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FEATURED ARTICLES The antidepressant found in Williams' toxicology test, Mirtazapine (Remeron), has 10 drug regulatory agency warnings citing suicidal ideation.Contrary to News Headlines, Robin Williams Was on Drugs at the Time of His Death—Antidepressant Drugs By Kelly Patricia O’Meara November 10, 2014 If news headlines were to be believed about the autopsy findings of beloved actor/comedian Robin Williams, who tragically committed suicide nearly two months ago, no drugs were found in his system at the time of his death, as evidenced by headlines from USA Today, NBC News, the BBC and others proclaiming “no alcohol or drugs” were found. These headlines couldn’t be more wrong. The medical examiner’s report cites an antidepressant drug was in Williams’ system at the time of his death. The particular antidepressant, Mirtazapine, (also known as Remeron) carries 10 international drug regulatory warnings on causing suicidal ideation. According to the autopsy results, not only was Williams under the influence of antidepressant drugs, but the powerful antipsychotic Seroquel was also found at the scene and appears to have been recently taken by Williams. While toxicology tests apparently were negative for the antipsychotic Seroquel, the fact remains that a bottle of Seroquel prescribed to Williams on August 4 , just seven days prior to Williams’ suicide, was missing 8 pills. The Seroquel instructions advise to take one pill per day as needed. Side effects associated with Seroquel include psychosis, paranoid reactions, delusions, depersonalization and suicide attempt. The question that has to be asked is why the press continues to promote the idea that no drugs were found in Williams’ system? At what point did mind-altering psychiatric drugs, which have side effects rivaling those of heroin or crack cocaine, stop being called drugs? And for those in the press who did “mention” the fact that Williams was found to have antidepressants in his system, the acknowledgement seems to promote the fact that “therapeutic concentrations” of prescription psychiatric drugs “improved his condition and kept him active until his death.” This is a highly misleading take on the events leading to Williams tragic Search th

ROBIN WILLIAMS Death from ADR article

Apr 13, 2017



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“The antidepressant foundin Williams' toxicology test,Mirtazapine (Remeron), has10 drug regulatory agencywarnings citing suicidalideation.”

Contrary to News Headlines, RobinWilliams Was on Drugs at the Time ofHis Death—Antidepressant Drugs

By Kelly Patricia O’MearaNovember 10, 2014

If news headlines were to be believed about theautopsy findings of beloved actor/comedianRobin Williams, who tragically committedsuicide nearly two months ago, no drugs werefound in his system at the time of his death, asevidenced by headlines from USA Today, NBCNews, the BBC and others proclaiming “noalcohol or drugs” were found. These headlinescouldn’t be more wrong.

The medical examiner’s report cites anantidepressant drug was in Williams’ system atthe time of his death. The particularantidepressant, Mirtazapine, (also known asRemeron) carries 10  international drugregulatory warnings on causing suicidal ideation.

According to the autopsy results, not only was Williams under the influence of antidepressantdrugs, but the powerful antipsychotic Seroquel was also found at the scene and appears tohave been recently taken by Williams. While toxicology tests apparently were negative for theantipsychotic Seroquel, the fact remains that a bottle of Seroquel prescribed to Williams onAugust 4 ,  just seven days prior to Williams’ suicide, was missing 8 pills. The Seroquelinstructions advise to take one pill per day as needed. Side effects associated with Seroquelinclude psychosis, paranoid reactions, delusions, depersonalization and suicide attempt.

The question that has to be asked iswhy the press continues to promotethe idea that no drugs were found inWilliams’ system? At what point didmind-altering psychiatric drugs, whichhave side effects rivaling those ofheroin or crack cocaine, stop beingcalled drugs? And for those in thepress who did “mention” the fact thatWilliams was found to haveantidepressants in his system, theacknowledgement seems to promotethe fact that “therapeuticconcentrations” of prescriptionpsychiatric drugs “improved hiscondition and kept him active until hisdeath.”

This is a highly misleading take on theevents leading to Williams tragic



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suicide, especially in light of the fact that not only was Williams receiving mental health“treatment,” he was under the supervision of a psychiatrist, was not abusing illegal drugs andhad not “fallen off the wagon.”

The facts regarding antidepressant drugs are these:

Food and Drug Administration’s Medwatch Adverse Drug Reports include 470,000adverse reactions for psychiatric drugs between 2004-2012. The FDA admits only1% of side effects are ever reported to them, so the actual number of reported sideeffects is assuredly much higher.

