Top Banner • Palo Alto Weekly • July 24, 2015 • Page 33 ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww ww w ww ww ww ww w ww ww w ww ww w ww w ww ww ww ww w ww w ww ww ww w w w w ww ww w w w. w. w. w. w. w. w. w. w w w. w. w w. w w w. w w. w w w w. w. w w w w. w w w. w w w w w w w.Pa P Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa a a Pa a Pa Pa Pa a Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa a Pa Pa a Pa Pa Pa Pa P Pa P Pa a Pa Pa Pa P Pa Pa a a Pa Pa Pa Pa a a a a Pa Pa Pa a Pa Pa Pa a Pa a Pa a P Palo lo o o o o o lo lo o o lo o o l lo o o o lo lo lo o o lo o o lo lo lo o o o o o o lo lo lo o lo lo lo o o o o o lo o lo l lo l l l lo o lo lo oAl A A A A A A A A Al l l Al Al A A A A A Al A A A Al l Al Al A A A A A Al Al A A A Al Al A A A A A A A A A A A Al A Al A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Al A A A A A A A A A A A Al l l l A A A A A A Al l A A A A A A A Al Al A Al A A A A A A A A A Al l l l A A A A A Al l A A A Al l l l A Al A A Al l l A Al A Al A A A A A t t t t to t to to o o t to to t t to t to to t to t to to to o o o 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The Palo Alto Weekly’s Best Of Palo Alto is rolling back into town to shine its lights, pull back the curtains and introduce the best of what Palo Alto has to offer. Determined to please, the Palo Alto Weekly has gathered almost 34,000 votes from the community and has crafted a one-of-a-kind experience featuring businesses and organizations from 90 different categories that you, the Weekly’s readers, have deemed supreme. Whatever your fancy, this year’s Best Of Palo Alto has it all, from the most indulgent milkshake at Palo Alto Creamery Fountain & Grill to the most striking hairdo at Juut Salonspa. To keep things exciting, the program also features some rising stars, businesses like the new educational toy store Gray Matters and burrito destination Sancho’s Taqueria, which have stolen the hearts of our audience. For longtime followers of our tantalizing troupe, you’ll recognize the 22 beloved standbys included in our Hall of Fame. These businesses — which have won Best Of awards in their categories for five years in a row — gain this treasured distinction for three years, providing them a lasting place in the spotlight while also allowing new performers to take the stage. So come one, come all: Take a seat, grab an acai bowl and allow the 2015 Best Of winners to show off their superior service, delectable dishes and astounding attractions — all found right here in the Palo Alto area. —Sam Sciolla Best Of Contributors Editor Sam Sciolla Writers Jamauri Bowles, Jocelyn Dong, Sue Dremann, Elena Kadvany, Sevde Kaldiroglu, Brenna Malmberg, My Nguyen, Elizabeth Schwyzer, Gennady Sheyner Publicity and Logistics Heather Choi Photographers Veronica Weber, Michelle Le Lead Designers Shannon Corey, Kristin Brown, Linda Atilano Designers Diane Haas, Rosanna Leung, Paul Llewellyn, Nick Schweich, Doug Young

RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress

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Page 1: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress • Palo Alto Weekly • July 24, 2015 • Page 33wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww w.w.w.w.w.w.w.w.www.w.ww.www.ww.wwww.w.wwww.www.wwwwwww.PaPPaPaPaPaPaPaaaPaaPaPaPaaPaPaPaPaPaaPaPaaPaPaPaPaPPaPPaaPaPaPaPPaPaaaPaPaPaPaaaaaPaPaPaaPaPaPaaPaaPaaPPaloloooooololooolooolloooolololooolooolololooooooolololoolololooooooloolollolllloololooAlAAAAAAAAAlllAlAlAAAAAAlAAAAllAlAlAAAAAAlAlAAAAlAlAAAAAAAAAAAAlAAlAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAlAAAAAAAAAAAAllllAAAAAAAllAAAAAAAAlAlAAlAAAAAAAAAAllllAAAAAAllAAAAllllAAlAAAlllAAlAAlAAAAA tttttottotooottototttottotottottototoooootttototototooooooototttotottoooooooootottottoooooootttottoooootttotttoooooooooootttoooooooootttttttooooooooooooootttttooooooooootttoooooooottttoooooototttootoooootottotototoooooottotoooottotottooooototoooootoootoooooottotooooootttotttttoooott OnOnOnnOnOOOnOOOnOnnOnOOnOOnOOnOnOnOnOnOOnOnOnOnOOnnOnOnOnOnOnOOnOnOnOnOnOOnOnOnOnOnnnOnOOnOnOnOnnOOOnOnnOnnnOnOOOnnnnOOOnOOnOnnOnnOOOOOOnnnnOOOOOnnnnnnnOOOOnOnOnnnnnnnnnnnnOOnOnOnOnOOOnnnnnnnnOOOnOnOnnnnnOOOOOnnnnnnOOOOOOnnnnnnnOOOOOOOnOnOnnnnnnOOOOOOOOOOnnnnnnnnnnOOOOOnnnOOOOOOnnOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOnOnnnnOOOOOOOOnO llllilililiiililililllilillinnnnneneeeeeeeeeeeeneeeeennnneeeeeeeennnnneeneeneeeeennenneneneeneennneneenenennenennenenennnneneeneeenee omomomomoooooomooomooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmoomooooommmmmmmmmmmomoooomommmmmmmmmmmmmooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmoooomoomoommmommmmmmmmmmoooooooommmmmmmmmooooooomomommmmooomoomomomomommmmmmmoooomoommoooooooooommmmmooooomommmmmmooooommmoooomomooomommmooooommoooooomomoom •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPaalalalalalalllallalalaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaaallaaaaallaaalllaallaaaalalaaalalaaaalalalalaaaalallaaaaalaa oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooo AAAAAAAAlAAAAAAlAlllAAAlAAAAlAAAlAAAAAAAlllAAAAAAAlllAAAAAlllAAAAAAAlAAAAAAAAlAAAAAAAlllAAAllAAAllAAAlAAAAlAAAAAAAAAAlAAAAAAlAAAAAAAAlAAAlttttttttotoooooooooottttoootttttottotototottoottttotooottttotoooootttttooooootoooooooooootooottottootttoottoootooo WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkllllkkkkkkkkkklkkkklllkkllkklkklkllllkkllkkklkklkllkklllkkkkkkkkkk yyyyyyyy yyyy y y yy y yyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyy yyyy yyy y yyyyy ••••••••••••••••• JuJJuJuuuuJJuuuJuJJuJuJuuJuuuuuuuuuuJJJuuJuJuuuJuJuuuuuJuJJJJuuuJJJullylyylylylyyyllylylyylyllylllylylylyyylllylllyyllyylylylylyyyyyyylllylyllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222244,4,4,4,4,4,444,44,4,4,4,444,44,4,4,, 2222222222220101001111110101101100101110101011111115 5555 555 5555555 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PPPPaPaPaPaPPPPaPaPaPaPaPaPaaPaPPPPaPPPPPPPPPPaPPPPaPPPPaPaPaPPaaPPPPPPaPPagggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeggeeeegggggeeggggeegggeeeegggeeegeeeeggeeeeggggggeeeeggggggeeeggggggeegggggeggggegggegeegggegeggggeeeeggeggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333




Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, step right up for a chance to see a show bursting with wonders and delights guaranteed to dazzle your every sense. The Palo Alto Weekly’s Best Of Palo Alto is rolling back into town to shine

its lights, pull back the curtains and introduce the best of what Palo Alto has to offer.Determined to please, the Palo Alto Weekly has gathered almost 34,000 votes

from the community and has crafted a one-of-a-kind experience featuring businesses and organizations from 90 different categories that you, the Weekly’s readers, have deemed supreme. Whatever your fancy, this year’s Best Of Palo Alto has it all, from the most indulgent milkshake at Palo Alto Creamery Fountain & Grill to the most striking hairdo at Juut Salonspa. To keep things exciting, the program also features some rising stars, businesses like the new educational toy store Gray Matters and burrito destination Sancho’s Taqueria, which have stolen the hearts of our audience.

For longtime followers of our tantalizing troupe, you’ll recognize the 22 beloved standbys included in our Hall of Fame. These businesses — which have won Best Of awards in their categories for five years in a row — gain this treasured distinction for three years, providing them a lasting place in the spotlight while also allowing new performers to take the stage.

So come one, come all: Take a seat, grab an acai bowl and allow the 2015 Best Of winners to show off their superior service, delectable dishes and astounding attractions — all found right here in the Palo Alto area.

—Sam Sciolla

Best Of Contributors


Sam Sciolla


Jamauri Bowles, Jocelyn

Dong, Sue Dremann, Elena

Kadvany, Sevde Kaldiroglu,

Brenna Malmberg,

My Nguyen,

Elizabeth Schwyzer,

Gennady Sheyner

Publicity and Logistics

Heather Choi


Veronica Weber,

Michelle Le

Lead Designers

Shannon Corey, Kristin

Brown, Linda Atilano


Diane Haas, Rosanna

Leung, Paul Llewellyn, Nick

Schweich, Doug Young

Page 2: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress

Page 34 • July 24, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly • www.PaloAltoOnline.comPaPaPaPPaPaPaPaPPaPaPaPaPaPaPaPaPPagggggggeggggeegeegeegggggegggggggggggegggeegeggegggeggegggeeeggeeeegegeeegeeegeege 34343433343434344433433434434333443434434343434343434343434434 ••••••••••••••••• JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJuululululuuuuuuuuuuluuuuuuulululululuuuluuluuuulyyyyyyyy yy yy 24424424224244222242442424424242 ,,,,, 20202020202022020200200202020202022015111515151151515151515151115551 •••••••• PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPalalaalalaalaaalalalalalalalaalalalalalalalalaaaaaaaa ooooooooooooooooooo oooooo oo o AlAlAlAlAlAlAlAlAAAAAlAAlAAAAAAlAlAAAAAlAAlAlAlAlAlAlAA totototototototototottoootttotototototototott WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee kkkkkkklkkkkklkklkkklkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklklkkkklkkkkkklkkkk yyyyyyyyyyyyy y yyy ••••••• wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.ww.www.w.PPaPaPaaPaPaPaaaaPaPaPaPaPaPa olooooooooloooooooooololoooooooololooloooooololoooolooooooooooAlAlAlAlAlAlAAlAlAlAAlAAAAlAlAAllAlAllAlAlAlAlAlAlAlAAlA totototototootototootototootototototototototottoooOnOnOnOnOnOnnOnOnOOnOnOOOnnOOOnOOnOnnnnnnOnOnOnOnnnOnOnOnOnOnnnOnnnnnliliilililliliiiiilililiiililiililililliiililinennennenenenenneneenenennneeeeneneneneneenenenennenenennne ooomomommomoomommooooooooooooomomoooomomoooomomo

SERVICEAcupuncture: Annie Wang Acupuncture, 895 Sherwood Ave., Suite 101, Los Altos

Auto Care: Heinichen’s Garage, 960 High St., Palo Alto

Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park

Day Spa: Watercourse Way, 165 Channing Ave., Palo Alto

Dentist: Dr. Christine Hansen, 416 Waverley St., Suite A, Palo Alto

Dry Cleaner: Charleston Cleaners, 3900 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto

Fitness Classes: The Bar Method, #151 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

Frame Shop: Great American Framing Company, 229 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto

HALL OF FAME: University Art, 2550 El Camino Real, Redwood City

Gym: Oshman Family Jewish Community Center, 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto

Hair Salon: Juut Salonspa, 240 University Ave., Palo Alto

HALL OF FAME: Hair International, #232 Stanford Shopping Center, 180 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

Hotel: Rosewood Sand Hill, 2825 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park

HALL OF FAME: Garden Court Hotel, 520 Cowper St., Palo Alto

Manicure/Pedicure: La Jolie Nail Spa, 364 S. California Ave., Palo Alto

Massage: Massage Therapy Center, 368 S. California Ave., Palo Alto

Men’s Haircut: Hair International, #232 Stanford Shopping Center, 180 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

Orthodontists: Dr. Larry Morrill, 1000 Welch Road, Suite 201, Palo Alto

HALL OF FAME: Mid Peninsula Orthodontics, 965 High St., Palo Alto

Personal Trainer: Oshman Family Jewish Community Center, 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto

Plumber: Palo Alto Plumbing Heating and Air, 716 San Antonio Road, Unit F, Palo Alto

Shoe Repair: Village Cobbler, 825 Emerson St., Palo Alto

HALL OF FAME: Midtown Shoe Repair, 2796 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto

Skin Care: SkinSpirit, 701 Emerson St., Palo Alto

Value Hotel/Motel: Creekside Inn, 3400 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

Veterinarian: Adobe Animal Hospital, 4470 El Camino Real, Los Altos

Yoga: YogaSource, 158 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto

RETAILNew Business: Gray Matters, 330 S. California Ave., Palo Alto

Beauty Supply: LaBelle Day Spas and

Salons, #36 Stanford Shopping Center, 180 El Camino Real, Palo Alto; #95 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

HALL OF FAME: Peninsula Beauty Supply, 250 University Ave., Palo Alto

Bike Shop: Mike’s Bikes, 3001 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

Bookstore: Books Inc., #74 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

HALL OF FAME: Kepler’s Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park

Boutique: Romi, 624 Emerson St., Palo Alto

Hall of Fame: Shady Lane, 325 Sharon Park Drive, Menlo Park

Eyewear: Lux Eyewear, 1805 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

Flower Shop: Michaela’s Flower Shop, 453 Waverley St., Palo Alto

Gift Shop: Paperwhirl, 230 University Ave., Palo Alto

HALL OF FAME: Shady Lane, 325 Sharon Park Drive, Menlo Park

Hardware Store: Menlo Park Ace Hardware, 700 Santa Cruz Ave., Menlo Park

HALL OF FAME: Hassett (Ace) Hardware, 875 Alma St., Palo Alto

Home Decor: Sur La Table, #57 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

Jewelry Store: Gleim the Jeweler, #111 Stanford Shopping Center, 180 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

HALL OF FAME: Shady Lane, 325 Sharon Park Drive, Menlo Park

Nursery/Garden Supply: Ladera Garden & Gifts, 3130 Alpine Road, Suite 380, Portola Valley

Pet Store: Pet Food Express, 3910 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto

Shoe Store: Footwear etc., 463 University Ave., Palo Alto

Sporting Goods & Apparel: Palo Alto Sport Shop & Toy World, 526 Waverley St., Palo Alto

Stationery Store: Village Stationers, 310 S. California Ave., Palo Alto; 719 Santa Cruz Ave., Menlo Park; 222 Main St., Los Altos

Toy Store: Cheeky Monkey, 640 Santa Cruz Ave., Menlo Park

HALL OF FAME: Palo Alto Sport Shop & Toy World, 526 Waverley St., Palo Alto

Women’s Apparel: Leaf & Petal, 439 S. California Ave., Palo Alto

FOOD & DRINKBagels: Izzy’s Brooklyn Bagels, 477 S. California Ave., Palo Alto

Bakery/Desserts: The Prolific Oven, 550 Waverley St., Palo Alto

Barbecue: Harold’s Ribs at Lozano’s Car Wash, 2690 El Camino Real, Mountain View

HALL OF FAME: Armadillo Willy’s, 1031 N. San Antonio Road, Los Altos

Breakfast: Joanie’s Cafe, 405 S. California Ave., Palo Alto

Burgers: The Counter, 369 S. California Ave., Palo Alto

Burrito: Sancho’s Taqueria, 491 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto; 2723 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto

Deli/Sandwich: Driftwood Deli & Market, 3450 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

HALL OF FAME: Village Cheese House, #157 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

Dim Sum: Steam, 209 University Ave., Palo Alto

Grocery Store: Whole Foods Market, 744 Emerson St., Palo Alto

Happy Hour: Nola, 535 Ramona St., Palo Alto

Ice Cream/Gelato: Tin Pot Creamery, #121 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

Milkshake: Palo Alto Creamery Fountain & Grill, 566 Emerson St., Palo Alto

New Food/Drink Establishment: Bare Bowls, 530 Emerson St., Palo Alto

Pizza: Pizzeria Delfina, 651 Emerson St., Palo Alto

Produce: California Avenue Farmers’ Market, S. California Avenue at El Camino Real, Palo Alto

Salad: Sprout Café, 168 University Ave., Palo Alto

Seafood: Sam’s Chowder House, 185 University Ave., Palo Alto

HALL OF FAME: The Fish Market, 3150 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

Steak: Sundance The Steakhouse, 1921 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

Takeout: Asian Box, #21 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

Yogurt: Pinkberry, #14 Stanford Shopping Center, 180 El Camino Real, Palo Alto Palo Alto

HALL OF FAME: Fraiche, 200 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto

RESTAURANTSAmbiance: La Bodeguita del Medio, 463 S. California Ave., Palo Alto

Bar/Lounge: The Rose & Crown, 547 Emerson St., Palo Alto

HALL OF FAME: La Bodeguita del Medio, 463 S. California Ave., Palo Alto

California Cuisine: Calafia Café & Market A Go-Go, #130 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

Chinese Restaurant: Su Hong, 4256 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

HALL OF FAME: Chef Chu’s, 1067 N. San Antonio Road, Los Altos

Coffee House: Philz Coffee, 101 Forest Ave., Palo Alto

Dining With Kids: Palo Alto Creamery Fountain & Grill, 566 Emerson St., Palo Alto

French Restaurant: Pastis, 447 S. California Ave., Palo Alto

Fusion: Rangoon Ruby, 445 Emerson St., Palo Alto

HALL OF FAME: Tamarine, 546 University Ave., Palo Alto

Indian Restaurant: Darbar, 129 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto

Italian Restaurant: Terún, 448 S. California Ave., Palo Alto

Latin American Restaurant: Reposado, 236 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto

HALL OF FAME: La Bodeguita del Medio, 463 S. California Ave., Palo Alto

Meal Under $20: Asian Box, #21 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

Mediterranean Restaurant: Evvia Estiatorio, 420 Emerson St., Palo Alto

Mexican Restaurant: Palo Alto Sol, 408 S. California Ave., Palo Alto

New Restaurant: Zola, 565 Bryant St., Palo Alto

Outdoor Dining: Caffe Riace, 200 Sheridan Ave., Palo Alto

Restaurant to Splurge: Evvia Estiatorio, 420 Emerson St., Palo Alto

Romantic Restaurant: St. Michael’s Alley, 140 Homer Ave., Palo Alto

Solo Dining: Cafe Borrone, 1010 El Camino Real, #110, Menlo Park

Sports Bar: The Dutch Goose, 3567 Alameda de las Pulgas, Menlo Park

HALL OF FAME: The Old Pro, 541 Ramona St., Palo Alto

Sunday Brunch: Mayfield Bakery & Cafe, Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

HALL OF FAME: St. Michael’s Alley, 140 Homer Ave., Palo Alto

Sushi/Japanese Restaurant: Fuki Sushi, 4119 El Camino Real, Palo Alto

Thai Restaurant: Thaiphoon, 543 Emerson St., Palo Alto

Vegetarian Restaurant: LYFE Kitchen, 167 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto

FUN STUFFNightlife: Antonio’s Nut House, 321 S. California Ave., Palo Alto

Retail Window Displays: Leaf & Petal, 439 S. California Ave., Palo Alto

Family-Run Business: Maximart Pharmacy, 240 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto

Creative Local Business: Keen Garage, 278 University Ave., Palo Alto

Place for Live Entertainment: Palo Alto Children’s Theatre, 1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto

Place to Take a Visitor: Cantor Arts Center, 328 Lomita Drive, Stanford

Download a PDF of the Winners List at

Page 3: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress • Palo Alto Weekly • July 24, 2015 • Page 35

Downtown Menlo Park 1139 Chestnut Street • (650) 325-2965

Hours: Monday - Saturday 11-6

Ela Lingerie would like to thank our wonderful customers

for voting us

Best Lingerie

Fine European Lingerie, Sleepwear and Hosiery Complementary Custom Fitting








AcupunctureA trusted local practice, Annie Wang Acu-

puncture, combines traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, lifestyle counseling and more to assist patients in maintain-ing health. The staff — which includes formally educated and California-licensed acupuncturists — cultivates a safe and supportive environment and works patiently with each client to determine the best course for treatment. The practice specializes in acu-puncture for fertility issues, during pregnancy, and to manage stress and pain. It is in-network for some insurance companies. 895 Sherwood Ave., Suite 101, Los Altos, 650-468-3636;

Auto CareGiven the stress and expense of fixing a car, it says

something when a community deems an auto-repair shop like Heinichen’s Garage the best in town. The 27-year-old business strives to build relationships with its customers, and Yelpers praise its mechan-ics for sharp diagnoses, keeping customers informed and providing options, and delivering results. Its ser-vices range from tune-ups to lube services, brake and suspension repair, computer engine diagnostics, window glass repair and more. 960 High St., Palo Alto, 650-328-4488;

ChiropractorIn dealing with mysterious chronic pain and heal-

ing injuries, the doctors at Health Logic have a wide suite of tools and strategies at their disposal that have earned them recognition by Palo Alto Weekly read-ers as the best chiropractors for the fourth year in a row. The practice provides care including spinal adjustments, instruction in corrective exercises, pos-

ture and gait analysis, the Graston Technique, custom orthotics and lifestyle advice, among other services. Personalized programs seek to bring patients back to their former health, or perhaps to a level of wellness completely new. 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park, 650-853-1800;

Day SpaYes, you can find tranquility in the Silicon Valley.

With eight private hot-tub rooms, a menu of mas-sage and spa treatments and special deals for groups, Watercourse Way is Palo Alto’s ultimate relaxation haven. They’ve been around for 35 years, and clients are still streaming through the doors. Inspired by the natural hot springs of Tassajara, Watercourse Way’s pools and tiled rooms offer a rejuvenating retreat from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Soak away your stress. 165 Channing Ave., Palo Alto, 650-462-2000;

DentistAt the office of Dr. Christine Hansen and Dr.

