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¿ Ù Rhoads. Miller ù Rhoads. WARNER'S RUST PROOF CORSETS. No. 3G3 is shown in.the illustration. It's a dollar Corset and we know of nothing that will surpass it in style, fit tint! wear at that price. ... Made with clip hip and front with bias curves and perfectly adapted to the average form. White Sateen, daintily trimmed, $1,00·' "yausT-rooof Threo Warner Rust 'Proof Cor¬ sets for 50o each. Ijow priced, hut good qualities, Ons of Coutil, straight rront and Princes· Hip, trimmed with laca and ribbon and boned with steel. The Warner people chose im ap¬ propriate name for one of their fifty-cent-Corsets when they· called it the JEWEL.made of tape. boned with steel and trimmed with a ribbon bow. It's one of the dain¬ tiest of the new models for slender figures. The SEABKIGHT is another new model of this season.made in Batiste.which is very popu- lar-^-boned with steel· and trimmed with ribbon. Princess Hip,'with, hose support¬ ers in front. \ Social and § * s 1 ¿Personal % At the "silver musicalo," given yester¬ day In Mrs, Mae Talley's studio, No. 827 .East Franklin Street, for the benefit of the Alabama table at the Confederate Bazaar, the following· programme -was rendered In the afternoon from S to 7 o'olock: Meadow Dance.I-Illler Miss Virginia Miller. Intermezzo .Thomas Miss Elsie Fellheimcd·. - Tho Myths of Music.- Miss Mae TaJley. Reoitatlon ."The Willow Tree" Miss Pearl Litbliensioln. ¡Were My Soul With Wings, Provided, Miss Kate Binswanger. Hahn (a) To a Wild Rose . . '(b) To a Water Lilly. 13. MacDowoll Miss Florence Thalhimor. .Violin Solo . Miss Keck. ¦My Neighbor .Oaring Thomas Miss Minnie Derby. Second Valso.Godard Miss Inez Hutzler, Good-bye to tho Leaves.Do Koven Miss Miriam Pilcher. Legenda of Music . Mrs. Mae Talloy. Recitation ."The Jealous Wife" Miss Hose Satterflold. A Summer Night-.Field Miss Lucille Stern, Gond'oliera .Emllch Miss Grace Neal. Swallows .. ....Conon Miss Maude Miller, Violin Solo . Miss Keck. Polonaiso .Chopin Miss Minnio Derby. Sweet Evenings Come and Go, Love, Coleridge-Taylor Miss Bessie Hunter, Finland Love Song .Hoffman Miss Carrie Neal, Haymaking .Nccdham 'Miss Rhonlc Hululer. Buona Nolte.Novlns Miss Minna Thalhlmer. Recitation ...."The Madonna at Palas" Miss Laura Bates. Papillon .Ilaroia Miss Rima Ullman. Barcarole-.Novlns Miss .Ruby Crenshawì Tho ovenln'è's programme, from 8 to 10, Included tho numbers given below: Pau va Marquise ....Mason Miss Rima Ullman. Recitation ."Hagar" Miss Clarice Edwards. (a) Song of Lifo .Clayton-Johns (b) Break. Break .Blschoff Mr«. S, J. Wlnglteld. Grass and Roses ...Bartlott Miss Miriam Pilcher. "O Fair, ? Sweet and Holy," Otto Cantor Mr. 0, Canepa. Tho Poets Our First Musicians ,.,.. Airs M Talloy. Violin Solo . Miss Keck. Scherzino .Moskowslti Miss Inez Hutzler, Recitation...Muslo, on the Rappahannock MTss IJllle Ho«hier. You Were Moro Fair.Clayton-Johns Miss Kalo Binswanger. iValse Caprice".Chamlnade Miss Minnie. Derby. Recitation .Perdita Miss Latirá, Bates Tho Two Grenadiers .Schumann Mrs. S. .T. Wing-Hold. ia) Princess Pretty-Eyes . (b) Bridal Measure .Clayton-Johns Miss Rlionlo Hutzler. Pantomimo .Rock of Ages Miss Laura Bates. 1 Cannot Help Loving Thee, Clayton-Johns Mr. C. Cnnepa. The Rose and tho Dmvdrop. Clayton-Johns Miss Minnio Derby, Recitation .A« tho Moon ????? Miss Rose Satterflcld. All who took part in the entertain¬ ment.Mrs. Talley's young musicians and students from Mis. Thurslon's School of KxprosHion-oiilwod into tllfl spirit and object of tho, and made the programme one delightful to others and most creditable to themselves. The studio was pleasantly tilled and guests M'ero cordially welcomed by tho hostesses and deftly served by tho young ladles who assisted then). Named Dolly Varden, The committee of the Mississippi table at the Confederate Bazaar have named the table Dolly Viiid.n from the brilliant little opera In which Miss I.ulti ("Maser ap¬ peared at the Academy last nicht. Miss Glaser has been Informed of the compli¬ ment paid her by tho Mississippi com¬ mittee a"·· ll *<r'l'f;<' tllil1 ¡-?'0 w!11 tuk0 an Interciit in this tablo at which Ilio Kirie will appear *ln Dolly Varden cos-' turnes, and all the decorations will be adjusted with reference So the Ray little Dickens heroine. The table design will dljow a big Dolly Varden hat upheld, with shepherds' crooks at the four comen, and trimmed with pink and white Chrysanthemum», which will be ilia flowers used for ud- dornnient throughout, Alies Barber in New York. Mies Bessie T. Barber is In New York, «rhw» fthe bas been since September, studying art. She Is taking af thorough course in draw¬ ing under William St. John Harper, with lectures on perspective and plcturo compo¬ sition by Frederick Dlolman, president of the National Academy. Her classes for modeling in. clay and;artistic anatomy are taken with George T. Br'owster, and she has sketching under Charles W. Haw¬ thorne. Miss Barber Is ilio daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Edwin A. Barber, of No. 711 East: Leigh Street, and has added another name to the number of bright young Vir¬ ginia girls who arc developing their tal¬ ents along professional and artistic lines. Annual U. D. C. Meeting. Tho annual meeting of the Daughters of the Confederacy was held In Lea Camp Hall at 4:30 o'clock last afternoon. An amount of business was transacted. The nominations of officers for the com¬ ing year resulted in the unanimous and enthusiastic election of Mrs. Norman V. Kandolph as president of tho Richmond Chapter Daughters of the Confederacy for Ufo. Mrs,"Walter Christian was chos¬ en as first vice-president, Mrs. Kate Wlniii as second vice-president, Mrs. B. A. Blenner as recording secretary, Miss Salilo .Deano as; corresponding secretary and Mrs. Charles E, Boiling as treasurer. Confederate Fair. Tho costumes in which the young la¬ dles takng part In tho military drill at tho Confederato Fair will appear will be completed In 'the next few days. The first drill will take place In the Masonic Temple Tuesday evening, March 17th. Tho booth decorations will begin next Friday. By Monday evening, the 16th, everything will bo in place and the ladles of the Reception Committee will be pleased to welcome tholr guests. The Bostock Benefit. To-day week, March 19th, is tho Bostock, benefit for the Confederate Bazaar. It Is believed that many people from Peters¬ burg will come over on that day to at¬ tend the "benefit." All tho bazaar tables lire selling tickets and prospects indicate that a good sum will bo put Into the treasury of the bazaar as the result of tho sale. Women's Meetings. The annual meeting of tho Board of Managers of tho Retreat for tho Sick will be held to-day at noon. > * * * The commltteo of tho Tesas table will meet at 10:30 A. M, to-day In Lee Camp Hall. Tho members are all asked to bo present. * * * Tho Confederato Bazaar Association will moot to-day at noon in boo Camp Hall. Personal riention, Tho. Baltimore Morning Herald of yes¬ terday had tino two following Items of Interest to Richmond people: Miss Josephine Lañaban gave a delight¬ ful dinner of six covers last evening at tho Baltimore Country Club In honor of Miss Sopblo White, of Bichmond, Va,, who Is visiting her cousin. Miss Alary Hartman, nt her homo on West Franklin Streot, Miss Agnes Drcwry, who has been visit¬ ing her slstor, Mrs, B. Frank Doford, at lier residence on Monumont Street for several weeks past, will leave .to-day for Jier home' at Rldhmond, Va. During her stay hero Miss Drewry has mado many friends and is greatly admired by Balti¬ more society folks. » * * Miss Anna H. Powers, who has been seriously 111 since her return to the city In January, and very dangorously ill for several weeks, Is now convalescent at tho homo of ¡ber sister, Mrs. George A. Barks« dale. * » v* Tho friends of Miss Ethel Curlton will regret to learn that she continues quite sick at her homo on Grove Avenue. The announcement which fixes tihe date oli tho Uraves-Harvle wedding for April 2Sth Is unauthorized. Tho date has not yet been doelded. * « « Miss Graco Redd, who has been tho guest of Airs. Laura M. Murray, In Dan¬ ville, has returned home, « « · Mr, 33. Lovenslehi wns a Bichmond guest at the PlneuS'Waclito) wedding in Norfolk lust night. Mrs. W. R, Cowles, of Roanokn, Is un¬ der the treatment of Pr, Stuart McGuIre In St. Luke's Hospital. * *?..? Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Bnwo have moved Into their new 'home, which hue Just been completed on West lirnco Street, f » » Miss Knnnlo Hancock, of Charlottes- vllle, will spend tho next few weeks In Bichmond. * ? * Mr. Mena lens L'uikford, who has been ill with typhoid fever, Is sufficiently re« covered to return to Ins home in Norfolk. « ·'¦'·¦· Mrs, Clifford Nic-klcs, of Philadelphia, who has been at tho Jefferson Hotel f<u· pome weeks, hua left with her sister, Mrs. Robert Q, Scott, for Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. JunitiH Mnsby have, re¬ turned from New York, where Mr. Mosby went °n a business trip. Mr, Kecno Langhorne, who ¡s III in Kentucky, bus typhoid fever. His sjck- ji'-.-s Is ¿ale) not to be serious. Miss Nannie Tabb. In yesterday' s TlmeskDIspatcli dp. ptureU a special from Freclerlcksburg. telling of the ministrations of a tritlnVd nurse to the family of Mr. Aillos Sulli¬ van. Tlio young lady In nuestlon Was MUs Nannie Tabb, and not Miss Ami·0 Tabb, ms btatcd. " ] THIS PLAN PECULIAR Blind Man Led by a One. Legged Boy.. BUT THEY SELL BIBLES Rev. Dr*. Donald Guthrle to Come Here Again and to Speak for the Bible So¬ ciety. Tt Is a strange combination which the Bible Society of Virginia has engaged In tho furtherance of Its work In tbo coun¬ try districts of Virginia·.a man ^totally blind, who Is led around by a boy whoso locomotive machinery Is confined to ono leg. Despite the' peculiar sltuutlon In which he Is placed, however, the man Is meeting with great success In putting the Bible into many dcstltuto homes lu the State. At a meeting of tho Board of Managers of tho society, hold on Monday last, ar¬ rangements woro made to continuo tho services of Mr. B. F. Rossan for tho com¬ ing year. Mr. Rossan Is a layman and is tho only man In the Bible work who devotes his entire timo to It. During the spring, summer and fall ho visits from hoüso to house selling Bibles, where possi¬ ble, or giving them away where tho peo¬ ple are too poor to purchnso them, About twenty yoars ago Mr. Rossnn lost his eyesight whllo crossing the western plains. The glare of tho sun on the plains rnado him blind totally. In his work now he Is led around or driven in a buggy by a boy who has but ono leg. The colporter'« affliction does not seem to hinder him to any groat extent. Ho makes on an average of 300 visits a year. Ha has already traversed the counties of Plttsylvanla, Gulpcpor. Albcmarle, Orange, Madison, Grocne, Henry and a part of Patrick, OTHER BUSINESS. Quilo a mass of othor. business was transacted by tho Board. The Rev. R. II. Marks, of Rocky Mount, was appointed colporter. A donation of! Bibles was mado to a Methodist Mission Sunday-school hear Seven Pinos. Groat preparations are being made for the celebration of the anniversary of the society. The committee appointed to ar¬ range for tho occasion submitted a report to tho Board, showing progress. It has been about settled that the celebration will occur on the second ßunday'of May. All arrangements have not yet been poiv l'ected, but It is more than likely that tho meeting will be held at tho Second Pres¬ byterian Church. The usual reports will be submitted. The speaker for the occasion will be tbo Rev. Donald Guthrle, D. D., of Bal¬ timore formerly pastor of the Second Church. Dr. Guthrlo Is so well known hero that ho needs no introduction. His pre.senco will bo tho distinct feature of the anniversary. VISIT OF MR. M'NUTT Distinguished Young Minister Will Speak Several Times Here. The approaching visit of the Rev. George L. McNutt, of New York, a young minister, who has made it a point ac¬ tually to experience the problem of the worklngman in his different trades and callings, Is of unusual interest to tho peoplo of Richmond. He will reach here i to-morrow, and will spend .three days under the auspices of the Y. M.C. A. All of his lectures are free to both men and women. They will be as follows: Friday night, S:30 P. M., Young Men's Christian Association hall. "What AVork- Ingmen Ought to Expect." Saturday, 12 M. shop talk, "A Lln-ing or a Life?" Saturday afternoon, G o'clqck P. M./^to Sunday-school teachers and workers.' "The Boylcss Church and tho Churchless Boy." Saturday, 8:80 P. M., Young Men's Christian- Association hall, "Tho Dln'nor- Pall Man." Sunday, 3:30 P. M., Bijou Theatre, moi! only, "Croesus or Christ?" Sunday, S P. M., Union Station Motho- dist Church, "The Law of Nature. an'S tho Law of Christ.*' THE PRESBYTERIES East Hanover to Meet at Overbrook. Other Meetings. Bast XIanovor Presbytery has been called to meot April 13th at S P. M., at tho Overbrook rrosbJ'tcrlnn Church on Barlon Heights. Other meetings of Près-, bylorles have boon arranged for ns fol¬ lows: Ablngdon.Central, Bristol, April 21st, 7:30 P. M., J. B. Horndon, stated clerk, Glade Spring, Va. Chcsnpeako.Waterford, Va., April 14th. 8 P. ?., ?. ?\\ Pltzer, stated clerk, Washington, D. C. Kanawha.Glon Kilt, Charleston, W. Va., April 14th, 7:80 P. M.. Newton Don¬ aldson, stated clerk, Huntington, W, Va, Montgomery.Clifton Forge, Va., April 28th, S P. M. T. W. Hooper, stated clerk, Christians burg, Vn. Norfolk.Bollo Haven, Va., April Jlth, R P, M.', B. B. McCluor, stated clerk, Nor¬ folk Va, Boanoko.Pnmplln City, Vn., April 7th, 7:30 G. M., H. A. Brown, stated clerk, Saxe. Va. West Hanover-Olk'et, May fith, S ?, M., B. H. Stover, stated clerk, Rapldnn, Va. Winchester.Rerryville, Vn., April 7th, 7:30 P. M., J. R, Graham, stated clerk, Winchester. Va, PORTRAIT OP «EN. FORREST Drs. Whitsitt and Smith to Speak at Lee Camp To-Morrow Night, A portrait of General ?. B, Forrest, tho distinguished Confederate leader, will bo presented to l.eo Camp at the nwetlng iri-moiTow night. Tho picture will bo present«] by tho Bev. W. H. Whltslll, P. P., of Bichmond Collego, and it will be received by Dr. W. K. L. Smith, pastor >t tho Second Baptist Church. CITY MI5SÌONÌO HOLD AN IMPORTANT MEETING A called meeting of the Richmond City Mission will be held at 11 o'clock this morning at tho ?. ?. 0 A. This will bo a very Important .mooting, and all mem¬ bers aro urged tu attend. Supreme Court, The proceedings of yesterday of the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia wer« ng follows: City Norfolk vis, Flynn. Argued by Wal¬ ler il. Taylor lor avellani und Judge William li, Burroughs for appellee, and «tlbmltttSd, < ! City or Norfolk vs. Griffith, Powell Co. Argued by Walter li. Taylor fot appel¬ lant and Robert W, Toinlln for appellee, and «ubmltted. Johnsotti by, ole, vs. Colley and others. Argued by D. H. i-oako for appellant and continued until to-day, The next casos to bo called are Mar¬ tin's Adm'r vs. Richmond, F. and P. R. ft. Co., Mid.Norfolk and Western Ry. Co, vs. Wad6, Nos. 80 and 81. ¿»SBAND FELL -Coltoti Wen» Up Fifty Points and Drop- pod Again Below Tuesday's Close. Mt.r Assoluteli rjeB».). ..., NEW YORK, March ll.-The cotton market early was activo and hlgfher on sensational .roports regarding rising wa¬ ters In Important territories In tho cot¬ ton belt. Prices rapidly advanced, with May selling iip to 10.02, which was a rise of fifty points from ih« low figures of yesterday. Later In the session prices broko badly under active realising, fears of tight money lit Wall Stroot, clearing weather In the South and rumored pool liquidation.