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Role of Digital Marketing in Promoting Events (SIP)

Jan 22, 2018



Arun Gupta
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MBA (2016-18)


ENROLMENT NO- A30101916065






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This is to certify that Mr. Arun Gupta, a student of Post Graduate Degree in Management, Amity

Global Business School, Noida has worked in Cyber Security Infotech Pvt. Ltd., under the able

guidance and supervision of Mr. Aditya Chauhan, Project Manager, Cyber Security Infotech Pvt.


The period for which he was on training was for eight weeks, starting from 16th May to 15th July,

2017. This Summer Internship report has the requisite standard for the partial fulfillment the Post

Graduate Degree in International Business. To the best of our knowledge no part of this report has

been reproduced from any other report and the contents are based on original research.

Signature Signature

(Mr. Arnab Chakraborty) (Arun Gupta)

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It is not a single man’s effort which is sufficient for the accomplishment of a Research. Various

factors, situations and persons integrate to provide the background for accomplishment of a task

which requires the effort of so many people and this work is certainly no exception.

I acknowledge here the names of those people who have been instrumental in preparation of this

Research. Without their active guidance, help, cooperation & encouragement, I would not have

been made headway through the conduction of a survey in my project.

I am extremely thankful and pay my gratitude to my faculty guide Mr. Arnab Chakraborty for his

valuable guidance, suggestion, constant support and inspiration to undertake this study and

complete this research.

I am also highly indebted to all of my friends and everyone who directly or indirectly helped me

to complete this project report.

Arun Gupta

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It’s a great opportunity for me to complete my Master’s Degree from Amity Global Business

School, Noida. In the accomplishment of this degree I am submitting a report on “ROLE OF

DIGITAL MARKETING IN PROMOTING EVENTS”. Subject to the limitation of time, efforts

and resources every possible attempt has been made to study the matter deeply. The whole project

is measured through the questionnaire, the data further analyzed and interpreted and the result was


The purpose of this report is to give a brief idea about what has been done in the summer

training. This report comprises of various things and knowledge I have got during my summer

internship at Cyber Security Infotech Pvt. Ltd. The objectives of preparing this report are as


1. To identify the changing role of marketing from traditional marketing to the digital


2. To identify the best marketing strategy for events

3. To identify the drawbacks of internet marketing compared to traditional marketing

4. To identify consumer’s interest in events

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I, Arun Gupta, hereby declare that the Project Report titled “ROLE OF DIGITAL MARKETING

IN PROMOTING EVENTS” submitted to the Amity University, AMITY GLOBAL BUSINESS

SCHOOL, NOIDA is a record of the original work done by me and no part of it has been

submitted earlier for award of any degree, Post-Graduation or similar title of any other

University or Institution.


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2.5 WHY EVENTS? 16-17


















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The main objective of this “Role of Digital Marketing in Promoting Events” project is to collect

all the necessary information related to event marketing, to outline the difference between

traditional marketing and digital marketing, to understand what role can digital marketing play to

promote events, to understand the consumer’s preference regarding events, to identify the

drawbacks of internet marketing compared to digital marketing, to identify effective digita l

marketing strategies.

The purpose of this study is also to have a detailed analysis about event management done by

Cyber Security Infotech Pvt. Ltd. and also to understand the factors that lead towards successful

events. Digital marketing has played major role in conducting many successful events. Digita l

Marketing strategies such as Blog posts, Social Media Marketing, Landing pages, Email-

Marketing, etc. has been a key factor towards a successful event.

A survey was conducted with a sample of questions related to event planning and marketing which

clearly stated that traditional marketing strategies for promoting events has become outdated. The

new digital marketing strategies has replaced the traditional marketing strategies to promoting

events. The survey has also disclosed individual perceptions regarding events and also stated their

preference towards the types of events.

Keywords: Digital Marketing, Traditional Marketing, Blog posts, Social Media Marketing, Email

Marketing, Landing Pages.

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Event marketing is growing at a rate far more times that of traditional advertising. Corporate

sponsorships in India in 2001 were estimated at about $3.9 billion-with 65% of this total going to

sports events and most of the remainder spent on sponsoring entertainment tours o-r festival and

fairs. Lots of companies invest in some form of event sponsorship. If I define event marketing, it

is a form of brand promotion that ties a brand to a meaningful athletic, entertainment, cultural,

social or other type of Events.

Event marketing is different from advertising, sales promotion, point-of-purchase merchandising,

or public relations. It generally incorporates elements from all of these promotional tools. Event

promotions have an opportunity to achieve success because, unlike other forms of marketing

strategies, events reach people when they are receptive to marketing messages and capture

people in a relaxed atmosphere. Event marketing is growing rapidly because it provides

companies alternatives to the grouped mass media, an ability to segment on a local or regional

basis, and opportunities for reaching targeted groups whose consumption behavior can be linked

with the local events. MasterCard invested about $25 million in sponsoring the nine-city World

Cup soccer championship in the United States in 1994. Recently, Vivo invested about 2200 cr. in

Indian Premier League this year and it captured large number of people attention to its new

brand. Vivo was the title sponsor for this popular sporting event. Olympics and its renowned five

rings are “The world’s most effective property” in terms of marketing tools. The Olympics sell

sponsorship on a local and global basis, and every couple of year’s corporation’s line up to pay

as much as $50 million to be the Lord of the rings.

Event marketing is a lucrative game of “what’s in a name”, as consumers purchase the tickets

and expose themselves to everything. The world of event marketing is a fast growing, high

profile industry worth over $20 billion annually, and is one of the most successful marketing

strategies. Event marketing integrates the corporate sponsorship of an event with a whole range

of marketing elements such as advertising, sales promotion, and public relations.

Corporations both large and small have grown this industry at a rate of 17 percent per year, and

they have achieved a high level of success.

In an effort to remain ahead of the curve, I believe it’s important to amplify the use of a digital

marketing plan in event marketing. With the objective of capturing contacts and converting them

- whether they are members, participants, or sponsors, objectives need to be met, and as a

business running an event, a digital marketing plan can help attain those objectives. The

companies are taking advantage of digital channels to boost marketing, sales, brand awareness,

communication and virtually every aspects of business. The events industry is no exception with

many people moving towards digital marketing tactics to successfully organize, promote and

enhance the experience of events.

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Various digital marketing channels like websites, contents marketing, social media, search

engines (paid/organic), email, landing pages, etc. can help an event go grand.


What is Marketing?

Marketing can be defined as the process by which individuals and groups obtain what they want

through creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others. The term developed

from the original meaning which referred literally to going to a market to buy or sell goods or

services. The American Marketing Association has defined marketing as “the activity, set of

institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings

that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large”. Marketing is used to create,

keep and satisfy the customer. All sports and recreational organizations undertake marketing,

although they are often unaware that they are actually doing so. Listing in the yellow pages,

telephone directory, placing information in the local newspaper, offering a discount and special

offers etc. are all forms of marketing.

Marketing is best identified using what are called the 4 P's or a mix of marketing: Product, Price,

Promotion, and Place.