Roberta Jurash — which this year claims its sec-ond Best Of award in a row — the staff works to dispel any apprehension about dental work by com-municating clearly about procedures and fees and making its patients as comfortable as possible. Blan-kets and iPods are available whether you’re in for a regular cleaning or one of a myriad more-involved procedures offered. Hansen has practiced dentistry in Palo Alto since 1990, and both she and Jurash seek to run a community-focused business by doing charity work, participating in fundraisers and using environmentally friendly practices. 416 Waverley St., Suite A, Palo Alto, 650-326-3290;

(continued on page 36)


Family Owned and Operated • Senior Discounts Available • For All of Your Plumbing and Heating Needs

Thank You! Best Plumbers2 0 1 1

2 0 1 2

Experience The Difference

2 0 1 4

License #797913

“I have been working with Palo Alto Plumbing Heating

for many years and they have always been courteous,

respectful, available, reliable and thorough in their

response to the needs of my clients. I can recommend them


– Gwen Luce – Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate

2 0 1 5

Page 4: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress

Page 36 • July 24, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly •

Thank You! for voting us Best Acupuncturist

Los Altos | Belmont

2 0 1 32 0 1 42 0 1 5

• Check out our local products!

• Visit The Kitchen for made right here featured items!

We look forward to seeing you!


Thank you!For voting Whole Foods Market Palo Alto your Favorite Grocery Store!

We’re proud to be part of the Palo Alto Community

for a quarter century!

2 0 1 5

Dry CleanerA repeat winner in the category (and former Hall

of Famer), Charleston Cleaners has provided dry-cleaning and alteration services in Palo Alto since 1985. Cleaning of dresses, pants, jackets, coats, men’s and women’s suits and other items is all done on the premises, using an environmentally friendly hydro-carbon solvent. So whether some daily work clothes need freshening, or a special occasion demands a pristine outfit, Charleston Cleaners has you covered. 3900 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 650-424-1113;

Fitness ClassesMovie stars swear by it. So do the not-so-rich and

not-so-famous. In recent years The Bar Method has developed a cult following. A typical class in-volves the use of light weights, abdominal exercises, cardiovascular work and stretching, all set to mu-sic. Based on interval training to burn calories and encourage long, lean muscle, the technique works the entire body. Best of all, it’s fun. Though the classes are demanding, no experience is required; participants of all ages, shapes and sizes say they benefit from better posture, more core strength and

(continued on page 38)

(continued from page 35)

Best Auto Care: Heinichen’s Garage

Page 5: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress • Palo Alto Weekly • July 24, 2015 • Page 37

Thank You For Voting Shady LaneHall of Fame in Palo Alto

&Best Gifts & Boutique in Menlo ParkB E S T O F 20152015





Gifts from the HeartShady Lane

325 Sharon Heights Park Drive at Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park

Visit us in our new locationSharon Heights Shopping Center next to Starbucks


Holly Yashi

2 0 1 5

448 S.California Avenue

Palo Alto, CA


Page 6: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress

Page 38 • July 24, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly •

increased flexibility. #151 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-329-8875;

Frame ShopFeel free to stop by the Great American

Framing Company and check out the va-riety of frames that are available. For more than 40 years, this store has specialized and taken pride in providing customers with quality frames. And for the last 25 years, the Great American Framing Company has been located downtown on Hamilton Av-enue. But this summer, the store is moving

to a new location: 3866 El Camino Real in Barron Park. Even though the location will change, the great service of the Great American Framing Company will remain the same. 229 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto, 650-327-4521; (search for “Great American Framing Co.”)

Hall of Fame: Third YearLongtime Palo Alto art store and frame

shop University Art may have moved to new digs in Redwood City, but that hasn’t changed readers’ minds about the status of this local icon, which is in this year’s Hall of Fame. It’s still a favorite, offering expert framing for fine art and keepsake photos

alike and a wide selection of frames for all wall-hanging needs from “petite to jum-bo.” They have also introduced “Custom Framing Lite” for the budget-conscious consumer, with a select suite of frames and mats. The store offers classes and gazil-lions of art supplies, so artistic types can create masterpieces to fit in those frames. 2550 El Camino Real, Redwood City, 650-328-3500;

GymSince its debut in 2009, the Oshman

Family Jewish Community Center has become the top destination for health nuts, wellness freaks and gym rats seeking to be-

come the world’s strongest men and wom-en. At the same time, one doesn’t have to be an elite athlete to enjoy and benefit from the sprawling gym on the southern edge of the city. With its basketball courts, swim-ming pools, an army of personal trainers and more than 145 fitness classes — a list that includes Pilates Ballet, cycling, cardio kickboxing and 10 different types of yoga — the JCC caters to patrons of all ages, interests, fitness levels and ambitions. 3921 Fabian Way, Palo Alto, 650-223-8700;


San Mateo San Carlos Los Altos

Sunnyvale-Value Center Cupertino Santa Clara San Jose (650) 328-1122

PALO ALTO: 463 University Ave, 94301

(continued on page 40)

(continued from page 36)

Best Orthodontists: Dr. Larry Morrill

Best Chiropractor: Health Logic



sy Health



Page 7: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress • Palo Alto Weekly • July 24, 2015 • Page 39

The Warmth and Charm of Greece in Silicon Valley

Thank You for Voting For Us

2 0 1 5

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Page 40 • July 24, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly •

BOOKS INC.The West’s Oldest Independent Bookseller



PALO ALTO!We Think You’re Pretty Great Too!

2 0 1 5

640 Santa Cruz Avenue, Menlo Park 650-328-7975

Complimentary gift wrapping and assembly!

Thanks for Voting us

Best Toy Store!

2 0 1 5

Cheeky Monkey Toys, the magic of play,

the wonder of learning.

Hair SalonPrioritizing individuality and highlighting real

beauty, Juut Salonspa has offered elegant customer service and high-quality, plant-derived products to Palo Altans since 1998. Whether it’s a simple haircut, a relaxing massage or complicated make-up for a special event, Juut’s professional stylists and expert artists promise to make you feel special during your stay while assuring you of the most stylish outcome before you leave the salon. 240 University Ave., Palo Alto, 650-328-4067;

Hall of Fame: Second YearJust back from a three-year break in the Hall of

Fame, Hair International proves again how much the Palo Alto community depends on it to keep look-ing fresh. The hair salon delivers quality cuts to both men and women, families and college students, and the diverse staff brings with it a breadth of experi-ence and a cosmopolitan flair. Among its many ser-vices are curling, flattening, highlighting, coloring, and eyebrow and facial waxing — as well as hairdos for prom, bridal services, and spa manicures and pedicures by appointment. #232 Stanford Shopping Center, 180 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-324-2007;

HotelFrequently picked as a favorite hotel, Rosewood

Sand Hill carries on a three-year Best Of Palo Alto award-winning streak. Rosewood Sand Hill contin-ues to be a leading hotel, dining and social desti-nation for Silicon Valley. Named a five-star hotel by Forbes Travel Guide this year, the property’s 121 guestrooms and suites, award-winning spa and Michelin-starred dining experience at Madera (the hotel’s signature restaurant) make an appealing combination for the area’s entrepreneurs as well as business and leisure travelers from around the world. 2825 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, 650-961-1500;

Hall of Fame: Third YearThe lure of exotic vacations in far-away places

might make a getaway to a not-so-far-away place seem insignificant, but that doesn’t have to be the case. The Garden Court Hotel in downtown Palo Alto, with its grand arches, luscious courtyard and Spanish-influenced terrace, will make your staycation a memorable and restful one. The boutique hotel’s 62 guestrooms are furnished with endless comforts, including a fresh and fragrant gardenia beside each bed, Molton Brown luxury spa products, overhead rain showers, aerated spa-tubs and port-and-cookie service. Almost every room has a furnished balcony that looks out on the interior courtyard or the nearby streets. 520 Cowper St., Palo Alto, 650-322-9000;

Manicure/PedicureNext time you need a little pampering, head for

La Jolie Nail Spa. Customers love the upscale salon for its soothing interior and emphasis on hygiene. La Jolie offers a wide range of mani/pedi options, from their quick “express mani” ($15 for a clean, shape, buff and polish) to the ultra-luxurious “pep-permint pedi” ($55 including a mint oil bath, sugar soufflé scrub, shea butter massage and paraffin dip). Aficionados have their choice of acrylic, silk wrap and gel nails, and there’s also a full menu of waxing options available. 364 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, 650-322-8882;

MassagePalo Alto’s Massage Therapy Center is one of

the largest and oldest massage facilities in Califor-nia, providing excellent service to the city for more than 30 years. It offers a number of services that allows customers to experience an inner sensate world, including a variety of therapeutic massage and clinical bodywork techniques and a complimen-tary sauna and tea. The therapy center also features a staff that takes pride in understanding that “touch is an elemental dimension of our human existence and absolutely necessary to enhance the creative, self-organizing healing potential in each one of us.” 368 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, 650-328-9480;

Men’s HaircutSee complete listing for Hair International under

Hair Salon.

Orthodontists“Your smile is our top priority.” Dr. Larry Mor-

rill and his staff take this principle to heart, pro-viding patients with excellent orthodontic care and leaving them with a beautiful smile on their faces. Established in 1974, Morrill’s office has served gen-erations of families, welcoming children and adults with any form of orthodontic problems for decades. If you’re looking for medical expertise along with a caring, supportive and friendly atmosphere, Mor-rill’s award-winning team is waiting for you. 1000 Welch Road, Suite 201, Palo Alto, 650-322-2817;

Hall of Fame: First YearAfter years of receiving great smiles, patients of

Mid Peninsula Orthodontics and Dr. Stacey Quo have returned the favor and lifted the team into the Palo Weekly’s Hall of Fame. Quo began her practice in Palo Alto in 1997, and today she and her staff guide patients carefully through the orthodontic process, developing close relationships with the chil-dren, teens and adults they serve. The office employs SureSmile 3D software technology to create precise wiring for braces, shortening treatment times and

(continued from page 38)

Best Massage: Massage Therapy Center













Page 9: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress • Palo Alto Weekly • July 24, 2015 • Page 41

168 University Ave Palo Alto 650.323.7688 www.cafesprout.comMon-Sat: 11am-9pm

Thank you Palo Alto for Voting us Best Salad!

2 0 1 5

decreasing the number of uncomfortable adjustments. Mid Peninsula Orthodontics is proud to provide not only great smiles but also better jaw function and teeth that are both easier to clean and more resistant to gum disease. 965 High St., Palo Alto, 650-328-1600;

Personal TrainerSee complete listing for Oshman Family

Jewish Community Center under Gym.

