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Englisch Danger at King’s Cross Lernlektüre Begleitbuch LERNKRIMI HÖRBUCH B1 C O M P A C T L E R N K R I M I

RNK Danger at King’s Cross Danger at King’s · Vorwort Mit dem neuen, spannenden Compact Hörbuch Lernkrimi

Aug 27, 2019



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Page 1: RNK Danger at King’s Cross Danger at King’s · Vorwort Mit dem neuen, spannenden Compact Hörbuch Lernkrimi


Danger at King’s Cross

Lernlektüre Lernlektüre

Danger at King’s CrossMysteriöse Raubüberfälle am Londoner Bahnhof King’s Cross

geben der Polizei Rätsel auf. Inspector Hudson fahndet nach

einer schönen Unbekannten, die am Tatort gesehen wurde.

Kann sie den entscheidenden Hinweis auf die Täter geben?

Das spannende Lernkrimi Hörbuch trainiert das Hörverstehen

unterhaltsam und effektiv. Rund 70 Minuten packender

Krimispaß auf Englisch!

Hörerlebnis und Sprachtraining durch

☛ vollständigen Text im Begleitbuch

☛ textbezogene Übungen

☛ umfangreiches Glossar

☛ MP3-fähige Tracks

Für mittleres Sprachniveau










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Lernkrimi Hörbuch Englisch

Danger at King’s Cross

Bernie Martin

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© Compact Verlag GmbH Baierbrunner Straße 27, 81379 MünchenAusgabe 20156. Auflage

Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Nachdruck, auch auszugsweise, nur mit ausdrücklicher Genehmigung des Verlages gestattet.

Chefredaktion: Dr. Matthias FeldbaumRedaktion: Paulina PalominoFachkorrektur: Andrew RidleyProduktion: Ute HausleiterTitelabbildung: Karl KnospeLernkrimi-Logo: Carsten AbelbeckGestaltung: Maria SeidelUmschlaggestaltung: EKH Werbeagentur GbR, Hartmut Baier

ISBN 978-3-8174-7673-27276734/6,

Weitere Informationen zu Compact Lernkrimis finden Sie am Ende des Buches und unter

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Mit dem neuen, spannenden Compact Hörbuch Lernkrimi Englischkönnen Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse auf abwechslungsreiche und unter-haltsame Weise auffrischen, vertiefen und erweitern.Inspector Hudson und sein neuester Fall bieten fesselnden Hör-genuss! Das Begleitbuch enthält die komplette Krimistory zum Mit- undNachlesen. Jedes Kapitel wird durch textbezogene Übungen ergänzt,mit denen Sie Ihr Hörverständnis gezielt überprüfen können.Schreiben Sie die Lösungen einfach ins Buch!Die richtigen Antworten sind in einem Lösungsteil am Ende desBegleitbuches zusammengefasst. Im Anhang befindet sich außer-dem ein Glossar, in dem die schwierigsten Wörter übersetzt sind.Diese sind im Text kursiv markiert.Das ideale Sprachtraining im handlichen Format – für zu Hause oderunterwegs!

Und nun kann die Spannung beginnen ...

Viel Spaß und Erfolg!

Die Ereignisse und die handelnden Personen in diesem Buch sind frei erfunden.Etwaige Ähnlichkeiten mit tatsächlichen Ereignissen und historischen oder lebenden Personen wären rein zufällig und unbeabsichtigt.


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Chapter 1: The Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Chapter 2: Inspector Hudson Gets a New Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Chapter 3: The Second Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Chapter 4: Hudson Asks for Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Chapter 5: Caught Red-Handed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35Glossar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53Lösungen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63


James Hudson arbeitet als Inspector bei der legendären Polizei-behörde Scotland Yard. Er ist einer der fähigsten Männer und wirdimmer dann zu Rate gezogen, wenn seine Kollegen mal wieder vor einem Rätsel stehen. Seine resolute und krimibegeisterteHaushälterin Miss Paddington unterstützt ihn stets mit liebevollerFürsorge. Und insgeheim verfolgt sie noch ein weiteres Ziel: ihnendlich mit der jungen, attraktiven Elvira Elliot zu verkuppeln.

Mysteriöse Überfälle am Bahnhof von King’s Cross geben derPolizei Rätsel auf. Inspector Hudson übernimmt den Fall. Hat der Täter es auf junge Frauen abgesehen? Oder sind die eigent -lichen Opfer die ausgeraubten Geschäftsmänner? Hudson kann sichzunächst keinen Reim darauf machen, bis Elvira ihm unwissentlicheinen entscheidenden Hinweis liefert ...


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Chapter 1: The Attack

Harriet March left the bank, where she worked as a clerk, at two minutes past five. She was in a very bad mood and was mumbling toherself. Once again, she had not got the promotion she was hopingfor. She had complained to her boss that the man who had got thepromotion had been with the bank for much less time than she had.Her boss had growled something about quality of work being moreimportant than quantity of time. When she persisted, he got veryangry and had picked on her all day. As Harriet walked a little faster,her cursing increased with her pace. A couple of passers-by gave herstrange looks and the volume of her whining decreased, turning intoveiled threats of revenge.“I’ll show them. They’ll be sorry that they didn’t promote me. Howcan my boss be so arrogant and not see my real potential? I’ll makethem pay if it’s the last thing I do...”Suddenly, Harriet was grabbed from behind by strong arms...

At 5 p.m. the next day, Arthur Harris, the owner of a computer shop, finished work. He emptied the cash register and put his 1,894 pounds takings into a money-sack. He then locked it in hisbriefcase, put on his overcoat and left by the front door. He pulledthe metal shutters down, covering his shop window, and snapped theheavy padlock closed. Turning to the door, he extracted a large bunchof keys from his overcoat pocket and secured all three locks on thedoor before pulling down a second shutter and closing the padlock.After rattling the shutters to make sure that they were in place properly,he started walking towards the bank next to King’s Cross Station,where he always dropped the money into the bank’s night-safe. MrHarris was a very punctual man and always caught the 5.27 train tohis home in the suburbs.


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It was starting to get dark and he was already two minutes behind hisnormal schedule, so he walked faster. As he was passing an alley, heheard the frightened cries of a young woman.“Help! Help! He’s trying to kill me!”Mr Harris was a gentleman so he went to see if he could help. He saw a young girl was being hit by a big man dressed in black leather. “Stop!” Mr Harris shouted. The man paused for a moment and growled. “Make me stop, if youcan.” Arthur Harris hesitated and considered the man’s size. He made asnap decision, pulled out his mobile phone to call the police, but washit on the head from behind. He woke up some time later in lots ofpain. He managed to call 999 and ask for an ambulance.Looking around, he noticed that his wallet and briefcase were missing. Then he fell back into darkness.

Übung 1: Beantworten Sie die Fragen zum Text!

1. When did Harriet March leave the bank?


2. Why was she in a bad mood?


3. Who gave her strange looks?


4. What kind of shop does Mr Harris own?



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5. What number did Mr Harris dial for emergency services?


Übung 2: Übersetzen Sie folgende Sätze!

1. Als er gerade an einer Gasse vorbei ging, hörte er jemandenschreien.


2. Mr Harris Brieftasche war verschwunden.


3. Sie werden es bereuen, dass sie mich nicht befördert haben.


4. Er wollte mit seinem Handy die Polizei anrufen.


5. Halten Sie mich auf, wenn Sie können.


Übung 3: Welche Gegenteile gehören zusammen? Ordnen Sie zu!

1. less � push2. real � first3. last � more4. pull � old5. young � false


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Chapter 2: Inspector Hudson Gets a New Case

Inspector James Hudson of Scotland Yard was enjoying a couple ofwell-deserved days off. He was in the courtyard of the block of flats,polishing his beloved Bentley. There was a tiny spot on the frontwing that Hudson was having problems getting rid of. Rubbing harderwith the polishing cloth, Hudson muttered to himself as beads ofsweat formed on his brow.“Come on Hudson. A little more elbow grease. You can’t let a littlespot of bird droppings get the better of you.”He faintly heard his Christian name being called and looked aroundfor the source.“James. Oh! James.”Hudson couldn’t see anyone and again looked around in confusion.“James. James. Up here, James.”Looking up Hudson saw a dishcloth being waved out of the kitchenwindow of his flat by Miss Paddington, his faithful housekeeper.“James. Telephone call from Scotland Yard. It’s Sir Reginald, I’mafraid.”Hudson waved and called, “Miss Paddington, I’m coming.”Wiping his hands on a clean rag, Hudson took the lift to his floor.Miss Paddington was waiting at the open front door with her handover the phone’s mouthpiece. “It sounds quite urgent, James.”“Oh dear! That’s what I was afraid of.”Hudson took the phone from Miss Paddington.“Hudson speaking.”“Ah! Hudson. Sir Reginald here, old boy. I have a new case for you.”“I’m actually on holiday, sir.”“Special cases don’t wait until you’ve finished your holidays, Hudson.”


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“But sir...”“Now, Hudson. You can finish your holidays when you’ve wrappedup this case. Please be in my office in one hour.”Hudson hung up the phone with a frustrated sigh and headed for thebathroom to take a shower.“I’ll have sandwiches and tea ready in ten minutes, James,” MissPaddington said sympathetically.“Miss Paddington, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”“Probably starve to death,” Miss Paddington whispered under herbreath and walked towards the kitchen.Sir Reginald was sitting at his desk when Hudson arrived at hisoffice an hour later.“Welcome, Inspector Hudson. It’s nice to see that you’re punctual, asalways.”“Hello, Sir Reginald.”“Would you like some tea, Inspector? I seem to remember thatyou’re very fond of Earl Grey.”“Thanks, but no thanks, sir. Miss Paddington gave me lunch before Ileft home.”“You’re a lucky man to have such a pearl, Hudson. Now then, firstlylet me apologize for dragging you in from your richly-deserved holidays.”“Apology accepted, sir. About the case...”“I know that you work very hard, Hudson, but to be honest, you’rethe best man for this job. I wouldn’t have called you in if it hadn’tbeen absolutely necessary.”“The case, sir.”“How is Miss Paddington anyway? Such a lovely lady...”“Sir!”“Yes, Hudson?”“Could you please tell me about the case?”


