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A daily Devotional




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NKJV-New King James Version A MP -The Amplified Bible

TANT-The Amplified New Translation T L B -The Living Bible

CEV -Contemporary English Version NASB -New American Standard Bible ISV-International Standard Version

NIV-New International Version M S G -The Message Translation WEB-The World English Bible

TNLT-The New Living Translation ASV-American Standard Version

T E V -Today's English Version RSV-Revised Standard Version

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Introduction The Daily Devotional Rhema of Bliss, is aimed at enhancing your personal spiritual

growth and development. The daily devotional message will help in your day-to-day

walk with God and be conscious of His divine presence and His assurance of love and

grace, always.

Start every morning with your prayers, songs and words of praise for God in your

lips. Experience a new beginning, a new break through, a new prayer answered and a

brand new encounter with our awesome God.

Be completely energized with His blessed presence and protection. Gather your fam-

ily members together and have the devotional together as a family.

As you read and meditate on the word of God, you will be empowered with divine

wisdom and knowledge .Your faith in God’s word will deepen your complete trust in

Him. God has a plan for you and which will be revealed as you continue to build up

your relationship with God Almighty.



Read and prayerfully meditate on the message for the day. Pray the prayer aloud.

Allow God to listen to your confessions and your prayer requests. Learn to listen to

God’s responses. Read the given daily scriptures and by doing so, you will be able to

complete reading the whole bible within a year. The scripture reading has been set

aside for reading in the morning and evening before you go to bed.


Through this edition of the Rhema of Bliss, you are in for an exciting life time of

experiencing God’s work in your personal life, in your family, in your business, in your

studies, in your career and in your country. You will enjoy and experience God’s glori-

ous presence and blessings in your daily walk with Him. New break through, New

Victories and an abundance of greater blessing will fill you, always.


A Daily devotional that will change your life forever and will enable you to experi-ence God’s love and His divine blessings always.

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CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS MONDAY DECEMBER 1st…..…………… God Has No Grandchildren TUESDAY DECEMBER 2nd …………………….Unexplainable Power WEDNESDAY DECEMBER3rd ……………………..A Struggling Saint THURSDAY DECEMBER 4th ……………………Weapons of Warfare FRIDAY DECEMBER 5th.……………………...Rise Above Hard Times SATURDAY DECEMBER……………………...6THWe Love By His Life SUNDAY DECEMBER 7th……….………..Relationship, Not Regimen MONDAY DECEMBER 8th……….…………..The Battle Of The Mind TUESDAY DECEMBER 9th……..……………...Saved From Such Men WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 10th.…………..Know Who You Are. Part I THURSDAY DECEMBER 11TH………...Meditate the Scriptures Part II FRIDAY DECEMBER 12th…………..Understand Your Position Part III SATURDAY DECEMBER 13th…………...Keeping An Honest Account SUNDAY DECEMBER 14th…………………………His Power at Work MONDAY DECEMBER 15th………………Seeing Through God's Eyes TUESDAY DECEMBER 16th……….……………….As Quiet As A Child WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17th…………………….He's Always There THURSDAY DECEMBER 18th….………………….Loose Your Donkey FRIDAY DECEMBER 19th…………………………...Be God-Centered SATURDAY DECEMBER 20th………………………...A Time Like This SUNDAY DECEMBER 21st……………………...Be Strong in the Lord MONDAY DECEMBER 22nd…………………………..Paneled Houses TUESDAY DECEMBER 23rd……………………...Hearing God's Voice WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 24th……….………...Let the Story be told THURSDAY DECEMBER 25th….……………………………...Sunlight FRIDAY DECEMBER 26th…….…………..God's Passion For Oneness SATURDAY DECEMBER 27th.………………….The Light To Our Path SUNDAY DECEMBER 28th……………………..Maintaining the Truth MONDAY DECEMBER 29th…………….A Man Who Has God's Favor TUESDAY DECEMBER 30th…………………….How Do You Forgive? WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 31st………………………….You Are Alive

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MONDAY DECEMBER 1st God Has No Grandchildren

Some people might think that because they are the sons of a famous evangelist, pastor, Rev, bishop, it would make their walk with God easier. But while it would be a tremendous privilege to follow in there dad's footsteps, but you had to come to God on your own. It didn't matter how many generations of preachers were in your family or that your mother and daddy were both saved. Until you confessed your sins and accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, you would not have any relationship with God. John 1:12 NIV tells us, to all who received him [Jesus], to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. You could say it this way: God has no grandchildren-only sons and daugh-ters. We must all accept Jesus for ourselves, not rely on the faith of our parents or other people. When we receive the salvation God of-fers, we become His child with all the rights and privileges of a child.

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I come to you on my own, confess-ing that Jesus is lord over my Spirit, my soul, and my body, Jesus has been made unto me wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. He is my lord and sav-ior, he has washed away my sin through his blood on the cross of Calvary, I am a child of God.

Morning 2 Corinthians 5, 6 Evening 2 Corinthians 7, 8

As I receive the salvation God offers, I have all the rights and privileges of His child!

Philippians 2:9-11, 1 Corinthians 1:30

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TUESDAY DECEMBER 2nd Unexplainable Power

"I tell you the truth, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony." - John 3:11 When is the last time God did something in your work life that can only be explained as God? Was it yesterday? Was it just last week? A month ago? A year ago? The answer to this question may mean sev-eral things. If it has been some time since you saw God's activity in such a way that you know it was His hand, you may not be trusting to a level that requires faith. You may not be risking enough for God to show Himself. The con-verts in the early Church changed the world they lived in because of what they saw and heard. It was the power of the gospel that changed lives, not what they learned from mere teaching. This power drew people to Christ. Things happened that could not be explained as anything other than the activity of God. Is that the kind of faith you are experiencing in your life? Many of us live a wholesome, moral life, but those we associate with do not see this activity as anything that cannot also be achieved by themselves. That is why many are not drawn to our lives. God's power is not evi-dent. The Lord has been challenging me to trust Him at levels I have never trusted before. This level of trust has placed me in a vulnerable position. However, the blessing of this relationship is that I see the activity of God as never before, and those close to me see it as well. It builds their faith and draws others to investigate. Sometimes the activity of God comes in unusual ways. God often sets up scenes that appear to be negative on the front end, but God has orchestrated these events for His glory. -Without Pharaoh's pursuit of Israel at the Red Sea, there is no

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Father, I am ready for the demon-strate of your power in my life 2009 that would change my world, I am prepared for the next level, as I look unto 2009, dear God use me mightily for your own glory in Jesus name Amen

Morning 2Corinthians 9, 11 Evening 2Corinthians 12, 13

Me and the children that the lord has given unto me are for signs and wonders from now on in Jesus name.

1 John 4:16, 1 John 5:18

miraculous deliverance. -Without Lazarus's death, there is no rising to life. -Without Goliath, there is no underdog story. -Without Peter stepping out of the boat, there is no miracle on the water. -Without Judas' betrayal, there is no resurrection. God wants to show Himself in ways you and I cannot imagine. Let God demonstrate His power in your workplace today. Then, you will see "all men drawn unto Me."

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WEDNESDAY DECEMBER3rd A Struggling Saint

Romans 7:15 I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am do-ing the very thing I hate Perhaps the most vivid description of the contest with sin which goes on in the life of the believer is found in Romans 7:15-25. In verses 15 and 16, Paul describes the problem: "For that which I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate. But if I do the very thing I do not wish to do, I agree with the Law, confessing that it is good." Notice that there is only one player in these two verses--the "I," men-tioned nine times. Notice also that this person has a good heart; he agrees with the law of God. But this good-hearted Christian has a be-havior problem. He knows what he should be doing but, for some reason, he can't do it. He agrees with God but ends up doing the very things he hates. Verses 17-21 Uncover the reason for this behavior problem: "So now, no longer am I the one doing it, but sin which indwells me. . . . If I am doing the very thing I do not wish, I am no longer the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me." How many players are involved now? Two: sin and me. But sin is clearly not me; it's only dwelling in me. Sin is preventing me from doing what I want to do. Do these verses say that I am no good, that I am evil, or that I am sin? Absolutely not. They say that I have something dwelling in me which is no good, evil, and sinful, but it's not me. If I have a sliver in my fin-ger, I could say that I have something in me which is no good. But it's not me who's no good. I'm not the sliver. The sliver which is stuck in my finger is no good. I am not sin and I am not a sinner. I am a saint struggling with sin which causes me to do what I don't want to do.

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Thank You, Lord, that I don't have to sin. You made it possible for me to control sin's power over me. You delivered me from the wages of sin and blessed me with the gift of eternal life in Christ.

