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Iiii n DR 1 I INIl 1 L 4 I L C 1 Y LIIIo 1PflJT1ICHMOND r CLIMAX f 4 1 111 i 1 ir t J IVOLU E 2 EI I t A t l I RJiAOND F MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29 1900 nNPAInINO Awn v1rHrcg crt- ryLfiEtLLAk r AKWork Guaranteed H i Main Street RICHMOND BRANIIMWARD otl RKr Jr 0 N 1 t 4GOz Delivered Expressage paid anywhere directly acces slblo to Adams American or U S Express In plain box without any marks Indicating contents Guaranteed an absolutely pure OLD KENTUCKY WHISKEY direct from Kentucky I Reference Any bank express company or com- m ¬ rclal agency In Louisville I AUG COLDEWEY 8 GO 231 W Main St Louisville Ky The New Woman I jas L I Manufactured by THETLORENGE HED1CIHE CO Red Oak Iowa U + I GEHTLEMEHS DRIVING HffAGOB We use only the best of material all up to date attachments i 5 Splendid Finish Price right We can make it an inducement for dealers to handle our work We + manufacture a full line of + light pleasure vehicles Send for catalogue and t nrirp Iit r p E KY o t TJLllEIt BUGGY CO- t JACKSON ncn o PROFESSIONAL OARDS A OJrE a z E ROQSRTS ATTOUNBYATLA- WIMCUMONl KENTUCKY Jl LlIceovrIIenx OBlco with Jos B Me Cnary Scimi Strwt MILLER ATTORXETATLAW RICHMOND KKSTOCKT OIHce In the llurnara Duitding nextdoor to antlers N tlliM al flank feU3ly n SULL VA JA ATTOUSKYATLAW RICIIMUNM KENTUCKY Oine iver State Itankf Tnift Co op pusil < mrt lliniHt on Mn Street u JI A D MOUKNAULT ATTORNEYS AT LAW RICHMOND KENTUCKY O lit o on Swimil street over Clien allltr W R LETCHEIU IUJrieyLt7U < < f RuiiMosn T ICisTitcKV OiHro witir1I Vmitlf Jriover C iviiitoii t MitrlnIIV J ALBOt JACS501T ATTORNBYATLAW RICHMOND SHNTUCKy OTflce In tr4thcr inlldin Main Htrcet n PE7SIOLL1T DIW G 1 IJSciS GJ SON II1dWIJllil4ynoEO thhct in the Joe ieilin builJini it anSI 20 See onl ireet over Wniic old Irutttore 17 CII VS C IIOOICBH lEThuLvi J Y SURGEON Graduate Ontario rderinary CoUege Veterinary Dentistry and Sterility Specialty BOfflcu at my stable on corner First and Waur Streets Kiohinpud Ky aprI 11 C JASL > ERM D MeilicitiB uiul Surgery Hhee Pratlior Bujldinc Main t5teet Te Icphune nt > residence the Ciirr pUce on roadway KICHMONU KENTUCKY EVANS M lw PHYSICIAN AND BouaBoN RICHMONU KKNTUCKV DENTAL STTEOEBT D h t i3SOPE- NTIMT OK LOqIIVILLW K1 WOfflce next door to GoTcrnment Building nichmHnd Ky omce hout9 to >21 to 4 noTl7ly Dr Louis H tandman I Vet Ninth Street Cincinnati phio will boat lintel QljDdou ItlclimondKy on WEDNSSDAY SEPT 1900 returning err second WednesdAY O ntd each RderelJcQ every phy3kIsn of nunI Ky niII1y- iJ 4 PATENTSi1fs t t p FREINoUco L Is the acme of T BEAUTY HEALTH LONGEVITY JL 30Day CatnmonSrnie m treatment fur one dollar LoSr Florenre nemeclvbol t Ills of > uacrlDg Utte1 the drain un b rrg 0- S I r I I I I I inot W S cases S A t Has is r airl86ra R RW r h A U No TO 12 month home Who7esae Slanvfactwrert t4 I I S I CI1AUM1NG LITTLE THING for sweet little fingers JUVENILE JEWELRY clmsto IcsiRns superior quality and Quo workmanship Birthday rings ilher jiIiiior net with birth month stone Considered lucky to wear olio PricfH rane from 5100 to 2500 and there iHKomethiriK pretty and good at HJHih Of conrbe thcru are are other ihings f r FVJYEAGER 7 Horne InturancB PatriiInanre dwellings bart and other prop- erty In the DLUB GRASS INSUKANietOM InstitutionOhCI FIFE LIGUTNIKOAND JORNADO i No assessment calls on members 1hen losses occur to other members and no initiation fee charged to beconitiU member of company The cheapest and most reliable company for the tlteIStnte onehalf after the first year For further information call on their attorneyatlawRichmond Court House next door to State Bank Trust Company upstairs JHCAnTER Pres I may2 ly C C TJOSWOBTH ccT fiAS STOVES ++ ++ AT COST Iof t i CHEAP GAS 5WC Jo not liavo ti nsoliuc explosion when you can got Gas nt S125 per housanil for cooking anil heating This Company Has Reduced the Price of Gas 1 jn Or3ei > toEnco l 4 rage the V f t i r > C- J Use pf hl Gas Stove Once try nOM Cooking Stovennd- yoI will lIeVeritlt1fll lt lsjust n- l1lpnl tOjIaid t1waysready cth lit lit f U three jnlnntei We sell Stoves 1kst and run pipe to curbing Iree niifi jntttthe house n Tg0 IW s WJJlsbacli bjurncrj and ilicrerwo your Jightfive t imtM ahd reluce ypur S a t gas bill tWOtlIIVdl Qftliittl olifcdWr parttculnrs mm fin uw = e > t I t t 4 M = = ANNOUNCiMtKT paR rnuST cra We are anthoriz I to onue nee SANKORD suble ¬ AROllIf JniiH i flfl < 1siDOcratIc Party VeiVtC Jtlv rUed to announce C M RAY subJectII We are authorized to announce D R TEVls a candidate for County nierk subject to the action ot the Democratic puty WALKER tbt action of the iJem cratIcprty MMILLEIlemsdJdate ¬ ject to the action of the Democratic party JESSlJCOBB to the action of the Democratic party volt IIIIEal1J FW county subject to the acilou tit the Democratic party WBALLARDofWhtte Sheriff subject to the action of the Democratic party MARTINOENTRY county subject to the action of the Democratic party BROADDUS subject to the action of the Democratic party roe ASSESSOR MARTINGREEN county subject to the action of the Democratic party OLDRAM county subject to the action of the Demo ¬ cratic party We are authorized to announce GEORGE NOLAND a candidate for Assessor of Madison county subject to the action of the Democratic party We are authorized to announce O W DEATHERAOE a candidate for Assessor of Madison county subject to the fiction of the Democratic party We are authorized to announce BUD DUNN of the Glade District candidate for Assessor subject to the action of the Democratic party LBAKERacandidate countysubject to the action of the Demo ¬ cratic party Foa IAILER We are authorized to announce PETER G PARRtSH a candidate for Jailer of Msdlson county subject to the action of the Democratic party We are authorized to announce JACK ROSS a candidate for Jsller of Madison county for one term subject to the action of the- Democratic party We are authorized to announce N B JONES as a candidate for Jailer of Madison county subject to the action of the Democratic party PERKINS ¬ action of the Democratic party CLACKEY county subject to the action of the Democratic party FOB SCHOOL SUPBBISTBNDBST WWAGERS the office of Superintendent of Schools subject to the action of the Democratic party JTRIBBLE ¬ theDemocratlc JYOUNG theDemocratic AS A HEN GATHERETH HER CHICKENS The magnificent opportunity ofleroJ acceptanlOf India its orphans has the added ad ¬ vantage of holding a plain duty TJiexe children ate loft to us are dependent upon the generosity of the worldand are its moist hopeful material fur the advancement of its cause We believe that the Christian people of this land will neither shirk the re- sponsibility ¬ por neglect the opportu ¬ nity It must be met not only with couragebut with gladness in our hearts We who have been dealt with so ofI ones spared to us must give evidence of our eratitude We must make a thank offering To those who have been called upon to part with loved ones this offers an opportunity for the upbutldiiigof a lusting living To the business tnan o overwhelmed with pressing cares and with the inner consciousness ot a wish to do good and no time to devote to it a way id opened jivII1 ¬ does to sign one for the payment of an Jusllvdue cesses of the pastyearis so very small fifteen dollars added to which is the pleasure of liaving saved a little childs iii is 1esides all the SAt tflle ¬ tion of knowing that this child will be trained to do the good work for which you have so little time to beyour little proxy who will so compound interest on ollr investment that yOU will attain It wealth of good works from this little sum support ¬ oppOrtunityt i Ilhplog piuia writes in childlehhantlcel 40 sorry for the poor India that I want to send a lijtje mite eigbtyearsbid MlimmoJlyltlple claasiu adopted two orphans a bptt anc a jilrk ltsmemor1l ot one ofournehlors rhom God has taken iromiour inidst fl A postmalier in tJliihientllng n cpntribution for tIe orphaSijijliMs this ntalhe1e1by Setpresents long walk I inbtJrnih aim ewJlJchJC thrp ir Is very much like the blowom II ing ot ii flpwer Its beauty and Il IMir t1on cpente > cpiirely II upon the care bestowed upon II Its parent Expectant mothers U should have the tenderest care I They hould bcspared all worry II and anxiety shouldeat j plenty of g99 1 pourUhlngfood nridtak u rr preservIng r as well an that of the one to come But to bo absolutely sure of a short and painlcSs labor they shou- ldisselathers Il Friend f e regularly derjngtheotbs ot iet T Is is aiaet h tiion be app1ied4etaeEqigiceI to n prenbs uU of the dl40ol nancy which wOlIHn to vrfre absolutely aeces rT wlw J thera Friend is acLtMre ko OetMottoerPrlei11i it tJw I tuStibtte < j I CMUWICUIICMlUTftllC ATLANTA 04 i 4IfJld result in raring for these helpless little children of India tltSouth 8UpKrr in pledging rtrs for an orphan writes May the God of heaven smile npon the orphans and may they b > provided for out of Ills beautiful ful sA husiiiess man in Kansas ill uptul lug support for three nrpaim In hulls rehigjoiitraIlijf ofIndia KingsDaughters other young peoples societies the members of the W C 1 U anti the embraeing ¬ yourname FamineOrphan Christian Herald 92 Bible House New contribution ¬ supportItigan ¬ either a quarters half years or whole years contribution in advance as you bysending the missinnaty at whoso orphanage your adopted protege is to be cared for- Ced sheltered and trained You will also receive regular letters from your orphan ward if the child is of an age to write If you cannot assume rare of theOrphan others will care for one of these helpless little children Prevented a Tragedy Timely Information given Mrs George Long of New Striteville Ohio prevent ¬ ed a dreadful tragedy anti saved two lives A frightful cough had long kept her awake every night She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr Kings New Discovery One bottle wholly cured her and sho writes this marvelous medicine also cured Mr Long of a severe attack of Pneumonia Such cures are positive Iroof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing all throat lung and chest troubles Only 50c and flOO Her bottle guaranteed Trial bottle free at Perry t Thomas drugstore 0 PINKS TROTTERS TRUSTS Chicago Dispatch One Mr Thomas Lawson a nORton man IIPS made 30000000 III otto year millious famous trotters and paid 30000 for a single pink from which by propagation and selling the plants ho has got back his purchase money and 14000 in profitsNobody needs to get humpbacked moneyto crowded cities nod other public bene Htu would have been a far better in ¬ vestment than putting BO mUch into pinks and trotters But the people have a right to ask how could a man honestly niakn 3J 000000 or 3000000 in one year He did nut go into a mine and dig it out No he got it out by going into a cop per trust to which Rockefeller nod limo Itothchildtt belong This trust advanced the price of luiilliltlllforeverybOdY on the winning side These millions were transferred to the trust from the pockets of those who had to buy copper to use and not tosell again copperkettle phone or sent a telegraph message or put in an electric bell or electric lights chipped in and contributed mil- lions ¬ to Rockefeller the Ruthchlldn and Lawson with his wiring of trotters and his 30000pinksor afriendancl The Republican platform talks of them about JlS sharply as a tramp with his mouth full of rich pudding would swear at the woman who handed it out to him The reference to trust in MrKlnleys speech of acceptance JH jriefer even than the famous chapter on snakes in the History of Ireland There are no snakes In Ireland What McKinley eloquettly says about trusts is this And that is all Put not vour trust in princes hut put your Prince Will tarn in trusts if youve got money or votes to throw away It has been demonstrated hy ex ¬ parlance that consIlUlttiun can hn pre ¬ vented by the early uss of One Minute Cough Cure This is the favorite rem edy coughs colds croup asthma Jtrlppeand all throat and lung troubles Cqres quickly Perry cr Thomas > HOW TO TELL HEAT VICTIMS maybeknnwn Either he lies unconscious frothing att ho mouth Orh Ictll IIkoa mall dog and tries tobite and Scratch Thaflrst thing a doctor does is to give aretlmulantJ either onethirtieth of a Tjrain of strychnine or one dram aro lnll tlc j plritk of ammonia or one ounce ot thotil18Plrclstrlpl In lee water from a hose to reduce lila temperature This is sometimes as as tit first end it may take an hour to reduce it Stimulants are given every faw minutes to keep up the Jjrnrt notion Then he is laid on a cot swept bv an electric fan day and night In three days he may be well enough to go out Once strIcken a patient never entire ¬ sibjectto weakminded Persons used to working under cov- er ¬ are most liable to be stricken Volcanic KropiloBs i Are grand but Skin Eruptions rob life of Joy Bucklens Arnica Salvo cures them also Old Running anti FeYer Sores Ulcers Dolls Felons Corns Warts Cuts Bruises Burns > Scalds Chapped Hands Chilblains tPl1ei cure on earth Drives out rains and Aches Only 25 cents a box Cure guaranteed Sold by Perrj Thomas Druggesfs C LOW KATES VIA SUUTHERN RAILWAY Southern Railway announces rate of one fare for the round trip to the InKentucky To Shelby villP Ky account Shelby county Fair tickets on sale August 28 Septemnbr rolOledFa 7 good t return until feplehiber 8 saleSeptethber teturn until foptemliw 17 Southern Railway only line LoidslUeSbelbyvllte sp1yaeareMAMetMotIa W fAn 1 1111 111 11 If 1 GRANDMA HAD CONSUMPTION J and I am afraid I have in ¬ herited it I do not feel well I have a cough my losingflesh Your doctor says take care of yourself and take plain codliver Onlythe take it and they cant take it long It is so rich it upsets the stomach But you catftake SGOTTS EMULSION It is very palatable and easily digested If you will take plenty of fresh air and exercise and steadilythere recoveryThere phosphites in it j they give strength and tone up the nervous system while the codliver oil fceds and nourishes iISCOTT York A MIGHTY POWE- RlNewYorkWorld 1mBpaidpcto1oul year uncl wilt have paul hy the end of uponIt 4H per tent upon the actual invest ¬ ment This sum is 2000000 greater than the dividends of all the national hank In the country It is 9000000 mote than the Governments annual dis hnrseiiieiit for interest on the entire national debt It represents a 31 tier SI3i1OOOOOOa of nil the Kd nntl