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“What? Oh! The case. Yes, of course. Forgive me, Hudson.”“Right, sir. The case?”Sir Reginald informed Hudson what had happened to Arthur Harristhe previous evening.“I see, sir,” Hudson said. “Where’s Mr Harris now?”“Well. He was taken to Marsden Hospital for x-rays and kept in fortwenty-four-hours observation, so he should still be there.”“Thank you, sir. And the girl?”“Girl, Hudson?”“Yes. The girl who was beaten up. Is she in the same hospital?”“I’ve no idea, Hudson. We’ve checked all the hospitals, but no youngfemales were treated yesterday evening.”“Maybe she wasn’t hurt badly. I imagine that once the muggers hadMr Harris’s money, they lost interest in her.”“You’re probably right, Hudson. I suggest you start your enquirieswith Mr Harris.”“I was just going to suggest that, sir. I’ll pop down to the hospitalright away.”“Good man, Hudson. Please keep me informed of your progress.”“I will do, sir. I’ll give you an update every morning at nine, if that’salright?”“Perfect, Hudson. Perfect.”

Hudson went to his office and called the hospital. He was informedthat Mr Harris was still under observation and that he wouldn’t bereleased until that evening.Hudson reached the hospital half an hour later and was taken to seeArthur Harris. “Mr Harris? Mr Arthur Harris?”“Who wants to know?” Harris asked suspiciously.


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“I’m Inspector James Hudson of Scotland Yard, Mr Harris. I’d like toask you about the incident yesterday.”“Incident! I’d call it grievous bodily harm and robbery. I could havebeen killed, you know?”“Yes, Mr Harris. Now, if I could ask you a few questions?”“Oh! I suppose so. Fire away.”Hudson took out his notebook, licked the end of his pencil and sat down. “Right, Mr Harris. Can you describe any of the peopleinvolved?”“Not accurately. It was quite dark in the alley. I think the woman waswearing sunglasses, which I find very strange.”“How old would you guess her to be, Mr Harris?”“I’d say early twenties.”“Any idea what she was wearing?”“Well. She was wearing a light-coloured raincoat. Oh! And she hadshoulder-length blonde hair.”“Anything else? Shoes, boots, jewellery or handbag?”“No, I can’t remember. Just a minute! She turned her head when sheheard me shout. I seem to remember earrings flashing in the streetlight at the end of the alley.”“Very good, Mr Harris. And the man?”“He was big. Not fat or anything. I’d say about twenty-five. Wearinga woollen hat, I think. Close to six foot and I wouldn’t be surprisedif he’s a body-builder.”“And the person who hit you from behind?”“Sorry, Inspector. I just heard a whistling noise and the next thing Iknew, I saw stars.”“Well, thank you very much, Mr Harris. You’ve been a big help.”“Have I? Er, Inspector?”“Yes, Mr Harris?”“Do you think there’s any chance that I’ll get my money back?”


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“There’s always a chance, Mr Harris. All I can promise you is that I’ll do everything that is within my power to bring the criminals tojustice.” “Thanks, Inspector.”

The next morning Hudson sent a police artist from Scotland Yard tothe hospital. With Arthur Harris’s help he was able to produce twosketches, with an approximate likeness of the man and the woman.Hudson arranged to have the sketches printed out, and also to be distributed to the media. He also ordered a constable to double checkall the emergency hospital admissions, in case the injured womanhad been taken there.

Übung 4: Bilden Sie sinnvolle Sätze!

1. name heard called his Hudson being


2. Yard call you Scotland telephone from a for


3. urgent sounds really it quite


4. of very Grey fond Hudson Earl is tea


5. the police Hudson hospital a to artist sent



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Übung 5: Vervollständigen Sie die Sätze mit den Wörtern in Klammern!(observation, necessary, well-deserved, around, called, finish,wrapped up, confusion, released, enjoying)

1. The Inspector was ________________________ a couple of

___________________ days off.

2. He looked ___________________ in ___________________.

3. You can ___________________ your holidays when you’ve

___________________ the case.

4. He wouldn’t have ___________________ him in if it hadn’t been

absolutely ___________________.

5. He was still under ___________________ and wouldn’t be

___________________ until tomorrow.

Übung 6: Setzen Sie die richtigen Präpositionen ein!

1. The police have sketches __________ the muggers.

2. Mr Harris was taken __________ hospital.

3. I’ll give you an update __________ nine every morning.

4. Sir Reginald was sitting __________ his office.

5. Hudson was sitting __________ his desk.


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Chapter 3: The Second Attack

Later that day Hudson had no luck questioning the people near thealley and the computer shop near King’s Cross. Nobody knew theman or woman, or had ever seen them.Getting frustrated, Hudson decided to start walking towards King’sCross, in the hope of having more luck by asking commuters. Suddenly his mobile phone rang.“Hudson speaking.”“Inspector Hudson. Constable Peel here. We just received a 999 calland Sir Reginald ordered me to inform you.”“Well. Spit it out, Constable!”“Right, sir. We were notified a few minutes ago that another mugging is taking place behind the Indian restaurant on WarwickStreet.”“Right, Constable. I’m only about half a mile from there. I’m on myway.”“Right you are, sir. I’ll tell Sir Reginald. Over and out.”

Hudson ran as fast as he could. Halfway there he started to get astitch in his side. He made a mental promise to himself to get moreexercise and eat less of Miss Paddington’s cooking in the future. Hearrived at the restaurant quite out of breath. A police car was parkedin front, but there were no people to be seen. Hudson heard voicesbehind the restaurant and walked down a narrow alley to the court-yard at the rear. Two policemen were talking to an Asian man asHudson approached them. Seeing Hudson one of the policementurned and held out both arms.“Sorry, sir. This a crime scene. Please go about your business, if youdon’t mind.”Hudson pulled out his wallet and showed his ID.


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“I think you’ll find this is my business, Sergeant. Inspector JamesHudson of the Yard.”The sergeant saluted Hudson respectfully.“I’m sorry, Inspector. I should have recognized you. I’ve seen yourpicture in the paper often enough.”“That’s quite alright, Sergeant. You were just doing your job. Right.What happened here?”“Well, sir, we got here just in time to find a Mr John Williams lyingunconscious on the floor. Then the ambulance took him to hospital.The paramedic reckons he received a rather nasty blow to the head.”“And who is the man your colleague is talking to?”“That’s Mr Patell, Inspector. He’s the owner of the restaurant. Hewitnessed the crime from the restaurant’s kitchen window.”“Look, Sergeant. I know this is your patch, but would you mind if Iquestion him?”“Not at all, Inspector. But we’ll need to take notes for our report forthe station.”Hudson and the sergeant walked across and joined the other two men.The sergeant put his hand on his partner’s shoulder.“Terry. This is Inspector James Hudson of Scotland Yard. Let him dothe questioning and you just take notes for our report.”“No problem, Sarge.” He straightened visibly.“Take it easy, Constable,” Hudson said to Terry.“Now then. Mr Patell, isn’t it?”“That’s right, Inspector. Mahazarul Patell, owner of this very goodrestaurant.”“Mr Patell. Please tell me exactly what happened.”“Well, sir, I came down from my flat above the restaurant to preparefor opening at six. I heard shouting coming from the back, so I raninto the kitchen.”“Was it a man or a woman shouting?”


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“First a woman, sir. The bad man was hitting her. Then the good mancame and shouted for him to stop.”“What happened then, Mr Patell?”“Well, the good man put his bag on the floor, took his jacket off andapproached the bad man with his fists up.”“So there was a fight?”“Oh! My word, no, Inspector. Bad man number two came from behindrubbish containers and hit good man on the head with baseball bat.”“And that is when you called the police.”“No, sir. I opened the window and waved a big butcher’s knife atthem, shouting that they must stop.”“So they ran?”“Not on your Nelly, sir. Bad man number two laughed and pulled outa gun.”“And then?”“That is when I ran, sir. I closed the window jolly quickly and dialled999.”Hudson took out the two sketches made with the help of Mr Harrisand showed them to Mr Patell.“Yes, Inspector. That is bad man number one. This is not the samelady. The lady beaten here had long, red hair.”“Could you give us a description of bad...of the man with the base-ball bat?”“I’ll do my best, Inspector. He was tall and slim, like you. He waswearing blue jeans and a blue denim jacket. I’m not sure, but I thinkhe was bald.”“You’ve been a big help, Mr Patell. Would you mind if I send a policeartist here later? You could help him to sketch the bald man with the bat.”“Tell him to come hungry, Inspector.”“I will, Mr Patell, I will,” Hudson said grinning.Hudson asked the sergeant if he could take him to the hospital.


