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RICK JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries · we may not have covered. In His Service, Rick Joyner I Corinthians 15:58 “We must not react in fear, but rather walk in faith. This does

Jun 15, 2020



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Page 1: RICK JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries · we may not have covered. In His Service, Rick Joyner I Corinthians 15:58 “We must not react in fear, but rather walk in faith. This does
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VISIONBy Tom HardimanPAGE 15

The Present Crisis

made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Here we see that prayer is the counter to anxiety. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He told them to begin their prayer with “Our Father.” We come to Him as family, not on the basis of principles, laws, or anything we might have done for Him. The proof of His love for us is the greatest event in all of history; He sent The One He cared the most for, His own Son, to save us.

The Father so loved us that He sent His Son for our salvation while we were yet sinners, so we must get out of our minds any thoughts of sin or unworthiness. We are not worthy in ourselves and will never deserve this unfathomable gift of redemption, reconciliation, and restoration. We receive it by faith in what Jesus did, not on how well we have done. This gift is not based on how much we believe, as true faith is not a faith in our

A s I write this, it seems that the whole world is being slammed by increasingly

bad news about the coronavirus. The disruption caused by the seeming

panic is already costlier than the virus itself has been. Understanding that

this virus does have the potential to be a terrible catastrophe, and already is

for those whose families and friends have been victims, we should also be able to see that

fear and panic is the source of most of the present destructiveness of this.

So how should we, as Christians, address this?

In one Asian dialect the word for “crisis” is the same word for “opportunity.” This is a profound insight and very true. The Apostle Paul states in Acts 14:22: “through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.” This means that in every trial there is a door to the kingdom. Do we see the door to the kingdom in this crisis?

Even if the coronavirus turns out not to be as much of a threat as the reactions seem to indicate, it is at least a good drill. Let’s use it as such, regardless of whether or not it merits the seeming panic. At the very least, this can reveal how unprepared we are for crises and what we may need to shore up first spiritually, and then in the natural.

Spiritually, anxiety should not be a reaction that we have. Anxiety is an obvious lack of trust in The Lord. As we are commanded in Philippians 4:6-7: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be

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The Present Crisis

faith, but it is faith in God and what Jesus accomplished on the cross.

Peter could walk on the water when he kept his focus on The Lord, but when he looked at the troubled waters he began to sink. We, likewise, will do the same. In every crisis we must keep our attention on The Lord, who He is and where He sits above all authority and dominion, and to whom the whole world now belongs, even though He is yet to fully take possession of it. This does not mean that we do not see the troubles in the sea, or that we do not learn about threats such as this virus, but that will not be where our main attention is. We must always have more faith in Jesus to protect us than in evil to afflict us. As someone once said, “Fear is faith for the things you don’t want.”

The cross did far more than just deliver us from the death that we deserve. Jesus also paid for our healing, deliverance, and made the way for us to walk in His authority and power over these. We mature in this author-ity and power as we grow up into Christ. We only have true spiritual authority to the degree that we are abiding in The King. We should also consider that it is His purpose that everything that happens He is at least allowing for the sake of His people. This crisis, like all others, is an opportunity for us grow in faith and the authority we are called to walk in by abiding more fully in Him.

As the text in Philippians quoted above states, it is the peace of God that guards our hearts and minds in Christ. We must never lose our peace. The foundation of this peace is the remarkable demonstration of how much He loves us by what His Son was sent to do for us. He relates to those who have received His Son’s sacrifice as His own children.

We must not react in fear, but rather walk in faith. This does not mean to be foolish and needlessly subject our-selves or those in our care to danger. This can be presump-tion, and in some cases can even be a way of tempting The Lord. We are told to keep the “confidence, which has a great reward” (see Hebrews 10:35), but confidence is not the same as presumption. Presumption is self-focused, and confidence is in the power of the cross of Jesus, what He did, and Who He now is.