4 P’s of Marketing

Starting with products, companies have many procedures they must undertake to ensure their

products are ready for selling. The first stage is called the "ideation stage," where the idea for the

product is conceived. Then, marketing departments usually test new product concepts with focus

groups and surveys to ascertain interest levels among potential buyers.

If the interest level is high, marketers may then sell products on a limited basis to track sales. If

product sales are high, products are then rolled out on a national level. Before products go to the

market, companies must decide what styles, sizes, flavors, and scents they should sell and the

packaging designs they should use. Consumers have much input in these decisions.

Price is also tested through focus groups and surveys. Companies must know the optimal price to

sell their products to achieve maximum return. One way to determine price is to set it at a level

comparable to competitors; that is if the company can recover all associated product expenses

and still make a profit. If the company is introducing a new product that has never existed, they

must determine how much the consumer is willing to pay for it. Customers will only pay so

much for products. Price a product higher, and sales can drop off exponentially.

Promotion pertains to brochures, ads, and information which companies use to generate interest

in their products. For more complex concepts, like spas or computers, companies may promote

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their wares at trade shows. Promotions usually have two purposes: generate leads for sales reps

or initiate actual purchases.

Place in marketing nomenclature is the distribution. It is how and where products are sold.

Consumer product companies, for example, sell to wholesalers who, in turn, sell to retailers. In

the industrial market, the buying process is longer and involves more decision makers. Some

companies also sell products or services on a local level, while others sell nationally and even

internationally. All distribution decisions are part of the overall marketing process.

Tools of Promotion


Public Relations

Direct marketing

Word of mouth




It is the controlled method of communicating the message. The event manager can manipulate

the message. It includes the following:


Leaflets, Posters, Brochures


Commercial, Community, National


Web Sites, Radio


Cable, Free To Air, Satellite


Newspapers, Magazines

Non-Media Alternatives:

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Outdoor Advertising, Street Banners, Aerial, Innovative. It can be done by the event manager or

the advertising agency.

Public Relations:

Often it is part of the event manager's job to gain maximum exposure for the event. It

communicates a more complex message than advertising. It is free but the event manager looses

control over the result. It can be positive or negative. It is important that the event manager

maintains control over as much of the public relations as possible. A thorough knowledge of the

media's requirements and beneficial interaction with the media personnel are sensible methods.

The PR campaign is a plan to gain maximum positive publicity for the event. For an

entrepreneurial event it would include:

Direct Marketing:

Direct Marketing is delivering the promotional message straight to the interested individual. The

basis of direct marketing is the establishment of a data sheet and a strategy to best reach those

individuals. The mail out is the most common traditional method. The database can be created

from previous events through competitions, guest books, inquiries, and point of sale information

or just by asking the participants if they would like to receive information on other similar


Word of Mouth:

Word-of-Mouth is the most effective form of marketing. Word-of-mouth marketing (WOM

Marketing) is when a consumer's interest for a company's product or service is reflected in their

daily dialogs. Word-of-mouth marketing can be encouraged through different publicity activities

set up by companies, or by having opportunities to encourage consumer-to-consumer and

consumer-to-marketer communications. It includes buzz, viral, blog, emotional and social media



As part of the promotion tool kit, hospitality can be powerful. The special event or festival has to

promote itself to the sponsors. The dinner for sponsors, for example, can be an inexpensive way

to promote the event. A tour of the site can be an effective way of promoting the event.


The latest and increasingly popular method of promoting an event is to create a website. The

advantage is that the site can also capture enquiries and be a point of sale for tickets. The current

movement towards virtual reality sites can give the potential attendee a view of the event. The

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site can give real information, such as the program and map. Used in conjunction with another

elements of the PR campaign, a web site can be used to distribute photos and press releases. It

transfers the some of the cost to the customer. Blogs on websites can also be one of the most

effective means of making your viewers aware about the event.


1. Too much of advertisements have led to a jumbling on T.V, print and other media. This

has given rise to a need for avenues, which provide exclusivity to the sponsors while not

giving up the benefits of reach and impact.

2. The expanding no. of TV channels and the greater no. of programs have led to

discontinuity of the viewer-ship. Hence, the need for narrow-casting of campaigns to the

sharply characterized target audience.

3. Proliferation of low intensity television viewers who view a little of each channel leads to

the need for capturing the complete attention of the target audience.

4. Media cost inflation – Due to rising inflation which has been dissolving the advertising

budget, advertisers are demanding the beat return from each ad-rupee spent. Media

planning has become more complex and therefore the need for increase the effectiveness

in terms of tangible impact which can be immediately evaluated has risen.

5. Proliferation of various media channels, therefore the requirement for wise media buying.

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The five Ps of marketing: product, place, people, price and promotion play an important role in

Event Marketing. To successfully use Event Marketing the marketer or the event organizer must

understand how Event Marketing fits together with the other parts of the marketing strategies.

Kotler describes the organization’s marketing mix as controllable variables that are mixed so that

the organization gets the response that they are asking for from the target market. Event

Marketing fits under promotion in the marketing mix. Other marketing tools that goes under this

section are advertising, sales promotion, personal sales, direct sales, public relations, and

sponsoring. Event Marketing takes an imaginative mix of all the communication tools available

to extend the impact of the event. Let’s discuss each in details:


Your event is your product, so you must tailor it to the needs of the people you hope to attract.

This means looking at all additional activities that might take place before, during and after the

event, including pre-event media days, contests or promotions on your website and social media

pages, your event-day registration process, food and beverage, gift bags, spectator activities and

post-event parties, awards and recognition. Review competitive or complementary projects to see

what they do in association with their events. Survey potential participants to find out what

would get them to attend and what price they are willing to pay, if you are charging a fee.


If you are charging a price or fee for your event to cover your costs or to make a profit, create a

budget that details all of your expenses. Include the cost of planning and advertising the event,

facility and equipment rentals, staffs, insurance, licenses, permits and fees, setup and cleanup

fees, gifts, food and beverage, public address system and pre- and post-event marketing

activities. Create sponsorship opportunities that help finance your costs. Subtract your

anticipated sponsorship revenues, donations and desired profit from your expenses to set your

price. If you are using the event as a promotional activity and won’t be charging a fee, establish

prices for sponsorships that help finance your expenses. Set some of them low enough to attract

sponsors that can make the event more attractive to viewers, participants or guests. This might

include giving sponsorships to companies that provide free gifts for participants or invite a

celebrity to the event.


Use a detailed demographic profile of your target audience, choose print publications, broadcast

stations and websites for advertising to your target attendees, based on what they read, watch,

listen to and visit. Create public relation and social media campaign that start well before the

event and continue afterward to maximize the benefit you get from the event. Promote the event

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at your business locations, asking your vendors and suppliers to do the same for you. If you have

sponsors, ask them to promote your event on their websites and social media pages as well.


Where you hold your event determines if you maximize attendance. To choose the best sites,

you’ll need to use few criteria. Start by looking at venues that are best suited for your cocktail

parties, media days, news conferences and the event in terms of on-site logistics. Next, consider

how easy it is for your targeted audience to get to each site, considering driving time, traffic

congestion and parking. Last, finish your site selection process by choosing the best locations for

logistics that are easy to get to and best suit your budget.


