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CAROL J. PIERCE COLFER Personal Data May 2011 Permanent Address: 21 Etna Lane PO Box 280 Etna, New York 13062-0280 USA Cell Phone:1-607-379-9977 Home Phone: 1-607-291-4058 Husband: Richard George Dudley Education Ph.D. Anthropology, Univ. of Washington, 1974 M.A. Anthropology, Univ. of Washington, 1969 B.A. Anthropology, Portland State Univ., 1966 M.P.H. International Health, Univ. of Hawaii, 1979 Certificates East-West Communication Institute, Modular Professional Development Program in Population Information, Education and Communication, 1975 Chinese Center for International Training in Family Planning, 1975 Professional Experience Long Term Positions: Visiting Fellow, CIIFAD, Cornell University. Contributing to the IGERT Program, which strives to train graduate students to think and act in an interdisciplinary fashion; my special areas include ethics, participatory approaches and teamwork. Part of the Modern Indonesian Studies Project and the committee developing collaboration with Universitas Indonesia on climate change (January 2010 – September 2011). Senior Associate, CIFOR (July 2009-June 2012). Working with CIFOR staff on gender, climate change, participatory approaches/methods, better integration of the marginalized in governance and forest management in Domains 2 and 4; as part of the Governance and Forests Program. (July 2009 - present). Book Review Editor for Agriculture and Human Values. (July 2010 – present) Principal Scientist, Governance Program, CIFOR. Conducting and coordinating research, analysis and writing pertaining to adaptive collaborative management, governance issues in/near forests, and gender and health in a number of

resume - Richard G Dudley

Feb 09, 2022



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CAROL J. PIERCE COLFER Personal Data May 2011 Permanent Address:

21 Etna Lane PO Box 280 Etna, New York 13062-0280 USA

Cell Phone:1-607-379-9977 Home Phone: 1-607-291-4058 Husband: Richard George Dudley

Education Ph.D. Anthropology, Univ. of Washington, 1974 M.A. Anthropology, Univ. of Washington, 1969 B.A. Anthropology, Portland State Univ., 1966 M.P.H. International Health, Univ. of Hawaii, 1979


East-West Communication Institute, Modular Professional Development Program in Population Information, Education and Communication, 1975

Chinese Center for International Training in Family Planning, 1975

Professional Experience Long Term Positions: Visiting Fellow, CIIFAD, Cornell University. Contributing to the IGERT Program,

which strives to train graduate students to think and act in an interdisciplinary fashion; my special areas include ethics, participatory approaches and teamwork. Part of the Modern Indonesian Studies Project and the committee developing collaboration with Universitas Indonesia on climate change (January 2010 – September 2011).

Senior Associate, CIFOR (July 2009-June 2012). Working with CIFOR staff on

gender, climate change, participatory approaches/methods, better integration of the marginalized in governance and forest management in Domains 2 and 4; as part of the Governance and Forests Program. (July 2009 - present).

Book Review Editor for Agriculture and Human Values. (July 2010 – present)

Principal Scientist, Governance Program, CIFOR. Conducting and coordinating

research, analysis and writing pertaining to adaptive collaborative management, governance issues in/near forests, and gender and health in a number of

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countries; mentoring of junior staff, partners and graduate students; representing CIFOR in international I. Most recent focus on gender, biodiversity, decentralization and forest and health, globally (specifically, responsible for CIFOR’s Rights and Resources Initiative project, publication of the ACM Series, and the Governance Theme in the Landscape Mosaics project). (7/03-7/09)

Principal Scientist/Team Leader – on sabbatical at Cornell University’s Department of Natural Resources, Ithaca, New York, writing The Complex Forest and editing The Equitable Forest. (2/01-6/03)

• Team Leader, Local People, Devolution and Adaptive Collaborative Management,

CIFOR. Planning and supervising the implementation of projects designed to develop mechanisms for cooperation and learning in forest management between local communities and other stakeholders, in partnership with junior scientists and graduate students from Asia, Africa and Latin America. (4/98 – 1/02)

Principal Scientist and Social Science Coordinator for the project “Sustainable Forest Management: Testing Criteria and Indicators”, Center for International Forestry Research. Conducting tests on criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management, focusing on social elements of sustainability (particularly intergenerational access to resources and ‘voice’). (1/96 – 12/98)

Natural Resources Management Specialist, Asian Wetland Bureau/Worldwide Fund for Nature Conservation Project, Danau Sentarum Wildlife Sanctuary, Kapuas Lakes area, West Kalimantan. Facilitating collaborative wildlife management in the reserve, with indigenous groups (fishers and forest farmers) (5/92-7/93).

Associate Professor, Sultan Qaboos University, Colleges of Agriculture/Fisheries and Health, teaching anthropology and helping plan and coordinate rural fieldwork in Omani fishing and agricultural communities on indigenous knowledge, maternal and child health, family planning and medicinal plants; conducting research on Omani childbirth and indigenous medical practitioners (1/88-6/90).

Chief of Party, Farming Systems Researcher, Tropsoils Project, University of Hawaii (Rank: Associate Researcher). In addition to project management, I was responsible for providing the social science component of a Soil Management CRSP project in West Sumatra (including studies of nutrition, gender, agroforestry, indigenous knowledge, agricultural decisionmaking, and household income); coordinating interdisciplinary input; and serving as a liaison between project personnel and the farming families in a Transmigration site. (Researcher 11/82 - 8/85; Team Leader 8–85 - 7/86; on professional leave 11/86 - ll/88).

Affiliate Researcher, East-West Resource Systems Institute. I worked with the “Energy for Rural Development Project” in writing a book on this topic; and with a project which looked at smoke pollution deriving from wood stoves in rural areas (10/82 - 10/83).

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Women in Development Specialist, HITAHR, UH (Rank: Assistant Specialist). I was responsible for helping the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources strengthen its Women in Development capabilities. This included incorporating gender considerations into ongoing and new programs. I also coordinated the College-wide program to enhance and expand our farming systems expertise and experience, with some teaching responsibilities (funded by an AID Title XII Strengthening grant). 10/80- 11/82.

Investigator, Indonesian-U.S. Man and Biosphere Project, “Interactions Between People and Forests in East Kalimantan”. My research was a development-oriented, ecological study of resettled shifting cultivators along the Telen River (Dayaks), including nutrition, land tenure, agroforestry and gender considerations. Financed by U.S. MAB Committee (funds from the U.S. Forest Service) and UNESCO, administered through East-West Environment and Policy Institute, sponsored by LIPI, Lembaga Biologi Nasional, and Mulawarman University, 9/79 -9/80.

Co-founder, Board Member, and Executive Director, PACT: Social Analysts. I had responsibility for planning, coordination, and communications in this non-profit consulting and research firm composed of 13 female anthropologists interested in fostering the use of anthropological expertise in business and government (Seattle). I was involved in the preparation of several Environmental Impact Statements, 1/77 - 8/78.

Co-Investigator, East-West Communications Institute. As part of a project to document successful family planning and development strategies in rural areas, I studied values and communication patterns related to family planning in a rural American logging community. My case study (published in 1977, reprinted in 1978) is a companion volume to a study of Korean Mothers’ Clubs (Kincaid et al. 1975).

On Site Researcher, Consultant, Abt Associates, Inc. I joined Project Rural in 1972. Funded by the National Institute of Education, Abt was selected to mount a five-year, multi-disciplinary documentation and evaluation of ten rural school systems involved in NIE’s Experimental Schools Program. During three of those years, I resided in Quilcene, Washington (a logging and fishing community in temperate rainforest), documenting the progress of the local “experiment.” The Final Report focuses on the mechanisms by which a rural community can diffuse and de-fuse a major Federal effort at change, 11/72 - 6/79.

