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Revised Syllabus SemIII & SemIV 09

Apr 05, 2018



Rana Datta
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  • 7/31/2019 Revised Syllabus SemIII & SemIV 09



    CIRCUL4R :-

    A reference is invited to the Ordinances, Regulations and syllabi relating to

    the Master of lvlanagement Studies (M.M.S.) degree coursevide

    pamphlet No. 126and to this office Circular No.UG/168 of 2007, dated 21 at April, 2007 and theDirector, Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies and the Directors of tIle'

    . recognized Management Inst!tutiollS concerned are hereby informed that the

    recommendation made by the Ad-hoc Board of Studies . in Management

    Courses(U.G. & P.G.) at its meeting held on 15th

    January, 2009 has been accepted

    by the Academic Council at its meeting held on 27th

    February, 2009 vide item

    No.4.l0 and that, in accordance therewith, the M . 1 'v 1 .S . (Sem. III & IV) revised

    syllabus is modified as per Appendix and that the same has been brought into force

    with effect from the academic year 2009-2010.

    MUMBAI-400 032


    May, 2009



    The Director, Jam11alal Bajaj Institute of ~/Ianagcme'lt Studies and the

    Directors of the recognized Management Institutions concerned.

    A.C/4.1 0/27 .02.2009

    16iliMay, 2009.

    Copy forwarded with compliments for information to :-

    1) The Dean, Faculty of Commerce,

    . Z) The-Chairman, Ad-hoc Board of Studies in,1:1anagementCourses (U.G./P.G.).

    3) The Controller of Examinations,4) The Co-ordinator, University Computerization Center.

    ~\~~\\~\\h~,,,\\J ,

    (D . H ' k A T E )DEPUTY REGISTRAR i

    (U.GJP,G,Sedion) ,~~ /', . . - \~,\ ]

    / '~/"'"

    \ .

    TIle Director, Board of College and University Development, the Deputy Registrar (Eligibd:ty

    and 1\'figration Section), the Director of Students Welfare, the Personal Assistants to the Vice-Cballc~lJ:':'

    the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, the Registrar and the A'3sistant Registrar, Administrative, Ratnagin ' ,r


    . The controller of examinations (10 copies), the Finance and Accounts officer (2 c~?i~s):RecordSection (5 copies), Publications Section (5 copies), the Deputy Registrar, Enrollment, Eilrzll:nh.ty Nd

    }'iigrntion Section (3 copies), the Deputy Registrar, Statistical, Affiliation Section (2 cople.s),L~c 0re?'I)~Institute of Distance EduGatiu'l. (; (1 copi~s) the Director Un.iversity Computer Center (IDE Buil~m/ \,

    . Vidyanagari, (2 copies) the Deputy Registrar (Special Cell), the Dcput~ Registrar, (PRO)_)~f1e !:SSlstal::Registrar, Awdemic Authorities Unit (2 copies) and the A"Sistant RegIstrar, ~xecutlve ,:\ulJiontles Un -r '" : ._ ' . Tt.". ~~~r.~':'''4C'torlI" tr""t thi" 0" adinn tq\(i'J) n~nmton th concerned resolutIon adopted t)'

  • 7/31/2019 Revised Syllabus SemIII & SemIV 09


    Enclosure to Itenl No. 4.10

    ...-:.-::..-;.~:-;:.:;:.:::-:::.:::.-~-:-~-:=:::_- .

    ",::/~. .,





    lJl'rr~vE-RSITY OF lVllJlViB __L\I


    Modified Revised Syl1ablls

    of the

    IvIMS Degree Course

    (Semester III &IV)

    ~, (,yVith effect frOID the acadeolic year 2009-2010)\'~\


  • 7/31/2019 Revised Syllabus SemIII & SemIV 09


    I. Introduction to International Business [G'hours]

    a) Objective, scope, importance and current trends.

