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DEC03'20 mlVOS RCUD DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY JAMES.H: HAYES BLDG; 33 l^ZEN-Dfc GGNGORB.RH- Q33Q5 'ROBERTO. QUINN 271^2791 commikioMrof S/treTY November 3,2020. HIs^ceHen^^^^ CImstbpher T.'Suhiinu. jhc Honorabi CpuncH -SiatcHouse .Goncord,-New Hampshire 03301 Informational item .Pursuant,'t6 RSA 2l-P:43, RSA'4:45, RSA.4:47i.and!Exccuiive Order 2020-:04f;as;extended by:&tecutivc OnJers^2020r05, :2020^.8,.2020-09,2020-10;.2020-14,20200'5.'2020--r6,2020-17; 2020-18', and 2020-20,:GovcTiiorSununu.hasauthorizcd!the, Pepaitment'pfSafety, piyisidn.ofHbniel^'d.Secu Ema'gehcy..M^agement.(HSEM)7to take.the fbllo.wiiig.actiPn: .Enter Into a grant agreement with ihe:Xo,y^ pf'HWlKtead .(VC ^updaje.wd ^dcwjop. the .cpmmtmity's dF hazard-Local Emergency pperationsiPlanf^bRVand-Gpnilnuily-pf ^eratipns,P!W:(CSo^ Effective upon the Governor's approval:ihrough'Dcccmber 26; 202r.;Funding:source: 100% Federal Funds. .Fundihg is a\^1able;ih;the'SI^';202I pperating:budg^'as follows: :02-23-23r236O.1.0-80.920p00' Dept.r6f.S8fc^:-Hpmeland;Scc^Emer:Mgmt'-U00yoE SFY2021. 072^5605^4, Gfahts" t6 l^Goy't -Fe'defai i8;00,0:o6 .Activd^-bode: BEf^G-SZOip' Explanation This grant.provides f\indingTor theTbwn of Hampsteadlto updiate:and deveIop'the'.commuhi^*s>allfhazard Local?Bineigency.< ppcratjons .PlM, (LEOP) and Cpntinul^-iof.Operationsr.pian (COOP). Thc;:grant-;li5ted, above is. funded .from ther-FKY 2020; Emefgericy Af^gcment peHori^ Grelfii COVID-IP 'Supplernehtel ;(EMPG-S) program, which was fawardcd to the. planning and:opera'tional readiness for COVID^tO prtparadness, response,Jdevelopment oftools tmd sb^egiurfpr ^.teyehtjonV preparedness, andiresponse, and'ongoihg;communication;and coordination among federalj Sta'te'andJocal paiteers'throu^out 'response. :Grant guidance, and' applications, are available 'tb; all Emergent^' Management; Direbtbrs; and PtheF .qu^lEed' .prgariirations^i^^^ theiState. SubrecipientS; submit'applicatiohs tb.-thisroffice;rwbic.h:'are reviewed by/the HSEM-Planningrandi GiMts.Chief; i^sistM.l'ChieTbf Gi^fe Md; Field Re'presentativMiah'd appMyedilby thei^HSEM Difecto.r The.cnteriajfbr- ;appro^ aro b^'d;on ^ht eii^bility. infacMfdance ynth guidwce and the dTOUTnenJedlneedf of ^ jurisdictions. TheEmergehcy:Management7PeWormance,Grants are*^50%ifederally fundcd'by FEMA with a'50%'match'requirement supplied' .bytheisubrecjpient^ ,Th^"sub'recipient:aclqipwlcdges^jbltB tb;.th'eir In the event-^at. Fed(Ml .Funds m nprldngcr availabiei;General Funds an^PriHi^vyay Funds to support; this program. Respecthilly submitted. . ibert L.'Qiiinn Commissioner of Siafety

'ROBERTO. QUINN 271^2791

Feb 25, 2022



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GGNGORB.RH- Q33Q5'ROBERTO. QUINN 271^2791commikioMrof


November 3,2020.HIs^ceHen^^^^ CImstbpher T.'Suhiinu.

jhc Honorabi CpuncH-SiatcHouse.Goncord,-New Hampshire 03301

Informational item

.Pursuant,'t6 RSA 2l-P:43, RSA'4:45, RSA.4:47i.and!Exccuiive Order 2020-:04f;as;extended by:&tecutivc OnJers^2020r05,:2020^.8,.2020-09,2020-10;.2020-14,20200'5.'2020--r6,2020-17; 2020-18', and 2020-20,:GovcTiiorSununu.hasauthorizcd!the,Pepaitment'pfSafety, piyisidn.ofHbniel^'d.Secu Ema'gehcy..M^agement.(HSEM)7to take.the fbllo.wiiig.actiPn:

.Enter Into a grant agreement with ihe:Xo,y^ pf'HWlKtead .(VC ^updaje.wd ̂ dcwjop. the .cpmmtmity's dFhazard-Local Emergency pperationsiPlanf^bRVand-Gpnilnuily-pf ̂eratipns,P!W:(CSo^Effective upon the Governor's approval:ihrough'Dcccmber 26; 202r.;Funding:source: 100% Federal Funds.

