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Resurrection of Our Lord Church Under the Protection of Our Lady of Ransom Blessed Sacrament ~ The chapel is located at the Shelmire ramp entrance and is open Monday-Friday, 7:00am - 5:00pm. Homebound Visitation ~ Please contact the rectory. New Parishioners ~ We encourage you to register on-line or at the rectory during our regular business hours. Pastoral Care of the Sick ~ Call the rectory to arrange for anointing and communion for the sick and dying. RCIA ~ The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), Formation begins in mid-September and participants meet weekly Thursday evenings until Easter. Contact Deacon John Knesis at 267-240-9607 for more information. Resurrection Divine Mercy Group ~ Meetings on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm in the Lower Church (use parking lot door). Resurrection Prayer Community ~ Meetings on Monday evenings at 7:00pm in the Lower Church. Sacrament of Baptism ~ Baptisms take place on the first and third Sundays of the month. Call the rectory to arrange Baptism date. Sacrament of Reconciliation ~ Saturdays 3:30pm - 4:15pm, Sundays 10:00am or by appointment. Reverend James DeGrassa, Pastor Rev. Tom Gallagher, O.S.F.S. Resident Reverend Harold McKale, Resident Reverend Edward Rauch, O.S.F.S. Assisting Retired Priest Deacon Dennis Friel, [email protected] Deacon John Knesis, [email protected] 2000 Shelmire Ave., Phila., PA 19152 Telephone 215-745-3211 Fax 215-745-0587 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening - 4:30 pm Sunday 6:30, 8:30, 10:30 am & 12:00 Noon Monday - Friday 8:30 am Holy Days of Obligation Please see schedule inside bulletin. Mass will still be available via live stream . Vigil Mass 4:30pm on Saturdays. This can be accessed on our website or our facebook page. You do not need facebook to view the video, simply the internet.

Resurrection of Our Lord Church

Dec 05, 2021



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Page 1: Resurrection of Our Lord Church

Resurrection of Our Lord Church Under the Protection of Our Lady of Ransom

Blessed Sacrament ~ The chapel is located at the Shelmire ramp

entrance and is open Monday-Friday, 7:00am - 5:00pm.

Homebound Visitation ~ Please contact the rectory.

New Parishioners ~ We encourage you to register on-line or at

the rectory during our regular business hours.

Pastoral Care of the Sick ~ Call the rectory to arrange for

anointing and communion for the sick and dying.

RCIA ~ The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), Formation

begins in mid-September and participants meet weekly Thursday

evenings until Easter. Contact Deacon John Knesis at

267-240-9607 for more information.

Resurrection Divine Mercy Group ~ Meetings on Wednesday

evenings at 7:30pm in the Lower Church (use parking lot door).

Resurrection Prayer Community ~ Meetings on Monday

evenings at 7:00pm in the Lower Church.

Sacrament of Baptism ~ Baptisms take place on the first and

third Sundays of the month. Call the rectory to arrange Baptism


Sacrament of Reconciliation ~ Saturdays 3:30pm - 4:15pm,

Sundays 10:00am or by appointment.

Reverend James DeGrassa, Pastor Rev. Tom Gallagher, O.S.F.S. Resident

Reverend Harold McKale, Resident Reverend Edward Rauch, O.S.F.S.

Assisting Retired Priest

Deacon Dennis Friel, [email protected] Deacon John Knesis, [email protected]

2000 Shelmire Ave., Phila., PA 19152 Telephone 215-745-3211

Fax 215-745-0587


Saturday Evening - 4:30 pm


6:30, 8:30, 10:30 am & 12:00 Noon

Monday - Friday 8:30 am

Holy Days of Obligation Please see schedule inside


Mass will still be available via live stream.

Vigil Mass 4:30pm on Saturdays. This can

be accessed on our website or our facebook

page. You do not need facebook to view

the video, simply the internet.