    b) Domestic Business vis. International Business

    c) Reasons for International Business - for corporates ai1d country

    dl 1\/lodes of entry and operation

    2, PEST Factors and impact c::~::~ternational business, ,a) Risk analysis ,

    b) De-:isions to overcome or managi ng r isks - a live current case

    3. In\cstmcnt management in International Business l3 iwurs]< 1 ) Forei~n Direct !I1\'estment

    bl Offshore Banking

    C) l~'oreign exchange dealings and 11UIlJCt'ICais in business

    d) Resource Mobilization through porlf 'olio / GDR! ADR

    e) Other options of funding in ventures and case discussions

    4. tvIultination11 corporations 1 3 hours]a) Structure, system and operation

    b) Advantages and disadvantages - Case discussion

    c) Current opportunities of Indi,;j 'l >.INCs ~l"dC~,:~C dis ....u::>SJ0ii

    ). Glubaliza!lOn I ; hoursJa) Concept and Practice

    b) Role of Global organizat ioi1 and C.ilob;)llvlanal~ers

    c) Stages of building Global compnnies and competitiveness

    d) Global competitive advantages of India - sector:> and il'ldustries - casestudy .

    6. International Organizations and their role in internntional busin(;ss r ~ IlOurS]

    a) WTO

    b ) W orld B ank

    c) AD B

    J) IIvlf and others - case study

    7. IZc!!ionill Trndc Agreements and Free Trade A!~rccll1cnts (1

  • 7/31/2019 Revised Syllabus SemIII & SemIV 09


    c) A SE AN

    d) C OM ESA

    e) LAC

    t) Others - Case study

    8. Trade theories and rele\ :lIlCc in international businessa) Absolute ad,antao'-"

    b) Comparati\l' ad":lI\(agc

    c) Competitive adV(1111:lgcs

    d) Purchasing pow~r pllints

    e) PLC- theory

    f) Others - Case studY

    9 IlJkrnationallogistics 3lhl supply chain

    a) C on cep ts a nd pr:lc,ticc

    b) Components of \, lo'-istics and impact on tradec) Others- Case stu,h

    10 International HR Strategic's

    a) Unique characteristics of global HR

    b) HR -

    c) Ethical issues

    c I ) RegulZltorv ;lSpeC\' l)f HR

    e ) O th ers- C ase stu dy

    . Reference Text

    I . International Business - Dall iels a 'nd Radebough

    2. International Business - SUllcbram and Black

    3. International Business - Roebuck and Simon

    4. Inter,tat ional Business - Charles Hill

    5 . International Business - Subba Rao

  • 7/31/2019 Revised Syllabus SemIII & SemIV 09


    eOUL";\: Content

    I. Marketing stra tegy - On;rvic\ \

    .., P ill ar s o f M ark etin g - S TP D s tra te gie s

    3. i'v1:\rket situation strategy - Lenders. chnllengers. fullower::;. nichers

    4. Competi tion analysis - Porter's :) forces model for competi ti \e environment,

    B enchm ark ing exercise. understanding com petitive m oves and postures

    5. S listainabie compdit ive advantage - P or:er's generic strategy:;6. Portfol io models - BeG and GE rvlcKinsey matri:--.:

    7. New product strategies - Innovation, M ark et e ntry . P ro du ct lin e c:--.:tension

    R, Communications stra te gy - M an ag in g c Olllm un ica tio ns m i:--.:for products, \{rands

    9, Ad vertising ane! sale s promotion strategy - campaigns

    10 . Brand building - Fr'v'I CG , C on su mer d ura ble s 8: Services cas~:;

    1 1 . Distribut~ol1 strategy - Designing of ch;:tnnel systems. Mal1a~ing rJI .,:tichanncl


    1 2 . Pricing stratcg:, - Value pricing. Optimisa tio n o f p rici ng

    13 . rvlarketin!! Plannin! ! - Introdl1cti~)n. gro\\,th an d m a tu re m ark ets. Prunim~ of --.... '- . . . . .


    Referellce Text

    I. Marketing Strat~gy - B oy d. W alk er and L arreche M cG ra\\ H ill Irw in

    2. ~v'larketing strategy - Stephen Free Press.

    3. Strnt~g ic tv la rket management - Da\ 'id A ak er John wile\ ' & sons

    4. Strategic marketing text & cases - Cra\ 'erns

  • 7/31/2019 Revised Syllabus SemIII & SemIV 09


    Modif icat ions in the R evised Svl labus. . .

