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PG.1 Visit for more expert interviews on health, weight loss tips, longevity, self motivation, nutrition and optimum health! Using EFT for Pain and Injuries – An Interrogation with RICK WILKES Interview with Rick Wilkes KEVIN GIANNI: Hi. This is Kevin Gianni from the Fountain of Youth World And today, I’m here with a special guest to the Fountain of Youth. Like I’ve said before, we’ve added over 4 special interviews to this program to let you know that we’re here to deliver as much content and information as humanly possible during this event. So, I want to get started right away. I’m here with Rick Wilkes, who is the founder of “” Rick is here to talk to you about how you can use EFT for physical issues such as pain and injuries. And this is a pretty unique concept and follows right in line with Dr. Carol Look’s presentation. So I don’t want to waste any time again. I want to introduce Rick Wilkes. So Rick, thank you for coming aboard. RICK WILKES: My pleasure, Kevin. KEVIN: Yeah, and let’ talk about EFT. We’ve had a primer with Carol’s information - more than a primer - and so I want to get into some other applications about EFT because I use the technique. I’ve used with my clients. I’m not even EFT master. I’ve just taught them how to do it. That’s one of the fantastic things about this whole EFT thing. So, why don’t you tell me a little bit about, you know, how you got into this and then we will go on and talk about EFT for pain. RICK: My background, Kevin, is as an energy worker and body worker, massage therapist. One of the things I noticed in anyone who works with the human body can detect that it stores pain and emotional traumas in the tissue of the body. And the way that we release that, you can do that through physical activity, through dance, through body work, through meditation. There are many different ways of healing the body’s energy system but I was looking for a very direct way that you could take a particular energy by the hand, a particular physical pain, a particular limitation in the body’s belief about itself. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: And shift that quickly. And I wanted something that would allow people to do that for themselves in addition to working with me.

rick wilkes transcript · “” Rick is here to talk to you about how you can use EFT for physical issues such as pain and injuries. And this is a pretty unique concept

Jul 05, 2020



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Page 1: rick wilkes transcript · “” Rick is here to talk to you about how you can use EFT for physical issues such as pain and injuries. And this is a pretty unique concept


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Using EFT for Pain and Injuries – An Interrogation with RICK WILKES Interview with Rick Wilkes KEVIN GIANNI: Hi. This is Kevin Gianni from the Fountain of Youth World And today, I’m here with a special guest to the Fountain of Youth. Like I’ve said before, we’ve added over 4 special interviews to this program to let you know that we’re here to deliver as much content and information as humanly possible during this event. So, I want to get started right away. I’m here with Rick Wilkes, who is the founder of “” Rick is here to talk to you about how you can use EFT for physical issues such as pain and injuries. And this is a pretty unique concept and follows right in line with Dr. Carol Look’s presentation. So I don’t want to waste any time again. I want to introduce Rick Wilkes. So Rick, thank you for coming aboard. RICK WILKES: My pleasure, Kevin. KEVIN: Yeah, and let’ talk about EFT. We’ve had a primer with Carol’s information - more than a primer - and so I want to get into some other applications about EFT because I use the technique. I’ve used with my clients. I’m not even EFT master. I’ve just taught them how to do it. That’s one of the fantastic things about this whole EFT thing. So, why don’t you tell me a little bit about, you know, how you got into this and then we will go on and talk about EFT for pain. RICK: My background, Kevin, is as an energy worker and body worker, massage therapist. One of the things I noticed in anyone who works with the human body can detect that it stores pain and emotional traumas in the tissue of the body. And the way that we release that, you can do that through physical activity, through dance, through body work, through meditation. There are many different ways of healing the body’s energy system but I was looking for a very direct way that you could take a particular energy by the hand, a particular physical pain, a particular limitation in the body’s belief about itself. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: And shift that quickly. And I wanted something that would allow people to do that for themselves in addition to working with me.

