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12 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-7. 1999 In: Finch, Deborah M.; Whitney, Jeffrey C.; Kelly, Jeffrey F.; Loftin, Samuel R. 1999. Rio Grande ecosystems: linking land, water, and people. Toward a sustainable future for the Middle Rio Grande Basin. 1998 June 2-5; Albuquerque, NM. Proc. RMRS-P-7. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agri- culture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Richard D. Periman is Research Archaeologist, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Cultural Heritage Work Unit, located in Albuquerque, NM. Abstract—The successful restoration of riparian ecosystems to sustainable conditions requires that we understand the dynamic historical relationships between humans and the environment. Research is needed that measures the continuing effects of past human activities on contemporary ecosystem structure and func- tion. An interdisciplinary approach is needed that incorporates expertise from archaeology, paleoecology, plant ecology, and geol- ogy. In this paper, I discuss how prehistoric peoples have altered ecological processes and changed the vegetation and overall physi- ography of northern New Mexico’s Rio del Oso Valley. In the Rio del Oso study, we are using paleobotanical, sedimentary, archaeologi- cal, and historical data sets to reconstruct past vegetational struc- ture and function, and to identify the cumulative influences of past human activities on today’s ecosystems. This information is used to generate three dimensional simulations of environmental condi- tions through time. These computer reconstructions and analyses of past landscapes will give land managers a greater range of informa- tion for use in planning, decision making, and restoration. Historical Information and Restoration ____________________ The landscapes of the Rio Grande and its tributaries have been modified, shaped, and domesticated by humans for at least twelve millennia. Yet the myth of the pristine wilder- ness prevails among those intent on restoring or preserving this land in its so-called “pre-settlement conditions” (cf. Grumbine 1992). Often, “pre-settlement” refers to pre-A.D. 1850, seemingly negating thousands of years of Native American land use and environmental influence (Quigly and others 1996). Not only does this lack of ecological understanding limit our knowledge of past ecosystem dy- namics, it also restricts the future range of restoration efforts possible in the Basin. The National Resource Council defines restoration as the return of an ecosystem to a close approximation of its conditions before disturbance (1992). Before the objectives of Dynamic Human Landscapes of the Rio del Oso: Restoration and the Simulation of Past Ecological Conditions in The Upper Rio Grande Basin Richard D. Periman a restoration effort can be established, the ecosystem needs first to be evaluated. Appropriate reference conditions need to be established as goals for restoration of various ecosys- tem components. The interactions between biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem must be identified. Addition- ally, the significant linkages between biotic communities for reestablishing historic ecosystem structure must be under- stood. Christensen and others emphasize that ecosystem management needs clear long-term operational goals and sound ecological models. Understanding ecological complex- ity and interconnectedness, recognizing the dynamic char- acter of ecosystems, and acknowledging humans as ecosys- tem components is crucial for successful restoration, as well as sustainability (Christensen and others 1996:669-670). Evaluation of an ecosystem’s historic structure and func- tion for the purposes of restoration, as indicated above, needs to include study of long-term anthropogenic pro- cesses. However, our understanding of how landscapes have developed under cumulative human influences re- mains limited, and assumptions, rather than the systematic study of past conditions, perpetuate myths about ecosystem development. For example, degradation by over-grazing and other extractive processes may appear obvious. However, we often know little about how a specific ecosystem may have been manipulated, altered, and maintained by humans before such degradation took place. What were the dynamic historical conditions of landscapes we now consider de- graded? What long-term processes, including human pro- cesses, contributed to this pre-grazing environment? Al- though historical documentation from personal journals and photographs seem to answer these questions, such sources provide only a glimpse of past landscapes from a synchronic visual, spatial, and temporal perspective. For restoration to be successful, a more comprehensive and diachronic knowledge of past ecosystem dynamics that in- cludes anthropogenic processes needs to be developed. Addressing this lack of information, Rocky Mountain Research Station’s Cultural Heritage Research Work Unit is developing an interdisciplinary approach for quantifying anthropogenic influences on ecosystem structure and func- tion. Our first study area is located in northern New Mexico’s Rio del Oso Valley where a variety of cultures have shaped and changed the landscape for at least 7,000 years. In this paper, I first provide a short discussion of how human- induced environmental change has been identified in vari- ous areas world-wide. Then I describe the Rio del Oso study and our use of paleoenvironmental information to construct visual models of past vegetational landscapes. Finally I offer a refinement to our conception of restoration.