There can be a fine line between faith and presump-tion, but it would be better to occasionally cross this line than to let the evil one control us by having us live in fear. Who has ever had perfect faith but Jesus? Don’t let the fact that we are not perfect yet stop us, because if we wait until we’re perfect, we will never start. Our biggest problem is not trusting God enough, so we can consider that The Lord will likely forgive us if we err by seeking to believe Him too much!

We should do all preparations in faith, always seeking to follow and obey The Lord, and thanking Him for His provision. Knowing God resists the proud, but gives His grace to the humble should help to keep us on the path of life. In times such as we’re entering, if we err, let’s err seeking to walk and grow in faith. We are going to need more faith.

There are many other practical things we can and should do in crisis. We have given much attention to learning these, beginning with our relief efforts for Hurricane Katrina and many other disasters we have engaged in bringing help to. We will be addressing those in Special Bulletins we will be sending out that I think you will find very helpful. We would also appreciate receiving any lessons or insights that you have learned that we may not have covered.

In His Service,

Rick Joyner I Corinthians 15:58

“We must not react in fear, but rather walk in faith. This does not mean to be foolish and needlessly subject ourselves or those in our care to danger.”

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A Divine Alignment

It is time for divine alignment. God desires to do greater things, and the Scrip-tures foretell them. Many networks and fellowships have been created for valid and powerful reasons with equal results. However, what is coming to the body of

Christ will exceed anything we have seen so far in human history. What is coming will require a new paradigm. “The unity of the Spirit in the bond peace” (see Ephe-sians 4:3 NKJV) is about to take on a whole new dimension for those who are wait-ing. If we take the time to look back at what the Lord has revealed, we can see more clearly the unveiling of our future.

will not share His glory with anyone. Our hope of glory is Christ revealed in us (see Colossians 1:27 and Galatians 1:16). Our glory does not come from what we have, but by Who has us.


God desires those who seek relationship with Him and with others around them. Relationship

“To love God is to not leave Him, to leave Him is not to wait for Him. Even with all that we know of God and the glimpses we have of His will, we can easily forget that all that we are is for His glory and He will not share His glory with anyone.”

In I Corinthians 2:9, Paul writes about the wisdom of Christ’s coming and of His ways as related to the Spirit of God:

“But just as it is written, ‘Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him.”’

In Isaiah 64:4, the writer extols God on His qualities and virtue:

“For from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear, nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him.”

Combined, these verses speak of an Old Covenant waiting and a New Testament loving. These verses differ only slightly, but they present one clear point—those who love Him, wait for Him. To love God is to not leave Him, to leave Him is not to wait for Him. Even with all that we know of God and the glimpses we have of His will, we can easily forget that all that we are is for His glory and He

All Scripture references are New American Standard Version, unless otherwise indicated.

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takes time. Partnership can be as sterile as the signing of a contract. Relationship is a blending of the heart. Partnership is a simple agreement of terms. Relationship produces sons and daughters. Partnership produces assets and dividends. Relationship produces fruit that remains into the future. Partnership produces results based on a pre-determined goal. I prefer relationships over partnerships. Relationships seek what can be released; partnerships tend to focus on what can be produced.

The church is soon going to be part of a great re-lease—an outpouring on unsuspecting mankind that will change and transform cities and towns, states and regions, nations and continents, and ultimately the world before the Lord returns. This release will be the result of a bride seeking relationship with God Almighty, who seeks the redemption of the lost.


In I Corinthians 2, Paul tells us that he first worked to “preach Christ crucified” (verse 2) and then to operate “in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but in the power of God” (verse 4-5). It must be in this order. Without Christ crucified, we would not have the Spirit’s indwelling. Without a death, there can be no new life (see John 12:24). Without new life, there can be no new spirit. Without the resurrection, we would have no life in us. Without the resurrected Christ, Who sent His Spirit, we would be a people of no hope. Without our surrendered life, we would not have new life.

We must not forsake the Spirit and try to work things in the natural (flesh and law) as the Galatians were so foolish to consider. We must step out in faith to try new things and not just sit and wait for the Holy Spirit to boot us into action. We have already received our great commission and were told to subdue the earth. Without the Spirit and the Spirit’s fruit that is the result of His working, there is little relationship. We develop fruit in our lives as we let Him be in our lives.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,

gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have cruci-fied the flesh with its passions and desires.