Mirtazapine (also known as Remeron) carries the Food and Drug Administration’s(FDA) “Black box” warning for suicidality.

There are ten warnings of suicide associated with Mirtazapine alone and suicide isamong the top 2 side effects reported to the FDA on this particular antidepressant

The FDA’s MedWatch drug adverse event reporting system recorded 411 attemptedand completed suicides associated with the antidepressant Mirtazapine alone (andthe FDA estimates only 1% of side effects are ever reported to them)

90,000 emergency room visits are attributed to psychiatric drugs each year in theU.S.

23,755 suicides are attributed to psychiatric drugs each year in the U.S. alone.

In addition to suicidal ideation, documented side effects of antidepressants byinternational drug regulatory agencies include hallucinations, delusions, worseningdepression, depersonalization, mania, psychosis, self-harm.

Give the above data, one can only wonder why Williams’ psychiatric drug use has effectivelybeen dismissed by reporting organizations. A careful review of Williams’ psychiatric “non-drug” use paints a very different tragic story.

What was found in Williams’ system were prescription psychiatric drugs with side effects thatnot only rival illegal street drugs, but also carry the FDA’s “Black box” warnings—the federalagency’s most serious warnings—about increased thoughts of suicide.

The fact is that two of the drugs Williams had been prescribed list suicidal thoughts aspossible side effects. The Seroquel he was prescribed (and appears to have taken in theweek prior to his suicide), and the antidepressant that was still in his system at the time of hissuicide.  Moreover, considering the FDA’s Medwatch drug adverse event reporting systemrecorded 411 attempted and completed suicides associated with the antidepressantMirtazapine alone (and the FDA estimates only 1% of side effects are ever reported to them),it becomes even more bizarre that the world’s press ignore even the possibility that thesedrugs could be involved in Williams’ suicide.

The much-loved comedian’s death is a great loss, but the tragedy is further compounded bythe mainstream press glossing over the serious and well-known association between suicideand the psychiatric drugs Williams was taking. If only the sentiments from one of Williams’finest roles in Awakenings had been taken literally in his personal life: “The human spirit ismore powerful than any drug and that is what needs to be nourished: with work, play,friendship, family. These are the things that matter.”

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Kelly Patricia O’Meara is an award-winning former investigative reporter for the WashingtonTimes’ Insight Magazine, penning dozens of articles exposing the fraud of psychiatricdiagnosis and the dangers of the psychiatric drugs—including her ground-breaking 1999cover story, “Guns & Doses,” exposing the link between psychiatric drugs and acts ofsenseless violence. She is also the author of the highly acclaimed book, Psyched Out: HowPsychiatry Sells Mental Illness and Pushes Pills that Kill. Prior to working as an investigativejournalist, O’Meara spent sixteen years on Capitol Hill as a congressional staffer to fourMembers of Congress. She holds a B.S. in Political Science from the University of Maryland.

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Maja de Meyier · Top CommenterOur brain can be stronger than the drug! Amazing!Reply · Like · · Follow Post · November 10, 2014 at 3:38pm2

June Ribaldi · · Top Commenter · Volunteering at AmericanRed Cross of Orange County · 109 followersTRUE. Question. Have you signed the CAILFORNIA. Petition yet.?? StopDrugging CAILFORNIA Foster Children Against there Will. Please. If youhave not yet done so READ please. Thank you SisterReply · Like · March 1 at 2:47pm


James Sharp · Works at Self-EmployedSadly, this news is not surprising. If you are suffering from depression, I recommendthe system. Written by a former sufferer of depression, it teaches a simple 7-step process toeliminate depression from your life.Reply · Like · · Follow Post · November 10, 2014 at 4:02pm

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Kathy Noel · Top CommenterI will check that out. I am always willing to look into anything that mighthelp. Thanks.Reply · Like · · November 15, 2014 at 5:21am1

Kathy Noel · Top CommenterI checked it out. May work for the mildly depressed but for major, I can'tfunction depression, sorry, not going to work. IN MY OPINION andexperience.Reply · Like · November 30, 2014 at 12:25am

Eric Michael Hoffmann · · Top Commenter · Adlai E.Stevenson High SchoolPlease do not listen to James Sharp esspecially if you are already onmedications, listen to your Dr. I have depression and making commentslike his is detrimental to the health of people with depression..I wishsomeone like you would not post bullshit like this. Listen to your Dr.people.Reply · Like · · February 26 at 12:04pm