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“Not a problem, sir.”They drove for five minutes and Hudson was let out at the mainentrance. He went straight to the reception desk.“Hello. I’d like to see a Mr John Williams, please. He must have beenadmitted about half an hour ago.”The pretty young receptionist smiled professionally. “Sorry, sir. I’ve been instructed that Mr Williams can’t receive visitors until tomorrow.” Hudson flashed his badge.“One moment. please. I’ll just page Dr Jameson. Please take a seat.”The next moment Hudson heard the announcement.“Paging Dr Frank Jameson. Please report to reception as soon aspossible.” A few minutes later a plump, elderly doctor approached the reception desk.“It was you that paged me, wasn’t it Lena?”“Yes, it was, Doctor. There’s an inspector from Scotland Yard here tosee you concerning Mr Williams, the concussion.”Dr Jameson turned to the waiting area and Hudson stood up.“Are you the policeman from Scotland Yard?”“Yes, sir. Hudson’s my name. Inspector James Hudson.”“Pleased to meet you, Inspector. Now, what can I do for you?”“Well, Doctor. It’s regarding Mr John Williams, who was muggedand robbed about an hour ago.”“I’m sorry, Inspector. Mr Williams has concussion and a lump thesize of a cricket ball. I’m afraid you can’t speak to him today.”“But Doctor, it’s very important for my investigation. Surely youalso want these criminals to be arrested.”“Of course I do, Inspector. Believe me, if Mr Williams was wellenough to talk, I would let you see him for a few minutes. However,that is not the case, so I must insist that you come back tomorrow.”


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“Very well, Dr Jameson. Thanks anyway. Do you mind my askingyour nice receptionist for Mr Williams’s details?”“Not at all, Inspector. Be my guest.”Apparently, Williams was the owner of a newsagent’s near King’sCross. His wallet hadn’t been stolen. Hudson mentally thanked MrPatell. The hospital had managed to contact his wife and she was onthe way to the hospital. Hudson left the hospital and took a taxi to his flat, making sure thathe remembered to get a receipt for his travelling expenses.Miss Paddington was waiting up for him, wearing her dressinggown, obviously ready for bed.“There you are, James. I’ll bet you haven’t eaten since lunch. Nevermind, I have some nice Cornish pasties in the oven.”Hudson thought back to his breathlessness running to the Indianrestaurant.“I’d prefer a small salad, Miss Paddington.”Miss Paddington gave Hudson a look of utter amazement as he sanklower into his chair. As she turned round to make her way to thekitchen, Hudson’s nostrils caught the heady aroma of home-madeCornish pasties. His mouth immediately started to water and hisstomach joined the rebellion by growling.“Er, Miss Paddington?”“Yes, James.”“Cornish pasties sound fantastic.”

Übung 7: Setzen Sie die wörtliche Rede ins Simple Past!

1. “I’m eating a Cornish pasty.”



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2. “I’ll bet you haven’t eaten anything for lunch.”


3. “I’d prefer a small salad.”


4. “Mr Williams’s wallet hadn’t been stolen.”


5. “Lena is paging Dr Jameson.”


Übung 8: Beantworten Sie die Fragen zum Text!

1. Who informed Hudson about the mugging?


2. What kind of car was parked in front of the Indian restaurant?


3. Who witnessed the crime?


4. Where did Hudson go after he had visited the crime scene?


5. What did Hudson eat for dinner?



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Übung 9: Sind die Aussagen korrekt? Markieren Sie mit richtig �oder falsch – !

1. Mr Patell was lying unconscious on the floor. �

2. John Williams called the police. �

3. Hudson asked the sergeant if he could take him to the hospital.�4. Hudson spoke with Mr Williams in the hospital. �

5. Miss Paddington had prepared a green salad for Hudson. �

6. Mr Patell is the owner of a Pakistani restaurant. �

Chapter 4: Hudson Asks for Help

The next morning Hudson returned to the hospital with the policeartist. They showed Mr Williams the sketches made with the help ofMr Patell.“Could you please look at these sketches, Mr Williams, and tell meif they are accurate?”Mr Williams raised himself onto his right elbow with a grunt of pain.“I didn’t get a really good look at the woman. I think her hair was alittle longer. It was an unusual shade of red, quite dark actually.”“What about the man?”“All I remember is that he looked like a real villain. He was wearinga black leather jacket and trousers. Everything happened so fast thatI didn’t even think to memorize any details.”“That’s quite alright, Mr Williams. Now, please take us through theincident. It might help you to remember an important detail thatcould help us with our enquiries.”“Certainly, Inspector. I own a gift shop on Carlyle Street. Anyway,just after five, I locked up shop as usual.”“Did you notice anyone observing you?”


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“Not that I can say. I mean, I’ve never been mugged before. I just didn’t think to look.”“That’s alright, Mr Williams. I’m not trying to blame you. Did you notice anything strange when you opened up the shop in the morning?”“No, not really. I always walk from King’s Cross and get to my shopabout a quarter to nine. But wait a minute! As I was unlocking thedoor yesterday morning, an ambulance put on its siren to drivethrough the crossroads just up the street.”“That’s not so unusual, Mr Williams. Ambulances and police cars arecontinuously on emergency calls throughout London.”“Yes, but I glanced over automatically when I heard the sound. Therewas a man standing on the corner and when he saw me looking, heturned round and hid his face.”“Ah! Now that’s interesting.”“I can’t swear to it, Inspector, but I think he was dressed in leatherclothes.”“That’s good, Mr Williams. Please carry on.” “Anyway, after locking up, I walked towards King’s Cross, as always.As I was passing the Indian restaurant, I heard a woman screaming.Men who hit women are cowards. It made me really angry.”“So you went to see if you could help?”“Of course. Wouldn’t you have done the same?”Hudson nodded. “Well, thanks for your help, Mr Williams. I hopeyou get well soon. I’ll be in touch if I have any more questions.”“Okay, Inspector. Ah! Here’s my wife.”Hudson and the police artist left Mr Williams with his tearful wifeand walked side by side past the reception desk.“Good morning, Inspector Hudson. Doctor Jameson. Do youremember me?”“Of course, Doctor. Don’t you ever sleep?”


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“Sometimes, Inspector. I have the nasty suspicion that the hours weboth work are pretty similar.”“You’re probably right there. By the way, this is my colleague, Constable Green.”“Pleased to meet you, Constable Green. Have you been to see MrWilliams?”“Yes, we have. In fact he was quite helpful.”“Well, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you manage to catch thecriminals. If less people got mugged, it would also reduce my work-load, as well as yours.”“Thanks. Goodbye Dr Jameson.”Hudson and Constable Green headed for the car park and got into thepolice car. Hudson sat for a while, contemplating and tapping thesteering wheel with his fingers.“Is anything wrong, Inspector?”“No, Constable. I’m just thinking.”“I see, sir.”They set off for Scotland Yard. Hudson appeared to be deep inthought and Constable Green double-checked that his seatbelt wasfastened securely.Suddenly the car radio squawked.“Control to all mobile units. We have a report of a suspect, who fitsthe description of yesterday’s mugger, near King’s Cross Station.Please advise of availability.”Hudson grabbed the microphone.“Control. Inspector Hudson speaking. We are proceeding along theThames Embankment. We are only a few miles from King’s Cross.We’ll take over and apprehend the suspect.”“Roger, Inspector. Over and out.”Hudson leaned over and switched on the siren and blue light. Constable Green checked his seatbelt again, looking a little pale.


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A mile down the road, Hudson barely managed to avoid a crash with a Mini. The young driver had rap music playing full blast andobviously hadn’t heard or seen them coming. In his shock the youngdriver shouted abuse out of his side window, but it was lost in thescreaming of the siren. Constable Green closed his eyes and hung onfor dear life, whispering, “I’m only twenty six. I’m too young to die.I think I’ll try to find a job in an art gallery.”“I beg your pardon, Constable?”“Nothing, Inspector. I was just thinking out loud.”“My goodness, Constable. You’re sweating!”A mile from King’s Cross, Hudson switched off the siren and bluelight. He pulled into a side street with a screech of tyres, around thecorner from the main entrance.“Right, Constable. Let’s go!”“But, sir, I’m just an artist.”“Constable! You’re a policeman. Now move it!”“Yes, sir.”Hudson ran around the corner and the constable followed him, successfully managing to keep Hudson between himself and anypossible sources of danger.Seeing the constable’s uniform, a man in a pin-striped suit andbowler hat approached them from an archway. “At last. I’m the one who called the emergency services. My name’sCollier. I recognized the man from the sketch. He’s over there, loiter-ing around the main entrance.”“Thank you very much, Mr Collier. It’s good to know that there arestill responsible citizens in London. Now, please step to one side andlet us deal with this.”“You’re not armed, are you?” Mr Collier said, looking a little frightened.Constable Green started to turn the colour of his name.“No, we’re not armed. Constable Green, come here.”


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“Yes, sir...”“Do you see the suspect standing over there?”“Do you mean the small man wearing the leather overcoat, sir?” Alittle confidence returned to Constable Green’s voice.“No, Constable. The man behind him with the leather jacket andtrousers.”The smile disappeared from the constable’s face.“Oh! He’s rather big, isn’t he, Inspector?”“The bigger they are, the harder they fall, Constable.”Green did not look convinced.“Listen up. This is the plan. Give me a few minutes to get behindhim. When I’m in position, I’ll wave. Then I want you to walk acrossthe square and confront him directly. Have you got that?”“I think so,” the constable said nervously. “You wave to me and thenget behind him...”“Constable, calm down. I’ll wave to you after I get behind him.Look! As soon as I wave, just start walking towards him. Can youmanage that?”“Yes, sir.” He saluted clumsily.Hudson gave a sigh of frustration and walked rapidly around theedge of the square. After a few minutes he was behind the man inleather, who was leaning against a stone pillar and nervously smokinga cigarette.Hudson waved in Constable Green’s direction.Nothing happened. Hudson took a closer look and saw that Constable Green was admiring a pretty, young, mini-skirted girl walking past him.Suddenly Constable Green seemed to remember his duty and hishead jerked back looking in Hudson’s direction.Hudson waved energetically and Constable Green started to walkhesitantly towards the suspect.