Morning Galatians 1, 2 Evening Galatians 3

I reign in life through Christ Je-sus; the spirit of God in me is the antidote that kills every sin-ful nature in me

Galatians 4:1 Ephesians 2:6

Romans 6:12 informs us that it is our responsibility not to allow sin to reign in our lives. Sin will reign if we use our bodies as instruments of unrighteousness (Romans 6:13). We must renounce every such use and submit our bodies to God as instruments of righteousness.

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THURSDAY DECEMBER 4th Weapons of Warfare

"Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears." - Joel 3:10a In this third chapter of Joel, we hear the prophet describe a time yet to come. It will be a time of great harvest on the earth, and this verse describes the catalyst. A plowshare is an agricultural instrument used to till the soil. At this point in history, it was a tool that spoke of one's vocation. However, the prophet was speaking of a time yet to come. The prophet described the plowshare as an instrument that will be turned into a sword. The sword is often used in the Bible to describe God's Word. The only way a plowshare can be turned into a sword is for it to go through extreme heat, and then the blacksmith must beat that plowshare into shape. Heat and punishment of the metal turns that plowshare into an instrument of battle. God must do this in each of our lives in order for us to be useable as a worthy sword. We are all in a battle - a spiritual battle. Paul describes our battle as one against the principalities of the unseen world. I believe God is go-ing to raise up many in the workplace to use their plowshare as a weapon of righteousness in these last days. That weapon won't be used for destruction, but as a weapon of love. That weapon of love will yield a great harvest in our lifetime. But this is only part of the story. God is also going to turn our pruning hooks into spears. A pruning hook is used in two ways. First, it is used to prune a tree for greater growth and productivity. It is also used to cut the fruit from taller trees in which one cannot reach the fruit. This fruit from our vocation is going to be cast forth like a spear, but even more as seed planted to bring the harvest of which Joel speaks. Fruit from our work life is

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Father, I make myself available to be used for your glory

John 15:7,8 2 Corinthians 5:21

Jesus, You are the Son of God, and I will never stop trusting You. You are my high Priest, and you under-stand my weaknesses. So I come boldly to the throne of my gracious God. There I receive mercy and find grace to help when I need it. When I produce much fruit it brings great glory to my father , the father of my lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Morning Galatians 4 Evening Galatians 5, 6

often the financial rewards generated. God wants to use our finances and everything else for His purposes. We must use our vocations and the fruit that comes from them as seed to bring the great harvest that God is planning. How are you us-ing your plowshare and your pruning hook for God's glory today? Ask God to show you how He wants to use your skills, resources, and rela-tionships to prepare for the great harvest He has planned.

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FRIDAY DECEMBER 5TH Rise Above Hard Times

I believe that if there is another name for life, it’s's's sickness and's's financial's fear and anxiety. But if there is another name for Jesus Christ, it's hope, it's faith. It's power to change things in your life. It's salvation. It's deliverance. There is a way to rise above hard times, and the first step is up to you. 1. Get into a right relationship with God. Talk to the Lord right out of your heart. Tell Him everything that's go-ing on in your life. If you have failed to put Him first, tell Him. If sin is your constant companion, confess it to Him. With all honesty, tell Him how you feel, how scared you are, how frustrated or depressed you are. Then look to Him as your Source. 2. Ask God to forgive you of your sins. Be brave about asking God for another chance. The salvation of your soul is more important than anything else in your life. Sin is a huge load on your inner man that can actually make you physically ill. When you give your sins to God, He can save your life. First John 1:9 says, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Ask God to forgive you, and He will. 3. Open up yourself to let Jesus dwell in you. How do you do this? By starting to give of your whole self on a daily basis. Do it every day, and do it with joy. Why? Because what you give is a seed you sow for God to use to help others and then to multiply back in the form of your own deepest needs (Galatians 6:7).

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Father, I will not draw back or shrink in fear, for then your soul would have no delight or pleasure in me. I was bought for a price, purchased with preciousness and paid for, made your own. So, then, I honor you, lord, and bring glory to You in my body. I called on you in the day of trouble; you deliv-ered me, and I shall honor and glo-rify You at all time in Jesus name

Morning Ephesians 1, 2 Evening Ephesians 3

Being in right relationship with God enables me to rise above the hard times in life

Ephesians 4:15 Colossians 3:17

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I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me. So I live my life in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. (Galatians 2:20 NLT) When Jesus commands us to do something, he knows we cannot do it unless we are empowered by him – and so he joins his life with the Holy Spirit within us. Thus, “Christ lives in me.” This new life within will take us where thoughts or feelings never will; it will enable us more than information or willpower ever can. We re-ceive the love and life of Jesus, and he says, “Go and do the same.” As awesome and costly and everlasting as the Gospel is, it’s also this simple: We are transformed by the life of Christ released within us, and now we’re to show and tell others how Christ can live in them. And isn’t it true that, for a while, this seems to be the easiest and most natural thing we’ve ever done? We get love from Jesus, and then we turn around and give it away to others. But then, after a while, we find it gets more difficult. Old habits re-turn. Memories come back, and the emotions attached to them emerge in ways that cause us to stumble or feel defeated. No matter how hard we try, some days sheer willpower isn’t enough to be the new creation God says we are. And so we try harder, and things just get worse. But God is relentless in his command to “love each other in the same way I have loved you” – personal and up-close, meeting needs of un-deserving others, not attacking their faults. This is God driving us away from the self-generated, “try harder” love into his love that is freely given.

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Father in Jesus name, I thank you that the love of God has been poured forth into my heart by the Holy Spirit who has been given to me. I kept and treasure your word. The love of and for you, Fa-ther, has been perfected and com-pleted in me; and perfect love casts out all fear. Your love makes my life complete in Jesus name Amen

Morning Ephesians 4, 5 Evening Ephesians 6

Father I am Your child, and I commit to walk in the God kind of love.

1 John 2:5 1John 4:18

This is where the Spirit of Love - himself - is able to teach us. “Not I, but Christ.” We begin to see it is no longer “just I” doing the loving – that would be life under the Law. Success would bring self-commendation; fail-ure would produce self-condemnation. We learn to say in faith: “I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me. So I live my life in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20 NLT) What does this mean? Personal love – Since God’s love is personal, it must be personalized as us. God’s love becomes personal and mean-ingful to others when we allow God to touch them through us.

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I Thrive

I am infused with energy and ready for this day. God is the source from which all the resources for my wholeness flow. Knowing this, I affirm: I am infused with energy and ready for this day. I thrive as my thoughts and affirmations of well-being bless me and support my ongoing health. God is sustenance without end. Provided for, cared for, and inspired by this holy presence, I make healthful choices that reinforce my thriving mind and body. At ease in Gods everlasting love, I trust, discern, and act on divinely inspired ideas. All that I need for my health is provided. I eagerly ac-cept this holy provision as I live my life with energy and enthusiasm. My healing flows from God, the source of all good, and I thrive. But they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing. Ezekiel 47:12

INTEGRITY "Teacher, we know you are a man of integrity." Mark 12:14

FROM THE FATHER'S HEART My child, My words will never pass away. Take time each day to listen to My heart's cry through Scripture. You will see that I have kept all My promises. I always will. I made them for you, and for every one of My children. You can rely on My Word--and on My integrity.

A GRATEFUL RESPONSE Lord, how comforting to know You never lie. You speak not to tickle our ears but to prick our hearts. What others say does not sway Your words of truth. I can rely on You, Lord, in every situation to speak truthfully and to act with integrity. You are always the same.

SIMPLE TRUTH Integrity is when you spend as much time on the backyard as you do on the front.

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Psalm 19:7 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The church conference was going along fairly well. Plans were be-ing made, new officers were elected, and proposals were abound-ing. Business was getting done. Elaine sat back and watched the proceedings with a sense of awe and disappointment. She knew she was new to church policy and planning, but she still felt that God should have a place in it all. No one seemed to be talking much about Him. What good was a church without God? Finally, when could stand it not longer, she stood up to address the planning board. She expressed her concern, and a hush fell over the group. It seemed that the absence of God from the conference hadn't dawned on anyone else. From that moment on, the confer-ence took on a different feel, and all agreed it was one of the best ever. We may not always have the most information or the best back-ground, but we know that nothing of real value can occur apart from the Lord. When God is present, souls are converted, the sim-ple are made wise, and miracles begin to happen. Remember the Lord in all that you do. Prayer: As I plan my days and my weeks, Lord, be a central part of

all I do. Be with me to decide what is best. Guide me by Your will

and Your Spirit. Amen.