Short Term Positions:

Cornell University, Visiting Fellow, Cornell Institute for International Food and Agriculture Development (2/2002-6/2003 and 1-12/2010). Writing and editing books on people and natural resource management; contributing to an IGERT project on Food Systems and Poverty Reduction, primarily in East Africa.

Center for International Forestry Research, Anthropologist on a project to evaluate the suitability of four sets of guidelines for certification of tropical timber (field testing in Kalimantan, Côte D’Ivoire, and Brazil). Developing mechanisms for assessing the human dimension in these guidelines and proposing improved guidelines if necessary (12/94 - 12/95, 6 months).

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MBA International, Anthropologist for Coastal Environmental Management Planning Project (ADB). Identifying suitable sites for sustainable coastal development in Indonesia and helping determine benefits and costs of various development options (12/94 - 5/95, 1.5 months).

AARD/Winrock/World Bank planning team for Agricultural Research Management Project II. Identifying mechanisms for bottom up input into Indonsia's national agricultural research, within new regional extensionsion agencies (8-9/94).

Development Alternatives Inc., Community Development Specialist. Training officials and recommending strategies for farmer involvement, in micro-watershed management on a soil conservation project in the Yogyakarta area (12/91-3/92).

FAO, Community Forestry: Training junior Indonesian scientists in advanced rapid appraisal techniques; conducting research on land tenure and use among the indigenous’Uma' Jalan of East Kalimanan; writing a monograph (published in 1993) on’Uma' Jalan land use from 1962 until 1990. (2/91-10/91).

North Carolina State University. Writing a book, building on research I conducted or coordinated on the TropSoils Collaborative Research Support Program (USAID) in Sitiung, West Sumatra (published in 1991), and drawing conclusions about future farming systems research approaches. (11–90 - 2/91).

FAO. Developing “project profiles,” as part of a large interdisciplinary team, to contribute to Indonsia's Tropical Forestry Action Plan. (7-8/1990).

Associates in Rural Development, on USAID Natural Resource Management Project. Working on an inter-disciplinary team to plan community involvement in the project, in Central and West Kalimantan and in North Sulawesi (1-2/90), and developing a social impact analysis.

P.T. Gondwana/Winrock, Upland Agricultural Conservation Project in watersheds in Central and East Java. Training Indonesian junior scientists in Rapid Rural Appraisal, documenting farmer perceptions of soil conservation, and suggesting mechanisms for farmer input into project research (4-5/88).

Publications Books 2011. Collaborative Governance of Tropical Landscapes (edited by Colfer and Jean Laurent Pfund), London: Earthscan. 2010. Forest for People: Community Rights and Forest Tenure Reform (edited by Larson, Anne, Deborah Barry, Ganga Ram Dahal, and Carol J. Pierce Colfer), London: Earthscan/CIFOR (also available in Spanish). 2009. Desentralisasi Hutan: Mencari Tata Kelola yang Baik dan Berkeadilan di Asia-Pasifik [translation of Lessons from Forest Decentralization], Ministry of Forestry/Earthscan/CIFOR, Jakarta, Indonesia.

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2008. The Longhouse of the Tarsier: Changing Landscapes, Gender and Ways of Life in Borneo (1980 -2007). Borneo Research Council, UNESCO and CIFOR, Phillip, Maine. 2008. Lessons from Forest Decentralization: Money, Justice and the Quest for Good Governance in Asia/Pacific (edited by Colfer, Ganga Ram Dahal and Doris Capistrano). Earthscan/CIFOR, London 2008. Human Health and Forests: A Global Interdisciplinary Overview of Issues, practice and Policy (edited by Colfer). Earthscan/CIFOR, London. 2008 Politik Desentralisasi [Translation of The Politics of Decentralization], Ministry of Forestry/Earthscan/CIFOR, Jakarta, Indonesia. 2008 Chinese translation of The Politics of Decentralization, Chinese Academy of Forestry/Earthscan/CIFOR, China. 2007. Vignettes from a Year in Borneo. (print on demand, Web-based publication) 2006. Forests and Human Health: Assessing the Evidence. CIFOR Occasional paper No. 45. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia (Colfer, Sheil and Kishi). 2006. The Politics of Decentralization: Forests, People and Power. Earthscan, London (Colfer and Capistrano, eds.)---now translated and published in Chinese by the Chinese Academy of Forestry (2008), and in Indonesian, by CIFOR (2006). 2005. The Complex Forest: Communities, Uncertainty, and Adaptive Collaborative Management. RFF Press, Washington, DC. 2005. The Equitable Forest: Diversity, Community and Natural Resources, Washington DC: RFF Press and CIFOR (Colfer, ed.)

2003. Ke Mana Harus Melangkah? Masyarakat, Hutan, dan Perumusan Kebijakan di Indonesia [The Indonesian translation of Which Way Forward?]. Resources for the Future (RFF), Washington, D.C. (Resosudarmo, I.A. Pradnja and Colfer, Carol J. Pierce and [eds.]), RFF/Yayasan Obor, Jakarta.

2002. Which Way Forward? Forests, Policy and People in Indonesia. Resources for the Future (RFF), Washington, D.C. (Colfer, Carol J. Pierce and Resosudarmo, I.A. Pradnja [eds.])

2002. Manual Praktek Mengelola Hutan dan Lahan: Suatu Kombinasi Pengetahuan Tradisi Masyarakat Dayak Kenyah dengan Ilmu-Ilmu Kehutanan dan Pertanian. [Practical Manual to Manage Forests and Fields: A Combination of Traditional Kenyah Dayak Community Knowledge and Forestry and Agricultural Science.] Suhardiman, Ali, Anton Hidayat, Grahame B. Applegate, and Colfer. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR. 39 pp.

2001. People Managing Forests: The Link between Human Well-Being and Sustainability. Resources for the Future (RFF), Washington, D.C. (Colfer and Byron, Yvonne [eds.])

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[from CIFOR C&I Toolbox (available also in French, Indonesian, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese)]:

1999 Guidelines for Developing, Testing and Selecting Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management. C&I Toolbox Series No. 1. CIFOR (Prabhu, R., Colfer, and Dudley, R.G.)

1999 The BAG (Basic Assessment Guide for Human Well-Being). C&I Toolbox Series No. 5. CIFOR. (Colfer, Brocklesby, M.A., Diaw, C., Etuge, P., Günter, M., Harwell, E., McDougall, C., Porro, N.M., Porro, R., Prabhu, R., Salim, A., Sardjono, M.A., Tchikangwa, B., Tiani, A.M., Wadley, R.L., Woelfel, J. and Wollenberg, 1999 The Grab Bag: Supplementary Methods for Assessing Human Well-Being. C&I Toolbox Series No. 6. CIFOR. (Colfer, Brocklesby, M.A., Diaw, C., Etuge, P., Günter, M., Harwell, E., McDougall, C., Porro, N.M., Porro, R., Prabhu, R., Salim, A., Sardjono, M.A., Tchikangwa, B., Tiani, A.M., Wadley, R.L., Woelfel, J. and Wollenberg, E.)

1999 The Scoring and Analysis Guide for Assessing Human Well-Being. C&I Toolbox Series No. 7. CIFOR. (Salim, A., Colfer, with McDougall, C.)

1999 Who Counts Most? Assessing Human Well-Being in Sustainable Forest Management. C&I Toolbox Series No. 8. CIFOR. (Colfer, Prabhu, R., Günter, M., McDougall, C., Porro, N.M. and Porro, R.)

1997. Beyond Slash and Burn: Lessons from the Kenyah on Management pf Borneo’s Rainforests (Colfer, with Nancy Peluso and Chin See Chung). New York: New York Botanical Gardens.