People are the targeted customers to whom you want to approach to be the part of your event.

You can target your audience according to the type of event you are planning to conduct. To

market your event “people” plays a very important role.


From its root in event planning, the event marketing industry has seen great growth in the last

five years and has frequently been one of the most effective tools that marketing professionals

have at their disposal in context of making a tangible connection to the current and potential

customers. The increasing competitive pressures brought on by digitalization are forcing

business professionals to find new ways to engage customers. Not surprisingly, experienced

event marketing professionals are therefore focusing the bulk of their efforts and budgetary

spend on lead generation tactics such as trade shows. While it is important to generate leads,

marketing and specifically event marketing professionals cannot lose sight of the fact that the

sales cycle only begins at lead generation and that current and prospective customers must also

be feed even beyond purchase. Companies can benefit extremely from the deeper event

marketing touch points that promote nurturing such as healing conferences that provide a

controlled environment for delivering messages and closing businesses. The nurturing process

will allow the customers to more effectively be filtered into the subsequent stages of the sales

cycle, thus creating greater opportunities to develop into repeat customers.

Event marketing has evolved over the past few years. New technology has evolved the position

of the customers, consumers or buyers. Marketing is now focused on building their relationship

with a company or brand. Audiences have higher expectations than previously held and are

interested in being more engaged and gaining a real personal value from events. Event planners

and marketers are now challenged with proving that events are valuable by offering customers a

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greater return on their investment as well as satisfying them. As more technological advances are

made, they must be embraced by organizations in order to optimize customer experience before

during and after events. Mobile technologies and social media continue to offer ever increasing

ways to provide value to event attendees. These technologies extend the life-cycle of an event

and enables marketing to be more frequent and more engaging.


1. Brand Building

Creating awareness about the launch of new products/brand

Presentation of brand description to highlight the added features of


Helping in rejuvenating brands during the different stages of product life cycle

Helping in communicating the repositioning of brands/products

Associating the brand personality of clients with the personality of target market

Creating and maintaining brand identity

2. Image Building

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3. Focusing the Target Market

Helping in avoidance of clutter

Enabling interactive mode of communication

4. Implementation of Marketing Plan

Enabling authentic test marketing

Enabling focused sales and communication to a captive audience

Increasing customer traffic in stores

Enabling sales promotion

Help in relation building and PR activities

Motivating the sales team

Generate immediate sales

Generating instant publicity

Enabling market database assimilation, maintenance and updating

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Types of Events

1. Sporting Events

Sporting events are activities involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a

set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively. A usually challenging activity

undertaken for amusement. Sporting events are held in towns, cities, states and

throughout the nation. They attract international sports men & women at the highest


2. Entertainment Arts and Culture

Entertainment events are well known for their ability to attract large audience. This

includes musical concerts, celebrity performances, movie releases, etc.

3. Commercial Marketing and Promotional Event

Promotional events tend to have high budgets and high profiles. Most frequently they

include product launches. The aim of promotional events is generally to differentiate the

product from its competitors and to ensure that it is memorable. Medias are usually

invited to these events so that both the impact and the risk are high, and success is vital.

4. Meetings & Exhibitions

Meetings & conventions industry is highly competitive. Many conventions attract

thousands of people, whereas some meetings include only a handful of high profile


5. Festivals

Various forms of festivals are increasingly popular providing a particular region for the

opportunity to showcase its product. Food and wine festivals are the most common events

falling under this category. Religious festivals also fall into this category.

6. Family

Weddings, anniversaries, divorces, funerals etc. all provide opportunities for families

together. Funerals are increasingly becoming big events with non-traditional coffins,

speeches and even entertainment. It is important for the event manager to keep track of

these changing social trends.

7. Fund Raising

Fairs, which are common in most communities, are frequently run by interested local

committees. The effort in the organization required for these events are often

undervalued. As their general aim is raising funds, it is important that rides and other

such contracted activities contribute to, rather than reduce, revenue.

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8. Miscellaneous

Some events ignore categorization. Potatoes, walnuts, wild flowers, roses, horses, dogs,

teddy bears all provide the focus for some events.

Planning Events

Event planning is the process of managing a project such as meetings, conventions,

tradeshows, ceremonies, team building activities, parties, or conventions. Event planning

includes budgeting, establishing timelines, selecting and reserving the event sites,

planning food, coordinating transportation, acquiring permits, developing a theme,

arranging for activities, selecting speakers and keynotes, arranging for equipment and

facilities, managing risk, and developing contingency plans.

10 Steps to Get You Started With Event Planning

1. Develop Event Goals and Objectives

The very first step is to establish a tangible goal and objectives. (e.g., why are you

organizing this event and what do you hope to achieve from this event?)

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2. Organize a Team

Any event takes a dedicated team effort to handle all of the details. Consider identifying

one key Event Manager or Event Chair as well as individual Chairpersons for sub

committees, such as

Venue management;





Volunteer management

3. Set a Date

The date might already be pre-set for a reoccurring event, but if this is a new event, be

sure to consider the following before confirming your date:

Give yourself enough time! At least, you should have 4-6 months to plan

(depending on the nature of your event)

Be aware of statutory or religious holidays

Avoid school/college holiday time periods (e.g., winter, spring and summer


Check dates with key participants – e.g., artists, speakers, presenters, VIP guests,


4. Brand Your Event

If you want your event to stand out, you need to choose a timely and compelling theme

that sets you apart from your competitors. This means that you need to come up with a

dynamic overall theme and you need to take great care with the actual name – since it can

be a key attention-getter, especially in online media.

Brainstorm names:

When you are brainstorming the event name, think about:

How is your event different from other events in your sector?

What are you hoping to convey through this event?

Create a Tagline:

Once you’ve come up with a name, also try to craft a tagline –

a short, memorable branding slogan that describes the event.

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Design a Logo:

The final step will be having a logo created to represent your event. A logo can be an

effective branding tool offering immediate recognition of your event in all of your

publicity and promo items (e.g., T-shirts, water bottles, bags, etc.)

5. Create a Master Plan:

This plan should encompass all aspects of the event, including:

Venue, logistics & catering management (contracts, permits, insurance, etc.)

Speakers/presenters (identifying, confirming, logistics & management)


Publicity/promotion (online & off-line, e.g., web page & online promotion; events

calendars; printed programs; media relations; signage; social media, etc.)

Registration (online sign-up, payment and tracking; on-site sign-in, etc.)

Sponsor/partner management

Volunteer management

6. Determine Administrative Processes

In other words, how are you going to keep track of your planning, registration, budget,

guest and speakers lists, etc.?

You can easily create an event and manage your registration through online event

management systems available online.

7. Identify and Establish Partnerships & Sponsors

Are there organizations that you could partner with or call on for sponsorships to reduce

the costs and increase potential participation?

When you involve other people or groups in your event, they have a stake in helping

spread the word and making the event a success.