silver coined and unciifncO publicly and privately held ill time United States And this IB only a part of the power of the little group of Standard Oil greatiittks noah deposits oiS43OOOOOOaudannual loins of SJl2000CiOO a financial com bine that controls the money market til the United States more perfectly than a inorturinau controls his electric car Here is an enormous and inconceiv- able deposit of power in the hands of a few In presence of this mighty struc lure dominating tho industrial coin mercial and financial field of time nation it is impossible not to recall Ihe sinis- ter and significant pontenre from the lettor of ihe VicePresident of time CltvUallk Natiinal City llank New York June 5 1897 My Pear Mr Gage If you wllltke the pains to look a > our list of directors voii will see that we also have great polftiral claims in view of what was done during the cnuvass last year Yonre very truly A 1J llEIMIORN lion Lyman J Gage Unitid States Treasury Washing ton DO Does anybody imagine that the Standard Oil t rowd have lost their interest in polities thmeoniyharmless mediate results Try it 1errj and Thonms EVERY ODyiS MAGAZINE FOR SIPTEM lIES From cover to cover the contests of Everybodys Magazine for September am the most interesting of any issue of ptibitstmetl much criiiuiit be said of the beauty of its desluli which is not only effective but quite original the march of im- provement in the process of printing is nowhere better shown than inthisnpeci men of multicolor work A new short story by S It Crockett entitled A Scientific Symposium is written in his the read er iookRatthecliaracterBilrflwnthningh the spectacles of the good unturned quizzically observant physician who I ell It the story and the doctor does not hesitate to turn X rays on human foibles How a Great Citj is Cleaned is the subject of a very interesting ar IndustrySeries of greater general interest than would l e immiiiied by the uninitiated Tho Simple Explanation of the month is of The Lilht of the Sun which sub ject allbrds a great deal of simple and entertaining instruction Among other illustrated stories and articles of which there are mviiv are Artists Models beantifiilly illustrated with photographs the continuation of Stuart Bohsous Luckyhazard Queen Victoria and Her Family as Ar tints with illustrations from clra wines hy the Queen and her daughter the Empress Frederick Altogether great ten cents worth I DeWittV Little Early Risers are fa ¬ mUlls little pills and bowel troubles Never gripe Perry and Thomas THE ART OF TALKING WELL It is better to be frankly dulfthan pedantic One must guard ones self from the temptation of talking shop and of ridding onotf hobby capitalI A juke or humorous story is depend appieclationSome over It 1s no longer considered good form to say a word ngiinst any one An ill natured criticism In a social blunder Gossip too is really going out of fash Ion True wit is a gift not an attainment Those win use it aright never yield in tIll temptation of saving anything that can wound another in order to exhibit their own cleverness It is natural anti spontaneous lie who runs after wit Is apt In catih nonsense Talk that has heartiness in itwnd the liveliness and sparkle that cone of Jayetyit Otter to each one who the homage of your undividetl attention Look people fu the face when you talk to them Talk of filings hot persons Time best nuUstitiitefor wisdom is silence It is a provrnclalistn to8ay yes air noroullufllo ones equal Have convictionn of your own lie yourself and not a more echo s WehhUld UJayiralify Draw tint your neighbor wiliout- catechising him Correct him if neck eBsnrYi without contradicting him AYoid ma lierImns Strive tO bo natraIand at ease The nervotfstiflea thai conceals Jt jelf under Ktfecteil vivuriiy abwiM b Mr1MtirtistXin5m J I J PIibI LAND STOCK AND CROP The estimated wheat crop of Lincoln COilhty ia 450000 bushels This Is probably twice as much as In 1899 nrmera Howe Journal L Joseph bought of R 0 Gatewood in Montgomery one hundred average Weight 1500 pounds at 574 cents and a premium They are fur October deiiveryBiurbon News The balky horse and the swearing driver lire two nuisancso where the hone should have the monopoly Keep thehorse soon as you do he will go Ex R R Earlv of Fayette county had five cows killed by some tenant carel- essly leaving paris green in the barn Only one cow escaped There was no anyfarm Gazette A man in Maine has started a butt- erfly farm lie is cultivating a groat variety of these pretty creatures and has secured some wonderful results by crossing time different kinds If he could hit upon a kind that would pro- vide butter the dairymaids occupa tiun would be olieEx Geo Wood sold Lewis Doty some stock hogs at 5c K L Hubble sold Jos Vilmout a bunch of ewes at I M H Eubanks sold to John Paul of Middleburg a pair of young mules fur 275 J I J Kiihanks bought some 1000 pound cattle of L C King at 41c and sonic of it W Uiveut at Ic sstuu ford Journal The horses lint which last year a human horse owuer in Friesiand Hol ¬ laud uruvfded for his hon ts is now becoming an article of trade in France It U uiaiie of straw and covers the eyes and forehead of the horse while open ingH mire ITt for the ears A moist Hpiittge is kept inside of the hat to keep time horses htltIcuul Ex August is a good month in which to prepare fur winter As is kiiown b- eery breeder of poultry lice accumu ¬ late faster through the hot weather than at arty other time cotiwqnently if you have auy lice in your hounes or on Lime fowls it is at this time thud they can be best exterminated Begin with thoroughly ¬ twice allowing about a week between timed Alter this give the houses a thorough cleansing and whitewashing also repair them wherever needed Farmres Ho lo Journal li F Sauders Co closed out their lamb trade for this season by shipping 250 lambs Inst week These lambs brought from 5 to I per cwt mid averaged 75 pounds These gentlemen have shipped 8000 lambs ihiseasou as a consequence they have brought a large aiuouut of money into a section of the country over which they trade To say nothing of the vast number ofcat ¬ tle and hugs they shipped out these lambs at 1 per head would he 32000 Mr Sanders the head of the firm says that while lambs have borne a good price and prices have ruled high no big profits have been made from the fact that innibs were engaged too high which neveitheless proved of great benefit to the farmers llarrodsburg Democrat The biggest public sale of real estate that hits been made in Lincoln county for some time was that of W 11 John S Murphy executors of their father Squire John S M urphy which took place in trout of time courthouse beginning at 1 p in Wednesday The splendid farm at 2uO acres on time Hus toiiville pike was bought by W H Mur ¬ phy at 5910 John Murpfij got the 40 acre pasture iu the subprds ot town at 0020 and W H Aliirpliv ihn store room occupied by Warren Shanks for sJ821i tha old Christian church and lot on Depot ptreHt went toT M Good knight for 1lll 10 as did time Mnnrie bniilh truct of 400 acres cf knnli Uiul on Green river at iC of the 300 acres of knob land near Halls Gap Mr Good knight got 100 acres at 105 and W II Murphy the remainder at 25c The prices were all satisfactory anti