PlumberClaiming the Plumber category for the

third year in a row, Palo Alto Plumbing Heating and Air has long been depended on by local residents to identify and fix all manner of plumbing problems as well hic-cups in heating and cooling systems. Its spe-cialties include repairing sinks, toilets, show-ers, bathtubs, dishwashers, water heaters and pipes, and it offers water-efficient products to save time, money and the environment. A 24-hour service is also available (at overtime rates) — an option that can clear headaches on a holiday or in the middle of the night. 716 San Antonio Road, Unit F, Palo Alto, 650-856-3400;

Shoe RepairVillage Cobbler is a family-owned-

and-operated shoe repair and sandal shop. Since 1979, this shop has considered itself an industry leader and Palo Alto favorite. In addition to repair work on shoes, the staff can repair belts, handbags, luggage and baseball gloves. Shoe-care products range from leather creams, waterproof sprays and shoe polishes to leather cleaners, con-ditioners and dyes. Feel free to stop by this shop and enjoy the top-quality sandals and shoe-repair, shoe-shine and luggage-repair services. 825 Emerson St., Palo Alto, 650-


Hall of Fame: Second YearMidtown Shoe Repair has helped to

keep local residents’ shoes functional and looking spiffy for the past 36 years and earned a reputation for quality work that’s placed it in the Weekly’s Hall of Fame. The business resolves all kinds of issues with men’s and women’s shoes made of leather, cloth and other materials, in addition to doing work on luggage, jackets and other

(continued on page 42)

Best Acupuncture: Annie Wang Acupuncture



sy A


ie W


g A





Hall of Fame, Hair Salon, and Best Men’s

Haircut: Hair






ir I






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Page 42 • July 24, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly •

232 Stanford Shopping Center | Palo Alto, CA 94304 | between Macy’s & Bloomingdale’s

650.324.2007 | | [email protected]

Precision haircuttingHighlights, lowlights, color and ombre coloringAgave Healing Oil Formaldehyde-free

Keratin Smoothing TreatmentProms, weddings and special occasion stylingBlowdry styling, long-hair curlsSpa, manicures & pedicuresNo appointment necessary

Thank You Again, Palo Alto!







B E S T O F2 0 1 5





232 Stanford Shopping Center | Palo Alto, CA 94304

650.324.2007 | | [email protected]

items. Shoe polish and insoles are also sold at the shop, encouraging proper mainte-nance for that favorite pair of dress shoes and those precious feet. 2796 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 650-329-8171

Skin CareSkinSpirit has been named by Palo

Alto Weekly readers as one of the best places in town for aesthetic skin and body care. Through cutting-edge technology in a luxurious spa-like setting, experienced and skilled practitioners deliver natural-

looking, safe and effective results with non-surgical cosmetic treatments. These experts use scientifically proven formulas to correct and prevent damage and bring out a person’s best complexion. Products include powerful sunblocks, skin bright-eners, and other spa products for daily maintenance. At SkinSpirit, the experts love the science, and the customer loves the results. 701 Emerson St., Palo Alto, 650-324-9600;

Value Hotel/MotelNeed a vacation? Or a paradisiacal es-

cape? Look no further than the Creekside

Inn, located along Matadero Creek just two minutes away from Stanford Univer-sity, Stanford Shopping Center and down-town Palo Alto. For anyone who wishes to have a delightful stay at the Creekside Inn, what awaits you is an oasis of gardens and oak trees, a heated outdoor pool and lodg-ing with quiet accommodations. This eco-friendly hotel allows you to simply relax and get away from the busy life in Silicon Valley. 3400 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-493-2411;

VeterinarianThe experienced doctors at Adobe Ani-

mal Hospital have won consistent praise for their compassionate, comprehensive veterinary care. The 24-hour hospital is equipped with diagnostic radiology, endo-scope and ultrasound machines, a 24-hour intensive care unit and an in-house diag-nostic laboratory. Open for appointments from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. seven days a week, Adobe Animal Hospital and its staff will help keep your furry, feathered, fishy or scaly friends healthy and happy. 4470 El Camino Real, Los Altos, 650-948-9661;

YogaWhen entering YogaSource you are

greeted with a blast of hot air. The sud-den jump in temperature helps warm the muscles, so yogis can stretch more deeply and safely. The Palo Alto yoga center is not only a place to work on your tree or downward-facing dog poses but also a peaceful — and sweaty — sanctuary to

connect with body, mind and spirit. Yo-gaSource offers different methods of ha-tha yoga, including bikram, vinyasa, power yoga and restorative yoga, so any practitio-ner of yoga can find zen amidst the hustle and bustle of modern urban living. 158 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto, 650-328-9642;


New BusinessIt’s a toy store for your brain! Gray Mat-

ters, this year’s best new business, aims to improve you while you play. With games for everyone aged 2 to 92, the store’s mo-dus operandi is to get you thinking without you even realizing it. “The theme here is building cognitive skills,” explained store owner and clinical neuropsychologist Dr. Richard Abbey. What’s more, the sales-people are all psychologists, poised to ex-plain the benefits of all of their intriguing products. To find the Gray Matters shop on California Avenue, just look for the bub-bles wafting toward the sidewalk. 330 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, 650-600-8892;

Beauty SupplyWhen it comes to beauty and skin care,

LaBelle Day Spas and Salons offers the finest products. The secret behind LaBelle’s high-quality cleansers, toners, moisturizers, masks, serum and oils is

(continued on page 44)

(continued from page 41)

Best New Business: Gray Matters

Page 11: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress • Palo Alto Weekly • July 24, 2015 • Page 43

Mid PeninsulaOrthodontics

Stacey Quo and the team at Mid Peninsula Orthodontics

thank Palo Alto for voting us into the Hall of Fame

for “Best Orthodontist”

Thank you for smiling with us!



Page 12: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress

Page 44 • July 24, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly •

1712 Miramonte Ave. #D

Mtn. View • 650.694.4888

T he House of Bagels

in Mountain View

insists on keeping

with tradition,

using the original

New York style process

developed in 1968 by the Chassey

family. We use that same process in

our store today!

the Chassey

Authentic New York

Style Bagels!All Boiled & Baked in a Brick oven

We cater events large and small!


Best Boutique: Romi

a wealth of clinical research. The product line is guided by Bella Schneider, a recognized skin care leader who founded her first spa and salon in 1976. Whenever you would like to treat your body, La-Belle offers countless different services — whether a relaxing massage or a refreshing mani-pedi ses-sion — all performed by experts in their fields. #36 Stanford Shopping Center, 180 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-326-8522; #95 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-327-6964;

Hall of Fame: Second YearLocals know they can avoid the adage “Pain is

beauty, and beauty is pain” by shopping at Peninsu-la Beauty Supply. The friendly staff answers ques-tions and helps customers find the right products for their every need. Because it carries a huge variety, and offers in-house hair styling and esthetic ser-vices, it’s a one-stop shop for cosmetic and beauty essentials. The store even stocks many favorites in a travel size, so even packing isn’t a pain anymore. 250 University Ave., Palo Alto, 650-327-1454;

Bike ShopThe wheels of success for Mike’s Bikes continue

to turn. For 51 years, Mike’s Bikes stores have re-mained dedicated to the sport of cycling, not only by selling biking equipment, but also by uphold-ing their core purpose to get as many people on bikes as possible. Aside from bikes, the Palo Alto shop also offers a diverse selection of bike frames, components, accessories and apparel. This location presents a setting that attracts bike riders, and passes that same cyclist-friendly feeling on to Palo Alto. 3001 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-858-7700;

BookstoreThis cozy and popular destination continues to

offer local bookworms the perfect reprieve from digital noise. A part of a small chain that brands it-self as “The West’s Oldest Independent Bookstore,” Books Inc. is a little paradise for the traditional sort of browser — the type who savors the sound of a turning page and appreciates the elegance of ink. The store features a helpful and knowledgeable staff, a wide selection of books and magazines, and community-centered events such as author readings and book groups. #74 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-321-0600;

Hall of Fame: Third YearEven though Kepler’s Books is comfortably with-

in its third year of Hall of Fame status, the phrase “Some things never change” would be greatly off the mark when speaking about this local institution. “We are gradually and successfully transforming Kepler’s from a traditional for-profit bookstore into a membership-driven institution with a mission of deepening literacy and providing cultural enrich-ment for our community,” said Praveen Madan, com-munity engagement officer. In addition to offering a tantalizing book selection, Kepler’s Books has a new nonprofit events organization, which has sched-uled author events in the fall featuring Meg Clayton, Adam Johnson, David Shields and others, Madan said. 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, 650-324-4321;

BoutiqueA fashion-forward boutique in downtown Palo

Alto, Romi is mainly concerned with helping cus-tomers find “the perfect look.” At Romi, the air is fresh with honest and informative assistance from employees who make sure customers leave the store with something they love. Romi hosts designer trunk shows, holds private shopping parties and offers event fundraising. The boutique also offers person-alized closet services at home to help customers cre-ate new looks from their wardrobe. Started by Palo Alto native Romi Mahajan, the shop aims to make

(continued from page 42)

Best Beauty Supply: LaBelle Day Spas and Salons



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Page 13: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress • Palo Alto Weekly • July 24, 2015 • Page 45








2 0 0 6









2 0 0 7






2 0 0 8


2 0 1 02 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4

2 0 1 5

543 Emerson Street Palo Alto between University & Hamilton

Phone: (650) 323-7700

Lunch: Mon-Sat. 11:00am-2:30pm

Dinner: Sun-Thurs, 5:00 pm-9:30pm

Fri-Sat, 5:00pm-10:00pm


2 0 1 5

405 South California Ave., Palo Alto

(650) 326-6505www.joaniescafepaloalto.comBreakfast & Lunch: 7:30am - 2:15pm daily

Dinner: 5-9pm Tuesday - Saturday

�ank you to our wonderful customers for voting

Joanie’s Cafe Best Breakfast again!

Come by Saturday July 25th, our organic Guatemalan house

co�ee we all love so much is FREE all day!

�ank You Again! P.S. If you think breakfast is good, you should try dinner!

customers feel that they and their thoughts matter by developing interactive and communicative relation-ships. 624 Emerson St., Palo Alto, 650-322-7664;

Hall of Fame: First YearWhen it comes to finding that special gift, look no

further than Shady Lane. This Hall of Famer holds a special place in reader’s hearts, although sadly, it has moved to Menlo Park from downtown Palo Alto after the building it occupied was slated for remodel-ing. From artisan-crafted jewelry and glass to wood, brass, textiles and leathercraft, there’s still an op-portunity at Shady Lane to find a gift that will be treasured for years. And see if you can keep from

treating yourself. 325 Sharon Park Drive, Menlo Park, 650-321-1099;

EyewearAt Lux Eyewear, you don’t just see your best —

you look your best. A premier place on the Peninsu-la for eyewear, this store offers advanced optics and high-fashion frames. Products include optical and contact lenses, and a diverse collection of distinctive eyewear, from designers such as Tom Ford and Ju-dith Leiber. The store also gives eye exams and ac-cepts insurance from a full range of providers. The time of “four-eyes” jokes is over, and Lux Eyewear

(continued on page 46)

Best Shoe Store: Footwear etc.



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Page 14: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress

Page 46 • July 24, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly •

Thank You So Much Palo Alto Weekly Readers! We are proud and humbled by the support you have given us. We will continue to offer great automotive care and service. We pride ourselves in ongoing training, using the best parts available and making it very easy to understand what we do to keep your vehicle in the best shape possible. The real pleasure in coming to work everyday is the great interaction

we have with you all.Thank you so much for taking the time out to vote.

Without you we wouldn’t be us!

2 0 1 5

Thank you for Voting Us Best Auto

We are here to serve you

960 High Street Palo Alto, CA(650) 328-4488

Heinichen’sG A R AG E Hours: Mon - Thur: 7am - 5pm

3130 Alpine Road

Portola Valley


Ladera Garden







2 0 1 5

Thank you for voting

Ladera Garden and Gifts!