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SUNDAY DECEMBER 7th Relationship, Not Regimen

Romans 8:2 The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death Walking according to the Spirit is more a relationship than a regimen. Think about your marriage as an illustration. You may have started out relying on some rules for effective communication, meeting each other's sexual needs, etc. But if after several years you can't even talk to each other or make love without following an outline or list of steps, your marriage is still in infancy. The goal of a marriage is to de-velop a relationship which supersedes rules. Or think about prayer. Perhaps you learned to pray using the simple acrostic ACTS: adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication. But if you have been a Christian for a few years and your prayer life is no deeper than an acrostic, you've missed the point of prayer. Prayer is not a formula; it's the language of your relationship with God. Simi-larly, walking in the Spirit is essentially a relationship with the indwell-ing Spirit which defies quantification. Even though Scripture doesn't give us a formula, it does help us see what the Spirit-filled walk is and what it is not. Helpful parameters are found in Galatians 5:16-18: "Walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law." So how do you walk by the Spirit? If I answered by giving you a rigid formula, I would be putting you back under the law. The Spirit is not an "it"; the Holy Spirit is a "He"--a person. Walking by the Spirit is a

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Thank you Holy Spirit, for directing me and illuminating my mind. You lead me in the way I should go in all the affairs of my life. You lead me by a inward witness that the eyes of my understanding are be-ing enlightened, wisdom is in my inward parts. God’s love is per-fected in me. I have an unction from the Holy one

Morning Philippians 1-2 Evening Philippians 3-4

Father, thank You that my life in You is a relationship, not a set of rules.

Ephesians 1:18, 1John 2:20

relationship issue, not a legal issue or ritualistic exercise. It is a walk with God.

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MONDAY DECEMBER 8th The Battle Of The Mind

Romans 7:25; 8:1 Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! . . . There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus Romans 7:22, 23, pinpoints the battleground for the contest between me and sin: "For I joyfully concur with the law of God in the inner man, but I see a different law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind, and making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members." Where does my desire to do what's right inside? Paul uses the phrase "the inner man," referring to my new self where my spirit and God's Spirit are in union. This is the eternal part of me. And where does sin wage its war to keep me from doing what I really want to do? In the physical members of my body (James 4:1). Sin operates through my flesh that learned independence that continues to promote rebellion against God. This is the temporal part of me. Where then do these two opponents wage war (Galatians 5:17)? The battleground is my mind. That's why it is so important that we learn how to renew our minds (Romans 12:2) and to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corin-thians 10:5). Paul concluded his description of the contest between sin and the new self with the exclamation: "Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?" (Romans 7:24). Notice that he didn't say, "Sinful man that I am !" Wretched means miserable, and there is no one more miserable than the person who has allowed sin to reign in his mortal body. If we use our bodies as instruments of unrighteousness, we give the devil an opportunity in our lives, and he brings only misery.

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Lord your searchlight penetrates my human spirit, exposing every hidden motive. You actually gave me your Spirit (not the world’s spirit) so I can know the wonder-ful things you have given me. I am a child of God, born of the Spirit of God, filled with the Spirit of God, and led by the Spirit of God. I lis-ten to my heart as I look to the Spirit inside me.

Morning Colossians 1, 2 Evening Colossians 3, 4

Thank You, Jesus, for knowing me, understanding me, and pro-vide for me a way of escape in every possible temptation.

Ephesians 5:18 Isaiah 48: 17

The good news is that Romans 7:24 is followed by Romans 7:25 and Romans 8:1: "Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! . . . There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." The battle for the mind is a winnable war.

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"Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears." - Joel 3:10a In this third chapter of Joel, we hear the prophet describe a time yet to come. It will be a time of great harvest on the earth, and this verse describes the catalyst. A plowshare is an agricultural instru-ment used to till the soil. At this point in history, it was a tool that spoke of one's vocation. However, the prophet was speaking of a time yet to come. The prophet described the plowshare as an instrument that will be turned into a sword. The sword is often used in the Bible to de-scribe God's Word. The only way a plowshare can be turned into a sword is for it to go through extreme heat, and then the black-smith must beat that plowshare into shape. Heat and punishment of the metal turns that plowshare into an instrument of battle. God must do this in each of our lives in order for us to be useable as a worthy sword. We are all in a battle - a spiritual battle. Paul describes our battle as one against the princi-palities of the unseen world. I believe God is going to raise up many in the workplace to use their plowshare as a weapon of righteousness in these last days. That weapon won't be used for destruction, but as a weapon of love. That weapon of love will yield a great harvest in our lifetime. But this is only part of the story. God is also going to turn our pruning hooks into spears. A pruning hook is used in two ways. First, it is used to prune a tree for greater growth and productivity. It is also used to cut the fruit from taller trees in which one cannot reach the fruit. This fruit from our vocation is going to be cast forth like a spear, but even

TUESDAY DECEMBER 9th Saved From Such Men

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Father in the name of Jesus, I look carefully to how I walk! I live pur-posefully and worthy and accu-rately, not as unwise and witless, but as wise, sensible, intelligent person, making the very most of my time, buying up every opportu-nity. Amen

Morning 1 Thessalonians 1, 2 Evening 1 Thessalonians 3, 4, 5

I am God’s workmanship cre-ated for his good work

Ephesians 5:15, 16 2 Corinthians 5:21

more as seed planted to bring the harvest of which Joel speaks. Fruit from our work life is often the financial rewards generated. God wants to use our finances and everything else for His purposes. We must use our vocations and the fruit that comes from them as seed to bring the great harvest that God is planning. How are you using your plowshare and your pruning hook for God's glory today? Ask God to show you how He wants to use your skills, resources, and relationships to prepare for the great harvest He has planned.

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These are exciting times that we are living in! I believe we may not be far away from the second coming of Christ. And that means you and I could be God's end-time army, the ones who are here to usher in the return of Jesus. In these days I believe that a very important part of our work as Christians is prayer. John Wesley said, "It seems that God does nothing on earth except a man ask him." That's because the born-again person is a new creature, a brand-new species to whom Je-sus has given His authority (II Corinthians 5:17, Luke 10:19). God needs us at this time in history to be the church of the living God and let Him move through us. As we yield ourselves, we can learn to work together with Him in prayer so that His purposes can be accomplished in the earth. I believe the most important thing we have to know when we pray is who we are in Christ. We need to know what we have and what we can do as the children of God. And we know that by meditating the Word of God. First Corinthians 12:27 NIV says, Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. That means we are in Him. We need to look into His Word until we see ourselves that way. When you know who you are in Christ, you can walk on this earth seeing what God wants you to see and hearing what God wants you to hear. You're not a weak sinner saved by grace; you are the temple of the living God (I Corinthians 6:19), and you can take your authority in the name of Jesus and cause the devil to flee in fear!

WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 10th Know Who You Are. Part I

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I am the body of Christ and satan has no power over me. For I over-come evil with good. I am of God and have overcome satan. For greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. I will fear no evil for Thou art with me Lord, Your Word and Your Spirit they comfort me. I am far from oppres-sion, and fear does not come nigh me. No weapon formed against me shall prosper, for my right-eousness is of the Lord. But what-ever I do will prosper for I'm like a tree that's planted by the rivers of water. I am delivered from the evils of this present world for it is the will of God concerning me. No evil will befall me neither shall plague come nigh my dwelling. For the Lord has given His angels charge over me and they keep me in all my ways, and in my pathway is life and there is no death.

Morning 2 Thessalonians 1 Evening 2 Thessalonians 2, 3

I am the temple of the living God, and I take authority over the devil in Jesus' name.

James 1:5,6 Proverbs 2:2

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Years ago I heard about an amazing revelation that a godly Chris-tian woman received. It helped me tremendously in understanding how I can learn who I am in Christ. In this revelation, the eyes of the woman's spirit were opened to see how the heavenly Father had trained Jesus when He was a child. God led Jesus to study the Word and see what the prophets of old had said. Isaiah 50:4 says, The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary: he wakeneth morning by morning, he wak-eneth mine ear to hear as the learned. Imagine a picture of God the Father waking Jesus every morning to open His ears and teach Him who He was and what He was to accomplish. The Bible gives us only limited pictures of what Jesus was like as He grew to be a man. But we can catch a glimpse of it in Luke 2:47. As a child of twelve, Jesus was found by Mary and Joseph teaching the elders in the temple, and they were astonished at his under-standing and answers. In her vision, Jesus told this godly woman, "I never laid My head on the pillow at night without meditating the Scriptures and seeing who I was in my Father's Word." Jesus saw who He was when He meditated the Scripture. And this is exactly how you and I can see who we are in Him!

THURSDAY DECEMBER 11th Meditate the Scriptures Part II

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Father God, I only desire Your will. I want to walk in a manner pleas-ing to You. Holy Spirit, I surrender to You. My heart is to follow You. I want to know what brings joy to Your heart Lord. what would you have me to do today that would please You? Perfect me Lord. Spirit of the loving God, I want to live for Jesus today.

