcMILLAN Charles H Captain The Highland Light Infantry Sauchiehall StreetMcNICOLL Leonard G Bandsman The Australian Navy ShottsMacPHEE Malcolm Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Greenock Killed in Action, 9th December 1917MacPHERSON James C Signaller The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders LeithMACRAE Christopher Lance Corporal The Seaforth Highlanders Argyle Street Died, 9th August 1916MACRAE John D Sergeant Royal Garrison Artillery LochinverMcRAE Murdo A 2nd Lieutenant The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders BeaulyMcRAE Robert Private Royal Army Medical Corps Head OfficeNAPIER George Private The Seaforth Highlanders AlloaNAPIER William D'E Lieutenant The Scottish Rifles GalashielsNEARS Walter C Ordinary Seaman Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve LondonNEILSON William Signaller Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve CoatbridgeNICOL James C Private 14th Londons (The London Scottish) LondonNICOLSON Alexander Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery Grangemouth Killed in Action, 29th November 1917NIVEN Alexander F Corporal The Rifle Brigade PollokshawsOAG Charles M Signaller Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve KirkwallOLIVER James D Private Royal Army Service Corps HawickO'MAY James Trooper The Scottish Horse GrangemouthORR Thomas O Private The Gordon Highlanders YokerOSLER James Private The Royal Scots GrassmarketPANTON Allan U Corporal Army Pay Corps CowdenbeathPARIS James Private The Tank Corps West Calder Killed in Action, 30th September 1918PATERSON James R Corporal The Scottish Rifles TrongatePATERSON Niven M Private The Royal Scots AnnanPATON Ebenezer G, Jnr 2nd Lieutenant The Tank Corps StranraerPATON Robert Lieutenant The Royal Scots Fusiliers KilmarnockPATON Robert S Sergeant The Highland Light Infantry St Enoch SquarePATON William Y Major East Lancashire Regiment Sauchiehall Street Military Cross and BarPEACOCK Peter Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery CoatbridgePERRY David Corporal of Horse The Life Guards LondonPETTIGREW James Sergeant The Royal Scots Haddington French Croix de GuerrePHILLIPS Frederick D Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders AyrPHIMISTER John G Lance Corporal The Seaforth Highlanders LevenPICKEN James C Captain The Highland Light Infantry Biggar Military CrossPOWELL Theodore H J Rifleman The Rifle Brigade LondonPRIMROSE John A M Private The Scots Guards GrangemouthRAE George C Rifleman 5th London Regiment KirkintillochRAE William J Private Machine Gun Corps LockerbieREAY Percy Lieutenant King's Own Scottish Borderers Head Office Military CrossREED Robert Private Royal Army Service Corps BonnyriggREID Bernard A Private Royal Army Medical Corps CallanderRICHARDSON Robert J Lieutenant King's Own Scottish Borderers AnnanRIDDEL James L Captain The Royal Scots Fusiliers Girvan Military CrossRITSON Joseph Captain The Seaforth Highlanders ThursoROBB James Private The Highland Light Infantry NewingtonROBERTS Hugh N McL Lieutenant Royal Air Force LeithROBERTSON Allan S Paymaster-Lieutenant The Royal Navy InvernessROBERTSON Henry J Private The Royal Scots DalkeithROBERTSON Malcolm Corporal The Scottish Horse CallanderROBERTSON Thomas L Private The Gordon Highlanders PerthROBINSON James H Private The Seaforth Highlanders Annan Died, 26th July 1918ROBSON Peter Bombardier Royal Field Artillery KelsoRODDICK John, Jnr Lance Corporal Lanarkshire Yeomanry AnnanRODGERS James B Cadet Royal Air Force DundeeROGERS Herbert C Lieutenant The Seaforth Highlanders ElginROLLO William Private The Cameron Highlanders Queen Street Killed in Action, 10th September 1915ROSS Ian D Company Quartermaster Sergeant The Lovat Scouts PartickROSS John S 2nd Lieutenant The Royal Scots Markinch