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October 2015 SciArt in America ISSN 2372-2363

Review: The Infinity Engine by Lynn Hershman Leeson

May 16, 2023



Monika Halkort
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: Review: The Infinity Engine by Lynn Hershman Leeson

October 2015SciArt in America

ISSN 2372-2363

Page 2: Review: The Infinity Engine by Lynn Hershman Leeson

Editor-in-Chief Julia Buntaine

Managing EditorNeel V. Patel

Blog EditorDanielle Kalamaras

Layout & DesignJulia Buntaine

ContributorsNeel V. Patel

Danielle McCloskeyMegan Guerber

Joe FergusonIngeborg Reichle

SciArt in America is based in New York City,

New York.

Cover: Photograph of BANDALOOP’s Crossing, a vertical dance performance. Image credit: Basil Tsimoyianis.

Letter from the Editor


Dear readers,

It is with great pleasure that I introduce the October LVVXH��1RZ�SDVW�RXU�WZRĦ\HDU�PDUN��SciArt has borne ZLWQHVV�WR�WKH�HYHU�JURZLQJ�SUHVHQFH�RI�VFLHQFHĥEDVHG�art worldwide. As I’ve said before, this world is not limited to the visual arts; our cover image is from a performance by BANDALOOP, a vertical dance troop that addresses concepts like the nature of gravity, climate change, and geomorphology. This October we have an exclusive interview with BANDALOOP’s founder and artistic director.

The featured Straight Talk artists this month are both activists of kind; Mara G. Haseltine advocates for the health of the ocean, asking us to consider WKH�OLYHV�RI�SODQNWRQ��R\VWHUV��DQG�¿FWLRQDO�EXOERXV�ZRRGĦFUHDWXUHV��2Q�WKH�RWKHU�KDQG��7DWWIRR�7DQ�UDOOLHV�a cry against packaged food, and promotes healthy HDWLQJĥE\ĥFRORU��,Q�RXU�OHDG�DUWLFOH�WKLV�LVVXH��PDQDJLQJ�editor Neel V. Patel delves into an art world like, but QRWĥTXLWHĥOLNH�RXU�RZQħWKH�ZRUOG�RI�YLUWXDO�UHDOLW\�art. Wrapping up this issue we have a feature I had WKH�SOHDVXUH�RI�ZULWLQJ�RQ�D�FXWWLQJĦHGJH�JDOOHU\�LQ�Philadelphia, and a review of Lynn Hershman Leeson’s recent international show, delving into the topics of genetic surveillance, GMOs, and art in the age of technoscience.

As always, thank you for your support and readership, and I sincerely hope you enjoy this issue.

Page 3: Review: The Infinity Engine by Lynn Hershman Leeson

Table of ContentsOn Topic: Virtual Reality Art

Straight Talk with Tattfoo Tan

Straight Talk with Mara G. Haseltine

Spaces & Places: Esther Klein Gallery

Spotlight: BANDALOOP

Review: Lynn Hershman Leeson

On View: the new unconscious








Page 4: Review: The Infinity Engine by Lynn Hershman Leeson


The human species is fascinated by the possibility of LPPRUWDOLW\��,I�ZH�IROORZ�WKH�SURJUHVV�RI�FXWWLQJĦHGJH�UHVHDUFK�LQ�¿HOGV�OLNH�UHJHQHUDWLYH�PHGLFLQH�RU�KXPDQ�aging, which seek to understand the molecular mechaĥnisms and genetic factors that underlie the aging proĥcess, then we are closer to making this idea a reality than ever before in our history. ���,Q�KHU�ODWHVW�H[KLELWLRQ�³&LYLF�5DGDU´ħD�FRPSUHKHQĥsive retrospective at the ZKM Museum of Contempoĥrary Art in Karlsruhe, Germany, initiated and curated by 3HWHU�:HLEHO�DQG�$QGUHDV�)��%HLWLQħWKH�LQÀXHQWLDO�6DQ�)UDQFLVFRĦEDVHG�DUWLVW�/\QQ�+HUVKPDQ�/HHVRQ�HQJDJHV�with these developments through her prophetic art project 7KH�,QÀQLW\�(QJLQH. Hershman Leeson placed a molecular biology laboratory at the center of the exhibiĥ