.Fundihg is a\^1able;ih;the'SI^';202I pperating:budg^'as follows:

:02-23-23r236O.1.0-80.920p00' Dept.r6f.S8fc^:-Hpmeland;Scc^Emer:Mgmt'-U00yoE SFY2021.072^5605^4, Gfahts" t6 l^Goy't -Fe'defai i8;00,0:o6.Activd^-bode: BEf^G-SZOip'


This grant.provides f\indingTor theTbwn of Hampsteadlto updiate:and deveIop'the'.commuhi^*s>allfhazard Local?Bineigency.<ppcratjons .PlM, (LEOP) and Cpntinul^-iof.Operationsr.pian (COOP). Thc;:grant-;li5ted, above is. funded .from ther-FKY 2020;Emefgericy Af^gcment peHori^ Grelfii COVID-IP 'Supplernehtel ;(EMPG-S) program, which was fawardcd to the.

planning and:opera'tional readiness for COVID^tO prtparadness, response,Jdevelopment oftools tmd sb^egiurfpr ̂.teyehtjonVpreparedness, andiresponse, and'ongoihg;communication;and coordination among federalj Sta'te'andJocal paiteers'throu^out'response. :Grant guidance, and' applications, are available 'tb; all Emergent^' Management; Direbtbrs; and PtheF .qu^lEed'.prgariirations^i^^^ theiState. SubrecipientS; submit'applicatiohs tb.-thisroffice;rwbic.h:'are reviewed by/the HSEM-PlanningrandiGiMts.Chief; i^sistM.l'ChieTbf Gi^fe Md; Field Re'presentativMiah'd appMyedilby thei^HSEM Difecto.r The.cnteriajfbr-;appro^ aro b^'d;on ̂ ht eii^bility. infacMfdance ynth guidwce and the dTOUTnenJedlneedf of ̂jurisdictions.

TheEmergehcy:Management7PeWormance,Grants are*^50%ifederally fundcd'by FEMA with a'50%'match'requirement supplied'.bytheisubrecjpient^ ,Th^"sub'recipient:aclqipwlcdges^jbltB tb;.th'eir

In the event-^at. Fed(Ml .Funds m nprldngcr availabiei;General Funds an^PriHi^vyay Funds to support;this program.

Respecthilly submitted. .

ibert L.'QiiinnCommissioner of Siafety

Page 2: 'ROBERTO. QUINN 271^2791


The State of New Hampshire and the Subrecipient herebyMutually agree as follows:GENERAL PROVISIONS

1. Identification and Definitions.

1.1. State Agency NameNH Department of Safety* HomelandSecurity and Emergency Management

1.2. State Agency Address33 Hazen DriveConcord* NH 03305

1.3. Snbredplent NameTown of Hampstead (VC#1775IS-B001)

1.4. Subrecipient Tel. U/Address 603-329-501111 Main Street Hampstead, NH 03841

1.5 Elective DateUpon State Approval

1.6. Account Number

AU #60920000

1.7. Completion DateDecember 26* 2021

1.8. Grant Limitation$8*000.00

1.9. Grant Officer for State AgencyOlivia Bamhart* EMPG Program Coordinator

1.10. State Agency Telephone Number(603)223-3639

■By llpilng Ihl. form we certUy that we have eorapUed with any pobUc meetlDg iwiulrenMUt for acceptance of tklagmpt. InclodlDg If applicable RSA 31:95Tb."1.11. Subrecipient Signature 1

lent SiSubre

SignaSubr^ en

1.12. Name & Title of Subrecipient Signer 1

Signor 2

Name & Tide of Snb Ipient S or 3

1.13^i:^fe^owledgment: State of New Hampshire, Com^or/ ^ , before the undersigned officer, personally appeared the person identified in block 1.1^

known to me (or sadsfactorUy proven) to be the person whose name Is signed ̂ biwk 1.11., andacknowledge^Aattie/sh^p^uted this document in the capacity indicated in block S^iaitfSx of or Justice of the Peace1.13.2. Namg^ Title oj

U ftm.iry PabUc or Justice oftte Peace

1.14. State AgeiTcy Sl^^(ir£(8) MS. Name & Tifie of State Aged*^ Signor(8)«... fin: /^ / <7 Steven R. Lavole, Director of Administration

1.16. i(pprovi by Attorney General (Form, Substance and Execution) (if G & C approval required)Assistant Attorney General, On: / /

1.17. Approval by Governor and Council (If applicable)On:

Dy:2 SCOPE OF WORit: In exchange for grant fonds provided by the State of New Hampshire, acting ^8^"the S^"). pursuant to RSA 2I.P:36. the Subrecipient identified in bl<^1.3 (hereinafter refcmd to as "the Subrecipient"), shall perform that woA identified^more ̂ cula^d^bed in thescope of work attached hereto as BXHIBrr A (the scope ofwork being hereinafter referred to as "the Project").

Subrecipient Initials: 1.). 2.). 2.). Dale: ̂ ^Page 1 of 6

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A^pA rnVRRgn Except u otherwije •pecifically previded for berem, tbeSubrtcipieot (hall perfonD the Prejeci to, tnd with respect to, the State ofNewHanpthhe.PFFP/rnVE DATR- COMPLETION OP PROJECT.

This Agreenwot, tod tU obligations of the parties bcreuoder, shall beccmeffective on tbe date of appiovil of this Agreeosent by tbe Oovenwr nxiCouocil of tbe StKe of New Htmpahiie if required (block 1.17), or upon 9.3.signature by the State Agency as shbwo ia block 1.14 effective date'^.Except as otherwise specifically provided hereia, t^ Project, inchidiog all 9.4.rqwrts required by this Agreemeoi, tbaO be coopleted in its entirety prior tothe date in block 1.7 (bodBsfier refbred to aa Coe^letioa 0010"^.ORAVT AMOUNT: LjMTrATIQN ON AMOUNT; VOUaiERS:


The Orant Amouot is ideatified and mora puticulaity dfsmhed b EXHIBITB, amchcd herctaTteauuincrot Bad scbcdule of psyacstabaU be as set fofthb EXHIBIT B. acoordanee with the |»ovisioiis sat forth b EXHIBIT B, tad b coosideraticnof the saiistactoiy perfonnaaoeoftbe Prqject, as desertntoed by tbe State, esd

as by subparagraph 5 J of bese gmeral provisioBs, the State shall paythe Scbrccipkftt the Orant Amount The Sitte s^ whhbdd fiota the amowitotherwise payable to the Subreclpieat uoder this'sobpangraph 5J theae tunsrequired, or permitted, to be withheld pursuant to N Ji RSA 80:7 ihrou^ 7-cThe payoKal by the State of the ̂ ant amount shall be the only, and theconqdeta payment to the Subreciptent fbr all expenses, of wfastever nature,ioeufted the Subredpient b the pafomtaoee beraof, and shall be the only, 11.aad dM cocD^ete, cotapcmatioD la the Subrectpten for the Prqject TheSiale tl.Ushall have no liabilities to tbe Subredpiait other than tbe Gnnl AmountNotwithstanding .tnylhbg b ihb AgrecmcHl to the ocntraiy, and II.Klnotwithstaedbg uaexpectad cnovnttittcea, b do event shall the total of idl 11.1.2payments authorized, or actually made, bcreuoder exceed the Orant IMtatbe 11.1.3set Ifarth bbbdt 1.8 of (here general provisknt. 11.1.4COMPLIANCE BY SUBREOPTENT WITH LAWS AND REOI^TIONS. 11.2.In connection with the perfbrmsnco of die Project, the Subredpent shallcomply widi all statutes, laws retjihtioi^ andot^ ̂federal, state, county, 11.11or oro^pal authorities whkh shall boprn any obligadons or duty upon dieSufarecipient, bduding the BcqaisitiflD ofany tod all Dicessaiy pem^RECORDS and ACCOUNTS.

Between dse Efiecdve Date and the date three (3) years after the CotnpletiooDate the Subredpient shall keep detailed accounts of all expensa iocorred m 11J.2cotsectioa with tbe Project, iBdndbg,*" but not limited to, cotti..ofadministration, tnnsportatioa, insurance, tekpbonc caQs, and dericai mate^•ndservices. Such iccounis shaB be supported by receipta, invoices. biUi andother similar documeots.

Between the Effecdve Data and the dalo three (3) yitn after the Conytoioa 11.2.3Dais, at any time duting the Sabrceipieot'e oormal biabest bom, and at oftenas the Stats shall demand, dv Sutndpacnt shall make available to die Stale all 11.2.4reconls penainiag to matters cowed by this AgreetoenL Tbe SuhredplewshaD permit the State la audit, exBtnine, and reproduce such recacds. and tomake audits of all contracts, invoices, msteriali, payrolls, records of persbnne!,data (sa that ternt'ii herrinafttr deftaed), ead other bfbnnttieo relstbg to all 11mattcn covered by Ibia AgreoseaL As ttaed b thia paiigraph, "Subrtopieot- 111.

all pcraoQS, natural or fictboal, affiliated with, conooUed by, or undercoomon owocnhip with, the entity kkstified ts tbe Subredpient b bloek 1.3ofthese provisionsPERSONNEL

Ths Subrecipieot shaO, at its owa expense, provide aU penooiKl Dccessa^r loperform tbe Projeet ITie SubredpiBit waniots that all pcmormel engaged lo I2J.the hqject tbaB be qnallfied to perform such Prqjeet, and shall be properlylicensed end sutborixed to perfhrm such Project vada all qjplicable lain.The Stibredpient ihaQ not hire, end' it sbaD not permit sgr subcoatiactar,lubgrintee, or odwr penoa, firm or ocrpen^ with whom It is engaged b e 113.combined effort to perfonn tbe Project, to hbe aigr person who has aconiraotuai relstioeship with the Stale, or who is a State officer or employee,ekctsd or appointed.Tbe Omni Officer shall be the leprescomtlve of ibe State bereuoder. b theevent of any dispute boeunder, the bteipcetatioo of this Agrectnent by the 114.Orant Officer, and his/her deolslro on any dispute, thill be floaLDATA; RETENnnNOPDATA,- ACCESS.

As used b this Apeemeot, the word 'dam'* afaail mean aU inioraialton andthiofs devckped or obtained durbg tbe pcrfbrmance oC or eoqnircd or 13.developed by reason of. this Agteement, bclndbg, but not limited la, allstudies, reports, flies, fbrsuhe, surveys, m^ charts, sound recordings, videoreccrdings, pktottal leproductiaQS, dnwinga, anatyaea, graphielepTcsentaiions.'

computer prognmis, conqxMer printouta, notes, letteia, memoreada, paper, anddooincnts, aU whether Qiusbed or unfinished.Between die Effecdve Date and (he Completion Date the Subrecipient shall gnatto (he State, or any pence dcmgiatod iy K uiucatikted aceesi to aU data forexamination, duplicato, pubtbatioo, translation, sale, dispoatl, or for any otherpurpose wdiaisoever.No data shall be subject lo c^iyrigbt b the United States or any other eountry byanyooe other than ihe State.Oo and after the Effecdve Date all data, aod any property wtudi has beenreceived from the State or purchased with fhads proviM for that purpose underthis Agreement, shall be tite property of the State, nnd shall be returned to theState upon demaad or upon tornunadon of this Agreement for ny reason,whidwver shell first occur.