Rio Grande ecosystems: linking land, water, and people ... · we are using archaeological, paleobotanical, sedimentary, geomorphological, and historical data to identify past human-induced

Aug 08, 2020



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Page 1: Rio Grande ecosystems: linking land, water, and people ... · we are using archaeological, paleobotanical, sedimentary, geomorphological, and historical data to identify past human-induced

12 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-7. 1999

In: Finch, Deborah M.; Whitney, Jeffrey C.; Kelly, Jeffrey F.; Loftin,Samuel R. 1999. Rio Grande ecosystems: linking land, water, and people.Toward a sustainable future for the Middle Rio Grande Basin. 1998 June 2-5;Albuquerque, NM. Proc. RMRS-P-7. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agri-culture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.

Richard D. Periman is Research Archaeologist, USDA Forest Service,Rocky Mountain Research Station, Cultural Heritage Work Unit, located inAlbuquerque, NM.

Abstract—The successful restoration of riparian ecosystems tosustainable conditions requires that we understand the dynamichistorical relationships between humans and the environment.Research is needed that measures the continuing effects of pasthuman activities on contemporary ecosystem structure and func-tion. An interdisciplinary approach is needed that incorporatesexpertise from archaeology, paleoecology, plant ecology, and geol-ogy. In this paper, I discuss how prehistoric peoples have alteredecological processes and changed the vegetation and overall physi-ography of northern New Mexico’s Rio del Oso Valley. In the Rio delOso study, we are using paleobotanical, sedimentary, archaeologi-cal, and historical data sets to reconstruct past vegetational struc-ture and function, and to identify the cumulative influences of pasthuman activities on today’s ecosystems. This information is used togenerate three dimensional simulations of environmental condi-tions through time. These computer reconstructions and analyses ofpast landscapes will give land managers a greater range of informa-tion for use in planning, decision making, and restoration.

Historical Information andRestoration ____________________

The landscapes of the Rio Grande and its tributaries havebeen modified, shaped, and domesticated by humans for atleast twelve millennia. Yet the myth of the pristine wilder-ness prevails among those intent on restoring or preservingthis land in its so-called “pre-settlement conditions” (cf.Grumbine 1992). Often, “pre-settlement” refers to pre-A.D.1850, seemingly negating thousands of years of NativeAmerican land use and environmental influence (Quiglyand others 1996). Not only does this lack of ecologicalunderstanding limit our knowledge of past ecosystem dy-namics, it also restricts the future range of restorationefforts possible in the Basin.

The National Resource Council defines restoration as thereturn of an ecosystem to a close approximation of itsconditions before disturbance (1992). Before the objectives of

Dynamic Human Landscapes of the Rio delOso: Restoration and the Simulation of PastEcological Conditions in The Upper RioGrande Basin

Richard D. Periman

a restoration effort can be established, the ecosystem needsfirst to be evaluated. Appropriate reference conditions needto be established as goals for restoration of various ecosys-tem components. The interactions between biotic and abioticcomponents of the ecosystem must be identified. Addition-ally, the significant linkages between biotic communities forreestablishing historic ecosystem structure must be under-stood. Christensen and others emphasize that ecosystemmanagement needs clear long-term operational goals andsound ecological models. Understanding ecological complex-ity and interconnectedness, recognizing the dynamic char-acter of ecosystems, and acknowledging humans as ecosys-tem components is crucial for successful restoration, as wellas sustainability (Christensen and others 1996:669-670).