Morning 1 Timothy 1, 2, 3 Evening 1 Timothy 4, 5, 6

As I meditate the Scriptures, as Jesus did, I learn to know who I am in Him

Ephesians 5:19 , I Corinthians 1:30

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You and I don't have to learn how to meditate God's Word. We al-ready know how. It's the same thing we do when we worry. Worry is negative meditation-letting our thoughts dwell on our problem and going over it again and again in our minds. Then it comes out in our words. But instead of thinking on what our feelings or circumstances say, we can think about what God says in His Word! We can concentrate on who we are in Christ and take our position in Him. The New Testament is full of Scripture that tells us who we are in Christ. Ephesians 2:5,6 NKJV says, Even when we were dead in tres-passes, [God] made us alive together with Christ...and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. That is our position in prayer-not outside, storming the gates of heaven. We're in Christ, seated in the Holy of Holies at the right hand of the Father! It helps to know where you're coming from when you pray. When you understand your position, you don't have to beg God. When you sit next to the Father, you will say what the Father would say and you see what the Father shows you. This is not a place of pride; it's a place of humility. It doesn't make you prideful; it makes you positioned. When you know that in God your position is far above all principalities and powers, you're not afraid of the devil. Instead of letting the devil chase you, you can go after him and chase him out in the name of Jesus!

FRIDAY DECEMBER 12th Understand Your Position Part III

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I am a new creation in Christ, and I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Therefore, I have the mind of Christ and the wisdom of Christ is formed within me. I have put off the old man and have put on the new man, which is renewed in the knowledge after the image of Him that created me. I have re-ceived the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of my understanding being enlightened

Morning 2 Timothy 1, 2 Evening 2 Timothy 3, 4

My position in Christ is one of authority and power over the devil and anything he brings against me.

2 Corinthians 5:17-19, 2 Corinthians 4:13

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I John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us We deceive ourselves when we say we have no sin. The Scripture doesn't say that we are sin; it says that it is possible for us to sin and for sin to reside in our mortal bodies (Romans 6:12). We are not sinless saints; we are saints who sin. It's important to keep honest account of our failures and pick up our cross daily. When we become aware of a discrepancy between our identity and our behavior, we must confess it and deal with it. The person who deceives himself by ignoring these sinful discrepancies and allowing them to build up is headed for a great fall. Living in the light, holding ourselves accountable to God, and con-fessing and dealing with sin on a daily basis prevents the major spiritual crises from building up in our lives. If we keep saying, "I don't have any sin," or if we fail to acknowledge our shortcomings and settle our differences with people as God convicts us of them, we're in for "the big one." We will eventually lose our health, our family, our job, or our friendships. Unacknowledged sin is like a cancer which will grow to consume us.

SATURDAY DECEMBER 13th Keeping An Honest Account

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Father, I confess my sins; You are faithful and just to forgive me my sins and to cleans me from all un-righteous. Jesus has been made unto me wisdom righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. I submit myself of my old, unre-newed self and put on the new, changing whatever needs to be changed in life in Jesus name Amen.

Morning Titus 1 Evening Titus 2, 3

Lord, I know Your guidance is for my benefit. I refuse to allow stubbornness and pride to ren-der me insensitive to Your nudges and warnings in my life today

Ephesians 4:22-24 Isaiah 1:16,17

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PROTECTED God is present, and all is well. Wherever I am, God is.” These are pow-erful words from the “Prayer for Protection” that both begin and end my day. I pray knowing that the Creator is all powerful and every-where present with me and my family, with my friends and neighbors. God is present with all people adults and children the world over. I envision the men and women who are serving their countries as safe in every situation. Assured of God’s presence, I send my children to school, leave the home of a loved one, or watch a friend depart on a long trip, knowing that God is with each one of us. The power of God protects us; and wherever we are, God is, and all is well. You are a hiding place for me; you preserve me from trouble; you sur-round me with glad cries of deliverance. Psalm 32:7

RESTORER Restore us to yourself, O Lord, that we may return; renew our days as of old. Lamentations 5:21

FROM THE FATHER'S HEART My child, don't you know I am not finished with you yet? Of course there is hope for you. I have plans for you that you don't even know about yet. Your failures can be stepping-stones to success, if you will let Me restore and draw you to Myself again. I cast no one away who comes to Me in brokenness and repentance. You may never under-stand a love like that. Just accept it as a gift from your loving Father.

A GRATEFUL RESPONSE Each time I step backward, You push me forward again. You take me as a master restorer would an old piece of fine furniture covered with streaks of paint and dust, retrieved from its attic burial place, and re-store, polish, and renew my dull spirit. Even when I want to, You won't let me quit. I praise You for Your restoration, Lord.

SIMPLE TRUTH There are no "has been" in God's kingdom--only "can becomes."

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Psalm 19:9 The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. Patty always laughed whenever anyone tried to tell her that what she did was sinful. She would mock her friends, telling them they sounded like old ladies. Gwen couldn't understand how Patty could do the things she did and still call herself a Christian. Gwen was sur-prised to see Patty standing at her door in tears. Patty had begun to wake up to the fact that she really was living a wrong life-style. The more she thought about it, the worse she felt. She hoped that Gwen could help her. Gwen told her that she was already on the right track to finding help. Realizing that what you do is wrong is the first step. Fearing what might happen because of what you do is the next step. Fear can be a healthy thing for us when it forces us to clean up our lives and walk the straight path. Once on the right path, we can leave fear behind, for nothing can harm us once we are in the Lord's camp. God's judgments are righteous and true, and He will always help us make the changes that allow u s to clean up our lives, if we will only ask Him to. Prayer: I need to respect You more, Lord. I need to be reminded

that Your way is the only way, so that I won't be so tempted to

stray. Be with me to guide me. Amen.

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Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us…” (Ephesians 3:20). God is able to do more than you could ever ask or imagine! But no-tice that this verse says it’s according to the power that is at work within you. How does God’s power work within you? God’s power works in you when you are walking in love. God’s power is at work in you when you choose to forgive those who have wronged you. God’s power is at work in you when you bow before Him with a humble heart. He is at work in you when you are serving others by putting their needs above your own. Remember, God wants to move on your behalf. He loves to bless you! Choose today to let God’s power work in and through you! As you allow Him to work in your life, He promises blessing beyond your wildest dreams! He will do immeas-urably more than you can ask or imagine. He’ll cause you to live the abundant life He has in store for you!

SUNDAY DECEMBER 14th His Power at Work

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Father in Heaven, thank You for choosing to bless me. I invite You to work in my life today. Show me how to walk in Your love so that Your power will flow through me today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Morning Philemon 1

Father I lean on your strength all the time, because my ability to overcome is in your strength. You have good things reserved for my future. All my needs are met according to your riches in glory . I will replace my worry for my family with asking You to protect and care for us all in Je-sus name Amen.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 Philippians 4:19

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"They mourned and wept and fasted till evening for Saul and his son Jonathan, and for the army of the Lord and the house of Is-rael, because they had fallen by the sword." - 2 Samuel 1:12 How would you respond if you heard something bad happened to someone who had been trying to cut off your head for several years? King Saul had been seeking to kill David for many years be-fore Saul was thrust into battle against the Amalekites. In this final battle, a sword killed Saul. When the news reached David, instead of rejoicing that his enemy was no longer a problem for him, he responded in a totally different manner. He mourned. Imagine that; he mourned for the one who sought to kill him. This is a sign of one who can look past an individual who is the source of pain and consider how God views him. God looks on that individual and sees his needs and knows why he responds the way he does. When we begin to see people as God does, we'll no longer look at them as enemies, but as souls in need of grace. This is how Jesus could give of His life for us. He saw our great need, not what we did to Him. When someone wrongs you, do you seek to retaliate, or do you pray to understand the need behind the of-fender's actions? For several years a person was a source of con-stant pain and retaliation toward me. There was nothing I could do to change it. God allowed me to go beyond the person's actions to understand what was the source of his need. When I gained that understand-ing, God gave me a picture of this person inside a prison cell and in bondage. This bondage made him respond to life in this way. I was able to pray for him and genuinely love him in spite of the fact that he persecuted me. This is the kind of love Jesus wants us to have

MONDAY DECEMBER 15th Seeing Through God's Eyes

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My battle is my testing ground of victory, because I believe in the strength of Jesus over my battles .

I Peter 5:7 Romans 12:1-2

when He tells us to love our enemies and pray for those who spite-fully use us. I believe God does a special work of grace in those who go beyond the realm of normal response to persecution. He brings us to a level of grace we never thought possible. Describing how God worked in Joseph's life, Francis Frangipane reveals what happens when we tap into this grace: God made him fruitful in the very things that afflicted him. In the land of your affliction, in your battle, is the place where God will make you fruitful. Consider, even now, the area of greatest affliction in your life. In that area, God will make you fruitful in such a way that your heart will be fully satisfied, and God's heart fully glorified. God has not promised to keep us from valleys and sufferings, but to make us fruit-ful in them.

