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Reverend Collins Church

Apr 06, 2018



Liz Treutel
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  • 8/3/2019 Reverend Collins Church



    Reverend Collins ChurchMatt KauzlaricI-Wei KuoKyle MaierSamar OmariDillan Powell

    Jackie RutterLiz Treutel We are creating a brief to inform design and building of an economical and sustainable church forReverend Collins congregation.

    The goal for this project is to revive the community in the Lower Ninth Ward that has been devastatedby Hurricane Katrina.How this will be achieved:

    Financial PlanPolitical Process PlanConstruction DocumentsPolicy and Code ReviewProfessional Contacts

    Action PlanRebuild a community to bring people back to the Lower Ninth Ward

    Bible StudySunday SchoolChoir/ MusicChurch Picnics

    Rebuild to SustainCreate an affordable solution

    Reclaimed MaterialsNon-Profit Construction organizations

    Habitat for HumanityArchitecture for HumanityMake it RightGlobal Green

    Steel Frame ConstructionCreating a sustainable building that will adapt to changing environments

    Elevating the StructureHurricane Proof ConstructionFlexible structural design

    Evaluation, Weaknesses and Alternatives:

    Funding/FundraisingBake SaleBusiness SponsorsCar Wash

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    ZoningReliable Professional ResourcesMulti-use space

    Worship space with flexible usesChoir Room/ Music spaceClass Room/ Sunday school

    Political Process:Zoning Code ResearchPlanning Commission

    Financial Plan:Working with local organizations

    NENAHoly Cross Neighborhood AssociationCSED (Center for Sustainable Engagement and Development)Lower Ninth Ward Homeowners AssociationLower Ninth Ward Neighborhood Council, IncFind partner to write grant proposal (Local Organization)

    Use small initial grants to attempt to bring in larger grantsConstruction Material and Labor Costs

    Steel Structure CostFoundation/ Site AnalysisExterior Materials

    Spatial Analysis Plan:Create an Architectural plan to discuss the dimensional organizational strategiesBuilding Use Plans

    ReportIntroduction This report is a collection of research, resources, and suggestions to help Reverend Collins and hischurch rebuild their worship space and congregation, which will help revive the community around it

    and help create a sustainable church. Reverend Collinss church located on the corner of Caffin Avenueand Galvez Street was destroyed by the flooding sustained in the Lower Ninth Ward during HurricaneKatrina in 2005. Due to lack of funding, the congregation is still unable to rebuild six years later and iscurrently holding services in other church buildings around the New Orleans area. This report details thesteps that can be taken to rebuild and revive the church and community by reviewing similar projectsthat have been successful, mapping out the stakeholders involved in the process, and targeting the mainroad blocks in the rebuilding process and suggesting strategies to overcome them.

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    Review of LiteratureResources:

    Churches Supporting Churches

    Churches Supporting Churches is an organization that is committed to bringing churches together inorder to help restore churches that have become destroyed during Hurricane Katrina. The organizationhelps strengthen the congregation, physically rebuild the church, and help the church strengthen thecommunity. Through this program, churches are paired up with partnering or adoptive churches fromacross the country.NENA: Neighborhood Empowerment Network Association NENA is an organization that is focused on revitalizing the Lower Ninth Ward by offering professionsupport and guidance to individuals or groups looking to rebuild. They help with steps from planning tofinancing to picking reliable contractors.

    The Greater New Orleans Foundation The GNOF is an organization whose goal is to create a resilient, sustainable, vibrant community inwhich individuals and families flourish and in which the special character of the New Orleans region andits people is preserved, celebrated, and given the means to develop. They provide various workshops onreceiving grants, how to create fundraising plans and provide professional advisers as well as helpconnect donors to those in the community who need aid.LISC: Local Initiatives Support Corporation organization is looking to help revive devastated neighborhoods into sustainable communities, by

    providing technical and management assistance as well as helping individuals and groups find theresources they need to rebuild.

    Holy Cross Neighborhood Association in 1981, the mission of the Holy Cross Neighborhood Association is to make ourcommunity the best place in the city to live and raise a family.Current issues Holy Cross Neighborhood Association is addressing and may help with the Church:

    Blight and Code EnforcementCommunity HealthCultural and Community Facilities

    Economic DevelopmentHousingInfrastructure and Public TransportationLaw EnforcementPublic EducationQuality of Life, Preservation, and ZoningRe-population and Membership

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    Youth EngagementMeetings are every second and fourth Thursday from 5:30pm 7:00pm @ The Greater Little ZionMissionary Baptist Church, 5130 Chartres Street (at Lizardi)

    Precedents:All Souls Episcopal Church St. Walgreens All Souls Episcopal Church is located in the Lower Ninth Ward and is an example of a church that wasdevastated during Hurricane Katrina and has rebuilt with strength. The physical structure was destroyedand the church grew back, initially through meetings in garages and has grown to a permanent residencein a former Walgreens building. The Church has many support groups that have help revive thecommunity such as, youth groups, counseling, family nights, a community orchestra, and tutoringprograms. Besides this churchs success as a good example of how a church can help revive thecommunity, it is an innovative use of an existing building to house a church.Methodology

    Stakeholders: There are many stakeholders at play in the rebuilding of the church. From a micro, there is theCongregation and Reverend Collins. These two groups want to see the church rebuilt; that is simpleenough if it were not for the other stakeholders involved.