If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us not become boastful, challenging one another, envying one another” (Galatians 5:22-25).


In the beginning, in Genesis 1:28 we read that God spoke over His creation with a commissioning.

“God blessed them: God said to them, ‘Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air and every living creature that crawls on the earth.”’

God did not tell them to “multiply and be fruitful.” God told them to “be fruitful and multiply.” We are not successful through our numbers, our resources, or our partnerships. God never tells us to wait for numbers, He tells you to believe in Him, to be fruitful in a relationship with Him, and multiplication will come. Start where you are, with what you have—you have the Holy Spirit if you are a Christian. Focus on allowing the Holy Spirit to fill and continue filling you. We are successful because of our relationship to the Holy Spirit who enables us for all good works. As we develop relationships with others around us, we become a unified force that changes the environment. God defines fruitfulness as the ability to be successful and effective in the kingdom. As we develop a relationship with God and the Holy Spirit, because of all that the Lord Jesus has done, we can experience our God defined fulfillment—not before and not until.

BILL NESMITH is co-Founder with his wife, Chris, of Harvest

Light Ministries and is the Sr. Leader of Harvest Light

Fellowship Church in Savannah, Georgia. He has pastored and

planted churches for over twenty-eight years. Bill is also the

Administrator of The Oak Initiative, an interdenominational

movement that mobilizes Christians to engage in the great

issues of our time. Bill and his wife have five children, their

spouses, and twelve grandchildren.

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At the Feet of Jesus

It all began with a night vision, while I was still half asleep, in which I suddenly

saw the feet of Jesus before me, stigmatized by an ugly scar. At first I was

deeply shocked by the deep wounds and by just how disfigured His feet were.

For weeks I was unable to shake off this image, but as I listened to what Jesus wanted

to tell me through His feet, this place at His feet became a place of revelation and

strengthening for me.

In our relationship to God, the feet represent the place of humble adoration, worship, commitment, or surrender. Here are a few examples:

“In the spiritual realm, the feet point to a strategic place. If you are at somebody’s feet, you declare that you submit to that person’s authority. This may be because you love or worship that person unconditionally, or because you want to request something of, or plead with that person.

I hope the small selection of the following insights will also help you, dear reader, to deepen your friendship with God in your very being, and with Jesus as you gain joy and dare to take bold steps in faith.


In the natural, our feet are part of our locomotory system that enables us to walk, stand, dance, etc. Additionally, many of our nerves extend right down to our feet, passing on vital information to keep our body functions healthy. Symbolically, our feet can represent a wide range of things that are also expressed in sayings like “to be at someone’s feet,” to “stand on one’s own two feet,” or “to have the world at one’s feet.”

In the spiritual realm, the feet point to a strategic place. If you are at somebody’s feet, you declare that you submit to that person’s authority. This may be because you love or worship that person uncondition-ally, or because you want to request something of, or plead with that person.

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At the Feet of JesusEsther again pleaded with the king, falling at his

feet and weeping. She begged him to put an end to the evil plan of Haman the Agagite, which he had devised against the Jews. Then the king extended the gold scepter to Esther and she arose and stood before him. “If it pleases the king,” she said, “and if he regards me with favor and thinks it the right thing to do, and if he is pleased with me, let an order be written overruling the dispatches that Haman son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, devised and wrote… (Esther 8:3–5; NIV).

This story shows a spiritual principle that we find over and over again in the Word of God: the place of humility and worship becomes the strategic turning point of our lives. In the story mentioned above, it is Esther daring to humble herself who brings about deliverance for her entire people.

We can find the same thing in the story of Ruth, who at the behest of Naomi lies down at the feet of Boaz (who represents Jesus here). There he recognizes her and sends her back to her mother-in-law with the promise to redeem her along with a double portion of blessing in the form of grain (see Ruth 3).