Tbe Stele, end an^ne it shell desvtate, aheU have unrcslrict^ authority topublish, disclose, dbtributa and otherwise use, b whole or b part, aU data.(XiNDmONAL NATURE Qp AfiPPfMENT Notwithstauling aoythbg bthis Agreemeot to the contrary, all obligsdona of the State hereuiKla, behidiiig.without limitation, the conlmianro of payments bereuoder, are contlngem upon(he avaflaNHty or coodnued appiopriadon of fbods, and b oo event shall the Statebe liable fv any paymeots bemmda b exoeas of such available or appropriatedAmds. b.tbe event of a techiedco or tcnnioadon of those Amds, (be Slate tellhave tbe to trithbold payment until such flmds become svaili^ if ever, andshall have the right to terminate ths Agreement immediately upin gmog dieSiteec^ieot notice of such lermbation.EVENT OF DEFAULT: REMEDIES.

Any one er mom of the foDowbg acts or ooinions of die Subrecipion shallcoestiltite an event of default benundcr (berebafter referred to ts lEvents of

Dcfhuk"):FaQure to pcrfotm the Prpject sadsfactorily or on schedule; erFaDiae to submit any report required heretmder, orFailure to maintib, or.permh access tob the records roqubed bcreunder, orFtibte lo perform aiiy of the other covenants and cc^doos of this Agreement.Upoa the ecouitence of any Evem of DeflmJt, the State may take any one, ermo^ or all, ofdie filUowbg actbos:Give tbe Subredplem a written notice specifying the Event of Default andrequiring it to be imnedied widdn, m die abeeDce of a greater or lesserspecification oftime, thirty (30) days fiom the date of tbe notice; aod if Ibe Eventof Defkuk is not timely remedied, tetinieste thia Agreement, eflective two (2)days after giving the SobrecipieBi notice oflamination; andGive the Subrecipieal a writteo notice tpedfying the Event of Defhub aodciupendiDg all payioents to be mede tnder (bis Agreement and ordering that theportion of the Orant Amount wUdi would otbenriao aocrue to Ihe Subredpientdut^ die from (he date of luch notice until eudi tbta as (he Stttdetennbes that the Subredpient has cured dw Event of Defkult shall never bepaid to the Subredpient; andSet off egai^ any other the State may owe to dw Subncipieot anydaaagea dte State euffaa by reason of ny Event ̂ Defkult; andIVeat the igreeraent as breached aod putsue my of its rcmetlica at Inv or bequity, or botLTERMTMATION.

b the event clf any early terrabation of this Agreemeot-fbr any receon other (baatbe ccinpletioa of tbe F^ect, the Subredpient shall deliver to the Grant Officer,not bter dun fifteen (15) days after Ihe dale of teanlnition, a report (bcrcbafterreferred to as Ihe Tendnation Report^ describing b detail all Prejeet Workpcifonaed, and the Oraot Amount earned, to aod the dais of

fat (he event of Tcrmbatioa under paragraphs 10 or 12.4 of these generalprorisboSidM approval of such a Tennination Report by the State shall entitle tbeSubredpient to recelvB that pottion of the Onot amount cnmed to and incbdbgdte date oftcRDination.

b the eveet of TcRninstioB iader psigraphs 10 or 12.4 of these generalprarisibos, the approval of such a Tembatte Report by dw Slaw tell b noevent relieve dw Stbredpieni ttom any md all liability fbr dimigre sustained orbcuired by dw StM as a remit of dw Subredpient's breach of its obllgatienshcreundcT.

Notwithstanding anydting b this Agrceawm to dw oontrery, dther dw State or,except where notice defkult has been givcD to dw Subre^ieol bereunder. theSnbrectpieni, may tembate this Agreement without cause upon thirty (30) dayswritta notice.:CONFLICT OP INTEREST. No officer, member of employee of theSubredpient, and oo representative, effleer or employee of dw Slaw of NewHampshire or of the governbg body of tbe bcalily or localities b which tbePrejeet b to be perfbrmed, who exerdsca any fUnctim or 're^wosibilitiee b dwreviewer

SubiTODient Initials: I.).#1 2).Page 2 of 6

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approval of (be undertildnt or cairying out of tucb Project, shall paitidpata in 17.2.any decision reladag lo (fab Affccmcnt whicfa affects bis or bcr personal inlenstor the inteicst of any corporadoit, partnerdiip, or associatioe ia which he or theb directly or indirectly interested, oor shall be or the have any pcrsoaid orpecuniary interest, direct or indirect, m tbb AgreciPent ur the proceeds thereof.SUHRECIPIENT-S RELATION TO THE STATE, b the performaoce of IhbAfreemcDt the Sufarec^ienl. its eoptoyees, and my subcootractor or sitbfmteeof cbe Subredpient are m all respects indqrcDdcBt connaetets, and are odtberageob oor employees of tbe State. Neilber tbe Sobreopknt nor any of Itsofficers, cmplqreei, ageBti, meotben, nbcoBtracton or subgrantees, slnll haveauthority to bind tbe State nor aralbey entitled to any of the beaefils, smtanen'scoropceaatlon or emotuments provided by tbe State to its co^loyces.ASSIONMENT AND SUBCOWTRACTS. The Subrecipiem lhaU not aasigD,or otherwise Ctintfa any interest u tbb Agreement without tbe prior writtenctnsent of the State. None of the Project Work sbtll be nibcoattacted orfubfraoted by the Subrccipicni other than u act fbcdt b Exhibit A wibout (beprior written consent of the State.rhfOEMNTFlCATlON. The Subredpient iball defend, iodcnmiiy ̂ hold

the State, Its officers attd employees, bom and against any and tillosses ruffeted by the Stale, its officera and en^tloyees, and any and all daims,liabilitiea or penaltSes asserted agabsi tbe Stam, its officien and employees, by or 21.on behalf of any person, on accoanl o( based on. resuhiag ftom. arbbgootef(ce which may be claimed to arba cstt of) ̂ eett or ombaicoi of theSobredpirrtl f subcontraetor, er subgttutec or other agent of the Subredpient.Notwithstanding tbe foregoing, nothiDg bcrdn eontained shall be demned to

a weivcr of (be tovere!|ji Immunity of tbe State, whicb rniimmlty Ubcr^ reserved to Stale. TTus covenant than survive the lominttioo of tbb 22.agreqneatmStnLANCB AND BQNP.