You might want to consider:

Seeking corporate sponsors to fund a portion of the event. This can range from national

organizations that might want to sponsor a dinner, offer a door prize or a key silent

auction item, to local businesses that might be able to provide goods or services, such as

flowers for the tables, gift bag items, etc. Partnering with community organizations who

might be able to offer a venue or assistance with organizing or staffing an event.

8. Create a Publicity Plan

Even with the most amazing speaker or entertainment line-up, you need publicity to get

people in the door. Event promotion starts with the initial notice or page on your website,

note in your newsletter or email to save the date, and then builds to include online and

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off-line publicity, media relations and on-going outreach to encourage registrations. And

no plan is complete without the post-event Thank-You’s, sponsor acknowledgements and

articles about the event’s key messages or fundraising success.

9. Establish a Budget

Your budget should incorporate estimates for all of the key items identified on your

Event Master Plan. Don’t forget to include any travel or accommodation costs for

speakers, presenters, etc. Keep a record of all your miscellaneous expenses.

10. Determine Evaluation Process

How will you determine if your event is a success? Do you measure success by the

number of registrants or attendees or is it dependent on you breaking even or raising a

target amount in donations?

When you set your initial event goals and objectives, you should also consider how you

will evaluate the event to determine success. But, if your event involves tracking, for e.g.,

a silent auction, then you’ll need to put some processes in place to identify goods offered

in kind and funds raised at the event. By the same token, if the objective of your event is

to raise awareness, you’ll have to benchmark and gather data on online social media

activity/mentions etc. and offline publicity again based on your initial goals.


Sponsoring is the act of supporting an event, activity, person, or organization financially

or through the provision of products or services. The individual or group that provides the

support, similar to a benefactor, is known as a sponsor. Sponsorship is a cash and/or in-

kind fee paid to a property (typically in sports, arts, entertainment or causes) in return for

access to the exploitable commercial potential associated with that property.

While the sponsoree (property being sponsored) may be nonprofit, unlike philanthropy,

sponsorship is done with the expectation of a commercial return.

While sponsorship can deliver increased awareness, brand building and propensity to

purchase, it is different from advertising. Unlike advertising, sponsorship cannot

communicate specific product attributes. Nor can it stand alone, as sponsorship requires

support elements.

Categories of Sponsors:

Title sponsor

General sponsor

Official sponsor

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Technical sponsor

Participating sponsor

Informational sponsor

Title sponsor is the highest status of sponsorship. It characterizes the most significant

contribution to a company in organizing and hosting an event. Often the name of such

sponsor is placed next to the name of competition, teams, individual athletes and is

associated with it (for example, the logo of a title sponsor is placed on a uniform of

sports club teams). The status of a title sponsor also allows to have a decisive voice

on the issue of presence among sponsors other companies operating in the same

business, the priority right to use players and coaches for conducting joint

promotions, right of presence at all official events dedicated to a sports event,

mandatory mentioning in all activities conducted on behalf of the team, highlighting

the name of title sponsor in film credits, television programs which were created with

its financial support, placement of logos and banners.

General sponsor is a sponsor that makes one of the largest contributions (in absence

of a title sponsor – usually more than 50% of all sponsorship funds raised) and that

receives for it the right to use the image of competition as well as extensive media

coverage. If necessary, the status of the general sponsor may be supplemented by the

general sponsors for certain categories, as well as the main sponsor.

Official sponsor is a sponsor that makes a certain part of raised funds (within 20–

25%). Typically, the given status may be granted by category ("official insurance

partner", "official automotive partner", etc.).

Technical sponsor is a sponsor which promotes organization of sporting events

through the partial or full payment of goods and services (e.g., medical equipment,

fitness, organization of transportation and lodging).

Participating sponsor is a company, the sponsorship fee size of which usually does

not exceed 10% of total raised funds.

Informational sponsor is an organization that provides informational support

through media coverage, conducting PR-actions, joint actions, etc.

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Digital marketing (also known as internet marketing) is an umbrella term for the marketing of

products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile

phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium. Digital marketing techniques such as

search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer

marketing, content automation, campaign marketing, data-driven marketing and e-commerce

marketing, social media marketing, social media optimization, e-mail direct marketing, display

advertising, e–books, and optical disks and games are becoming more common in our advancing

technology. In fact, digital marketing now extends to non-Internet channels that provide digita l

media, such as mobile phones (SMS and MMS), callback, and on-hold mobile ring tones. In an

effort to remain ahead of the curve, I believe it’s important to amplify the use of a digital marketing

plan in event marketing. Whether you’re venturing into online marketing for the first time or have

played here and there, a high impact digital marketing plan can have a positive impact on your

bottom line ROI. Depending on your expected ROI, which can include attracting participants to

the event, gaining more sponsors and exhibitors, increasing visibility and engaging with current

and potential association members, your digital marketing plan must begin with the end goal and

work its way up. There are many elements that come with a great digital marketing plan, so make

sure you begin planning your event with the right strategy and implement the right tools well

before the event date.

Some of the Digital Marketing Strategies that can make your event go successful are as follows:








You need to get started early, well before the event. Don’t rest on your laurels, and don’t assume

everyone has seen your event online. With multi-touch points, you’re making it harder for your

event to go unnoticed, so be sure to use a variety of channels as suggested. This needn’t cost an

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arm or a leg, but likewise, it isn’t a straightforward process. Just like any form of digital

marketing, you need to be strategic and targeted with your efforts, and once you have a select

group on board, make the most of that opportunity to take your event to the next level each and

every time it’s hosted.


Below are the 10 benefits of Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing:

1. Level playing field: Any business can compete with any competitor regardless of their size

with a solid digital marketing strategy. Traditionally a smaller retailer would struggle to match

the competence of the fixtures and fittings of its larger competitors. Online, a fresh well thought

out site with a smooth customer journey and fantastic service is king – not size.

2. Reduced cost: Your business can develop its online marketing strategies for very little cost and

can potentially replace costly advertising channels such as banners, hoardings, television, radio,

magazines, etc.

3. Simple to measure: Unlike traditional methods you can see in real time what is working or

what is not working for your business online and you can adapt very quickly to improve your

results. For measuring traffic to your site you can use Google Analytics to measure specific goals

you want to achieve for your website or blog and most packaged email marketing solutions provide

good insight into how many people are opening, reading and converting from your emails.

4. Real time results: You don’t have to wait weeks for a boost to your business like you would

have to waiting for a fax or form to be returned. You can see the numbers of visitors to your site

and its subscribers increase, peak trading time, conversion rates and much more at the touch of a


5. Refinement of your strategy: Basically, anything that you capture in your customer journey

can be reported for greater success at the fraction of the cost of traditional marketing. After all,

how annoying is it to get a couple of forms returned from a mailshot. Marketing online enables

you to refine your strategy at any point in time and see the improvements or opportunities for

further refinement almost spontaneously.

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6. Brand Development: A well maintained website with quality content targeting the needs and

adding value to your target audience or customers can provide significant value and lead

generation opportunities. The same can be said for utiliz ing social media channels and

personalized email marketing.

7. Far greater exposure: Hour business can be seen anywhere in the world from one marketing

campaign, the cost to do this using traditional methods would be considerable. Plus once you

have optimized the key word search content in your website you should see a long-term return on

your investment (ROI) and will be fairly low cost to maintain your ranking.

