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  • 7/27/2019 RevMalvern-GuidanceOrchards080113_000



    One of theAONB Family

    Land management guidance

    Gidanc on Gadn

    Ochad and Fit T ManagmntIntroduction

    Fit ts hav ong bn a chaactistic at

    o th Mavn His Aa o Otstanding Nata

    Baty (AONB). Th pactic o gowing it o

    dict consmption and o making Cid and Py in

    th aa is many cntis od. Many it ts can

    sti b ond in th aa today, b thy in a domstic

    gadn o ag ochad. Thy contin to povid a

    soc o noishmnt, a vaab habitat o widi

    and a iving ink to o past.

    The purpose of this guidance

    Whn moving to a popty, many pop inhit on

    o mo it ts o vn a sma ochad, yt may

    hav itt ida o how to manag thm. Ths nots

    a intndd to nab yo to ook at yo gadn

    it t, b it a sing app t o pat o a sma


    Assess what you have

    Bo doing anything, mak an assssmnt o what yo

    hav, th nmb o ts, what typ thy a - app, pa,

    pm tc. and what condition thy sm to b in, yong

    o od, hathy o sicky? Yo do not nd to b an xpt

    to do this; jst wit a w basic nots basd on yo

    obsvations. Knowing what vaity yo it t is, whn

    it ipns and i its it wi sto a impotant actos that

    wi innc how yo manag it. On o th bst ways o

    idntiying vaitis is to tak thm aong to a oca App

    Day vnt (in Sptmb/Octob).

    Decide what you want from your tree(s)

    In th contxt o yo popty what do yo want om

    yo t(s)? Is it to ook good in th gadn and th wid

    andscap, to b o bnft to widi o to gt as mch

    it as possib? Yo answ may w b mo than on

    o ths and in many cass thy a not incompatib. I yo

    hav od and dcining ts yo might want to consid

    panting a w yong ts to om th nxt gnation.

    S Consid Panting a Nw Fit T(s) bow.


    DeCIDe WHeTHer TO PruNe Or NOT

    Th sbjct o pning it ts can otn sm consingand o-ptting, bt it is ay not that compicatd i a w

    basic s a oowd. Th a a ang o asons why

    yo might want to pn a it t:

    l to gt btt qaity it;

    l to t ight and ai into th t, and so hp minimis

    disas otbaks;

    l to conto o maintain th siz o th t;

    l to mov damagd o disasd sctions o th t;

    l to baanc a t to kp it om aing ov.

    It is not th cas that pning is aways th answ. I yo

    hav a ag t that is not casing any isss with th

    spac it occpis and yo a not gaty concnd abot

    th v o it podction thn aving w aon may

    w b th ight option o yo.

    I yo do dcid pning is o yo th a a w basic

    pincips to oow.

    gr ppl r

    Lol ppl vrs

    1 o 4

  • 7/27/2019 RevMalvern-GuidanceOrchards080113_000


    Gidanc on gadn ochad and it t managmnt 2 o 4

    Land management guidance

    Yo r pr obl shp

    wr row brh

    Pruning - basic principles

    OlDer TreeS

    l Aim to dc xcssiv wight in th cown (o top

    o th t). Th biggst that to od ts is otnthat thy a nvny baancd with mo wight on

    on sid o th t than th oth, and so dcing a

    w havy imbs on on sid can pvnt o sow thi


    l Ct ot bady disasd o damagd twigs and

    banchs. Whist it is not possib to compty

    adicat th iks o cank, it can b containd by

    ctting it ot as mch as possib. laving som

    dadwood in a t is vaab habitat o inscts and

    bids, and dadwood wi not habo disas.

    l Wh two banchs coss o b against ach oth,

    aim to mov on - say th wak on.

    l Thin ot ovy congstd aas o th cown to t

    ight and ai into th t.

    l Dont pn ot mo than 30% o th t in any

    on ya.

    YOuNGer TreeS

    l look to cat stct and shap. Pn ot inwad

    acing banchs, which a thos hading back into

    th midd o th t and which may b on anoth

    banch, ath than thos going away om th


    l Ty to cat a win gass o gobt shapd t,

    somthing with a can stm and a nic im o

    banchs with som spac in th midd.

    Aways pn to jst abov an otwad acing bd (s

    istation ova).

    Further info: A w vaitis a so cad tip bas

    and qi dint pning tchniqs. Thy it on thtips o ast sasons gowth and not aong th ngth o

    th banch. Pning ths is mo compicatd - s http://

    n.wikipdia.og/wiki/Fit_t_pning o an xamp.

    When to prune

    APPle & PeAr TreeS - taditionay ths a pnd in

    th atmn o wint whn th t has ost its avs and

    is domant and it is a asi to s what yo a doing.

    Howv yo can actay pn apps and pas on any

    day o th ya, and som pop biv th cts ha

    btt i mad in th gowing sason. Howv, it is a ot

    had to s what yo a doing whn th t is in

    a. Som o th ancy taind oms ik ans, spais

    and codons a aways smm pnd. Fo this s www.


    Ths mst b pnd in sping/smm whn th sap is

    p, as th is a ata nga disas cad siv a which

    can inct thm i thy a pnd in th wint. Tho

    i yo a not bothd abot sacifcing som o th it,

    pn in May. I yo want th cop thn pn immdiaty

    at havsting. Pning in th gowing sason ik this is

    mo difct as it is had to s what yo a doing with

    a th avs on, bt so sios is th that o siv a,

    w hav no choic bt to smm pn ston it.