Colin Swartz · Owner & CEO at Galactic Writing SolutionsThe fact that he was taking Seroquel and then may have stopped also points to theheavy withdrawal symptoms of antipsychotics. Then there's the adverse reactions ofmixing these chemicals, poly-substance use and abuse. Big Pharma forks overbillions for press, advertising, court settlements and fines. They have 99% of themedia on their payroll protecting their investments.Reply · Like · · Follow Post · November 10, 2014 at 5:03pm21

Kathy Noel · Top CommenterThere was no mention in the article that he stopped taking the Seroquel.Not that I remember. You also don't know how much he was taking. if hewas taking the lowest dose and stopped, there should be no problemwith withdrawal. I took Seroquel for several days, didn't like it, andstopped taking it. Guess what? I'm still here. It is anyone's guess why hecommitted suicide.

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committed suicide.Reply · Like · · November 15, 2014 at 4:42am2

Dana J Pederis Jetton · · South Western Oregonin the article it states the prescription bottle read - 'take as needed' theyprescribe Seroquel as a sleep aid at 25mg to anyone - if prescribed forbipolar or schizophrenia the bottle would definitely not say take asneeded so he was only taking it as a sleep aid as Joe Blow on the streetwould as wellReply · Like · · November 15, 2014 at 1:46pm



Ken Sylvester · Works at Hell EnergyKathy Noel mam, with all due respect. all ive everheard of seroquel was itwas more of a street drug. people trying to sell itReply · Like · February 22 at 12:19am

Anne C Woodlen · State Univeristy of New YorkI took antidepressants every day for 26 years. I now live with an indwelling catheter,a night breathing machine, a hospital bed and a power wheelchair. All because Ifollowed doctors' orders and took antidepressants.And, oh yeah, I attempted suicide a dozen times, including spending a month of lifesupport.Reply · Like · · Follow Post · November 10, 2014 at 6:12pm

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Janet Kvasnak · · Works at Self-Employedanne.. I am so sorry. I am on drug which exeeds the limits, plus otherones. no wonder dr. and ther. cant fig out why I sleep 12 hrs. I cantdecreace it bec my body is adjusted to it.. plus I take gaba gaba inaddition to my meds. I will prob die with all this. when did you startshowing signs of all your devasting side effects? can you email me andtell me drugs and dosages you were on for that per of time. do you knowhow I can write a comment to Williams pg. [email protected]. doyou know other sites where I can learn real truth of these drugs?Reply · Like · · November 10, 2014 at 7:33pm



Francois Neveling · Co Owner at Medi-ShapeJanet Kvasnak please visit and www.cchr.orgregards francoisReply · Like · · November 11, 2014 at 4:01am14

Kathy Carlson · Top Commenter · University of PhoenixAnne, I am so sorry for the hell you have been through. I have been onAnti-Ds 26 years also. I took many but now am on Lexapro. I haveattempted suicide 4 times that caused long hospitalizations. My soncomplained that I take too many pills (Thyroid, 2 blood pressure, LipitorZolpedem and 2 anti-Ds.) THEY WERE PRESCRIBED TO ME! So toplease him I went from 300 MG down to 100 MG of Wellbutrin. First I gotangry at my granddaughter who I adore. Then an all-encompassing darkand cold place kind of put me into a frantic pace to get something done. Idepersonalized to the point of refusing to talk to my kids or grandkids.Then the day came to try to take all of my pills and hang myself (I know!)I locked the doors in case my beloved grandsons came over after school.What I didn't know was my son had given them copies, so they found me.Thankfully I never got around to the hanging part but there was very littlelife left in me. The hospital returned me to the living and sent me all bymyself to the mental hospital (my 4th stay). I told the half-assedpsychiatrist I wanted to get off of all psychotropic drugs. She got right inmy face and said, "No, you'll be on these pills the rest of your life." Weare going to have to find a way to get out of this death sentence put uponus by greedy psychiatrists.Reply · Like · · November 11, 2014 at 6:48pm11

Lorraine Phillips · Works at KTVA 11 NewsThe work of the DEVIL! IndeedReply · Like · · Follow Post · November 10, 2014 at 6:56pm2

Kathy Noel · Top CommenterHa, ha! So I guess we should just all pray our depression away? I havetried that for many, many years. Nope. Still here. (Maybe I should try anexorcism!)Reply · Like · · November 15, 2014 at 5:21am2

