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Roaming the Galaxy Beta - Ogryn Edition

Apr 07, 2018



Eemi Seppälä
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  • 8/3/2019 Roaming the Galaxy Beta - Ogryn Edition


    Ogryn Edition

  • 8/3/2019 Roaming the Galaxy Beta - Ogryn Edition



    Hello and welcome to read this fan made expansion to Dark Heresy role

    playing game, made by Eemi Seppl Aka. Eldsu or Gamercr0w.

    To play with this book you need Dark Heresy core rulebook. I have leftmany of the things mentioned in the core rulebook from this small PDF, so

    go and buy your own Dark Heresy Core rulebook right away.

    First of all if you're not the GM in the game where you're about to use

    contents from this book, it is highly recommended (and most likely

    necessary) to talk about using xenos in his/hers story, for one not to ruin

    all the plans.


    All rights Belong to Games Workshop

  • 8/3/2019 Roaming the Galaxy Beta - Ogryn Edition


    Ogryns. 1

    Character Creation. 2

    Bringing your Ogryn to life 5

    Ogryn Guardsman Advances.. 6

    Ogryn Weapons 11

    New Talents.. 12

  • 8/3/2019 Roaming the Galaxy Beta - Ogryn Edition




    Ogryns are a huge and physically powerful Abhuman mutant subspecies ofhumans, often employed in the Imperial Guard by the Imperium. Ogrynspossess many traits prized by the Imperium; they are brutally strong andcompletely loyal, although extremely limited intellectually, which limits theirbattlefield role to simple and direct assaults. They come from cold and barrenplanets in the galaxy with high gravity, such as Anark Zeta, which is why theyappear larger, heavier and bulkier compared to baseline humans. An Ogryn'sspeech is much the same as an Ork's.


    The Ogryns are the toughest and largest soldiers commonly used by theregiments of the Imperial Guard. Originating from cold, barren, high-gravityprison planets settled many millennia before the founding of the Imperium ofMan, the Ogryns' distant ancestors were once normal humans during the DarkAge of Technology. Thousands of years in the harsh terrains and brutal livingconditions of their prison worlds after the start of the Age of Strife caused thefall of the first interstellar civilization of Mankind, forced their ancestors' bodiesto adapt to their hostile environment.

    Biological Characteristics

    The adaptation to the high-gravity environment described above is the reasonfor the Ogryns' thick skin, powerfully muscular build and resulting monstroussize. Though their adaptations led them to increase in physical size andstrength, the Ogryns' intelligence declined to below average human levels. Asthe planetary conditions (barren, cold, harsh worlds with little food and longperiods of starvation) that caused their mutation required only primitivesurvival instincts, part of their adaptation involved the loss of the ability formore complex intellectual thought since philosophical matters wereunnecessary in an environment marked by starvation and a constant fight forlife. Ogryns are said to be even less intelligent than some Orks. However, thetruth is that their intellects did not actually devolve, but became much more

    focused on matters such as survival. Ogryns are claustrophobic, which meansthat they can only with great difficulty be loaded into armored carrier vehiclesto be transported to the battlefield, and can only ride in vehicles if acommanding officer is present. As many as half a squad may be mounted ona Chimera. This slightly slows their deployment speed.

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    Imperial Guard

    When the Ogryns were rediscovered on their home worlds during the GreatCrusade, the Imperial Army started recruiting the Ogryns into the ImperialGuard as close combat soldiers. Their recruitment was easy because theyhardly need any training, as most Ogryn are quite capable of bringing downalmost any enemy and their combat skills make them good assault troops. TheImperial Guard's officers also found that Ogryn are extremely loyal onceintroduced to the Imperial religion of faith in the Emperor of Mankind. They areknown to believe and do anything their leaders say and ask. They see theorders they receive as having come down the chain of command ultimatelyfrom the beloved God-Emperor himself. On the other hand, Ogryn are knownfor their inability to understand any complex commands and tactics. Thissimplemindedness has also contributed to the big Abhumans' reputation as

    being notoriously easy to corrupt to the service of Chaos, particularly by thetemptations of the Blood God Khorne.

    Their skin is extremely thick and Ogryn can ignore wounds that would crippleor kill a normal man. As they are brutal and direct, they favor knuckle dustersand knives for close combat. They are issued special, large auto-shotgunsknown as Ripper Guns, for shooting and clubbing. Frag grenades are alsopopular among Ogryn.