Best Nursery, Florist

& Garden Supply Store!

can help you craft a look of style and sophistication. 1805 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-324-3937;

Flower ShopRoses and tulips and daisies ... Oh my! One can

find an array of flowers at Michaela’s Flower Shop, a store that is committed to providing the finest flo-ral arrangements and gifts with swift and cordial service. They provide flowers for different occa-sions, including birthdays, proms, anniversaries and weddings. Prices vary from around $30 to over $250. Each floral item is unique and cared for meticulously to capture its ideal presentation. 453 Waverley St., Palo Alto, 650-321-5390;

Gift ShopOne would expect a store with the name of Paper-

whirl to offer up paper goods galore. And it does! But beyond the main attractions of cards and custom invitations is a veritable amusement park of whim-sical items more amazing than a carnival strong man and more astonishing than a sword swallower. Customers can peruse kitchen knickknacks, like an egg timer delightfully shaped like a pig, or find gifts suitable for a baby shower or housewarming. With inventory constantly changing, the proprietors prom-ise there will always be something to tickle one’s fancy. 230 University Ave., Palo Alto, 650-328-6141;

Hall of Fame: First YearSee complete listing for Shady Lane under Bou-


Hardware StoreThe favorite hardware store of readers of both the

Palo Alto Weekly and the Almanac is Menlo Park Ace Hardware. “We try to be helpful and solve problems,” said Vasile Oros, owner and store man-ager. “That’s the first goal. Sometimes we succeed; sometimes not so good, but we try,” he said. The store has plans for a handyman area for services such as fixing window screens, as well as a knife-sharp-ening service. As always, the store will continue to supply its invaluable advice on any and all home improvement projects, Oros said. 700 Santa Cruz Ave., Menlo Park, 650-325-2515;

Hall of Fame: Third YearFrom nuts to bolts and everything in between, do-

it-yourselfers and gardeners will find a wide array of supplies and tools at Hassett (ACE) Hardware. This family-owned business is a Palo Alto institution. Its knowledgeable and friendly staff members are al-ways willing to lend a helping hand when customers don’t know exactly what will do the job. Begun in 1957 and now run by the third generation of a Penin-sula family, the Hassett organization knows what the “community” means in community hardware store. The business supports local organizations including Paly Robotics, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Repair Café, Little League and the YMCA. 875 Alma St., Palo Alto, 650-327-7222;

Home DecorWhen it comes to making your home hospitable,

Sur La Table serves up goods that have both func-tion and flair. Ornate yet durable dinnerware evokes the old Italian countryside; Teflon tablecloths, with patterns subtle or vibrant, suit any occasion. Sur La Table sells tools for grilling, cutting-edge appliances and topiaries for the garden, too. So no matter what the event, you are equipped to be your best hostess self. #57 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-289-0019;

Jewelry StoreSince opening its doors in 1931, Gleim the Jew-

eler has become one of the premier family-owned, independent jewelers in the United States. There is a collection of one-of-a-kind colorful jewelry, and available services include jewelry repair, apprais-als, custom design, watch repair, and the polishing or re-cutting of diamonds and gems. What makes this store unique is one value that it stands by: accountability. When a mistake is brought to the staff’s attention, they will do everything they can to make it right. #111 Stanford Shopping Center, 180 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-323-1331;

Hall of Fame: First YearSee complete listing for Shady Lane under Bou-


Nursery/Garden SupplyA new winner has taken root in the Weekly’s

Nursery/Garden Supply category: Ladera Garden & Gifts, located in the Ladera Country Shopper mall. Co-owner Mercedes Navarro attributes the popularity of her business to a variety of plants and gifts, excellent service and hard-working employ-ees with good attitudes. The store’s appeal may also have something to do with a continuous influx of new items, Navarro said. “Maybe that’s part of it,” she said. “You don’t see (the new items) in other places.” 3130 Alpine Road, Suite 380, Portola Valley, 650-854-3850; (search for “Ladera Garden & Gifts”)

Pet StoreFor four years in a row, Pet Food Express has

been voted the best Pet Store by the Weekly’s read-ers. This is no surprise given the high quality and variety of food and toy options for pets offered by the store, as well as painstaking customer service that leaves visitors smiling every time. The store also holds cat- and dog-adoption days, along with special events that provide useful animal-care techniques to pet owners, such as a cat nail-trimming clinic. 3910 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 650-856-6666;

Shoe StoreSome people may think “comfortable shoe” equals

“grandma’s orthopedics.” Not so, say the friendly folks at Footwear etc. Styles to rival the runway’s — with none of the accompanying arch and heel pain — can be found at the Palo Alto retailer. Its

(continued on page 48)

Hall of Fame, Boutique, Gift Shop and Jewelry Store: Shady Lane

(continued from page 45)



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We’re proud to be the best in print and online

California Newspaper Publishers Association, 2014Judged by out-of-state journalists as the best large-circulation weekly in California.





City establishes

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Page 5

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Vol. XX


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Granny units: turning backyards into rentals Page


Freshman following in father’s footsteps

Page 65

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Vol. XXXV, Number 40 July 11, 2014

Comprehensive Plan: How tall is too tall?

Page 5

Pushing the limits of computer-based music

Page 25

Page 61


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High school interns

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Page 16: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress

Page 48 • July 24, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly •

Thank you Palo Alto for Supporting Us

Throughout the Years

Best Women’s Boutique

2 0 1 5

439 S California Ave., Palo Alto

(650) 329-8070 |

join our mailing list

1805 El Camino Real, Palo

Thank You Palo Alto for Your Support in Voting Us

Best Eyewear!

2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1

2 0 1 4 2 0 1 52 0 1 2

sandals, boots, athletic wear, etc., made by foot- and fashion-friendly companies like Dansko, Vionic and Mephisto, offer your dogs the tender, loving care they need. So step right up for some stylish kicks supplied by people who know a thing or two about feet. 463 University Ave., Palo Alto, 650-328-1122;

Sporting Goods & ApparelFrom the Xootr scooter to the Rawlings basketball

shooter, from kickboards to cleats, Palo Alto Sport Shop & Toy World has been giving the big box stores a run for their money for decades. Founded in 1930, the downtown retailer has served as the go-to place for generations of local families looking to engage in all sorts of sports. Regulars give it high marks in particular for its selection of swimsuits and goggles. 526 Waverley St., Palo Alto, 650-328-8555;

Stationery StoreThe art of the thank-you note, alas, has fallen

by the wayside for many, but as torchbearers of all things civilized, Village Stationers carries an array of stationery goods to gladden the most refined of souls. Lovely papers and notecards, bright with de-signs certain to bring a smile to the recipient’s face, sit happily on the store’s long shelves. Office supplies and a wealth of cards for all occasions are also pur-veyed. For those with a weakness for all things paper, Village Stationers is like a sprig of catnip to a frisky feline. For thank-you note neglecters? Well, gentle reader, they know not what they are missing. 310 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, 650-326-7970; 719 Santa Cruz Ave., Menlo Park, 650-321-6920; 222 Main St., Los Altos, 650-941-9600;

Toy StoreKids’ birthday parties often feel like a carnival of

the animals run amok, but they are part and parcel of family life. So where do savvy parents go for sure-fire gifts their tykes’ friends will like? Why, Cheeky Monkey, of course! With stuffed toys, educational gadgets, children’s books, arts and crafts, science kits and more, this is the kind of shop that harks back to the toy stores of yore, while still keeping current with new trends in play. 640 Santa Cruz Ave., Menlo Park, 650-328-7975;

Hall of Fame: Second YearSee complete listing for Palo Alto Sport Shop &

Toy World under Sporting Goods & Apparel.

Women’s ApparelWhether one’s shopping for casual or career needs,

the staff at Leaf & Petal strives to provide custom-ers a personal shopping experience. Customers can schedule an appointment or walk in for a fitting and style consultation. The staff pulls together coordi-nated looks, from head to toe, that will have you walking out dressed to impress. Plus, the staff stays ahead of the season, guaranteeing every step you take is fashion forward. 439 California Ave., Palo Alto, 650-329-8070;


BagelsPoland invented them. New York popularized

them. And here on the Midpeninsula, Izzy’s Brook-lyn Bagels is the place to get them. Choose from plain to pumpernickel (and everything in between), nearly 20 cream cheese flavors, toppings of all va-rieties and some of the best lox this side of the Mis-sissippi. It’s not all bagels, either: Izzy makes some killer cookies, challah, knishes and babka, plus spe-cial breakfast and lunch items. They cater, too, but there’s nothing quite like stopping by the utterly un-pretentious mom-and-pop shop for a steaming bagel and a cup of coffee on your way to the office. 477 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, 650-329-0700;

Bakery/DessertsWhether you’re craving old-fashioned chocolate

chip cookies, freshly baked baguettes, mouthwater-ing cakes or flaky croissants, The Prolific Oven has something for everyone. The charming bakery and cafe sports an old-school feel with cherry-stained chairs, vintage tables, white hexagonal tiled floors and a prominent glass case filled with rows of fresh-baked cookies, cakes and pastries, prompting endless indecision about which dessert to choose. 550 Waver-ley St., Palo Alto, 650-326-8485;

BarbecueRibs and a car wash, anyone? For high-quality bar-

becue in a low-brow setting, head to Harold’s Ribs at Lozano’s Car Wash on El Camino Real in Moun-tain View. It’s a one-man joint, with Harold Willis (a Palo Alto High School graduate whose first-ever job was at the car wash) manning the grill every day of the week except Monday from about 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Willis is best known for his special dry-rubbed pork ribs, but he’s also known to make some mean double-marinated tri-tip (usually on Saturdays) and garlic-herb mesquite-smoked chicken. Willis’ ribs are rubbed, then seared, then smoked for a few hours with red oak and finally sprinkled with apple juice, which gives the racks a lightly glazed, tantalizing sheen. 2690 El Camino Real, Mountain View, 650-941-0590

(continued from page 46)

Best Steak: Sundance The Steakhouse







ce T






Page 17: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress • Palo Alto Weekly • July 24, 2015 • Page 49

Thank you Palo Altofor voting us

BEST MASSAGE5 years in a row!