Page 2: Resurrection of Our Lord Church

Saturday - August 28

4:30PM Loretta A. Perez

Sunday - August 29

6:30AM Living & Deceased Members of

Resurrection of Our Lord Parish

8:30AM Louise Dzara

10:30AM Anna M. Diorio, 13th Anniversary

12:00Noon Loretta & Joseph Perez

Monday - August 30

8:30AM Veronica Joseph

Tuesday - August 31

8:30AM Naseem Martha

Wednesday - September 1

8:30AM Philip & Anna Pittore

Thursday - September 2

8:30AM Deceased Members of

The Darcy Family

Friday - September 3

8:30AM Zachary Waker

Saturday - September 4

4:30PM Marie DiForte

Sunday - September 5

6:30AM Living & Deceased Members of

Resurrection of Our Lord Parish

8:30AM Salvatore & Edith Fiodimondo

10:30AM Luigi Lamelza

12:00Noon John Nase

Week of August 29th - September 4th

Gold Candle Blessed Mother ~ Anna M. Diorio

Gold Candle St. Joseph ~ Anna M. Diorio

Upper Church Bread & Wine ~ Anna M. Diorio

Upper Church Lamps ~ Anna M. Diorio

Lower Church Bread & Wine ~ Anna M. Diorio

Lower Church Lamps ~ Anna M. Diorio

Collection 8/22/2021 $8,406.00

We Share/E-Giving $1,679.33

Total Collection $10,085.33

Envelopes ~ 289

We Share ~ 58

Thank you very much for your generous support.

May God reward your kind generosity.

Rectory Office Hours, 215-745-3211

Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

(closed 12 Noon - 1:00 PM for lunch)

Closed on Holy Days of Obligation

Rectory Staff

John Duffner, [email protected]

Tina Nase, Music Director

Nadine Holzshu, Tuition Manager, 9am-3pm Joan Stulz, Child and Youth Protection

Bulletin Editor - [email protected]

Resurrection Regional Catholic School, 215-742-1127

Mr. Jack Bellantoni - Principal

Karen Fitzgerald, Director of Religious Education

Scrip Office Hours, 215-745-5021

Wednesday, 6-8PM Saturday, 9-11AM

Friday, 9-11AM, 6-8PM Sunday, 9-12Noon

Sanctuary Lamps/Bread & Wine

You may reserve the Sanctuary Lamps, Gold

Candles or the Bread & Wine in memory of a

loved one, with a donation of $5 for each.

*Lamps, Upper & Lower Church

* Bread & Wine, Upper & Lower Church

* Gold Candles:

Blessed Mother Altar

Saint Joseph Altar

Congratulations to our newly

Married Couple

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ramirez

He summoned the crowd again and said to them, “Hear

Me, all of you, and understand. Nothing that enters one

from outside can defile that person; but the things that

come out from within are what defile.” - Mk 7:14-15

Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.

Page 3: Resurrection of Our Lord Church


Sunday 8/29 6:30AM Mass, Upper Church

8:30AM Mass, Upper Church

10:30AM Mass, Upper Church

12:00Noon Mass, Upper Church

11:00AM Portuguese Mass, Lower Church

Monday 8/30 7:00PM Prayer Group, Lower Church

Tuesday 8/31

Wednesday 9/1 7:30PM Divine Mercy, Lower Church

Thursday 9/2

Friday 9/3

Saturday 9/4 4:30PM Mass, Upper Church

Blessing Cars/New Drivers

Sunday 9/5 6:30AM Mass, Upper Church

8:30AM Mass, Upper Church

10:30AM Mass, Upper Church

12:00Noon Mass, Upper Church

11:00AM Portuguese Mass, Lower Church

1:00PM Baptisms

Godparent/Sponsor To receive a Letter of Eligibility, from our

parish, a person must be a registered member

of our parish for 6 months and be a Catholic in good

standing. The guidelines are set by the Archdiocese

regarding the requirements that must be met for someone

to be accepted as a valid godparent/sponsor.

A person must be at least 16 years of age.

Be neither the father nor the mother of the child.

Have received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation

and Eucharist.

Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation,

receive the sacraments regularly and strive to live an active

Christian life.

If married ~ must be validly married within the laws of the




Congratulations on your engagement! We

promise to do everything within our power to make your

special day beautiful. Please visit our website to arrange for your upcoming

wedding here at our church. You are able to choose

between a Wedding ceremony or a Wedding Mass. The

earliest wedding on Fridays is at 3PM. On Saturdays,

weddings may be scheduled anytime between 9AM &

2PM. Non-parishioners are most welcome here for their

wedding day. One party must be Catholic and both

parties must be free to marry.

Please remember in your prayers those members of

our parish serving in the military whether at home or

abroad. We pray for their safety and security as they

continue to serve our country and keep us safe.

Sanctuary Endowment Announces

the following Enrollments:

John J. Gresko by Mary, Tony & Matthew DeCicco

William Joanni by Stephanie Hattel

Charles Felthaus by Kathy Jeskevich

Mass is offered once monthly for all the members

enrolled in the Sanctuary Endowment Fund. On the

occasion of a funeral or the settlement of an estate,

remember your loved ones with a donation to the

Sanctuary Endowment Memorial Fund - a true living

memorial! The fund is used exclusively for the

maintenance, preservation and restoration of the

sanctuary and shrines of our church. Thank you to the

many families who have remembered their loved ones

through the Sanctuary Endowment Fund.

Please remember all our deceased relatives, friends

and fellow parishioners, especially:

Kathleen O’Rourke

Anna Tufano

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual

light shine upon them. May their souls and all the souls of

the faithfully departed rest in peace. Amen

Saturday, September 4, 4:30PM

Rebecca Bhatti, Bryan Raimundo

Sunday, September 5

8:30AM Kayley & Emily Dao, Joshuor Oliveira

10:30AM Michael Ching, Carly Le

12:00Noon Diana, William & Sarah Kahn

Riley Faith Joseph Lodise

Harry Herr Laurinda Lodise

Espacia Daisy Debbie Gillin

Martha Brown Bernadette Mulcahy Joe Gross

James Krouchick Alice McMenamin Adam Ennis

Nicolena Fuscellaro Michael Lamplugh Joseph F. Gessner

Barbara Robinson Edward Lamplugh Bette DiGiacomo

Lou Baldwin Dawn Pescatore Dolores Mann

Stephen Stevenson Linda Rosenzweig Robert Stulz

Christopher Clemmens Brett Cubbage Erinn Dowling

Phyllis Wadsworth Lauren Bridges Miguel Cumba

James Dalaimo Mary Brennen Angelina McVey

Marie Gillard Coyle Tony Menna Kathleen Mimm

Celeste Coyle Vincent Minniti Diane DiNoble

Emily Korbel Mary Lodise Steven Thomas

Page 4: Resurrection of Our Lord Church

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Lectionary: 125

READING 1 DT 4:1-2, 6-8

Moses said to the people: “Now, Israel, hear the statutes and decrees which I am teaching you

to observe, that you may live, and may enter in and take possession of the land which the

LORD, the God of your fathers, is giving you. In your observance of the commandments of

the LORD, your God, which I enjoin upon you, you shall not add to what I command you nor

subtract from it. Observe them carefully, for thus will you give evidence of your wisdom and

intelligence to the nations, who will hear of all these statutes and say, ‘This great nation is truly a

wise and intelligent people.’ For what great nation is there that has gods so close to it as the

LORD, our God, is to us whenever we call upon Him? Or what great nation has statutes and

decrees that are as just as this whole law which I am setting before you today?”

READING 2 JAS 1:17-18, 21B-22, 27

Dearest Brothers and Sisters: All good giving and every perfect gift is from above, coming

down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no alteration or shadow caused by change.

He willed to give us birth by the word of truth that we may be a kind of firstfruits of His


Humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you and is able to save your souls.

Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deluding yourselves.