- May dropped from 10.02 to li.SU, Tho market closed weak, with prices at the lowest point of the day, net six to sixteen points off from-, tha closing prices of yestorday. »¦¦- Property Transfers. Richmond:... M. and M. C, Hall to Wil¬ liam P. Thtu'ston, 25 feet on east side Thirtieth .'Street, 11» 1-2 feet south of Clay, $SC0. John Munro to Charles 1C Willis, 40 feet on east side Rowland Street, 17D 3-1 foot north of Hanover, $S0O, Honrlco: Bradley T. Johnson to James/ R. Wheeler,-''¡Ml acres on R., F. ènti P. Railroad, about 1 mile north of the Fall- Grounds, $1,849.1)0, G. D. Rearman and wife to John R. Kersey, 2CL8 foot on .> 58 41-12-12 feet from southwest corner Thlrty-l'.-ftli and Marshall Streets, tSW. t t ? __ i Mrs. Georgo A, Minor and daughters have returned homo from a visit to her brother, Judgo Prince, of Courtland, Southampton county. Mrs. E. P. Goodwin, who has been visiting Mrs, F. B. Toison, has returned to Hlnton, W. Vn. Tlie game of base-ball at Barton Heights Tuesday evening at 4 P. M., between the Barton Heights and Star teams, resulted In a tie, tho score stand¬ ing 12 to 12. Miss Helen Crouch Is improving after a spell of sickness. The' rummage sale of the Baptist Church on Main Street is alili going on, and a handsome sum has been realized so far. It is hoped that tho ladies will give freely, so as to jhelp swell tho amount. Mr. Pendleton has returned to-Essex county after a visit to his sister, Mrs. Christian, near Chestnut Hill, Ml-s, CofCey, who has been quite sick at her homo In Brookand Park, Is Im¬ proving, Mr. AV, R. Robblns, who hits been visiting his son, Mr. A. W. Robblns, or Miller Avenue, bus returned to Asti¬ la nd. Miss Alice Newell will return to Brookland Park this week from a visit to her relatives in Now Kent. Mr. Luther Mason lias returned to Ashland from a visit to Mr. J, Thomas of Hermitage Road. Miss Helen Wyatt lias returned to Gayton from a visit to friends In Brook- land Park. Mr. C. A. Bowie, a prominent citizen or Caroline county, who has been visit¬ ing Mr. J'. D. Jeter of Ladies' Mile Road, has returned home. Miss Lllllo Carter of North Avenue is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Robertson of Màncyspter, Mrs. George Carter, who has been quite sick at her home In Brookland Parli, ir, improving. Miss Ella Thorpe has returned to school, after a short visit to her parents In Heririco county. Mr. Georgo A. Minor has returned from â business trip to North Carolina. Mrs.) G. B, Peasloy still continues quite sick at her homo on Lamb Avenue. Mrs. ,T. W, Smith has returned to Farmvil)e after a visit to her mother, Mrs. F. R. Witt of IBrookland Park. Mr. Charles Taylor has loft for New¬ port. News on business. Mr. F. C. Thompson is quite sick a.t her home in Plnalto. Mlsls Lucy Jordan will return Mon¬ day from Lynchburg-to her homo near Lakeside, Miss Jeanctlo W il cox has 'returned to Froderlcksburg troni a visit to friends near Chestnut Hill. Miss Livingston will leave Saturday for her homo in Louisville, L'y., from a visit to friends near tho seminary. Mlits ltulah Goodwin, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Carpen¬ to ?·,' lias returned to Hlnton, W. Va. Miss Anulo Garthlwrlght, who has beon visiting on Chestnut Hill, line re¬ turned to Goochland. Mr. Charles Bowman, who has been quito sick at his homo near Lakeside, Is improving. Airs. McCurdy lias roturnod to Cold Harbor after a short visit to friends In Brookland Park. Mr, Carlisle of Hanover, who has heen visiting his sister, has returned home. Mrs. J. P. Haupt, who has been very sick at hier home on Virginia Avenue, ? Improving. , Mrs. Brenner- of Manchester is visit¬ ing Mrs, Goorgo carter of Brookland park. Mrs. Coffoy, who has been quite sick ut her home on North Avenue, Is nblo to be out again. Miss Laura (Parish of Brook Rnad Is quite alck. The Guild Society of the Plplphany Church will meet Thursday at 4 P. M. at 'tho residonco of Mrs. Clarke of Chestnut. Hill, Eshiblisuecl a Cmituvy Ago. Engagement & Wedding Rings. i nmko «¦ specialty of Engagement and Wecl- tling Kings.which fire of the EINEST QUAI* ITY.and of thektost and most approved fashions. ¡T-järUpon satisfactory references we will be pleased to send Soods °» approval, GALT & BRO. Jewellers, Silversmith« 0"d Stationers, 1W7 Pennsylvania Avenue, f Washingtons p. <?. Delicately formed and gently reared, women will find, In all the seasons of their lives, as maidens,wives,or moth¬ ers, that the one simple, wholesome remedy whfch acts gently and pleasantly and naturally, and which may be used with truly beneficial effects, under any conditions, when the system needs a laxative, Is.Syrup of Figs. It Is well known to bo a simple combination of the laxative ähd carminative principles of plants with pleasant, aro¬ matic liquids, which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system when Its gentle cleansing is desired. Many of the Ills from which women süffer. are of a tran¬ sient naturo and do not come from any organic trouble and It Is pleasant to know that they yield so promptly to the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs, but when'anythlng more than a laxative Is. needed It Is best to consult tho family physician and to avoid the old-time cathartics and loudly advertised nostrums of the present day. When one needs only to remove the strain, the torpor, the con¬ gestion, or similar Ills/which attend upon a constipated condition of tho system, use the true and gentle remedy. Syrup of Figs.and enjoy freedom from the depression, the aches and pains, colds and headaches, which are due to Inactivity of the bowels. Only those who buy the genuine Syrup of Figs can hope to get its beneficial effects and as a,guarantee of the ex¬ cellence of the remedy the full name of the company. California Fig Syrup printed on the front of every package and without It any preparation offered as Syrup " of Figs is fraudulent and should be declined, To those,;· who know the quality of this excellent laxative, fhe,r offer of 'any substitute, when Syrup of Figs Is called for, Is always resented by a transfer of patronage to. some first-class drug establishment, where they do'- not recommend, nor sell false brands, nor Imitation ·- remedies.. The genuine article may be bought of all reliable 'druggists everywhere( at 50 cents per bottle, THE PUBLIC WILL BE INTERESTED Will Want to See Who Votes for Campbell. It Is a notlceablo fact that the denomi¬ national weeklies of tho' city have had practically nothing to say .copeernlng the Campbell investigation by the Legislature. A week ago tho Bellglous Herald made a guarded and conservative comment and this week It does the same thing again. It says: "The Committee for Courts of Justice of tho Virginia House of Delegates in their conduct of the Campbell cuse cer¬ tainly guarded the rights of the accused Judge with utmost care and conscientious¬ ness. Indeed, so scrupulous and cautious were they to protect him in his legal rights and privileges that many supposed tho commlLtee would report In favor ^t acquittal. But the committee was com¬ posed of honorable and faithful inen, and they could hot agree that .the mnn described In the testimony submitted to them was lit for Judicial position and re¬ sponsibility, and so they reported unani¬ mously In favor of removal. The fact that some reached this conclusion by one route and some by another strengthens the case against Judge Campbell. Now there is talk of a. hot fight In tho House and tho Senate. Naturally the public will be Interested in observing who of our leg¬ islators believe that the Amherst Judge must be 'vindicated.' " THE INTERRUPTIONS OF THE TELEPHONE THpï Central Presbyterian thinks the telephone, so far as this minister Is con¬ cerned, Is a divided Joy. "Tho interruptions of the telephone," it says this/ week, "are becoming a, so- rJous .matter to tho 'minister In his study. Interruption Is bad enough in any thoughtful reading, but It is quito) dlstractlvo when the pen is In motion. Can you not wait until you catch your pastor about his dinner hour? It Is sugges/ted that tho minister have his 'phono hour/ when ho can talk to his people freely and hold a 'news levee.' Certainly tho tolophono Ih working some great changes In our' Il vos. It widens our opportunities bf Intercourse and multiplies Ufo, gavine time and strength." CONDUCTING SERVICES AT SEVENTH ST. CHURCH Rev, Carey K. Morgan Is conducting services every night this week, except Saturday, at tho Seventh Street Christ- Inn Church. Croat Interest is being ninnl- tested, large crowds attending. Tir? ser¬ vices begin at S:I6 and closo prumptly at 9:15 o'clock. SHAW IN NEW YORK Denies That He is There in Connection With Financial Situation. (lly Associated Press.) Ni'JNY yultlv, March' 11.