1997 Peladang Berpindah di Indonesia: Perusak atau Pengelola Hutan. [translation of Shifting Cultivators of Indonesia, with Richard G. Dudley] GTZ/FAO/CIFOR, Samarinda, East Kalimantan.

1993 Shifting Cultivators of Indonesia: Marauders or Managers of the Forest? FAO: Community Forestry Shifting Cultivation Series (with Richard G. Dudley).

1991 Toward Sustainable Agriculture in the Humid Tropics: Building on the Tropsoils Experience in Indonesia. Raleigh, North Carolina: Tropsoils Technical Bulletin No. 91/02.

1977 Women’s Communication and Family Planning in Rural America: The Case of Bushler Bay, Honolulu: EWCI (Case Study #4; reprinted 1978).

Refereed Journal Articles 2011 (in press). Marginalized Forest Peoples’ Perceptions of the Legitimacy of Governance: An Exploration, by Colfer. World Development. 2011. Participatory Action Research for Catalyzing Adaptive Management: Analysis of a ‘Fits and Starts’ Process, by Carol J. Pierce Colfer, Etienne Andriamampandry, Stella Asaha, Emmanuel Lyimo, Endri Martini, Jean Laurent Pfund, John Watts. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering 5 (1):28-43. 2010 (In press). Introduction, by Colfer and Linda Yuliani. Borneo Research Bulletin 41.

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2010 (in press). Forestry and fishery conflict in Danau Sentarum: application of an impairment approach, Yurdi Yasmi and Colfer. Borneo Research Bulletin 41. 2010 (in press). “Paper parks” and the social life of conservation: lessons from Danau Sentarum, by Reed L. Wadley, Colfer, Rona Dennis and Julia Aglionby. Borneo Research Bulletin 41. 2010. The ‘social life’ of conservation: lessons from Danau Sentarum, by Wadley, R. L., C. J. P. Colfer, R. Dennis, and J. Aglionby. Ecology and Society 15(4): 39. [online] URL: 2009. Positive and negative aspects of forestry conflict: lessons from a decentralized forest management in Indonesia, by Yurdi Yasmi, John Guernier, Carol J. Pierce Colfer). International Forestry Review 11(1):96-108. 2009. Borneo’s Changing Faces. Review of Rob Cramb’s Land and Longhouse: Agrarian Transformation in the Uplands of Sarawak. Asia Pacific Viewpoint 50(1):108-109 (April). 2009. Seeing the forest as more than its trees: local stakeholders’ perceptions of natural forest benefits in Gorontalo, Indonesia, by S.N. Kartikasari, S. Rixecker, S.R. Espiner, C.J.P. Colfer. Int. J. Management and Decision Making 10(3/4). 2009 The Demography of swidden cultivators in Southeast Asia, by Ole Mertz, Stephen Leisz, Andreas Heinimann, Kanok Rerkasem, Thiha, Wolfram Dressler, Pham Van Cu, Vu Kim Chi, Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt, Carol C.J.P. Colfer, Michael Epprecht, Christine Padoch, Lesley Potter. Human Ecology 37(3). 2009 Swidden Transformations and Rural Livelihoods in Southeast Asia, by R. A. Cramb, Carol J. Pierce Colfer, Wolfram Dressler, Pinkaew Laungaramsri, Quang Trang Le, Elok Mulyoutami, Nancy L. Peluso & Reed L. Wadley. Human Ecology 37:323–346. 2008. Simulating Oil Palm Expansion Requires Credible Approaches that Address Real Issues. Ecology and Society 13 (1): r1. [online] URL:, by Richard G. Dudley, Douglas Sheil, and CJP Colfer. 2008. A fresh look at shifting cultivation: fallow length an uncertain indicator of productivity. Agricultural Systems 96:75-84, by Ole Mertz, Reed L. Wadley, Uffe Nielsen, Thilde B. Bruun, Colfer, Andreas de Neergaard, Martin R. Jepsen, Torben Martinussen, Qiang Zhao, Gabriel T. Noweg, Jakob Magid. 2007. Conflict management approaches under unclear boundaries of the commons: experiences from Danau Sentarum National Park, Indonesia, International Forestry Review 9(2):597-609, by Y. Yasmi, C.J.P. Colfer, L. Yuliani, Y. Indriatmoko and V. Heri.

2006. Forests and Human Health in the Tropics: some Important Connections. Unasylva 57(224):3-10.

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2006. Impacts of land use and fire on the loss and degradation of lowland forest in 1983–2000 in East Kutai District, East Kalimantan, Indone”ia." Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 27: 30-48. Dennis, R. and C. J. P. Colfer.

2005. Fire, people and pixels: linking social science and remote sensing to understand underlying causes and impacts of fires in Indonesia, Human Ecology (August), by Rona Dennis, Judith Mayer, Grahame Applegate, Suyanto, Fred Stolle, CJPC, Iwan Kurniawan, Yayat Ruchiat, Rizki Pandu Permana, Paul Maus, Henry Lawkowski and Tom Tomich.

2004. Sacred Forest, Hunting, and Conservation in West Kalimantan, Indonesia”, Human Ecology 32(3):313-338, Reed Wadley and Colfer.

2003. Participation and Model-Building: Lessons Learned from the Bukittinggi Workshop. Special issue on FLORES, Small Scale Forest Management, Economics and Policy 2(2):135-154. by Vanclay, J., Mandy Haggith and Colfer.

2003. Infectious Ideas: Modelling the Diffusion of Ideas across Social Networks. Special issue on FLORES, Small Scale Forest Management, Economics and Policy 2(2):225-240, by Haggith, M., Ravi Prabhu, Colfer, Bill Ritchie, Alan Thomson and Happyson Mudavanhu.

2001. Fire in East Kalimantan: A Panoply of Practices, Views and [Discouraging] Effects . Borneo Research Bulletin 32, pp. 24-56. (Colfer, C. J. P.)

2000 Understanding Patterns of Resource Use and Consumption: A Prelude to Co-Management.– (editor: Giesen, W.). Borneo Research Bulletin, Volume 31: 29-88, by Colfer, R. L. Wadley, A. Salim and R.G. Dudl1999 Understanding local people’s use of time: A precondition for good co-management. Environmental Conservation 26: 41-52, by Colfer, R. L. Wadley, and P. Venkateswarlu.

Pola Pemanfaatan Hutan pada Masyarakat Kenyah di Kalimantan Timur: Tanggapan terhadap El Nino, Transmigrasi dan HTI. Manusia dan Lingkungan, January 1999, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, by Colfer and Salim, A.

1999 Traditional Widsom meets Artificial Intelligence (Many Haggith and C. Colfer). Agroforestry Forum 9(3):23-30.

1997. From Heartwood to Bark in Indonesia: Gender and Sustainable Forest Management. Women in Natural Resources 18(4):7-14, by Colfer, Reed L. Wadley, Joseph Woelfel, and Emily Harwell.

1997. Hunting Primates and Managing Forests: The Case of Iban Forest Farmers in Indonesian Borneo." Human Ecologist 25( 2):243-271, by Wadley, Reed L., Colfer and Ian Hood.

1993 The Role of Agroecology and Integrated Farming Systems in Agricultural Sustainability. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 46:99-121, by C. A. Edwards, T. L. Grove, R. R. Harwood, and Colfer.

1991 Indigenous Rice Production and the Subtleties of Culture Change. Agriculture and Human Values VIII(1,2):67-84.

1989 Expert Systems: A Possible Link from Field Work to Policy in Farming Systems. AI Applications in Natural Resource Management 3(2):31-40, by C. Colfer, R.