Daniel Carter · · Top Commenter · Admin at End PsychiatryKathy - you have no ideaReply · Like · March 9 at 1:07am


Linda Kay Knutson Mulvey · · Cuesta CollegeWhere are your resources?Reply · Like · · Follow Post · November 10, 2014 at 9:50pm



Dana J Pederis Jetton · · South Western OregonFollow

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Dana J Pederis Jetton · · South Western OregonI agree there is a huge problem with psychiatric drugs and how they are handed outlike candy however if the bottle stated take as needed on the seroquel it was 25milligrams and it was taken as a sleep aid I find it hard to swallow when I feel thatseroquel saved my life I would surely have killed myself by now if I had not been puton this medication I had tried everything else and nothing else works except for thismedication so you might not want to be so alarmist about seroquel I feel it also gaveme diabetes but I am glad to be alive I don't know what the answer is but I do knowthat people shouldn't just stop taking medication because you're scaring them - I ambipolar I cannot change that fact- I'm sure you feel like your an expert on the evils ofpsychiatric medication however I'm an expert on what works for meReply · Like · · Follow Post · November 10, 2014 at 11:25pm

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Mats J Uldal · · Top Commenter · CEO & Founder at Mats JUldal International school of TFT. · 326 followersI understand some of your points of view. Have you tried tappingtherapy?When people say they have tried everything they normally meanevery drug in the book. Tapping (TFT/EFT) vey often solves theseconditions, rapidly, and without any harm to the body.Reply · Like · · November 11, 2014 at 4:25pm



Kathy Carlson · Top Commenter · University of PhoenixI did try. I don't know if my therapist had ever had enough training, but itdid not work. Thanks though.Reply · Like · · November 11, 2014 at 6:50pm2

Dana J Pederis Jetton · · South Western OregonTapping seems to be very effective for PTSD - I thank you I am open toall kinds of therapies however I suffer from low chemical levels in mybrain I'm not sure how tapping would affect those levels- I suffer fromdepression mostly not so much mania- it just upsets me that the authorseemed to be trying to blame his suicide on the medication which I findunfair she was Not in his head she was not living his life or facing whathe was facing sometimes people get tired of fighting and sometimes thevoices in our sick minds tell us the world would be a much better placewithout us in it and we would be doing our friends and family a favor byno longer inflicting our selves upon them I understand suicide is a hottopic and some people just don't understand how people could do thattoo friends family children the problem is they don't understand that theperson contemplating suicide is convinced that everyone would be muchbetter off without that person in their lives. Because we love our childrenand families that we would remove the horror that is us- true storyReply · Like · · November 11, 2014 at 7:44pm



Claudia Perez Silva · · Hollywood · 108 followersI figured. It makes a lot of sense.Reply · Like · · Follow Post · November 11, 2014 at 12:14am



Kristina Kersten DayHow sad! First off, regarding her resources, you can go to the FDA's website andread their side effects for all drugs. Many include suicidal behavior warnings.Secondly, no one should ever stop taking medication without the supervision of theirphysician(s). Also, there are many different types of antidepressants, such astricyclic antidepressants, SSRI's (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors), SNRI's(serotonin and norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitors) and many antipsychotics. Everydrug affects an individual differently. Everyone has different diets and workoutregimens, different blood types and pH levels, genetic predispositions to conditionsand medications. Just because someone has had suicidal thoughts on the samemedicine but you haven't means nothing at all. You may have problems with amedicine they tolerate just f... See MoreReply · Like · · Follow Post · November 11, 2014 at 2:45am24

Kathy Carlson · Top Commenter · University of PhoenixSo, if I eat all of my broccoli, I won't obsess on ending my life? Before themost recent warnings of so many pharmaceuticals that, "Can causesuicidal thoughts or actions" they said, May cause suicidal thought oractions in young adults or teens." I'm 64 and talked to an expert at theFDA. He explained my age group isn't included in the testing because theelderly are considered a "High Risk Group" for suicide anyhow and kidsbefore adolescence weren't tested because you don't see many suicidesin that age group. I screamed, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" and he hungup on me. My take away is, eat a healthy diet as often as you can, takewalks (I got a sweet little Malti-poo to walk with me and I haven't had onebout of depression since she came into my life). If you have family,friends or religion driving you to the brink, get away from them. It will behard but can save your life in the end. As for psychiatrists, keep switchinguntil you find one that is willing to help you get better w/o their friendsBIG PHARMA!Reply · Like · · November 12, 2014 at 12:00pm24

Terry Thompson · Top Commenter · Nurse practitioner at Royal StokeUniversity HospitalI appreciate your comments BUT I am athletic, don't smoke or drinkalcohol and i STILL HAVE SEVERE DEPRESSION AND ANTIDEPRESSSANTS HAVE SAVED MY LIFE. They aren't for everyone butthey have worked for me.