We find this same spiritual truth also in the life of Mary Magdalene. Her dignity is restored at the feet of Jesus when she washes them with her tears and wipes them with her hair. The place of her worship becomes her triumph over all those who have exploited and despised her. Afterwards she goes her way justified.

When Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, He showed us by His own humility that we will not be able to have fellowship with Him unless we come to the place where He can minister to us. When we stay at His feet there is an exchange of power. What is our own flows away and something divine flows into us in the form of direction, power, and revelation.


After His resurrection, Jesus reveals Himself to His disciples by showing them His wounds. I believe we are

living during a time when many “false Christs” appear in images, visions, and apparitions. Now, more than ever, it is crucial for us to realize and know that there is no resurrected Lord Jesus Christ without wounds. The Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, is standing right before the throne (see Revelation 5:6). In the song of the suffering servant in Isaiah 53, Jesus is described as rejected, de-spised, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain and sickness. And yet, in verse 5 we read, “by his wounds we are healed.”

I am sure that we can only understand the mystery of the pierced feet of Jesus from the perspective of the cross. There these unsightly feet suddenly make sense because they remind us that with our own wounded feet, broken paths, and missteps, we can find healing and restoration in Him.


John sees the Lord with feet like burnished bronze (see Revelation 1:15). I believe this image tells us that the Lord of the Nations still has His feet firmly planted right in the midst of world events and that His ways are like gold that cannot be mixed with other metals. If we as His disciples and friends are His “hands and feet” here on

“I am sure that we can only understand the mystery of the pierced feet of Jesus from the perspective of the cross. There these unsightly feet suddenly make sense because they remind us that with our own wounded feet, broken paths, and missteps, we can find healing and restoration in Him.”

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earth, this also means that we have to ask Him to show us the higher, holy, and eternal ways and to lead us on them! I love the determination of Habakkuk at the end of his lament about the state of the world in his time when he decides for himself before God to say, “Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior. The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights” (Habakkuk 3:18–19; NIV).

This also reveals something else that comes to us from waiting and listening at His feet: our view of things changes in being with the Lord. What is visible fades into the background! We begin to reckon with God’s possibili-ties; we take courage and gain trust. Our heart becomes firm and we can eagerly look forward to how the Lord will lead us over the present stumbling blocks and through all problems and impossibilities. We do not only see Jesus as our Redeemer; there is also a growing certain-ty in us that we as sons and daughters of God have access to the resources of Heaven. This is the foundation and the reason why we can be messengers of joy and bearers of good news in all challenges, capable of edifying, comfort-ing, encouraging, and spreading the “fragrance of hope” (see Isaiah 52:7).


To sum up what I have been hearing from the Lord, these are His words for this time:

• Now is the time when I will strengthen and make firm the feet and ankles of My church.

• Now is the time to stand and not stagger, to overcome obstacles and not retreat.

• Now is the time to place your feet upon the water and to follow Me in faith on new and unknown paths.

• Now is the time to leave behind worship of men, angels, and idols, and to worship God the Father in spirit and in truth, and to magnify My name in all the earth.

• Now is the time to come out of your hiding places, to come out of retreat and to be on the offen-sive, and to talk about the hope and the future found in My name and My kingdom here on earth!

• I have prepared the way, and on all of your ways I am the same yesterday, today, and forever!

LILO KELLER, along with her husband Geri, founded the

ministry Stiftung Schleife. Lilo is an accomplished musician

and songwriter and has been a passionate pioneer in

worship over the last twenty years. Lilo is also a sought after

international speaker and has a burning desire to see the

prophetic spirit released in the church, and to see the next

generation equipped with the prophetic-apostolic anointing.

She also desires to see women come into their true calling

and destiny. Lilo and Geri resides just outside Winterthur,

Switzerland. They have two sons and four grandchildren.

“... at His feet: our view of things changes in being with the Lord. What is visible fades into the background! We begin to reckon with God’s possibilities; we take courage and gain trust. Our heart becomes firm and we can eagerly look forward to how the Lord will lead us over the present stumbling blocks and through all problems and impossibilities.”