The Subredpient shall, at its own expense, obtab and maiotain u force, or shallreqube any tubccntrictor, tubgmtee or assignee perfonmng Project work toobtain and maintain in forpe. both for the benefit of tbe State, the following{nsurance:

Statutory wortemen't compcnstdon oxl employees IbdHllgr insurtbee for allcmplctyM «wg"g"H is the pcrfbrmaiKe of the Project, end

17.1.2 Compftfaensive publie liability insunece against all daims of bodily btjoriea,death or property damage. In amounts not lets then Si,000,000 per occutfeocesad 12,000,000 aggregate for bodily ugury or death any one bridrnl, andSSOO.OOO for propeity dunaga m viy one inddent; and






The policies described in subpeiagraph I7.I of thb paragrapb sball be diestmd^ form employed te the State of New Hampshire, issued by underwritersacceptable to the State, and authorized to do buaineu in the State of NewHantpsbire. Eadt policy shall coetiin a clauae ptob'bitins cancellation ormedificaticn of (be policy earlier than ten (10) daya after written iwtice (hereofhas been received by the Stata.WAIVER OF BREACH. No bibite by tbe State to enforce any provisions hereofafter any Bvent of Default shall be deemed a waiver of its rights with regard to(bat Bv^ or any subsequent EvesL No ciprcas waiver of any Event of Defaultshall be deemed a waiver of any provisions hereof. No such fUhire of waivertfaail be deemed a waiver of tbe rigta of tbe Smte to enforce each tnd tllof d>eprovisions hereof upon any fUither or other deftult on tbe part of dte Subredpient.NQTICB. Any notice by ■ pdty hereto to (be other party ritali be deensed to havebeen duly delivered or ̂ vin tl tbe time of mailins by eeitificd mall, postageprepaid, in a United Statea Post Office addressed to tbe puties at tbe addressesfirst above given.AMENDMENT. This Agreement may be amended, weired or discharged onlyby an instrufflcrit ui wriliag riped by tbe psrtiei hereto and only after approval of

amendment, waiver or discharge by the Ooveroor and CoimeU of the State ofNew Hampshire, if required, or lipiing State Agency.CONSTRUCTION OF AQREBMENT AND TERMS. This Agreement shall beconstrued te accordance with the law of the State of New Han^»lure, and isbinding upon end Inures lo the benefit of tbe parties and their retpectirelucceaiors and aasigoeea. Tbe oaptians and cooients of the "subjecT bl^ areused only e* a matter of conveaieaoe, end arenot to be considered a pert of (hisAgreement or to be used in determtniag the intend of tbe parties hereto.THIRD PARTIES. The pvties Itoreto do. nc4 intend to benefit any third paifiesand this Agreement ihaD not be eoostiued to coofer any luch benefitENTIRB Thb Agreement, which may be executed in a numberof counterparts, each of vriiicta shall be deemed an otiginel, ccestituiea the entiieagreemcnl «td mtdersttndmg between 6e paitica, and supersedes all prioragreements and undentandingi relating hereto.SPECIAL PRQVTSIQWS. The addittontl previstoos set fiardi in Exhibit C heretoare incorporated as pert of ttibegrcement

SubrecipiCTt'lnitialj: I.)

Rev 9/2015

W:i Date:

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Scope of Services

1. Tbe Department of Safety, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management(hereinafter referred to as *the State**) is awarding the Town of Hampstead (hereinafter referredto as *tbe Subrecipient**) $8,000.00 to update or develop tbe community's all-hazard LocalEmergency Operation Plan (LEG?) and Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP).

2. Subrecipient** agrees that this project and grant are meant to assist states, territories, tribes,and local governments with their public health emergency management activities supporting tbeprevention of, preparation for, and response to tbe ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) public health emergency.

3. "The Subrecipient** agrees that the project grant period ends December 26, 2021 and that a finalperformance and expenditure report will be sent to "the State** by January 26,2022.

4. 'The Subrecipient*' agrees to comply with all applicable federal and state laws, rules,regulations, and requirements.

5. "The Subrecipient'* shall maintain financial records, supporting documents, and all otherpertinent records for a period of three (3) years from the grant period end date. In diese records,"the Grantee" shall maintain documentation of the 50% cost share required by this grant

Sub^picnt 1.) 2.^

Rev 9/2015

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Grant Amount and Payment Schedule


Applicant Grant

Share (Federal Funds) Cost Totals

Project Cost $8,000.00 $8,000.00 $16,000.00

Project Cost is 50% Federal Fimds, 50% Applicant Share

Awarding Agency: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FBMA)

Award Title & #: Emergency Management Perfoiinance Grant (EMPG-S) EMB-2020-EP-00011-SOl

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: 97.042 (EMPG-S)Applicant's Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS): 130980209


a. *Tbe Subrecipient" agrees the total payment by *the State" under this grant agreement shall beup to $8,000.00.

b. 'The State" shall reimburse up to $8,000.00 to "the Subrecipienf upon "the State" receiving areimbursement request with match dociunentation and appropriate backup documentation (i.e.,copies of invoices, copies of canceled checks, and/or copies of accounting statements).

c. Upon Governor and Executive Council Approval, allowable match may be incurred for thisproject from the start of the federal period of performance of this grant, January 27, 2020, to theidentified completion date (block 1.7).