the sale amounted to about 25000 Stanford Journal Accurate experiments have proven tune and again that hogs fatten boiler when given the run of an acre lot than vyhen confined in a close pen Then a hog pen is an unmitigated nuisance It is reasonable to suppose that cholera anti diseases are introduced into the swine herds by their being compelled to eat aui breathe while eating so much during the dry season also bv being deprived of plenty of good drinking water Cattle will proclaim their thirst hy constant bawling but the Pgs will endure it with a much greater degree of silence hence should have all the more watching fn this direction Do t1rytnlles Put in a feeding floor It is one of the lest investments you ran make Do not say that you cant afford it for you had better part of the feed ami get some plank to make it with Tile bal ¬ alice of the feed will make better and healthier hogs than if you continue to feed in either dust or mud Arkansas Cultivator P D A tY toA1 Why let all bars think you must be fTRIWI years twenty older than you are Yet its impossible to look young with the color of 70 years in the hair Its sad to see young persons p look old in this way Sad be- cause ¬ S Its all unneces ¬ 5ary for gray hair- S i may always be re ¬ t storedto n a t l I u ra I- colot l by us ¬ ing you- rneigh and- friends prematurely Hair vigor For over half a cen- tury ¬ this has been the I standard hair prepara ¬ b elegantdressing ing of the hair makes the hair grow and cleanses the scalp from dandruff St M jbe4th All eag kare bee BSfeff Ayera Hair 1Vigor for over M years and 1 can I knartUy ntiommn to the public I M the best Mir Vxitc to exfaitecc- oMn O I> AUHKKOM s AftfilMlWt XCIOet- t Jf 7ft 0 iS m the bSsat I Iesef- i I J I ItI THE LOUISVILLE TIMES g Richmondw- ill be promptly delivered to residences and places of busi ¬ ness by our localagent J T Hamilton Best State News Reliable Market Reports Most Interesting Paper in Ky +++ + CALL ATs + + + dlU SALOON PARLOR WHEN IN TOWN Coolest and most refreshing of drinks that can be found in the city are dispensed by upto ate and accommo ¬ dating clerks Genuine Saratoga Water Kept on Tap Phone 3 Second St RICHMOND KY 5 Never Love When the soldier dons his togs of war to leave his home and friends his sweetheart on hii shoulder loans and aks with breaking I heart Will you forget me darling And here Is what hesayc I Never Love I Ant when we are asked it we will move our Imond HatlnK rented the shop back of the Methodist Church we wilt there conduct the Central Kentucky Monumental Works and at Nicho lasrllle Nlcholaiville Marble and Granite Works with skilled labor firstclass material polite attention and low prices Call and seel Jue27Sm GOLDEN FLORA I KOldoltyspepsia Digests what you eat Itartificially d igests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon ¬ structing the exhausted digestive or- gans ¬ It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic No other preparation can approach It in efficiency It In- stantly ¬ relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn Flatulence Sour Stomach Nausea- SickfleadacheGastralgiaCrampsand of Imperfcctdigcstion Prepared by Eo Co DeWItt ACo CIIc go For sale by Perry it Thomas rIRII O tI Jr FOR WEAK IVZEN Die croat Preach Peardy Is within easy roiciofcrcryAniirlcnn lintis powerfully and qnirky A ICT fV Phnlcalh Perfect Is ths r sot of 30 dJp ut cI rECENECO Yonn men viii rtgaimi their lat tnlnhrol and OltI Men ui1ceover lhIryttithtl vieor It ns ono fur business or xnrrlarc mCtNEIIJ rounlTCan pcrbxor elxfnrcsca roe ei rfurr rtunl irpar taft11l sIt lrxc conot rffrct n care Circulars free AttlrcEs tho American pfflco ot- IORDEDX i EDIGfiL CO CSCoIccsATIIj For sale by Perry a Thomas scpt- lsiyVERDICT r z7c7 it THE SSSv DEMOCRATIC EEKLY O EDITED BY l- I m ALrRB HBKRY t1I rnoiiifls JOUTJCAL wriTKn bt1 fifo Powerful Cartoons rp Pointed Editorials 4tT7TUOtr fear of contradiction W VIJ1 IlK KDICTls jourvIJ4 K > cratlcjournsl K h The Verdict is pledged J d to support the nomi a nees Kansas City Convention 41 d h Every J Democrat owes It Kfi > 111 to Is pirty And and tn him JK self to r4jitl the VERDIO- TL 6 4 AI or offer 1it mk p etalIl1umieoter you THBVEB 0- I Ij i4 mamtforaimonths bYCo2 00MJ u Asa inrtler Indacement we wilt l scodyouwtioutvostpostpaJdthVOrittAlmiua uformatiosI J wbat wogl rdlu lJ coltran kiIi n often anti 011 W Jou tor I fro w I 41 d H < I c j > c 7iitShoWst1woujf J iS I FOR THE j AMERICAN STEEL WIRE Made of large strong wlrcn heavily gal vauizcd Amply provides for cxpansion tntI contractIon Only Best Bessemer 4010 stcol wi 1 used al way of uniform J qualty Never i ocm wrung no 4na ratter her great a id Jlt 01 toCI tautilatt but DO elllcicntly n HOGS AN D PIGS t t NUMBER 13 I T AG NCY 8troinI uotI TUR- NCATTLE HOFSES FIELD FENCE 1oj EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED J BY THE MANUFACTURERS fj CALL AND SEE IT Can show you how it wilt save you money And fence your f fields so they Will STAY FENCEDI t r r r + We have a few Refrigerators and Ice Boxes 5 which we will sell cheap FOR CASH We are- a f NJ agents for the Kentucky Drill the best on earht 4 t D1 B1AOKELFD i MPANY MAIN STREET RICHMOND KY c i ili f F IFF 71 7F 7I 0 Madison Monumental WorksJ ESTABLISHED 1863 JAMES T HAMILTON PIMMPKIBT Monuments Tombs Headstones Statuary and Foreign and American Marble and Granite + FINE WORK A SPECIALTY + Those who aro contemplating buying Marble Granite or any kind of Cemetery Work will find it to their Interest to call at tho old stand in tho roar of the M E Church on Irvine Street where they will find constantly on a largo stock of finished work to select from at prices to stilt all cl IInndt buyers We have the best workmen In Central Kentucky in cliar our establishment and this means satisacftcry work In every phnsc Parties J living at a distance should write to us for designs which will bo turn hull on application fO YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED 1- JKMES T HKMILTON Prop- rIetorGIVEN t j i f AUTAXJPtvvr1I It i j t f Jt1 I j 3 DEAR MADAM fewc S T5 > J painted china at our store which e T we intend giving away free to our Jj L customers We guarantee that our prices on 5 goods will remain the same This j specialoffer is made for the purpose mg in of increasing our trade andshowing 1 ft the people that we truly appreciate J JU their patronage < t This ware is raidIy taking the iT place of White Granite or Iron StoneQ China It has that soft vety finish is of the finest quality i r andwithoit doubt the best in the L world The shapes are the very ° latest patterns and have been designed J to meet the tastes of the most fas J C tidious > 3 VIt is only by our guaranteeing to Tj use a large quantity of this ware that qr f we have been able to get it at a price that puts in within the reach of all f cOur assortment consists of Cups Jj i4and Saucers Pie Plates Breakfast > PlesDinnerPlates Platters Cov j ered Dishes Cream Pitchers Sugar j f Bowls Tea Pots and everything 11 r 4eIsvhkhoes to make up a FINE SET OF DISHES jf = WearnstIy invite ycki to call and inspect it when we will cheerfully AA give you ft4l information > B 1co Rpeitftl1 Submitted cash EMUHDER I RIcHMOND KYOj sssiss isc- i u Y ce FJn in