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Faith Versus Hope

Many Christians are disappointed and frustrated with prayer because they do not receive what they think they should. Often it is because they are praying in hope, but not in faith. The results promised by

God to faith are not promised to hope.

What is the difference between faith and hope? How can we tell them apart?


The first main difference is that faith is in the heart, while hope is in the mind. In Romans 10:10, Paul said, “For with the heart man believes unto righteousness” (KJV). True biblical faith originates in the heart. In this verse, it is expressed by the verb “believe,” and it is followed by the preposition “unto,” indicating the result that it produces: righteousness. The word “unto” implies motion or transition of some kind. Faith is never static. It always expresses itself in motion, change, and activity. A person who truly believes will be changed by what he believes.

On the other hand, a person who merely accepts truth with his intellect can remain unchanged by it. Mental acceptance of truth is not faith. To produce faith, truth must penetrate beyond the conscious mind into the inner center and source of life, which is called the heart. Truth received intellectually by the mind may be sterile and ineffective, but truth received by faith into the heart is always dynamic and life-changing.

In Proverbs 4:23, Solomon warned us, “Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.” Everything that finally decides the course of our lives proceeds from our hearts. True biblical

faith proceeds from the heart and determines the way we live. It is not a mere intellectual concept, entertained by the mind; it is a real, active force at work in the heart.

However, God does not leave the mind without its proper provision. Faith at work in the heart produces hope in the mind. We see this in the definition of faith that we have already examined in Hebrews 11:1: “Faith

All Scripture references are New American Standard, unless otherwise indicated.

“Mental acceptance of truth is not faith. To produce faith, truth must penetrate beyond the conscious mind into the inner center and source of life, which is called the heart. Truth received intellectually by the mind may be sterile and ineffective, but truth received by faith into the heart is always dynamic and life-changing.”

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is the substance of things hoped for” (KJV). Faith in the heart is the substance, the underlying reality. This provides a valid, scriptural basis for the hope that we entertain in our minds.

In I Thessalonians 5:8, Paul mentioned the different areas of our personalities that are affected by faith and those that are affected by hope: “But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation.” Faith and love are the breastplate, and the breastplate protects the heart. Hope is the helmet, and it protects the head, or the mind.

In distinguishing faith from hope, I do not mean to belittle hope. Hope, in the biblical sense, is a confident expectation of good—a steady, persistent optimism. Hope protects our minds. Every Christian should wear this helmet of hope twenty-four hours a day. If we lay aside the helmet and begin to dwell on negative thoughts and gloomy forebodings, our minds are vulnerable to Satan’s subtle attacks.

True Christian optimism is not fanciful or unrealistic. It is not mere wishful thinking. Optimism must be based firmly

and exclusively on the statements and promises of Scripture. For example, in Romans 8:28, we are told, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” If God is working all things together for our good, what room is left for anything but optimism?

However, in applying this verse to our lives, we first need to make sure that we are meeting its conditions. Do we truly love God? Are we seeking to fulfill His purpose for our lives? If so, then God is working all things—every event, every situation—together for our good. This leaves only one attitude of mind that we can logically adopt: optimism. In light of this, for a Christian to be a pessimist is, in fact, a denial of his faith.

This example confirms what has already been said: faith is the only solid basis for hope. We must first truly believe what Romans 8:28 tells us: all things are working together for our good. If we believe this, we have no alternative but to hope.Yet if we do not believe this, then our hope has no solid basis.

So we see that there are two forms of hope. Outwardly, they are similar, but they are different in one vital respect: one is based on faith, and one is not. One form of hope is based on genuine faith within the heart, and it is therefore valid. Its expectation will, at the right time, be fulfilled. The other form of hope is within the mind alone, lacking any basis of genuine faith within the heart, and therefore has no scriptural validity. More likely than not, it is doomed to disappoint us. Until we have learned to distinguish between these two forms of hope, we will always be in danger of entertaining hopes that will never be fulfilled.


Therefore, the first main difference between faith and hope is that faith is in the heart, while hope is in the mind. The second main difference between faith and hope is that faith is in the present, while hope is in the future. Faith is a substance, something that is already here; hope is an expectation, some-thing that of necessity looks toward the future.