8. Viral: How often do your sales flyers get passed around instantly by your customers and

prospects? Online, using social media share buttons on your website, email and social media

channels enables your message to be shared incredibly quickly, just look how effective it is for

sharing breaking news. If you consider the average Facebook user has 190 friends of which an

average of 12% see their liked posts – your one message has actually been seen by 15 new

prospects, now imagine a number of them also like and share your message and their friends do

the same? Mind blowing isn’t it. However a word of caution, bad news can travel much quicker

so make sure you have a risk management strategy to tackle negative press as soon as it is


9. Not Intrusive: I know most people hate receiving sales mailshots or phone calls at

inconvenient times on stuff that they have least interest in. Online people get the choice to opt in

or out of communications and often it is relevant because they were the ones searching for it in

the first place. Also, have you ever got frustrated receiving a regular email on a topic that

interests and adds value to your life? So don’t underestimate the power of market segmentation

and tailored marketing.

10. Greater engagement: With digital marketing you can encourage your prospects, clients and

followers to take action, visit your website, read about your products and services, rate them, buy

them and give feedback which is visible to your market. So it doesn’t take long for good

publicity to enhance the prospects of your business.

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Cyber Security Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Founded in

2012, the organization aims towards

providing Information Security Services and

Process Improving Consulting services.

Members of CSI have attained excellence in

providing end-to-end consulting services

across sectors including but not limited to

Banks, Airports, Finance, IT, Retails etc.

With the core team comprising of domain

experts with over a decade of experience, CSI

help organizations to reduce risks and

enhance their competitive advantage over

others. CSI provide all cyber security solutions by ways of Penetration Testing and Quality

Analysis of Web Based Applications and Web Infrastructures coupled with actionable reporting

and patching the reported vulnerabilities. The company provides constant scanning, surveillance

and guarding services for web based resources. CSI also provides an array of sophisticated and

customized web security training courses.

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Following are the list of Services Offered by CSI:

Cyber Forensics

Corporate Trainings

Search Engine Optimization

Online Reputation Management

Security Operations Centre

Website Development and Management

Website Designing

Web Portal Development

Mobile App Design and Development

Event Organizing

Company’s Objective:

To secure, to strengthen, to simplify, CSI’s objective is to provide comprehensive web

security to the users of the internet and inculcate a knowledge based culture of safe and

secure use of cyber space so as to eliminate the disruptions to your business and life. The

company wants to ensure that confidential information stored in websites remains

confidential that people who prey on unsecured web pages are captured in our 'web security

cages' and that every patron of the internet can use the web freely, without the nagging

thought that his data could easily fall into the wrong hands and be abused.

Company’s Vision:

To create a virtual, safe and secured zone. CSI ensure to consider a world where all internet

users operate on a level playing field and where no one can take advantage or be taken

advantage of, by creating a safe, secure and easy to use World Wide Web. The company’s

vision is to provide a cyber space free from fear of disturbances and disruptions by the

unscrupulous. A world wide web devoid of the flaws of porous internet security. CSI want to

provide services that make the internet a virtual utopia – a place where knowledge is nestled

in a package that is beautiful yet strong, and where that knowledge is completely safe from

prying eyes and devious hackers.

Company’s Expertise:

Complete Virtual Security. Take security to an absolute different path with Cyber Security

Infotech Protection.

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S.W.O.T. is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. A SWOT

analysis is an organized list of your business’s greatest strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and

threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal to the company (think: reputation, patents,

location). You can change them over time but not without some work. Opportunities and threats

are external (think: suppliers, competitors, prices) they are out there in the market, happening

whether you like it or not. You can’t change them.

Existing businesses can use SWOT analysis, at any time, to assess a changing environment and

respond proactively. In fact, I recommend conducting a strategy review meeting at least once a

year that begins with a SWOT analysis.

New businesses should use a SWOT analysis as a part of their planning process. There is no “one

size fits all” plan for your business, and thinking about your new business in terms of its unique

“SWOTs” will put you on the right track right away, and save you from a lot of burdens later on.

To get the most complete and objective results, a SWOT analysis is best conducted by a group of

people with different perspectives and stakes in your company. Management, sales, customer

service, and even customers all contribute their valid insight. Moreover, the SWOT analysis

process is an opportunity to bring your team together and encourage their participation in and

adherence to your company’s resulting strategies.

Strengths describe the positive attributes, tangible and intangible, internal to your organization.

They are within your control.

Weaknesses are aspects of your business that detract from the value you offer or place you at a

competitive disadvantage. You need to enhance these areas in order to compete with your best


Opportunities are external attractive factors that represent reasons your business is likely to


Threats include external factors beyond your control that could place your strategy, or the

business itself, at risk. You have no control over these, but you may benefit by having

contingency plans to address them if they should occur.

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Cyber Security Infotech Pvt. Ltd. conducted SWOT analysis to identify their internal or external

factors which can impact their business.

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The Strengths of Cyber Security Infotech Pvt. Ltd. include:

Quality Service

Timely delivery of projects

Team work

Clients trust

The Weaknesses of Cyber Security Infotech Pvt. Ltd. include:

Lack of highly professional and experienced employees

Lack of employee motivation

Lack of coordination between sales and technical department

Lack of leadership skills in top level management

The Opportunities of Cyber Security Infotech Pvt. Ltd. include:

Providing latest services that are less available in the market

Developing long term relations with the customers

Innovate as much as possible

Provide services at reasonable price or at less amount as compared to the competitors

The Threats of Cyber Security Infotech Pvt. Ltd. include:

High competition in IT sectors

Latest emerging technological demands

Increasing client awareness

Updating the technologies with times

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Cyber Security Infotech Pvt. Ltd. was founded by Mr. Ankit Verma in the year 2012. Miss

Shobhna Saxena is the present Managing Director of the Company. The responsibility of

Project Management is vested upon Mr. Ankit Chauhan who is the present Project Manager

of Cyber Security Infotech Pvt. Ltd., Noida. Mr. Yogendra Chauhan is the Legal Advisor of

the Company. Mr. Gurpreet Singh is the present Financial Advisor of the company. The

organization aimed towards providing Information Security Services and Process Improving

Consulting services. To secure, to strengthen, to simplify, CSI’s objective is to provide

comprehensive web security to the users of the internet and inculcate a knowledge based

culture of safe and secure use of cyber space so as to eliminate the disruptions to your

business and life. The company wants to ensure that confidential information stored in

websites remains confidential that people who prey on unsecured web pages are captured in

our 'web security cages' and that every patron of the internet can use the web freely, without

the nagging thought that his data could easily fall into the wrong hands and be abused.

To create a virtual, safe and secured zone. CSI ensure to consider a world where all internet

users operate on a level playing field and where no one can take advantage or be taken

advantage of, by creating a safe, secure and easy to use World Wide Web. The company’s

vision is to provide a cyber space free from fear of disturbances and disruptions by the

unscrupulous. A world wide web devoid of the flaws of porous internet security. CSI want to

provide services that make the internet a virtual utopia – a place where knowledge is nestled

in a package that is beautiful yet strong, and where that knowledge is completely safe from

prying eyes and devious hackers.