Richmond climax (Richmond, Ky. : 1897). (Richmond, Ky ... · Iiii n DR 1 I INIl 1 L 4 I L C 1 Y LIIIor 1PflJT1ICHMOND CLIMAX f 4 1 111 i 1 ir t J IVOLU E 2 EI I t A t l I RJiAOND

Jul 03, 2020



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This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: Richmond climax (Richmond, Ky. : 1897). (Richmond, Ky ... · Iiii n DR 1 I INIl 1 L 4 I L C 1 Y LIIIor 1PflJT1ICHMOND CLIMAX f 4 1 111 i 1 ir t J IVOLU E 2 EI I t A t l I RJiAOND

Iiii n DR

1I INIl 1L




111 i1 ir t J





nNPAInINO Awnv1rHrcg crt-


r AKWork Guaranteed H i





0 N1 t 4GOzDelivered Expressage paid anywhere directly acces

slblo to Adams American or U S Express In plain boxwithout any marks Indicating contents Guaranteedan absolutely pure OLD KENTUCKY WHISKEY directfrom Kentucky

I Reference Any bank express company or com-m


rclal agency In LouisvilleI

AUG COLDEWEY 8 GO 231 W Main St Louisville Ky

The New Woman

Ijas L I

Manufactured by THETLORENGE HED1CIHE CO Red Oak Iowa U


We use only the best of material all up to date attachments i5 Splendid Finish Price

right We can make it aninducement for dealers tohandle our work We

+ manufacture a full line of

+ light pleasure vehiclesSend for catalogue and

t nrirp Iit






A OJrE a z



Jl LlIceovrIIenx OBlco with Jos B MeCnary Scimi Strwt



OIHce In the llurnara Duitding nextdoor toantlers N tlliM al flank feU3ly



RICIIMUNM KENTUCKYOine iver State Itankf Tnift Co oppusil < mrt lliniHt on Mn Street




O lit o on Swimil street over ClienallltrW R LETCHEIU

IUJrieyLt7U < < f

RuiiMosnT ICisTitcKV

OiHro witir1I Vmitlf JrioverC iviiitoii t MitrlnIIV



OTflce In tr4thcr inlldin Main Htrcetn




thhct in the Joe ieilin builJini it anSI 20 Seeo n l ireet over Wniic old Irutttore 17



Graduate Ontario rderinary CoUege

Veterinary Dentistry and Sterility Specialty

BOfflcu at my stable on corner First andWaur Streets Kiohinpud Ky aprI11 C JASL >ERM D

MeilicitiB uiul Surgery

Hhee Pratlior Bujldinc Main t5teetTe Icphune nt > residence the Ciirr pUce on





D h t i3SOPE-


WOfflce next door to GoTcrnment BuildingnichmHnd Ky omce hout9 to >21 to 4


Dr Louis H tandman

IVet Ninth Street Cincinnati phio

will boat lintel QljDdou ItlclimondKy on


returning err second WednesdAY Ontdeach

RderelJcQ every phy3kIsn ofnunI Ky niII1y-



ttp FREINoUco



JL 30Day CatnmonSrnie mtreatment fur one dollar

LoSr Florenre nemeclvbol tIlls of >uacrlDgUtte1 the drain un b rrg 0-S


IIIIIinotW S cases


t Hasis

















for sweet little fingers

JUVENILE JEWELRYclmsto IcsiRns superior quality andQuo workmanship Birthday ringsilher jiIiiior net with birth month

stone Considered lucky to wear olioPricfH rane from 5100 to 2500 andthere iHKomethiriK pretty and good atHJHih Of conrbe thcru are are otherihingsf r


7Horne InturancB


dwellings bart and other prop-erty In the DLUB GRASS INSUKANietOM


iNo assessment calls on members 1hen losses

occur to other members and no initiation feecharged to beconitiU member of company Thecheapest and most reliable company for thetlteIStnteonehalf after the first year

For further information call on theirattorneyatlawRichmondCourt House next door to State Bank TrustCompany upstairs





5WCJo not liavo ti nsoliuc explosion

when you can got Gas nt S125 perhousanil for cooking anil heating

This Company

Has Reduced the Price of Gas1 jn Or3ei> toEnco

l 4

rage theV

f t i r >


J Use pf hl Gas Stove

Once try nOM Cooking Stovennd-

yoI will lIeVeritlt1fll lt lsjust n-

l1lpnl tOjIaid t1waysready cthlit

lit f U three jnlnntei We sell Stoves

1kst and run pipe to curbing Iree

niifi jntttthe house n Tg0IW s WJJlsbacli bjurncrj and ilicrerwo

your Jightfive timtM ahd reluce ypurS a t

gas bill tWOtlIIVdl

Qftliittl olifcdWr parttculnrs

mm fin uw = e


t I

t t4 M


paR rnuST craWe are anthoriz I to onue nee SANKORDsuble ¬

AROllIfJniiH i flfl < 1siDOcratIc PartyVeiVtC Jtlv rUed to announce C M RAYsubJectIIWe are authorized to announce D R TEVls

a candidate for County nierk subject to theaction ot the Democratic puty

WALKERtbt action of the iJem cratIcprty

MMILLEIlemsdJdate ¬ject to the action of the Democratic party

JESSlJCOBBto the action of the Democratic party

volt IIIIEal1JFWcounty subject to the acilou tit the Democraticparty

WBALLARDofWhtteSheriff subject to the action of the Democraticparty

MARTINOENTRYcounty subject to the action of the Democraticparty

BROADDUSsubject to the action of the Democratic party


MARTINGREENcounty subject to the action of the Democraticparty

OLDRAMcounty subject to the action of the Demo ¬

cratic partyWe are authorized to announce GEORGE

NOLAND a candidate for Assessor of Madisoncounty subject to the action of the Democraticparty

We are authorized to announce O WDEATHERAOE a candidate for Assessor ofMadison county subject to the fiction of theDemocratic party

We are authorized to announce BUD DUNNof the Glade District candidate for Assessorsubject to the action of the Democratic party

LBAKERacandidatecountysubject to the action of the Demo ¬

cratic party

Foa IAILERWe are authorized to announce PETER G

PARRtSH a candidate for Jailer of Msdlsoncounty subject to the action of the Democraticparty

We are authorized to announce JACK ROSSa candidate for Jsller of Madison county forone term subject to the action of the-Democratic party