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they have worked for me.Reply · Like · · November 12, 2014 at 3:19pm63

Crissy PazTerry Thompson Hang on, you have depression but are takingantidepressants? So why do you still have severe depression? HowironicReply · Like · · Edited · November 12, 2014 at 8:06pm7

Eamonn Gosney · Port HeadlandHopefully Robin can learn about the dangers of psychiatric drugs in his next lifetime(or if not that one, the one after that). 'Robin, if you're out there and the drugs haveworn off enough for you to hear this: You really need to visit the CCHR website.'Reply · Like · · Follow Post · November 11, 2014 at 3:58pm1

Terry Thompson · Top Commenter · Nurse practitioner at Royal StokeUniversity HospitalSo alcohol and street drugs are fine.Reply · Like · November 12, 2014 at 3:26pm

Kathy Noel · Top CommenterEamonn Gosney no he really doesn't need to visit that website. I doubthe will have depression in his next lifetime as he already experienced it inthis one. That is a pretty cold statement you made to him.Reply · Like · February 26 at 11:27pm

Lawrence Agee · Top CommenterWhat ultimately killed him was his diagnosis of ""bipolar." The label is what leads tothe drugs. The drugs lead to the suicide.

If you walk into a psychiatrists office, you are risking your life. The most likelyscenario is once you walk in, you can never leave without a tag and an rx. A patientfor life.Reply · Like · · Follow Post · November 11, 2014 at 4:04pm

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Daniel Montgomery · · Top Commenter · Studying Linguisticsat Freelance Writer/EditorYeah I''m 31 and now I've been a patient since age 3. Not sure how youdiagnosis a 3 year-old as bipolar (well ADHD then I believe), especiallysince every 3 year-old acts like an out-of-control ADHD kid. My parentswere obviously idiots that ate up everything some slick talking psychsaid.

Thanks mom and dad. This is why I don't mind cashing checks you writefor the guilt you should feel.... But more importantly, let's all sue theAmerican Psychiatric Association.Reply · Like · · November 11, 2014 at 10:24pm



Gwendolyn Hilary WallaceDaniel MontgomeryReply · Like · · November 12, 2014 at 12:29am2

Gwendolyn Hilary WallaceI am sorry you had 'idiots' all around you. I have to agree that 3 is waytoo young to diagnosis anything metal. Pills to children are giving out waytoo easy to calm the parents vs finding the reason for the 'parents' lack ofsense. I have gone thru several pills for anxiety. just a month ago I foundout what I thought was a sleep aid, turns out to be a narcotic that theworld of med. treats me as an addict. I am I suppose thanks to the dr.who thru me enough to get me on them. Thru this I finally found out whatit was I was taking Lorazpam. Now almost a year of working to get me offof the 1 mg I have prescribed 2 mg. "to see if this is why I am vibratinginside when I wake daily. Well...I have backed myself off of 2mg bycutting 1 in half and now 1 in the morning seems to keep my phobiassleeping while I am awake, instead of taking at bedtime and..well enoughsaid. Take care thank goodness you are bright enough to know "Daniel"even after so many years and started so young on meds you should, Ibelieve never have know about let alone were given.Reply · Like · · November 12, 2014 at 12:38am6

Lois White · Top Commenter · Works at RetiredSo glad the truth is out about which antidepressants Robin Williams had taken.People need to know the truth and the dangerous side effects and how they lead tosuicide thoughts etc.Reply · Like · · Follow Post · November 11, 2014 at 4:11pm14

Kathy Carlson · Top Commenter · University of PhoenixI just watched the Today Show's report and they did not mention any ofwhat you just said. They just talked about the associated mentalproblems he'd possibly had. I am outraged! He took an anti D I havenever heard of and maybe Seroquel. Tell ALL the facts you cowards @