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Hudson rolled his eyes and watched his approach.The man in leather caught sight of the uniformed constable and stiffened noticeably.Hudson tensed in anticipation.Constable Green walked in a straight line and stopped a few feetfrom the suspect.“He’s sweating again,” Hudson thought.Constable Green stammered, “Excuse me, sir. Could you show mesome identification, please?”“Why me? Why not any of the other hundreds of people in thesquare?”Constable Green mustered all his courage.“Because you are acting suspiciously. Besides, I don’t have to justify myself to you. I’m a police officer. Now show me some identification or I’ll take you down to the station.”Without warning the man jumped forward and pushed ConstableGreen with all his strength.Green flew backwards and bumped into a man taking photographs.They both fell heavily to the ground.The man in leather turned and sprinted for the main entrance toKing’s Cross Station.Glancing quickly to check that neither Green nor the photographerwere seriously injured, Hudson moved to cut off the suspectshouting, “Police! Stop where you are!”Glancing round in shock, the man in leather increased his speed andran for the turnstiles.Hudson gave chase, his long legs covering the ground very fast. Justbefore the man could leap over the turnstiles, Hudson dived andwrapped his arms around the man’s legs in a perfect tackle. Theyboth landed on the floor in a heap and curious passers-by began togather, attracted by the violence.


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Hudson jerked the man to his feet and growled, “Inspector Hudson,Scotland Yard. Hold out your hands.”“I haven’t done anything wrong. You can’t arrest me. I’m just aninnocent citizen.”“I don’t think so,” Hudson replied. “I just witnessed you assaulting apoliceman.”“Well, he got aggressive. I thought he was going to beat me up. I’malways reading about police brutality in the papers.”Constable Green approached, slightly out of breath and still trembling a little. He stood next to the suspect, who was at least afoot taller and nearly twice as wide.Hudson smiled. “Are you trying to tell me that you were afraid thatthis constable, who is half your size, was going to beat you up?”“Yeah!” Hudson laughed. “Okay. Is this your rucksack?”“No.”“Strange. It was on your back when I tackled you. Let’s see what wehave here.”Hudson emptied the rucksack onto the floor. Wallets, watches andjewellery came flooding out.The suspect shifted restlessly. “How did that get in there?”Hudson stood up. “Constable, call for backup.”Constable Green complied and Hudson extracted the wallet from thesuspect’s overcoat pocket.“Ah! Mr Kevin Appleby. I’ve heard your name before. You’ve beenarrested numerous times for pickpocketing, haven’t you?”“So what?”“Well, now you’re being arrested again, Mr Appleby. However, thistime you will be charged not only with pickpocketing, but alsoassaulting a police officer. With your record, you should get aboutthree to five years.”


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“You can’t do this to me. I’ve got a wife and two children.”“You should have thought of that before committing crimes, MrAppleby. Now, where were you at five yesterday afternoon?”“In Glasgow, visiting my sister.”“Can you prove that?”“You can call her. She’ll tell you that I was there.”“Mr Appleby, sisters have been known to lie for their brothers, youknow.”“Look. I’m telling the truth. I got the overnight train from Glasgowand arrived in London at eight this morning.”“I need proof, Mr Appleby.”Appleby started to panic, but then his face lit with a smile.“Inspector, look in my wallet. My train ticket should still be in there.That’s the proof you need.”Hudson found the ticket confirming that Appleby had been in Glasgow the previous day.Constable Green was looking from one man to the other like a spectator at the Wimbledon tennis final.Hudson reached a decision.“Constable, could you please go and check that the photographer isalright?”“He’s fine, Inspector. I checked that before I came here.”“Please check again, Constable. He looks a little shaky to me.”“But, sir...”“Just obey an order, Constable.”“Yes, sir.” Constable Green walked away, muttering to himself.“What is he up to now? Why is he sending me away? I’m a hero.What a fantastic rugby tackle though.”Hudson waited until Green was out of hearing range and faced Appleby.“Listen, Mr Appleby. I’m going to have you arrested and chargedwith robbery and assault.”


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“Have a heart, Inspector. My wife and kids...”“Look, I’m not a heartless man, Appleby. A few days ago, peoplestarted to get mugged in this area. I want to catch the muggers beforethe tourists hear about it and get too scared to come here anymore.”“What are you trying to say, Inspector?”“I’m trying to give you a fighting chance, Mr Appleby. Here, take alook at these sketches. Recognize anyone?”“No. Sorry, Inspector.”“Right. This is the deal. Your court case won’t take place for a fewweeks. I’ll need some help catching these muggers. If you can askaround and trace them for me, I’ll speak to Constable Green and thejudge. We could probably get the charges reduced.”“I see. I’ll get onto it right away, Inspector.”“No, Mr Appleby. A car will be arriving shortly to take you to thestation. I’ll tell my colleagues to charge you and then release you.Here’s my card. Call me when you have something.”“I will, Inspector. I will. Thanks, Inspector.”“Just don’t let me down, Mr Appleby.”A few minutes later a police car arrived. Hudson gave the policemenhis instructions and they took Mr Appleby to the station.Constable Green was itching to know what Hudson had said to the suspect, but every time he brought the subject up, Hudson just smiled, hummed and tapped the steering wheel with his fingers.

The next morning Hudson sat in his office at Scotland Yard. He waslooking over his notes and the sketches concerning the muggingcase, when his telephone rang.“Hudson, Scotland Yard.”“Is that you, Inspector Hudson?” “Yes. Who is this? Why are you whispering?”


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“Appleby. Remember? I’m at King’s Cross and only yards away fromthe bloke in leather. You know, the one in the sketch.”“Right, Mr Appleby. Don’t panic. What’s he doing?”“Well, he’s holding something in his hand. A mobile, I think. But it’sstrange.”“What’s strange?”“He’s not using it to phone or anything. He’s studying the peoplecoming out of the station, but he keeps looking down at his mobiletoo.”“Ah! I think I have an idea what he’s up to.”“Wh...? Just a minute. He’s leaving.”“Can you think why?”“Put it this way, Inspector. If he was a pickpocket, he’d be followinga potential victim.”“Right. Well done, Mr Appleby.”“Should I follow him, Inspector?”“No. That would be too dangerous. If he spotted you, we would losehim.”“About the reduced charges, Inspector?”“A promise is a promise, Mr Appleby. I’ll see what I can do.You justkeep your eyes and ears open and let me know if you see any moreof the people in the sketches.”“Will do, Inspector. Cheerio.”Hudson hung up the phone and sat at his desk. He tapped his fingers onthe oak surface and considered his options. He reached for the phone.“Personnel Department, Scotland Yard. Ms Devlin speaking. Howcan I help you?”“Bernadette. It’s James Hudson. I need a favour.”“James. Good morning. How come you only ever call me when youneed a favour?”“Well, I...”


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“James. I’m only joking. What’s the problem?”“I need a woman.”“James! Shame on you!”“I’m afraid you misunderstood, Bernadette. I need a female policeofficer to help on a stake-out.”“How long for?”“I don’t know how long it will last. I would estimate a few days at themost.”“Sorry, James. It’s too short notice. All our women police officersare allocated. I could let you have one next week.”“Too late, Bernadette. Thanks anyway.”“My pleasure, James. Try and give me a little more notice next time.Okay?”“Absolutely, Bernadette. Bye.”Hudson did some more finger tapping, picked up his phone againand dialled.“64889240. Elvira Elliot here.”“Elvira. James. James Hudson. I was afraid that you would have leftfor work already.”“I have a week’s holiday, James. I want to renovate my flat.”“Listen, Elvira. I’m in a bit of a dilemma.”Elvira sighed. “What would that be, James?”“Well, I urgently need a female to help me on a stake-out, but all mycolleagues are allocated. We’ve worked together so successfully inthe past, I automatically thought of you.”“Oh! James. I’ve planned these renovations for months. I have all thematerials I need. I promised myself that everything would be doneby the time I go back to work next Monday.”“Elvira. Please. You’re my final hope.”“James Hudson, you’re a blackmailer. Alright. I’ll help you on onecondition.”


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“Anything, Elvira. Anything.”“I hope you’re sitting down, James. As soon as this case is closed,you will help me to renovate my flat. Evenings, weekends and anyother spare time that you might have.”Hudson gulped. “Elvira, you know I’m not really good at that sort ofthing.”“James!”“Okay, Elvira. It’s a promise. Meet me at the main entrance to King’sCross Station at four this afternoon. I’ll clear your employment status with Sir Reginald and personnel.” “Right you are, James. See you there.”

At four o’clock, Hudson was waiting for Elvira at the station. Elvirawas dressed casually and carrying a heavy-looking shopping bag.Hudson quickly gave her the details of the case and explained thatthey would both pretend to be a couple, in order to avoid being spotted so easily.“I think I can handle that, James,” Elvira said, batting her eyelashesat him teasingly.Hudson blushed. “Right, Elvira. We’re looking for these two men inthe sketches.”Elvira studied the sketches and nodded.They acted like tourists, taking photographs of each other and studying the buildings. After half an hour they changed location andbought two coffees. They drank standing at a bistro table outside thecafe and observed the people around the station’s main entrance.After more waiting, Elvira turned to James.“Well, James. I haven’t seen either of the men. Are you sure they’llbe coming?”“At the moment I’m not sure of anything, Elvira. Let’s give it untilhalf past five.”