WLRQ��PDNLQJ�D�VWURQJ�VWDWHPHQW�DERXW�WKH�SUHĦHPLQHQFH�of the sciences and the role of art in the 21st century, which some call the age of ‘technoscience’. Starting her career in the late 1960s, Hershman Leeson became best known for her pioneering oeuvre in new media art and performance, as well her provocative and GLVWLQFWLYH�¿OPV�VXFK�DV�Conceiving Ada�Ī����ī�RU�TeknoĦlust�Ī����ī��)URP�WKH�YHU\�EHJLQQLQJ��KHU�DUW�SURMHFWV�DGGUHVVHG�WKH�LQWHUSOD\�EHWZHHQ�FXWWLQJĦHGJH�WHFKQROĥRJ\��QHZ�PHGLD��DQG�JHQGHUħFKDOOHQJLQJ�FRQFHSWV�RI�LGHQWLW\�DQG�KXPDQ�XQLTXHQHVV��,Q�Teknolust, for examĥSOH��+HUVKPDQ�/HHVRQ�UDLVHV�TXHVWLRQV�DERXW�DGYDQFHG�WHFKQLTXHV�LQ�ELRWHFKQRORJ\��EXW�LQ�WHUPV�RI�IDQWDVWLF�future scenarios like the cloning of humans.

7KH�,QÀQLW\�(QJLQH�by Lynn Hershman Leeson

By Ingeborg ReichleGuest Contributor


SciArt in America October 2015

Page 5: Review: The Infinity Engine by Lynn Hershman Leeson


With 7KH�,QÀQLW\�(QJLQH Hershman Leeson explores WKH�FXUUHQW�VWDWH�RI�FXWWLQJĦHGJH�WHFKQRORJLHV��OLNH�WKH�manipulation of DNA, the production of transgenic orĥganisms, and regenerative medicine technologies, such as DUWL¿FLDO�IDEULFDWLRQ�RI�KXPDQ�RUJDQV�ZLWK��'�ELRSULQWĥLQJ�WHFKQLTXHV��$OO�WKHVH�WHFKQRORJLHV�SURIRXQGO\�DɱHFW�our concepts of human identity and the relationship between past and present as well as life and death. The ,QÀQLW\�(QJLQH�DVNV�TXHVWLRQV�DERXW�SURSHUW\�ULJKWV�DQG�ownership of human body parts when human cells and tissue are turned into commodities. Hershman Leeson also showcases contemporary developments in regenerative medicine by exhibiting an H[WUDFHOOXODU�VFDɱROG�IRU�JURZLQJ�D�WKUHHĦGLPHQVLRQDO�cell and tissue culture in the shape of a human nose in a glass display cabinet in the same manner as a priceĥless museum exhibit. All this is accompanied by a video projection of a collage of interviews with experts like the American scientist Anthony Atala, head of the Wake )RUHVW�,QVWLWXWH�IRU�5HJHQHUDWLYH�0HGLFLQH�Ī:),50ī�DW�:LQVWRQĦ6DOHP��1RUWK�&DUROLQD��$FFRUGLQJ�WR�$WDOD��research is just one step away from implementing tissue HQJLQHHULQJ�WHFKQLTXHV�DQG�PHWKRGV�WR�JURZ�VRSKLVWLĥFDWHG�FHOO�VWUXFWXUHV�LQ�YLYR�DQG�FUHDWH�DUWL¿FLDO�RUJDQV��

$QRWKHU�YLGHR�IHDWXUHV�.HLWK�0XUSK\��&(2�RI�WKH�8�6�Ħbased company Organovo, which specializes in designing DUWL¿FLDO�RUJDQV��0XUSK\�UHSRUWV�RQ�WKH�VWDWH�RI�WKH�DUW�to create biologically functioning organs by 3D bioĥprinting, and describes the unlimited potential of tissue HQJLQHHULQJ�DQG�WKH�QHZ�WHFKQLTXHV�WKDW�HQDEOH�XV�WR�manipulate cells in a systematic and fully controlled way, producing whatever shape and function is desired. Capture Room�LV�D�XQLTXH�SURMHFW�+HUVKPDQ�/HHVRQ�developed with NASA scientist Josiah Zayner. It is an innovative and highly speculative project that attempts WR�LGHQWLI\�D�SHUVRQ¶V�JHQRPH�WKURXJK�D�QRQĦLQYDVLYH�SURFHGXUH��WKDW�LV��ZLWKRXW�H[WUDFWLQJ�DQG�VHTXHQFLQJ�the DNA from a body cell, relying instead on informaĥtion provided by an image or photograph of a person’s face. To develop Capture Room, Zayner used current face recognition software and advanced statistics that are implemented in machine learning. His approach diverges VLJQL¿FDQWO\�IURP�WKH�LQYDVLYH�SURFHGXUHV�HPSOR\HG�LQ�'1$�VHTXHQFLQJ�E\�8�6��FRPSDQLHV�OLNH���DQG0H��which around a decade ago introduced a service to SURYLGH�SHUVRQDO�DQFHVWU\ĥUHODWHG�JHQHWLF�UHSRUWV�WR�D�IHHĦSD\LQJ�SXEOLF��,QIRUPDWLRQ�DERXW�RQH¶V�RZQ�JHQRPH�is now accessible to many people for the price of a whole

SciArt in America October 2015

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JHQRPHĦVHTXHQFLQJ�UXQ��ZKLFK�KDV�GURSSHG�VLJQL¿ĥFDQWO\�VLQFH�WKH�DGYHQW�RI�QH[WĦJHQHUDWLRQ�VHTXHQFLQJ�technology. The idea that Capture Room presents is much more WKDQ�D�EL]DUUH�YLVLRQ�RI�WKH�QHDU�IXWXUH��,W�LV�D�VFLHQWL¿ĥFDOO\ĦLQIRUPHG�DQG�SUREDEOH�VFHQDULR�RI�ZKDW�LV�OLNHO\�WR�be standard practice in just a decade or two. The main obstacle to the realization of this vision is not a lack of PDFKLQHU\�RU�DOJRULWKPV��EXW�RXU�VWLOO�YHU\ĦLPSHUIHFW�XQGHUVWDQGLQJ�RI�JHQRW\SHĦSKHQRW\SH�FRUUHODWLRQV�HPĥbodied in complex gene expression pathways. Disentanĥgling the complex gene interaction patterns involved in SKHQRW\SH�JHQHUDWLRQ�KDV�SURYHQ�WR�EH�IDU�PRUH�GLɷFXOW�to uncover than was originally thought after the successĥIXO�FRPSOHWLRQ�RI�WKH�+8*2�SURMHFW�VRPH�¿IWHHQ�\HDUV�ago. In 7KH�,QÀQLW\�(QJLQH, Hershman Leeson also explores the manipulation of DNA and the production of transĥJHQLF�RUJDQLVPV��H[HPSOL¿HG�E\�OLYLQJ�WUDQVJHQLF�]HĥEUD¿VK�WKDW�JORZ�LQ�WKH�GDUN��$�QXPEHU�RI�]HEUD¿VK�DUH�SUHVHQWHG�LQ�D�EULOOLDQWO\�LOOXPLQDWHG�DTXDULXP��ZKLFK�is surrounded by wallpaper with images of all kinds of JHQHWLFDOO\�PRGL¿HG�SODQWV�DQG�RUJDQLVPV��7KH�]HEUDIĥish, an important model organism in a great number of UHVHDUFK�¿HOGV��ZHUH�SURYLGHG�E\�WKH�,QVWLWXWH�RI�7R[Lĥcology and Genetics at Karlsruhe Institute of TechnolĥRJ\�Ī.,7ī��ZKLFK�KRXVHV�PRUH�WKDQ���������]HEUD¿VK��The vast number of examples of transgenic plants and animals depicted are palpable evidence that genetically PRGL¿HG�RUJDQLVPV�Ī*02Vī�QRZ�EHORQJ�WR�RXU�GDLO\�OLIH�and have also become an integral part of the art world. One of the rooms the spectator experiences when entering 7KH�,QÀQLW\�(QJLQH is covered with projected imĥDJHV�DQG�¿OPV�SURGXFHG�LQ�ODERUDWRULHV��ZKLFK�HOLFLWV�WKH�feeling of standing right in the middle of a laboratory. This part of the installation is a wonderful metaphor: on the one hand 7KH�,QÀQLW\�(QJLQH brings us as close to a wet bench in a laboratory as possible, and on the other WKLV�VKLIW�RI�µORFDWLRQ¶ħIURP�WKH�DUW�PXVHXP�WR�D�VFLHQFH�FRQWH[WħREOLJHV�XV�WR�JHW�DFTXDLQWHG�ZLWK�QHZ�HSLVWHĥPRORJLHV�DQG�WKH�ORJLF�RI�WKH�WHFKQRĦVFLHQWL¿F�UHJLPH�LQ�ZKLFK�PDQ\�VFLHQWL¿F�¿HOGV�DUH�HPEHGGHG�WRGD\��

The manipulation of the human genome is still taboo in most countries. But with 7KH�,QÀQLW\�(QJLQH, Hershĥman Leeson drives the point home that with current DQG�IXWXUH�GHYHORSPHQWV�LQ�¿HOGV�OLNH�WLVVXH�HQJLQHHULQJ�and regenerative medicine, there is far more at risk than just our identity. Our ontology as humans is called into TXHVWLRQ��8QWLO�UHFHQWO\��FRQWURYHUVLHV�DERXW�SURJUHVV�LQ�¿HOGV�OLNH�ELRWHFKQRORJ\�RU�UHJHQHUDWLYH�PHGLFLQH�focused on the future of our species and on some bizarre SRVWĥKXPDQ�YLVLRQV�DERXW�IXWXUH�ERGLHV�RU�JHWWLQJ�FORVHU�WR�LPPRUWDOLW\��%XW�VLQFH�WHFKQLTXHV�DQG�DSSOLFDWLRQV�OLNH�'1$�VHTXHQFLQJ�KDYH�EHFRPH�ZLGHO\�DYDLODEOH�DQG�inexpensive, attention has shifted to the fact that they can be used by and on a great number of people outside

WKH�KLJKO\�UHJXODWHG�VFLHQWL¿F�DUHQD��7KLV�PHDQV�WKDW�ethical considerations must be discussed not only within WKH�FRQWUROOHG�¿HOG�RI�VSHFLDO�PHGLFDO�DSSOLFDWLRQV��EXW�also on a broader social level because mass use of these WHFKQLTXHV�LV�DɱHFWLQJ�ODUJH�DUHDV�RI�RXU�VRFLHW\��

���,Q�0DUFK�������VRPH�ZHHNV�DIWHU�WKH�RSHQLQJ�RI�³&LYLF�Radar” in Karlsruhe at ZKM, two commentaries by two JURXSV�RI�VFLHQWLVWVħRQH�SXEOLVKHG�RQOLQH�LQ�Science on March 19 and one in Nature�RQ�0DUFK���ħDUJXHG�WKDW�WKH�H[SORVLYH�SUROLIHUDWLRQ�RI�SRZHUIXO�QHZ�JHQRPHĥHGLWLQJ�WHFKQRORJLHV�VXFK�DV�&5,635ĥ&DV��DQG�RWKHU�WHFKQLTXHV�QHHGHG�FDUHIXO�FRQVLGHUDWLRQ�DQG�GLVFXVVLRQ��'HYHORSHG�E\�(PDQXHOOH�&KDUSHQWLHU�DW�WKH�+HOPKROW]ĥCentre for Infection Research in Braunschweig, Germaĥny and Jennifer Doudna at the University of California DW�%HUNHOH\��&5,635ĥ&DV��PDNHV�LW�HDV\�IRU�DQ\RQH�ZLWK�basic molecular biology training to edit genes in cells, inĥcluding in eggs, sperm, and embryos, potentially curing genetic diseases or adding new traits. In recent years, new media and social media have garnered much of our attention. Amazingly, powerful corporations like Google and Apple have emerged, and are giants in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street. American ZKLVWOHĥEORZHU�(GZDUG�6QRZGHQ�UHYHDOHG�WKH�H[WHQW�WR�which our personal data is collected by governments and processed without our consent, and showed us that we ORVW�FRQWURO�RYHU�RXU�SHUVRQDO�GDWD�TXLWH�VRPH�WLPH�DJR��The next step will be the collecting of personal genomic data on a massive scale to scrutinize the genetic makeup of as many people as possible. What kind of potential PLVXVH�RI�'1$�SUR¿OLQJ��SULYDF\��DQG�JHQHWLF�VXUYHLOĥODQFH�ZLOO�WKHUH�EH"�,I�WKH�PDNHĦXS�RI�WKH�JHQRPH�LV�DOVR�a criteria for decisions made with respect to the labor PDUNHW�RU�LQVXUDQFHħIRU�H[DPSOH��KHDOWK�LQVXUDQFHħZH�are facing a wholly novel constellation. The new options WKDW�FRPH�ZLWK�PDVV�DSSOLFDWLRQ�RI�'1$�VHTXHQFLQJ�RU�tissue engineering in the private sector make it a comĥSHOOLQJ�QHFHVVLW\�WR�XQGHUVWDQG�ZKDW�FRQVHTXHQFHV�FRPĥmitting to these new options have. We have lost control RYHU�RXU�SHUVRQDO�GDWD��DQG�QRZ�WKH�TXHVWLRQ�LV�ZKHWKHU�we will also lose control over our personal genomic data, which governments and powerful corporations started to collect some time ago. At the exit of the exhibition we encounter a lab coat and gloves and a red sign which reads: “You are leavĥing a laboratory controlled area. Gloves, lab coats, and RWKHU�SURWHFWLYH�HTXLSPHQW�VKRXOG�QRW�EH�ZRUQ�SDVW�WKLV�point.” When we leave the exhibition we can leave the ODE�HTXLSPHQW�EHKLQG��EXW�QRW�WKH�LPSHUDWLYH�QHFHVVLW\�WR�HQJDJH�PRUH�ZLWK�FXUUHQW�GHYHORSPHQWV�LQ�¿HOGV�OLNH�'1$�VHTXHQFLQJ�RU�UHJHQHUDWLYH�PHGLFLQH��WKLV�LV�ZKDW�Lynn Hershman Leeson is saying with 7KH�,QÀQLW\�(QJLQH. 7KH�XELTXLWRXV�DSSOLFDWLRQ�DQG�VSUHDG�RI�GLJLWDO�PHGLD�that we have experienced is now being followed by a VLPLODU�GHYHORSPHQW�LQ�WKH�¿HOG�RI�ELRPHGLD��DQG�WKLV�will change our lives and habits as much as the digital media did and still do.

SciArt in America October 2015

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7KH�,Q¿QLW\�(QJLQH�ī����Ĭ�LQVWDOODWLRQ��$OO�LPDJHV�DUH�FRXUWHV\�of Lynn Hershman Leeson, produced by ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst

und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe. Photo: Fidelis Fuchs, © ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe.

SciArt in America October 2015

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