2 0 1 5


368 S. California Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94306



700 Santa Cruz Ave. Menlo Park

650-325-2515STORE HOURS: Monday – Friday 8:30am – 7:00pm

Saturday 8:30am – 6:00pm, Sunday 9:00am – 5:30 pm

Menlo Park Hardware Thanks You For Voting Us

Best Hardware Store

SERVICEWindow screen repair,

knife sharpening & more






2 0 1 5

Hall of Fame: First YearRound up yer posse and head on over to Arma-

dillo Willy’s for a smokin’ good meal. This casual restaurant is another Hall of Famer and for good rea-son. It’s one of the best little barbecues this side of Texas! There are real corn muffins with honey butter, peanut slaw, Texas pulled pork, Santa Maria tri-tip, ribs slathered in any one of several specialty sauces, chicken, fries, burgers and more. For lighter fare, try a salad, from Carolina chopped pork to Chinatown chicken. For the family gathering, there’s the Belly Buster family pack and other mammoth meal pack-ages. 1031 N. San Antonio Road, Los Altos, 650-941-2922;

BreakfastCalifornia Avenue brims with lunch and dinner op-

tions, but when it comes to breakfast, Joanie’s Cafe is the undisputed king — er, queen. The friendly din-er fills up faster than a cup of coffee in the morning, with patrons flocking to feast on omelettes, scram-bles, blueberry pancakes, crepes, eggs Benedict and famously savory hash browns. Over the past decade, Joanie’s has racked up a trove of Best Of awards from our readers. To no one’s surprise, it stepped right up and snagged the prize again this year. 405 S. Cali-fornia Ave., Palo Alto, 650-326-6505;

BurgersAs its menu promises, The Counter is here to

challenge the way you think about burgers. It’s all

about creative construction! You can customize and create your own burger by choosing the type and size of organic meat plus a variety of cheeses, sauces, toppings and buns. If you are overwhelmed by all the options, you can just go for one of their expert builds and enjoy a skillfully constructed, delicious burger with tasty sides (e.g. sweet potato fries or crispy onion strings) along with cold and creamy milkshakes. Alcoholic options are also available. 369 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, 650-321-3900;

BurritoIf you’re looking for some delightful food at an

authentic Mexican restaurant, Sancho’s Taqueria is the place. Voted the best in Palo Alto, Sancho’s burritos won over local hearts, dethroning Chipotle once again and reclaiming the title after its 2013 victory. In addition to the appetizing burritos, Baja-style fish tacos and shrimp quesadillas are some of the popular dishes among regulars. Stop by Sancho’s for any meal of the day and you might be surprised by the wealth of flavor offered within this cozy eatery. 491 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto, 650-322-8226; 2723 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 650-324-8226;

Deli/SandwichA well-crafted sandwich with fresh and delicious

ingredients can go a long way. Offering phenomenal

(continued on page 50)

Best Burrito: Sancho’s Taqueria



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Best California Cuisine: Calafia Café & Market A Go-Go

Page 18: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress

Page 50 • July 24, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly •

Thank you for Voting For Us!

Best Flower Shop

2 0 1 5

Michaela’s Flower


Thank You Palo Alto for voting us Best Shoe Repair

Let us take care of your shoes so you can rest easy

While you wait

First Class Shoe Repairing

Custom Made Ladies Shoes

We also Repair Luggages

& Zippers 2796 Middlefield Road


in Midtown, Palo Alto


Store Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8am-6pm; Saturday-Monday 9am-5pm

House Specials with various options of bread rolls and cheese, Driftwood Deli & Market proves to be much more than a convenience store. Some of the popular sandwiches include “Heaven on Earth” with roast beef, melted Jack, bacon and avocado, or turkey with pesto, avocado, artichoke hearts and cheese on Dutch crunch roll. Driftwood also has daily soup and salad options as well as lunch boxes (includ-ing sandwich, soda, cookie, chips and fruit) to take out. 3450 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-493-4162;

Hall of Fame: Second YearVillage Cheese House opened at Town & Coun-

try Village in 1959, long before the shopping center became home to purveyors of small-batch ice cream, sustainably raised meat and equestrian apparel. But the popular sandwich shop is still holding on, ever-popular with student lunch crowds from neighboring Palo Alto High School and Stanford University. Once a dark, funky deli that also sold European cheese and goodies, owner Lindsay Hiken (who bought Village Cheese House from the original owners in 2007) oversaw a physical remodel and menu expansion (quinoa soup, anyone?) several years ago. But the sammies are where it’s at: Choose a pre-made or customize your own (just don’t forget the famous VCH “original spread” special sauce). #157 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-326-9251; (search for “Village Cheese House”)

Dim SumYou look down and see steaming hot dumplings.

Chances are, you are about to experience dim sum at Steam. Soon you’ll be returning again and again for the soup, fried rice, and, of course, more dumplings. To taste a broader portion of the menu, gather friends and order dozens of dishes to share. That way you can also sample the Mongolian-style chicken and a bite of vegetarian spring roll. 209 University Ave., Palo Alto, 650-322-1888;

Grocery StoreEver since Whole Foods Market opened its Em-

erson Street store more than 25 years ago, it has been the go-to place for Palo Altans looking for a healthy lunchtime snack or shopping for seasonal ingredients for the perfect organic feast. While its produce has always drawn applause from local shoppers, the Em-erson Street market has also been changing with the times. Today, it offers catering, online ordering for grocery delivery and a growing selection of gluten-free snacks. It’s not the cheapest grocery store in town, but according to our readers, it’s the best. 744 Emerson St., Palo Alto, 650-326-8676;

Happy HourRamona Street isn’t quite Bourbon Street, but

buy enough drinks at Nola’s happy hour and you might just be transported to the French Quarter. Happy hour runs 3-6 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 p.m.-midnight on Sunday (drinks only). Spe-cialty cocktails are $6, well drinks are $5, wines by the glass are $6, pints are $5 and pitchers are $15. Hungry? Don’t miss the chicken, biscuits and brew happy-hour special: two buttermilk biscuits, crispy chicken tenders, pickle chips, “Mardi Gras” slaw, house-made bacon jam and gravy — plus a pint of draft beer — all for a cool $10. Chef Tam Sugayan said he came up with the chicken and biscuits after creating his own bacon jam (and the beer just made sense). 535 Ramona St., Palo Alto, 650-328-2722;

Ice Cream/GelatoTin Pot Creamery has the scoop on some irresist-

ible, local frozen treats. Stepping into the pint-sized, small-batch ice cream shop and snagging a scoop — or two — of delicious ice cream is the perfect respite from summertime heat. Owner Becky Sunseri offers 20 flavors of decadent ice cream, all-natural top-pings, scrumptious sauces, waffle cones and baked good add-ins, all of which are made in-house with locally grown, organic ingredients. Don’t miss the Four Barrel Coffee with Cocoa Nib Toffee, a rich combination of vanilla, coffee, chocolate and small pieces of sweet and crunchy toffee. #121 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-327-1715;

MilkshakeIf you haven’t been to Palo Alto Creamery Foun-

tain & Grill on Emerson Street, you’re in for an old-fashioned treat. The diner with red booths and neon lights takes you back in time as the all-day-long “breakfust,” nightly dinner specials and fresh-baked goods fill your stomach. But the highlight of the Creamery is, without a doubt, its signature milk-shake. Creamy, thick and chunky, the milkshakes come large in size, on-point in texture and heavenly in flavor. Make sure to use the long spoon to reach to the chunks of peanut butter cups or brownie bites at the bottom as you satisfy your sweet tooth. 566 Emerson St., Palo Alto, 650-323-3131;

New Food/Drink EstablishmentNot too long after it opened its doors in the fall of

2014, Bare Bowls managed to conquer Palo Altans’ hearts. Voted as the best new food/drink establish-ment by Weekly readers, Bare Bowls turns the ste-reotype of unappealing healthy food upside down with its mouthwatering, beautifully handcrafted and ultra-healthy acai bowls. It promises complete

(continued from page 49)

Best Produce: California Avenue Farmers’ Market

Page 19: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress • Palo Alto Weekly • July 24, 2015 • Page 51




2 0 1 5

YOGASOURCEYogaSource is a Palo Alto Yoga center,

Bikram, Vinyasa, Jivamukti, Power, Restorative,

Thank You For Voting Us Best Yoga 4 Years In a Row

NEW STUDENT SPECIAL$40 for 30 Consecutive days

2 0 1 52 0 1 4

transparency on how the staff prepares the bowls and smoothies, using only “real” ingredients and promoting sustainability at its core. Whether you are looking for a fresh breakfast, a healthy dessert or a post-workout snack, these delicious bowls will impress your taste buds while energizing your body and making you feel fresh and healthy. 530 Emerson St., Palo Alto, 650-272-6885;

PizzaThin and crunchy crust combines with soft and

chewy ingredients and a warm and flavorful sauce in the fine pizzas of Pizzeria Delfina. Founded in San Francisco, Pizzeria Delfina opened its doors in Palo Alto in April 2014, quickly attracting an abun-dance of pizza-lovers and gaining Palo Altans’ ac-claim within its first year. According to the Weekly readers, Delfina’s special pizzas are to die for (Panna with Fennel Sausage “Magic Pie” is quite popular). Feel like experimenting? Take Margherita as a base and create your own pizza. The fresh appetizers and the tasty gelato flavors on the menu will also pro-vide a great start and end to your meal. 651 Emerson St., Palo Alto, 650-353-2208;

ProduceFor some Palo Altans, Sunday morning is re-

served for church. Others flock religiously to the California Avenue Farmers’ Market, where a different kind of ritual takes place. Stalls of pro-duce, baked goods, cheeses, nuts, fresh flowers and more line the street at the year-round farmers market, where neighbors and strangers alike greet one another with good cheer and shopping bas-kets overflow with the spoils of regional farms and kitchens. From apple pie to alstroemeria, persim-mons to pistachios, every week is a showcase for nature’s bounty. Think of it as an alternative form of worship. S. California Ave. at El Camino Real, Palo Alto;

SaladIt is no surprise that Palo Alto Weekly readers

chose Sprout Café as the best local salad place for five years in a row now. With its incredibly rich menu, from its signature salads to the build-your-own-salad menu, Sprout has been the local place for Palo Altans when it comes to eating tasty and healthy salads. Not feeling like salad? You can still enjoy a variety of tasty foods, including grilled cheese sand-wiches and soups. 168 University Ave., Palo Alto, 650-323-7688;

SeafoodFood-truck foodies will remember Sam’s Chow-

der House’s ChowderMobile, and their wish for the Half Moon Bay restaurant to open a restaurant on

this side of the Santa Cruz Mountains. They got their wish in 2014, with Sam’s opening on University Av-enue and winning last year’s Best New Restaurant category. They’re back in first place again this year in the seafood category, offering up enough nauti-cal specialties to fill Davy Jones’ locker. Sam’s has something for everyone, from a children’s menu to happy-hour bar bites and an oyster bar. There are all of the traditionals: clam chowder, lobster rolls, fish and chips, specialties such as seafood gumbo and daily fresh-fish catches. You don’t like fish? There’s plenty for landlubbers too. 185 University Ave., Palo Alto, 650-614-1177;

Hall of Fame: Third YearA Palo Alto institution since 1976, The Fish Mar-

ket offers an expansive menu with something from the sea for everyone. Go raw with sashimi or oysters, fried with five kinds of fish and chips or all out with the East Coast clam bake (lobster, prawns, shrimp, clams, mussels, corn on the cob and potatoes in Old Bay-spiced broth for $29.75). Head to The Fish Mar-ket’s fish market (inside the restaurant) to pick up fresh fish to cook at home, straight from the com-pany’s very own certified seafood facility, Farallon Fisheries, in South San Francisco. 3150 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-493-8862;

SteakSundance The Steakhouse has been a family-

owned-and-operated restaurant for more 40 years. The beef that is served ranges from prime-graded steak to slow-roasted prime rib. Seafood is also included on a menu that Sundance describes as having “stood the test of time.” This restaurant of-fers three semi-private rooms that are great spaces for parties. So don’t fret; there’s nothing at stake when you’re eating inside the steakhouse. 1921 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-321-6798;

TakeoutInspired by Vietnamese street food, Asian Box

has quickly blossomed into one of Town & Coun-try Village’s most popular hubs for casual dining. Each box is packed with fresh, flavorful ingredients that collide for savory, tangy and occasionally spicy effects. Pick your main dish — whether it’s lemon-grass-marinated pork, beef glazed in garlic and soy or coconut-curry tofu — add a comforting side of jasmine rice or noodles and throw in your favorite box toppers (crispy shallots, chopped peanuts, pick-led vegetables, hot jalapeños), and you have Palo Alto’s most popular meal for under $20. #21 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-391-9305;

(continued on page 52)



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Best Ice Cream/Gelato: Tin Pot Creamery

Page 20: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress

Page 52 • July 24, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly •


2 0 1 5


Thanks for theHall of Fame Nomination

“Best Seafood”5 Years in a Row!