-Secretary of tho Treasury Shaw arrived hero to-day from Washington. Ho visited the sub. Treasury shortly hefprh tho opening hour and conferred briefly with acting Assist¬ ant Treasurer fiants·,! and' Cashier Mai> lor, Tho Secretary, it bollçvqd, has come bee to look Into general finan¬ cial conditions· Tho Secretary also conferred with Col¬ lector of Customs Stranalian. Concern¬ ing his visit Secretary Shaw said: "I uni not hero (/specially to discuss money questions will! the h-mlsers, I have no opinion to express regarding tho sit¬ uation. The primary cause of my visit, was to discuss certain details of customs procedure with Collector Strniv.ihau. There Is ii.q f|iiestlon of bond Interest anticipa¬ tion before me. In 'fact, I know of no need for it. I do hot nxpeel to see any bankers during mv stay, which will prob¬ ably be quite brief." j Tho Secrntary intends to leave Now York to-ulght for fho fíouth on a pleas, Mr«'·,trip, and return/to \Yaehlngton in'a .week, ii 1 > / ANNUAL STATEMENT KOR THE VEA'tt ENDING DECliMnER ?). '.G·:2. OIT ?? ? CON¬ DITION AND AITAMI« (IP Till·; GERMAN ALLIANCE INSU.'-'.NCB COMPANY OE V. 1. NI;VV VOItK, ORGANIZED CNDER Till: LAWS III·' THE STATE OK NEW YORK. MADE TO THE Al-DITOIC OF PIKLIC Aivro'NTS <)[.· ·|??? COMMON WEALTH OK Vili· GIMA, IN PURSUANCE TO THE LAWS OE VIRGINIA. . ...,.tf*l.'l<-'r't· WILLIAM N. Kp.EMEIl: Secretary, iiAfll.l'S <:. SMITH; 1'rlnelpal Office, Lini.rriV ANT) NASSAU STREETS. NEW VnllK; Oinunui'd or Incorporated. KEHItUARV, 1 SOT ¡Commenced Huelneis, I'EUKCAEV S, IMI". . Aranuut of «yipltul stock paid tip In cash. BONDS'AN33 STOCKS OWNED ABSOLUTELY BY THE COMPANY. T'nr Market ,. Description. Value. Value, united Stales resistere«! -I per rout. $130.C0O Oil $ 171,U«1 Oí, United Stille« registered '¿ per cent....'.. 10,1,001m lO.iWi o,, ?. V. City Anordnet registered 3'» per cent. 25.000 00 25.000 00 ?.?. City SctKKtlliotiHi· i-PKlstered 3*0 per rriit. ÌJ.Wl ??? 77,250 00: A tuli., Top. Ä- Smiln IO Ry. Reti, morlunce 1 per rent.... 10,000 ihi IO.'"*)·") 00 Atch., Top. ?; Sum« Ee Ity. debenture I per reni. 25.000 £8,000 00 Cenimi Ity. of Now Jersey gen, morti?, coupon ? per cent.. to.noo no ifl.noq oo Contrai Ity. of New. Jersey, cen. mort. ree. G, per rent_ ???,??? oo 13.000 00 Chi.. Iltirl. fc Quine.»· It.»·.. Illinois Dlv. ali per pent. 2,000 00 LOMO 00 ChleORO A- East. Illinois It»·, firm coupon U tier rent. 25,000 oo »2.500 00 Mo,, ????. ? Te .?a ? Ily. first -1 percent.'.,'. 25.000 DO 23,750 00 Northern Elicine, (¡reni Northern Ity. Joint I per rent.... 2S.000 00 20.000 00 Oregon .Short Line, r'anlclrmtlnjr I per rent. n.noo no 5.520 oo Pennsylvania Ry. Cotnorlible linoi, au, per rent. 35.500 00 87.375 «I Second Arenile Ity. ."> per een1. 2f.,0o0 «? 2S.750 Oo Southern Ity. Co., first r. per rent. m.iyoo «> 11.500 OO T'luh & Northern Ily. Ilrsl 7 per rent. 20.000 OO 22,·??'? «I Ellison Eler. Illumliintliii.' Co., Ilrst ? per rent. 10,000 00 11.750«) ????. H: Hocking Coal uml l.'oko Co., first ? per cent. 20.000 00 20.««) 00 Western I'nlon Tel. Co.. col. trust ? per rent. 2.O0O 00 2,200 «I Chi. & Northwestern Ily. pref. 200 shares. SO.noo on ¦18,000 00 I'lil.. Mil. &"St. l'imi Ry, prf. BOO chares. BO.noo Oo 02,500 00 Hocking Valley Ry. pfd. 500 shares. 50.000 00 12..",00 no Illinois Central Ry. 300 shares. 80.000 no Ba.-tfiO 00 Pennsylvania Ry. 2,058.shares. 102.050 00 MS.M2 00 Ileiisselner Knrnloit« Ity. ciiur. too shares. in.iion on 20.MKMHI Southern Ry. pfil. Boo shires. 50,000 no 15,000 00 Union I'aclllc liy. pfrt. BOO shares. 50.000 00 12 C"'i iv Central National llanlc loo stiare». ÌO.OOO W) 30,500 00 National Hank of Commerce HiO shares. lii.POo Oo KO.OOO.Otl Consolidateli Gas Co., BO finares. B.COO 00 IO.««) 00 Tolal par and market value enrrled out at market value. $000,750 00 $1,112.517 00 Ç), 112,3(7 «1 Cash In the company»' principal office. 2 85 Cash belonging to the company In batiji. 20,007 12 Gross premiums (as written In the policies )ln course of collection not more thau three months due. 103.80,'î 7U Aggregate amount of all assets of the company stated at their actual value-$1,2-11,810 53 LIABILITIES. Gross claims for adjusted and unpaid losses due anil to heroine due. $21,IBI 75 Gross losses In process of adjustment or In suspense, Including all report¬ ed and supposed losses. 12 «in 00 Net amount of unpaid losses.;...,. î 05.22!! 76 Gross premium* received and receivable upon alt iinoxplrcd lire risks rumili)« ono year or less from date of policy, Including Interest, premiums on perpetual lire risk*, $:'.2n..V> un-pruod premiums (60 per rent.).$100,201 OS Gross premiums received unit receivable upon all niic,\plreil tire links running more than ope year from date of policy,$28I.MS 31; un- » earned preludimi) (prorata). 127.oni 7S Total lineameli premiums as computed above'..·? 2S7.8S3 "? Commissions, brokerage nini other charcos due and lo heroin«, duo lo agents und brokers, on premium» paid and In course of collection. JO, 113« OB Tolal amount of nil liabilities excepf capllnl stock and not surplus. $ ?5i'%!!·! Al! Joint stock capital actually pubi up In cash. Io' 'r, . Surplus beyond capital ami nil oilier liabilities._..." '' Aggregate amount of all llabilllles ineliidlrip paid up capital steri;, and net _' surplus.. $l,_ll,!»10 [.3 RECEIPTS WriÑG^THÍTyEAR. Eire. Gross premiums anil bills unpaid ut close of last yeur.....* K7.820 ·>7 Net collected..'.'.'-???'?!"? 'i'" lirons, premiums on risks written and renewed during the year.???,?.? ?.? Total.-,. Deduct gross premiums and bills In course of collection at It Entire premiums collected din-inn the year. *?}'·'· ,'i1,11,!;! Deduct reinsurance, relíate, ¡ihiitenieiil uml return preniluius..'.. ü._.'!l'..'.". Net rush actually received for premiums.,..:·····,;'.··",",.,' V * SM-0«.· Ul Received for Interest uml dividends on slocks and bond«, colbileriil loans, and from ....all other sources.>.G. -18,7.1.! OS I'rollt on sule of lodger iiHsein during tlin year over book vuPics._'V^T.Tti AsmWiitC iimoiint of reeelpls I'.clually p???????'"·'"« tlu> .vein· In cash. :| 4:ts,U)5 til DIEBUBSEMENTG DURINO THE YEAR. , Eire. I Gross amouiit actuiilly |miil for lows tliieludliiR $57,001.57 losses .ceni·· lux ill previous vent's) .·.'. «?^?.??. 11(1 hl Deduct nil iiinniiiitii actually re.vlved for salva»,·.· mhcllin· on losses ;·.¦_¦ of Hie lam or of prevlmie yeiii-sj.;····. j LOOT ,1 Net nniiitii'it liiilii diirloi; Ihç y<¡ni· foi· I"*1"'1»·.··· ·,? ···.,·· ·.. 5 Ip/W- IO Cash dividends iictiuill.»· paid stockholders il'»l»K Um ÏWir. 21.0«) no l'iild for commission or brnkoriino.... ··¦···· ; · ··.·;/·· ·.·····.· ···,;···,¦¦ 100,225 19 l'iiiil for sai·, rie«, fres, or other chiirKC» of officers, clerks, ngmils und nil oilier Enld'ïor1 St ?";,'l'invilirli l tisV»' >»' »'»» "'"'' '"''?'''1·' *f*ï..'i \}?.'/.^///,\'^?"]??\'??','. 251055 íl.t AgBrcEitnamoimt of actual disbursements i|urlii¡· il,,, .»ear lu cash,,.,. ç 852,107 BUSINESS IN THE STATE OF VIRGINIA DURING THE ????., Risk* written. $ 1,002,828 OO Premiums received tRi-oss).20.2S8 7S Losses paid.·. 21.017 S3 Losses Incurred.-?·'·.,.,. 21,701) Í-3 (HlKnod.i Wll, N. KI1E.MER, ['resident. (Signed.) ('. G, SMITH, Secretary. before CHARLES EDGAR MILLS. Commissioner. ID 7 SI. ÌOth Street,, RioSwad \Iq- GOaL, GOKE and WOOD Lowur l'hoiio ¿öü. Upper 1'howiíílU