I cannot tell you how many people, in the years of my ministry, have come to me and said, “I have great faith; pray for me.” I remember one man who said, “I have all the faith in the world.” I thought, facetiously, that this was rather

“... the first main difference between faith and hope is that faith is in the heart, while hope is in the mind. The second main difference between faith and hope is that faith is in the present, while hope is in the future. Faith is a substance, something that is already here; hope is an expectation, something that of necessity looks toward the future.”

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unfair because it left none for the rest of us! Seriously, every time I hear people say, “I have great faith,” my heart sinks because my experience tells me that they will not get what they claim they have faith for. They may be perfectly sincere, but their desires will go unanswered because they have confused faith with hope.

It is very easy to confuse them because, as we have already seen, hope is in the mind, while faith is in the heart. We usually know well enough what is in our minds, but it is much harder to know what is in our hearts. If a person has a strong expectation in his mind, he may mistakenly call it faith, but it is really hope. Lacking the necessary basis of faith, he does not see the results that he expected.

There is an unpredictable quality about faith that mirrors the unpredictable nature of the human heart. Sometimes I have “felt” that I have had strong faith, but nothing has happened. At other times I have not “felt” any faith and yet have been pleasantly surprised at what God has done. The kind of faith that I can “feel” is usually mental—a substitute for the true heart faith. On the other hand, at times there can come forth out of my heart true, effective faith that I did not know was there, with results that amaze me!

Many people who say, “I believe that God will heal me,” really mean, “I hope that He will heal me tomorrow.” That is not faith, because faith is not for tomorrow; faith is some-thing that we have now. If we keep directing our expectation toward the future, we are substituting hope for faith.

Years ago, when I was a student at Cambridge, the university gave me a grant to go to Athens for my studies in Greek antiquity. I soon lost interest in the statues and monuments of Greece and became much more interested in the people living in Greece. A friend from the university traveled with me, and every morning when we stepped outside our hotel, a group of shoeshine boys was waiting, determined to polish our shoes. If you have never traveled in a Mediterranean country, you have no idea how deter-mined shoeshine boys can be. They will not take no for an answer. For the first two or three days, when we ventured outside our hotel, we tried saying, “Ochi!” throwing our heads backward with a scornful air at the same time. This is

the Greek way of saying, “No!” But it simply did not work; the boys shined our shoes anyway.

About the fourth day my friend tried a different tactic. When we stepped outside our hotel, the boys approached us to shine our shoes, as usual. This time my friend looked them squarely in the face and said, “Avrio.” They hesitated for a moment, and we were able to pass. Can you guess what “Avrio” means? It means “Tomorrow”!

Years later, after I had become a Christian, I recalled this incident. It illustrates so vividly the way the devil sometimes cheats Christians. When we are seeking healing for ourselves, or praying for the salvation of an unsaved loved one, the devil does not flatly say we will not obtain what we are seeking. He does not say, “You will not be healed,” or, “Your loved one will not be saved.” If he did that, we would not listen to him. In-stead, he says, “Yes, you will obtain what you are seeking, but not today; tomorrow!” And so we never come to the moment of obtaining what we are seeking. We are willing

“When we are seeking healing for ourselves, or praying for the salvation of an unsaved loved one, the devil does not flatly say we will not obtain what we are seeking. He does not say, ‘You will not be healed,’ or, ‘Your loved one will not be saved.’ If he did that, we would not listen to him. Instead, he says, ‘Yes, you will obtain what you are seeking, but not today; tomorrow!’ And so we never come to the moment of obtaining what we are seeking.”

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to accept the devil’s “tomorrow” when we would never accept his “no!” We have hope, but not faith.

However, God does not put us off until tomorrow. He says, “Now is ‘the acceptable time,’ behold, now is ‘the day of salvation’” (see II Corinthians 6:2). God lives in the eternal now. To faith, He never reveals Himself as “I was,” or as “I will be,” but always as “I am.” When faith contacts God, it is always in the present.