    Although extremely low in intelligence, some Ogryn may have a slightly higherlevel of intellect than others. This boosts their chances to be chosen ascandidates for augmentation surgery known as BONE, which raises their

    intelligence further. These relatively smart Ogryn are given the title Bone'eads,and as they are able to understand more complex orders they are placed incommand of a squad of normal Ogryns

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    Character Creation

    Stage I:


    Larger Bones

    Ogryns are larger than average humans and so they have betterreach but also stand out in crowdEffect: Ogryn counts as Hulking target.Ogryns also have to have their armors custom made for them(if it's not given as military supplements), meaning that add 20%to price for every armor ogryn wants to get fitting for himself.note: this also means Ogryn cannot wear armors looted

    from medium sized creatures.

    Massive Structured

    Ogryns have enough power to keep even large weapons steadywithout problem of losing their aim.Benefit: Ogryns gain unnatural strength (x2) and unnaturaltoughness (x2) Ogryns count as holding basic weapon in twohands even if they hold it in one hand and don't have to braceheavy weapons before shooting, due ogryn holding the gun isenough to count it as braced. Penalty: Ogryns' massive hands

    prevent them from using pistols.

    Primitive Origins

    Due the environmental apartment, Ogryns have focused their brainsmore on surviving than actual thinking.Effect: Ogryns treat skills Survival and Tracking as basic skills.Also, when ogryn is given an complicated command or taskto work with, he must first pass an easy (+10) Intelligence check, tosee if he is able to understand the command. Notice: In some casesa long or tricky sentences may also cause ogryn to roll this test to

    see does he understand it.

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    Stage II:

    Generating characters:

    Characteristics: base:

    Weapon skill (WS) 2D10 +25Ballistic skill (BS) 2D10 +15Strength (S) 2D10 +25Toughness (T) 2D10 +25Agility (Ag) 2D10 +10Intelligence (Int) 2D10 +10Perception (Per) 2D10 +10Willpower (Wp) 2D10 +20Fellowship (Fel) 2D10 +20

    Ogryn starting wounds: 20+D5

    Ogryn starting fate:

    roll: result:1-4 05-7 18-9 210 3

    Stage III:

    Career path:

    Roll: Career:01-60 Guardsman*61-100 Mercenary*(Not available in Beta)

    *use ogryn career advances table

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    Ogryn Guardsman:

    starting skills:speak language (low gothic)

    starting talents:melee weapon training (primitive)Exotic weapon training (Ripper Gun)Sturdy

    starting gear:Ripper gun & 2 clipsClub or Brass KnucklesStreet wear (Basic Quality Clothing)flak vest1 week corpse rations2 Big 'Nades

    starting wealth:D10 thrones

  • 8/3/2019 Roaming the Galaxy Beta - Ogryn Edition



    Bringing your Ogryn to life

    Stage V:

    I Build: II Age:

    roll: size: roll: age:

    01-05 220/150 01-10 20+D1006-15 230/190 11-50 30+D1016-25 265/200 51-90 35+D1026-45 240/190 91-100 40+D1046-60 270/23061-90 260/195

    91-100 295/280

    III Colouration:

    roll: eyes skin: hair:01-30 brown tan black31-50 blue fair brown51-70 green rudy bald71-90 yellow bronze grey

    91-100 hazel dark blond

    IV Quirk:

    roll: Quirk:01-06 piercings07-13 thick jaw14-20 chubby fingers21-27 large ears28-34 sweaty smell35-41 hacking cough

    42-48 pale skin49-55 feint smell56-61 piercing62-68 large tooth69-75 warpaint76-82 hard knuckles83-87 hump88 hairy back89-95 small tongue96-99 scarring00 large nose