    COUbC Content

    I. Marketing strategy - On;rvie\\

    ! Pillars of Marketing - STPD strategies

    3. f\ .1 ::irket situation strategy - Leadcrs_ chalh:ngcrs .. foIIO\vers. n ic he rs

    4 C om petition analy sis - Porter 's 5 forces model for cOl11petiti\c environment,

    13enchmarking exercise. understalKJing com petitive moves and postures

    5. Susta inabie competitive advantage - Por:er's generic strategy:;;

    6. Portfol io models - BC G and G E j \ :\cKinsev matrix

    7. New product strategies - In no va tio n, f \,/tarket entry. P ro du ct lin e extension

    ~. Communications strategy - M anaging com l11unications m i:\ f or pro du cts, \ ;Jrands

    9. Advert is ing and sales promotion strategy - campaigns

    10. Brand building - Fr-,,1(G, Consumer durables & Services casds

    II. D istrlbut~ol1 strategy - Design ing of ch,1I1nel systems. Mal1a~ing rJI,,:tichanncl


    12. Pricing strategy - Value pricing. Optimis::ltion of pricing

    13. rvtarketin!! P lannill!! - Introdl1 ctit)n. gro\\th and ma ture ma rhc ls. Prunim~ of. . . . . . . '-.... " -


    Refcr'ellte Tcxt

    I. M arketing Strat~gy - B oy d. W alk er and L arreche McGrJ\\ Hill Irw in

    2. ~v 'larketing strategy - S te ph en S ch Free Press.

    3. Str8t,,:gic Market management - Da\ 'id Aaker .Ioh n w ile\ 8: sons

    4. Strategic marketing text & cases - Crmcrl1s

  • 7/31/2019 Revised Syllabus SemIII & SemIV 09


    3.2.1. Advanced Financial M~tnagement : University Assessment.: 100 Marks

    1. Indian Financial System: Functions of the Financial System - Financial Markets,

    Financial Intcrmediarie::; - Regulatory System

    2 . A naly sis o f L C\'erag c : O perJ.ting , F inancial and TLllal

    3. Thcory of Capit~1 SITudure : Net Income Approach - Net Operating Income

    ApproachMivf :\pp;'oach - TracJiti(\nal A.ppro ach

    4. Dividend Policy:.Fact1xs aftccting dividend policy decisi.on - Di"idend Decision

    Models - Walter ;v!odel ~ G~ )rden Mod e l - MM Approach

    5. Financia l Planning and Forecasting: Meaning and Importance - :\pr;roaches to

    Financial Planning- Proforma Profit and Loss AccQunt and Balance Sheet - G rowth

    ,:nd [:-\ternal Financing Requirements

    G . Corporate Valuation and Value Based Management: Valuation concepls-

    Valu ation of Equity ano Debt rnstrum~nts - Corporate V alu atio n A pproaches- Various

    approaches and concept of E\A. and !VIVA

    7. P"ojcct F in an cin g an d Pn lject A pp raisal: Sources of long-term finance-

    Institutional Consideralions - \':enture Capital- SEBf Guidelines

    3. Derivatives and Risk Management: Fonvanl Contra-cts - Future and- Fulure

    . Contracts - Options and Option Contracts - Interest Rats - Currene:' Swaps

    9. Investment Banking: Internal and Extemal funding options - Primary Iss~le

    Management- Private Placemen t - A D Rs /G DR s - Important"SEBI Guidelines-

    Provisions of Comp anies A c[ Pertaining to IPOs - Credit Rat:ng Af;enr.ies and ]>rO,:TSS

    10. Fin:lncial Management of PSUs

    II. Financial Management of Sick Unifs

    I. Financial Management - Theory ami Practice - PrasannaChatldra

    2. Financia l Management -Text, Problems and Case s - Kahn and .lain

    3. Financial rvlanagement - I i' v I Pandey

    4. Financial Management - E F Brigh(lJl1 Ilnd .f F Houston

    5. Financial Manag~menl and Policy - Vnn Horne

    6. rv!anagcrial Finance- :-- J Gitman

    7. Financial M lIlagemenl - f 3riel~' lv!y",~s

  • 7/31/2019 Revised Syllabus SemIII & SemIV 09


    Masters in Management Studies (MMS) - Semester III

    O.ricntat ion to the Subject (Ubject ives . Con ten t. ~ \ '!ethodology of Teaching