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    City of New Orleans- Whatever decisions in the design and planning process, the city of New Orleansis involved. From codes and regulations, to zoning and transportation the city has an impact. Surrounding Business- The area where the site for the church is located was for the most partdestroyed during Katrina. The lack of businesses that have rebuilt can play apart in the rebuilding of thechurch.Neighbors- The congregation for the most part were the people living in the Lower Ninth Ward. Withmany not coming back following Katrina, the question is what is left of the congregation? Surrounding Baptist Churches- Churches, like All Saints, provide information to us on how to rebuildthis church. But the issue at hand is how many Baptist churches does an area need, with families notcoming back to the Lower Ninth Ward?Other Community Groups- Community groups like NENA, provide some information on how tofinance building homes in the area. They can help with steps from planning to financing to picking

    reliable contractors. They are stakeholders, in a sense, because they want people like Reverend Collins tocome back and rebuilt what was lost.

    Financial Institution- Funding is important issue to address. Reverend Collins does not have the fundsright now to rebuild. So having a financial plan is important. One place to get money is the bank. For thebank to provide funding, they have to see that they can get a return in their investment.

    Insurance Companies- The insurance companies have stake in the church as well. For them to insureagain the building must meet code and also see that the structure is stable enough to sustain anotherdisaster.

    Funding:An idea for funding can come from the All Souls Episcopal Church aka St. Walgreens, who created awish list on their website, as an area for people to view items that are needed in their church. This allowspossible donors or those who have access to these resources to be aware of the aid that they may be ableto provide to the church.

    Many other options for funding are also available. The first step for subsidization of this newconstruction would be to contact the active community organizations and city governmental agencies. These groups have the experience and authority to connect this project with many grants, low or nointerest loans, or fundraising aid. Some of these organizations, as listed above, include NENA, Habitatfor Humanity, Make it Right, Holy Cross Neighborhood Association, CSED (Center for SustainableEngagement and Development), Lower Ninth Ward Homeowners Association, Lower Ninth WardNeighborhood Council and the City of New Orleans.

    Within the congregation, many creative fundraising ideas could be used. One example that is apopular way for churches to raise money is to have individuals, families, organizations or businessessponsor a pew. This is a way for the community to have permanent recognition within the church and togive people the opportunity to help their community in a way which many could afford.

    Overall, the first steps to the funding processes are to work with major stakeholders such as thecongregation, local businesses, the City of New Orleans, neighbors, surrounding churches, financialinstitutions, volunteer organizations and contractors to get all groups on board with the project so thatthey can have a chance to bring their assets and possible contributions to the table.

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    Applying For Federal Grant: Grant is a sum of money awarded by a funder. In this case, it is the federal government. A Grant Application/Proposal is a request for monetary support, submitted in writing to agovernment agency, foundation or corporation. They may range from 2-40+ pages, depending on whoyoure applying with."The government gave more than $1 billion in 2003 to organizations it considers 'faith-based,' with somegoing to programs where prayer and spiritual guidance are central" recently reported Laura Meckler,AP writer. It is called White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, which is designedto help expand the role of churches and other community organizations in social problems across thenation.Applying for Free Grants:Long process that takes about 6 weeks.Go to and follow the steps.How to Write Grant Proposals:Info and steps Found on: Cover Letter2. Executive SummaryThe summary actually comes first and helps the grantor to understand at a glance what you are seeking. At the beginning of your proposal, write a short summary of your proposal. The summary can be asshort as a couple of sentences, but no longer than one page.3. Need Statement (problem Statement)This is the meat of grant proposals, and where you must convince the funder that what you propose todo is important and that your organization is the right one to do it. Assume that the reader of yourproposal does not know much about the issue or subject. Explain why the issue is important, and whatresearch you did to learn about possible solutions.4. Goals and ObjectivesWhat does your organization plan to do about the problem? State what you ultimately hope toaccomplish with the project (goal), and spell out the specific results or outcomes you expect toaccomplish (objectives).5. Methods, Strategies or Program DesignThis section is where you walk the grantor through HOW you will achieve the goals and objectives

    you've set out earlier. You may be required to provide a logic model in this section.6. Evaluation SectionHow will you assess your program's accomplishments? Funders want to know that their dollars actuallydid some good. So decide now how you will evaluate the impact of your project. Include what recordsyou will keep or data you will collect, and how you will use that data. If the data collection costs money,be sure to include that cost in your budget.