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    Roll: Divination:01 "Take 'em down, keep 'em down." gain Takedown talent02-03 "My knuckles have proven themself in battle" gain Street fighting talent04-07 "Sins hidden in the heart turn all to decay." begin play with 3 corruption points08 "Innocence is an illusion" begin play with 1 insanity and 1 corruption points09-11 "Dark dreams lie upon heart." begin play with 2 corruption points12-15 "pain of a bullet is ecstasy compared to damnation." increase toughnes by +116-18 "Kill the alien before it can speak its lies." increase agility by +119-21 "Brawn over brain." increase Strength by +3 begin decrease Inteligence by -322-26 "Know th mutant kill the mutant." increase perception by +227-30 "Even the man who has nothing to offer can still offer his life" increase strength by +231-33 "Those tiny ones really kno' how to annoy me." gain Frenzy talent34-38 "Wound or two, what's the difference." gain 1 wound39-42 "My existence has an greater purpose." gain 1 fate point

    43-46 "Was that a bullet or were you just throwing stones at me?" increase toughness by +2 andgain 1 wound47-50 "I need no guns to beat them." increase weapon skill by +351-54 "If I try more, I might stay at their pace." increase agility by +355-58 "When superior asks something, you answer 'Sir, yes sir!'." increase willpower by +359-62 "My good ol' gun gives me all the power I need." increase ballistic skill by +363-66 "With right words, miracles can happen." increase fellowship by +367-70 "My skin is thicker than your finger is wide." increase toughness by +371-74 "Only place for ogryn to fufill his duty is at battlefield." increase willpower by +375-79 "The only true fear is of dying with your duty not done." gain 2 wounds80-89 "I'll lift it for ya." increase strength by +390 "1+1=2" increase inteligence by +5

    91-94 "Suspicious mind is a healthy mind." increase perception by +395-97 "Trust in your fear." increase agility by +2 and gain 1 fate point98-99 "a small mind is easily filled with faith" Decrease inteligence by -3 and increase willpower by

    +300 "Don't ask why you serve. Only ask how." increase weapon skill and ballistic skill each by +3

    Name:you may use tables "Primitive", "low" or "informal" name chart from core rulebook.

    Home world/background:If you want to throw a background for your ogryn you can choose from Feral, Hive orImperial table.

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    characteristic advances:

    simple intermediate trained expertWeapon skill 100 250 500 750Ballistic skill 100 250 500 750Strength 100 100 250 500Toughness 100 100 250 500Agility 500 750 1000 2500Intelligence - - - -Perception 250 500 750 1000Willpower 250 500 750 1000Fellowship 750 1000 2500 2750








    (Not available inBeta)

    Bone 'ead8000-9999

    (Not available inBeta)


    (Not available inBeta)

  • 8/3/2019 Roaming the Galaxy Beta - Ogryn Edition




    advance cost type prerecuisites

    Awareness 100 S -Common Lore (Imperium) 200 S -Common Lore (War) 200 S -Basic Weapon Training (SP) 100 T -Basic Weapon Training (launcher) 100 T -Intimidate 100 S -Survival 100 S -Tracking 100 S -Thrown Weapon Training (Primitive) 100 T -Resist (Cold) 100 T -Swift Attack 300 T -

    Jaded 100 T -Die hard 200 T -Heightened Senses (Smell) 100 T -Navigation (Surface) 100 S -Sound Constitution* 200 T -

    *you may take this talent up to two times at this rank.


    advance cost type prerecusition

    Combat master 100 T WS30Chem geld 100 T -takedown 200 T -Heavy Weapon Training (Sp) 200 T -Heavy Weapon Training (Launcher) 200 T -Resist (Heat) 100 T -ciphers (ogryns) 100 S -survival +10 100 S survivalcrushing blow 200 T S40iron jaw 200 T T40

    carouse 100 T -decadence 200 S T40Awareness 300 S -Heightened Senses (Sight) 100 T -intimidate +10 100 S intimidateCommon lore (imperial guard) 200 S -sound constitution* 200 T -

    *you may take this talent up to three times at this rank.