We are authorized to announce N B JONESas a candidate for Jailer of Madison countysubject to the action of the Democratic party


action of the Democratic party

CLACKEYcounty subject to the action of the Democraticparty


WWAGERSthe office of Superintendent of Schoolssubject to the action of the Democratic party



The magnificent opportunity ofleroJacceptanlOfIndia its orphans has the added ad ¬

vantage of holding a plain duty TJiexechildren ate loft to us are dependentupon the generosity of theworldand are its moist hopeful materialfur the advancement of its cause

We believe that the Christian peopleof this land will neither shirk the re-sponsibility


por neglect the opportu ¬

nity It must be met not only withcouragebut with gladness in our hearts

We who have been dealt with soofIones spared to us must give evidenceof our eratitude We must make athank offering

To those who have been called uponto part with loved ones this offers anopportunity for the upbutldiiigof alusting living

To the business tnan o overwhelmedwith pressing cares and with the innerconsciousness ot a wish to do good andno time to devote to it a way id openedjivII1 ¬

does to sign one for the payment of anJusllvduecesses of the pastyearis so very smallfifteen dollars added to which is thepleasure of liaving saved a little childs

iii is 1esides all the SAt tflle ¬

tion of knowing that this child will betrained to do the good work for whichyou have so little time to beyour littleproxy who will so compound intereston ollr investment that yOU will attainIt wealth of good works from this littlesumsupport¬

oppOrtunityt iIlhplogpiuia writes in childlehhantlcel40 sorry for the poorIndia that I want to send a lijtje miteeigbtyearsbidMlimmoJlyltlple

claasiuadopted two orphans a bptt anc a jilrkltsmemor1l ot one ofournehlorsrhom God has taken iromiour inidst fl

A postmalier in tJliihientllng ncpntribution for tIe orphaSijijliMs thisntalhe1e1bySetpresents long walk I inbtJrnih aim


ir Is very much like the blowomII ing ot ii flpwer Its beauty andIl IMir t1on cpente > cpiirelyII upon the care bestowed uponII Its parent Expectant mothersU should have the tenderest care

I They hould bcspared all worryII and anxiety shouldeatj plenty of g99 1 pourUhlngfood

nridtak u rr

preservIngr as well an that of the one to

come But to bo absolutely sureof a short and painlcSs labor they


Il Friendf e

regularly derjngtheotbs ot ietT Is is aiaet htiion be app1ied4etaeEqigiceI

to nprenbs uU of the dl40olnancy which wOlIHn tovrfre absolutely aeces rT wlwJ thera Friend is acLtMre ko

OetMottoerPrlei11i it tJw ItuStibtte< j I CMUWICUIICMlUTftllCATLANTA 04

i 4IfJld

result in raring for these helpless littlechildren of IndiatltSouth8UpKrr in pledging rtrs for an orphanwrites May the God of heaven smilenpon the orphans and may they b>

provided for out of Ills beautiful fulsA husiiiess man in Kansas ill uptul

lug support for three nrpaim In hulls

rehigjoiitraIlijfofIndiaKingsDaughtersother young peoples societies themembers of the W C 1 U anti theembraeing¬

yournameFamineOrphanChristian Herald 92 Bible House New

contribution ¬

supportItigan ¬

either a quarters half years or wholeyears contribution in advance as youbysendingthe missinnaty at whoso orphanageyour adopted protege is to be cared for-Ced sheltered and trained You willalso receive regular letters from yourorphan ward if the child is of an age towrite If you cannot assume rare oftheOrphanothers will care for one of these helplesslittle children

Prevented a TragedyTimely Information given Mrs George

Long of New Striteville Ohio prevent¬

ed a dreadful tragedy anti saved twolives A frightful cough had long kepther awake every night She had triedmany remedies and doctors but steadilygrew worse until urged to try DrKings New Discovery One bottlewholly cured her and sho writes thismarvelous medicine also cured MrLong of a severe attack of PneumoniaSuch cures are positive Iroof of thematchless merit of this grand remedyfor curing all throat lung and chesttroubles Only 50c and flOO Herbottle guaranteed Trial bottle free atPerry t Thomas drugstore 0


Chicago Dispatch

One Mr Thomas Lawson a nORtonman IIPS made 30000000 III otto yearmilliousfamous trotters and paid 30000 for asingle pink from which by propagationand selling the plants ho has got backhis purchase money and 14000 inprofitsNobody

needs to get humpbackedmoneytocrowded cities nod other public beneHtu would have been a far better in ¬

vestment than putting BO mUch intopinks and trottersBut the people have a right to ask

how could a man honestly niakn 3J000000 or 3000000 in one yearHe did nut go into a mine and dig it

outNo he got it out by going into a cop

per trust to which Rockefeller nod limoItothchildtt belong

This trust advanced the price ofluiilliltlllforeverybOdYon the winning side

These millions were transferred tothe trust from the pockets of those whohad to buy copper to use and not tosellagain

copperkettlephone or sent a telegraph message orput in an electric bell or electric lightschipped in and contributed mil-lions


to Rockefeller the Ruthchlldnand Lawson with his wiring of trottersand his 30000pinksorafriendanclThe Republican platform talks ofthem about JlS sharply as a tramp withhis mouth full of rich pudding wouldswear at the woman who handed it outto him

The reference to trust in MrKlnleysspeech of acceptance JH jriefer eventhan the famous chapter on snakes inthe History of Ireland There are nosnakes In Ireland

What McKinley eloquettly saysabout trusts is this

And that is allPut not vour trust in princes hut put

your Prince Will tarn in trusts if youvegot money or votes to throw away

It has been demonstrated hy ex¬

parlance that consIlUlttiun can hn pre ¬

vented by the early uss of One MinuteCough Cure This is the favorite remedy coughs colds croup asthmaJtrlppeand all throat and lung troublesCqres quickly Perry cr Thomas


maybeknnwnEither he lies unconscious frothing

att ho mouthOrh Ictll IIkoa mall dog and tries

tobite and ScratchThaflrst thing a doctor does is to give

aretlmulantJ either onethirtieth of aTjrain of strychnine or one dram arolnll tlc j plritk of ammonia or one ounceot

thotil18PlrclstrlplIn lee water from a hose to reduce lilatemperature This is sometimes as

as tit first end it may take anhour to reduce it Stimulants aregiven every faw minutes to keep up theJjrnrt notion

Then he is laid on a cot swept bv anelectric fan day and night In threedays he may be well enough to go out

Once strIcken a patient never entire¬sibjecttoweakmindedPersons used to working under cov-


are most liable to be stricken

Volcanic KropiloBs

i Are grand but Skin Eruptions roblife of Joy Bucklens Arnica Salvocures them also Old Running antiFeYer Sores Ulcers Dolls FelonsCorns Warts Cuts Bruises Burns >

Scalds Chapped Hands ChilblainstPl1ei cure on earth Drives out

rains and Aches Only 25 cents a boxCure guaranteed Sold by PerrjThomas Druggesfs C