3150 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306



3775 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95051



1855 South Norfolk, San Mateo, CA 94403



1007 Blossom Hill Road, San Jose, CA 95123

YogurtIt’s looking like a berry good summer because this

current hot weather is the perfect time to call for a taste of some frozen yogurt from Pinkberry. Locat-ed in 21 countries on five continents in just its first 10 years, Pinkberry has become popular for its distinc-tive products, outstanding service and inspirational interior design. Whether you’re scooping or slurping raspberry white chocolate, strawberry vanilla, pea-nut butter or peppermint, the yogurt and smoothies both look and taste good. What’s more, Pinkberry is a store that values building meaningful connec-tions between staff, customers and the community. #14 Stanford Shopping Center, 180 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-322-6030;

Hall of Fame: Second YearWith its emphasis on healthy yogurts and baked

goods, a sleek, modern interior and a giant bar of fair-trade chocolate they use for freshly shaved top-pings, it’s no wonder Fraiche has become a Palo Alto Weekly Hall of Fame winner. Best-loved for their delicious and nutritious fresh and frozen yo-gurts made in-house daily and topped with items including fruit compotes and purees, handmade mochi and granola, the cafe also serves traditional and gluten-free treats, a tasty selection of organic egg frittatas and everyone’s favorite: Blue Bottle cof-fee. 200 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto, 650-838-9819;


There are many factors aside from the quality of the food served that can influence a customer’s dining experience. According to readers of the Palo Alto Weekly, La Bodeguita del Medio (“the little bar in the middle of the block”) not only serves up good food and drinks but also sports great decor and ambiance. Enjoy shredded pork and cheese-filled empanadas in the dimly lit, elegant dining room that features Cuban artwork, sip on a glass of aged rum in the small yet cozy bar area furnished with bar stools and low-hanging lights, or unwind with house-made flan on the heated outdoor patio — so even in the colder months, friends and family can gather and salud! to good food and company in luxurious leisure. 463 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, 650-326-7762;

Bar/LoungeYou don’t have to be a beer connoisseur or a fan

of European soccer to have a blast at The Rose & Crown, but it sure helps. The dimly lit downtown bar lights up in excitement for all the big English, Ital-

ian and international soccer matches, with spillover crowds taking over the patio to make noise in front of a projection screen. Those who aren’t moved by the beautiful game can still find much to love about Rose & Crown, including its generous list of beers, ales, stouts and ciders and a menu brimming with English flavors that you won’t find in any other local bar. Come for the soccer and stay for the rarebit, or vice versa, at this year’s winner in the Best Bar/Lounge category. 547 Emerson St., Palo Alto, 650-327-7673;

Hall of Fame: First YearSee complete listing for La Bodeguita del Medio

under Ambiance.

California CuisineLight fixtures made from glass milk bottles, stools

carved from tree stumps and a bustling kitchen vis-ible from the dining room: Calafia Café has all the marks of a classy yet comfortable West Coast bistro. From the all-vegan, gluten-free Calafia Buddha Bowl to yellow chicken curry served on quinoa and steak tacos with ginger-scallion sauce, the menu has a little something for everyone, including a substantial list of fresh juices and regional wines. During lunch rush, duck into Market A Go-Go next door for a quick sandwich, a salad-bar stop or a tasty, pre-packaged meal. #130 Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-322-9200;

Chinese RestaurantWith its bilingual menu full of authentic Chinese

dishes served in generous portions, Su Hong is a great stop for a casual lunch or dinner. You can find some interesting offerings that you might not have tried before in other places, such as the Crab Meat Lion’s Head in Clay Pot. Or you can go for some classic dishes, including the mouth-watering dump-lings, General’s chicken or Mongolian beef. Either way, Su Hong offers its guests a genuine Chinese experience. Take-out dishes are also very popular, especially for a nice dinner at home or a delicious lunch in the office. 4256 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-493-3836;

Hall of Fame: First YearLike the celebrities — including Jeremy Lin and

John F. Kennedy Jr. — that smile from photos on its walls, Chef Chu’s is a household name, at least for local Chinese-food lovers. The establishment has consistently topped the Best Of Palo Alto (it ascends to the Hall of Fame this year) and Best Of Moun-tain View categories for Chinese Restaurant. Its extensive menu draws from the cuisines of various regions of China, with signature dishes like fresh Manila clams in black bean sauce and classic Peking duck (four-hour notice required), as well as a full spread of entrees, soups, vegetable and tofu plates,

(continued from page 51)









Best Vegetarian Restaurant: LYFE Kitchen

Page 21: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress • Palo Alto Weekly • July 24, 2015 • Page 53

Thank you for voting us Best of 2015!

2 0 1 5

Watercourse Way Bath house spa


Reposado “Best Latin/ American”

236 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto


2 0 1 5

Scratch“Best Business Lunch”

401 Castro St., Mountain View


2 0 1 5

Gravity544 Emerson St., Palo Alto

650.327.3161 |

�ank You for Voting for Our Restaurant Family

Palo Alto Creamery

“Best Dining

With Kids” and “Best Milkshake”

566 Emerson Street Palo Alto


and simpler dishes like chow mein, chow fun and fried rice. 1067 N. San Antonio Road, Los Altos, 650-948-2696;

Coffee HouseA great coffee house feels like a cozy home away

from home, where you can recharge with a steaming cup of java or catch up with friends over afternoon tea. Inside Philz Coffee, guests are welcomed by a warm atmosphere complete with comfortable nooks, friendly baristas and, of course, the smell of freshly brewed coffee and tea. Try Philz’ popular hand-crafted mint mojito iced coffee, garnished with fresh mint leaves; customized blends of coffee including dark, medium and light roasts; or aroma-packed teas such as black, green or yerba mate. 101 Forest Ave., Palo Alto, 650-321-2161;

Dining With KidsSee complete listing for Palo Alto Creamery

Fountain & Grill under Milkshake.

French RestaurantAfter a morning of shopping at the Sunday farm-

ers market, take in Pastis — a French restaurant that makes customers say triple yum. Before ordering from the menu, ask for the specials or catch them on the chalk sign that greets guests at the entrance. You can enjoy the warm ambiance and outdoor seat-ing while waiting for a fresh croissant or open-faced croque-monsieur. The only way you’ll miss out on the authentic taste is if you arrive on Monday — the one day Pastis is closed during an otherwise deli-cious week. 447 California Ave., Palo Alto, 650-324-1355;

FusionFrom delicious meat dishes to abundant vegetarian

options, Rangoon Ruby provides its guests with an authentic Burmese experience. Among various tasty starters, you can enjoy the unique flavor of fermented tea leaves with the famous tea leaf salad or the tradi-tional flaky flatbread palata. For the main course, the sesame chicken or basil chili beef served with coco-nut rice are among regulars’ favorites. Don’t forget to make reservations as the place is often packed during lunch and dinner times. 445 Emerson St., Palo Alto, 650-323-6543;

Hall of Fame: Third YearTamarine won the Weekly’s Best New Restau-

rant award in the 2003 Best Of competition and has remained a favorite ever since. The contemporary, upscale Vietnamese restaurant is all about the com-munal act of sharing food, so entrees are served family-style and meant to be mixed, matched and thoroughly enjoyed with six kinds of rices (and soup, and noodles, and salads, and starters). To truly im-merse yourself in Vietnamese culture, take in the

rotating exhibit of Vietnamese paintings displayed on the restaurant’s walls. (These pieces are also for sale, with a portion of the proceeds going to the VA Palo Alto Health Care System.) 546 University Ave., Palo Alto, 650-325-8500;

Indian RestaurantAfter nibbling on Darbar’s crisp samosas, tear-

ing into doughy garlic naan, delighting in its sauces — the spinach-cheese wonder of palak paneer, the mouthwatering butter chicken and the scorching vin-daloos, among many others — and sucking up the last of a mango lassi, there almost certainly won’t be any room left in your stomach. But you’ll have no regrets either, as shown by the multitudes who once again deemed Darbar’s south and north Indian cui-sines supreme in Palo Alto. A warmly colored dining room, quality service, ample vegetarian options and a lunch buffet on weekdays make Darbar an ideal destination for large parties, dates and solo diners looking for some always piquant, and satisfying, dishes. 129 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto, 650-321-6688;

Italian RestaurantTerún is really climbing the ranks. In 2014, the

California Avenue Italian restaurant/pizzeria made it into a New York Times “restaurant report.” And in 2015, it was named Best Italian Restaurant by the prestigious readers of the Palo Alto Weekly. Terún was first named Terrone until owner and Italian na-tive Franco Campilongo found out a Canada-based company that owns numerous Italian restaurants in Toronto and two in Los Angeles had trademarked the name “Terroni” (the distinguishing final vowel wasn’t different enough, apparently). You’ll find homemade pasta, southern Italian entrees and piz-zas cooked in a magnificent Marra Forni wood-fired Neapolitan oven. Dine al fresco under strings of bulb lights in a pleasant covered outdoor patio hidden in the back. 448 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, 650-600-8310;

Latin American RestaurantArriba! That’s what diners are saying when they

taste the inspired cuisine at Reposado in downtown Palo Alto. Reposado bills itself as “Mexican food and tequilas,” but it’s much more than tacos and cerveza. Reposado offers specialty dishes from enchiladas with duck confit to marinated pork that’s slowly been braised in banana leaves. Try the traditional brunch, with offerings such as ceviche, huevos Oaxaquenos or Ibarra French toast — a brioche bread dipped in a chocolatey custard, requeson cheese, fresh berries and piloncillo canela syrup. There’s also a late-night bar with a limited menu and dozens of artisanal te-quilas. 236 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto, 650-833-3151;

(continued on page 54)

Best Italian Restaurant: Terún



sy Te


Page 22: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress

Page 54 • July 24, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly •

Thanks for voting us #1 Best French Restaurant

Res t a u ra n t a nd w i n e ba r

Business Hours:

Lunch Tue–Fri 11 am – 3 pm

Dinner Tue–Sat 5:00 – 9:30 pm

Brunch & Breakfast Sat – Sun 9:30 am – 3:00 pm

Closed Sunday night and Monday all day

447 S California Ave., Palo Alto(650) 324-1355 |

2 0 1 5

Bienvenue chez Pastis! From All Of Us To You

Gustavo, Maxim, Malek, Marie-Pierre, Jose, Jr. and Max

2 0 1 5

Hall of Fame: First YearSee complete listing for La Bodeguita del Medio

under Ambiance.

Meal Under $20See complete listing for Asian Box under Takeout.