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“Okay. You’re the boss. Another coffee?”“No thanks. That last one went through me rather fast. I think I’ll justvisit the toilet... Wait! Look over there, Elvira.”Elvira’s eyes followed Hudson’s gaze and she spotted the man inleather from the sketch.“It’s him, James. Are we going to arrest him?”“No, Elvira. I want the whole gang. There are two men that we knowof, but there might be more.”“So what do we do?”“Just observe, Elvira. If my suspicions are right, they go by a distinctpattern.”They watched the man put on a pair of sunglasses and cross the roadat the pedestrian light to the bank opposite. Elvira wanted to followhim, but James put his hand on her arm.“We can monitor him well enough from here. He’s also less likely tospot us.”The man in leather took up position about ten yards from the bank’snight safe and pretended to read a magazine. He glanced up from hisreading every ten seconds.After twenty minutes a well-dressed man approached the night safe,stopped in front of it and reached into a plastic bag he was carrying,taking out a money-sack.The man in leather produced his mobile phone and pretended it wasn’t working properly. He shook it, turned it round and as thewell-dressed man turned away from the night-safe, he took a quicksnapshot of him.James nudged Elvira and she nodded in understanding.The well-dressed man checked his watch and crossed the main road,heading for King’s Cross Station. The man in leather followed himand passed within a couple of yards of Hudson and Elvira in theprocess.


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Hudson let him pass and whispered to Elvira, “I’ll follow them. Youwait here and check that I’m not followed.”Always keeping people between himself and the two men, Hudsonfollowed them into the station.The well-dressed man stopped at a kiosk and bought an ice-cream.Then he walked to platform five and boarded a train. Hudson hidbehind a snack bar and observed the man in leather read the destin -ation board above the platform, after which he wrote somethingdown on a notepad. He then sauntered over to the arrivals timetableand made more notes. Taking out his mobile phone again, the man inleather made a call, a look of self-satisfied pleasure on his face. Hehung up, put his hands in his pockets and walked back to the exit,whistling a popular tune from the charts.Hudson waited a few minutes and then repeated the man’s proced -ure, taking notes at the destination and arrival boards.He then returned to Elvira at the main entrance.“The man in leather came out ten minutes ago, James. What keptyou?”“Did you see where he went?”“What? Oh, yes. He jumped on a bus heading for Piccadilly Circus.” “Right, Elvira. Well, that’s enough for today. Let’s meet here tomorrow at eight. One gets in at eleven minutes past and the otherone at a quarter to nine.”“James. Are you talking about trains?”“Yes, Elvira. The well-dressed man should arrive on one of thosetrains. If my guess is right, our suspect will be waiting for him.”“And we’ll be waiting for both?”“Correct.”“You won’t forget your promise, will you, James?”Hudson grimaced. “Of course not, Elvira. Of course not.”


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Übung 10: Sind die folgenden Aussagen korrekt? Markieren Sie mit richtig � oder falsch – !

1. Hudson is a police sergeant. �

2. The bank is opposite King’s Cross Station. �

3. Mr Williams owns a jewellery shop. �

4. Elvira Elliot is a police woman. �

5. Hudson lives in a flat in London. �

Übung 11: Vervollständigen Sie die Fragen mit einem passendenFragewort!

1. _______________ is Hudson’s job?

2. _______________ was Mr Harris taken after the mugging?

3. _______________ did Hudson get a receipt?

4. _______________ owns a computer shop?

5. _______________ does Hudson get to work?

6. _______________ time does Miss Paddington get up?

Übung 12: Beantworten Sie die Fragen zum Text!

1. What was the villain whistling, when he left the station?


2. From which platform did the shop owner catch his train?



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3. What was Elvira carrying, when Hudson met her at the station?


4. What did Hudson and Elvira drink at the station?


5. What did the villain put on before crossing the road to the bank?


Chapter 5: Caught Red-Handed

When Hudson arrived at King’s Cross at ten to eight the next morning,Elvira Elliot was waiting for him outside the cafe, drinking a cup ofsteaming coffee.“Morning, James. Can I get you a coffee or something?”“Good morning. Yes, please. A coffee to keep me awake. I was in myoffice at five.”“Good heavens! You should get more sleep, James. After all, youhave a tough renovation job to do very soon.”“Yes, Elvira. Don’t rub it in. Now, where’s my coffee?”Elvira pulled her forelock. “Coming up, my lord and master!” When she returned a few minutes later, they drank their coffee and,making their way to platform five, they settled down to wait. At five past eight an announcement was made, informing all passengers that the train due in on platform five would be delayed byfive minutes. Hudson looked worried.“James. What’s wrong? It’s not a big deal if the train’s late.”“It’s not that, Elvira. I can’t see the man in leather. He should havebeen here ages ago.”


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“You’re right, James. Maybe one of his conspirators has taken hisplace.”“That’s what I fear. Here, have a look at this second sketch. Maybe hesent him instead.”They both looked around for the person on the second sketch, butthey couldn’t see him anywhere.The screeching of brakes announced the arrival of the train on platform five and they both turned their attention to the passengersgetting off. Hudson felt Elvira tug his sleeve.“There he is, James. The well-dressed man. He’s wearing a navy bluesuit today. He’s rather good-looking, isn’t he?”“Elvira! This is a serious matter. Please concentrate.”Elvira pouted. “Sorry, James.” “Now listen, Elvira. There’s a chance that the man might recognizeme from yesterday evening.”“So you’d like me to follow him, James?”“Yes. I’ll try to see if anyone else is following both of you. I’m stillhoping it’s one of the men from the sketches.”“No problem, James.”“Be very careful, Elvira. If I see anyone following you, I’ll call youon your mobile. It is switched on, isn’t it?”“Yes, it is. Right, I’d better go. I don’t want to lose him.”Hudson watched Elvira leave, a concerned frown on his face. Hewould never forgive himself if anything happened to her.

Elvira followed the man, looking in shop windows every time shethought he might turn around. She kept an eye out for somebody following her, but couldn’t detect anybody. After ten minutes the man came to a halt outside a newsagent’s shop.He pulled a bunch of keys from his pocket and started to unlock thefront door.


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Back at the railway station, Hudson was still looking for one of thesuspects, or even someone showing an interest in the departure of thewell-dressed man, but he wasn’t having any luck.Suddenly he saw the flash of a black leather jacket behind a smallgroup of people. He started to run, desperately looking for theleather jacket again. He passed the group and was running aroundthe corner of the ticket office, when he caught the blur of anotherperson rounding the corner in his direction. There wasn’t enoughtime to react and Hudson collided at full speed with the other person.Hudson hit the floor first, his breath knocked out of him. He took abreath, which immediately boomeranged back out of him, as theother person landed on top of him. When he opened his eyes, he wasstaring into a pair of beautiful, corn-blue eyes, six inches away fromhis face. The eyes still held traces of pain and seemed to be accusinghim of something.In an instant the eyes disappeared and Hudson struggled to his feet.“I’m so sorry. It was my fault. Forgive me, please.”“Trying to catch your train, were you?”“Pardon? Oh, yes. Sorry. Look, your handbag. Let me help you.”They both bent down to pick up the things that had exploded fromthe woman’s handbag. Force of habit made Hudson study thewoman’s appearance.She was very pretty with brown hair and a slender figure. She wasdressed for the office and wearing a beige raincoat. Hudson assumedthat she was a secretary or a clerk. Finally, everything was backinside the handbag and Hudson wondered for the hundredth time,why women had to transport half their household in their bags.He apologized to the woman again. She replied, “No harm done,”and walked towards the exit.Something was nagging at Hudson, but he couldn’t put his finger on it.


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Dark hair, blue eyes, he thought. It’s unusual, but not that unusual...His thoughts were interrupted as his mobile phone rang. He lookedat the display, which announced, “Elliot.”“Hello Elvira.”“James. I followed the man to his shop. He’s a newsagent. The signabove the door says: Proprietor, Anthony Steele.”“Well done, Elvira. Where are you now?”“I’m still near his shop...”Elvira let out a loud cry of pain and Hudson’s heart skipped a beat.“Elvira! Elvira, are you alright? Please answer me...”Hudson listened intently, holding his breath.“Sorry about that, James. My silly earring got caught in the mobile’sspeaker. It really brought tears to my eyes...James? Are you stillthere?”“Eureka!”“James. That’s not a very appropriate word for me tearing half of myear off. Listen, I know a good doctor on Harley Street...”“Oh! Elvira. You’re a genius...”“James. Why are you breathing heavily? Would you like me to makean appointment at the doctor’s for you?”“Elvira, I’m running. Listen. I’ll call you back.”

Hudson ran out of the station and looked around as fast as he could.There were quite a few beige raincoats milling around, but none ofthem were being worn by the person Hudson was searching for. Herealized he had lost her and gave a sigh of resignation.A horn honked and Hudson looked up to see a double-decker buspull away from the bus stop, outside the bank. And there it was! Thebeige raincoat. The girl he had bumped into was just entering thebank, with a key still in her hand.


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Hudson called Elvira and explained his strange behaviour. She wasrelieved that he hadn’t gone crazy. They returned to Scotland Yardand made some arrangements in preparation for later in the day.

At five-thirty they were both outside the newsagent’s dressed in cas -ual clothes, wearing sunglasses and each holding a shopping bag.Hudson was also wearing a baseball cap to hide his hair and had to endure some gentle teasing from Elvira. They pretended to be studying a map of London. Ten minutes later a man wearing jeans and a denim jacket appearedat the crossroads, leant against a lamppost, pulled out a newspaperfrom his back pocket and started to read it.Elvira said excitedly, “James, it’s him. It’s the second man from thesketches.”Hudson nodded and dialled a number on his mobile phone.“Team Leader?”“Inspector Hudson here.”“How’s it looking, Inspector?”“Looks like a green light. No sirens, no horns. Wait for confirma-tion.”“Understood, Inspector. Will await confirmation.”As Hudson put his mobile back in his pocket, the lights in the shopwent off. A couple of seconds later, the newsagent came out of theshop and locked up. As he turned and started to walk towards King’sCross, the man on the corner folded his newspaper and disappearedaround the corner. Hudson and Elvira followed the newsagent, holding the map andpretending to be lost. When the newsagent walked round the corner,Hudson pulled out his mobile again and pressed the redial button.“Team Leader?”“Inspector Hudson, again. Stand by. No sirens, no horns.”