ÙRhoads. THIS PLAN RUST PROOF PECULIAR CORSETS. by · ¿ÙRhoads. MillerùRhoads. WARNER'S RUSTPROOF CORSETS. No. 3G3 is shownin.theillustration. It's adollar Corset andweknowof

Aug 12, 2020



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Page 1: ÙRhoads. THIS PLAN RUST PROOF PECULIAR CORSETS. by · ¿ÙRhoads. MillerùRhoads. WARNER'S RUSTPROOF CORSETS. No. 3G3 is shownin.theillustration. It's adollar Corset andweknowof

¿ Ù Rhoads. Miller ù Rhoads.


CORSETS.No. 3G3 is shown in.the illustration.It's a dollar Corset and we know of nothing that

will surpass it in style, fit tint! wear at that price. ...

Made with clip hip and front with bias curves

and perfectly adapted to the average form.

White Sateen, daintily trimmed, $1,00·'"yausT-rooof

Threo Warner Rust 'Proof Cor¬sets for 50o each.

Ijow priced, hut good qualities, Onsof Coutil, straight rront and Princes·Hip, trimmed with laca and ribbonand boned with steel.

The Warner people chose im ap¬propriate name for one of theirfifty-cent-Corsetswhen they· calledit the JEWEL.made of tape.boned with steel and trimmed with

a ribbon bow. It's one of the dain¬tiest of the new models for slenderfigures.The SEABKIGHT is another

new model of this season.madein Batiste.which is very popu-lar-^-boned with steel· and trimmedwith ribbon.

Princess Hip,'with,hose support¬ers in front.

\ Social and §* s1 ¿Personal %At the "silver musicalo," given yester¬

day In Mrs, Mae Talley's studio, No. 827.East Franklin Street, for the benefit ofthe Alabama table at the ConfederateBazaar, the following· programme -was

rendered In the afternoon from S to 7o'olock:Meadow Dance.I-Illler

Miss Virginia Miller.Intermezzo .Thomas

Miss Elsie Fellheimcd·. -

Tho Myths of Music.-Miss Mae TaJley.

Reoitatlon ."The Willow Tree"Miss Pearl Litbliensioln.

¡Were My Soul With Wings, Provided,Miss Kate Binswanger. Hahn

(a) To a Wild Rose . .

'(b) To a Water Lilly. 13. MacDowollMiss Florence Thalhimor.

.Violin Solo .Miss Keck.

¦My Neighbor .Oaring ThomasMiss Minnie Derby.

Second Valso.GodardMiss Inez Hutzler,

Good-bye to tho Leaves.Do KovenMiss Miriam Pilcher.

Legenda of Music .

Mrs. Mae Talloy.Recitation ."The Jealous Wife"

Miss Hose Satterflold.A Summer Night-.Field

Miss Lucille Stern,Gond'oliera .Emllch

Miss Grace Neal.Swallows .. ....Conon

Miss Maude Miller,Violin Solo .

Miss Keck.Polonaiso .Chopin

Miss Minnio Derby.Sweet Evenings Come and Go, Love,

Coleridge-TaylorMiss Bessie Hunter,

Finland Love Song .HoffmanMiss Carrie Neal,

Haymaking .Nccdham,· 'Miss Rhonlc Hululer.

Buona Nolte.NovlnsMiss Minna Thalhlmer.

Recitation ...."The Madonna at Palas"Miss Laura Bates.

Papillon .IlaroiaMiss Rima Ullman.

Barcarole-.NovlnsMiss .Ruby Crenshawì

Tho ovenln'è's programme, from 8 to 10,Included tho numbers given below:Pauva Marquise ....Mason

Miss Rima Ullman.Recitation ."Hagar"

Miss Clarice Edwards.(a) Song of Lifo .Clayton-Johns(b) Break. Break .Blschoff

Mr«. S, J. Wlnglteld.Grass and Roses ...Bartlott

Miss Miriam Pilcher."O Fair, ? Sweet and Holy," Otto Cantor

Mr. 0, Canepa.Tho Poets Our First Musicians ,.,..

Airs Ma« Talloy.Violin Solo .

Miss Keck.Scherzino .Moskowslti

Miss Inez Hutzler,Recitation...Muslo, on the Rappahannock

MTss IJllle Ho«hier.You Were Moro Fair.Clayton-Johns

Miss Kalo Binswanger.iValse Caprice".Chamlnade

Miss Minnie. Derby.Recitation .Perdita

Miss Latirá, BatesTho Two Grenadiers .Schumann

Mrs. S. .T. Wing-Hold.ia) Princess Pretty-Eyes .

(b) Bridal Measure .Clayton-JohnsMiss Rlionlo Hutzler.

Pantomimo .Rock of AgesMiss Laura Bates.

1 Cannot Help Loving Thee,Clayton-Johns

Mr. C. Cnnepa.The Rose and tho Dmvdrop.

Clayton-JohnsMiss Minnio Derby,

Recitation .A« tho Moon ?????Miss Rose Satterflcld.

All who took part in the entertain¬ment.Mrs. Talley's young musicians and

students from Mis. Thurslon's School of

KxprosHion-oiilwod into tllfl spirit and

object of tho, and made theprogramme one delightful to others andmost creditable to themselves.The studio was pleasantly tilled and

guests M'ero cordially welcomed by thohostesses and deftly served by tho youngladles who assisted then).

Named Dolly Varden,The committee of the Mississippi table

at the Confederate Bazaar have namedthe table Dolly Viiid.n from the brilliantlittle opera In which Miss I.ulti ("Maser ap¬

peared at the Academy last nicht. MissGlaser has been Informed of the compli¬ment paid her by tho Mississippi com¬mittee a"·· ll I« *<r'l'f;<' tllil1 ¡-?'0 w!11 tuk0an Interciit in this tablo at which IlioKirie will appear *ln Dolly Varden cos-'turnes, and all the decorations will be

adjusted with reference So the Ray littleDickens heroine.The table design will dljow a big Dolly

Varden hat upheld, with shepherds'crooks at the four comen, and trimmedwith pink and white Chrysanthemum»,which will be ilia flowers used for ud-dornnient throughout,

Alies Barber in New York.Mies Bessie T. Barber is In New York,

«rhw» fthe bas been since September,

studying art.She Is taking af thorough course in draw¬

ing under William St. John Harper, withlectures on perspective and plcturo compo¬sition by Frederick Dlolman, president ofthe National Academy. Her classes formodeling in. clay and;artistic anatomyare taken with George T. Br'owster, andshe has sketching under Charles W. Haw¬thorne.Miss Barber Is ilio daughter of Mr. and

Mrs, Edwin A. Barber, of No. 711 East:Leigh Street, and has added anothername to the number of bright young Vir¬ginia girls who arc developing their tal¬ents along professional and artistic lines.

Annual U. D. C. Meeting.Tho annual meeting of the Daughters

of the Confederacy was held In LeaCamp Hall at 4:30 o'clock last afternoon.An amount of business was transacted.

The nominations of officers for the com¬ing year resulted in the unanimous andenthusiastic election of Mrs. Norman V.Kandolph as president of tho RichmondChapter Daughters of the Confederacyfor Ufo. Mrs,"Walter Christian was chos¬en as first vice-president, Mrs. KateWlniii as second vice-president, Mrs. B.A. Blenner as recording secretary, MissSalilo .Deano as; corresponding secretaryand Mrs. Charles E, Boiling as treasurer.

Confederate Fair.Tho costumes in which the young la¬

dles takng part In tho military drill attho Confederato Fair will appear will becompleted In 'the next few days. Thefirst drill will take place In the MasonicTemple Tuesday evening, March 17th.Tho booth decorations will begin next

Friday. By Monday evening, the 16th,everything will bo in place and the ladlesof the Reception Committee will bepleased to welcome tholr guests.

The Bostock Benefit.To-day week, March 19th, is tho Bostock,

benefit for the Confederate Bazaar. ItIs believed that many people from Peters¬burg will come over on that day to at¬tend the "benefit." All tho bazaar tableslire selling tickets and prospects indicatethat a good sum will bo put Into thetreasury of the bazaar as the result oftho sale.

Women's Meetings.The annual meeting of tho Board of

Managers of tho Retreat for tho Sick willbe held to-day at noon. >

* * *

The commltteo of tho Tesas table willmeet at 10:30 A. M, to-day In Lee CampHall. Tho members are all asked to bopresent.

* * *

Tho Confederato Bazaar Associationwill moot to-day at noon in boo CampHall.

Personal riention,Tho. Baltimore Morning Herald of yes¬

terday had tino two following Items ofInterest to Richmond people:Miss Josephine Lañaban gave a delight¬

ful dinner of six covers last evening attho Baltimore Country Club In honor ofMiss Sopblo White, of Bichmond, Va,,who Is visiting her cousin. Miss AlaryHartman, nt her homo on West FranklinStreot,Miss Agnes Drcwry, who has been visit¬

ing her slstor, Mrs, B. Frank Doford, atlier residence on Monumont Street forseveral weeks past, will leave .to-day forJier home' at Rldhmond, Va. During herstay hero Miss Drewry has mado manyfriends and is greatly admired by Balti¬more society folks.