Evaluation of an ecosystem’s historic structure and func-tion for the purposes of restoration, as indicated above,needs to include study of long-term anthropogenic pro-cesses. However, our understanding of how landscapeshave developed under cumulative human influences re-mains limited, and assumptions, rather than the systematicstudy of past conditions, perpetuate myths about ecosystemdevelopment. For example, degradation by over-grazing andother extractive processes may appear obvious. However, weoften know little about how a specific ecosystem may havebeen manipulated, altered, and maintained by humansbefore such degradation took place. What were the dynamichistorical conditions of landscapes we now consider de-graded? What long-term processes, including human pro-cesses, contributed to this pre-grazing environment? Al-though historical documentation from personal journalsand photographs seem to answer these questions, suchsources provide only a glimpse of past landscapes from asynchronic visual, spatial, and temporal perspective. Forrestoration to be successful, a more comprehensive anddiachronic knowledge of past ecosystem dynamics that in-cludes anthropogenic processes needs to be developed.

Addressing this lack of information, Rocky MountainResearch Station’s Cultural Heritage Research Work Unit isdeveloping an interdisciplinary approach for quantifyinganthropogenic influences on ecosystem structure and func-tion. Our first study area is located in northern New Mexico’sRio del Oso Valley where a variety of cultures have shapedand changed the landscape for at least 7,000 years. In thispaper, I first provide a short discussion of how human-induced environmental change has been identified in vari-ous areas world-wide. Then I describe the Rio del Oso studyand our use of paleoenvironmental information to constructvisual models of past vegetational landscapes. Finally I offera refinement to our conception of restoration.

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Identifying Past AnthropogenicEcological Change ______________

Human-induced environmental change has been identi-fied in environments around the globe. In a review of pollenand charcoal studies from around the world, Walker andSingh discuss a broad range of data from Western Europe,Africa, Asia, Australia, and North and South America. Theysuggest that the event most detectable in the pollen andmicrocharcoal record is deforestation, and that this wascaused and aided by human-set fires (1993:108). Addition-ally, increases in microscopic charcoal, changes in fossilpollen assemblages, and faunal extinctions also indicatehuman occupation (Burney 1993 and 1997; Chambers 1993a).Paleobotanical research in the Peruvian Andes shows thathuman-caused deforestation for agricultural purposes tookplace at least 4,000 years ago (Chepstow-Lusty and others1998). Throughout the British Isles as early as 10,000 B.P.(before present) reduced arboreal pollen, with a correspond-ing increase in microscopic charcoal and archaeologicalevidence, indicates that human activity was responsible forthe transformation of forest into peatlands (Caseldine andHatton 1993; Edwards 1988; Simmons 1988). On the islandof New Guinea forest clearing is suggested by changes inpollen assemblages and significant increases in microscopiccharcoal dating before 30,000 B.P. The human role in thisenvironmental change is corroborated by the presence ofstone axes and adzes (possibly used for forest clearing), fromarchaeological sites that date to the same period. Indeed,such clearing of vegetation may have begun much earlier inNew Guinea, as suggested by the discovery of ground-stoneaxes, complete with grooves for hafting to a handle, datingto at least 40,000 B.P. (Hope and Golson 1995:821-823).

In the Americas, ethnographical accounts, historicalrecords, and archaeological information show that peopledirectly affected ecosystems by manipulating vegetation.

Landscape patterns in native California were altered byhuman activities such as sowing and broadcasting seeds,transplanting shrubs and small trees, and pruning a varietyof plants to induce greater productivity (Blackburn andAnderson 1993:19). Fire was used to clear vegetation andincrease the productivity of plants and animals importantfor human survival. By 1492 agricultural fields were com-mon, as were settlements with networks of roads and trails,all of which had local impacts on soil, microclimate, hydrol-ogy, and wildlife 1992:370). Subsequently, the introduction ofOld World livestock, intensive agriculture, and industrialdevelopment into existing Native American land-use sys-tems resulted in a combination of anthropogenic influencesproducing hybrid landscapes (Whitmore and Turner1990:416).