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KEVIN: OK. RICK: And that’s how EFT - I ended up finding it through the internet and it was a perfect fit. It fit like an old shoe because when you really look at combining the power of an affirmation with the body component, that’s really what we’re doing with EFT. We’re accessing certain accupoints, by that I mean points on the body which are natural comfort points that have been known, yes, in Chinese medicine, but there are also places that people are naturally drawn to. Rubbing their face, rubbing the - and putting our hand over the base of their throat when they have a shock. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: These are natural comfort points. And by intentionally activating them, we can relieve the body not only of emotional pain and the trauma of specific memories, but we can take us from feeling OK in our body, maybe a little bit of discomfort to a place where our body is really tuned and ready to perform at its peak. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: That’s what excites me. Not just the relief of pain that’s keeping you sitting on the couch, but maybe some belief that “maybe my body is not in tune with being able to walk a half-a-mile or go on a vacation that I want to go on or learn to ski or snowboard.” KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: Whatever it is, EFT can help tune our energy system to be receptive to growing and restoring youthful vitality regardless of what our age is - whether we are in our 70’s or we’re 17. Our body usually starts building up some limiting beliefs about itself based upon old injuries, old thoughts, things that we’ve seen in our mirror and things that other people have commented to us about. KEVIN: And what are some of those limiting beliefs that you’ve heard of? I mean, does it have to deal with surgery? Does it have to deal with, you know, just past fears of activity or, what have you encountered? RICK: Well, I’ll give you two examples. KEVIN: A-ha.

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RICK: Let’s say somebody is growing up in junior high school, and they’re in physical education class, and they’re challenged to do chin-ups, OK? KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: And they can’t do one. Their body is just not mature enough and they don’t have the physical strength, and they get ridiculed for being a wimp, you know. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: The way that you can tell whether something is still having an impact on your future and your present is to remember that specific event and see whether you just kind of like “Oh yeah, that was then.” KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: There’s nothing there. But if you remember any event from your past and you feel a negative emotional response, guess what? KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: There is some impact on your energy system that that is still having. There’s a part of you that’s still defining itself as a wimp. KEVIN: OK. RICK: It still has a hook on you. KEVIN: OK. RICK: Does that make sense? KEVIN: Yeah, absolutely. RICK: So, one of the things that you can do is, what beliefs do I have about my body that I might have inherited from what... some coach, some parents, some teacher might have said about my physical strength, or my look or my appearance? And as you remember those things, if there’s any intensity in your body, we measure things as with the EFT on a 0-10 scale where, let’s say, “I’m a wimp.” You say that, “I’m a wimp.”

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KEVIN: Right. RICK: And if that feels totally untrue, it’s a zero. KEVIN: OK. RICK: Now, if it feels true with a 4 or a 5, then what EFT can do by going through that specific event, either with a coach or by yourself riding it out, tapping the points as you repeat and go through this until it goes back down to a zero. You will notice in your body a sense of confidence that old energy was resisting. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: And one of the things that I’ve noticed is that if somebody has an energy of “Well, I’m just not flexible.” KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: Now, that was something that I remember hearing and saying to myself when challenged to do the splits back in sixth grade. “I’m just not flexible.” KEVIN: Right. RICK: And so when we make an “I am” statement, we define ourselves and there’s a part of our energy that will keep us true to that. “I’m just not flexible.” KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: Now, when I tapped using EFT around that belief, all of a sudden, I noticed that instead of being able to just kind of go down halfway down my shins, I can touch my toes. Hmm. KEVIN: Interesting. RICK: Now, I see this with clients - I’ve worked with over a thousand clients, and one of the things I noticed is that as you start shifting even a little bit, those “I am” beliefs about your physical body - your physical body will start responding. It brings forth a different set of chemicals. It brings forth a set of excitement, an energy – it brings forth an energy of excitement that will take you much more in the direction of where you want to go in your life.

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KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: Literally, your body can start rolling back the clock on what your biological age is. KEVIN: Right. Now, some people might say that this is a pretty strange type of idea that you can tap meridian points and become more flexible or that you could tap meridian points and actually stop feeling pain or the limiting beliefs that have caused that pain. RICK: That’s right. KEVIN: What do you think is your, what’s your take on, on what’s happening? RICK: I believe that the energy system is the dominant blueprint for our body. KEVIN: OK. On top of all the others. RICK: On top of all - on top of the physiology, what is it that causes the DNA in one cell to become a liver cell and the DNA in another cell to become nerve cell and DNA and another cell to become the bones of your spine? I believe that there is an intelligence, the energy field that is also a field of intelligence. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: Now, that energy system clearly gets disrupted. There is no doubt, there’s so much evidence that emotional trauma is a contributor to disease. KEVIN: OK. RICK: Emotional trauma being told “Oh man, you are such a loser!” KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: And walking away dejectedly, that has stored a trauma in your energy system. And some of us had had very few of those types of situations. Some people have had hundreds and hundreds of those. But the good news is, is that the energy system once it can be accessed and