Southern Railway announces rateof one fare for the round trip to theInKentucky

To Shelby villP Ky account Shelbycounty Fair tickets on sale August 28SeptemnbrrolOledFa7 good t return until feplehiber 8

saleSeptethberteturn until foptemliw 17

Southern Railway only lineLoidslUeSbelbyvlltesp1yaeareMAMetMotIa

W fAn1 1111

111 11If




and I am afraid I have in¬

herited it I do not feelwell I have a cough my

losingfleshYour doctor says take care of

yourself and take plain codliverOnlythetake it and they cant take itlong It is so rich it upsets thestomach But you catftake


It is very palatable and easilydigested If you will take plentyof fresh air and exercise and


phosphites in it jthey give strength and tone up thenervous system while the codliveroil fceds and nourishes




1mBpaidpcto1oulyear uncl wilt have paul hy the end ofuponIt4H per tent upon the actual invest¬

mentThis sum is 2000000 greater than

the dividends of all the national hankIn the country It is 9000000 motethan the Governments annual dishnrseiiieiit for interest on the entirenational debt It represents a 31 tier

SI3i1OOOOOOaof nil the Kd nntl silver coined andunciifncO publicly and privately heldill time United States

And this IB only a part of the powerof the little group of Standard Oilgreatiittksnoah deposits oiS43OOOOOOaudannualloins of SJl2000CiOO a financial combine that controls the money markettil the United States more perfectlythan a inorturinau controls his electriccar

Here is an enormous and inconceiv-able deposit of power in the hands of afew In presence of this mighty struclure dominating tho industrial coinmercial and financial field of time nationit is impossible not to recall Ihe sinis-ter and significant pontenre from thelettor of ihe VicePresident of time

CltvUallkNatiinal City llankNew York June 5 1897

My Pear Mr Gage If youwllltke the pains to look a > our list ofdirectors voii will see that we also havegreat polftiral claims in view of whatwas done during the cnuvass last year

Yonre very trulyA 1J llEIMIORN

lion Lyman J GageUnitid States Treasury Washing

ton DODoes anybody imagine that the

Standard Oil t rowd have lost theirinterest in polities

thmeoniyharmlessmediate results Try it 1errj andThonms


From cover to cover the contests ofEverybodys Magazine for Septemberam the most interesting of any issue ofptibitstmetlmuch criiiuiit be said of the beauty ofits desluli which is not only effectivebut quite original the march of im-

provement in the process of printing isnowhere better shown than inthisnpecimen of multicolor work A new shortstory by S It Crockett entitled AScientific Symposium is written in his

the reader iookRatthecliaracterBilrflwnthninghthe spectacles of the good unturnedquizzically observant physician whoI ell It the story and the doctor does nothesitate to turn X rays on humanfoibles How a Great Citj is Cleanedis the subject of a very interesting arIndustrySeriesof greater general interest than wouldl e immiiiied by the uninitiated ThoSimple Explanation of the month is

of The Lilht of the Sun which subject allbrds a great deal of simple andentertaining instruction Among otherillustrated stories and articles of whichthere are mviiv are Artists Modelsbeantifiilly illustrated with photographsthe continuation of Stuart BohsousLuckyhazard

Queen Victoria and Her Family as Artints with illustrations from clra wineshy the Queen and her daughter theEmpress Frederick Altogether greatten cents worth I

DeWittV Little Early Risers are fa¬

mUlls little pills and boweltroubles Never gripe Perry andThomas


It is better to be frankly dulfthanpedantic

One must guard ones self from thetemptation of talking shop and ofridding onotf hobbycapitalI

A juke or humorous story is depend


It1s no longer considered good formto say a word ngiinst any one An illnatured criticism In a social blunderGossip too is really going out of fashIon

True wit is a gift not an attainmentThose win use it aright never yield intIll temptation of saving anything thatcan wound another in order to exhibittheir own cleverness It is naturalanti spontaneous lie who runs afterwit Is apt In catih nonsense

Talk that has heartiness in itwnd theliveliness and sparkle that cone ofJayetyitOtter to each one who thehomage of your undividetl attentionLook people fu the face when you talkto them

Talk of filings hot persons Timebest nuUstitiitefor wisdom is silence

It is a provrnclalistn to8ay yesair noroullufllo ones equal

Have convictionn of your own lieyourself and not a more echosWehhUldUJayiralify

Draw tint your neighbor wiliout-catechising him Correct him if neckeBsnrYi without contradicting himAYoid ma lierImns

Strive tO bo natraIand at ease Thenervotfstiflea thai conceals Jt jelf underKtfecteil vivuriiy abwiM b






The estimated wheat crop of LincolnCOilhty ia 450000 bushels This Isprobably twice as much as In 1899

nrmera Howe JournalL Joseph bought of R 0 Gatewood

in Montgomery one hundredaverage Weight 1500 pounds at

574 cents and a premium They arefur October deiiveryBiurbon News

The balky horse and the swearingdriver lire two nuisancso where thehone should have the monopoly Keepthehorsesoon as you do he will go Ex

R R Earlv of Fayette county hadfive cows killed by some tenant carel-essly leaving paris green in the barnOnly one cow escaped There was noanyfarmGazette

A man in Maine has started a butt-erfly farm lie is cultivating a groatvariety of these pretty creatures andhas secured some wonderful results bycrossing time different kinds If hecould hit upon a kind that would pro-vide butter the dairymaids occupatiun would be olieEx

Geo Wood sold Lewis Doty somestock hogs at 5c K L Hubble soldJos Vilmout a bunch of ewes at IM H Eubanks sold to John Paul ofMiddleburg a pair of young mules fur275 J IJ Kiihanks bought some

1000 pound cattle of L C King at 41cand sonic of it W Uiveut at Ic sstuuford Journal

The horses lint which last year ahuman horse owuer in Friesiand Hol ¬

laud uruvfded for his hon ts is nowbecoming an article of trade in FranceIt U uiaiie of straw and covers the eyesand forehead of the horse while openingH mire ITt for the ears A moistHpiittge is kept inside of the hat to keeptime horses htltIcuul Ex

August is a good month in which toprepare fur winter As is kiiown b-

eery breeder of poultry lice accumu ¬

late faster through the hot weatherthan at arty other time cotiwqnently ifyou have auy lice in your hounes or onLime fowls it is at this time thud theycan be best exterminated Begin withthoroughly ¬

twice allowing about a week betweentimed Alter this give the houses athorough cleansing and whitewashingalso repair them wherever neededFarmres Ho lo Journal

li F Sauders Co closed out theirlamb trade for this season by shipping250 lambs Inst week These lambsbrought from 5 to I per cwt midaveraged 75 pounds These gentlemenhave shipped 8000 lambs ihiseasou as aconsequence they have brought a largeaiuouut of money into a section of thecountry over which they trade Tosay nothing of the vast number ofcat ¬

tle and hugs they shipped out theselambs at 1 per head would he 32000Mr Sanders the head of the firm saysthat while lambs have borne a goodprice and prices have ruled high no bigprofits have been made from the factthat innibs were engaged too high whichneveitheless proved of great benefit tothe farmers llarrodsburg Democrat

The biggest public sale of real estatethat hits been made in Lincoln countyfor some time was that of W 11