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to care for orphans and

widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

GOSPEL MK 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

When the Pharisees with some scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered around Jesus,

they observed that some of His disciples ate their meals with unclean, that is, unwashed,

hands. For the Pharisees and, in fact, all Jews, do not eat without carefully washing their

hands, keeping the tradition of the elders. And on coming from the marketplace they do not

eat without purifying themselves. And there are many other things that they have traditionally

observed, the purification of cups and jugs and kettles and beds. So the Pharisees and scribes

questioned Him, “Why do Your disciples not follow the tradition of the elders but instead eat

a meal with unclean hands?”

He responded, “Well did Isaiah prophesy about you hypocrites, as it is written:

This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they

worship me, teaching as doctrines human precepts.

You disregard God’s commandment but cling to human tradition.” He summoned the crowd

again and said to them, “Hear Me, all of you, and understand. Nothing that enters one from

outside can defile that person; but the things that come out from within are what defile.

“From within people, from their hearts, come evil thoughts, unchastity, theft, murder,

adultery, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, rrogance, folly. All these

evils come from within and they defile.”

Page 5: Resurrection of Our Lord Church

Wed., Sept. 1 ~ Opening Day for Grades 1-8 Noon Dismissal

Thur., Sept. 2 ~ Grades 1-8 in school Noon Dismissal

Fri., Sept. 3 & Mon., Sept. 6 ~ NO SCHOOL

Tues., Sept. 7 ~ Full Day of School for Grades 1-8

Breakfast, Hot Lunch & AM/PM CARES begins

7:00 pm Mandatory meeting for PK & K parents

Wed., Sept. 8 ~ Half Day for Kindergarten 8:30-11:30 am

7:00 pm Back to School Night for Grades 5-8

Thurs., Sept. 9 ~ Full Day for Kindergarten-Grade 8

PreK Boys 9:00–10:00am

PreK Girls 10:30-11:30am

7:00 pm Back to School Night for Grades 1-4

Fri., Sept. 10 ~ Full day for all students

8:30am Mass for Opening of school

Page 6: Resurrection of Our Lord Church

Resurrection of Our Lord Parish

Swim Team

Does your child like to swim? If so, we’re looking for them to

be part of our team!!!

We’re happy to announce that we will be able to swim again this

year. Currently we are looking to see who is interested in swim-

ming for Resso this upcoming season. All Resurrection Parish

school children, prep students and private, public and charter

students who are active members of their Parishes in Grades K

through 9 are eligible to participate & they must be able to swim

one length of a 25 yd. pool unassisted.

All parents will also be required to work the swim meets

throughout the year in various tasks. We are also looking to fill

positions on our Board of Directors for parents whose time has

come to step down. If you have a child/children interested in

swimming for Resurrection please email Kim @

[email protected]. Go Roadrunners!!!!!

P.R.E.P. REGISTRATION NEWS ~ Our parish is holding P.R.E.P. registration for students in grades 1-7. If

your child attends charter or public school and is in need of religious education, you are encouraged to register

him/her for our P.R.E.P. (Parish Religious Education Program). Classes are held on Sunday morning from

8:45-10:00 am. New students are welcome as well as returning students. Registration will be held in church by the

Castor Avenue entrance on the following dates/times:

Saturday, August 28 before and after the 4:30 pm Mass

Sunday, August 29, before and after the following Masses: 8:30 am., 10:30 am. and 12 Noon Tuition for the P.R.E.P. year is as follows: $125 for one child: $230 for 2 children: $330 for three children.

Payment in full is preferred at the time of registration but is not required. If you have any questions, please email

Karen Fitzgerald, Director of Religious Education at [email protected].

Here’s The Scoop!!

There will be an Ice Cream Social held for

Teens in Grades 7-12 who are interested in

joining the New Parish Youth Group!

Sunday, Sept. 19th after 12pm Mass, School Hall

Question? Please contact our New Youth Group Director,

Jackie Gambino, [email protected].

Please Note: A Youth Group Parent Meeting will be held

on Sunday, September 26th following 12pm mass.

Page 7: Resurrection of Our Lord Church

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