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soothed, smoothed out a bit, yet, restores the natural intelligence, the natural healing abilities in a way that is profound to see. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: Most of us that have been doing this work for a number of years, whether there is a full scientific theory that explains it or not, we don’t have one that we can say, “Oh, this is absolutely what it is!” But there are thousands of practitioners that are seeing that not only for specific events can you have permanent relief, but the shifting of limiting belief, “I’m not good enough.” If you say, “I am not good enough” and you’re thinking that if you say “I’m not good enough” and it feels true when your body had an ache, that is like carrying around a thousand pound rock and you can’t mountain climb when you’re carrying a thousand-pound rock. It’s not really safe to skydive when you’re carrying around a thousand-pound rock and swimming across the Chesapeake Bay at 78 years old like one of my friends is going to be doing. You can’t do that with a thousand-pound rock. If you release that energy of “I’m not good enough” and we see in Carol, Carol looks at work with attracting abundance. It’s perfect for releasing these kinds of limiting beliefs. And once you release that energy, you feel so much lighter. You have so much more vitality flowing in your system. KEVIN: That’s fantastic. So, that’s for emotional pain and trauma. What about, you know, and I think that some of your body worked deals with this because you were a massage therapist. What about someone who has surgery for something, say, for a knee injury or an elbow injury or a shoulder injury, and the doctor says to them, “Look, you’re not going to ever regain full range of motion?” Like, what can EFT do for someone who has experienced something like that, because I think this is one of the most fascinating things about it? RICK: Oh it is. First of all, acknowledge that.... KEVIN: Oh, before you even say this, I want to say please to everyone out there. Please listen to this with an open mind because I know that some people might discount some of this stuff right off the bat, but please listen to this because there’s countless of examples for what it’s worth. RICK: Oh, I don’t have problem with skepticism. KEVIN: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

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RICK: In fact, I came to EFT not only as a massage therapist which to some may feel pretty squishy. KEVIN: A-ha. Yeah. RICK: I’m an electrical engineer and technologist by training. KEVIN: A-ha. RICKY: I have decades of experience working with computers and designing processes and systems that need to work consistently and robustly and for me, EFT, if it did not provide the kind of consistent results that an engineer would find appealing, well, hmm, I wouldn’t be interested. KEVIN: Ha! That’s a great point. RICK: So, when I look at the energy of something, if I am in a doctor’s office and maybe half-dressed, feeling scared and a doctor says to me a long list of possible side effects of a medication or that these are the things that may go wrong or that may never would be restored as part of this surgery, we are in an altered state of consciousness. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: Anytime that we’re in the presence of somebody that has authority, don’t we all feel a little bit different than our calm and confident self? KEVIN: Yeah, absolutely. RICK: Yeah. So let’s just first take the reality that doctors are now required to give you a whole slew of bad news that doesn’t apply to 99.9% of the people but they’re required by law to give you all this information in the interest of “informed consent.” KEVIN: OK. RICK: OK. Now, they also are looking at your body in a particular light. They do not necessarily appreciate the kind of intelligence that’s at work in the natural healing process because they come in at a point where your natural healing processes had been disturbed. KEVIN: Sure.

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RICK: They don’t even know what you might be capable of regenerating in terms of range of motion, flexibility, regeneration of the health and vitality of the joints of your body. So I’ll give you an example. It’s a personal example. I had back surgery, L5-S1 discectomy in 1999. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: Now, I have spent a year in pretty intense pain before that surgery. I did not recover nearly as quickly as the doctor had said might be typical. But today, having used EFT and all the limiting beliefs about what that back injury might mean to me, the limitations that it might put on my flexibility, everything that I’ve heard about it. Today, my spine feels to me the healthiest it has ever felt. My spine at 13 was not nearly as healthy and vital as it is today. I am doing Zumba which is, if you are familiar with it, is a pretty high-intensity aerobics based upon Latin dance moves. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: Well, there’s a lot of shaking of the low back and sacrum as part of Zumba. KEVIN: Right. RICK: And before I went to that class, there were some limiting beliefs about what was possible in my body that I addressed with EFT. KEVIN: OK. RICK: Today, I went to the class much more calm and confident and I’m seeing my body respond in a way that is certainly out, way outside the curve of what you normally see from people that had an L5-S1 surgery, even 7 or 8 years ago. KEVIN: Got you. And why don’t you take us through to some of the things that you addressed with having, because I think, I think having a blueprint is so important because, you know, there’s probably a lot of people out there who have had certain injuries or certain, they have been told that they are limited. And why don’t you take us through a process that can say “Hey, you know, this is what you might want to attempt to do, you know, just try it and see what happens.” RICK: Now, I suggest that first, people be comfortable with the idea of baby steps.