The services provided by the company are as follows:

Security Operations Center

Online Reputation Management

Cyber Forensics

Corporate Trainings

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

Software Development

Mobile Apps Development

Web Designing

CMS Website Development

E-Commerce Development

Web Portal Development

Graphic Designing

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The products offered by the company are also mentioned below:

Employee Monitoring System

Hospital Management Software

School Management System

Inventory Management Software

Fee Management System

Lead Management System

Customer Relationship Management

Human Resource Management Software

Enterprises Resource Planning

Customize E-Commerce Portals

Apart from the above mentioned products and services, the company is presently focusing more

on organizing events to earn their brand name and value and maintaining long term relationship

with their customers. CSI is also acting as event organizers and providing Event Management

services. CSI adopts latest Digital Marketing strategies to promote their events and make their

events go grand.

Cyber Security Infotech Pvt. Ltd. has organized many events which helped them in earning

brand value and also raising funds.

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DAC or Delhi Art Competition was the largest and the most prestigious art competition

organized by Cyber Security Infotech Pvt. Ltd. It was a platform for creation and a unique

opportunity for talented artists to have their artistic work recognized. The purpose of this events

was to promote girl child education, promote clean India movement and also to promote digital


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Farhan live in concert was organized by Cyber Security Infotech Pvt. Ltd. The motive of

organizing this event was to raise funds and earn reputation in the market. The company used all

the possible digital marketing strategies to promote this event.

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Issues and challenges faced by the company

Although the company Cyber Security Infotech Pvt. Ltd. is growing in their sector, but there are

many issues and challenges faced by the company. Below are some of the issues and challenges I

noticed while working for the company:

1. Lack of experienced employees in their technical field

2. High competition in IT sector

3. Maintaining long term relationship with clients

4. Convincing unsatisfied clients

5. Providing top quality services to the clients, etc.

Digital marketing promotional strategies

Whether you’re thinking of setting up your own event or you’ve taken the plunge already – at

some point you MUST consider how you’re going to promote it before, during and after. Where

on earth do you start? What channel do you use, and when? Whether you’re venturing into

online marketing for the first time or have dabbled here and there, a high impact digital

marketing plan can have a positive impact on your bottom line ROI. Depending on your

expected ROI, which can include attracting participants to the event, gaining more sponsors and

exhibitors, increasing visibility and engaging with current and potential association members,

your digital marketing plan must begin with the end goal and work its way up.


Behind every great plan, there is content. But the mantra, “build it and they will come” does not

apply here. In fact, creating content and just waiting for visitors to show up and engage with you

will simply not happen… unless you’re a super cute kitten taking a bath on YouTube. A content

strategy comes with planning and includes an editorial calendar, a social plan, engagement

efforts, optimization, measuring conversions and more. If you want to ensure that your content

gets seen by your target audience, then a content strategy is your best bet. So before you sit in

front of your computer and start belting out article after article, you need to figure out who

you’re addressing and what you plan to achieve. What are goals and KPIs? How will you

measure success: Is it by gaining visibility? Increased registration at your events? Every

marketing effort has to be measured. It is an essential element of any successful digital marketing


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In keeping with content, a solid digital marketing plan includes SEO and ensures that your

content is not only reader friendly, but also search engine friendly as well. If Google can’t find

your message, you can bet that no one else will, either.

What makes an SEO plan a great SEO plan?

A- Keyword research: Search terms of phrases that people would type into a search engine that

are relevant to your event. You can use these search terms to create content or for paid

advertising on search engines like Google and Bing. Where do you go for keyword research?

Google Ad words, Bing Ads and Word tracker, to name a few.

B- Link building: Getting other quality websites whose content relates to yours to link to a page

on your website with specific keywords highlighted. For example, if your event centers on

urology, then you would want a well-known urological website to link back to your event and

the hyperlink would contain keywords.

C- Social networking: Interact with others by sharing and creating create content through online

communities like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even forums that relate to your subject

matter. It can be used to promote your brand or event, tell participants and audiences at large

about your product or event, gauge what others think about your event, attract new participants,

and build relationships with your existing participants. You have to make everything you do

shareable. And if you want them to share it, you need to make sure they can find it with a simple

search and that your content is valuable for your intended audience.


Interruption marketing consists of paid ads that are found on the right-hand side at Facebook, the

paid ads at the top of Google results and the sponsored hashtags (#) and accounts on the right-

hand side and updates at Twitter. Ask most web users and the majority of them will tell you that

they simply ignore these ads.

Inbound marketing, however, works quite well, although it is more about earning people’s

interest rather than buying it. It’s much better to be the first organic result on Google rather than

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one of the paid results. The former is not always easy to attain, but with the right plan of action,

it is certainly doable.


Optimization is not strictly for content; it’s important that you optimize your website as well.

Your landing pages need to be user-friendly and straight to the point. If you want to secure the

most signups or registrations for your event, for example, you need to make sure that your

landing page drives the right message home. This is where your unique selling proposition, a

video or slideshow of images, the benefits of attending your meeting, client testimonials, and a

solid call to action all come together.


The beauty of a great digital marketing plan is a great website. And what makes a great website?

It’s when a visitor intuitively knows where everything can be found. I can’t tell you how often I

end up on a website and have no idea where to find what I’m looking for. There needs to be a

method to the madness and you always need to keep the end user in mind when putting together

your website. After all, this is the first thing that people see before they opt to sign up for your

event or register for your services, so you want to make sure that what they see responds to their

needs and interests (e.g., professional development).


Too often, businesses think that social media requires nothing more than merely a few posts on

the varying social networks and not much else, but there is a lot more to being present on social

networks as an organization or conference. If you are promoting a conference, for example, you

can’t simply publish the link to the registration page on Twitter every day until conference time;

you need to be ever-present and engaging, making sure to answer any questions by attendees and

prospects. Did you know that 42% of customers who complain to businesses on social media

expect a 60-minute response time? This is because it has become the norm to receive a response

in that time. You need to make sure you’re present and available to answer your participants’



All of your online efforts would be useless if you didn’t measure them. You need to figure out

what worked and what didn’t, and you need to leverage the numbers for your next event. Your

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event doesn’t end when it’s over; it’s a repetitive cycle that requires 365-day engagement. If you

want to find out where your customers are coming from via social media or any other web

marketing effort you deploy, analytics will help you decipher what works best. By regularly

evaluating the results, you can figure out where your audience is and how to leverage your

communication efforts.

Role of social media in promoting events

Events are, after all considered social. And social media has emerged as a primary tool to

promote various types of event, whether it’s a conference, webinar, or fundraiser. While email

remains the core promotional tool to reach previous contacts, social media is especially useful in

promoting an event to new potential attendees. Publicity in traditional news media can

supplement social media promotion. Event marketers typically consider Facebook, Twitter and

LinkedIn as the best social media networks for promoting events.