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Yost, Fahmuddin Agus, and S. Evensen. Also available in Proceedings Farming Systems Symposium, Fayetteville, Arkansas, October l987.

l989 Ethnicity: An Important Consideration in Indonesian Agriculture. Agriculture and Human Values VI(#3), by C. Colfer, B. Newton, and Herman. Earlier version published in Proceedings Centre for Soils Research Technical Meetings, Bogor, Indonesia (l986).

1989 Hospital Childbirth in Rural Oman: Can Medical and Omani Traditions be Combined? (Oman) Medical Newsletter VI (1):2-10.

l988 An Indigenous Agroforestry Model from West Sumatra: A Source of Insight for Scientists. Agricultural Systems 26:191-209, by Colfer, D. Gill, and Fahmuddin Agus.

1988 Ethnic Identity among Japanese-Americans in Hawaii: A Critique of Hansen’s Third-Generation Return Hypothesis. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 12:305-315, by B. Newton, E. Buck, D. Kunimura, Colfer, and D. Scholsberg.

1983 On Communication Among ‘Unequals.’ International Journal of Intercultural Communication 7:263-283.

1983 Change and Indigenous Agroforestry in East Kalimantan. Borneo Research Bulletin 15(1&2):3-20,70-86 (partially reproduced in Whose Trees? Proprietary Dimensions of Forestry, edited by Fortmann and Bruce, Boulder: Westview Press, 1987:306-309).

1981 Women, Men and Time in the Forests of Kalimantan. Borneo Research Bulletin 13(2):75-85 (also Environment and Policy Institute Reprint No. 25, 1982).

1981 The Potential of Women in Agroforestry in Borneo. Pacific Health 14:10-14.

1980 Interactions Between People and Forests in East Kalimantan. Impact of Science on Society 30(3):179-190, by A. P. Vayda, Colfer, and M. Brotokusumo; EAPI Reprint No. 13, l981; reprinted in Culture and Conservation: The Human Dimension in Environmental Planning, l984:211-228).

1979 Toward the Integration of Anthropology and Public Health. Pacific Health 12:18-21.

1978 Inside Bushler Bay: Lifeways in Counterpoint. Rural Sociology 42(2):204-220, by Colfer, with A. M. Colfer.

1975 Bureaucrats, Budgets and the BIA: Segmentary Opposition in a Residential School. Human Organization 34:149-156.

Chapters in Books

2011. “Catalyzing Collective Action in Natural Resources Management” in CAPRi (CGIAR Systemwide Program on Collective Action and Property Rights). Resources, Rights and Cooperation: A Sourcebook on Property Rights and Collective Action for Sustainable Development. International Food Policy Research Institute: Washington, DC,, pp. 265-269 (adapted from Colfer, C.J. P. 2007. Simple Rules for Catalyzing

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Collective Action in Natural Resources Management Contexts. Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research). 2011 (in press). The role of collective action in securing property rights for the poor: A case studyin Jambi Province, Indonesia, by Heru Komarudin, Yuliana L. Siagian, and Carol J. Pierce Colfer, with Neldysavrino, Yentirizal, Syamsuddin and Deddy Irawan, in Collective Action and Property Rights for Poverty Reduction: Insights from Africa and Asia (editors: Esther Mwangi, Helen Markelova, Ruth Meinzen-Dick). University of Pennsylvania press. 2011. An introduction to five tropical landscapes, their people and their governance, by Carol J. Pierce Colfer and Jean-Laurent Pfund, with Etienne Andriamampandry, Stella Asaha, Amandine Boucard, Manuel Boissiere, Laurène Feintrenie, Verina Ingram, Emmanuel Lyimo, Endri Martini, Salla Rantala, Michele Roberts, Terry Sunderland, Zora Urech, Heini Vihemaki, Vongvilai Vongkhamsao and John Daniel Watts, IN Collaborative Governance of Tropical Landscapes, Colfer and Pfund, eds. Earthscan/CIFOR, London. 2011. The governance of tropical forested landscapes, by John Daniel Watts, with Carol J. Pierce Colfer, IN Collaborative Governance of Tropical Landscapes, Colfer and Pfund, eds. Earthscan/CIFOR, London. 2011. A dozen indicators for assessing governance in forested landscapes, by Carol J. Pierce Colfer and Laurène Feintrenie, IN Collaborative Governance of Tropical Landscapes, Colfer and Pfund, eds. Earthscan/CIFOR, London. 2011. Minefields in collaborative governance, by Carol J. Pierce Colfer, with Etienne Andriamampandry, Stella Asaha, Imam Basuki, Amandine Boucard, Laurène Feintrenie, Verina Ingram, Michelle Roberts, Terry Sunderland and Zora Urech, IN Collaborative Governance of Tropical Landscapes, Colfer and Pfund, eds. Earthscan/CIFOR, London. 2011. The essential task of ‘muddling through’ to better landscape governance, by Carol J. Pierce Colfer, Jean-Laurent Pfund and Terry Sunderland, IN Collaborative Governance of Tropical Landscapes, Colfer and Pfund, eds. Earthscan/CIFOR, London. 2010. Forests, Human Health and Well-being in Light of Global Climate Change and Urbanisation - Convening lead author: Caroline M. Hägerhäll; Lead authors: Åsa Ode, Mari Sundli Tveit and Maria Dolores Velarde; Contributing authors: Carol Colfer and Tytti Sarjala (In WFSE IUFRO book, pp. 1-12 in the proofs..??, my box on p. 4) edited by Mery, G., Katila, P., Galloway, G., Alfaro, R., Kanninen. M., Lobovikov, M., Varjo, J. (eds.). 2010. Forests and Society – Responding to Global Drivers of Change. IUFRO World Series Volume 25. IUFRO, Vienna, Austria. 2010. From discourse to policy: the practical interface of statutory and customary land and forest rights, by Emmanuel Marfo, Carol J. Pierce Colfer, Bocar Kante, Silvel Elias, in Forests for People: Community Rights and Forest Tenure Reform. Edited by Anne Larson, Deborah Barry, Ganga Ram Dahal and Carol J. Pierce Colfer. Earthscan/CIFOR, London (available in Spanish also). 2010. Forest tenure reform: An orphan with only uncles, by Deborah Barry, Anne M. Larson and Carol J. Pierce Colfer, in Forests for People: Community Rights and