Father, I live for you day after day, that the love Jesus portrait at the cross by dying for me ,would over power my weakness and place me in a place of forgiveness just as he forgive me at the cross of Calvary in Jesus name Amen

Morning Hebrews 1, 2 Evening Hebrews 3, 4

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I don't concern myself with matters too great or awesome for me. But I have stilled and quieted myself, just as a small child is quiet with its mother. Yes, like a small child is my soul within me. O Israel, put your hope in the LORD — now and always. (Psalms 131:1b-3 NLT) Today’s devotional actually comes from a friend, a godly woman and serious prayer warrior. She e-mailed this morning, saying she’d been thinking the peace of God that passes all understanding. She said she’d spent some time meditating on Psalm 131 – · Verse 1b – “… I don't concern myself with matters too great or awesome for me ….” We are free to live out our purpose when we relinquish control of the things that don’t belong to us in the first place, such as worry about things over which we have no control, or trying to control something we have no business trying to con-trol. · Verse 2 – “But I have stilled and quieted myself, just as a small child is quiet with its mother ….” I trust, even when the outcome seems a long way away. A nursing child wants attention now, but weaned child trusts and is content to wait. · Verse 3 – “… Put your hope in the LORD — now and always.” We hope in the Lord with confident expectation. In other words, we truly believe he will answer our prayers, that he will respond, that he will get us through. You can declare confidently that the Lord will pave your way and walk with you and keep your feet from stumbling. He’s done it before, and he’ll do it again! Praise God for his peace! It is through his peace that we can do all things – and endure so much. It is a peace that passes all understanding.

TUESDAY DECEMBER 16th As Quiet As A Child

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Dear God my confident is in you, in all things, have leaned to give thanks, because you are working all things out for my good, I pray this morning for you to supply, for you to protect, for you to bless my day, for you to perfect my ways, for you to change whatever needs changes in my life today, in Jesus name Amen.

Morning Hebrews 5 Evening Hebrews 6, 7

Father my demand for success is immediate, but dear lord do what is pleasing in your eyes for me today for all my hope is in you.

1 Corinthians 6:20, Colossians 3:2

Overly concerned – Is your peace undermined because you’re con-cerned about matters that are not even your responsibility? Or a mat-ter over which you have absolutely no control? Ask God what should be on your "responsibility" list; ask him what items you should re-move from your list. Psalm 131:1b – “I don't concern myself with mat-ters too great or awesome for me.” Prayer, but delayed gratification – Are you at peace because you have learned to trust God and wait? If not, ask God to reveal what makes you demand an immediate answer from him, and talk to him about what he reveals. Ask God to help you learn to trust him – and to wait. Psalm 131:2 – “But I have stilled and quieted myself, just as a small child is quiet with its mother. Yes, like a small child is my soul within me.” Confident expectation – When you say you hope in the Lord, then really hope in the Lord. Expect him to come through for you – at just the right time in just the right way. Psalm 131:3 – “O Israel, put your hope in the LORD — now and always.”

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WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17th He's Always There

Matthew 28:20 I am with you always, even to the end of the age I counseled a Christian young woman who was languishing in deep spiritual, mental and emotional torment. She wrote: Dear God, Where is You? How can You watch and not help me? I hurt so bad, and You don't even care. If You cared You'd make it stop or let me die. I love You, but You seem so far away. I can't hear You or feel You or see You, but I'm supposed to believe You're here. Lord, I feel them and hear them. They are here. I know You're real, God, but they are more real to me right now. Please make someone believe me, Lord. Why won't You make it stop? Please, Lord, please! If You love me You'll let me die. A Lost Sheep. Many Christians I deal with are filled with such con-fusion that their daily walk with Christ is unfulfilling and unproduc-tive. When they try to pray, they begin thinking about a million things they should be doing. When they sit down to read the Bible, they can't concentrate. When they have an opportunity to serve the Lord in some way, they are brought up short by discouraging thoughts of self-doubt. Having found freedom, "The Lord Sheep" penned a response to her own prayer based on her new understanding of God's provi-sion in Christ. My Dear Lost Sheep, You ask Me where I am. My child, I am with you and I always will be. You are weak, but in Me you are strong. I am so close that I feel everything you feel. Be crucified with Me and I will live in you, and you shall live with Me. I will direct you in paths of righteousness. My child, I love you and I will never forsake you, for you are truly Mine. Love, God

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Father, when I feel that my life is spiraling out of control, I bind my mind to the mind of Christ, and my emotion to the control of the Holy Spirit, I loose my mind from obses-sive thought and feelings patterns that try to confuse me, so that you will becomes more real to me than anything, help me to over-come my burden always in Jesus name Amen.

Morning Hebrews 8 Evening Hebrews 9, 10

My Loving Shepherd Jesus Christ, thank You for tending me and feeding me daily, show-ing me that I am precious to You

I Timothy 2:2, James 4:7

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..."Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a don-key tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to Me. If anyone says anything to you, tell him that the Lord needs them...." - Matthew 21:2-3 A donkey was an animal of commerce in Jesus' day. It was used to carry great burdens of goods from place to place and it was known as the "beast of the burden." The donkey in Matthew 21 was surely owned by a village workplace believer. But Jesus told His disciples to fetch the donkey for "He had need of it." This donkey played an important part in Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It was a day that was the culmination of three years of ministry. Jesus chose to use a vehicle of commerce to bring Him into His most im-portant public display. We are entering a time in our own history in which God is saying to workplace believers, "Loose your donkey for My purposes. I have need of it." God is preparing His Church to be a vessel for ushering in a great harvest of souls. He is preparing His remnant of work-place believers, who are like a tribe within the Church, to be a ma-jor force in this great harvest. "He will tether his donkey to a vine, his colt to the choicest branch; he will wash his garments in wine, his robes in the blood of grapes. His eyes will be darker than wine, his teeth whiter than milk" (Gen. 49:11-12). Is your donkey tied to the living Vine, the choicest branch of Jesus Himself? When we are tied to the living Vine, designed for His use, we will be useful in God's Kingdom. Jesus wants to free us from the bondage of work slavery; He wants us to walk in freedom so that others may see God's grace flowing through us and our place in the work world.

THURSDAY DECEMBER 18th Loose Your Donkey

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Father, I ask for the vine to flow through my branches today, that your life that produces good things would continue to increase in me and help me to grow richly in you in Jesus name Amen.

Morning Hebrews 11 Evening Hebrews 12, 13

Father make me grow to be a major force to the world great revival and end time harvest.

Proverbs 22:4 Colossians 3:12-15

Is your donkey available for His use? Today, ask Jesus to allow the Vine to flow through you in every area of your life.

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Luke 9:1, 2 He [Jesus] called the twelve together, and gave them power and authority over all the demons, and to heal diseases. And He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God, and to perform healing . Notice how Jesus equipped His disciples for ministry. He knew that when they began preaching the kingdom of God and healing the sick, demonic powers would bring opposition. So He specifically gave them power and authority over demons. Later Jesus sent out 70 of His followers on a similar mission, and they "returned with joy, saying 'Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name'" Luke 10:17). These missionaries were spiritu-ally in tune enough to know that demons existed and that they were a force to be reckoned with in their ministry. Jesus' followers had been eyewitnesses as the evil spirits opposed the Master, and they probably anticipated the same treatment. Perhaps they even started out on their mission with pangs of fear and doubt about encountering demonic resistance. But they came back astonished at the victory they experienced over evil spirits. But Jesus quickly brought the issue of spiritual conflicts into per-spective: "Do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven" (Luke 10:20). Jesus sent out the 70 to preach the gospel and to heal, but all they could talk about when they came back was how they sent the de-mons running. "Don't be demon-centered," Jesus replied. "Be kingdom-centered, be ministry-centered, be God-centered." That's a good warning. As you learn to exercise authority over the kingdom of darkness in your life and in the lives of others, you may

FRIDAY DECEMBER 19th Be God-Centered

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Lord, Your light is strong enough to overcome the deepest dark-ness in my home, in my finance, in my family, in my business. Praise You in Jesus name Amen!

Morning James 1, 2 Evening James 3, 4, 5

Father I want to seek you with all I have forever and ever Amen.

1 John 4:6 1 John 5: 5

be tempted to see yourself as some kind of spiritual freedom fighter, looking for demons behind every door. But it's truth which sets you free, not the knowledge of error. You are not called to dispel the darkness; you are called to turn on the light. You would have no authority at all if it weren't for your identity as a child of God and your position in Christ.