Human actions of one century have a cumulative environ-mental effect when combined with human actions fromanother century. Succeeding occupation and abandonmentcauses a landscape’s developmental trajectory to evolve in anew direction (see Tainter and Tainter 1995:28). Over thecourse of generations, repeated and changing levels of hu-man disturbance become part of the ecological processes inan ecosystem (Allen and Hoekstra 1992:272). Each newanthropogenic landscape is built upon an antecedent land-scape. Such is the case in the Rio Grande Basin of NewMexico where Puebloan agricultural landscapes were con-structed upon those created by earlier foragers, and Spanishcolonial landscapes were built upon Puebloan farminglandscapes.

Rio Del Oso Study _______________The Rio del Oso is an eastern-flowing tributary of the

Rio Chama that drains the northern portion of the JemezMountains of north central New Mexico (fig. 1). Most of theRio del Oso watershed is administered by the Santa Fe

Figure 1—Rio del Oso study location.

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14 USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-7. 1999

National Forest. I selected the Rio del Oso as my study areabecause of its complex richness of recorded archaeologicalsites. More than 280 archaeological sites including fourlarge pueblos have been recorded in the lower portion of thedrainage (Anschuetz 1995). Although the anthropogenicqualities of the Rio del Oso landscape may not be readilydiscernable, this place has been shaped into the landscapewe see today by thousands of years of human activity. Thearchaeological data of the Rio del Oso valley covers theArchaic period (5500 B.C. to A.D. 600), the Coalition period(1200-1325), the Classic period (1325-1600), and the historicHispanic period (beginning c.1600).

During the Archaic period hunter-gatherers occupied thevalley and likely affected the Rio del Oso landscape byburning its vegetation, dispersing seeds, and selectivelyharvesting plant and animal species. So far, archaeologistshave found little evidence for human occupation of the valleybetween the late Archaic and the Coalition periods. How-ever, from A.D. 1200 through 1600, the Puebloan groupsgreatly altered the valley by creating villages, agricul-tural features and other systems of land and water use(Anschuetz 1995).

When historic Hispanic groups moved into the Rio del Osothey constructed small settlements and farms, built roadsand water ditches, and produced their own unique landscapepatterns in the valley (Wozniak and others 1992). Duringthe first part of this century the Forest Service assumedadministration of the area, creating yet another pattern ofhuman-use and environmental change by restricting graz-ing, building roads and fences, and attempting to restorevegetation.

Data Sources and Methods

The primary goal of our research is to develop an inte-grated, interdisciplinary approach to identify and measurecumulative anthropogenic effects on landscapes. Data inthe Rio del Oso project ranges from historical and ethno-graphic records to archaeological and paleobotanical data.The Santa Fe National Forest has provided digital vegeta-tion data, land type, watershed coverages, and Digital El-evation Models (DEMs), and has made all archaeological siterecords and field maps available. Additionally, I am usingForest Service administrative records, 1935 aerial photos,and 1991 color infrared aerial photos to reconstruct thevalley’s environmental history and document vegetationalchange for this century.

With these data map layers have been developed includ-ing vegetation, landform, watershed, and archaeological sitecoverages. All four data sets will be used, either individuallyor in combination, to develop visual models of the existingvegetational environment. In this interdisciplinary study,we are using archaeological, paleobotanical, sedimentary,geomorphological, and historical data to identify pasthuman-induced ecological change through time. Our re-search questions include:

1. What interdisciplinary data sources, research meth-ods, and analytical approaches can be used to developGIS data layers of past and cumulative human-createdlandscapes?

2. Using the above methods, can we identify and quantifythe extent of human-induced vegetational change forspecific periods relative to the different technologiesand economies of the cultures that occupied the landduring those times?

3. Using data from the above sources, is it possible toproduce three-dimensional landscape models that ac-curately illustrate the environmental history of anarea? Which sources of information are the most use-ful? Do the resulting landscape simulations provide auseful model for understanding human and environ-mental interactions?

4. Is it possible to develop a set of methods and techniquesthat can be applied to ecosystems different from thosein northern New Mexico?