Military CrossROSS John W Corporal Royal Garrison Artillery CromartyROSS William Wireless Operator Marconi Company LinlithgowROTHNIE Andrew A Wireless Operator Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve CrieffRUNCIEMAN John W Captain The Royal Highlanders LochgellyRUSSELL John Signaller Royal Field Artillery KilwinningRUSSELL John Corporal The Royal Scots Fusiliers West KilbrideRUSSELL John P Lieutenant The Royal Scots DunfermlineRUSSELL Walter N Corporal The Gordon Highlanders PortobelloSANDISON Alexander J 2nd Lieutenant The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders CampbeltownSCOTT David R Private The Cameron Highlanders CampbeltownSCOTT Harry S Lieutenant Royal Air Force LeithSCOTT John Lieutenant The Cameron Highlanders CampbeltownSCOTT John Private The Royal Highlanders GreensideSCOTT John Private The Cameron Highlanders Hawick Died of Wounds, 13th October 1916SCOTT Robert Private The Seaforth Highlanders BurntislandSCOTT Robert 2nd Lieutenant 1st Border Regiment EyemouthSCOTT Thomas H C 2nd Lieutenant King's Royal Rifle Corps EarlstonSCOTT William Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery AytonSCROGGIE Robert H Corporal The Royal Highlanders Invergordon Military MedalSEATON James Lieutenant The Gordon Highlanders KeithSELLAR Colin P Private The Gordon Highlanders Peterhead Died of Wounds, 29th October 1918SELLARS Alexander F Private The Seaforth Highlanders Methil Killed in Action, 28th March 1918SHARP Henry R K Private The Royal Scots, attached K.O.Y.L.I. Juniper Green Killed in Action, 3rd August 1916SHAW Frank G C Sergeant Royal Army Service Corps West George StreetSHEARER James 3rd Air Mechanic Royal Air Force InvernessSHEPHERD Alexander Private The Gordon Highlanders InschSHEPHERD George S 2nd Lieutenant Royal Army Service Corps West End, EdinburghSHERET George Lance Corporal Royal Engineers West KilbrideSIM Norman G Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders LockerbieSIMPSON Donald R Signaller The Cameron Highlanders Inverness Killed in Action, 27th April 1917SIMPSON George Private The Cameron Highlanders InvergordonSIMPSON Walter S Private The Royal Scots Great Junction Street, LeithSIMPSON William D Lance Corporal The Royal Scots Head OfficeSINCLAIR James A G 2nd Lieutenant Labour Corps West End, EdinburghSINCLAIR John S Lance Corporal The Royal Scots DunbarSINCLAIR Keith S Private The Royal Scots DumfriesSINCLAIR William Lieutenant Northumberland Fusiliers BroomhillSINTON William Corporal King's Own Scottish Borderers AytonSMITH Alexander B Private The Seaforth Highlanders CowcaddensSMITH Andrew M Sergeant The Royal Highlanders BonhillSMITH John Company Quartermaster Sergeant The Seaforth Highlanders GlasgowSMITH John B Corporal The Scottish Rifles AnstrutherSMITH Lawrence Private The Gordon Highlanders KirkcaldySMITH Ralph M Private The Highland Light Infantry Morningside Killed in Action, 21st September 1918SMITH Robert Private The Royal Scots Fusiliers WishawSMITH Sydney Captain East Surreys London Killed in Action, 19th May 1918SMITH Thomas Able Seaman Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve WishawSMITH Thomas J B Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery Kilmarnock

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SOMERVILLE Alexander W Private The Gordon Highlanders DalkeithSPEEDIE John G 2nd Lieutenant The Royal Scots Juniper Green Médaille Militaire. Killed in Action, 14th June 1917SPENCE Thomas Private The Royal Scots Head OfficeSPENCE William J F 2nd Lieutenant Indian Army LanarkSTANNERS Thomas W Lance Sergeant The Scots Guards ShottsSTARK Walter Private The Seaforth Highlanders DundeeSTENHOUSE George N Private The Royal Scots GreenockSTEVENSON Allan Lieutenant Colonel King's Own Scottish Borderers KelsoSTEVENSON David M Corporal Royal