Subi^pieot Initials; 1.). -(M- Dale:

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Special Provisions

1. This grant agreemeot may be terminated upon thirty (30) days written notice by either party.

2. Any funds advanced to Subrecipicnt" must be returned to "the State" if the grant agreement isterminated for any reason other than completion of the project

3. Any funds advanced to *the Subrecipienf* must be expended within thirty (30) days of receivingthe advanced funds.

4. "The Subrecipient" agrees to have an audit conducted in compliance with 0MB Circular 2 CFR200, if applicable. If a compliance audit is not required, at the end of each audit period "theSubrecipient*' will certify in writing that they have not expended the .amount of federal funds thatwould require a compliance audit ($750,000). If required, they, will forward for review andclearance a copy of the completed audit(s) to "the State".

Additionally, "the Subrecipient" has or will notify their auditor of the above requirements prior toperformance of the audit. ^The Subrecipient" will also ensure that, if required, the entire grantperiod will be covered by a compliance audit, which in some cases will mean more than one auditmust be submitted. "The Subrecipient" will advise the auditor to cite specifically that the auditwas done in accordance with 0MB Circular 2 CFR 200. "The Subrecipicnt" will also ensure thatall records concerning this grant will be kept on file for a minimum of three (3) years fiom the endof this audit period.

Subrecipient Initials: 1.1 2.) it 3.) Date

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S. Theriault stated that she was in the process of completing the third round of GOFERR grant,which is due September 15, 2020.

EMD- EOP- COOP Plans and grantS. Theriault reported that there was an EMPG (Emergency Management Performance Grant)available for the Town of Hampstead in the amount of $16,000.00. The grant is a 50% match grantwith the grant covering $8,000.00 and the town covering the other $8,000.00. The current plan thatwe have needs to be updated every 5 years. There are a few companies that work on these plans andChief Carrier is asking that we move forward with Hubbard Consulting. For the prior yeara we hadused Jon Alberghini, but he is no longer doing it. Chief Carrier^l^iw the work that HubbardConsulting has done and noted that it was easy to follow. He ̂ked through S. Theriault, that theSelectmen waive the requirement of putting the work out toii)0j^jHe also requested that theSelectmen accept the grant, which would actually not cpstltBe Towhiof Hampstead $8,000 because itwould be "in kind" work. The various departments would'nieet to 'wo^.on the plan and this time

r .counts towards the matchingportion of the - ■ I'li'n"'".^^Selectman Guthri^rooSignedito accept the terms of the Emergen'cyjManagement "■R Performance Grant as presented in the amiount of $8,000.00. to update^-.or develop the

community's all hazard Local Emergency Operations Plan^(LEOP), and^ontinuity ofOperations Plan (COOP). Furthermore, the Bbarjd acknowledges that tKe^tal cost of this <

A project will be $16,000.00, in which^the town will irresponsible for a 60%*match ' ■CT,, ... l-. /pjjg motlon passed

MeetingMinutcsThe meeting minutes of August 10, 2020 weireSready forypprqyal.''^Selectman Guthrie.,^]d^i^i^ti^n to app^ve |^^mmu!^:pf,August 10, 2020.-was seconded by Seiectman Bennett. The'motion'passeid unanimously 2-0-1 (Chairman' 'Ill's. "'''y;.; *"Murphy abstained).

Activity Loir^^u;The log wasieviewed^The di^'iismon on putting^eceU. tower out for proposal was pushed backuntil 2021. Tli^'jwaa a^8^^^diwu6^n'pn;tiie mowing of the Depot Road ballRelds bytown emptoyees and K. Colbert wa^a^ed if the Recreation Commission had any thoughts on it Shestated that^they would neecTto evalua^'itjr S. Theriault stated that it would need to be looked atsoon if it waB;&,go into the 2021lbudget^Selectman Bennett stated that we could still budget for thelawncare cost tc'Have somethingi'It was suggested that it would be a good topic to bring up with S.Harms because they^would also n'^d to look at the cost of a new lawnmower.J. Worthen announced that the wgfk on the walkway at the library has been completed. There isone more small item tha^eed^tOii4 added (a board at the comer curb?) and it would be finished.Chairman Murphy asked Selectman Guthrie to find out when the Library would be completing theirwork. It was also noted tbat^a'^Drought Management Plan be added to the activity log.

Re- ADPointments/ADDointmentsCall for candidates:

o Tntstees of the Trust Funds, alternate members - meetings as neededo Budget Committee for three people* monthly meetings (would need to run in March

2020)o Conservation Commission, alternate members* monthly meetingo Recreation Commission, member* monthly meetingo Water Resource CJommittee, alternate members* monthly meetingo Communications Committee* member, monthly meetings

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Primex"NH Public Ritk Monogcmeni Lichonge CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE

The New Hampshire Public Risk Management Exchange (Primex') is organized under the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated. Chapter 5-6,Pooled Risk Management Programs. In accordance with those statutes, its Trust Agreement and bylaws, Primex' is authorized to provide pooled riskmanagement programs established for the benefit of political subdivisions in the State of New Hampshire.