» * *

Miss Anna H. Powers, who has beenseriously 111 since her return to the cityIn January, and very dangorously ill forseveral weeks, Is now convalescent at thohomo of ¡ber sister, Mrs. George A. Barks«dale.

* » v*Tho friends of Miss Ethel Curlton will

regret to learn that she continues quitesick at her homo on Grove Avenue.The announcement which fixes tihe date

oli tho Uraves-Harvle wedding for April2Sth Is unauthorized. Tho date has not

yet been doelded.* « «

Miss Graco Redd, who has been thoguest of Airs. Laura M. Murray, In Dan¬ville, has returned home,

« « ·

Mr, 33. Lovenslehi wns a Bichmondguest at the PlneuS'Waclito) wedding inNorfolk lust night.

Mrs. W. R, Cowles, of Roanokn, Is un¬der the treatment of Pr, Stuart McGuIreIn St. Luke's Hospital.

* *?..?Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Bnwo have moved

Into their new 'home, which hue Justbeen completed on West lirnco Street,

f » »

Miss Knnnlo Hancock, of Charlottes-vllle, will spend tho next few weeks InBichmond.

* ? *

Mr. Mena lens L'uikford, who has beenill with typhoid fever, Is sufficiently re«

covered to return to Ins home in Norfolk.« ·'¦'·¦·

Mrs, Clifford Nic-klcs, of Philadelphia,who has been at tho Jefferson Hotel f<u·pome weeks, hua left with her sister,Mrs. Robert Q, Scott, for Atlantic City.Mr. and Mrs. JunitiH Mnsby have, re¬

turned from New York, where Mr. Mosbywent °n a business trip.Mr, Kecno Langhorne, who ¡s III in

Kentucky, bus typhoid fever. His sjck-ji'-.-s Is ¿ale) not to be serious.

Miss Nannie Tabb.In yesterday' s TlmeskDIspatcli dp.

ptureU a special from Freclerlcksburg.telling of the ministrations of a tritlnVdnurse to the family of Mr. Aillos Sulli¬van. Tlio young lady In nuestlon WasMUs Nannie Tabb, and not Miss Ami·0Tabb, ms btatcd. "]


Blind Man Led by a One.Legged Boy..


Rev. Dr*. Donald Guthrle to ComeHere Again and to Speak

for the Bible So¬ciety.

Tt Is a strange combination which theBible Society of Virginia has engaged Intho furtherance of Its work In tbo coun¬

try districts of Virginia·.a man ^totallyblind, who Is led around by a boy whosolocomotive machinery Is confined to ono

leg. Despite the' peculiar sltuutlon Inwhich he Is placed, however, the man Ismeeting with great success In putting theBible into many dcstltuto homes lu theState.At a meeting of tho Board of Managers

of tho society, hold on Monday last, ar¬

rangements woro made to continuo thoservices of Mr. B. F. Rossan for tho com¬

ing year. Mr. Rossan Is a layman andis tho only man In the Bible work whodevotes his entire timo to It. During thespring, summer and fall ho visits fromhoüso to house selling Bibles, where possi¬ble, or giving them away where tho peo¬ple are too poor to purchnso them,About twenty yoars ago Mr. Rossnn lost

his eyesight whllo crossing the westernplains. The glare of tho sun on theplains rnado him blind totally. In hiswork now he Is led around or driven ina buggy by a boy who has but ono leg.The colporter'« affliction does not seem

to hinder him to any groat extent. Homakes on an average of 300 visits a year.Ha has already traversed the counties ofPlttsylvanla, Gulpcpor. Albcmarle, Orange,Madison, Grocne, Henry and a part ofPatrick,

OTHER BUSINESS.Quilo a mass of othor. business was

transacted by tho Board. The Rev. R. II.Marks, of Rocky Mount, was appointedcolporter. A donation of! Bibles was madoto a Methodist Mission Sunday-school hearSeven Pinos.Groat preparations are being made for

the celebration of the anniversary of thesociety. The committee appointed to ar¬range for tho occasion submitted a reportto tho Board, showing progress. It hasbeen about settled that the celebrationwill occur on the second ßunday'of May.All arrangements have not yet been poivl'ected, but It is more than likely that thomeeting will be held at tho Second Pres¬byterian Church. The usual reports willbe submitted.The speaker for the occasion will be

tbo Rev. Donald Guthrle, D. D., of Bal¬timore formerly pastor of the SecondChurch. Dr. Guthrlo Is so well knownhero that ho needs no introduction. Hispre.senco will bo tho distinct feature ofthe anniversary.


Distinguished Young Minister Will SpeakSeveral Times Here.

The approaching visit of the Rev.George L. McNutt, of New York, a youngminister, who has made it a point ac¬

tually to experience the problem of theworklngman in his different trades andcallings, Is of unusual interest to thopeoplo of Richmond. He will reach here ito-morrow, and will spend .three daysunder the auspices of the Y. M.C. A.All of his lectures are free to both men

and women. They will be as follows:Friday night, S:30 P. M., Young Men's

Christian Association hall. "What AVork-Ingmen Ought to Expect."Saturday, 12 M. shop talk, "A Lln-ing

or a Life?"Saturday afternoon, G o'clqck P. M./^to

Sunday-school teachers and workers.'"The Boylcss Church and tho ChurchlessBoy."Saturday, 8:80 P. M., Young Men's

Christian- Association hall, "Tho Dln'nor-Pall Man."Sunday, 3:30 P. M., Bijou Theatre, moi!

only, "Croesus or Christ?"Sunday, S P. M., Union Station Motho-

dist Church, "The Law of Nature. an'Stho Law of Christ.*'

THE PRESBYTERIESEast Hanover to Meet at Overbrook.

Other Meetings.Bast XIanovor Presbytery has been

called to meot April 13th at S P. M., attho Overbrook rrosbJ'tcrlnn Church on

Barlon Heights. Other meetings of Près-,bylorles have boon arranged for ns fol¬lows:Ablngdon.Central, Bristol, April 21st,

7:30 P. M., J. B. Horndon, stated clerk,Glade Spring, Va.Chcsnpeako.Waterford, Va., April 14th.

8 P. ?., ?. ?\\ Pltzer, stated clerk,Washington, D. C.Kanawha.Glon Kilt, Charleston, W.

Va., April 14th, 7:80 P. M.. Newton Don¬aldson, stated clerk, Huntington, W, Va,Montgomery.Clifton Forge, Va., April

28th, S P. M. T. W. Hooper, stated clerk,Christians burg, Vn.Norfolk.Bollo Haven, Va., April Jlth,

R P, M.', B. B. McCluor, stated clerk, Nor¬folk Va,Boanoko.Pnmplln City, Vn., April 7th,

7:30 G. M., H. A. Brown, stated clerk,Saxe. Va.West Hanover-Olk'et, May fith, S ?,

M., B. H. Stover, stated clerk, Rapldnn,Va.Winchester.Rerryville, Vn., April 7th,

7:30 P. M., J. R, Graham, stated clerk,Winchester. Va,

PORTRAIT OP «EN. FORRESTDrs. Whitsitt and Smith to Speak at Lee

Camp To-Morrow Night,A portrait of General ?. B, Forrest, tho

distinguished Confederate leader, will bopresented to l.eo Camp at the nwetlngiri-moiTow night. Tho picture will bopresent«] by tho Bev. W. H. Whltslll,P. P., of Bichmond Collego, and it will bereceived by Dr. W. K. L. Smith, pastor>t tho Second Baptist Church.


A called meeting of the Richmond CityMission will be held at 11 o'clock thismorning at tho ?. ?. 0 A. This will boa very Important .mooting, and all mem¬bers aro urged tu attend.

Supreme Court,The proceedings of yesterday of the

Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginiawer« ng follows:City Norfolk vis, Flynn. Argued by Wal¬

ler il. Taylor lor avellani und Judge

William li, Burroughs for appellee, and«tlbmltttSd, < !City or Norfolk vs. Griffith, Powell Co.

Argued by Walter li. Taylor fot appel¬lant and Robert W, Toinlln for appellee,and «ubmltted.

Johnsotti by, ole, vs. Colley and others.Argued by D. H. i-oako for appellantand continued until to-day,The next casos to bo called are Mar¬

tin's Adm'r vs. Richmond, F. and P. R.ft. Co., Mid.Norfolk and Western Ry. Co,vs. Wad6, Nos. 80 and 81.


-Coltoti Wen» Up Fifty Points and Drop-pod Again Below Tuesday's Close.

Mt.r Assoluteli rjeB».). ...,NEW YORK, March ll.-The cottonmarket early was activo and hlgfher onsensational .roports regarding rising wa¬

ters In Important territories In tho cot¬ton belt. Prices rapidly advanced, withMay selling iip to 10.02, which was a riseof fifty points from ih« low figures ofyesterday. Later In the session pricesbroko badly under active realising, fearsof tight money lit Wall Stroot, clearingweather In the South and rumored poolliquidation.- May dropped from 10.02 toli.SU,Tho market closed weak, with prices

at the lowest point of the day, net sixto sixteen points off from-, tha closingprices of yestorday.