Facebook has the largest user base, an incredible 1 billion+ active users worldwide. No matter

what the event, prospective attendees likely to be on Facebook. Again, event sponsors can share

different types of content, including photos, videos and surveys.

Twitter is especially popular among event promoters and attendees. Twitter provides a quick way

to spread messages, and its hashtags help organize interests and generate conversations. It’s the

most public of all major networks, since users can view content of others with requests or


LinkedIn is valuable for promoting business events, such as training seminars, professional

conferences, and networking gatherings. Promoters can use LinkedIn Groups through all stages

of the event, including planning, promotion and post-event follow up.

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Advantages of Digital Marketing

Some of the specific benefits of digital marketing include:

Cost-efficient: You can easily plan a successful online marketing strategy within your

budget by the use of digital marketing that offers an inexpensive technique in comparison

to other advertising channels such as radio, TV and more. A well-panned and well-

managed digital marketing campaign can reach a large audience at a lower cost than the

traditional marketing methods.

Better exposure: Reach numerous prospects by switching to a digital marketing

campaign within a small investment. Be found where your audiences are looking for you.

You will notice long term results by using digital marketing.

Save Time: Digital marketing provides real time results within no time. Time is precious

for all of us, so why waste even a single second. Digital marketing gives you an

opportunity to see the number of visitors to your site, what is the conversion rate, what is

the peak trading time, how many subscribers have added you in a day and more.

Social currency: Digital marketing gives you a chance to create engaging campaigns

using different types of media. These campaigns can go viral on social platforms, passing

on from one person to another, hence gaining social currency.

Brand Building: Brand building is what every business tries to accomplish and digital

marketing helps develop your brand by promoting it on several platforms, the more viral

your brand goes, the more reputation your brand will earn in the eyes of search engines as

well as users.

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Research Methodology

Objective of the Study

The objectives of this research study are as follows:

1. To identify the changing role of marketing from traditional marketing to the digital


2. To identify the best marketing strategy for events

3. To identify the drawbacks of digital marketing compared to traditional marketing

4. To identify consumer’s interest in events

Methodologies adopted

This research was done to identify the problems and also to help solve the problems aroused. The

design of the research is descriptive in nature.

Descriptive research is done by the following major methods:-

Secondary data analyzed in a quantitative manner



Observational and other data

The data were collected by both survey methods as well as observational methods.

Both primary and secondary data were collected for this research.

For primary data information was gathered from:-

o College going students

o Parents

o Previous event attendees of the company

o Sponsors

o Employees

o Clients

For secondary data information was gathered from:-

o Internet

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o Catalogues and broachers

o Company reports

o Newspapers

o Magazines

o Blogs

After collecting the data or the information it was further studied and analyzed.

Analysis and Research Findings

Primary and Secondary Data Analysis

The present study has been undertaken to get the first hand exposure on the mindset of people

towards Events and its marketing concept and their involvement in events as and when they

come across, if any. A questionnaire was designed keeping in mind the requirements for study &

analysis of my thesis for comparing the hypothesis with the outcome of this survey.

A general survey was conducted with a sample size of 100 respondents revealed the following

facts regarding the mindset of people towards the Event and its Marketing concept. The sampling

technique used was simple random sampling under probability sampling techniques. This survey

also gave scope to take necessary steps for organizing an event at right place, right time and in

front of the right targeted audience. Event Marketing companies were also targeted and their

response was also taken which added value to my study.

Let’s have a look at what people feel about Events and its marketing, through graphical


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Interpretation through Graphs

Out of 100 responses, 61% respondents were male and the rest were female.

The respondents were chosen randomly. It was random sampling method of choosing


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When asked, what type of events they prefer going to, the following responses were evaluated:

53% people prefer going to live concerts

32% respondents prefer going to sports related events

30% respondents prefer going to educational events

50 % respondents prefer going to entertainment events

So, what I have analyzed is that people prefer going to live

concerts or entertainment events the most. And it depends on the type of person or their interests.

Here, age factor of the respondents also play a vital role. The age group of people who are 30+

preferred more going to educational events. While, youths prefer more going to sports and

entertainment events.

When asked, with whom do they prefer going to such events, the responses were as follows:

80% respondents preferred going to such events with their friends

11% respondents preferred going with their partner

Only 6% respondents preferred going to such events with their family

Only 3% respondents preferred going to such events alone or solo

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So, it can be clearly seen that people prefer going to such

events more with their friends. It was strange seeing the response of only few people, 11% of

them who preferred going to such events with their partners.

When asked, why do they prefer going to such events, following responses were recorded:

27% respondents go to such events to go hangout

42% respondents prefer going to such events to spend quality time

41% respondents go to such events to see the talents

42% respondents prefer going to such events to learn

So, it can be seen that there are mixed responses about why

do people prefer going to events.

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When asked, what day they prefer going to such events? Following responses were recorded:

79 % respondents prefer going to such events in weekends

Only 21% respondents prefer going in weekdays

Thus, it is clear that people prefer going to events during

weekends. But there are some people who do exist who prefer going to weekdays to

remain out of the crowd.

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When the respondents were asked, how often do they prefer going to such events, following

responses were recorded:

52% respondents prefer going to such events every month

38% respondents prefer going to such events every quarterly

9% respondents prefer going to such events after every 6 months

Only 1% responded on going to such events annually

After analyzing the responses we can see that most of the

people prefer going back to such events after an interval of a months. While, some prefer going

back to such events after an interval of 3 months. So, it can be analyzed that people love going

back to such events very often.

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When asked, what source would they prefer buying tickets for such events, following responses

were recorded:

89% respondents would prefer to buy tickets online

While, 23% respondents would prefer to buy tickets offline

Thus, it can be analyzed that people are more aware of

online tickets and prefer booking tickets online staying from their home. Very few people these

days prefer booking tickets offline. People prefer convenience and online ticketing can be the

convenient way for event lovers.

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When asked, what marketing strategies convince them to go to such events, following responses

were recorded:

76% respondents are convinced by advertisements on Social Media

27% respondents are convinced by banners or posters

28% respondents are convinced by advertisements on TV or Radio

13% from blog posts

21% from emails or landing pages

1% from recommendation from friends or others

Thus, we can see that most of the event lovers these days

are influenced or convinced by advertisements on Social Media sites such as Facebook,

Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkdIn, etc.

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When asked, if they wish an email reminder at the day of the event, following responses were


74% of respondents said yes, they wish an email reminded at the day of the events

27% of respondents did not wish to get an email reminder at the day of the event

Thus, it can be clearly seen that people love to get

email reminders at the day of the event. It could help them to plan their schedule for the


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Detailed discussion on findings

Out of 100 responses, 61% respondents were male and the rest were female.

The respondents were chosen randomly. It was random sampling method of choosing


When asked, what type of events they prefer going to, the following responses were evaluated:

• 53% people prefer going to live concerts

• 32% respondents prefer going to sports related events

• 30% respondents prefer going to educational events

• 50 % respondents prefer going to entertainment events

So, what I have analyzed is that people prefer going to live

concerts or entertainment events the most. And it depends on the type of person or their interests.