Each member of Primex' is entitled to the categories of coverage set forth below. In addition, Primex' may extend the same coverage to non-members.However, any coverage extended to a non-member is subject to all of the terms, conditions, exclusions, amendments, rules, policies and proceduresthat are applicable to the members of Primex', including but not limited to the final and binding resolution of all claims and coverage disputes before thePrimex' Board of Trustees. The Additional Covered Party's per occurrence limit shall be deemed included in the Member's per occurrence limit, andtherefore shaO reduce the Member's limit of liability as set forth by the Coverage Documents and Declarations. The limit shown may have been reducedby claims paid on behalf of the member. General Liability coverage Is limited to Coverage A (Personal injury Liability) and Coverage B (PropertyDamage Liability) only, Coverage's C (Public Officials Enors and Omissions). 0 (Unfair Employment Practices). E (Employee Benefit Liability) and F(Educator's Legal Liability Claims-Made Coverage) are excluded from this provision of coverage.

The below named entity is a member in good standing of the New Hampshire Public Risk Management Exchange. The coverage provided may.however, be revised at any time by the actions of Primex'. As of the dale this certificate is issued, the information set out below accurately reflects thecategories of coverage established for the current coverage year.

This Certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certincate holder. This certiflcale does not amend, extend, oralter the coverage afforded by the coverage categories listed below.

Perticlpating Member: Member Number:

Ptimex3 Members as per attached Schedule of MembersProperty & Liability Program

Compeny Affording Coverage;

NH Public Risk Management Exchange - Primex^Bow Brook Place

46 Donovan Street

Concord. NH 03301-2624


General Liability (Occurrence Form)Professional Liability (describe)

□ Claims j—1Made ' Occurrence




7/1/2021 Each Occurrence

General AggregateFire Damage (Any onefire)Med Exp (Any one person)

$ 5.000.000S 5,000,000

Automobile LiabilityDeductible Comp and Coll:

Any auto

Combined Single Umit(Each Acddani)


Workers' Compensation & Employers' Liability Statutory

Each Accident

Disease — Each Employaa

Disease - Poacy iJnit

Property (Special Risk Includes Fire and Theft) Blanket LimlL ReplacementCost (unless otherwise stated)

Description: Proof of Primex Member coverage only.

CERTIFICATE HOLDER: Additional Covered Party Loss Payee

NH Dept of Safety33 Hazen Dr.Concord. NH 03301

Primex' - NH Public Risk Management Exchange

By: "Wenf PmccS

Date: 6/23/2020 [email protected] direct inquires to:

Primex' Claims/Coverage Services603-225-2841 phone

603-228-3833 fax

Page 10: 'ROBERTO. QUINN 271^2791

Sullivan County 606

Sullivan School District 964

Sunapee School District 955

Surry School District 965

Swains Lake Village District 552

Tamworth School District 836

Thornton School District 758

Tilton Northfield Fire 567

Timberlane Regional School District 775

Town of Albany 101

Town of Alexandria 102

Town of Alstead 104

Town of Amherst 106

Town of Andover 107

Town of Antrim 108

Town of Auburn 111

Town of Bamstead 112

Town of Barrington 113

Town of Bartlett 114

Town of Bath 115

Town of Belmont 117

Town of Bennington 118

Town of Benton 121

Town of Bow 123

Town of Bradford 124

Town of Brookfield 128

Town of Campton 130

Town of Canaan 131

Town of Carroll 134

Town of Charlestown 136

Town of Chatham 137

Town of Chester 138

Town of Clarksville 142

Town of Colebrook 143

Town of Columbia 144

Town of Cornish 147

Town of Dalton 149

Town of Danbury 150

Town of Deering 153

Town of Derry 154

Town of Dorchester 155

Town of Durham 160

Town of Eaton 163

Town of Enfield 166

Town of Epping 167

Town of Errol 169

Town of Farmington 171

Town of Fitzwilliam 172

Town of Gllsum 180

Town of Gorham 182

Town of Goshen 183

Town of Graflon 184

Town of Grantham 185

Town of Greenland 187

Town of Groton 189

tTown.of Hamostead'- ' . ■ . ;- :-190 .,!

Town of Hampton 191

Town of Hancock 193

Town of Hanover 194

Town of Harrisville 195

Town of Haverhill 196

Town of Hebron 197

Town of Henniker 198

Town of HInsdale 201

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Primex"NH ̂b(ic fthk Menogtmtnt Exhonfst CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE

The New Hampshire Public Risk Management Exchange (Primex^) Is organized urtder the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated. Chapter 5-B,Pooled Risk k^agement Programs. In accordance with those statutes, its Trust Agreement and bylaws. Primex' is aihhorfzed to provide pooled riskmanagement programs established for the beneRl of political subdivisiorts In the State of New Hampshire.

Each member of Primex' is entiUed to the categories of coverage set forth below. In addition, Primex' may extend the sarrte coverage to mn^members.However, any coverage extended to a non-member is subject to all of the terms, conditions, exctusions. amendments, rules, policies and proceduresthat are applicable to the members of Primex'. including but not limited to the final artd bir>ding resolution of all claims and coverage disputes, before thePrimex' Board of Trustees. The Additional Covered Party's per occurrence GmH shall be deemed included in the Member's per occurrence Umil, aiKltherefore shaD reduce the Member's limit of liabilily as set forth by the Coverage Documents and Declarations. The limit shown may have been reducedby claims paid on behalf of the member. General UabOily coverage is limited to Coverage A (Personal Injury UaUaty) and Coverage B (PropertyDamage Liability) only. Coverage's C (Public Offldals Errors and Omissions). 0 (Unfair Employmeni Pracdces). E (Employee Benefit Liability) and F(Educator's Legal Liability Claims-Made Coverage) are excluded from this provisbo of coverage.

The below named enllty Is a member in good standing of the New Hampshire Public Risk Management Exchange. The coverage provided may,however, tw revised el any time by the actions oT Primex'. As of the dale this certlficaie Is issued, (he information set out below accurately reflects thecategories of coverage established for the current coverage year.