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Forest Tenure Reform. Edited by Anne Larson, Deborah Barry, Ganga Ram Dahal and Carol J. Pierce Colfer. Earthscan/CIFOR, London (available in Spanish also). 2010 Forest Governance and Decentralization in Africa: Linking Local, Regional and Global Dialogues, by Laura A. German, Carol J. Pierce Colfer, Edmund Barrow, Christian Küchli, Jürgen Blaser and Wahjudi Wardojo, in Governing Africa’s Forests in a Globalized World, Edited by Laura A. German, Alain Karsenty and Anne-Marie Tiani. 2009, London, Earthscan, pp. 1-26 2009. Future Socio-Economic Impacts and Vulnerabilities, by Osman-Elasha, B., Parrotta, J. (Coordinating Lead authors); Adger, N., Brockhaus, M., Colfer, C.J.P., Sohngen, B. (lead authors), Dafalla, T., Joyce, L.A., Nkem, J. & Robledo, C. (contributing authors). (Chapter 4) in: Seppälä, R., Buck, A. and Katila, P. (eds.). Adaptation of Forests and People to Climate Change – A Global Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Vol. 22. Helsinki, pp. 101-122 2009 Action research with local forest users and managers: Lessons from CIFOR’s research on adaptive collaborative management (by Ravi Prabhu, Carol J. Pierce Colfer, Chimere Diaw, Cynthia McDougall and Robert Fisher), pp. 66-70. In Farmer First Revisited, edited by Ian Scoones and John Thompson. Practical Action Publishing, Warwick, UK. 2008. From National to Local Scales: The Uma’ Jalan in Temporal Context, by C.J.P. Colfer with Limberg, G., Resosudarmo, I.A.P. and Dennis, R. The Longhouse of the Tarsier: Changing Landscapes, Gender and Well Being in Borneo. Monograph Series No. 10. Borneo Research Council, Philips, ME, US. Pp. 335-352. 2008. From Understanding to Action: Building on Anthropological Approaches to Influence Policy Making. For Festschrift for Andrew P. Vayda, Against the Grain: The Vayda Tradition in Human Ecology and Ecological Anthropology (Bradley B. Walters, Bonnie J. McCay, Paige West, and Susan Lees, eds.), Lexington Books, Latham, MD, pp. 273-285. 2008. Setting the Stage: Money and Justice in Asian and Pacific Forests, by CJP Colfer, Ganga Ram Dahal and Moira Moeliono. Lessons from Forest Decentralization: Money, Justice and the Quest for Good Governance in Asia-Pacific, Earthscan/CIFOR, London. pp. 1-16. 2008. Introduction. Human Health and Forests: A Global Interdisciplinary Overview of Issues, practice and Policy (edited by Colfer). Earthscan/CIFOR, London, pp 1-10. 2008. the Gender Agenda and Tropical Forest Diseases, by Pascale Allotey, Margaret Gyapong, and CJP Colfer. Human Health and Forests: A Global Interdisciplinary Overview of Issues, practice and Policy (edited by Colfer). Earthscan/CIFOR, London, pp. 135-160. 2008. Forest Women, Health and Childbearing, by CJP Colfer, Richard G. Dudley and Robert Gardner. Human Health and Forests: A Global Interdisciplinary Overview of Issues, practice and Policy (edited by Colfer). Earthscan/CIFOR, London, pp. 113-133.

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2008. Sociocultural Dimensions of Diet and Health in Forest Dwellers’ Systems, by Edmond Dounias, with CJP Colfer. Human Health and Forests: A Global Interdisciplinary Overview of Issues, practice and Policy (edited by Colfer). Earthscan/CIFOR, London, pp. 275-292. 2008. Conclusions and Ways Forward. Human Health and Forests: A Global Interdisciplinary Overview of Issues, practice and Policy (edited by Colfer). Earthscan/CIFOR, London, pp. 347-357.

2006. Understanding Forests-People Links: The Voice of Social Scientists, by Colfer, Dounias, Goloubinoff, Lopez, and Sunderlin. In Researching the Culture in Agri-Culture: Social Research for International Development (M. M. Cernea and A. H. Kassam, eds). CABI, Oxon, UK, pp. 100-123.

2005. Traditional Knowledge and Human Well-Being in the 21st Century, by Colfer, Marcus Colchester, Laxman Joshi, Raj Puri, Anja Nygren and Citlalli Lopez, in Forests in the Global Balance---Changing Paradigms (Gerardo Mery and others, eds.), IUFRO publication.

2005. Impacts of Information and Communication Technology on Society, by A. Thomson, C. Colfer, published in an IUFRO book.

2005. Introduction: Background to a Global Exchange, by Jürgen Blaser, Christian Küchli, Colfer and Doris Capistrano. In The Politics of Decentralization, Colfer and Capistrano, eds.), Earthscan, London, pp 1-9.

2005. Decentralization – Key Issues, Lessons and Reflections, by Doris Capistrano and Colfer. In The Politics of Decentralization, Colfer and Capistrano, eds.), Earthscan, London, pp. 296-313.

2005. Adaptive Collaborative Management, by Colfer, Herlina Hartanto, Cyprian Jum, Cynthia McDougall, Ravi Prabhu, and Linda Yuliani. In Sourcebook on Participatory Research and Development, CGIAR.

2005. The Struggle for Equity in Global Forest Management. In The Equitable Forest: Diversity, Community and Natural Resources. Washington, DC: RFF and CIFOR, pp. 1-15.

2005. Conclusions and Implications for ACM and Sustainable Forest Management. In The Equitable Forest: Diversity, Community and Natural Resources. Washington, DC: RFF and CIFOR, pp. 296-303.

2003. [Update to] Food, Forests, and Fields in a Bornean Rain Forest: Towards Appropriate Agroforestry Development. (Colfer, Carol J. Pierce Colfer and Herwasono Soedjito). In Borneo in Transition: People, Forests, Conservation and Development. (Christine Padoch and Nancy Peluso, eds.) Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, pp. 215-223. 2002. Ten Propositions to Explain Kalimantan's Fires - A View From the Field, Chapter 14: 17pp. In: Which Way Forward? People, Policy and Forests in Indonesia (Colfer and I. D. Resosudarmo, eds.). Resources for the Future, Washington, D. C. (Colfer, C.J.P.)

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2001. Toward Social Criteria and Indicators for Protected Areas: One Cut on Adaptive Co-Management. (with Prabhu, R., Wollenberg, L., McDougall, C., Edmunds, D. and Kowero, G.). In: Biological Diversity: Balancing Interests through Adaptive Collaborative Management. (L. Buck et al. – eds.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

2001 Whose forest is this, anyway? C&I on access to resources. In: Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management (eds. R.J. Raison, A.G. Brown and D.W. Flinn), pp. 67-92. IUFRO Research Series 7. CABI-IUFRO, UK. (co-authors: Salim, A., Tiani, A.M., Tchikangwa, B., Sardjono, M.A. and Prabhu, R.)

1999 Afterword, Riska: Memories of a Dayak girlhood. Alfred A. Knopf, Canada. (editor: Linda Spalding)

1996 Using Indigenous Organizations from West Kalimantan. Indigenous Organisations and Development (D. Michael Warren, Peter Blunt, and David Marsden, eds.). London: Kegan Paul Int’l. (C. Colfer, Reed Wadley and Enis widjanarti), pp. 228-238.

1996 Food, Forests and Fields in a Bornean Rain Forest: Toward Appropriate Agroforestry Development. In Borneo in Transition: People, Forests, Conservation and Development. (Christine Padoch and Nancy Peluso, eds.) Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, pp. 162-186.

1995 Beyond Slash and Burn: A Searching Look at Uma’ Jalan Forest Knowledge. In Adaptation and Development: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Subsistence and Sustainability in Developing Countries. (Kusnaka Admihardja, Ade M. Kramadibrata, Oekan S. Abdullah, and Haryo S. Martodirdjo, eds.). Padjadjaran University, UPT Indonesian Resource Center for Indigenous Knowledge, pp. 116-168.

1994 Time Allocation Studies: A Methodological Note. Tools for the Field: Methodologies Handbook for Gender Analysis and Agriculture (Janice Jiggins and Hilary Feldstein, eds.). West Hartford, Conn: Kumarian Press, pp. –63 - 171.

1993 Home and Hospital Birthing in Oman: An Observational Study with Recommendations for Hospital Practice. (with Eugene B. Gallagher). Health and Health Care in Developing Countries (Conrad and Gallagher, eds.). Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp. 247-264.

1991 Gaining Acceptance in the Field: An Example from West Sumatra. The Naked Anthropologist: Tales from Around the World. (DeVita, ed.). Belmost, California: Wadsworth Pub.

1989 Farm-Based Research in the Tropsoils Project, Sitiung. Working Together: Gender Analysis in Agriculture, Vols. I, II (Feldstein and Poats, eds.). West Hartford, Connecticut: Kumarian Press, (V. Sigman, C. Colfer, R. Yost, K.Wilson).

l989 Farmer Involvement in the Tropsoils Project: Two Complementary Approaches. Farmer First: Farmer Innovation and Agricultural Research (Chambers, Pacey and Thrupp, eds.). London: Intermediate Technology Publications, pp. 151-157 (C. Colfer, with Fahmuddin Agus, D. Gill, M. Sudjadi, G. Uehara, and M. K. Wade).