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Esther 4:14 "Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this? The Old Testament book of Esther is a wonderful love story—a story of what God did in the life of a woman to literally save a na-tion. Esther was a Jew who was plucked out of obscurity through an unusual chain of events and made queen over the kingdom. Meanwhile, a wicked man named Haman had been devising a plot to put to death the 15 million Jews in that kingdom. So Mordecai, Esther's uncle, came to the palace, wanting Esther to use her influ-ence to help her people. He sent word to Esther, "Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king's palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your fa-ther's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:13–14). Wherever you may find yourself today, know that God has put you where you are for such a time as this. He has put you in that job or at that school. He has put you in that neighborhood. There are op-portunities to seize. You need to take hold of them. Yet the dilemma of Esther is similar to that of many believers to-day. They have been delivered from sin. They have found safety in the church. And they have grown lazy. They have no vision. Of course, the devil is happy with this, because that is exactly how he wants Christians to live.


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Thank You, Father for imprinting Your laws upon my heart and in-scribing them on my mind and on my inmost thought and under-standing. According to Your Word, as I would like and desire that men would do to me, I do exactly so to them, in Jesus name Amen.

Morning 1 Peter 1 Evening 1 Peter 2

I desire to imitate my heavenly father, for it is best for me to be like him.

Luke 6:31 Philippians 2:4

Be a complacent, apathetic Christian, and the devil will be generally pleased, but when you know the purpose and vision of God over your life, you will be fulfilled and profiting for God’s glory.

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I forgive, and a new world of joy and peace opens to me. Centering my thoughts on the presence of God, I hold high expecta-tions for the day that is unfolding. Yet what do I do when someone appears to challenge the fulfillment of my expectations? This is the perfect opportunity for me to practice one of Jesus teach-ings, which is to forgive. Jesus told his followers to forgive: I say not unto thee, until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven. I remind myself that practicing forgiveness can be an everyday activity. In prayer, I clean any feelings of unforgiveness from the slate of my heart. I forgive others, and I also forgive myself. Following the path of forgiveness, I open a whole new world of joy and peace to myself and the people around me. Then Peter came and said to him, Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times? Matthew 18:21

WATCHFULNESS He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. Psalm 121:3-4

FROM THE FATHER'S HEART My child, injustice has filled the world from the time sin first entered its gates. But I have not abdicated My throne. I have not abandoned My plans. Nothing escapes My eyes. One day, all things will be made right. All scores will be settled. And although you may suffer wrongs, remember that I did, too. I am always watching for those who will be true to Me. Stay faithful, My child. I'll never leave you.

A GRATEFUL RESPONSE Lord, our finite minds cannot understand the heartaches of the world--the violence of crime, the illness that steals a loved one, the searing pain of separation and divorce. Yet You, Lord, see it all. You, who never sleep, will one day unravel the unsolved mysteries of our lives. Thank You for watching over me.

SIMPLE TRUTH Even in the night, He sees, He hears, and He speaks peace in the midst of our fears.

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Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Paula put up a good front. Though she couldn't stand Beth, she never said anything bad to her. She kept quiet until she was alone with her other friends. At odd times, she would think of Beth, and resentment and contempt would rise up within her heart. Still, Paula was quite pleased with herself that she never let Beth know how she truly felt. It is not enough that we try to put on a good front when we are around people we don't like. We need to search our hearts for rec-onciliation and forgiveness. We need to tap Christ, which heals all hurts and is the source of all patience and tolerance. God is inter-ested in both the words of our mouths and the deepest ponder-ings of our hearts. To appear Christ-like on the surface is never enough. To be Christ-like at the core of our being, that is the key. Prayer: Creator, God, I want to be a Christian to the very depths of my being. Search my heart, and transform it. Let love reign. Amen.

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“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power” (Ephesians 6:10). Everyone has times when they feel weak or discouraged in life. But you don’t have to live that way! You can be strong in the Lord and in His power. You don’t have to walk around defeated and de-pressed. You can have joy today! In fact, the Bible tells us that the joy of the Lord is our strength. God’s joy isn’t based on circumstances. It isn’t based on the news, the stock market or the housing economy. God’s joy is based on Him. When you think about what He’s done for you—that He’s given you life, that He’s cast your sins as far as the east is from the west—you can’t help but get happy! You can’t help but have joy inside of you. That supernatural joy on the inside of you is super-natural strength. The enemy can’t take away what God has given you deep on the inside. So put a smile on your face today and rejoice in the Lord no matter what battles you may be facing. The joy of the Lord will give you strength, and you’ll live the life of victory God has prom-ised you!

SUNDAY DECEMBER 21st Be Strong in the Lord

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Morning 1 Peter 3 Evening 1 Peter 4, 5

Revelation 4:11 Ephesians 1:5

Heavenly Father, thank You for your joy that strengthens me ! Thank you for empowering me to-day no matter what I may be fac-ing. Fill my heart with Your super-natural joy so I can stand strong in all things. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Today I live my God’s principle over my life and not what the circumstances are saying in Je-sus name.

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"Is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your paneled houses, while this house remains a ruin?" - Haggai 1:4 There is a crisis of grand proportions in the spiritual house of God today. The moral fiber of our world has eroded. Greed, idolatry, and pleasure are the gods of our day. And it is no different in the Body of Christ. The prophet Haggai wrote about a people who had lost concern for the need to build God's house because they were so focused on their own worldly needs. It is a dangerous place to get with God. When our world begins to focus around increasing our pleasure, building bigger and better homes, and failing to make what is important to God important in our own lives, this should be a warning to us. Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the benches of those selling doves. "It is written," He said to them, “My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you are making it a 'den of robbers' " (Matthew. 21:12-13). Jesus came into Jerusalem and found the workplace believers buy-ing and selling in the temple. As far as they knew, this was an ac-ceptable practice in their day. Their fathers did it, and now they were doing it. It was business as usual. Jesus got angry, turned over the tables, and said that His house was a house of prayer. He found the workplace believers of the day seeing His house as a place for profit, not prayer. They had stepped into a place of com-placency that was not acceptable to the Lord. When we begin to blend in with the moral condition of an ungodly world, we begin losing God's perspective on life.

MONDAY DECEMBER 22nd Paneled Houses

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Morning 2 Peter 1 Evening 2 Peter 2, 3

Proverbs 16:3,9 Hebrews 4:10

Father help me carry out my re-sponsibility to the benefit of your glory, because the responsibility of changing my world and those around me has been given to me by You, help me to attain to that height everyday in Jesus name

I roll my works upon You, lord and you make my thoughts agreeable to Your will, so shall my plans be establish and suc-ceed in you

It is easy to begin blending in with our culture and to accept what is being modeled by the ungodly. God called us to be salt in a world that needs much salt. "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men" (Mt. 5:13). Each of us must ask ourselves if we have lost our salt. Are we having an impact on our world? Or is our world having an impact on us? Ask God to give you a vision for how you can be salt to your world today.

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I believe the only way we will be able to stand against the on-slaughts of the devil that are coming against us today is by being able to hear and obey God's voice. We were made to hear our heavenly Father's voice. Deuteronomy 4:36 says, Out of heaven he made you to hear his voice, that he might instruct thee. In the same way that children recognize the voice of their mother so she can instruct, correct, and encourage them, we were made to hear our Father's voice. We recognize the voices of our parents and children. If they call on the phone, we don't have to ask them to identify themselves. We know the sound of their voices. It's familiar to us. This is the same familiarity our heavenly Father wants us to experience when He speaks to us. God is not silent. He is speaking all the time in many ways-in a song, in a word from someone, in that still, small voice inside of us. But we must have a listening heart. We have to tune our ears and our spirits to hear from Him through His Word. God speaks clearly, not in vague impressions, but in specific details. In Genesis 6 when He spoke to Noah about building the ark, He gave him specific in-structions about every aspect needed to successfully complete the job. God desires to speak to us just as clearly today and to give us spe-cific direction for our lives. He wants us to make a quality decision to learn to recognize His voice and listen to His instruction so we can have peace and be free from confusion and frustration.

TUESDAY DECEMBER 23rd Hearing God's Voice

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Morning 1 John 1 Evening 1 John 2, 3

Romans 15:30 Acts 2:42

Father open my heart to hear you whenever you call me, just like a Son hears his father’s voice, I want to hear your voice all the time. I want to hear the words you are saying concerning my family, con-cerning my Nation, concerning my Church, concerning my business. In Jesus name Amen

I make a quality decision today to tune my ears and my spirit to hear and obey God's voice.

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Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. (Matthew 1:23) The world was ruled by men who were hostile, jealous of position, and saw murder as the way to power. A spirit of enmity was the spirit of civilization, and it was crude and elaborate. It was a world given over to suffering, and life was not able to escape the burden of hatred that had surrounded the high places that controlled soci-ety. Into this world a little Baby was born: “And thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). He did not come to kings or rulers or the ones in high places, and He did not seek an earthly throne or a home in a palace. He was born in a lowly stable and grew up around a carpenter’s bench. He came to the brokenhearted, the soul that lived in agony, and the life that was close to its last hope. In this world of jealousy, He did not challenge position, but He let the world know that His kingdom was within the heart. And it was to be found in a place called Calvary. And it was in Bethlehem. It was in Gesthemane. It was at Golgotha. It was at the home of Lazarus, by the well, on the road to Emaus, in the upper room. It is in our homes. At Christmas time! The words ring as clear today as they did two thousand years ago. “Unto you is born this day (today)…a Savior” (Luke 2:11). It touches a common sentiment and does away with ecclesiastical boundaries that keep people apart.

WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 24th Let the Story be told

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Morning 1 John 4 Evening 1 John 5

John 14:6, Acts 4:11-12

It forgets all little individual impulses and drives us forward into a common bond around a Savior who came to the “whosoever will.” His name is not Herod, or Pilate, or Caesar. His name is Jesus. It is a name above all other names and His purpose is salvation—yours and mine! Let Him be born anew in our hearts this Christmas season! The story be told in your heart forever.

O God, into our world laden with sin, sorrow and heartache and under the power of Satan, a little Baby came. He came to piece together a broken world—our world. We invite Him into our hearts and homes today. May the glory of His presence fill our world, and bring peace to every heart. Amen.

I make the greatest choice the day you came into my heart, your fresh Joy has filled me today as I remem-ber the day you came into my heart.

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Luke 2:10-14 "And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto us, is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: You shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." The shepherds came and saw the Lord, and went away glorifying and praising God. Luke 2:19 "But Mary kept all these sayings, and pondered them in her heart." Have you taken time to ponder on this great event? Or have you been too busy with the details of life. Have your thoughts been on what presents you were going to buy for your family members? What size Christmas tree, and what the cost would be? Hopefully you have taken out time to ponder this wonderful event. Personally, each time I read the story I am excited by the wonder-fulness of a personal Saviour being born to save the world. The greatest present ever given to mankind was the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord. Have you accepted this present? Are you a mem-ber of the Body of Christ? Is Christ Jesus your Lord? Today is Christmas. Please have a very merry Christmas.


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Morning 2 John Evening 3 John

Luke 2:1-7 Isaiah 53:4-3

Father this Christmas I asked for joyful gatherings with all my fam-ily .I asked for quiet moments in my heart this Christmas morning to reflect on your love for the world, for a special time to celebrate my Savior who was born today. I asked for friends to send their best. That you might know they care; I asked for peace, love and hope, and I know God, You have heard my prayers in Jesus name Amen.

Thanks dear father for sending your son Jesus to come and die for everything that would have caused me pain

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FRIDAY DECEMBER 26th God's Passion For Oneness

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments." (John 14:15 HCSB) When Jesus speaks of love, he allows no room for sentimental fan-tasy or momentary emotion. He sees love through the eyes of the Father, and from this point of view he deeply understands that true, eternal, godly love is bold and strong, but also painful, messy, and sacrificial. A love of this strength and magnitude can only take root in the soil of abandonment. We abandon our rights, our thoughts, and our schemes. It was this total and uncompromising abandonment to God that led Jesus to say and do only what the Father told him to do. (John 14:10) It was this uncompromising abandonment that led him to the cross. If we are to become just like Christ, then we also must be aban-doned to the Father. We must line up with the thoughts and plans of God so closely that we appear to be "at one" with him, just as a married couple, deeply abandoned to each other, appear to live as one. Through abandonment, we walk so closely with God that, when people see us, they see the Father at work. Jesus is teaching this abandonment when he says, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments." In other words, he's not de-manding that you be obedient; rather, he's telling you that love for him should compel you to embrace his purposes. Jesus way is that you obey God's commands because you love God, not because you must obey God. By actively pursuing the purposes of God, you worship your Creator. This also gives you a Christ-like perspective on the daily details of your life, turning every decision

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into a moment of adoration for God. When you let someone else take the parking space, when you stand behind a promise that proves more costly than you imagined, when you extend hospitality to the cranky neighbor next door – these are moments of worship to God because you are choosing to be obedient to his purposes, rather than doing things your own way. Even choosing not to sin becomes an act of worship, as it brings you into closer alignment with God's com-mands. As you face decisions today, ask God to show you which path will be an act of worship to him. Then (I know this is easier said than done), move where he tells you to move. As you take this step, keep your eyes sensitive to God’s grace and presence in the moment. Do this throughout the day, keeping a log so you can track your movement toward oneness with God and his purposes.

Morning Jude 1 Evening Revelation 1, 2

2 Corinthians 12:9 2 Corinthians 2:14,15

Father, thank you for loving me and rejoicing over me with Joy .Hallelujah I am redeemed. I come with singing, and everlasting joy is upon my head. I obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing flee away. That Spirit of rejoicing, joy and laughter is my heritage. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, emancipa-tion from bondage, freedom. I walk in that liberty in Jesus name

Father I praise You with Joyful lips. I am ever filled and stimu-lated with the Holy Spirit.

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Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path We live in a world where the flip of a switch instantly lightens or darkens a room. The lamps in biblical times, on the other hand, burned brightly but required proper tending. If not cared for, they would become a dwindling flame. God's Word uses the metaphor of a lamp to teach us about guidance for our lives. And it provides the opportunity for some graphic applications of this teaching. Earnestly seeking the clear teaching of God's Word allows the lamp to burn brightly and us to stay on the path. When we fail to acknowledge our theological bias and limited perspective, the light lessens and our path becomes twisted. The lamp flickers when form replaces function and traditions push aside the command-ments of God. The light dims when we stay away from God's Word and the fellowship of believers. It goes out when we serve another master. Sometimes we overlook the obvious: God's will is expressed by His Word. I wonder how many Christians realize that what they are presently sowing in the kingdom of God is what they will reap for all eternity. God's will is revealed to us in His Word. There is no substitute for being "diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15). The Bible is a light to your path.

SATURDAY DECEMBER 27th The Light To Our Path

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Morning Revelation 3, 4 Evening Revelation 5, 6

1 Corinthians 1:18, 1 Corinthians 16:1-3

Father I would not draw back or shrink in fear, for then Your soul would have no delight or pleasure in me. I called on You in the day of trouble; you delivered me, and shall honor and glorify You always in Jesus name Amen

In the name of Jesus, I allow my life to lovely express truth in all things. Speaking truly, dealing truly, and loving truly.

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Thank You, God

Thank You, God, for Your presence of love, life, and light. Thank You, God, for Your presence of love that prospers and blesses me so richly. Turning within in moments of conscious connection with You, I know that all things are possible. Your love attracts all that I need to be prosperous, fulfilled, and happy. Thank You, God, for Your presence of life within that heals and strengthens me so completely. As I affirm wholeness, I align my body and mind with healing life that renews and restores me. Thank You, God, for Your presence of light that guides me in all that I do. Filled with the divine light of inspiration, I know which actions to take, and I am led to connect with people who will support my ongo-ing spiritual awakening. And I know when to listen and pray in simple gratitude. Then I will thank you in the great congregation; in the mighty throng I will praise you. Psalm 35:18

GOODNESS I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Psalm 27:13

FROM THE FATHER'S HEART My child, do you know how much I enjoy blessing My children? Do you understand that all I want for you are good things? But it is also My goodness that forgives and prods your heart when it needs changing. It is My goodness that allows tests to come your way. It is My goodness that holds you in the palm of My hand and will not let you go. I love you, My child.

A GRATEFUL RESPONSE I stand unworthy of any good thing. Yet You, Lord, continue to pour into my life good and perfect gifts. Daily blessings, special relation-ships, answered prayers, undeserved favors--You give them all, Lord. Even in difficult times, Your goodness is always evident. Thank You, Lord.

SIMPLE TRUTH There was nothing random about Jesus' kindness. He always went around doing good.

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Psalm 20:7 Some trust in chariots, and some is horses: but we will remem-ber the name of the Lord our God. Grayson was as old as the hills. He had farmed the same stretch of land for better than sixty years. Every year, the farms around old Grayson's invested in fancy new equipment and machinery. Grayson farmed with the same equipment year after year; once new, now antique. His neighbors tried to encourage him to up-grade his tools, but Grayson just shook his head. His justification for his stubbornness was simple: If the Lord wanted him to have a bountiful harvest, he would. It wasn't the machinery that made the farm. It wasn't the latest technology. It was the will of the Lord. His neighbors secretly laughed at the simplistic reasoning of the old man, but time and again they ended up amazed at what he was able to do with his simple means. When harvest time came round, Grayson held his own with the best of them. The simple faith of a single man or woman is a mighty thing. Trust in the Lord, and you will marvel at all that can be done. Prayer: Make me faithful, Lord, I doubt so often, and I put my faith in other things. Those things will pass away, but I know that You will endure forever. Thanks be to Your love and grace. Amen.