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KEVIN: OK. RICK: We’re not necessarily going to jump right out of a plane, OK? There is an evolutionary process. If you want to be a skydiver, they are going to take you to ground school. KEVIN: Yeah. RICK: And, what I say is, OK. What is this first limitation that you think you that have, based upon this surgery? And one of them that immediately came to mind is “I have to be careful.” KEVIN: OK. RICK: A-ha. KEVIN: Great. Yeah. OK. RICK: So, I felt like, “Ahh, I’ve got to be careful. I don’t want to reinjure myself.” KEVIN: And be careful in terms of just anything, correct? RICK: Anything. KEVIN: Yeah. RICK: Right. Anything. I have to be careful. There is this sense of “Hmm, I really can’t explore the edges of experience. I have to be in a more narrow comfort zone.” So, I did some tapping even though I feel like I have to be careful. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: I’m open to the possibility that my back is stronger and more flexible than ever. KEVIN: OK. RICK: Alright. And as I did the tapping around, feeling the need to be careful, what I felt was my comfort zone expanding. Now that didn’t mean that I immediately left to doing breakdancing.

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KEVIN: Right. RICK: Right? KEVIN: Right. RICK: What I did is I started to explore. I started doing some dance around my studio. I put on some music, I started exploring the movement. Now the next thing that came up, Kevin, was when I was sore the next day. Now, who doesn’t try something new and feel a little sore the next day, right? KEVIN: Yeah. RICK: But if you’ve been through a year of chronic pain or you’re just starting to move back into a more vital activity, well, you’re going to be sore, and yet it triggered a sense of uh-oh. There was just a sense that there was no logical reason for it. My doctors aren’t telling me “Don’t do this.” Never go against the doctor who is saying “don’t do this” during the early stages of recovery. KEVIN: Sure. Yeah. RICK: You know. We’re not suggesting that you be stupid. KEVIN: Yeah. RICK: But your body has an intelligence and as you soothe the energy around it, like uh-oh. Once I soothe that energy, guess what, when I put my hand on my back, my back said “Oh, I feel good.” I said “Really?” It said “Yeah.” It is a little bit sore but we weren’t working on some scar tissue here, Rick. We’re just loosening that up. It’s starting to feel pretty good.” And I said “Well, OK. What might help soothe you a little bit?” And my back said, “Well you know, a little warm compress might feel really good right now.” And I went and took a nice hot bath and I put some warmth on my back and my back said “Oh, that’s really good.” Now here is the key. EFT helped clear the noise, this fear. And then, you’re listening to your own body’s intelligence. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: You’re not trying to force your body to take huge leaps because “I have something to prove.” That's not the way the body's intelligence works.

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What it is, is if the noise is up, the fear is up, soothe that using EFT and then very intelligently listen to your body and say, “Well, what would be good for you right now?” Oh, five minutes of dance and movements. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: Maybe a couple of jumping jacks might be good. “Hey look at me, I’m more strong and vital than I thought.” How about doing a gastroc stretch. KEVIN GIANNI: Uh-hmm. RICK: I haven't been able to do that for a long time. That feels pretty good. How many should I do? Three? Well. Why not 12? I'm going to push it to beat the - that's where another aspect of this can be helped with EFT. That sense that you're having to fix yourself; the sense that, “Well, I was broken before and now I have something to prove.” KEVIN: Huh. RICK: That is just as much of a block to you, really enjoying your body, Kevin, if you're feeling limited. It's the whip aspect that so many people who want to be at peak performance, believe that you have to really push beyond, push beyond. If somebody is a pusher like that and they find themselves repeatedly being injured in little or big ways, that's an area to deal with with EFT as well. What's the belief that says you have something to prove rather than a life to enjoy. KEVIN: Right. You know, you talk about the intuitiveness of the body. I mean, a lot of times, I encounter people who don't really know how to recognize that. What are some of the ways that someone can begin to recognize them? Probably through EFT, is that, what are some of the ways that someone can approach that, and know that they're listening to the body and know that they're doing what's right instead of pushing themselves or not doing enough? RICK: It's a great question, Kevin, because the body loves to be listened to; it's like having a child who is tugging at your pants and saying, you know, “Listen to me, listen to me, I have something to share with you.” And then if you don't listen to them, it will start squawking you, you know, and then if you take – if their squawking you doesn't get your attention, they'll start shrieking and if shrieking doesn't work, they'll try hysterical. If people look at their body as an intelligence, but maybe one that's a little bit - it doesn't