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“Wilco, Inspector. Standing by.”As Hudson and Elliot went round the corner, the newsagent was fifty yards ahead. There was no sign of the man in the denimjacket.“Let’s speed up, Elvira. I don’t want to lose him.”“My goodness, James. This is rather exciting. Although I mustadmit, I’m a little bit frightened.”“And so you should be. I don’t want you to take any risks. Police-men are paid to do that. If anything happens, I want you to keep well back out of harm’s way.”“But I can help, James. I can look after myself, you know.”“I know that. But these people seem to get a special pleasure fromhurting women. I want you to promise me that you won’t getinvolved.”Elvira gave James her famous pout. “Okay, James. If you insist, Ipromise.”Hudson, holding his mobile phone concealed in the palm of hishand, kept a close eye on the newsagent. A high-pitched screammade him jump and he brought the mobile into readiness. “False alarm, James.”Elvira pointed across the road and Hudson saw a little girl had fallen over and hurt herself. Her mother picked her up and was trying to console her. Hudson’s heartbeat returned to normal andthey continued following the newsagent.The newsagent was now only half a mile from King’s Cross andHudson feared that this was going to be another false alarm.Suddenly, all hell broke loose.A woman was screaming and crying for help.The newsagent stopped in his tracks and turned his head to the right.The screaming started up again and he ran into a narrow alley,between two buildings.


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James and Elvira started to run, too. At the same time Hudsonbrought up his phone and hit redial.“Inspector Hudson here. Go, go, go!”There was shouting and the sound of blows from the alley.“Quick, James. Quick.”As they reached the beginning of the alley, Hudson grabbed Elvira’sarm.“You stay here and keep well back, Elvira. The backup team shouldbe here any minute. You can wave them down.”“But, James...”“No buts, no time, Elvira. Just do it!”Hudson dived into the alley and sprinted as fast as he could. When hegot to the end he took everything in at a glance.A woman was being beaten by the man in leather. To Hudson’strained eye there was something wrong. The man wasn’t hitting thewoman with his full strength and the woman’s screams seemed exaggerated. The newsagent was shouting at the man in leather tostop. He was being completely ignored and he had taken out hismobile, obviously about to call the emergency services.Out of the corner of his eye, Hudson saw the man wearing a denimjacket sneaking up on the newsagent from behind. He was waving abaseball bat and looked as though he meant to use it.Hudson called out a warning and ran as fast as he could at the manwith the baseball bat. Hudson ran into him before he could raise thebat and the man fell heavily to the ground.The man in leather had stopped hitting the woman when Hudsonshouted. Now the newsagent approached him looking very angry.The man in leather looked at the newsagent and then at Hudson onthe verge of panic.Without warning, he grabbed the woman and produced a flick knife,which he held to the woman’s throat.


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A deathly silence fell over the scene.“Back off! Both of you. Or she gets it.”The woman started to cry. “Please, don’t hurt me. You promised...”“Shut up, or else...”There was a scrabbling of feet and the man in the denim jacket threwdown the baseball bat and, quick as a flash, disappeared down thealley.Hudson risked a look at him, worried about Elvira. To his relief apolice car stopped in front of the entrance, with a screech of brakes.Hudson heard Elvira cry out. Then a thud followed by another cry.Worried about Elvira, he turned back to the man in leather. “Come on. Be sensible. You’re trapped. Give me the knife and giveyourself up.”“Back off, copper. I’ll hurt her if I have to.”The newsagent, still looking angry, started to inch forward.“I hate men who hurt women.”“No!” Hudson said. “Back off. I’m a police officer. Please let medeal with this.”There was a pounding of feet and two uniformed policemen reachedthe end of the alley. Hudson held up a hand to halt them.“Stay there. I’ll handle it. Please accompany this gentleman to thestreet and take his statement.”The newsagent hesitated. “I can help you. I’m not scared, you know.”“I know, sir. You’ve done enough. Please go with my two colleaguesand let me do my job.”The newsagent looked into Hudson’s eyes, nodded and backed offslowly. Then all three made their way to the street.Hudson turned once again to face the man and woman.“As you can see, I have a number of police officers at the entrance.Even if you get past me, you won’t get past them.”“If you take one step closer, I’ll cut her.”


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Hudson raised his arms to show his agreement.“Okay. You’re the boss. But you’re in a no win situation here.”“I want a fast car, a million pounds and a clear road to the airport, orelse.”“Or else what? Come on. We both know that you aren’t going to hurt her.”Hudson took a step forward.The man tightened his grip on the woman.“I warned you not to come any closer. One more step and I’ll hurt her.”Hudson took another step forward.“You’re only making things worse for yourself. If you give up now,you’ll only get a couple of years. Maybe even probation with a goodlawyer.”“Don’t take another step, copper!”“Look. I know you don’t have a record, otherwise we would have found you in our files. This is your first offence. Come on, doyourself a favour.”Hudson took a final step, right up to the man. He looked deeply intohis eyes and the man started to shake.Hudson held out his hand and said to the man gently, “Come on, giveme the knife.”The man’s eyes blinked in panic. He gave a resigned sigh, releasedthe woman and let Hudson take the knife out of his hand.The woman dropped to the ground, shock written all over her face.Hudson called for one of the waiting policemen to come and escortthe woman to the street.“Put her in one of the cars, Constable. The best thing would be to sitwith her. She’s suffering from considerable shock.”“Yes, Inspector.”


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The constable supported the woman’s arm and saw that Hudson had turned back to the man. They spoke very animatedly for a fewminutes. He heard the man ask Hudson to promise to put in a goodword for him with the judge. Then he slipped Hudson an envelope.He offered no resistance as Hudson gripped his arm and walked withhim slowly to the beginning of the alley. They were met by the teamleader, who handcuffed the man and put him in the back of a secondpolice car.

Hudson turned and received the shock of his life. Elvira Elliot wastalking to a policeman, but the front of her dress was covered inblood.“Elvira. Oh, my God! What happened? Are you okay?”He rushed over to her side and was greeted by an enormous smile.“Really, James. I’m alright. The other guy looks much worse than I do.”“Elvira! Are you mad? We need to get you to hospital.”“James. You are a silly sausage. Look.”Hudson’s gaze followed her pointing finger. He saw the man in thedenim jacket lying unconscious on the ground, his head and chestcovered in blood.“Oh my God! Sir Reginald is going to have me thrown off the policeforce for this.”Elvira and the policeman laughed.“What are you two laughing at? This is not funny...”With a twinkle in her eye, Elvira pointed to the ground. When Hud-son realized what he was looking at the words stuck in his throat.“I...”He was looking down at Elvira’s shopping bag. Lying next to the bagwere two cans of red paint, one of which had burst open.He found his voice again. “I heard a cry –”


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Elvira giggled. “That was me gathering my strength and givingmyself courage.”“Then I heard a thud...”“That was me hitting this fellow, who was trying to get away.”“Then I heard another cry...”“That was him when my paint cans connected with his head. James?”“Yes, Elvira?”“What happened to the woman?”“Oh, goodness. Seeing you covered in blood made me forget her. I ordered a constable to put her in one of the cars.”“The poor thing. After all she’s been through. Come on, James. Let’s go.”When they reached the car, the woman was sitting with her dazedface looking straight ahead, apparently still suffering from shock.Hudson opened the door, reached inside and grabbed her by the hair.“James! No! That’s police brutality. You beast...”Her words were cut off as Hudson pulled a wig from the woman’shead.“Harriet March, I presume?”She nodded and he helped her out of the car. They walked back to theentrance of the alley.“But, James. How did you know her name? Who is she? What’sgoing on?”“Later, Elvira. Later.”Elvira literally jumped up and down in frustration.“Oh! I hate it when you do that.”

In the meantime an ambulance had arrived. A man, wearing a brightorange jacket with “Doctor” printed across the back, was attendingto the man in the denim jacket. He helped the man to sit up and therewas a hysterical scream.


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“Oh, God. Look at all that blood. I need a doctor.”“I am a doctor, sir. Please calm down.”“I’m dying. Get me to a hospital.”“But, sir...”Hudson passed Harriet March into the care of the team leader andknelt down beside the doctor saying, “I’ll take over from here, Doctor.”The doctor nodded and returned to the ambulance. Hudson looked atthe man on the floor.“I’m Inspector Hudson of Scotland Yard. Who are you?”“I must be dreaming. I’m lying here dying and all you want to do ischat?”“Look, I promise you, you’re not dying. Now who are you?”“I’m not saying a word without my lawyer. No, no. I want a doctor.Call him back!”“I’ll call him back when you’ve answered my questions.”“No way. I’m not saying anything.”Hudson turned to the ambulance. “Doctor. We no longer requireyour presence. You can leave now.”The man on the floor grabbed his arm.“No, wait. I’ll talk. My name’s Terry Gillespie.”The man in leather decided to pretend he hadn’t confessed. For themoment he still wanted to be the cool guy. He shouted through thecar window.“Shut up, Terry. Don’t tell them anything!”“That’s easy for you to say. You’re not the one lying here bleeding todeath.”“But, Terry. It’s not...”The voice was suddenly muffled. Hudson saw that a policeman sat inthe front of the car had closed the window electronically. He grinnedand gave the policeman the thumbs up sign.“Please carry on, Mr Gillespie?”