Fieldwork and Paleobotanical Analysis

Fieldwork began during the summer of 1996 with thecollection of soil samples from an exposed, 5 m stratifiedsection of alluvial sediments. Pollen, phytoliths, microscopiccharcoal, and radiocarbon samples were extracted from eachstratum. Four prehistoric human hearths, or ash-stain fea-tures, were uncovered while preparing the vertical surface ofthe cutbank for sample collection. During sampling, geolo-gist Dr. Stephen A. Hall (geologist and research partner,Department of Geography, University of Texas at Austin)identified seven distinct paleosols in the profile (Hall per-sonal communication 1996).

In 1997 pollen, phytoliths, and microscopic charcoal wereextracted from the samples by paleobotanist Dr. Linda ScottCummings (paleobotanist and project collaborator, PaleoResearch Inc., Denver, CO). Radiocarbon dates were pro-duced, ranging from 3515 B.C. to A.D. 1350, for the 24 strata.The pollen analysis, when matched with the radiocarbondates, suggests fluctuations in vegetation and microchar-coal levels over the past 5,512 years. During her analysisDr. Scott Cummings identified corn pollen in three of thelevels dating between 1360 and 1225 B.C., associated withhearths. Although presently inconclusive, this may be someof the oldest evidence of corn in the Rio Grande Basin (seeMinnis 1992).

Additionally, surface samples for pollen, phytoliths, andmicroscopic charcoal were collected from areas near ourstratified section. The data from those samples are beingused to develop control ratios of pollen frequencies to trees-and shrubs-per-acre. These ratios will be used with thethree-dimensional GIS to reconstruct the hypothetical treeand shrub densities of past landscapes.

During reconnaissance of the valley in 1997, other strati-fied deposits containing buried soils were identified, andsediment samples were taken from newly discoveredcutbanks as well as from a peat bog located at the head of thedrainage. New surface samples were also collected from theRio del Oso’s riparian habitat. We conducted additionalanalysis and developed new methods for analyzing opalphytoliths during 1998. Dr. Scott Cummings identified anabundance of phytoliths that appear to be from woodyplants, possibly from tree species. Appropriate phytolithcomparative collections being unavailable in the UnitedStates, she took the phytolith samples to Israel where they

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were compared to tree phytoliths identified by Israeli scien-tists (Scott Cummings personal communication 1998).

In 1999 we will excavate backhoe trenches at the firstsample location and at three of the localities identified in1997. Additional samples will be taken from those locationsand the trenches will enable further study of the geomor-phology of the Rio del Oso Valley. Future research willinclude the calculation of areas affected by prehistoricactivities, the identification of zones around archaeologicalsites and features representing levels of land use, and therefinement of interdisciplinary methods for application toother types of landscapes. We also will continue to establishindices of surface pollen, phytolith, and microscopic char-coal, which represent different habitat types in the Rio delOso drainage.

Simulation of Past Landscapes

The Rio del Oso landscape simulations are based onvegetational assemblages reconstructed from paleobotani-cal, ecological, archaeological, and historical data. Analyses,of the paleobotanical samples by Dr. Scott Cummings willidentify variations in absolute and relative pollen andphytolith frequencies, assemblages representing specifichabitats, past fire frequencies, and human-induced vegeta-tional change through time. The quantities of vegetation(for example, trees-per-acre) will be derived from the surfaceand subsurface data as described above. This informationwill be used to produce three-dimensional simulations ofpast vegetational landscapes (fig. 2) from a variety ofviewsheds within the Rio del Oso drainage for each strati-graphic level. The simulations are grouped according totheir radiocarbon dates into corresponding archaeologicalperiods.

The simulations are created using a visual simulationsystem designed by Resource Analysis Systems for naturalresource management. This software, called Visual F/X,produces three-dimensional landscape perspective scenesas if seen through a 35mm camera with a 50mm lens. Itallows the user to define up to 14 basic tree forms and controlthe crown width, height, and trunk diameter. A DEM(digital elevation model) is used as the base map andvegetation density is derived from estimated trees- andshrubs-per-acre figures. Additionally, we utilize digital veg-etation, soil, timber, and watershed map data. The paleobo-tanical data (for example, pollen) are grouped by ecologicalor phytogeographic categories to help illustrate howplant distribution and ecological conditions have changedthrough time (Pearsall 1989:286). These data will be used tohelp identify temporal and spatial fluctuation of vegeta-tion type areas, for example, riparian cottonwood-willowhabitat.