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have a vocabulary that you're used to. You're going have to learn a little bit of vocabulary. And here's one of … a very simple line with EFT that we use, if you take any part in your in your body that's feeling a little bit, let's say, less than integrative or a little bit of discomfort, like right now, as I'm walking around, my left knee is just feeling a little bit off. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: OK, and so if I ask my knee, well, what emotion might be there? What emotion might be in my knee? Anticipation is the word that comes to me. KEVIN: OK. RICK: So, I would tap. Even though I've got this anticipation in my left knee, I deeply and completely accept my knee anyway, even though I have this anticipation feeling in my knee and it's a little uncomfortable. I deeply and completely accept all of me. Even though I've got this anticipation feeling in my knee, I love and accept of all me, anyway. And then, you just tap the other points. Those were the statements; the type of statements I might use at the karate chop point. All interestingly enough, I've done so much EFT but it's just those 3 statements while I was tapping a karate chop point, my energy system goes, “Yes! Thank you for listening.” KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: And my knee, my left knee now feels better than my right knee. My right knee is saying, “Oh I've got a little bit of attention.” KEVIN: (Laughs). I need some attention. RICK: Yeah. As I was saying, “Hey talk to me now!” It's like having five children, right? KEVIN: Yeah. RICK: You talk to one and then the other one is going want to say, “Hey what about me?” This is a way of building body intelligence; paying attention to a physical sensation and asking if there were an emotion there, what might it be? KEVIN: Huh.

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RICK: And guess, right? Some people will have neck pain, chronic neck pain, right? And they've tried everything. They've gone to chiropractors. They've gone to massage therapists. They've - you know, consider surgery. They've done so many things but they've never asked the question if there were an emotion in that pain or a person in that pain, what might it be? And once you start asking those types of questions of the pain itself, the pain will give you answers that allow you to have door way into that intelligence. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: And you just say, “Even though I've got that SOB in my neck... KEVIN: Right. RICK: …I deeply and completely accept all of my feeling; even though I've got this raging anger in my neck, I deeply and completely accept myself.” Do some tapping around that and what you will almost always notice is some relief. Now, if you do around of tapping and suddenly the energy goes spiking way up and you like “Oh, my goodness, what have I done?” What you’ve really done is you've opened the door; that's a good sign. For those of us that are EFT professionals, that's a good sign. It means that this is a core energy that is keeping you from feeling great. And that's when you really stay to keep tapping on it, keep tapping on it, keep tapping on it. Get the help of a professional if you need to, that will help relieve that energy. I have somebody who’s in his 70s. He's a former military man, extremely physical and he fell down the stairs. KEVIN: Oh. RICK: And his body healed remarkably quickly except for his shoulder. KEVIN: OK. RICK: Now, months later the shoulder's still at 8, 9, or 10. Nothing that, I mean, I did some massage therapy, I'd release it and then the pain would come back. And I'd release it and it would feel like it was doing pretty well and the pain would come back. That's a sign that there may be an energetic or emotional recall. And I said, “Well, if there were an emotion in your shoulder, what might it be?” He knew exactly what it was. Anger. What are you angry about? “I'm angry at my body for failing me, this is the first time that it has ever failed.” KEVIN: (Laughs.) Well look what comes out?

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RICK: You know exactly what was going on; we tapped on that. The pain went from an 8 to a 4. KEVIN: Right. RICK: And then, and then, I said, “Well is there still anger?” and he said, “No, no, it's not anger.” I said, “Well if there was an emotion there now, what might it be?” Well I knew he fell on the stairs carrying a big chest, OK? Big macho guy. KEVIN: OK. How old? Seventy? RICK: Seventy, seventy something years old. He's going to be carrying this big chest down the stairs. Physically he was strong enough but he lost his balance. KEVIN: Yeah. RICK: OK and what he said was, “I knew when I picked it up that if my wife was in the house, she would have freaked out and made me not do it, and I did it anyway.” KEVIN: Right. RICK: And so I said, “What emotion is that?” He said, “Guilt.” KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: And we tapped on the guilt and doing the stupid thing and the pain went away and stayed away. KEVIN: Right. RICK: So, are we a mix of emotions and physical, physical and emotional? Absolutely. In fact, an emotion is a physical sensation that we got to label on. KEVIN: OK. RICK: We're looking at our pain, putting an emotional label on it, even if it's just a guess. Physical pain described at it directly, you know, is it a burning, a kind of a stiffness, whatever it is. Put an emotional label on it and do some