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“What’s the use? The game’s up anyway. I saw Jimmy, that’s him inthe car, Jimmy Tanner. Anyway, I saw Jimmy in the Black Bull pub afew days ago. We had a few pints together.”“No harm in that, Mr Gillespie.”“Yeah, well. We’ve done jobs together in the past. We’ve never beencaught though.”“Well there’s always a first time, Mr Gillespie. And this is it.”“Yeah, you don’t have to rub it in. So Jimmy offered me a chance toearn some easy money.”“Mugging people?”“Well, yeah. Not just people though. Shop owners. I mean, they’rerolling in money. They probably have insurance as well. So no harmdone.”“No harm done? What if you had hit someone too hard on the headand hurt or killed them?”“Hey, Inspector. I’m a professional.”“You people make me sick. Right, this policeman will take you to thestation, where you will be charged and put in a cell.”“You rotten so and so. You promised me I could see the doctor andthen go to hospital.”Hudson dropped a handkerchief in the man’s lap.“Hey. What’s that for?”“To wipe the red paint off your head and chest.”“Why you dirty, cheating...”“Take him away, Constable.”“Yes, Inspector.”The man was put into a second police car and driven away.Hudson went across to the ambulance and dismissed the doctor andhis crew, thanking them for their help. He turned to Harriet March,who was still being looked after by the team leader.“Ms March. Are you recovered enough to talk now?”


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“I suppose so. Where should I start?”“At the beginning would be best.”“Well, I work at the bank opposite King’s Cross Station.”“I know that Ms March.”“How do you... Oh! Never mind. Anyway, a few days ago I finishedwork and was walking down the street to get my bus, when I wasgrabbed from behind.”“That must have been a shock?”“Of course it was. I nearly jumped out of my skin. It was that awfulman sat in the car over there. Jimmy Tanner.”Elvira put her arm round her. “Oh! You poor thing.”Hudson interrupted. “Did you know Jimmy Tanner, Ms March?”“Definitely not. He threatened me. He said that if I didn’t help himwith his mugging scheme, he would hurt me badly.”“Is that so, Ms March?”“And what’s more, that he knew where my parents lived and wouldget them too. They’re very old and weak, you know?”She burst into tears again and Elvira took out a tissue and wiped hertears away. Then she applied a fresh tissue to her own tears.“Oh, James. How can you be so mean? Can’t you see that Ms Marchis emotionally unstable? And you sent the doctor away.”“Sorry, Elvira. I only have a few more questions. Ms March, I promisethat I will leave you alone after that. Do you feel up to answering them?”“I’d rather not, but if you insist, I guess I must.”“What a brave woman,” Elvira said, giving Hudson a very nasty look.Hudson sighed and took an envelope out of his jacket pocket.“Ms March. Your boss is Mr George Melville, isn’t he?”“Yes, he is, but what has he got to do with all this?”“Well, when I spoke to him earlier today, he said that you have beenvery angry and resentful recently about being passed over for promotion.”


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“That’s not a crime, is it?”“No. You’re absolutely right. You said before that you didn’t knowJimmy Tanner?”“That’s right.” She raised her voice, guessing what was coming. “Areyou deaf, or something?”Elvira was utterly perplexed.“That’s strange, because when I arrested Jimmy fifteen minutes ago,he gave me this photo. Even stranger is that the date on the photo wasten days ago.”Hudson held up the photo, which showed Harriet March and JimmyTanner sat in a pub. They were wrapped in each others arms and kissing.Elvira took her arm from Harriet March’s shoulder. Hudson con tinued. “Jimmy also told me that you supplied him withthe names and descriptions of businessmen to be mugged. They allappear to be customers of your bank.”“I wouldn’t really know...”“Ah, but this was confirmed by your boss, Mr Melville.”“I’m innocent. Jimmy forced me to do it. Okay, I know him from thepub, but that photo. I was drunk. I don’t even remember it. I don’teven like him.”She started crying again, but Elvira wasn’t fooled this time.Hudson, always embarrassed by crying women, cleared his throatwith a cough.“Funny that. Jimmy told me that you were planning to marry. CouldI ask you one final question, Ms March?”“Oh, just get on with it,” she snapped.Elvira jumped back in shock and Hudson smiled grimly.“Your boss was kind enough to fax this to me. Apparently it was found under your desk by the cleaning lady. Do you recognize it at all?”


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Ms March snatched the fax from Hudson’s hands, read it, shrieked,threw it to the floor and started jumping up and down on it in frustration.Hudson took out his handcuffs and held her still while he put themon her.Elvira bent down and picked up the fax. It was dirty and smudged,but she could see that it was a bank statement. It was in the name ofHarriet March. The balance was over five thousand pounds and themoney had been paid in over the last two days.“James. Does this mean what I think it means?”“Yes, it does, Elvira. Harriet March, the mysterious girl from King’sCross was the leader. She just used Tanner and Gillespie to get herrevenge on her boss and the bank. The icing on the cake was all themoney she was hoping to make through her little scheme.”“But what I don’t understand, James, is how the devil you knew itwas her?”Harriet March snarled. “Yeah, copper. I’d like to know too, so I don’tmake the same mistake next time!”“Ms March. I have a feeling that the next time, as you put it, is goingto be a very long time in the future.”“Come on, James. Don’t keep me in suspense.”“Well, actually, Elvira. It was you who gave me the vital clue to themystery.”“Me? How did I do that?”“What did you do after you followed the newsagent to his shop thismorning?”“Well, I saw a very nice pair of shoes and was trying to decidewhether to buy them.”“Oh, Elvira. I meant who did you talk to?”“Well, I called you to let you know about the newsagent. Just aminute. That’s when you said ‘Eureka’, isn’t it?”“Correct. And what happened seconds before that?”


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“I cried out in pain when I got my earring stuck in the speaker of mymobile.”“Exactly. Now take a look at these sketches of the two women whowere supposedly beaten up.”Elvira looked. “Ah, ah! They’re both wearing round, silver earrings.I think they’re called Creoles.”“Now take a look at Ms March’s earrings.”“Exactly the same.”“And she was wearing them this morning when we bumped intoeach other at the station. I knew there was something wrong with herappearance, but I assumed it was her dark hair and blue eyes.”“And then I called you and it clicked into place?”“You’ve hit the nail on the head, Elvira. I sprinted after her and sawher entering the bank on the opposite side of the street.”“James?”“Yes, Elvira?”“Talking about hitting the nail on the head. The case is practicallywrapped up, isn’t it?”“Yes, it is.”“So we can start my renovations tomorrow, can’t we?”Hudson sighed in resignation. “Yes, Elvira.”“Oh, and James?”“Yes, Elvira?”“Could you bring a can of red paint when you come?”“Yes, Elvira.”

Übung 13: Unterstreichen Sie die richtige Variante!

1. Elvira Elliot wants to spring-clean/renovate her flat.2. Harriet March is a bank manager/bank clerk.


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3. The villain wore leather gloves/a leather jacket.4. Dr Jameson is rather plump/slim.5. Sir Reginald is Hudson’s partner/boss.

Übung 14: Beantworten Sie die Fragen zum Text!

1. What did Jimmy threaten Harriet with?


2. Why was Terry so scared when he woke up?


3. What will Hudson help Elvira with at the end of the case?


4. What did Elvira have in her shopping bag?


5. What did Jimmy give to Hudson in the alley?


Übung 15: Welches Wort ist das „schwarze Schaf“? Unterstreichen Sie das nicht in die Reihe passende Wort!

1. walk, run, jog, sprint2. tea, coffee, cocoa, milk3. destination, arrival, passenger, departure4. pension, guesthouse, hotel, hostel5. actual, recent, current, up to date


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fam umgangssprachlichfig bildlichpl Pluralv Verb

abuse v missbrauchen, beschimpfenaccompany v begleitenaccuse v beschuldigenadmission Aufnahme, Einlassalley GasseAll hell breaks loose. fam Da ist die Hölle los. famallocate v einteilen, zuweisenannouncement Bekanntmachunganticipation hier: Vorahnung; Vorgriffapologize v sich entschuldigenapparently offensichtlichapprehend v festnehmenapproach v nahenappropriate passendapproximate ungefährarmed bewaffnetarrest v verhaftenassault Überfallassault v angreifenAs you put it. fam So, wie Sie sagen.attend v to somebody sich um jemanden kümmernavailability Verfügbarkeitavoid v vermeidenawful furchtbarback v off stoppen, sich zurückziehen


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backup Unterstützungbadge Polizeimarkebald glatzköpfigbank statement Kontoauszugbeads of sweat Schweißperlenbeat (beat, beaten) v jemanden zusammenschlagensomebody up

be (was, been) v fond of vernarrt sein in, gern mögenbeloved geliebtbird droppings pl Vogelmistblackmailer Erpresser(in)blame v somebody jemanden beschuldigenbloke fam Kerl famblur unscharf, verschwommenblush v errötenbowler hat Melone (Hut)brave mutigbriefcase Aktentaschecan Dosecash register Kassecaught red-handed auf frischer Tat ertapptcharge v with anklagen wegencheat v mogelnChristian name Vornamecitizen Bürger(in)cloth Lappen; Stoffcommit v ausführen, verübencommuter Pendler(in)comply v befolgenconcealed verstecktconcerned besorgtconcerning bezüglich


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concussion Gehirnerschütterungconsider v überlegenconsiderable erheblichconsole v tröstenconspirator Verschwörer(in)contemplate v überlegen; betrachtencontrol Zentraleconvince v überzeugencopper fam Bulle fam (Polizist)Cornish pasties pl Pasteten aus Cornwallcourage Mutcourtyard Hofcoward Feiglingcrime scene Tatortcross v one’s fingers die Daumen drückencrossroads Straßenkreuzungcurse v fluchendazed benommendeaf taubdelay v verzögerndenim jacket Jeansjackedescribe v beschreibendetect v ausmachen, entdeckendishcloth Spültuchdismiss v entlassendistinct pattern bestimmtes Musterdistribute v verteilendive v hier: einen Sprung machendress v casually sich zwanglos kleidendressing gown Morgenmantelelbow grease fig Maloche fam; Muskelkraftelderly ältlich