This Certificate is issued as a matter of information only and confers no rights upon the certificate holder. This certificate does not amend, extend, oraller the coverage afforded by the coverage calegortes fisted below.

PafUdptting Mambsc Mambar Numtm:

Primex3 Members as per attached Schedule of MembersWorkers' Compensation Program

Comfitny Affcfdhg Cevarapa:

NH Public Risk Martagement Exchange - Primex'Bow Brook Place

46 Donovan Street

Concord. NH 03301-2624

General Uabllity (Occurrence Form)ProfesslonaJ Liability (describe)

Each Occurrence

General Aggregate

□Fire Damage (Any onefire)

Med Exp (Any one person)

_J Automobile UabllityDeductible Comp and Coil:

Any auto

ComNned Single UmQ(EaehAcddcM)


X Workers' Compensation & Employers' Uabllity 1/1/2020 1/1/2021 X 1 Statutory $2,000,000

EachAcddeni $2,000,000

Disease - Eadt EnaioyM


Property (Special Risk includes Fire and Theft)Btsnkel LlmiL RejilacementCost (unless otherwisa ttaiad)

Description: Proof of Primex Member coverage only.

CERTIFICATE HOLDER: | Additional Covered Party | Loss Payee Primex' - NH Public Risk Management Exchange

By: 7>Cnf SM Pncte

Date: 12/18/2019 mourcelKi!i)nhorimex.orQNH Dept of Safety33 Hazen Dr.Concord. NH 03301

Please direct Inquires lo:Primex* Clalms/Coverago Services

603-225-2841 phone603-228-3833 fax

Page 12: 'ROBERTO. QUINN 271^2791

Town of Effingham 164

Town of Ellsworth 165

Town of Epping 167

Town of Epsom 168

Town of Errol 169

Town of Exeter 170

Town of Farmlngton 171

Town of Francestown 173

Town of Franconia 174

Town of Freedom , 176

Town of Fremont 177 1

Town of Gilford 178'»

ITown of Gilmanton 179 i


Town of Gilsum 180

Town of Goffstown 181 i

Town of Gorham 182

Town of Goshcn 183 !1

Town of Grafton 184 !

Town of Greenfield 186

Town of Greenville 188

Town of Groton 189

ITown of Hamostead li. . . 19D- - :.!

Town of Hampton Falls 192

Town of Hancock 193s•


TownofHarrlsville 1951

Town of Henniker 198

Town of Hill 199

Town of Hlllsborough 200 1


Town of Hollls 203i■■

Town of Hopkinton 2051

Town of Jackson 207 iTown of Jaffrey 208 !Town of Jefferson 209 !Town of Kensington 211


Town of Kingston 212

Town of Lancaster 214

Town of Langdon 216

Town of Lempster 219

Town of Lincoln 220

Town of Litchfield 222

Town of Littleton 223

Town of Loudon 225

Town of Lyman 226

Town of Lyndeborough 228 !

Town of Madbury 229

Town of Madison 230

Town of Martborough 232

Town of Mason 234

Town of Meredith 235

Town of Middleton 237

Town of Milan 238

Town of Milford 239

Town of Milton 240

Town of Monroe 241 ii

Town of Mont Vemon 242

Town of Moultonborough 243

Town of Nelson 244

Town of New Boston 246

Town of New Ipswich 253

Town of Newfields 250

Tovm of Nevwnglon 252

Town of Newport 256

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{Award Letter ?




U.S. Department of Homeland SecurityWashington, D.C. 20472

Jennifer HarperNH Dept. of Safety, Div. of Homeland Security & Emergency Management33 Hazen Drive

Concord, NH 03305-0011

Re: Grant No.EMB-2020-EP-00011

Dear Jennifer Harper:

Congratulations, on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security, your application for financial assistance submitted underthe Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID-19 Supplemental (EMPG-S) hasbeen approved in the amount of $995,872.00. As a condition of this award, you are required to contribute a cost match in theamount of $995,872.00 of non-Federal funds, or 50 percent of the total approved project costs of $1,991,744.00.

Before you request and receive any of the Federal funds awarded to you, you must establish acceptance of the award. Byaccepting this award, you acknowledge that the terms of the following documents are incorporated into the terms of youraward:

• Agreement Articles (attached to this Award Letter)• Obligating Document (attached to this Award Letter)• Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program COVID-19 Supplemental (EMPG-S) Notice

of Funding Opportunity.

Please make sure you read, understand, and maintain a copy of these documents in your official file for this award.

In order to establish acceptance of the award and its terms, please follow these instructions:

Step 1: Please log in to the ND Grants system at

Step 2: After logging in, you will see the Home page with a Pending Tasks menu. Click on the Pending Tasks menu, select theApplication sub-menu, and then click the link for "Award Offer Review" tasks. This link will navigate you to Award Packagesthat are pending review.

Step 3: Click the Review Award Package icon (wrench) to review the Award Package and accept or decline the award. Pleasesave or print the Award Package for your records.

System for Award Management (SAM): Grant recipients are to keep all of their information up to date in SAM, in particular,your organization's name, address. DUNS number, EIN and banking information. Please ensure that the DUNS number usedin SAM is the same one used to apply for all FEMA awards. Future payments will be contingent on the information providedin the SAM; therefore, it is imperative that the information is correct. The System for Award Management is located at htto://

If you have any questions or have updated your information in SAM, please let your Grants Management Specialist (GMS)know as soon as possible. This vrill help us to make the necessary updates and avoid any interruptions in the paymentprocess.

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BRIDGET ELLEN BEAN GPD Assistant Administrator