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tapping on it. Do that 3-5 times a day if you're not physically in a kind of shape that you want to be in, you'll notice that this energy exercise, exercising your energy system is a part of also exercising your physical body is a wonderful combination to bring out the best of your whole system. KEVIN: A conversation that I have frequently with a couple of my colleagues is whether pain is physical or energetic? And it's a big conversation. I mean, there's so many, I mean, a lot of people would say, ”Of course, it's physical,” though it seems to me like you might be either leaning towards the other side or leaning towards the combination of both. RICK: I call it physio-emotional pain. KEVIN: OK. RICK: Physio-emotional pain. And if somebody has just experienced the loss of a loved one and they feel like there's a hole in their heart. There's a physical pain right there. Now, tell me, was it caused by someone punching them in the heart or was it caused by an emotion that has happened to them. KEVIN: Right. RICK: Now, somebody who is in a car accident, OK? One client in her almost 80 years old; she was in a car accident. She went through physical therapy and she still felt a lot of pain in her neck and in her ribs and we tried to do some bodywork and her body seemed to be resisting. There is a physical sensation of the body resisting release and renewal. KEVIN: For anything? RICK: Yeah, for anything. KEVIN: Yeah. RICK: You know, if you feel like you’re working against your body, you are. It is time to stop and not try to force it but to listen. And what we did is just ask the question, if there were emotion in your rib cage and in your neck, what might it be? And she said that being blind-sided. KEVIN: OK.

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RICK: She was doing nothing wrong, she was driving along and somebody smashed into the side of her and we did some EFT on it – and what was interesting is that she could feel the release, feel the release, feel the release and then suddenly it spiked way back up. And I said this isn't about the car accident – it didn't feel like it was about the car accident anymore. She said no, it is about thing blind-sided by her ex-husband when he came home one day and he said he was leaving. KEVIN: Wow! RICK: Is that logically true? Scientifically provable? I can't scientifically prove that, but what I will tell is that her intuition, her inner intelligence gave us a door – to go through and when we through that door with EFT with love and respect for the body and what it has been through and we did tapping on the natural soothing points on the body, what happened was her body let go of the feeling of being unsafe and being blind-sided, and when she lay back down on the table, her rib cage fell to me 20 years younger. Her neck became fluid, moving like the graceful person that she had been, and to me that’s an example of how specific events and specific energies bind us, bind us, bind us, bind us, bind us. They make our fascia tighter, they make the tendons in our body less willing to be open and fluid. You think about walking through the world as an open, happy person. Well, if you don't feel safe, you're not going to walk through the world that way, and EFT is a powerful way to help you feel safe no matter what – calm and confident then no matter what. Kevin, we build on a foundation of safety first – helping a person feel safe in their body, exploring their world. We help them expand the comfort zone so that they feel safe within a broader range of possibilities, and then it’s about how do you want to feel? Do you want to feel calm and powerful? Creative and energized? And we incorporate that into the affirmation that we use – the set up statement in EFT as this is called. Even though I'm not feeling totally confident right now because blank, I'm open to feeling surprisingly calm and powerful in my body. We know the power of affirmations. People have talked about it a lot, but an affirmation usually has what's called the tail-ender, a yes spot. KEVIN: OK. RICK: It's like if I look at myself in the mirror and say, “I have the body and mind of a 27-year-old.” There would be some aspect of me that looks and says, “Well not exactly.”

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KEVIN: Yeah, yeah. RICK: And to be like somebody that has 50 pounds to lose looking in the mirror and say, “I am thin and attractive.” . KEVIN: Right, but, 50 pounds overweight. RICK: Fifty pounds overweight – so with EFT what were doing is saying, “Even though I'm 50 pounds overweight, I'm open to feeling surprisingly attractive and good looking.” KEVIN: Yeah. RICK: Surprisingly flexible and energized anyway. This is the high art of EFT. This is taking it so that, as you described, people are taking their biological age and they’re moving energetically so that they are young and vital. They're taking the physical limitations that they have, the limiting beliefs that they carried, letting them go and enjoying having a vitality that is of someone 20, 30, 40, 50 years younger. There is no reason to let an old person move into your body but if you have just a kind of collected a whole bunch of old people thoughts, old people beliefs, EFT is a great way to release those. And when you do the physical pains often dissipate, the emotional self-talk about, “I'm not good enough,” those things just fall away and then you’re really much more present. I call it thriving in the now, you’re really in a place where every moment you’re feeling the vibration and the emotion and gratitude, appreciation and expectation that your life is unfolding in a beautiful way. KEVIN: What are some of the set ups and/or affirmations that the people can use – or you've used with people that can deal with “reversing the aging process?” Anything specific? RICK: First of all, I think having people sit down and make a list in the own words, what it means to be the age that they are. And you can ask question, “How did I come across this belief? Well, 45 means what?” KEVIN: Interesting. RICK: “What does 45 mean to me? What does 50 mean to me? What does 65 mean to me?” KEVIN: I think people will find a pattern.