1988 On Resettlement from the Bottom Up. In Some Ecological Aspects of Tropical Forest of East Kalimantan. (Subagjo Soemodihardjo, ed.s) Jakarta: Indonesian MAB Contribution No. 48, pp. 87-105. Also published in 1980 Proceedings National Resettlement Conference, April, Samarinda, East Kalimantan (C. Colfer, Herwasono Soedjito and Albar Azier).

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1985 Female Status and Action in Two Dayak Communities. Women in Asia and the Pacific: Toward an East-West Dialogue (M. Goodman, ed.). Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

1985 On Circular Migration: From the Distaff Side. Labour Circulation and the Labour Process (G. Standing, ed.). Geneva: London: Croom Helm Ltd. Published in 1983 as a working paper by the ILO.

1984 The Impact of Development on Interactions Between People and Forests in East Kalimantan. Traditional Lifestyles, Conservation and Rural Development (J. Hanks, ed.). Gland, Switzerland: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Commission on Ecology Papers No. 7, pages 87-95 (K. Kartawinata, H. Soedjito, T. Jessup, and A. P. Vayda, and C. Colfer).

1984 Organizing Current Information for Rural Energy and Development Planning. Rural Energy to Meet Development Needs: Issues and Methods (M. Nurul Islam, Richard Morse, and M. Hadi Soesastro, eds.). Denver: Westview Press (chapter authors, Morse, Agrawal, Colfer, Foster, Govindarajan, and Ramakrishna).

1984 Organizing Development Research to Convert Rural Energy Needs to Opportunities. Rural Energy to Meet Development Needs: Issues and Methods (op cit). (Chapter authors: Morse, Bajracharya, Colfer, Gills, and Wulfe).

1982 Women of the Forest: An Indonesian Example. Women in Natural Resources: An International Perspective (Stock, Force and Ehrenreich, eds.) Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho Press.

1976 Rights, Reports and Responsibilities: An Ethical Dilemma in Contract Research. Ethics and Anthropology (Rynkiewich and Spradley, eds.). New York: John Wiley and Sons.

General Publications

2008. Collective action for the poor: a case study in Jambi province, Indonesia, by Komarudin, H., Siagian, Y., Colfer, C.J.P. CAPRi Working Paper No.90. 49p. doi: 2008. Adaptive Collaborative Management can help us cope with climate change. CIFOR Infobrief No. 13, Bogor, Indonesia. (also translated into Indonesian, Spanish, French, and Chinese) 2008. Participatory Forest Management, Equity and Local Governan–ce - Keynote Address, by C.J. Pierce-Colfer, H. Komarudin, L. German, S. Nyangas, Y. Siagian, J. Tanui, Proceedings of the International Conference, March 19-21, 2007, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (Edited by Ensermu Kelbessa and Camille De Stoop), pp. 116-128. 2007. Simple Rules for Catalyzing Collective Action (Especially in Natural Resource Management Contexts). Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR (C. Colfer).

2006. Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest communities. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia (K. Evans, W. de Jong, P. Cronkleton, D. Sheil, T. Lynam, T. Kusumanto, and C. Colfer).

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2006. Forests and Human Health. CIFOR Infobrief No. 11, Bogor, Indonesia. (also translated into Indonesian)

2000-2005. ACM News (editor). CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

2001. Are Women Important in Sustainable Forest Management? In: Women and Forestry: How Can Gender Research Contribute to a More Sustainable Forest Management, pp. 48-56. (ed. Gun Lidestav) Proceedings of the XXI IUFRO World Congress, Research Group 6.18.00, 7-12 August 2000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Published by Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Silviculture, Sweden

1998 Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management: New findings from CIFOR’s forest management unit level research. Rural Development Forestry Network (RDFN) paper 23a. Summer 1998. ODI, London, by Prabhu, R., Colfer, C.J.P. and Shepherd, G.1998 Fishermen, Farmers, Forest Change and Fire. GIS Asia Pacific February/ March, pp. 26-30, by Dennis, R.A., Colfer, C.J.P. and Puntodewo, A.

1997 Intergenerational Access to Resources: Developing Criteria and Indicators. CIFOR Working Paper no. 18, by Colfer, R. L. Wadley, R.L., E. Harwell, and R. Prabhu.

1996 Assessing “Participation” in Forest Management: Workable Methods and Unworkable Assumptions. CIFOR Working Paper No. 12, by Colfer and Reed L. Wadley.

1996 Assessing People’s Perceptions of Forests in Danau Sentarum Wildlife Reserve. CIFOR Working Paper No. 13, by Colfer, Joseph Woelfel, Reed L. Wadley, and Emily Harwell.

1995 Who Counts in Sustainable Forest Management? CIFOR Working Paper No. 7, Bogor, Indonesia.

1995 Principles, Criteria and Indicators: Applying Okham’s Razor to the Peo–le - Forest Link. CIFOR Working Paper No. 8, Bogor, Indonesia.

1989 An Introductory Method for Gaining Access to the Indigenous Knowledge of Fishermen. Proceedings 3rd Southeast Asian Tuna Conference. Denpasar, Indonesia, 22-24 August, by C. Colfer and Juma Al Mamry. Also published in Research Brief #2, Marine Science and Fisheries Center, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.

l987 Social Science and Soil Management: An Anthropologist’s Role in the Tropsoils Project. FSSP Newsletter 5(1):15-18.

1983 Cooks on the World Stage: The Forgotten Actors. East-West Resource Systems Institute Working Paper WF-83-5, by K. Smith and Colfer.

1982 Integrating Participants: Farming Systems Lessons from Hawaii. Proceedings. Farming Systems Symposium, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, November 21-23.

1981 Home Gardening...Not so Easy. Agenda 4(8):8-11.

1981 Farming Systems and Women. BIFAD Briefs IV(8):1-3.

1981 Women as Farmers in Agricultural Development. Benchmark Soils News 5(1):7-8.

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1980 Interactions Between People and Forests. A funded research proposal, submitted to U.S. MAB committee, excerpts published as training materials for an international training course in Human Ecology (also translated into Indonesian), by A.P. Vayda and Colfer.

1979 Ethnography, Communication Networks and Planned Change: A Case Study. Honolulu: EWCI Paper, Seminar on Communication Network Analysis, 2-9 January, by Colfer and A. M. Colfer.

1978 Copy Mart Modular Training Materials –Vol I - Copier;–Vol 2 - Manager). Seattle: Copy Mart.

1977 High Roads Bypass the Poor. Development Forum (December).

1971 Woman in Anthropology. American Anthropologist Newsletter (April).


2004. Focus on Gabonese National Pride: A Strategy for Protecting National Parks and Human Well Being. Report on a Visit to CENAREST Research Station in Ivindo National Park (Gabon), 15-29 May 2004 (Colfer, Sally A. Lahm, and Marieke Sassen)

2004. Decentralization, Federal Systems in Forestry and National Forest Programs: Interlaken Workshop, 27-30 April 2004. Report to UNFF (Compiled by Colfer and the committee managing the workshop), Interlaken, Switzerland.