    Tools of the trade

    Pr ools

  • 7/27/2019 RevMalvern-GuidanceOrchards080113_000


    Gidanc on gadn ochad and it t managmnt 3 o 4

    Land management guidance

    Pr pos

    A can ct jst abov th coa

    W mad cts can ha ov

    To cay ot can, ctiv pning yo wi nd a w

    good toos: a pai o scats, opps and a pning saw.

    Mak s that yo know how to s ths toos say

    and aways can thm w at s.

    Taking the Plunge

    Ha th batt with pning is having th coag to gt

    stck in. Again th a on o two simp pactics to


    Stat o by ooking at wh th t is cay

    ovcowdd and nds thinning ot. Whn ctting back

    sma gag gowth with scats and opps, do so tojst abov an otwad acing bd so any nw gowth gos

    away om th cnt o th t to om th dsid opn

    o gobt shapd t.

    Whn ctting ag gag banchs with th saw, ty to

    ct back to a jnction o ok so as not to av gy stbs,

    and whn ctting back to th tnk o a majo banch,

    av a can ct jst abov th coa. It is bst to tak

    ag banchs o in two o mo sctions with th ast

    ct moving jst a shot stb. This minimiss th isk o

    taing th tnk bak.

    Whn caying ot any pning, it pays to do a bit, tak a

    stp back and hav a ook, thn do a bit mo, as it is asy

    to os th ova pict o what yo a tying to achiv

    whn yo a in th thick o th t. Whn fnishd,

    th pcty pnd it t shod hav no pat o it

    toching o bbing any oth pat o th t - it shod

    hav a nic opn, aiy .

    Planting a new fruit tree(s)


    Fit ts hav a imitd i and wi not ast as ong as

    somthing ik an oak. On avag, an app t wi iv o

    100 to 120 yas, whi a pa can go on o 200 yas o

    so. Pms by contast tnd to di o within 50 o 60 yas.

    So i yo hav od ts, consid adding a w yong ons.

    Fit ts a gatd onto dint sizd ootstocks, sowhn pchasing mak s yo sct th ight sizd t

    o yo spac. S



    Whn considing panting a nw it t, ask yos

    what yo aady hav and what yo ik. I yo aady

    hav apps yo may opt o a pm o pa.

    Onc yo hav dcidd what typ o it, consid th

    vaity. Th is a wid ang o hitag vaitis o th

    Wst Midands, so ath than pant a vaity yo cod

    asiy gt in th shops, why not pant a oca aity and

    hav somthing a bit spcia that yo wi nv s in agadn cnt. A ist, togth with dsciptions, can b

    ond at Inomation

  • 7/27/2019 RevMalvern-GuidanceOrchards080113_000


    Gidanc on gadn ochad and it t managmnt 4 o 4

    Land management guidance


    gr ppl rs

    Fr bs

    on Hodshi vaitis can b sppid by th Cowa

    Ochad Gop (s opposit).

    I yo want to ty bo yo by, why not visit an App

    Day o th amos Psho Pm Fstiva to s what

    ticks yo tast and thn tack down a yong t o yo

    chosn vaity.

    Looking after old trees

    As it ts ag and dcay thy bcom a antastic

    widi habitat, poviding hos o nsting bids and ood

    o a wood-boing inscts. Indd, od it ts a on

    on th most impotant habitats o widi in th AONB,

    spciay wh thy xist in aas containing oth it

    ts. So iday kp od ts going o as ong as yo

    can. I possib, av som wood om dad and dcayd

    it ts in a pi in a qit, ot o th way pac in yo


    Waste not

    evy ya thosands o apps, pas and pms ot on th

    gond whist th shops a o impotd it. I yo

    hav a gt, why not invstigat psving o jicing. Yo

    oca Tansition Gop o a oca ochad gop might hod

    commnity jicing days o might mak good s o yo

    sps. Aso chck ot a book ik Bob Fowdws Gow

    Yo Own, eat Yo Own which has ots o tips on daing

    with an abndant havst.

    Whatv yo hav, njoy yo it ts - thy a a

    wond soc o a soc o sh it, a widi

    habitat o a pac to sit in th shad.Fo a shot fm on pning and th ochads o th Wy

    Fost s



    Useful sources of information

    Fo mo dtaid and spcifc inomation on ochad

    managmnt, s http://www.natangand.og.k/


    Fo advic on pning yong ts, s http://www.


    Fo th pning advic ,s http://www.

    Fo inomation on Gocstshi vaitis and ots mo

    s www.gocstshiochadgop.og.k

    Fo inomation on Wocstshi vaitis, histoy tc.,


    Fo inomation on apps and app gowing in th

    Machs aa, s www.machapp.nt

    Fo an intsting pojct vaating ochads in

    Hodshi, s

    Fo inomation on a sccss commnity ochad pojct

    n in and aond th viag o Cowa in Hodshi,

    s www.cowaochadgop.og

    Photogaphy cdits - ?

    Txt and imags cotsy o Wocstshi Conty Conciand th Cowa Ochad Gop.

    Podcd by th Mavn His AONB Patnship