Mediterranean RestaurantEvvia Estiatorio offers its guests the perfect com-

bination of delicious Greek dishes and a traditional Hellenic ambiance with a cozy feel — not forgetting the irresistible, at-the-door welcome of the smell of culinary delights soon to be served at your table. From the tasty appetizers (mezethes), including feta cheese and marinated olives, to the moussaka and seafood specialties, Evvia presents a rich and elegant menu, as well as the best of hospitality to its custom-ers. But many agree that the highlight of the menu is the lamb chops. Even if you are not a fan of lamb, these mesquite-grilled chops with olive-oil-roasted potatoes will likely change your mind. 420 Emerson St., Palo Alto, 650-326-0983;

Mexican RestaurantPalo Alto Sol owners Hector and Helena Sol “be-

lieve that fine food and warm hospitality are central to the life well lived,” the restaurant’s website states. This sentiment provides a glimpse into the “comida poblana experience” (cuisine from Puebla, a city in central Mexico) the couple strives to provide guests by transporting their taste buds to south of the border with authentic eats like sopas, tacos, burritos and enchiladas. Patrons are also treated to complimen-tary tortilla chips and a trio of fresh, vibrant salsas. Though their food is traditional Mexican fare, the Sols’ hearty dishes have a flavor and richness that is anything but standard. 408 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, 650-328-8840;

New RestaurantFor unpretentious yet high-end French food with

California flair, head to Zola in downtown Palo Alto. Chef-owner Guillaume Bienaimé, who was born in France but was raised in Palo Alto and Philadelphia, finally opened his own restaurant in September after working at French fine-dining establishment Marché in Menlo Park and then Portola Kitchen, an Italian restaurant in Ladera. The menu is both classic and inventive, driven by the season and locally available produce and meat. 565 Bryant St., Palo Alto, 650-521-0651;

Outdoor DiningGorgeous courtyard seating accompanied by el-

egant Roman statues and a babbling water fountain in the center are just some of the many appealing aspects of Caffe Riace’s outdoor dining. Other fea-

tures include a lovely little Italian car and scooter lined up as part of the authentic decor and the flick-ering heaters that are perfect for chilly nights. Caffe Riace’s rich Italian menu combined with its sophis-ticated ambiance make it great spot for a romantic date, a night out with family and friends, or a casual business meeting. 200 Sheridan Ave., Palo Alto, 650-328-0407;

Restaurant to SplurgeSee complete listing for Evvia Estiatorio under

Mediterranean Restaurant.

Romantic RestaurantWhether it’s for cornmeal-encrusted fried cala-

mari, fiesta mussels with tequila or red curry duck breast in curry coconut sauce, lovers and food lov-ers alike flock to St. Michael’s Alley. The popular St. Mike’s offers expertly prepared and artfully pre-sented cuisine in an upscale environment without the overwrought bustle of downtown (it’s still just blocks from Palo Alto’s nightlife). Founded in 1959, it was the Peninsula’s first coffee house and attracted a bohemian crowd that included some of rock’s lumi-naries, including Grace Slick and the Grateful Dead. But St. Michael’s is all grown up now, with a full bar, outdoor seating and attractive dining room. The original location is also still open for brunch and private functions just down the block on Emerson Street. 140 Homer Ave., Palo Alto, 650-326-2530;

Solo DiningCafe Borrone continues to be one of the most

popular gathering spots in the area — as any visi-tor to the plaza in front of the cafe and neighboring Kepler’s Books can see. Enjoying breakfast, lunch or dinner outside or indoors has been a favorite pastime of area residents for more than 25 years. The restau-rant was opened by Roy and Rose Borrone and is now operated by daughter Marina Borrone and her husband, chef Josh Pebbles. In crafting the menu, Josh and Marina focus on choosing sustainable fish and organic meats and supporting local farms. Friday night diners are often treated to the sounds of Clint Baker’s Borrone All Stars jazz band. “We absolutely love sharing life with the community,” Marina said. “It’s family with extended family.” 1010 El Camino Real, #110, Menlo Park, 650-327-0830;

Sports BarThe award for top sports bar goes to The Dutch

Goose, a meeting place for Menlo Park, Palo Alto and Stanford communities for decades. While the Dutch Goose has been in Menlo Park forever, it re-cently closed to make the restaurant completely ADA compliant and just reopened on May 22. Owner Greg Stern said the Goose took the opportunity to add a pizza oven and started serving pizza in June. The eat-

(continued from page 53)

Best French Restaurant: Zola

Page 23: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress • Palo Alto Weekly • July 24, 2015 • Page 55

�ank You for Voting UsBest Frame Shop

from James & Jamil

We are Relocating as of August 1st

Come see us at our NEW home at3866 El Camino Real in Palo Alto’s

lovely Barron Park.WITH ONSITE PARKING!!!

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ery’s charming wooden tables, tubes for watching lo-cal sports, impressive beer selection and outdoor bar area, The Duck Blind, remain. 3567 Alameda de las Pulgas, Menlo Park, 650-854-3245;

Hall of Fame: Fourth YearCome ready to cheer at The Old Pro. You’ll cheer

when your favorite sports team takes the lead. You’ll cheer when the housemade BBQ chicken pizza and beer tower hit the table. And you’ll cheer when your friend rides the mechanical bull a full eight seconds. Throw in group party areas and daily specials, and it’s no surprise that this establishment claims Hall of Fame honors. 541 Ramona St., Palo Alto, 650-326-1446;

Sunday BrunchMayfield Bakery & Cafe raises the bar when

it comes to Sunday brunch, a secular ritual that revolves around omelets, French toast and juice-driven cocktails. The establishment’s finest culinary minds help get your “brunching” on with a simple and rustic menu featuring traditional items like bri-oche French toast, frittata and buttermilk hotcakes, as well as specialty dishes such as wild king salmon tartine, kale Florentine, and tomato and pancetta pizza. Grab a housemade Bloody Mary and dine under a majestic oak tree strung with lights for the best brunch experience. Town & Country Village, 855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-853-9200;

Hall of Fame: Second YearSee complete listing for St. Michael’s Alley under

Romantic Restaurant.

Sushi/Japanese RestaurantAccording to General Manager Lumi Gardner,

one factor that makes Fuki Sushi unique is its di-verse menu. “Our amazing chefs from Japan, in team with our server staff and management, is how we can execute this menu,” Gardner said. In addi-tion to the delicately crafted sushi rolls with well-cooked rice and fresh seafood, some of the most popular items on the menu include the warm and light miso soup and the tasty udon noodles. The dine-in restaurant has varying atmospheres, from a lively sushi bar to casual tables and the private tatami rooms in the back. 4119 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, 650-494-9383;

Thai RestaurantA pleasant atmosphere offering tasteful decor and

lighting, distinct and delectable dishes created by an experienced chef, and fun cocktails supported by a full liquor license — it seems to be a winning reci-

pe, as Thaiphoon takes the best Thai food category for a second year in a row, after taking a break in the Hall of Fame. House specials like braised lamb and roast duckling are supplemented by Thai favor-ites like pad thai, pad see ew and chicken coconut soup (Tom Yum Kai on the menu). In addition to a suite of curry sauces, ingredients like lemongrass, ginger, peanut sauce, coconut milk, ruby grapefruit and fried tofu create the multifarious flavor pal-ette in Thaiphoon’s entrees, soups, salads and des-serts. 543 Emerson St., Palo Alto, 650-323-7700;

Vegetarian RestaurantIf you are looking for an extensive selection of

vegetarian and vegan food, you are at the right place. LYFE Kitchen offers plenty of options using fresh and healthy ingredients such as quinoa, tofu and locally grown fruits and vegetables. Even if you are a meat lover, LYFE presents delicious and responsi-bly raised meats at relatively affordable prices. Just

(continued on page 56)

Best Ambiance and Hall of Fame, Bar/Lounge and Latin American Restaurant: La Bodeguita del Medio





re B



Best New Food/Drink Establishment: Bare Bowls










l Me


Page 24: RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN THE … · RISINGS STARS AND OLD FAVORITES FEATURED IN ... Chiropractor: Health Logic, 633 Menlo Ave., Menlo Park ... Given the stress

Page 56 • July 24, 2015 • Palo Alto Weekly •

Christine Hansen, DDS & Roberta Jurash, DDS

�ank you for voting us“Best Dentist” in Palo Alto again!







Christine Hansen DDS416 Waverly Street, #A

Palo Alto, CA


2 0 1 5

looking for some low-calorie eats? LYFE promises to provide every dish under 600 calories! Whatever you’re looking for, LYFE Kitchen is here so you can enjoy great food and feel good at the same time. 167 Hamilton Ave., Palo Alto, 650-325-5933;

FUN STUFFNightlife

In an area that is rapidly being transformed by startup money and commercial development, An-tonio’s Nut House stands out like a fortress of old-school, unpretentious fun — the kind of place where patrons let loose, play pool, throw peanut shells on the floor, down shots, sing along to rock ballads from the jukebox and cheer for their favorite sports teams. A loud, proud and beautifully messy throwback bar where people like Mark Zuckerberg go to get away from people like Mark Zuckerberg, the Nuthouse is a carnival of chaos and, according to our readers, the city’s top nighttime destination. 321 S. California Ave., Palo Alto; 650-321-2550;

Retail Window DisplaysSee complete listing for Leaf & Petal under

Women’s Apparel.

Family-Run BusinessSometimes, don’t you just want to go someplace

where everybody knows your name? Maximart Pharmacy is a store that deserves cheers for its great personal service. On Yelp, this store has re-ceived positive reviews for not only its helpful ser-vice but also its friendly atmosphere. One review said that Maximart Pharmacy has “a great selection of products from shampoo to Band-Aids to vitamins and everything in between.” This store makes you feel like you’re not just a customer but a person. 240 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto, 650-327-3922

Creative Local BusinessIn 2013, Keen Garage opened its doors in Palo

Alto to provide apparel and other items to help peo-ple live out their best adventures. This store provides a variety of quality footwear and clothing as well as accessories such as backpacks, totes, purses and socks. Keen Garage is also committed to inspiring others to participate in responsible outdoor activi-ties. When visiting the creatively designed store, with its wooden floor and rustic fixtures, one may already feel transported into nature, or maybe sum-mer camp. 278 University Ave., Palo Alto, 650-521-0459;

Place for Live EntertainmentPalo Alto Children’s Theatre offers local youth

extraordinary performing — and watching — op-portunities. With its Main Stage and Magic Castle Stage, the Children’s Theatre mounts wonderful productions, including the upcoming “Snoopy!!! The Musical” (July 29-Aug. 15), and a special per-formance called “The American Revolution” (Sept. 25-27) by Chicago’s award-winning company, The-atre Unspeakable. The educational arts program includes classes in acting and dance, such as hip-hop, ballet and samba. 1305 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, 650-463-4970;

Place to Take a VisitorLocated right next to the school campus, Stanford

University’s Cantor Arts Center contains diverse collections that span continents, culture and more than 5,000 years of art history. There are public tours of the art center many times throughout the week. In addition, the Cool Café is located there and features delicious gourmet sandwiches, soups, sal-ads and fresh desserts. It’s a great place to eat, take a break or rest. Admission into the Cantor is free, and it is open six days a week: Wednesday through Monday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Thursday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.). 328 Lomita Drive, Stanford, 650-723-4177;

(continued from page 55)

Best Women’s Apparel, Best Retail Window Displays: Leaf & Petal

Best Place for Live Entertainment: Palo Alto Children’s Theatre






& P