2004. Gender Report to UNFF. Recommendations from the 2nd Worldwide Women and Forestry Symposium, Mweka Wildlife Management College, Tanzania, 1-10 August 2004 (compiled by Colfer and the Technical Committee for the symposium). 2002. Adaptive Collaborative Management: Adding Value to Community Forestry in Asia. ADB report Volume 2 (Prabhu, R., C. McDougall, H. Hartanto, Y. Kusumanto, S. Hakim, Colfer, L. Yuliani, H. Madevu, and E. Rangani), CIFOR, Bogor. 2002. Tools of the Trade: Improving the Technical Basis for Adaptive Co-Management of Community Forestry. 2002 (Prabhu, R., G. Mendoza, H. Purnomo, C. McDougall, H. Hartanto, Colfer, D. Sheil, G. Applegate, M. and Haggith). ADB report Volume 3, CIFOR, Bogor.

2002. National and Regional Efforts to Adopt and Disseminate Research Findings (Prabhu, R., McDougall, C., Hartanto, H., Yuliani, L., Yasmi, Y. and Colfer, C.). ADB report Volume 4, CIFOR, Bogor. 2000 The underlying causes and impacts of fires in South-east Asia. Site 8. Long Segar, East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Site report. CIFOR, Bogor. (co-authors: Dennis, R. and Applegate, G. 1998 Testing Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in Cameroon: The Kribi Test. Final Report. (Prabhu, R., Maynard, W.M., Eba’a Atyi, R., Colfer, C.J.P., Shepherd, G., Venkateswarlu, P. and Tiayon, F.). CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

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1996 Final Report, testing criteria and indicators for sustainable management of forests: report of phase 1 (Prabhu, B.R. Colfer, C.J.P., Venkateswarlu, P., Tan, L.C., Soekmadi, R. Wollenberg, E.). CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia.

1996 Social aspects of certification: Moderator’s summary and commentary. Proceedings, Conference on the Ecological, Social and Political Issues on the Certification of Forest Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May. Faculty of Forestry, UBC, Canada and Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia. pp. 143-146.

1995 Final Report incorporating human dimensions in coastal area management proposal for six locations in Indonesia, and evaluating the impacts on local communities. MBA, Jakarta, Indonesia.

1994 Final Report on Bottom Up Approaches in Regional Agricultural Research. Winrock International/AARD, Jakarta, Indonesia.

1993 Summary Quarterly Report (on 9 studies conducted among Melayu fishing people and Iban forest farmers in West Kalimantan– 8/92 - 7/93). Conservation Sub-Project, Asian Wetlands Bureau, Bogor, Indonesian (Richard G. Dudley, C. Colfer, and others).

1990 Social Impact Analysis. Natural Resource Management Project Plan, USAID, Jakarta, Indonesia (C. Colfer and Mering Ngo).

l989 Indigenous Knowledge Systems Related to Soil Management. Tropsoils Technical Report, l986-87. Management Entity, Soil Management CRSP, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, pp. 202-221 (C. Colfer, D. Gill, B. Newton, Herwasono Soedjito).

l989 Intra-Household Decision-Making. Tropsoils Technical Report, l986-87. Op cit. pp. 222-230 (C. Colfer, Evi Martha, V. Sigman, K. Wilson, R. Yost, M. Rauch, M. K. Wade).

l989 Farmer Resource Allocation. Tropsoils Technical Report, l986-87. Op cit. pp. 231-232 (S. Kan and C. Colfer).

l989 Effects of Different Sources of Fertilizer on Soil Properties. Tropsoils Technical Report, l986-87. Op cit. pp. 233-236 (Fahmuddin Agus, C. Colfer, S. Evensen, Sholeh, R. Dudley).

l989 Farmer Practice and Production [home gardens]. Tropsoils Technical Report, l986-87. Op cit. pp. 237-243 (S. Evensen and C. Colfer).

l989 A Survey of Small Fish Ponds. Tropsoils Technical Report, l986-87. Op cit. pp.243-248 (R. Dudley, Endang Hidayat, and C. Colfer).

l988 Farmer Perception of Soil Conservation and Farming Systems in East and Central Java: Some Anthropological and Sociological Observations. Report to USAID’s Upland Agricultural Conservation Project, Farming Systems Project, Salatiga, Indonesia (C. Colfer, Lieli Suharti, Bambang Prasetyo and John Ihalauw).

1987 Farmers and Crop Responses to Different Sources of Fertilizers: A Farmer-Managed Study on Home Gardens. Proceedings Centre for Soils Research Technical Meetings, Bogor, Indonesia (Fahmuddin Agus, C. Colfer, S. Evensen, Sholeh)

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1985 Transmigrants’ Gardens: A Neglected Research Opportunity. Proceedings Centre for Soils Research Technical Meetings, Bogor, Indonesia (C. Colfer, C. Evensen, S.Evensen, Fahumuddin Agus, D. Gill, and A. Wade).

1982 WID Report: A Focus on Outcomes. Report on two years’ progress in a WID/Farming Systems Program, to HITAHR administration. Honolulu, Hawaii.

1982 FSR&D Methodology on the Waianae Coast: A Test of Applicability. Report prepared for CTAHR administrators by Farming Systems “Waianae Team” (authors: B. Cagauan, C. Colfer, D. Davidson, W. Hugh, D. Ikehara, A. Maretzki, A. Martinez, E. Mersino, L. Moore, J. O’Reilly, P. Philipp, and K. Wilson).

1982 Looking at Sugar’s Future with Hilo Coast Growers. Report to CTAHR administrators by Farming Systems “Sugar Team.” (co-authors, A. Alvarez, C. Colfer, R. de la Pena, J. Holderness, T. Hori, H. McArthur, R. Morse, J. Powley, B. Thompson, G. Uehara, and R. Yost).

1981 Kenyah Dayak Tree Cutting in Context. Final Report, US-Indonesian Man and Biosphere project, “Interactions Between People and Forests in East Kalimantan.”

1979 Big Money, Small Change. Final Report for National Institute of Education Experimental Schools Project, Abt Associates, Cambridge, Massachusetts. (A. M. Colfer and C. Colfer).

1975 A Social and Educational History of Quilcene-Brinnon, Washington. Rural America (Fitzsimmons, et al, eds.) Cambridge: Abt Press (C. Colfer and A. M. Colfer).

Honors and Awards

2010 Scientific Committee, International Society of Nature and Forest Medicine (led by Dr. Qing Li).

2010, 2011 Appointment as Visiting Fellow, Cornell University, CIIFAD

2010 Invited and funded travel to present Keynote address at Climate Change meeting in Umea, Sweden (September 28-29).

2008 Invited and funded travel to present three papers at Green Mountain College in Poultney, Vermont (21 October).

2008 Invited and funded participation and Keynote address at Symposium on Forests and Health, coordinated by IUFRO’s ForHealth Task Force in Marrakesh, Morocco (1-3 May).

2008 Invited and funded participation in a Workshop on The Demise of Swidden in Southeast Asia in Hanoi, Vietnam (3-7 March).

2007. Invited and funded participation and keynote address at the Participatory Forest Management Workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (19-21 March).

2005. Member, Technical Committee for Knock on Wood, a Pre-Congress IUFRO meeting on Gender and Forestry, O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat, Queensland, Australia.

2005. Invited and funded participation and presentation at a workshop on biodiversity, UNESCO, Paris, France, 24-28 January.

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2005. Invited and funded participation and presentation at a workshop to develop a policy brief on forestry in the 21st century, Victoria, British Columbia, 12-16 January.

2004 Election by peers to represent international scientists on CIFOR’s Management Group (still on MG).

2004. Invited and funded participation in a workshop on health and biodiversity, World Conservation Congress, 14-22 November, Bangkok, Thailand.

2003-4. Member, Technical Committee for 2nd Worldwide Women and Forestry Symposium, 1-10 August, Mweka Wildlife Management College, Tanzania.

2003-4. Member, Planning Committee for Interlaken Workshop on Decentralization, 27-30 April, Interlaken, Switzerland.