Linking Past Vegetational Patternsto Ecological Processes __________

Along with compiling paleobotanical data that show eco-logical change, and represent that change graphically, wealso need to identify reliable indicators of past human-caused environmental change (see Birks and others 1988).

How does analysis of pollen and other organic particlesindicate human manipulation and change of the environ-ment? The answer to this question may depend on the“sensitivity of an ecosystem to human exploitation and thedegree to which this is reflected in the pollen analyticalsignal” (Walker and Singh 1993:104). In order to discern“natural” paleobotanical change from that caused by humanmanipulation, Walker and Singh suggest four criteria:

1. It [the paleobotanical record] should reflect ecologicalprocesses operating at levels and rates that are unprec-edented under ‘natural’ conditions but are readilyexplicable as resulting from human actions of definedkinds.

2. The necessary human activities should be within thetechnological capacity of prehistoric peoples of therelevant age and region.

3. There should be some acceptable reason why thehumans might have taken the hypothesized action(ideally exemplified by the pollen itself, for example,crop pollen).

4. There should be strong evidence (ideally artifactsstratified into the pollen-analyzed deposits) for humanoccupation at the appropriate time within the pollencatchment (Walker and Singh 1993:104-105).

When these criteria are applied to the pollen and charcoalrecords of Europe, there is striking evidence for an anthro-pogenic influence resulting in the transformation of westernEuropean forests between 7000 and 6000 B.P. This ecologi-cal change is attributed to clearing land for agriculture(Walker and Singh 1993:106-107). Although the Rio del Osoproject includes the study of landscapes created before andafter the introduction and use of agriculture, these criteriawill be used to help determine human-induced environmen-tal change from that caused by climate change and othernatural occurrences. However, I have added another crite-rion to help with the identification of anthropogenic change:Two or more paleobotanical indicators, for example, pollen,phytoliths, macrobotanical remains, packrat middens, eth-nographic information, or historical photographs shouldcorrelate when data sets are analyzed and compared.

An essential part of this analysis involves bridging the gapbetween the paleobotanical record and interpretation ofvegetational landscapes. This interpretation is very impor-tant for producing the simulations discussed above. Pollenand phytolith analysis identifies pollen producing plantsinside and outside an ecosystem. The paleobotanical recordaccounts for a generalized sample of vegetation from a largearea (Pearsall 1989).

Designating a group of species that represents a specificvegetation community will help describe the vegetationalvariation of specific habitats within the Rio del Oso land-scape. For example, an assemblage of species may representriparian areas while another group may represent speciesgrowing mainly in upland habitats. It should be possible toestimate vegetation density by comparing representativespecies groups to the index surface of samples and thencompare the variation in pollen frequencies for each speciesand each habitat assemblage. Such densities would be calcu-lated as trees and shrubs per acre for spatially discretehabitats. From this record a specific group of plant speciesmay be identified within a given range of pollen frequencies

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which would identify human alteration of vegetational pat-terns. Comparing the fossil habitat assemblages and theirassociated species frequencies to an index of current habitatpollen frequencies gives us an estimate of the expansion andcontraction of individual habitats through time (Berglundand others 1996; Pearsall 1989).

However, vegetational reconstructions are only the firststep in understanding how the Rio del Oso landscape devel-oped under human influence. As stated earlier, we also needto understand ecological processes. The following defini-tions for ecosystems, ecological landscapes, anthropogeniclandscapes can be used to link landscapes, ecosystems, andhuman influences. Using Lindeman’s definition, an ecosys-tem is “the system composed of physical-chemical-biologicalprocesses active within a space-time unit of any magnitude,i.e., the biotic community plus its abiotic environment”(1942:400). An ecological landscape is the spatial matrix inwhich organisms, populations, and ecosystems are set(Allen and Hoekstra 1992:56). Anthropogenic landscapesare formed within and become integral to ecological spatialmatrices; they include process as well as form. Such land-scapes are “land shapes,” areas which are made up of adistinct association of forms both physical and cultural(Sauer 1925:25-26). Landscape is the way we produce or

Figure 3—Model of long-term human influences in landscape development. Humans affect land-scapes at all levels (a, b, and c).

reconstruct our physical, material world; a kind of humansculpting of the natural universe (Wilson 1992).