When we apply this principle to petitioning God, it will revolutionize this aspect of our prayer lives. In Mark 11:24, Jesus told us, “Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they shall be granted you.” When did Jesus tell us to receive what we pray for? At some undetermined point in the future? No, but at the very moment that we pray. We ask, and at the same moment we receive. Thereafter, we know that what we asked for will be granted to us.

Granting still remains in the future, but receiving, by faith, takes place when we pray. Having received now by faith, we know that at God’s appointed time, the things we received at the moment of praying will actually be granted to us. Faith to receive is in the present; the manifestation of what we have received is in the future. But without present faith, there is no assurance of future manifestation.

In Hebrews 4:3, the writer put the act of believing one stage further back in time than the act of receiving. He used the perfect tense: “For we who have believed enter that rest.” Believing is here viewed as something already accomplished that does not need to be repeat-ed. Having believed, we “enter that rest.” There is no more struggle or anxiety. We know that what we have received by faith will in due course be manifested in experience. The receiving is our part of the transaction; the manifesting is God’s.


Faith and hope are closely related, yet there are two important differences between them. First, faith

DEREK PRINCE (1915-2003) was born in India and educated

at Britain’s finest universities. While serving in the British

army during World War II, he experienced a life-changing

encounter with Jesus Christ. He then devoted his life to the

teaching and study of the Bible and became internationally

recognized as a leading authority on a variety of Bible

subjects. He authored over eighty books as well as six

hundred audio and hundreds of video teachings. Derek

Prince Ministries continues to impact one hundred forty

nations with Derek’s books and teachings.

springs from the heart, but hope is entertained in the mind. Second, faith is in the present; it is a substance—something we already have. But hope is directed toward the future; it is an expectation of things to come.

Hopes that are based on true faith within the heart will not be disappointed. However, without this basis, there is no assurance that our hopes will be fulfilled.

Hope is God’s appointed protection for our minds, but it will not obtain for us those results that God has promised only to faith. The key to obtaining what we ask from God is to receive it by faith at the very moment we petition Him. Doing this sets us free from continual struggle and anxiety, and brings us into an inner rest.

Taken from chapter 2 of The Power of Faith by Derek

Prince. Copyright © 1977, 2018 by Derek Prince Ministries—

International. Use by permission of Whitaker House. www.

“Hopes that are based on true faith within the heart will not be disappointed. However, without this basis, there is no assurance that our hopes will be

Page 13: RICK JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries · we may not have covered. In His Service, Rick Joyner I Corinthians 15:58 “We must not react in fear, but rather walk in faith. This does


R egardless of how much you feel you lack, or how much you feel you’ve

already gained, I assure you that taking the time and working through

your own personal goals and vision for your next step in life will make

a significant impact.



Make your priority those key elements that can bring about lasting, significant, and fulfilling change in your life. Avoid being at the mercy of other people’s urgent requests. Think again about what priorities and principles are really substantial to you, and decide to engage in those things that are truly important. Just because something isn’t screaming at you with a deadline doesn’t mean that it isn’t one of the most important things in your life. Whether you are wanting to focus on dieting, exercise, weight loss, entrepreneurial ventures, advancing in your company, strengthening your marriage, or growing your family, all of them require a plan, focus, skill, passion, and divine help or direction.

When you face setbacks, remember that they are common parts of all of our lives. Make the choice to create a lifestyle that continually strives for the fulling, prosperous life you were designed to enjoy. Life can get busy and be filled with distractions. Without intentionality, the less important aspects (the cares, concerns, errands, and worries) can crowd out our focus on those things that truly matter.

As you move forward from here, make a commitment to yourself to never let those things that truly matter be at the mercy of those that don’t.