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never heard of and maybe Seroquel. Tell ALL the facts you cowards @THE TODAY SHOW!Reply · Like · · November 12, 2014 at 12:14pm7

Jason TriadMaeve Murphy Not many on this page want to knowThose pills and their doctors are brainwashing themReply · Like · November 15, 2014 at 3:16am

Kathy Noel · Top CommenterI have taken Remeron many times. It helps me at low dosages, but hastoo many annoying side effects at higher dosages such as sexualproblems and weight gain. It also gives me terrible restless legssyndrome. Never, ever caused suicidal ideation. Different strokes fordifferent folks. If it doesn't work for you or causes suicidal ideation, TALKTO YOUR DOCTOR. And stop lumping everybody into the samecategory.Reply · Like · November 15, 2014 at 4:59am

Marv Brilliant · Forest Park High SchoolThe fact that the truth was suppressed, is because of the ignorance of the massmedia. The media was possibly contacted by a majority of drug companies andpsychiatrists who explained to the news organizations that if the truth leaks out aboutthe bogus facts regarding mental health and anti-psychotics, there would commencea large outcry from the public.Reply · Like · · Follow Post · November 11, 2014 at 5:05pm

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Don Elliot · Full Audio & Video Studio Services, ADR at SpotsNow.comExactly how does anyone contact everyone in the "media"… That wouldbe tens of thousands of phone callsReply · Like · · November 13, 2014 at 3:09pm7

Anne C Woodlen · State Univeristy of New YorkMarv, your thinking is illogical and paranoid, not to mention ridiculous.Reply · Like · · November 13, 2014 at 4:15pm7

Kathy Noel · Top CommenterMarv BRILLANT You are anything but BRILLANT. In fact, you sounddown right ignorant.Reply · Like · · November 15, 2014 at 4:54am1

Pat Haas · St Catherine's Catholic High SchoolSo what's the point???Reply · Like · Follow Post · November 11, 2014 at 7:13pm

Jeanne Marie · I just chill out at my house at Disabled and RetiredI believe that self knowledge and education about ones OWN condition is bestbefore giving dangerous drugs to the illness. If someone has cancer would they takedrugs that CAUSE cancer? In all your years of ""treatment"" have you ever beentaught anything about your illness and the warning signs of getting close to a manicepisode?They never told me shit...just gave me drugs and I got worse...I did not even knowmy diagnosis...when I finally got the knowledge I educated myself aboutmyself...and...BINGO....I got ME under control...I do take very low dose prozac...andI meditate...and keep a journal about my feelings and I can maintain. I know manywho are traveling thru the med revolving door ...being on this or that one month andsomething else later. My body makes it own poison in my head...DAMNED if I willadd another.Reply · Like · · Follow Post · November 11, 2014 at 9:15pm7

Kathy Carlson · Top Commenter · University of PhoenixI think if those money hungry psychiatrists prescribe psychotropic drugsthey ought to be forced to follow up daily when you start them or if a newone is tried or added. Then after a time, weekly then an office visitmonthly where they actually talk with you. I have not had one goodexperience with a psychiatrist!Reply · Like · · November 12, 2014 at 12:21pm8

Anne C Woodlen · State Univeristy of New YorkKathy, your first problem is that you expect them to be human.Reply · Like · · November 13, 2014 at 4:16pm3

Kathy Noel · Top CommenterJeanne Marie, You took drugs and had no idea why? Didn't even knowyour diagnosis? Were you in a coma when they started giving you thedrugs? Kathy Carlson, when I am started on a new drug, my doctoralways tells me to call him if I have any problem Requiring them to followup on each patient daily is just ignorant. And Anne C Woodlen, yes, a lotof them are human. I tell my doctor I am going to try alternatives and hewill tell me whether or not there is research on it, indicating good or not

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will tell me whether or not there is research on it, indicating good or notgood, but if I want to try it, go for it, as long as it won't hurt me or interactnegatively with the meds. He is well versed in many of the alternativesthat have/are being tried and he is open minded to anything that mighthelp me.Reply · Like · · November 15, 2014 at 5:12am2

Joe Turek · Top CommenterHe was just another unhappy clown.Reply · Like · Follow Post · November 11, 2014 at 10:20pm