In figure 3, ecosystem processes occurring through time(a) are represented as cyclical, components, while the threesurfaces represent the landscape spatial matrix (b). Changein landscape vegetation and geomorphology occurs withinthe spatial matrix and is represented on the landscapesurfaces as differing vegetation (c). Human activities likeburning vegetation or practicing agriculture affect ecosys-tem processes. Over time these human-induced processes,or changes in processes, affect plant community composi-tion, habitat size, as well as carbon, nutrient, water, anddecomposition cycles. Changes in function (ecosystem pro-cesses) and structure (vegetation patterns and geomorphol-ogy) result in variations in the placement of landscapecomponents (see Hobbs 1997). Changes in technologies re-sult in changes in ecological processes. As new, human land-use practices change vegetational patterns (for example, theintroduction of agriculture), new anthropogenic landscapesare created within and are part of the ecosystem and spatialmatrix. Over thousands of years, this complex relationshipbetween humans and the environment has had a cumulativeeffect on landscape development.

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In places like the Rio del Oso Valley human influence isinextricable from the other components and processes thatcreated the landscape we see today. The relationships amongecological and cultural processes can be important for resto-ration. An alternative to merely restoring vegetative struc-ture (replanting etc.) using reference conditions would be toidentify a set of multidimensional reference dynamics (natu-ral and anthropogenic). These reference dynamics shouldinclude an understanding of the: (1) paleoecological evidenceof natural and human-induced change including change inbiodiversity and abundance of specific species; (2) technolo-gies and processes responsible for specific environmentalchange; and (3) temporal and spatial intensity and extent ofsuch change to the ecological-spatial matrix. By under-standing these components, a land management agency hasmore options for restoring and sustaining an ecosystemwithin a range of ecological, climatic, and sociologicalconstraints.

Conclusions____________________Public demand for the restoration of ecosystems degraded

by grazing, logging, and other extractive uses, daily chal-lenges the ingenuity and resourcefulness of land manage-ment agencies. The landscapes we manage today have beenmodified, shaped, and domesticated by humans for at leasttwelve millennia. The concept of ecological restoration in-volves human intervention in ecological processes. Indeed,the word “degradation” reflects human values and variesamong cultures (see van der Leeuw 1998). Just as pastcultures played an integral role in creating the landscapeswe see today, restoration involves the manipulation of eco-logical processes to achieve landscape conditions desired bysociety. Current conflicts over public land management isto some degree based on differing definitions of degradationand what ecological conditions are considered desirable(see Raish this volume).

Models of past landscapes like those being produced forthe Rio del Oso can help managers to understand better thedynamic processes required for restoring ecosystems todesired conditions. Creating landscape simulations basedon paleobotanical, archaeological, and geological data willenable decision-makers to view their restoration optionswithin a range of dynamic processes leading to sustainableconditions.

Acknowledgments ______________I thank Joe Tainter whose support and guidance have

been inestimable. I wish to thank Liz Kaplan, Karin Periman,Nora Altamirano, and Madelyn Dillon for their editorialsuggestions. I extend my sincere gratitude to Brian Kentand Deborah Finch for supporting this research. From thisstudy’s beginning they have recognized the importance ofunderstanding that humans have been integral to the devel-opment of Rio Grande Basin landscapes for thousands ofyears.

References _____________________Allen, T.F.H.; Hoekstra, T.W. 1992. Toward a unified ecology. New

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Chambers, F.M. 1993a. Climate change and human impact on thelandscape: studies in palaeoecology and environmental archaeol-ogy. London: Chapman & Hall. 303 p.

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