2003. Member, scientific committee of the International Conference on Local Land Use Strategies in a Globalizing World (21-23 August at the Institute of Geography, U. of Copenhagen, Denmark). 2003. Invited and funded participation in a workshop on “Trajectories of Land Change in Southeast Asia” at the East-West Center, organized by Indiana University (7-10 November), Honolulu, Hawaii.

2002. Invited and funded to make presentation, “Toward Sustainable Forest Management with Local Communities in Indonesia” (co-authors: Stepi Hakim, Yayan Indriatmoko, Yanti Kusumanto, and Eva Wollenberg) at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 2 October. 2002. Invited and funded to present Keynote Address on “Adaptive Collaborative Management of Forests” at Junior Experts Seminar – Center of Environmental Science (CML), Leiden, Netherlands, 2-6 November. 2002. Invited and funded to make presentation on “Human Well-being and the Sustainability of Forest Management”) at U. of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, Tropilunch program, 7 May. 2001-2009. Member CAPRI (Collective Action and Property Rights Systemwide Initiative) Steering Committee.

2000-present. Deputy, Research Group on Forestry in IUFRO’s Gender and Research Program.

2000. Invited Keynote Address at IUFRO’s World Forestry Congress, on “Cultural Diversity in Forest Management” [illness precluded my going].

2000-present. Member, Editorial Board of Bois et Forêts.

1999 Invited participation in Land Use Change: Forestry and Agroforestry in Bungo Tebo Regency, Jambi, Indonesia. Sponsored by ICRAF/DfID.

1999-present Advisory group to Center for Social Forestry, Mulawarman University, Kalimantan, Indonesia.

1997 Invited to give a Keynote Address at the Global Approaches to Sustainable Forest Management – International Conference. St. George, British Columbia, Canada.

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1997-98, election by peers to represent scientists on CIFOR’s Management Group.

1996 University of British Columbia/University of Malaysia Funding to serve as a moderator on social issues in certification, at Certification Workshop, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (May).

1996 WWF Funding to deliver a paper to the Workshop on Certification, Yaounde, Cameroon, April.

1995 Invitation to participate in Review Panel to select recipients of funds from the redesigned USAID Collaborative Research Support Program.

1994 Invitation/funding for participation in USAID’s Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (SANREM) Collaborative Research Support Program’s “Toward Sustainability Revisited Think Tank,” University of Georgia, 29-30 September.

1991 USAID funds to present a paper at the Interdisciplinary Conference on the Rainforests of Kalimantan, The New York Botanical Garden, New York, 21-23 June.

1991 William S. Main Distinguished Visitor Program on “Forestry and Natural Resource Policy for the Twenty-First Century.” Presentation on “The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Forest Management: Lessons from Indonesia” at UC Berkeley, 5 March.

1990 Invited/funded participant, US National Research Council/USAID Planning Workshop for a Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management CRSP, 12-15 Nov., Washington, D. C.

1990 Invited/funded participant, US National Research Council Workshop on International Soil and Water Research and Development, 1-2 October, Irvine, California.

l987 Ford Foundation funds to present a paper at Farming Systems Symposium, October, Fayetteville, Arkansas.

l987 Institute for Development Studies funds to present paper at Workshop on Involving Farmers in Agricultural Research, University of Sussex, Brighton, England, 26-31 July.

l985 Participant Award, Workshop on Productivity, Stability, Sustainability and the Small-Scale Farmer, East-West Center’s Environment and Policy Institute, Honolulu, 12-16 August.

l985 Merit raise and promotion, University of Hawaii.

1984 Title XII Strengthening Grant funds to attend a Farming Systems Conference in Kansas (October).

1984 Cornell University’s International Programs office funds for travel to present a Keynote Address at a Workshop on Household Food Production Systems.

1984 University of Wisconsin travel funds to present 3 papers on farming systems and women in development (October)

1982 Appointment to the UH President’s Commission on the Status of Women.

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1982 UH Travel Award, Research and Training Revolving Fund, to present a paper at the World Sociology conference, Mexico City.

1982 University of Idaho funds to present a Keynote Address at the Women and Natural Resources in Int’l Perspective Workshop.

1981 Election to the UH Faculty Senate, CTAHR.

1981 Appointment to the CTAHR Editorial Board.

1981 Farming Systems Research and Development Training Workshop, Tucson, Arizona (1-3 October).

1979 U.S. Man and Biosphere Grant to study “Interactions Between People and Forests in East Kalimantan” (Proposal by A. P. Vayda and C. Colfer).

1979 Professional Affiliate Award, East-West Communication Institute, for participation in an international seminar on Communication Network Analysis (2-9 January).

1979 U.S. Public Health Service Traineeship, University of Hawaii.

1978 University of Hawaii, School of Public Health tuition waiver.

1977 Professional Affiliate Award, East-West Communication Institute, for participation in an international workshop on Communication Network Analysis and Rural Development Groups (4-10 December).

1976 Certificate for Outstanding Contribution to the field of rural education (Rural/Regional Educational Association).

1975 East-West Center fellowships to the Modular Professional Development Program in Population IEC, and to the two week field study at the Chinese Center for Int’l Training in Family Planning.

1972 Fulbright-Hayes Pre-doctoral Fellowship, Iran.

1966 CoWinner, “Student of the Year” award, Middle East Studies Center, Portland State University.

1963-67 Eight full fellowships to study Turkish, Persian, Uzbeg.

Foreign Experience Indonesia – Residence in Java most of the time from 1994 - 2009, prior to that, residence in East Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, West Sumatra, Riau, from one to three years each; visits to Bali, E., W. S. and C. Kalimantan, S. and W. Sumatra, Jambi, Bengkulu, Java, N. Sulawesi, and Alor.

Kenya one month (2/02, 8/04, 8/07, 8/09)

Madagascar three weeks (6/07, 10/09)

South Africa two weeks (4/08, 10/09)

Cameroon 4 months (4/96; 11/96; 4/97; 10/97; 4/01; 3/07)

Gabon one month (4/98; 5/04)

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Tanzania one month (8/04; 4/08)

Kyrgyzstan two weeks (6/03)

Côte D’Ivoire three weeks (6/95).

Zimbabwe one month (5/01)

Brazil one month (11/95; 9/97).

Bolivia one month (6/00 and 6/01)

Sultanate of Oman – four years 8-86 to 6-90.

Thailand – six weeks, 1983, 2004, 2008

Taiwan - two weeks, 1975

Iran - five months, 1972

Japan - one month, 1968; 1975; 2004

Switzerland - two months, 1961, 2004

Turkey - six years, 1955 – 1961, 1997

Europe, Middle East, North America, Asia, Africa - assorted visits 1955 - present

Languages Bahasa Indonesia - Can deliver professional papers, as well as communicate effectively.

French - Can carry on everyday conversation with patient person, and read well, write badly.

Turkish, Persian and Omani Arabic – have been able to carry on everyday conversation with patient people in all three, but require brush-up to regain any fluency.

Kenyah (a Dayak language of Borneo) - can conduct interviews and carry on day-to-day conversation.

Other: Spanish, Russian, Qashqa’i, Northern Paiute, Uzbeg, Serbo-Croatian, German, Javanese, Minangkabau, Melayu and Iban - equivalent of one to three college terms of each---all rusty.

Civic involvements Co-founder of Democrats Abroad-Indonesia, and first Vice-Chair, 2004-2005

Produced and disseminated series of popularized themes on political matters, 2004-2005

Member of the Board of Directors, Democrats Abroad-Indonesia, 2006-2007


Thirsters (a group of politically switched on intellectuals in Portland, Oregon, led by Robert Textor)