    Projcct 8:. RcscJn. :h Assignnlcnts 8:. Course Evaluation)

    I. Evnlution or O rganizatio na l T heo ries

    } Determinants or Org:lniDlt ion Structurc:-:


    O:'gallization Size



    P o\\er Control

    3. ()rganizatioll StClIctllre. Design & : Organizational Effectiveness

    -f. Applications: rVl

  • 7/31/2019 Revised Syllabus SemIII & SemIV 09


    . ' 6 "l\'lethodologv to be follo'sed:

    Classroom Discussions

    Case Study ~lethod "

    Re \"iew of Related Literature

    G~oup Projects & Presentations

    List of Uooks to Rcfel"

    Stephen P. Robbins. Organization Theory - Structure, Design and Applications, Pearson


    , Hatch M ary Jo & Cunliffe Ann L. Organization Theory - ~vlockrn, Symbolic, and

    Postmodern Perspectives, Oxford University Press,

    Hall Richard H, Organizations - Structures, Processes and Outcomes, Prentice Hall of India

    o f Stan fo rd N ao mi, O rg an iz atio n D esig n - Th e C ollab orativ e A pp ro ac h. Butterworth"-


    Khandwalla Pradip N, Organizational Designs for Excellence. Tata ivlcGrnw-Hill Publishing

    Company Ltd.

    '!l Gareth R Jones. Organizational Theory, Design and Change, Pearsoll Education

  • 7/31/2019 Revised Syllabus SemIII & SemIV 09


    Masters in Managclllclit Studies (MMS) - Semester HI

    Course Content

    I. Production Systems-operations, processes, manufacturing, services- types. modcls

    2. Product-Process Technologies

    3. Process-Product Matrix, Evolution of Production Systems.

    4. Evaluation-SelectIon of Equipment Requirements-optimization

    :'\. Layout -models-optim ization

    6. Line Balancing-models-optimization

    7. Production Plans-an overview, types8. Demand Management-models

    9. Capacity Planning -models

    10. Resource Planning-models

    1 I. Aggregate Planhing-models

    12. Batch Sizing-models~optimization

    13. Ba tch Schcuulillg-muJcls-optimizaliol1

    14 . ER P/SAP-PPC Module , reports -interpre ta tioil -variance analysis -use in decis ion


    15. Advanced Concepts like .fli, F MS , G T, M RP -II, C IM, R obotics, KANSAN. Agile

    Manufacturing ' .

    R~fcrcncc Text

    I . ProduCtion Planning & Inventory Control - John F rvlagee

    2. Production Planning & Control - L. C. Jhamb

    ~ . E lem ents of PP C - By Samuel Eilon

    4. PP & Inventory Control - By Seetharama L Narasimhan, Dennis \V. Mc Leavey,

    Peter J. Billington

    5. tvlanufacturing Planning & Control - By Vollman, Bery , Why bark, Jacobs

  • 7/31/2019 Revised Syllabus SemIII & SemIV 09


    Coursc content:

    I. Software Engineering - Definitions and Concept sand over view of Software

    Engineering (I session)

    2. I~xp()sllre to Software development process - Software Development Life cycle

    (SDLC). Waterfall Model. Spiral, Prototyping. Rational Unified' Process, Agile

    Methodologies -.:.Various phases in each life cycle model and the pros and cons of

    these approaches to software development. CASE - Computer Aided Software

    Engineering (2' sessions)

    3. Analysis and Design of Information systems (4 sessio'ns) - Assessing the Feasibility

    o r a system. Gathering detailed Software requirement Use of Structure SystemAnalysis and Design Methods such as Data Flow Diagram(DFD), Enti.ty Relationship

    Diagrams (ERD.) . Design of Inputs, Outputs and other interfaces, Use of Object

    Analysis and Design

    4. Software Manual ami Documenting - Various Manuals and Documents

    used at clifferelll stages or scftware development process - User Requir2l1lent

    Specifications - (2 sessions)

    5. Software Testing allli Quality Assunlilce - Concept and Need of Software Testing,

    Types and Testing Techniques and Automated methods of testing, Q'.Iality Assurance

    or software at each phase in the System lifecycle (2 session) .