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2 Timothy 1:14 “Guard and keep [with the greatest care] the pre-cious and excellently adapted [Truth]… which has been entrusted [to you], by the [help of the] Holy Spirit who makes His home in us” The Truth of God’s Word is a precious treasure entrusted to us. It empowers us to overcome every obstacle. It’s important to keep this Truth in your heart and establish it in your life. How do you es-tablish the Word in your life? When you make a habit of praying and reading God’s Word it becomes more and more alive to you. When you choose to obey it, you are guarding and keeping the Truth. For example, the Bible says that love covers an offense. When you choose to walk in love even when someone has of-fended you, you are guarding the Truth. When you choose God’s way, instead of the world’s way, you are guarding the truth. Soci-ety has so many different ideas of what is right and acceptable. We have to always choose God’s way. And when you choose God’s way, you get God’s results! God’s results include a blessed and happy life. Start today by asking the Lord to show you His Truth by the power of His Spirit. As you keep the precious Truth of God’s Word, you will be empowered to live the life of victory the Lord has in store for you!

SUNDAY DECEMBER 28th Maintaining the Truth

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Morning Revelation 7,8 Evening Revelation 9,10

Proverbs 23:7, 1peter 3:12

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Truth which sets me free. I invite you to search my heart and mind today and lead me in Your ways. I bless You today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

I exalt your word, hold it in high esteem, and give if first place in my life .

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"...Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you." - Zechariah 8:23 Few men of God have become extraordinary people of faith with-out the influence of mentors. A mentor is one who takes responsi-bility for the spiritual and, sometimes, physical care of another. It requires a commitment from the teacher and the student. Elijah mentored Elisha. Elisha became one of the greatest prophets in the entire Bible. One of the primary reasons for this was Elisha's hunger. Elisha wanted a double portion of Elijah's spirit. It was this hunger that drove Elisha to be sold out to God's purposes for his life. I have been privileged to have had many mentors throughout my spiritual life. In each stage of my maturity, God brought new men-tors who had unique gifts that the previous mentor did not have. God has given me the hunger to desire a double portion of those positive attributes of my mentors. This desire is sorely missing among many today. I fail to see the hunger among many who could be used greatly in the Kingdom. Instead, the cares of this world distract them. It is an attitude of a la carte versus an attitude of pressing in to the full measure of what God might have for them. Who are the people of God He has placed in your life? Are you learning from them? Are you seeking a double portion of their anointing? What prevents you from gaining from their wisdom and experience? God may have brought them into your life to prepare you to be a man or woman of God with great anointing.

MONDAY DECEMBER 29th A Man Who Has God's Favor

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Morning Revelation 11, 12 Evening Revelation 13, 14

1 Peter3:7 Hebrews 9:14

Father make me see the green light of my existence, so that I would be able to meet with that person you have send to mentor me and those you want, to be mentored by me. My spiritual growth and the growth of others need the right nutrition to grow, and only you know the right discipler that would do just that. Grant me the ability ,a double portion of your anointing that will increase me into 2009 in Jesus name Amen.

I boldly and confidently say that my heart is fixed and es-tablished on the solid founda-tion.

However, there is a time of training and waiting to prove out your own faith. Ask God today if there is someone He would have you mentor or be mentored by.

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I personally believe that forgiving others is one of the hardest things

we have to do as Christians. In the Lord's Prayer Jesus taught His dis-

ciples to pray, Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors (Matthew 6:12 NKJV). Have you ever noticed the Scripture passage that follows the Lord's Prayer? It says, If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses (vv. 14-15 NKJV). But how do you forgive someone who has hurt you? It's not easy to admit that a wrong exists between you and another person, but asking forgiveness is the first step in healing the wound. Get in touch with the person and make every effort to make things right. Even if you feel it's the other person who owes you an apology, make the first move. Sometimes when you take the lead, the door opens for the other person to say, "I'm sorry too." Even if he or she doesn't respond, you can be free because you've done what God's Word says to do. Sometimes the person linked to the offense is dead, or you don't know how to get in touch with the person who has offended you. Then prayer is the only way. Imagine yourself standing before Je-sus. Then ask Him to forgive both of you. When you forgive others, you aren't just being nice and generous. You're unlocking the handcuffs that link you to your offender. You free the other person and yourself at the same time!

TUESDAY DECEMBER 30th How Do You Forgive?

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Morning Revelation 15, 16 Evening Revelation 17, 18

I John 1:9 Romans 10:9,10

Father your Word declares that if I ask for forgiveness, You will forgive me and cleanse me from all un-righteousness, I also ask for for-giveness for those that have of-fended me in 2008, I set them free from my heart even if it is them that have hurt me or if it is me that have hurt them, I choose to forgive so that my trespasses would also be forgiven. I want to walk freely into 2009, letting all my burdens and difficulties go away In Jesus name I humble ask. Amen

As I make my way to 2009, I live in God's forgiveness as I forgive others.

Forgiving others opens you up so that God can heal and restore you in every part of your being.

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“And you He made alive, when you were dead in your trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1). Aren’t you glad that Jesus came to give us life? Think about that for a minute right now. You used to be dead in your sins and tres-passes; you used to have no hope. You used to live in fear. But once you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you weren’t dead in your sin anymore. You now have hope for the future. You are alive in Christ! God wants you to live life to the fullest to-day. It doesn’t matter how you may feel or what you have faced for the past years, start thanking God for giving you life. Even if He didn’t do another thing for us, giving us eternal life is more than enough reason to praise and thank Him every day. Thank Him for eyes to see and ears to hear. Thank Him for the air that you breathe. Thank Him for loving you and giving you life till today. Praise opens the door to blessing. As you thank Him for the little things he has done in your life in 2008, you’ll begin to see God moving in your life in a bigger way as you move into 2009. He’ll pour out more of His favor and blessing on you, and you’ll move forward into the abundant life He has for you! You will walk into his greater manifestation as you let him lead your way into 2009.


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Morning Revelation 19, 20 Evening Revelation 21, 22

Ephesians 3:17, 1 Corinthians 3:6

Father, thank You for making me alive in Christ today. Thank You that I am new. Show me how to live every day to the fullest so that I can enjoy life the way You in-tended. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

Father grant me the ability to live faithfully in your love as i move into 2009

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We trust you have been blessed by this devotional. We invite you to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life by praying this prayer. God, I acknowledge you in the existence of Jesus Christ and I acknowl-edge your love for me to come as a human and to die on the cross for me. I too love you and I desire to live my life in a relationship with you. Thank you that you love me. Thank you that you hear me when I call upon your name. I accept your death and your blood as the full penalty for all my sins and I acknowl-edge that by the blood of Jesus I am cleansed. I ask that you, having cleansed me, will in your spirit come into my life and make me your child. God I give you my life this day to take and to do with me whatever you will. I now walk in faith day by day and moment by moment in the love and resurrection life of Jesus Christ. To God be the glory and praise to His son Jesus Christ as I now confess that Jesus is my God, my lord, my savior, my companion, and also my friend, In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen. I now walk in the conscious-ness of my new life in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah!" Congratulations! You are now a child of God. To receive more information on how you can grow as a Christian, please get in touch with us through our con-tacts below:

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God is always ready to Bless you and cause testimony to manifest in your life. We receive testimonies regularly prais-ing the Goodness Of God. We invite you to come and visit us and hear more of such testimonies from many others concerning what God is do-ing in their lives. Do you need us to Pray with you today, the bible says in Matthew 18:19(GWT) "I can guarantee again that if two of you agree on anything here on earth, my Father in heaven will accept it. Call our prayer line today 62975171, let me agree with you in prayer, Heaven will be opened to answer our prayers, Whatever the situation is, with God, nothing is impossible. REV DONBRUCE If God has blessed you through this Rhema of bliss devo-tional, kindly mail to us your testimony so that as many that reads it, will be blessed concerning what God has done in your life, its good to testify what God has done in our lives so that he will continue to bless us more Abundantly. For more testimonies write:-

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Reverend Donbruce a servant of the Almighty and powerful God, has embarked on God’s work and mission in the United States of America, West Africa and Singapore. Rev Donbruce, has been involved in leading various community de-velopment initiatives, namely “The Gathering of Clergy Leadership Conference” and The Gathering of Eagles” (Believers Gathering)”. He is the founder of Glory Cloud Interdenominational Outreach based at Dallas Texas as well as the African Headquarters located at Lagos Nigeria, an umbrella organization which provides numer-ous outreach services to the local African community. Rev Donbruce was educated in the United States of America. Graduated with a Diploma in Discipleship & a Pastoral Diploma, BA/BSc in Theology and Master of Divinity, he is now serving as the Senior Pastor of Rhema life church Singapore, and the general overseer of Rhema life Ministry inc worldwide.

Rev. Donbruce, a bond servant of God continues to say “YES “to the calling of God to be His laborer in the harvest field. His sacrifi-

cial living for the lord has positively impacted the lives of many lost souls- changing hopelessness into renewed born again and re-

vived people of God.