Property Transfers.Richmond:... M. and M. C, Hall to Wil¬

liam P. Thtu'ston, 25 feet on east sideThirtieth .'Street, 11» 1-2 feet south ofClay, $SC0.John Munro to Charles 1C Willis, 40

feet on east side Rowland Street, 17D 3-1foot north of Hanover, $S0O,Honrlco: Bradley T. Johnson to James/

R. Wheeler,-''¡Ml acres on R., F. ènti P.Railroad, about 1 mile north of the Fall-Grounds, $1,849.1)0,G. D. Rearman and wife to John R.

Kersey, 2CL8 foot on .> 58 41-12-12 feetfrom southwest corner Thlrty-l'.-ftli andMarshall Streets, tSW.

t t? __ iMrs. Georgo A, Minor and daughters

have returned homo from a visit to her

brother, Judgo Prince, of Courtland,Southampton county.Mrs. E. P. Goodwin, who has been

visiting Mrs, F. B. Toison, has returnedto Hlnton, W. Vn.Tlie game of base-ball at Barton

Heights Tuesday evening at 4 P. M.,between the Barton Heights and Starteams, resulted In a tie, tho score stand¬ing 12 to 12.Miss Helen Crouch Is improving after

a spell of sickness.The' rummage sale of the Baptist

Church on Main Street is alili going on,and a handsome sum has been realizedso far. It is hoped that tho ladies willgive freely, so as to jhelp swell thoamount.Mr. Pendleton has returned to-Essex

county after a visit to his sister, Mrs.Christian, near Chestnut Hill,

Ml-s, CofCey, who has been quite sickat her homo In Brookand Park, Is Im¬proving,Mr. AV, R. Robblns, who hits been

visiting his son, Mr. A. W. Robblns,or Miller Avenue, bus returned to Asti¬la nd.Miss Alice Newell will return to

Brookland Park this week from a visitto her relatives in Now Kent.Mr. Luther Mason lias returned to

Ashland from a visit to Mr. J, Thomasof Hermitage Road.Miss Helen Wyatt lias returned to

Gayton from a visit to friends In Brook-land Park.Mr. C. A. Bowie, a prominent citizen

or Caroline county, who has been visit¬ing Mr. J'. D. Jeter of Ladies' MileRoad, has returned home.Miss Lllllo Carter of North Avenue is

visiting her aunt, Mrs. Robertson ofMàncyspter,Mrs. George Carter, who has been

quite sick at her home In BrooklandParli, ir, improving.Miss Ella Thorpe has returned to

school, after a short visit to her parentsIn Heririco county.Mr. Georgo A. Minor has returned

from â business trip to North Carolina.Mrs.) G. B, Peasloy still continues

quite sick at her homo on Lamb Avenue.Mrs. ,T. W, Smith has returned to

Farmvil)e after a visit to her mother,Mrs. F. R. Witt of IBrookland Park.Mr. Charles Taylor has loft for New¬

port. News on business.Mr. F. C. Thompson is quite sick a.t

her home in Plnalto.Mlsls Lucy Jordan will return Mon¬

day from Lynchburg-to her homo nearLakeside,Miss Jeanctlo W ilcox has 'returned to

Froderlcksburg troni a visit to friendsnear Chestnut Hill.Miss Livingston will leave Saturday

for her homo in Louisville, L'y., froma visit to friends near tho seminary.Mlits ltulah Goodwin, who has been

visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Carpen¬to ?·,' lias returned to Hlnton, W. Va.Miss Anulo Garthlwrlght, who has

beon visiting on Chestnut Hill, line re¬

turned to Goochland.Mr. Charles Bowman, who has been

quito sick at his homo near Lakeside,Is improving.Airs. McCurdy lias roturnod to Cold

Harbor after a short visit to friends InBrookland Park.Mr, Carlisle of Hanover, who has heen

visiting his sister, has returned home.Mrs. J. P. Haupt, who has been very

sick at hier home on Virginia Avenue,? Improving. ,

Mrs. Brenner- of Manchester is visit¬ing Mrs, Goorgo carter of Brooklandpark.Mrs. Coffoy, who has been quite sick

ut her home on North Avenue, Is nbloto be out again.Miss Laura (Parish of Brook Rnad

Is quite alck.The Guild Society of the Plplphany

Church will meet Thursday at 4 P. 'tho residonco of Mrs. Clarke ofChestnut. Hill,

Eshiblisuecl a Cmituvy Ago.

Engagement &Wedding Rings.

i nmko «¦ specialty ofEngagement and Wecl-tling Kings.which fire

of the EINEST QUAI*ITY.and of thektost andmost approved fashions.

¡T-järUpon satisfactory references wewill be pleased to send Soods °» approval,

GALT & BRO.Jewellers, Silversmith« 0"d Stationers,

1W7 Pennsylvania Avenue,

f Washingtons p. <?.

Delicately formed and gently reared, women will find,In all the seasons of their lives, as maidens,wives,or moth¬ers, that the one simple, wholesome remedy whfch acts

gently and pleasantly and naturally, and which may beused with truly beneficial effects, under any conditions,when the system needs a laxative, Is.Syrup of Figs. ItIs well known to bo a simple combination of the laxativeähd carminative principles of plants with pleasant, aro¬

matic liquids, which are agreeable and refreshing to thetaste and acceptable to the system when Its gentlecleansing is desired.

Many of the Ills from which women süffer. are of a tran¬sient naturo and do not come from any organic troubleand It Is pleasant to know that they yield so promptly tothe beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs, but when'anythlngmore than a laxative Is. needed It Is best to consult thofamily physician and to avoid the old-time cathartics andloudly advertised nostrums of the present day. Whenone needs only to remove the strain, the torpor, the con¬

gestion, or similar Ills/which attend upon a constipatedcondition of tho system, use the true and gentle remedy.Syrup of Figs.and enjoy freedom from the depression,the aches and pains, colds and headaches, which are dueto Inactivity of the bowels.

Only those who buy the genuine Syrup of Figs can hopeto get its beneficial effects and as a,guarantee of the ex¬cellence of the remedy the full name of the company.California Fig Syrup printed on the front of everypackage and without It any preparation offered as Syrup "

of Figs is fraudulent and should be declined, To those,;·who know the quality of this excellent laxative, fhe,roffer of 'any substitute, when Syrup of Figs Is calledfor, Is always resented by a transfer of patronage to.some first-class drug establishment, where they do'-not recommend, nor sell false brands, nor Imitation ·-

remedies.. The genuine article may be bought of allreliable 'druggists everywhere( at 50 cents per bottle,


Will Want to See Who Votesfor Campbell.

It Is a notlceablo fact that the denomi¬national weeklies of tho' city have hadpractically nothing to say .copeernlng theCampbell investigation by the Legislature.A week ago tho Bellglous Herald made a

guarded and conservative comment andthis week It does the same thing again.It says:"The Committee for Courts of Justice

of tho Virginia House of Delegates intheir conduct of the Campbell cuse cer¬

tainly guarded the rights of the accusedJudge with utmost care and conscientious¬ness. Indeed, so scrupulous and cautiouswere they to protect him in his legalrights and privileges that many supposedtho commlLtee would report In favor ^tacquittal. But the committee was com¬

posed of honorable and faithful inen,and they could hot agree that .the mnndescribed In the testimony submitted tothem was lit for Judicial position and re¬

sponsibility, and so they reported unani¬mously In favor of removal. The factthat some reached this conclusion by one

route and some by another strengthensthe case against Judge Campbell. Nowthere is talk of a. hot fight In tho Houseand tho Senate. Naturally the public willbe Interested in observing who of our leg¬islators believe that the Amherst Judgemust be 'vindicated.' "


THpï Central Presbyterian thinks thetelephone, so far as this minister Is con¬

cerned, Is a divided Joy."Tho interruptions of the telephone,"

it says this/ week, "are becoming a, so-rJous .matter to tho 'minister In hisstudy. Interruption Is bad enough inany thoughtful reading, but It is quito)dlstractlvo when the pen is In motion.Can you not wait until you catch yourpastor about his dinner hour? It Issugges/ted that tho minister have his'phono hour/ when ho can talk to his

people freely and hold a 'news levee.'Certainly tho tolophono Ih working some

great changes In our' Ilvos. It widensour opportunities bf Intercourse andmultiplies Ufo, gavine time andstrength."


Rev, Carey K. Morgan Is conductingservices every night this week, exceptSaturday, at tho Seventh Street Christ-Inn Church. Croat Interest is being ninnl-tested, large crowds attending. Tir? ser¬vices begin at S:I6 and closo prumptlyat 9:15 o'clock.


Denies That He is There in ConnectionWith Financial Situation.