Army Service Corps GirvanSTEVENSON William Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery KirkwallSTEVENSON William G Lieutenant The Royal Highlanders DunfermlineSTEWART Angus W 2nd Lieutenant The Hussars Warrender ParkSTEWART Anthony Lance Corporal The Cameron Highlanders KilwinningSTEWART Cuthbert Private The Gordon Highlanders Keith Missing, 21st March 1918STEWART John A Private Royal Army Medical Corps InvernessSTEWART Robert D Lieutenant Royal Air Force Newton-StewartSTEWART Walter A Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Hutchesontown Killed in Action, 5th Spetember 1917STEWART William Major The Royal Scots Fusiliers Beith Died of Wounds, 12th July 1915STEWART William Y Sergeant Royal Army Service Corps Anstruther Meritorious Service MedalSTIVEN Andrew Corporal The Gordon Highlanders ArbroathSTORRY Alexander B Able Seaman Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve PaisleySTOUT Albert V 2nd Lieutenant 10th London Regiment Head OfficeSTOUT James Private The Seaforth Highlanders LerwickSTRACHAN Robert S Gunner Royal Field Artillery DingwallSUTHERLAND Charles A 2nd Lieutenant The Royal Highlanders LevenSUTHERLAND John Captain The Royal Highlanders KirkcaldySWAN George R Lieutenant The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Greenock Died of Wounds, 9th August 1918SWINTON David W Signaller Royal Garrison Artillery MethilSYMON Francis W K Cadet Royal Air Force KeithTAIT Peter P Trooper Lothians and Border Horse ChirnsideTAYLOR John Captain Lanarkshire Yeomanry LondonTEMPLETON John Private The Highland Light Infantry TroonTHOMSON Andrew S G Private The Royal Scots MayboleTHOMSON Charles Captain East Lancashire Regiment Paisley Military Cross. Killed in Action, 1st September 1918THOMSON James 2nd Lieutenant The Royal Scots Head Office Military CrossTHOMSON John A Private The Highland Light Infantry Hope StreetTHOMSON John S Private The Royal Scots Alloa Died of Wounds, 29th April 1918THOMSON Robert Lieutenant The Seaforth Highlanders Gallowgate Mentioned in DispatchesTHOMSON Robert J Lieutenant The Royal Scots KirkcudbrightTHOMSON Wilfred H Captain Middlesex Regiment DalkeithTILLOTSON Geoffrey Lieutenant The Royal Scots Head OfficeTISSOT Emile L R Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Trongate Died of Wounds, 12th April 1918TOCHER Andrew Private The Royal Scots West End, EdinburghTORRANCE William H Private The Seaforth Highlanders ThursoTOUGH Thomas Private The Highland Light Infantry Kilwinning Killed in Action, 1st July 1916TRAVERS Peter Private The Gordon Highlanders Kilmarnock Killed in Action, 31st July 1917TULLIE John 2nd Lieutenant Royal Air Force ChirnsideTULLOCH Alexander W Private The Gordon Highlanders Muir of OrdTURFUS James W B Sapper Royal Engineers StromnessTURNER Frank H Private The Cameron Highlanders Pathhead, KirkcaldyVALLANCE George A Gunner Royal Field Artillery Warrender ParkWADDELL George Lieutenant The Royal Highlanders LondonWALKER John Private The Seaforth Highlanders AlnessWALKER William J Private The Royal Scots DumfriesWALLACE James Private Royal Fusiliers Kilmarnock Killed in Action, 21st January 1917WARD John Private The Highland Light Infantry CrieffWATSON Alexander P Corporal The Gordon Highlanders BanffWATSON William E 2nd Lieutenant King's Liverpool Regiment Warrender Park Killed in Action, 24th March 1918WATT Robert Corporal Royal Garrison Artillery LondonWATT Robert D Private The Royal Scots Wishaw Killed in Action, 27th September 1918WATT Walter Private Royal Army Medical Corps Stobcross Mentioned in Division Dispatches, August 1917WEATHERHEAD James W Lance Corporal The Scottish Rifles MusselburghWEBSTER John Private The Seaforth Highlanders MotherwellWEIR Donald, Jnr Private The Seaforth Highlanders CastletownWEIR James B 2nd Lieutenant Royal Air