    r. Software Project Management - Process and Techniques including Software

    Estimation - Challen!:;cs and Methods of Software Estimation, Software Project

    Team, Roles anu Ski lis (2 session)

    7. Re"icw of Student Presentations on exercise which requires them to analyze a

    business process. document the requirements. Analysis ::ll1dConceptual design of the

    system. cstimatiml of the software size (2 Session)

    Rcfcrence Text

    Systems Analysis and Design by James Senn

    OOAD - Buch and Rambaugh

    Structured Systems analysis and design concise study Ed I : Kefkar S A

    Essentials of Software Engineering by Frank Tsui and Orlande' K (2007 CBS

    Publications; Indian reprint priced at Rs. 325)

    Software Engineering by Waman Jaydekar

    Software Engineering by Roger" Pressman

    System Analysis and Design with UML 2.0 An Object-Oriented Approach 21l


    edition by Aland Dennis .Barbara Haley Wixon David Pegarden

    An integrated approach to .:>Jftware engineering, Narosa 1991

    Software engineering a practice approach. McGraw l-lilll992

    Sothvarc Engineering an integrated approach, lallote

    Nasscon1 Reports and Nasscom website for Industry Perspective

  • 7/31/2019 Revised Syllabus SemIII & SemIV 09


    Masters in Management Studies (MMS) - Semester IV

    Understanding Strategies Perspective of Management Control System~

    r3..1sicconcepts, Boundaries of ~\'!anagel11ent control goals. The Concept of Corporate and

    Business Unit Strategic.:s+

    1. Financial Goal Sctting

    [\IA. Free Cash 1710\\' market Gap. RON\\!, P I E . I::PS and their Inter-relationship, ROI " -!~ '. : !

    Sensitivity Analysis

    OrganiLation Hierarchic:) and I3cha\'ioul:

    Coal Congruence, Inforn,,1ation fnctors that intlucncc

    Cit)al Congruence, Types of Organization and the Formal Control systems. Function of CI,ntmlIer.

    2. Responsibility Ccntc/"s

    'Respunsibili ty Centre. RC \'cnue, E:\p~nses

  • 7/31/2019 Revised Syllabus SemIII & SemIV 09


    Masters in [Vlanagclllent Studies (MMS) - SemestCl' IV

    M od ifica tio ns in th e Revised SyIiablis

    Understanding Strategies Perspective ofMunagemcnt Control System;

    F3..1Sicconcepts, Boundaries of i"!anagcment control goals. The Concept of Corporate and

    l3usincss Unit Strategit:sl

    1. Financial Goal Sctting

    EV A , Free Cash 1710\\ market Gap. RONW, PIE, I:PS and their Inter-relationship, ROI ~!~d

    Sensitivity Analysis

    OrganiLution Hi~rarchil:>; and l3ehaviout:

    Co al Congruel~ce, Inforn.lation fnctors that intlucncc

    (i()al Co ngruence, Types of Organizatio n an d the Formal Control systems. Fu nction of


    2. Responsibility Centcl"s

    Respunsibiltty Centre. Re vcnue, E:-.:p~nses

  • 7/31/2019 Revised Syllabus SemIII & SemIV 09


    8. Summing up

    Controls for Differentiated Strategies, Top Management Styles: Summing uo

    9. Audit

    . Efficiency Audit and Management Audit

    Case Study: WestPort Electric Company

    Case Study: North Country Auto or Any Other Similar Case

    Case Study: Birch Paper COl~1pany

    Case Study: quality Metal Service

    Case Study: General Electric B

    Suggested Readings

    I. Management Control systems by Rober Antony and Vijay Govindrajan (Tata McGraw


    2. Management Control systems Dr R S Aurora and Prof S R Kale (latco P\Jbli~;hjng Iluuse}

    3. Each Session of 90 Minute duration. For Quantitative topics, basic application kflovvledgc

    is reyuired but advanced techniques are not expected to be covered

    4. Emphasis shoula be covering the subject of Management Control as a "Process" (aud not

    as Techniques)

    5. Due attention would be given to behavioural aspects of all the topics