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Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice Mocking Birds, Literacy Rates, Cultural Competence and Racism Informed Education

Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice .

Dec 15, 2015



Tyrell Elkin
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Page 1: Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice .

Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW

Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies

Social Worker in Private Practice

Mocking Birds, Literacy Rates, Cultural Competence and Racism Informed Education

Page 2: Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice .

• Lecturer, MSVU, CHYS, Afrocentric Cohort in MEd LLL

• Registered social work private practitioner (NS, NB)

• Former Student Support Worker, Halifax Reg. SB

• Clinical training at, & employee of WA State Pen.

• Former executive director, Child & Youth Strategy

• Member, MHCC Diversity Task Group

• Former Race Relations Coord. – Dart. DSB

• Co-author: Prevention and treatment of addictions among North Americans of African descent.

Who is Robert Wright?

Page 3: Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice .

• History of ANS Learners

• Resistance, Reform, Advocacy – The BLAC Report

• Current state of ANS Learners

• What teachers can do

• The Role of the BCC

Today’s Task

Page 4: Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice .

• Issues of race and culture are highly charged in North America. It is my hope that in this session individuals will allow each other space to ask their sincere questions without the fear of being judged and accused. Similarly, people may also feel that the subject matter is so close to them that they need to be assured that they are not being singled out or expected to have all the answers . . .

• What can we do to ensure that we conduct this session in a way that ensures your safety?

Drawing a Circle of Safety

Page 5: Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice .

• Schools in Canada were never established to be egalitarian institutions

• Established as segregated institutions, along religious lines and later, racial lines

• Last segregated school in Canada was closed in Guysborough in 1983

History of ANS Learners

Page 6: Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice .

• Historically, ANS have had:• Little access to quality education• Little decent employment opportunities• To live in low income, with all of its negative

consequences• Lack of race relations policies• Lack of culturally specific curriculum• Need for teacher training and appropriate


The Legacy of Racial Discrimination

Page 7: Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice .

• Black Educators Association formed in 1969

• Advocates for study into the conditions of ANS Learners

• Takes 20 years but in 1989 a Provincial Advisory Committee is appointed, renamed as BLAC

• BLAC Report “demonstrates vividly, the realities of the African Nova Scotian experience in a discordant education system that is devoid of any effective policies that are essential and sympathetic to their needs” (BLAC, 1994, p. 13).

• BLAC’s 30 recommendations were accepted by Government

• CACE, ALI, ACSD, Anti-racist education policies, financial assistance to ANS post-secondary students, designated seats for ANS Learners

Black Learners Advisory Committee

Page 8: Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice .

Response to the BLAC

Page 9: Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice .

• Despite desegregation, Black schools, poor schools, good schools, bad schools still exist in Nova Scotia . . . The legacy of catholic schools, protestant schools, I’m glad to report is almost over

• Still lowest literacy rates are in largely Black Schools

• IBM programme, TYP, Designated seats in education and NSCC programmes never have been fully filled

• Drop out rates still higher, post secondary education uptake still lower

Current State of ANS Learners

Page 10: Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice .

• Let me ask the question . . .

• Should “To Kill a Mockingbird” be Taught in Public Schools in Nova Scotia Today?

• If no . . . Why not?

• If yes . . . Could you teach it?

• What is the comparable question in elementary education?

What Teachers Can Do

Page 11: Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice .

• Cultural competence refers to an ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures. Cultural competence comprises four essential capacities:• We must understand our cultural differences and

similarities • We must understand the social and cultural reality in

which we work***• We must cultivate appropriate attitudes towards cultural

difference• We must be able to generate and interpret a wide

variety of verbal and non-verbal responses.

Cultural Competence is essential . . . And not an easy thing . . . Consider . . .

Beyond Cultural Competence

Page 12: Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice .








MMeemmbbeerr--OObbjjeecctt TThhee hhiigghheesstt vvaalluuee lliieess iinn tthhee oobbjjeecctt oorr tthhee aaccqquuiissiittiioonn ooff

tthhee oobbjjeecctt

OOnnee kknnoowwss tthhrroouugghh

CCoouunnttiinngg aanndd MMeeaassuurriinngg

PPaarrttss ttoo WWhhoollee LLiinneeaarr aanndd SSeeqquueennttiiaall

--AAsssseemmbbllyy lliinnee--

DDiicchhoottoommoouuss EEiitthheerr//OOrr

--NNeewwttoonniiaann tthheeoorryy--

AAllll sseettss aarree rreeppeeaattaabbllee aanndd rreepprroodduucciibbllee







MMeemmbbeerr--MMeemmbbeerr TThhee hhiigghheesstt vvaalluuee lliieess iinn tthhee

rreellaattiioonnsshhiippss bbeettwweeeenn ppeerrssoonnss

OOnnee kknnoowwss tthhrroouugghh

SSyymmbboolliicc IImmaaggeerryy aanndd RRhhyytthhmm


--GGllaaddwweellll BBlliinnkk--


HHoolliissttiicc TThhiinnkkiinngg

--TThhee BBIIGG ppiiccttuurree--

CCrriittiiccaall PPaatthh aannaallyyssiiss

--CCuutt ttoo tthhee cchhaassee--


UUnniioonn ooff ooppppoossiitteess


--AAzztteecc tthhoouugghhtt-- TThhee IInn BBeettwweeeenn

Ibn ‘Arabi --QQuuaannttuumm tthheeoorryy--

AAllll sseettss aarree iinntteerrrreellaatteedd

tthhrroouugghh hhuummaann aanndd ssppiirriittuuaall


--BBllaacckk cchhuurrcchh--




MMeemmbbeerr--GGrroouupp TThhee hhiigghheesstt vvaalluuee lliieess iinn tthhee ccoohheessiivveenneessss ooff tthhee ggrroouupp

OOnnee kknnoowwss tthhrroouugghh



--TTrreeee tthhee ffoorreesstt--

WWhhoollee aanndd ppaarrttss aarree sseeeenn

ssiimmuullttaanneeoouussllyy --TToo rreeaadd aa CChhiinneessee


CCyycclliiccaall aanndd RReeppeettiittiivvee

--SSttrrookkee oorrddeerr iinn wwrriittiinngg aa CChhiinneessee


NNyyaayyaa --TThhee oobbjjeeccttiivvee

wwoorrlldd iiss ccoonncceeiivveedd

iinnddeeppeennddeenntt ooff tthhoouugghhtt aanndd


--CChhaaooss tthheeoorryy--

AAllll sseettss aarree iinnddeeppeennddeennttllyy iinntteerrrreellaatteedd iinn

tthhee hhaarrmmoonnyy ooff tthhee uunniivveerrssee



MMeemmbbeerr--GGrreeaatt SSppiirriitt TThhee hhiigghheesstt vvaalluuee lliieess iinn oonneenneessss wwiitthh tthhee GGrreeaatt


OOnnee kknnoowwss tthhrroouugghh RReefflleeccttiioonn

aanndd SSppiirriittuuaall

RReecceeppttiivviittyy --PPuurriiffiiccaattiioonn rriitteess--

WWhhoollee iiss sseeeenn iinn ccyycclliicc mmoovveemmeenntt


--MMeeddiicciinnee WWhheeeell--

EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaallllyy eexxppeerriieennttiiaall rreefflleeccttiioonn

--RRiitteess ooff PPaassssaaggee--

GGrreeaatt MMyysstteerryy

--AA sseett ooff 44 aanndd aa sseett ooff 33 ffoorrmm

tthhee wwhhoollee--

--SSuuppeerr ssttrriinngg tthheeoorryy--

AAllll sseettss aarree iinntteerrrreellaatteedd tthhrroouugghh tthhee

eelleemmeennttss,, ppllaanntt,, aanniimmaall,, aanndd

ssppiirriittuuaall nneettwwoorrkkss

--WWhhiittee BBuuffffaalloo--

Page 13: Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice .

• The Problem with Cultural Competence is that it doesn’t speak to the real problem . . . Racism and its living legacy

• We must understand the social and cultural reality in which we work***

• What we mean to say is that to effectively work with historically oppressed peoples one must not only be aware of the “social and cultural reality”, one must be and be seen to be an active agent in the movement to challenge racism wherever it is found and be an active promoter of a Just Society

Racism Informed/Anti-racism

Page 14: Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice .

• Not just a repository of the artifacts of ANS history

• A catalyst for the promotion of an ANS/afrocentric lens from which to view the challenges we have discussed.

• A place from which all persons should leave not only with new information, but with a new perspective, a new lens

The Role of the Black Cultural Centre

Page 15: Robert S. Wright, MSW, RSW Lecturer, MSVU Child & Youth Studies Social Worker in Private Practice .

Q & A