Force Home StreetWEIR Josiah Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery WishawWEMYSS Andrew Lieutenant The Royal Scots Haddington Military Cross, Italian Silver MedalWHITE Alexander M Lieutenant The Royal Scots Head OfficeWHITE George Lance Corporal The Royal Highlanders CuparWHITE George F Corporal The Gordon Highlanders TurriffWHITE Wesley Private The Royal Scots PerthWHITE William Trooper The Scottish Horse MotherwellWILKINSON John C Private The Royal Highlanders Cupar Died of Wounds, 6th January 1917WILLIAMS Francis J Lieutenant Royal Air Force HaymarketWILSON Alexander Private The Cameron Highlanders Nicolson Street Killed in Action, 3rd November 1915WILSON Duncan M Lieutenant The Gordon Highlanders AberdeenWILSON George S Private The Royal Scots Eyemouth Killed in Action, 23rd July 1916WILSON James P Petty Officer Royal Naval Division LochgellyWILSON John Lieutenant The Royal Scots BurntislandWILSON John Corporal The Highland Light Infantry Falkirk Military MedalWILSON John Private The Cameron Highlanders St Vincent Street Meritorious Service MedalWILSON Robert D Private The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders Dumfries Killed in Action, 28th August 1916WILSON William A 2nd Air Mechanic Royal Air Force PrestonpansWILSON William J Gunner Royal Garrison Artillery DouglasWITCUTT Benjamin Wireless Operator The Mercantile Marine WishawWOOD Francis Sergeant Royal Wet Kent Regiment London Killed in Action, 24th March 1917WOOD Henry C Private The Royal Scots Fusiliers DumfriesWOOD James Private The Royal Scots ArmadaleWOOD James E Cadet Edinburgh University O.T.C. StockbridgeWYLLIE John G Air Mechanic Royal Air Force ForfarYOUNG Harry F Gunner Royal Field Artillery MaudYOUNG Robert Private The Seaforth Highlanders Hawick Killed in Action, 3rd August 1917YOUNG William J Private The Royal Highlanders Annan

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DESCRIPTIVE NOTE OF WAR MEMORIAL THE WAR MEMORIAL, erected in memory of the members of the Staff of the Commercial Bank of Scotland who lost their lives in the War, has been placed in the large Counting-Hall of the Head Office in Edinburgh, on a site in every way adapted for it. The north wall of this handsome apartment consists in an arcade of three elliptical arches, the centre one pierced by the main entrance from the Vestibule, and the two side ones hitherto blank. These spaces have now been utilised for the erection of the Memorial, which takes the form of two large wall Tablets, on which are inscribed the names, ninety-nine in all, of those commemorated. Each of the Tablets consists of a slab of Greek Statuary Marble, 6 feet 6 inches in height and 3 feet 4 inches in width, set on a plain sill, built into the wall, of pink granite with a chiselled surface, and with moulded and enriched architraves of the same material, mitred and returned against the projecting marble panel, and surmounted by a plain lintel also of granite. The names commemorated, along with their rank and regiment, are cut in Roman lettering on the marble panel and gilded, and the Dedicatory Inscription in raised bronze letters, gilded, is set out on the lintel and sill: "IN PROUD MEMORY OF THESE BRAVE MEN, MEMBERS OF THE STAFF OF THE COMMERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES FOR KING AND COUNTRY IN THE GREAT WAR, 1914-1918." The whole feeling of the stone and marble work is one of restraint, and a feeling of richness is provided by a Trophy surmounting the whole panel, consisting of the flags of the Allied Nations, with the victor's wreath of laurel in case-bronze, richly gilded and coloured. The note of colour is repeated on the under side of the Memorial by crossed laurel branches, modelled and cast in bronze and gilded. The total height of each Memorial is 12 feet.