John S Murphy executors of theirfather Squire John S M urphy whichtook place in trout of time courthousebeginning at 1 p in Wednesday Thesplendid farm at 2uO acres on time Hustoiiville pike was bought by W H Mur¬

phy at 5910 John Murpfij got the 40acre pasture iu the subprds ot town at0020 and W H Aliirpliv ihn store

room occupied by Warren Shanks forsJ821i tha old Christian church andlot on Depot ptreHt went toT M Goodknight for 1lll 10 as did time Mnnriebniilh truct of 400 acres cf knnli Uiul onGreen river at iC of the 300 acres ofknob land near Halls Gap Mr Goodknight got 100 acres at 105 and W IIMurphy the remainder at 25c Theprices were all satisfactory anti the saleamounted to about 25000 StanfordJournal

Accurate experiments have proventune and again that hogs fatten boilerwhen given the run of an acre lot thanvyhen confined in a close pen Then ahog pen is an unmitigated nuisanceIt is reasonable to suppose that choleraanti diseases are introduced into theswine herds by their being compelledto eat aui breathe while eating so muchduring the dry season also bv beingdeprived of plenty of good drinkingwater Cattle will proclaim their thirsthy constant bawling but the Pgs willendure it with a much greater degreeof silence hence should have all themore watching fn this direction Dot1rytnllesPut in a feeding floor It is one of thelest investments you ran make Donot say that you cant afford it for youhad better part of the feed ami getsome plank to make it with Tile bal ¬

alice of the feed will make better andhealthier hogs than if you continue tofeed in either dust or mud ArkansasCultivator

PD A tY toA1Why let



think youmust be

fTRIWI yearstwentyolder than you areYet its impossible tolook young with thecolor of 70 years inthe hair Its sad tosee young persons

p look oldin this way Sad be-


S Its all unneces ¬

5ary for gray hair-S


may always be re¬



n a tl

I u ra I-

colotl by us ¬





HairvigorFor over half a cen-


this has been theI standard hair prepara ¬

b elegantdressinging of the hair makesthe hair grow andcleanses the scalpfrom dandruff

St M jbe4th All eag

kare bee BSfeff Ayera Hair1Vigor for over M years and 1 can

I knartUy ntiommn to the publicI M the best Mir Vxitc to exfaitecc-


sAftfilMlWt XCIOet-

t Jf 7ft 0 iS m the bSsatI Iesef- i





TIMESg Richmondw-

ill be promptly delivered toresidences and places of busi¬

ness by our localagent

J T Hamilton

Best State NewsReliable Market ReportsMost Interesting Paper in Ky

++++CALL ATs + + +


Coolest and most refreshingof drinks that can be foundin the city are dispensedby upto ate and accommo ¬

dating clerks

Genuine Saratoga Water Kept on Tap

Phone 3 Second St


Never Love

When the soldier dons his togs of war toleave his home and friends his sweetheart onhii shoulder loans and aks with breaking I

heart Will you forget me darling Andhere Is what hesayc I


Love I

Ant when we are asked it we will move ourImondHatlnK rented the shop back of the MethodistChurch we wilt there conduct the CentralKentucky Monumental Works and at Nicholasrllle Nlcholaiville Marble and GraniteWorks with skilled labor firstclass materialpolite attention and low prices Call and seel


I KOldoltyspepsia

Digests what you eatItartificially d igests the food and aids

Nature in strengthening and recon ¬

structing the exhausted digestive or-gans


It is the latest discovered digestant and tonic No other preparationcan approach It in efficiency It In-


relieves and permanently curesDyspepsia Indigestion HeartburnFlatulence Sour Stomach Nausea-SickfleadacheGastralgiaCrampsand

of ImperfcctdigcstionPrepared by Eo Co DeWItt ACo CIIc goFor sale by Perry it Thomas


tI JrFOR WEAK IVZENDie croat Preach Peardy Iswithin easy

roiciofcrcryAniirlcnn lintis powerfullyand qnirky A ICT fV Phnlcalh Perfect Is thsr sot of 30 dJp ut cI rECENECO Yonn menviii rtgaimi their lat tnlnhrol and OltI Menui1ceover lhIryttithtl vieor It ns onofur business or xnrrlarc mCtNEIIJrounlTCanpcrbxor elxfnrcsca roe ei rfurr rtunl

irpar taft11l sIt lrxc conot rffrct n careCirculars free AttlrcEs tho American pfflco ot-


For sale by Perry a Thomas scpt-


r z7c7






ALrRB HBKRY t1Irnoiiifls JOUTJCAL wriTKn

bt1fifo Powerful Cartoons rp

Pointed Editorials

4tT7TUOtr fear of contradiction WVIJ1IlK KDICTlsjourvIJ4 K


cratlcjournsl K


The Verdict is pledged Jd to support the nomia nees Kansas

City Convention 41d h

Every J Democrat owes It Kfi >111 to Is pirty And and tn him JK

self to r4jitl the VERDIO-TL6

4 AI or offer1itmk petalIl1umieoter you THBVEB 0-

IIji4 mamtforaimonths bYCo2 00MJu As a inrtler Indacement we wilt

l scodyouwtioutvostpostpaJdthVOrittAlmiua

uformatiosIJ wbat wogl rdlu lJ coltran kiIin often anti 011 W Jou tor

I fro w


41d H <






7iitShoWst1woujf J




Made of large strong wlrcn heavily galvauizcd Amply provides for cxpansiontntI contractIon Only Best Bessemer 4010

stcol wi 1 used al way of uniform Jqualty Never i ocm wrung no 4naratter her great aid Jlt 01 toCItautilatt but DOelllcicntly










CALL AND SEE IT Can show you how it wilt save you money And fence your ffields so they Will STAY FENCEDI t

r r r+ We have a few Refrigerators and Ice Boxes

5 which we will sell cheap FOR CASH We are-a fNJ agents for the Kentucky Drill the best on earht 4




ili fF IFF71 7F7I 0

Madison Monumental WorksJESTABLISHED 1863


Monuments Tombs Headstones Statuary and Foreign andAmerican Marble and Granite+

FINE WORK A SPECIALTY+Those who aro contemplating buying Marble Granite or any kind of

Cemetery Work will find it to their Interest to call at tho old stand in tho roarof the M E Church on Irvine Street where they will find constantly ona largo stock of finished work to select from at prices to stilt all cl IInndtbuyers We have the best workmen In Central Kentucky in cliarour establishment and this means satisacftcry work In every phnsc Parties Jliving at a distance should write to us for designs which will bo turn hullon application



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J painted china at our store whiche T we intend giving away free to our

Jj L customersWe guarantee that our prices on 5

goods will remain the same This jspecialoffer is made for the purpose mg

in of increasing our trade andshowing 1

ft the people that we truly appreciate JJU their patronage <

tThis ware is raidIy taking the iT

place of White Granite or Iron StoneQChina It has that softvety finish is of the finest quality

ir andwithoit doubt the best in the

L world The shapes are the very °

latest patterns and have been designed

J to meet the tastes of the most fas J

C tidious >3VIt is only by our guaranteeing to Tj

use a large quantity of this ware that qr

f we have been able to get it at a pricethat puts in within the reach of all fcOur assortment consists of Cups Jj

i4and Saucers Pie Plates Breakfast >PlesDinnerPlates Platters Cov jered Dishes Cream Pitchers Sugar j f

Bowls Tea Pots and everything 11 r

4eIsvhkhoes to make up a FINESET OF DISHES jf =

WearnstIy invite ycki to call andinspect it when we will cheerfully

AAgive you ft4l information



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