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    advance cost type prerecusition

    awareness +10 100 S awarenessscrutiny 200 S Per35Interrigation 300 S -gamble 200 S -swim 100 S -two weapon wielder (melee) 200 T WS35,AG35two weapon wielder (ballistic) 200 T BS35,AG35unshakeable faith 100 T WP40Trade (Agri) 200 S -Basic weapon training (las) 100 T -crippling strike 100 T -chippers (ogryn) +10 100 S Chippers (Ogryn)

    takedown 100 T -crushing blow 200 T S40Hip shooting 200 T BS40,AG40Bear's Hug 100 T S40sound constitution* 200 T -

    *you may take this talent up to two times at this rank.


    advance cost type prerecusition

    Basic weapon training (Flame) 100 T -interrogation 100 S -Carouse 100 S -true grit 200 T T40chippers (Guardsmen) 200 T -Hatred (mutants) 200 T -Peer (Ogryns) 100 Tsurvival +20 100 S survival +10intimated +20 100 S intimidate +10Quick draw 300 T -Gamble +10 100 S gamble

    Inquiry 200 S -Furious Assault 200 T -Ram 100 T S40swim +10 100 S swimfrenzy 100 T -Flagellant 100 T -sound constitution* 200 T -

    *you may take this talent up to two times at this rank.

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    advance cost type prerecusition

    Awareness +20 100 S Awareness +10Common Lore (Administratum) 200 S -Ambidextrous 200 T AG30Command 100 S -Berserk Charge 300 T -Carouse +10 100 S CarouseHeavy Weapon training (Las) 200 T -Basic Weapon training (Plasma) 200 T -Heavy Weapon training (Flame) 200 T -Good Reputation (Ogryns) 200 T Peer (Ogryns)Peer (Guardsmen) 100 T FEL30Mighty Toss 100 T -

    Armor of Contempt 200 T WP40Disarm 100 T WS30Mighty Shot 200 T -Nerves of steel 100 T -Chippers (guardsmen) +10 100 S Chippers (Guardsmen)Secret tongue (Ogryns) 100 T -Scrutiny +10 100 S ScrutinyHatred (orks) 100 T -Hatred (Gretchins) 100 T -sound constitution 200 T -

  • 8/3/2019 Roaming the Galaxy Beta - Ogryn Edition




    Ripper GunOgryn serving in the Imperial Guard are equipped with the Ripper Gun,which is a shotgun built to their scale. Compared to other Imperialweapons, these guns are fairly simple, somewhat similar to the OrkShoota. It is a short range weapon that fires several shells at once tocompensate for the poor aim of the average Ogryn. They are fired tosoften up the enemy before the Ogryns charge into close combat. Ripperguns are built particularly robustly, so that the Ogryn can use them asclubs in melee. These guns can also be fitted with a Ripper Saws. ARipper Saw is, as the name implies, a saw that is attached to the end of a

    Ripper Gun. This is one of the few weapons that is made for Ogryns. Theyare specially made to be more durable and larger, to compensate forOgryns' extreme clumsiness and stupidity. Because of the size andsimplicity of the Ripper Gun, it is one of the few ranged weapons anOgryn can use, due to their immense size and stupidity.Ripper gun is an exotic weapon.

    Big NadeFor the use of something as big and strong as the ogryn, a heavier andlarger version of frag grenade had to be made only for ogryns to use.

    name class range R/o/F dam pen clip rld special wt cost availability

    Ripper gun* heavy 30m 1/3/5 D10+4 I 2 40 2full scatter, 20kg 700 RareInaccurate

    Big 'Nade** thrown 2D10+5 X 4 Blast(3) 2kg 70 Rare

    *Ripper gun always has blade attached to it, blade counts as a spear in close combat.

    **Big 'Nade cannot be mounted in normal grenade launchers, however they can be shot from missile

    launchers and RPGs.

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    Name Talent/Skill Description

    Mighty toss Talent Doubles throwing range.Bear's Hug Talent Cause damage while grabbing opponent.Poor Literacy Talent May try to understand text.Ram Talent Ram trough objects and cause extra damage.Ogryn's Might Talent Affect people with either intimidating, inspiring or

    command loud wordsTough as an Ol' Rhino Talent Shrug off fatigue with successful Toughness test.

    Bear's Hug:While grabbing, use half action to cause D10+SB I damage to grabbed target.

    Poor literacy:You may try to use literacy with -20 Intelligence check.

    Ram:When charging to enemy add +10 to your Strength and Toughness until the end of your next turn.Also, when ramming trough a barricade, door etc. double your Strength bonus for the case of impact.

    Ogryn's Might:

    Add +10 when making Command, Intimidate, Interrogation and Inquiry rolls, Your minionsalso add +10 to their Pinning and Fear rolls

    Tough as an Ol' Rhino:Use full action to shrug off 1 level of fatigue with successful Toughness test.