(lly Associated Press.)Ni'JNY yultlv, March' 11.-Secretary of

tho Treasury Shaw arrived hero to-dayfrom Washington. Ho visited the sub.Treasury shortly hefprh tho opening hourand conferred briefly with acting Assist¬ant Treasurer fiants·,! and' Cashier Mai>lor, Tho Secretary, it |« bollçvqd, hascome bee to look Into general finan¬cial conditions·Tho Secretary also conferred with Col¬

lector of Customs Stranalian. Concern¬ing his visit Secretary Shaw said:"I uni not hero (/specially to discuss

money questions will! the h-mlsers, I haveno opinion to express regarding tho sit¬uation. The primary cause of my visit,was to discuss certain details of customsprocedure with Collector Strniv.ihau. ThereIs ii.q f|iiestlon of bond Interest anticipa¬tion before me. In 'fact, I know of no

need for it. I do hot nxpeel to see anybankers during mv stay, which will prob¬ably be quite brief." jTho Secrntary intends to leave Now

York to-ulght for fho fíouth on a pleas,Mr«'·,trip, and return/to \Yaehlngton in'a.week, ii

1 > /



GIMA, IN PURSUANCE TO THE LAWS OE VIRGINIA.. ...,.tf*l.'l<-'r't· WILLIAM N. Kp.EMEIl: Secretary, iiAfll.l'S <:. SMITH; 1'rlnelpal Office,Lini.rriV ANT) NASSAU STREETS. NEW VnllK; Oinunui'd or Incorporated. KEHItUARV,1 SOT ¡Commenced Huelneis, I'EUKCAEV S, IMI". .

Aranuut of «yipltul stock paid tip In cash.


,.Description. Value. Value,

united Stales resistere«! -I per rout. $130.C0O Oil $ 171,U«1 Oí,United Stille« registered '¿ per cent....'.. 10,1,001mlO.iWi o,,

?. V. City Anordnet registered 3'» per cent. 25.000 00 25.000 00

?.?. City SctKKtlliotiHi· i-PKlstered 3*0 per rriit. ÌJ.Wl ??? 77,250 00:A tuli., Top. Ä- Smiln IO Ry. Reti, morlunce 1 per rent.... 10,000 ihi IO.'"*)·") 00

Atch., Top. ?; Sum« Ee Ity. debenture I per reni. 25.000 £8,000 00

Cenimi Ity. of Now Jersey gen, morti?, coupon ? per cent.. to.noo no ifl.noq oo

Contrai Ity. of New. Jersey, cen. mort. ree. G, per rent_ ???,??? oo 13.000 00

Chi.. Iltirl. fc Quine.»· It.»·.. Illinois Dlv. ali per pent. 2,000 00 LOMO 00

ChleORO A- East. Illinois It»·, firm coupon U tier rent. 25,000 oo »2.500 00

Mo,, ????. ? Te .?a ? Ily. first -1 percent.'.,'. 25.000 DO 23,750 00Northern Elicine, (¡reni Northern Ity. Joint I per rent.... 2S.000 00 20.000 00

Oregon .Short Line, r'anlclrmtlnjr I per rent. n.noo no 5.520 oo

Pennsylvania Ry. Cotnorlible linoi, au, per rent. 35.500 00 87.375 «I

Second Arenile Ity. ."> per een1. 2f.,0o0 «? 2S.750 Oo

Southern Ity. Co., first r. per rent. m.iyoo «> 11.500 OO

T'luh & Northern Ily. Ilrsl 7 per rent. 20.000 OO 22,·??'? «I

Ellison Eler. Illumliintliii.' Co., Ilrst ? per rent. 10,000 00 11.750«)????. H: Hocking Coal uml l.'oko Co., first ? per cent. 20.000 00 20.««) 00

Western I'nlon Tel. Co.. col. trust ? per rent. 2.O0O 00 2,200 «I

Chi. & Northwestern Ily. pref. 200 shares. SO.noo on ¦18,000 00

I'lil.. Mil. &"St. l'imi Ry, prf. BOO chares. BO.noo Oo 02,500 00Hocking Valley Ry. pfd. 500 shares. 50.000 00 12..",00 no

Illinois Central Ry. 300 shares. 80.000 no Ba.-tfiO 00Pennsylvania Ry. 2,058.shares. 102.050 00 MS.M2 00

Ileiisselner A· Knrnloit« Ity. ciiur. too shares. in.iion on 20.MKMHISouthern Ry. pfil. Boo shires. 50,000 no 15,000 00

Union I'aclllc liy. pfrt. BOO shares. 50.000 00 12 C"'i iv

Central National llanlc loo stiare». ÌO.OOO W) 30,500 00National Hank of Commerce HiO shares. lii.POo Oo KO.OOO.OtlConsolidateli Gas Co., BO finares. B.COO 00IO.««) 00

Tolal par and market value enrrled out at marketvalue. $000,750 00 $1,112.517 00 Ç), 112,3(7 «1

Cash In the company»' principal office. 2 85

Cash belonging to the company In batiji. 20,007 12

Gross premiums (as written In the policies )ln course of collection not more thau

three months due.103.80,'î 7U

Aggregate amount of all assets of the company stated at their actual value-$1,2-11,810 53

LIABILITIES.Gross claims for adjusted and unpaid losses due anil to heroine due. $21,IBI 75Gross losses In process of adjustment or In suspense, Including all report¬

ed and supposed losses. 12 «in 00

Net amount of unpaid losses.;...,. î 05.22!! 76

Gross premium* received and receivable upon alt iinoxplrcd lire risksrumili)« ono year or less from date of policy, Including Interest,premiums on perpetual lire risk*, $:'.2n..V> un-pruod premiums(60 perrent.).$100,201 OS

Gross premiums received unit receivable upon all niic,\plreil tire linksrunning more than ope year from date of policy,$28I.MS 31; un- »

earned preludimi) (prorata). 127.oni 7S

Total lineameli premiums as computed above'..·? 2S7.8S3 "?

Commissions, brokerage nini other charcos due and lo heroin«, duo lo agents und

brokers, on premium» paid and In course of collection. JO, 113« OB

Tolal amount of nil liabilities excepf capllnl stock and not surplus. $ ?5i'%!!·! Al!Joint stock capital actually pubi up In cash. Io' 'r, .

Surplus beyond capital ami nil oilier liabilities._..." ''.¦

Aggregate amount of all llabilllles ineliidlrip paid up capital steri;, and net _'surplus.. $l,_ll,!»10 [.3


Gross premiums anil bills unpaid ut close of last yeur.....* K7.820 ·>7

Net collected..'.'.'-???'?!"? 'i'"lirons, premiums on risks written and renewed during the year.???,?.? ?.?

Total.-,.Deduct gross premiums and bills In course of collection at It

Entire premiums collected din-inn the year. *?}'·'· ,'i1,11,!;!Deduct reinsurance, relíate, ¡ihiitenieiil uml return preniluius..'.. ü._.'!l'..'.".Net rush actually received for premiums.,..:·····,;'.··",",.,' V * SM-0«.· Ul

Received for Interest uml dividends on slocks and bond«, colbileriil loans, and from

....all other sources.>.G.-18,7.1.! OS

I'rollt on sule of lodger iiHsein during tlin year over book vuPics._'V^T.TtiAsmWiitC iimoiint of reeelpls I'.clually p???????'"·'"« tlu> .vein· In cash. :| 4:ts,U)5 til


Eire. I

Gross amouiit actuiilly |miil for lows tliieludliiR $57,001.57 losses .ceni··

lux ill previous vent's) .·.'. «?^?.??. 11(1 hlDeduct nil iiinniiiitii actually re.vlved for salva»,·.· mhcllin· on losses ;·.¦_¦

of Hie lam or of prevlmie yeiii-sj.;····. jLOOT ,1

Net nniiitii'it liiilii diirloi; Ihç y<¡ni· foi· I"*1"'1»·.··· ·,? ···.,·· ·.. 5 Ip/W- IO

Cash dividends iictiuill.»· paid stockholders il'»l»K Um ÏWir. 21.0«) no

l'iild for commission or brnkoriino.... ··¦···· ; · ··.·;/·· ·.·····.· ···,;···,¦¦ 100,225 19

l'iiiil for sai·, rie«, fres, or other chiirKC» of officers, clerks, ngmils und nil oilier

Enld'ïor1 St ?";,'l'invilirli l tisV»' >»' »'»» "'"'' '"''?'''1·' *f*ï..'i \}?.'/.^///,\'^?"]??\'??','. 251055 íl.t

AgBrcEitnamoimt of actual disbursements i|urlii¡· il,,, .»ear lu cash,,.,. ç 852,107 2ß


Risk*written. $ 1,002,828 OO

Premiums received tRi-oss).20.2S8 7S

Lossespaid.·. 21.017 S3

Losses Incurred.-?·'·.,.,.21,701) Í-3

(HlKnod.i Wll, N. KI1E.MER, ['resident.

(Signed.) ('. G, SMITH, Secretary.

before CHARLES EDGAR MILLS. Commissioner.


7 SI. ÌOth Street,, RioSwad \Iq-

GOaL, GOKE and WOODLowur l'hoiio ¿öü. Upper 1'howiíílU