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    7. Other Funding or SustainabilityHave you gotten committed funds from other sources? Or have you asked other sources? Most fundersdo not wish to be the sole source of support for a project. Be sure to mention in-kind contributions youexpect, such as meeting space or equipment. Is this a pilot project with a limited time-line? Or will it gointo the future? If so, how do you plan to fund it? Is it sustainable over the long haul?8. Organizational InformationIn a few paragraphs explain what your organization does, and why the funder can trust it to use therequested funds responsibly and effectively. Give a short history of your organization, state its mission,the population it serves, and an overview of its track record in achieving its mission. Describe or list yourprograms. Be complete in this part of your proposal even if you know the funder or have gotten grantsfrom this grant maker before.9. Budgets for Your Grant ProposalsHow much will your project cost? Attach a short budget showing expected expenses and income. Theexpenses portion should include personnel expenses, direct project expenses, and administrative oroverhead expenses. Income should include earned income and contributed income.10. Additional Materials That Might Be RequiredFunders are likely to want the following:

    IRS letter proving that your organization is tax-exempt. List of your board of directors and their affiliations. Financial statement from your last fiscal year. Budget for your current fiscal year. Budget for your next fiscal year if you are within a few months of that new year.

    Outcomes and Suggestions (Design and Results) When it came to designing Reverend Collins church, numerous steps were taken in finding an idealoutcome.Organization: Through studying other local parishes, we noticed a trend in the basic layout of Baptistchurchs in the Orleans Parish. As with any church, the worship space is the largest space of the building. The project also called for office space for three people, along with an overflow space and publicrestrooms. Towards the front of the building, bathrooms and a moderately sized gathering space will beplaced. The main worship space will be an open floor plan with the gathering space and the worshipspace in the same room. Located in the front and center of the space is the altar, and behind the altar isthe elevated choir space. Two hallways will flank the choir space, one leading back to a storage/overflowarea, and the other leading back to three offices for the parish leaders.

    Site Analysis: The predetermined site for the church was chosen by Reverend Collins to be in thelocation where his previous church once stood before Hurricane Katrina. On the corner of Caffin Ave

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    and Galvez Street, a lot size of 170 x 160 contains the previous church footprint as well as an existingextension of the previous church in good condition that is to be reattached to the new addition.Interviews: When we first met Collins, he was full of passion about what the new church would do tobetter the community and revive the spirits of his family and old members of the church that wereforced to leave. He was kind enough to take us on a trip to the site. On the way he was explaining to usthe importance of family, and how the community involved with the church acted like a family aroundone another and how that bond had been broken. In order to reintroduce that memory of family that was so important to him, Collins had a specific vision. While walking around the site, Collins wouldpoint out exactly where he wanted everything to go. He would say things like, I want the entrance righthere. or This is where a walkway to the extension should go. Even when we met back at the church,he was eager to draw out where he thought the program should be laid out.

    Experience: A church is an ideal place for people to come together each week. Reverend Collinschurch offers two main experiential components: community and worship. For a church to be successfulas a space, it must execute both of these equally. The buildings Reverend Collins currently occupies onlyfocus on the worship space, and only serve a specific purpose; Sunday worship. The only other time the

    space is used is if the choir is practicing during the week. The opportunity, then, for the space to beutilized the other six days of the week is lost. Several design features were taken into account to create amore transformable space. Chairs, instead of permanent pews are used to allow movable seating so that aspace can be reorganized for multiple uses. Additional room in the back of the worship space, which ismeant for a gathering space on Sundays, can also act as a staging area or additional seating during acommunity event. An open floor plan allows for multiple configurations of seating or sectioning ofspace, keeping the area flexible. None of these features take away from the power of the worship space,however they allow for more use during the week.

    Design VisionIn designing the new church, we took the vision that Reverend Collins had painted for us that day of thesite visit and stayed as close to his plans as possible. We took into consideration how specific his

    organization of the church was laid out and redrew it in a formal plan. The height of the building waslifted in order to create a spiritual space within the church, and in compliance with local code we raisedthe building three feet from grade to help protect it from future flooding. Framing of the building wasalso to be constructed out of steel, from the same company that constructed the storage structure thatremained standing after Katrina on the site.

    Codes and Policy RequirementsThere is a large list of requirements in order to obtain a building permit to begin new construction. Most

    steps will be taken care with the help of an architect, but the permit process begins with having officialdrawings of the building stamped by a Registered Architect from the State of Louisiana. Also needed is

    an official plot plan is also needed by a registered surveyor. A listing of the value of the proposed projectand the contractors license are needed as well. There is also a permit fee that is based on the size of the

    project. A link to the detailed list of requirements can be found below as well as a link to the buildingpermit application. Codes required by the State of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans are based onthe International Building Code and it is a licensed architects job to make sure the building is built in

    accordance to the codes. From the Use and Occupancy Classifications in International Building Code -Chapter 1, Reverend Collins, architect, and contractor can figure out that church is categorized as the

    GROUP A-3. Under this Classification, the reconstruction of church should follow all requirements todesign and build a new church.

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    Location of Site: Corner of Caffin Ave. and Galvez St. in Lower Ninth Ward

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    Image of the current site:

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    Floor Plan:

    Front Elevation:

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    ResourcesLink to brochure with information on how to have plans reviewed: Link to a list of items required to gain a building permit:

    Permit-Requirements/Link to building permit application: Link New Orleans Amendments for International Building Code: Link to City of New Orleans Codes: to 2009 International Building Code Need to Know