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endure v aushaltenenquiries pl Auskünfte; Recherchenenvelope Umschlagestimate v schätzenexaggerated übertriebenexercise hier: körperliche Übungextract v herausnehmen, herausziehenfaithful treufavour Gefallenfire v away fam Schießen Sie los! famflash v hier: schnell zeigen; aufblitzen (lassen)flick knife Klappmesserfool v someone jemanden täuschenforce of habit Macht der Gewohnheitfor dear life um sein Lebenforelock Stirnlockefrown Stirnrunzelngaze (starrer) Blickgentle sanftGet well soon! Gute Besserung!giggle v kicherngrievous bodily harm schwere Körperverletzunggrimace v eine Grimasse ziehengrunt Grunzenguess Schätzung, Vermutungguess v vermuten, ratengulp v schluckenhandcuffs pl Handschellen handcuff v somebody jemandem Handschellen anlegenhandkerchief Taschentuchharm Schaden; Unglück; Leidhead v (for) Kurs nehmen auf, zusteuern auf


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heady aroma hier: berauschender, verführerischer Dufthesitate v zögernhit (hit, hit) v the nail den Nagel auf den Kopf treffen figon the head fig

hum v summenicing on the cake fig i-Tüpfelchen figinch v forward vorsichtig nähernincident Vorfallinjured verletztinnocent unschuldiginsist v bestehen (auf)instead anstattinterrupt v unterbrecheninvestigation Ermittlungitch v to know something fam wild darauf sein, etwas zu erfahren famjerk v ruckartig bewegenjewellery Schmuckjolly quickly sehr schnelljudge Richter(in)justify v rechtfertigenkeep (kept, kept) v auf die Folter spannen famin suspense

lamppost Laternenmastlawyer Rechtsanwalt/-anwältinlean v over sich herüber lehnenleap, leapt, leapt v springenlikeness Ähnlichkeitloiter v herumlungern famlump Beulememorize v einprägenmill v around durcheinander laufenmonitor v beobachten


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mouthpiece Mundstückmuffled gedämpftmugger Straßenräuber(in)mugging Straßenraubmugging scheme Überfallplanmug v somebody jemanden auf der Straße ausraubenmumble v undeutlich sprechenmuster v sammelnnasty blow harter Schlagnasty look böser Blicknavy blue dunkelblaunecessary nötigNo harm done. Nichts passiert!nostrils pl Nasenlöchernotebook Notizbuchnotify v benachrichtigenNot on your Nelly! fam Darauf kannst du lange warten! famnudge v jdn. (mit dem Ellenbogen) anstoßenobey v folgenobservation Beobachtungobviously offensichtlichoffence Straftaton one condition unter einer Bedingungon the verge am Randeout of breath atemlosover and out Ende der Durchsage (Funksprache)padlock (Vorhänge-)Schlosspage v (someone) (jemanden) anrufen, anpiepsenpale blassparamedic Sanitäter(in)patch Verantwortungsgebietpedestrian light Fußgängerampel


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persist v beharrenpick v on somebody jemanden belästigenpickpocket Taschendieb(in)pickpocketing Taschendiebstahlpillar Säulepin-striped suit Nadelstreifenanzugplump molligpolice artist Phantombildzeichner(in)pop v down schnell vorbeischauenpounding lautes Stampfenpout Schmollmundpout v schmollenprefer v bevorzugenprepare v vorbereitenpresume v vermutenprevious vorherige(r, s)probation Bewährung, Probezeitpromise Versprechenpromotion Beförderungproof Beweisprove v beweisenpunctual pünktlichquick as a flash fig schnell wie der Blitz figrag Putzlappenrattle v hier: rütteln, schüttelnreceipt Quittungreception desk Rezeptionrecognize v erkennenrecord Vorstraferedial Wahlwiederholungreduced charges pl gemildertes Strafmaßregarding hinsichtlich


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release v entlassenrelieved erleichtertreport Berichtrequire v benötigenresentful aufgebracht, nachtragendresponsible verantwortungsvollroger Verstanden! (Funksprache)roll v in money fig in Geld schwimmen figrubbish Müllrub v it in fam etwas unter die Nase reiben famrush v hier: dazustürzen; eilensaunter v over schlendern überscheme hier: böser Planscreech v kreischenscreech of brakes/tyres Bremsen-/Reifenquietschenshaky mitgenommenshift v mit den Füßen scharrenshriek v (schrill) aufschreien, kreischensilly sausage fam alberne Personsketch Zeichnungsketch v zeichnen, skizzierenslender schlankslightly leicht, geringfügigsmudged beschmiertsnap v schnappen; (an-)blaffensnap decision schnelle Entscheidungsnapshot Schnappschusssnarl v knurrensneak up v heranschleichensource Quellespectator Zuschauer(in)Spit it out! fam Spucken Sie’s aus! fam


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spot Fleckspot v (someone) (jemanden) bemerkensquare Platzsquawk v quäken, kreischenstake-out Überwachungseinsatzstammer v stotternstarve v to death zu Tode hungernstatement Aussagesteaming dampfend, heißstitch Stichstop v in one’s tracks plötzlich stehen bleibensuburbs pl Stadtrand; Vorortesuggest v vorschlagensurface Oberflächesuspect Verdächtige(r)suspiciously verdächtigsympathetically verständnisvoll, teilnahmsvolltackle Tackling; Angrifftackle v somebody jemanden angehen, angreifentake (took, taken) v alles mit einem Blick wahrnehmeneverything in at a glance

takings pl Einnahmentear, tore, torn v reißenThames Embankment Uferdamm an der Themsethroat Halsthud dumpfer (Auf-)Schlagtissue Papiertaschentuchtoo short notice zu kurzfristigtrace Spurtrace v (zurück-)verfolgen, aufspürentravelling expenses pl Reisekostentreat v behandeln; einladen


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tremble v zitterntug v somebody’s sleeve jemandem am Ärmel ziehentune Liedturnstile Drehkreuztwinkle Funkelnunconscious bewusstlosunstable labilurgent dringendutter amazement völliges Erstaunenutterly völligveiled threat versteckte Drohungvictim Opfervillain Schurkevital clue wichtiges Indizwaiting area Aufenthaltsraumwallet Brieftaschewave v winkenwave v down anhalten; abwinkenwear, wore, worn v tragenWhat kept you? Was hat dich aufgehalten?whine v winselnwhistle v pfeifenwide breitwig Perückewilco (will cooperate) Verstanden! (Funksprache)wipe v abwischenwitness v Augenzeuge seinwrap v einpacken, einwickeln; umarmenwrap v up hier: erledigen, abschließen x-ray RöntgenbildYou’re trapped. fig Sie sitzen in der Falle! figYou rotten so and so! fam Sie mieser Schuft! fam


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Übung 1: 1. Harriet March left the bank at two minutes past five. 2. She wasin a bad mood because she didn’t get the promotion she had been hopingfor. 3. A couple of passers-by gave her strange looks. 4. Mr Harris owns acomputer shop. 5. He dialled the emergency number 999. Übung 2: 1. As he was walking past an alley, he heard somebody screaming. 2. Mr Harris’s wallet was missing. 3. They’ll be sorry they didn’t promote me. 4. He wanted to call the police with his mobile phone. 5. Make me stop,if you can.Übung 3: 1. less/more 2. real/false 3. last/first 4. pull/push 5. young/oldÜbung 4: 1. Hudson heard his name being called. 2. A telephone call for youfrom Scotland Yard. 3. It really sounds quite urgent. 4. Hudson is very fond ofEarl Grey tea. 5. Hudson sent a police artist to the hospital.Übung 5: 1. enjoying/well-deserved 2. around/confusion 3. finish/wrapped up4. called/necessary 5. observation/releasedÜbung 6: 1. of 2. to 3. at 4. in 5. atÜbung 7: 1. I ate a Cornish pasty. 2. I’ll bet you didn’t eat anything for lunch. 3. I preferred a small salad. 4. Mr Williams’s wallet wasn’t stolen. 5. Lenapaged Dr Jameson. Übung 8: 1. Constable Peel informed Hudson about the mugging. 2. A policecar was parked in front of the Indian restaurant. 3. Mr Patell, the owner ofthe restaurant, witnessed the crime. 4. After visiting the crime scene, Hudsonwent to the hospital. 5. Hudson had Cornish pasties for dinner.Übung 9: 1. falsch 2. falsch 3. richtig 4. falsch 5. falsch 6. falschÜbung 10: 1. falsch 2. richtig 3. falsch 4. falsch 5. richtigÜbung 11: 1. What 2. Where 3. Why 4. Who 5. How 6. WhatÜbung 12: 1. The villain was whistling a popular tune when he left the station. 2. The shop owner caught his train from platform five. 3. Elvira wascarrying a shopping bag when Hudson met her at the station. 4. Hudson andElvira drank coffee at the station. 5. The villain put on sunglasses beforecrossing the road to the bank.Übung 13: 1. renovate 2. bank clerk 3. a leather jacket 4. plump 5. bossÜbung 14: 1. Jimmy threatened Harriet with a knife. 2. He was scaredbecause of the blood all over his body. 3. At the end of the case Hudson willhelp Elvira to renovate her flat. 4. Elvira had two cans of red paint in hershopping bag. 5. Jimmy gave Hudson an envelope containing a photo in thealley. Übung 15: 1. walk 2. milk 3. passenger 4. pension 5. actual


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