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RICK: What people usually go is, “Well, I'm in my 40s.” I remember – as I think about 40s, I remember my 8th grade teacher saying, you know, when he was asked how old he was, he said, “Well, I’m somewhere between 40 and death.” OK… KEVIN: Great. RICK: “I'm somewhere between 40 and death, I deeply and completely accept myself. I'm open to feeling surprisingly young and chipper.” KEVIN: Yeah. RICK: Another thing, you go to the doctors and the doctor says, “Well now that you’re 45, you're gonna start needing reading glasses along – even the other doctors are convinced that I'm gonna need reading glasses.” I'm over to finding it surprisingly easy to see even small tie. KEVIN: Got you. RICK: Carol Look has a book on a fact that looking at the emotions that people have in their eyes, and as people use that they saw – 75% of the people saw a benefit not only in their emotional state but also in their vision. The eyes are muscular, they respond like the rest of us. You know, people that think about – well, its too late – you cant teach an old dog new tricks. How does true…does that feel to you? KEVIN: Yeah. RICK: If that feels at all true, and I know that there are people that are listening to this that if they say the statement, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” not only will they feel a little bit like an old dog but it feels like the things have now been closed off to you because of your age. KEVIN: But it feels true too, I think people would shake their heads. RICK: Yeah, yeah, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. KEVIN: That's true. RICK: Right! And if feels true – this is a key point Kevin. For some people, logically they know that at their age they could go do the thing that they've always wanted to do. But somewhere in their body, it feels like there is a cap

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– a limitation and if “you can't teach an old dog new tricks” feels true; and this thing that you want to do, would be a new trick for you? KEVIN: A-ha RICK: A-ha. That is a doorway into energy. Even though I'm convinced, “you can't teach an old dog new tricks” I'm not only not an old dog, but I'm going to learn some new tricks anyway. And you play around with the wording to find something that is appealing to you, that draws you forward, that gives you some sense of relief. We're using some very high-powered language because you and I are living in a place where life is awesome. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: For somebody that is on the vibrational scale with less in the sense of hope and belief than this, we can start down there. We can say – even though there is no way, there is no way that I can ever go sky diving, not in my age KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: I deeply and completely accept myself anyway. And you get – you work with someone to feel at peace, first of all with where they are. What's interesting here is that as soon as they feel at peace with where they are, now they have a sense of, you know, why do I feel like I can't go sky diving . KEVIN: Interesting. RICK: Didn't former President Bush just go skydiving at eighty years old? I'm not anywhere near eighty years old! And I’m a lot better looking than he is. KEVIN: [Laughs] RICK: So that's where your intuition will start automatically giving you – you'll be attracted to examples of people living the life that you are being drawn toward. KEVIN: I think what’s really important that you said is that, it doesn’t matter where you are – that this can work for you.

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RICK: No, it doesn’t matter one little bit. EFT can bring you relief whether you are despairing about your body and its future or you’re just feeling a little bit uneasy about the next foray outside of your comfort zone. KEVIN: Ha. RICK: I want to learn how to do white water rafting. There is a wild scenic river a quarter mile from my house. It goes through some of the most beautiful areas of our county. It is a class four/five rapid. KEVIN: Oh yeah. RICK: And people have died on it. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: Now, as I start feeling around that, I noticed that there’s some discomfort in my body. There’s a certain amount of fear that comes out. KEVIN: Right. RICK: Now, it would be insane for me to just go grab a kayak and go in and face the river. That would be insanity! KEVIN: Yeah. RICK: Right? But when you release the fear, what you’re left with is normal caution. You’re left with a sense of, “Ah, this could be an adventure,” rather opening up a white water training facility at the top of our mountain. Guess what? I could study there with some people that are Olympic-caliber kayakers that are professional instructors on how to safely run this river, and my body can be led step by step by step until the next logical step is for me to go run the river with a guide – with a partner. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: That I have built up some trust and rapport. Now, believe you me. There are lot of people that would love to do the same thing but if they don’t address that little bit of discomfort – that comfort zone discomfort – that little bit of pain when you think about being smashed against the rocks, right? KEVIN: A-ha.