Daniel Montgomery · · Top Commenter · Studying Linguistics atFreelance Writer/EditorI'm bipolar, have Asperger's, and a brain tumor and take a few drugs (they aredrugs). Calling them medications is a soft-term. Anyway, over the course of mylifetime career as a patient, I've found that I would be suicidal with or without them.The best course of action, if you are losing your mind and need to calm down is toget some booze to be like "eh whatever" and then smoke weed. You'll think twiceabout killing yourself while analyzing life really stoned. No one has ever committedsuicide because they smoked weed. I'm willing to bet my dick and balls that is true, ifit could be proven.Reply · Like · · Follow Post · November 11, 2014 at 10:22pm

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Bec El · Brisbane, Queensland, AustraliaCannabis has saved my life, I'm sure of it. It's the only reason I stoppedself-harming, and it helps me manage my day-to-day depression too. Iwouldn't advise the booze for a suicidal person but a bit of weed can go along way!Reply · Like · · November 13, 2014 at 6:36am23

Daniel Montgomery · · Top Commenter · Studying Linguisticsat Freelance Writer/EditorBec El Well I don't get smashed. I just drink a few beers to get arelaxation buzz that calms anxiety and helps me sleep. My doctor isn'tthrilled I do it, but says it's not going to kill me, but it will cause some liverdamage mixed with my drugs, all of which overwork the liver and cancause liver disease in the first place. It's something I cut way back on. Asfor the weed, I can't exactly get ahold of it all the time. I usually just havea chance to smoke it with friends on the weekend to have a day ofrelaxation. If I do happen to get some, it's not often, even though I canget it at cost from friends.Reply · Like · · November 14, 2014 at 2:21pm



Daniel Montgomery · · Top Commenter · Studying Linguisticsat Freelance Writer/EditorI really wish I could find an indica strain instead of sativa. Sativa kind ofmakes me paranoid for 15- 20 minutes (coming up), whereas indica isstraight relaxation immediately. It's kind of that buzz you get from resin.Reply · Like · · November 14, 2014 at 2:32pm



Burdett MacLean · New Horizons Oregoni'm all for transparency and freedom of information and all that good stuff, but yourarticle focuses less on the distribution of all potentially related information, and moreabout drawing firm causal-relationships based on correlations: "Person A wasdepressed. Person A took antidepressants. Person A committed suicide." Those arefacts. But "Person A committed suicide as a result of taking antidepressants" is notfully and exclusively supported by the original facts. That's like arguing that this hererock keeps tigers away. OBVIOUSLY there's a correlation between suicides andtaking antidepressants, because non-depressed people don't take antidepressantsnearly as often ...

i've been taking antidepressants for years now, and while it's definitely an on-goingchallenge to identify which one(s) may or may not be having a positive impact on mymood, and which side effects are manageable or not, i can say with confidence thatmy quality of life is greater now than it was before i was medicated.

so instead of conclusively demonizing all medications for all people outright, maybejust stick with "here are some additional facts that aren't as well publicized, but findout what works for you personally," what with all bodies and minds being differentand all ...Reply · Like · · Follow Post · November 11, 2014 at 10:31pm189

Terry Thompson · Top Commenter · Nurse practitioner at Royal StokeUniversity HospitalWell said Burdett. Look at the side effects of any prescription drug andthey all are potentially toxic and can cause mild to severe side effects.Acetaminophen is one of the most toxic medications out there and it isOTC. Antidepressants have been a great help to me and I could notreally function without them.Reply · Like · · November 12, 2014 at 3:15pm60

Crissy PazTerry Thompson How many actually say they have not been tested onsuicidal patients? Not many I can bet. How many other meds say 'worsening of symptoms', in this case

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How many other meds say 'worsening of symptoms', in this caseantidepressants with the insert that come with it, stating that there is'worsening of depression' or 'may cause anxiety, suicidal thoughts,agitation, sleep difficulties, nightmares and tremors'? Which meds alsostate "abnormal thinking"? I'm guessing you are taking antidepressants for depression yeah? Sowould you know if your suicidal thoughts (if you had any) are "just part ofyour depression" or a side effect from the meds? Would you consideragitation and anxiety part of your depression? But hang on, you are onmeds, should you even be having anything but "sunshine and butterflies"thoughts and feelings? They don't work, you think they do. Those aroun...See MoreReply · Like · · Edited · November 12, 2014 at 8:05pm34