Here, age factor of the respondents also play a vital role. The age group of people who are 30+

preferred more going to educational events. While, youths prefer more going to sports and

entertainment events.

When asked, with whom do they prefer going to such events, the responses were as follows:

• 80% respondents preferred going to such events with their friends

• 11% respondents preferred going with their partner

• Only 6% respondents preferred going to such events with their family

• Only 3% respondents preferred going to such events alone or solo

So, it can be clearly seen that people prefer going to such

events more with their friends. It was strange seeing the response of only few people, 11% of

them who preferred going to such events with their partners.

When asked, why do they prefer going to such events, following responses were recorded:

• 27% respondents go to such events to go hangout

• 42% respondents prefer going to such events to spend quality time

• 41% respondents go to such events to see the talents

• 42% respondents prefer going to such events to learn

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So, it can be seen that there are mixed responses about why

do people prefer going to events.

When asked, what day they prefer going to such events? Following responses were recorded:

• 79 % respondents prefer going to such events in weekends

• Only 21% respondents prefer going in weekdays

Thus, it is clear that people prefer going to events during

weekends. But there are some people who do exist who prefer going to weekdays to remain out

of the crowd.

When the respondents were asked, how often do they prefer going to such events, following

responses were recorded:

• 52% respondents prefer going to such events every month

• 38% respondents prefer going to such events every quarterly

• 9% respondents prefer going to such events after every 6 months

• Only 1% responded on going to such events annually

After analyzing the responses we can see that most of the

people prefer going back to such events after an interval of a months. While, some prefer going

back to such events after an interval of 3 months. So, it can be analyzed that people love going

back to such events very often.

When asked, what source would they prefer buying tickets for such events, following responses

were recorded:

• 89% respondents would prefer to buy tickets online

• While, 23% respondents would prefer to buy tickets offline

Thus, it can be analyzed that people are more aware of

online tickets and prefer booking tickets online staying from their home. Very few people these

days prefer booking tickets offline. People prefer convenience and online ticketing can be the

convenient way for event lovers.

When asked, what marketing strategies convince them to go to such events, following responses

were recorded:

• 76% respondents are convinced by advertisements on Social Media

• 27% respondents are convinced by banners or posters

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• 28% respondents are convinced by advertisements on TV or Radio

• 13% from blog posts

• 21% from emails or landing pages

• 1% from recommendation from friends or others

Thus, we can see that most of the event lovers these days are

influenced or convinced by advertisements on Social Media sites such as Facebook, Twitter,

Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.

When asked, if they wish an email reminder at the day of the event, following responses were


• 74% of respondents said yes, they wish an email reminded at the day of the events

• 27% of respondents did not wish to get an email reminder at the day of the event

Thus, it can be clearly seen that people love to get email

reminders at the day of the event. It could help them to plan their schedule for the day.

When asked, if they wish an email reminder at the day of the event, following responses were


• 74% of respondents said yes, they wish an email reminded at the day of the events

• 27% of respondents did not wish to get an email reminder at the day of the event

Thus, it can be clearly seen that people love to get email

reminders at the day of the event. It could help them to plan their schedule for the day.

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To improve the condition of the event marketing industry and make it more professional and

profitable, the following recommendations have been listed:

1. Understand the corporate objectives, target audiences, brand image and positioning clearly.

2. Don’t go overboard with your concept or preference for a certain event.

3. Conduct a situational analysis for appropriate event selection which collaborations with the

company’s objective and brand personality.

4. Create extensive databases of the target consumers in order to conduct pre and post-event

analysis and evaluation to check the success of the event and consumers perception, and also to

assess the top of mind awareness and brand remembrance.

5. Conduct general market research to establish which parts of the program are working and

which ones are not. Those in the first category should be maintained and strengthened. Those in

the second should be turned down.

6. In all sponsorship activities, it is important to protect the integrity of activities being

supported. If it is depreciated or its identity threatened, the sponsorship could reflect on the

sponsor’s head.

7. The company should focus on both ATL-above the line advertisement and BTL-below the line


8. More emphasis should be given on social media advertisement. Because social Medias are

viewed more than any other means of advertisement. Event marketers should consider Facebook,

Twitter and LinkedIn as the best social media networks for promoting events.

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Event marketing allows a company to break through the advertising chaos and target an audience

by enhancing or creating an image through an association to a particular event. Brand awareness

emphasizes the product or service, and drives sales. Event marketing also offers companies the

flexibility to reach specific geographic and demographic audiences. It is a benefit that allows

depth of exposure, as opposed to the scope of exposure. When considering the entire sales cycle,

marketing professionals must think beyond traditional methods and bring transparency and

measurement to their activities in order to establish the fundamental value of their field. To

answer this challenge, the event marketing industry must redefine itself to recognize the power

of Digital Marketing to build deep connections, as well as also adapt events to contribute to

branding in more classy ways. Social media is now a days considered as the best means of

promoting or advertising any type of events. So, event organizing companies should focus more

on Social Media Marketing to make their event a grand success. All the other digital marketing

tools such as landing pages, blogs, designed email, etc. when implemented properly can give best

results. Digital marketing is the only means of marketing where we can target our audience by

knowing everything about them at minimum cost. Advertisement can be done at least possible

cost and even sometimes for free. Cyber Security Infotech Pvt. Ltd. is doing the same and hence

the company is making its event a grand success.


Basic Coverage

o Event Management- By Lynn Van Der Wagen & Brenda R. Carlos

o Principles of Marketing- By Kotler & Amstrong

o Marketing Management- By Philip Kotler

o Marketing is Business- By Walter E. Vieira

o Digital Marketing- By Damian Ryan










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o Times of India

o Hindustan Times



1. Basic information





Phone no:


2. What type of event do you prefer going to?

Live Concert

Sporting Events

Educational Events

Entertainment Events


Student Job Business

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3. With whom do you prefer going to such events?





4. Why do you go to such events?


Spend quality time

To see the talents

To learn

5. What day would you prefer going to such events?



6. How often do you want going to such events?



Half yearly


7. What source would you prefer to buy tickets for such events?



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8. What marketing strategy convince you to go to such events?

Advertisement on Social media

Banners / Posters

Advertisement on TV / Radio


Emails / Landing pages

9. Do you wish an email reminder at the day of events?



Sponsorship Checklist

Nivesh group (one of the leading development management group in India )

TXB (TXB is a global decentralized or Over The Counter (OTC) market for the trading

of currencies)

COLOR n CLASSIC (Color n Classic is a subsidiary of Cyber Security Infotech Pvt.


Worlds of Wonder (Worlds of Wonder is a world class destination in Delhi-NCR,

offering people the perfect getaway which includes international standard Adventure

Park, Water Park and Go-karting track)

Chai Point ( CP is an Indian cafe chain specializing in retailing tea and other


Events High (Event High is a dynamic company which deals with events and sponsors to

help people to conduct new events and help CSR events to explore new points)

CLEAR TRIP (It is a travel site that provides booking services to travelers along with

travel tips through their website)

Paytm (Paytm is an Indian payment and commerce company based out of Delhi NCR,


Radio Mirchi (India's Favourite Hindi Music Radio Station Online)