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RICK: Oh, we’ve got a list of fears around anything that is of a peak experience, right? KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: If you release that, then your intuition can take you step by step and always leave you feeling safe and confident. KEVIN: Wow! That is awesome stuff. Now, what would be, if someone is to take something from this call and start doing something right now, what would that be? RICK: If you’re listening to the call because you have some pain, the most important thing that you can do right now is to start dialoguing with that pain. KEVIN: OK. RICK: Even if you don’t know EFT yet, take a pain. Put your hand on it. Read a few times and ask your body, “If there was an emotion here, what might it be?” KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: And then ask your body, “Is there something that you could suggest, Mr. Knee, that would help soothe you right now? Is there something I’m missing?” And just taking a few minutes to listen. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: Then, to learn some EFT, there are ways of using EFT for enhancing your breathing capacity. I call that anxiety-constricted breathing. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: And I’d be happy Kevin to give you a copy of the audio and the text for your side as well. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: If you do the anxiety-constricted breathing exercise a few times, you’ll notice a physiological change in your body that you will feel more relaxed in your breathing. That enhances your well being. If you use EFT to

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help you shift from stress to a sense of relief, you just switch your whole physiology whether you understand the science or non-science. KEVIN: (Laughs). RICK: If you understand how EFT works or not and there are many theories but no real strong scientific proof yet, if you go through an experience going from a place of stress and anxiety to a place of relief, you know if you studied biology, that that switching from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic response – it’s switching from stress, fight or flight to rest and digest, and all healing occurs during the rest and digest phase. If you want to be stronger, if you want to have a more resilient body, it needs to spend more time in a relaxed state of rest and digest rather than fight or flight, and most people who are chronically ill or who have pain that is not clearing up in a natural way, they’re spending time in fight of flight in stress and they’re not getting enough time. Even 20 minutes in rest and renewal, the body can heal so much. That’s why meditation for example or 20 minutes of tai chi, you’re moving to a place of rest and renewal. You know, just because we’re moving. Even dance can be a place of rest and renewal. If it moves us out of the feeling of stress. KEVIN: Wow! It’s great stuff. All right Rick. Thank you for coming aboard. Why don’t you tell us, I know you have something that you offer in your website. Why don’t you tell us a little about that and what you have to offer. RICK: I believe that it’s wonderful for people to have an opportunity to get to know someone who is a coach in advance of engaging them or even knowing whether it’s right to engage with them. So out of my website at, you can hear a selection of EFT sessions. I have that anxiety-constricted breathing exercise. There are over 200 different articles and audios that are freely available. Also, Carol Look and I have a website called We have a podcast with a variety of different topics about vibrational medicine and the approach of using EFT to relieve strains and stresses and chronic pain. KEVIN: Wow. RICK: I also have a coaching program called the Thriving Now Team where we have over 10 teleclasses a month and a private forum where you can learn about EFT, apply it to yourself for physical, emotional, as well as business reasons. I love working with business owners who are working on the limiting beliefs that they’re feeling in their body, that are keeping them from really enjoying the freedom and abundance that having your own

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business and expression of that creative side of you can bring. That’s what I’m doing out there on the internet, Kevin. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: You could tell I’m very passionate about helping people live a thriving life. That’s really an honor to be a participant in this. I believe that those of us who are paying attention now to our energy system and where our vibration is, are going to redefine what it means to be every single age. We will be redefining what it means to be 75 or we will be redefining what it means to be 125 because we are learning to intentionally affect the part of us – that is the blue print. KEVIN: A-ha. RICK: And that’s a very exciting cutting edge place to be and for those of you that are excited to be about being at the cutting edge of living a thriving life, I would love to hear from you. I’m Rick of KEVIN: Awesome. We are going to set up a link where you can go and visit and check out Rick’s stuff. It’s, and you can go there and you can see everything that he has just mentioned now. So Rick, thank you for coming aboard. RICK: Thank you so much, Kevin. KEVIN: I appreciate your time. And thank you everyone for listening to this bonus phone call from the