Terry Thompson · Top Commenter · Nurse practitioner at Royal StokeUniversity HospitalI wish they brought sunshine, Do you take antidepressants? Do youreally think that's what antidepressants do and why are prescribed? If Iwant sunshine I'll shoot heroin.Your comments are very insensitive. Alldrugs have side effects. Other drugs besides antidepressants can bepsycho active. I have anxiety and low mood as part of my depression orobviously I wouldn't be taking the meds. So your point is no one shouldtake medication that helps them because you have a prejudice againstthem. All those side effects you listed can take place with many otherdrugs. So what. I didn't go on the meds to have sunshine thoughts. I wenton the meds because I had symptoms of depression. The meds helpedthis and I have had no side effects. Read the side effects ofacetaminophen. Liver failure is the big one and is the drug of choice forpeople making suicide attempts and gestures.And all you need for liverfailure is one extra does a day for a week. Many people do thatunintentionally. By the way. If a doctor puts an actively suicidal pt on anantidepressant he is an idiot. A GP should not be prescribing thesemedications.Reply · Like · · November 13, 2014 at 8:53am51

Judy Donoho · Secretary/Clerk at Calvary Free Will Baptist Church - SalemAntidepressants should be banned - all of them. Nursing Home doctors areprescribing them for patients (my husband was one of them) and he would call mecrying and saying he felt horrible and it was always after he took the antidepressant.I stopped that medication immediately for him and he was fine thereafter. What if anursing home resident has no family that cares? I believe Mr. Williams had terribleside effects from antidepressants and I feel so sorry for his suffering.Reply · Like · · Follow Post · November 11, 2014 at 11:01pm

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Terry Thompson · Top Commenter · Nurse practitioner at Royal StokeUniversity HospitalSo if I told you that antidepressants have worked for me and have helpedme not to commit suicide I shouldn't have access to them because theyhave caused side effects in a small percentage of people who have usedthem. Some people die during coronary artery bypass surgery so weshould stop doing the surgery even though it helps more people than itharms. Your logic is flawed.Reply · Like · · November 12, 2014 at 3:24pm40

Anne C Woodlen · State Univeristy of New YorkTerry Thompson , it's your choice, but it needs to be informed by a lot offacts that your doctor and your drug company won't tell you.Reply · Like · · November 13, 2014 at 4:18pm5

Kelly McCarty · · Top Commenter · Works at HomecareWorker · 108 followersWell said Terry Thompson. They work for me as well.Reply · Like · · November 14, 2014 at 2:25pm



Lauren Seyyal Farrow · Top CommenterWRONG!!!! I've been on antidepressants for over 15 years; and was on Remeron atone point (as well as Xanax, Effexor, Lexapro, Wellbutrin, Paxil, Celexa... I can'tremember them all. This is a LOT more complex than "he took that pill and it causedhim to commit suicide!" Geesh, people: join us in the 21st Century.Reply · Like · · Follow Post · November 11, 2014 at 11:19pm47

Jennifer Rapuano Christensen · University of Rhode IslandI think the point is-- that there are people who are wrongly put on thesedrugs under quick decisions by their doctors... without having a trueimbalance or need for them-- when this happens it TOTALLY whacks outthe chemicals in their brains and can lead to suicidal thoughts or urges--THIS IS WHERE there is a huge fail on the part of medicalprofessionals..Reply · Like · · November 13, 2014 at 3:27pm21

Lauren Seyyal Farrow · Top CommenterPretty much every anti-depressant has suicidal ideation as a possibleside effect. Just like every anticonvulsant I gave my son when he wasyoung had death as a possible side effect. I'm sure he had access to

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young had death as a possible side effect. I'm sure he had access tosome of the best doctors out there. The problem is not the pill; it is thestigma that is still attached to mental illness in this country.Reply · Like · · November 13, 2014 at 6:57pm34

Kathy Noel · Top CommenterJennifer Rapuano Christensen If my doctor, any type of doctor, told me totake a drug and I did not think I needed it, I would not take it. Forexample, i had surgery recently and was given a whole container full ofpain pills. I took one. I didn't have any more pain, so I didn't takeanymore. Likewise, i have been give medicine for digestive issues. Ieither didn't feel it helped or I just didn't want to take it, so I didn't. Foundalternatives and the issues went away. We do need to take someresponsibility for our own health care. If my doctor wants to put me on anantidepressant and I don't want to go on that particular med for somereason, we find something else. Your doctor works for you, you don'twork for them. If you believe your treatment is not appropriate SPEAKUP and if your doctor won't listen SEE ANOTHER DOCTOR.