In His service,

Dave Yarnes Executive Vice President, MorningStar Ministries

Page 14: RICK JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries · we may not have covered. In His Service, Rick Joyner I Corinthians 15:58 “We must not react in fear, but rather walk in faith. This does


H e said that when they won, it would be a sign of upcoming and end-time revival. He explained that

God was raising up His chiefs to be apostolic leaders in many spheres of influence. The Chiefs won

the Super Bowl on February 2, 2020. It was their first visit to the Super Bowl in fifty years. Even the

date – 02/02/2020 – drew attention. It reads the same forward or backward, a phenomenon known as a

global palindrome that hadn’t happened in nine hundred years until that day. (The last one

before 02/02/2020 was 11/11/1111.) The win was Coach Andy Reid’s 222nd win.

Those numbers remind us of one of Bob’s favorite Scrip-

tures: “In Him and in fellowship with one another, you your-

selves also are being built up into this structure with the rest, to form a

dwelling place of God in the Spirit” (Ephesians 2:22 AMP).

Isaiah 22:22 is also significant in relation to this prophetic fulfillment: “The key of the house of David I will lay

upon his shoulder; he shall open and no one shall shut, he shall shut and no one shall open” (AMP).



Larry said the Lord told him that MorningStar is

one of seven arks that has been prepared for the

days ahead. The Lord said that we have a greater

capacity than we realize and that we should prepare for

the great number of people who will be coming here. We

are a multi-faceted location—the home of our local church

and an international ministry. In addition, we host many

conferences and events each year along with guests who

stay in our hotel rooms. MorningStar TV and other media

resources have an international audience. This word

encouraged us to continue to prepare for the future.

Prophetic Signposts W H A T ’ S H A P P E N I N G A T M O R N I N G S T A R


Page 15: RICK JOYNER - MorningStar Ministries · we may not have covered. In His Service, Rick Joyner I Corinthians 15:58 “We must not react in fear, but rather walk in faith. This does

On January 26, 2020 Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Giana, tragically lost their lives in a helicopter crash. We continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to bring comfort during this tragic loss that will forever impact

their family. Almost immediately after Kobe’s death, a number of NBA players began some serious introspection as they tried to process this tragedy. Former teammate Shaquille O’Neal stated that he wished he could talk to Kobe just one more time and say some things that he never said while Kobe was alive. Kendrick Perkins, another NBA player, was so impacted by Kobe’s death that he did not want to wait any longer to try and reconcile past strained relationships. Kendrick reached out to a former teammate, Kevin Durant, and apologized to him for some unwise things that he said while they were teammates.

When tragedies like this happen, it causes us to survey heaven to see if there are messages that we might receive during these moments when our hearts are opened to hear God. Many people in the church today are wondering what the next step is for their lives.

It seems as if the fog of their current situations surround many people. The weather conditions were unfavorable for Kobe Bryant’s helicopter to take off at that time. I believe that this tragedy has a message for many people in the body of Christ. We should not “fly” or move forward until the fog clears. It is not only unadvisable for people to move at this time, but moving under ill-advised conditions where you cannot see through the fog can not only invite disaster for yourself, but can cut off an emerging generation from reaching their destiny. May God give us all wisdom as we continue to pray for the Bryant family and as we process these important messages from heaven.

Director, MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries and Fellowship of Churches

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, please check our website and social media outlets for updates on scheduled events.




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MorningStar Worship albums

MorningStar Worship led by David Vallier is a multi-faceted worship movement with a rich history of innovation and creative expression. Birthed in the 90s during the height of a fresh move of the Holy Spirit, MorningStar burst on the scene with a new sound never before heard in the church. At the helm of this innovative worship was respected Nashville musician and producer Don Potter, whose musical excellence and deep love of God helped spark the fire of this world-changing sound.

Accompanied by the incredible talents of Suzy Wills Yaraei, Leonard Jones, Kevin Prosch, and many more, MorningStar released a sound of authenticity and fearless worship that changed the world and started a movement that is still making waves today.

MorningStar Worship produced and influenced many of the most successful worship leaders and artists today, such as Jonathan and Melissa Helser, Josh Baldwin, Sarah and John Mark McMillan, Kelanie Gloeckler, and many more.

MorningStar Worship continues to thrive with innovative, creative, and wild expressions of worship through music and the arts.

Worship that Changed the World